scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Tomoya Katakai | Q58338285 |
Manabu Sugai | Q126200547 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Yasutoshi Agata | |
Akira Shimizu | |||
Hiroyuki Gonda | |||
Yoshifumi Yokota | |||
Yukiko Nambu | |||
Kazuhiro J Mori | |||
P2860 | cites work | Id helix-loop-helix proteins inhibit nucleoprotein complex formation by the TCF ETS-domain transcription factors | Q24533584 |
STAT5 as a molecular regulator of proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in hematopoietic cells | Q24534351 | ||
Id helix-loop-helix proteins antagonize pax transcription factor activity by inhibiting DNA binding | Q24551030 | ||
Helix-loop-helix proteins: regulators of transcription in eucaryotic organisms | Q24554353 | ||
The highly conserved beta-hairpin of the paired DNA-binding domain is required for assembly of Pax-Ets ternary complexes | Q24554523 | ||
Blimp-1 orchestrates plasma cell differentiation by extinguishing the mature B cell gene expression program | Q28216493 | ||
Activation-induced cytidine deaminase turns on somatic hypermutation in hybridomas | Q28217205 | ||
E2A proteins are required for proper B cell development and initiation of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements | Q28243194 | ||
The helix-loop-helix gene E2A is required for B cell formation | Q28504830 | ||
Specific expression of activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a novel member of the RNA-editing deaminase family in germinal center B cells | Q28509339 | ||
TH2 dominance and defective development of a CD8+ dendritic cell subset in Id2-deficient mice | Q28509342 | ||
Class switch recombination and hypermutation require activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a potential RNA editing enzyme | Q29547201 | ||
Development of peripheral lymphoid organs and natural killer cells depends on the helix-loop-helix inhibitor Id2. | Q33854381 | ||
Induction of germline transcription in the TCRgamma locus by Stat5: implications for accessibility control by the IL-7 receptor | Q33873924 | ||
Blimp-1-dependent repression of Pax-5 is required for differentiation of B cells to immunoglobulin M-secreting plasma cells | Q34282966 | ||
Role of Id family proteins in growth control | Q34504481 | ||
Molecular mechanism of class switch recombination: linkage with somatic hypermutation | Q34542246 | ||
Isolation of differentially expressed genes upon immunoglobulin class switching by a subtractive hybridization method using uracil DNA glycosylase. | Q34656270 | ||
Blimp-1 over-expression abrogates IL-4- and CD40-mediated suppression of terminal B cell differentiation but arrests isotype switching | Q40793070 | ||
Dissociation of Pax-5 from KI and KII sites during kappa-chain gene rearrangement correlates with its association with the underphosphorylated form of retinoblastoma | Q40804900 | ||
Overexpression of BSAP/Pax-5 inhibits switching to IgA and enhances switching to IgE in the I.29 mu B cell line | Q41007894 | ||
Analysis of chromatin structure by in vivo formaldehyde cross-linking. | Q41132202 | ||
E2A activity is induced during B-cell activation to promote immunoglobulin class switch recombination | Q41702555 | ||
Episomal vectors rapidly and stably produce high-titer recombinant retrovirus | Q42810400 | ||
AID enzyme-induced hypermutation in an actively transcribed gene in fibroblasts | Q42813803 | ||
The AID enzyme induces class switch recombination in fibroblasts | Q42818062 | ||
Targeting of Krüppel-associated box-containing zinc finger proteins to centromeric heterochromatin. Implication for the gene silencing mechanisms. | Q42830538 | ||
E-proteins directly regulate expression of activation-induced deaminase in mature B cells | Q44419402 | ||
Id helix—loop—helix proteins in cell growth and differentiation | Q47721621 | ||
OUT, a novel basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor with an Id-like inhibitory activity | Q47888779 | ||
Pax5/BSAP maintains the identity of B cells in late B lymphopoiesis | Q51065317 | ||
Complete block of early B cell differentiation and altered patterning of the posterior midbrain in mice lacking Pax5/BSAP | Q58326934 | ||
Constitutive expression of the Id1 gene impairs mouse B cell development | Q71988116 | ||
Initiation of NALT organogenesis is independent of the IL-7R, LTbetaR, and NIK signaling pathways but requires the Id2 gene and CD3(-)CD4(+)CD45(+) cells | Q74548133 | ||
Essential role of Id2 in negative regulation of IgE class switching | Q78665388 | ||
P433 | issue | 9 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P304 | page(s) | 1427-1437 | |
P577 | publication date | 2003-10-27 | |
P1433 | published in | Journal of Experimental Medicine | Q3186912 |
P1476 | title | The balance between Pax5 and Id2 activities is the key to AID gene expression | |
P478 | volume | 198 |
Q35890025 | A Network Model to Describe the Terminal Differentiation of B Cells |
Q33605445 | A coming-of-age story: activation-induced cytidine deaminase turns 10. |
Q34994891 | A critical role of the Thy28-MYH9 axis in B cell-specific expression of the Pax5 gene in chicken B cells |
Q39924635 | A novel pax5-binding regulatory element in the igκ locus |
