Terrence D. Mulhern


Terrence D. Mulhern is …
instance of (P31):

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P496ORCID iD0000-0002-1609-7498
P1153Scopus author ID7004001256

P108employerUniversity of AdelaideQ15574
University of OxfordQ34433
University of MelbourneQ319078
P734family nameMulhernQ16999426
P735given nameTerrenceQ19830613

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author (P50)
Q578343171H and 15N chemical shift assignments for domain 4 of the common beta-chain of the IL-3, IL-5 and GM-CSF receptors
Q578343101H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of the SH2 domain of the Csk homologous kinase
Q56914362A Novel Binding Site for the Human Insulin-like Growth Factor-II (IGF-II)/Mannose 6-Phosphate Receptor on IGF-II
Q45021739A biophysical analysis of the tetratricopeptide repeat-rich mitochondrial import receptor, Tom70, reveals an elongated monomer that is inherently flexible, unstable, and unfolds via a multistate pathway
Q38995022A biosensor of SRC family kinase conformation by exposable tetracysteine useful for cell-based screening.
Q38344365A novel non-catalytic mechanism employed by the C-terminal Src-homologous kinase to inhibit Src-family kinase activity
Q57834320A third fibronectin-type-III domain in the insulin-family receptors
Q34425440ATM, a central controller of cellular responses to DNA damage.
Q38044435Analysis of LRRK2 accessory repeat domains: prediction of repeat length, number and sites of Parkinson's disease mutations
Q30155625Bacterial expression and purification of active hematopoietic cell kinase.
Q24307730Biochemical aspects of the neuroprotective mechanism of PTEN-induced kinase-1 (PINK1)
Q30160101C-terminal Src kinase (CSK) and CSK-homologous kinase (CHK)--endogenous negative regulators of Src-family protein kinases
Q30159655C-terminal Src kinase-homologous kinase (CHK), a unique inhibitor inactivating multiple active conformations of Src family tyrosine kinases
Q57053661C-terminal Src kinase-homologous kinase (CHK), a unique inhibitor inactivating multiple active conformations of Src family tyrosine kinases
Q36099951Crystal structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumolysin provides key insights into early steps of pore formation
Q42617365Domain organization of the monomeric form of the Tom70 mitochondrial import receptor
Q30160119Endogenous and synthetic inhibitors of the Src-family protein tyrosine kinases
Q33237103Engineering of the Escherichia coli Im7 immunity protein as a loop display scaffold
Q55113455Erratum to “Domain Organization of the Monomeric Form of the Tom70 Mitochondrial Import Receptor” [J. Mol. Biol. 388 (2009) 1043–1058]
Q37051180Evidence of a reduced and modified mitochondrial protein import apparatus in microsporidian mitosomes
Q57361317Improved antigen binding by a CD20-specific single-chain antibody fragment with a mutation in CDRH1
Q30010232Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2: NMR analysis and structural characterization of the N-terminal domain
Q34312297Loss of nucleosomal DNA condensation coincides with appearance of a novel nuclear protein in dinoflagellates
Q30587692Maculatin 1.1, an anti-microbial peptide from the Australian tree frog, Litoria genimaculata solution structure and biological activity.
Q27675238Manipulating the Lewis antigen specificity of the cholesterol-dependent cytolysin lectinolysin
Q30947413Mutational analysis of protein substrate presentation in the post-translational attachment of biotin to biotin domains.
Q29568313PTEN catalysis of phospholipid dephosphorylation reaction follows a two-step mechanism in which the conserved aspartate-92 does not function as the general acid--mechanistic analysis of a familial Cowden disease-associated PTEN mutation
Q38182492Prediction of the repeat domain structures and impact of parkinsonism-associated variations on structure and function of all functional domains of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2).
Q34646010Purification, crystallization, small-angle X-ray scattering and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the SH2 domain of the Csk-homologous kinase.
Q46034472Recognition of mitochondrial targeting sequences by the import receptors Tom20 and Tom22.
Q34688701Simultaneous binding of the anti-cancer IgM monoclonal antibody PAT-SM6 to low density lipoproteins and GRP78
Q27730418Solution structure of a polypeptide containing four heptad repeat units from a merozoite surface antigen of Plasmodium falciparum
Q27726149Structural Basis for Receptor Recognition by the Human CD59-Responsive Cholesterol-Dependent Cytolysins
Q27677195Structure of the Lectin Regulatory Domain of the Cholesterol-Dependent Cytolysin Lectinolysin Reveals the Basis for Its Lewis Antigen Specificity
Q37083864Structure, topology and function of the translocase of the outer membrane of mitochondria
Q50501834Targeting Lyn tyrosine kinase through protein fusions encompassing motifs of Cbp (Csk-binding protein) and the SOCS box of SOCS1.
Q55113473The C-terminal TPR Domain of Tom70 Defines a Family of Mitochondrial Protein Import Receptors Found only in Animals and Fungi
Q28364537The C-terminal domain of biotin protein ligase from E. coli is required for catalytic activity
Q27680512The Structure of Integrin  1I Domain in Complex with a Collagen-mimetic Peptide
Q34427688The anti-cancer IgM monoclonal antibody PAT-SM6 binds with high avidity to the unfolded protein response regulator GRP78.
Q27630908The role of the Src homology 3-Src homology 2 interface in the regulation of Src kinases
Q27635775The solution structure and intramolecular associations of the Tec kinase SRC homology 3 domain
Q27621895The solution structure of the cytokine-binding domain of the common beta-chain of the receptors for granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-3 and interleukin-5
Q57834319The solution structure of uperin 3.6, an antibiotic peptide from the granular dorsal glands of the Australian toadlet, Uperoleia mjobergii
Q47447819Tom22', an 8-kDa trans-site receptor in plants and protozoans, is a conserved feature of the TOM complex that appeared early in the evolution of eukaryotes
Q34907796Tyrosine 416 is phosphorylated in the closed, repressed conformation of c-Src

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