Drug and Alcohol Dependence


Drug and Alcohol Dependence is …
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society journalQ73364223
scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID12569
P8375Crossref journal ID1268
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO6706
P5963Elsevier journal IDdrug-and-alcohol-dependence
P1058ERA Journal ID13492
P1277JUFO ID54838
P1144Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic)75647592
P4730Mir@bel journal ID21814
P1055NLM Unique ID7513587
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P1156Scopus source ID26380

P495country of originSwitzerlandQ39
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectsubstance dependenceQ3378593
alcohol dependenceQ4713263
P123publisherElsevier BVQ746413
P1476titleDrug and Alcohol Dependence
Drug and alcohol dependence

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published in (P1433)
Q39383006"Don't think I'm going to leave you over it": Accounts of changing hepatitis C status among couples who inject drugs.
Q33606433"Drinking buddies" and alcohol dependence symptoms among African American men and women in Baltimore, MD.
Q39234943"Experimenting" with drugs: a critical evaluation
Q57071112"Feeling confident and equipped": Evaluating the acceptability and efficacy of an overdose response and naloxone administration intervention to service industry employees in New York City
Q91311073"Flakka" use among high school seniors in the United States
Q36595767"Hepatitis C treatment turned me around:" Psychological and behavioral transformation related to hepatitis C treatment
Q104685798"I actually finally feel like the cigarettes aren't controlling me." - Interviews with participants smoking very low nicotine content cigarettes during a residential study
Q89729207"I cannot live without my vape": Electronic cigarette user-identified indicators of vaping dependence
Q36788050"I just wanted to tell you that loperamide WILL WORK": a web-based study of extra-medical use of loperamide
Q96113389"It's not just injecting drugs": Supervised consumption sites and the social determinants of health
Q36745385"It's not smoke. It's not tar. It's not 4000 chemicals. Case closed": Exploring attitudes, beliefs, and perceived social norms of e-cigarette use among adult users
Q44417201"King hit" fatalities in Australia, 2000-2012: the role of alcohol and other drugs
Q36507042"Not getting tanked": definitions of moderate drinking and their health implications
Q90200235"Phantom smokers": Young cigarillo users who do not identify as smokers
Q35673227"Ready, willing, and (not) able" to change: young adults' response to residential treatment
Q98721641"Residual blood THC levels in frequent cannabis users after over four hours of abstinence: A systematic review."
Q28270706"TAARgeting Addiction"--The Alamo Bears Witness to Another Revolution: An Overview of the Plenary Symposium of the 2015 Behavior, Biology and Chemistry Conference
Q100430479"That person stopped being human": Intersecting HIV and substance use stigma among patients and providers in South Africa
Q38498674"The drug user": a semantic source for built-in treatment failure
Q31096493"Those edibles hit hard": Exploration of Twitter data on cannabis edibles in the U.S.
Q30991496"Time for dabs": Analyzing Twitter data on marijuana concentrates across the U.S.
Q45155513"Unplugged": a school-based randomized control trial to prevent and reduce adolescent substance use in the Czech Republic
Q90202474"You can see those concentric rings going out": Emergency personnel's experiences treating overdose and perspectives on policy-level responses to the opioid crisis in New Hampshire
Q47196325"You got to love rosin: Solventless dabs, pure, clean, natural medicine." Exploring Twitter data on emerging trends in Rosin Tech marijuana concentrates
Q57818127#drunktwitter: Examining the relations between alcohol-related Twitter content and alcohol willingness and use among underage young adults
Q44049022'Diagnostic orphans' among young adult cannabis users: persons who report dependence symptoms but do not meet diagnostic criteria
Q51222518'Hangover' effects the morning after marijuana smoking.
Q57163334'Hep C's like the common cold': understanding barriers along the HCV care continuum among young people who inject drugs
Q28374221'Research' versus 'real-world' patients: representativeness of participants in clinical trials of treatments for cocaine dependence
Q43421704'Unstandard' ways of answering standard questions: protocol analysis in alcohol survey research
Q70792182(+)-Amphetamine oral 'drug taking behavior' in naive and tolerant rats
Q89026965(-)-Stepholidine reduces cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking and cocaine self-administration in rats
Q72568879(-)-alpha-Acetylmethadol for treatment of chronic pain patients who abuse opioids
Q51850212(--)-alpha-Acetylmethadol effects on alcohol and diazepam use, sexual function and cardiac function.
Q342367941-Pentyl-3-phenylacetylindoles and JWH-018 share in vivo cannabinoid profiles in mice
Q400650681-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM), methadone and morphine abstinence in dependent rats: EEG and behavioral correlates
Q3619874612-Step participation reduces medical use costs among adolescents with a history of alcohol and other drug treatment
Q4227527212-lead and continuous ECG recordings of subjects during inpatient administration of smoked cocaine
Q5086275112h abstinence-induced right anterior insula network pattern changes in young smokers.
Q4324199915-Year survival and retention of patients in a general hospital-affiliated methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) center in Israel
Q717367131983 perspectives on the pharmacotherapy of opiate addiction
Q350170743,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) alters acute gammaherpesvirus burden and limits interleukin 27 responses in a mouse model of viral infection
Q3516716630-year trajectories of heroin and other drug use among men and women sampled from methadone treatment in California
Q440489974-MTA: a new synthetic drug on the dance scene.
Q483841525-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid and 5-hydroxytryptophol levels in rat brain: effects of ethanol, pyrazole, cyanamide and disulfiram treatment
Q37326437A "community-friendly" version of integrated group therapy for patients with bipolar disorder and substance dependence: a randomized controlled trial
Q34021824A "refugee paradox" for substance use disorders?
Q36951096A 10-year study of factors associated with alcohol treatment use and non-use in a U.S. population sample.
Q51637252A 24-h inpatient detoxification treatment for heroin addicts: a preliminary investigation.
Q41469476A Closeness to Divorce Scale for wives of alcoholics
Q70300308A French experiment: a law for alcoholics presumed to be dangerous
Q45029062A MAOA gene*cocaine severity interaction on impulsivity and neuropsychological measures of orbitofrontal dysfunction: preliminary results
Q47751667A Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model of internal barriers to drug treatment in China
Q37036723A Phase 3 placebo-controlled, double-blind, multi-site trial of the alpha-2-adrenergic agonist, lofexidine, for opioid withdrawal
Q98721645A Population Study of Prescribed Opioid-based Pain Reliever Use among Individuals with Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Canada
Q36541145A Rasch model analysis of evidence-based treatment practices used in the criminal justice system
Q51877452A Swedish drug abuse warning network.
Q57663526A Twitter-based survey on marijuana concentrate use
Q40081710A behavioral approach to drug abuse
Q31926080A behavioral economic analysis of polydrug abuse in alcoholics: asymmetrical substitution of alcohol and cocaine
Q48414312A behavioral economic measure of demand for alcohol predicts brief intervention outcomes
Q45068079A behavioural economic analysis of alcohol, amphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy purchases by polysubstance misusers
Q71736706A birds eye view of the present state of drug abuse in Japan
Q99346819A brief telephone-delivered peer intervention to encourage enrollment in medication for opioid use disorder in individuals surviving an opioid overdose: Results from a randomized pilot trial
Q49923119A call to end the epidemic of adolescent E-cigarette use.
Q47566328A case-control study of driving-while-impaired offenders
Q71389903A clinical sociology approach to treatment of deviants: the case of drug addicts
Q36982251A cluster analysis of drug use and sexual HIV risks and their correlates in a sample of African-American crack cocaine smokers with HIV infection
Q53400300A cluster-analytic profiling of heroin-dependent patients based on level, clinical adequacy, and patient-desired adjustment of buprenorphine dosage during buprenorphine-naloxone maintenance treatment in sixteen Spanish centers.
Q28143101A cocaine analog, 2beta-propanoyl-3beta-(4-tolyl)-tropane (PTT), reduces tyrosine hydroxylase in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway
Q51540637A cocaine-positive baseline urine predicts outpatient treatment attrition and failure to attain initial abstinence.
Q51239874A cognitive behavioral analysis of relaxation training in drug abusers
Q53419738A commentary on the proposed changes in DSM-III concept of alcohol dependence.
Q44555322A community based study of patterns of psychoactive substance use among street children in a local government area of Nigeria
Q91124480A community pharmacy-led intervention for opioid medication misuse: A small-scale randomized clinical trial
Q52006749A community survey of adverse effects of cannabis use.
Q41384478A comparative analysis of two methods for the study of alcohol intake in Mexico
Q37013041A comparison of 1-year substance abuse treatment outcomes in community syringe exchange participants versus other referrals
Q44324655A comparison of 7-day recall with two summary measures of alcohol use.
Q44283701A comparison of African American and non-Hispanic Caucasian cocaine-abusing outpatients
Q40523181A comparison of HCV antibody testing in drug-free and methadone maintenance treatment programs in the United States
Q30422321A comparison of a specialist women's alcohol and other drug treatment service with two traditional mixed-sex services: client characteristics and treatment outcome
Q39294512A comparison of alcohol and drug use patterns of homosexual and heterosexual men: the San Francisco Men's Health Study
Q39405021A comparison of alcohol consumption between lesbians and heterosexual women in an urban population
Q44068309A comparison of alcohol, tobacco and drug use as determined from household and school surveys
Q31035854A comparison of an opioid abuse screening tool and prescription drug monitoring data in the emergency department.
Q44094296A comparison of antagonist-precipitated withdrawal under anesthesia to standard inpatient withdrawal as a precursor to maintenance naltrexone treatment in heroin users: outcomes at 6 and 12 months
Q73652635A comparison of blood toxicology of heroin-related deaths and current heroin users in Sydney, Australia
Q38689238A comparison of bone quality and its determinants in young opioid-dependent women with healthy control group
Q31926090A comparison of cocaine, GBR 12909, and phentermine self-administration by rhesus monkeys on a progressive-ratio schedule
Q44587175A comparison of cocaine-dependent cigarette smokers and non-smokers on demographic, drug use and other characteristics
Q36337438A comparison of delay discounting among smokers, substance abusers, and non-dependent controls.
Q49010418A comparison of disulfiram acceptors and refusers on selected demographic and clinical characteristics
Q45109755A comparison of injection and non-injection methamphetamine-using HIV positive men who have sex with men.
Q92721892A comparison of longitudinal modelling approaches: Alcohol and cannabis use from adolescence to young adulthood
Q37675350A comparison of methadone, buprenorphine and alpha(2) adrenergic agonists for opioid detoxification: a mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis
Q100758556A comparison of product dependence among cigarette only, ENDS only, and dual users: Findings from Wave 3 (2015-2016) of the PATH study
Q40158685A comparison of recidivism rates for alcoholic detox residents referred to treatment facilities
Q43803499A comparison of recovering alcoholic and non-alcoholic smokers
Q34748679A comparison of subjective, psychomotor and physiological effects of a novel muscarinic analgesic, LY297802 tartrate, and oral morphine in occasional drug users
Q35981674A comparison of syringe disposal practices among injection drug users in a city with versus a city without needle and syringe programs
Q48802259A comparison of the catecholamine releasing effect of the khat alkaloids (-)-cathinone and (+)-norpseudoephedrine
Q45284807A comparison of the content-, construct- and predictive validity of the cigarette dependence scale and the Fagerström test for nicotine dependence.
Q60632065A comparison of the harms associated with the injection of heroin and amphetamines
Q46449710A comparison of the reinforcing efficacy of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "ecstasy") with cocaine in rhesus monkeys
Q70153607A comparison of the structure of two models of treatment for alcoholism
Q92407546A comparison of the utility of urine- and hair testing in detecting self-reported drug use among young adult opioid users
Q41708820A comparison of three methods of measuring the type and quantity of services provided during substance abuse treatment
Q71064395A comparison of thrice weekly LAAM and daily methadone in employed heroin addicts
Q43859250A comparison of treatment effectiveness of nonaddict and exaddict professionals in an adolescent treatment program
Q51159853A comparison of two treatment interventions aimed at lowering anxiety levels and alcohol consumption amongst alcohol abusers.
Q93596346A comparison of young drinking offenders with other adolescents
Q48438062A complete analysis of NMDA receptor subunits in periaqueductal grey and ventromedial medulla of morphine tolerant mice
Q35673184A comprehensive assessment of neurocognition in middle-aged chronic cigarette smokers.
Q33834838A comprehensive guide to the application of contingency management procedures in clinical settings
Q52382305A comprehensive model of predictors of suicide attempt in heavy drinkers: Results from a national 3-year longitudinal study.
Q38415244A comprehensive review of the effects of mixing caffeinated energy drinks with alcohol
Q27312072A comprehensive study of sensorimotor cortex excitability in chronic cocaine users: Integrating TMS and functional MRI data
Q91311689A computational model of the Cambridge gambling task with applications to substance use disorders
Q46646393A consistent attentional bias for drug-related material in active cocaine users across word and picture versions of the emotional Stroop task
Q93346644A content analysis of JUUL discussions on social media: Using Reddit to understand patterns and perceptions of JUUL use
Q38842889A content analysis of tweets about high-potency marijuana
Q41640325A contingency management method for 30-days abstinence in non-treatment seeking young adult cannabis users
Q39385958A controlled comparison of buprenorphine and clonidine for acute detoxification from opioids
Q43925605A controlled trial of buprenorphine treatment for opium dependence: the first experience from Iran.
Q44331658A controlled trial of daily versus thrice-weekly buprenorphine administration for the treatment of opioid dependence.
Q45989984A controlled trial of fluoxetine in crack cocaine dependence.
Q44026076A controlled trial of methadone treatment combined with directly observed isoniazid for tuberculosis prevention in injection drug users
Q70905546A critical evaluation of the obstetric use of alcohol in preterm labor
Q37703072A cross-lagged path analysis of five intrapersonal determinants of smoking cessation.
Q88571522A cross-national study of the population-level association between alcohol consumption and suicide rates
Q35032617A cross-national study on Mexico-US migration, substance use and substance use disorders
Q92225559A current re-examination of racial/ethnic disparities in the use of substance abuse treatment: Do disparities persist?
Q36754360A daily calendar analysis of substance use and dating violence among high risk urban youth.
Q52317958A daily diary study of stressful and positive events, alcohol use, and addiction severity among heavy drinking sexual minority men.
Q90416087A day-by-day prospective analysis of stress, craving and risk of next day alcohol intake during alcohol use disorder treatment
Q42359320A delta-opioid receptor genetic variant is associated with abstinence prior to and during cocaine dependence treatment
Q50623620A descriptive epidemiology of substance use and substance use disorders in Nigeria during the early 21st century
Q45065333A developmental etiological model for drug abuse in men.
Q72070515A discriminant function analysis of various interferon parameters among alcoholics and heavy smokers
Q40515911A dose-effect study of repeated administration of buprenorphine/naloxone on performance in opioid-dependent volunteers
Q36090479A double blind, placebo controlled trial of modafinil for the treatment of cocaine dependence without co-morbid alcohol dependence
Q113876987A double-blind randomised crossover trial of low-dose flumazenil for benzodiazepine withdrawal: A proof of concept
Q45193441A double-blind, double-dummy, randomized, prospective pilot study of the partial mu opiate agonist, buprenorphine, for acute detoxification from heroin
Q35489643A double-blind, placebo-controlled assessment of the safety of potential interactions between intravenous cocaine, ethanol, and oral disulfiram.
Q43506065A double-blind, placebo-controlled outpatient trial of pergolide for cocaine dependence
Q36890264A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of sertraline with naltrexone for alcohol dependence
Q48700054A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of amantadine, propranolol, and their combination for the treatment of cocaine dependence in patients with severe cocaine withdrawal symptoms
Q48583578A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of reserpine for the treatment of cocaine dependence
Q51901560A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of tiagabine for the treatment of cocaine dependence.
Q34653718A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of topiramate for the treatment of comorbid cocaine and alcohol dependence
Q33653805A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of oral selegiline hydrochloride for smoking cessation in nicotine-dependent cigarette smokers
Q52601290A fMRI study on the impact of advertising for flavored e-cigarettes on susceptible young adults.
Q50896299A family history and direct interview study of the familial aggregation of substance abuse: the adolescent substance abuse study.
Q36345352A family history of substance dependence obscures the group differences in brain function associated with HIV-1 and ART.
Q54356414A feeding regime for the study of the interaction of ethanol and aging.
Q46292676A follow-up study of heroin addicts five years after first admission to a methadone treatment program
Q61142509A general system for evaluating therapist adherence and competence in psychotherapy research in the addictions
Q34748883A generalized matching law analysis of cocaine vs. food choice in rhesus monkeys: effects of candidate 'agonist-based' medications on sensitivity to reinforcement
Q35842989A genome-wide scan for loci influencing adolescent cannabis dependence symptoms: evidence for linkage on chromosomes 3 and 9.
Q44448289A genome-wide search for quantitative trait loci influencing substance dependence vulnerability in adolescence
Q44888915A haplotype analysis is consistent with the role of functional HTR1B variants in alcohol dependence.
Q58121252A hidden aspect of the U.S. opioid crisis: Rise in first-time treatment admissions for older adults with opioid use disorder
Q30440748A history of alternative reinforcement reduces stimulus generalization of ethanol-seeking in a rat recovery model
Q35690496A hyper-connected but less efficient small-world network in the substance-dependent brain
Q39200507A laboratory-based evaluation of exercise plus contingency management for reducing cigarette smoking
Q39160965A latent class analysis of self-reported clinical indicators of psychosocial stability and adherence among opioid substitution therapy patients: do stable patients receive more unsupervised doses?
Q36942668A latent class analysis of underage problem drinking: evidence from a community sample of 16-20 year olds
Q112577407A lay-counsellor delivered brief psychological treatment for men with comorbid Alcohol Use Disorder and depression in primary care: Secondary analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial
Q41202599A lifetime history of alcohol use disorder increases risk for chronic medical conditions after stable remission
Q37331522A longitudinal examination of alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette perceived norms among middle school adolescents
Q91246766A longitudinal examination of daily patterns of cannabis and alcohol co-use among medicinal and recreational veteran cannabis users
Q58044404A longitudinal examination of the impact of childhood emotional abuse on cannabis use trajectories among community youth
Q39219137A longitudinal examination of the relationship between cannabis use and cognitive function in mid-life adults
Q57482309A longitudinal investigation of the association between cannabis use and alcohol use among people living with HIV
Q62671084A longitudinal mediational study of the stability of alexithymia among alcohol treatment seekers
Q53200684A longitudinal study of cotinine in long-term daily users of e-cigarettes.
Q44026083A longitudinal study of developmental trajectories to young adult cigarette smoking
Q47249541A longitudinal study of electronic cigarette use and onset of conventional cigarette smoking and marijuana use among Mexican adolescents
Q52100811A longitudinal study of health risks associated with alcohol abuse in young navy men.
Q88296999A longitudinal study of risk perceptions and e-cigarette initiation among college students: Interactions with smoking status
Q43647894A longitudinal study of the order of onset of alcohol dependence and major depression
Q38655762A longitudinal study of the reciprocal relationship between ever smoking and urgency in early adolescence
Q40342675A low dose of aripiprazole attenuates the subject-rated effects of d-amphetamine
Q42680120A mathematical model of HIV transmission in NSW prisons
Q38234162A meta-analysis of ear-acupuncture, ear-acupressure and auriculotherapy for cigarette smoking cessation.
Q34677189A meta-analysis of the relationship between trait mindfulness and substance use behaviors
Q91056921A mixed-methods assessment of the impact of the opioid epidemic on first responder burnout
Q48395762A morphological comparison of the regional distribution of methadone in human and rat brain as demonstrated by immunofluorescence
Q56888121A multi-level analysis of emergency department data on drinking patterns, alcohol policy and cause of injury in 28 countries
Q35876082A multi-level analysis of the impact of neighborhood structural and social factors on adolescent substance use.
Q52318218A multi-site proof-of-concept investigation of computerized approach-avoidance training in adolescent cannabis users.
Q43842925A multicenter randomized evaluation of methadone medical maintenance
Q40963918A multicenter trial of bupropion for cocaine dependence in methadone-maintained patients
Q43476053A multicentre study to introduce naltrexone for opiate dependence in Spain
Q33775198A multidimensional assessment of the validity and utility of alcohol use disorder severity as determined by item response theory models
Q34851016A multistudy analysis of the effects of early cocaine abstinence on sleep
Q42616342A multivariate genetic analysis of the use of tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine in a population based sample of male and female twins
Q37149192A national study of substance use behaviors among NCAA male athletes who use banned performance enhancing substances
Q90507437A nationally representative analysis of "twin epidemics": Rising rates of methamphetamine use among persons who use opioids
Q31799466A naturalistic study on ending blind dosing in a methadone maintenance clinic in Israel
Q95806278A new Associate Editor for Drug and Alcohol Dependence: Dr. Adam Leventhal
Q30575430A new criterion for acquisition of nicotine self-administration in rats
Q35037041A new definition of early age at onset in alcohol dependence
Q74610603A new editor looks to the past and future of Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Q73700444A new recruiting strategy to allow estimates of response rates in studies with people who inject drugs
Q48963853A note on the characteristics of alcohol abusers with controlled drinking aspirations
Q44759843A note on the use of statistical models in epidemiologic research on illicit drug use.
Q36546257A novel application of propensity score matching to estimate Alcoholics Anonymous' effect on drinking outcomes
Q59355783A novel mHealth application for improving HIV and Hepatitis C knowledge in individuals with opioid use disorder: A pilot study
Q34176665A parallel process growth mixture model of conduct problems and substance use with risky sexual behavior
Q93371596A parent-oriented alcohol prevention program "Effekt" had no impact on adolescents' alcohol use: Findings from a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Estonia
Q44448295A partner's drug-using status impacts women's drug treatment outcome
Q39947017A peer-led mobile outreach program and increased utilization of detoxification and residential drug treatment among female sex workers who use drugs in a Canadian setting
Q33872457A pharmacogenetic model of naltrexone-induced attenuation of alcohol consumption in rhesus monkeys
Q41900406A pharmacological comparison of 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine and LSD in the dog
Q39155382A phase III, randomized, multi-center, double blind, placebo controlled study of safety and efficacy of lofexidine for relief of symptoms in individuals undergoing inpatient opioid withdrawal
Q38741494A pilot investigation of acute inhibitory control training in cocaine users
Q44336437A pilot randomized clinical trial of an intervention to reduce overdose risk behaviors among emergency department patients at risk for prescription opioid overdose
Q30426188A pilot randomized clinical trial of two medication adherence and drug use interventions for HIV+ crack cocaine users
Q40068924A pilot replication of QUIT, a randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention for reducing risky drug use, among Latino primary care patients
Q47635717A pilot study of loss aversion for drug and non-drug commodities in cocaine users
Q91231036A pilot study to examine the acceptability and health effects of electronic cigarettes in HIV-positive smokers
Q44448282A pilot trial of olanzapine for the treatment of cocaine dependence
Q34649737A pilot trial of topiramate for the treatment of cocaine dependence
Q44342350A placebo controlled clinical trial of buprenorphine as a treatment for opioid dependence.
Q35417660A placebo controlled trial of memantine as an adjunct to oral naltrexone for opioid dependence
Q37462555A placebo-controlled trial of buspirone for the treatment of marijuana dependence
Q34091611A placebo-controlled trial of memantine for cocaine dependence with high-value voucher incentives during a pre-randomization lead-in period
Q37030113A placebo-controlled trial of modafinil for nicotine dependence
Q43597899A plan aimed at the prevention and treatment of drug dependence
Q35607184A population-based Swedish Twin and Sibling Study of cannabis, stimulant and sedative abuse in men.
Q64986122A possible link between morphine and alcohol preferences in rat.
Q70398702A possible role of antithrombin III in venous thrombosis among alcoholics
Q41548119A possible role of catecholamines and (Na+ + K+)ATPase in the ethanol withdrawal syndrome
Q70667338A possible role of the parasympathetic system in the alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Q73316253A postmarketing surveillance program to monitor Ultram (tramadol hydrochloride) abuse in the United States
Q92811437A predictive risk model for nonfatal opioid overdose in a statewide population of buprenorphine patients
Q36628375A preliminary experimental investigation of peer influence on risk-taking among adolescent smokers and non-smokers.
Q44852811A preliminary investigation of early smoking initiation and nicotine dependence in Korean adults
Q38963927A preliminary longitudinal study of white matter alteration in cocaine use disorder subjects.
Q58702818A preliminary randomized clinical trial of naltrexone reduces striatal resting state functional connectivity in people with methamphetamine use disorder
Q34980314A preliminary randomized controlled trial of a distress tolerance treatment for opioid dependent persons initiating buprenorphine
Q30440262A preliminary randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the safety and efficacy of ondansetron in the treatment of cocaine dependence
Q39217119A preliminary report on crime and addiction within a community-wide population of narcotic addicts
Q70398673A preliminary report: nutritional levels and cognitive performance in chronic alcohol abusers
Q35952369A preliminary study of dopamine D2/3 receptor availability and social status in healthy and cocaine dependent humans imaged with [(11)C](+)PHNO
Q42724123A preliminary study of longitudinal neuroadaptation associated with recovery from addiction
Q35812912A preliminary study of the neural effects of behavioral therapy for substance use disorders
Q48887779A preliminary study of the problem-solving strategies of detoxified long-term alcoholics
Q96591736A preliminary validation of the adolescent e-cigarette consequences questionnaire
Q44676228A profile on HIV prevalence and risk behaviors among injecting drug users in Nigeria: should we be alarmed?
Q46070934A proof of concept randomised placebo controlled factorial trial to examine the efficacy of St John's wort for smoking cessation and chromium to prevent weight gain on smoking cessation
Q52265924A prospective assessment of opiate addiction treatment protocols for inpatients with HIV-related syndromes.
Q34577163A prospective population based study of changes in alcohol use and binge drinking after a mass traumatic event
Q37308121A prospective study of familial conflict, psychological stress, and the development of substance use disorders in adolescence
Q34614361A prospective study of marijuana use change and cessation among adolescents
Q88515473A prospective study of newly incident cannabis use and cannabis risk perceptions: Results from the United States Monitoring the Future study, 1976-2013
Q93342478A prospective study of nonmedical use of prescription opioids during adolescence and subsequent substance use disorder symptoms in early midlife
Q46045863A prospective study of risk and protective factors for substance use among impoverished women living in temporary shelter settings in Los Angeles County
Q24647351A prospective study of risk drinking: at risk for what?
Q98509866A prospective study of the association between rate of nicotine metabolism and alcohol use in tobacco users in the United States
Q43041836A prospective study to examine persistent HCV reinfection in injection drug users who have previously cleared the virus
Q59256216A qualitative investigation comparing sexual effects of alcohol and marijuana among adults
Q35048123A qualitative study exploring the reason for low dosage of methadone prescribed in the MMT clinics in China
Q36912594A quasi-experimental study examining New York State's tobacco-free regulation: effects on clinical practice behaviors.
Q42611131A randomised controlled trial of methadone maintenance treatment versus wait list control in an Australian prison system
Q44337497A randomised controlled trial of sublingual buprenorphine-naloxone film versus tablets in the management of opioid dependence
Q44345951A randomised, controlled trial of low dose naltrexone for the treatment of opioid dependence
Q39009581A randomized clinical trial of buprenorphine for prisoners: Findings at 12-months post-release
Q36711454A randomized clinical trial of methadone maintenance for prisoners: results at 1-month post-release
Q92575307A randomized clinical trial of motivational interviewing plus skills training vs. Relaxation plus education and 12-Steps for substance using incarcerated youth: Effects on alcohol, marijuana and crimes of aggression
Q93189170A randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation of the Parents Under Pressure program for parents in substance abuse treatment
Q91056927A randomized controlled trial evaluating integrated versus phased application of evidence-based psychotherapies for military veterans with comorbid PTSD and substance use disorders
Q34176604A randomized controlled trial of Structural Ecosystems Therapy for HIV medication adherence and substance abuse relapse prevention.
Q90722342A randomized controlled trial of a manual-only treatment for reduction and cessation of problematic caffeine use
Q34631482A randomized controlled trial of intensive referral to 12-step self-help groups: one-year outcomes
Q53594572A randomized controlled trial of interim methadone maintenance: 10-Month follow-up.
Q39657856A randomized controlled trial of monetary incentives vs. outreach to enhance adherence to the hepatitis B vaccine series among injection drug users
Q34030894A randomized controlled trial of prison-initiated buprenorphine: prison outcomes and community treatment entry
Q36248803A randomized controlled trial of the effects of working memory training in methadone maintenance patients
Q34114588A randomized controlled trial of two primary school intervention strategies to prevent early onset tobacco smoking
Q46652344A randomized controlled trial to influence client language in substance use disorder treatment
Q36619657A randomized factorial trial of disulfiram and contingency management to enhance cognitive behavioral therapy for cocaine dependence
Q36678007A randomized investigation of methadone doses at or over 100 mg/day, combined with contingency management.
Q30578204A randomized pilot clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of Community Reinforcement and Family Training for Treatment Retention (CRAFT-T) for improving outcomes for patients completing opioid detoxification.
Q97876353A randomized pilot trial of topiramate for alcohol use disorder in veterans with traumatic brain injury: Effects on alcohol use, cognition, and post-concussive symptoms
Q46333726A randomized placebo-controlled trial of N-acetylcysteine for cannabis use disorder in adults
Q46708584A randomized placebo-controlled trial of gabapentin for cocaine dependence
Q30537387A randomized study of contingency management in cocaine-dependent patients with severe and persistent mental health disorders
Q46977188A randomized study of the effect of anonymity, quasi-anonymity, and Certificates of Confidentiality on postpartum women's disclosure of sensitive information
Q33651514A randomized trial of 6-month methadone maintenance with standard or minimal counseling versus 21-day methadone detoxification.
Q37392151A randomized trial of contingency management for adolescent marijuana abuse and dependence
Q36579283A randomized trial of intensive outpatient (IOP) vs. standard outpatient (OP) buprenorphine treatment for African Americans
Q34091629A randomized, controlled trial of NRT-aided gradual vs. abrupt cessation in smokers actively trying to quit
Q44686653A randomized, controlled trial of combined cognitive-behavioral therapy plus prize-based contingency management for cocaine dependence
Q44049015A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled safety study of high-dose dextromethorphan in methadone-maintained male inpatients
Q31799450A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of ritanserin pharmacotherapy for cocaine dependence
Q50198759A randomized, open label trial of methadone continuation versus forced withdrawal in a combined US prison and jail: Findings at 12 months post-release
Q40273771A rationale for opiate withdrawal symptomatology
Q52505251A reconsideration of the relevance of recent animal studies for development of treatment procedures for alcoholics.
Q35694145A reexamination of medical marijuana policies in relation to suicide risk
Q91441412A repeated cross-sectional study of factors associated with pregabalin-positive poisoning deaths in Ireland
Q44836258A replicable model for achieving over 90% follow-up rates in longitudinal studies of substance abusers
Q36162226A retrospective analysis of two randomized trials of bupropion for methamphetamine dependence: suggested guidelines for treatment discontinuation/augmentation
Q36803299A retrospective and prospective analysis of trading sex for drugs or money in women substance abuse treatment patients
Q38710339A retrospective review of unintentional opioid overdose risk and mitigating factors among acutely injured trauma patients.
Q40283152A review of alcohol's effects on sex and reproduction
Q37302772A review of medical and substance use co-morbidities in Central Asian prisons: implications for HIV prevention and treatment.
Q27312296A review of pharmacogenetic studies of substance-related disorders
Q34535899A review of the additive health risk of cannabis and tobacco co-use
Q39504084A review of the effects of repeated administration of selected phenylethylamines
Q30239098A review: Fentanyl and non-pharmaceutical fentanyls
Q44344897A satisfaction survey of opioid-dependent clients at methadone treatment centres in Spain
Q44026057A screening trial of amantadine as a medication for cocaine dependence
Q69056383A search for degeneration in the circumventricular area of ethanol-treated mice
Q42991077A serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) predicts the development of adolescent alcohol use.
Q37614742A simulative comparison of respondent driven sampling with incentivized snowball sampling--the "strudel effect".
Q35876092A single dose of kudzu extract reduces alcohol consumption in a binge drinking paradigm
Q51627961A single injection of either flupenthixol decanoate or haloperidol decanoate produces long-term changes in cocaine self-administration in rats.
Q45173593A sociological theory of the diffusion and social setting of opiate addiction
Q36066920A stage I pilot study of acceptance and commitment therapy for methadone detoxification
Q47308855A state-wide assessment: marital stability and client outcomes
Q68800036A study of drug abuse in rural areas of Punjab (India)
Q72433464A study of hospitalized surgical patients on methadone maintenance
Q69748689A study of sex differences in cognitive impairment in alcoholics using traditional and computer-based tests
Q43844635A study of street heroin lots for the presence of the hepatitis B surface antigen
Q104130692A study of the effectiveness of naltrexone in preventing recurrence of methadone poisoning in opioid-naive children
Q42205250A study of the mediator spectrum of delta-9 tetrahydrocanabinol effects on cerebral bioelectric activity
Q59780354A study on the TNF-α system in Caucasian Spanish patients with alcoholic liver disease
Q51290406A study on the personality characteristics of Iranian addicts.
Q50730930A survey of hallucinogenic mushroom use, factors related to usage, and perceptions of use among college students.
Q50626212A survey of nonmedical use of tranquilizers, stimulants, and pain relievers among college students: patterns of use among users and factors related to abstinence in non-users.
Q35552364A survey study to characterize use of Spice products (synthetic cannabinoids).
Q34334521A syndemic including cigarette smoking and sexual risk behaviors among a sample of MSM in Shanghai, China
Q103834910A synthetic opioid vaccine attenuates fentanyl-vs-food choice in male and female rhesus monkeys
Q36380061A systematic literature review of tobacco use among adults 15 years and older in sub-Saharan Africa
Q114190317A systematic review and behaviour change technique analysis of remotely delivered alcohol and/or substance misuse interventions for adults
Q99622438A systematic review and meta-analysis of medications for stimulant use disorders in patients with co-occurring opioid use disorders
Q88728502A systematic review of community-based interventions to improve oral chronic disease medication regimen adherence among individuals with substance use disorder
Q34992482A systematic review of evidence on the association between cocaine use and seizures.
Q38778365A systematic review of injecting-related injury and disease among people who inject drugs
Q96680244A systematic review of opioid overdose interventions delivered within emergency departments
Q92113307A systematic review of sex differences in treatment outcomes among people with opioid use disorder receiving buprenorphine maintenance versus other treatment conditions
Q92391391A systematic review of stakeholder perceptions of supervised injection facilities
Q129750376A systematic review of task-sharing interventions for substance use and substance use disorder in low- and middle-income countries
Q35741502A systematic review of the effectiveness of the community reinforcement approach in alcohol, cocaine and opioid addiction
Q34380750A systematic review of the impact of alcohol use disorders on HIV treatment outcomes, adherence to antiretroviral therapy and health care utilization
Q38725058A systematic review of the motivations for the non-medical use of prescription drugs in young adults
Q44322235A systems approach to care pathways into in-patient alcohol detoxification: outcomes from a retrospective study.
Q37470235A tale of two stimulants: mentholated cigarettes may play a role in cocaine, but not methamphetamine, dependence.
Q50715004A taxonomy of small hostels for alcoholics.
Q36935694A test of alcohol dose effects on multiple behavioral measures of impulsivity.
Q33972637A test of the DSM-5 severity scale for alcohol use disorder
Q35723292A translational behavioral model of mood-based impulsivity: Implications for substance abuse
Q44430861A tripartite of HIV-risk for African American women: the intersection of drug use, violence, and depression.
Q31926110A twin study on sensation seeking, risk taking behavior and marijuana use.
Q37621846A two-phased screening paradigm for evaluating candidate medications for cocaine cessation or relapse prevention: modafinil, levodopa-carbidopa, naltrexone.
Q45247391A typology of cannabis-related problems among individuals with repeated illegal drug use in the first three decades of life: Evidence for heterogeneity and different treatment needs
Q36586100A vaccine against methamphetamine attenuates its behavioral effects in mice
Q48695594A voxel-based morphometry study comparing problem gamblers, alcohol abusers, and healthy controls.
Q37619204A voxel-based morphometry study of young occasional users of amphetamine-type stimulants and cocaine
Q46944259A walk through the history of research in drug abuse trends and fads. The Nathan B. Eddy Award address given at CPDD 2005: part II.
Q45421878A web-based survey on mephedrone
Q98782356A within-person comparison of the subjective effects of higher vs. lower-potency cannabis
Q52171035A within-subject comparison of three different schedules of reinforcement of drug abstinence using cigarette smoking as an exemplar.
Q36406999A within-subject comparison of withdrawal symptoms during abstinence from cannabis, tobacco, and both substances
Q35983512ADAPTA: A pilot randomised controlled trial of an alcohol-focused intervention versus a healthy living intervention for problem drinkers identified in a general hospital setting
Q38664612ADHD symptoms impact smoking outcomes and withdrawal in response to Varenicline treatment for smoking cessation.
Q47306773AIDS among drug users in Europe
Q51902219AIDS research in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network: emerging results.
Q53653756ANAPC1 and SLCO3A1 are associated with nicotine dependence: meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies.
Q99357872ART uptake and adherence among women who use drugs globally: A scoping review
Q59698505AUDIT and AUDIT-C as screening instruments for alcohol problem use in adolescents
Q46036314AUDIT and its abbreviated versions in detecting heavy and binge drinking in a general population survey.
Q84512723Ability of baclofen to prevent somatic manifestations and neurochemical changes during nicotine withdrawal
Q46692203Abnormal heat and pain perception in remitted heroin dependence months after detoxification from methadone-maintenance
Q103024476Abnormal organization of inhibitory control functional networks in future binge drinkers
Q44959429Abnormal visual experiences in individuals with histories of hallucinogen use: a Web-based questionnaire
Q41280875Abrupt decline in oxycodone-caused mortality after implementation of Florida's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
Q42276662Absence of acute cocaine interactions with the MAO-B inhibitor selegiline
Q37652906Absence of neurocognitive impairment in a large Chinese sample of HCV-infected injection drug users receiving methadone treatment
Q51004187Abstaining and carousing: substance use among adolescents in the Western Isles of Scotland.
Q45946601Abstinence and psychological distress in co-morbid smokers using various pharmacotherapies.
Q44070864Abstinence at intake for marijuana dependence treatment predicts response
Q41460519Abstinence phenomena of chronic cannabis-addicts prospectively monitored during controlled inpatient detoxification (Part II): Psychiatric complaints and their relation to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and its metabolites in serum
Q51055346Abstinence phenomena of chronic cannabis-addicts prospectively monitored during controlled inpatient detoxification: cannabis withdrawal syndrome and its correlation with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and -metabolites in serum.
Q44049003Abstinence reinforcement maintenance contingency and one-year follow-up
Q71595757Abstinence-induced changes in plasma apolipoprotein levels of alcoholics
Q98776076Abstinence-reinforcing contingency management improves HIV viral load suppression among HIV-infected people who use drugs: A randomized controlled trial
Q35413458Abstinence-related changes in sleep during treatment for cocaine dependence
Q72426594Abstracts 5th Biennial International Symposium on Alcoholism. June 9-13, 1980, Cardiff, Wales
Q46985229Abuse deterrent formulations and the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
Q36674756Abuse liability and reinforcing efficacy of oral tramadol in humans
Q43918545Abuse liability and the regulatory control of therapeutic drugs: untested assumptions
Q40587223Abuse liability assessment of CNS drugs: conclusions, recommendations, and research priorities
Q43055981Abuse liability assessment of an e-cigarette refill liquid using intracranial self-stimulation and self-administration models in rats.
Q46712098Abuse liability assessment of atomoxetine in a drug-abusing population
Q101571361Abuse liability assessment of the JUUL system in four flavors relative to combustible cigarette, nicotine gum and a comparator electronic nicotine delivery system among adult smokers
Q103722843Abuse liability assessment of the JUUL system in two nicotine concentrations compared to combustible cigarette, nicotine gum and comparator electronic nicotine delivery system
Q51911194Abuse liability of buprenorphine-naloxone tablets in untreated IV drug users.
Q52313952Abuse liability of intravenous buprenorphine vs. buprenorphine/naloxone: Importance of absolute naloxone amount.
Q34051406Abuse liability of oxycodone as a function of pain and drug use history
Q34749168Abuse liability of the dietary supplement dimethylamylamine
Q37291137Abuse liability studies of opioid agonist-antagonists in humans
Q40339532Abuse of prescription drugs and the risk of addiction
Q52238302Abuse potential and pharmacological comparison of tramadol and morphine.
Q39593297Abuse potential evaluation of inhalants
Q42541323Accelerated lofexidine treatment regimen compared with conventional lofexidine and methadone treatment for in-patient opiate detoxification.
Q57137141Accelerated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation does not influence grey matter volumes in regions related to alcohol relapse: An open-label exploratory study
Q36420087Accentuating effects of nicotine on ethanol response in mice with high genetic predisposition to ethanol-induced locomotor stimulation
Q91384326Acceptability and willingness to pay for contingency management interventions among parents of young adults with problematic opioid use
Q33912772Acceptability of a safer injection facility among injection drug users in San Francisco.
Q58427992Acceptability of audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI) among substance abusers seeking treatment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Q67290324Acceptability of methadyl acetate (LAAM) as compared with methadone in a treatment program for heroin addicts
Q100295813Acceptability of real-time video counselling compared to other behavioural interventions for smoking cessation in rural and remote areas
Q49968039Acceptance and patterns of personal vaporizer use in Australia and the United Kingdom: Results from the International Tobacco Control survey.
Q37381975Access to HIV counseling and testing among people who inject drugs in Central Asia: strategies for improving access and linkages to treatment and care
Q35613251Access to a running wheel decreases cocaine-primed and cue-induced reinstatement in male and female rats.
Q44342833Access to care of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection in a university hospital: Is opioid dependence a limiting condition?
Q37154026Access to drug and alcohol treatment among a cohort of street-involved youth.
Q43685938Access to medical care and service utilization among injection drug users with HIV/AIDS.
Q39976461Accessing a diverse sample of injection drug users in San Francisco through respondent-driven sampling
Q37224938Accessing care for injection-related infections through a medically supervised injecting facility: a qualitative study.
Q44434945Accessing opiate dependence treatment medications: buprenorphine products in an office-based setting
Q91207264Accidental drug overdose deaths in Connecticut, 2012-2018: The rise of polysubstance detection?
Q57297866Accounting for the uncounted: Physical and affective distress in individuals dropping out of oral naltrexone treatment for opioid use disorder
Q30405512Acculturation, drinking and social settings among U.S. Hispanics
Q36536828Accumbens functional connectivity during reward mediates sensation-seeking and alcohol use in high-risk youth
Q35920029Accuracy of alcohol diagnosis among DWI offenders referred for screening
Q36621480Accuracy of hospital discharge data: five alcohol-related diseases
Q40384864Accuracy of the Audio Computer Assisted Self Interview version of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ACASI ASSIST) for identifying unhealthy substance use and substance use disorders in primary care patients.
Q41470045Acetaldehyde adducts with serum proteins are not responsible for decreased drug binding in alcoholic patients
Q46205904Acetaldehyde sequestering prevents ethanol-induced stimulation of mesolimbic dopamine transmission.
Q34102402Acetylcodeine, an impurity of illicitly manufactured heroin, elicits convulsions, antinociception, and locomotor stimulation in mice
Q49122169Achieving a 96.6 percent follow-up rate in a longitudinal study of drug abusers
Q37470214Achieving smoking abstinence is associated with decreased cocaine use in cocaine-dependent patients receiving smoking-cessation treatment
Q36516563Acquisition of cocaine self-administration in ovariectomized female rats: effect of estradiol dose or chronic estradiol administration
Q90256488Active cannabis marketing and adolescent past-year cannabis use
Q39242280Acupuncture fails to improve treatment outcome in alcoholics
Q26766272Acupuncture for substance use disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q45068077Acute administration of the GABA reuptake inhibitor tiagabine does not alter the effects of oral cocaine in humans
Q42605845Acute administration of vinpocetine, a phosphodiesterase type 1 inhibitor, ameliorates hyperactivity in a mice model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Q35965680Acute alcohol consumption elevates serum bilirubin: an endogenous antioxidant
Q69544909Acute alcohol ingestion reduces heart rate variability
Q92352149Acute alcohol intake alters resting state functional connectivity of nucleus accumbens with pain-related corticolimbic structures
Q96028249Acute alcohol use in Australian coronial suicide cases, 2010-2015
Q38711806Acute and chronic alcohol use correlated with methods of suicide in a Swiss national sample
Q92297339Acute and long-term cannabis use among stimulant users: Results from CTN-0037 Stimulant Reduction Intervention using Dosed Exercise (STRIDE) Randomized Control Trial
Q43503059Acute and protracted cocaine abstinence in an outpatient population: a prospective study of mood, sleep and withdrawal symptoms
Q91072378Acute and residual effects of smoked cannabis: Impact on driving speed and lateral control, heart rate, and self-reported drug effects
Q37163680Acute baclofen diminishes resting baseline blood flow to limbic structures: a perfusion fMRI study
Q91306996Acute cocaine administration alters permeability of blood-brain barrier in freely-moving rats- Evidence using miniaturized fluorescence microscopy
Q36582340Acute cognitive effects of high doses of dextromethorphan relative to triazolam in humans
Q36646392Acute disinhibiting effects of alcohol as a factor in risky driving behavior
Q37109407Acute effects of alcohol on inhibitory control and information processing in high and low sensation-seekers
Q47706748Acute effects of intravenous cocaine administration on serum concentrations of ghrelin, amylin, glucagon-like peptide-1, insulin, leptin and peptide YY and relationships with cardiorespiratory and subjective responses
Q44049010Acute effects of oral cocaine on inhibitory control of behavior in humans
Q34995538Acute effects of waterpipe tobacco smoking: a double-blind, placebo-control study
Q68134267Acute ethanol effects on sensory/motor function in baboons with a history of chronic ethanol ingestion
Q57838896Acute harms associated with inhalant misuse: Co-morbidities and trends relative to age and gender among ambulance attendees
Q52505761Acute heroin abstinence in man. III. Effect upon waking and slow wave sleep.
Q52506317Acute heroin abstinence in man: I. Changes in behavior and sleep.
Q71358712Acute heroin abstinence in man: II. Alterations in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
Q70824881Acute heroin abstinence in man: IV. Sleep--waking state contingencies
Q36869525Acute myocardial infarction in young adults who abuse amphetamines
Q44330127Acute opioid withdrawal is associated with increased neural activity in reward-processing centers in healthy men: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Q35952259Acute oral administration of the novel, competitive and selective glucocorticoid receptor antagonist ORG 34517 reduces the severity of ethanol withdrawal and related hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation
Q68241298Acute physical dependence in humans: repeated naloxone-precipitated withdrawal after a single dose of methadone
Q51451513Acute physiological and behavioral effects of oral cocaine in humans: a dose-response analysis.
Q37351342Acute responses to nicotine and smoking: implications for prevention and treatment of smoking in lower SES women
Q48436120Acute restraint stress prevents nicotine-induced mesolimbic dopaminergic activation via a corticosterone-mediated mechanism: a microdialysis study in the rat.
Q51715032Acute scopolamine poisoning after sniffing adulterated cocaine.
Q92731461Acute stressors and clinical characteristics differentiate death by suicide, accident, or natural causes among illicit and prescription opiate users
Q51091137Acute subjective effects of dynorphin A(1-13) infusion in normal healthy subjects.
Q48794569Acute subjective responses to paroxetine in normal volunteers
Q48120269Acute tolerance in inbred and selected lines of mice
Q44375889Acute tolerance to the cardiovascular effects of nicotine
Q45081259Acute tolerance to the cardiovascular effects of volatilized cocaine free base in rats
Q48120284Adaptation to ethanol-induced fluidization of brain lipid bilayers
Q35828039Adapting judicial supervision to the risk level of drug offenders: discharge and 6-month outcomes from a prospective matching study
Q44730108Adapting the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) to examine the feasibility of monitoring trends in the markets for 'party drugs'.
Q48120292Adaptive changes in membrane lipid composition and fluidity as the basis for ethanol tolerance
Q39296785Adaptive changes in the dopamine system produced by chronic ethanol feeding
Q39296794Adaptive changes in the responsiveness of adenylate cyclase to catecholamines
Q44152875Adaptive sampling in research on risk-related behaviors
Q32033759Addiction and imaging of the living human brain
Q35841679Addiction and treatment experiences among active methamphetamine users recruited from a township community in Cape Town, South Africa: A mixed-methods study
Q114190354Addiction onset and offset characteristics and public stigma toward people with common substance dependencies: A large national survey experiment
Q90192249Addiction resistance to alcohol: What about heavy drinkers who avoid alcohol problems?
Q36074960Addiction resistance: Definition, validation and association with mastery
Q46580354Addiction severity assessment tool: development of a self-report measure for clients in substance abuse treatment
Q38505382Addicts' attitudes toward drugs: a semantic-differential study
Q39704143Additional metabolic correlates of l-α-acetylmethadol (LAAM)-induced cellular tolerance and physical dependence: The role of the hepatic microsomal electron transport system
Q93152839Additive effectiveness of contingency management on cognitive behavioural treatment for smokers with depression: Six-month abstinence and depression outcomes
Q35909531Addressing Tobacco Through Organizational Change (ATTOC) in residential addiction treatment settings.
Q51734666Addressing discordant quantitative urine buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine levels: Case examples in opioid use disorder.
Q100733762Addressing opioid overdose deaths: The vision for the HEALing communities study
Q90616270Addressing the nexus of risk: Biobehavioral outcomes from a cluster randomized trial of the Women's Health CoOp Plus in Pretoria, South Africa
Q50422046Addressing the public health concerns of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Impact of stigma and health literacy
Q100510116Adherence to buprenorphine: An analysis of prescription drug monitoring program data
Q46566316Adherence to zidovudine (AZT) among HIV-infected methadone patients: a pilot study of supervised therapy and dispensing compared to usual care.
Q50673273Admissions for drug and alcohol-related problems in Nigerian psychiatric care facilities in one year
Q38914748Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach implementation and treatment outcomes for youth with opioid problem use.
Q82856203Adolescent alcohol and cannabis use in relation to peer and school factors. Results of multilevel analyses
Q46794282Adolescent alcohol use and adult alcohol disorders: a two-part random-effects model with diagnostic outcomes
Q40164881Adolescent alcohol use and alcohol use disorders in Mexico City
Q40868921Adolescent alcohol use development and young adult outcomes
Q58437117Adolescent binge drinking and risky health behaviours: Findings from northern Russia
Q33653144Adolescent cannabis use increases risk for cocaine-induced paranoia
Q68503886Adolescent drug taking: role of family and peers
Q44861561Adolescent drug use, health and personality
Q39213103Adolescent drug using groups in Chicago parks
Q57177968Adolescent dual-product users: Acquisition and situational use of cigarettes and cigars
Q36098792Adolescent exposure to nicotine results in reinforcement enhancement but does not affect adult responding in rats
Q91673296Adolescent exposures to traditional and novel psychoactive drugs, reported to National Poison Data System (NPDS), 2007-2017
Q45800238Adolescent illicit drug use and subsequent academic and psychosocial adjustment: an examination of socially-mediated pathways
Q91415792Adolescent menthol cigarette use and risk of nicotine dependence: Findings from the national Population Assessment on Tobacco and Health (PATH) study
Q104571667Adolescent nicotine and marijuana vaping activity and the use of other illicit substances
Q48276499Adolescent nicotine exposure sensitizes cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking in rats bred for high and low saccharin intake.
Q30494884Adolescent outpatient treatment and continuing care: main findings from a randomized clinical trial
Q57815852Adolescent recanting of alcohol use: A longitudinal investigation of time-varying intra-individual predictors
Q36010131Adolescent smokers rate delayed rewards as less certain than adolescent nonsmokers
Q88728504Adolescent smokers' response to reducing the nicotine content of cigarettes: Acute effects on withdrawal symptoms and subjective evaluations
Q38733072Adolescent smoking experimentation as a predictor of daily cigarette smoking
Q30997844Adolescent substance use and educational attainment: An integrative data analysis comparing cannabis and alcohol from three Australasian cohorts
Q46493170Adolescent substance use and hospital presentations: a record linkage assessment of 12-month outcomes.
Q90721225Adolescent treatment admissions for marijuana following recreational legalization in Colorado and Washington
Q51995354Adolescent versus adult onset and the development of substance use disorders in males.
Q49923123Adolescents and e-cigarettes: Objects of concern may appear larger than they are.
Q31037235Adolescents with substance use disorder and assent/consent: Empirical data on understanding biobank risks in genomic research
Q93124503Adolescents' awareness of the nicotine strength and e-cigarette status of JUUL e-cigarettes
Q34091507Adolescents' expectancies for smoking to regulate affect predict smoking behavior and nicotine dependence over time
Q71865397Adolescents' experiences of smoking cessation
Q90378748Adolescents' smoking environment under weak tobacco control: A mixed methods study for Portugal
Q38653983Adolescents, alcohol, and marijuana: Context characteristics and problems associated with simultaneous use.
Q57429564Adoption, reach and effectiveness of computer-based, practitioner delivered and combined smoking interventions in general medical practices: A three-arm cluster randomized trial
Q26852192Adult hippocampal neurogenesis in the pathogenesis of addiction and dual diagnosis disorders
Q51839535Adulterants in heroin/cocaine: implications concerning heroin-associated nephropathy.
Q69720034Adults at risk: a comparison of heavy drinkers in three areas of Britain
Q35109298Adults with a family history of alcohol related problems are more impulsive on measures of response initiation and response inhibition
Q91654338Advanced visualizations to interpret prescription drug monitoring program information
Q35158688Advances in neurobiological research related to interventions in adolescents with substance use disorders: research to practice
Q44348351Adverse childhood experience effects on opioid use initiation, injection drug use, and overdose among persons with opioid use disorder
Q92413250Adverse childhood experiences and MSM marijuana use
Q44448320Adverse childhood experiences and interaction with methamphetamine use frequency in the risk of methamphetamine-associated psychosis
Q89391129Adverse effects of GHB-induced coma on long-term memory and related brain function
Q34420578Adverse effects of stimulant drugs in a community sample of drug users.
Q46698611Adverse events among patients in a behavioral treatment trial for heroin and cocaine dependence: effects of age, race, and gender
Q51248684Adverse reactions and seeking medical treatment among student cannabis users.
Q64118266Adverse symptoms users attribute to e-cigarettes: Results from a national survey of US adults
Q43802396Adversity among drug users: relationship to impulsivity
Q37036769Aerobic exercise decreases the positive-reinforcing effects of cocaine
Q57137130Affect and cannabis use in daily life: a review and recommendations for future research
Q91572562Affect, motivation, temptation, and drinking among alcohol-dependent outpatients trying to maintain abstinence: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study
Q51270255Affective changes in male and female methadone patients.
Q44555326Affiliation with deviant peers among children of substance dependent fathers from pre-adolescence into adolescence: associations with problem behaviors
Q35653149African American patients seeking treatment in the public sector: characteristics of buprenorphine vs. methadone patients
Q70870008After how many detoxications is rehabilitation probable?
Q79426432Age and sex differences in factors associated with the onset of cannabis use: a cohort study
Q35545429Age and sex effects levels of choline compounds in the anterior cingulate cortex of adolescent methamphetamine users
Q60641795Age and working memory predict delay discounting in adolescents in treatment for cannabis use disorders
Q91886332Age differences in emergency department utilization and repeat visits among patients with opioid use disorder at an urban safety-net hospital: A focus on young adults
Q46520068Age differentials in the impacts of reduced heroin: effects of a "heroin shortage" in NSW, Australia
Q96771435Age disparities in six-month treatment retention for opioid use disorder
Q40189226Age of first drunkenness and risks for all-cause mortality: A 27-year follow-up from the epidemiologic catchment area study.
Q92078175Age of initiation and transition times to tobacco dependence: Early onset and rapid escalated use increase risk for dependence severity
Q24653863Age of onset and temporal sequencing of lifetime DSM-IV alcohol use disorders relative to comorbid mood and anxiety disorders
Q52646592Age sensitive associations of adolescent substance use with amygdalar, ventral striatum, and frontal volumes in young adulthood.
Q91211478Age trends in alcohol use behavior patterns among U.S. adults ages 18-65
Q47682907Age trends in rates of substance use disorders across ages 18-90: Differences by gender and race/ethnicity
Q37541137Age, period and cohort trends in drug abuse hospitalizations within the total Swedish population (1975-2010).
Q27312598Age, period, and cohort effects in heavy episodic drinking in the US from 1985 to 2009
Q40635860Age, period, and cohort effects in synthetic cannabinoid use among US adolescents, 2011-2015.
Q48429071Age-dependent susceptibility of rat cerebellar Purkinje cells to ethanol exposure
Q40311787Age-period-cohort influences on trends in past year marijuana use in the US from the 1984, 1990, 1995 and 2000 National Alcohol Surveys
Q35216241Age-related differences in cigarette smoking among whites and African-Americans: evidence for the crossover hypothesis
Q38722131Age-related patterns in nonmedical prescription opioid use and disorder in the US population at ages 12-34 from 2002 to 2014.
Q88737526Age-related prevalence and twelve-month incidence of illicit drug use in a cohort of Australian gay and bisexual men: Results from the Flux Study
Q73045435Age-specific patterns of hallucinogen use in the US population: an analysis using generalized additive models
Q36328453Age-varying associations between substance use behaviors and depressive symptoms during adolescence and young adulthood
Q47568032Agency-level financial incentives and electronic reminders to improve continuity of care after discharge from residential treatment and detoxification.
Q30981440Aggregate and event-level associations between substance use and sexual behavior among gay and bisexual men: Comparing retrospective and prospective data
Q91195615Aggression and violence at ambulance attendances where alcohol, illicit and/or pharmaceutical drugs were recorded: A 5-year study of ambulance records in Victoria, Australia
Q43647884Aggressive behavior and opportunities to purchase drugs
Q43803509Aggressive responding of male heroin addicts under methadone treatment: psychometric and neuroendocrine correlates
Q35017248Agitated depression in substance dependence
Q35875524Agonist-selective effects of opioid receptor ligands on cytosolic calcium concentration in rat striatal neurons
Q52047167Agreement between DSM-III and III-R substance use disorders.
Q39639987Agreement between head of household informant and self-report in a community survey of substance use in India.
Q46966070Alcohol abuse among high school students in Benin City, Nigeria
Q39242274Alcohol abuse and dependence in an urban primary care clinic in Nigeria
Q54795650Alcohol abuse in a rural community in India. Part I: Epidemiological study.
Q70709838Alcohol abuse in a rural community in India. Part II: characteristics of alcohol users
Q50708133Alcohol abuse: A case study of secondary school students in a rural area of Benin district, Nigeria
Q77893784Alcohol abusers who want to quit smoking: implications for clinical treatment
Q36639727Alcohol and HIV sexual risk behaviors among injection drug users
Q53925930Alcohol and Islamic faith.
Q59187178Alcohol and STI risk: Evidence from a New Zealand longitudinal birth cohort
Q46588038Alcohol and benzodiazepines in falls: an epidemiological view
Q48405814Alcohol and benzodiazepines: recent mechanistic studies
Q40303383Alcohol and cardiovascular disorders
Q47626475Alcohol and depression: Evidence from the 2014 health survey for England.
Q91961465Alcohol and disgust: An intimate relationship
Q35004424Alcohol and distraction interact to impair driving performance
Q36497581Alcohol and drinking cultures in Vietnam: A review
Q33653734Alcohol and drug involvement after adolescent treatment and functioning during emerging adulthood
Q39870839Alcohol and drug involvement in motorcycle driver injuries in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil: Analysis of crash culpability and other associated factors
Q30427301Alcohol and drug use among young adults driving to a drinking location
Q39481254Alcohol and drug use patterns have declined between generations of younger gay-bisexual men in San Francisco
Q94953649Alcohol and marijuana co-use: Consequences, subjective intoxication, and the operationalization of simultaneous use
Q33740870Alcohol and marijuana use in early adulthood for at-risk men: time-varying associations with peer and partner substance use.
Q35195803Alcohol and opioid dependence medications: prescription trends, overall and by physician specialty
Q92413973Alcohol and parenthood: An integrative analysis of the effects of transition to parenthood in three Australasian cohorts
Q46244170Alcohol and substance screening and brief intervention for detainees kept in police custody. A feasibility study
Q40053532Alcohol and substance use diagnoses among HIV-positive patients receiving care in NYC clinic settings
Q38130783Alcohol and the methylome: design and analysis considerations for research using human samples
Q41350345Alcohol and the validation of experimental aggression paradigms: the Taylor reaction time procedure
Q45893832Alcohol and tobacco use and heart rate reactivity to a psychosocial stressor in an adolescent population
Q33674062Alcohol and tobacco use disorder comorbidity in young adults and the influence of romantic partner environments
Q33968477Alcohol and tobacco use disorders in a general population: short-term and long-term associations from the St. Louis epidemiological catchment area study
Q34240324Alcohol and tobacco use patterns among heterosexually and homosexually experienced California women
Q44189343Alcohol attentional bias as a predictor of alcohol abusers' treatment outcome
Q41190647Alcohol consumption across the lifecycle in Australia, 1985-1988.
Q104506540Alcohol consumption among French physicians: A cross-sectional study
Q35570894Alcohol consumption among HIV-positive pregnant women in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: prevalence and correlates
Q44623858Alcohol consumption among high-risk Thai youth after raising the legal drinking age.
Q69661606Alcohol consumption among university students in Spain
Q93076121Alcohol consumption among university students in the night-time economy in the UK: A three-wave longitudinal study
Q46314692Alcohol consumption amongst South African farm workers: a challenge for post-apartheid health sector transformation
Q93008277Alcohol consumption and S-Klotho plasma levels in sedentary healthy middle-aged adults: A cross sectional study
Q78170768Alcohol consumption and alcohol dependence in adults in New York State
Q43270939Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality among elderly in Finland
Q69444353Alcohol consumption and casualties; drinking in the event
Q91211470Alcohol consumption and consequences in adolescents in 68 low and middle-income countries - a multi-country comparison of risks by sex
Q35040590Alcohol consumption and depressive symptoms over time: a longitudinal study of patients with and without HIV infection
Q99413409Alcohol consumption and incidence of sleep disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies
Q46490314Alcohol consumption and injury in the general population: from a national sample
Q49311403Alcohol consumption and morbidity in the Canada Health Survey: inter-beverage differences
Q69487485Alcohol consumption and physical symptoms in a Mexican American population
Q30486253Alcohol consumption and quitting smoking in the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey
Q39368021Alcohol consumption and rates of alcoholism in Greece
Q67575074Alcohol consumption and rates of personal violence in Australia
Q50645629Alcohol consumption and symptoms as predictors for relapse of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder
Q35004487Alcohol consumption associated with collegiate American football pre-game festivities
Q39318215Alcohol consumption during pregnancy among Southern city women
Q39810966Alcohol consumption in Mozambique: regular consumption, weekly pattern and binge drinking
Q40099388Alcohol consumption in very old age and its association with survival: A matter of health and physical function.
Q43728930Alcohol consumption patterns and health care costs in an HMO.
Q34258900Alcohol consumption patterns in HIV-infected adults with alcohol problems.
Q69749000Alcohol consumption, cigarette sales and mortality in the United Kingdom: an analysis of the period 1970-1985
Q50137881Alcohol consumption, gender and self-reported hypertension
Q92749378Alcohol demand assessed daily: Validity, variability, and the influence of drinking-related consequences
Q45000228Alcohol dependence and the alcohol Stroop paradigm: evidence and issues
Q54703330Alcohol dependence, family history, and D2 dopamine receptor function as neuroendocrinologically assessed with apomorphine.
Q47314660Alcohol drinking among Moslem and Druze adolescents in Israel in 1990.
Q46699896Alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking: an exploration of the association in middle-aged men and women
Q48922136Alcohol drinking habits and attitudes of the adult Jewish population in Israel 1987.
Q48269458Alcohol drinking in the rat induced by acute intracerebral infusion of two tetrahydroisoquinolines and a β-carboline
Q104286952Alcohol excise taxes as a percentage of retail alcohol prices in 26 OECD countries
Q43570038Alcohol expectancies and motives in a substance abusing male treatment sample
Q90719549Alcohol expectancies change in early to middle adolescence as a function of the exposure to parental alcohol use
Q89714500Alcohol expectancies mediate the association between the neural response to emotional words and alcohol consumption
Q60767609Alcohol expectancies, drinking refusal self-efficacy and drinking behaviour in Asian and Australian students
Q52172088Alcohol exposure therapy: generalisation and changes in responsivity.
Q44332696Alcohol high risk drinking, abuse and dependence among tobacco smoking medical care patients and the general population
Q91092285Alcohol impairs hippocampal function: From NMDA receptor synaptic transmission to mitochondrial function
Q34258650Alcohol impairs interferon signaling and enhances full cycle hepatitis C virus JFH-1 infection of human hepatocytes
Q52412994Alcohol incidence in rural drivers: characteristics of a population and clues for countermeasures.
Q35973172Alcohol intoxication and sexual risk behaviors among rural-to-urban migrants in China
Q35134404Alcohol involvement as a function of co-occurring alcohol use disorders and major depressive episode: evidence from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q87946039Alcohol metabolism in hangover sensitive versus hangover resistant social drinkers
Q47250683Alcohol misuse and criminal offending: findings from a 30-year longitudinal study
Q43202741Alcohol misuse and functional impairment in the UK Armed Forces: a population-based study
Q48439280Alcohol misuse and psychosocial outcomes in young adulthood: results from a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30
Q48460881Alcohol misuse and relationship breakdown: findings from a longitudinal birth cohort
Q45355598Alcohol misuse and violent behavior: findings from a 30-year longitudinal study.
Q40497437Alcohol misuse in the United Kingdom Armed Forces: A longitudinal study
Q39305819Alcohol misuse, risky sexual behaviors, and HIV or syphilis infections among Chinese men who have sex with men.
Q88006731Alcohol mixed with energy drinks and arrhythmias
Q37284392Alcohol mixed with energy drinks: Associations with risky drinking and functioning in high school
Q44430872Alcohol outcome expectancies and risk for alcohol use problems in women with and without a family history of alcoholism
Q43170832Alcohol pharmacokinetics, decision making and folk wisdom: a reply to Moxnes and Jensen (2009).
Q70724462Alcohol policy measures and the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Finland, 1950 - 1975
Q51627956Alcohol pretreatment alters the metabolic pattern and accelerates cocaine metabolism in pigs.
Q43949492Alcohol prevention among adolescents: a French experiment
Q36600135Alcohol problem recognition and help seeking in adolescents and young adults at varying genetic and environmental risk
Q37164860Alcohol problems as a signal for sensitivity to nicotine dependence and future smoking
Q60639191Alcohol research with transgender populations: A systematic review and recommendations to strengthen future studies
Q91832400Alcohol screening and assessment measures for young people: A systematic review and meta-analysis of validation studies
Q37693443Alcohol stigma and persistence of alcohol and other psychiatric disorders: a modified labeling theory approach
Q80139333Alcohol treatment utilization: findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q101454830Alcohol type and ideal cardiovascular health among adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Q43263920Alcohol usage and associated treatment outcomes for opiate users entering treatment in Ireland
Q41043692Alcohol use among Latino migrant workers in South Florida
Q40003354Alcohol use among Native Americans compared to whites: Examining the veracity of the 'Native American elevated alcohol consumption' belief
Q38667606Alcohol use among Nigerian youths: the need for drug education and alcohol policy
Q52871704Alcohol use among adolescents in São Paulo, Brazil.
Q53990830Alcohol use among black youths in a rural community
Q45942043Alcohol use among primary care patients: comparing an HMO with county clinics and the general population.
Q45161018Alcohol use among university students in Lebanon: prevalence, trends and covariates. The IDRAC University Substance Use Monitoring Study (1991 and 1999).
Q34333650Alcohol use and HIV risk behaviors among HIV-infected hospitalized patients in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Q46525380Alcohol use and HIV risk taking among Chinese MSM in Beijing
Q36060646Alcohol use and abuse among rural Zimbabwean adults: a test of a community-level intervention
Q72658677Alcohol use and abuse in the frail, homebound elderly: a clinical analysis of 103 persons
Q90631195Alcohol use and binge drinking among U.S. men, pregnant and non-pregnant women ages 18-44: 2002-2017
Q91992876Alcohol use and binge drinking among men who have sex with men in China: Prevalence and correlates
Q47799757Alcohol use and bipolar disorders: Risk factors associated with their co-occurrence and sequence of onsets.
Q53421440Alcohol use and change over time in firearm safety among families with young children.
Q39219152Alcohol use and hepatitis C virus treatment outcomes among patients receiving direct antiviral agents
Q39787926Alcohol use and its consequences in South India: views from a marginalised tribal population
Q104685805Alcohol use and mental health during COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional study in a sample of UK adults
Q39756946Alcohol use and misuse in urban Mexican men and women: an epidemiologic perspective
Q38623733Alcohol use and receipt of alcohol screening and brief intervention in a representative sample of sexual minority and heterosexual adults receiving health care
Q51222666Alcohol use and trait anxiety in the general population.
Q37619188Alcohol use and trauma exposure among male and female veterans before, during, and after military service
Q44958403Alcohol use by healthcare professionals
Q69126793Alcohol use by violent and property offenders
Q88882756Alcohol use disorder and associated physical health complications and treatment amongst individuals with and without opioid dependence: A case-control study
Q91211494Alcohol use disorder in sexual minority adults: Age- and sex- specific prevalence estimates from a national survey, 2015-2017
Q33836115Alcohol use disorder, contexts of alcohol use, and the risk of HIV transmission among South African male patrons of shebeens
Q119830486Alcohol use disorder: An analysis of the evidence underpinning clinical practice guidelines
Q87296982Alcohol use disorders among surgical patients: unplanned 30-days readmissions, length of hospital stay, excessive costs and mortality
Q64120828Alcohol use disorders associated with an increased risk of mesenteric ischemia: A nationwide cohort study
Q44189354Alcohol use disorders comorbid with anxiety, depression and drug use disorders. Findings from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well Being
Q40198020Alcohol use disorders in Iran: Prevalence, symptoms, correlates, and comorbidity.
Q45023652Alcohol use disorders in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: the importance of appropriate dual-diagnosis
Q34359115Alcohol use from ages 9 to 16: A cohort-sequential latent growth model
Q91209384Alcohol use in late adolescence and early adulthood: The role of generalized anxiety disorder and drinking to cope motives
Q89845195Alcohol use in young adults associated with cortical gyrification
Q93372405Alcohol use severity and age moderate the effects of brief interventions in an emergency department randomized controlled trial
Q35613109Alcohol use, alcohol problems, and depressive symptomatology among newly married couples
Q51854440Alcohol withdrawal syndromes - prediction from detailed medical and drinking histories.
Q72125546Alcohol withdrawal: delayed distribution of intubated ethanol in rats having seizures
Q52395199Alcohol, AIDS risks and commercial sex: some preliminary results from a Scottish study.
Q68641080Alcohol, AIDS risks and sex industry clients: results from a Scottish study
Q36455019Alcohol, drugs, and condom use among drug offenders: an event-based analysis
Q41265651Alcohol, sex and risks of HIV infection
Q43413852Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis: 12-year longitudinal associations with antecedent social context and personality
Q68035105Alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use amongst nurses: a Scottish study
Q33648174Alcohol, tobacco, and drug use among emergency department patients
Q91994135Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana consumption is associated with increased odds of same-day substance co- and tri-use
Q103722808Alcohol- and speeding-related fatal crashes among novice drivers age 18-20 not fully licensed at the time of the crash
Q46576074Alcohol-attentional bias and motivational structure as independent predictors of social drinkers' alcohol consumption
Q37724993Alcohol-dependent individuals discount sex at higher rates than controls
Q70376974Alcohol-induced hypogonadism: reversal after ethanol withdrawal
Q39195435Alcohol-related blackouts across 55 weeks of college: Effects of European-American ethnicity, female sex, and low level of response to alcohol
Q39401001Alcohol-related cognitions in children (aged 2-10) and how they are shaped by parental alcohol use: A systematic review
Q52098223Alcohol-related morbidity among older career navy men.
Q43934777Alcoholic beverage type, recall period effects and functional disability: evidence from the 1983 NHIS.
Q34288845Alcoholic myopathy: biochemical mechanisms
Q52301070Alcoholic women treated by behaviorally orientated therapy: An 18-month follow-up study
Q58671411Alcoholics' beliefs about abuse: Causes, effects and treatment
Q40332116Alcoholism and violence
Q67501395Alcoholism in women
Q69953059Alcoholism--assessment and diagnosis
Q46753803Alcoholism: Illness beliefs and resource allocation preferences of the public.
Q43131150Alcopops, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in a sample of German adolescents: is there an alcopop-specific effect?
Q101474690Alexithymia and pain experience among patients using methadone-maintenance therapy
Q62671114Alexithymia in alcohol dependent patients is partially mediated by alcohol expectancy
Q35690351Alexithymia level and response to computer-based training in cognitive behavioral therapy among cocaine-dependent methadone maintained individuals
Q45961157All-cause mortality among individuals with disorders related to the use of methamphetamine: a comparative cohort study.
Q100431599All-cause mortality among males living with and without HIV initiating long-term opioid therapy, and its association with opioid dose, opioid interruption and other factors
Q48481649All-cause mortality in criminal justice clients with substance use problems--a prospective follow-up study
Q46073205Allelic association of the D2 dopamine receptor gene with cocaine dependence
Q51589387Alpha 1-adrenergic receptor antagonist blocks acute cocaine action on the compound action potential of the auditory nerve in the chinchilla.
Q36629050Alpha synuclein protein levels are increased in serum from recently abstinent cocaine abusers
Q96769558Alpha-tACS effect on inhibitory control and feasibility of administration in community outpatient substance use treatment
Q52001438Alprazolam-reinforced medication use in outpatients with anxiety.
Q89165064Alteration in the concentrations of Interleukin-7 (IL-7), Interleukin-10 (IL-10) and Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) in alcohol-dependent individuals without liver disease, during detoxification therapy
Q47358343Alteration of α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (nagalase) concentration in alcohol-dependent individuals without liver disease, during the detoxification therapy.
