scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P2093 | author name string | H. Pashler | |
E.-J. Wagenmakers | |||
P2860 | cites work | Why most published research findings are false | Q21092395 |
Drug development: Raise standards for preclinical cancer research | Q22348097 | ||
The file drawer problem and tolerance for null results | Q24273204 | ||
False-Positive Psychology: Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant | Q24273231 | ||
Science or Art? How Aesthetic Standards Grease the Way Through the Publication Bottleneck but Undermine Science | Q24273232 | ||
Willingness to share research data is related to the strength of the evidence and the quality of reporting of statistical results | Q24288714 | ||
An Open, Large-Scale, Collaborative Effort to Estimate the Reproducibility of Psychological Science | Q28264997 | ||
The poor availability of psychological research data for reanalysis | Q28267735 | ||
Believe it or not: how much can we rely on published data on potential drug targets? | Q29547529 | ||
Why psychologists must change the way they analyze their data: the case of psi: comment on Bem (2011). | Q33807638 | ||
Measuring the Prevalence of Questionable Research Practices With Incentives for Truth Telling | Q34031507 | ||
Replications in Psychology Research: How Often Do They Really Occur? | Q34044437 | ||
Feeling the future: Experimental evidence for anomalous retroactive influences on cognition and affect | Q34161614 | ||
Is the Replicability Crisis Overblown? Three Arguments Examined | Q34484632 | ||
The Nine Circles of Scientific Hell | Q34484670 | ||
Why Science Is Not Necessarily Self-Correcting | Q34484679 | ||
Scientific Misconduct and the Myth of Self-Correction in Science | Q38545992 | ||
Psychology research. Psychology's bold initiative | Q48460884 | ||
P433 | issue | 6 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | reproducibility | Q1425625 |
replication crisis | Q25303778 | ||
replicability | Q63285799 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 528-530 | |
P577 | publication date | 2012-11-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Perspectives on Psychological Science | Q7170765 |
P1476 | title | Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Replicability in Psychological Science: A Crisis of Confidence? | |
P478 | volume | 7 |
Q57154459 | "Reproducible" Research in Mathematical Sciences Requires Changes in our Peer Review Culture and Modernization of our Current Publication Approach |
Q34712465 | "Whom should I pass to?" the more options the more attentional guidance from working memory |
Q24288635 | A Bayesian Perspective on the Reproducibility Project: Psychology |
Q40781168 | A Bayesian approach to mitigation of publication bias |
Q37655888 | A Bayesian bird's eye view of 'Replications of important results in social psychology'. |
Q35699554 | A Large Scale Test of the Effect of Social Class on Prosocial Behavior |
Q81747275 | A Review on Blockchain Technology and Blockchain Projects Fostering Open Science |
Q39257975 | A behavioral database for masked form priming |
Q47653175 | A method for making inferences in network analysis: Comment on Forbes, Wright, Markon, and Krueger (2017). |
Q35999868 | A posteriori model validation for the temporal order of directed functional connectivity maps |
Q41244466 | A reminder on millisecond timing accuracy and potential replication failure in computer-based psychology experiments: An open letter |
Q38677929 | A technological framework for running and analyzing animal head turning experiments. |
Q36319682 | Adolescent emotionality and effortful control: Core latent constructs and links to psychopathology and functioning |
Q53582623 | Advanced analytic and statistical methods in health psychology. |
Q28661625 | Advancing Science Through Collaborative Data Sharing and Synthesis |
Q28083948 | Advancing understanding of executive function impairments and psychopathology: bridging the gap between clinical and cognitive approaches |
Q39395104 | An Additional Future for Psychological Science 1. |
Q92902644 | An Overview of Scientific Reproducibility: Consideration of Relevant Issues for Behavior Science/Analysis |
Q40062564 | An umbrella review of the literature on the effectiveness of psychological interventions for pain reduction |