Q41995688 | AID Biology: A pathological and clinical perspective |
Q34118000 | AID and somatic hypermutation. |
Q64086097 | AID modulates carcinogenesis network via DNA demethylation in bladder urothelial cell carcinoma |
Q28085553 | AID/APOBEC deaminases and cancer |
Q39245074 | APOBEC3B can impair genomic stability by inducing base substitutions in genomic DNA in human cells. |
Q37045143 | APRIL stimulates NF-κB-mediated HoxC4 induction for AID expression in mouse B cells. |
Q30855570 | Aberrant expression of ID2 protein and its correlation with EBV-LMP1 and P16(INK4A) in classical Hodgkin lymphoma in China |
Q35607200 | Aberrant expression of ID2, a suppressor of B-cell-specific gene expression, in Hodgkin's lymphoma |
Q39640071 | Activation of AID by human T-cell leukemia virus Tax oncoprotein and the possible role of its constitutive expression in ATL genesis |
Q37351651 | Activation of Aicda gene transcription by Pax5 in plasmacytoma cells |
Q37994933 | Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase in Antibody Diversification and Chromosome Translocation |
Q36592764 | Activation-induced Cytidine Deaminase in B Cell Immunity and Cancers. |
Q37088708 | Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is necessary for the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in mammary epithelial cells. |
Q34044904 | Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID)-associated multigene signature to assess impact of AID in etiology of diseases with inflammatory component |
Q38302008 | Activation-induced cytidine deaminase acts as a mutator in BCR-ABL1-transformed acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells |
Q54398626 | Activation-induced cytidine deaminase mRNA levels in chronic lymphocytic leukemia |
Q37846899 | Activation-induced cytidine deaminase structure and functions: A species comparative view |
Q36508536 | Activation-induced deaminase-mediated class switch recombination is blocked by anti-IgM signaling in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent fashion |
Q24297331 | Activation‐induced cytidine deaminase auto‐activates and triggers aberrant gene expression |
Q30436993 | Affinity of antigen encounter and other early B-cell signals determine B-cell fate |
Q35806803 | Aging impairs murine B cell differentiation and function in primary and secondary lymphoid tissues |
Q40128287 | Aiolos controls gene conversion and cell death in DT40 B cells |
Q38334286 | Alternate pathways for Bcl6‐mediated regulation of B cell to plasma cell differentiation |
Q36714911 | Alum Directly Modulates Murine B Lymphocytes to Produce IgG1 Isotype |
Q37280181 | Augmentation of antibody responses by retinoic acid and costimulatory molecules |
Q38348243 | B cell-specific and stimulation-responsive enhancers derepress Aicda by overcoming the effects of silencers |
Q36446170 | B-cell receptor activation inhibits AID expression through calmodulin inhibition of E-proteins |
Q42171084 | Bach2 represses plasma cell gene regulatory network in B cells to promote antibody class switch |
Q39500310 | Bcl6: Where too much complexity is barely enough |
Q50993571 | Bone morphogenetic proteins inhibit CD40L/IL-21-induced Ig production in human B cells: differential effects of BMP-6 and BMP-7. |
Q36769461 | Class switch recombination: a comparison between mouse and human. |
Q36316915 | Combinatorial mechanisms regulating AID-dependent DNA deamination: interacting proteins and post-translational modifications |
Q38036378 | Current concepts of IgE regulation and impact of genetic determinants. |
Q36015019 | DNA deamination in immunity |
Q36403618 | Differential requirement for OBF-1 during antibody-secreting cell differentiation |
Q36949937 | Dynamic changes in Id3 and E-protein activity orchestrate germinal center and plasma cell development. |
Q37087320 | E2A acts in cis in G1 phase of cell cycle to promote Ig gene diversification |
Q26772330 | Epigenetics of Peripheral B-Cell Differentiation and the Antibody Response |
Q39202093 | Epstein–Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 increases genomic instability through Egr-1-mediated up-regulation of activation-induced cytidine deaminase in B-cell lymphoma |
Q37061875 | Estrogen directly activates AID transcription and function |
Q33947867 | Expression of activation-induced cytidine deaminase is regulated by cell division, providing a mechanistic basis for division-linked class switch recombination |
Q28235340 | First AID (activation-induced cytidine deaminase) is needed to produce high affinity isotype-switched antibodies |
Q37851178 | Gene interaction network regulates plasma cell differentiation. |
Q37039584 | Germinal centres: role in B-cell physiology and malignancy |
Q36292892 | Helix-loop-helix proteins and lymphocyte development |
Q38062548 | Hormones and AID: balancing immunity and autoimmunity |
Q24645030 | HoxC4 binds to the promoter of the cytidine deaminase AID gene to induce AID expression, class-switch DNA recombination and somatic hypermutation |
Q47108872 | IL-2 imprints human naive B cell fate towards plasma cell through ERK/ELK1-mediated BACH2 repression. |
Q79755765 | IRF4 - a factor for class switching and antibody secretion |