Q48490036Alterations in catecholamine metabolism partially corrected during amphetamine-dependence
Q47670975Alterations in functional brain networks associated with loss-chasing in gambling disorder and cocaine-use disorder
Q48974193Alterations in serotonin1B (5HT1B) receptor subtypes in the brain of ethanol-treated rats
Q30316093Alterations of neuronal precursor cells in stages of human adult neurogenesis in heroin addicts
Q46535060Alterations of the vascular basal lamina in the cerebral cortex in drug abuse: a combined morphometric and immunohistochemical investigation.
Q39296789Altered activation of tyrosine hydroxylation by γ-butyrolactone following chronic ethanol treatment
Q39822301Altered activity-based sleep measures in rhesus monkeys following cocaine self-administration and abstinence
Q37364369Altered affective response in marijuana smokers: an FMRI study
Q50090210Altered attentional control strategies but spared executive functioning in chronic cannabis users
Q45193430Altered brain tissue composition in heavy marijuana users
Q47626021Altered functional connectivity to stressful stimuli in prenatally cocaine-exposed adolescents
Q51240650Altered mood and norepinephrine metabolism following withdrawal from alcohol.
Q27312468Altered neural correlates of reward and loss processing during simulated slot-machine fMRI in pathological gambling and cocaine dependence
Q51059601Altered oxidative stress/antioxidant status in blood of alcoholic subjects is associated with alcoholic liver disease.
Q29396303Altered risk-related processing in substance users: Imbalance of pain and gain
Q35661147Altered white matter in cocaine-dependent subjects with traumatic brain injury: A diffusion tensor imaging study
Q77893769Alternative definitions of high risk for impaired driving: the overlap of high volume, frequent heavy drinking and alcohol dependence
Q115217230Alternative model of personality disorders traits predict residential addictions treatment completion
Q51593046Amantadine does not reduce cocaine use or craving in cocaine-dependent methadone maintenance patients.
Q51571420Amantadine in the early treatment of cocaine dependence: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Q51683092Amantadine may facilitate detoxification of cocaine addicts
Q51770464Amantadine: evaluation of reinforcing properties and effect on cocaine self-injection in baboons.
Q40158682Ambulatory detoxification of heroin addicts: A follow-up study
Q36930257Among long-term crack smokers, who avoids and who succumbs to cocaine addiction?
Q43489288Among patients with unhealthy alcohol use, those with HIV are less likely than those without to receive evidence-based alcohol-related care: A national VA study.
Q91282963Among whom is cigarette smoking declining in the United States? The impact of cannabis use status, 2002-2015
Q48887789Amphetamine withdrawal and sleep disturbance
Q39450400Amphetamine-related harms and treatment preferences of regular amphetamine users in Sydney, Australia
Q40875742Amphetamine-type stimulant use among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Vietnam: Results from a socio-ecological, community-based study
Q91885051Amygdala-orbitofrontal functional connectivity mediates the relationship between sensation seeking and alcohol use among binge-drinking adults
Q33491972An IRT-based measure of alcohol trait severity and the role of traitedness in trait validity: a reanalysis of Project MATCH data
Q38889385An Initial evaluation of law enforcement overdose training in Rhode Island
Q52009078An Internet-based abstinence reinforcement treatment for cigarette smoking.
Q36146886An LC-MS/MS method for concurrent determination of nicotine metabolites and the role of CYP2A6 in nicotine metabolite-mediated oxidative stress in SVGA astrocytes
Q42543514An acute dose of nicotine enhances cue-induced cocaine craving
Q52264305An addiction treatment program in Laos: The first year's experience
Q71502543An adoption study of DSM-IIIR alcohol and drug dependence severity
Q42117832An alcohol contact program: training for increased security of alcoholics in trial situations
Q104559335An alternative analysis of illicit opioid use during treatment in a randomized trial of extended-release naltrexone versus buprenorphine-naloxone: A per-protocol and completers analysis
Q51824356An analysis of naltrexone and naloxone's possible agonistic actions in the dog.
Q38430372An analysis of racial and sex differences for smoking among adolescents in a juvenile correctional center
Q101474692An analysis of within-subject and population level risk related to substance use and mental health outcomes among adolescents in the PATH study
Q73434103An approach to the medical marijuana controversy
Q41340468An assessment of MDPV-induced place preference in adult Sprague-Dawley rats
Q50073652An assessment of the utilization of the preclinical rodent model literature in clinical trials of putative therapeutics for the treatment of alcohol use disorders
Q44032022An association between smoking habits and blood pressure in normotensive Japanese men: a 5-year follow-up study
Q41506426An attempt to improve the identification of alcohol-dependent patients in a teaching general hospital
Q90673218An ecological momentary assessment study examining posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, prenatal bonding, and substance use among pregnant women
Q113876985An ecological momentary assessment study of outcome expectancies and smoking lapse in daily life
Q35875513An economic evaluation of a contingency-management intervention for stimulant use among community mental health patients with serious mental illness
Q39667394An enumeration method of determining the prevalence of users and operatives of cocaine and heroin in Central Harlem
Q42015049An epidemiologic investigation of marijuana- and cocaine-related palpitations
Q90202472An ethnographic decision model of the initiation of gabapentin misuse among prescription and/or illicit opioid (mis)user
Q51270369An evaluation of a behaviour therapy programme as an intervention treatment for the fear of withdrawal with heroin-dependent persons.
Q90218762An evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for opioid use disorder and chronic pain
Q46588052An evaluation of the reinforcing effects of memantine in cocaine-dependent humans
Q44701200An evaluation of workshop training in motivational interviewing for addiction and mental health clinicians
Q35844371An examination of associations between social norms and risky alcohol use among African American men who have sex with men.
Q44394315An examination of indirect risk of exposure to HIV among wives of substance-abusing men.
Q44867143An examination of isomeric phenylpropanolamines in (-)ephedrine-trained rats
Q24635217An examination of psychiatric comorbidities as a function of gender and substance type within an inpatient substance use treatment program
Q47645212An examination of the cocaine relapse process
Q89470148An examination of the extent to which mood and context are associated with real-time alcohol consumption
Q41648991An examination of the relationship between drinking status after treatment and the self-evaluation of the alcoholic
Q37107296An exploratory randomized controlled trial of a novel high-school-based smoking cessation intervention for adolescent smokers using abstinence-contingent incentives and cognitive behavioral therapy
Q43116767An improved brief measure of cannabis misuse: the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test-Revised (CUDIT-R)
Q58121503An improved model of ethanol and nicotine co-use in female P rats: Effects of naltrexone, varenicline, and the selective nicotinic α6β2* antagonist r-bPiDI
Q68046820An increase of collagen biosynthesis precedes other symptoms of ethanol-induced liver damage in rats
Q44668420An independent assessment of MEDWatch reporting for abuse/dependence and withdrawal from Ultram (tramadol hydrochloride).
Q34490604An initial meta-analysis of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for treating substance use disorders
Q34765512An initial trial of a computerized behavioral intervention for cannabis use disorder
Q74610612An innovative approach to reducing cannabis use in a subset of methadone maintenance clients
Q30571255An integrated data analysis approach to investigating measurement equivalence of DSM nicotine dependence symptoms
Q38721006An intensive assessment of alcohol use and emergency department utilization in homeless alcohol-dependent adults
Q46011639An interaction between DAT1 and having an alcoholic father predicts serious alcohol problems in a sample of males.
Q37346405An internet-based abstinence reinforcement smoking cessation intervention in rural smokers.
Q45068064An internet-based survey method for college student drinking research
Q64135882An intervention trial targeting methadone maintenance treatment providers to improve clients' treatment retention in China
Q38699064An inventory of methods suitable to assess additive-induced characterising flavours of tobacco products
Q103825511An investigation of the link between prenatal alcohol exposure and sleep problems across childhood
Q34096938An item response theory analysis of nicotine dependence symptoms in recent onset adolescent smokers
Q85920989An iterative model for in vitro laboratory assessment of tamper deterrent formulations
Q37334774An overview of principles of effective treatment of substance use disorders and their potential application to pregnant cigarette smokers
Q37562096An overview of the emergence of disparities in smoking prevalence, cessation, and adverse consequences among women
Q92878161Anabolic androgenic steroid dependence is associated with executive dysfunction
Q115217236Anabolic androgenic steroids, antisocial personality traits, aggression and violence
Q34433056Anabolic ergogenic substance users in fitness-sports: a distinct group supported by the health care system.
Q35995035Anabolic steroid abuse among teenage girls: an illusory problem?
Q46658160Anabolic steroid use among gay and bisexual men living in Australia and New Zealand: Associations with demographics, body dissatisfaction, eating disorder psychopathology, and quality of life
Q46017603Anabolic steroid use and body image psychopathology in men: Delineating between appearance- versus performance-driven motivations.
Q72533802Anabolic steroid users identified by needle and syringe exchange contact
Q41719770Anabolic steroids and cardiovascular risk: A national population-based cohort study
Q73815814Anabolic-androgenic steroid use disorders among a sample of Australian competitive and recreational users
Q92673248Anabolic-androgenic steroids and the risk of imprisonment
Q37700823Analgesic efficacy of buprenorphine in the presence of high levels of SDF-1α/CXCL12 in the brain
Q35737627Analyses related to the development of DSM-5 criteria for substance use related disorders: 1. Toward amphetamine, cocaine and prescription drug use disorder continua using Item Response Theory
Q37128303Analyses related to the development of DSM-5 criteria for substance use related disorders: 2. Proposed DSM-5 criteria for alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and heroin disorders in 663 substance abuse patients
Q39702106Analyses related to the development of DSM-5 criteria for substance use related disorders: 3. An assessment of Pathological Gambling criteria
Q39162968Analysis of alcohol use disorders from the Nathan Kline Institute-Rockland Sample: Correlation of brain cortical thickness with neuroticism.
Q36457296Analysis of epidemiological data on agonist-antagonist analgesics
Q74163418Analysis of risk taking in adults with a history of high risk behavior
Q91990649Analysis of substance use and its outcomes by machine learning I. Childhood evaluation of liability to substance use disorder
Q90728751Analysis of substance use and its outcomes by machine learning: II. Derivation and prediction of the trajectory of substance use severity
Q44333135Analysis of the antinociceptive actions of the kappa-opioid agonist enadoline (CI-977) in neonatal and adult rats: comparison to kappa-opioid receptor mRNA ontogeny
Q52541378Analysis of the distribution of peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets associated with chronic ethanol treatment in rats with a disturbed circadian cycle.
Q43890409Analysis of the reinforcing and subjective effects of different doses of nitrous oxide using a free-choice procedure
Q91180500Analysis of time of drug use according to needle and syringe program operating hours in Melbourne, Australia: Effects on individual-level needle and syringe coverage
Q44958382Analyzing the acquisition of drug self-administration using growth curve models
Q67020054Animal models for human behavior: Some critical remarks and clinical objections
Q69126804Animal models of chronic alcohol ingestion: the liquid diet
Q35110020Animal models to assess the abuse liability of tobacco products: effects of smokeless tobacco extracts on intracranial self-stimulation.
Q48382193Anionic glycerophospholipids in platelets from alcoholics
Q48768590Antagonism of AND and AND-OR drug mixture discriminations in rats.
Q52194486Antagonism of the response rate-decreasing effects of meperidine and morphine by beta-funaltrexamine and naltrexone in squirrel monkeys.
Q36421449Antagonism of triazolam self-administration in rhesus monkeys responding under a progressive-ratio schedule: In vivo apparent pA2 analysis
Q98187018Antagonizing serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptors attenuates methamphetamine-induced reward and blocks methamphetamine-induced anxiety-like behaviors in adult male rats
Q35005766Antecedents and consequences of cannabis use among racially diverse cannabis users: an analysis from Ecological Momentary Assessment
Q35179519Antecedents and consequences of marijuana use trajectories over the life course in an African American population
Q34687295Antecedents and correlates of methadone treatment entry: a comparison of out-of-treatment and in-treatment cohorts
Q43629591Antecedents of narcotic use and addiction. A study of 898 Vietnam veterans
Q90110137Antibody production and pharmacokinetics of METH in rats following vaccination with the METH vaccine, IXT-v100, adjuvanted with GLA-SE
Q43270095Antibody response to hepatitis B vaccine in substance use disorder patients
Q96680914Anticipated use of a supervised drug consumption site among syringe services program clients in King County, Washington: Assessing the role of opioid overdose and injection behavior
Q91402440Anticipation of monetary reward in amygdala, insula, caudate are predictors of pleasure sensitivity to d-Amphetamine administration
Q39588712Anticipatory reward processing among cocaine-dependent individuals with and without concurrent methadone-maintenance treatment: Relationship to treatment response
Q50636476Anticipatory stress restores decision-making deficits in heavy drinkers by increasing sensitivity to losses
Q69579975Antigenical alterations of hepatocyte membrane in rats after long-term administration of ethanol and carbon tetrachloride
Q42633341Antinociceptive effects of herkinorin, a MOP receptor agonist derived from salvinorin A in the formalin test in rats: new concepts in mu opioid receptor pharmacology: from a symposium on new concepts in mu-opioid pharmacology.
Q51080822Antinociceptive, subjective and behavioral effects of smoked marijuana in humans.
Q68046833Antioxidant and free radical-scavenging enzymes in chronically ethanol-consuming rats: controversy over hepatic lipid peroxidation
Q50114681Antiretroviral adherence and HIV treatment outcomes among HIV/HCV co-infected injection drug users: the role of methadone maintenance therapy
Q44037089Antiretroviral therapy for prevention of HIV transmission: potential role for people who inject drugs in Central Asia
Q40659916Antisense confirmation of mu- and kappa-opioid receptor mediation of morphine's effects on body temperature in rats
Q44857260Antisocial behavioral syndromes among residential drug abuse treatment clients
Q45111122Antisocial behavioral syndromes among residential drug abuse treatment clients
Q37077891Antisocial behavioral syndromes and DSM-IV drug use disorders in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q51546174Antisocial personality disorder and aggression in recently abstinent cocaine dependent subjects.
Q40714128Antisocial personality disorder and cocaine dependence: their effects on behavioral and electroencephalographic measures of time estimation
Q51639834Antisocial personality disorder as a prognostic factor for pharmacotherapy of cocaine dependence.
Q36881038Antisocial personality disorder is associated with receipt of physical disability benefits in substance abuse treatment patients
Q42603477Antisocial personality disorder, HIV risk behavior and retention in methadone maintenance therapy
Q60632066Antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy and injecting heroin use
Q44849075Anxiety and anger among abusers of different substances
Q33725094Anxiety and depressive symptoms and affective patterns of tobacco withdrawal
Q46474496Anxiety disorders among patients with co-occurring bipolar and substance use disorders
Q33828124Anxiety disorders and risk for alcohol use disorders: the moderating effect of parental support
Q34021889Anxiety sensitivity as an amplifier of subjective and behavioral tobacco abstinence effects
Q39486632Anxiety, depression and risk of cannabis use: Examining the internalising pathway to use among Chilean adolescents.
Q35854864Anxiety, depression, and behavioral symptoms of executive dysfunction in ecstasy users: contributions of polydrug use.
Q68606732Apolipoprotein distribution in plasma HDL subfractions in alcohol consumers
Q91207272Appeal of JUUL among adolescents
Q33819375Applicability of Type A/B alcohol dependence in the general population
Q52042495Application of a synthetic analogue of leu-enkephalin (Dalargin) in alcohol withdrawal
Q27312152Application of programmable bio-nano-chip system for the quantitative detection of drugs of abuse in oral fluids
Q46197360Application of the Relapse Risk Scale to alcohol-dependent individuals in Japan: comparison with stimulant abusers
Q48266114Application of the conditioned taste aversion paradigm to assess discriminative stimulus properties of psychostimulants in rats
Q93213622Application of vested interest theory to prevention of non-medical prescription stimulant and marijuana use: Unforeseen benefits of attitude-behavior inconsistency
Q40669031Applying behavioral concepts and principles to the treatment of cocaine dependence
Q58571355Approaches for creating comparable measures of alcohol use symptoms: Harmonization with eight studies of criminal justice populations
Q33895605Are adolescent smokers dependent on nicotine? A review of the evidence
Q47749454Are area-level effects just a proxy for school-level effects? Socioeconomic differences in alcohol consumption patterns among Swedish adolescents
Q72231608Are benzodiazepines a risk factor for road accidents? 'Benzodiazepine/Driving' Collaborative Group
Q38657265Are brief alcohol interventions targeting alcohol use efficacious in military and veteran populations? A meta-analysis
Q39518233Are community level prescription opioid overdoses associated with child harm? A spatial analysis of California zip codes, 2001-2011
Q53230428Are diagnostic orphans at risk of developing cannabis abuse or dependence? Four-year follow-up of young adult cannabis users not meeting diagnostic criteria.
Q44026065Are drunk-driving offenders referred for screening accurately reporting their drug use?
Q35962535Are females who inject drugs at higher risk for HIV infection than males who inject drugs: an international systematic review of high seroprevalence areas
Q35646727Are genetic variants for tobacco smoking associated with cannabis involvement?
Q36299239Are homeschooled adolescents less likely to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs?
Q46588023Are judicial status hearings a "key component" of drug court? Six and twelve months outcomes
Q72876494Are men or women more likely to stop drinking because of alcohol problems?
Q88571519Are patients' pejorative representations of buprenorphine associated with their level of addiction and of misuse?
Q58828679Are personality disorders or ADHD linked to cocaine-induced psychosis in cocaine-dependent patients?
Q93219827Are posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms pathways to smoking relapse after a natural disaster?
Q49151915Are psychotic experiences among detained juvenile offenders explained by trauma and substance use?
Q41227267Are the effects of chronic ethanol administration on erythrocyte membrane mediated by changes in plasma lipids?
Q35570781Are there income differences in the impact of a national reimbursement policy for smoking cessation treatment and accompanying media attention? Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey
Q92391352Are traumatic dental injuries greater in alcohol or illicit drugs consumers? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q87374430Are users' most recent drug purchases representative?
Q94953644Are we missing opioid-related deaths among people with HIV?
Q38689444Area-level disadvantage and alcohol use disorder in northern Mexico
Q51910312Arrest history as an indicator of adolescent/young adult substance use and HIV risk.
Q44394312Arrests and convictions for cannabis related offences in a New Zealand birth cohort
Q52277495Arterial nicotine kinetics during cigarette smoking and intravenous nicotine administration: implications for addiction.
Q51004655Asian American and Pacific Islander substance use treatment admission trends.
Q44852813Asking about quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption before asking the CAGE questions produces lower ratings on the CAGE test
Q52315120Aspects of alcohol use disorder affecting social cognition as assessed using the Mini Social and Emotional Assessment (mini-SEA).
Q52264496Aspects of the psychopathology and pathophysiology of addiction
Q28199537Aspirin or amiloride for cerebral perfusion defects in cocaine dependence
Q38893803Assessing 30-day quantity-frequency of U.S. adolescent cigarette smoking as a predictor of adult smoking 14 years later
Q35132188Assessing abuse liability in clinical trials
Q99202438Assessing alcohol consumption through wastewater-based epidemiology: Spain as a case study
Q35875438Assessing contributions of nucleus accumbens shell subregions to reward-seeking behavior
Q34625628Assessing craving and its relationship to subsequent prescription opioid use among treatment-seeking prescription opioid dependent patients
Q38607383Assessing electronic cigarette effects and regulatory impact: Challenges with user self-reported device power.
Q31047887Assessing geographical differences in illicit drug consumption--A comparison of results from epidemiological and wastewater data in Germany and Switzerland.
Q100422784Assessing how the history of e-cigarette and cigarette use are associated with the developmental course of marijuana use in a sample of United States adolescents
Q30983647Assessing missing data assumptions in longitudinal studies: an example using a smoking cessation trial
Q60121420Assessing nicotine dependence in adolescent E-cigarette users: The 4-item Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Nicotine Dependence Item Bank for electronic cigarettes
Q52313356Assessing phosphatidylethanol (PEth) levels reflecting different drinking habits in comparison to the alcohol use disorders identification test - C (AUDIT-C).
Q91233436Assessing reciprocal association between drunkenness, drug use, and delinquency during adolescence: Separating within- and between-person effects
Q44152867Assessing reliability of categorical substance use measures with latent class analysis
Q34511089Assessing sleep in opioid dependence: A comparison of subjective ratings, sleep diaries, and home polysomnography in methadone maintenance patients
Q35633016Assessing teen smoking patterns: the weekend phenomenon
Q47977738Assessing the association between the use of NRT for smoking reduction and attempts to quit smoking using propensity score matching
Q51143354Assessing the behavioral effects and abuse potential of propofol bolus injections in healthy volunteers.
Q52192547Assessing the helping alliance and its impact in the treatment of opiate dependence.
Q91705229Assessing the impacts of minimum legal drinking age laws on police-reported violent victimization in Canada from 2009 to 2013
Q36439054Assessing the long-term impact of drug court participation on recidivism with generalized estimating equations
Q58808202Assessing the longitudinal stability of latent classes of substance use among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men
Q92170983Assessing the motivational effects of ethanol in mice using a discrete-trial current-intensity intracranial self-stimulation procedure
Q47425459Assessing tobacco beliefs among youth using item response theory models
Q90800181Assessing tobacco use in an African population: Serum and urine cotinine cut-offs from South Africa
Q34708716Assessing white matter integrity as a function of abstinence duration in former cocaine-dependent individuals
Q38708643Assessment methods and schedules for collecting daily process data on substance use related health behaviors: A randomized control study.
Q36845718Assessment of a formulation designed to be crush-resistant in prescription opioid abusers
Q36515914Assessment of abuse liability of stimulant drugs in humans: a methodological survey
Q39937803Assessment of addiction severity among ritual users of ayahuasca
Q38463908Assessment of attentional bias and mood in users and non-users of anabolic-androgenic steroids
Q89499842Assessment of barrier severity and willingness to enter opioid agonist treatment among people who inject drugs in Ukraine
Q36842356Assessment of co-occurring depression and substance use in an ethnically diverse patient sample during behavioral health intake interviews
Q37372674Assessment of cocaine and other drug dependence in the general population: "gated" versus "ungated" approaches
Q40925739Assessment of coercive and noncoercive pressures to enter drug abuse treatment
Q87129787Assessment of human abuse potential of dasotraline compared to methylphenidate and placebo in recreational stimulant users
Q44340869Assessment of nalmefene glucuronide as a selective gut opioid antagonist.
Q36567029Assessment of riboflavin as a tracer substance: comparison of a qualitative to a quantitative method of riboflavin measurement
Q57299911Assessment of rimonabant-like adverse effects of purported CB1R neutral antagonist / CB2R agonist aminoalkylindole derivatives in mice
Q47828594Assessment of ropinirole as a reinforcer in rhesus monkeys.
Q70450070Assessment of serum autoantibody status in chronic alcoholic patients--is it useful?
Q69020534Assessment of specific drug disorders in a sample of substance abuse patients: a comparison of the DIS and the SADS-L procedures
Q45030505Assessment of the abuse potential of acetorphan, an enkephalinase inhibitor
Q89515969Assessment of the completeness of intervention reporting of randomized clinical trials for alcohol use disorders: Effect of the TIDieR checklist and guide
Q34248350Assessment of the opiate properties of two constituents of a toxic illicit drug mixture
Q35473808Association between CHRNA5 genetic variation at rs16969968 and brain reactivity to smoking images in nicotine dependent women
Q48026773Association between breath alcohol concentration and waterpipe lounge patrons' carbon monoxide exposure: A field investigation.
Q90672396Association between buprenorphine/naloxone and high-dose opioid analgesic prescribing in Kentucky, 2012-2017
Q38161132Association between depression and non-fatal overdoses among drug users: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q77462269Association between drug use patterns and HIV risks among homeless, runaway, and street youth in northern California
Q104607635Association between energy drink consumption and substance use in adolescence: A systematic review of prospective cohort studies
Q89656951Association between genetic variants in CYP2E1 and CTRC genes and susceptibility to alcoholic pancreatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q38893360Association between harm reduction intervention uptake and skin and soft tissue infections among people who inject drugs.
Q80812106Association between improvement in depression, reduced benzodiazepine (BDZ) abuse, and increased psychotropic medication use in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) patients
Q89138678Association between injection in public places and HIV/HCV risk behavior among people who use drugs in Ukraine
Q39690752Association between injection practices and duration of injection among recently initiated injection drug users
Q52059144Association between intravenous drug use and early misbehavior.
Q41688399Association between monoamine oxidase gene polymorphisms and smoking behavior: A meta-analysis
Q86811458Association between nicotine replacement therapy use in pregnancy and smoking cessation
Q35882669Association between non-fatal opioid overdose and encounters with healthcare and criminal justice systems: Identifying opportunities for intervention
Q46763442Association between non-medical and prescriptive usage of opioids
Q104571672Association between observing peers vaping on campus and E-cigarette use and susceptibility in middle and high school students
Q44563739Association between parental and individual psychiatric/substance use disorders and smoking stages among Puerto Rican adolescents
Q62583541Association between polygenic risk for tobacco or alcohol consumption and liability to licit and illicit substance use in young Australian adults
Q107001902Association between post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol-related hospitalizations among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees
Q89804010Association between preference for using alcohol beverage-named e-liquids and alcohol use among high school youth
Q37455559Association between prescription drug misuse and injection among runaway and homeless youth
Q58633724Association between prescription opioid use and frequent emergency department use
Q36971316Association between problematic alcohol use and reactivity to uncertain threat in two independent samples
Q38701857Association between process measures and mortality in individuals with opioid use disorders.
Q46554813Association between psychiatric disorders and smoking stages among Latino adolescents
Q38596882Association between public injecting and drug-related harm among HIV-positive people who use injection drugs in a Canadian setting: A longitudinal analysis
Q89937856Association between self-reported marijuana use and incident diabetes in women and men with and at risk for HIV
Q53165666Association of CYP2A6 gene polymorphisms with cigarette consumption: a meta-analysis.
Q52290614Association of CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizer genotype with deficient patient satisfaction regarding methadone maintenance treatment.
Q48430072Association of THR105Ile, a functional polymorphism of histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT), with alcoholism in German Caucasians
Q28200994Association of a CB1 cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) polymorphism with severe alcohol dependence
Q46805721Association of a D2S2944 allele with depression specifically among those with substance abuse or antisocial personality
Q35957877Association of alcohol and drug use disorders and completed suicide: an empirical review of cohort studies
Q44351470Association of an Asn40Asp (A118G) polymorphism in the mu-opioid receptor gene with substance dependence: a meta-analysis
Q38279718Association of anxiety disorders with the risk of smoking behaviors: a meta-analysis of prospective observational studies
Q34980273Association of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder with early tobacco and alcohol use
Q48394365Association of baseline characteristics and motivation to change among patients seeking treatment for substance dependence
Q36952343Association of candidate genes with antisocial drug dependence in adolescents
Q37047038Association of cannabis use with opioid outcomes among opioid-dependent youth
Q44360020Association of cocaine withdrawal symptoms with more severe dependence and enhanced subjective response to cocaine
Q91645686Association of current and past opioid use disorders with health-related quality of life and employment among US adults
Q93057417Association of electronic cigarette vaping and subsequent smoking relapse among former smokers
Q38711811Association of elevated ambient temperature with death from cocaine overdose
Q57163331Association of exercise with smoking-related symptomatology, smoking behavior and impulsivity in men and women
Q103798448Association of fatty acid ethyl esters in meconium with behavior during childhood
Q48443250Association of functional DBH genetic variants with alcohol dependence risk and related depression and suicide attempt phenotypes: results from a large multicenter association study
Q37435852Association of major depression with subtypes of nicotine dependence found among adult daily smokers: a latent class analysis
Q43156162Association of polymorphism in alcohol dehydrogenase and interaction with other genetic risk factors with alcoholic liver cirrhosis
Q43198858Association of polymorphisms of the serotonergic system with smoking initiation in Caucasians
Q98172042Association of prenatal alcohol exposure with preadolescent alcohol sipping in the ABCD study®
Q46512132Association of prenatal cocaine exposure, childhood maltreatment, and responses to stress in adolescence
Q37349982Association of psychiatric and substance use disorder comorbidity with cocaine dependence severity and treatment utilization in cocaine-dependent individuals
Q39726904Association of sex, hygiene and drug equipment sharing with hepatitis C virus infection among non-injecting drug users in New York City
Q46089073Association of smoking and nicotine dependence with severity and course of symptoms in patients with depressive or anxiety disorder
Q63352093Association of thirty-year alcohol consumption typologies and fatty liver: Findings from a large population cohort study
Q98299679Association of transphobic discrimination and alcohol misuse among transgender adults: Results from the U.S. Transgender Survey
Q91166861Associations among interpretation bias, craving, and abstinence self-efficacy in adults with substance use disorders
Q37067963Associations among state and local organizational contexts: Use of evidence-based practices in the criminal justice system
Q35661896Associations among types of impulsivity, substance use problems and neurexin-3 polymorphisms
Q36689676Associations between LGBTQ-affirmative school climate and adolescent drinking behaviors
Q34511082Associations between abstinence in adolescence and economic and educational outcomes seven years later among high-risk youth
Q92255134Associations between adolescent cannabis use frequency and adult brain structure: A prospective study of boys followed to adulthood
Q38403306Associations between butane hash oil use and cannabis-related problems
Q128711247Associations between cannabis policies and state-level specialty cannabis use disorder treatment in the United States, 2004–2019
Q50198766Associations between childhood ADHD, gender, and adolescent alcohol and marijuana involvement: A causally informative design
Q35111943Associations between cigarette smoking and cannabis dependence: a longitudinal study of young cannabis users in the United Kingdom.
Q41634372Associations between deployment, military rank, and binge drinking in active duty and Reserve/National Guard US servicewomen
Q43591435Associations between dieting and smoking-related behaviors in young women
Q96762368Associations between digital technology and substance use among U.S. adolescents: Results from the 2018 Monitoring the Future survey
Q91456738Associations between drug use patterns and viral load suppression among HIV-positive individuals who use support services in New York City
Q51380087Associations between energy drink consumption and alcohol use behaviors among college students.
Q51069416Associations between exposure to stressful life events and alcohol use disorder in a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30
Q91566382Associations between housing stability and injecting frequency fluctuations: findings from a cohort of people who inject drugs in Montréal, Canada
Q52630681Associations between opioid and nicotine dependence in nationally representative samples of United States adult daily smokers.
Q44339909Associations between pain clinic density and distributions of opioid pain relievers, drug-related deaths, hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and neonatal abstinence syndrome in Florida
Q52588615Associations between pain intensity and urge to smoke: Testing the role of negative affect and pain catastrophizing.
Q91297937Associations between polygenic risk for tobacco and alcohol use and liability to tobacco and alcohol use, and psychiatric disorders in an independent sample of 13,999 Australian adults
Q45071079Associations between polysubstance use and psychiatric problems in a criminal justice population in Sweden
Q101241553Associations between reasons for vaping and current vaping and smoking status: Evidence from a UK based cohort
Q51807569Associations between substance use disorder sub-groups, life expectancy and all-cause mortality in a large British specialist mental healthcare service.
Q36249023Associations of adolescent cannabis use with academic performance and mental health: A longitudinal study of upper middle class youth.
Q33750970Associations of glutamate decarboxylase genes with initial sensitivity and age-at-onset of alcohol dependence in the Irish Affected Sib Pair Study of Alcohol Dependence
Q41335065Associations of lifetime abstention and past and current alcohol use with late-life mental health: a propensity score analysis
Q100502062Associations of prenatal alcohol exposure and offspring harmful alcohol use: findings from the Raine Study
Q41714966Associations of substance use patterns with attempted suicide among persons who inject drugs: can distinct use patterns play a role?
Q93008296Associations of the Stoptober smoking cessation program with information seeking for smoking cessation: A Google trends study
Q36857705Atomoxetine does not alter cocaine use in cocaine dependent individuals: double blind randomized trial
Q51735563Atomoxetine for amphetamine-type stimulant dependence during buprenorphine treatment: A randomized controlled trial.
Q37267821Atomoxetine for treatment of marijuana dependence: a report on the efficacy and high incidence of gastrointestinal adverse events in a pilot study
Q44186906Atomoxetine treatment of adults with ADHD and comorbid alcohol use disorders.
Q44701180Attempted suicide among entrants to three treatment modalities for heroin dependence in the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS): prevalence and risk factors.
Q43875765Attempted suicide among heroin users: 12-month outcomes from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS).
Q36914536Attempts to stop or reduce marijuana use in non-treatment seekers
Q46655779Attendance incentives for outpatient treatment: effects in methadone- and nonmethadone-maintained pregnant drug dependent women
Q36342901Attendance, drug use patterns, and referrals made from North America's first supervised injection facility
Q30389584Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms and smoking trajectories: race and gender differences
Q42545342Attention and memory in illicit amphetamine users
Q42541327Attention and memory in illicit amphetamine users: comparison with non-drug-using controls
Q36279189Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and depression symptoms as mediators in the intergenerational transmission of smoking
Q36708913Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms, craving to smoke, and tobacco withdrawal symptoms in adult smokers with ADHD
Q127174958Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder combined subtype exacerbates opioid use disorder consequences: Mediation by impulsive phenotypes
Q50541142Attentional bias and executive control in treatment-seeking substance-dependent adolescents: A cross-sectional and follow-up study
Q34778595Attentional bias in addictive behaviors: a review of its development, causes, and consequences
Q91203276Attentional bias in opioid users: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q47614687Attentional bias toward alcohol stimuli as a predictor of treatment retention in cocaine dependence and alcohol user patients
Q91384314Attentional bias towards cannabis cues in cannabis users: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q43155294Attentional bias, inhibitory control and acute stress in current and former opiate addicts
Q33547757Attentional functioning in abstinent cocaine abusers
Q35914931Attenuation of cocaine-seeking by GABA B receptor agonists baclofen and CGP44532 but not the GABA reuptake inhibitor tiagabine in baboons
Q48428627Attenuation of the effects of chronic ethanol administration in the brain lipid content of the developing rat by an oil enriched in gamma linolenic acid
Q28296936Attitude and risk of substance use in adolescents diagnosed with Asperger syndrome
Q54773981Attitude towards alcohol, church attendance and denominational identity
Q39662574Attitudes about alcohol: a general review
Q46894906Attitudes of Nigerian medical students towards use and abuse of tobacco, alcohol and drugs
Q35595876Attitudes of North Carolina law enforcement officers toward syringe decriminalization
Q47337748Attitudes of a sector of the Arab-Muslim population in Kuwait towards alcohol and drug misuse: an objective appraisal
Q40234395Attitudes of high school students toward drug education
Q39291337Attitudes of urban South Africans towards drinking and drunkenness
Q41353263Attitudes toward alcoholism among Italian future teachers and health professionals
Q69616649Attitudes toward alcoholism in volunteer therapist aides: do they change?
Q58633948Attitudes toward and preferences for health research among drug users and non-drug users
Q113185712Attitudes toward computer interventions for partner abuse and drug use among women in the emergency department
Q34890135Attitudes toward opioid substitution therapy and pre-incarceration HIV transmission behaviors among HIV-infected prisoners in Malaysia: implications for secondary prevention
Q91333856Attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge of substance use amongst youth in the Eastern Mediterranean region: A systematic review
Q71064391Attributions of causality for drinking behavior made by alcoholics and by normal drinkers
Q34233108Atypical frontal lobe activity during verbal working memory in youth with a family history of alcoholism
Q36553593Atypical neural activity during inhibitory processing in substance-naïve youth who later experience alcohol-induced blackouts
Q41369804Audiogenic seizures during ethanol withdrawal can be blocked by a delta opioid agonist
Q50608178Audiometric configuration in patients being treated for alcoholism
Q92207216Auditing the AUDIT: A systematic review of cut-off scores for the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in low- and middle-income countries
Q40358187Auditory effects of chronic alcoholism
Q60636284Australian clinician attitudes towards contingency management: Comparing down under with America
Q50516925Autobiographical memory compromise in individuals with alcohol use disorders: Towards implications for psychotherapy research.
Q57163346Automatic visual-spatial perspective taking in alcohol-dependence: A study with happy emotional faces
Q68252101Autonomic and peripheral neuropathy in chronic alcoholic liver disease
Q47897399Autoradiographic analysis of cannabinoid receptor binding and cannabinoid agonist-stimulated [35S]GTP gamma S binding in morphine-dependent mice.
Q36976173Autosomal linkage analysis for cannabis use behaviors in Australian adults
Q35621950Availability and capacity of substance abuse programs in correctional settings: A classification and regression tree analysis
Q36692583Availability of buprenorphine on the Internet for purchase without a prescription.
Q35147373Availability of nicotine replacement therapy in substance use disorder treatment: longitudinal patterns of adoption, sustainability, and discontinuation
Q37443574Availability of tobacco products associated with use of marijuana cigars (blunts).
Q46633706Aversion therapy of cannabis dependence in Nigeria
Q49119530Aversive effects of naltrexone in subjects not dependent on opiates
Q37123181Avoidance of cigarette pack health warnings among regular cigarette smokers
Q48554077Avoiding the ingestion of cytotoxic concentrations of ethanol may reduce the risk of cancer associated with alcohol consumption
Q60145904BSAFER: A Web intervention for women in the ED with drug use and IPV
Q71736711Back to fundamentalism
Q34061029Baclofen administration for the treatment of affective disorders in alcoholic patients
Q88626650Baclofen and naltrexone effects on alcohol self-administration: Comparison of treatment initiated during abstinence or ongoing alcohol access in baboons
Q46675644Baclofen attenuates cue-induced reinstatement of alcohol-seeking behavior in Sardinian alcohol-preferring (sP) rats
Q34546977Baclofen prevents MDMA-induced rise in core body temperature in rats
Q56502185Baclofen, a GABA B Agonist, reduces risk-taking and reveals the relationship between brain responses to drug cues and risk-taking in cocaine-addicted patients
Q56806164Bangkok 2016: From overly punitive to deeply humane drug policies
Q66990156Barbiturate tolerance and hypersensitivity of arterial smooth muscle
Q104693992Barriers and facilitators to PDMP IS Success in the US: A systematic review
Q99571504Barriers and facilitators to a novel low-barrier hydromorphone distribution program in Vancouver, Canada: a qualitative study
Q91258287Barriers and facilitators to engaging in hepatitis C management and DAA therapy among general practitioners and drug and alcohol specialists-The practitioner experience
Q39820916Barriers associated with the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection among illicit drug users.
Q51916114Barriers to accessing drug treatment in Russia: a qualitative study among injecting drug users in two cities.
Q38979653Barriers to accessing methamphetamine treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q91609680Barriers to seeking help for physicians with substance use disorder: A review
Q40564657Bars and nightclubs associated with higher HIV prevalence.
Q51571948Basal plasma beta-endorphin in prepubertal sons of alcoholics and drug addicts: lack of association with problem behaviors.
Q42632359Baseline findings from the third collaborative injection drug users study/drug users intervention trial (CIDUS III/DUIT).
Q40765113Baseline prediction of 7-month cocaine abstinence for cocaine dependence patients
Q39653626Bayesian inference for the distribution of grams of marijuana in a joint
Q51187306Beer intoxication and physical aggression in males.
Q40397525Behavior in cocaine-exposed infants and children: association versus causality
Q41493387Behavioral and biochemical effects of intracerebrally injected alkaloids
Q52212592Behavioral and developmental effects of two 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) derivatives.
Q80440697Behavioral and economic perspectives in drug abuse research
Q42625437Behavioral and molecular changes elicited by acute administration of SR141716 to Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-tolerant rats: an experimental model of cannabinoid abstinence
Q34525273Behavioral and neurochemical interactions between Group 1 mGluR antagonists and ethanol: potential insight into their anti-addictive properties.
Q31076658Behavioral and neuroeconomics of drug addiction: competing neural systems and temporal discounting processes
Q44448273Behavioral and subjective effects of marijuana following partial sleep deprivation.
Q48102767Behavioral approach and orbitofrontal cortical activity during decision-making in substance dependence.
Q37346434Behavioral assessment of impulsivity in pathological gamblers with and without substance use disorder histories versus healthy controls
Q39184637Behavioral characterization of opioid mixed agonist-antagonists
Q34441050Behavioral components of impulsivity predict alcohol consumption in adults with ADHD and healthy controls
Q37640779Behavioral disinhibition in mice bred for high drinking in the dark (HDID) and HS controls increases following ethanol
Q34792063Behavioral drug and HIV risk reduction counseling (BDRC) in MMT programs in Wuhan, China: a pilot randomized clinical trial
Q46829527Behavioral drug and HIV risk reduction counseling (BDRC) with abstinence-contingent take-home buprenorphine: a pilot randomized clinical trial
Q33303279Behavioral economic analysis of drug preference using multiple choice procedure data
Q37300384Behavioral economic analysis of opioid consumption in heroin-dependent individuals: effects of alternative reinforcer magnitude and post-session drug supply
Q43485342Behavioral economic analysis of opioid consumption in heroin-dependent individuals: effects of unit price and pre-session drug supply
Q115217238Behavioral economic demand in opioid treatment: Predictive validity of hypothetical purchase tasks for heroin, cocaine, and benzodiazepines
Q92302293Behavioral economic demand metrics for abuse deterrent and abuse potential quantification
Q38760443Behavioral economic substitution between conventional cigarettes and e-cigarettes differs as a function of the frequency of e-cigarette use.
Q51657107Behavioral economics and drug choice: effects of unit price on cocaine self-administration by monkeys.
Q40791207Behavioral economics of drug self-administration: an introduction
Q40791213Behavioral economics: a novel experimental approach to the study of drug dependence
Q45014738Behavioral effects in the mouse during and following withdrawal from ethanol ingestion and/or nicotine administration
Q51142696Behavioral effects of cocaine alone and in combination with ethanol or marijuana in humans.
Q43571804Behavioral effects of flunitrazepam: reinforcing and discriminative stimulus effects in rhesus monkeys and prevention of withdrawal signs in pentobarbital-dependent rats
Q44405433Behavioral effects of salsolinol and ethanol on mice selected for sensitivity to alcohol-induced sleep time
Q35793724Behavioral impulsivity predicts treatment outcome in a smoking cessation program for adolescent smokers
Q96773480Behavioral inhibition and reward processing in college binge drinkers with and without marijuana use
Q39707921Behavioral methods for the assessment of alcohol tolerance and dependence
Q39820255Behavioral pharmacology of buprenorphine
Q51666132Behavioral pharmacology of tandospirone in baboons: chronic administration and withdrawal, self-injection and drug discrimination.
Q33446068Behavioral problems and the occurrence of tobacco, cannabis, and coca paste smoking in Chile: evidence based on multivariate response models for school survey data
Q77893756Behavioral profile of constituents in ayahuasca, an Amazonian psychoactive plant mixture
Q48739532Behavioral responses to ethanol in light and moderate social drinkers following naltrexone pretreatment
Q40480292Behavioral risk assessment for infectious diseases (BRAID): Self-report instrument to assess injection and noninjection risk behaviors in substance users.
Q73405958Behavioral self-regulation: correlates and 2 year follow-ups for boys at risk for substance abuse
Q104691626Behavioral symptoms of child mental disorders and lifetime substance use in adolescence: A within-family comparison of US siblings
Q39714312Behavioral treatment approaches for methamphetamine dependence and HIV-related sexual risk behaviors among urban gay and bisexual men.
Q26829749Behavioral, biological, and chemical perspectives on atypical agents targeting the dopamine transporter
Q27014879Behavioral, biological, and chemical perspectives on targeting CRF(1) receptor antagonists to treat alcoholism
Q34337286Behavioural activation as predictor of substance use: mediating and moderating role of attitudes and social relationships
Q90851131Being old fashioned in a modern world: Gender role attitudes moderate the relation between role conflicts and alcohol use of parents
Q38724071Belgian experience with direct acting antivirals in people who inject drugs
Q77893779Beliefs about smoking cessation among out-of-school youth
Q51115769Beliefs about steroids: user vs. non-user comparisons.
Q43230453Beliefs about the empirical support of drug abuse treatment interventions: a survey of outpatient treatment providers
Q91112663Beliefs and attitudes regarding prenatal marijuana use: Perspectives of pregnant women who report use
Q70578349Beliefs and opinions about drugs and their users as predictors of drug-user status of adolescents in post-revolutionary Iran
Q92290187Beneficial effects of motivational interviewing case management: A latent class analysis of recovery capital among sober living residents with criminal justice involvement
Q34560105Benefit-risk ratio of agonist-antagonist analgesics
Q39397760Benzodiazepine and sedative use/abuse by methadone maintenance clients
Q42207652Benzodiazepine antagonist, CGS-8216, in diazepam- or pentobarbital-dependent and non-dependent rats
Q45068060Benzodiazepine co-dependence exacerbates the opiate withdrawal syndrome
Q35489297Benzodiazepine dependence among multidrug users in the club scene
Q68046858Benzodiazepine dependence--aetiological factors, time course, consequences and withdrawal symptomatology: a study of five cases
Q67650016Benzodiazepine dependence: detoxification under standardized conditions
Q36810459Benzodiazepine prescription for patients in opioid maintenance treatment in Norway
Q45401403Benzodiazepine use among opiate-dependent subjects in buprenorphine maintenance treatment: correlates of use, abuse and dependence
Q42937874Benzodiazepine use among patients in heroin-assisted vs. methadone maintenance treatment: findings of the German randomized controlled trial.
Q67522811Benzodiazepine use and HIV risk-taking behaviour among injecting drug users
Q36090290Benzodiazepine use as an independent risk factor for HIV infection in a Canadian setting
Q37565076Benzodiazepine use during buprenorphine treatment for opioid dependence: clinical and safety outcomes
Q38896255Benzodiazepine, z-drug and pregabalin prescriptions and mortality among patients in opioid maintenance treatment-A nation-wide register-based open cohort study
Q72456131Benzodiazepines and drug abuse: Clinical observations in chemically dependent persons before and during abstinence
Q38840230Benzylpiperazine: "A messy drug".
Q51928103Best friends and alcohol consumption in adolescence: a within-family analysis.
Q42533948Beta-lactam antibiotic reduces morphine analgesic tolerance in rats through GLT-1 transporter activation
Q47285576Betel nut chewing associated with increased risk of arterial stiffness
Q34996324Betel nut chewing during pregnancy, Madang province, Papua New Guinea
Q91489843Between- and within-person associations between opioid overdose risk and depression, suicidal ideation, pain severity, and pain interference
Q35577669Beyond income: material resources among drug users in economically-disadvantaged New York City neighborhoods.
Q114671050Beyond pharmacotherapy: Emerging data that non-invasive brain stimulation may be an efficacious strategy for decreasing drug craving in substance-dependent individuals
Q37196194Beyond quitting: predictors of teen smoking cessation, reduction and acceleration following a school-based intervention
Q89123511Beyond the walls: Risk factors for overdose mortality following release from the Philadelphia Department of Prisons
Q69890069Bidirectional cross-tolerance between methadone (mu)- and ethylketocyclazocine (kappa)-tolerant rats
Q43162032Bill Pollin Era at NIDA (1979-1985).
Q29395159Binding of beta-carbolines and related agents at serotonin (5-HT(2) and 5-HT(1A)), dopamine (D(2)) and benzodiazepine receptors
Q91028765Binge alcohol use is not associated with alterations in striatal dopamine receptor binding or dopamine release
Q36845682Binge drinking among Brazilian students: a gradient of association with socioeconomic status in five geo-economic regions
Q36084782Binge drinking and risky sexual behavior among HIV-negative and unknown HIV status men who have sex with men, 20 US cities
Q37107093Binge drinking and sleep problems among young adults
Q40003347Binge drinking and subsequent depressive symptoms in young women in Australia
Q36882901Binge drinking is associated with differences in weekday and weekend adherence in HIV-infected individuals
Q58578114Binge drinking is associated with reduced quality of life in young students: A pan-European study
Q50737764Binge drinking trajectory and neuropsychological functioning among university students: a longitudinal study.
Q42711020Binge toluene exposure alters glutamate, glutamine and GABA in the adolescent rat brain as measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Q44418200Biochemical and behavioral changes in rats during and after chronic d-amphetamine exposure
Q44570828Biochemical resistance to development of morphine-dependence in rats: biogenic amines, its receptors and antibodies
Q70398658Biofeedback treatment of narcotic addiction: a double-blind study
Q52560963Biological correlates of self-reported new and continued abstinence in cannabis cessation treatment clinical trials.
Q36507771Biological research on drug abuse and addiction in Hispanics: current status and future directions
Q48960482Biorhythm of core temperature in depressive and non-depressive alcoholics
Q43803504Biphasic dose-related effects of morphine on dopamine release
Q39505925Birth order and hospitalization for alcohol and narcotics use in Sweden
Q33913570Bitter and sweet components of ethanol taste in humans
Q37171680Blood alcohol concentrations among bar patrons: A multi-level study of drinking behavior
Q71099421Blood beta-carotene status in chronic alcoholics--a good biochemical marker for malnutrition
Q51287720Blood glucose and lipid concentrations after overload are not associated with the risk of alcohol relapse.
Q34610855Blood levels do not predict behavioral or physiological effects of Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol in rhesus monkeys with different patterns of exposure
Q51633277Blunted oral body temperature response to MK-212 in cocaine addicts.
Q102996784Blunted prefrontal signature of proactive inhibitory control in cocaine use disorder
Q27312497Blunted striatal responses to favorite-food cues in smokers
Q92556856Blunts versus joints: Cannabis use characteristics and consequences among treatment-seeking adults
Q40146708Body mass index, body dissatisfaction and adolescent smoking initiation.
Q35088372Border effects on DSM-5 alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Q42624436Borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder and risk-taking among heroin users: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS).
Q38969373Bowling alone, dying together: The role of social capital in mitigating the drug overdose epidemic in the United States
Q42211323Brachial and lumbar plexitis as a reaction to heroin
Q33686438Brain activation during the Stroop task in adolescents with severe substance and conduct problems: A pilot study
Q47758011Brain activation in response to craving- and aversion-inducing cues related to alcohol in patients with alcohol dependence
Q35690343Brain and cognition abnormalities in long-term anabolic-androgenic steroid users.
Q46651936Brain catalase mediates potentiation of social recognition memory produced by ethanol in mice.
Q48182194Brain growth during ethanol-induced hypoplasia
Q36451266Brain hydration during alcohol withdrawal in alcoholics measured by magnetic resonance imaging
Q33323106Brain levels of dextromethorphan and the intensity of opioid withdrawal in mice
Q37219197Brain macrostructural and microstructural abnormalities in cocaine dependence
Q42452777Brain membrane disordering related to acute ethanol administration in naive and short-term ethanol-intoxicated rats
Q47653954Brain monoamines and free choice ethanol consumption in rats
Q35287414Brain perfusion in polysubstance users: relationship to substance and tobacco use, cognition, and self-regulation
Q48114237Brain self-stimulation, locomotor activity and tissue concentrations of ethanol in male rats
Q47381358Brain substrates of early (4h) cigarette abstinence: Identification of treatment targets.
Q57815347Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in substance use disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q70484348Breaking the 'detox-loop' for alcoholics with social detoxification
Q70709847Brief Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory scales to screen for substance abuse
Q46870061Brief alcohol intervention for general hospital inpatients: a randomized controlled trial
Q50762499Brief case finding tools for anxiety disorders: validation of GAD-7 and GAD-2 in addictions treatment.
Q43282952Brief counseling for reducing sexual risk and bacterial STIs among drug users--results from project RESPECT.
Q68504809Brief history of control, prevention and treatment of drug dependence in Japan
Q83352864Brief history of the Drug Evaluation Committee (DEC) and its role in the college on problems of drug dependence
Q43281925Brief intervention in general hospital for problematic prescription drug use: 12-month outcome
Q91375666Brief interventions for cannabis use in emerging adults: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and evidence map
Q40546008Brief measures of sensation seeking for screening and large-scale surveys
Q35074631Brief motivational feedback improves post-incarceration treatment contact among veterans with substance use disorders
Q45193436Brief motivational intervention at a clinic visit reduces cocaine and heroin use.
Q44349242Brief overdose education is sufficient for naloxone distribution to opioid users
Q44762915Brief psycho-education affects circadian variability in nicotine craving during cessation
Q47339641Bringing perspective to illicit markets: estimating the size of the U.S. marijuana market
Q30430845Bringing the real world into the laboratory: personal smoking and nonsmoking environments
Q50030807Broken lives: Fights, fractures, and motor vehicle accidents among heroin users entering detoxification
Q46333528Bromocriptine treatment for cocaine addiction: association with plasma prolactin levels
Q67353180Building a standardized alcoholism interview schedule
Q47603633Building abstinent networks is an important resource in improving quality of life.
Q91777296Building the community: Endogenous network formation, homophily and prosocial sorting among therapeutic community residents
Q38677300Bullying involvement and adolescent substance use: A multilevel investigation of individual and neighbourhood risk factors.
Q42027327Buprenorphine alone and in combination with naloxone in non-dependent humans.
Q39113302Buprenorphine and cocaine effects on social behavior of monkeys
Q34598914Buprenorphine and methadone maintenance in jail and post-release: a randomized clinical trial
Q41209394Buprenorphine and methadone treatment for opioid dependence by income, ethnicity and race of neighborhoods in New York City.
Q43813287Buprenorphine and methadone treatment of opiate dependence during pregnancy: comparison of fetal growth and neonatal outcomes in two consecutive case series
Q44200709Buprenorphine and naloxone co-administration in opiate-dependent patients stabilized on sublingual buprenorphine
Q34051572Buprenorphine as new treatment for heroin dependence
Q36248890Buprenorphine dose induction in non-opioid-tolerant pre-release prisoners
Q44448287Buprenorphine dosing regime for inpatient heroin withdrawal: a symptom-triggered dose titration study.
Q34288852Buprenorphine for opiate addiction: potential economic impact
Q46596047Buprenorphine in primary care: risk factors for treatment injection and implications for clinical management
Q41454559Buprenorphine infrequently found in fatal overdose in New York City.
Q34615753Buprenorphine maintenance and mu-opioid receptor availability in the treatment of opioid use disorder: implications for clinical use and policy
Q91729260Buprenorphine medication-assisted treatment during pregnancy: An exploratory factor analysis associated with adherence
Q44344544Buprenorphine physician supply: Relationship with state-level prescription opioid mortality
Q43842940Buprenorphine prescription by general practitioners in a French region.
Q96155653Buprenorphine prescription dispensing rates and characteristics following federal changes in prescribing policy, 2017-2018: A cross-sectional study
Q44347846Buprenorphine treatment for opioid dependence: the relative efficacy of daily, twice and thrice weekly dosing
Q44342354Buprenorphine treatment of opioid dependence: clinical trial of daily versus alternate-day dosing.
Q43571815Buprenorphine treatment of pregnant opioid--dependent women: maternal and neonatal outcomes
Q44345946Buprenorphine versus methadone for opioid dependence: predictor variables for treatment outcome
Q44349294Buprenorphine versus methadone in the treatment of pregnant opioid-dependent patients: effects on the neonatal abstinence syndrome
Q44574571Buprenorphine versus methadone maintenance: a cost-effectiveness analysis
Q48792198Buprenorphine-induced alterations of cocaine's reinforcing effects in rhesus monkey: a dose-response analysis
Q36527454Buprenorphine/Naloxone and methadone effects on laboratory indices of liver health: a randomized trial
Q40983954Buprenorphine/naloxone treatment practices in Malaysia: Results of national surveys of physicians and patients
Q44331745Buprenorphine: a controlled clinical trial in the treatment of opioid dependence
Q52027578Buprenorphine: duration of blockade of effects of intramuscular hydromorphone.
Q35124202Buprenorphine: how to use it right
Q36014571Bupropion SR for the treatment of smokeless tobacco use.
Q34044583Bupropion attenuates methamphetamine self-administration in adult male rats
Q35298970Bupropion for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence in non-daily users: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Q35661041Burden of substance use disorders, mental illness, and correlates of infectious diseases among soon-to-be released prisoners in Azerbaijan.
Q47610819Buspirone maintenance does not alter the reinforcing, subjective, and cardiovascular effects of intranasal methamphetamine
Q36249079Buspirone treatment of cannabis dependence: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Q43505922Butorphanol agonist effects and acute physical dependence in opioid abusers: comparison with morphine
Q44049026Bystander resuscitation attempts at heroin overdose: does it improve outcomes?
Q33931558C-reactive protein and substance use disorders in adolescence and early adulthood: a prospective analysis.
Q44794868CANDIS treatment program for cannabis use disorders: findings from a randomized multi-site translational trial
Q99604396COVID-19 survey among people who use drugs in three cities in Norway
Q44596358CPDD Policy statement. Standards for drug abuse treatment providers
Q92023740CR-19-0950: Event-related responses to alcohol-related stimuli in Mexican-American young adults: Relation to age, gender, comorbidity and "dark side" symptoms
Q24644404Caffeinated energy drinks--a growing problem
Q33948512Caffeine antagonism of alcohol-induced driving impairment
Q35281275Caffeine choice prospectively predicts positive subjective effects of caffeine and d-amphetamine
Q43890369Caffeine dependence in teenagers
Q42214928Caffeine increases the motivation to obtain non-drug reinforcers in rats.
Q72874083Caffeine self-administration and withdrawal: incidence, individual differences and interrelationships
Q48405794Caffeine--an atypical drug of dependence
Q69444357Calcitonin and prolactin serum levels in heroin addicts: study on a methadone treated group
Q93659093Calcitonin serum levels in heroin addicts: effects of methadone and clonidine detoxication treatments
Q45083000Calcium agonists and antagonists of the dihydropyridine type: effect on nicotine-induced antinociception and hypomotility
Q33912521Can 12-step group participation strengthen and extend the benefits of adolescent addiction treatment? A prospective analysis
Q39559440Can Hepatitis C virus treatment be used as a prevention strategy? Additional model projections for Australia and elsewhere
Q40509693Can brain games help smokers quit?: Results of a randomized clinical trial
Q40780152Can differences in the type, nature or amount of polysubstance use explain the increased risk of non-fatal overdose among psychologically distressed people who inject drugs?
Q37505027Can intranasal drug use reduce HCV infection among injecting drug users?
Q36729404Can oral fluid cannabinoid testing monitor medication compliance and/or cannabis smoking during oral THC and oromucosal Sativex administration?
Q37282169Can the school context moderate the protective effect of parental support on adolescents' alcohol trajectories in urban Chicago?
Q35122016Can we design and replicate clinical trials with a multiple drug focus
Q51637256Can you trust patient self-reports of drug use during treatment?
Q52700732Candidate mechanisms for inhibition of neurotransmitter release by narcotic analgesics and endorphins
Q53113293Cannabidiol-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol interactions on acute pain and locomotor activity.
Q48556919Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: Review of the literature and of cases reported to the French addictovigilance network.
Q48166054Cannabinoid receptor binding and mRNA levels in several brain regions of adult male and female rats perinatally exposed to delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Q45086799Cannabinoid receptors in developing rats: detection of mRNA and receptor binding
Q52070389Cannabis and cognitive functions: a prospective study.
Q34323045Cannabis and depression: an integrative data analysis of four Australasian cohorts.
Q48405803Cannabis and endogenous cannabinoid systems.
Q93076111Cannabis and tobacco use and co-use: Trajectories and correlates from early adolescence to emerging adulthood
Q52187770Cannabis dependence, withdrawal, and reinforcing effects among adolescents with conduct symptoms and substance use disorders.
Q35952146Cannabis effects on driving lateral control with and without alcohol
Q89649702Cannabis labelling and consumer understanding of THC levels and serving sizes
Q91411140Cannabis legalization, tobacco prevention policies, and Cannabis use in E-cigarettes among youth
Q35287207Cannabis problem experiences among users of the tobacco-cannabis combination known as blunts
Q27312420Cannabis smoking and serum C-reactive protein: a quantile regressions approach based on NHANES 2005-2010.
Q97687094Cannabis use among US adults with anxiety from 2008 to 2017: The role of state-level cannabis legalization
Q90000180Cannabis use among youth in the United States, 2004-2016: Faster rate of increase among youth with depression
Q46776764Cannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms
Q41612149Cannabis use and alcohol problems among adults and students
Q51907586Cannabis use and cannabis use disorders and their relationship to mental disorders: a 10-year prospective-longitudinal community study in adolescents.
Q48933696Cannabis use and development of externalizing and internalizing behaviour problems in early adolescence: A TRAILS study
Q43067543Cannabis use and educational achievement: findings from three Australasian cohort studies.
Q115217232Cannabis use and obesity-traits: A Mendelian randomization study
Q91211492Cannabis use and physical activity among 89,777 adolescents aged 12-15 years from 21 low- and middle-income countries
Q100745888Cannabis use and the risk of anxiety and depression in women: A comparison of three Swedish cohorts
Q91166873Cannabis use disorder among people using cannabis daily/almost daily in the United States, 2002-2016
Q46905530Cannabis use disorder and male sex predict medical cannabis card status in a sample of high risk adolescents
Q90507504Cannabis use disorders among adults in the United States during a time of increasing use of cannabis
Q37164865Cannabis use during a voluntary quit attempt: an analysis from ecological momentary assessment
Q58583618Cannabis use during alcohol treatment is associated with alcohol-related problems one-year post-treatment
Q90116437Cannabis use during pregnancy in the United States: The role of depression
Q28291328Cannabis use in a drug and alcohol clinic population
Q38243168Cannabis use in adolescence and risk of future disability pension: a 39-year longitudinal cohort study
Q104611951Cannabis use in college: Genetic predispositions, peers, and activity participation
Q98244558Cannabis use in patients 3 months after ceasing nabiximols for the treatment of cannabis dependence: Results from a placebo-controlled randomised trial
Q98579191Cannabis use is associated with monocyte activation (sCD163) in patients admitted for alcohol use disorder treatment
Q104506620Cannabis use is associated with reduced risk of exposure to fentanyl among people on opioid agonist therapy during a community-wide overdose crisis
Q96018543Cannabis use prevalence among individuals with diabetes: The National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2005-2018
Q99346821Cannabis use, other drug use, and risk of subsequent acute care in primary care patients
Q30340967Cannabis use, sport practice and other leisure activities at the end of adolescence.
Q35112935Cannabis withdrawal in adolescent treatment seekers
Q43270705Cannabis withdrawal severity and short-term course among cannabis-dependent adolescent and young adult inpatients
Q34091534Cannabis withdrawal symptoms in non-treatment-seeking adult cannabis smokers
Q35875536Cannabis, cigarettes, and their co-occurring use: Disentangling differences in default mode network functional connectivity
Q49115363Cannabis: Finally a therapeutic agent?
Q91804558Capturing habitualness of drinking and smoking behavior in humans
Q48794577Carbamazepine and cocaine-cue reactivity
Q51603066Carbamazepine treatment for cocaine dependence.
Q51124391Carbamazepine treatment of cocaine dependence: a placebo-controlled trial.
Q73861205Carbohydrate deficient transferrin in detecting relapse in alcohol dependence
Q30481230Cardiovascular and subjective effects of repeated smoked cocaine administration in experienced cocaine users
Q91004181Cardiovascular effects of 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats
Q40553866Cardiovascular effects of cocaine in humans: laboratory studies
Q51750630Cardiovascular effects of ethanol in anaesthetized, conscious and pithed rats.
Q42631946Carisoprodol tolerance and precipitated withdrawal.
Q92811419Cartoon-based e-cigarette marketing: Associations with susceptibility to use and perceived expectations of use
Q31384390Carvedilol affects the physiological and behavioral response to smoked cocaine in humans
Q43274020Case histories in pharmaceutical risk management
Q36431241Case-control association analysis of polymorphisms in the δ-opioid receptor, OPRD1, with cocaine and opioid addicted populations
Q39392403Casualties in Acapulco: results of a study on alcohol use and emergency room care
Q37100834Catastrophic thinking and increased risk for prescription opioid misuse in patients with chronic pain
Q70616749Catecholamines and metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid of teetotallers and sober alcoholics
Q40470601Categorical perception of emotional facial expressions in alcohol-dependence.
Q90130185Caudate reactivity to smoking cues is associated with increased responding to monetary reward in nicotine-dependent individuals
Q97439234Causal relationships between substance use and insomnia
Q44620683Cause and manner of death in drug-related fatality: an analysis of drug-related deaths recorded by coroners in England and Wales in 2000
Q46950539Cause of casualty and drinking patterns: an emergency room study of unintentional injuries
Q104741916Causes of death among U.S. Veterans with a prior nonfatal opioid overdose
Q90457195Causes of hospital admission and mortality among 6683 people who use heroin: A cohort study comparing relative and absolute risks
Q36248928Ceftriaxone reverses ketamine-induced lasting EEG and astrocyte alterations in juvenile mice
Q36786516Celebrating the history of NIDA (2003-present)
Q39426592Cell phone-based ecological momentary assessment of substance use context for Latino youth in outpatient treatment: Who, what, when and where
Q48150283Central nervous system myelination in rats exposed to ethanol in utero
Q66985009Central neurons are depressed by iontophoretic and micropressure application of ethanol and tetrahydropapaveroline
Q39803333Central serotonergic mechanisms and development of morphine dependence
Q48983085Cerebral atrophy and slow wave sleep of abstinent chronic alcoholics
Q43842921Cerebral blood flow pulsatility deficits in HIV+ poly substance abusers: differences associated with antiviral medications
Q46675737Cerebral blood flow velocity and erythrocyte deformability in heavy alcohol drinkers at the acute stage and two weeks after withdrawal
Q37396982Cerebral gray matter volumes and low-frequency fluctuation of BOLD signals in cocaine dependence: duration of use and gender difference.
Q34631150Cerebral metabolism and mood in remitted opiate dependence
Q44094321Cerebral perfusion defects in combined cocaine and alcohol dependence
Q36936189Cessation of alcohol consumption decreases rate of nicotine metabolism in male alcohol-dependent smokers
Q40758658Cessation of injecting drug use: The effects of health service utilisation, drug use and demographic factors
Q44487804Cessation of methadone maintenance treatment using buprenorphine: transfer from methadone to buprenorphine and subsequent buprenorphine reductions
Q35088386Challenges to implementing opioid substitution therapy in Ukrainian prisons: Personnel attitudes toward addiction, treatment, and people with HIV/AIDS.
Q37004432Challenging expectancies to prevent nonmedical prescription stimulant use: a randomized, controlled trial
Q90016542Change in alcohol and other drug use during five years of continuous opioid substitution treatment
Q38826178Change in motives among frequent cannabis-using adolescents: Predicting treatment outcomes
Q96946786Change in opioid policies in New England emergency departments, 2014 vs 2018
Q35997336Change in psychiatric symptomatology after benfotiamine treatment in males is related to lifetime alcoholism severity.
Q37337204Change over time in alcohol consumption in control groups in brief intervention studies: systematic review and meta-regression study.
Q42937877Changes at drug and alcohol dependence
Q45131263Changes in HIV-related behaviors among heterosexual alcoholics following addiction treatment
Q37016757Changes in PTSD symptomatology during acute and protracted alcohol and cocaine abstinence
Q90323786Changes in adolescent smoking with implementation of local smoke-free policies in Indonesia: Quasi-experimental repeat cross-sectional analysis of national surveys of 2007 and 2013
Q35088294Changes in alcohol consumption: United States, 2001-2002 to 2012-2013.
Q69748704Changes in alcohol problems as a result of changing alcohol consumption: a natural experiment
Q45032800Changes in alcohol use after traumatic experiences: the impact of combat on Army National Guardsmen.
Q88957971Changes in alcohol use associated with changes in HIV disease severity over time: A national longitudinal study in the Veterans Aging Cohort
Q39324894Changes in alcohol use following the transition to motherhood: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q41439587Changes in ambient temperature differentially alter the thermoregulatory, cardiac and locomotor stimulant effects of 4-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone).
Q43144780Changes in and characteristics of admissions to treatment related to problematic prescription opioid use in Ontario, 2004-2009.
Q28326837Changes in benzodiazepine-receptor activity modify morphine withdrawal syndrome in mice
Q48466218Changes in brain gray matter in abstinent heroin addicts
Q90077878Changes in cardiac vagal tone as measured by heart rate variability during naloxone-induced opioid withdrawal
Q70724457Changes in cholinergic function in rat brain late in abstinence after chronic barbital treatment
Q48120865Changes in cigarette and alcohol use during cannabis abstinence.
Q49833352Changes in dependent patients with schizophrenia versus non-psychiatric controls during 28-days of cannabis abstinence
Q43774571Changes in dopamine receptor responsivity during alcohol detoxification may predict relapse
Q47994689Changes in drinking behavior among control group participants in early intervention studies targeting unhealthy alcohol use recruited in general hospitals and general practices.
Q39407581Changes in drinking patterns during and after pregnancy among mothers of children with fetal alcohol syndrome: A study in three districts of South Africa
Q37379197Changes in feeding and locomotion induced by amphetamine analogs in rats
Q92160658Changes in fentanyl demand following naltrexone, morphine, and buprenorphine in male rats
Q44033331Changes in hepatic and serum gamma-glutamyltransferase activities following chronic ethanol intake in rats
Q39985561Changes in illicit drug consumption patterns in 2009 detected by wastewater analysis.
Q68046825Changes in locomotor-activity patterns as a measure of spontaneous morphine withdrawal: no effect of clonidine
Q39450396Changes in network characteristics and HIV risk behavior among injection drug users
Q41364763Changes in non-opioid substitution treatment episodes for pharmaceutical opioids and heroin from 2002 to 2011.
Q47691475Changes in nonhuman primate brain function following chronic alcohol consumption in previously naïve animals
Q102377605Changes in opioid prescribing after implementation of mandatory registration and proactive reports within California's prescription drug monitoring program
Q44448286Changes in patterns of drug injection concurrent with a sustained reduction in the availability of heroin in Australia
Q35223794Changes in protective behavioral strategies and alcohol use among college students
Q37433660Changes in quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) and addiction severity index (ASI) among participants in opioid substitution treatment (OST) in low and middle income countries: an international systematic review
Q33723650Changes in resting functional connectivity during abstinence in stimulant use disorder: a preliminary comparison of relapsers and abstainers.
Q70510456Changes in serum LH and FSH following preovulatory administration of ethanol in rats
Q44411585Changes in short-term prognosis-a comparison between Swedish amphetamine and opiate abusers
Q46869464Changes in smoking behaviours from late childhood to adolescence: 4 years later
Q47196231Changes in smoking status among a longitudinal cohort of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada
Q40609786Changes in smoking status among substance abusers: baseline characteristics and abstinence from alcohol and drugs at 12-month follow-up.
Q94548444Changes in substance use in relation to opioid agonist therapy among people who use drugs in a Canadian setting
Q68046841Changes in sulfhydryl compounds in plasma, liver and brain after acute and chronic acetaldehyde administration in rats
Q61602140Changes in supervised drug-injecting practices following a community-based educational intervention: A longitudinal analysis
Q70398661Changes in the frequency of alcohol intoxication associated with mortality
Q47611321Changes in the perception of alcohol-related stigma in Germany over the last two decades
Q35633198Changes in the plasma proteome follows chronic opiate administration in simian immunodeficiency virus infected rhesus macaques
Q44334744Changes in the prevalence of non-medical prescription drug use and drug use disorders in the United States: 1991-1992 and 2001-2002.
Q30412977Changes in the α4β2* nicotinic acetylcholine system during chronic controlled alcohol exposure in nonhuman primates
Q91211463Changes in urban and rural cigarette smoking and cannabis use from 2007 to 2017 in adults in the United States
Q43890379Changes in use of crack cocaine after drug misuse treatment: 4-5 year follow-up results from the National Treatment Outcome Research Study (NTORS).
Q97561746Changes over time in young adults' harmful alcohol consumption: A cross-temporal meta-analysis using the AUDIT
Q35618781Changing motives for use: outcomes from a cognitive-behavioral intervention for marijuana-dependent adults
Q47989310Changing over-the-counter ephedrine and pseudoephedrine products to prescription only: impacts on methamphetamine clandestine laboratory seizures
Q43890375Changing patient characteristics with increased methadone maintenance availability
Q51873143Changing patterns of first injection across key periods of the French Harm Reduction Policy: PrimInject, a cross sectional analysis.
Q71473807Changing patterns of soft drug use prior to and during pregnancy: a prospective study
Q39281135Changing perspectives on marijuana use during early adolescence and young adulthood: Evidence from a panel of cross-sectional surveys
Q91144800Changing risk and presentation of overdose associated with consumption of street drugs at a supervised injection site in Vancouver, Canada
Q103834909Characteristics and circumstances of death related to buprenorphine toxicity in Australia
Q90220875Characteristics and circumstances of death related to new psychoactive stimulants and hallucinogens in Australia
Q91195605Characteristics and circumstances of heroin and pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths: Comparison across opioids
Q91072388Characteristics and current clinical practices of opioid treatment programs in the United States
Q99590257Characteristics associated with denial of problem drinking among two generations of individuals with alcohol use disorders
Q35300643Characteristics associated with the diversion of controlled medications among adolescents
Q52271061Characteristics of 68 chronic phencyclidine abusers who sought treatment
Q46321208Characteristics of DSM-IV alcohol diagnostic orphans: drinking patterns, physical illness, and negative life events
Q43453410Characteristics of DSM-IV and ICD-10 cannabis dependence among Australian adults: results from the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing
Q40358105Characteristics of U.S. substance abuse treatment facilities adopting buprenorphine in its initial stage of availability
Q48473591Characteristics of adults seeking medical marijuana certification
Q67488748Characteristics of attenders to community based alcohol treatment centre with special reference to sex difference
Q52896340Characteristics of benzodiazepine abuse in methadone maintenance treatment patients: a 1 year prospective study in an Israeli clinic.
Q34479322Characteristics of clinicians likely to refer clients to 12-Step programs versus a diversity of post-treatment options
Q43912249Characteristics of developmentally early alcohol use disorder symptom reports: a prospective-longitudinal community study
Q47654805Characteristics of drinking events associated with heavy episodic drinking among adolescents in the United States.
Q47178443Characteristics of drug use among pregnant women in the United States: Opioid and non-opioid illegal drug use.