Q31042089 | Analyzing Two-Phase Single-Case Data with Non-overlap and Mean Difference Indices: Illustration, Software Tools, and Alternatives |
Q49945385 | Another step towards scientific transparency: Requiring research materials for publication |
Q55411340 | Are Manipulation Checks Necessary? |
Q39218605 | Are Psychology Journals Anti-replication? A Snapshot of Editorial Practices |
Q47860328 | At the core of reasoning: Dissociating deductive and non-deductive load |
Q36345643 | Bayesian data analysis for newcomers |
Q38639389 | Bayesian inference for psychology. Part I: Theoretical advantages and practical ramifications. |
Q30362962 | Beat processing is pre-attentive for metrically simple rhythms with clear accents: an ERP study. |
Q92899119 | Being here First: Ethnic Majority Children's Autochthony Beliefs and Attitudes toward Immigrants |
Q86763505 | Big secrets do not necessarily cause hills to appear steeper |
Q59310146 | Boon and bane of being sure: the effect of performance certainty and expectancy on task performance |
Q61809214 | CROCUFID: A Cross-Cultural Food Image Database for Research on Food Elicited Affective Responses |
Q91184682 | Can psychological features predict antidepressant response to rTMS? A Discovery-Replication approach |
Q47192312 | Common Process Demands of Two Complex Dynamic Control Tasks: Transfer Is Mediated by Comprehensive Strategies |
Q30981242 | Community-Augmented Meta-Analyses: Toward Cumulative Data Assessment. |
Q45838654 | Comparing the accuracy of experimental estimates to guessing: a new perspective on replication and the “Crisis of Confidence” in psychology |
Q59335625 | Concise, Simple, and Not Wrong: In Search of a Short-Hand Interpretation of Statistical Significance |
Q28646090 | Conducting perception research over the internet: a tutorial review |
Q28597738 | Contextual sensitivity in scientific reproducibility |
Q47204370 | Contributing to Overall Life Satisfaction: Personality Traits Versus Life Satisfaction Variables Revisited-Is Replication Impossible? |
Q60634586 | Control perceptions in epilepsy: A transcultural case–control study with focus on auras |
Q30835753 | Convergence in the Bilingual Lexicon: A Pre-registered Replication of Previous Studies. |
Q86707440 | Could millisecond timing errors in commonly used equipment be a cause of replication failure in some neuroscience studies? |
Q57381786 | Cross-Cultural Psychology and the Rise of Academic Capitalism: Linguistic Changes in CCR and JCCP Articles, 1970-2014 |
Q46487840 | Cultural Change Over Time: Why Replicability Should Not Be the Gold Standard in Psychological Science |
Q50125340 | Current developments and challenges for the British Journal of Psychology |
Q56888036 | Data availability, reusability, and analytic reproducibility: evaluating the impact of a mandatory open data policy at the journal |
Q28597758 | Data from a pre-publication independent replication initiative examining ten moral judgement effects |
Q38999132 | Deadlines in space: Selective effects of coordinate spatial processing in multitasking |
Q90599598 | Decoupling Personality and Acute Psychiatric Symptoms in a Depressed Sample and a Community Sample |
Q57749859 | Disfluency Meets Cognitive Load in Multimedia Learning: Does Harder-to-Read Mean Better-to-Understand? |
Q28604318 | Distributions of p-values smaller than .05 in psychology: what is going on? |
Q89111652 | Do Researchers Anchor Their Beliefs on the Outcome of an Initial Study? |
Q57788847 | Do we need an irritable subtype of ADHD? Replication and extension of a promising temperament profile approach to ADHD subtyping |
Q50576880 | Do young adults show conceptual knowledge of previous distractors? |
Q58436221 | Does Family History of Alcohol Use Disorder Relate to Differences in Regional Brain Volumes? A Descriptive Review with New Data |
Q37342674 | Does Language Matter? Exploring Chinese-Korean Differences in Holistic Perception |
Q38637819 | Does Oxytocin Increase Trust in Humans? A Critical Review of Research |
Q28652617 | Does cleanliness influence moral judgments? Response effort moderates the effect of cleanliness priming on moral judgments |
Q35163758 | Does intuition cause cooperation? |
Q55229185 | Does it actually feel right? A replication attempt of the rounded price effect. |