Q90379883 | Impaired B Cell Function in Mice Lacking Perforin-2 |
Q34684380 | In Vivo Analysis of Aicda Gene Regulation: A Critical Balance between Upstream Enhancers and Intronic Silencers Governs Appropriate Expression |
Q36402801 | Inducible DNA breaks in Ig S regions are dependent on AID and UNG |
Q40337542 | Intrinsic inhibition of transcription factor E2A by HLH proteins ABF-1 and Id2 mediates reprogramming of neoplastic B cells in Hodgkin lymphoma |
Q64067953 | Macrophage-B Cell Interactions in the Inverted Porcine Lymph Node and Their Response to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus |
Q39618298 | Macrophage-derived BAFF induces AID expression through the p38MAPK/CREB and JNK/AP-1 pathways |
Q36037736 | Mechanism and control of V(D)J recombination versus class switch recombination: similarities and differences |
Q34764888 | Mechanism and regulation of class switch recombination |
Q24653222 | MicroRNA-155 is a negative regulator of activation-induced cytidine deaminase |
Q24646923 | MicroRNA-155 suppresses activation-induced cytidine deaminase-mediated Myc-Igh translocation |
Q35988449 | MicroRNAs miR-155 and miR-16 Decrease AID and E47 in B Cells from Elderly Individuals |
Q35488455 | Mitochondrial function provides instructive signals for activation-induced B-cell fates |
Q26768663 | Mutations, kataegis and translocations in B cells: understanding AID promiscuous activity |
Q38239866 | Orchestration of plasma cell differentiation by Bach2 and its gene regulatory network |
Q39122684 | Pathogenic mechanisms of IgE-mediated inflammation in self-destructive autoimmune responses |
Q36570655 | Pax5--a critical inhibitor of plasma cell fate |
Q36399312 | Plasma cell ontogeny defined by quantitative changes in blimp-1 expression |
Q37704005 | Preventing AID, a physiological mutator, from deleterious activation: regulation of the genomic instability that is associated with antibody diversity |
Q42826566 | RFX1 mediates the serum-induced immediate early response of Id2 gene expression |
Q33513975 | Reciprocal t(9;22) ABL/BCR fusion proteins: leukemogenic potential and effects on B cell commitment. |
Q24791043 | Regulation of Id2 expression by CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta |
Q24633098 | Regulation of aicda expression and AID activity: relevance to somatic hypermutation and class switch DNA recombination |
Q36946561 | Regulation of class switch recombination and somatic mutation by AID phosphorylation |
Q34695460 | Regulation of hypermutation by activation-induced cytidine deaminase phosphorylation |
Q34115234 | Regulation of immunoglobulin class-switch recombination: choreography of noncoding transcription, targeted DNA deamination, and long-range DNA repair |
Q36058417 | Regulation of plasma-cell development |
Q34122312 | Repression of Id2 expression by Gfi-1 is required for B-cell and myeloid development |
Q37419452 | Restricting activation-induced cytidine deaminase tumorigenic activity in B lymphocytes |
Q36845685 | Role of AID in tumorigenesis |
Q37942329 | Role of Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase in Inflammation-Associated Cancer Development |
Q35797150 | Role of Id proteins in B lymphocyte activation: new insights from knockout mouse studies |
Q35978867 | Somatic hypermutation: a mutational panacea |
Q34099472 | The B cell mutator AID promotes B lymphoid blast crisis and drug resistance in chronic myeloid leukemia |
Q28306121 | The ID proteins: master regulators of cancer stem cells and tumour aggressiveness |
Q24678497 | The IRF family, revisited |
Q46299445 | The Proto-Oncogene c-mycRegulates Antibody Secretion and Ig Class Switch Recombination |
Q58762992 | The Transcriptional Regulation of Germinal Center Formation |
Q54627211 | The chicken Ig light chain 3'-enhancer is essential for gene expression and regulates gene conversion via the transcription factor E2A. |
Q38002486 | The diverse roles of IRF4 in late germinal center B‐cell differentiation |
Q40034606 | The helix-loop-helix protein Id2 is expressed differentially and induced by myc in T-cell lymphomas |
Q28589095 | The metalloid arsenite induces nuclear export of Id3 possibly via binding to the N-terminal cysteine residues |
Q36999672 | The regulation of the B-cell gene expression programme by Pax5. |
Q38271843 | The role of Pax5 in leukemia: diagnosis and prognosis significance. |
Q36845661 | The role of activation-induced deaminase in antibody diversification and chromosome translocations |
Q51981842 | Transcription factor IRF4 controls plasma cell differentiation and class-switch recombination |
Q100465086 | Transcriptional regulation of memory B cell differentiation |
Q35843852 | Unique maturation program of the IgE response in vivo |
Q36229720 | Viral induction of AID is independent of the interferon and the Toll-like receptor signaling pathways but requires NF-kappaB. |
Q37677543 | Walking the AID tightrope |
Q37061884 | Women, autoimmunity, and cancer: a dangerous liaison between estrogen and activation-induced deaminase? |
Q88400647 | Zinc finger-IRF composite elements bound by Ikaros/IRF4 complexes function as gene repression in plasma cell |
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