Q35589591Characteristics of drug users who witness many overdoses: implications for overdose prevention.
Q44419175Characteristics of drug-related hospital separations in Australia
Q43515105Characteristics of injection drug using parents who retain their children
Q45000232Characteristics of men with substance use disorder consequent to illicit drug use: comparison of a random sample and volunteers
Q58581265Characteristics of patients with substance use disorder before and after the Affordable Care Act
Q33670755Characteristics of people who initiate injection drug use later in life
Q34616956Characteristics of pregnant illicit drug users and associations between cannabis use and perinatal outcome in a population-based study
Q46302144Characteristics of self-inflicted drug overdose deaths in North Carolina
Q36619730Characteristics of veterans receiving buprenorphine vs. methadone for opioid use disorder nationally in the Veterans Health Administration
Q51169741Characteristics of women receiving mandated treatment for alcohol or polysubstance dependence in Massachusetts.
Q45105113Characterization of anandamide-induced tolerance: comparison to delta 9-THC-induced interactions with dynorphinergic systems
Q48120314Characterization of brain acetaldehyde oxidizing systems in the mouse
Q36936196Characterization of comorbid PTSD in treatment-seeking alcohol dependent inpatients: Severity and personality trait differences
Q92731441Characterization of diverted buprenorphine use among adults entering corrections-based drug treatment in Kentucky
Q73045430Characterization of the decline in alcohol consumption by aminopeptidase inhibition
Q57202946Characterizing JUUL-related posts on Twitter
Q37298826Characterizing and improving HIV and hepatitis knowledge among primary prescription opioid abusers
Q30578444Characterizing and improving HIV/AIDS knowledge among cocaine-dependent outpatients using modified materials
Q57815349Characterizing fentanyl-related overdoses and implications for overdose response: Findings from a rapid ethnographic study in Vancouver, Canada
Q92557194Characterizing latent classes of social support among persons who inject drugs
Q33810775Characterizing longitudinal health state transitions among heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine users.
Q40123985Characterizing marijuana concentrate users: A web-based survey
Q35660989Characterizing opioid withdrawal during double-blind buprenorphine detoxification
Q36328256Characterizing pain and associated coping strategies in methadone and buprenorphine-maintained patients
Q89362533Characterizing peer roles in an overdose crisis: Preferences for peer workers in overdose response programs in emergency shelters
Q94472460Characterizing profiles of polysubstance use among high school students in Baltimore, Maryland: A latent class analysis
Q40068687Characterizing substance use and mental health profiles of cigar, blunt, and non-blunt marijuana users from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health.
Q96762372Characterizing the polytobacco behaviors of sexual minority young adult college students
Q44730083Characterizing the subjective, psychomotor, and physiological effects of oral propoxyphene in non-drug-abusing volunteers
Q48430914Characterizing white matter changes in cigarette smokers via diffusion tensor imaging
Q44138261Chasing the dragon, related to the impaired lung function among heroin users
Q44090085Cheese: an old drug in a new wrapper
Q36987705Chemical aversion treatment of alcohol dependence
Q44345098Chemical dependency treatment and employment outcomes: results from the 'ADATSA' program in Washington State
Q51738919Chemokines and 'bath salts': CXCR4 receptor antagonist reduces rewarding and locomotor-stimulant effects of the designer cathinone MDPV in rats.
Q51741819Child injury deaths linked with adult alcohol consumption: A time series analysis.
Q35785626Child maltreatment increases sensitivity to adverse social contexts: neighborhood physical disorder and incident binge drinking in Detroit
Q74224867Child sexual abuse as a predictor of psychiatric co-morbidity and its implications for drug and alcohol treatment
Q37164824Childhood abuse and neglect and transitions in stages of alcohol involvement among women: a latent transition analysis approach.
Q35861274Childhood adversity, serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) genotype, and risk for cigarette smoking and nicotine dependence in alcohol dependent adults
Q46693255Childhood and adolescent antecedents of drug and alcohol problems: A longitudinal study
Q37522428Childhood and current ADHD symptom dimensions are associated with more severe cannabis outcomes in college students
Q46380862Childhood hyperactivity-inattention symptoms and smoking in adolescence
Q92481052Childhood language development and later alcohol use behaviors
Q39459620Childhood misbehavior and the risk of injecting drug use.
Q37282493Childhood or adolescent parental divorce/separation, parental history of alcohol problems, and offspring lifetime alcohol dependence
Q48443242Childhood physical abuse, non-suicidal self-harm and attempted suicide amongst regular injecting drug users
Q50754835Childhood physical neglect associated with executive functions impairments in crack cocaine-dependent women.
Q35196450Childhood physical punishment and the onset of drinking problems: evidence from metropolitan China
Q35083953Childhood predictors of first chance to use and use of cannabis by young adulthood
Q40460140Childhood risk categories for adolescent substance involvement: a general liability typology.
Q43144779Childhood sexual abuse and adolescent substance use: a latent class analysis
Q35946033Childhood sexual abuse and the course of alcohol dependence development: findings from a female twin sample
Q92749390Childhood social context in relation to alcohol expectancy through early adolescence: A latent profile approach
Q43186817Childhood trauma and dissociation in patients with alcohol dependence, drug dependence, or both-A multi-center study
Q104691625Childhood trauma and post-trauma environment affect fear memory and alcohol use differently in male and female mice
Q99731882Childhood trauma, alexithymia, and mental states recognition among individuals with alcohol use disorder and healthy controls
Q36983018Childhood weight status and timing of first substance use in an ethnically diverse sample.
Q47335456Children's brain activation during risky decision-making: A contributor to substance problems?
Q52266685Chlordiazepoxide vs. methadone in opiate withdrawal: a preliminary double blind trial.
Q34850262Chlormethiazole: current status in the treatment of the acute ethanol withdrawal syndrome
Q43774555Chloroephedrine: contaminant of methamphetamine synthesis with cardiovascular activity
Q68916207Choice of blind methadone dose increases by methadone maintenance patients
Q36935300Choice of nitrous oxide and its subjective effects in light and moderate drinkers
Q36528682Choice of sevoflurane and its subjective and psychomotor effects in light and moderate drinkers
Q36721872Choice to view cocaine images predicts concurrent and prospective drug use in cocaine addiction
Q48863542Cholinergic activity in hippocampus in chronic alcoholism
Q35846758Choosing a behavioral therapy platform for pharmacotherapy of substance users
Q44360028Choosing to take cocaine in the human laboratory: effects of cocaine dose, inter-choice interval, and magnitude of alternative reinforcement
Q48650854Chronic administration of and dependence on halazepam, diazepam, and nordiazepam in the dog
Q37323419Chronic alcohol consumption from adolescence-to-adulthood in mice--effect on growth and social behavior
Q34507740Chronic alcohol consumption impairs visuo-spatial associative memory in periadolescent rhesus monkeys.
Q39866334Chronic alcoholic cardiomyopathy: Fact or fiction?
Q71196807Chronic alcoholism and myocardial disease
Q34584457Chronic benzylpiperazine (BZP) exposure produces behavioral sensitization and cross-sensitization to methamphetamine (MA).
Q41448888Chronic cannabis consumption: suggestions for future research
Q39480335Chronic cannabis takers: Some temperamental characteristics
Q91166876Chronic childhood adversity and speed of transition through stages of alcohol involvement
Q50729787Chronic childhood adversity and stages of substance use involvement in adolescents.
Q91568664Chronic cocaine administration upregulates FKBP5 in the extended amygdala of male and female rats
Q44279652Chronic ecstasy (MDMA) use is associated with deficits in task-switching but not inhibition or memory updating executive functions
Q48495942Chronic effects of marihuana smoking on luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and prolactin levels in human males
Q44229582Chronic ethanol abuse and membrane fluidity changes in liver disease
Q36421415Chronic ethanol self-administration in macaques shifts dopamine feedback inhibition to predominantly D2 receptors in nucleus accumbens core
Q43890403Chronic exposure to morphine, cocaine or ethanol in rats produced different effects in brain cannabinoid CB(1) receptor binding and mRNA levels
Q35501675Chronic hepatitis C virus infection and increases in viral load in a prospective cohort of young, HIV-uninfected injection drug users
Q46136208Chronic ingestion of ethanol increases stimulation-induced voluntary activity in the rat.
Q35287737Chronic intermittent ethanol exposure reduces presynaptic dopamine neurotransmission in the mouse nucleus accumbens.
Q51569284Chronic lead exposure attenuates sensitization to the locomotor-stimulating effects of cocaine.
Q46114959Chronic morphine treatment induces over-expression of HSP70 in mice striatum related with abnormal ubiquitin-proteasome degradation
Q70972527Chronic nicotine exposure in rat: A behavioural and biochemical study of tolerance
Q89845184Chronic non-cancer pain among adults with substance use disorders: Prevalence, characteristics, and association with opioid overdose and healthcare utilization
Q44994527Chronic opiate treatment enhances both cocaine-reinforced and cocaine-seeking behaviors following opiate withdrawal.
Q70643971Chronic opiate use during methadone detoxification: effects of a dose increase treatment
Q39596506Chronic pain, craving, and illicit opioid use among patients receiving opioid agonist therapy
Q88503817Chronic restraint stress during withdrawal increases vulnerability to drug priming-induced cocaine seeking via a dopamine D1-like receptor-mediated mechanism
Q46627187Chronic treatment with a serotonin(2) receptor (5-HT(2)R) agonist modulates the behavioral and cellular response to (+)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine [(+)-MDMA].
Q35083923Cigarette and cannabis use trajectories among adolescents in treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorders
Q50083707Cigarette craving and stressful social interactions: The roles of state and trait social anxiety and smoking to cope
Q36817785Cigarette craving is associated with blunted reward processing in nicotine-dependent smokers
Q50085563Cigarette cues capture attention of smokers and never-smokers, but for different reasons.
Q36739529Cigarette reduction: an intervention for adolescent smokers
Q37002799Cigarette smoke but not electronic cigarette aerosol activates a stress response in human coronary artery endothelial cells in culture
Q37239301Cigarette smokers discount past and future rewards symmetrically and more than controls: is discounting a measure of impulsivity?
Q52291703Cigarette smokers show steeper discounting of both food and cigarettes than money.
Q40609791Cigarette smoking and alcohol use as predictors of disability retirement: A population-based cohort study
Q34827624Cigarette smoking and short-term addiction treatment outcome.
Q44634543Cigarette smoking and solvent use among Japanese adolescents
Q37081185Cigarette smoking and the lifetime alcohol involvement continuum
Q36961530Cigarette smoking in opioid-dependent pregnant women: neonatal and maternal outcomes
Q39822592Cigarette smoking in young adults: the influence of the HTR2A T102C polymorphism and punishment sensitivity.
Q46128862Cigarette smoking is associated with amplified age-related volume loss in subcortical brain regions
Q57299714Cigarette smoking is associated with cortical thinning in anterior frontal regions, insula and regions showing atrophy in early Alzheimer's Disease
Q47973686Cigarette smoking quit rates among adults with and without alcohol use disorders and heavy alcohol use, 2002-2015: A representative sample of the United States population
Q35951822Cigarette smoking status in pathological gamblers: association with impulsivity and cognitive flexibility
Q44041198Cigarette smoking topography in smokers with schizophrenia and matched non-psychiatric controls
Q88882744Cigarette use trajectories in young adults: Analyses of predictors across system levels
Q35000302Cigarette, marijuana, and alcohol use and prior drug treatment among newly homeless young adults in New York City: Relationship to a history of foster care
Q33877682Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, other risk behaviors, and American youth
Q52676139Cigarillo sales in legalized marijuana markets in the U.S.
Q49009177Circadian rhythm of REM sleep of chronic alcoholics during alcohol withdrawal
Q48334764Circumstances and toxicology of sudden or unnatural deaths involving alprazolam
Q36816919Circumstances of initiation into new-type drug use among adults in Shanghai: are there differences by types of first new-type drug used?
Q39722651Circumstances of witnessed drug overdose in New York City: implications for intervention
Q39708852Circumstances surrounding the first injection experience and their association with future syringe sharing behaviors in young urban injection drug users.
Q58121254Civil commitment experiences among opioid users
Q36936224Classifying substance use disorder treatment facilities with co-located mental health services: A latent class analysis approach
Q120499454Classifying youth substance use with non-invasive questions
Q34021956Clavulanic acid reduces rewarding, hyperthermic and locomotor-sensitizing effects of morphine in rats: a new indication for an old drug?
Q44340670Client and staff experiences of a co-located service for hepatitis C care in opioid substitution treatment settings in New South Wales, Australia.
Q46945763Client consensus on beliefs about abstinence: effects on substance abuse treatment outcomes
Q70150506Clinical and biochemical heterogeneity of alcoholism: the role of family history and alexithymia
Q39299798Clinical and demographic features of patients admitted to a new chemical dependency program in New York City
Q38126657Clinical and pharmacological aspects of bath salt use: a review of the literature and case reports
Q35124190Clinical and pharmacological evaluation of buprenorphine and naloxone combinations: why the 4:1 ratio for treatment?
Q52266334Clinical and prognostic value of serum procollagen levels in chronic alcoholic liver disease.
Q92918846Clinical benefits and risks of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonists to treat severe opioid use disorder: A systematic review
Q36689601Clinical characteristics of alcohol combined with other substance use disorders in an American Indian community sample
Q37379413Clinical characteristics of treatment-seeking adolescents with opioid versus cannabis/alcohol use disorders
Q37351611Clinical characteristics of treatment-seeking prescription opioid vs. heroin-using adolescents with opioid use disorder
Q34092133Clinical effectiveness of attentional bias modification training in abstinent alcoholic patients
Q35124199Clinical efficacy of buprenorphine: comparisons to methadone and placebo
Q44924185Clinical efficacy of gabapentin versus tiagabine for reducing cocaine use among cocaine dependent methadone-treated patients
Q51145177Clinical evaluation of a citric acid inhaler for smoking cessation.
Q38590259Clinical evaluation of a naltrexone sustained-release preparation
Q43537616Clinical experience with T's and B's.
Q35822376Clinical features and management of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) withdrawal: a review
Q39729077Clinical features of gamma-hydroxybutyrate and gamma-butyrolactone toxicity and concomitant drug and alcohol use.
Q37548578Clinical features of registry-ascertained alcohol use disorders that reflect familial risk
Q44138226Clinical impairment of benzodiazepines--relation between benzodiazepine concentrations and impairment in apprehended drivers
Q43898786Clinical monitoring and high-risk conditions among patients with SUD newly prescribed opioids and benzodiazepines
Q39466533Clinical observations of agonist-antagonist analgesic dependence
Q28335780Clinical pharmacological studies with 6-azidomorphine
Q41737283Clinical pharmacology of oral cotinine
Q39136308Clinical trial in post-addicts with oxilorphan (Levo-BC2605): A new narcotic antagonist
Q72658691Clinical trials using ascorbic acid aerosol to aid smoking cessation
Q39741052Clinical use of appetite suppressants
Q47766630Clinical utility of a single-item test for DSM-5 alcohol use disorder among outpatients with anxiety and depressive disorders.
Q91066751Clinical validation of reduction in cocaine frequency level as an endpoint in clinical trials for cocaine use disorder
Q70905522Clinical--correctional interface in drug abuse treatment--the Milwaukee model
Q30403930Clinician and service user perceptions of implementing contingency management: a focus group study.
Q47596465Clinician identification of elevated symptoms of depression among individuals seeking treatment for substance misuse.
Q47651261Clinician-delivered contingency management increases engagement and attendance in drug and alcohol treatment
Q39525906Clonidine and the treatment of the opiate withdrawal syndrome
Q72523427Clonidine suppression of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Q35690285Clozapine reconstructed: Haloperidol's ability to reduce alcohol intake in the Syrian golden hamster can be enhanced through noradrenergic modulation by desipramine and idazoxan
Q39231143Cluster randomised trial of the effectiveness of motivational interviewing for universal prevention.
Q91121308Cluster randomized stepped-wedge trial of a multi-level HIV prevention intervention to decrease amphetamine-type stimulants and sexual risk in Cambodian female entertainment and sex workers
Q52051337Clustering of multiple substance use and psychiatric diagnoses in opiate addicts.
Q73128966Clusters of drug involvement in Panama: results from Panama's 1996 National Youth Survey
Q96773478Co-Located hepatitis C virus infection treatment within an opioid treatment program promotes opioid agonist treatment retention
Q71617354Co-factors affecting substance abuse among homosexual men: an investigation within a midwestern gay community
Q36339173Co-ingestion of prescription opioids and other drugs among high school seniors: results from a national study
Q34625779Co-morbid pain and opioid addiction: long term effect of opioid maintenance on acute pain
Q34398157Co-morbid post-traumatic stress disorder in a substance misusing clinical population.
Q36400119Co-morbidity of substance use disorder and psychopathology in women who use methamphetamine during pregnancy in the US and New Zealand
Q47682540Co-occurrence of alcohol use disorder and behavioral addictions: relevance of impulsivity and craving.
Q40172455Co-occurrence of tobacco product use, substance use, and mental health problems among adults: Findings from Wave 1 (2013-2014) of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study
Q46698624Co-occurring DSM-IV drug abuse in DSM-IV drug dependence: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q35661044Co-occurring psychiatric and drug use disorders among sexual minority men with lifetime alcohol use disorders.
Q64129534Co-occurring substance use and mental disorders among adults with opioid use disorder
Q91415783Co-use of alcohol, tobacco, and licit and illicit controlled substances among pregnant and non-pregnant women in the United States: Findings from 2006 to 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data
Q92046373Co-use of tobacco and marijuana among young people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles County
Q44783315Cocaine abuse among heroin addicts in Spain
Q41041110Cocaine abuse and effects in the serum levels of cytokines IL-6 and IL-10.
Q33625523Cocaine abuse versus cocaine dependence: cocaine self-administration and pharmacodynamic response in the human laboratory
Q44835337Cocaine addiction: from habits to stereotypical-repetitive behaviors and punding
Q42691274Cocaine and crack use and HIV risk behaviors among high-risk methadone maintenance clients
Q38790503Cocaine and ethanol target 26S proteasome activity and gene expression in neuroblastoma cells.
Q41252984Cocaine behavioral economics: from the naturalistic environment to the controlled laboratory setting
Q60641796Cocaine decreases preference for condom use as function of delayed condom availability and STI risk
Q40133505Cocaine dependence modulates the effect of HIV infection on brain activation during intertemporal decision making
Q51974909Cocaine dependence with and without comorbid depression: a comparison of patient characteristics.
Q91384320Cocaine dependence: "Side effects" and syndrome formation within 1-12 months after first cocaine use
Q51569291Cocaine does not affect prostacyclin, thromboxane or prostaglandin E production in human umbilical veins.
Q37145523Cocaine effects during D-amphetamine maintenance: a human laboratory analysis of safety, tolerability and efficacy
Q41640358Cocaine self-administration and reinstatement in female rats selectively bred for high and low voluntary running.
Q28372725Cocaine self-administration in monkeys: effects on the acquisition and performance of response sequences
Q36729413Cocaine synergism with α agonists in rat aorta: computational analysis reveals an action beyond reuptake inhibition
Q51614405Cocaine use and HIV risk behavior in methadone maintenance patients.
Q51696979Cocaine use and dependence in young adults: associated psychiatric disorders and personality traits.
Q36779169Cocaine use and other suspected risk factors for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a prospective study with data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area surveys
Q97678970Cocaine use and overdose mortality in the United States: Evidence from two national data sources, 2002-2018
Q34431083Cocaine use and risk of stroke: a systematic review
Q42691313Cocaine use and risky injection and sexual behaviors
Q39646555Cocaine use disorders and suicidal ideation
Q36678744Cocaine use during pregnancy and health outcome after 10 years.
Q42678205Cocaine use in New South Wales, Australia, 1996-2000: 5 year monitoring of trends in price, purity, availability and use from the illicit drug reporting system
Q38746499Cocaine use may modify HIV/ART-associated myocardial steatosis and hepatic steatosis.
Q42676868Cocaine users with antisocial personality improve HIV risk behaviors as much as those without antisocial personality
Q42043310Cocaine withdrawal alters the reward omission effect and enhances traits of negative urgency in rats across multiple days of testing
Q31528675Cocaine, HIV, and their cardiovascular effects: is there a role for ACE-inhibitor therapy?
Q51696986Cocaine, social behavior, and alcohol-solution drinking in monkeys.
Q30401809Cocaine-, caffeine-, and stress-evoked cocaine reinstatement in high vs. low impulsive rats: treatment with allopregnanolone
Q98244557Cocaine-Induced Sensitization is Linked to Distal Chromosome 6 Region in Congenic Mouse Model
Q30570256Cocaine-associated odor cue re-exposure increases blood oxygenation level dependent signal in memory and reward regions of the maternal rat brain
Q91725334Cocaine-related alterations in fronto-parietal gray matter volume correlate with trait and behavioral impulsivity
Q45234110Cocaine-related fatalities in New South Wales, Australia 1993-2002.
Q30581979Cocaine-seeking behavior in a genetic model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder following adolescent methylphenidate or atomoxetine treatments
Q37787505Cochrane systematic reviews in the field of addiction: what's there and what should be.
Q44809233Cochrane systematic reviews: time for an introduction and appraisal
Q48871063Cognition and impulsivity in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with and without cocaine and/or crack dependence.
Q48932960Cognition and motor control as a function of Delta9-THC concentration in serum and oral fluid: limits of impairment
Q48946688Cognitions and alcohol-influenced performance: The impact of reinforcement contingencies
Q44786447Cognitive ability in early adulthood as a predictor of habitual drug use during later military service and civilian life: the Vietnam Experience Study
Q38425584Cognitive and affective theory of mind abilities in alcohol-dependent patients: the role of autobiographical memory.
Q48057984Cognitive and emotional impairments in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and cocaine use.
Q44687309Cognitive behavioral smoking cessation during alcohol detoxification treatment: a randomized, controlled trial
Q44836285Cognitive bias and drug craving in recreational cannabis users
Q34683122Cognitive bias for alcohol-related information in inferential processes
Q71812197Cognitive capacity in female adolescent substance abusers
Q87837091Cognitive control in young heavy drinkers: An ERP study
Q35673255Cognitive control links alcohol use, trait disinhibition, and reduced cognitive capacity: Evidence for medial prefrontal cortex dysregulation during reward-seeking behavior
Q70905525Cognitive deficit in middle-aged alcoholics
Q36717843Cognitive deficits in long-term anabolic-androgenic steroid users
Q36724630Cognitive deficits in marijuana users: Effects on motivational enhancement therapy plus cognitive behavioral therapy treatment outcome
Q89729214Cognitive deficits in methamphetamine addiction: Independent contributions of dependence and intelligence
Q40387821Cognitive deficits predict low treatment retention in cocaine dependent patients.
Q36179654Cognitive effects of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, donepezil, in healthy, non-treatment seeking smokers: a pilot feasibility study
Q44049005Cognitive functioning among infants of alcoholic fathers.
Q48728366Cognitive functioning of alcoholic females: an exploratory study
Q52247840Cognitive functioning of alcoholics and its relationship with prognosis.
Q41349333Cognitive group therapy for wives of alcoholics--a pilot study
Q42671252Cognitive impairment and chronic alcohol abuse: a neuropsychological study
Q61777375Cognitive impairment associated with cocaine use: The role of co-existent alcohol abuse/dependence
Q44026538Cognitive impairment in methadone maintenance patients
Q92019162Cognitive impairment in methamphetamine users with recent psychosis: A cross-sectional study in Thailand
Q44555348Cognitive impairment, retention and abstinence among cocaine abusers in cognitive-behavioral treatment
Q38420830Cognitive impairments in sober alcoholics: performance on selective and divided attention tasks
Q34980201Cognitive manifestations of drinking-smoking associations: preliminary findings with a cross-primed Stroop task
Q46081119Cognitive mediators and disparities in the relation between teen depressiveness and smoking
Q50531824Cognitive predictors of problem drinking and AUDIT scores among college students
Q91005669Cognitive reappraisal moderates the relationship between PTSD symptoms and alcohol use over time in post-9/11 U.S. military veterans
Q51012551Cognitive recovery during and after treatment for volatile solvent abuse.
Q38666568Cognitive remediation improves executive functions, self-regulation and quality of life in residents of a substance use disorder therapeutic community
Q34760944Cohort trends in prevalence and spousal concordance for smoking
Q44794138Coincident posttraumatic stress disorder and depression predict alcohol abuse during and after deployment among Army National Guard soldiers.
Q36886025Collecting substance use data with an anonymous mailed survey
Q90485681College attendance type and subsequent alcohol and marijuana use in the U.S.
Q78008556College on Problems of Drug Dependence 64th Annual Scientific Meeting. June 8-13, 2002. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Abstracts
Q71865414College on Problems of Drug Dependence Policy on Administering Drugs with Abuse Potential in Human Research
Q35084350College on Problems of Drug Dependence taskforce on prescription opioid non-medical use and abuse: position statement
Q73624031College on Problems of Drug Dependence. 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting. June 17-22, 2000. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Abstracts
Q50622619College on problems of drug dependence meeting, Puerto Rico (June 1996) marijuana use and dependence
Q73807175College on problems of drug dependence. 63rd annual scientific meeting. June 16-21, 2001, Scottsdale, Arizona. Abstracts
Q83145168College on the problems of drug dependence. Highlights from the 67th annual meeting
Q36496182College student use of Salvia divinorum
Q42724118College students' perceptions and knowledge of hookah use.
Q43182664College students' readiness to reduce binge drinking: criterion validity of a brief measure
Q35594934Collegial ethics: what, why and how
Q115217250Colocalization of association signals at nicotinic acetylcholine receptor genes between schizophrenia and smoking traits
Q40330145Combination of ALDH2 and ADH1B polymorphisms is associated with smoking initiation: A large-scale cross-sectional study in a Japanese population
Q33269643Combinations of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin, mean corpuscular erythrocyte volume, gamma-glutamyltransferase, homocysteine and folate increase the significance of biological markers in alcohol dependent patients.
Q44050496Combinations of oxazepam and metyrapone attenuate cocaine and methamphetamine cue reactivity
Q39788413Combined Goal Management Training and Mindfulness meditation improve executive functions and decision-making performance in abstinent polysubstance abusers.
Q46623247Combined exposure to tobacco smoke and ethanol during adolescence leads to short- and long-term modulation of anxiety-like behavior
Q73795239Combined use of trazodone-naltrexone versus clonidine-naltrexone in rapid withdrawal from methadone treatment. A comparative inpatient study
Q46861313Combining psychometric and biometric measures of substance use.
Q100501576Combustible cigarette use and other risky behavior by adult e-cigarette users in a 2019 survey
Q39645273Commentary on, 'Internal reliability of measures of substance-related cognitive bias'.
Q37570004Commitment strength, alcohol dependence and HealthCall participation: effects on drinking reduction in HIV patients
Q89804001Common and distinct brain activity associated with risky and ambiguous decision-making
Q36946406Common and specific liability to addiction: approaches to association studies of opioid addiction
Q48405808Common aspects of the action of nicotine and other drugs of abuse
Q34546657Common genetic influences on the timing of first use for alcohol, cigarettes, and cannabis in young African-American women
Q52014345Common genetic mechanisms in alcohol, drug, and mental disorder comorbidity.
Q24603044Common liability to addiction and "gateway hypothesis": theoretical, empirical and evolutionary perspective
Q38693991Common liability to drug addictions: theory, research, practice
Q47688679Commonly used stimulants: Sleep problems, dependence and psychological distress
Q46872177Community actions against alcohol drinking in Slovenia--a Delphi study
Q100722997Community dashboards to support data-informed decision-making in the HEALing communities study
Q100570132Community engagement to implement evidence-based practices in the HEALing communities study
Q37216834Community program therapist adherence and competence in motivational enhancement therapy
Q28142954Community reinforcement training for family and significant others of drug abusers: a unilateral intervention to increase treatment entry of drug users
Q39678811Community-based approaches to highway safety: health promotion and drinking-driving
Q36619293Comorbid depression, antisocial personality, and substance dependence: Relationship with delay discounting
Q43685942Comorbid disruptive behavior disorder symptoms and their relationship to adolescent alcohol use disorders
Q58123016Comorbid social phobia does not predict the outcome in alcohol use disorder outpatient treatment
Q62017642Comorbid social phobia does not predict the outcome in alcohol use disorder outpatient treatment
Q35181256Comorbidity and temporal relations of alcohol and cannabis use disorders from youth through adulthood
Q44634738Comorbidity between DSM-IV alcohol and specific drug use disorders in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q34370995Comorbidity between DSM-IV alcohol use disorders and major depression: results of a national survey
Q40358097Comorbidity between alcohol dependence and illicit drug dependence in adolescents with antisocial behavior and matched controls
Q34090165Comorbidity between patterns of substance use dependence and psychiatric syndromes
Q52000664Comorbidity of drug dependence and other mental disorders: a two-phase study of prevalence at outpatient treatment centres in Italy.
Q37164894Comorbidity of posttraumatic stress disorder with alcohol dependence among US adults: results from National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q35917730Comorbidity of substance use disorders and other psychiatric disorders among adolescents: evidence from an epidemiologic survey
Q113185713Comparative efficacy of a computer-based HIV testing video intervention in sites of varying HIV prevalence
Q45907295Comparative epidemiology of betel nut use versus ecstasy use among Taiwanese adolescents: Findings from a national survey
Q40816087Comparative epidemiology of initial drug opportunities and transitions to first use: marijuana, cocaine, hallucinogens and heroin
Q57101477Comparative hazards of acute myocardial infarction among hospitalized patients with methamphetamine- or cocaine-use disorders: A retrospective cohort study
Q52278618Comparative neurobiological effects of ibogaine and MK-801 in rats.
Q44334707Comparative patterns of cognitive performance amongst opioid maintenance patients, abstinent opioid users and non-opioid users
Q30525634Comparative performance of the AUDIT-C in screening for DSM-IV and DSM-5 alcohol use disorders.
Q44343140Comparative pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of methadone and slow-release oral morphine for maintenance treatment of opioid dependence
Q52838676Comparative prices of diverted buprenorphine/naloxone and buprenorphine in a UK prison setting: a cross-sectional survey of drug using prisoners.
Q46649468Comparative psychometric study of a range of hazardous drinking measures administered online in a youth population
Q42655336Comparing HIV-related syringe-sharing behaviors among female IDU engaging versus not engaging in commercial sex.
Q48136025Comparing abrupt and gradual smoking cessation: a randomized trial
Q35940943Comparing adaptive stepped care and monetary-based voucher interventions for opioid dependence.
Q38782542Comparing adult cannabis treatment-seekers enrolled in a clinical trial with national samples of cannabis users in the United States
Q51567259Comparing assessments of DSM-IV substance dependence disorders using CIDI-SAM and SCAN.
Q44049018Comparing attentional bias to smoking cues in current smokers, former smokers, and non-smokers using a dot-probe task
Q96160521Comparing cannabis use motive item performance between American Indian and White youth
Q47275280Comparing daily drivers of problem drinking among older and younger adults: An electronic daily diary study using smartphones
Q44283711Comparing homeless and domiciled pregnant substance dependent women on psychosocial characteristics and treatment outcomes
Q40821315Comparing levels of cocaine cue reactivity in male and female outpatients
Q101409228Comparing mortality and healthcare utilization in the year following a paramedic-attended non-fatal overdose among people who were and were not transported to hospital: A prospective cohort study using linked administrative health data
Q34607700Comparing overdose mortality associated with methadone and buprenorphine treatment
Q98563546Comparing perspectives on medication treatment for opioid use disorder between national samples of primary care trainee physicians and attending physicians
Q90897192Comparing state, regional, and local variation in concurrent opioid and benzodiazepine use
Q52684858Comparing substance use and mental health outcomes among sexual minority and heterosexual women in probability and non-probability samples.
Q90873803Comparing the contribution of prescribed opioids to opioid-related hospitalizations across Canada: A multi-jurisdictional cross-sectional study
Q91512019Comparing the predictive capability of self-report and medically-verified non-fatal overdose in adults released from prison: A prospective data linkage study
Q43238456Comparing the predictive validity of five cigarette dependence questionnaires
Q47645470Comparing the predictive validity of the four-factor and five-factor (bifactor) measurement structures of the drinking motives questionnaire.
Q90077880Comparing the reward value of cigarettes and food during tobacco abstinence and nonabstinence
Q46712093Comparing the validity of the Cigarette Dependence Scale and the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence.
Q67781895Comparison between observer assessment and self rating of withdrawal distress during opiate detoxification
Q47393983Comparison between the WHO and NIAAA criteria for binge drinking on drinking features and alcohol-related aftermaths: Results from a cross-sectional study among eight emergency wards in France
Q39331220Comparison of AUDIT-C collected via electronic medical record and self-administered research survey in HIV infected and uninfected patients.
Q40273761Comparison of a physical dependence on t-butanol and ethanol
Q93351013Comparison of age of first drink and age of first intoxication as predictors of substance use and mental health problems in adulthood
Q36230162Comparison of alcohol impairment of behavioral and attentional inhibition
Q40258800Comparison of beliefs about e-cigarettes' harms and benefits among never users and ever users of e-cigarettes.
Q33564574Comparison of categorical alcohol dependence versus a dimensional measure for predicting weekly alcohol use in heavy drinkers
Q35957344Comparison of cognitive performance in methadone maintenance patients with and without current cocaine dependence
Q36960396Comparison of expired carbon monoxide and plasma cotinine as markers of cigarette abstinence
Q51826991Comparison of fixed-ratio and progressive-ratio schedules of maintenance of stimulant drug-reinforced responding.
Q48172478Comparison of impulsivity and working memory in cocaine addiction and pathological gambling: Implications for cocaine-induced neurotoxicity
Q51210197Comparison of intravenously administered methadone, morphine and heroin.
Q36635305Comparison of methods to assess psychiatric medication adherence in methadone-maintained patients with co-occurring psychiatric disorder
Q52278073Comparison of patient self-reports and urinalysis results obtained under naturalistic methadone treatment conditions.
Q42209807Comparison of peripheral and central administration of naloxone in precipitating abstinence in morphine-dependent rats
Q27312121Comparison of provider-documented and patient-reported brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol use in VA outpatients
Q44730087Comparison of self-report versus agency records of service utilization in a community sample of individuals with alcohol use disorders
Q38411955Comparison of self-reported alcohol use with the alcohol biomarker phosphatidylethanol among young people in northern Tanzania
Q37419872Comparison of subjective, pharmacokinetic, and physiological effects of marijuana smoked as joints and blunts
Q53821183Comparison of the MoCA and BEARNI tests for detection of cognitive impairment in in-patients with alcohol use disorders.
Q34403222Comparison of the behavioral effects of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and its 4-methyl-substituted analog, gamma-hydroxyvaleric acid (GHV).
Q35925627Comparison of the characteristics of long-term users of electronic cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy: A cross-sectional survey of English ex-smokers and current smokers
Q38764828Comparison of the discriminative stimulus and response rate effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and synthetic cannabinoids in female and male rats
Q44903003Comparison of the discriminative stimulus effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and cocaine: asymmetric generalization
Q51425631Comparison of the intravenous reinforcing effects of propofol and methohexital in baboons.
Q44049006Comparison of the subjective, physiological, and psychomotor effects of atomoxetine and methylphenidate in light drug users
Q89956986Comparison of timeline follow-back self-report and oral fluid testing to detect substance use in adult primary care patients
Q58180777Comparison of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drug usage among school students in three Pacific Island societies
Q48334736Comparison of toxicity associated with nonmedical use of benzodiazepines with buprenorphine or methadone
Q51799393Comparison of two benzodiazepines in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal: effects on symptoms and cognitive recovery.
Q78170773Comparison of urinary 5-hydroxytryptophol, breath ethanol, and self-report for detection of recent alcohol use during outpatient treatment: a study on methadone patients
Q39340363Comparison of γ-glutamyltransferase and questionnaire test as alcohol indicators in different risk groups
Q30805892Comparisons of self-report data and oral fluid testing in detecting drug use amongst new treatment clients
Q36896517Comparisons of three nicotine dependence scales in a multiethnic sample of young adult menthol and non-menthol smokers.
Q33966758Competing values among criminal justice administrators: The importance of substance abuse treatment
Q46681024Complaints of heroin-maintained patients: A survey of symptoms ascribed to diacetylmorphine
Q41594650Compliance to naltrexone treatment after ultra-rapid opiate detoxification: an open label naturalistic study.
Q44672973Comprehensive deficits in performance of an attentional task produced by co-administering alcohol and nicotine to rats
Q51913202Comprehensive mathematical modeling in drug addiction sciences.
Q36016324Computer adaptive testing of liability to addiction: identifying individuals at risk.
Q30544630Computer and therapist based brief interventions among cannabis-using adolescents presenting to primary care: one year outcomes
Q104287083Computer- vs. nurse practitioner-delivered brief intervention for adolescent marijuana, alcohol, and sex risk behaviors in school-based health centers
Q87884231Computer-delivered indirect screening and brief intervention for drug use in the perinatal period: A randomized trial
Q56747415Computers in community-based drug and alcohol clinical settings: are they acceptable to respondents?
Q44245073Concentration-dependent conditioned place preference to inhaled toluene vapors in rats
Q45157519Conceptual issues in understanding the relationship between suicidal behavior and substance use during adolescence
Q101131156Concomitant drugs with buprenorphine user deaths
Q52572219Concomitant use of buprenorphine for medication-assisted treatment of opioid use disorder and benzodiazepines: Using the prescription behavior surveillance system.
Q33806385Concordance between DSM-5 and DSM-IV nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis use disorder diagnoses among pediatric patients
Q31870786Concordance between DSM-III-R and DSM-IV diagnoses of substance use disorders in adolescents
Q47778119Concordance between ICD-10 alcohol and drug use disorder criteria and diagnoses as measured by the AUDADIS-ADR, CIDI and SCAN: results of a cross-national study
Q33553988Concordance between self-reported substance use and toxicology among HIV-infected and uninfected at risk youth
Q35017089Concordance between self-reports and archival records of physician visits: a case-control study comparing individuals with and without alcohol use disorders in the community
Q47778132Concordance of DSM-IV alcohol and drug use disorder criteria and diagnoses as measured by AUDADIS-ADR, CIDI and SCAN.
Q35754704Concordance of risk behavior reporting within HCV serodiscordant injecting partnerships of young injection drug users in San Francisco, CA
Q52278076Concurrent and predictive validity of the Substance Dependence Severity Scale (SDSS).
Q41608838Concurrent and prospective associations between bullying victimization and substance use among Australian adolescents.
Q36094629Concurrent and simultaneous drug and alcohol use: results of the 2000 National Alcohol Survey
Q41198341Concurrent and simultaneous use of alcohol with cocaine: results of national survey
Q46262574Concurrent anxiety and substance use disorders among outpatients with major depression: clinical features and effect on treatment outcome
Q36772222Concurrent choice for social interaction and amphetamine using conditioned place preference in rats: effects of age and housing condition
Q49968056Concurrent nicotine and tobacco product use among homeless smokers and associations with cigarette dependence and other factors related to quitting.
Q44283687Concurrent treatment for alcohol and tobacco dependence: are patients ready to quit both?
Q88457370Concurrent use of alcohol with other drugs and DSM-5 alcohol use disorder comorbid with other drug use disorders: Sociodemographic characteristics, severity, and psychopathology
Q35090740Concurrent use of methamphetamine, MDMA, LSD, ketamine, GHB, and flunitrazepam among American youths
Q37414069Concurrent validation of the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) and single-item indices against the Clinical Institute Narcotic Assessment (CINA) opioid withdrawal instrument.
Q44343846Concurrent validity of cocaine and sedative dependence diagnoses in opioid-dependent outpatients
Q93140239Conditional probabilities of substance use disorders and associated risk factors: Progression from first use to use disorder on alcohol, cannabis, stimulants, sedatives and opioids
Q35231680Conditional substance abuse and dependence by diagnosis of mood or anxiety disorder or schizophrenia in the U.S. population
Q43884121Conditioned suppression of behavior maintained by cocaine self-administration
Q51296350Conditioning of narcotic abstinence symptoms in human subjects
Q51575883Conditions sufficient for the production of oral cocaine or lidocaine self-administration in preference to water.
Q44337032Condom use rates for specific sexual behaviors among opioid abusers entering treatment
Q59187280Conduct and attentional problems in childhood and adolescence and later substance use, abuse and dependence: Results of a 25-year longitudinal study
Q43849679Conduct disorder and HIV risk behaviors among runaway and homeless adolescents
Q96591741Conduct disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as risk factors for prescription opioid use
Q37204895Conduct problem trajectories and alcohol use and misuse in mid to late adolescence
Q39967682Conducting a respondent-driven sampling survey with the use of existing resources in Sydney, Australia.
Q35017158Conference on abuse liability and appeal of tobacco products: conclusions and recommendations
Q44448730Conference on abuse liability assessment of CNS drugs
Q59488287Conference on drug formulations and abuse liability
Q44489153Confidence interval estimation in R-DAS.
Q92570568Confirmed marijuana use and lymphocyte count in black people living with HIV
Q38603605Confirmed marijuana use and lymphocyte count in black people living with HIV.
Q57141602Congregation sites for youthful multiple drug users: locations for epidemiological research and intervention
Q44138245Consequences of monosodium glutamate or goldthioglucose arcuate nucleus lesions on ethanol-induced locomotion.
Q52569441Considering high alcohol and violence neighborhood context using daily diaries and GPS: A pilot study among people living with HIV.
Q92209271Considering the impact of vaping-associated pulmonary illness reports on e-cigarette harm perceptions and tobacco use patterns
Q49451199Consistency between adolescent reports and adult retrospective reports of adolescent marijuana use: explanations of inconsistent reporting among an African American population.
Q47671298Constipation and other common symptoms reported by women and men in methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment
Q51597145Construct validity of the abuse-dependence distinction as measured by DSM-IV criteria for different psychoactive substances.
Q33401423Construct, concurrent and predictive validity of the URICA: data from two multi-site clinical trials
Q35915690Constructing evidence-based treatment strategies using methods from computer science
Q91103283Construction trade and extraction workers: A population at high risk for drug use in the United States, 2005-2014
Q92773802Contagion models for the transmission of drug abuse among propinquity-of-rearing defined acquaintances: A Swedish national study
Q101241558Content analysis of instagram posts by leading cannabis vaporizer brands
Q91207293Context matters: On the importance of context-specific analysis for the use of screening questionnaires
Q38609914Context-dependent effects of rimonabant on ethanol-induced conditioned place preference in female mice
Q90130169Contexts of alcohol use: A latent class analysis among Argentinean college students
Q48404422Contextual renewal of cocaine seeking in rats and its attenuation by the conditioned effects of an alternative reinforcer
Q35966159Contextual risks linking parents' adolescent marijuana use to offspring onset
Q38688566Contingency Management interventions for non-prescribed drug use during treatment for opiate addiction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q30506043Contingency management delivered by community therapists in outpatient settings
Q35301317Contingency management for alcohol use reduction: a pilot study using a transdermal alcohol sensor
Q87758347Contingency management for smoking cessation among treatment-seeking patients in a community setting
Q100422772Contingency management for the treatment of methamphetamine use disorder: A systematic review
Q51767196Contingency management in methadone maintenance: effects of reinforcing and aversive consequences on illicit polydrug use.
Q52171036Contingency management in outpatient methadone treatment: a meta-analysis.
Q30421552Contingency management in substance abuse treatment: a structured review of the evidence for its transportability
Q129674351Contingency management is associated with positive changes in attitudes and reductions in cannabis use even after discontinuation of incentives among non-treatment seeking youth
Q35126834Contingency management is efficacious and improves outcomes in cocaine patients with pretreatment marijuana use
Q47973677Contingency management treatment in cocaine using methadone maintained patients with and without legal problems
Q46588056Contingency management treatments that reinforce completion of goal-related activities: participation in family activities and its association with outcomes
Q39977354Contingency management with community reinforcement approach or twelve-step facilitation drug counseling for cocaine dependent pregnant women or women with young children
Q52260948Contingent methadone delivery: effects on illicit-opiate use.
Q52212591Contingent methadone take-home doses reinforce adjunct therapy attendance of methadone maintenance patients.
Q49014479Contingent methadone take-home privileges: effects on compliance with fee payment schedules
Q51468085Contingent reinforcement sustains post-detoxification abstinence from multiple drugs: a preliminary study with methadone patients.
Q48703235Continued heroin use during methadone treatment: relationships between frequency of use and reasons reported for heroin use.
Q38169337Continuing care for patients with alcohol use disorders: a systematic review
Q47260055Continuity of drunk and drugged driving behaviors four years post-college.
Q37397242Continuous exposure to dizocilpine facilitates escalation of cocaine consumption in male Sprague-Dawley rats
Q47772475Continuous exposure to dizocilpine facilitates the acquisition and escalation of cocaine consumption in male Sprague-Dawley rats
Q33443466Continuous in-the-field measurement of heart rate: Correlates of drug use, craving, stress, and mood in polydrug users
Q88737539Continuous opioid substitution treatment over five years: Heroin use trajectories and outcomes
Q31926076Continuous, categorical, and time to event cocaine use outcome variables: degree of intercorrelation and sensitivity to treatment group differences
Q100392220Contrasting effects of adolescent and early-adult ethanol exposure on prelimbic cortical pyramidal neurons
Q36227275Contrasting effects of d-methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone, and 4-methylmethcathinone on wheel activity in rats
Q46491046Contrasting predictors of readiness for substance abuse treatment in adults and adolescents: a latent variable analysis of DATOS and DATOS-A participants
Q91568678Contribution of cannabis-related cues to concurrent reinforcer choice in humans
Q39467260Contributions of the social context to the development of adolescent substance use: a multivariate latent growth modeling approach
Q44345962Controlled opioid withdrawal evaluation during 72 h dose omission in buprenorphine-maintained patients
Q39784966Convenience is the key to hepatitis A and B vaccination uptake among young adult injection drug users
Q44809251Convergent and concurrent validity of the Contemplation Ladder and URICA scales
Q28372730Convulsive status epilepticus following abrupt high-dose benzodiazepine discontinuation
Q34269061Coping and emotion regulation profiles as predictors of nonmedical prescription drug and illicit drug use among high-risk young adults
Q49311429Coping strategies and relapse in alcohol abuse
Q114015654Copycat and lookalike edible cannabis product packaging in the United States
Q44730180Corrected QT interval during treatment with methadone and buprenorphine--relation to doses and serum concentrations
Q37435533Correlated outcomes of a pilot intervention for people injecting drugs and their family members in Vietnam
Q52558630Correlates and subgroups of injecting drug use in UK gay and bisexual men: Findings from the 2014 Gay Men's Sex Survey.
Q52689772Correlates and trends in youth co-use of marijuana and tobacco in the United States, 2005-2014.
Q68266978Correlates of DSM-III-R alcohol dependence in treatment and general populations
Q41234852Correlates of HIV infection among female sex workers in Vietnam: injection drug use remains a key risk factor.
Q104139899Correlates of Non-fatal, Opioid Overdose among Women Who Use Opioids in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Q37189835Correlates of alcohol use among methadone-maintained adults
Q98155446Correlates of alcohol use disorder pharmacotherapy receipt in medically insured patients
Q35581029Correlates of amphetamine-type stimulant use and associations with HIV-related risks among young women engaged in sex work in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Q40371913Correlates of anti-hepatitis C positivity and use of harm reduction services among people who inject drugs in two cities in Croatia.
Q44568658Correlates of attempted suicide among young injection drug users in a multi-site cohort
Q91572577Correlates of cannabis and other illicit drugs use among secondary school adolescents in Nigeria
Q39788286Correlates of consistent condom use with main partners by partnership patterns among young adult male injection drug users from five US cities.
Q40278024Correlates of driving under the influence of cannabis
Q42227459Correlates of drug use cessation among participants in the Canadian HIV-HCV Co-infection Cohort.
Q37116421Correlates of extramedical use of OxyContin versus other analgesic opioids among the US general population
Q88580312Correlates of frequent alcohol consumption among middle-aged and older men and women in Russia: A multilevel analysis of the PrivMort retrospective cohort study
Q46160037Correlates of heavy drinking and alcohol related problems among men and women in drug treatment programs
Q31798863Correlates of heavy substance use among young gay and bisexual men: The San Francisco Young Men's Health Study
Q42630444Correlates of hepatitis C virus infection in homeless men: a latent variable approach
Q43570025Correlates of initiation to cannabis use: a 5-year follow-up of 15-19-year-old adolescents
Q36404702Correlates of injection drug use among female sex workers in two Mexico-U.S. border cities
Q40757023Correlates of injection drug use among individuals admitted to public and private drug treatment facilities in Turkey
Q37346408Correlates of later-onset cannabis use in the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC).
Q67416073Correlates of methadone patients' lengths of stay for first and second admissions
Q35040493Correlates of motivation to quit smoking among alcohol dependent patients in residential treatment
Q39200741Correlates of nicotine dependence among adolescent waterpipe smokers
Q35568662Correlates of nonmedical use of prescription benzodiazepine anxiolytics: results from a national survey of U.S. college students
Q36525439Correlates of overdose risk perception among illicit opioid users
Q88413006Correlates of poly-tobacco use among youth and young adults: Findings from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health study, 2013-2014
Q34391661Correlates of polysomnographic sleep changes in cocaine dependence: self-administration and clinical outcomes
Q34170252Correlates of prescription drug market involvement among young adults
Q87870045Correlates of prescription opioid misuse among Black adults: Findings from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Q44026534Correlates of received and expressed violence persistence following substance abuse treatment
Q36362007Correlates of retention on extended-release naltrexone among persons living with HIV infection transitioning to the community from the criminal justice system
Q34959214Correlates of risky injection practices among past-year injection drug users among the US general population
Q41751767Correlates of selling sex among male injection drug users in New York City
Q44171444Correlates of smoking among young adults: the role of lifestyle, attitudes/beliefs, demographics, and exposure to anti-tobacco media messaging
Q90954536Correlates of take-home naloxone kit possession among people who use drugs in British Columbia: A cross-sectional analysis
Q36164850Correlates of tobacco dependence and motivation to quit among young people receiving mental health treatment
Q40762414Correlates of use of alcohol mixed with energy drinks among youth across 10 US metropolitan areas
Q38954055Correlates of willingness to initiate pre-exposure prophylaxis and anticipation of practicing safer drug- and sex-related behaviors among high-risk drug users on methadone treatment.
Q114671049Correlation between PFC gyrification and white matter integrity in young cannabis users
Q90077879Correlation between interleukin-6 levels and methadone maintenance therapy outcomes
Q64988950Correlation of cytokines, BDNF levels, and memory function in patients with opioid use disorder undergoing methadone maintenance treatment.
Q92168840Correlations between sex-related hormones, alcohol dependence and alcohol craving
Q46873707Correspondence between proxy and self-reports on smoking in a full family study
Q42345994Corrigendum to "A randomized trial of intensive outpatient (IOP) vs. standard outpatient (OP) buprenorphine treatment for African Americans" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 128 (2013) 222-229]
Q90659038Corrigendum to "A repeated cross-sectional study of factors associated with pregabalin-positive poisoning deaths in Ireland" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 206 (2020) 107741]
Q90591252Corrigendum to "Addressing discordant quantitative urine buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine levels: Case examples in opioid use disorder" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 186 (2018) 171-174]
Q100422786Corrigendum to "Age disparities in six-month treatment retention for opioid use disorder" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 213 (2020) 108130]
Q50216512Corrigendum to "Assessing geographical differences in illicit drug consumption-A comparison of results from epidemiological and wastewater data in Germany and Switzerland" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 161 (2016) 189-199].
Q90881335Corrigendum to "Assessing nicotine dependence in adolescent E-cigarette users: The 4-item Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Nicotine Dependence Item Bank for electronic cigarettes" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 188 (2018) 60-
Q100446760Corrigendum to "Causal relationships between substance use and insomnia" [Drug Alcohol Dependence 214 (2020) 108151]
Q88119154Corrigendum to "Cognition and impulsivity in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with and without cocaine and/or crack dependence" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 160 (2016) 97-104]
Q42354381Corrigendum to "Concordance between DSM-5 and DSM-IV nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis use disorder diagnoses among pediatric patients" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 140 (2014) 213-216].
Q90163483Corrigendum to "Concurrent nicotine and tobacco product use among homeless smokers and associations with cigarette dependence and other factors related to quitting" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 185 (2018) 133-140]
Q44597285Corrigendum to "Do drinking-age laws have an impact on crime? Evidence from Canada, 2009-2013" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 167 (2016) 67-74].
Q92604379Corrigendum to "Evaluation of TSPO PET imaging, a marker of glial activation, to study the neuroimmune footprints of morphine exposure and withdrawal" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 170 (2017) 43-50]
Q92692604Corrigendum to "Evaluation of previous substance dependence genome-wide significant findings in a Spanish sample" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 187 (2018) 358-362]
Q91652021Corrigendum to "Fentanyl and heroin contained in seized illicit drugs and overdose-related deaths in British Columbia, Canada: An observational analysis" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 185 (2018) 322-327]
Q96634955Corrigendum to "Harmful alcohol use among acutely ill hospitalized medical patients in Oslo and Moscow: A cross-sectional study" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 204 (2019) 107588]
Q92944488Corrigendum to "Heated tobacco products: Cigarette complements, not substitutes" [Drug and Alcohol Depend. 204 (2019) 107576]
Q90269831Corrigendum to "Ibudilast attenuates subjective effects of methamphetamine in a placebo-controlled inpatient study" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 162 (2016) 245-250]
Q42331891Corrigendum to "Individualized relapse prediction: Personality measures and striatal and insular activity during reward-processing robustly predict relapse" [Drug and Alcohol Dependence 152 (2015) 93-101].
Q49968047Corrigendum to "Marijuana and tobacco co-use among a nationally representative sample of US pregnant and non-pregnant women: 2005-2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health findings" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 177 (2017) 130-135].
Q58701357Corrigendum to "Marijuana use by middle-aged and older adults in the United States, 2015-2016" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 191 (2018) 374-381]
Q42359091Corrigendum to "National record linkage study of mortality for a large cohort of opioid users ascertained by drug treatment or criminal justice sources in England, 2005-2009" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 146 (2015) 17-23].
Q57064837Corrigendum to "Pharmacotherapy for amphetamine dependence: A systematic review" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 191 (2018) 309-337]
Q47579902Corrigendum to "Prescribing of benzodiazepines and opioids to individuals with substance use disorders" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 178 (2017) 223-230].
Q50151541Corrigendum to "Subjective experiences at first use of cigarette, e-cigarettes, hookah, and cigar products among Texas adolescents" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 173/1 (2017) 10-16].
Q89938213Corrigendum to "The impact of alcohol policies on alcohol-attributable diseases in Taiwan-A population-based study" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 180 (2017) 103-112]
Q90163488Corrigendum to "The moderating effect of perceived social support on the relation between heaviness of smoking and quit attempts among adult homeless smokers" [Drug and Alcohol Depend. 190 (2018) 128-132]
Q47568263Corrigendum to "Trends in insurance coverage and treatment among persons with opioid use disorders following the affordable care act" [Drug Alcohol. Depend. 179 (2017) 271-274].
Q54758806Corrigendum to Sex disparities in substance abuse research: Evaluating 23 years of structural neuroimaging studies [Drug Alcohol Depend. 173 (2017) 92-98].
Q58392019Corrigendum to ‘Exposure to the Lebanon War of 2006 and effects on alcohol use disorders: The moderating role of childhood maltreatment’ [Drug Alcohol Depend. 134 (2014) 296–303]
Q58435814Corrigendum to “Ecological momentary assessment in the investigation of craving and substance use in daily life: A systematic review” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 148 (2015) 1–20
Q59488280Corrigendum to “Nicotine metabolism and CYP2A6 activity in a population of black African descent: Impact of gender and light smoking” [Drug Alcohol Depend. 89/1 (2007) 24–33]
Q63433287Corrigendum to “Spousal resemblance for smoking: Underlying mechanisms and effects of cohort and age” [Drug Alcohol Depend. 153 (2015) 221–228]
Q57046966Corrigendum to “The impact of blood-borne viruses on cause-specific mortality among opioid dependent people: An Australian population-based cohort study” [Drug Alcohol Depend. 152C (2015) 264–271]
Q89658036Corrigendum to “Transdermal alcohol concentration data collected during a contingency management program to reduce at-risk drinking”
Q87940092Corrigendum to: "Does outcome measurement of treatment for substance use disorder reflect the personal concerns of patients? A scoping review of measures recommended in Europe" [Drug Alcohol Dependence 179 (2017) 299-308]
Q37087887Cortical activation deficits during facial emotion processing in youth at high risk for the development of substance use disorders
Q48440997Cortical excitability in tramadol dependent patients: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study
Q114671047Cortical gyrification in children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and prenatal alcohol exposure
Q36090358Cortical thinness and volume differences associated with marijuana abuse in emerging adults
Q48962708Cortisol and beta-endorphin response in alcoholics and alcohol abusers following a high naloxone dosage
Q37105100Cost analysis of clinic and office-based treatment of opioid dependence: results with methadone and buprenorphine in clinically stable patients
Q100382404Cost and cost-effectiveness of interim methadone treatment and patient navigation initiated in jail
Q97565159Cost and cost-effectiveness of three strategies for implementing motivational interviewing for substance misuse on medical inpatient units
Q42058785Cost and cost-effectiveness of three strategies for training clinicians in motivational interviewing.
Q36421418Cost-effectiveness analysis of a continuing care intervention for cocaine-dependent adults
Q39672107Cost-effectiveness analysis of addiction treatment: paradoxes of multiple outcomes.
Q31046185Cost-effectiveness of an internet-delivered treatment for substance abuse: Data from a multisite randomized controlled trial
Q39355057Cost-effectiveness of center-based compulsory rehabilitation compared to community-based voluntary methadone maintenance treatment in Hai Phong City, Vietnam
Q34551982Cost-effectiveness of computer-assisted training in cognitive-behavioral therapy as an adjunct to standard care for addiction.
Q52686909Cost-effectiveness of hepatitis C screening and treatment linkage intervention in US methadone maintenance treatment programs.
Q44595168Cost-effectiveness of integrating methadone maintenance and antiretroviral treatment for HIV-positive drug users in Vietnam's injection-driven HIV epidemics
Q31061872Cost-effectiveness of multidimensional family therapy compared to cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents with a cannabis use disorder: Data from a randomized controlled trial
Q57493284Cost-effectiveness of naloxone kits in secondary schools
Q35944736Cost-effectiveness of prize-based incentives for stimulant abusers in outpatient psychosocial treatment programs
Q39722855Cost-effectiveness of screening and referral to an alcohol health worker in alcohol misusing patients attending an accident and emergency department: a decision-making approach
Q37373571Cost-effectiveness of the strong African American families-teen program: 1-year follow-up
Q73405946Cost-effectiveness of treatment for drug-abusing pregnant women
Q52277867Costs and benefits of treatment for cocaine addiction in DATOS.
Q77367038Cotinine replacement levels for a 21 mg/day transdermal nicotine patch in an outpatient treatment setting
Q35250493Could a continuous measure of individual transmissible risk be useful in clinical assessment of substance use disorder? Findings from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q35745825Counselor training in several evidence-based psychosocial addiction treatments in private US substance abuse treatment centers
Q37173261Country of origin, age of drinking onset, and drinking patterns among Mexican American young adults
Q46105498Coupons attract high-risk untreated heroin users into detoxification
Q88503816Course of remission from and relapse to heavy drinking following outpatient treatment of alcohol use disorder
Q58322667Crack cocaine smokers who turn to drug injection: characteristics, factors associated with injection, and implications for HIV transmission
Q64134329Crack cocaine smokers who turn to drug injection: characteristics, factors associated with injection, and implications for HIV transmission. The Multicenter Crack Cocaine and HIV Infection Study Team
Q48794586Craving and drug reward: a comparison of methadone and clonidine in detoxifying opiate addicts
Q50793263Craving and illicit heroin use among patients in heroin-assisted treatment.
Q91092270Craving and opioid use disorder: A scoping review
Q52910357Craving despite extremely high methadone dosage.
Q90568186Craving is impermanent and it matters: Investigating craving and cannabis use among young adults with problematic use interested in reducing use
Q36477976Craving predicts time to cocaine relapse: further validation of the Now and Brief versions of the cocaine craving questionnaire
Q43647890Craving predicts use during treatment for methamphetamine dependence: a prospective, repeated-measures, within-subject analysis
Q47419998Craving versus control: Negative urgency and neural correlates of alcohol cue reactivity
Q36335935Craving: consensus of status and agenda for future research
Q70567080Crime and drug use among applicants for methadone maintenance
Q51674388Criminality in a sample of drug abusers in Greece.
Q33700811Critical issues in adolescent substance use assessment
Q40752435Cross validation of the prognostic and diagnostic utility of tobacco craving in a general and a pregnant sample of treatment-seeking smokers
Q94587317Cross-Generational THC Exposure Alters Heroin Reinforcement in Adult Male Offspring
Q87443395Cross-border activities and association with current methamphetamine use among Chinese injection drug users (IDUs) in a China-Myanmar border region
Q34510933Cross-border drug injection relationships among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico
Q98469980Cross-country and historical variation in alcohol consumption among older men and women: Leveraging recently harmonized survey data in 21 countries
Q47613028Cross-cultural examination of college drinking culture in Spain, Argentina, and USA: Measurement invariance testing of the College Life Alcohol Salience Scale
Q91869831Cross-cultural examination of different personality pathways to alcohol use and misuse in emerging adulthood
Q47706704Cross-cultural patterns of the association between varying levels of alcohol consumption and the common mental disorders of depression and anxiety: secondary analysis of the WHO Collaborative Study on Psychological Problems in General Health Care
Q96123721Cross-fading motives for simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use: Associations with young adults' use and consequences across days
Q43808437Cross-generational effects on gender differences in psychoactive drug abuse and dependence
Q47330199Cross-lagged relations between motives and substance use: Can use strengthen your motivation over time?
Q91066741Cross-sectional associations of food insecurity with smoking cigarettes and heavy alcohol use in a population-based sample of adults
Q54265638Cross-sectional cause of death comparisons for stimulant and opioid mortality in San Francisco, 2005-2015.
Q93227852Cross-sectional surveys of financial harm associated with others' drinking in 15 countries: Unequal effects on women?
Q51009505Cross-system agreement among demographic subgroups: DSM-III, DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10 diagnoses of alcohol use disorders.
Q38711802Cross-validation of short forms of the Screener and Opioid Assessment for Patients with Pain-Revised (SOAPP-R).
Q37107238Crosswalk between DSM-IV dependence and DSM-5 substance use disorders for opioids, cannabis, cocaine and alcohol
Q89052396Crude estimates of prescription opioid-related misuse and use disorder populations towards informing intervention system need in Canada
Q36083410Crystal methamphetamine use among female street-based sex workers: Moving beyond individual-focused interventions
Q39080675Crystal methamphetamine use and HIV medical outcomes among HIV-infected men who have sex with men accessing support services in New York
Q51748161Crystal methamphetamine use and its correlates in women engaged in sex work in a developing country setting.
Q80163472Crystal methamphetamine: a source of added sexual risk for Hispanic men who have sex with men?
Q52244715Cue exposure as an assessment technique in the management of a heroin addict: case report.
Q90873808Cue reactivity and opioid blockade in amphetamine dependence: A randomized, controlled fMRI study
Q98776073Cue-elicited functional connectivity of the periaqueductal gray and tonic cocaine craving
Q41640409Cue-elicited increases in incentive salience for marijuana: Craving, demand, and attentional bias
Q51690464Cue-evoked arousal in cocaine users: a study of variance and predictive value
Q60030997Cue-induced cocaine craving increases with aripiprazole treatment in methadone-maintenance patients
Q35293033Cultural competence in outpatient substance abuse treatment: measurement and relationship to wait time and retention
Q47334819Cultural differences in the perception of magazine alcohol advertisements by Israeli Jewish, Moslem, Druze and Christian high school students
Q40571419Cultural model of self-stigma among Chinese with substance use problems.
Q38696502Cumulative contextual risk at birth and adolescent substance initiation: Peer mediation tests.
Q36478382Cumulative lifetime adversities and alcohol dependence in adolescence and young adulthood
Q50347785Curbing the DUI offender's self-efficacy to drink and drive: A laboratory study
Q38954578Current FDA regulatory guidance on the conduct of drug discrimination studies for NDA review: Does the scientific literature support recent recommendations?
Q89859372Current cannabis use and smoking cessation among treatment seeking combustible smokers
Q38757594Current forms of inhibitory training produce no greater reduction in drinking than simple assessment: A preliminary study.
Q30401556Current major depression is associated with greater sensitivity to the motivational effect of both negative mood induction and abstinence on tobacco-seeking behavior
Q97597715Current marijuana use among women of reproductive age
Q33895580Current models of nicotine dependence: what is known and what is needed to advance understanding of tobacco etiology among youth
Q98299675Current reporting of usability and impact of mHealth interventions for substance use disorder: A systematic review
Q70910552Current strategies for the treatment of alcohol dependence in the United States
Q71736697Current trends in biologic research on alcoholism
Q35901448Customizing treatment to the patient: adaptive treatment strategies
Q40105603Cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate, adenylate cyclase and physical dependence on ethanol: Studies with tranylcypromine
Q40285357Cyclic nucleotides and ethanol tolerance and dependence
Q40285364Cyclic nucleotides in the development of alcohol tolerance and dependence: A commentary
Q43912920Cycling in and out of treatment; participation in methadone treatment in NSW, 1990-2002.
Q68937223Cynomolgus monkeys and morphine tolerance and dependence
Q34582678Cytisine for smoking cessation: a research agenda
Q44332707Cytochrome P4503A4 metabolic activity, methadone blood concentrations, and methadone doses
Q43326108Cytokine levels in acute alcoholic hepatitis: a sequential study.
Q31799392Cytotoxic effect of alcohol-withdrawal on primary cultures of cortical neurones
Q37469098D-Cycloserine attenuates reactivity to smoking cues in nicotine dependent smokers: a pilot investigation
Q28240383D.L. Davies and 'Normal drinking in recovered alcohol addicts': the genesis of a paper
Q43857324DBS of nucleus accumbens on heroin seeking behaviors in self-administering rats
Q128582265DNA methylation at DLGAP2 and risk for relapse in alcohol dependence during acamprosate treatment
Q33796934DRD2 and DRD4 in relation to regular alcohol and cannabis use among adolescents: Does parenting modify the impact of genetic vulnerability? The TRAILS study
Q46524937DRD2 genotypes and substance use in adolescent children of alcoholics
Q34715407DRD4 and susceptibility to peer influence on alcohol use from adolescence to adulthood
Q95789066DSM-5 SUD diagnoses: changes, reactions, remaining open questions
Q37619195DSM-5 cannabis use disorder: a phenotypic and genomic perspective
Q58552712DSM-5 cannabis withdrawal syndrome: Demographic and clinical correlates in U.S. adults
Q37092076DSM-5 latent classes of alcohol users in a population-based sample: results from the São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey, Brazil
Q38655356DSM-5 substance use disorders among adult primary care patients: Results from a multisite study.
Q40976438DSM-III, DSM-IV and ICD-10 as severity scales for drug dependence
Q51048293DSM-III-R alcohol abuse and dependence and psychiatric comorbidity in Ontario: results from the Mental Health Supplement to the Ontario Health Survey.
Q35954396DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence criteria characteristics for recent onset adolescent drinkers
Q51915404DSM-IV alcohol dependence and abuse: further evidence of validity in the general population.
Q44356429DSM-IV alcohol dependence and drug abuse/dependence in a treatment sample of whites, blacks and Mexican Americans
Q37362791DSM-IV criteria-based clinical subtypes of cannabis use disorders: results from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC).
Q38667083Daily associations between cannabis motives and consumption in emerging adults
Q37587964Daily associations between emotional functioning and alcohol involvement: Moderating effects of response inhibition and gender
Q72658697Daily cigarette consumption in early adulthood: age of smoking initiation and duration of smoking
Q35690479Daily co-occurrence of alcohol use and high-risk sexual behavior among heterosexual, heavy drinking emergency department patients
Q100514242Daily heroin injection and psychiatric disorders: A cross-sectional survey among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) in Haiphong, Vietnam
Q43270704Daily marijuana users with past alcohol problems increase alcohol consumption during marijuana abstinence
Q31138737Daily nicotine patch wear time predicts smoking abstinence in socioeconomically disadvantaged adults: An analysis of ecological momentary assessment data.
Q46011644Daily ratings measures of alcohol craving during an inpatient stay define subtypes of alcohol addiction that predict subsequent risk for resumption of drinking.
Q30832763Data compatibility in the addiction sciences: an examination of measure commonality
Q90097532Data quality considerations when using county-level opioid overdose death rates to inform policy and practice
Q90110144Data quality considerations when using county-level opioid overdose death rates to inform policy and practice: A reply
Q30930855Data triangulation in the context of opioids monitoring via wastewater analyses.
Q90515844Dating violence victimization and substance use: The role of a serotonin transporter gene polymorphism (5HTTLPR)
Q36803607Day-to-day pain symptoms are only weakly associated with opioid craving among patients with chronic pain prescribed opioid therapy
Q33177654Deaths associated with inhalant abuse in Virginia from 1987 to 1996.
Q31077101Deaths by unintentional illicit drug overdose in Italy, 1984-2000.
Q43632173Deaths of clients in methadone treatment in Texas: 1994-2002.
Q35893572Debating the Controlled Substances Act.
Q44049020Decision biases and persistent illicit drug use: an experimental study of distributed choice and addiction
Q47750026Decision making measured by the Iowa Gambling Task in alcohol use disorder and gambling disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q90849087Decision making of individuals with heroin addiction receiving opioid maintenance treatment compared to early abstinent users
Q50668158Decision rules for GHB (γ-hydroxybutyric acid) detoxification: a vignette study
Q39524231Decision-making deficits are still present in heroin abusers after short- to long-term abstinence
Q37222813Decision-making in long-term cocaine users: Effects of a cash monetary contingency on Gambling task performance
Q91421153Decision-making skills as a mediator of the #Tamojunto school-based prevention program: Indirect effects for drug use and school violence of a cluster-randomized trial
Q33603875Decisional balance proportion: quantifying qualitative data to represent motivation to change among treatment-seeking smokers.
Q43922790Decline in abuse of pentazocine/tripelennamine (T's and Blues) associated with the addition of naloxone to pentazocine tablets
Q52678640Decline in the perceived risk of cigarette smoking between 2006 and 2015: Findings from a U.S. nationally representative sample.
Q46449732Decomposing the total variation in a nested random effects model of neighborhood, household, and individual components when the dependent variable is dichotomous: implications for adolescent marijuana use.
Q35102483Deconstructing the architecture of alcohol abuse and dependence symptoms in a community sample of late adolescent and emerging adult women: an item response approach
Q52015216Decrease in alcohol tolerance: clinical significance in alcohol dependence
Q44026544Decreased activity of brain phospholipid metabolic enzymes in human users of cocaine and methamphetamine.
Q46777513Decreased cerebral blood flow of the right anterior cingulate cortex in long-term and short-term abstinent methamphetamine users
Q39636797Decreased diversion by doctor-shopping for a reformulated extended release oxycodone product (OxyContin).
Q36609285Decreased frontal lobe phosphocreatine levels in methamphetamine users.
Q69444360Decreased serum selenium and magnesium levels in drunkenness arrestees
Q51790787Decreased single breath carbon monoxide diffusing capacity in cocaine freebase smokers.
Q51580640Decreased striatal dopamine transporters in codeine-containing cough syrup abusers.
Q66972161Decreasing acetaldehyde levels with 4-methylpyrazole does not increase voluntary ethanol drinking by rats
Q45066391Decreasing sensitivity of clinical alcohol screening with the AUDIT-C after repeated negative screens in VA clinics
Q30451392Deepened extinction of cocaine cues
Q37493567Default mode network activity in male adolescents with conduct and substance use disorder.
Q38246578Deficits in behavioural inhibition in substance abuse and addiction: a meta-analysis
Q33942710Deficits in default mode network activity preceding error in cocaine dependent individuals
Q99209499Deficits in recognizing female facial expressions related to social network in cocaine-addicted men
Q40412433Deficits in response inhibition associated with chronic methamphetamine abuse
Q48601976Defining strategies for promoting product through 'drink responsibly' messages in magazine ads for beer, spirits and alcopops.
Q91421144Definition of a 'standard joint equivalent': Comment on "Who consumes most of the cannabis in Canada? Profiles of cannabis consumption by quantity"
Q38695993Definitions of non-abstinent and abstinent categories in alcoholism treatment outcome classifications: a review and proposal
Q57137182Delay discounting and e-cigarette use: An investigation in current, former, and never cigarette smokers
Q39289879Delay discounting by depressed and non-depressed adolescent smokers and non-smokers
Q46346344Delay discounting by the children of smokers and nonsmokers
Q34167648Delay discounting differentiates pre-adolescents at high and low risk for substance use disorders based on family history
Q44340922Delay discounting in opioid use disorder: Differences between heroin and prescription opioid users
Q41657313Delay to first treatment contact for alcohol use disorder.
Q36494775Delayed emergence of methamphetamine's enhanced cardiovascular effects in nonhuman primates during protracted methamphetamine abstinence
Q37339496Delayed reward discounting predicts treatment response for heavy drinkers receiving smoking cessation treatment
Q90672411Deletion of the serotonin transporter perturbs BDNF signaling in the central amygdala following long-access cocaine self-administration
Q38762090Delivery of nicotine aerosol to mice via a modified electronic cigarette device.
Q101409229Delta resting-state functional connectivity in the cognitive control network as a prognostic factor for maintaining abstinence: An eLORETA preliminary study
Q33624781Delta9-tetrahydrocannabivarin testing may not have the sensitivity to detect marijuana use among individuals ingesting dronabinol
Q28139393Demographic and substance use factors related to violent and accidental injuries: results from an emergency room study
Q39097610Demographic trends of binge alcohol use and alcohol use disorders among older adults in the United States, 2005-2014.