Q53164137 | Early-Career Researchers’ Perceptions of the Prevalence of Questionable Research Practices, Potential Causes, and Open Science |
Q51165721 | Ecological rationality or nested sets? Individual differences in cognitive processing predict Bayesian reasoning |
Q45067552 | Effects of Weapons on Aggressive Thoughts, Angry Feelings, Hostile Appraisals, and Aggressive Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Weapons Effect Literature |
Q36096545 | Efficient n-gram analysis in R with cmscu |
Q30755143 | Elevated striatal reactivity across monetary and social rewards in bipolar I disorder |
Q93013881 | Enhancing Statistical Inference in Psychological Research via Prospective and Retrospective Design Analysis |
Q39015280 | Enhancing predictive accuracy and reproducibility in clinical evaluation research: Commentary on the special section of the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice |
Q36164362 | Equivalent statistics and data interpretation. |
Q92872388 | Essential Statistical Concepts for Research in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
Q38618313 | Estimating the evidential value of significant results in psychological science |
Q28922478 | Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science |
Q38164556 | Evolution of the empirical and theoretical foundations of eyewitness identification reform |
Q28650336 | Excess success for psychology articles in the journal science |
Q40738653 | Expectations for Replications: Are Yours Realistic? |
Q24288671 | Facial masculinity: how the choice of measurement method enables to detect its influence on behaviour |
Q45943629 | Fact or fiction: reducing the proportion and impact of false positives. |
Q41644784 | Factorial validity, measurement equivalence and cognitive performance of the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) between patients with first-episode psychosis and healthy volunteers |
Q99207868 | Family Matters: Decade Review from Journal of Family and Economic Issues |
Q38752963 | Formal and Informal Learning and First-Year Psychology Students' Development of Scientific Thinking: A Two-Wave Panel Study. |
Q47100579 | From Discovery to Justification: Outline of an Ideal Research Program in Empirical Psychology |
Q44409580 | Further evidence for discrete-state mediation in recognition memory |
Q56595179 | Fuzzy But Useful Constructs: Making Sense of the Differences Between Generations |
Q40816443 | Gambling, Risk-Taking, and Antisocial Behavior: A Replication Study Supporting the Generality of Deviance |
Q37724793 | General and substance-specific predictors of young adult nicotine dependence, alcohol use disorder, and problem behavior: replication in two samples |
Q30490192 | Genetic Etiologies of Comorbidity and Stability for Reading Difficulties and ADHD: A Replication Study |
Q59222367 | Green consumerism: The influence of product attributes and values on purchasing intentions |
Q56395035 | Hack weeks as a model for data science education and collaboration |
Q41387533 | Handedness and behavioural inhibition system/behavioural activation system (BIS/BAS) scores: A replication and extension of Wright, Hardie, and Wilson (2009). |
Q47399292 | Helping and hurting others: Person and situation effects on aggressive and prosocial behavior as assessed by the Tangram task. |
Q91272657 | Heterogeneity in banker culture and its influence on dishonesty |
Q30424359 | How bad could it be? Alcohol dampens stress responses to threat of uncertain intensity |
Q53320027 | How genes and the social environment moderate each other |
Q58718681 | Implicit and explicit influences of religious cognition on Dictator Game transfers |
Q41498949 | Infant attachment insecurity and dissociative symptomatology: findings from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development |
Q42694487 | Influences on the Test-Retest Reliability of Functional Connectivity MRI and its Relationship with Behavioral Utility. |
Q58806006 | Interoceptive impairments do not lie at the heart of autism or alexithymia |
Q46112208 | Introduction to the Special Section on Advancing Our Methods and Practices |
Q30459716 | Introduction to the Special Section on Research Practices |
Q47871344 | Is Intelligence Enhanced by Letter Priming? A Failure to Replicate the Results of Ciani and Sheldon (2010) |
Q30391456 | Is There a Free Lunch in Inference? |