Q46711092Demographic, HIV risk behavior, and health status characteristics of "crack" cocaine injectors compared to other injection drug users in three New England cities
Q46497647Demographic, emotional and social determinants of cannabis use in early pregnancy: the Generation R study
Q51726055Demonstration of naturalistic methods for cocaine smoking by human volunteers.
Q35661068Denial in methamphetamine users: Associations with cognition and functional connectivity in brain.
Q69914153Dependence characteristics and risk assessment of agonist-antagonist analgesics
Q37035912Dependence levels in users of electronic cigarettes, nicotine gums and tobacco cigarettes
Q72579382Dependence liability of the benzodiazepines
Q56453851Dependence on amphetamines increases Parkinson's disease: Effect of gender
Q43909036Dependence symptoms but no diagnosis: diagnostic 'orphans' in a 1992 national sample
Q39467254Dependence symptoms but no diagnosis: diagnostic 'orphans' in a community sample
Q44934073Dependent and problem drinking over 5 years: a latent class growth analysis
Q24613776Depressed mood and the effect of two universal first grade preventive interventions on survival to the first tobacco cigarette smoked among urban youth
Q45109739Depressed smokers and stage of change: implications for treatment interventions
Q38756418Depression among current, former, and never smokers from 2005 to 2013: The hidden role of disparities in depression in the ongoing tobacco epidemic
Q46489633Depression among entrants to treatment for heroin dependence in the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS): prevalence, correlates and treatment seeking
Q42256383Depression during methadone withdrawal: no role for beta-phenylethylamine
Q96616391Depression history as a predictor of outcomes during buprenorphine-naloxone treatment of prescription opioid use disorder
Q46535066Depression syndromes with risk of alcohol dependence in adulthood: a latent class analysis
Q92236196Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidality and self-harm among people who inject drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q36689325Depression, posttraumatic stress, and alcohol misuse in young adult veterans: The transdiagnostic role of distress tolerance
Q48847168Depressive mood and tobacco use: moderating effects of gender and emotional attention
Q51443890Depressive symptomatology and cocaine-induced pituitary-adrenal axis activation in individuals with cocaine dependence.
Q92008112Depressive symptoms and substance use: Changes overtime among a cohort of HIV-positive and HIV-negative MSM
Q48107423Depressive symptoms and the implicit evaluation of alcohol: the moderating role of coping motives
Q52083005Depressive symptoms differentiating between heroin addicts and alcoholics.
Q43619992Depressive symptoms modulate the subjective and physiological response to cocaine in humans
Q34619877Depressive symptoms, negative urgency and substance use initiation in adolescents
Q90507477Depressive symptoms, ruminative thinking, marijuana use motives, and marijuana outcomes: A multiple mediation model among college students in five countries
Q90329432Derivation and validation of a multivariable model, the alcohol withdrawal triage tool (AWTT), for predicting severe alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Q57400145Deriving phenotypes for molecular genetic studies of substance use disorders: A family study approach
Q39397764Descriptive analysis of cocaine use of methadone patients
Q44448292Desipramine and contingency management for cocaine and opiate dependence in buprenorphine maintained patients
Q51726060Desipramine effects on cocaine self-administration by rhesus monkeys.
Q40420112Desipramine treatment of cocaine-dependent patients with depression: a placebo-controlled trial.
Q34551285Desomorphine (Krokodil): An overview of its chemistry, pharmacology, metabolism, toxicology and analysis
Q101137509Detachment, peer pressure, and age of first substance use as gateways to later substance use
Q35519490Detecting initiation or risk for initiation of substance use before high school during pediatric well-child check-ups
Q43842938Detecting smoking following smoking cessation treatment
Q71039633Detection and quantitation of phencyclidine in rat parotid saliva and plasma
Q36689382Detection of "bath salts" and other novel psychoactive substances in hair samples of ecstasy/MDMA/"Molly" users.
Q71538291Detection of alcohol problems in primary care outpatients under different conditions
Q69917416Detection of blood benzodiazepines in injured people. Relationship with alcoholism
Q92713464Detection of heroin intake in patients in substitution treatment using oral fluid as specimen for drug testing
Q30352138Determinants of 12-step group affiliation and moderators of the affiliation-abstinence relationship.
Q34091441Determinants of alcohol consumption in HIV-uninfected injection drug users
Q93198409Determinants of alcohol use among people living with HIV initiating isoniazid preventive therapy in Ethiopia
Q40066558Determinants of hazardous drinking among black South African men who have sex with men.
Q46588032Determinants of methadone treatment assignment among heroin addicts on first admission to public treatment centres in Italy
Q92575312Determinants of selection into buprenorphine/naloxone among people initiating opioid agonist treatment in British Columbia
Q43033248Determinants of the underreporting of alcohol consumption by HIV/HCV co-infected patients during face-to-face medical interviews: the role of the physician
Q34066503Determinants of waterpipe smoking initiation among school children in Irbid, Jordan: a 4-year longitudinal analysis
Q40628071Determinants of willingness to enroll in opioid agonist treatment among opioid dependent people who inject drugs in Ukraine.
Q70023629Determination of beta-endorphin in alcoholic patients in the acute stage of intoxication: relation with naloxone therapy
Q47238649Determination of naltrexone dosage for narcotic agonist blockade in detoxified Asian addicts
Q40866388Detoxification from methadone maintenance: Double-blind comparison of two methods
Q47356785Detoxification with titration and tapering in gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) dependent patients: The Dutch GHB monitor project
Q47735144Detrimental effects of self-administered methamphetamine during pregnancy on offspring development in the rat.
Q35896960Developing adaptive treatment strategies in substance abuse research
Q101241552Development and Validation of a Prediction Model of Prescription Tranquilizer Misuse Based on a Nationally Representative United States Sample
Q38194773Development and impact of prescription opioid abuse deterrent formulation technologies
Q38770889Development and initial validation of a cessation fatigue scale
Q38545975Development and initial validation of a marijuana cessation expectancies questionnaire
Q44138252Development and psychometric properties of the Verona Service Satisfaction Scale for methadone-treated opioid-dependent patients (VSSS-MT).
Q47841612Development and validation of a Brief Assessment of Recovery Capital (BARC-10) for alcohol and drug use disorder
Q42655324Development and validation of a brief instrument for routine outcome monitoring in opioid maintenance pharmacotherapy services: the brief treatment outcome measure (BTOM).
Q91893477Development and validation of a risk predictive model for student harmful drinking-A longitudinal data linkage study
Q52299481Development and validation of a self-rating scale for betel quid chewers based on a male-prisoner population in Taiwan: the Betel Quid Dependence Scale.
Q57482312Development and validation of a virtual agent to screen tobacco and alcohol use disorders
Q34990905Development and validation of the Alcoholics Anonymous Intention Measure (AAIM).
Q50918418Development and validation of the Stimulant Relapse Risk Scale for drug abusers in Japan.
Q39250261Development and validation of the cannabis refusal self-efficacy questionnaire (CRSEQ) in adult cannabis users in treatment.
Q50467499Development and validation of the scale to assess satisfaction with medications for addiction treatment-methadone for heroin addiction (SASMAT-METHER).
Q43629872Development of Opioid Overdose Knowledge (OOKS) and Attitudes (OOAS) Scales for take-home naloxone training evaluation
Q43426755Development of a Readiness Ruler for use with alcohol brief interventions
Q38397991Development of a brief tool for monitoring aberrant behaviours among patients receiving long-term opioid therapy: The Opioid-Related Behaviours In Treatment (ORBIT) scale
Q68514166Development of a citric acid aerosol as a smoking cessation aid
Q91691932Development of a novel alcohol and nicotine concurrent access (ANCA) self-administration procedure in baboons
Q60641798Development of a prospective memory training program for substance use treatment
Q48552416Development of a therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of cocaine addiction
Q42426966Development of a translational model to screen medications for cocaine use disorder I: Choice between cocaine and food in rhesus monkeys
Q38857284Development of a translational model to screen medications for cocaine use disorder II: Choice between intravenous cocaine and money in humans.
Q51554852Development of an adherence/competence rating scale for individual drug counseling.
Q67019750Development of cellular tolerance to lethality and analgesia concurrent with physical dependence following repeated oral administration of LAAM
Q70658848Development of dependence on levorphanol in rats by oral intake of the drug -- the influence of taste on drinking behaviour in rats physically dependent on levorphanol
Q59540411Development of error processing in children of alcoholics
Q48323778Development of morphine tolerance under tonic control of brain oxytocin.
Q44329967Development of opioid formulations with limited diversion and abuse potential
Q34421428Development of pharmaceutical heroin preparations for medical co-prescription to opioid dependent patients
Q52272860Development of sexual behavior in prenatally ethanol-exposed rats.
Q52002810Development of substance use and psychiatric comorbidity in an epidemiologic study of white and American Indian young adolescents the Great Smoky Mountains Study.
Q38204524Development of the Addiction Dimensions for Assessment and Personalised Treatment (ADAPT).
Q39651489Development of the caffeine withdrawal symptom questionnaire: caffeine withdrawal symptoms cluster into 7 factors
Q40218274Development, description, and acceptability of a small-group, behavioral intervention to prevent HIV and hepatitis C virus infections among young adult injection drug users
Q90026182Development, validation, and potential applications of the hepatitis C virus injection-risk knowledge scale (HCV-IRKS) among young opioid users in New York City
Q52285156Developmental and generational trends in alcohol, cannabis and tobacco use--a ten year cohort analysis.
Q24652233Developmental epidemiological courses leading to antisocial personality disorder and violent and criminal behavior: effects by young adulthood of a universal preventive intervention in first- and second-grade classrooms
Q37351714Developmental epidemiology of drug use and abuse in adolescence and young adulthood: Evidence of generalized risk
Q44620669Developmental exposure to cadmium alters responsiveness to cocaine in the rat
Q33935951Developmental lead exposure alters methamphetamine self-administration in the male rat: acquisition and reinstatement
Q35928523Developmental momentum toward substance dependence: natural histories and pliability of risk factors in youth experiencing chronic stress.
Q34076883Developmental sources of variation in liability to adolescent substance use disorders
Q40668445Developmental trajectories of cigarette use from early adolescence into young adulthood
Q37040009Developmental trajectories of criteria of nicotine dependence in adolescence
Q57071114Developmental trajectories of externalizing behavior from ages 4 to 12: Prenatal cocaine exposure and adolescent correlates
Q34290148Developmentally inspired drug prevention: middle school outcomes in a school-based randomized prevention trial
Q68213002Dexamethasone suppression test in alcohol withdrawal: relationship to depression and liver function
Q40727443Diagnosed alcohol dependence and criminal sentencing among British Columbian Aboriginal offenders.
Q47611048Diagnosing ADHD during active substance use: Feasible or flawed?
Q44584626Diagnostic accuracy of a two-item screen for drug use developed from the alcohol, smoking and substance involvement screening test (ASSIST).
Q31870729Diagnostic concordance of DSM-III-R, DSM-IV, and ICD-10 inhalant use disorders
Q51651391Diagnostic concordance of substance use disorders in DSM-III, DSM-IV and ICD-10.
Q35850737Diagnostic criteria for cannabis withdrawal syndrome
Q44447075Diagnostic efficiency of the AUDIT-C in U.S. veterans with military service since September 11, 2001.
Q43842928Diagnostic interview for genetic studies (DIGS): inter-rater and test-retest reliability of alcohol and drug diagnoses.
Q69873004Diagnostic of alcoholism: how useful is the combination of gamma glutamyl transferase with different biochemical markers?
Q37089302Diagnostic orphans for alcohol use disorders in a treatment-seeking psychiatric sample
Q90037055Diagnostic performance of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in detecting DSM-5 alcohol use disorders in the General population
Q46493166Diagnostic reliability of the Semi-structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism (SSADDA).
Q39427272Diagnostic tests for alcoholism in primary health care: compared efficacy of different instruments
Q34133136Dialectical behavior therapy versus comprehensive validation therapy plus 12-step for the treatment of opioid dependent women meeting criteria for borderline personality disorder
Q49053331Diary gives more accurate information about alcohol consumption than questionnaire
Q51802981Diazepam and methadone blood levels following concurrent administration of diazepam and methadone.
Q44747685Diazepam use among methadone maintenance patients: Patterns and dosages
Q50432041Did the dependent coverage expansion increase risky substance use among young adults?
Q71196815Dietary choices and likelihood of abstinence among alcoholic patients in an outpatient clinic
Q70450063Dietary choices of recovering alcoholics
Q39724007Dietary supplementation with fish oil prevents high fat diet-induced enhancement of sensitivity to the locomotor stimulating effects of cocaine in adolescent female rats
Q43728924Differences among out-of-treatment drug injectors who use stimulants only, opiates only or both: implications for treatment entry
Q44003373Differences between juvenile offenders with and without substance use problems in the prevalence and impact of risk and protective factors for criminal recidivism
Q31926141Differences between methamphetamine users and cocaine users in treatment
Q41629348Differences in HIV risk behaviors among people who inject drugs by gender and sexual orientation, San Francisco, 2012.
Q37357494Differences in IV alcohol-induced dopamine release in the ventral striatum of social drinkers and nontreatment-seeking alcoholics
Q57137173Differences in alcohol cognitions, consumption, and consequences among first-time DUI offenders who co-use alcohol and marijuana
Q50933301Differences in alcohol use and alcohol-related problems among fraternity and sorority members.
Q35952082Differences in alcohol use and alcohol-related problems between transgender- and nontransgender-identified young adults.
Q91712120Differences in alcohol use between younger and older people: Results from a general population study
Q51246146Differences in attitudes towards drug taking among drug addicts: implications for treatment.
Q47615106Differences in behavioral health disorders and unmet treatment needs between medical marijuana users and recreational marijuana users: Results from a national adult sample.
Q47345041Differences in biomarkers of crack-cocaine adolescent users before/after abstinence
Q36502348Differences in cortical activity between methamphetamine-dependent and healthy individuals performing a facial affect matching task
Q50610175Differences in happiness between smokers, ex-smokers and never smokers: cross-sectional findings from a national household survey
Q51273659Differences in heroin addicts seeking inpatient detoxification, ambulatory detoxification, or methadone maintenance
Q39705783Differences in impulsivity and sexual risk behavior among inner-city crack/cocaine users and heroin users
Q88358595Differences in nicotine dependence, smoke exposure and consumer characteristics between smokers of machine-injected roll-your-own cigarettes and factory-made cigarettes
Q98384662Differences in patient-reported and observer-rated opioid withdrawal symptom etiology, time course, and relationship to clinical outcome
Q58566057Differences in protective factors among U.S. Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder, alcohol use disorder, and their comorbidity: Results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study
Q47621511Differences in reporting of perceived acute effects of alcohol use, marijuana use, and simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use.
Q47995474Differences in self-reported and behavioral measures of impulsivity in recreational and dependent cocaine users
Q43620000Differences in severity of heroin dependence by route of administration: the importance of length of heroin use.
Q87868688Differences in time to injection onset by drug in California: Implications for the emerging heroin epidemic
Q36979752Differences in time to onset of smoking and nicotine dependence by race/ethnicity in a Midwestern sample of adolescents and young adults from a high risk family study
Q31870699Different control of GH secretion by gamma-amino- and gamma-hydroxy-butyric acid in 4-year abstinent alcoholics
Q115162873Different drugs come with different motives: Examining motives for substance use among people who engage in polysubstance use undergoing methadone maintenance therapy (MMT)
Q40474478Different genes influence toluene- and ethanol-induced locomotor impairment in C. elegans.
Q58585989Different socioeconomic backgrounds between hazardous drinking and heavy episodic drinking: Prevalence by sociodemographic factors in a Japanese general sample
Q41089496Different versions of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) as screening instruments for underage binge drinking
Q37087740Differential activation of the anterior cingulate cortex and caudate nucleus during a gambling simulation in persons with a family history of alcoholism: studies from the Oklahoma Family Health Patterns Project
Q71132355Differential alcohol use patterns and personality traits among three Alcoholics Anonymous attendance level groups: further considerations of the affiliation profile
Q37586875Differential antinociceptive effects of buprenorphine and methadone in the presence of HIV-gp120.
Q96166932Differential changes in quitting smoking by daily cigarette consumption and intention to quit after the introduction of a tobacco tax increase and pictorial cigarette pack warnings in Korea, 2013-2017
Q39478038Differential contributions of family and peer factors to the etiology of narcotic addiction
Q37281980Differential effects of acute and chronic treatment with the α2-adrenergic agonist, lofexidine, on cocaine self-administration in rhesus monkeys
Q43925616Differential effects of alcohol, cocaine, and opioid abuse on event-related potentials recorded during a response competition task
Q48191797Differential effects of chronic ethanol on apomorphine-induced locomotion, climbing and aggression in rats
Q27312201Differential effects of cocaine exposure on the abundance of phospholipid species in rat brain and blood
Q51563045Differential effects of cocaine, alcohol, and nicotine dependence on olfactory evoked potentials.
Q34973799Differential effects of endocannabinoid catabolic inhibitors on morphine withdrawal in mice
Q52300221Differential effects of intermittent and continuous exposure to novel environmental stimuli on the development of amphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization in mice: implications for addiction.
Q47815260Differential effects of methadone and buprenorphine on the response of D2/D3 dopamine receptors in adolescent mice
Q40123991Differential effects of perceived stress on alcohol consumption in moderate versus heavy drinking HIV-infected women.
Q44487821Differential effects of saccharin supplementation on alcohol and water consumption by Wistar rats from different sources
Q37283346Differential expression and functional role of cannabinoid genes in alcohol users
Q52150820Differential expression of α-synuclein splice variants in the brain of alcohol misusers: Influence of genotype.
Q95658371Differential implications of persistent, remitted, and late-onset ADHD symptoms for substance abuse in women and men: A twin study from ages 11 to 24
Q59540414Differential incentive processing in youth before and after substance use initiation
Q92464930Differential pathways into smoking among sexual orientation and social class groups in England: A structural equation model
Q38977593Differential profiles of drug-addicted patients according to gender and the perpetration of intimate partner violence.
Q44340419Differential regulation of brain opioid receptors following repeated cocaine administration to guinea pigs
Q57117737Differential relationships between cannabis consumption and sleep health as a function of HIV status
Q92236190Differential responses to infant faces in relation to maternal substance use: An exploratory study
Q35147153Differential reward network functional connectivity in cannabis dependent and non-dependent users
Q63313861Differential risk of racial admixture for substance abuse: A longitudinal analysis
Q38845847Differential sensitivity to learning from positive and negative outcomes in cocaine users.
Q74137204Differential tolerance to morphine's immunomodulatory effects following continuous administration
Q91691336Differentially classified methamphetamine-using men who have sex with men: A latent class analysis
Q46007435Differentials and trends in emergency department visits due to alcohol intoxication and co-occurring conditions among students in a U.S. public university.
Q46392247Differentials in the treatment of black female heroin addicts
Q38948053Differentiating patterns of prescription stimulant medical and nonmedical use among youth 10-18 years of age.
Q48490040Differentiation of alcoholics high and low in childhood hyperactivity
Q70450073Differentiation of the analgesic effects of THIP and morphine using three mouse strains
Q40515918Difficult temperament, acute alcohol intoxication, and aggressive behavior
Q48286043Difficulties in emotion regulation and impulse control during cocaine abstinence
Q36930511Difficulties in emotional regulation and substance use disorders: a controlled family study of bipolar adolescents
Q66972158Difficulties in measuring human acetaldehyde levels
Q37309003Diffusion tensor imaging in cocaine dependence: regional effects of cocaine on corpus callosum and effect of cocaine administration route
Q35877143Dimensionality of DSM-IV nicotine dependence in a national sample: an item response theory application
Q37156806Dimensionality of lifetime alcohol abuse, dependence and binge drinking
Q44612522Dimensions of marihuana experience
Q43009165Dimethyltryptamine (DMT): subjective effects and patterns of use among Australian recreational users
Q101378079Diminished cortical response to risk and loss during risky decision making in alcohol use disorder
Q34148073Diminished gray matter in the hippocampus of cannabis users: possible protective effects of cannabidiol
Q52267492Diploma in addiction behaviour
Q52242358Diploma in addiction behaviour: update.
Q40050661Directly alcohol-attributable mortality by industry and occupation in a Spanish Census cohort of economically active population.
Q35633045Directly observed antiretroviral therapy eliminates adverse effects of active drug use on adherence
Q30497684Directly observed antiretroviral therapy improves adherence and viral load in drug users attending methadone maintenance clinics: A randomized controlled trial
Q91893488Discharge against medical advice from hospitalizations for substance use disorders: The potential impact of the Affordable Care Act
Q41052792Discharge patterns of residents from halfway houses for male alcoholics
Q44080139Discontinuation of long-term benzodiazepine use by sending a letter to users in family practice: a prospective controlled intervention study
Q47228043Discordant reporting of nonmedical amphetamine use among Adderall-using high school seniors in the US.
Q44555329Discounting of money, health, and freedom in substance abusers and controls
Q40863984Discrepancies in addressing overdose prevention through prescription monitoring programs
Q39318474Discrepancies in prevalence estimates in two national surveys for nonmedical use of a specific opioid product versus any prescription pain reliever
Q34961111Discrimination and alcohol-related problems among college students: a prospective examination of mediating effects
Q91804536Discrimination learning in oxycodone-treated nonhuman primates
Q53087323Discriminative stimulus and locomotor effects of para-substituted and benzofuran analogs of amphetamine.
Q44448279Discriminative stimulus effects of (-)-ephedrine in rats: analysis with catecholamine transporter and receptor ligands.
Q46564368Discriminative stimulus effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in humans trained to discriminate among d-amphetamine, meta-chlorophenylpiperazine and placebo
Q51099663Discriminative stimulus effects of alcohol in humans.
Q50996720Discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in female versus male rats.
Q52058710Discriminative stimulus effects of combinations of pentobarbital and ethanol in rhesus monkeys.
Q31870754Discriminative stimulus effects of panadiplon (U-78875), a partial agonist at the benzodiazepine site, in pentobarbital-trained rhesus monkeys
Q52217403Discriminative stimulus effects of phencyclidine: pharmacologically specific interactions with delta 9- and delta 8-tetrahydrocannabinol.
Q52260276Discriminative stimulus properties of (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine in pigeons.
Q41832637Discriminative stimulus properties of cocaine, alone and in combination with buprenorphine, morphine and naltrexone
Q52261458Discriminative stimulus properties of phenylisopropylamine derivatives.
Q42680744Discriminative-stimulus effects of modafinil in cocaine-trained humans
Q35181608Discriminative-stimulus effects of second generation synthetic cathinones in methamphetamine-trained rats
Q89845187Disordered eating is associated with non-medical use of prescription stimulants among college students
Q45268378Disorders of sexual desire in a sample of women alcoholics
Q123299581Disorders through organizational change
Q33341371Disparate cocaine-induced locomotion as a predictor of choice behavior in rats trained in a delay-discounting task
Q38129553Disparities in Latino substance use, service use, and treatment: implications for culturally and evidence-based interventions under health care reform
Q91384304Disparities in adult cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco use by sexual identity
Q40082800Disparities in drinking patterns and risks among ethnic majority and minority groups in China: The roles of acculturation, religion, family and friends
Q91757113Disparities in opioid related mortality between United States counties from 2000 to 2014
Q60501012Disparities in substance use behaviors and disorders among adult sexual minorities by age, gender, and sexual identity
Q36115969Displays of dabbing marijuana extracts on YouTube
Q48282213Disposition and metabolism of [3H] cocaine in acutely and chronically treated monkeys
Q88650788Dispositional mindfulness and prescription opioid misuse among chronic pain patients: Craving and attention to positive information as mediating mechanisms
Q52317444Dissatisfaction with opioid maintenance treatment partly explains reported side effects of medications.
Q33903788Dissociable effect of acute varenicline on tonic versus cue-provoked craving in non-treatment-motivated heavy smokers
Q48742453Dissociation between subjective and behavioral responses after cocaine stimuli presentations
Q73434121Dissociation of physical abstinence signs from changes in extracellular dopamine in the nucleus accumbens and in the prefrontal cortex of nicotine dependent rats
Q48022442Distinct behavioral and immunoendocrine parameters during crack cocaine abstinence in women reporting childhood abuse and neglect.
Q91092288Distinct effects of cocaine and cocaine + cannabis on neurocognitive functioning and abstinence: A six-month follow-up study
Q34850920Distinctive characteristics of methamphetamine users presenting at public clinics: steep rise in South Carolina, United States, 2000-2005
Q35757407Distinctive modulation of ethanol place preference by delta opioid receptor-selective agonists
Q38771287Distinguishing subpopulations of marijuana users with latent profile analysis
Q44620677Distribution of deaths by unintentional illicit drug overdose in Italy based on periodicity over time, 1984–2000
Q33280696Distributive syringe sharing among young adult injection drug users in five U.S. cities
Q89462348Disturbances of postural sway components in cannabis users
Q42538809Disulfiram effects on acute cocaine administration
Q35792934Disulfiram effects on responses to intravenous cocaine administration
Q36517347Divergent effects of cannabidiol on the discriminative stimulus and place conditioning effects of Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol
Q37074102Divergent marijuana trajectories among men: Socioeconomic, relationship, and life satisfaction outcomes in the mid-30s
Q93631318Diverging trends in youthful and adult alcohol consumption: a result of preventive programs?
Q36568562Diverse HIV epidemics among people who inject drugs in Thailand: evidence from respondent-driven sampling surveys in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.
Q48960697Diverse autonomic regulation of pupillary function and the cardiovascular system during alcohol withdrawal
Q84812155Diversion and abuse of buprenorphine: findings from national surveys of treatment patients and physicians
Q49148498Divided attention task performance and subjective effects following alcohol and placebo: differences between women with and without a family history of alcoholism
Q36496567Do adolescent ecstasy users have different attitudes towards drugs when compared to marijuana users?
Q114190320Do alcohol policies affect everyone equally? An assessment of the effects of state policies on education-related patterns of alcohol use, 2011–2019
Q37155093Do brief interventions which target alcohol consumption also reduce cigarette smoking? Systematic review and meta-analysis
Q57670322Do consumers substitute between cannabis and opium? Evidence from British India
Q36306212Do consumers substitute opium for hashish? An economic analysis of simultaneous cannabinoid and opiate consumption in a legal regime
Q46144874Do drinking-age laws have an impact on crime? Evidence from Canada, 2009-2013.
Q42679031Do drug users in China who frequently receive detoxification treatment change their risky drug use practices and sexual behavior?
Q36734705Do early experiences with cannabis vary in cigarette smokers?
Q35966318Do environmental cues prompt attempts to stop smoking? A prospective natural history study
Q33541919Do hallucinogens cause residual neuropsychological toxicity?
Q46176088Do law enforcement interactions reduce the initiation of injection drug use? An investigation in three North American settings.
Q93346638Do maternal knowledge and paternal knowledge of children's whereabouts buffer differently against alcohol use? A longitudinal study among Finnish boys and girls
Q89803998Do men who have sex with men who report alcohol and illicit drug use before/during sex (chemsex) present moderate/high risk for substance use disorders?
Q89391133Do naloxone access laws increase outpatient naloxone prescriptions? Evidence from Medicaid
Q69677289Do persistent morphine effects involve interactions with the genome?
Q58812576Do prescribed opioids impact CD4 count restoration among HIV+ patients initiating antiretroviral therapy?
Q46847449Do primary care physicians' own AUDIT scores predict their use of brief alcohol intervention? A cross-sectional survey
Q46489619Do research payments precipitate drug use or coerce participation?
Q59360764Do serum markers of liver fibrosis vary by HCV infection in patients with alcohol use disorder?
Q36269756Do smokers with alcohol problems have more difficulty quitting?
Q39211606Do survivors respond differently when alcohol abuse complicates suicide? Findings from the psychological autopsy study in Estonia
Q92998547Do tobacco industry websites target content to specific demographic groups?
Q45263540Do trauma history and PTSD symptoms influence addiction relapse context?
Q34615910Do withdrawal-like symptoms mediate increased marijuana smoking in individuals treated with venlafaxine-XR?
Q51798407Do young people benefit from AA as much, and in the same ways, as adult aged 30+? A moderated multiple mediation analysis.
Q52591571Doctor shopping of opioid analgesics relative to benzodiazepines: A pharmacoepidemiological study among 11.7 million inhabitants in the French countries.
Q36680988Does Alcoholics Anonymous work differently for men and women? A moderated multiple-mediation analysis in a large clinical sample
Q34279700Does active referral by a doctor or 12-Step peer improve 12-Step meeting attendance? Results from a pilot randomised control trial.
Q40090086Does areca nut use lead to dependence?
Q51914880Does assigning a representative payee reduce substance abuse?
Q37652922Does beverage type and drinking context matter in an alcohol-related injury? Evidence from emergency department patients in Latin America
Q43195432Does binge drinking in teenagers affect their everyday prospective memory?
Q39636117Does calling alcoholism an illness make a difference? The public image of alcoholism in Italy
Q77989951Does clinical case management improve outpatient addiction treatment
Q35985023Does co-morbid depression alter the inverse relationship between obesity and substance use disorders?
Q28266046Does comorbid substance use disorder impair recovery from major depression with SSRI treatment? An analysis of the STAR*D level one treatment outcomes
Q35660973Does comparing alcohol use along a single dimension obscure within-group differences? Investigating men's hazardous drinking by sexual orientation and race/ethnicity
Q40369801Does contingency management affect motivation to change substance use?
Q37345565Does delay discounting play an etiological role in smoking or is it a consequence of smoking?
Q92774321Does e-cigarette experimentation increase the transition to daily smoking among young ever-smokers in France?
Q50633522Does early socio-economic disadvantage predict comorbid alcohol and mental health disorders?
Q88157829Does exposure to parental substance use disorders increase offspring risk for a substance use disorder? A longitudinal follow-up study into young adulthood
Q35866473Does gender contribute to heterogeneity in criteria for cannabis abuse and dependence? Results from the national epidemiological survey on alcohol and related conditions
Q34179902Does heavy adolescent marijuana use lead to criminal involvement in adulthood? Evidence from a multiwave longitudinal study of urban African Americans
Q36090462Does laboratory cue reactivity correlate with real-world craving and smoking responses to cues?
Q38803771Does marijuana "blunt" smoking contribute to nicotine exposure?: Preliminary product testing of nicotine content in wrappers of cigars commonly used for blunt smoking
Q43571812Does multisite sampling improve patient heterogeneity in drug misuse research?
Q47731006Does outcome measurement of treatment for substance use disorder reflect the personal concerns of patients? A scoping review of measures recommended in Europe
Q38532377Does physical activity protect against drug abuse vulnerability?
Q35980539Does quitting smoking during pregnancy have a long-term impact on smoking status?
Q47370029Does recovery-oriented treatment prompt heroin users prematurely into detoxification and abstinence programmes? Qualitative study.
Q39275433Does resilience moderate the associations between parental problem drinking and adolescents' internalizing and externalizing behaviors? A study of Korean adolescents
Q38845948Does substance use moderate the association of neighborhood disadvantage with perceived stress and safety in the activity spaces of urban youth?
Q36069581Does the "gateway" sequence increase prediction of cannabis use disorder development beyond deviant socialization? Implications for prevention practice and policy
Q47587736Does the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of addiction apply in an Islamic context? A qualitative study of Jordanian addicts in treatment
Q39403285Does the familial transmission of drinking patterns persist into young adulthood? A 10-year follow up.
Q39141587Does the pattern of amphetamine use prior to incarceration predict later psychosis?--a longitudinal study of amphetamine users in the Swedish criminal justice system.
Q37557867Does treatment fidelity predict client outcomes in 12-Step Facilitation for stimulant abuse?
Q38177927Does urine drug abuse screening help for managing patients? A systematic review
Q44341104Dolutegravir does not affect methadone pharmacokinetics in opioid-dependent, HIV-seronegative subjects
Q43259945Donepezil treatment and the subjective effects of intravenous cocaine in dependent individuals
Q52272665Dopamine D2 receptor gene Taq I 'A' locus map including 'A4' variant: relevance for alcoholism and drug abuse.
Q28374214Dopamine D2/D3 receptors modulate cocaine's reinforcing and discriminative stimulus effects in rhesus monkeys
Q46591374Dopamine D3 as well as D2 receptor ligands attenuate the cue-induced cocaine-seeking in a relapse model in rats
Q33809050Dopamine D₃ receptor alterations in cocaine-dependent humans imaged with [¹¹C](+)PHNO.
Q48597719Dopamine neurotoxicity in cortical neurons
Q45284817Dopamine receptor regulation of ethanol intake and extracellular dopamine levels in the ventral pallidum of alcohol preferring (P) rats
Q60619404Dopamine receptor responsivity in alcoholic patients before and after detoxification
Q36930260Dopamine transporter levels in cocaine dependent subjects
Q74137210Dopaminergic and serotonergic alterations in the rat brain during ethanol withdrawal: association with behavioral signs
Q47943228Dopaminergic dysfunction in abstinent dexamphetamine users: results from a pharmacological fMRI study using a reward anticipation task and a methylphenidate challenge
Q50773926Dopaminergic involvement in effort-based but not impulsive reward processing in smokers.
Q73154607Dorothy Hatsukami and the sponsorship of Drug and Alcohol Dependence by the College on Problems of Drug Dependence
Q41640381Dorsal anterior cingulate glutamate is associated with engagement of the default mode network during exposure to smoking cues
Q33975160Dose related risk of motor vehicle crashes after cannabis use.
Q47830942Dose-related effects of delta-9-THC on emotional responses to acute psychosocial stress.
Q51181542Dose-response relationship between tobacco or alcohol consumption and the development of diabetes mellitus in Japanese male workers.
Q47445066Dose-response relationships between exercise intensity, cravings, and inhibitory control in methamphetamine dependence: An ERPs study
Q42280650Double jeopardy through social marginalization: HIV risk among Tajik male labor migrants in Moscow
Q41747240Double trouble: Exploring the association between waterpipe tobacco smoking and the nonmedical use of psychoactive prescription drugs among adolescents
Q38414947Double trouble: Psychiatric comorbidity and opioid addiction-all-cause and cause-specific mortality
Q37079341Double-blind comparison of carbamazepine and placebo for treatment of cocaine dependence
Q34158675Double-blind fluoxetine trial in comorbid MDD-CUD youth and young adults.
Q42546661Double-blind randomised controlled trial of lofexidine versus clonidine in the treatment of heroin withdrawal
Q31926146Double-blind randomized trial of buprenorphine and methadone in opiate dependence
Q52274889Double-blind study of lofexidine and clonidine in the detoxification of opiate addicts in hospital.
Q52289396Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of selegiline transdermal system (STS) for the treatment of cocaine dependence.
Q37281826Double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial of benfotiamine for severe alcohol dependence.
Q43774545Drink and drugs: from medical students to doctors
Q37260465Drinkers and bettors: investigating the complementarity of alcohol consumption and problem gambling
Q36867035Drinkers' memory bias for alcohol picture cues in explicit and implicit memory tasks
Q47611841Drinking and driving among American youth: beliefs and behaviors
Q43570046Drinking and driving: pre-driving attitudes and perceptions among Brazilian youth
Q70398699Drinking and drug use among Ontario Indian students
Q47655710Drinking and heavy drinking by students in 18 countries
Q52279038Drinking and smoking as concurrent predictors of illicit drug use and positive drug attitudes in adolescents.
Q33767546Drinking and stress: an examination of sex and stressor differences using IVR-based daily data
Q72612372Drinking and unemployment: contrasting patterns among men and women
Q73795234Drinking as a risk factor for sustained smoking
Q43791647Drinking behaviour and social change among youths in Nigeria--a study of two cities
Q40198034Drinking despite health problems among individuals with liver disease across the United States
Q36816469Drinking drivers and drug use on weekend nights in the United States
Q52277496Drinking in the Swedish gay and lesbian community.
Q37537240Drinking motives as prospective predictors of outcome in an intervention trial with heavily drinking HIV patients.
Q40591979Drinking pattern during midlife and risk of developing depression during 28 years of follow-up: A prospective cohort study
Q88484298Drinking patterns and adherence to "low-risk" guidelines among community-residing older adults
Q40233468Drinking patterns and alcohol problems among Hispanics in the U.S.: a review
Q33541916Drinking patterns and problems, drug use and health services utilization: a comparison of two regions in the US general population
Q41137123Drinking patterns and problems: a comparison of emergency room populations in the United States and Spain
Q35661032Drinking problems and mortality risk in the United States
Q40422801Drinking refusal self-efficacy questionnaire-revised (DRSEQ-R): a new factor structure with confirmatory factor analysis
Q36663528Drinking to cope with negative emotions moderates alcohol use disorder treatment response in patients with co-occurring anxiety disorder.
Q95924661Drinking to death: Hyponatraemia induced by synthetic phenethylamines
Q90669086Drinking to go out or going out to drink? A longitudinal study of alcohol in night-time entertainment districts
Q38550440Drinking to have fun and to get drunk: motives as predictors of weekend drinking over and above usual drinking habits
Q35088330Drinking trajectories among HIV-infected men who have sex with men: a cohort study of United States veterans
Q37660374Drinking, smoking, and educational achievement: cross-lagged associations from adolescence to adulthood
Q47226904Drivers with alcohol use disorders and their risks of crash involvement
Q44578997Driving under the influence among frequent ecstasy consumers in Australia: trends over time and the role of risk perceptions
Q91027560Driving under the influence of cannabis among medical cannabis patients with chronic pain
Q36509285Dronabinol and lofexidine for cannabis use disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Q35160234Dronabinol for the treatment of cannabis dependence: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Q51771785Drug Stroop: Mechanisms of response to computerized cognitive behavioral therapy for cocaine dependence in a randomized clinical trial.
Q53254186Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS: international research lessons and imperatives.
Q71035539Drug abuse and affluence in five countries: a study of economic and health conditions, 1960-1975
Q45157501Drug abuse and suicidal behavior
Q31032665Drug abuse in France: a review of statistical data
Q72080919Drug abuse in Jordan: an exploratory study
Q41469469Drug abuse in a farm community; a brief appraisal of a research work
Q51855685Drug abuse in the United States: the past decade.
Q50769666Drug abuse scientists should use social media to engage the public because their primary translational product is information.
Q51168717Drug abuse strategies.
Q33856563Drug abuse treatment as an HIV prevention strategy: a review
Q48737379Drug abuse treatment retention and process effects on follow-up outcomes
Q41470140Drug abuse trends among German youth
Q44253859Drug abuse, methadone treatment, and health services use among injection drug users with AIDS.
Q52711550Drug abuse: a manifestation of the cyclic nature of human behavior
Q48405870Drug addiction research: moving toward the 21st century
Q58365709Drug addicts and renal lesions
Q33452387Drug addicts attending specialised institutions: towards a drug addiction data bank?
Q39346184Drug addicts seeking treatment after the Iranian Revolution: a clinic-based study
Q85383368Drug and Alcohol Dependence Fellowship
Q78170776Drug and alcohol consumption and sexual risk behaviour among young adults: results from a national survey
Q42606463Drug and alcohol treatment among privately insured patients: rate of specialty substance abuse treatment and association with cost-sharing
Q30354209Drug and alcohol-impaired driving among electronic music dance event attendees
Q60144148Drug and tobacco use during pregnancy transmit genetic influences on developmental risk for substance use
Q71137846Drug attitudes and discrimination between drugs among a group of English schoolchildren
Q101131157Drug checking identifies counterfeit alprazolam tablets
Q90669082Drug checking services at music festivals and events in a Canadian setting
Q70450066Drug counselors' perceptions of clients: demographic, personality and psychopathology correlates
Q35238099Drug dealing cessation among a cohort of drug users in Vancouver, Canada
Q67963098Drug dependence and personality disorder: its relationship to the treatment of drug dependence
Q41384490Drug dependence units in England and Wales. The results of a national survey
Q43864898Drug dependence, crime and personality among female addicts
Q28344318Drug dependence, parenting responsibilities, and treatment history: why doesn't mom go for help?
Q52072839Drug dependence: benefit-risk ratio assessment of agonist-antagonist analgesics.
Q43070756Drug dependence: stress and dysregulation of brain reward pathways
Q28281999Drug discrimination studies
Q69444341Drug findings in 'Driving Under the Influence of Drugs' cases: a problem of illicit drug use
Q35842847Drug fluency: a potential marker for cocaine use disorders
Q38886126Drug involvement during and after college: Estimates of opportunity and use given opportunity
Q90457199Drug overdose mortality among residents of single room occupancy buildings in San Francisco, California, 2010-2017
Q57817823Drug screening and changing marijuana policy: Validation of new single question drug screening tools
Q90110134Drug screening during pregnancy: Urine dip cups measure up
Q43721965Drug spend and acquisitive offending by substance misusers
Q44809237Drug test feasibility in a general population household survey
Q51766369Drug use among alcoholism detoxification patients: prevalence and impact on alcoholism treatment.
Q72091323Drug use among non-students in three countries
Q39437567Drug use among street children in southern Brazil
Q44283699Drug use among two American Indian populations: prevalence of lifetime use and DSM-IV substance use disorders
Q36039426Drug use and HIV risk outcomes in opioid-injecting men in the Republic of Georgia: behavioral treatment + naltrexone compared to usual care.
Q51696982Drug use and HIV risk-taking behaviour among clients in methadone maintenance treatment.
Q42597970Drug use and HIV risk-taking behaviour among injecting drug users not currently in treatment in Sydney, Australia
Q40958172Drug use and childhood-, military- and post-military trauma exposure among women and men veterans
Q36658120Drug use and dependence in cocaine dependent subjects, community-based individuals, and their siblings.
Q71132359Drug use and drug problems among teenagers in a household sample
Q37334745Drug use and other risk factors related to lower body mass index among HIV-infected individuals
Q31156392Drug use and problem drinking associated with primary care and emergency room utilization in the US general population: data from the 2005 national alcohol survey
Q42688156Drug use and risk of HIV/AIDS on the Mexico-USA border: a comparison of treatment admissions in both countries
Q43571783Drug use and sport--a commentary on: Injury, pain and prescription opioid use among former National Football League football players by Cottler et al.
Q37204921Drug use disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder over 25 adult years: role of psychopathology in relational networks
Q44069915Drug use expectancies among nonabstinent community cocaine users
Q40464430Drug use generations and patterns of injection drug use: Birth cohort differences among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California.
Q36846607Drug use in the social networks of heroin and cocaine users before and after drug cessation
Q57077162Drug use opportunities and the transition to drug use among adolescents from the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
Q39694890Drug use opportunities as opportunities for drug use prevention: Bogotá, Colombia a case in point
Q43777853Drug use patterns and adherence to treatment among HIV-positive patients: evidence from a large sample of French outpatients (ANRS-EN12-VESPA 2003).
Q36295888Drug use patterns in young adulthood and post-college employment.
Q35875932Drug use patterns predict risk of non-fatal overdose among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting
Q46588028Drug use practices among MDMA/ecstasy users in Ohio: a latent class analysis
Q37087802Drug use related problems among nonmedical users of prescription stimulants: a web-based survey of college students from a Midwestern university.
Q72676368Drug use, HIV risk-taking and psychosocial correlates of benzodiazepine use among methadone maintenance clients
Q52278004Drug use, self report and urinalysis.
Q95314500Drug use, sexual risk, and structural vulnerability among female sex workers in two urban centers of the Dominican Republic: The EPIC study
Q58633730Drug users and non-drug users both favor uncommon informed consent practices
Q33625219Drug users' adherence to a 6-month vaccination protocol: effects of motivational incentives
Q38574122Drug users' spiritual beliefs, locus of control and the disease concept in relation to Narcotics Anonymous attendance and six-month outcomes
Q58633737Drug users’ advice on enrollment and retention in health research
Q48405857Drug-activation of brain reward pathways
Q48916835Drug-reinforced responding: rapid determination of dose-response functions
Q34980340Drug-related deaths and the sales of needles through pharmacies
Q31870944Drug-related emergencies and drug-related deaths in Vienna, 1995-1997.
Q90105935Drug-related mortality after discharge from treatment: A record-linkage study of substance abuse clients in Texas, 2006-2012
Q70870015Drug-related mortality in an inner city area
Q37282186Drug-related stimuli impair inhibitory control in cocaine abusers.
Q52306831Drug-seeking behavior in the dog: Lack of effect of prior passive dependence on morphine
Q41594656Drugged driving, a review based on the experience in Norway
Q48728349Drugs and homicide: a theory
Q30328470Drugs and the dance music scene: a survey of current drug use patterns among a sample of dance music enthusiasts in the UK.
Q46221271Drugs of abuse found in fatally injured drivers in Los Angeles County
Q40728555Drugs on a medical campus I. Drug use among medical undergraduates
Q39570794Drugs on a medical campus. II. Drug use among faculty members
Q41473361Drugs on a medical campus. III. Drug use among nursing and paramedical personnel
Q50786694Drunk versus drugged: how different are the drivers?
Q41699593Drunkenness and its association with health risk behaviors among adolescents and young adults in three Asian cities: Hanoi, Shanghai, Taipei
Q45922828Drunker than intended: misperceptions and information treatments.
Q90329436Dual mental health diagnoses predict the receipt of medication-assisted opioid treatment: Associations moderated by state Medicaid expansion status, race/ethnicity and gender, and year
Q43197505Dual use of anabolic-androgenic steroids and narcotics in Sweden
Q91272641Duration of opioid prescriptions predicts incident nonmedical use of prescription opioids among U.S. veterans receiving medical care
Q104070784Dyadic associations between relationship quality and risk of opioid use among couples receiving methadone for opioid use disorder
Q35684512Dynamics in the costs of criminality among opioid dependent individuals
Q31870967Dynamics of behavioral risk factors for HIV/AIDS: a 6-year prospective study of injection drug users
Q37502107E-cigarette advertising exposure and implicit attitudes among young adult non-smokers
Q93370773E-cigarette devices used by high-school youth
Q50138546E-cigarette use and quantity of cigarette smoking among adolescent cigarette smokers: A finite mixture model analysis
Q93346651E-cigarette use and respiratory disorder in an adult sample
Q39798307E-cigarette use and subsequent cigarette and marijuana use among Hispanic young adults
Q90566466E-cigarette use frequency and motivations among current users in middle school
Q91211475E-cigarette use is associated with a self-reported diagnosis of prediabetes in never cigarette smokers: Results from the behavioral risk factor surveillance system survey
Q40509700E-cigarettes, conventional cigarettes, and dual use in Korean adolescents and university students: Prevalence and risk factors.
Q91665852E-cigarettes-An unintended illicit drug delivery system
Q33624714EEG spectral phenotypes: heritability and association with marijuana and alcohol dependence in an American Indian community study
Q43641310Early adolescent patterns of alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana polysubstance use and young adult substance use outcomes in a nationally representative sample
Q36082767Early adolescent psychopathology as a predictor of alcohol use disorders by young adulthood
Q30683555Early adolescent substance use in Mexican origin families: Peer selection, peer influence, and parental monitoring
Q47558433Early age at childhood parental incarceration and STI/HIV-related drug use and sex risk across the young adult lifecourse in the US: Heightened vulnerability of black and Hispanic youth
Q47237785Early age of e-cigarette use onset mediates the association between impulsivity and e-cigarette use frequency in youth
Q46700844Early alcohol experiences and adolescent mental health: a population-based study in Taiwan.
Q45193449Early alcohol or tobacco onset and transition to other drug use among students in the state of Morelos, Mexico
Q39578666Early clinical manifestations of cannabis dependence in a community sample
Q35661085Early emerging nicotine dependence symptoms in adolescence predict daily smoking in young adulthood
Q35793010Early experience with racial discrimination and conduct disorder as predictors of subsequent drug use: a critical period hypothesis
Q37040028Early exposure to stimulant medications and substance-related problems: The role of medical and nonmedical contexts.
Q39437572Early family adversity as a precursor to narcotic addiction
Q63358417Early life trauma, neurocognitive functioning, and substance use
Q30665750Early onset and recent drug use among children of parents with alcohol problems: data from a national epidemiologic survey
Q39716784Early onset inhalant use and risk for opiate initiation by young adulthood
Q41735750Early onset of cannabis use: does personality modify the relation with changes in perceived parental involvement?
Q35638721Early onset problem behaviors and alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use disorders in young adulthood
Q50142562Early onset tobacco cigarette smokers exhibit deficits in response inhibition and sustained attention
Q39356817Early predictors of age at first use of alcohol, marijuana, and cigarettes
Q72658673Early smoking initiation and nicotine dependence in a cohort of young adults
Q44360031Early-onset cannabis use and cognitive deficits: what is the nature of the association?
Q40966694Early-onset drug use and risk of later drug problems
Q52278411Early-onset of illicit substance use is associated with greater axis-II comorbidity, not with axis-I comorbidity.
Q95651839Eating disorders in a community-based sample of women with alcohol use disorder and nicotine dependence
Q48408284Ecological assessment of executive functions in substance dependent individuals
Q44910543Ecological momentary assessment in alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and opiate dependence: a comparison of feasibility and validity
Q38338253Ecological momentary assessment in the investigation of craving and substance use in daily life: a systematic review
Q97561755Ecological momentary assessment of daily drug use and harm reduction service utilization among people who inject drugs in non-urban areas: A concurrent mixed-method feasibility study
Q93015900Economic demand analysis of within-session dose-reduction during nicotine self-administration
Q45961576Economic evaluation: a comparison of methadone versus buprenorphine for opiate substitution treatment.
Q31061435Economic manifestations of opiate addiction: evidence from historical data from colonial Indonesia
Q52276810Ecstasy (MDMA) dependence.
Q34122199Ecstasy use among US adolescents from 1999 to 2008.
Q60630740Ecstasy use in Australia: patterns of use and associated harm
Q36113949Education inequality and use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana
Q37380191Educational attainment and smoking among women: risk factors and consequences for offspring
Q33950655Educational attainment is not a good proxy for cognitive function in methamphetamine dependence
Q88069337Educational differences in alcohol consumption and heavy drinking: An age-period-cohort perspective
Q37390639Educational disadvantage and cigarette smoking during pregnancy
Q67025748Effect of 1,5-dicaffeylquinic acid (Cynarine) on cholesterol levels in serum and liver of acute ethanol-treated rats
Q66972157Effect of 4-methylpyrazole and abstinence on ethanol elimination in an alcoholic
Q37157553Effect of a "pill mill" law on opioid prescribing and utilization: The case of Texas
Q34022084Effect of a primary care based brief intervention trial among risky drug users on health-related quality of life
Q46380300Effect of acetaldehyde on skeletogenesis in rats
Q48925026Effect of acute injections of ethanol on lipid and protein-bound sialic acid in mice of different ages
Q41963251Effect of alcohol and glucose infusion on pituitary-gonadal hormones in normal females
Q68046816Effect of alcohol content on beer consumption by rats
Q66972155Effect of alpha- and beta-blockers on ethanol metabolism
Q52260947Effect of amphetamine on sucrose-reinforced lever pressing: interaction with food deprivation.
Q98182374Effect of bile duct ligation-induced liver dysfunction on methamphetamine pharmacokinetics in male and female rats
Q45195547Effect of chronic acetaldehyde intoxication on ethanol tolerance and membrane fatty acids
Q68671011Effect of chronic ethanol feeding on glutathione and glutathione-related enzyme activities in rat liver
Q43685930Effect of chronic ethanol ingestion and exercise training on skeletal muscle in rat.
Q34154872Effect of cocaine on structural changes in brain: MRI volumetry using tensor-based morphometry
Q40553871Effect of cocaine on vagal tone: a common factors approach
Q70754039Effect of colchicine on lactate production by isolated hepatocytes in rats treated with carbon tetrachloride and ethanol
Q50147432Effect of electronic brief intervention on uptake of specialty treatment in hospital outpatients with likely alcohol dependence: Pilot randomized trial and qualitative interviews
Q90873798Effect of electronic screening and brief intervention on hazardous or harmful drinking among adults in the hospital outpatient setting: A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial
Q57420413Effect of ethanol infusion on plasma cortisol, corticotrophin, β-lipotrophin, growth hormone and prolactin, and its modification by naloxone
Q40285370Effect of ethanol on cyclic nucleotides in vivo: Consequences of controlling motor and respiratory changes
Q48269489Effect of ethanol on dop amine synthesis in rat striatal synaptosomes
Q54378211Effect of ethanol on hepatic iron, copper, zinc and manganese contents in the male albino mouse.
Q69748696Effect of ethanol on liver cell-development in the male albino mouse
Q69367850Effect of ethanol on the maturation of the spontaneous transmitter release by regenerated nerve endings
Q69890072Effect of ethanol on the spontaneous transmitter release by nerve endings in the process of maturation
Q41163520Effect of experimental analogs of contingency management treatment on cocaine seeking behavior
Q43774548Effect of flupenthixol on subjective and cardiovascular responses to intravenous cocaine in humans
Q51470282Effect of gonadectomy on discriminative stimulus effects of morphine in female versus male rats.
Q38993475Effect of immigration background and country-of-origin contextual factors on adolescent substance use in Spain
Q37273924Effect of incentives for medication adherence on health care use and costs in methadone patients with HIV.
Q91740598Effect of intranasal oxytocin on alcohol withdrawal syndrome: A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial
Q42652497Effect of lersivirine co-administration on pharmacokinetics of methadone in healthy volunteers
Q68503882Effect of lesions of the dorsalis raphe nuclei on the initiation of alcohol preference in rats
Q90672385Effect of lofexidine on cardiac repolarization during treatment of opioid withdrawal
Q48454654Effect of long-term nicotine treatment on [3H]nicotine binding sites in the rats brain
Q92137255Effect of lowering initiation thresholds in a primary care-based buprenorphine treatment program
Q43884125Effect of maternal methionine pre-treatment on alcohol-induced exencephaly and axial skeletal dysmorphogenesis in mouse fetuses
Q93213618Effect of menstrual cycle on ethanol drinking in rhesus monkeys
Q69748683Effect of methadone dose contingencies on urinalysis test results of polydrug-abusing methadone-maintenance patients
Q52722226Effect of methamphetamine exposure on the plasma levels of endothelial-derived microparticles.
Q36058177Effect of motivational interviewing on reduction of alcohol use.
Q91402444Effect of nicotine lozenge use prior to smoking cue presentation on craving and withdrawal symptom severity
Q52249967Effect of nimodipine on drinking behavior measured in the runway: comparison and interaction with (+/-)-amphetamine.
Q47672363Effect of oral THC pretreatment on marijuana cue-induced responses in cannabis dependent volunteers
Q41470040Effect of pimozide on home cage ethanol drinking in the rat: dependence on drinking session length
Q90000187Effect of positive urine fentanyl screen on attitudes toward heroin use
Q72629326Effect of pre-treatment with aspirin on alcohol-induced neural tube defects in the TO mouse fetuses
Q68345282Effect of propylthiouracil on liver cell development in the male albino mouse: protective effect against ethanol-induced alterations
Q34448716Effect of rate of administration on subjective and physiological effects of intravenous cocaine in humans
Q53580440Effect of religion and religiosity on alcohol use in a college student sample.
Q71132357Effect of repeated oral propoxyphene administration on analgesia, toxicity and microsomal metabolism in the mouse
Q40356622Effect of risperidone on acute methamphetamine-induced hyperthermia in rats
Q44348977Effect of selective antagonism of mu(1)-, mu(1/2)-, mu(3)-, and delta-opioid receptors on the locomotor-stimulating actions of ethanol.
Q45193447Effect of the combination of naltrexone and baclofen, on acquisition of alcohol drinking behavior in alcohol-preferring rats
Q42937666Effect of the threat of a disulfiram-ethanol reaction on cue reactivity in alcoholics
Q36421534Effect of traumatic event reexposure and PTSD on substance use disorder treatment response
Q122947936Effect of two counseling interventions on self-reported alcohol consumption, alcohol biomarker phosphatidylethanol (PEth), and viral suppression among persons living with HIV (PWH) with unhealthy alcohol use in Uganda: A randomized controlled trial
Q71241961Effect of two iron-chelators, desferrioxamine and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, on the development of tolerance to the physical dependence on ethanol in mice
Q41531511Effect of variation in BDNF Val(66)Met polymorphism, smoking, and nicotine dependence on symptom severity of depressive and anxiety disorders
Q47784195Effective active vaccination against methamphetamine in female rats.
Q36332865Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of unsupervised buprenorphine-naloxone for the treatment of heroin dependence in a randomized waitlist controlled trial.
Q93076116Effectiveness and selectivity of a heroin conjugate vaccine to attenuate heroin, 6-acetylmorphine, and morphine antinociception in rats: Comparison with naltrexone
Q47929855Effectiveness of a Dutch community-based alcohol intervention: Changes in alcohol use of adolescents after 1 and 5 years
Q93198430Effectiveness of a brief information, motivation and behavioral skills program on stage transitions and lapse for individuals who use ketamine
Q44934089Effectiveness of a brief-intervention and continuity of care in enhancing attendance for treatment by adolescent substance users
Q58633912Effectiveness of ambassador plus navigator vs. navigator alone to enroll current drug users in health studies
Q40132747Effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions for general practice patients with problematic drinking behavior and comorbid anxiety or depressive disorders
Q52650504Effectiveness of community psychosocial and pharmacological treatments for alcohol use disorder: A national observational cohort study in England.
Q42662184Effectiveness of diacetylmorphine versus methadone for the treatment of opioid dependence in women
Q35704036Effectiveness of interventions on opiate withdrawal treatment: an overview of systematic reviews
Q92464937Effectiveness of methamphetamine abuse treatment: Predictors of treatment completion and comparison of two residential treatment programs
Q40122556Effectiveness of prize-based contingency management in a methadone maintenance program in China
Q43571809Effectiveness of propranolol for cocaine dependence treatment may depend on cocaine withdrawal symptom severity
Q40045227Effectiveness of psychotherapeutic counseling in methadone maintenance
Q97074376Effectiveness of the use of implementation intentions on reduction of substance use: A meta-analysis
Q44345866Effectiveness of treatment for opioid use disorder: A national, five-year, prospective, observational study in England
Q44242945Effectiveness of very low-cost contingency management in a community adolescent treatment program
Q37018136Effects of 14-day treatment with the schedule III anorectic phendimetrazine on choice between cocaine and food in rhesus monkeys
Q39403292Effects of 21-day d-amphetamine and risperidone treatment on cocaine vs food choice and extended-access cocaine intake in male rhesus monkeys
Q44809242Effects of 2beta-propanoyl-3beta-(4-tolyl)-tropane (PTT) on the self-administration of cocaine, heroin, and cocaine/heroin combinations in rats
Q41640386Effects of 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) pre-exposure on the aversive effects of MDPV, cocaine and lithium chloride: Implications for abuse vulnerability
Q44375260Effects of 6-hydroxydopamine or 5,7-dihydroxy-tryptamine on the development of physical dependence on ethanol
Q36090475Effects of 7-day continuous D-amphetamine, methylphenidate, and cocaine treatment on choice between methamphetamine and food in male rhesus monkeys
Q39724020Effects of 7-day repeated treatment with the 5-HT2A inverse agonist/antagonist pimavanserin on methamphetamine vs. food choice in male rhesus monkeys
Q46591378Effects of GABAergic modulators on food and cocaine self-administration in baboons
Q51663466Effects of GBR 12909 and cocaine on cocaine-maintained behavior in rhesus monkeys.
Q92998540Effects of Interim Buprenorphine Treatment for opioid use disorder among emerging adults
Q36090344Effects of MAO inhibition and a combination of minor alkaloids, β-carbolines, and acetaldehyde on nicotine self-administration in adult male rats
Q70179714Effects of SKF-10047 in the phencyclidine-dependent rat: evidence for common receptor mechanisms
Q35148515Effects of a long-acting mutant bacterial cocaine esterase on acute cocaine toxicity in rats.
Q46315143Effects of a short-term exposure to alcohol in rats on FAAH enzyme and CB1 receptor in different brain areas.
Q35690272Effects of a strategy to improve offender assessment practices: Staff perceptions of implementation outcomes
Q24645268Effects of a universal classroom behavior management program in first and second grades on young adult behavioral, psychiatric, and social outcomes
Q34761967Effects of a universal classroom behavior program in first and second grades on young adult problem outcomes
Q46377859Effects of abstinence and chronic cigarette smoking on white matter microstructure in alcohol dependence: Diffusion tensor imaging at 4T.
Q48792214Effects of access to a running wheel on food, water and ethanol intake in rats bred to accept ethanol
Q35875875Effects of active anti-methamphetamine vaccination on intravenous self-administration in rats
Q45242927Effects of acute and chronic administration of Δ9-tetrahy-drocannabinol or cocaine on ethanol intake in a rat model
Q48428634Effects of acute and repeated alcohol ingestion on hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal functioning in normal males
Q27312372Effects of acute and repeated dosing of the synthetic cannabinoid CP55,940 on intracranial self-stimulation in mice
Q48929928Effects of acute cannabis use and short-term deprivation on plasma prolactin and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase in long-term users
Q60619469Effects of acute cannabis use on urinary neurotransmitter metabolites and cyclic nucleotides in man
Q48665411Effects of acute combined serotonin and dopamine depletion on cue-induced drinking intention/desire and cognitive function in patients with alcohol dependence
Q51538896Effects of acute daily administration of diazepam on spatial learning and working memory.
Q68046843Effects of acute doses of ethanol administered at pre-implantation stages on fetal development in the mouse
Q39346856Effects of acute doses of ethanol on pre- and postnatal development in the mouse
Q42482256Effects of acute ethanol exposure on class I HDACs family enzymes in wild-type and BDNF(+/-) mice
Q51347141Effects of acute nicotine and alcohol on the rating of attractiveness in social smokers and alcohol drinkers.
Q93371564Effects of acute treatments with the serotonin 2A antagonist M100907 alone or in combination with the serotonin 2C agonist WAY163909 on methamphetamine self-administration in rhesus monkeys
Q45000243Effects of age at first substance use and psychiatric comorbidity on the development of substance use disorders
Q52175873Effects of alcohol cues on cognitive processing in heavy and light drinkers.
Q47331171Effects of alcohol on disinhibition towards alcohol-related cues
Q37394592Effects of alcohol on psychomotor performance and perceived impairment in heavy binge social drinkers
Q71035544Effects of alcohol rehabilitation treatment on health and performance of Navy enlisted men
Q31870807Effects of alprazolam, caffeine, and zolpidem in humans trained to discriminate triazolam from placebo
Q48503654Effects of an oil enriched in gamma linolenic acid on locomotor activity and behaviour in the Morris Maze, following in utero ethanol exposure in rats
Q41639294Effects of antipsychotic compounds in rhesus monkeys given a choice between cocaine and food
Q52318328Effects of anxiety and mood disorders on craving and substance use among patients with substance use disorder: An ecological momentary assessment study.
Q40932405Effects of apomorphine and apomorphine-L-dopa-carbidopa on alcohol post-intoxication symptoms
Q36328505Effects of artificial sweeteners on breath alcohol concentrations in male and female social drinkers
Q48360740Effects of beta-funaltrexamine on dose-effect curves for heroin self-administration in rats: comparison with alteration of [3H]DAMGO binding to rat brain sections
Q50183877Effects of buprenorphine and an alternative nondrug reinforcer, alone and in combination on smoked cocaine self-administration in monkeys.
Q44348671Effects of buprenorphine and naloxone in morphine-stabilized opioid addicts
Q44724854Effects of buprenorphine in heroin addicts
Q37204791Effects of bupropion on cognitive performance during initial tobacco abstinence
Q58044437Effects of childhood trauma on psychopathology, risky sex, aggression, and emotion dysregulation among inpatient substance users
Q48215410Effects of cholecystokinin antagonists on the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in rats and monkeys
Q71993961Effects of chronic alcohol intake on the vasopressin content in the hypothalamic paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the mouse. An immunohistochemical and morphometric study
Q30377582Effects of chronic binge-like ethanol consumption on cocaine self-administration in rhesus monkeys.
Q51554924Effects of chronic cocaine use on physical health: a prospective study in a general population sample.
Q44394309Effects of chronic d-amphetamine treatment on cocaine- and food-maintained responding under a second-order schedule in rhesus monkeys
Q44836266Effects of chronic ethanol administration and ethanol withdrawal on cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP) levels in the rat brain.
Q51707815Effects of chronic marijuana use on testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, prolactin and cortisol in men and women.
Q44934092Effects of chronic methadone treatment on cocaine- and food-maintained responding under second-order, progressive-ratio and concurrent-choice schedules in rhesus monkeys
Q44349211Effects of chronic opioid dependence and HIV-1 infection on pattern shift visual evoked potentials
Q51823644Effects of chronic treatment with diazepam, phenobarbital, or amphetamine on naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal.
Q93596342Effects of cigarette rod length on puff volume and carbon monoxide delivery in cigarette smokers
Q37219168Effects of cocaine esterase following its repeated administration with cocaine in mice
Q51563040Effects of cocaine on human and goat isolated cerebral arteries.
Q43619996Effects of cocaine prior to and during bupropion maintenance in cocaine-abusing volunteers
Q51654020Effects of cocaine self-administration on ethanol, food and water intake in the rat.
Q35903378Effects of cold pressor pain on the abuse liability of intranasal oxycodone in male and female prescription opioid abusers
Q40095199Effects of combined alcohol and benzodiazepine: A review
Q35447235Effects of d-amphetamine in human models of information processing and inhibitory control
Q44555331Effects of d-amphetamine on behavioral control in stimulant abusers: the role of prepotent response tendencies.
Q69953056Effects of dapiprazole, clonidine and yohimbine on the development of dependence and withdrawal behaviour in mice
Q48432227Effects of differential rearing on amphetamine-induced c-fos expression in rats
Q51544267Effects of dopaminergic drugs on food- and cocaine-maintained responding. IV: Continuous cocaine infusions.
Q88737535Effects of electronic cigarette liquid solvents propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin on user nicotine delivery, heart rate, subjective effects, and puff topography
Q43529492Effects of environmental enrichment on nicotine-induced sensitization and cross-sensitization to d-amphetamine in rats
Q51093831Effects of ethanol and nitrous oxide, alone and in combination, on mood, psychomotor performance and pain reports in healthy volunteers.
Q69416645Effects of ethanol and propylthiouracil on hepatic iron and copper contents in the male albino mouse
Q44165916Effects of ethanol and toluene on fixed-ratio performance in short sleep and long sleep mice
Q69416639Effects of ethanol in vitro on some parameters of the immune response
Q47128518Effects of ethanol on cocaine self-administration in monkeys responding under a second-order schedule of reinforcement
Q52247841Effects of ethanol on human fractionated response times.
Q52220215Effects of ethanol on human free-operant cooperative responding.
Q54287879Effects of ethanol on phospholipid acylation in rat erythrocytes: a model for a biochemical approach to membrane adaptation.
Q68046853Effects of ethanol withdrawal on ethanol-reinforced responding in rhesus monkeys
Q94591927Effects of ethanol, naltrexone, nicotine and varenicline in an ethanol and nicotine co-use model in Sprague-Dawley rats
Q34091561Effects of experimental Unemployment, Employment and Punishment analogs on opioid seeking and consumption in heroin-dependent volunteers
Q88790073Effects of exposure to anti-vaping public service announcements among current smokers and dual users of cigarettes and electronic nicotine delivery systems
Q91124490Effects of familial and non-familial warmth during childhood and adolescence on sexual-orientation disparities in alcohol use trajectories and disorder during emerging adulthood
Q36932158Effects of fixed or self-titrated dosages of Sativex on cannabis withdrawal and cravings.
Q36952858Effects of gabapentin on cocaine self-administration, cocaine-triggered relapse and cocaine-enhanced nucleus accumbens dopamine in rats
Q50976776Effects of genetic variants of ADH1B and ALDH2 and social network on continued alcohol drinking among young adolescents in Taiwan.
Q52298732Effects of group exposure on single injection-induced behavioral sensitization to drugs of abuse in mice.
Q44394303Effects of heroin and its metabolites on schedule-controlled responding and thermal nociception in rhesus monkeys: sensitivity to antagonism by quadazocine, naltrindole and beta-funaltrexamine
Q44347094Effects of ibudilast on oxycodone-induced analgesia and subjective effects in opioid-dependent volunteers
Q44672957Effects of identification and usefulness of the Lie Scale of the Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI-R) in the assessment of adolescent drug use.
Q40590031Effects of in-utero opiate exposure: new paradigms for old questions
Q94500687Effects of incentives on viral suppression in people living with HIV who use cocaine or opiates
Q51534288Effects of information on the reinforcing, subjective, and psychomotor effects of nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers.
Q67694354Effects of initial tolerance on acquired tolerance to alcohol in two selectively bred rat strains
Q34443267Effects of item sequence on the performance of the AUDIT in general practices
Q48272810Effects of long-term ethanol consumption on GABAergic neurons in the mouse hippocampus: a quantitative immunocytochemical study
Q46282660Effects of lorcaserin (Belviq®) on nicotine- and food-maintained responding in non-human primates
Q92930002Effects of lorcaserin on oxycodone self-administration and subjective responses in participants with opioid use disorder
Q64125982Effects of mandatory prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) use laws on prescriber registration and use and on risky prescribing
Q51129550Effects of marijuana history on the subjective, psychomotor, and reinforcing effects of nitrous oxide in humans.
Q52251274Effects of marijuana on the task-elicited physiological response.
Q33442559Effects of marijuana use on impulsivity and hostility in daily life
Q45093583Effects of mazindol on behavior maintained or occasioned by cocaine
Q68249653Effects of methadone on alcohol consumption and growth in mice
Q35609720Effects of methamphetamine on the noradrenergic activity biomarker salivary alpha-amylase.
Q58053740Effects of morphine in postaddict humans: a meta-analysis
Q69056386Effects of morphine on rat kidney glomerular podocytes: a scanning electron microscopic study
Q92070235Effects of motivation phase intervention components on quit attempts in smokers unwilling to quit: A factorial experiment
Q39736323Effects of motivational interviewing training on mental health therapist behavior
Q48678914Effects of naloxone on ethanol dependence in rats,
Q51099160Effects of naltrexone on cue-elicited craving for alcohol and cocaine.
Q57484483Effects of neuromodulation on cognitive performance in individuals exhibiting addictive behaviors: A systematic review
Q92413232Effects of nicotine and THC vapor inhalation administered by an electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) in male rats
Q35875970Effects of nicotine and minor tobacco alkaloids on intracranial-self-stimulation in rats.
Q89918231Effects of nicotine exposure on oral methamphetamine self-administration, extinction, and drug-primed reinstatement in adolescent male and female rats
Q52276115Effects of nicotine on methadone self-administration in humans.
Q50138553Effects of nicotine-containing and "nicotine-free" e-cigarette refill liquids on intracranial self-stimulation in rats
Q92751372Effects of non-tobacco flavors and nicotine on e-cigarette product appeal among young adult never, former, and current smokers
Q44070878Effects of oral THC maintenance on smoked marijuana self-administration
Q37343634Effects of oral methamphetamine on cocaine use: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Q47903083Effects of orally self-administered bath salt constituent 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) in mice
Q39408410Effects of parental alcohol rules on risky drinking and related problems in adolescence: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Q50952331Effects of past history of major depression on smoking characteristics, monoamine oxidase-A and -B activities and withdrawal symptoms in dependent smokers.
Q51571417Effects of phentermine and cocaine on fenfluramine-induced depletion of serotonin in mouse brain.
Q28371784Effects of phenytoin on cocaine self-administration in humans
Q42068136Effects of postnatal administration of ethanol on the M. gastrocnemius of the albino mouse.
Q42977801Effects of practitioner-delivered brief counseling and computer-generated tailored letters on cigarettes per day among smokers who do not quit--a quasi-randomized controlled trial
Q52262582Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on behavior of aged rats.
Q35875541Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on early sexual behavior: Gender difference in externalizing behavior as a mediator.
Q37614746Effects of prenatal cocaine/polydrug exposure on substance use by age 15.
Q46372779Effects of prenatal morphine treatment of rats on mortality, bodyweight and analgesic response in the offspring
Q33333771Effects of priming injections of MDMA and cocaine on reinstatement of MDMA- and cocaine-seeking in rats
Q52171034Effects of prolonged ethanol exposure on neurophysiological measures during an associative learning paradigm.
Q68503874Effects of provocation and alcohol on human aggressive behavior
Q46243429Effects of reinforcer magnitude and alternative reinforcer delay on preference for alcohol during a multiple-choice procedure
Q51586022Effects of remoxipride, an atypical antipsychotic, on cocaine self-administration in the rat using fixed- and progressive-ratio schedules of reinforcement.
Q34120202Effects of repeated tramadol and morphine administration on psychomotor and cognitive performance in opioid-dependent volunteers
Q62897833Effects of reward and punishment on learning from errors in smokers
Q43199062Effects of risk perception of marijuana use on marijuana use and intentions to use among adolescents in Bogotá, Colombia
Q91142160Effects of romantic involvement on substance use among young sexual and gender minorities
Q52245445Effects of secobarbital on human aggressive and non-aggressive responding.
Q51739850Effects of self-reported drug use and antisocial behavior on evoked potentials in adolescents.
Q33932225Effects of sleep deprivation on sleep homeostasis and restoration during methadone-maintenance: a [31]P MRS brain imaging study
Q59705621Effects of smoked marijuana on social interaction in small groups
Q43093808Effects of smoking abstinence on reaction time variability in smokers with and without ADHD: an ex-Gaussian analysis
Q57429944Effects of smoking cessation on health care use: Is elevated risk of hospitalization among former smokers attributable to smoking-related morbidity?
Q48762348Effects of some phenylethylamines in rhesus monkeys trained to discriminate (+)-amphetamine from saline
Q39458411Effects of spinal versus supraspinal administration of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase inhibitors on morphine tolerance in mice
Q48131309Effects of stress and alcohol cues in men with and without problem gambling and alcohol use disorder
Q44339095Effects of sublingually given naloxone in opioid-dependent human volunteers
Q39346664Effects of sweet flavorings and nicotine on the appeal and sensory properties of e-cigarettes among young adult vapers: Application of a novel methodology.
Q63375719Effects of the 5-HT1B receptor agonist CP 94253 on methamphetamine self-administration
Q50646749Effects of the Campus Watch intervention on alcohol consumption and related harm in a university population
Q47383106Effects of the benzodiazepine GABAA α1-preferring antagonist 3-isopropoxy-β-carboline hydrochloride (3-ISOPBC) on alcohol seeking and self-administration in baboons
Q34167669Effects of the cannabinoid CB₁ receptor allosteric modulator ORG 27569 on reinstatement of cocaine- and methamphetamine-seeking behavior in rats
Q36870910Effects of the selective sigma receptor ligand, 1-(2-phenethyl)piperidine oxalate (AC927), on the behavioral and toxic effects of cocaine
Q91800178Effects of the synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist JWH-018 on abuse-related effects of opioids in rhesus monkeys
Q48821440Effects of three monoamine uptake inhibitors on behavior maintained by cocaine or food presentation in rhesus monkeys
Q42439387Effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and metoclopramide on PRL secretion in normally cycling and amenorrheic alcoholic women
Q93175684Effects of time-varying changes in tobacco and alcohol use on depressive symptoms following pharmaco-behavioral treatment for smoking and heavy drinking
Q44348683Effects of tizanidine administration on precipitated opioid withdrawal signs in rats
Q37650592Effects of tolcapone on working memory and brain activity in abstinent smokers: a proof-of-concept study
Q44848060Effects of topiramate or naltrexone on tobacco use among male alcohol-dependent outpatients
Q38803765Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on craving, heart-rate variability and prefrontal hemodynamics during smoking cue exposure.
Q31926121Effects of urine testing frequency on outcome in a methadone take-home contingency program.
Q88642608Effects of varenicline on subjective craving and relative reinforcing value of cigarettes
Q93371588Effects of voluntary memberships and volunteering on alcohol and tobacco use across the life course: Findings from the German Socio-Economic Panel
Q37282128Effects of working memory load, a history of conduct disorder, and sex on decision making in substance dependent individuals
Q36803217Effects of yohimbine and drug cues on impulsivity and attention in cocaine-dependent men and women and sex-matched controls
Q50804168Effects of β-adrenergic receptor blockade on drug-related memory reconsolidation in abstinent heroin addicts.
Q71566627Effects on the endocrine system of drugs used in treating the ethanol withdrawal syndrome: a survey
Q91072394Efficacy and acceptability of varenicline for alcoholism: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials
Q104691627Efficacy and dropout rates of antipsychotic medications for methamphetamine psychosis: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Q35865410Efficacy of a behavioral intervention for increasing safer sex behaviors in HIV-positive MSM methamphetamine users: results from the EDGE study
Q36071603Efficacy of antidepressants in substance use disorders with and without comorbid depression. A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q48188499Efficacy of brief motivational intervention in reducing binge drinking in young men: A randomized controlled trial
Q36771943Efficacy of buspirone for attenuating cocaine and methamphetamine reinstatement in rats
Q42669785Efficacy of clonidine in opiate withdrawal: a study of thirty patients
Q47431078Efficacy of cocaine contingency management in heroin-assisted treatment: Results of a randomized controlled trial.
Q113185708Efficacy of computer and therapist brief interventions for drug users
Q73434136Efficacy of daily and alternate-day dosing regimens with the combination buprenorphine-naloxone tablet
Q36287820Efficacy of disulfiram and Twelve Step Facilitation in cocaine-dependent individuals maintained on methadone: a randomized placebo-controlled trial
Q46588026Efficacy of dose and contingency management procedures in LAAM-maintained cocaine-dependent patients
Q34665529Efficacy of dual focus mutual aid for persons with mental illness and substance misuse
Q37204912Efficacy of extended-release tramadol for treatment of prescription opioid withdrawal: a two-phase randomized controlled trial
Q44836269Efficacy of fluvoxamine in preventing relapse in alcohol dependence: a one-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre study with analysis by typology
Q51093828Efficacy of orally administered methylnaltrexone in decreasing subjective effects after intravenous morphine.
Q71141873Efficacy of psychotherapeutic counselling during 21-day ambulatory heroin detoxification
Q39798314Efficacy of the Community Reinforcement and Family Training for concerned significant others of treatment-refusing individuals with alcohol dependence: A randomized controlled trial.
Q58633743Efforts to diversity research populations can pay dividends
Q51126901Electroencephalographic correlates of marihuana-induced euphoria.
Q91624743Electronic cigarette and tobacco use in individuals entering methadone or buprenorphine treatment
Q37139833Electronic cigarette use by college students
Q93371612Electronic decision support for treatment of hospitalized smokers: A qualitative analysis of physicians' knowledge, attitudes, and practices
Q48468722Elementary particles for models of drug dependence 10th Okey Memorial Lecture presented at the Institute of Psychiatry, London on 19th March 1997.
Q48500578Elementary particles for models of drug dependence, 10th Okey Memorial Lecture presented at the Institute of Psychiatry, London on 19th March 1997.
Q39229712Elementary schoolchildren's use of alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana and classmates' attribution of socialization
Q36365069Elevated alcohol and sexual risk behaviors among young Thai lesbian/bisexual women
Q36157218Elevated anxiety-like behavior following ethanol exposure in mutant mice lacking neuropeptide Y (NPY)
Q88087019Elevated monoamine oxidase A activity and protein levels in rodent brain during acute withdrawal after chronic intermittent ethanol vapor exposure
Q99624483Elevated prevalence of antisocial behavior in adolescent children whose mothers misuse opioids
Q37634976Emergence of cocaine and methamphetamine injection among HIV-positive injection drug users in northern and western India
Q39674161Emergency department based intervention with adolescent substance users: 10year economic and health outcomes.
Q104286951Emergency department patients with untreated opioid use disorder: A comparison of those seeking versus not seeking referral to substance use treatment
Q91311697Emergency department presentations related to acute toxicity following recreational use of cannabis products in Switzerland
Q46651938Emergency department-based intervention with adolescent substance users: 12-month outcomes.
Q36592521Emerging adults' treatment outcomes in relation to 12-step mutual-help attendance and active involvement
Q38112852Emerging pharmacotherapies for alcohol dependence: a systematic review focusing on reduction in consumption
Q39668901Emerging psychoactive substance use among regular ecstasy users in Australia
Q51801454Emotion differentiation predicts likelihood of initial lapse following substance use treatment.
Q36689502Emotion dysregulation and amygdala dopamine D2-type receptor availability in methamphetamine users
Q47318186Emotion dysregulation and peer drinking norms uniquely predict alcohol-related problems via motives
Q87676987Emotion regulation and drug abuse: Implications for prevention and treatment
Q89804003Emotional memory bias in binge drinking women
Q37014837Emotional self-control and dysregulation: A dual-process analysis of pathways to externalizing/internalizing symptomatology and positive well-being in younger adolescents
Q43753625Empirical subtypes of DSM-III-R alcohol dependence: United States, 1988.
Q33653584Empirically defined subtypes of alcohol dependence in an Irish family sample
Q40335928Employment experience in relation to alcohol, tobacco, and betel nut use among youth in Taiwan.
Q90908391Employment recovery capital in the treatment of substance use disorders: Six-month follow-up observations
Q68046828Employment, stressful life events and the development of alcohol dependence
Q35633106Employment-based reinforcement of adherence to an FDA approved extended release formulation of naltrexone in opioid-dependent adults: a randomized controlled trial
Q58572311End-of-day reports of daily hassles and stress in men and women with opioid-use disorder: Relationship to momentary reports of opioid and cocaine use and stress
Q43813093Endemic asthma inhaler abuse among antisocial adolescents
Q43070748Endogenous opioids: overview and current issues
Q77504433Endorsement of DSM-IV dependence criteria among caffeine users
Q39733641Endothelial dysfunction during acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Q38677785Enduring changes in brain metabolites and executive functioning in abstinent cocaine users.
Q37342710Enduring effects of a computer-assisted training program for cognitive behavioral therapy: a 6-month follow-up of CBT4CBT.
Q61443762Energy drink consumption among young Australian adults: Associations with alcohol and illicit drug use
Q57177973Energy drink consumption and the perceived risk and disapproval of drugs: Monitoring the Future, 2010-2016
Q38742777Energy drink use frequency among an international sample of people who use drugs: Associations with other substance use and well-being.
Q52662093Energy drinks, alcohol and cardiovascular functioning.
Q39930793Engagement in a National Naloxone Programme among people who inject drugs
Q30500168Enhanced cue reactivity and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in cocaine use disorders
Q42416589Enhanced discriminative stimulus effects of Δ(9)-THC in the presence of cannabidiol and 8-OH-DPAT in rhesus monkeys
Q48665344Enhanced striatal responses during expectancy coding in alcohol dependence
Q28377971Enhanced treatment outcomes for cocaine-using methadone patients
Q51671813Enhancement of cocaine-induced hepatotoxicity by ethanol.
Q46402347Enhancing access and retention in substance abuse treatment: the role of Medicaid payment acceptance and cultural competence
Q36662466Enhancing brief cognitive-behavioral therapy with motivational enhancement techniques in cocaine users
Q41693069Enhancing cocaine metabolism with butyrylcholinesterase as a treatment strategy
Q89470153Enhancing panic and smoking reduction treatment with D-Cycloserine: A pilot randomized clinical trial
Q34618868Enhancing response inhibition by incentive: comparison of adolescents with and without substance use disorder
Q39812889Enjoyment of smoking and urges to smoke as predictors of attempts and success of attempts to stop smoking: a longitudinal study
Q33625208Environmental conditions, political economy, and rates of injection drug use in large US metropolitan areas 1992-2002
Q36689254Environmental cues and attempts to change in daily cannabis users: An intensive longitudinal study
Q50517115Environmental enrichment as a potential intervention for heroin seeking
Q91272638Environmental enrichment reverses increased addiction risk caused by prenatal ethanol exposure
Q36345401Environmental risk, social cognition, and drug use among young men who have sex with men: longitudinal effects of minority status on health processes and outcomes
Q47910634Environmental risks outweigh dopaminergic genetic risks for alcohol use and abuse from adolescence through early adulthood
Q28194876Ephemeral profiles of prescription drug and formulation tampering: evolving pseudoscience on the Internet
Q69885710Epidemiologic issues pertinent to international regulation of 28 stimulant-hallucinogen drugs
Q34984833Epidemiologic trends and geographic patterns of fatal opioid intoxications in Connecticut, USA: 1997-2007.
Q37337921Epidemiological patterns of extra-medical drug use in the United States: evidence from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, 2001-2003.
Q53418462Epidemiological survey of the use and abuse of agonist-antagonist analgesics in the Western Pacific region.
Q44677600Epidemiology of adolescent Salvia divinorum use in Canada
Q93596355Epidemiology of liver cirrhosis morbidity and mortality in Western Australia, 1971-82: some preliminary findings
Q36536405Epidemiology of pain among outpatients in methadone maintenance treatment programs
Q40347473Epidemiology of road accidents involving young adults: alcohol, drugs and other factors
Q92176315Epidemiology of severe buprenorphine exposures reported to the U.S. Poison Centers
Q33700792Epidemiology of substance use in adolescence: prevalence, trends and policy implications
Q112646027Epigenome-wide study of brain DNA methylation following acute opioid intoxication
Q41586923Episodes of heroin use during maintenance treatment with stable dosage of (-)-alpha-acetylmethadol (methadyl acetate, LAAM).
Q98956276Episodic future thinking reduces chronic pain severity: A proof of concept study
Q38199856Equity impact of population-level interventions and policies to reduce smoking in adults: a systematic review
Q46847773Erectile dysfunction in male heroin users, receiving methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment
Q45068918Erratum to "A reexamination of medical marijuana policies in relation to suicide risk" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 152 (2015) 68-72].
Q92731455Erratum to "Distinct effects of cocaine and cocaine + cannabis on neurocognitive functioning and abstinence: A six-month follow-up study" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 205 (2019) 107642]
Q92262468Erratum to "Economic demand analysis of within-session dose-reduction during nicotine self-administration" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 201 (2019) 188-196]
Q88109042Erratum to "Emergency department based intervention with adolescent substance users: 10year economic and health outcomes" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 165 (2016) 168-174]
Q42349862Erratum to "Intra-individual changes in Stroop-related activations linked to cigarette abstinence in adolescent tobacco smokers: Preliminary findings" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 167 (2016) 182-189].
Q92575293Erratum to "Methamphetamine use and cognitive function: A systematic review of neuroimaging research" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 194 (2019) 75-87]
Q88423411Erratum to "Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of alcohol consumption: Survey findings from five states in India" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 185C (2018) 381-390]
Q89223517Erratum to "Prevalence of driving under the influence of psychoactive substances and road traffic crashes among Brazilian crack-using drivers" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 168 (2016) 255-262]
Q44449331Erratum to "Sex differences in gamma-glutamyltransferase in people aged 40-42 years in two Norwegian counties".
Q45054409Erratum to "Short communication: Genetic association between schizophrenia and cannabis use" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 171 (2017) 117-121].
Q90507292Erratum to "When DAWN went dark: Can the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) fill the surveillance gap left by the discontinued Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)?" [Drug Alcohol Depend. (2018) 201-207]
Q73128980Erratum to 'Inter-rater reliability of the SCID alcohol and substance use disorders section among adolescents'
Q59138856Erratum to “Attempted suicide among entrants to three treatment modalities for heroin dependence in the Australian treatment outcome study (ATOS): prevalence and risk factors”
Q87974538Erratum to “Correlates of retention on extended-release naltrexone among persons living with HIV infection transitioning to the community from the criminal justice system” [Drug Alcohol Depend. 157 (2015) 158–165]
Q52664218Erratum to: A randomized, open label trial of methadone continuation versus forced withdrawal in a combined US prison and jail: Findings at 12 months post-release [Drug and Alcohol Dependence 184 (2018) 57-63].
Q38778506Error detection and behavioural inhibition in young heavy drinkers.
Q34116529Errors in reported degrees and respondent driven sampling: implications for bias
Q43463237Erythrocyte and plasma lipid peroxides in chronic alcoholic patients
Q72568882Erythrocyte membrane properties of the chronic alcoholic rat
Q44668414Escalating morphine exposures followed by withdrawal in feline immunodeficiency virus-infected cats: a model for HIV infection in chronic opiate abusers
Q40048764Escalating patterns of emergency health care prior to first admission with amphetamine psychosis: A window of opportunity?
Q35181578Escalation of cocaine consumption in short and long access self-administration procedures
Q91166868Escalation of drug use in persons dually diagnosed with opioid and cocaine dependence: Gender comparison and dimensional predictors
Q37156355Escalation of methamphetamine self-administration in adolescent and adult rats
Q44093285Essential ("precursor") chemical control for heroin: impact of acetic anhydride regulation on US heroin availability
Q48742780Establishing preference for oral cocaine without an associative history with a reinforcer
Q70664581Establishment and maintenance of oral ethanol self-administration in the baboon
Q113442652Estimated effect of state syringe policy on source of last-used injection equipment
Q46624760Estimated magnitude of diversion and abuse of opioids relative to benzodiazepines in France
Q100530745Estimates of opioid use disorder prevalence from a regression-based multi-sample stratified capture-recapture analysis
Q104456571Estimates of people who injected drugs within the last 12 months in Belgium based on a capture-recapture and multiplier method
Q52278005Estimates of total alcohol consumption in Russia, 1980-1994.
Q101451262Estimating costs of hospitalizations associated with opioid use disorder or opioid misuse at a large, urban safety-net hospital-Denver, Colorado, 2017
Q45284812Estimating drug treatment needs among state prison inmates
Q69720023Estimating illicit drug use through telephone interviews and the randomized response technique
Q48757086Estimating measurement error in alcohol dependence symptomatology: findings from a multisite study.
Q45796776Estimating older hazardous and binge drinking prevalence using AUDIT-C and AUDIT-3 thresholds specific to older adults.
Q30493558Estimating risk of alcohol dependence using alcohol screening scores
Q37672648Estimating the causal effects of cumulative treatment episodes for adolescents using marginal structural models and inverse probability of treatment weighting
Q44555344Estimating the client costs of addiction treatment: first findings from the client drug abuse treatment cost analysis program (Client DATCAP).
Q115217231Estimating the community prevalence, child traits, and maternal risk factors of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) from a random sample of school children
Q96830352Estimating the contribution of stimulant injection to HIV and HCV epidemics among people who inject drugs and implications for harm reduction: A modeling analysis
Q38920597Estimating the harms and costs of cannabis-attributable collisions in the Canadian provinces
Q89680309Estimating the impact of wide scale uptake of screening and medications for opioid use disorder in US prisons and jails
Q91893482Estimating the number of people who inject drugs and syringe coverage in Australia, 2005-2016
Q104456462Estimating the prevalence of and characteristics associated with prescription opioid diversion among a clinic population living with HIV: Indirect and direct questioning techniques
Q103024471Estimating the price elasticity of demand for JUUL E-cigarettes among teens
Q45002650Estimating the size of the population of persons who inject drugs in the island of Montréal, Canada, using a six-source capture-recapture model
Q41685879Estimation of life expectancy and the expected years of life lost among heroin users in the era of opioid substitution treatment (OST) in Taiwan
Q33872297Estimation of the number of injection drug users in St. Petersburg, Russia
Q30678053Estimation of usual occasion-based individual drinking patterns using diary survey data
Q42547171Ethanol alters hemodynamic responses to cocaine in rats
Q51766364Ethanol and Ro 15-4513: behaviour maintained by operant procedures (DRL-72s and PTZ-drug discrimination) in rats.
Q67694352Ethanol and acetaldehyde metabolism in the pregnant mouse
Q45000252Ethanol does not alter the binding of the gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) receptor ligand [3H]NCS-382 in the rat brain
Q69444351Ethanol exposure as inducer of stable voluntary ethanol drinking in the male rat
Q34090159Ethanol increases plasma Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels and subjective effects after marihuana smoking in human volunteers
Q36958946Ethanol intake patterns in female mice: influence of allopregnanolone and the inhibition of its synthesis
Q42500123Ethanol stimulates basal and serotonin-induced formation of [32P]phosphatidic acid in human platelets
Q52014403Ethanol vapor self-administration in adult C57BL/6J male mice.
Q69416632Ethanol's effects on auditory thresholds and reaction times during the acquisition of chronic ethanol self-administration in baboons
Q44349001Ethanol-induced FOS immunoreactivity in the brain of mu-opioid receptor knockout mice
Q39168470Ethanol-induced changes in activities of adenylate cyclase, guanylate cyclase and cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate dependent protein kinase in the brain and liver
Q69664940Ethanol-induced changes in lipid peroxidation and glutathione content in rat brain
Q68999021Ethanol-induced hypothermia and biogenic amine metabolites
Q67672157Ethanol-induced smooth and skeletal muscle myopathy: use of animal studies
Q67013573Ethanol: A gonadal toxin in the female
Q37129274Ethical concerns about non-active conditions in smoking cessation trials and methods to decrease such concerns
Q34626158Ethnic and genetic factors in methadone pharmacokinetics: a population pharmacokinetic study
Q37039976Ethnic differences in HIV risk behaviors among methadone-maintained women receiving contingency management for cocaine use disorders
Q33727048Ethnic differences in alcohol treatment outcomes and the effect of concurrent smoking cessation treatment
Q36336526Ethnic differences in the effect of drug use and drug dependence on brief motivational interventions targeting alcohol use.
Q39435378Ethnic differences in the psychosocial antecedents of needle/syringe disinfection
Q67290335Ethnic variation in use and effects of alcohol
Q37954476Ethnic-specific meta-analyses of association between the OPRM1 A118G polymorphism and alcohol dependence among Asians and Caucasians
Q37216852Evaluating motivational enhancement therapy adherence and competence among Spanish-speaking therapists.
Q46197662Evaluating network-level predictors of behavior change among injection networks enrolled in the HPTN 037 randomized controlled trial
Q93342474Evaluating opioid overdose using the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2016
Q92527070Evaluating peer-influence processes in a prison-based therapeutic community: a dynamic network approach
Q113185710Evaluating potential moderators of efficacy for a single-session computer-delivered 5As intervention for smoking in pregnancy
Q44351149Evaluating short- and long-term impacts of a Medicaid "lock-in" program on opioid and benzodiazepine prescriptions dispensed to beneficiaries
Q33522825Evaluating the drug use "gateway" theory using cross-national data: consistency and associations of the order of initiation of drug use among participants in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
Q47662911Evaluating the effect of smoking cessation treatment on a complex dynamical system
Q99200978Evaluating the impact of COVID-19: A cohort comparison study of drug use and risky sexual behavior among sexual minority men in the U.S.A.
Q51147333Evaluating the influence of at-risk alcohol use on factors associated with smoking cessation: Combining laboratory and ecological momentary assessment.
Q48794602Evaluating the reinforcement value of clinic-based privileges through a multiple choice procedure
Q98509864Evaluating the resource allocation index as a potential fMRI-based biomarker for substance use disorder
Q91679360Evaluating the utility of the modified cigarette evaluation questionnaire and cigarette purchase task for predicting acute relative reinforcing efficacy of cigarettes varying in nicotine content
Q34778962Evaluating the validity and utility of scaling alcohol consumption indices alongside AUD symptoms in treatment-seeking adolescents
Q36050631Evaluation of OPRM1 variants in heroin dependence by family-based association testing and meta-analysis
Q48420378Evaluation of TSPO PET imaging, a marker of glial activation, to study the neuroimmune footprints of morphine exposure and withdrawal
Q48616131Evaluation of Wistar rats' individual sensitivity to the development of physical dependence on morphine
Q30683666Evaluation of a brief intervention to reduce the negative consequences of drug misuse among adult emergency department patients
Q58044422Evaluation of a brief smoking cessation intervention for inpatient substance users with elevated depressive symptoms
Q46011244Evaluation of a depression-related model of alcohol problems in 430 probands from the San Diego prospective study.
Q44934098Evaluation of a modified contingency management intervention for consistent attendance in therapeutic workplace participants.
Q99371353Evaluation of a personally-tailored opioid overdose prevention education and naloxone distribution intervention to promote harm reduction and treatment readiness in individuals actively using illicit opioids
Q51589377Evaluation of a point-of-care testing product for drugs of abuse; testing site is a key variable.
Q41640336Evaluation of a reduced nicotine product standard: Moderating effects of and impact on cannabis use
Q71141869Evaluation of a structured alcohol education course in a secondary school system in north Italy
Q46870066Evaluation of a telephone-based stepped care intervention for alcohol-related disorders: a randomized controlled trial
Q43925634Evaluation of an alternative program for MMTP drop-outs: impact on treatment re-entry
Q36328262Evaluation of an implementation of methadone maintenance treatment in China
Q71035555Evaluation of an inpatient alcohol rehabilitation programme
Q44620673Evaluation of buprenorphine maintenance treatment in a French cohort of HIV-infected injecting drug users.
Q91227786Evaluation of dynorphin and kappa-opioid receptor level in the human blood lymphocytes and plasma: Possible role as a biomarker in severe opioid use disorder
Q45068072Evaluation of levo-alpha-acetylmethdol (LAAM) as an alternative treatment for methadone maintenance patients who regularly experience withdrawal: a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis
Q68046838Evaluation of marrow cellularity in alcoholism and hepatic cirrhosis, by aspiration, biopsy and histomorphometric
Q40376509Evaluation of medication-assisted treatment of opioid dependence-The physicians' perspective
Q44976540Evaluation of metabolite/drug ratios in blood and urine as a tool for confirmation of a reduced tolerance in methadone-related deaths in Denmark
Q51211467Evaluation of mixtures of morphine and d-amphetamine for subjective and physiological effects.
Q33625390Evaluation of modafinil effects on cardiovascular, subjective, and reinforcing effects of methamphetamine in methamphetamine-dependent volunteers.
Q44929605Evaluation of nefazodone self-administration in rhesus monkeys
Q90733052Evaluation of nicotine patch adherence measurement using self-report and saliva cotinine among abstainers in a smoking cessation trial
Q67504244Evaluation of outpatient prescribing for substance misusers in Kuwait: the need for a rational approach
Q37394887Evaluation of prevalent phytocannabinoids in the acetic acid model of visceral nociception
Q60632687Evaluation of previous substance dependence genome-wide significant findings in a Spanish sample
Q30415208Evaluation of sex differences in cannabinoid dependence.
Q47626035Evaluation of the AC-OK mental health and substance abuse screening measure in an international sample of Latino immigrants
Q37362258Evaluation of the Alcohol Craving Questionnaire-Now factor structures: application of a cue reactivity paradigm
Q51618204Evaluation of the abuse liability of aminorex.
Q34121013Evaluation of the abuse potential of the novel analgesic flupirtine maleate.
Q45106095Evaluation of the acute behavioral effects and abuse potential of a C8-C9 isoparaffin solvent
Q92225561Evaluation of the cholinesterase activity of a potential therapeutic cocaine esterase for cocaine overdose
Q45107694Evaluation of the discriminative stimulus and reinforcing effects of dihydroetorphine
Q44076432Evaluation of the effectiveness of a school-based cannabis prevention program.
Q35552288Evaluation of the hydrolytic activity of a long-acting mutant bacterial cocaine in the presence of commonly co-administered drugs
Q52178679Evaluation of the intravenous reinforcing effects of clonidine in baboons.
Q48765847Evaluation of the reinforcing and discriminative stimulus effects of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in rhesus monkeys
Q28274805Evaluation of the reinforcing effects of atomoxetine in monkeys: comparison to methylphenidate and desipramine
Q45086414Evaluation of the reinforcing effects of eliprodil in rhesus monkeys and its discriminative stimulus effects in rats
Q98956273Evaluation of the rewarding effects of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine in an intracranial self-stimulation procedure in male and female rats
Q39766738Evaluation of the use of buprenorphine for opioid withdrawal in an emergency department.
Q51206077Evaluation of tilidine for morphine-like subjective effects and euphoria.
Q92568996Evaluation of tobacco dependence measures in South Asian smokeless tobacco users
Q49943667Even in early childhood offspring alcohol expectancies correspond to parental drinking
Q40444442Event-level analysis of alcohol consumption and condom use in partnership contexts among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Lima, Peru
Q34219147Event-level relationship between methamphetamine use significantly associated with non-adherence to pharmacologic trial medications in event-level analyses
Q92413237Everyday discrimination indirectly influences smoking cessation through post-quit self-efficacy
Q40255776Everyday functional ability in HIV and methamphetamine dependence
Q35186905Evidence for a closing gender gap in alcohol use, abuse, and dependence in the United States population
Q35005248Evidence for a deficit in the salience attribution to errors in smokers.
Q36493558Evidence for a two-stage model of dependence using the NESARC and its implications for genetic association studies.
Q41552443Evidence for an endorphin dysfunction in methadone addicts: Lack of ACTH response to naloxone
Q92042765Evidence for essential unidimensionality of AUDIT and measurement invariance across gender, age and education. Results from the WIRUS study
Q48360718Evidence for overshadowing by components of the heterogeneous discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol
Q80304149Evidence for specificity of transmission of alcohol and nicotine dependence in an offspring of twins design
Q90485670Evidence for state, community and systems-level prevention strategies to address the opioid crisis
Q40727448Evidence of continued injecting drug use after attaining sustained treatment-induced clearance of the hepatitis C virus: Implications for reinfection.
Q39378251Evidence of deficits in behavioural inhibition and performance monitoring in young female heavy drinkers.
Q35534549Evidence of high-risk sexual behaviors among injection drug users in the Kenya PLACE study
Q35661152Evidence of injection drug use in Kisumu, Kenya: Implications for HIV prevention
Q39793599Evidence of lack of abuse or dependence following pemoline treatment: results of a retrospective survey
Q47563773Evidence of validity and reliability of the Opiate Dosage Adequacy Scale (ODAS) in a sample of heroin addicted patients in buprenorphine/naloxone maintenance treatment
Q44345993Evidence that anhedonia is a symptom of opioid dependence associated with recent use.
Q39940604Examination of a possible J-shaped relationship between alcohol consumption and internalizing disorders in a longitudinal birth cohort.
Q36577836Examination of a recommended algorithm for eliminating nonsystematic delay discounting response sets
Q129660161Examination of reward processing dysfunctions in the left dorsal striatum and other brain regions among psychiatric inpatients with substance use
Q34614145Examining delay discounting of condom-protected sex among opioid-dependent women and non-drug-using control women
Q33624310Examining differential effects of psychosocial treatments for cocaine dependence: an application of latent trajectory analyses
Q52374677Examining effects of medical cannabis narratives on beliefs, attitudes, and intentions related to recreational cannabis: A web-based randomized experiment.
Q34524893Examining maternal weight gain during contingency-management treatment for smoking cessation among pregnant women
Q40546031Examining mechanisms of action in 12-Step community outpatient treatment
Q93167551Examining motivational interviewing's effect on confidence and commitment using daily data
Q40101237Examining non-response bias in substance use research--are late respondents proxies for non-respondents?
Q91124485Examining opioid-involved overdose mortality trends prior to fentanyl: New York City, 2000-2015
Q52317446Examining racial/ethnic differences in patterns of benzodiazepine prescription and misuse.
Q89744533Examining sleep over time in a randomized control trial comparing two integrated PTSD and alcohol use disorder treatments
Q94500691Examining the Utility of a General Substance Use Spectrum Using Latent Trait Modeling
Q37320844Examining the association of NRXN3 SNPs with borderline personality disorder phenotypes in heroin dependent cases and socio-economically disadvantaged controls
Q38664128Examining the effects of illicit drug use on tobacco cessation outcomes in the Helping HAND 2 randomized controlled trial
Q40757867Examining the efficacy of a computer facilitated HIV prevention tool in drug court
Q30938843Examining the factor structure of the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale: A secondary data analysis from the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) 0003
Q38727664Examining the influence of adolescent marijuana use on adult intelligence: Further evidence in the causation versus spuriousness debate
Q46651925Examining the influence of drop-outs in a follow-up of maintained opiate users
Q38834487Examining the interaction between cognitive control and reward sensitivity in substance use dependence
Q50780340Examining the link between collision involvement and cocaine use.
Q90451707Examining the link between reward and response inhibition in individuals with substance abuse tendencies
Q34167709Examining the relationship between the physical availability of medical marijuana and marijuana use across fifty California cities
Q34472770Examining the role of mu opioid receptor endocytosis in the beneficial and side-effects of prolonged opioid use: from a symposium on new concepts in mu-opioid pharmacology
Q39066938Excess mortality among people who report lifetime use of illegal drugs in the United States: A 20-year follow-up of a nationally representative survey
Q47298073Excess mortality in children born to opioid-addicted parents: A national register study in Taiwan
Q98882479Excessive alcohol use and drug overdose deaths, New Mexico, 2015-2016
Q52174880Excessive discounting of delayed rewards in substance abusers with gambling problems.
Q47176669Excessive drinking situations in German alcoholics: replication of a three-factor model used for North Americans
Q37436630Excessive state switching underlies reversal learning deficits in cocaine users
Q48162559Excessive suicide mortality and risk factors for suicide among patients with heroin dependence.
Q40480630Excitatory amino acids and drugs of abuse: a role for N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in drug tolerance, sensitization and physical dependence
Q48291663Executive dysfunction in chronic cocaine users: an exploratory study
Q50675414Executive function and appetitive processes in the self-control of alcohol use: the moderational role of drinking restraint
Q38811920Executive function fails to predict smoking outcomes in a clinical trial to motivate smokers to quit.
Q46591246Executive functions and risky decision-making in patients with opiate dependence
Q50617026Executive functions in alcohol-dependence: A theoretically grounded and integrative exploration
Q36418253Exempt preparations: Historical perspectives
Q39318901Exencephaly and axial skeletal dysmorphogenesis induced by acute doses of ethanol in mouse fetuses
Q43781002Exercise increases plasma THC concentrations in regular cannabis users.
Q33689401Exercise reinforcement, stress, and β-endorphins: an initial examination of exercise in anabolic-androgenic steroid dependence
Q38664894Exercise training - A beneficial intervention in the treatment of alcohol use disorders?
Q112273704Expanding access to methadone treatment in Ohio through federally qualified health centers and a chain pharmacy: A geospatial modeling analysis
Q101241554Expanding accessibility: Outpatient intensive treatment for substance use disorder during covid-19 pandemic
Q34543220Expanding clinical laboratory tobacco product evaluation methods to loose-leaf tobacco vaporizers
Q46948794Expanding the role for scientists from low and middle income countries in the journal publication process
Q38667952Expectancy of impairment attenuates marijuana-induced risk taking
Q39196812Experience of adjunctive cannabis use for chronic non-cancer pain: findings from the Pain and Opioids IN Treatment (POINT) study.
Q46449723Experience of emotions in substance abusers exposed to images containing neutral, positive, and negative affective stimuli.
Q68249663Experiences of a methadone detoxification programme for opium addicts
Q50579477Experiences related to drinking as a function of annual alcohol intake and by sex and age.
Q38657525Experiences with SCRAMx alcohol monitoring technology in 100 alcohol treatment outpatients
Q54240153Experiences with skin and soft tissue infections among people who inject drugs in Philadelphia: A qualitative study.
Q44192930Experimental approaches to the evaluation of alcohol abuse and dependence development
Q90800175Explaining continuity in substance use: The role of criminal justice system involvement over the life course of an urban African American prospective cohort
Q47686783Explaining the effects of electronic cigarettes on craving for tobacco in recent quitters
Q97895990Explication of CB1 receptor contributions to the hypothermic effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) when delivered by vapor inhalation or parenteral injection in rats
Q114190333Exploration of dose tapering strategies for methadone maintenance treatment based on relapse risks: A subpopulation treatment effect pattern plot (STEPP) analysis
Q48706460Exploration of the relationship between frequency of illness, attrition from alcohol treatment, neuropsychological status and field dependence
Q41180567Exploration of the telescoping effect among not-in-treatment, intensive heroin-using research volunteers
Q35510576Exploring age of onset as a causal link between major depression and nonmedical use of prescription medications.
Q57177970Exploring opioid use disorder, its impact, and treatment among individuals experiencing homelessness as part of a family
Q128244771Exploring patterns of alcohol use and alcohol use disorder among Asian Americans with a finer lens
Q34071550Exploring psychological benefits associated with moderate alcohol use: a necessary corrective to assessments of drinking outcomes?
Q91707966Exploring recovery capital among adolescents in an alternative peer group
Q40319269Exploring the e-cigarette e-commerce marketplace: Identifying Internet e-cigarette marketing characteristics and regulatory gaps
Q34161014Exploring the impact of gender and reproductive status on outcomes in a randomized clinical trial of naltrexone augmentation of nicotine patch
Q47635833Exploring the perils of cross-national comparisons of drug prevalence: The effect of survey modality
Q43284656Exploring the relationship between perceived inter-dose opioid withdrawal and patient characteristics in methadone maintenance treatment
Q39893947Exploring the role of consumer participation in drug treatment.
Q57333490Exploring the role of low-frequency and rare exonic variants in alcohol and tobacco use
Q52281997Exploring the use and non-use of marijuana as reasoned actions: an application of Fishbein and Ajzen's methodology.
Q96614314Exposure and engagement with tobacco-related social media and associations with subsequent tobacco use among young adults: A longitudinal analysis
Q43925612Exposure opportunity as a mechanism linking youth marijuana use to hallucinogen use.
Q91416007Exposure to alcohol outlets, alcohol access, and alcohol consumption among adolescents
Q45299439Exposure to alcohol, drugs and tobacco and the risk of subsequent suicidality: findings from the Mexican Adolescent Mental Health Survey
Q90343748Exposure to car smoking among youth in seven cities across the European Union
Q34644002Exposure to childhood neglect and physical abuse and developmental trajectories of heavy episodic drinking from early adolescence into young adulthood
Q96648915Exposure to e-cigarette information and advertising in social media and e-cigarette use in Australia: A mixed methods study
Q37448346Exposure to the Lebanon War of 2006 and effects on alcohol use disorders: the moderating role of childhood maltreatment
Q34258957Exposure to trauma: a comparison of cocaine-dependent cases and a community-matched sample.
Q46688805Expression of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunits and splice variants in an animal model of long-term voluntary alcohol self-administration
Q34133170Extended findings of brain metabolite normalization in MA-dependent subjects across sustained abstinence: A proton MRS study
Q91384329Extended release mixed amphetamine salts and topiramate for cocaine dependence: A randomized clinical replication trial with frequent users
Q33595868Extended release naltrexone injection is performed in the majority of opioid dependent patients receiving outpatient induction: a very low dose naltrexone and buprenorphine open label trial
Q37389692Extended urinary Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol excretion in chronic cannabis users precludes use as a biomarker of new drug exposure
Q38882435Extended-release naltrexone reduces alcohol consumption among released prisoners with HIV disease as they transition to the community.
Q33653888External pressure, motivation, and treatment outcome among pregnant substance-using women
Q58605675Externalizing and self-medicating: Heterogeneity among repeat DUI offenders
Q46091928Extinction learning of stimulus reward contingencies: The acute effects of alcohol
Q35635681Extinguished cocaine cues increase drug seeking when presented simultaneously with a non-extinguished cocaine cue.
Q35082566Extra-medical stimulant dependence among recent initiates
Q93346627Eye movement data reveal increased attention to combined health warnings on cigarette packs
Q97522804Eye tracking of smoking-related stimuli in tobacco use disorder: A proof-of-concept study combining attention bias modification with alpha-transcranial alternating current stimulation
Q43774564Facial electromyographic (EMG) responses to emotionally significant visual images: differences between light and heavy drinkers
Q36376967Facilitating entry into drug treatment among injection drug users referred from a needle exchange program: Results from a community-based behavioral intervention trial
Q50691078Facilitators and barriers in treatment seeking for cannabis dependence.
Q46841024Factor structure and diagnostic efficiency of the BDI-II in treatment-seeking substance users.
Q37164982Factor structure of PTSD symptoms in opioid-dependent patients rating their overall trauma history
Q71099439Factor structure of common drug usage
Q37282367Factorial structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)-18 among Chinese drug users
Q91301544Factorial validity of a substance-use stigma scale in methamphetamine-using adults in China
Q37908427Factors affecting cognitive function of opiate-dependent patients
Q35729981Factors affecting repeated cessations of injecting drug use and relapses during the entire injecting career among the Edinburgh Addiction Cohort
Q39768758Factors affecting the drinking driver
Q47909138Factors associated with alcohol drinking behavior of cancer survivors: The Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Q38960083Factors associated with alcohol use prior to and during pregnancy among HIV-infected pregnant women in Cape Town, South Africa
Q47957049Factors associated with an evidence-based measure of implementation for the Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach.
Q36702722Factors associated with attendance in 12-step groups (Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous) among adults with alcohol problems living with HIV/AIDS
Q37308020Factors associated with being asked to initiate someone into injection drug use
Q41618672Factors associated with coercion in entering treatment for alcohol problems
Q46140996Factors associated with cognitive impairment in a cohort of older homeless adults: Results from the HOPE HOME study
Q51124387Factors associated with coping in persons undergoing alcohol and drug detoxification.
Q54244417Factors associated with discontinuation of methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) among persons who use alcohol in Vancouver, Canada.
Q46242657Factors associated with driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs among an Australian sample of regular ecstasy users
Q37362299Factors associated with event-level stimulant use during sex in a sample of older, low-income men who have sex with men in Los Angeles
Q36164730Factors associated with experiences of stigma in a sample of HIV-positive, methamphetamine-using men who have sex with men.
Q42680551Factors associated with exposure to hepatitis B virus in injection drug users
Q104269818Factors associated with health-related cannabis use intentions among a community sample of people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA 2016 to 2018
Q90130731Factors associated with help seeking by community responders trained in overdose prevention and naloxone administration in Massachusetts
Q43032578Factors associated with hepatitis C knowledge among a sample of treatment naive people who inject drugs
Q44337235Factors associated with history of non-fatal overdose among opioid users in the Swedish criminal justice system
Q34287159Factors associated with history of non-fatal overdose among young nonmedical users of prescription drugs
Q34773972Factors associated with initiating someone into illicit drug injection.
Q33624610Factors associated with initiation of ecstasy use among US adolescents: findings from a national survey
Q40665677Factors associated with interest in receiving prison-based methadone maintenance therapy in Malaysia
Q46439826Factors associated with lapses to heroin use during methadone maintenance
Q42660057Factors associated with methadone maintenance therapy use among a cohort of polysubstance using injection drug users in Vancouver
Q44852805Factors associated with methadone maintenance treatment retention among street-recruited injection drug users
Q33746189Factors associated with missing data in an experience sampling investigation of substance use determinants
Q39858703Factors associated with non-adherence and misuse of opioid maintenance treatment medications and intoxicating drugs among Finnish maintenance treatment patients
Q61602144Factors associated with perceived loss of libido in people who inject opioids: Results from a community-based survey in France
Q43570044Factors associated with readiness to change drug use among needle-exchange users
Q50138552Factors associated with sedative use and misuse among heroin users.
Q96293821Factors associated with skin and soft tissue infections among people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: A comparative examination of data from two surveys
Q36767289Factors associated with smoking frequency among current waterpipe smokers in the United States: Findings from the National College Health Assessment II
Q46380993Factors associated with substance use during pregnancy: results from a national sample
Q40696351Factors associated with substance use treatment completion in residential facilities
Q34536352Factors associated with the transition from abuse to dependence among substance abusers: implications for a measure of addictive liability.
Q27491349Factors associated with uptake of treatment for recent hepatitis C virus infection in a predominantly injecting drug user cohort: The ATAHC Study
Q38548175Factors associated with variability and stability of cannabis use in young adulthood
Q41503208Factors contributing to self-reported drug use among London undergraduates 1971-72.
Q47753266Factors contributing to the rise of buprenorphine misuse: 2008-2013.
Q59604529Factors influencing alcohol and illicit drug use amongst medical students
Q37171585Factors mediating and moderating the relationship between gender and utilization of health care among Puerto Rican drug users in New York
Q33716509Factors predicting development of opioid use disorders among individuals who receive an initial opioid prescription: mathematical modeling using a database of commercially-insured individuals
Q46747753Factors predicting retention in treatment: 10-year experience of a methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) clinic in Israel
Q47236189Factors predictive of alcohol consumption in a representative sample of French male teenagers: a five-year prospective study
Q88245704Factors related to cigarette smoking and intent to quit among adolescent inpatients with psychiatric and substance use disorders
Q37415184Factors related to correctional facility incarceration among active injection drug users in Baltimore, MD
Q34551070Factors related to frequency of narghile (waterpipe) use: the first insights on tobacco dependence in narghile users.
Q44410438Failure of ondansetron to block the discriminative or reinforcing stimulus effects of cocaine in the rat.
Q51559252Failure of ritanserin to block cocaine cue reactivity in humans.
Q66990159Failure to diagnose alcoholism and drug abuse
Q30466085Failure to sustain prepulse inhibition in adolescent marijuana users
Q34046830Failure to treat tobacco use in mental health and addiction treatment settings: a form of harm reduction?
Q59408355Falling rates of marijuana dependence among heavy users
Q37180125Familial and non-familial smoking: effects on smoking and nicotine dependence
Q36507447Familial transmission of derived phenotypes for molecular genetic studies of substance use disorders
Q34349579Familiality of addiction and its developmental mechanisms in girls
Q68671008Family alcohol problems among pregnant women: links with maternal substance use and birth abnormalities
Q93198435Family and school social capitals in late childhood predict youthful drinking behaviors and problems
Q34980334Family history density predicts long term substance use outcomes in an adolescent treatment sample
Q31870827Family history influence on drug abuse severity and treatment outcome
Q93683336Family history of problem drinking among young male social drinkers: reliability of the Family Tree Questionnaire
Q44565081Family interventions and their effect on adolescent alcohol use in general populations; a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Q50983709Family members affected by a relative's substance misuse looking for social support: who are they?
Q50952325Family structure, personality, drinking, smoking and illicit drug use: a study of UK teenagers.
Q34051077Family ties: maternal-offspring attachment and young adult nonmedical prescription opioid use.
Q42103529Faster entry into HIV care among HIV-infected drug users who had been in drug-use treatment programs
Q79616208Fatal overdoses and deaths by other causes in a cohort of Norwegian drug abusers--a competing risk approach
Q114190370Fathers’ alcohol consumption and risk of substance-related disorders in offspring
Q50514682Favorable associations with alcohol and impaired self-regulation: A behavioral economic analysis.
Q46705226Feasibility and outcome of substitution treatment of heroin-dependent patients in specialized substitution centers and primary care facilities in Germany: a naturalistic study in 2694 patients
Q33448168Feasibility and success of cell-phone assisted remote observation of medication adherence (CAROMA) in clinical trials
Q46436173Feasibility and validity of computerized ambulatory monitoring in drug-dependent women
Q58324030Feasibility of ecological momentary assessment to study mood and risk behavior among young people who inject drugs
Q51983341Feasibility of multidimensional substance abuse treatment matching: automating the ASAM Patient Placement Criteria. American Society of Addiction Medicine.
Q44030054Features of cocaine dependence with concurrent alcohol abuse
Q37222716Features of men with anabolic-androgenic steroid dependence: A comparison with nondependent AAS users and with AAS nonusers
Q50061813Features of prescription drug monitoring programs associated with reduced rates of prescription opioid-related poisonings
Q57499581Federal parity does not lead to large increases in spending on substance use disorder treatment: Results from year 1
Q70578336Female referral to employees assistance programs: the impact of specialized intervention
Q47670261Female smokers have the highest alcohol craving in a residential alcoholism treatment cohort
Q90097535Female-male differences in prescription pain reliever dependence levels: Evidence on newly incident adolescent and young adult users in the United States, 2002-2014
Q41472268Fenetylline: new results on pharmacology, metabolism and kinetics
Q28303904Fenetylline: therapeutic use, misuse and/or abuse
Q100295817Fentanyl analog positivity among near-real-time urine drug test results in patients seeking health care
Q104076587Fentanyl and fentanyl analogs in the illicit stimulant supply: Results from U.S. drug seizure data, 2011-2016
Q91112659Fentanyl and fentanyl-analog involvement in drug-related deaths
Q51746933Fentanyl and heroin contained in seized illicit drugs and overdose-related deaths in British Columbia, Canada: An observational analysis.
Q90125159Fentanyl exposure and preferences among individuals starting treatment for opioid use disorder
Q69661600Fetal addiction to methadone: postnatal abstinence syndrome and development of visual evoked potentials
Q60031014Field evidence for stress-induced drug use
Q37444001Filling service gaps: Providing intensive treatment services for offenders
Q47559586Filling the gap between lab and clinical impact: An open randomized diagnostic trial comparing urinary ethylglucuronide and ethanol in alcohol dependent outpatients
Q94548437Financial incentives promote engagement in employment services for unemployed adults in treatment for opioid use disorder
Q46559129Financial strain indirectly influences smoking cessation through withdrawal symptom severity
Q44668416Finding order in the DSM-IV nicotine dependence syndrome: a Rasch analysis
Q44466693Fine-grain analysis of the treatment effect of topiramate on methamphetamine addiction with latent variable analysis
Q39997285First cigarette on waking and time of day as predictors of puffing behaviour in UK adult smokers
Q45092722First effects of warning labels on alcoholic beverage containers
Q24683265First injection of ketamine among young injection drug users (IDUs) in three U.S. cities
Q33781291First-year college students' interest in trying dissolvable tobacco products.
Q46131266Five-year trajectories of health care utilization and cost in a drug and alcohol treatment sample
Q94472465Flavor-specific enhancement of electronic cigarette liquid consumption and preference in mice
Q91504253Flavored cigar smoking among African American young adult dual users: An ecological momentary assessment
Q44312041Flow cytometric analysis of oxidative product formation in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated ethanol-treated immune mononuclear cells
Q77367051Fluctuations in heroin purity and the incidence of fatal heroin overdose
Q69416637Fluid balance, vasopressin and withdrawal symptoms during detoxification from alcohol
Q51600472Flunitrazepam and nordiazepam slowly released from silastic capsules induce physical dependence in rat
Q51975078Flunitrazepam and triazolam: a comparison of behavioral effects and abuse liability.
Q47262972Flunitrazepam consumption among heroin addicts admitted for in-patient detoxification
Q43647878Fluoxetine treatment of cocaine-dependent patients with major depressive disorder.
Q44349217Fluoxetine treatment of depressive disorders in methadone-maintained opioid addicts
Q49504022Folate deficiency in patients seeking treatment of alcohol use disorder
Q70824886Folic acid in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of chronic alcoholics and methamphetamine addicts
Q52874498Follow-up attrition in alcohol treatment studies: is 'no news' bad news, good news or no news?
Q44942076Follow-up of Vietman veterans. I. Relapse to drug use after Vietnam service
Q45337636Follow-up of Vietnam veterans II. Social adjustment
Q46172324Follow-up study of subjects on methadyl acetate and methadone
Q52304349Food, water and ethanol consumption by rats under a fixed-interval schedule of food presentation.
Q51488270Forced opiate withdrawal under anaesthesia augments and prolongs the occurrence of withdrawal signs in rats.
Q44434935Foreword to: buprenorphine and buprenorphine/naloxone: a guide for clinicians
Q36900386Formal and informal substance use treatment utilization and alcohol abstinence over seven years: is the relationship different for blacks and whites?
Q36024507Former heroin addicts with or without a history of cocaine dependence are more impulsive than controls
Q46940363Formulation considerations for the development of medications with abuse potential
Q104270712Forty-eight years of research on psychosocial interventions in the treatment of opioid use disorder: A scoping review
Q35752014Four-year outcomes from the Early Re-Intervention (ERI) experiment using Recovery Management Checkups (RMCs).
Q63363835Frequency and factors associated with providing injection initiation assistance in Tallinn, Estonia
Q73662639Frequency and intensity of crack use as predictors of women's involvement in HIV-related sexual risk behaviors
Q38768785Frequency and severity of non-fatal opioid overdoses among clients attending the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre.
Q24169894Frequent binge drinking five to six years after exposure to 9/11: findings from the World Trade Center Health Registry
Q79258113Frequent cannabis use among 14/15 years old in Northern Ireland
Q57841705Frequent experience of discrimination among people who inject drugs: Links with health and wellbeing
Q33897988Frequent marijuana use is associated with greater nicotine addiction in adolescent smokers
Q33653383Friendship networks of inner-city adults: a latent class analysis and multi-level regression of supporter types and the association of supporter latent class membership with supporter and recipient drug use.
Q31020845From data to evidence, to action: findings from a systematic review of hospital screening studies for high risk alcohol consumption
Q38933587From initiating injecting drug use to regular injecting: Retrospective survival analysis of injecting progression within a sample of people who inject drugs regularly
Q35124183From morphine clinics to buprenorphine: regulating opioid agonist treatment of addiction in the United States
Q40907065Frontal P300 decrements, childhood conduct disorder, family history, and the prediction of relapse among abstinent cocaine abusers
Q36315756Frontal systems deficits in stimulant-dependent patients: evidence of pre-illness dysfunction and relationship to treatment response
Q44350864Frustration stress (unexpected loss of alternative reinforcement) increases opioid self-administration in a model of recovery
Q44555339Functional consequences of the repeated administration of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the rat.
Q118732537Functional evaluation of NK antagonism on cue reactivity in opiate dependence; An fMRI study
Q52316728Functional inactivation of the orbitofrontal cortex disrupts context-induced reinstatement of alcohol seeking in rats.
Q37682570Functional interaction between HIV-gp120 and opioid system in the preoptic anterior hypothalamus
Q48526346Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the acute effect of intravenous heroin administration on visual activation in long-term heroin addicts: results from a feasibility study
Q52027232Functional relationships, previous history and the discrimination of a drug mixture in rats.
Q37960735Functional relevance of μ-δ opioid receptor heteromerization: a role in novel signaling and implications for the treatment of addiction disorders: from a symposium on new concepts in mu-opioid pharmacology
Q51529952Further analysis of choice between cocaine and food using the unit price model of behavioral economics.
Q36627210Further evidence of an association between adolescent bipolar disorder with smoking and substance use disorders: a controlled study
Q37276885Further evidence of differences in substance use and dependence between Australia and the United States
Q52290298Further investigation of psychological and environmental correlates of substance use in adolescence in six European countries.
Q70754034Further neuroendocrine evidence for reduced D2 dopamine receptor function in alcoholism
Q35690381Further validation of a marijuana purchase task
Q41093291Future time perspective in current and previous injecting drug users.
Q43070751G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) trafficking in the central nervous system: relevance for drugs of abuse
Q34528008GABA(B) receptor agonists for the treatment of drug addiction: a review of recent findings
Q96031642GABAA Receptor Subtypes and the Reinforcing Effects of Benzodiazepines in Remifentanil-Experienced Rhesus Monkeys
Q35670267GABAA-positive modulator selective discriminative stimulus effects of 1,1,1-trichloroethane vapor
Q35803722GABRA2 and KIBRA genotypes predict early relapse to substance use.
Q51669447GBR 12909 fails to antagonize cocaine-induced elevation of dopamine in striatal slices.
Q36857686GC-MS confirmation of xylazine (Rompun), a veterinary sedative, in exchanged needles
Q44026548GHB use among Australians: characteristics, use patterns and associated harm
Q34215767GHB: a new and novel drug of abuse
Q61628938GSK3B silencing in the NAc produces addiction- and depression-like phenotypes opposite of environmental enrichment and alters neuronal excitability
Q91301541Gabapentin drug misuse signals: A pharmacovigilance assessment using the FDA adverse event reporting system
Q33872764Gabapentin improves cold-pressor pain responses in methadone-maintained patients
Q40523176Gabapentin maintenance decreases smoked cocaine-related subjective effects, but not self-administration by humans
Q92673253Galantamine to reduce relapse after agonist taper for individuals with opioid use disorder
Q45234132Gamma hydroxybutyrric acid (GHB) withdrawal does not occur at therapeutic dosage
Q42631336Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid in the treatment of alcoholism: dosage fractioning utility in non-responder alcoholic patients
Q44394321Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid versus naltrexone in maintaining alcohol abstinence: an open randomized comparative study
Q36952331Gamma-vinyl GABA inhibits cocaine-triggered reinstatement of drug-seeking behavior in rats by a non-dopaminergic mechanism
Q40748902Gastrointestinal protein turnover and alcohol misuse
Q93076106Gaze entropy measures detect alcohol-induced driver impairment
Q37767509Gender and NAS: does sex matter?
Q36248819Gender and nonmedical prescription opioid use and DSM-5 nonmedical prescription opioid use disorder: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions - III.
Q50116660Gender and race as correlates of high risk sex behaviors among injection drug users at risk for HIV enrolled in the HPTN 037 study
Q38889399Gender and race/ethnic differences in the persistence of alcohol, drug, and poly-substance use disorders.
Q33836185Gender and race/ethnicity differences for initiation of alcohol-related service use among persons with alcohol dependence
Q37605155Gender and racial differences in smoking of long/ultra-long and king size cigarettes among U.S. adult smokers, NHANES 1999-2012.
Q51908868Gender and the assessment of at-risk drinking: evidence from the GENACIS Canada (2004-2005) telephone survey version of the AUDIT.
Q40546016Gender comparisons of drug abuse treatment outcomes and predictors
Q44344909Gender differences among opioid abusers: pathways to disorder and profiles of psychopathology
Q37727990Gender differences between predictors of HIV status among PWID in Ukraine.
Q47667205Gender differences in acculturation and aggression as predictors of drug use in minorities
Q36652144Gender differences in cannabis use disorders: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q37417649Gender differences in circumstances surrounding first injection experience of rural injection drug users in the United States.
Q34717570Gender differences in clinical outcomes for cocaine dependence: randomized clinical trials of behavioral therapy and disulfiram
Q36925170Gender differences in cocaine dependence
Q50974059Gender differences in cocaine dependent patients: a 6 month follow-up study.
Q39434193Gender differences in crack users who are research volunteers
Q96126825Gender differences in driving control of young alcohol-impaired drivers
Q37586442Gender differences in factors associated with alcohol drinking: delay discounting and perception of others' drinking
Q44480306Gender differences in health-related quality of life among cannabis users: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q44330205Gender differences in hostility of opioid-dependent outpatients: role in early treatment termination
Q39785005Gender differences in injection risk behaviors at the first injection episode.
Q44110890Gender differences in manifestations of antisocial personality disorder among residential drug abuse treatment clients
Q36090298Gender differences in mortality among treated opioid dependent patients
Q35184385Gender differences in pharmacokinetics of maintenance dosed buprenorphine
Q58633917Gender differences in risk factors for nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among youth 10 to 18 years in the US
Q39650097Gender differences in self-reported withdrawal symptoms and reducing or quitting smoking three years later: A prospective, longitudinal examination of U.S. adults
Q39407586Gender differences in snus versus nicotine gum for cigarette avoidance among a sample of US smokers
Q45255734Gender differences in socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of methamphetamine inpatients in a Chinese population
Q39066425Gender differences in substance abuse, PTSD and intentional self-harm among veterans health administration patients
Q36468281Gender differences in the comorbidity of smoking behavior and major depression
Q45136331Gender differences in the correlates of hazardous drinking among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans
Q59540403Gender differences in the development of emotion circuitry in youth at risk for substance abuse: A longitudinal FMRI study
Q45234113Gender differences in the distribution of cocaine and heroin in Central Harlem
Q35992206Gender differences in the factor structure of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test in multinational general population surveys
Q38675445Gender differences in the real-world effectiveness of smoking cessation medications: Findings from the 2010-2011 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey.
Q50628992Gender differences in the relationship between alcohol use and anxiety symptoms among Nigerian college students
Q37204799Gender differences in the relationship between gambling problems and the incidence of substance-use disorders in a nationally representative population sample
Q36830658Gender differences in the relationship between white matter organization and adolescent substance use disorders.
Q34192312Gender differences in the relationship of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology to alcohol dependence: likelihood, expression and course
Q48009650Gender differences in trajectories of alcohol use from ages 13 to 33 across Latina/o ethnic groups
Q37302725Gender disparities in HIV infection among persons who inject drugs in Central Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q44335869Gender effect on association between DRD2 polymorphism and substance dependence in a Spanish sample
Q34604511Gender identity and substance use among students in two high schools in Monterrey, Mexico
Q64943880Gender moderates the association between distress tolerance and alcohol use among individuals with opioid use disorder.
Q43515108Gender stereotypes and drinking cognitions as indicators of moderate and high risk drinking among young women and men.
Q44342781Gender, cocaine and during-treatment HIV risk reduction among injection opioid users in methadone maintenance
Q47725338Gender, injury status and acculturation differences in performance of screening instruments for alcohol problems among US Hispanic emergency department patients
Q35228310Gender, race, and group behavior in group drug treatment
Q35075760Gender, violence and brief interventions for alcohol in the emergency department
Q38929839Gender-based differences in injecting drug use by young adults who experienced maltreatment in childhood: Findings from an Australian birth cohort study
Q37724793General and substance-specific predictors of young adult nicotine dependence, alcohol use disorder, and problem behavior: replication in two samples
Q52272319General practice involvement in the management of alcohol misuse: dynamics and resistances.
Q47907118Generalised inhibitory impairment to appetitive cues: From alcoholic to non-alcoholic visual stimuli.
Q39293671Generalist health and welfare workers' response to alcohol related problems: role legitimacy and the need for role-support, an example from an Australian rural community
Q37128195Generalizability of clinical trials for alcohol dependence to community samples
Q35582292Generalizability of clinical trials for cannabis dependence to community samples
Q52923634Generalizability of project MATCH: a comparison of clients enrolled to those not enrolled in the study at one aftercare site.
Q52293380Generalization of drug-seeking behavior in dogs
Q44771252Generational and other differences between males and females in problem drinking and its treatment
Q34214061Genes in drug abuse
Q130413720Genetic Insights into the causal relationship between cannabis use and diabetic phenotypes: A genetic correlation and Mendelian randomization study
Q48145001Genetic alcohol sensitivity regulated by ALDH2 and ADH1B polymorphisms is strongly associated with depression and anxiety in Japanese employees
Q39274802Genetic analysis of AUTS2 as a susceptibility gene of heroin dependence
Q36328311Genetic and environmental contributions to initiation of cigarette smoking in young African-American and European-American women
Q52230345Genetic and environmental influences on drug use and abuse/dependence in male and female twins.
Q73154630Genetic and environmental influences on posttraumatic stress disorder, alcohol and drug dependence in twin pairs
Q44332675Genetic and environmental risk factors for the onset of drug use and problems in adoptees
Q70150509Genetic and marital status in alcohol dependent women
Q67019748Genetic aspects of tolerance and dependence. Moderator's comments
Q67019747Genetic aspects of tolerance and dependence. Rapporteurs' report
Q36613940Genetic correlates of morphine withdrawal in 14 inbred mouse strains
Q53400295Genetic correlation of antisocial behaviour with alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis use.
Q49022173Genetic effects on various measures of ethanol dependence in mice: a diallel analysis
Q35928700Genetic etiology of the common liability to drug dependence: evidence of common and specific mechanisms for DSM-IV dependence symptoms.
Q47563056Genetic factors in substance abuse based on studies of Tourette syndrome and ADHD probands and relatives. I. Drug abuse
Q47563049Genetic factors in substance abuse based on studies of Tourette syndrome and ADHD probands and relatives. II. Alcohol abuse
Q40860714Genetic influences in antisocial personality and drug use disorders.
Q46449728Genetic influences on quantity of alcohol consumed by adolescents and young adults
Q45070277Genetic influences on the rate of development of ethanol tolerance and the ethanol physical withdrawal syndrome in mice
Q34873137Genetic moderators and psychiatric mediators of the link between sexual abuse and alcohol dependence
Q35875400Genetic overlap between alcohol use disorder and bulimic behaviors in European American and African American women
Q33966114Genetic studies of substance abuse
Q35956179Genetic variation (CHRNA5), medication (combination nicotine replacement therapy vs. varenicline), and smoking cessation
Q42211009Genetic variation in FAAH is associated with cannabis use disorders in a young adult sample of Mexican Americans
Q59480187Genetic variation in alcohol metabolizing enzymes among Inuit and its relation to drinking patterns
Q31159653Genetic variation in the serotonin pathway and smoking cessation with nicotine replacement therapy: new data from the Patch in Practice trial and pooled analyses
Q62274652Genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia is associated with cannabis use patterns during adolescence
Q44612984Genetics and ethanol tolerance
Q77147080Genetics of alcohol and other abused drugs
Q99604399Genome-wide association analysis of opioid use disorder: A novel approach using clinical data
Q37393114Genome-wide linkage analysis of heroin dependence in Han Chinese: results from Wave Two of a multi-stage study
Q28943513Genome-wide survival analysis of age at onset of alcohol dependence in extended high-risk COGA families
Q36482303Genomewide linkage survey of nicotine dependence phenotypes
Q88515548Gentrification and binge drinking in California neighborhoods: It matters how long you've lived there
Q33624530Geographic clustering of underage drinking and the influence of community characteristics
Q91281889Geographic gender differences in traumatic unintentional injury hospitalization and youth drinking
Q90866146Geographic patterns of prescription opioids and opioid overdose deaths in New York State, 2013-2015
Q96773482Geographic proximity to buprenorphine treatment providers in the U.S.
Q88882746Geographic variation in postpartum prescription opioid use: Opportunities to improve maternal safety
Q99202209Geographic variation in the provision of naloxone by pharmacies in Ontario, Canada: A population-based small area variation analysis
Q37251689Geographical clustering of cannabis use: results from the New Zealand Mental Health Survey 2003-2004
Q51017919German mental health legislation and alcoholism treatment: results of a retrospective long-term study in a Berlin state mental health hospital.
Q91207280Gestational buprenorphine exposure: Effects on pregnancy, development, neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, and behavior in a translational rodent model
Q30492423Getting patients the services they need using a computer-assisted system for patient assessment and referral--CASPAR.
Q96680242Getting to the point: Methamphetamine injection is associated with biomarkers relevant to HIV pathogenesis
Q48154382Ghrelin receptor antagonism attenuates nicotine-induced locomotor stimulation, accumbal dopamine release and conditioned place preference in mice
Q63684291Glecaprevir/pibrentasvir in patients with chronic HCV and recent drug use: An integrated analysis of 7 phase III studies
Q43076075Glial and neuroinflammatory targets for treating substance use disorders
Q38532911Glutamate transporter subtype 1 (GLT-1) activator ceftriaxone attenuates amphetamine-induced hyperactivity and behavioral sensitization in rats
Q36164790Glutamate, GABA, and other cortical metabolite concentrations during early abstinence from alcohol and their associations with neurocognitive changes
Q70283733Glycoprotein sialyl- and galactosyl transferase activities in erythrocyte membranes in alcoholic patients and healthy controls
Q71141890Glycosylated hemoglobin in chronic alcoholics
Q47424125Goal Management Training and Mindfulness Meditation improve executive functions and transfer to ecological tasks of daily life in polysubstance users enrolled in therapeutic community treatment.
Q90587141Goal-driven attentional capture by appetitive and aversive smoking-related cues in nicotine-dependent smokers
Q39076639Going into the groin: Injection into the femoral vein among people who inject drugs in three urban areas of England.
Q73128973Gonadal hormone levels in injection drug users
Q47263012Gradient of association between parenting styles and patterns of drug use in adolescence: A latent class analysis.
Q36189354Gray-matter volume in methamphetamine dependence: cigarette smoking and changes with abstinence from methamphetamine.
Q92323625Greater delay discounting and cannabis coping motives are associated with more frequent cannabis use in a large sample of adult cannabis users
Q93189165Greater risk for frequent marijuana use and problems among young adult marijuana users with a medical marijuana card
Q93175674Greater tolerance to losses in sensation seeking: Evidence from probability and delay discounting
Q51175295Grief, alcohol dependence and women.
Q97555341Grocery purchase data in the study of alcohol use - A validity study
Q36249056Group 1 mGlu-family proteins promote neuroadaptation to ethanol and withdrawal-associated hippocampal damage
Q34115023Group therapy for women with substance use disorders: results from the Women's Recovery Group Study
Q57192148Growing practices and the use of potentially harmful chemical additives among a sample of small-scale cannabis growers in three countries
Q48367137Growth hormone response to placebo, apomorphine and growth hormone releasing hormone in abstinent alcoholics and control subjects
Q39961208Growth in alcohol use in at-risk adolescent boys: two-part random effects prediction models
Q40093465Growth in spending on substance use disorder treatment services for the privately insured population
Q69057056Growth, liver lipid and blood amino acids in rats fed ethanol with an adequate diet
Q35132177Guidelines and methodological reviews concerning drug abuse liability assessment
Q43955914Guillain-Barré syndrome in chronic alcoholism
Q69953066Guillain-Barré's syndrome in alcoholics
Q46157014Guns and blood alcohol levels among homicide victims
Q49049304Gustatory avoidance in rats: effects of cocaine under a mild water deprivation schedule
Q40168892HIV Tat excites D1 receptor-like expressing neurons from rat nucleus accumbens
Q61646092HIV among Puerto Rican people who inject drugs: Health disparities continue
Q38129627HIV among female sex workers in the Central Asian Republics, Afghanistan, and Mongolia: contexts and convergence with drug use.
Q42279732HIV and HCV among people who inject drugs in Central Asia.
Q33552332HIV and people who use drugs in central Asia: confronting the perfect storm
Q64136858HIV infection among MSM who inject methamphetamine in 8 US cities
Q46449713HIV infection among female drug users in Northern Thailand
Q51624039HIV infection and cocaine use in methadone maintained and untreated intravenous drug users.
Q35659939HIV infection during limited versus combined HIV prevention programs for IDUs in New York City: the importance of transmission behaviors
Q60944705HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis for people who inject drugs: Willingness to prescribe among general internists
Q74667328HIV prevalence and risk behaviors among new initiates into injection drug use over the age of 40 years old
Q36826868HIV primary care providers--Screening, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to alcohol interventions
Q36488694HIV risk behavior among patients with co-occurring bipolar and substance use disorders: associations with mania and drug abuse
Q45161006HIV risk behaviors and alcohol intoxication among injection drug users in Puerto Rico
Q42691283HIV risks, gender, and cocaine use among opiate users
Q39446847HIV seroconversion and risk factors among drug users receiving methadone maintenance treatment in China: A qualitative study
Q31044010HIV seroprevalence among drug users: an analysis of selected variables based on 10 years of data collection in Porto Alegre, Brazil
Q40317001HIV sexual risk behaviors among injection drug users in Shanghai
Q33963069HIV transmission from drug injectors to partners who do not inject, and beyond: modelling the potential for a generalized heterosexual epidemic in St. Petersburg, Russia
Q50049779HIV treatment optimism and crystal methamphetamine use and initiation among HIV-negative men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada: A longitudinal analysis
Q30838130HIV-1 RNA load in needles/syringes from shooting galleries in Miami: a preliminary laboratory report
Q36069676HIV-gp120 and physical dependence to buprenorphine
Q46775961HIV-positive patients' discussion of alcohol use with their HIV primary care providers
Q51642277HIV-transmission knowledge in drug users from outpatient facilities in Spain. A national survey.
Q39758546HIV/AIDS and injection drug use in the neighborhoods of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Q34949224HIV/AIDS services in private substance abuse treatment programs
Q37174853HPA axis response to psychological stress and treatment retention in residential substance abuse treatment: a prospective study
Q52239987Habituation of skin conductance response in a methadone population.
Q39491866Hair analysis and its concordance with self-report for drug users presenting in emergency department
Q33842156Hair drug testing results and self-reported drug use among primary care patients with moderate-risk illicit drug use.
Q51134386Hair ethyl glucuronide as a biomarker of alcohol consumption in alcohol-dependent patients: role of gender differences.
Q38163213Hair ethyl glucuronide levels as a marker for alcohol use and abuse: a review of the current state of the art.
Q34180184Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder: what do we know after 50 years?
Q37323629Hallucinogen-related disorders in a national sample of adolescents: the influence of ecstasy/MDMA use.
Q52918835Hardcore drug users claim to be occasional users: drug use frequency underreporting.
Q57298270Harm perceptions of electronic cigarettes and nicotine: A nationally representative cross-sectional survey of young people in Great Britain
Q42997808Harm reduction workers and the challenge of engaging couples who inject drugs in hepatitis C prevention.
Q90566473Harmful alcohol use among acutely ill hospitalized medical patients in Oslo and Moscow: A cross-sectional study
Q99624616Harms associated with inhalant misuse in adolescent females - a review of the pre-clinical and clinical evidence
Q35846764Have Halpern et al. (2004) detected 'residual neuropsychological effects' of MDMA? Not likely
Q37145886Hazardous alcohol consumption among young adult IDU and its association with high risk behaviors.
Q42022205Hazardous alcohol consumption and sense of coherence in emergency department patients with minor trauma
Q48409679Hazardous alcohol users during pregnancy: psychiatric health and personality traits
Q44692588Hazardous drinking and its association with homelessness among veterans in care
Q98155447Health Literacy among Swedish Patients in Opioid Substitution Treatment: A Mixed-Methods Study
Q41063883Health behaviors of young adult heroin injectors in the Seattle area.
Q101358377Health communication campaigns to drive demand for evidence-based practices and reduce stigma in the HEALing communities study
Q101358365Health economic design for cost, cost-effectiveness and simulation analyses in the HEALing Communities Study
Q40814157Health insurance coverage and healthcare utilization among infants of mothers in the national methadone maintenance treatment program in Taiwan
Q40648705Health insurance, alcohol and tobacco use among pregnant and non-pregnant women of reproductive age.
Q41923534Health outcomes associated with crack-cocaine use: Systematic review and meta-analyses
Q51913337Health related quality of life among both current and former injection drug users who are HIV-infected.
Q44350606Health related quality of life trajectories of patients in opioid substitution treatment
Q40721057Health, perceived quality of life and health services use among homeless illicit drug users
Q104691623Health, social and legal outcomes of individuals with diagnosed or at risk for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Canadian example
Q98299677Health-related quality of life and opioid use disorder pharmacotherapy: A secondary analysis of a clinical trial
Q45386434Health-related quality of life in methadone maintenance patients with untreated hepatitis C virus infection
Q51983337Health-related service utilization and HIV risk behaviors among HIV infected injection drug users and crack smokers.
Q50687369Healthcare professionals' regard towards working with patients with substance use disorders: comparison of primary care, general psychiatry and specialist addiction services.
Q45592892Heart rate correlates of utilitarian moral decision-making in alcoholism
Q82354080Heart rate turbulence during acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Q93171119Heart rate variability as a potential biomarker for alcohol use disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q38810879Heart rate variability changes and emotion regulation abilities in short- and long-term abstinent alcoholic individuals
Q69616640Heart rate variability in chronic alcoholics: a follow-up study
Q53924243Heart rate variability in withdrawing alcoholic patients.
Q50713242Heart rate variability predicts alcohol craving in alcohol dependent outpatients: further evidence for HRV as a psychophysiological marker of self-regulation.
Q97522795Heated tobacco product use and associated factors among U.S. youth, 2019
Q90507490Heated tobacco products: Cigarette complements, not substitutes
Q40641074Heavy alcohol consumption and physical health problems: a review of the epidemiological evidence
Q35660921Heavy alcohol use and suicidal behavior among people who use illicit drugs: A cohort study
Q48909049Heavy alcohol use, rather than alcohol dependence, is associated with dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the autonomic nervous system
Q34113852Heavy cannabis use among UK teenagers: an exploration
Q46917185Heavy drinking during periods of high unemployment: 15-year trend study of the role of race/ethnicity
Q70870022Heavy drug abuse in Sweden 1979 — A national case-finding study
Q40614828Heavy episodic drinking among transgender persons: Disparities and predictors.
Q45965502Heavy smokers show abnormal microstructural integrity in the anterior corpus callosum: a diffusion tensor imaging study with tract-based spatial statistics.
Q48064953Heavy tobacco dependence in suicide attempters making recurrent and medically serious attempts
Q43684867Help seeking for drug and alcohol problems among adults age 50 and older: a comparison of the NLAES and NESARC surveys
Q43202740Hepatitis B virus among injecting drug users in Sydney, Australia: prevalence, vaccination and knowledge of status
Q35612492Hepatitis B virus infection and vaccination among young injection and non-injection drug users: missed opportunities to prevent infection
Q43067540Hepatitis B virus serum profiles in injection drug users and rates of immunization over time in Barcelona: 1987-2006.