Q46125509 | Is the SNARC Effect Related to the Level of Mathematics? No Systematic Relationship Observed despite More Power, More Repetitions, and More Direct Assessment of Arithmetic Skill |
Q24273342 | Is the call to abandon p-values the red herring of the replicability crisis? |
Q45940382 | It's Time to Broaden the Replicability Conversation: Thoughts for and From Clinical Psychological Science. |
Q28601122 | Less Is More: Psychologists Can Learn More by Studying Fewer People |
Q28649779 | Lessons from the first two years of operating a study registry |
Q93051540 | Machine Learning in Psychometrics and Psychological Research |
Q34449991 | Magic and memory: using conjuring to explore the effects of suggestion, social influence, and paranormal belief on eyewitness testimony for an ostensibly paranormal event |
Q46264905 | Making replication mainstream |
Q34662820 | Meet OLAF, a good friend of the IAPS! The Open Library of Affective Foods: a tool to investigate the emotional impact of food in adolescents. |
Q52659599 | Metastudies for robust tests of theory. |
Q52302538 | Methods reporting in human laboratory studies |
Q42695688 | Mind the Hype: A Critical Evaluation and Prescriptive Agenda for Research on Mindfulness and Meditation |
Q35597028 | Minimizing the disruptive effects of prospective memory in simulated air traffic control |
Q39494412 | Modeling stimulus variation in three common implicit attitude tasks |
Q42372875 | Modification of episodic memories by novel learning: a failed replication study |
Q47294048 | Multimodal Emotion Recognition Is Resilient to Insufficient Sleep: Results From Cross-Sectional and Experimental Studies |
Q24288901 | Negativland - a home for all findings in psychology |
Q42291799 | Neural markers of individual differences in decision-making |
Q50699137 | Neurocognitive mechanisms of individual differences in face cognition: a replication and extension |
Q47133001 | Occupations at Risk and Organizational Well-Being: An Empirical Test of a Job Insecurity Integrated Model |
Q55027873 | On the Reproducibility of Psychological Science. |
Q28260651 | On the automatic link between affect and tendencies to approach and avoid: Chen and Bargh (1999) revisited |
Q50549678 | On the power of autobiographical memories: from threat and challenge appraisals to actual behaviour |
Q64029403 | On the relation of mind wandering and ADHD symptomatology |
Q48040194 | Online attention modification for social anxiety disorder: replication of a randomized controlled trial. |
Q93188204 | Open Up - the Mission Statement of the Control of Impulsive Action (Ctrl-ImpAct) Lab on Open Science |
Q35678329 | Optimization of cellular ELISA for assay of surface antigens on human synoviocytes |
Q50580880 | Oral contraceptives and cognition: A role for ethinyl estradiol |
Q33968563 | Outlier removal and the relation with reporting errors and quality of psychological research |
Q47760761 | Perfectionism and eating disorder symptoms in female university students: the central role of perfectionistic self-presentation. |
Q30919223 | Playing with Data--Or How to Discourage Questionable Research Practices and Stimulate Researchers to Do Things Right |
Q35979496 | Priming healthy eating. You can't prime all the people all of the time. |
Q30487340 | Problems with traditional science publishing and finding a wider niche for post-publication peer review |
Q35009727 | Processing Chinese relative clauses: evidence for the subject-relative advantage |
Q28596112 | Promises and pitfalls of Web-based experimentation in the advance of replicable psychological science: A reply to Plant (2015) |
Q30488129 | : Grassroots Support for Reforming Reporting Standards in Psychology |
Q38225834 | Publication bias in studies of an applied behavior-analytic intervention: an initial analysis |
Q36309082 | Questionable research practices among italian research psychologists |
Q56699990 | Questionable research practices in ecology and evolution |
Q57166783 | Questionable research practices in student final theses - Prevalence, attitudes, and the role of the supervisor's perceived attitudes |
Q38733630 | RDoC: Translating promise into progress |
Q35700445 | Randomization Does Not Help Much, Comparability Does |
Q38225004 | Realizing the promise of social psychology in improving public health |