Q46158321Hepatitis C antibody prevalence among Mexico City prisoners injecting legal and illegal substances
Q90904453Hepatitis C continuum of care and utilization of healthcare and harm reduction services among persons who inject drugs in Seattle
Q31870680Hepatitis C disease among injection drug users: knowledge, perceived risk and willingness to receive treatment
Q39705792Hepatitis C reinfection following treatment induced viral clearance among people who have injected drugs
Q115162875Hepatitis C virus cascade of care among people who inject drugs in Australia: Factors associated with testing and treatment in a universal healthcare system
Q59351256Hepatitis C virus genotype diversity and distribution among methadone maintenance treatment patients in Jiangsu, China
Q42985727Hepatitis C virus incidence among young street-involved IDUs in relation to injection experience
Q35875495Hepatitis C virus infection and pain sensitivity in patients on methadone or buprenorphine maintenance therapy for opioid use disorders.
Q59352127Hepatitis C virus prevalence and estimated incidence among new injectors during the opioid epidemic in New York City, 2000-2017: Protective effects of non-injecting drug use
Q68046848Hepatocyte and nuclear areas and fatty infiltration of the liver in chronic alcoholic liver disease
Q41459633Hepatocyte and nuclear areas in alcoholic liver cirrhosis: their relationship with the size of the nodules and the degree of fibrosis
Q34022193Hepatotoxicity in a 52-week randomized trial of short-term versus long-term treatment with buprenorphine/naloxone in HIV-negative injection opioid users in China and Thailand
Q44533574Hepatotoxicity is not increased in alcoholics with positive urinary cocaine metabolites
Q39845300Heritabilities of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores and alcohol biomarkers in Koreans: the KoGES (Korean Genome Epi Study) and Healthy Twin Study.
Q47686548Heritability of lifetime ecstasy use.
Q49098023Heroin addict responses to six weeks of detoxification with LAAM.
Q67233629Heroin addiction, renal failure, and methadone maintenance: a follow-up report
Q46190462Heroin addicts and methadone treatment in Albuquerque: a 22-year follow-up
Q91211488Heroin and nonmedical prescription opioid use among high school students in urban school districts
Q38721421Heroin and pharmaceutical opioid overdose events: Emergency medical response characteristics
Q52313358Heroin and saccharin demand and preference in rats.
Q43553183Heroin dependence and HIV infection in Malaysia
Q46121162Heroin overdose among young injection drug users in San Francisco.
Q52278715Heroin snorters versus injectors: comparison on drug use and treatment outcome in age-matched samples.
Q43469663Heroin use and heroin use risk behaviors among nonmedical users of prescription opioid pain relievers - United States, 2002-2004 and 2008-2010.
Q38643889Heroin use onset among nonmedical prescription opioid users in the club scene
Q59138909Heroin-related deaths in New South Wales, Australia, 1992–1996
Q31798917Heroin-related deaths in Victoria: a review of cases for 1997 and 1998.
Q24610416Heterogeneity in the composition of marijuana seized in California
Q52650934Heterosexual male and female disparities in HIV infection at the end of an epidemic: HIV infection among persons who inject drugs in New York City, 2001-2005 and 2011-2015.
Q44994525Heterosexual relationships among heroin users in Italy
Q46699011Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) of longitudinal brain structural and cognitive changes in alcohol-dependent individuals during sobriety
Q39431969High HIV incidence in a cohort of male injection drug users in Delhi, India
Q44035189High HIV prevalence and risk factors among injection drug users in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2003-2004.
Q44751209High blood lead level in alcoholics: wine vs. beer
Q44587557High cotinine levels are persistent during the first days of life in newborn second hand smokers.
Q37124671High dead-space syringes and the risk of HIV and HCV infection among injecting drug users
Q47237247High frequency of the DRD2/ANKK1 A1 allele in Mexican Native Amerindians and Mestizos and its association with alcohol consumption
Q47349217High frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for methamphetamine use disorders: A randomised clinical trial
Q43119788High mortality among people suspected of drunk-driving. An 18-year register-based follow-up
Q40832752High mortality rate of unintentional poisoning due to prescription opioids in adults enrolled in Medicaid compared to those not enrolled in Medicaid in Montana.
Q33989662High prevalence of alcohol use among hepatitis C virus antibody positive injection drug users in three US cities
Q60663072High prevalence of alexithymia in male patients with alcohol dependence
Q83401766High prevalence of substance use among heterosexuals living in communities with high rates of AIDS and poverty in Washington, DC
Q46380841High prevalence of substance use disorders among adolescents who use marijuana and inhalants
Q39717529High prevalence of unhealthy alcohol use and comparison of self-reported alcohol consumption to phosphatidylethanol among women engaged in sex work and their male clients in Cambodia
Q37204765High rates of police detention among recently released HIV-infected prisoners in Ukraine: implications for health outcomes.
Q34694391High rates of transitions to injecting drug use among Mexican American non-injecting heroin users in San Antonio, Texas (never and former injectors)
Q36728346High uptake of naloxone-based overdose prevention training among previously incarcerated syringe-exchange program participants
Q94951551High willingness to use overdose prevention sites among female sex workers in Baltimore, Maryland
Q98384663High-dose adolescent nicotine exposure permits spontaneous nicotine self-administration in adult male rats
Q38658094High-intensity drinking and nonmedical use of prescription drugs: Results from a national survey of 12th grade students
Q34980145High-risk behaviors after release from incarceration among people who inject drugs in St. Petersburg, Russia
Q38490034High-risk behaviors associated with transition from illicit non-injection to injection drug use among adolescent and young adult drug users: a case-control study
Q42651511High-risk drug-use practices among a large sample of Australian prisoners
Q44873847High-sensitivity γ-glutamyltransferase fraction pattern in alcohol addicts and abstainers
Q90677928Higher average potency across the United States is associated with progression to first cannabis use disorder symptom
Q95314509Higher impulsivity and lower grey matter volume in the bilateral prefrontal cortex in long-term abstinent individuals with severe methamphetamine use disorder
Q60441560Higher levels of BDNF are associated with inpatient treatment adherence of crack-cocaine users
Q72921018Higher levels of nicotine in arterial than in venous blood after cigarette smoking
Q36778313Higher magnitude cash payments improve research follow-up rates without increasing drug use or perceived coercion
Q47851680Higher pretreatment blood pressure is associated with greater alcohol drinking reduction in alcohol-dependent individuals treated with doxazosin
Q40347012Higher prevalence of detectable troponin I among cocaine-users without known cardiovascular disease
Q33912741Higher serum caffeine in smokers with schizophrenia compared to smoking controls
Q36926250Higher syringe coverage is associated with lower odds of HIV risk and does not increase unsafe syringe disposal among syringe exchange program clients.
Q34193693Hippocampal volume mediates the relationship between measures of pre-treatment cocaine use and within-treatment cocaine abstinence
Q40319697Hispanic drug abuse in an evolving cultural context: an agenda for research
Q79772811Hispanic drug abuse research: challenges and opportunities
Q42486656Histological and histochemical changes of the placenta in fetal alcohol syndrome due to maternal administration of acute doses of ethanol in the mouse
Q39820246Historical introduction and review of chemistry
Q46818016Historical studies and strategies against alcohol and drug abuse
Q58566034Historical trends in the grade of onset and sequence of cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use among adolescents from 1976-2016: Implications for "Gateway" patterns in adolescence
Q24670012Historical trends in the production and consumption of illicit drugs in Mexico: implications for the prevention of blood borne infections
Q46948799History and current perspectives on the use of drug formulations to decrease the abuse of prescription drugs
Q44070856History of abuse and drinking outcomes following inpatient alcohol treatment: a prospective study
Q48217776History of cannabis use is associated with altered gait.
Q33462295History of cigarette smoking in cognitively-normal elders is associated with elevated cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of oxidative stress
Q99357874History of opioid use as a risk factor for current use and mental health consequences among retired National Football League athletes: A 9-year follow-up investigation
Q89859373History of suicidality and alcohol craving trajectories during inpatient treatment for alcohol use disorder
Q92878166History of withdrawal modulates drug- and food-cue reactivity in cocaine dependent participants
Q44450812Hookah use among college students: prevalence, drug use, and mental health.
Q41051609Hopelessness in i.v. drug users not in treatment and seeking HIV testing and counselling
Q77989975Hormonal and behavioral homeostasis in boys at risk for substance abuse
Q52270300Hormone levels in methadone-treated drug addicts.
Q44425756Hospital admission rates for alcoholic intoxication after policy changes in the canton of Geneva, Switzerland
Q101119537Hospitalisations for non-fatal overdose among people with a history of opioid dependence in New South Wales, Australia, 2001-2018: Findings from the OATS retrospective cohort study
Q72536770Hospitalization and alcohol-related morbidity within three years after screening in middle-aged men
Q47864964Hostility predicts alcohol consumption over a 21-year follow-up in the Gazel cohort
Q43162015How NIDA became interested in precise nuances of injection behaviors
Q34176823How adolescents with substance use disorder spend research payments
Q47574940How alcohol use problem severity affects the outcome of brief intervention delivered in-person versus through computer-generated feedback letters
Q37765394How can free radicals cause damage to hepatic cells. A multidisciplinary approach
Q38861808How clients' during-treatment motivations relate to their perceptions and impressions of methadone maintenance treatment: A multilevel analysis of a cross-sectional survey in Guangdong Province, China
Q36874662How constant is an individual's route of heroin administration? Data from treatment and non-treatment samples.
Q35088325How do recovery definitions distinguish recovering individuals? Five typologies
Q37592885How effective and cost-effective was the national mass media smoking cessation campaign 'Stoptober'?
Q43570032How helpful are drug abuse helplines?
Q47889940How many or how much? Testing the relative influence of the number of social network risks versus the amount of time exposed to social network risks on post-treatment substance use.
Q103798466How much and how fast: Alcohol consumption patterns, drinking-episode affect, and next-day consequences in the daily life of underage heavy drinkers
Q92749382How much are we exposed to alcohol in electronic media? Development of the Alcoholic Beverage Identification Deep Learning Algorithm (ABIDLA)
Q45161008How much do Manhattan-arrestees spend on drugs?
Q39773955How much for a dime bag? An exploration of youth drug markets
Q41657308How much of the cocaine market are we missing? Insights from respondent-driven sampling in a mid-sized American city
Q48033299How profitable is methamphetamine dealing in Australia?
Q41221166How should opiate withdrawal be measured?
Q113185717How substance use can affect HIV test rates following a computer-based video intervention
Q50186412How the states stack up: disparities in substance abuse outpatient treatment completion rates for minorities
Q88728498How treatment improvement in ADHD and cocaine dependence are related to one another: A secondary analysis
Q34949512Human psychopharmacology and dose-effects of salvinorin A, a kappa opioid agonist hallucinogen present in the plant Salvia divinorum
Q67290317Human spinal fluid methadone levels
Q40530381Human subject issues in drug abuse research. College on Problems of Drug Dependence
Q33255155Huntington disease as a dual diagnosis disorder: data from the National Research Roster for Huntington disease patients and families
Q37204926Hyperactivation of the cognitive control network in cocaine use disorders during a multisensory Stroop task
Q35957993Hyperactivation to pleasant interoceptive stimuli characterizes the transition to stimulant addiction
Q46861774Hyperactivity-inattention symptoms in childhood and substance use in adolescence: the youth gazel cohort
Q58633748Hypertension medication use among past 30-day marijuana users in a community sample from northeast Florida
Q35001625Hyperthermia induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in unrestrained rhesus monkeys
Q88934843Hypocretin/orexin antagonists decrease cocaine self-administration by female rhesus monkeys
Q48463385Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis of heroin addicts
Q93198426I wake up and hit the JUUL: Analyzing Twitter for JUUL nicotine effects and dependence
Q33918496IV prenatal nicotine exposure increases the reinforcing efficacy of methamphetamine in adult rat offspring.
Q46449701Ian Stolerman service as editor for Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Q38899759Ibogaine for treating drug dependence. What is a safe dose?
Q91777395Ibudilast attenuates peripheral inflammatory effects of methamphetamine in patients with methamphetamine use disorder
Q37698675Ibudilast attenuates subjective effects of methamphetamine in a placebo-controlled inpatient study
Q53573894Ibudilast may improve attention during early abstinence from methamphetamine.
Q48183460Ibudilast reverses the decrease in the synaptic signaling protein phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 (PEBP1) produced by chronic methamphetamine intake in rats.
Q88737545Identification and medical utilization of incident cases of alcohol dependence: A population-based case-control study
Q52221350Identification of alcohol by smell among young children: an objective measure of early learning in the home.
Q43839707Identification of metabolites of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in rats
Q41624934Identification of smokers, drinkers and risky drinkers by general practitioners
Q91092279Identification of substance use disorders among pregnant women: A comparison of screeners
Q37107170Identification of trajectories of social network composition change and the relationship to alcohol consumption and norms
Q46478482Identifying attendance patterns in a smoking cessation treatment and their relationships with quit success
Q101163438Identifying factors that conjointly influence nicotine vaping product relative harm perception among smokers and recent ex-smokers: Findings from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Q99590256Identifying fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among South African children at aged 1 and 5 years
Q52175874Identifying methadone maintenance clients at risk for poor treatment response: pretreatment and early progress indicators.
Q41441061Identifying misclassification in youth self-reported smoking status: testing different consent processes of biological sample collection to capture misclassification
Q37002263Identifying mortality risks in patients with opioid use disorder using brief screening assessment: Secondary mental health clinical records analysis
Q64127576Identifying opioid prescribing patterns for high-volume prescribers via cluster analysis
Q59780923Identifying predictive profiles of amphetamine, heroin, and polysubstance dependence using machine learning approaches
Q35626993Identifying provider beliefs related to contingency management adoption using the contingency management beliefs questionnaire
Q91281892Identifying subtypes of cannabis users based on simultaneous polysubstance use
Q52271008Identity disturbances in drug addicts.
Q38558130Identity in recovery from problematic alcohol use: A qualitative study of online mutual aid.
Q38798952If it works there, will it work here? The effect of a multi-component responsible beverage service (RBS) programme on violence in Oslo
Q72612375Illegal drug taking and driving: patterns of drug taking among Spanish drivers
Q51412440Illegal drug use and its correlates in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Q91247158Illegal drug use and prospective memory: A systematic review
Q37281796Illicit and nonmedical drug use among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, and mixed-race individuals.
Q51419183Illicit cocaine use patterns in intravenous-naive cocaine users following investigational intravenous cocaine administration.
Q47327628Illicit drug consumption in school populations measured by wastewater analysis.
Q30374944Illicit drug use among rave attendees in a nationally representative sample of US high school seniors.
Q36267395Illicit drug use and injuries: A review of emergency room studies
Q92302296Illicit drug use and prescription drug misuse among young adult medical cannabis patients and non-patient users in Los Angeles
Q96680909Illicit drug use and the genetic overlap with Cannabis use
Q90888079Illicit drug use and work in a model therapeutic workplace
Q35828550Illicit drug use in young adults and subsequent decline in general health: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study
Q38677790Illicit drug use is increasing among non-medical users of prescription drugs-Results from population-based surveys 2002-2014.
Q33246541Illicit drug use research in Latin America: epidemiology service use, and HIV.
Q39732602Illicit drug use, alcohol use and problem drinking among infrequent and frequent road ragers
Q33563439Illicit drug use, depression and their association with highly active antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive women
Q41003759Illicit drug use, early age at first use and risk of premenstrual syndrome: A longitudinal study.
Q59768924Illicit drugs and driving: prevalence, beliefs and accident involvement among a cohort of current out-of-treatment drug users
Q43685925Illicit drugs and fitness to drive: assessment in Spanish Medical Driving Test Centres.
Q37268694Illicit gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and pharmaceutical sodium oxybate (Xyrem): differences in characteristics and misuse
Q35800468Illicit use of buprenorphine in a community sample of young adult non-medical users of pharmaceutical opioids
Q44348924Illicit use of opioid substitution drugs: prevalence, user characteristics, and the association with non-fatal overdoses
Q44704918Illicit use of prescription pain medication among college students
Q37164800Illicit use of prescription stimulants in a college student sample: a theory-guided analysis.
Q48738092Imagery of craving in opiate addicts undergoing detoxification
Q35990231Imaging genetics and the neurobiological basis of individual differences in vulnerability to addiction.
Q48794595Imipramine treatment of cocaine abuse: possible boundaries of efficacy
Q79997803Imitation of cigarette smoking: an experimental study on smoking in a naturalistic setting
Q91227788Immigrant enclaves and risk of drug involvement among asylum-seeking immigrants in Sweden: A quasi-experimental study
Q92547073Immigration and the decline in adolescent binge drinking
Q70213446Immunity and nutrition in heroin addicts
Q51531146Immunization for prevention and treatment of cocaine abuse: legal and ethical implications.
Q44836273Immunogenicity, reactogenicity and adherence with hepatitis A vaccination among drug users
Q71473812Immunoglobulin levels in heroin addicts after treatment with methadone and methadyl acetate
Q68046836Immunoheterogeneity of serum calcitonin in heroin addicts
Q70998942Immunological imbalance in uncomplicated chronic alcoholism
Q58293197Immunological status in heroin addicts: Effects of methadone maintenance treatment
Q98498945Impact of 12 step mutual help groups on drug use disorder patients across six clinical trials
Q37286873Impact of ADHD and cannabis use on executive functioning in young adults
Q43287956Impact of Canadian federal methamphetamine precursor and essential chemical regulations on methamphetamine-related acute-care hospital admissions
Q37028208Impact of DCS-facilitated cue exposure therapy on brain activation to cocaine cues in cocaine dependence.
Q38686179Impact of New York prescription drug monitoring program, I-STOP, on statewide overdose morbidity
Q92225564Impact of Schedule IV controlled substance classification on carisoprodol utilization in the United States: An interrupted time series analysis
Q93171123Impact of a community-based naloxone distribution program on opioid overdose death rates
Q114190382Impact of a community-policing initiative promoting substance use disorder treatment over criminal charges on arrest recidivism
Q40670880Impact of a computer-assisted Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment on reducing alcohol consumption among patients with hazardous drinking disorder in hospital emergency departments. The randomized BREVALCO trial
Q92176841Impact of a jail-based treatment decision-making intervention on post-release initiation of medications for opioid use disorder
Q46220729Impact of a preventive intervention targeting childhood disruptive behavior problems on tobacco and alcohol initiation from age 10 to 13 years
Q42611734Impact of a reduction in heroin availability on patterns of drug use, risk behaviour and incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in injecting drug users in New South Wales, Australia.
Q34065030Impact of adaptive functioning on readmission to alcohol detoxification among Alaska Native People
Q59540405Impact of adolescent marijuana use on emotion processing: An fMRI study
Q44138257Impact of alcohol detoxification on anxiety and depressive symptoms
Q47344296Impact of alcohol use motives and internalizing symptoms on mood changes in response to drinking: An ecological momentary assessment investigation
Q50787381Impact of alcohol use on mortality in the elderly: results from the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging.
Q36728603Impact of alcohol use on sexual behavior among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Lima, Peru
Q36249047Impact of an exercise intervention on methamphetamine use outcomes post-residential treatment care
Q99708417Impact of behavioral and medication treatment for alcohol use disorder on changes in HIV-related outcomes among patients with HIV: A longitudinal analysis
Q38374844Impact of brief interventions and brief treatment on admissions to chemical dependency treatment
Q89026959Impact of e-liquid flavors on e-cigarette vaping behavior
Q46141765Impact of e-liquid flavors on nicotine intake and pharmacology of e-cigarettes
Q92120692Impact of electronic nicotine delivery systems and other respondent characteristics on tobacco use transitions among a U.S. national sample of women of reproductive age
Q83035736Impact of formulation on the abuse liability, safety and regulation of medications: the expert panel report
Q98469979Impact of medications for opioid use disorder among persons hospitalized for drug use-associated skin and soft tissue infections
Q99371671Impact of polysubstance use on high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I over time in homeless and unstably housed women
Q37176971Impact of prescription drug monitoring programs and pill mill laws on high-risk opioid prescribers: A comparative interrupted time series analysis
Q91387383Impact of psychiatric medication co-exposure on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome severity
Q68759612Impact of research on designing strategies for preventing and treating dependence on drugs and alcohol
Q37917039Impact of research on designing strategies for preventing and treating dependence on drugs: the case for developing countries especially African countries
Q39362815Impact of scheduling on the practice of medicine and biomedical research
Q43197504Impact of severity of drug use on discrete emotions recognition in polysubstance abusers
Q101216097Impact of state-level cannabis legalization on poly use of alcohol and cannabis in the United States, 2004-2017
Q37077036Impact of the Good Behavior Game, a universal classroom-based behavior intervention, on young adult service use for problems with emotions, behavior, or drugs or alcohol
Q39965373Impact of the post-2008 economic crisis on harmful drinking in the Dutch working-age population
Q34021803Impact of trauma symptomatology on personal networks among substance using women
Q36663106Impacts of age of onset of substance use disorders on risk of adult incarceration among disadvantaged urban youth: a propensity score matching approach.
Q50654689Impacts of drinking-age laws on mortality in Canada, 1980-2009.
Q35661011Impaired Bayesian learning for cognitive control in cocaine dependence
Q43067546Impaired cerebral autoregulation during acute alcohol withdrawal
Q83965136Impaired cytokine production and suppressed lymphocyte proliferation activity in HCV-infected cocaine and heroin ("speedball") users
Q46847457Impaired decision-making in opiate-dependent subjects: effect of pharmacological therapies
Q40294554Impaired decision-making in psychopathic heroin addicts
Q44026073Impaired inhibitory control of behavior in chronic cocaine users
Q27312057Impaired learning from errors in cannabis users: Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus hypoactivity
Q44145500Impaired oculomotor response inhibition in children of alcoholics: The role of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Q44701192Impaired performance in a test of decision-making by opiate-dependent tobacco smokers
Q48182148Impaired performance of rats in the Morris swim-maize test late in abstinence following long-term sodium barbital treatment
Q90097537Impaired subjective self-control in alcohol use: An ecological momentary assessment study
Q24679730Impaired time perception and motor timing in stimulant-dependent subjects
Q86128760Impairment due to amphetamines and benzodiazepines, alone and in combination
Q44934095Impairment due to intake of carisoprodol
Q47603536Impairment of manual but not saccadic response inhibition following acute alcohol intoxication.
Q57069727Impairments in reversal learning following short access to cocaine self-administration
Q59768362Implants and depot injections for treating opioid dependence: Qualitative study of people who use or have used heroin
Q96588207Implementation and enforcement of state opioid prescribing laws
Q46359524Implementation of a discontinuation letter to reduce long-term benzodiazepine use--a cluster randomized trial
Q45332361Implementation of buprenorphine in the Veterans Health Administration: results of the first 3 years.
Q30151710Implementation of online opioid overdose prevention, recognition and response trainings for professional first responders: Year 1 survey results
Q98283310Implementation science outcomes of a gender-focused HIV and alcohol risk-reduction intervention in usual-care settings in South Africa
Q59654189Implementing routine emergency department naloxone rescue kits for patients at risk of opioid overdose
Q71351967Implication of the placenta in acetaldehyde-induced intrauterine growth retardation
Q92987474Implications of insular cortex laterality for treatment of nicotine addiction
Q37876284Implications of the multiplicity of opioid receptors for the problem of addiction
Q53564831Implicit and explicit drinking identity predict latent classes that differ on the basis of college students' drinking behaviors.
Q48321073Implicit and explicit reward learning in chronic nicotine use.
Q30470633Implicit attitudes to smoking are associated with craving and dependence
Q98498946Imprecise action selection in substance use disorder: Evidence for active learning impairments when solving the explore-exploit dilemma
Q90665180Improved treatment-retention for patients receiving methadone dosing within the clinic providing physician and other health services (onsite) versus dosing at community (offsite) pharmacies
Q52177661Improvement in naltrexone treatment compliance with contingency management.
Q47995766Improving control over the impulse for reward: sensitivity of harmful alcohol drinkers to delayed reward but not immediate punishment
Q36509486Improving drug treatment services for Hispanics: research gaps and scientific opportunities
Q36532466Improving linkage with substance abuse treatment using brief case management and motivational interviewing
Q38852630Improving substance use prevention efforts with executive function training
Q38102806Improving the reliability and reporting of genetic association studies.
Q45070905Improving tobacco dependence treatment outcomes for smokers of lower socioeconomic status: A randomized clinical trial
Q35925986Improving treatment enrollment and re-enrollment rates of syringe exchangers: 12-month outcomes
Q34425175Impulsive suicide attempts predict post-treatment relapse in alcohol-dependent patients
Q96113382Impulsiveness as a moderator of amphetamine treatment response for cocaine use disorder among ADHD patients
Q115474167Impulsivity Scale-12 and its utilization in alcohol use disorder
Q104691624Impulsivity and craving in subjects with opioid use disorder on methadone maintenance treatment
Q52186363Impulsivity and history of drug dependence.
Q38112851Impulsivity and substance-related attentional bias: a meta-analytic review
Q39639785Impulsivity differences in recreational cannabis users and binge drinkers in a university population.
Q46777662Impulsivity in Hong Kong-Chinese club-drug users
Q50740921Impulsivity in adult ADHD patients with and without cocaine dependence.
Q49915690Impulsivity related personality traits and cigarette smoking in adults: A meta-analysis using the UPPS-P model of impulsivity and reward sensitivity
Q45068068Impulsivity, risk taking and recreational 'ecstasy' (MDMA) use.
Q33856557In search of a new pharmacological treatment for drug and alcohol addiction: N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists.
Q45001709In the heat of the moment: alcohol consumption and smoking lapse and relapse among adolescents who have quit smoking
Q44487814In vitro effect of methanol on folate-deficient rat hepatocytes
Q72843054In vivo and in vitro properties of ANTI-Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol antibody
Q93198420In vivo characterization of toxicity of norcocaethylene and norcocaine identified as the most toxic cocaine metabolites in male mice
Q92749386In vivo effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and its deuterated form in rodents: Drug discrimination and thermoregulation
Q40824869In vivo effects of methamphetamine on HIV-1 replication: A population-based study
Q43010715In vivo evidence for long-term CNS toxicity, associated with chronic binge use of methamphetamine
Q36014606In what sense are addicts irrational?
Q52290196In-patient detoxification procedures, treatment retention, and post-treatment opiate use: comparison of lofexidine + naloxone, lofexidine + placebo, and methadone.
Q36253355Inability to access buprenorphine treatment as a risk factor for using diverted buprenorphine.
Q39407573Inability to access health and social services associated with mental health among people who inject drugs in a Canadian setting
Q37542937Inactivation of the paraventricular thalamus abolishes the expression of cocaine conditioned place preference in rats.
Q37204816Inattention, impulsive action, and subjective response to D-amphetamine
Q40322302Incidence and antecedents of nonmedical prescription opioid use in four US communities. The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) prospective cohort study
Q37114061Incidence and determinants of initiation into cocaine injection and correlates of frequent cocaine injectors
Q51189116Incidence and patterns of polydrug use and craving for ecstasy in regular ecstasy users: an ecological momentary assessment study.
Q91384317Incidence and predictors of drug overdoses among a cohort of >10,000 patients treated for substance use disorder
Q38992215Incidence and predictors of non-fatal drug overdose after release from prison among people who inject drugs in Queensland, Australia.
Q35690302Incidence and prevalence of hepatitis c virus infection among persons who inject drugs in New York City: 2006-2013.
Q95298642Incidence and treatment costs of severe bacterial infections among people who inject heroin: A cohort study in South London, England
Q43890373Incidence of alcohol dependence among drunken drivers
Q28300365Incidence of fetal alcohol syndrome and economic impact of FAS-related anomalies
Q90310228Incidence of future arrests in adults involved in the criminal justice system with opioid use disorder receiving extended release naltrexone compared to treatment as usual
Q39896190Incidence of high dosage buprenorphine and methadone shopping behavior in a retrospective cohort of opioid-maintained patients in France
Q39365853Incidence of self-medication among Nigerian university students
Q39648645Income distribution and risk of fatal drug overdose in New York City neighborhoods.
Q37353621Income does not affect response to contingency management treatments among community substance abuse treatment-seekers
Q36101111Income generating activities of people who inject drugs.
Q37093180Income received during treatment does not affect response to contingency management treatments in cocaine-dependent outpatients
Q48789168Incongruity between occupational interests and academic skills in drug abusing women
Q44730097Inconsistent condom use among HIV-infected patients with alcohol problems
Q52278436Incorporating the AUDIT into a general population telephone survey: a methodological experiment.
Q35132185Incorporating the assessment of abuse liability into the drug discovery and development process
Q40115550Increase in anger symptoms after smoking cessation predicts relapse
Q60680221Increased QT interval variability index in acute alcohol withdrawal
Q71364578Increased aggressive responding in male volunteers following the administration of gradually increasing doses of testosterone cypionate
Q37346354Increased drinking in a trial of treatments for marijuana dependence: substance substitution?
Q33872563Increased error-related thalamic activity during early compared to late cocaine abstinence
Q56352879Increased expression of CRF and CRF-receptors in dorsal striatum, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex after the development of nicotine sensitization in rats
Q44094326Increased impulsivity in cocaine dependent subjects independent of antisocial personality disorder and aggression
Q48306477Increased intracellular calcium level in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of alcoholic patients under withdrawal
Q46346352Increased levels of adiponectin and resistin in alcohol dependence--possible link to craving.
Q40633509Increased mortality among previously apprehended drunken and drugged drivers
Q70643977Increased mortality associated with dependence on legal drugs?
Q91028768Increased neural activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during a risky decision-making task is associated with cocaine use in methadone-maintained patients
Q64115939Increased overdose mortality during the first week of the month: Revisiting the "check effect" through a spatial lens
Q70724465Increased prolactin reserve in alcoholics
Q43959363Increased risk of Parkinson's disease in individuals hospitalized with conditions related to the use of methamphetamine or other amphetamine-type drugs
Q44959927Increased risk-taking decision-making but not altered response to punishment in stimulant-using young adults
Q42251776Increased sensitivity to picrotoxin as an index of physical dependence on alcohol in the mouse
Q52175876Increased specificity of ethanol's discriminative stimulus effects in an ethanol-pentobarbital-water discrimination in rats.
Q46590888Increased white matter hyperintensities in male methamphetamine abusers
Q44347338Increases from 2002 to 2015 in prescription opioid overdose deaths in combination with other substances
Q38770880Increases in prescription opioid injection abuse among treatment admissions in the United States, 2004-2013.
Q38743071Increases in self-reported fentanyl use among a population entering drug treatment: The need for systematic surveillance of illicitly manufactured opioids
Q36089748Increases in the availability of prescribed opioids in a Canadian setting
Q67399588Increases in youthful admissions to alcoholism treatment in Ontario
Q42271095Increasing availability of illicit drugs among people who inject drugs in Bangkok, Thailand
Q44348679Increasing employment of opioid dependent outpatients: an intensive behavioral intervention
Q70905529Increasing incidence of Pseudomonas endocarditis among parenteral drug abusers
Q47413952Increasing methamphetamine injection among non-MSM who inject drugs in King County, Washington.
Q52201235Increasing opiate abstinence through voucher-based reinforcement therapy.
Q39459624Increasing popularity of injection as the route of administration of amphetamine in Edinburgh
Q88358600Increasing rates of quetiapine overdose, misuse, and mortality in Victoria, Australia
Q91545786Increasing substance use disorder counselors' self-efficacy and skills in talking to patients about sex and HIV risk: A randomized training trial
Q36130551Increasing treatment options for cannabis dependence: a review of potential pharmacotherapies
Q35902306Increasing use and associated harms of crystal methamphetamine injection in a Canadian setting
Q35124169Incremental efficacy of adding bupropion to the nicotine patch for smoking cessation in smokers with a recent history of alcohol dependence: results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Q47639846Incremental validity of estimated cannabis grams as a predictor of problems and cannabinoid biomarkers: Evidence from a clinical trial.
Q40696359Independent and combined associations of risky single-occasion drinking and drinking volume with alcohol use disorder: Evidence from a sample of young Swiss men.
Q36421563Independent and interactive effects of real-time risk factors on later temptations and lapses among smokers trying to quit
Q90000183Independent association of tobacco use with opioid use disorder in patients of European ancestry with chronic non-cancer pain
Q35181162Independent effects of HIV infection and cocaine dependence on neurocognitive impairment in a community sample living in the southern United States
Q104571365Independent effects of entering recovery as a young versus older adult on long-term functioning and quality of life: Results from a U.S. national study of recovering persons
Q92481048Independent or synergistic? Effects of varying size and using pictorial images in tobacco health warning labels
Q35899209Index of the transmissible common liability to addiction: heritability and prospective associations with substance abuse and related outcomes
Q38662942Indicators of dependence for different types of tobacco product users: Descriptive findings from Wave 1 (2013-2014) of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study
Q71502548Indicators of genetic and environmental influences in drug abusing individuals
Q39793351Indicators of use of methamphetamine and other substances among men who have sex with men, San Francisco, 2003-2006.
Q59745676Indigence, marginalization and HIV infection among Brazilian cocaine users
Q46473591Individual and community correlates of young people's high-risk drinking in Victoria, Australia
Q35952168Individual and neighborhood predictors of mortality among HIV-positive Latinos with history of injection drug use, Florida, 2000-2011.
Q34669368Individual and network factors associated with non-fatal overdose among rural Appalachian drug users
Q99574418Individual and social network correlates of recent treatment for substance use disorders among persons who use drugs in Baltimore, MD (2014 - 2017)
Q46904848Individual differences in adoption of treatment for smoking cessation: demographic and smoking history characteristics
Q36936326Individual differences in brain responses to cigarette-related cues and pleasant stimuli in young smokers.
Q91227791Individual differences in human opioid abuse potential as observed in a human laboratory study
Q45024550Individual differences in the reinforcing and subjective effects of amphetamine and diazepam
Q33700798Individual risk factors for adolescent substance use.
Q33731082Individual traits and family contexts predict sons' externalizing behavior and preliminary relative risk ratios for conduct disorder and substance use disorder outcomes.
Q36401894Individual variability in the locus of prefrontal craving for nicotine: implications for brain stimulation studies and treatments
Q46139214Individual, peer, and family factor modification of neighborhood-level effects on adolescent alcohol, cigarette, e-cigarette, and marijuana use.
Q36983061Individual- and community-level correlates of cigarette-smoking trajectories from age 13 to 32 in a U.S. population-based sample
Q42624249Individual-level syringe coverage among Needle and Syringe Program attendees in Australia.
Q53131042Individualised but not general alcohol Stroop predicts alcohol use.
Q35690322Individualized relapse prediction: Personality measures and striatal and insular activity during reward-processing robustly predict relapse
Q89349728Individualized texting for adherence building (iTAB) for methamphetamine users living with HIV: A pilot randomized clinical trial
Q90672379Individuals with spinal cord injury have greater odds of substance use disorders than non-sci comparisons
Q48405801Indoleamine and the phenethylamine hallucinogens: mechanisms of psychotomimetic action
Q52273623Induction of antibodies to morphine during chronic morphine treatment in rodents and opiate addicts.
Q46259651Induction of brain CYP2E1 changes the effects of ethanol on dopamine release in nucleus accumbens shell.
Q37067368Induction of pregnant women onto opioid-agonist maintenance medication: an analysis of withdrawal symptoms and study retention
Q58633885Ineligible for most protocols: What differentiates drug users?
Q33872350Infant autonomic functioning and neonatal abstinence syndrome
Q30447697Infant pupillary response to methadone administration during treatment for neonatal abstinence syndrome: a feasibility study
Q47655444Inflammatory chemokine eotaxin-1 is correlated with age in heroin dependent patients under methadone maintenance therapy
Q48694665Influence of abstinence and conditions of cocaine access on the reinforcing strength of cocaine in nonhuman primates
Q41826481Influence of age on effects induced by intermittent ethanol treatment on the ethanol drinking pattern and related neurochemical changes in the rat.
Q43803496Influence of brain catalase on ethanol-induced loss of righting reflex in mice
Q58022730Influence of comorbid alcohol use disorders on the clinical patterns of major depressive disorder: A general population-based study
Q59350262Influence of comorbid drug use disorder on receipt of evidence-based treatment for alcohol use disorder among VA patients with alcohol use disorder and Hepatitis C and/or HIV
Q60687988Influence of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum on risk avoidance in addiction: A mediation analysis
Q35180751Influence of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum on risk avoidance in addiction: a mediation analysis
Q92547068Influence of electronic cigarette liquid flavors and nicotine concentration on subjective measures of abuse liability in young adult cigarette smokers
Q44070872Influence of estrous cycle and estradiol on behavioral sensitization to cocaine in female rats
Q62066589Influence of ethanol on gastric absorption and metabolism of albendazole and mebendazole
Q92391398Influence of experimental alcoholism on the repair process of bone defects filled with beta-tricalcium phosphate
Q70988327Influence of morphine and naloxone on human peripheral blood T-lymphocytes
Q30431946Influence of reinforcer magnitude and nicotine amount on smoking's acute reinforcement enhancing effects
Q28143431Influence of the N-1 alkyl chain length of cannabimimetic indoles upon CB(1) and CB(2) receptor binding
Q91311700Influences of victimization and comorbid conditions on latency to illicit drug use among adolescents and young adults
Q50934525Influences on adolescent substance dependence: conduct disorder, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and gender.
Q44762086Influencing adolescent life style: the role of mass media
Q58451929Informing drinkers: Can current UK alcohol labels be improved?
Q46913875Inhalant use among incarcerated adolescents in the United States: prevalence, characteristics, and correlates of use.
Q35069802Inhalant use and disorders among adults in the United States
Q36024008Inhalant use and suicidality among incarcerated youth
Q71358668Inhalants to heroin: a prospective analysis from adolescence to adulthood
Q36409544Inhalation exposure to smoke from synthetic "marijuana" produces potent cannabimimetic effects in mice
Q34330352Inhalation of vapor from black pepper extract reduces smoking withdrawal symptoms
Q44394301Inhaled drugs of abuse enhance serotonin-3 receptor function
Q35783002Inhibiting glycine transporter-1 facilitates cocaine-cue extinction and attenuates reacquisition of cocaine-seeking behavior
Q67694347Inhibition of epinephrine-induced myocardial necrosis in rats by administration of single doses of ethanol
Q40432255Inhibition of gap junction currents by the abused solvent toluene
Q72921023Inhibition of non-enzymatic lipid peroxidation by 'Essentiale' a drug enriched in phosphatidylcholine in ethanol-induced liver injury
Q52176393Inhibitors of cytochrome P450 differentially modify discriminative-stimulus and antinociceptive effects of hydrocodone and hydromorphone in rhesus monkeys.
Q39152380Inhibitory control dysfunction in nicotine dependence and the influence of short-term abstinence
Q92170998Inhibitory-control training for cocaine use disorder and contingency management for clinic attendance: A randomized pilot study of feasibility, acceptability and initial efficacy
Q35785884Initial RCT of a distress tolerance treatment for individuals with substance use disorders
Q92220748Initial e-cigarette flavoring and nicotine exposure and e-cigarette uptake among adolescents
Q52290164Initial evidence for the reliability and validity of a "Lite" version of the Addiction Severity Index.
Q37154272Initial insight into why physical activity may help prevent adolescent smoking uptake
Q40868930Initial opportunity to use marijuana and the transition to first use: United States, 1979-1994.
Q36888373Initial reliability and validity studies of the revised Treatment Services Review (TSR-6).
Q90665523Initial results of a drug checking pilot program to detect fentanyl adulteration in a Canadian setting
Q33895593Initial tobacco use episodes in children and adolescents: current knowledge, future directions
Q38599959Initial validation of a proxy indicator of functioning as a potential tool for establishing a clinically meaningful cocaine use outcome.
Q73815811Initiating abstinence in cocaine abusing dually diagnosed homeless persons
Q88758591Initiating buprenorphine treatment prior to versus after release from prison: Arrest outcomes
Q91485328Initiation and engagement as mechanisms for change caused by collaborative care in opioid and alcohol use disorders
Q33775166Initiation and engagement in chronic disease management care for substance dependence
Q90631216Initiation into heroin use among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting: A longitudinal cohort study
Q36012512Initiation into methamphetamine use for young gay and bisexual men
Q39250810Initiation into prescription opioid injection and associated trends in heroin use among people who use illicit drugs
Q36108262Initiation of alcohol, marijuana, and inhalant use by American-Indian and white youth living on or near reservations
Q88951789Initiation of vaporizing cannabis: Individual and social network predictors in a longitudinal study of young adults
Q44472655Initiation to drug injection among street youth: a gender-based analysis
Q36248852Injecting alone among young adult IDUs in five US cities: evidence of low rates of injection risk behavior
Q35937711Injecting and sexual risk correlates of HBV and HCV seroprevalence among new drug injectors.
Q42597966Injecting behaviour and risky needle use amongst methadone maintenance clients.
Q72921020Injecting drug users and HIV/AIDS: risk behaviours and risk perception
Q39050418Injecting practices in sexual partnerships: hepatitis C transmission potentials in a 'risk equivalence' framework.
Q35671438Injecting transition risk and depression among Mexican American non-injecting heroin users.
Q42610150Injecting-related injury and disease among clients of a supervised injecting facility.
Q41502073Injection drug use cessation and use of North America's first medically supervised safer injecting facility
Q88773628Injection drug use, HIV/HCV, and related services in nonurban areas of the United States: A systematic review
Q92120682Injection drug use, unknown HIV positive status, and self-reported current PrEP use among Black men who have sex with men attending U.S. Black pride events, 2014-2017
Q43685953Injection drug users: hospital care and charges
Q44430857Injection frequency mediates health service use among persons with a history of drug injection
Q35230687Injection methamphetamine use is associated with an increased risk of attempted suicide: a prospective cohort study
Q42660895Injection of buprenorphine and buprenorphine/naloxone tablets in Malaysia
Q42981249Injection of drug residue as a potential risk factor for HCV acquisition among Montréal young injection drug users
Q43925602Injection risk behaviors at the first and at the most recent injections among drug users
Q35592728Injury risk associated with cannabis and cocaine use.
Q34984561Injury, pain, and prescription opioid use among former National Football League (NFL) players
Q43192249Inmate responses to prison-based drug treatment: a repeated measures analysis
Q22252230Innovative alcohol use: Assessing the prevalence of alcohol without liquid and other non-oral routes of alcohol administration
Q70910548Innovative perspectives on strategies to develop effective alcoholism treatment programs
Q96113385Inpatient addiction consultation and post-discharge 30-day acute care utilization
Q96591738Inpatient adoption of medications for alcohol use disorder: A mixed-methods formative evaluation involving key stakeholders
Q99201687Inpatient link to peer recovery coaching: Results from a pilot randomized control trial
Q41632722Inpatient male alcoholics: predicting program completion time in days and characteristics of fast and slow completers
Q52278003Inpatient opiate detoxification in Geneva: follow-up at 1 and 6 months.
Q38609917Insights into the link between drug use and criminality: Lifetime offending of criminally-active opiate users
Q49083523Insomnia among addicts during supervised withdrawal from opiates: a comparison of oral methadone and electrostimulation
Q45326545Insomnia severity as a mediator of the association between mental health symptoms and alcohol use in young adult veterans
Q47629758Insomnia treatment in the context of alcohol use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q36494912Insula reactivity to negative stimuli is associated with daily cigarette use: A preliminary investigation using the Human Connectome Database
Q47572208Insulin resistant rats display enhanced rewarding effects of nicotine
Q91624738Integrated cognitive behavioral therapy for ADHD in adult substance use disorder patients: Results of a randomized clinical trial
Q96225971Integrated dual diagnosis treatment among United States mental health treatment facilities: 2010 to 2018
Q44574573Integrated family and cognitive-behavioral therapy for adolescent substance abusers: a stage I efficacy study
Q26745837Integrating affect and impulsivity: The role of positive and negative urgency in substance use risk
Q36090491Integrating alcohol response feedback in a brief intervention for young adult heavy drinkers who smoke: A pilot study
Q36906548Integrating buprenorphine maintenance therapy into federally qualified health centers: real-world substance abuse treatment outcomes
Q33949269Integrating field methodology and web-based data collection to assess the reliability of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).
Q37397043Integration of health services improves multiple healthcare outcomes among HIV-infected people who inject drugs in Ukraine
Q92850452Integration of screening, assessment, and treatment for cannabis and other drug use disorders in primary care: An evaluation in three pilot sites
Q35784178Intensive intervention for alcohol-dependent smokers in early recovery: a randomized trial
Q48882898Intensive referral to 12-step dual-focused mutual-help groups
Q48431349Intention to utilize formal help in a sample with alcohol problems: a prospective study
Q30724117Intention-to-treat meets missing data: implications of alternate strategies for analyzing clinical trials data
Q33625141Intentions to quit smoking among youth in substance abuse treatment
Q38677793Intentions to quit tobacco smoking in 14 low- and middle-income countries based on the transtheoretical model.
Q51745367Inter-informant agreement and prevalence estimates for substance use disorders: direct interview versus family history method.
Q35875576Inter-observer reliability of DSM-5 substance use disorders
Q52923627Inter-rater reliability of the SCID alcohol and substance use disorders section among adolescents.
Q68486407Inter-relationship between serum potassium and plasma catecholamines and 3':5' cyclic monophosphate in alcohol withdrawal
Q91251470Inter-trial variability in brain activity as an indicator of synergistic effects of HIV-1 and drug abuse
Q42285584Interaction between alcohol deprivation and morphine withdrawal in mice
Q35738878Interaction between buprenorphine and atazanavir or atazanavir/ritonavir.
Q48463394Interaction of ethanol with 111In-labelled membranes: evaluation by the perturbed angular correlation-sum peak ratio method
Q46962332Interaction of lobeline and nicotinic receptor ligands with the discriminative stimulus properties of cocaine and amphetamine
Q91441400Interaction with the justice system and other factors associated with pregnant women's self-report and continuation of use of marijuana
Q34167489Interactions among drinking identity, gender and decisional balance in predicting alcohol use and problems among college students
Q41830722Interactions between alcohol and nicotine on intracranial self-stimulation and locomotor activity in rats
Q40530386Interactions between dopamine and excitatory amino acids in behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants
Q36146591Interactions between implicit and explicit cognition and working memory capacity in the prediction of alcohol use in at-risk adolescents
Q44994521Interactions between low concentrations of ethanol and nicotine on firing rate of ventral tegmental dopamine neurones
Q96126530Interactions between opioids and cannabinoids: Economic demand for opioid/cannabinoid mixtures
Q50936880Interactions of buprenorphine and dipotassium clorazepate on anxiety and memory functions in the mouse.
Q91327894Interactive effects of age and recent substance use on striatal shape morphology at substance use disorder treatment entry
Q37409026Interactive effects of chronic cigarette smoking and age on hippocampal volumes.
Q33586764Interest in quitting and lifetime quit attempts among smokers living with HIV infection
Q99346824Interest in reducing methamphetamine and opioid use among syringe services program participants in Washington State
Q37234887Interim methadone treatment: impact on arrests
Q89804014Intermittent binge-like ethanol exposure during adolescence attenuates the febrile response by reducing brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in rats
Q51852450Internal reliability of measures of substance-related cognitive bias.
Q47626484Internal reliability of the alcohol-related visual probe task is increased by utilising personalised stimuli and eye-tracking
Q34624495Internalized stigma and sterile syringe use among people who inject drugs in New York City, 2010-2012
Q50224987Internalized stigma as an independent risk factor for substance use problems among primary care patients: Rationale and preliminary support
Q36971578Internalizing and externalizing disorders as predictors of alcohol use disorder onset during three developmental periods
Q92231024Internalizing and externalizing factors on the pathway from adverse experiences in childhood to non-medical prescription opioid use in adulthood
Q38799187Internalizing symptoms and conduct problems: Redundant, incremental, or interactive risk factors for adolescent substance use during the first year of high school?
Q45094062International Cannabis Research Society meeting summary, Keystone, CO (June 19-20, 1992).
Q38997872International approaches to driving under the influence of cannabis: A review of evidence on impact
Q53431735International drug treaties: the connexion between ratification and social and economic conditions.
Q32067888International traffic in coca through the early 20th century
Q38112932Internet and computer based interventions for cannabis use: a meta-analysis
Q57163339Internet searches for opioids predict future emergency department heroin admissions
Q96830357Internet use and adolescent drinking: Does it matter what young people do online?
Q35129693Internet-based group contingency management to promote abstinence from cigarette smoking: a feasibility study
Q92408032Interoceptive accuracy and interoceptive sensibility in individuals with alcohol use disorder-Different phenomena with different clinical correlations?
Q91306995Interpersonal trauma exposure and startle reactivity to uncertain threat in individuals with alcohol use disorder
Q52304290Interpersonal violence against wives by substance dependent men.
Q34167457Interplay of genetic risk (CHRNA5) and environmental risk (partner smoking) on cigarette smoking reduction
Q50230731Interpreting quantitative urine buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine levels in office-based clinical practice
Q33271787Interpreting treatment effects when cases are institutionalized after treatment
Q35869733Interrelationship of substance use and psychological distress over the life course among a cohort of urban African Americans.
Q47956011Interrelationships between marijuana demand and discounting of delayed rewards: Convergence in behavioral economic methods
Q39493981Interrupting the social processes linked with initiation of injection drug use: results from a pilot study.
Q91852877Intersecting burdens: Homophobic victimization, unstable housing, and methamphetamine use in a cohort of men of color who have sex with men
Q37014842Intersections between cardiac physiology, emotion regulation and interpersonal warmth in preschoolers: Implications for drug abuse prevention from translational neuroscience.
Q34615401Interventions for reducing alcohol consumption among general hospital inpatient heavy alcohol users: a systematic review
Q64135292Interventions to address substance use and sexual risk among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men who use methamphetamine: A systematic review
Q38140394Interventions to prevent the initiation of injection drug use: a systematic review
Q48039249Interview with Dr Jerome H Jaffe
Q48061830Interview with Eddy Award Winner Charles O'Brien, MD, PhD.
Q48061826Interview with Eddy Award Winner Dr Robert Balster
Q51642274Interviewer severity ratings and composite scores of the ASI: a further look.
Q37283235Interviewer-administered TLFB vs. self-administered computerized (A-CASI) drug use frequency questions: a comparison in HIV-infected drug users
Q35952380Intimate partner violence and substance use risk among young men who have sex with men: The P18 cohort study.
Q43685945Intimate relationship characteristics associated with condom use among drug users and their sex partners: a multilevel analysis
Q57298094Intimate relationships and patterns of drug and sexual risk behaviors among people who inject drugs in Kazakhstan: A latent class analysis
Q47651711Intoxication and substance use disorder to Areca catechu nut containing betel quid: A review of epidemiological evidence, pharmacological basis and social factors influencing quitting strategies
Q42167701Intra-couple communication dynamics of HIV risk behavior among injecting drug users and their sexual partners in Northern Vietnam
Q39446865Intra-individual changes in Stroop-related activations linked to cigarette abstinence in adolescent tobacco smokers: Preliminary findings
Q48684503Intracranial self-stimulation in female and male rats: no sex differences using a rate-independent procedure
Q50179718Intragastric drug self-administration by rats exposed successively to morphine and ethanol
Q36803326Intranasal buprenorphine alone and in combination with naloxone: Abuse liability and reinforcing efficacy in physically dependent opioid abusers
Q42551264Intrathecally administered flumazenil and PK 11195 precipitate abstinence syndrome in freely moving diazepam dependent rats
Q39763239Intrauterine cannabis exposure leads to more aggressive behavior and attention problems in 18-month-old girls
Q38763518Intrauterine exposure to tobacco and executive functioning in high school
Q34977212Intravenous and non-intravenous cocaine abusers admitted to inpatient detoxification treatment: a 3-year medical-chart review of patient characteristics and predictors of treatment re-admission.
Q92569001Intravenous and oral caffeine self-administration in rats
Q36874673Intravenous buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine pharmacokinetics in humans.
Q43701374Intravenous drug abusers with antisocial personality disorder: increased HIV risk behavior
Q30451390Intravenous gestational nicotine exposure results in increased motivation for sucrose reward in adult rat offspring
Q40097031Intravenous heroin use in Haiphong, Vietnam: Need for comprehensive care including methamphetamine use-related interventions.
Q44332689Intravenous opiate maintenance in a cohort of injecting drug addicts
Q30429611Intravenous prenatal nicotine exposure increases orexin expression in the lateral hypothalamus and orexin innervation of the ventral tegmental area in adult male rats.
Q50575637Intravenous self-administration of (-)-cathinone and 2-amino-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-methyl)phenylpropane in rhesus monkeys
Q28262141Intravenous self-administration of 4-methylaminorex in primates
Q50155322Intravenous self-administration of fencamfamine and cocaine by beagle dogs under fixed-ratio and progressive-ratio schedules of reinforcement
Q34630587Intravenous self-administration of γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in baboons
Q43501032Intravenous use of prescribed sublingual buprenorphine tablets by drug users receiving maintenance therapy in France.
Q99731883Introducing NIDA's New National Drug Early Warning System
Q88045898Introduction to CPDD abstracts
Q54459569Introduction to CPDD abstracts from the 2016 conference.
Q43270706Introduction to College on Problems of Drug Dependence special conference on risk management and post-marketing surveillance of CNS drugs
Q50777583Introduction to DSM-5 criteria linked papers in drug and alcohol dependence.
Q43540757Introduction to special issue on substance abuse and the immune system
Q33888140Introduction to the College on Problems of Drug Dependence special issue: contemporary advances in opioid neuropharmacology
Q50596986Introduction to the role of excitatory amino acids in the actions of abused drugs: a symposium presented at the 1993 annual meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence
Q100941659Introduction to the special issue on the HEALing Communities Study
Q73315859Introduction to the special issue: treatment process in DATOS
Q44152864Introduction to the supplemental issue on measurement and design issues in tobacco and drug use research
Q73693976Introduction to tobacco, nicotine, and youth: the tobacco etiology research network
Q36823122Investigating dimensionality and measurement bias of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder in a representative sample of the largest metropolitan area in South America
Q92811428Investigating how perceived risk and availability of marijuana relate to marijuana use among adolescents in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay over time
Q57380107Investigating possible causal effects of externalizing behaviors on tobacco initiation: A Mendelian randomization analysis
Q91384301Investigating the causal effect of cannabis use on cognitive function with a quasi-experimental co-twin design
Q53409476Investigating the correlation between wastewater analysis and roadside drug testing in South Australia.
Q50964394Investigating the drinking patterns of young people over the course of the evening at weekends.
Q56889991Investigating the effect of Alcohol Brief Interventions within accident and emergency departments using a data informatics methodology
Q41482088Investigating the factor structure of the Illness Perception Questionnaire-revised for substance dependence among injecting drug users in China
Q91809411Investigating the genetic and causal relationship between initiation or use of alcohol, caffeine, cannabis and nicotine
Q37216539Investigating the long-term influence of adolescent delinquency on drug use initiation.
Q48318723Investigating the microstructural and neurochemical environment within the basal ganglia of current methamphetamine abusers.
Q31058903Investigation of agreement between wastewater-based epidemiology and survey data on alcohol and nicotine use in a community.
Q30040318Investigation of hallucinogenic and related beta-carbolines
Q35898817Investigation of sex-dependent effects of cannabis in daily cannabis smokers
Q33895575Investing in substance abuse research: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation story
Q39168054Involvement of delta opioid receptors in alcohol withdrawal-induced mechanical allodynia in male C57BL/6 mice.
Q57655237Involvement of families in group therapy of heroin addicts
Q52302156Involvement of the NLRP3 inflammasome in the modulation of an LPS-induced inflammatory response during morphine tolerance.
Q37854232Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in alcohol dependence: the biochemical, behavioral and genetic evidence.
Q38690837Ionized magnesium in plasma and erythrocytes for the assessment of low magnesium status in alcohol dependent patients
Q40625990Irritability, acute alcohol consumption and aggressive behavior in men and women
Q92940422Is E-cigarette use a gateway to marijuana use? Longitudinal examinations of initiation, reinitiation, and persistence of e-cigarette and marijuana use
Q42691292Is antisocial personality disorder associated with increased HIV risk behaviors in cocaine users?
Q37053843Is cannabis use associated with HIV drug and sex risk behaviors among Russian HIV-infected risky drinkers?
Q34514047Is cannabis use associated with an increased risk of onset and persistence of alcohol use disorders? A three-year prospective study among adults in the United States
Q35875597Is cannabis use associated with less opioid use among people who inject drugs?
Q91572550Is cannabis use associated with tobacco cessation outcome? An observational cohort study in primary care
Q94941277Is craving a risk factor for substance use among treatment-seeking individuals with alcohol and other drugs use disorders? A meta-analytic review
Q41149381Is drug use a response to stress?
Q37616341Is ecstasy a drug of dependence?
Q45234127Is ecstasy perceived to be safe? A critical survey
Q88906661Is family history of alcohol dependence a risk factor for disturbed sleep in alcohol dependent subjects?
Q42658825Is frequency of drinking an indicator of problem drinking? A psychometric analysis of a modified version of the alcohol use disorders identification test in Switzerland
Q91608796Is it feasible to pay specialty substance use disorder treatment programs based on patient outcomes?
Q43842930Is long-term heavy alcohol consumption toxic for brain serotonergic neurons? Relationship between years of excessive alcohol consumption and serotonergic neurotransmission
Q92750122Is marijuana use associated with lower inflammation? Results from waves III and IV of the national longitudinal study of adolescent to adult health
Q43562024Is opioid substitution treatment beneficial if injecting behaviour continues?
Q44672967Is oral fluid analysis as accurate as urinalysis in detecting drug use in a treatment setting?
Q48413613Is parenting style a context for smoking-specific parenting practices?
Q34620651Is residential treatment effective for opioid use disorders? A longitudinal comparison of treatment outcomes among opioid dependent, opioid misusing, and non-opioid using emerging adults with substance use disorder
Q38874514Is social interaction associated with alcohol consumption in Uganda?
Q46012116Is socioeconomic status associated with awareness of and receptivity to the truth campaign?
Q50038093Is the Fagerström test for nicotine dependence invariant across secular trends in smoking? A question for cross-birth cohort analysis of nicotine dependence.
Q39559399Is the HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence amongst injecting drug users a marker for the level of sexual and injection related HIV transmission?
Q37281959Is the relationship between early-onset cannabis use and educational attainment causal or due to common liability?
Q52236045Is the strength and the desirability of alcohol-related expectancies positively related? A test with an adult Swedish sample.
Q43833061Is there a misplaced focus on AmED? Associations between caffeine mixers and bar patron intoxication
Q92749403Is time elapsed between cannabis use and sleep start time associated with sleep continuity? An experience sampling method
Q31043967Is treatment for alcohol use disorder associated with reductions in criminal offending? A national data linkage cohort study in England.
Q63313854Is voluntary household smoking ban differentially effective for men's and women's smokeless tobacco use and addiction? Findings from the global adult tobacco survey in India
Q47817967Israeli college student alcohol use: the association of background characteristics and regular drinking patterns
Q41745368It is not just memory: propositional thinking influences performance on the autobiographical IAT.
Q95943565Item Response Theory analyses of DSM-5 substance use disorder criteria in French outpatient addiction clinic participants. How much is craving special?
Q36681184Item banks for alcohol use from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS): use, consequences, and expectancies.
Q30672255Item banks for substance use from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS(®)): Severity of use and positive appeal of use.
Q44668426Item functioning of the alcohol dependence scale in a high-risk sample
Q37561266Item response theory analyses of DSM-IV and DSM-5 stimulant use disorder criteria in an American Indian community sample
Q43981665Ito cells and fibrogenesis in chronic alcoholic liver disease
Q47961586J-shaped relationship between supervised methadone consumption and retention in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in primary care: National cohort study
Q92595407JUUL electronic cigarettes: Nicotine exposure and the user experience
Q33912508Job loss discrimination and former substance use disorders
Q51983340Job strain and non-medical drug use.
Q38572693Journey through the K-hole: phenomenological aspects of ketamine use.
Q61646098Junkie habitus: Beyond disease and moral defect
Q30421694Juvenile exposure to ketamine causes delayed emergence of EEG abnormalities during adulthood in mice
Q59505383KCNH2 polymorphism and methadone dosage interact to enhance QT duration
Q57817819Keeping smoking affordable in higher tax environments via smoking thinner roll-your-own cigarettes: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey 2006-15
Q44448734Keeping the lid on: a century of drug regulation and control
Q36447398Ketamine exposure in adult mice leads to increased cell death in C3H, DBA2 and FVB inbred mouse strains
Q42124923Ketamine impairs multiple cognitive domains in rhesus monkeys.
Q44563864Ketamine is associated with lower urinary tract signs and symptoms
Q43925629Ketoconazole increases cocaine and opioid use in methadone maintained patients
Q31424140Ketoconazole reduces low dose cocaine self-administration in rats
Q46277438Khat chewing spread to the Somali community in Rome
Q38265856Khat consumption: a pharmacological review
Q92880761Klotho levels and ethanol consumption
Q51102511Knowledge and experience of drug use amongst church affiliated young people.
Q46539717Knowledge and views on drug abuse of primary health care workers in Nigeria
Q36211982Knowledge of HIV seropositivity is a predictor for initiation of illicit drug use: incidence of drug use initiation among female sex workers in a high HIV-prevalence area of China
Q71510717Knowledge of drug names determines associations to drug names more than habits for the drugs
Q99569623Knowledge, preparedness, and compassion fatigue among law enforcement officers who respond to opioid overdose
Q40211773Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) dependence, withdrawal symptoms and craving in regular users
Q89580792Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): User demographics, use patterns, and implications for the opioid epidemic
Q91712125Kratom as a substitute for opioids: Results from an online survey
Q47563684Kratom use and mental health: A systematic review
Q37637054L-isocorypalmine reduces behavioral sensitization and rewarding effects of cocaine in mice by acting on dopamine receptors
Q106189599LGBTQ state policies: A lever for reducing SGM youth substance use and bullying
Q90924168Laboratory analysis of driving behavior and self-perceived physiological impairment at 0.03%, 0.05% and 0.08% blood alcohol concentrations
Q50657538Laboratory analysis of risky driving at 0.05% and 0.08% blood alcohol concentration
Q48711887Laboratory measurement of adaptive behavior change in humans with a history of substance dependence
Q72843046Laboratory verification of “heavy” and “light” users of cannabis
Q36090484Laboratory-induced stress and craving among individuals with prescription opioid dependence
Q52274697Lack of a pharmacologic interaction between rifabutin and methadone in HIV-infected former injecting drug users.
Q69748686Lack of agreement between two questionnaires that evaluate the severity of the alcohol dependence syndrome
Q70678387Lack of association between preference for and dependence on ethanol
Q48273422Lack of association of DRD4 exon 3 VNTR genotype with reactivity to dynamic smoking cues in movies
Q37126999Lack of attentional retraining effects in cigarette smokers attempting cessation: a proof of concept double-blind randomised controlled trial
Q93370766Lack of effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on short-term smoking cessation: Results of a randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial
Q42953481Lack of inhibitory control predicts cigarette smoking dependence: evidence from a non-deprived sample of light to moderate smokers
Q48822410Lack of neurochemical evidence for neurotoxic effects of repeated cocaine administration in rats on brain monoamine neurons
Q34380741Lack of sex differences to the subjective effects of nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers
Q93371574Lamotrigine attenuates the motivation to self-administer ketamine and prevents cue- and prime-induced reinstatement of ketamine-seeking behavior in rats
Q33716625Late-life and life history predictors of older adults' high-risk alcohol consumption and drinking problems
Q102053188Latency to cannabis dependence mediates the relationship between age at cannabis use initiation and cannabis use outcomes during treatment in men but not women
Q36733815Latent class analysis of current e-cigarette and other substance use in high school students
Q37397052Latent class analysis of non-opioid dependent illegal pharmaceutical opioid users in Ohio
Q34314707Latent class analysis of polysubstance use, sexual risk behaviors, and infectious disease among South African drug users
Q41085120Latent class analysis of substance use among men who have sex with men in Malaysia: Findings from the Asian Internet MSM Sex Survey.
Q35842949Latent classes of heroin and cocaine users predict unique HIV/HCV risk factors
Q38705792Latent classes of polysubstance use among adolescents-a systematic review.
Q37626630Law enforcement attitudes toward overdose prevention and response
Q93175678Laws limiting the prescribing or dispensing of opioids for acute pain in the United States: A national systematic legal review
Q28257743Lefetamine: new abuse of an old drug--clinical evaluation of opioid activity
Q114196974Left frontal pole repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces cigarette cue-reactivity in correlation with verbal memory performance
Q38689166Left frontal pole theta burst stimulation decreases orbitofrontal and insula activity in cocaine users and alcohol users.
Q33931864Left middle frontal gyrus response to inhibitory errors in children prospectively predicts early problem substance use.
Q38617582Legal changes to increase access to naloxone for opioid overdose reversal in the United States
Q89714517Legal requirements and recommendations to prescribe naloxone
Q114190326Legal review of state emergency medical services policies and protocols for naloxone administration
Q71473803Legal sanctions and information about drugs as influences upon the decision by adolescents whether to use illicit drugs
Q50587148Legalizing marijuana for medical purposes will increase risk of long-term, deleterious consequences for adolescents
Q93072101Leisure activities and alcohol consumption among adolescents from Peru and El Salvador
Q94595351Length of hospitalization and hospital readmissions among patients with substance use disorders in New York City, NY USA
Q71008146Lessons from a methadone treatment program in Laos, 1972-75
Q35659644Levamisole enhances the rewarding and locomotor-activating effects of cocaine in rats
Q69416635Level of agreement between questionnaire measures of alcohol dependence, alcoholism and problem drinking in a sample presenting at a specialist alcohol treatment service
Q40806289Level of education and injecting drug use among African Americans
Q70888107Levels and correlates of polydrug use among heroin users and regular amphetamine users
Q69811542Levels of arsenic in Indian opium eaters
Q69020537Levels of arsenic in alcohol-related liver disease
Q77462310Levels of intravenous drug misuse among clients prescribed oral dexamphetamine or oral methadone: a comparison
Q44336295Levels of opioid physical dependence in heroin addicts
Q97539608Leveraging genetic data to investigate molecular targets and drug repurposing candidates for treating alcohol use disorder and hepatotoxicity
Q94595346Leveraging health information exchange for clinical research: Extreme underreporting of hospital service utilization among patients with substance use disorders
Q97553030Leveraging immersive technology to expand access to opioid overdose reversal training in community settings: Results from a randomized controlled equivalence trial
Q66990154Levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) in the treatment of heroin addicts I. Dosage schedule for induction and stabilization
Q36540636Levodopa pharmacotherapy for cocaine dependence: choosing the optimal behavioral therapy platform
Q33863689Liberty caps: recreational hallucinogenic mushrooms
Q47326937Licit and illicit drug initiations and alcohol-related problems amongst illicit drug users in Edinburgh
Q67399585Life change, disease, perception and heroin addiction
Q58633754Life chaos among drug users and non-drug users
Q45304105Life events and alcohol use disorder clinical course: Modeling the dynamic association
Q46703033Lifecourse socioeconomic predictors of midlife drinking patterns, problems and abstention: findings from the 1958 British Birth Cohort Study
Q36270703Lifetime ATS use and increased HIV risk among not-in-treatment opiate injectors in Malaysia
Q44189346Lifetime correlates associated with amphetamine use among northern Thai men attending STD and HIV anonymous test sites
Q72118561Lifetime drinking patterns of elders from a general population survey
Q46925162Lifetime psychiatric comorbidity of alcohol dependence and bulimia nervosa in women
Q35878044Lifetime victimization and past year alcohol use in a U.S. population sample of men and women drinkers
Q36417293Likelihood of developing an alcohol and cannabis use disorder during youth: association with recent use and age
Q41471940Limitations of scalogram analysis as a method for investigating drug use behavior
Q40833689Limits of habituation and extinction: implications for relapse prevention programs in addictions.
Q43685949Limits to buprenorphine dosing: a comparison between quintuple and sextuple the maintenance dose every 5 days
Q36493705Linkage scan for quantitative traits identifies new regions of interest for substance dependence in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) sample
Q34434374Linkage scan of alcohol dependence in the UCSF Family Alcoholism Study
Q37128227Linking measures of adolescent nicotine dependence to a common latent continuum
Q36520167Linking measures of adult nicotine dependence to a common latent continuum and a comparison with adolescent patterns
Q47787688Linking patients with buprenorphine treatment in primary care: Predictors of engagement
Q96018545Links between suicidal intent, polysubstance use, and medical treatment after non-fatal opioid overdose
Q48291110Lipids and fatty acids in membranes from astroglial cells cultured in ethanol-containing media
Q96680912Listed for sale: Analyzing data on fentanyl, fentanyl analogs and other novel synthetic opioids on one cryptomarket
Q57816512Literature review of substance abuse “treatment as usual” for psychosocial interventions
Q69748694Liver cirrhosis mortality in Argentina: its relationship to alcohol intake
Q51726054Liver function tests in non-parenteral cocaine users.
Q103798471Liver injury associated with kratom, a popular opioid-like product: Experience from the U.S. drug induced liver injury network and a review of the literature
Q60142491Loaded: Gun involvement among opioid users
Q28293572Lobeline, a potential pharmacotherapy for drug addiction, binds to mu opioid receptors and diminishes the effects of opioid receptor agonists
Q36593564Location and longing: the nicotine craving experience in virtual reality
Q87851535Location, location, location: Assessing the spatial patterning between marijuana licenses, alcohol outlets and neighborhood characteristics within Washington state
Q93101167Locomotor activity and discriminative stimulus effects of five novel synthetic cathinone analogs in mice and rats
Q28206079Locomotor stimulant effects of novel phenyltropanes in the mouse
Q68046845Locus of control in couples with different patterns of alcohol consumption
Q71141879Loitering by patients on methadone maintenance: a perception or a problem
Q47302874Long-acting intramuscular naltrexone for opioid use disorder: Utilization and association with multi-morbidity nationally in the Veterans Health Administration
Q47807783Long-term cannabis abuse and early-onset cannabis use increase the severity of cocaine withdrawal during detoxification and rehospitalization rates due to cocaine dependence.
Q94548431Long-term changes in delay discounting following a smoking cessation treatment for patients with depression
Q33624119Long-term effect of community-based treatment: evidence from the Adolescent Outcomes Project
Q33791640Long-term effects of exposure to methamphetamine in adolescent rats
Q45000247Long-term effects of ketamine: evidence for a persisting impairment of source memory in recreational users
Q27312340Long-term effects of minimum legal drinking age laws on marijuana and other illicit drug use in adulthood
Q47771452Long-term efficacy of nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial
Q45068087Long-term heavy marijuana users make costly decisions on a gambling task
Q39192052Long-term heroin use was associated with the downregulation of systemic platelets, BDNF, and TGF-β1, and it contributed to the disruption of executive function in Taiwanese Han Chinese
Q48405246Long-term methamphetamine induced changes in brain catecholamines in tolerant rhesus monkeys
Q91246777Long-term naturalistic follow-up of chronic pain in adults with prescription opioid use disorder
Q88299019Long-term opioid use after inpatient surgery - A retrospective cohort study
Q40587311Long-term outcome after benzodiazepine withdrawal treatment in subjects with complicated dependence
Q50224381Long-term outcomes after adolescent in-patient treatment due to alcohol intoxication: A control group study
Q35532106Long-term outcomes from the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network Prescription Opioid Addiction Treatment Study
Q44077896Long-term outcomes of adolescents treated for substance misuse
Q35687716Long-term outcomes of office-based buprenorphine/naloxone maintenance therapy.
Q24649521Long-term psychiatric and medical consequences of anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse: a looming public health concern?
Q38672774Long-term recall of social relationships related to addiction and HIV risk behaviors
Q91211473Long-term use of hydrocodone vs. oxycodone in primary care
Q90709695Long-term users of benzodiazepines in Colombia: Patterns of use and cessation of treatment
Q44701188Long-term voluntary D-amphetamine consumption and behavioral predictors for subsequent D-amphetamine addiction in rats
Q37081970Longitudinal ECG changes in cocaine users during extended abstinence
Q96616393Longitudinal analysis of alcohol use and intimate partner violence perpetration among men with HIV in northern Vietnam
Q36360618Longitudinal analysis of change in individual-level needle and syringe coverage amongst a cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia
Q35336367Longitudinal analysis of pain and illicit drug use behaviors in outpatients on methadone maintenance
Q36936208Longitudinal association between pain severity and subsequent opioid use in prescription opioid dependent patients with chronic pain
Q33653589Longitudinal associations between depression and substance dependence from adolescence through early adulthood
Q91599800Longitudinal associations between marijuana and cigar use in young adults
Q93106966Longitudinal associations between minority stressors and substance use among sexual and gender minority individuals
Q96769554Longitudinal associations between the disruption of incarceration and community re-entry on substance use risk escalation among Black men who have sex with men; A causal analysis
Q92634388Longitudinal associations between use and co-use of cigars and cigarettes: A pooled analysis of three adolescent cohorts
Q61707506Longitudinal associations between youth tobacco and substance use in waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study
Q48600206Longitudinal associations of cannabis and illicit drug use with depression, suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts among Nova Scotia high school students
Q40509384Longitudinal changes in psychological distress in a cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia.
Q41911418Longitudinal changes in smoking abstinence symptoms and alternative reinforcers predict long-term smoking cessation outcomes
Q91994141Longitudinal changes of amygdala functional connectivity in adolescents prenatally exposed to cocaine
Q92720121Longitudinal effects of interoceptive awareness training through mindful awareness in body-oriented therapy (MABT) as an adjunct to women's substance use disorder treatment: A randomized controlled trial
Q62895876Longitudinal patterns of amphetamine use from adolescence to adulthood: A latent class analysis of a 20-year prospective study of Australians
Q38450725Longitudinal patterns of binge drinking among first year college students with a history of tobacco use.
Q103834908Longitudinal patterns of cocaine use among patients receiving injectable hydromorphone or diacetylmorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder: A growth curve modeling approach
Q38778006Longitudinal patterns of marijuana use across ages 18-50 in a US national sample: A descriptive examination of predictors and health correlates of repeated measures latent class membership.
Q34424567Longitudinal predictors of addictions treatment utilization in treatment-naïve adults with alcohol use disorders
Q46858949Longitudinal predictors of injection cessation and subsequent relapse among a cohort of injection drug users in Baltimore, MD, 1988-2000.
Q37631251Looking for the uninsured in Massachusetts? Check opioid dependent persons seeking detoxification
Q92941616Lorcaserin maintenance fails to attenuate heroin vs. food choice in rhesus monkeys
Q104800265Lorcaserin treatment for extended-release naltrexone induction and retention for opioid use disorder individuals: A pilot, placebo-controlled randomized trial
Q33797662Losing faith and finding religion: religiosity over the life course and substance use and abuse
Q35071095Loss of functional specificity in the dorsal striatum of chronic cocaine users.
Q96113377Loss of naive T lymphocytes is associated with advanced liver fibrosis in alcohol use disorder
Q37466864Low HIV testing among persons who inject drugs-National HIV Behavioral Surveillance, 20 U.S. cities, 2012.
Q33251399Low bone density in patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment
Q51888746Low doses of dextromethorphan attenuate morphine-induced rewarding via the sigma-1 receptor at ventral tegmental area in rats.
Q34337044Low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex transiently increases cue-induced craving for methamphetamine: a preliminary study
Q37145902Low incidence of adverse events following varenicline initiation among opioid dependent smokers with comorbid psychiatric illness
Q38651439Low levels of hepatitis C diagnosis and testing uptake among people who inject image and performance enhancing drugs in England and Wales, 2012-15.
Q92850456Low overdose responding self-efficacy among adults who report lifetime opioid use
Q42595697Low power? Use two-dimensional confidence regions as a graphical method for depicting uncertainty
Q37171134Low prefrontal perfusion linked to depression symptoms in methadone-maintained opiate-dependent patients
Q37167372Low-dose naltrexone augmentation of nicotine replacement for smoking cessation with reduced weight gain: a randomized trial
Q43198677Low-to-moderate alcohol consumption and smoking cessation rates: retrospective analysis of 4576 elderly ever-smokers
Q92008106Lower folate levels in methamphetamine-induced psychosis: A cross-sectional study
Q44340044Lower rates of consistent urine drug tests for prescribed psychotropic medications among patients on opioid replacement therapy
Q92721899Lower smoking rates and increased perceived harm of cigarettes among French adults one year after comprehensive tobacco control measures
Q42615685Lower syringe sharing and re-use after syringe legalization in Rhode Island
Q100446762Lyophilized Kratom Tea as a Therapeutic Option for Opioid Dependence
Q113185715MAPIT: Development of a computer-based intervention targeting substance abuse treatment in the criminal justice system
Q51990374MDMA ('ecstasy') consumption in the context of polydrug abuse: a report on 150 patients.
Q43925609MDMA ('ecstasy') use, and its association with high risk behaviors, mental health, and other factors among gay/bisexual men in New York City
Q35575169MDMA (Ecstasy) association with impaired fMRI BOLD thalamic coherence and functional connectivity.
Q34216989MDMA and temperature: a review of the thermal effects of 'Ecstasy' in humans
Q71389899MMPI subtypes and antisocial behaviors in adolescent alcohol and drug abusers
Q37114207Machine-learning identifies substance-specific behavioral markers for opiate and stimulant dependence
Q46775183Mad, bad and dangerous to know: dimensions and measurement of attitudes toward injecting drug users
Q90366736Made from concentrate? A national web survey assessing dab use in the United States
Q42366796Magnitude and duration of cue-induced craving for marijuana in volunteers with cannabis use disorder
Q44346718Maintenance of HIV risk reduction among injection opioid users: a 12 month posttreatment follow-up
Q45070304Maintenance on naltrexone+amphetamine decreases cocaine-vs.-food choice in male rhesus monkeys
Q35633131Major depression and treatment response in adolescents with ADHD and substance use disorder
Q30241262Major increases in opioid analgesic abuse in the United States: concerns and strategies
Q91144805Making a bridge between general hospital and specialised community-based treatment for alcohol use disorder-A pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Q89714507Making pharmacotherapy trials for substance use disorder more efficient: Leveraging real-world data capture to maximize power and expedite the medication development pipeline
Q36499418Male alcohol use and unprotected sex with non-regular partners: evidence from wine shops in Chennai, India
Q71039627Male and female differences in severity of problems with alcohol at the workplace
Q44848669Male and female ecstasy users: differences in patterns of use, sleep quality and mental health outcomes
Q35632996Male injection drug users try new drugs following U.S. deportation to Tijuana, Mexico.
Q39219854Male solitary drinking and hazardous alcohol use in nine countries of the former Soviet Union
Q57163343Male-female differences in the onset of heavy drinking episode soon after first full drink in contemporary United States: From early adolescence to young adulthood
Q48654160Male-female differences in the risk of progression from first use to dependence upon cannabis, cocaine, and alcohol
Q35089730Malnutrition in a population of HIV-positive and HIV-negative drug users living in Chennai, South India
Q38553005Management of benzodiazepine-resistant alcohol withdrawal across a healthcare system: Benzodiazepine dose-escalation with or without propofol
Q44332154Management of neonatal abstinence syndrome in neonates born to opioid maintained women
Q34128519Management of relapse in naltrexone maintenance for heroin dependence
Q88737522Mandatory review of a prescription drug monitoring program and impact on opioid and benzodiazepine dispensing
Q39988739Manufactured and hand-rolled cigarettes and smokeless tobacco consumption in Mozambique: regional differences at early stages of the tobacco epidemic
Q72911730Marihuana and sex: A critical survey
Q69661613Marihuana use across the menstrual cycle
Q71510720Marihuana use by pregnant women: neurobehavioral effects in neonates
Q40457963Marijuana advertising exposure among current marijuana users in the U.S.
Q90485675Marijuana and alcohol use among injured drivers evaluated at level I trauma centers in Arizona, 2008-2014
Q44994514Marijuana and cocaine use among female African-American welfare recipients
Q38733864Marijuana and tobacco co-use among a nationally representative sample of US pregnant and non-pregnant women: 2005-2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health findings
Q47336955Marijuana buyers in the United States, 2010-2014.
Q36938853Marijuana dependence moderates the effect of posttraumatic stress disorder on trauma cue reactivity in substance dependent patients
Q57163353Marijuana eCHECKUPTO GO: Effects of a personalized feedback plus protective behavioral strategies intervention for heavy marijuana-using college students
Q37589006Marijuana effects on changes in brain structure and cognitive function among HIV+ and HIV- adults
Q37233147Marijuana expectancies and relationships with adolescent and adult marijuana use
Q40809346Marijuana initiates and their impact on future drug abuse treatment need
Q45940507Marijuana practices and patterns of use among young adult medical marijuana patients and non-patient marijuana users.
Q53436195Marijuana use among US tobacco users: Findings from wave 1 of the population assessment of tobacco health (PATH) study.
Q89065026Marijuana use among adolescent multiple tobacco product users and unique risks of dual tobacco and marijuana use
Q47576969Marijuana use among adults: Initiation, return to use, and continued use versus quitting over a one-year follow-up period
Q34021975Marijuana use and achievement of abstinence from alcohol and other drugs among people with substance dependence: a prospective cohort study.
Q44070862Marijuana use and cessation of tobacco smoking in adults from a community sample
Q38897343Marijuana use and physical dating violence among adolescents and emerging adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q43110062Marijuana use and service utilization among adolescents 7 years post substance use treatment
Q35417708Marijuana use and tobacco smoking cessation among heavy alcohol drinkers
Q91345233Marijuana use by middle-aged and older adults in the United States, 2015-2016
Q64138017Marijuana use during and after pregnancy and association of prenatal use on birth outcomes: A population-based study
Q47579914Marijuana use during pregnancy: A comparison of trends and correlates among married and unmarried pregnant women
Q49677645Marijuana use is associated with hypersensitivity to multiple allergens in US adults
Q36016493Marijuana use patterns among African-American middle-school students: a longitudinal latent class regression analysis
Q61707508Marijuana use predicts onset of current little cigar use in a national sample of US young adults
Q40445322Marijuana use trajectories among drug-using youth presenting to an urban emergency department: Violence and social influences
Q36808312Marijuana use trajectories and academic outcomes among college students
Q36495034Marijuana use trajectories during college predict health outcomes nine years post-matriculation
Q36078325Marijuana use trajectories during the post-college transition: health outcomes in young adulthood
Q58633953Marijuana users’ perceptions of health research
Q36997018Marijuana withdrawal and aggression among a representative sample of U.S. marijuana users.
Q103722813Marijuana, but not alcohol, use frequency associated with greater loneliness, psychological distress, and less flourishing among young adults
Q99708416Marital status, partner acknowledgment of paternity, and neighborhood influences on smoking during first pregnancy: findings across race/ethnicity in linked administrative and census data
Q47874316Marked ethnic differences in HIV prevalence and risk behaviors among injection drug users in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 2004.
Q52289476Mast cell mediator tryptase levels after inhalation or intravenous administration of high doses pharmaceutically prepared heroin.
Q39621028Matching adolescents with a cannabis use disorder to multidimensional family therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy: treatment effect moderators in a randomized controlled trial
Q71493252Matching substance abuse patients to appropriate treatments: a conceptual and methodological approach
Q44994507Mate similarity for substance dependence and antisocial personality disorder symptoms among parents of patients and controls
Q36249018Maternal age and trajectories of cannabis use.
Q37311494Maternal alcohol consumption producing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD): quantity, frequency, and timing of drinking.
Q41670350Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy and offspring trajectories of height and weight: A prospective cohort study
Q44348921Maternal and infant outcomes following third trimester exposure to marijuana in opioid dependent pregnant women maintained on buprenorphine
Q50421124Maternal and partner prenatal alcohol use and infant cognitive development
Q50983411Maternal and paternal indoor or outdoor smoking and the risk of asthma in their children: a nationwide prospective birth cohort study.
Q47712360Maternal buprenorphine treatment and infant outcome
Q92606194Maternal buprenorphine treatment during pregnancy and maternal physiology
Q36531416Maternal risk factors for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in a province in Italy.
Q35291858Maternal risk factors predicting child physical characteristics and dysmorphology in fetal alcohol syndrome and partial fetal alcohol syndrome
Q35685699Maternal smoking cessation and reduced academic and behavioral problems in offspring
Q69677284Maternal smoking during pregnancy affects children's vigilance performance
Q40604932Maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring's tobacco dependence. A study of exposure-discordant sibling pairs
Q92297333Maternal use of illicit drugs, tobacco or alcohol and the risk of childhood cancer before 6 years of age
Q42971507Maternal welfare, morbidity and mortality 6-15 years after a pregnancy complicated by alcohol and substance abuse: a register-based case-control follow-up study of 524 women
Q41186770Mating assortment and the liability to substance abuse
Q51593037Mazindol treatment for cocaine dependence.
Q44152857Measurement and design issues in tobacco and drug use research
Q100486688Measurement invariance and psychometric properties of Perceived Stigma toward People who use Substances (PSPS) among three types of substance use disorders: Heroin, amphetamine, and alcohol
Q60441547Measurement invariance of the alcohol use disorders identification test: Establishing its factor structure in different settings and across gender
Q35871731Measurement of gender-sensitive treatment for women in mixed-gender substance abuse treatment programs
Q27312224Measurement of multiple nicotine dependence domains among cigarette, non-cigarette and poly-tobacco users: Insights from item response theory
Q37276438Measurement of opioid problems among chronic pain patients in a general medical population
Q37475271Measurement-based care for refractory depression: a clinical decision support model for clinical research and practice
Q51603063Measures of cocaine-seeking behavior using a multiple schedule of food and drug self-administration in rats.
Q93167564Measures of nicotine dependence enhance interpretation of number of cigarettes smoked in youth smoking surveillance
Q36421307Measures of outcome for stimulant trials: ACTTION recommendations and research agenda
Q34091899Measuring addiction propensity and severity: the need for a new instrument
Q43188947Measuring collaboration and integration activities in criminal justice and substance abuse treatment agencies
Q37824767Measuring costs of alcohol harm to others: a review of the literature.
Q37261023Measuring historical trauma in an American Indian community sample: contributions of substance dependence, affective disorder, conduct disorder and PTSD
Q74610609Measuring interstate variations in drug problems
Q33895586Measuring nicotine dependence among youth: a review of available approaches and instruments
Q34634366Measuring pain medication expectancies in adults treated for substance use disorders
Q34709097Measuring smoking knowledge, attitudes and services (S-KAS) among clients in addiction treatment
Q90566517Measuring the effects on quality of life and alcohol consumption of a program to reduce binge drinking in Spanish adolescents
Q44240599Measuring the learning potential of abstinent alcoholics
Q50184358Measuring the stability of illicit drug markets: why does it matter?
Q95651834Mechanisms for the reduction of caffeine consumption: What, how and why
Q46321213Mechanisms of adolescent smoking cessation: roles of readiness to quit, nicotine dependence, and smoking of parents and peers
Q35283662Mechanisms of change associated with technology-based interventions for substance use.
Q34277682Mechanisms of change in extended cognitive behavioral treatment for tobacco dependence
Q44073051Mechanisms of ethanol tolerance at a cholinergic nerve terminal
Q33716519Mechanisms underlying the lifetime co-occurrence of tobacco and cannabis use in adolescent and young adult twins
Q38733862Media alcohol advertising with drinking behaviors among young adolescents in Taiwan
Q90696046Media coverage of harm reduction, 2000-2016: A content analysis of tone, topics, and interventions in Canadian print news
Q88360781Media portrayal of prenatal and postpartum marijuana use in an era of scientific uncertainty
Q44049031Mediating mechanisms for the impact of bupropion in smoking cessation treatment
Q40018550Mediating mechanisms of a military Web-based alcohol intervention.
Q33650143Mediation designs for tobacco prevention research.
Q47669486Mediation of effects of the level of response to alcohol and impulsivity 15 years later in 36-year-old men: Implications for prevention efforts
Q115217260Mediational pathways among trait impulsivity, use consequences, and quit attempts in cocaine users
Q44346681Mediational relations of substance use risk profiles, alcohol-related outcomes, and drinking motives among young adolescents in the Netherlands
Q52280126Mediator mechanisms of cathinone effects on animal behaviour.
Q35704357Mediators of a smoking cessation intervention for persons living with HIV/AIDS.
Q104289456Medicaid prescription limits and their implications for naloxone accessibility
Q92070228Medicaid trends in prescription opioid and non-opioid use by HIV status
Q35616765Medical and nonmedical use of prescription pain medication by youth in a Detroit-area public school district
Q35228118Medical marijuana diversion and associated problems in adolescent substance treatment
Q46638742Medical marijuana laws and adolescent use of marijuana and other substances: Alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, and other illicit drugs
Q35651468Medical marijuana laws in 50 states: investigating the relationship between state legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use, abuse and dependence
Q39557460Medical marijuana legalization and cigarette and marijuana co-use in adolescents and adults
Q38750804Medical marijuana policies and hospitalizations related to marijuana and opioid pain reliever.
Q38834312Medical outcomes associated with prescription opioid abuse via oral and non-oral routes of administration
Q34535192Medical service use and financial charges among opioid users at a public hospital
Q90378753Medical use, non-medical use and use disorders of benzodiazepines and prescription opioids in adults: Differences by insurance status
Q44336081Medicare prescription drug plan coverage of pharmacotherapies for opioid and alcohol dependence in WA.
Q38367241Medication assisted treatment discontinuation in pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder
Q97590278Medications for opioid use disorder in pregnancy in a state women's prison facility
Q43944867Medico-legal aspects of treatment and prophylactic care of narcotic drug addicts
Q69589529Mefenorex (Rondimen)
Q94683484Melatonin and melatonin agonists as treatments for benzodiazepines and hypnotics withdrawal in patients with primary insomnia. A systematic review
Q36297525Memantine improves buprenorphine/naloxone treatment for opioid dependent young adults
Q34510484Memory functioning in polysubstance dependent women
Q46489637Memory performance in polyvalent MDMA (ecstasy) users who continue or discontinue MDMA use.
Q90130172Men's age at first birth and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality among siblings
Q36368385Menstrual cycle phase and responses to drugs of abuse in humans
Q34468802Menstrual cycle phase at quit date and smoking abstinence at 6 weeks in an open label trial of bupropion
Q92556851Menstrual cycle phase modulates responses to smoking cues in the putamen: Preliminary evidence for a novel target
Q57389801Menstrual disturbances and fertility in chronic alcoholic women
Q104492855Mental and physical health in family members of substance users: A scoping review
Q46790551Mental disorders and smoking trajectories: a 10-year prospective study among adolescents and young adults in the community
Q33961393Mental disorders in ecstasy users: a prospective-longitudinal investigation
Q90001571Mental health functioning and severity of cannabis withdrawal among medical cannabis users with chronic pain
Q52104782Mental health in first grade and teenage drug, alcohol, and cigarette use.
Q46166414Mental health of heroin users with differing injection drug use histories: A non-treatment sample of Mexican American young adult men.
Q40743200Mental health status of varenicline and bupropion users during a quit attempt compared to current smokers, other quitters, and non-smokers.
Q52077692Mental rehearsal of a task before or after ethanol: tolerance facilitating effects.
Q42409901Mephedrone ('bath salt') elicits conditioned place preference and dopamine-sensitive motor activation
Q37706820Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone), a principal constituent of psychoactive bath salts, produces behavioral sensitization in rats
Q34012500Meta-analysis of depression and substance use and impairment among cocaine users
Q39042239Meta-analysis of six genes (BDNF, DRD1, DRD3, DRD4, GRIN2B and MAOA) involved in neuroplasticity and the risk for alcohol dependence
Q39096742Meta-analysis of the relationship between impulsivity and substance-related cognitive biases
Q68249647Metabolic disposition of 2-phenylethylamine and the role of depression in methadone-dependent and detoxified patients
Q47332501Metabolic phenotype of rats exposed to heroin and potential markers of heroin abuse.
Q39243193Metabolic phenotyping of urine for discriminating alcohol-dependent from social drinkers and alcohol-naive subjects
Q67019749Metabolic tolerance to ethanol. Moderator's comments
Q66972159Metabolic tolerance to ethanol. Rapporteurs' report
Q37346293Methadone and buprenorphine prescribing and referral practices in US prison systems: results from a nationwide survey
Q37282456Methadone and buprenorphine-naloxone are effective in reducing illicit buprenorphine and other opioid use, and reducing HIV risk behavior--outcomes of a randomized trial
Q70905538Methadone disposition following oral versus parenteral dose administration in rats during chronic treatment
Q72048563Methadone dosages and therapeutic compliance during a methadone maintenance program
Q72658670Methadone dose and treatment outcome
Q37033936Methadone dose at the time of release from prison significantly influences retention in treatment: implications from a pilot study of HIV-infected prisoners transitioning to the community in Malaysia
Q45352727Methadone maintenance and cancer risk: an Israeli case registry study
Q34176572Methadone maintenance and the cost and utilization of health care among individuals dependent on opioids in a commercial health plan
Q37700353Methadone maintenance for HIV positive and HIV negative patients in Kyiv: acceptability and treatment response
Q46839236Methadone maintenance in prison: evaluation of a pilot program in Puerto Rico
Q50634641Methadone maintenance patients show a selective deficit to reverse positive outcomes in drug-related conditions compared to medication free prolonged opiate abstinence
Q39324890Methadone maintenance therapy and viral suppression among HIV-infected opioid users: The impacts of crack and injection cocaine use.
Q100957520Methadone maintenance therapy service components linked to improvements in HIV care cascade outcomes: A systematic review of trials and observational studies
Q91647640Methadone maintenance treatment among patients exposed to illicit fentanyl in Rhode Island: Safety, dose, retention, and relapse at 6 months
Q42998327Methadone maintenance treatment: a protective factor for cocaine injection in a street-recruited cohort of heroin users
Q36637864Methadone metabolism and clearance are induced by nelfinavir despite inhibition of cytochrome P4503A (CYP3A) activity
Q37023241Methadone patients in the therapeutic community: a test of equivalency
Q43620007Methadone tapering plus amantadine to detoxify heroin-dependent inpatients with or without an active cocaine use disorder: two randomised controlled trials.
Q43470765Methadone treatment in Spain, 1994.
Q42677719Methadone treatment in the Scottish context: outcomes of a community-based service for drug users in Lothian
Q91384334Methadone treatment of arrestees: A randomized clinical trial
Q52653848Methadone treatment, severe food insecurity, and HIV-HCV co-infection: A propensity score matching analysis.
Q72125547Methadone use in patients with chronic renal disease
Q36619638Methadone, buprenorphine and preferences for opioid agonist treatment: A qualitative analysis
Q73434132Methadone, methadone treatment and non-fatal overdose
Q39235901Methadone-assisted rehabilitation of Swedish heroin addicts
Q49071737Methadone-maintained males' reactions to success and failure: causal attributions, self-efficacy, and attitudes toward heroin
Q39490487Methadone-maintenance outcomes for Hispanic and African-American men and women
Q90133150Methamphetamine and Opioid Cue Database (MOCD): Development and Validation
Q37463557Methamphetamine and other substance use trends among street-recruited men who have sex with men, from 2008 to 2011.
Q37141557Methamphetamine dependent individuals show attenuated brain response to pleasant interoceptive stimuli
Q35703205Methamphetamine injecting is associated with phylogenetic clustering of hepatitis C virus infection among street-involved youth in Vancouver, Canada
Q39961491Methamphetamine injection and syringe sharing among a community-recruited sample of injection drug users in Bangkok, Thailand
Q58566025Methamphetamine use and cognitive function: A systematic review of neuroimaging research
Q52582675Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: Evidence and clinical implications.
Q92575289Methamphetamine use and violence: Findings from a longitudinal birth cohort
Q92225566Methamphetamine use drives decreases in viral suppression for people living with HIV released from a large municipal jail: Results of the LINK LA clinical trial
Q36301137Methamphetamine use is associated with childhood sexual abuse and HIV sexual risk behaviors among patrons of alcohol-serving venues in Cape Town, South Africa
Q33624189Methamphetamine use parameters do not predict neuropsychological impairment in currently abstinent dependent adults
Q37200552Methamphetamine use, aggressive behavior and other mental health issues among high-school students in Cape Town, South Africa
Q38070239Methamphetamine use: a comprehensive review of molecular, preclinical and clinical findings.
Q46125789Methamphetamine-alcohol interactions in murine models of sequential and simultaneous oral drug-taking.
Q30435613Methamphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization in a rodent model of posttraumatic stress disorder
Q46890344Methamphetamine-induced changes in brain catecholamines in rats and guinea pigs
Q34973698Methamphetamine/amphetamine abuse and risk of Parkinson's disease in Utah: a population-based assessment
Q34181746Methamphetamine: an update on epidemiology, pharmacology, clinical phenomenology, and treatment literature
Q57380518Methodological considerations in cognitive bias research: The next steps
Q43515111Methods for enhancing transition of substance dependent patients from inpatient to outpatient treatment
Q36920488Methods for testing theory and evaluating impact in randomized field trials: intent-to-treat analyses for integrating the perspectives of person, place, and time
Q50154380Methods to recruit and retain a cohort of young-adult injection drug users for the Third Collaborative Injection Drug Users Study/Drug Users Intervention Trial (CIDUS III/DUIT).
Q33541921Methods used to detect drug abuse in pregnancy: a brief review
Q37552221Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-related fatalities in Australia: demographics, circumstances, toxicology and major organ pathology
Q47683932Methylphenidate disintegration from oral formulations for intravenous use by experienced substance users.
Q36213502Mexican immigration to the US and alcohol and drug use opportunities: does it make a difference in alcohol and/or drug use?
Q48118194Mexico's precursor chemical controls: emergence of less potent types of methamphetamine in the United States
Q52061621Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST)--its possibilities and shortcomings as a screening device in a pre-selected non-clinical population.
Q90696051MicroNIR/Chemometrics: A new analytical platform for fast and accurate detection of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in oral fluids
Q51827815Midazolam oral self-administration.
Q36813560Migration and transmission of blood-borne infections among injection drug users: understanding the epidemiologic bridge
Q37164723Mind-body practices: an alternative, drug-free treatment for smoking cessation? A systematic review of the literature.
Q26745840Mindfulness meditation improves emotion regulation and reduces drug abuse
Q39310012Mindfulness practice moderates the relationship between craving and substance use in a clinical sample.
Q36746540Mindfulness training for smoking cessation: moderation of the relationship between craving and cigarette use.
Q35317350Mindfulness training for smoking cessation: results from a randomized controlled trial
Q92568992Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement reduces opioid craving among individuals with opioid use disorder and chronic pain in medication assisted treatment: Ecological momentary assessments from a stage 1 randomized controlled trial
Q48575968Minor orthopaedic disease: registration for alcoholism and serum gamma-glutamyltransferase in men.
Q34863447Mirtazapine treatment after conditioning with methamphetamine alters subsequent expression of place preference
Q58131549Missed opportunities to test the neuropsychiatric safety--and efficacy--of varenicline among smokers with substance use disorders
Q30877467Missing data in substance abuse research? Researchers' reporting practices of sexual orientation and gender identity
Q36116697Misuse of methamphetamine and prescription stimulants among youths and young adults in the community.
Q90130182Mitragynine, bioactive alkaloid of kratom, reduces chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain in rats through α-adrenoceptor mechanism
Q53577484Mixed-amphetamine salts expectancies among college students: Is stimulant induced cognitive enhancement a placebo effect?
Q33442209Mobile phone ownership, usage and readiness to use by patients in drug treatment
Q44394305Modafinil and cocaine: a double-blind, placebo-controlled drug interaction study
Q36619373Modafinil and sleep architecture in an inpatient-outpatient treatment study of cocaine dependence
Q33744007Modafinil does not serve as a reinforcer in cocaine abusers
Q24652419Modafinil for the treatment of cocaine dependence
Q35583271Modafinil for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence
Q37418649Modafinil restores methamphetamine induced object-in-place memory deficits in rats independent of glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor expression.
Q100758554Model and approach for assessing implementation context and fidelity in the HEALing Communities Study
Q30613414Modeling longitudinal drinking data in clinical trials: an application to the COMBINE study
Q37366155Modeling risk factors for nicotine and other drug abuse in the preclinical laboratory.
Q34625711Modeling substance use in emerging adult gay, bisexual, and other YMSM across time: the P18 cohort study.
Q34001086Modeling the impact of age and sex on a dimension of poly-substance use in adolescence: a longitudinal study from 11- to 17-years-old
Q45401392Modelling the hepatitis C virus epidemic in Australia
Q42288989Modelling the prevalence of HCV amongst people who inject drugs: an investigation into the risks associated with injecting paraphernalia sharing
Q38667949Moderate and vigorous physical activity patterns among marijuana users: Results from the 2007-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys
Q37164840Moderate/heavy alcohol use and HCV infection among injection drug users in two Russian cities
Q36409501Moderating effects of race in clinical trial participation and outcomes among marijuana-dependent young adults.
Q36495150Moderators and mediators of the relationship between receiving versus being denied a pregnancy termination and subsequent binge drinking
Q71736716Modern treatment of substance abuse
Q38095245Modernizing methodology for the WHO assessment of substances for the international drug control conventions
Q89729210Modes of marijuana use - smoking, vaping, eating, and dabbing: Results from the 2016 BRFSS in 12 States
Q40105590Modification of glycoprotein residues as Ca2+ receptor sites after chronic ethanol exposure
Q70564087Modification of the drug talking behavior in rats by interference in the metabolism of 5-hydroxytryptamine and catecholamines
Q43774552Modulation of rate of onset and intensity of drug effects reduces abuse potential in healthy males
Q35947830Modulation of resting brain cerebral blood flow by the GABA B agonist, baclofen: a longitudinal perfusion fMRI study
Q42930209Modulation of risk-taking in marijuana users by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC).
Q34565591Modulation of smoking and decision-making behaviors with transcranial direct current stimulation in tobacco smokers: a preliminary study
Q36737704Modulation of the discriminative stimulus effects of triazolam across the menstrual cycle phase in healthy pre-menopausal women
Q91195640Momentary fluctuations in impulsivity domains: Associations with a history of childhood ADHD, heavy alcohol use, and alcohol problems
Q99547723Momentary patterns of impulsivity and alcohol use: A cause or consequence?
Q58633800Monetary payment for research participation: What do marijuana users think?
Q68822647Monitoring changing patterns of drug dependence in accident and emergency departments
Q91092274Monitoring consumption of methadone and heroin in major Chinese cities by wastewater-based epidemiology
Q114261733Monitoring marijuana use and risk perceptions with Google Trends data
Q30881909Monitoring new psychoactive substances (NPS) in The Netherlands: data from the drug market and the Poisons Information Centre
Q91854728Monitoring opioid addiction and treatment: Do you know if your population is engaged?
Q43277526Monitoring risk: post marketing surveillance and signal detection
Q30407764Monoamine polygenic liability in health and cocaine dependence: imaging genetics study of aversive processing and associations with depression symptomatology
Q44070858Mood and anxiety symptoms among 140 children from alcoholic and control families
Q51105034Mood and physiological effects of subcutaneous nicotine in smokers and never-smokers.
Q51082351Mood state and recent cocaine use are not associated with levels of cocaine cue reactivity.
Q48421801Moral decision-making in polysubstance dependent individuals.
Q43408051Morbidity and mortality in patients testing positively for the presence of anabolic androgenic steroids in connection with receiving medical care. A controlled retrospective cohort study
Q91992886More drugs, more problems? Simultaneous use of alcohol and marijuana at parties among youth and young adults
Q36248999More than just someone to inject drugs with: Injecting within primary injection partnerships
Q38661249Morning administration of oral methamphetamine dose-dependently disrupts nighttime sleep in recreational stimulant users
Q44715345Morphine and methadone pre-exposures differently modify brain regional Fos protein expression and locomotor activity responses to morphine challenge in the rat.
Q40714142Morphine responses in humans: a retrospective analysis of sex differences
Q45105118Morphine tolerance-induced modulation of [3H]glyburide binding to mouse brain and spinal cord
Q24646270Morphine-induced physiological and behavioral responses in mice lacking G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6
Q68801967Morphologic changes of small intestine epithelium in the course of post-alcoholic liver cirrhosis
Q33904304Morphometric abnormalities of the lateral ventricles in methamphetamine-dependent subjects
Q48429084Morphometric changes in alcoholic mice of neurons of areas 6 and 17 and ependyma of the subcommissural organ
Q37561850Mortality among amphetamine users: a systematic review of cohort studies
Q38449652Mortality among clients of a state-wide opioid pharmacotherapy program over 20 years: risk factors and lives saved
Q43583622Mortality among clients seeking treatment for buprenorphine abuse in Finland.
Q33688746Mortality among cocaine users: a systematic review of cohort studies
Q43214981Mortality among drug users after discharge from inpatient treatment: an 8-year prospective study
Q36676321Mortality among heroin users and users of other internationally regulated drugs: A 27-year follow-up of users in the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Program household samples.
Q44348152Mortality among individuals with cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine, MDMA, and opioid use disorders: A nationwide follow-up study of Danish substance users in treatment
Q38390784Mortality among injecting drug users in Melbourne: a 16-year follow-up of the Victorian Injecting Cohort Study (VICS).
Q35027505Mortality among older adults with opioid use disorders in the Veteran's Health Administration, 2000-2011
Q46651948Mortality among subjects previously apprehended for driving under the influence of traffic-hazardous medicinal drugs.
Q39077677Mortality and cause of death in a cohort of people who had ever injected drugs in Glasgow: 1982-2012.
Q88870247Mortality and causes of death among people who inject amphetamine: A long-term follow-up cohort study from a needle exchange program in Sweden
Q46920511Mortality and causes of death among users of methadone maintenance treatment in Israel, 1999-2008.
Q40405818Mortality and virological failure among HIV-infected people who inject drugs on antiretroviral treatment in China: An observational cohort study.
Q41131441Mortality from alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorder: Findings from the Vietnam Experience Study
Q43663455Mortality in alcohol use disorder in the Lundby Community Cohort--a 50 year follow-up
Q46588020Mortality in heroin-assisted treatment in Switzerland 1994-2000.
Q43567416Mortality in patients with dependence on prescription drugs
Q43774542Mortality of opiate users in Vienna, Austria
Q44337311Mortality prior to, during and after opioid maintenance treatment (OMT): a national prospective cross-registry study
Q30313973Motivating smokers to quit using computer-generated letters that target either reduction or cessation: A population-based randomized controlled trial among smokers who do not intend to quit.
Q37473987Motivation Enhancement Therapy with pregnant substance-abusing women: does baseline motivation moderate efficacy?
Q43765709Motivation for alcohol in rats: position and bottle preferences do not cause drinking
Q35836541Motivational assessment of non-treatment buprenorphine research participation in heroin dependent individuals
Q45330844Motivational interview improves treatment entry in homeless veterans
Q44477920Motivational interviewing combined with chess accelerates improvement in executive functions in cocaine dependent patients: a one-month prospective study
Q36662456Motivational interviewing to improve treatment engagement and outcome in individuals seeking treatment for substance abuse: a multisite effectiveness study
Q35156728Motivational interviewing to reduce substance-related consequences: effects for incarcerated adolescents with depressed mood
Q35211237Motivational profiles of clients seeking methadone maintenance therapy in China
Q39729659Motivationally enhanced group counseling for substance users in a soup kitchen: a randomized clinical trial
Q98299673Motivations for opioid and stimulant use among drug using black sexual minority men: A life course perspective
Q39688624Motivators and barriers influencing willingness to participate in candidate HCV vaccine trials: perspectives of people who inject drugs.
Q35783081Motives for smoking in movies affect future smoking risk in middle school students: an experimental investigation
Q34607261Multi-center trial of baclofen for abstinence initiation in severe cocaine-dependent individuals
Q46830775Multi-centre observational study of buprenorphine use in 32 Italian drug addiction centres
Q92634395Multi-drug cocktails: Impurities in commonly used illicit drugs seized by police in Queensland, Australia
Q31014426Multi-level analysis of causal attribution of injury to alcohol and modifying effects: Data from two international emergency room projects
Q39450592Multi-level covariance structure analysis of intra-familial substance use.
Q47308179Multi-phasic Questionnaire profile of alcoholics and related factors
Q103722825Multi-session electrical neuromodulation effects on craving, relapse and cognitive functions in cocaine use disorder: A randomized, sham-controlled tDCS study
Q47321386Multi-site exploration of sex differences in brain reactivity to smoking cues: Consensus across sites and methodologies.
Q57484977Multicomorbidity of chronic diseases and substance use disorders and their association with hospitalization: Results from electronic health records data
Q60144145Multidimensional assessment of cue-elicited increases in incentive salience for marijuana
Q45284800Multidimensional assessment of nicotine dependence in adolescents
Q46631918Multidimensional family therapy lowers the rate of cannabis dependence in adolescents: a randomised controlled trial in Western European outpatient settings
Q39957020Multilevel influences of school and family on alcohol-purchasing behaviors in school-aged children
Q91804550Multimodal assessment of sleep in men and women during treatment for opioid use disorder
Q35174502Multimodal predictive modeling of individual treatment outcome in cocaine dependence with combined neuroimaging and behavioral predictors
Q96762366Multiple drug use disorder diagnoses among drug-involved hospitalizations in the United States: Results from the 2016 National Inpatient Sample
Q41467902Multiple family therapy and naltrexone in the treatment of opiate dependence
Q83332457Multiple substance use among heroin-dependent patients before and during attendance at methadone maintenance treatment program, Yunnan, China
Q40670128Multiple substance use patterns in adolescents-A multilevel latent class analysis
Q48874394Multivariate analysis of behaviour related to alcohol abuse in rats
Q70643973Multivariate analysis of familial and non-familial influences for commonality in drug use
Q45714785Multivariate family factors in lifetime and current marijuana use among American Indian and white adolescents residing on or near reservations
Q80272951Multivariate framework of the Brief Questionnaire of Smoking Urges
Q43570049Multiwave analysis of retest artifact in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth drug use.
Q36381393Muscarinic receptor M4 positive allosteric modulators attenuate central effects of cocaine.
Q44267073Mutagenic activity of aldehydes
Q36095762Mutual influence in therapist competence and adherence to motivational enhancement therapy
Q47825865N-Acetylcysteine reduces cocaine-cue attentional bias and differentially alters cocaine self-administration based on dosing order.
Q39900665NIDA 35-year anniversary: Past lessons, present accomplishments and future challenges (2001-2003).
Q46592670NIDA drug supply and analytical services program: providing research resources and tools to the scientific community
Q43162017NIDA in the 90s: (1994-2001).
Q43162025NIDA, this is your life
Q36773254NKAIN1-SERINC2 is a functional, replicable and genome-wide significant risk gene region specific for alcohol dependence in subjects of European descent
Q51866518NR2B subunit of NMDA receptor at nucleus accumbens is involved in morphine rewarding effect by siRNA study.
Q46975517Nalbuphine is effective in decreasing the rewarding effect induced by morphine in rats
Q44331738Nalmefene: blockade of intravenous morphine challenge effects in opioid abusing humans
Q57177971Naloxone laws facilitate the establishment of overdose education and naloxone distribution programs in the United States
Q42008314Naloxone use among overdose prevention trainees in New York City: A longitudinal cohort study.
Q38782369Naloxone without the needle - systematic review of candidate routes for non-injectable naloxone for opioid overdose reversal
Q51850898Naloxone-induced taste aversions in opiate-naïve Lewis and Fischer 344 rat strains.
Q33653182Naltrexone and combined behavioral intervention effects on trajectories of drinking in the COMBINE study.
Q59768935Naltrexone and lofexidine combination treatment compared with conventional lofexidine treatment for in-patient opiate detoxification
Q51080825Naltrexone does not block the subjective effects of oral Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in humans.
Q35000244Naltrexone for the treatment of alcohol dependence among African Americans: results from the COMBINE Study
Q39020096Naltrexone potentiates anti-HIV-1 activity of antiretroviral drugs in CD4+ lymphocyte cultures
Q28374621Naltrexone shortened opioid detoxification with buprenorphine
Q37638805Naltrexone treatment for opioid dependence: does its effectiveness depend on testing the blockade?
Q41616332Naltrexone treatment of heroin addiction: efficacy and safety in a double-blind dosage comparison
Q49014499Naltrexone treatment of heroin addiction: one-year follow-up
Q67594492Naltrexone treatment of opiate-dependent persons
Q37677214Naltrexone with or without guanfacine for preventing relapse to opiate addiction in St.-Petersburg, Russia
Q30492342Narcotic addiction in two Asian cultures: a comparison and analysis
Q39136305Narcotic and narcotic antagonist pKa's and partition coefficients and their significance in clinical practice
Q52299272Narcotic-reinforced responding: a rapid evaluation procedure.
Q95825123National Institute on Drug Abuse at its first 35 years
Q36090205National multi-cohort time trends in adolescent risk preference and the relation with substance use and problem behavior from 1976 to 2011
Q34959778National record linkage study of mortality for a large cohort of opioid users ascertained by drug treatment or criminal justice sources in England, 2005-2009.
Q39618340National trends in alcohol pharmacotherapy: Findings from an Australian claims database
Q37604339National trends in pharmaceutical opioid related overdose deaths compared to other substance related overdose deaths: 1999-2009.
Q50881884National-level drug policy and young people's illicit drug use: a multilevel analysis of the European Union.
Q36011523Nationwide increase in hospitalizations for heroin-related soft tissue infections: Associations with structural market conditions.
Q46105253Naturalistic changes in the readiness of postpartum women to quit smoking
Q89714513Naturalistic measurement of dual cue attentional bias in moderate to heavy-drinking smokers: A preliminary investigation
Q47764356Nature versus intensity of intoxication: Co-ingestion of alcohol and energy drinks and the effect on objective and subjective intoxication
Q35875443Need and utility of a polyethylene glycol marker to ensure against urine falsification among heroin users
Q42609607Needle exchange program participation by anabolic steroid injectors, United States 1998.
Q42636455Needle sharing in opioid-dependent outpatients: psychological processes underlying risk
Q42640971Needle sharing in regular sexual relationships: an examination of serodiscordance, drug using practices, and the gendered character of injecting.
Q36502743Needs and scientific opportunities for research on substance abuse treatment among Hispanic adults
Q90343739Negative and positive life events and their relation to substance and behavioral addictions
Q129750375Negative consequences associated with daily alcohol use as a nonlinear function of number of drinks in a daily diary study
Q50894508Negative emotion-driven impulsivity predicts substance dependence problems.
Q90587133Negative experiences of pain and withdrawal create barriers to abscess care for people who inject heroin. A mixed methods analysis
Q35798687Negative reinforcement learning is affected in substance dependence
Q30459500Negative reinforcement smoking outcome expectancies are associated with affective response to acute nicotine administration and abstinence
Q93106984Negative urgency and ad-libitum smoking topography
Q43531901Negative urgency, disinhibition and reduced temporal pole gray matter characterize the comorbidity of cocaine dependence and personality disorders.
Q37302896Negative urgency, mood induction, and alcohol seeking behaviors
Q36463342Neighborhood characteristics and the initiation of marijuana use and binge drinking
Q36368367Neighborhood context and substance use disorders: a comparative analysis of racial and ethnic groups in the United States
Q40482366Neighborhood disorder, peer network health, and substance use among young urban adolescents.
Q34259031Neighborhood education inequality and drinking behavior.
Q39439976Neighborhood environment and opportunity to use cocaine and other drugs in late childhood and early adolescence
Q37590558Neighborhood of residence and risk of initiation into injection drug use among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting
Q37147630Neighborhood smoking norms modify the relation between collective efficacy and smoking behavior.
Q39424131Neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics, the retail environment, and alcohol consumption: a multilevel analysis.
Q37204939Neighborhood socioeconomic status and substance use by U.S. adults
Q37574417Neighborhood-level LGBT hate crimes and current illicit drug use among sexual minority youth
Q35661027Neighborhood-level and individual-level correlates of cannabis use among young persons living with HIV/AIDS
Q41735755Neighbourhood crime and adolescent cannabis use in Canadian adolescents
Q45000235Neonatal abstinence syndrome in methadone-exposed infants is altered by level of prenatal tobacco exposure
Q33982854Neonatal outcomes and their relationship to maternal buprenorphine dose during pregnancy
Q44335330Neonatal outcomes following in utero exposure to methadone or buprenorphine: a National Cohort Study of opioid-agonist treatment of Pregnant Women in Norway from 1996 to 2009.
Q42415953Network Support II: Randomized controlled trial of Network Support treatment and cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol use disorder
Q36885269Network analysis of substance abuse and dependence symptoms
Q52300164Networks of verbal habits for drugs.
Q103722818Neural activation during anticipation of monetary gain or loss does not associate with positive subjective response to alcohol in binge drinkers
Q35522915Neural activation during inhibition predicts initiation of substance use in adolescence.
Q59540394Neural activity in childhood predicts adolescent substance use initiation
Q34751439Neural basis of inhalant abuse
Q27312041Neural correlates of cigarette health warning avoidance among smokers.
Q90016533Neural correlates of visual attention in alcohol use disorder
Q30547526Neural mechanisms of risky decision-making and reward response in adolescent onset cannabis use disorder
Q47563051Neural response to errors is associated with problematic alcohol use over time in combat-exposed returning veterans: An event-related potential study
Q52166063Neural responses associated with cue evoked emotional states and heroin in opiate addicts.
Q34808522Neural reward and punishment sensitivity in cigarette smokers
Q92850955Neural reward response to substance-free activity images in opiate use disorder patients with depressive symptoms
Q48405820Neuroadaptations involved in amphetamine and cocaine addiction
Q45157510Neurobehavior disinhibition in childhood predicts suicide potential and substance use disorder by young adulthood
Q34290144Neurobehavior disinhibition in childhood predisposes boys to substance use disorder by young adulthood: direct and mediated etiologic pathways
Q37380642Neurobehavior disinhibition, parental substance use disorder, neighborhood quality and development of cannabis use disorder in boys
Q36227513Neurobehavioral disinhibition predicts initiation of substance use in children with prenatal cocaine exposure
Q31021713Neurobiological phenotypes associated with a family history of alcoholism
Q44340290Neurobiological substrates of cue-elicited craving and anhedonia in recently abstinent opioid-dependent males.
Q47651598Neurochemical and behavioural correlates of the interaction between amphetamine and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the rat
Q67020053Neurochemical aspects in pathogenesis of alcohol and drug dependence
Q48913202Neurochemical similarities between d,l-cathinone and d-amphetamine
Q36009932Neurocognitive characterizations of Russian heroin addicts without a significant history of other drug use.
Q37075300Neurocognitive deficits are associated with unemployment in chronic methamphetamine users
Q99242650Neurocognitive performance in alcohol use disorder using the NIH toolbox: Role of severity and sex differences
Q44071037Neurocognitive performance of methamphetamine users discordant for history of marijuana exposure
Q39729497Neurocognitive skills moderate urban male adolescents' responses to preventive intervention materials.
Q43685941Neuroendocrine effects of d-fenfluramine and bromocriptine following repeated smoked cocaine in humans
Q34208002Neuroendocrine responses to experimentally-induced emotions among abstinent opioid-dependent subjects.
Q92499402Neuroimaging findings from an experimental pharmacology trial of naltrexone in heavy drinkers of East Asian descent
Q44730103Neurological and cognitive impairment associated with leaded gasoline encephalopathy
Q68249650Neurological assessment of patients on prolonged methadone maintenance
Q48383436Neuronal depletion in the globus pallidus of heroin addicts
Q66972160Neuronal membranes, calcium and tolerance and dependence. Rapporteurs' report
Q48230823Neurophysiological capacity in a working memory task differentiates dependent from nondependent heavy drinkers and controls
Q47587781Neurophysiological, psychological and behavioural correlates of rTMS treatment in alcohol dependence
Q45161014Neurophysiology of motor function following cannabis discontinuation in chronic cannabis smokers: an fMRI study
Q90039466Neuropsychiatric characterization of individuals with inhalant use disorder and polysubstance use according to latent profiles of executive functioning
Q39144289Neuropsychological deficit in polydrug users. A preliminary report of the findings of the collaborative neuropsychological study of polydrug users
Q44026557Neuropsychological deficits and opiate abuse
Q35624088Neuropsychological deficits associated with cannabis use in young adults
Q51665297Neuropsychological deficits in abstinent cocaine abusers: preliminary findings after two weeks of abstinence.
Q42542421Neuropsychological functioning in drug abusers
Q46489623Neuropsychological functioning in methadone maintenance patients versus abstinent heroin abusers
Q24681779Neuropsychological functioning in opiate-dependent subjects receiving and following methadone maintenance treatment
Q52128078Neuropsychological performance in opiate addicts after rapid detoxification.
Q35685490Neuropsychological performance of South African treatment-naïve adolescents with alcohol dependence
Q33801746Neuropsychological performance of individuals dependent on crack-cocaine, or crack-cocaine and alcohol, at 6 weeks and 6 months of abstinence
Q42279864Neuropsychological performance of recently abstinent alcoholics and cocaine abusers
Q46863214Neuropsychological predictors of clinical outcome in opiate addiction
Q46222154Neuroscience education for health profession undergraduates in a call-center for drug abuse prevention
Q48715281Neurotransmitter transporters as molecular targets for addictive drugs.
Q72843050Neutralization of the effect of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on barbiturate sleeping time by specific active immunization
Q92176847New approach for the measurement of long-term alcohol consumption trends: Application of wastewater-based epidemiology in an Australian regional city
Q30573588New evidence to reconcile in vitro and epidemiologic data on the possible role of heroin on CD4+ decline among HIV-infected injecting drug users
Q57449398New generation tamoxifen analogs as potential treatments for amphetamine abuse
Q80163465New lower nicotine cigarettes can produce compensatory smoking and increased carbon monoxide exposure
Q71210066New patients versus revolving door patients
Q47720149New product trial, use of edibles, and unexpected highs among marijuana and hashish users in Colorado
Q39994404New psychoactive substance use among regular psychostimulant users in Australia, 2010-2015.
Q43235490Newborns' cord blood plasma cotinine concentrations are similar to that of their delivering smoking mothers
Q104470999News and social media coverage is associated with more downloads and citations of manuscripts that focus on substance use
Q38611345Next generation of novel psychoactive substances on the horizon - A complex problem to face
Q51091427Nicodermal patch adherence and its correlates.
Q120360539Nicotine acutely alters temporal properties of resting brain states
Q46744251Nicotine addiction: past, present and future. Marian Fischman lecture given at the 2007 meeting of CPDD.
Q36649143Nicotine and methamphetamine share discriminative stimulus effects
Q49597796Nicotine as a discriminative stimulus for ethanol use.
Q35184463Nicotine behavioral pharmacology: clues from planarians
Q38661924Nicotine biomarkers and rate of nicotine metabolism among cigarette smokers taking buprenorphine for opioid dependency
Q41640343Nicotine concentration of e-cigarettes used by adolescents
Q47837765Nicotine dependence among clients receiving publicly funded substance abuse treatment
Q36037208Nicotine dependence and comorbid psychiatric disorders: examination of specific genetic variants in the CHRNA5-A3-B4 nicotinic receptor genes
Q37357248Nicotine dependence and genetic variation in the nicotinic receptors
Q33374945Nicotine dependence and psychiatric and substance use comorbidities in a sample of American Indian male veterans
Q45972755Nicotine dependence and psychiatric and substance use disorder comorbidities among American Indians/Alaska Natives: findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.
Q34605163Nicotine dependence as a moderator of a quitline-based message framing intervention
Q33893086Nicotine dependence as a moderator of genetic influences on smoking cessation treatment outcome
Q52572220Nicotine dependence predicts cannabis use disorder symptoms among adolescents and young adults.
Q33624822Nicotine dependence symptoms among recent onset adolescent smokers.
Q34074843Nicotine dependence, "background" and cue-induced craving and smoking in the laboratory
Q33625959Nicotine elicits methamphetamine-seeking in rats previously administered nicotine
Q34022102Nicotine exposure beginning in adolescence enhances the acquisition of methamphetamine self-administration, but not methamphetamine-primed reinstatement in male rats
Q46627190Nicotine increases alcohol self-administration in non-dependent male smokers
Q33451603Nicotine levels, withdrawal symptoms, and smoking reduction success in real world use: A comparison of cigarette smokers and dual users of both cigarettes and E-cigarettes
Q45284824Nicotine lozenge efficacy in light smokers
Q93015893Nicotine matters in predicting subsequent smoking after e-cigarette experimentation: A longitudinal study among Finnish adolescents
Q51909058Nicotine metabolism and CYP2A6 activity in a population of black African descent: impact of gender and light smoking.
Q89499851Nicotine metabolite ratio predicts smoking topography: The Pennsylvania Adult Smoking Study
Q112295423Nicotine metabolite ratio: Comparison of the three urinary versions to the plasma version and nicotine clearance in three clinical studies
Q59417105Nicotine mydriasis
Q33709630Nicotine patch vs. nicotine lozenge for smoking cessation: an effectiveness trial coordinated by the Community Clinical Oncology Program
Q37186254Nicotine percentage replacement among smokeless tobacco users with nicotine patch
Q93346633Nicotine pre-treatment reduces sensitivity to the interoceptive stimulus effects of commonly abused drugs as assessed with taste conditioning paradigms
Q94500693Nicotine reduction does not alter essential value of nicotine or reduce cue-induced reinstatement of nicotine seeking
Q36640128Nicotine related brain activity: the influence of smoking history and blood nicotine levels, an exploratory study
Q35673450Nicotine self-administration and reinstatement of nicotine-seeking in male and female rats
Q33716576Nicotine withdrawal in U.S. smokers with current mood, anxiety, alcohol use, and substance use disorders
Q52275176Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol use in high- and low-dose benzodiazepine users.
Q78245997Nitric oxide synthase inhibition blocks amphetamine-induced locomotor activity in mice
Q57403491No association between the c2 allele at the cytochrome P450IIE1 gene and alcohol induced liver disease, alcohol Korsakoff's syndrome or alcohol dependence syndrome
Q35083939No evidence of association between 118A>G OPRM1 polymorphism and heroin dependence in a large Bulgarian case-control sample
Q48942336No influence of one right-sided prefrontal HF-rTMS session on alcohol craving in recently detoxified alcohol-dependent patients: results of a naturalistic study.
Q96634957No significant elevation of translocator protein binding in the brains of recently abstinent methamphetamine users
Q30547529No untoward effects of smoking cues in anti-smoking public service announcements
Q88503818Nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptors modulate the discriminative stimulus effects of oxycodone in C57BL/6 mice
Q64091246Non drug-related and opioid-specific causes of 3262 deaths in Scotland's methadone-prescription clients, 2009-2015
Q30743487Non-cigarette tobacco and poly-tobacco use among persons living with HIV drawn from a nationally representative sample
Q35100126Non-daily smoking predicts hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorders in young adults in a longitudinal U.S. sample
Q91402435Non-fatal drug overdose after release from prison: A prospective data linkage study
Q39432778Non-fatal injuries and the use of psychoactive drugs among young adults in Spain
Q58555044Non-fatal opioid-related overdoses among adolescents in Massachusetts 2012-2014
Q43496113Non-fatal overdose among adult prisoners with a history of injecting drug use in two Australian states
Q34470475Non-fatal overdose and subsequent drug treatment among injection drug users
Q36803528Non-fatal overdose as a risk factor for subsequent fatal overdose among people who inject drugs
Q33636934Non-fatal overdose in the 12 months following treatment for substance use disorders
Q35844048Non-injection drug use and Hepatitis C Virus: a systematic review
Q57213280Non-injection drug use and hepatitis C among drug treatment clients in west central Mexico
Q30233730Non-injection substance use correlates with risky sex among men having sex with men: data from HIVNET.
Q103722828Non-invasive brain stimulation as a tool to decrease chronic pain in current opiate users: A parametric evaluation of two promising cortical targets
Q39365846Non-medical drug use amongst non-student youth in India
Q38912664Non-medical opioid use and sources of opioids among pregnant and non-pregnant reproductive-aged women
Q34167572Non-medical use of non-opioid psychotherapeutic medications in a community-based cohort of HIV-infected indigent adults
Q57299912Non-medical use of prescription drugs and cultural orientation among college students in China
Q34334023Non-medical use of prescription drugs, polysubstance use, and mental health in transgender adults
Q36328495Non-medical use of prescription pain medications and increased emergency department utilization: Results of a national survey
Q50627256Non-medical use of prescription stimulants for academic purposes among college students: a test of social learning theory.
Q46863217Non-medical use, abuse and dependence on prescription opioids among U.S. adults: psychiatric, medical and substance use correlates
Q37098953Non-medical use, abuse and dependence on sedatives and tranquilizers among U.S. adults: psychiatric and socio-demographic correlates
Q92568988Non-nicotine constituents in e-cigarette aerosol extract attenuate nicotine's aversive effects in adolescent rats
Q42438136Non-opioid induction of morphine-6-glucuronide synthesis is elicited by prolonged exposure of rat hepatocytes to heroin
Q95644069Non-pharmacological interventions for methamphetamine use disorder: a systematic review
Q50203933Non-physiological mechanisms influencing disulfiram treatment of alcohol use disorder: A grounded theory study
Q34585668Non-prescribed use of pain relievers among adolescents in the United States
Q40910579Non-prescribed use of psychoactive prescription drugs among drug-impaired drivers in Sweden
Q46135292Non-response bias in a community survey of drinking, alcohol-related experiences and public opinion on alcohol policy
Q36562437Non-smoker exposure to secondhand cannabis smoke II: Effect of room ventilation on the physiological, subjective, and behavioral/cognitive effects
Q89346235Non-suicidal self-injury in Chinese heroin-dependent patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment: Prevalence and associated factors
Q33872247Non-treatment laboratory stress- and cue-reactivity studies are associated with decreased substance use among drug-dependent individuals
Q36744409Non-treatment-seeking heavy drinkers: effects of chronic cigarette smoking on brain structure
Q91608782Nonhuman animal models of substance use disorders: Translational value and utility to basic science
Q52609885Nonmedical opioid use among electronic dance music party attendees in New York City.
Q36421383Nonmedical opioid use and heroin use in a nationally representative sample of us high school seniors
Q46963073Nonmedical prescription opioids and pathways of drug involvement in the US: Generational differences
Q36540000Nonmedical prescription pain reliever and alcohol consumption among cannabis users
Q63313855Nonmedical use of oxycodone and other opiate analgesics in the US, 2004–2011: Are military veterans at increased risk?
Q46664441Nonmedical use of prescription drugs among a longitudinal sample of dependent and problem drinkers
Q46946485Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants in the United States
Q44878982Nonprescription syringe sales: Resistant pharmacists' attitudes and practices
Q34167558Nonresponse bias in a longitudinal measurement design examining substance use across the transition out of high school
Q51105028Noradrenergic activity and spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine psychosis.
Q34650511Norepinephrine transporter polymorphisms T-182C and G1287A are not associated with alcohol dependence and its clinical subgroups
Q70361772Normal electroretinogram and no toxicity signs after chronic and acute administration of the alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor 4-methylpyrazole to the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) — A possible new treatment of methanol poisoning
Q57163350Normal glutathione levels in autopsied brain of chronic users of heroin and of cocaine
Q60619459Normal testosterone plasma levels in non-abstinent alcoholics
Q47778104Nosological comparisons of alcohol and drug diagnoses: a multisite, multi-instrument international study
Q57177967Not just heroin: Extensive polysubstance use among US high school seniors who currently use heroin
Q54296062Notes on prediction of behavioural change in evaluation of drug education
Q90714882Novel behavioral assays of spontaneous and precipitated THC withdrawal in mice
Q104571671Novel circuit biomarker of impulsivity and craving in male heroin-dependent individuals
Q52316805Novel prodrug PRX-P4-003, selectively activated by gut enzymes, may reduce the risk of iatrogenic addiction and abuse.
Q58439956Novel psychoactive substance use in the European Union
Q31870887Novelty seeking as a predictor of treatment retention for heroin dependent cocaine users
Q48505152Nullifying drug-induced sensitization: behavioral and electrophysiological evaluations of dopaminergic and serotonergic ligands in methamphetamine-sensitized rats
Q73795242Nutritional assessment in alcoholic patients. Its relationship with alcoholic intake, feeding habits, organic complications and social problems
Q51607590Nutritional assessment of drug addicts.
Q33921223OPRM1 SNP (A118G): involvement in disease development, treatment response, and animal models
Q34033147OROS-methylphenidate or placebo for adult smokers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: racial/ethnic differences
Q48436575Obituary. Stephen G. Holtzman
Q30362582Obituary:Nancy K.Mello,Ph.D.(March 20,1935–November 25,2013).
Q37528673Objective and perceived neighborhood characteristics and tobacco use among young adults
Q36971104Objective and specific tracking of anhedonia via event-related potentials in individuals with cocaine use disorders.
Q52270469Objectives perceived by administrators within the 'decision to divert network': conflict and resolution.
Q71736692Observations on a decade of alcohol and drug dependence research
Q44348517Observed transition from opioid analgesic deaths toward heroin
Q33811199Obstructive sleep apnea is more common than central sleep apnea in methadone maintenance patients with subjective sleep complaints
Q45090500Occupation and alcohol-related causes of death
Q39981935Occupational and demographic factors associated with drug use among female sex workers at the China-Myanmar border.
Q52267320Occurrence and patterns of driving behavior for alcoholics in treatment.
Q39254252Older marijuana users: Life stressors and perceived social support
Q39695906Older-adult marijuana users and ex-users: Comparisons of sociodemographic characteristics and mental and substance use disorders
Q33522859On deriving the dose-effect relation of an unknown second component: an example using buprenorphine preclinical data
Q90594472On my own terms: Motivations for self-treating opioid-use disorder with non-prescribed buprenorphine
Q36092293On the development of nicotine dependence in adolescence
Q94587323On the discounting of cannabis and money: Sensitivity to magnitude vs. delay
Q37585526On the importance of the psychotropic effects of alcohol
Q91171202On the limitations of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
Q44677803On the predictive validity of automatically activated approach/avoidance tendencies in abstaining alcohol-dependent patients
Q57575110On the relative importance of D-1 vs. D-2 dopaminergic receptors in the control of audiogenic seizures in ethanol withdrawn rats
Q47217585Ondansetron does not prevent physical dependence in patients taking opioid medications chronically for pain control
Q35661177One day access to a running wheel reduces self-administration of D-methamphetamine, MDMA and methylone
Q48421994One session of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to the right prefrontal cortex transiently reduces cocaine craving
Q73795244One year follow-up of cannabis dependence among long-term users in Sydney, Australia
Q46847452One year outcomes for heroin dependence: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS).
Q77634928One-year mortality rates following methadone treatment discharge
Q40757707One-year outcome of adolescent females referred for conduct disorder and substance abuse/dependence
Q36557039Online survey characterizing vaporizer use among cannabis users
Q34400345Onset and course of alcoholism over 25 years in middle class men
Q43685947Onset and pattern of substance use in intravenous drug users of an opiate maintenance program
Q37348090Onset and persistence of daily smoking: the interplay of socioeconomic status, gender, and psychiatric disorders
Q37097002Onset of opportunity to use cannabis and progression from opportunity to dependence: Are influences consistent across transitions?
Q91166488Onset of regular cannabis use and adult sleep duration: Genetic variation and the implications of a predictive relationship
Q72843043Ontogenetic determinants of behavioral responses to morphine in rats
Q34607076Open-label dose-finding trial of buprenorphine implants (Probuphine) for treatment of heroin dependence
Q39386472Open-label trial of an injection depot formulation of buprenorphine in opioid detoxification
Q100941663Operationalizing and selecting outcome measures for the HEALing Communities Study
Q51243236Opiate addiction and depression--cause or effect?
Q28306990Opiate detoxification of methadone maintenance patients using lefetamine, clonidine and buprenorphine
Q71096966Opiate detoxification with lofexidine
Q44072604Opiate maintenance and abstinence--attitudes, treatment modalities and outcome
Q44672975Opiate maintenance with buprenorphine in ambulatory care: a 24-week follow-up study of new users
Q44348704Opioid abuse and cognitive performance
Q40932429Opioid abuse and depression in adolescents: Results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Q37547886Opioid abusers' ability to differentiate an opioid from placebo in laboratory challenge testing
Q92682557Opioid agonist treatment and the process of injection drug use initiation
Q93078144Opioid agonist treatment reduces losses in quality of life and quality-adjusted life expectancy in heroin users: Evidence from real world data
Q57069724Opioid and cocaine use among primary care patients on buprenorphine-Self-report and urine drug tests
Q44339104Opioid antagonist challenges in buprenorphine maintained patients
Q44349723Opioid antagonist detoxification under anaesthesia versus traditional clonidine detoxification combined with an additional week of psychosocial support: a randomised clinical trial
Q40226801Opioid antagonists block acetaldehyde-induced increments in dopamine neurons activity
Q34614499Opioid attentional bias and cue-elicited craving predict future risk of prescription opioid misuse among chronic pain patients
Q37433452Opioid challenge evaluation of blockade by extended-release naltrexone in opioid-abusing adults: dose-effects and time-course
Q44340791Opioid detoxification with buprenorphine, clonidine, or methadone in hospitalized heroin-dependent patients with HIV infection
Q44340798Opioid effects and opioid withdrawal during a 24 h dosing interval in patients maintained on buprenorphine
Q99569624Opioid initiation and injection transition in rural northern New England: A mixed-methods approach
Q42940382Opioid maintenance patients with QTc prolongation: congenital long QT syndrome mutation may be a contributing risk factor
Q44347491Opioid medication misuse among unhealthy drinkers
Q44340601Opioid miosis: effects of lighting intensity and monocular and binocular exposure
Q96352453Opioid overdose death following criminal justice involvement: Linking statewide corrections and hospital databases to detect individuals at highest risk
Q34773536Opioid pharmaceuticals and addiction: the issues, and research directions seeking solutions
Q95314468Opioid prescribing history prior to heroin overdose among commercially insured adults
Q91195602Opioid prescribing rates from the emergency department: Down but not out
Q91166864Opioid prescription rates and risk for substantiated child abuse and neglect: A Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis
Q36004099Opioid receptor expression in human brain and peripheral tissues using absolute quantitative real-time RT-PCR
Q44352978Opioid reinforcement in heroin-dependent volunteers during outpatient buprenorphine maintenance
Q38416854Opioid substitution therapy is associated with increased detection of hepatitis C virus infection: a 15-year observational cohort study
Q35911267Opioid substitution therapy: Lowering the treatment thresholds.
Q35619851Opioid use and dropout in patients receiving oral naltrexone with or without single administration of injection naltrexone
Q92208516Opioid use and harms associated with a sustained-release tapentadol formulation: A post-marketing surveillance study
Q52676810Opioid use and stigma: The role of gender, language and precipitating events.
Q37276433Opioid use behaviors, mental health and pain--development of a typology of chronic pain patients.
Q44337635Opioid use disorder in the United States: insurance status and treatment access
Q112162175Opioid use following an outpatient detoxification and induction onto XR-NTX: Testing the blockade as a predictor of retention in treatment
Q90220869Opioid use trajectory groups and changes in a physical health biomarker among HIV-positive and uninfected patients receiving opioid agonist treatment
Q41810036Opioid withdrawal suppression efficacy of oral dronabinol in opioid dependent humans
Q90565445Opioid withdrawal symptoms, frequency, and pain characteristics as correlates of health risk among people who inject drugs
Q44345738Opioid-, cannabis- and alcohol-dependent women show more rapid progression to substance abuse treatment
Q91511798Opioid-related deaths and previous care for drug use and pain relief in Sweden
Q92225572Opioid-related hospitalizations in Pennsylvania: A latent class analysis
Q100422775Opioid-related overdose mortality in the era of fentanyl: Monitoring a shifting epidemic by person, place, and time
Q44350713Opioids and abnormal pain perception: New evidence from a study of chronic opioid addicts and healthy subjects
Q52317450Opioids in oral fluid of Spanish drivers.
Q34179298Opioids, opioid receptors, and the immune response
Q63501701Opportunities in Hispanic Drug Abuse Research
Q37042758Opportunities to use drugs and stages of drug involvement outside the United States: Evidence from the Republic of Chile
Q42996717Optimal targeting of Hepatitis C virus treatment among injecting drug users to those not enrolled in methadone maintenance programs
Q43859925Optimising the benefits of unobserved dose administration for stable opioid maintenance patients: follow-up of a randomised trial
Q38822680Optimizing follow-up and study retention in the 21st century: Advances from the front line in alcohol and tobacco research
Q51739779Optimizing heroin-assisted treatment (HAT): assessment of the contribution of direct ethanol metabolites in identifying hazardous and harmful alcohol use.
Q36303094Oral administration of levo-tetrahydropalmatine attenuates reinstatement of extinguished cocaine seeking by cocaine, stress or drug-associated cues in rats
Q57550404Oral and intravenous methadone use: some clinical and pharmacokinetic aspects
Q39020765Oral cannabidiol does not produce a signal for abuse liability in frequent marijuana smokers
Q83976073Oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol suppresses cannabis withdrawal symptoms
Q67399589Oral drug dependence: Intellectual characteristics of patients receiving treatment at a london drug dependence unit
Q35844154Oral fluid as an alternative matrix to monitor opiate and cocaine use in substance-abuse treatment patients
Q39813212Oral ketamine as a positive control in human abuse potential studies
Q45109747Oral methylphenidate challenge selectively decreases putaminal T2 in healthy subjects
Q52230604Oral self-administration of pentobarbital by rhesus monkeys: relative reinforcing effects under concurrent signalled differential-reinforcement-of-low-rates schedules
Q35189459Oral tobacco products: preference and effects among smokers.
Q44352334Orally delivered methadone as a reinforcer: Effects of the opioid antagonist naloxone
Q48808275Orally self-administered cocaine in rhesus monkeys: transition from negative or neutral behavioral effects to positive reinforcing effects
Q100944511Ordering in alcohol and cannabis co-use: Impact on daily consumption and consequences
Q44220978Organizational context, systems change, and adopting treatment delivery systems in the criminal justice system
Q43825523Organizational factors and collaboration and integration activities in criminal justice and drug abuse treatment agencies
Q37443969Organizational-level correlates of the provision of detoxification services and medication-based treatments for substance abuse in correctional institutions
Q50531777Other drug use does not impact cognitive impairments in chronic ketamine users
Q92478758Out-of-state cannabis purchases in the United States
Q52269998Out-patient detoxification of patients addicted to sedative-hypnotics and anxiolytics.
Q52272321Outcome after methadone treatment: influence of prior treatment factors and current treatment status.
Q93072095Outcome evaluation of a "common factors" approach to develop culturally tailored HIV prevention interventions for people who inject drugs
Q73045439Outcome of a second episode of methadone maintenance
Q72961693Outcome of contingency contracting for illicit drug use in a methadone maintenance program
Q41640311Outcome of the California Civil Addict commitments:1961-1972.
Q41819104Outcome of treatment in alcoholic women
Q37360818Outcome specificity in deepened extinction may limit treatment feasibility: co-presentation of a food cue interferes with extinction of cue-elicited cocaine seeking.
Q43570051Outcomes after methadone maintenance and methadone reduction treatments: two-year follow-up results from the National Treatment Outcome Research Study
Q36352347Outcomes from a computer-assisted intervention simultaneously targeting cannabis and tobacco use.
Q46477033Outpatient alcoholism treatment: predictors of outcome after 3 years
Q36502257Outpatient drug abuse treatment for Hispanic adolescents
Q104286950Outpatient prescribing of opioids to adults diagnosed with mental disorders in the United States
Q91511709Outpatient psychosocial substance use treatments for young people: An overview of reviews
Q52576731Outpatient transition to extended-release injectable naltrexone for patients with opioid use disorder: A phase 3 randomized trial.
Q91691326Over the influence: The HIV care continuum among methamphetamine-using men who have sex with men
Q50280598Over-expression of CD8(+) T-cell activation is associated with decreased CD4(+) cells in patients seeking treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder
Q70398655Over-reports of recent alcohol consumption in a clinical population: a validity study
Q39395111Overcoming professionals' challenging experiences to promote a trustful therapeutic alliance in addiction treatment: A qualitative study
Q39785201Overdose after detoxification: a prospective study
Q95647548Overdose and risk factors for coronavirus disease 2019
Q119013143Overdose and substance-related mortality after release from prison in Washington State: 2014-2019
Q101409230Overdose deaths involving psychostimulants with abuse potential, excluding cocaine: State-llevel differences and the role of opioids
Q91976884Overdose following initiation of naltrexone and buprenorphine medication treatment for opioid use disorder in a United States commercially insured cohort
Q44295286Overdose, suicide attempts and death among a cohort of naltrexone-treated opioid addicts
Q63375727Overexpression of miR-495 in nucleus accumbens attenuates cocaine intake on a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement
Q50986228Overexpression of α3/α5/β4 nicotinic receptor subunits modifies impulsive-like behavior.
Q91375687Overlapping prescriptions of opioids, benzodiazepines, and carisoprodol: "Holy Trinity" prescribing in the state of Florida
Q37146219Overview and historical perspective of four papers presented on research related to the endogenous opioid system
Q46744256Overview of conference on preclinical abuse liability testing: current methods and future challenges
Q45157506Overview of workshop on drug abuse and suicidal behavior
Q78067929Overview-tackling troubled teenagers together
Q48490028Oxidative capacity and ethanol. An in vivo study on hepatocytes and some brain regions of the female rat.
Q57297865Oxytocin receptor gene methylation and substance use problems among young African American men
Q41317022P-hydroxy-norephedrine as a possible mediator causing the reduction of oral intake of D-amphetamine in rats
Q77504439PROP taster status and parental history of alcohol dependence
Q101241555PTSD improvement and substance use disorder treatment utilization in veterans: Evidence from medical record data
Q50963127Pain acceptance and opiate use disorders in addiction treatment patients with comorbid pain.
Q101216098Pain catastrophizing predicts alcohol craving in heavy drinkers independent of pain intensity
Q88088916Pain interference and alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis use disorder in a national sample of substance users
Q28190901Pain intolerance in opioid-maintained former opiate addicts: effect of long-acting maintenance agent
Q34614139Pain is associated with risky drinking over time among HIV-infected persons in St. Petersburg, Russia
Q34022107Pain management perceptions among prescription opioid dependent individuals
Q93057753Pain severity and prescription opioid misuse among individuals with chronic pain: The moderating role of alcohol use severity
Q40815646Pain, alcohol use disorders and risky patterns of drinking among people with chronic non-cancer pain receiving long-term opioid therapy.
Q38864335Pain, hedonic regulation, and opioid misuse: Modulation of momentary experience by Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement in opioid-treated chronic pain patients
Q91231041Pain, psychological flexibility, and continued substance use in a predominantly hispanic adult sample receiving methadone treatment for opioid use disorder
Q97561763Pain-related anxiety, sex, and co-use of alcohol and prescription opioids among adults with chronic low back pain
Q39052819Panic attack history and smoking topography
Q43619988Panic disorder in a Spanish sample of 89 patients with pure alcohol dependence
Q69885707Papers presented at the Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence Symposium on Stimulants and Hallucinogens. June/September, 1984
Q93596351Paradigm shift or change in ownership? The conceptual significance of D.L. Davies's classic paper
Q90067313Parallel modeling of pain and depression in prediction of relapse during buprenorphine and naloxone treatment: A finite mixture model
Q31926136Parametric evaluation of the development of sensitization to the effects of morphine on locomotor activity
Q35182052Parent training plus contingency management for substance abusing families: a Complier Average Causal Effects (CACE) analysis
Q33924868Parent training skills and methadone maintenance: clinical opportunities and challenges
Q36446130Parent, sibling and peer associations with subtypes of psychiatric and substance use disorder comorbidity in offspring
Q90873816Parent-based interventions on adolescent alcohol use outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q98776075Parental alcohol-specific rules effectively reduce adolescents' tobacco and cannabis use: A longitudinal study
Q33924505Parental psychopathology moderates the influence of parental divorce on lifetime alcohol use disorders among Israeli adults
Q37538117Parental separation and early substance involvement: results from children of alcoholic and cannabis dependent twins
Q44026069Parental substance use disorder and the risk of adolescent drug abuse: an event history analysis
Q93171134Parental supply of alcohol as a predictor of adolescent alcohol consumption patterns: A prospective cohort
Q98882474Parental supply of sips and whole drinks of alcohol to adolescents and associations with binge drinking and alcohol-related harms: A prospective cohort study
Q93180234Parental views on state cannabis laws and marijuana use for their medically vulnerable children
Q44465869Parental, peer and school experiences as predictors of alcohol drinking among first and second generation immigrant adolescents in Israel
Q51846586Parenteral abuse of diazepam: a case report.