Q90452396 | Recommendations for Increasing the Transparency of Analysis of Preexisting Data Sets |
Q98181092 | Recommendations in pre-registrations and internal review board proposals promote formal power analyses but do not increase sample size |
Q40742415 | Reducing audio stimulus presentation latencies across studies, laboratories, and hardware and operating system configurations |
Q53464510 | Registered Reports |
Q56854673 | Registered Reports: A new publishing initiative at Cortex |
Q60907844 | Registered reports: an early example and analysis |
Q37077647 | Regularized Structural Equation Modeling |
Q90728081 | Reliability and Repeatability of the Speech Cue Profile |
Q35050211 | Remembering complex objects in visual working memory: do capacity limits restrict objects or features? |
Q92902651 | Replication Research, Publication Bias, and Applied Behavior Analysis |
Q57748705 | Replication in music psychology |
Q24273339 | Replication, falsification, and the crisis of confidence in social psychology |
Q40877992 | Reporting standards for literature searches and report inclusion criteria: making research syntheses more transparent and easy to replicate. |
Q43898541 | Research practices that can prevent an inflation of false-positive rates. |
Q64116924 | Response: Sharpe, Goldsmith and Chalder fail to restore confidence in the PACE trial findings |
Q58175172 | Restoring confidence in psychological science findings: A call for direct replication studies |
Q34540161 | Revisiting mental simulation in language comprehension: six replication attempts |
Q30382386 | Rigor Mortis: Statistical thoroughness in reporting and the making of truth. |
Q34658923 | Robust misinterpretation of confidence intervals |
Q42919871 | Sample-Size Planning for More Accurate Statistical Power: A Method Adjusting Sample Effect Sizes for Publication Bias and Uncertainty. |
Q57174322 | Scaling-Up Evidence-Based Programs Using a Public Funding Stream: a Randomized Trial of Functional Family Therapy for Court-Involved Youth |
Q34785754 | ScriptingRT: A Software Library for Collecting Response Latencies in Online Studies of Cognition |
Q24273355 | Seven Pervasive Statistical Flaws in Cognitive Training Interventions |
Q116191531 | Sharing the Recipe: Reproducibility and Replicability in Research Across Disciplines |
Q30377588 | Short alleles, bigger smiles? The effect of 5-HTTLPR on positive emotional expressions. |
Q27324285 | Similar frequency of the McGurk effect in large samples of native Mandarin Chinese and American English speakers. |
Q64247638 | Social Values and Determinants of Cultural Fit in Quebec: The Roles of Ancestry, Linguistic Group, and Mental Health Status |
Q57525811 | Sport and exercise psychology in 2050 |
Q36084087 | Standards of Evidence for Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Scale-up Research in Prevention Science: Next Generation |
Q47563680 | Studying and modifying brain function with non-invasive brain stimulation |
Q41021324 | Subfactors of oppositional defiant disorder: converging evidence from structural and latent class analyses |
Q55059196 | The Alleged Crisis and the Illusion of Exact Replication |
Q47687466 | The Brief Aggression Questionnaire: Structure, Validity, Reliability, and Generalizability. |
Q30884236 | The Chicago face database: A free stimulus set of faces and norming data |
Q55710743 | The Creativity-Verification Cycle in Psychological Science: New Methods to Combat Old Idols. |
Q42091172 | The Debate on the Ego-Depletion Effect: Evidence from Meta-Analysis with the p-Uniform Method |
Q59335677 | The Direct Testing Effect Is Pervasive in Action Memory: Analyses of Recall Accuracy and Recall Speed |
Q38593885 | The Epistemic Contract: Fostering an Appropriate Level of Public Trust in Experts |
Q37265178 | The Inaccuracy of National Character Stereotypes |
Q42699795 | The Interrelations Between Social Class, Personal Relative Deprivation, and Prosociality |
Q89467375 | The Language of Science |
Q24288678 | The N-pact factor: evaluating the quality of empirical journals with respect to sample size and statistical power |
Q35526512 | The Neural Computation of Scalar Implicature |
Q30387529 | The Power of Theory, Research Design, and Transdisciplinary Integration in Moving Psychopathology Forward |
Q52563393 | The Precision of Effect Size Estimation From Published Psychological Research: Surveying Confidence Intervals |
Q93078731 | The Relation of Tests of Scientific Reasoning to Each Other and to Tests of General Intelligence |
Q35660144 | The Search for Significance: A Few Peculiarities in the Distribution of P Values in Experimental Psychology Literature |
Q28584645 | The Testing Effect and Far Transfer: The Role of Exposure to Key Information |
Q36730434 | The development of visual search in infancy: Attention to faces versus salience |
Q42606067 | The effects of HIV disease and older age on laboratory-based, naturalistic, and self-perceived symptoms of prospective memory: does retrieval cue type and delay interval matter? |
Q52340901 | The geometric preference subtype in ASD: identifying a consistent, early-emerging phenomenon through eye tracking |
Q55356134 | The impact of sample size on the reproducibility of voxel-based lesion-deficit mappings. |
Q30491421 | The influence of journal submission guidelines on authors' reporting of statistics and use of open research practices |
Q92377637 | The need for reporting negative results - a 90 year update |
Q41824407 | The perspectival shift: how experiments on unconscious processing don't justify the claims made for them |
Q24273338 | The pervasive avoidance of prospective statistical power: major consequences and practical solutions |
Q35225769 | The significance fallacy in inferential statistics |
Q53216228 | The t-test: An Influential Inferential Tool in Chaplaincy and Other Healthcare Research |
Q28601993 | The testing effect for mediator final test cues and related final test cues in online and laboratory experiments |
Q30488397 | The what, why, and how of born-open data |
Q39823261 | The winner takes it all: Event-related brain potentials reveal enhanced motivated attention toward athletes' nonverbal signals of leading |
Q33774810 | Theory, the Final Frontier? A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Role of Theory in Psychological Articles |
Q30919230 | Thinking About Data, Research Methods, and Statistical Analyses: Commentary on Sijtsma's (2014) "Playing with Data". |
Q27304373 | Thou Shalt Be Reproducible! A Technology Perspective |
Q21559572 | Time perception and depressive realism: judgment type, psychophysical functions and bias |
Q41016067 | Tonal priming is resistant to changes in pitch height |
Q24288977 | Top 10 Replicated Findings From Behavioral Genetics |
Q44320472 | Tracing the trajectory of skill learning with a very large sample of online game players. |
Q55397900 | Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) facilitates overall visual search response times but does not interact with visual search task factors. |
Q24288695 | Underestimating calorie content when healthy foods are present: an averaging effect or a reference-dependent anchoring effect? |
Q48096054 | Unpredictability increases the error-related negativity in children and adolescents |
Q28597987 | Using Design Thinking to Improve Psychological Interventions: The Case of the Growth Mindset During the Transition to High School |
Q49885054 | Using SPM 12's Second-Level Bayesian Inference Procedure for fMRI Analysis: Practical Guidelines for End Users |
Q57134805 | Using the Coefficient of Confidence to Make the Philosophical Switch From A Posteriori to A Priori Inferential Statistics |
Q38668966 | Varieties of Confidence Intervals. |
Q34323572 | Views on researcher-community engagement in autism research in the United Kingdom: a mixed-methods study |
Q35180471 | What explains consciousness? Or…What consciousness explains? |
Q42367876 | When One Shape Does Not Fit All: A Commentary Essay on the Use of Graphs in Psychological Research. |
Q41370847 | When Saying Sorry May Not Help: The Impact of Apologies on Social Rejections |
Q50714359 | Why are all the white (Asian) kids sitting together in the cafeteria? Resegregation and the role of intergroup attributions and norms |
Q58814758 | Why don't we conduct replication studies in medical education? |
Q23307991 | Why publishing everything is more effective than selective publishing of statistically significant results |
Q40724968 | You Cannot Step Into the Same River Twice: When Power Analyses Are Optimistic |
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