Q52259914Pargyline and naltrexone fail to antagonize the gustatory avoidance response induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine.
Q100408326Parsing impulsivity in individuals with anxiety and depression who use Cannabis
Q43540763Partial characterization and tissue distribution of the feline mu opiate receptor
Q37167147Partner aggression among men and women in substance use disorder treatment: correlates of psychological and physical aggression and injury
Q33634779Partner smoking and maternal cotinine during pregnancy: implications for negative control methods
Q38761236Partner-level substance use associated with increased sexual risk behaviors among men who have sex with men in San Francisco, CA.
Q37166739Past 12-month and lifetime comorbidity and poly-drug use of ecstasy users among young adults in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q34493702Past 15-year trends in adolescent marijuana use: Differences by race/ethnicity and sex.
Q47195101Past 15-year trends in lifetime cocaine use among US high school students
Q44574564Past alcohol problems do not predict worse smoking cessation outcomes
Q38649044Past year cannabis use and problematic cannabis use among adults by ethnicity in Ontario
Q58121499Past-month cannabis use among U.S. individuals from 2002-2015: An age-period-cohort analysis
Q93171150Past-year use of prescription opioids and/or benzodiazepines among adults in the United States: Estimating medical and nonmedical use in 2015-2016
Q45157515Paternal alcohol dependence and offspring suicidal behaviors in a children-of-twins study
Q36335931Pathogenesis of alcoholic myopathy: roles of ethanol and malnutrition
Q40976431Pathological gambling among methadone patients
Q37235468Pathways between nonmedical opioid use/dependence and psychiatric disorders: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q46507620Pathways into ecstasy use: the role of prior cannabis use and ecstasy availability
Q36689824Pathways to adolescent sexual risk behaviors: Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure.
Q43429596Pathways to ecstasy use in young adults: anxiety, depression or behavioural deviance?
Q35291225Pathways to treatment retention for individuals legally coerced to substance use treatment: the interaction of hope and treatment motivation
Q51083809Patient and program attributes related to treatment process indicators in DATOS.
Q36800122Patient characteristics associated with buprenorphine/naloxone treatment outcome for prescription opioid dependence: Results from a multisite study
Q41711444Patient histories, retention, and outcome models for younger and older adults in DATOS.
Q71141867Patient perspectives of opiate withdrawal
Q90200242Patient perspectives on a harm reduction-oriented addiction medicine consultation team implemented in a large acute care hospital
Q46470950Patient perspectives on methadone maintenance treatment in the Valencia Region: dose adjustment, participation in dosage regulation, and satisfaction with treatment
Q40083753Patient preferences and extended-release naltrexone: A new opportunity to treat opioid use disorders in Ukraine.
Q39434197Patient retention in mobile and fixed-site methadone maintenance treatment
Q50780337Patient satisfaction with methadone maintenance treatment: the relevance of participation in treatment and social functioning.
Q45942201Patients' abstinence status affects the benefits of 12-step self-help group participation on substance use disorder outcomes.
Q39156410Pattern and risk of developing alcohol use disorders, illegal substance use and psychiatric disorders after early onset of alcohol use: Results of the Thai National Mental Health Survey 2013.
Q43842086Pattern of use and subjective effects of Salvia divinorum among recreational users.
Q49073830Pattern shift visual evoked potentials in abstinent cocaine-dependent, alcohol-dependent, and cross-dependent patients
Q45125656Patterns and correlates of attempted suicide by heroin users over a 3-year period: findings from the Australian treatment outcome study
Q50619580Patterns and correlates of non-fatal heroin overdose at 11-year follow-up: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study
Q91647635Patterns and correlates of purchasing cigarettes on Indian reservations among daily smokers in the United States
Q102209697Patterns and correlates of workplace and non-workplace cannabis use among Canadian workers before the legalization of non-medical cannabis
Q47213209Patterns and covariates of alcohol drinking among high school students in 10 towns in Italy: a cross-sectional study
Q64135917Patterns and history of prescription drug use among opioid-related drug overdose cases in British Columbia, Canada, 2015-2016
Q35552402Patterns and levels of illicit drug use among men who have sex with men in Asia
Q73662644Patterns of HIV risk and alcohol use among African-American crack abusers
Q47719207Patterns of Kratom use and health impact in the US-Results from an online survey
Q51915515Patterns of acquisitive crime during methadone maintenance treatment among patients eligible for heroin assisted treatment.
Q40126237Patterns of alcohol consumption and health-related quality of life in older adults.
Q43455438Patterns of alcohol consumption, smoking and illicit drug use in British university students: interfaculty comparisons
Q44441824Patterns of alcohol expectancies and alcohol use across age and gender
Q91566378Patterns of alcohol use and associated characteristics and HIV-related outcomes among a sample of African-American women living with HIV
Q37085032Patterns of alternative tobacco use among adolescent cigarette smokers
Q41285054Patterns of cannabis use in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A population based analysis
Q40475255Patterns of cigarette smoking among students from 19 colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province, China: a latent class analysis.
Q44070875Patterns of cocaine self-administration in rats produced by various access conditions under a discrete trials procedure
Q34023006Patterns of concurrent substance use among nonmedical ADHD stimulant users: results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
Q72114179Patterns of drug use among secondary school children in post-revolutionary Iran
Q43774562Patterns of drug use among young men in Piedmont (Italy).
Q47617660Patterns of drug use amongst Malaysian secondary schoolchildren
Q34920487Patterns of drug use and abuse among aging adults with and without HIV: a latent class analysis of a US Veteran cohort
Q35928541Patterns of heroin and cocaine injection and plasma HIV-1 RNA suppression among a long-term cohort of injection drug users
Q33624129Patterns of illegal drug use among an adult alcohol dependent population: results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Q52279036Patterns of improvement after methadone treatment: 1 year follow-up results from the National Treatment Outcome Research Study.
Q42625788Patterns of injecting and sharing in a Scottish prison
Q37146737Patterns of injection drug use cessation during an expansion of syringe exchange services in a Canadian setting
Q67594496Patterns of long-term heavy cannabis use in north India and its effects on cognitive functions: a preliminary report
Q35875378Patterns of major depression and nonmedical use of prescription opioids in the United States
Q45233392Patterns of marihuana smoking among Brazilian students
Q37218242Patterns of methamphetamine use and symptoms of depression among young adults in northern Thailand
Q92453159Patterns of nicotine concentrations in electronic cigarettes sold in the United States, 2013-2018
Q34239996Patterns of nicotinic receptor antagonism II: cardiovascular effects in rats
Q90378740Patterns of non-prescribed buprenorphine and other opioid use among individuals with opioid use disorder: A latent class analysis
Q57586014Patterns of performance and image enhancing drug use among men accessing needle and syringe programs in Sydney, Australia
Q38653536Patterns of physician prescribing for opioid maintenance treatment in Ontario, Canada in 2014.
Q49030831Patterns of polydrug use in Great Britain: findings from a national household population survey
Q92721902Patterns of polysubstance use and overdose among people who inject drugs in Baltimore, Maryland: A latent class analysis
Q91207256Patterns of polysubstance use and simultaneous co-use in high risk young adults
Q59256255Patterns of recent alcohol consumption by race among a sample of urban men who have sex with men
Q33637963Patterns of substance use among HIV-positive adults over 50: implications for treatment and medication adherence
Q99708451Patterns of substance use among adolescents: A systematic review
Q46754802Patterns of use and harm reduction practices of ecstasy users in Australia
Q44283696Patterns of use and harms associated with non-medical ketamine use.
Q34904385Pavlovian conditioning of multiple opioid-like responses in mice
Q35690420Peak ages of risk for starting nonmedical use of prescription stimulants
Q115162791Pediatric surgery and future risk of cocaine, opioid, cannabis, and other substance use in women: longitudinal cohort study
Q43195429Peer influence and selection effects on adolescent smoking
Q36243565Peer substance use as a mediator between early pubertal timing and adolescent substance use: longitudinal associations and moderating effect of maltreatment
Q35609368Peering into the literature: A systematic review of the roles of people who inject drugs in harm reduction initiatives
Q38994174Peers and social network on alcohol drinking through early adolescence in Taiwan
Q42266150Pentazocine/tripelennamine (T's and blues) abuse: a five year survey of St. Louis, Missouri
Q30717997People and places: Relocating to neighborhoods with better economic and social conditions is associated with less risky drug/alcohol network characteristics among African American adults in Atlanta, GA.
Q129290353People with a tobacco use disorder exhibit misaligned Bayesian belief updating by falsely attributing non-drug cues as worse predictors of positive outcomes compared to drug cues
Q52233362Peptide-neurotransmitter interactions influencing ethanol tolerance
Q38995928Perceived cessation treatment effectiveness, medication preferences, and barriers to quitting among light and moderate/heavy homeless smokers.
Q51789323Perceived discrimination and injecting risk among people who inject drugs attending Needle and Syringe Programmes in Sydney, Australia.
Q91522762Perceived discrimination in addiction recovery: Assessing the prevalence, nature, and correlates using a novel measure in a U.S. National sample
Q68801963Perceived family relationships in drug abusing adolescents
Q47651438Perceived harm as a mediator of the relationship between social norms and marijuana use and related consequences among American Indian youth
Q92391380Perceived harmfulness of various alcohol- and cannabis use modes: Secular trends, differences, and associations with actual substance use behaviors among Norwegian adolescents, 2007-2015
Q85535040Perceived interpersonal pressure and drinking behavior in South China
Q37184377Perceived need for substance abuse treatment among illicit stimulant drug users in rural areas of Ohio, Arkansas, and Kentucky
Q37144710Perceived peer delinquency and the genetic predisposition for substance dependence vulnerability
Q36390166Perceived relative harm of electronic cigarettes over time and impact on subsequent use. A survey with 1-year and 2-year follow-ups
Q39528212Perceived risk of cocaine use and experience with cocaine: do they cluster within US neighborhoods and cities?
Q36911651Perceived risk of harm and intentions of future inhalant use among adolescent inhalant users
Q27312319Perceived risk of regular cannabis use in the United States from 2002 to 2012: differences by sex, age, and race/ethnicity
Q104060870Perceived risk, attitudes, and behavior of cigarette smokers and nicotine vapers receiving buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic
Q42617143Perceived risk, peer influences, and injection partner type predict receptive syringe sharing among young adult injection drug users in five U.S. cities
Q98182397Perceived social capital and binge drinking in older adults: The Health and Retirement Study, US data from 2006-2014
Q58566066Perceived social status and unhealthy habits in Korea
Q37307436Perceived stress and substance use in methadone-maintained smokers
Q36368537Perceived unmet need for alcohol and drug use treatments and future use of services: results from a longitudinal study
Q89804007Perception of treatment need among adults with substance use disorders: Longitudinal data from a representative sample of adults in the United States
Q52316798Perceptions and practices addressing diversion among US buprenorphine prescribers.
Q99708413Perceptions of U.S. and Canadian Cannabis Package Warnings Among U.S. Adults
Q41230233Perceptions of research risk and undue influence: Implications for ethics of research conducted with cocaine users
Q48932925Performance monitoring and stop signal inhibition in abstinent patients with cocaine dependence
Q46015751Performance of cigarette susceptibility index among e-cigarette and hookah users.
Q30919504Performance of the RAPS4/RAPS4-QF for DSM-5 compared to DSM-IV alcohol use disorders in the general population: Data from the 2000-2010 National Alcohol Surveys
Q114671048Performance ramifications of abnormal functional connectivity of ventral posterior lateral thalamus with cerebellum in abstinent individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder
Q72400730Performance, subjective, and physiological effects of nicotine in non-smokers
Q48881103Perinatal delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure in rats modifies the responsiveness of midbrain dopaminergic neurons in adulthood to a variety of challenges with dopaminergic drugs
Q45099342Perinatal exposure to methadone affects central cholinergic activity in the weanling rat.
Q35287442Perinatal substance use: a prospective evaluation of abstinence and relapse
Q48552425Peripheral cocaine-blocking agents: new medications for cocaine dependence. An introduction to immunological and enzymatic approaches to treating cocaine dependence reported by Fox, Gorelick and Cohen in the immediately succeeding articles (see page
Q47718372Peripheral immune factors are elevated in women with current or recent alcohol dependence and associated with altered mood and memory
Q42246164Peripheral neuropathy after disulfiram administration: Reversibility despite continued therapy
Q90200239Peripheral proinflammatory markers are upregulated in abstinent alcohol-dependent patients but are not affected by cognitive bias modification: Preliminary findings
Q39707926Persistence of a “subacute withdrawal syndrome” following chronic ethanol intake
Q53081116Persistence of attentional bias toward alcohol-related stimuli in intoxicated social drinkers.
Q52221349Persistence of ethanol self-administration as a function of interreinforcer interval and concentration.
Q39053755Persistence of psychotic symptoms as an indicator of cognitive impairment in methamphetamine users.
Q40105608Persistent abnormalities in central nervous system function (long-term tolerance) after brief ethanol administration
Q33912348Person-environment interaction in the prediction of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence in adulthood
Q40509656Personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards the use of nonmedical prescription stimulants to improve academic performance among university students in seven European countries
Q36931404Personal network correlates of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use among homeless youth
Q71736688Personal reflections
Q35661096Personality and alcohol consumption: Pooled analysis of 72,949 adults from eight cohort studies
Q93659091Personality and attitude correlates of psychosedative drug use
Q68134260Personality and religion among female drug misusers
Q44348462Personality as a risk factor for illicit opioid use and a protective factor for illicit opioid dependence
Q52270566Personality core dynamics and drug preference.
Q66980040Personality dependence in drug dependence
Q60681340Personality disorders and alcoholism treatment outcome.
Q36082601Personality disorders in early adolescence and the development of later substance use disorders in the general population
Q40537738Personality profile and drug of choice; a multivariate analysis using Cloninger's TCI on heroin addicts, alcoholics, and a random population group
Q47423614Personality profile of binge drinking in university students is modulated by sex. A study using the Alternative Five Factor Model
Q36724376Personality traits and illicit substances: the moderating role of poverty
Q43884113Personality, drug of choice, and comorbid psychopathology among substance abusers.
Q44487808Personality, substance of choice, and polysubstance involvement among substance dependent patients
Q38832124Personalizing substance use treatment based on pre-treatment impulsivity and sensation seeking: A review
Q36368709Pharmaco-economics of community maintenance for opiate dependence: a review of evidence and methodology
Q91991426Pharmacodynamic dose effects of oral cannabis ingestion in healthy adults who infrequently use cannabis
Q39822307Pharmacodynamic effects and relationships to plasma and oral fluid pharmacokinetics after intravenous cocaine administration
Q91567404Pharmacodynamic effects of vaporized and oral cannabidiol (CBD) and vaporized CBD-dominant cannabis in infrequent cannabis users
Q44335728Pharmacodynamics of diazepam co-administered with methadone or buprenorphine under high dose conditions in opioid dependent patients
Q66972151Pharmacogenetic aspects of alcohol use and abuse
Q78170779Pharmacokinetic comparison of the buprenorphine sublingual liquid and tablet
Q37425629Pharmacokinetic interactions between buprenorphine/naloxone and tipranavir/ritonavir in HIV-negative subjects chronically receiving buprenorphine/naloxone
Q33389907Pharmacokinetics of high-dose buprenorphine following single administration of sublingual tablet formulations in opioid naı̈ve healthy male volunteers under a naltrexone block
Q35124194Pharmacokinetics of the combination tablet of buprenorphine and naloxone
Q34650967Pharmacokinetics, bioavailability and opioid effects of liquid versus tablet buprenorphine
Q34500342Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and toxicology of new psychoactive substances (NPS): 2C-B, 4-fluoroamphetamine and benzofurans
Q52260103Pharmacologic and reinforcing properties of phencyclidine and the enantiomers of N-allylnormetazocine in the dog.
Q51895171Pharmacological blockade or genetic knockout of the NOP receptor potentiates the rewarding effect of morphine in rats.
Q39466518Pharmacological characteristics of agonist-antagonist analgesics
Q28287674Pharmacological content of tablets sold as "ecstasy": results from an online testing service
Q44857251Pharmacological effects of methamphetamine and other stimulants via inhalation exposure
Q45084478Pharmacological evaluation of dimethylheptyl analogs of delta 9-THC: reassessment of the putative three-point cannabinoid-receptor interaction
Q34125281Pharmacological evaluation of the natural constituent of Cannabis sativa, cannabichromene and its modulation by Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol
Q40553862Pharmacological mechanisms in cocaine's cardiovascular effects
Q45101897Pharmacological potency and biodisposition of phencyclidine via inhalation exposure in mice
Q45098382Pharmacological specificity of the discriminative stimulus effects of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in rhesus monkeys
Q34256300Pharmacologically-mediated reactivation and reconsolidation blockade of the psychostimulant-abuse circuit: a novel treatment strategy
Q40948730Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy for the treatment of alcoholism in Germany
Q91260665Pharmacotherapy for amphetamine dependence: A systematic review
Q41739068Pharmacotherapy of cerebral ischemia in cocaine dependence
Q91731197Pharmacy-based methadone dispensing and drive time to methadone treatment in five states within the United States: A cross-sectional study
Q41135933Pharmacy-randomized intervention delivering HIV prevention services during the syringe sale to people who inject drugs in New York City.
Q87383479Phenobarbital compared to benzodiazepines in alcohol withdrawal treatment: A register-based cohort study of subsequent benzodiazepine use, alcohol recidivism and mortality
Q38639259Phenotypic and familial associations between childhood maltreatment and cannabis initiation and problems in young adult European-American and African-American women
Q48765761Phosphatidylethanol inhibits phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C activity in a competitive manner with phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate
Q44283704Physical and sexual abuse, depression and alcohol use disorders in adolescents: onsets and outcomes
Q35875420Physical dating violence among adolescents and young adults with alcohol misuse
Q34183294Physical dependence on Ultram (tramadol hydrochloride): both opioid-like and atypical withdrawal symptoms occur
Q28323146Physical dependence on benzodiazepines: differences within the class
Q39287005Physical dependence on ethanol: Conceptual considerations
Q41030986Physical dependence on ethanol: Its relation to tolerance
Q37033882Physical dependence on gamma-hydroxybutrate (GHB) prodrug 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BD): time course and severity of withdrawal in baboons.
Q31926130Physical injecting sites among injecting drug users in Sydney, Australia.
Q37109399Physical pain, common psychiatric and substance use disorders, and the non-medical use of prescription analgesics in the United States
Q36943313Physical violence among a prospective cohort of injection drug users: a gender-focused approach
Q42110342Physician continuing education to reduce opioid misuse, abuse, and overdose: Many opportunities, few requirements.
Q47273079Physicians-in-training are not prepared to prescribe medical marijuana
Q44070866Physiochemical and pharmacological characterization of a Delta(9)-THC aerosol generated by a metered dose inhaler
Q35257856Physiological and subjective effects of acute intranasal methamphetamine during extended-release alprazolam maintenance.
Q46287509Physiological basis of opiate dependence
Q33588446Physiological response to reward and extinction predicts alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use two years later
Q33795316Pilot randomized controlled trial of an internet-based smoking cessation intervention for pregnant smokers ('MumsQuit')
Q35875805Pilot study of the effects of lisdexamfetamine on cocaine use: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Q34231186Piperazine compounds as drugs of abuse.
Q43123297Pituitary gland volume among heroin users stabilised on substitution pharmacotherapy
Q47410780Placebo-controlled evaluation of a bioengineered, cocaine-metabolizing fusion protein, TV-1380 (AlbuBChE), in the treatment of cocaine dependence
Q91976878Placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial testing the efficacy and safety of varenicline for smokers with HIV
Q39925271Planning deficits in polysubstance dependent users: Differential associations with severity of drug use and intelligence
Q88740839Planting the seed for marijuana use: Changes in exposure to medical marijuana advertising and subsequent adolescent marijuana use, cognitions, and consequences over seven years
Q67868391Plasma cholesterol and triglycerides in heroin addicts
Q51451508Plasma concentrations of buprenorphine 24 to 72 hours after dosing.
Q57550393Plasma concentrations of the enantiomers of methadone and therapeutic response in methadone maintenance treatment
Q70148381Plasma concentrations of δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and impaired motor function
Q60619454Plasma cyclic AMP in non-abstinent chronic alcoholics. Relation to clinical parameters
Q44350732Plasma methadone concentrations as an indicator of opioid withdrawal symptoms and heroin use in a methadone maintenance program
Q72876498Plasma methadone monitoring with methadone maintenance treatment
Q36176728Plasma progesterone levels and cocaine-seeking in freely cycling female rats across the estrous cycle
Q70398720Plasma urea and creatinine status in chronic alcoholics
Q71141885Plasma vitamin E status in chronic alcoholic patients
Q68641076Platelet monoamine oxidase activity and personality traits in alcoholics and methamphetamine dependents
Q71099431Platelet monoamine oxidase and erythrocyte catechol-o-methyltransferase activity in alcoholism and controlled abstinence
Q60619461Platelet monoamine oxidase and plasma dopamine-β-hydroxylase activities in non-abstinent chronic alcoholics. Relation to clinical parameters
Q35088335Police bribery and access to methadone maintenance therapy within the context of drug policy reform in Tijuana, Mexico
Q46379004Police custody following drink-driving: a prospective study
Q37302930Police education as a component of national HIV response: lessons from Kyrgyzstan
Q39084936Police officer attitudes towards intranasal naloxone training
Q91211485Police officer attitudes towards syringe services programming
Q34432434Policing and risk of overdose mortality in urban neighborhoods
Q46882241Policy drives harm reduction for drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention in some developing countries
Q68759615Political implications of scientific research in the field of drug abuse: the case of cannabis
Q41897583Politicians and scientists in the combat against drug abuse
Q35933827Poly-club-drug use among gay and bisexual men: a longitudinal analysis
Q43837396Poly-tobacco use among adults in 44 countries during 2008-2012: evidence for an integrative and comprehensive approach in tobacco control.
Q53435388Poly-victimization and trajectories of binge drinking from adolescence to young adulthood among serious juvenile offenders.
Q36266246Polydrug abuse: a review of opioid and benzodiazepine combination use
Q53357261Polydrug dependence and psychiatric comorbidity among heroin injectors.
Q57167964Polydrug use among heroin users in Cleveland, OH
Q36593640Polydrug use and implications for longitudinal research: ten-year trajectories for heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine users
Q92408021Polydrug use disorders in individuals with opioid use disorder
Q47567584Polygenic risk for alcohol consumption and its association with alcohol-related phenotypes: Do stress and life satisfaction moderate these relationships?
Q41640368Polygenic risk scores for cigarettes smoked per day do not generalize to a Native American population.
Q44730349Polymorphism in glutathione-S-transferases: a risk factor in alcoholic liver cirrhosis
Q59780360Polymorphisms of alcohol-metabolizing enzymes and the risk for alcoholism and alcoholic liver disease in Caucasian Spanish women
Q49161921Polysomnographic study of terminal sleep following delirium tremens
Q36759409Polysubstance and alcohol dependence: unique abnormalities of magnetic resonance-derived brain metabolite levels
Q48034246Polysubstance dependent patients display a more utilitarian profile in moral decision-making than alcohol-dependent patients, depressive patients and controls
Q98721643Polysubstance use among youth experiencing homelessness: The role of trauma, mental health, and social network composition
Q47319180Polysubstance use by psychiatry inpatients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.
Q44574577Polyunsaturated fatty acid status and aggression in cocaine addicts
Q48443919Poor educational attainment and sexually transmitted infections associated with positive HIV serostatus among female in-patient substance abusers in Trinidad and Tobago
Q35235473Poor response to sertraline in methamphetamine dependence is associated with sustained craving for methamphetamine
Q36936156Poor, persecuted, young, and alone: Toward explaining the elevated risk of alcohol problems among Black and Latino men who drink
Q114190386Poorer pre-potent response inhibition in cocaine-dependent patients vs. healthy controls during an affect-congruent Go-NoGo task
Q37659226Poppers use and risky sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men in Beijing, China.
Q43469301Population screening of risky alcohol and drug use via Internet and Interactive Voice Response (IVR): a feasibility and psychometric study in a random sample
Q39998064Population surveys compared with wastewater analysis for monitoring illicit drug consumption in Italy in 2010-2014.
Q41837901Positive affect and processes of recovery among treatment-seeking methamphetamine users
Q52574196Positive alcohol use expectancies moderate the association between anxiety sensitivity and alcohol use across adolescence.
Q50543743Positive and negative metacognitions about alcohol use among university students: Psychometric properties of the PAMS and NAMS French versions.
Q44108382Positive smoker identity as a barrier to quitting smoking: findings from a national survey of smokers in England
Q90347539Positive urgency worsens the impact of normative feedback on 21st birthday drinking
Q58557841Positivity rates of drugs in patients treated for opioid dependence with buprenorphine: A comparison of oral fluid and urine using paired collections and LC-MS/MS
Q48150095Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of nicotine-induced dopamine release in squirrel monkeys using [18F]Fallypride
Q33555438Possible effects of normetabolites on the subjective and reinforcing characteristics of opioids in animals and man
Q40283145Possible influence of opioid normetabolites on the onset, magnitude and quality of the opioid abstinence syndrome
Q44832756Possible involvement of acetaldehyde, norepinephrine and their tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives in the regulation of ethanol seld-administration
Q52600950Post-9/11 drug- and alcohol- related hospitalizations among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees, 2003-2010.
Q91569670Post-GWAS analysis of six substance use traits improves the identification and functional interpretation of genetic risk loci
Q34749074Post-exposure prophylaxis use and recurrent exposure to HIV among men who have sex with men who use crystal methamphetamine
Q59537846Post-incarceration factors and relapse to opioid injection in St. Petersburg, Russia
Q45338870Post-marketing surveillance of buprenorphine-naloxone in Australia: diversion, injection and adherence with supervised dosing
Q47262072Post-mortem review of fentanyl-related overdose deaths among identified drug users in Southern Bavaria, Germany, 2005-2014.
Q33448273Post-quit stress mediates the relation between social support and smoking cessation among socioeconomically disadvantaged adults
Q36056071Post-traumatic stress disorder among people with heroin dependence in the Australian treatment outcome study (ATOS): prevalence and correlates
Q90659042Post-traumatic stress disorder and risk of prescription opioid use, over-use, and misuse among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees, 2015-2016
Q44683835Post-traumatic stress disorder, drug dependence, and suicidality among male Vietnam veterans with a history of heavy drug use.
Q72106084Post-treatment depressive symptoms and relapse to drug use in different age groups of an alcohol and other drug abuse population
Q37271975Post-treatment drinking among HIV patients: Relationship to pre-treatment marijuana and cocaine use.
Q35132192Postmarketing surveillance for drug abuse
Q44332680Postmarketing surveillance of abuse liability of sibutramine
Q88501724Postmortem blood alcohol content among late-middle aged and older suicide decedents: Associations with suicide precipitating/risk factors, means, and other drug toxicology
Q45010556Postnatal or in utero ethanol exposure reduction of the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in male rats
Q45876350Postoperative risks associated with alcohol screening depend on documented drinking at the time of surgery
Q69616646Postpartum acute renal failure in a drug addict
Q49806719Postpartum contraceptive use and interpregnancy interval among women with opioid use disorder
Q88728491Posttraumatic stress disorder and chronic pain are associated with opioid use disorder: Results from a 2012-2013 American nationally representative survey
Q34743241Posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychopathology in substance abusing patients
Q36090404Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and risky behaviors among trauma-exposed inpatients with substance dependence: The influence of negative and positive urgency
Q28255604Potent substituted-3β-phenyltropane analogs of cocaine have cocaine-like discriminative stimulus effects
Q33899158Potential role of cardiac calsequestrin in the lethal arrhythmic effects of cocaine
Q52298567Potential role of safer injection facilities in reducing HIV and hepatitis C infections and overdose mortality in the United States.
Q92561030Potential undercounting of overdose deaths caused by specific drugs in vital statistics data: An analysis of Florida
Q30209241Potentially modifiable deployment characteristics and new-onset alcohol abuse or dependence in the US National Guard
Q35945004Powder cocaine and crack use in the United States: an examination of risk for arrest and socioeconomic disparities in use
Q91031784PrEP awareness, eligibility, and interest among people who inject drugs in Baltimore, Maryland
Q90105932Practicing prospection promotes patience: Repeated episodic future thinking cumulatively reduces delay discounting
Q91568685Pragmatic randomized controlled trial of a web-based intervention for alcohol use among Brazilian college students: Motivation as a moderating effect
Q40238042Pragmatic trial of a Study Navigator Model (NAU) vs. Ambassador Model (N+) to increase enrollment to health research among community members who use illicit drugs
Q50049534Pre- and postnatal tobacco and cannabis exposure and child behavior problems: Bidirectional associations, joint effects, and sex differences.
Q42249303Precipitated and spontaneous withdrawal in baboons after chronic dosing with lorazepam and CGS 9896.
Q52264329Precursors to heroin: a pilot study of young heroin addicts and their nonaddicted friends
Q43263919Predicting DUI recidivism of male drunken driving: a prospective study of the impact of alcohol markers and previous drunken driving
Q46693253Predicting DUI recidivism: Personality, attitudinal, and behavioral risk factors
Q37367850Predicting adherence to treatment for methamphetamine dependence from neuropsychological and drug use variables
Q60030998Predicting craving and mood 90min into the future using GPS data
Q33653366Predicting drinking onset with discrete-time survival analysis in offspring from the San Diego prospective study
Q47764825Predicting dyscontrolled drinking with implicit and explicit measures of alcohol attitude
Q39822292Predicting later problematic cannabis use from psychopathological symptoms during childhood and adolescence: Results of a 25-year longitudinal study
Q88737532Predicting pharmacy naloxone stocking and dispensing following a statewide standing order, Indiana 2016
Q52322157Predicting premorbid functioning in crack-cocaine abusers.
Q78170781Predicting proximal factors in cocaine relapse and near miss episodes: clinical and theoretical implications
Q84272370Predicting rapid DUI recidivism using the Driver Risk Inventory on a state-wide sample of Floridian DUI offenders
Q89476525Predicting smoking abstinence with biological and self-report measures of adherence to varenicline: Impact on pharmacogenetic trial outcomes
Q72066750Predicting smoking cessation with self-reported measures of nicotine dependence: FTQ, FTND, and HSI
Q43696120Predicting smoking relapse with a multidimensional versus a single-item tobacco craving measure
Q100944512Predicting the first smoking lapse during a quit attempt: A machine learning approach
Q44596499Predicting the transition from frequent cannabis use to cannabis dependence: a three-year prospective study.
Q44094307Predicting treatment success at multiple timepoints in diverse patient populations of cocaine-dependent individuals
Q35731021Predicting use of assistance when quitting: a longitudinal study of the role of quitting beliefs
Q34066432Prediction of 7 months methadone maintenance treatment response by four measures of antisociality
Q46234189Prediction of alcohol-related casualties: a comparison of two emergency room populations
Q46749218Prediction of attrition from day hospital treatment in lower socioeconomic cocaine-dependent men.
Q38657359Prediction of incidence and stability of alcohol use disorders by latent internalizing psychopathology risk profiles in adolescence and young adulthood
Q36462579Prediction of lapse from associations between smoking and situational antecedents assessed by ecological momentary assessment
Q41453775Prediction of long-term outcome for heroin addicts admitted to a methadone maintenance program
Q46588041Prediction of relapse to frequent heroin use and the role of methadone prescription: an analysis of the Amsterdam Cohort Study among drug users
Q48249212Prediction of treatment outcome in cocaine dependent males using quantitative EEG.
Q36288383Predictive model accuracy in estimating last Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) intake from plasma and whole blood cannabinoid concentrations in chronic, daily cannabis smokers administered subchronic oral THC
Q52259778Predictive validity of four factors derived from an 'hyperactivity/MBD' questionnaire.
Q57448672Predictive validity of four nicotine dependence measures in a college sample
Q104694796Predictive validity of genome-wide polygenic scores for alcohol use from adolescence to young adulthood
Q39309155Predictive validity of the AUDIT for hazardous alcohol consumption in recently released prisoners
Q45348125Predictive validity of the Motivation To Stop Scale (MTSS): a single-item measure of motivation to stop smoking
Q97094323Predictive validity of the adult tobacco dependence index: Findings from waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study
Q36268844Predictors and consequences of prescription drug misuse during middle school
Q43728926Predictors for completing an inpatient detoxification program among intravenous heroin users, methadone substituted and codeine substituted patients
Q97895986Predictors of Opioid Misuse During Emerging Adulthood: An Examination of Adolescent Individual, Family and Peer Factors
Q47190571Predictors of a favourable socio-economic situation in middle age for Swedish conscripts with self-reported drug use.
Q91211467Predictors of adherence to nicotine replacement therapy: Machine learning evidence that perceived need predicts medication use
Q35875773Predictors of adherence to pharmacological and behavioral treatment in a cessation trial among smokers in Aleppo, Syria
Q44668407Predictors of attendance in a randomized clinical trial of nicotine replacement therapy with behavioral counseling
Q90591484Predictors of availability of long-acting medication for opioid use disorder
Q34749223Predictors of buprenorphine initial outpatient maintenance and dose taper response among non-treatment-seeking heroin dependent volunteers
Q33653252Predictors of buprenorphine-naloxone dosing in a 12-week treatment trial for opioid-dependent youth: secondary analyses from a NIDA Clinical Trials Network study
Q28369776Predictors of cardiovascular response to smoked cocaine in humans
Q30989000Predictors of cessation in smokers suspected of TB: Secondary analysis of data from a cluster randomized controlled trial.
Q48718824Predictors of cessation of marijuana use: an event history analysis
Q39077416Predictors of changes in daily alcohol consumption in the aftermath of military deployment
Q36555703Predictors of clinical trial dropout in individuals with co-occurring bipolar disorder and alcohol dependence
Q39890305Predictors of crack cocaine initiation among Montréal street youth: a first look at the phenomenon
Q78170764Predictors of discharges against medical advice from a short-term hospital detoxification unit
Q50738661Predictors of drinking patterns in adolescence: a latent class analysis.
Q36496900Predictors of dropout from group therapy among patients with bipolar and substance use disorders
Q77462288Predictors of dropout from psychosocial treatment of cocaine dependence
Q44138235Predictors of drug abuse treatment entry among crack-cocaine smokers
Q46523492Predictors of engagement in continuing care following residential substance use disorder treatment
Q104456461Predictors of enrollment in opioid agonist therapy after opioid overdose or diagnosis with opioid use disorder: A cohort study
Q73434112Predictors of expressed partner and non-partner violence among patients in substance abuse treatment
Q49039546Predictors of favorable outcome following naltrexone treatment
Q40600680Predictors of follow-up health status in the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (DATOS).
Q37234994Predictors of frequent use of amphetamine type stimulants among HIV-negative gay men in Sydney, Australia
Q45966417Predictors of health functioning in two high-risk groups of smokers.
Q74667324Predictors of increased condom use following HIV intervention with heterosexually active drug users
Q51747535Predictors of injecting cessation among a cohort of people who inject drugs in Tijuana, Mexico.
Q37218318Predictors of injection drug use cessation and relapse in a prospective cohort of young injection drug users in San Francisco, CA (UFO Study).
Q40651521Predictors of internalizing and externalizing problems among children of cocaine and opiate dependent parents
Q33912719Predictors of longitudinal substance use and mental health outcomes for patients in two integrated service delivery systems
Q36248633Predictors of marijuana use among married couples: the influence of one's spouse
Q100515967Predictors of marijuana vaping onset and escalation among young adults
Q35141390Predictors of methadone treatment retention from a multi-site study: a survival analysis
Q100733763Predictors of nicotine dependence among adolescent waterpipe and cigarette smokers: A 6-year longitudinal analysis
Q33563671Predictors of nicotine dependence symptoms among never-smoking adolescents: a longitudinal analysis from the Nicotine Dependence in Teens Study
Q48664716Predictors of non-fatal overdose among a cohort of polysubstance-using injection drug users.
Q44342159Predictors of non-prescribed opioid use after one year of methadone treatment: an attributable-risk approach (ANRS-Methaville trial).
Q37405260Predictors of outcome for short-term medically supervised opioid withdrawal during a randomized, multicenter trial of buprenorphine-naloxone and clonidine in the NIDA clinical trials network drug and alcohol dependence
Q36328406Predictors of outcome from computer-based treatment for substance use disorders: Results from a randomized clinical trial.
Q31926069Predictors of outpatient treatment retention: patient versus substance use characteristics
Q35915739Predictors of persistent nicotine dependence among adults in the United States
Q57177972Predictors of positive drinking outcomes among youth receiving an alcohol brief intervention in the emergency department
Q33523647Predictors of post-treatment relapse to smoking in successful quitters: pooled data from two phase III varenicline trials
Q36026302Predictors of postpartum relapse to smoking
Q47757230Predictors of quit attempts and successful quit attempts among individuals with alcohol use disorders in a nationally representative sample
Q57298269Predictors of resistant alcohol withdrawal (RAW): A retrospective case-control study
Q46733509Predictors of retention in methadone programs: a signal detection analysis
Q42688149Predictors of risky needle use following interventions with injection drug users in Ukraine
Q36739199Predictors of stimulant abuse treatment outcomes in severely mentally ill outpatients
Q59745543Predictors of substance abuse treatment entry for crime-involved, cocaine-dependent women
Q39705777Predictors of substance use frequency and reductions in seriousness of use among persons living with HIV.
Q38450245Predictors of the incidence and discontinuation of long-term use of benzodiazepines: a population-based study
Q27312260Predictors of the nicotine reinforcement threshold, compensation, and elasticity of demand in a rodent model of nicotine reduction policy
Q46590637Predictors of therapeutic engagement in prison-based drug treatment
Q92413244Predictors of timely opioid agonist treatment initiation among veterans with and without HIV
Q36619410Predictors of transition to heroin use among initially non-opioid dependent illicit pharmaceutical opioid users: A natural history study
Q90942478Predictors of transitions across stages of heroin use and dependence prior to treatment-seeking among people in treatment for opioid dependence
Q90777824Predictors of treatment initiation for alcohol use disorders in primary care
Q50136741Predictors of treatment utilization and barriers to treatment utilization among individuals with lifetime cannabis use disorder in the United States.
Q35770563Predictors of utilization of an IVR self-monitoring program by problem drinkers with recent natural resolutions
Q37130877Predictors of violence following Emergency Department visit for cocaine-related chest pain
Q35876131Predictors of waterpipe smoking progression among youth in Irbid, Jordan: A longitudinal study (2008-2011).
Q90180010Preference for drugs containing fentanyl from a cross-sectional survey of people who use illicit opioids in three United States cities
Q40896462Preference weights for the spectrum of alcohol use in the U.S. Population
Q115162890Preferences for research design and treatment of comorbid depression among patients with an opioid use disorder: A cross-sectional discrete choice experiment
Q47656345Prefrontal Glx and GABA concentrations and impulsivity in cigarette smokers and smoking polysubstance users.
Q36074911Prefrontal and limbic resting state brain network functional connectivity differs between nicotine-dependent smokers and non-smoking controls.
Q37268687Prefrontal cognitive dysfunction is associated with tobacco dependence treatment failure in smokers with schizophrenia
Q48100432Prefrontal cortex modulation using transcranial DC stimulation reduces alcohol craving: a double-blind, sham-controlled study
Q33802542Prefrontal cortical volume reduction associated with frontal cortex function deficit in 6-week abstinent crack-cocaine dependent men.
Q88951843Pregabalin misuse in methadone maintenance treatment patients in Israel: Prevalence and risk factors
Q35783426Pregnancies exposed to methadone, methadone and other illicit substances, and poly-drugs without methadone: a comparison of fetal neurobehaviors and infant outcomes
Q62656766Pregnancy incidence and contraceptive use among young women who inject drugs in Sydney, Australia
Q91200996Pregnant women with opioid use disorder and their infants in three state Medicaid programs in 2013-2016
Q45161030Preliminary evidence of an association between childhood abuse and cannabis dependence among African American first-episode schizophrenia-spectrum disorder patients
Q74507741Preliminary evidence of good treatment response in antisocial drug abusers
Q92318497Preliminary evidence that computerized approach avoidance training is not associated with changes in fMRI cannabis cue reactivity in non-treatment-seeking adolescent cannabis users
Q49922957Preliminary evidence that reactivity to uncertain threat is an endophenotype for alcohol use disorder
Q72231605Preliminary finding: consumption of benzodiazepines in Brazil during the years 1988 and 1989
Q28645840Preliminary findings on the association between clients' perceived helpfulness of substance abuse treatment and outcomes: does race matter?
Q40903492Preliminary note: dangerous use of anticholinergic drugs in Brazil
Q40590115Preliminary study on reducing oral moist snuff use.
Q53632915Preliminary test of cigarette nicotine discrimination threshold in non-dependent versus dependent smokers.
Q44399441Premature mortality among prominent American authors noted for alcohol abuse
Q48687817Premorbid and current neuropsychological function in opiate abusers receiving treatment.
Q104063003Prenatal Substance Exposure and Developmental Trajectories of Internalizing Symptoms: Toddlerhood to Preadolescence
Q52213950Prenatal alcohol and offspring development: the first fourteen years.
Q63352603Prenatal alcohol exposure and facial morphology in a UK cohort
Q64091237Prenatal alcohol exposure and offspring mental health: A systematic review
Q64984217Prenatal and concurrent cocaine, alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco effects on adolescent cognition and attention.
Q39410224Prenatal care and drug use in pregnant women
Q34626723Prenatal cocaine exposure and age of sexual initiation: direct and indirect effects
Q39470221Prenatal cocaine exposure and school-age intelligence
Q36421464Prenatal cocaine exposure, illicit-substance use and stress and craving processes during adolescence
Q90948577Prenatal cocaine exposure: Direct and indirect associations with 21-year-old offspring substance use and behavior problems
Q92413227Prenatal drug exposure from infancy through emerging adulthood: Results from neuroimaging
Q92182764Prenatal drug exposure: Lead by language limitations
Q40189604Prenatal effects of alcohol
Q48405830Prenatal effects of drugs of abuse on brain development
Q94663395Prenatal exposure to methadone or buprenorphine impairs cognitive performance in young adult rats
Q50056433Prenatal exposure to methadone or buprenorphine: Early childhood developmental outcomes
Q48271726Prenatal exposure to morphine enhances cocaine and heroin self-administration in drug-naive rats
Q88737541Prenatal exposures to tobacco and cannabis: Associations with adult electronic cigarette use
Q91441421Prescriber responses to a pain clinic law: Cease or modify?
Q91306505Prescribing diamorphine in the United States: Insights from a nationally representative survey
Q93646485Prescribing methadone for the opiate addict: a problem of dosage conversion
Q38699889Prescribing of benzodiazepines and opioids to individuals with substance use disorders
Q46063612Prescribing patterns of buprenorphine waivered physicians
Q33644065Prescription drug misuse among homeless youth
Q40371189Prescription drug misuse and suicidal ideation: Findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Q42694929Prescription drug monitoring program design and function: A qualitative analysis
Q58857080Prescription drug use, misuse and related substance use disorder symptoms vary by educational status and attainment in U.S. adolescents and young adults
Q36457495Prescription drugs purchased through the internet: who are the end users?
Q36438049Prescription medication exchange patterns among methadone maintenance patients.
Q37015810Prescription monitoring programs and emergency department visits involving opioids, 2004-2011.
Q37833338Prescription of analgesics to patients in opioid maintenance therapy: a pharmacoepidemiological study
Q36248982Prescription of opioid analgesics for nontraumatic dental conditions in emergency departments
Q90110128Prescription opiate analgesics, heroin, HIV and HCV among persons who inject drugs in New York City, 2016-2018
Q40230061Prescription opioid abuse among enrollees into methadone maintenance treatment.
Q35630313Prescription opioid abuse in patients presenting for methadone maintenance treatment
Q39021790Prescription opioid abuse in prison settings: A systematic review of prevalence, practice and treatment responses
Q44344556Prescription opioid addiction and chronic pain: More than a feeling
Q92194304Prescription opioid misuse among African-American adults: A rural-urban comparison of prevalence and risk
Q92170990Prescription opioid misuse among heterosexual versus lesbian, gay, and bisexual military veterans: Evidence from the 2015-2017 national survey of drug use and health
Q60697171Prescription opioid misuse among youth in primary care: A comparison of risk factors
Q100430480Prescription opioid misuse and its correlates among veterans and military in the United States: A systematic literature review
Q52601305Prescription opioid misusing chronic pain patients exhibit dysregulated context-dependent associations: Investigating associative learning in addiction with the cue-primed reactivity task.
Q37107292Prescription opioid mortality trends in New York City, 1990-2006: examining the emergence of an epidemic.
Q109315763Prescription opioid use and employment: A nationwide Finnish register study
Q36565007Prescription opioid use, misuse, and diversion among street drug users in New York City
Q52312534Prescription opioids: New perspectives and research on their role in chronic pain management and addiction.
Q96762370Presence of a social peer enhances acquisition of remifentanil self-administration in male rats
Q70578328Presence of arsenic and copper in alcoholic cirrhosis
Q73417019Presence of illegal drugs in drivers involved in fatal road traffic accidents in Spain
Q46525735Present and lifetime comorbidity of tobacco, alcohol and drug use in eating disorders: a European multicenter study.
Q43162022Present at the creation--NIDA's first five years
Q33756396Pretreatment measures of brain structure and reward-processing brain function in cannabis dependence: an exploratory study of relationships with abstinence during behavioral treatment
Q44958391Pretreatment with transdermal nicotine enhances some of ethanol's acute effects in men.
Q52271103Pretrial release performance of addict defendants: examination of court non-appearance and rearrest rates.
Q40625985Prevalence and age of onset for drug use in seven international sites: results from the international consortium of psychiatric epidemiology
Q41438379Prevalence and associated factors of inhaled nitrites use among men who have sex with men in Beijing, China
Q36090432Prevalence and characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome and partial fetal alcohol syndrome in a Rocky Mountain Region City.
Q44348646Prevalence and characteristics of opioid-related deaths involving alcohol in Ontario, Canada
Q40050494Prevalence and correlates for nonmedical use of prescription opioids among urban and rural residents
Q47655800Prevalence and correlates of "Vaping" as a route of cannabis administration in medical cannabis patients
Q35141597Prevalence and correlates of 'agua celeste' use among female sex workers who inject drugs in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Q88680419Prevalence and correlates of adolescents' e-cigarette use frequency and dependence
Q37658318Prevalence and correlates of alcohol and cannabis use disorders in the United States: results from the national longitudinal study of adolescent health
Q84503887Prevalence and correlates of alcohol use disorders during antiretroviral treatment in injection-driven HIV epidemics in Vietnam
Q44360035Prevalence and correlates of areca nut use among psychiatric patients in India
Q47564334Prevalence and correlates of benzodiazepine use and misuse among young adults who use prescription opioids non-medically
Q52600952Prevalence and correlates of binge drinking among older adults with multimorbidity.
Q90378733Prevalence and correlates of cannabis poisoning diagnosis in a national emergency department sample
Q44349299Prevalence and correlates of cocaine physical dependence subtypes using the DSM-IV in outpatients receiving opioid agonist medication.
Q31150012Prevalence and correlates of crack-cocaine injection among young injection drug users in the United States, 1997-1999.
Q48259090Prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms during early methamphetamine withdrawal in Han Chinese population
Q36626237Prevalence and correlates of dual diagnoses in U.S. Latinos
Q97588915Prevalence and correlates of ever having a substance use problem and substance use recovery status among adults in the United States, 2018
Q33283100Prevalence and correlates of indirect sharing practices among young adult injection drug users in five U.S. cities
Q38721417Prevalence and correlates of light and non-daily smoking in Brazil: Results from a nationwide representative survey.
Q92318504Prevalence and correlates of nonmedical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) among Young adults experiencing homelessness in seven cities across the United States
Q97539634Prevalence and correlates of obstructive lung disease among people who inject drugs, San Diego, California
Q35946118Prevalence and correlates of opiate overdose among young injection drug users in a large U.S. city
Q39616464Prevalence and correlates of prescription opioid residue injection
Q47634651Prevalence and correlates of sleep-related problems in adults receiving medical cannabis for chronic pain
Q38603642Prevalence and correlates of smoking and e-cigarette use among young men who have sex with men and transgender women
Q34259013Prevalence and correlates of specialty substance use disorder treatment for Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare System patients with high alcohol consumption
Q34980327Prevalence and correlates of substance use among trans female youth ages 16-24 years in the San Francisco Bay Area
Q37478571Prevalence and correlates of substance use among youth living with HIV in clinical settings.
Q43647882Prevalence and correlates of substance use disorders among older adolescents in Puerto Rico and the United States: a cross-cultural comparison
Q59138948Prevalence and correlates of the injection of methadone syrup in Sydney, Australia
Q53593654Prevalence and correlates of treatment utilization among adults with cannabis use disorder in the United States.
Q34949658Prevalence and correlates of waterpipe tobacco smoking by college students in North Carolina
Q45115352Prevalence and demographic correlates of symptoms of last year dependence on alcohol, nicotine, marijuana and cocaine in the U.S. population
Q35181285Prevalence and determinants of resistance to use drugs among adolescents who had an opportunity to use drugs
Q40489066Prevalence and distribution patterns of amphetamine and methamphetamine consumption in a federal state in southwestern Germany using wastewater analysis
Q35660924Prevalence and experience of chronic pain in suburban drug injectors
Q40914411Prevalence and factors associated with sex trading in the year prior to entering treatment for drug misuse in England.
Q104571670Prevalence and minority-stress correlates of past 12-month prescription drug misuse in a national sample of transgender and gender nonbinary adults: Results from the U.S. Transgender Survey
Q47318726Prevalence and motivations for kratom use in a sample of substance users enrolled in a residential treatment program
Q47651722Prevalence and nature of cardiovascular disease in methamphetamine-related death: A national study
Q50064297Prevalence and pathways of recovery from drug and alcohol problems in the United States population: Implications for practice, research, and policy
Q45074972Prevalence and pattern of substance use among undergraduates in a Nigerian University
Q30395687Prevalence and patterns of cigarette smoking among patients co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis in Tanzania
Q36845692Prevalence and patterns of commonly abused psychoactive prescription drugs in a sample of university students from Lebanon: an opportunity for cross-cultural comparisons
Q90250825Prevalence and patterns of opioid misuse and opioid use disorder among primary care patients who use tobacco
Q34154036Prevalence and patterns of smoking, alcohol use, and illicit drug use in young men who have sex with men.
Q34920358Prevalence and predictors of transitions to and away from syringe exchange use over time in 3 US cities with varied syringe dispensing policies
Q92160242Prevalence and recognition of highly significant medication-smoking cessation interactions in a smoke-free hospital
Q88069507Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of alcohol consumption: Survey findings from five states in India
Q51200618Prevalence and temporal trends of crack injection among injection drug users in eastern central Canada.
Q91960738Prevalence and treatment of opioid use disorders among primary care patients in six health systems
Q34559445Prevalence and trends of alcohol use and misuse among adolescents and young adults in the Netherlands from 1993 to 2000.
Q34252044Prevalence and trends of benzodiazepine use among Veterans Affairs patients with posttraumatic stress disorder, 2003-2010.
Q44332638Prevalence and trends of non-medical opioid and other drug use histories among federal correctional inmates in methadone maintenance treatment in Canada.
Q37055258Prevalence of DSM-IV and DSM-5 alcohol, cocaine, opioid, and cannabis use disorders in a largely substance dependent sample
Q28240573Prevalence of DSM/ICD-defined nicotine dependence
Q91030427Prevalence of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and conventional drugs of abuse (DOA) in high risk populations from Paris (France) and its suburbs: A cross sectional study by hair testing (2012-2017)
Q46520063Prevalence of abuse of alcohol and other drugs among injured drivers presenting to the emergency department of the University Hospital of Modena, Italy
Q77462295Prevalence of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder among cocaine abusers seeking treatment
Q45646075Prevalence of alcohol and other substances of abuse among injured patients in a Norwegian emergency department
Q64977901Prevalence of alcohol use in pregnant women with substance use disorder.
Q39523825Prevalence of at-risk drinking among Brazilian truck drivers and its interference on the performance of executive cognitive tasks
Q28256352Prevalence of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in substance use disorder patients: a meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis
Q91238549Prevalence of binge drinking and relationships between masculine role discrepancy and binge drinking via discrepancy stress among Chinese men
Q104748076Prevalence of childhood maltreatment among people with opioid use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q38173126Prevalence of clinically recognized alcohol and other substance use disorders among VA outpatients with unhealthy alcohol use identified by routine alcohol screening.
Q59202609Prevalence of comorbid substance use in schizophrenia spectrum disorders in community and clinical settings, 1990–2017: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Q38527184Prevalence of comorbid substance use, anxiety and mood disorders in epidemiological surveys, 1990-2014: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q39276629Prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated factors among people who inject drugs in China.
Q48760682Prevalence of driving under the influence of psychoactive substances and road traffic crashes among Brazilian crack-using drivers.
Q88236523Prevalence of drug use among students in mainland China: A systematic review and meta-analysis for 2003-2013
Q101119539Prevalence of e-cigarette use (2016 to 2018) and cigarette smoking (2012 to 2019) among U.S. adults by state: An interactive data visualization dashboard
Q88098687Prevalence of gabapentin in drug overdose postmortem toxicology testing results
Q39739134Prevalence of injecting drug use and associated risk behavior among regular ecstasy users in Australia
Q46387039Prevalence of long QTc interval in methadone maintenance patients.
Q43516289Prevalence of mental illnesses in adult offspring of alcoholic mothers
Q36476423Prevalence of mood and substance use disorders among patients seeking primary care office-based buprenorphine/naloxone treatment
Q100295811Prevalence of obesity among U.S. population with substance dependence
Q90756740Prevalence of obesity for opioid- and stimulant-dependent participants in substance use treatment clinical trials
Q39768011Prevalence of opioid analgesic injection among rural nonmedical opioid analgesic users
Q46380849Prevalence of physical and sexual abuse among substance abuse patients and impact on treatment outcomes
Q44345227Prevalence of psychiatric and substance use disorders in opioid abusers in a community syringe exchange program.
Q30514051Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among young injection drug users
Q90631190Prevalence of self-reported movement dysfunction among young adults with a history of ecstasy and methamphetamine use
Q46230853Prevalence of substance abuse in a psychiatric evaluation unit
Q39109204Prevalence of unhealthy alcohol use in hospital outpatients
Q40886800Prevalence of youth substance use: the impact of methodological differences between two national surveys
Q30404240Prevalence, characteristics, and predictors of police training initiatives by US SEPs: building an evidence base for structural interventions
Q38689168Prevalence, correlates, comorbidity and treatment of electronic nicotine delivery system use in the United States
Q38928825Prevalence, correlates, comorbidity, and age of onset of alcohol use disorders in adult males from five provinces in China
Q58566042Prevalence, incidence, recovery, and recurrence of alcohol use disorders from childhood to age 30
Q37714350Prevalence, patterns and predictors of substance use among Latino migrant men in a new receiving community
Q88318918Prevalence, patterns, and correlates of multiple substance use disorders among adult primary care patients
Q41062896Prevalence, prescribed quantities, and trajectory of multiple prescriber episodes for benzodiazepines: A 2-year cohort study
Q39155104Prevalence, reasons, perceived effects, and correlates of medical marijuana use: A review.
Q38791170Prevalence, sociodemographic correlates and DSM-5 substance use disorders and other psychiatric disorders among sexual minorities in the United States
Q72066755Prevalence, symptoms and correlates of antisocial personality disorder among methadone maintenance clients
Q44507429Prevalence, timing, and predictors of transitions from inhalant use to inhalant use disorders
Q46242661Prevalences and correlates of non-viral injecting-related injuries and diseases in a convenience sample of Australian injecting drug users.
Q45072455Preventing relapse to smoking with transcranial magnetic stimulation: Feasibility and potential efficacy
Q42155985Prevention and reversal by cocaine esterase of cocaine-induced cardiovascular effects in rats
Q69444349Prevention of alcohol-related problems. Introduction to a symposium
Q48957461Prevention of drug priming- and cue-induced reinstatement of MDMA-seeking behaviors by the CB1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM251.
Q31060951Price and purity analysis for illicit drug: data and conceptual issues
Q39784409Price elasticity of on- and off-premises demand for alcoholic drinks: A Tobit analysis
Q67963101Primary and secondary depression in alcoholism--clinical features and family history
Q42105248Primary care physicians' perspectives on the prescription opioid epidemic
Q72106087Primary drug abuse among women: a national study
Q44283691Primary health care professionals' activity in intervening in patients' alcohol drinking during a 3-year brief intervention implementation project
Q43890388Primary health care professionals' activity in intervening in patients' alcohol drinking: a patient perspective
Q40315442Primary healthcare-based integrated care with opioid agonist treatment: First experience from Ukraine
Q35291735Primary outcomes in two randomized controlled trials of treatments for cannabis use disorders.
Q35132182Principles of drug abuse liability assessment in laboratory animals
Q35132181Principles of initial experimental drug abuse liability assessment in humans
Q34981070Principles of laboratory assessment of drug abuse liability and implications for clinical development
Q47750575Prior binge-drinking history promotes the positive affective valence of methamphetamine in mice
Q36537895Prior methamphetamine self-administration attenuates serotonergic deficits induced by subsequent high-dose methamphetamine administrations
Q41711441Prior treatment experience related to process and outcomes in DATOS.
Q44049012Prison based detoxification for opioid dependence: a randomised double blind controlled trial of lofexidine and methadone
Q42622098Prison experience of injecting drug users in Glasgow
Q37251168Prize contingency management for smoking cessation: a randomized trial
Q46867632Prize-based contingency management does not increase gambling
Q39655216Proactive telephone counseling for adolescent smokers: Comparing regular smokers with infrequent and occasional smokers on treatment receptivity, engagement, and outcomes
Q35113687Probability and predictors of cannabis use disorders relapse: results of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC)
Q37046041Probability and predictors of relapse to smoking: results of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC).
Q34749978Probability and predictors of transition from first use to dependence on nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine: results of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC)
Q36794523Probability and predictors of treatment-seeking for prescription opioid use disorders: a national study.
Q36682087Probability and predictors of treatment-seeking for substance use disorders in the U.S.
Q38677297Problem alcohol use and healthcare utilization among persons with cannabis use disorder in the United States.
Q37598745Problem drinking is associated with increased prevalence of sexual risk behaviors among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Lima, Peru
Q36402037Problem-free drinking over 16 years among individuals with alcohol use disorders
Q34268063Problematic substance use in urban adolescents: role of intrauterine exposures to cocaine and marijuana and post-natal environment
Q44958394Problems assessment for substance using psychiatric patients: development and initial psychometric evaluation
Q102334775Problems experienced by children from families with histories of substance misuse: An ABCD study®
Q37384505Procedural validity of the AUDADIS-5 depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder modules: Substance abusers and others in the general population
Q48742444Processes of change assessment in heroin addicts following the Prochaska and DiClemente transtheoretical model
Q42841691Processing dynamic facial affect in frequent cannabis-users: evidence of deficits in the speed of identifying emotional expressions
Q45950412Prodynorphin gene deficiency potentiates nalbuphine-induced behavioral sensitization and withdrawal syndrome in mice.
Q99358054Profile and correlates of injecting-related injuries and diseases among people who inject drugs in Australia
Q36407292Profile of lifetime methamphetamine use among homeless adults in Los Angeles
Q104506539Profiles of patients with cocaine and alcohol use disorder based on cognitive domains and their relationship with relapse
Q36173346Profiles of psychiatric disorders among heroin dependent individuals in Changsha, China
Q41435321Profiles of substance use disorders in patients of therapeutic communities: link to social, medical and psychiatric characteristics.
Q37766669Profiling multiple provider prescribing of opioids, benzodiazepines, stimulants, and anorectics
Q46489611Profiling the subjective, psychomotor, and physiological effects of a hydrocodone/acetaminophen product in recreational drug users
Q46590891Profiling the subjective, psychomotor, and physiological effects of tramadol in recreational drug users
Q50188719Program versus time: Length of stay patterns in alcoholism
Q39287018Progress toward a voluntary oral consumption model of alcoholism
Q43833873Progression from marijuana use to daily smoking and nicotine dependence in a national sample of U.S. adolescents
Q46208504Progression to established patterns of cigarette smoking among young adults.
Q48943735Progressive ratio performance maintained by buprenorphine, heroin and methadone in Macaque monkeys
Q52909477Prohibition of take-home dosages: negative consequences on methadone maintenance treatment.
Q70376970Prolactin and thyrotropin pituitary response to thyrotropin releasing hormone in young female heroin addicts
Q91246768Prolonged ethanol administration prevents the development of tolerance to morphine-induced respiratory depression
Q37304946Prolonged exposure to denicotinized cigarettes with or without transdermal nicotine.
Q44351393Prolonged use of benzodiazepines is associated with childhood trauma in opioid-maintained patients
Q35318730Promethazine use among chronic pain patients
Q34147422Promoting abstinence from cocaine and heroin with a methadone dose increase and a novel contingency.
Q47305906Prone to feel guilty: Self-evaluative emotions in alcohol-dependence.
Q39500316Property damage and public disorder: their relationship with sales of alcohol in New South Wales, Australia.
Q72503781Propoxyphene napsylate maintenance treatment for narcotic dependence: A non-methadone model
Q58121250Propylene glycol, a major electronic cigarette constituent, attenuates the adverse effects of high-dose nicotine as measured by intracranial self-stimulation in rats
Q36989489Prospective associations between brain activation to cocaine and no-go cues and cocaine relapse
Q93072103Prospective associations between insomnia symptoms and alcohol use problems among former and current military service personnel
Q94495672Prospective associations between parental substance use and youth highly processed food intake in the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study
Q100312100Prospective associations of e-cigarette use with cigarette, alcohol, marijuana, and nonmedical prescription drug use among US adolescents
Q71364573Prospective evaluation of a model of risk for HIV infection among injecting drug users
Q44809245Prospective examination of effects of smoking abstinence on cortisol and withdrawal symptoms as predictors of early smoking relapse
Q46780570Prospective multicenter observational study of 260 infants born to 259 opiate-dependent mothers on methadone or high-dose buprenophine substitution
Q36004509Prospective patterns and correlates of quality of life among women in substance abuse treatment.
Q91233430Prospective predictors of flavored e-cigarette use: A one-year longitudinal study of young adults in the U.S.
Q37727156Prospective risk factors for traumatic event reexposure in community syringe exchange participants.
Q69953063Prospective study of alcoholism treatment in Kuwait: a 5-year follow-up report
Q31047181Prospective validation of substance abuse severity measures from administrative data
Q40157867Prostaglandins in alcohol intolerance and hangover
Q37147598Protecting against intergenerational problem behavior: mediational effects of prevented marijuana use on second-generation parent-child relationships and child impulsivity
Q91124477Protective behavioral strategies predict alcohol-related problems among injured patients following a brief intervention
Q46712102Protective effect against alcohol dependence of the thermolabile variant of MTHFR.
Q73316264Protective effect of N-acetylcysteine on reduced glutathione, reduced glutathione-related enzymes and lipid peroxidation in methanol intoxication
Q66972163Protective factors in alcoholism
Q46512479Protective resources and long-term recovery from alcohol use disorders
Q97518134Protracted renal clearance of fentanyl in persons with opioid use disorder
Q38737065Providing chronic pain management in the "Fifth Vital Sign" Era: Historical and treatment perspectives on a modern-day medical dilemma.
Q45361692Providing services for women with difficulties with alcohol or other drugs: the current U.K. situation as seen by women practitioners researchers and policy makers in the field
Q103798454Province-specific alcohol-attributable cancer deaths and years of potential life lost in China
Q35073306Proximal and distal social influence on alcohol consumption and marijuana use among middle school adolescents.
Q37004591Proximity of off-premise alcohol outlets and heavy alcohol consumption: a cohort study
Q48442511Pseudo-Cushing's syndrome: an example of alcohol-induced central disorder in corticotropin-releasing factor-ACTH release?
Q41511291Pseudoepidemics of heroin addiction
Q35936959Psilocybin dose-dependently causes delayed, transient headaches in healthy volunteers
Q60618519Psychiatric comorbidities associated with a positive screening using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test in subjects with severe alcohol use disorder
Q92170978Psychiatric comorbidities in a comparative effectiveness smoking cessation trial: Relations with cessation success, treatment response, and relapse risk factors
Q49066094Psychiatric comorbidity in illicit drug users: substance-induced versus independent disorders
Q46876203Psychiatric comorbidity in young heroin users.
Q33700806Psychiatric comorbidity with substance misuse in children and teenagers
Q36666864Psychiatric diagnoses among quitters versus continuing smokers 3 years after their quit day
Q34949206Psychiatric disorder symptoms, substance use, and sexual risk behavior among African-American out of school youth
Q44701195Psychiatric disorders and attempted suicide among adolescents with substance use disorders
Q35915954Psychiatric disorders in inhalant users: results from The National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.
Q72048560Psychiatric distress in antisocial drug abusers: relation to other personality disorders
Q51907131Psychiatric predictors of adolescent and young adult drug use and abuse.
Q51907301Psychiatric predictors of adolescent and young adult drug use and abuse: what have we learned?
Q52275542Psychiatric severity and treatment response in a comprehensive methadone maintenance treatment program.
Q51994399Psychiatric symptom severity in cocaine-dependent outpatients: demographics, drug use characteristics and treatment outcome.
Q67575079Psychiatric symptoms in drug abusing adolescents
Q40355130Psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, and HIV status among people using opioids in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Q37398130Psychiatric, psychosocial, and physical health correlates of co-occurring cannabis use disorders and nicotine dependence
Q36198525Psychoactive medications and disengagement from office based opioid treatment (obot) with buprenorphine.
Q50659997Psychoactive substance abuse among inmates of a Nigerian prison population
Q34520354Psychoactive substance use and related behaviours of 135 regular illicit drug users in Scotland
Q39329780Psychoactive substances--some new, some old: a scan of the situation in the U.S.
Q48721606Psychobiological problems in heavy 'ecstasy' (MDMA) polydrug users
Q51160867Psychological change during residence in a rehabilitation centre for female drug misusers. Part I. Drug misusers.
Q48874389Psychological change during residence in a rehabilitation centre for female drug misusers. Part II. Children of drug misusers
Q40109545Psychological characteristics and development of narcotic-addicted infants
Q68046850Psychological defence, phase of dependence and further prerequisites for the intention of alcoholics to abstain
Q36389704Psychological processes and stimulant use among men who have sex with men.
Q52271045Psychological severity and response to alcoholism rehabilitation
Q43570042Psychometric assessment of the Hallucinogen Rating Scale.
Q71538283Psychometric evaluation of diagnostic criteria: application to a two-dimensional model of alcohol abuse and dependence
Q35211165Psychometric modeling of cannabis initiation and use and the symptoms of cannabis abuse, dependence and withdrawal in a sample of male and female twins
Q40272833Psychometric properties of brief indexes designed to measure social-cognitive predictors of smoking initiation
Q51837008Psychometric properties of the Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST) in a French sample of adolescents.
Q47627522Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Cannabis Use Problems Identification Test among Chilean university students: A validation study
Q33872287Psychometric properties of the contingency management competence scale
Q103722831Psychometric properties of the polish version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
Q44335669Psychometric properties, validity, and reliability of the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale state version in an opioid-dependent sample.
Q42142516Psychopathic heroin addicts are not uniformly impaired across neurocognitive domains of impulsivity
Q43569964Psychopathology and HIV risk behaviors among injection drug users in and out of treatment
Q38675536Psychopathology and tobacco demand
Q45234117Psychopathology associated with drinking and alcohol use disorders in the college and general adult populations
Q36536847Psychopathy and the prediction of alcohol-related physical aggression: the roles of impulsive antisociality and fearless dominance
Q33653525Psychopharmacological effects of oxycodone in healthy volunteers: roles of alcohol-drinking status and sex
Q72118564Psychopharmacology and abuse potential of transnasal butorphanol
Q48599170Psychophysiological determinants and concomitants of deficient decision making in pathological gamblers
Q38282011Psychophysiology of pain and opioid use: implications for managing pain in patients with an opioid use disorder
Q33980564Psychosocial and contextual determinants of alcohol and drug use disorders in the National Latino and Asian American Study
Q123600452Psychosocial and health problems associated with alcohol use disorder and cannabis use disorder in U.S. adults
Q49806734Psychosocial and neural indicators of resilience among youth with a family history of substance use disorder
Q39710825Psychosocial and substance-use risk factors for intimate partner violence.
Q46304653Psychosocial correlates of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use: findings from a Nigerian university
Q41503219Psychosocial correlates of chronic cannabis use.
Q79890928Psychosocial correlates of substance use in adolescence: a cross-national study in six European countries
Q44963791Psychosocial effects of longterm cannabis use in India A study of fifty heavy users and controls
Q49123601Psychosocial factors influencing alcohol problems in West German survey samples
Q36149670Psychosocial functioning and cocaine use during treatment: strength of relationship depends on type of urine-testing method
Q44934076Psychosocial profiles of older adolescent MDMA users.
Q49806754Psychosocial stress increases craving for alcohol in social drinkers: Effects of risk-taking
Q34567589Psychosocial treatments for cocaine dependence: The role of depressive symptoms
Q35017227Psychoticism and neuroticism predict cocaine dependence and future cocaine use via different mechanisms
Q72687665Psychotropic drug consumption and other factors associated with heroin overdose
Q55043041Pubertal maturation and the development of alcohol use and abuse.
Q38104454Public health strategies for prevention and control of HSV-2 in persons who use drugs in the United States
Q34001228Public injecting and HIV risk behaviour among street-involved youth.
Q68916203Publication trends in fetal alcohol, tobacco and narcotic effects
Q94953646Puffing topography and physiological responses in men and women with low versus high waterpipe dependence during smoking: The WiHi Irbid project
Q43884133Pumping iron, risking infection? Exposure to hepatitis C, hepatitis B and HIV among anabolic-androgenic steroid injectors in Victoria, Australia
Q53977871Punishing pregnant drug users: enhancing the flight from care.
Q43745879Pupillography response to methadone challenge: Aid to diagnosis of opioid dependence
Q58089959Purchases of prescription drugs before an alcohol-related death: A ten-year follow-up study using linked routine data
Q41614495Pyrazole-insensitive alcohol dehydrogenase activity in human serum
Q85847474QT interval prolongation associated with low magnesium in chronic alcoholics
Q39375394Qualitative process study of community pharmacist brief alcohol intervention effectiveness trial: Can research participation effects explain a null finding?
Q38039745Quality of life among alcohol-dependent patients: how satisfactory are the available instruments? A systematic review
Q43947590Quality of life and personality disorders in heroin abusers
Q47850710Quality of life in a cohort of high-dose benzodiazepine dependent patients
Q39845397Quality of life under maintenance treatment with heroin versus methadone in patients with opioid dependence
Q34511268Quantification and comparison of marijuana smoking practices: Blunts, joints, and pipes
Q46524896Quantification of EtG in hair, EtG and EtS in urine and PEth species in capillary dried blood spots to assess the alcohol consumption in driver's licence regranting cases.
Q45249961Quantifying cannabis use with the timeline followback approach: a psychometric evaluation
Q36621079Quantifying crime associated with drug use among a large cohort of sanctioned offenders in England and Wales
Q71181993Quantitation and comparison of phenobarbital levels in the plasma, saliva, and cerebrospinal fluid of the rat, and the demonstration of an alteration of drug passage by ethanol
Q84518496Quantitative assessment of time dependent drug-use trends by the analysis of drugs and related metabolites in raw sewage
Q90631211Quantitative biochemical screening for marijuana use and concordance with tobacco use in urban adolescents
Q66972156Quantitative correlation of ethanol elimination rates in vivo with liver alcohol dehydrogenase activities in fed, fasted and food-restricted rats
Q48684491Quantitative electroencephalographic differences associated with alcohol, cocaine, heroin and dual-substance dependence
Q31926100Quantitative medial temporal lobe brain morphology and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in cocaine dependence: a preliminary report
Q115031484Quantitative review of psychosocial and ethical contents of home drug testing for parents on the Internet
Q99723813Quantity and frequency of cannabis use in relation to cannabis-use disorder and cannabis-related problems
Q92478763Quasi-experimentally examining the impact of introducing tobacco pictorial health warnings: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) 4C and Netherlands surveys in the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and the United States
Q41435315Quetiapine for the treatment of cocaine use disorder
Q101378056Quetiapine treatment for cannabis use disorder
Q30531050Quick screen to detect current substance use disorder in adolescents and the likelihood of future disorder
Q97539586Quit ratios for cigarette smoking among individuals with opioid misuse and opioid use disorder in the United States
Q33912528Quitting smoking and change in alcohol consumption in the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey
Q38605561Race/ethnicity and marijuana use in the United States: Diminishing differences in the prevalence of use, 2006-2015.
Q34190594Race/ethnicity and sex differences in progression from drinking initiation to the development of alcohol dependence
Q37320860Race/ethnicity, socioeconomic factors, and smoking among early adolescent girls in the United States
Q36499522Racial and ethnic changes in heroin injection in the United States: implications for the HIV/AIDS epidemic
Q38673634Racial and ethnic differences in opioid agonist treatment for opioid use disorder in a U.S. national sample
Q100446759Racial and gender inequities in the implementation of a cannabis criminal justice diversion program in a large and diverse metropolitan county of the USA
Q37172383Racial differences in heritability of cigarette smoking in adolescents and young adults
Q44396014Racial differences in marijuana-users' risk of arrest in the United States
Q91306985Racial differences in overdose events and polydrug detection in Indianapolis, Indiana
Q93130561Racial differences in the relationship between alcohol/pregnancy policies and birth outcomes and prenatal care utilization: A legal epidemiology study
Q33923466Racial differences in the validity of self-reported drug use among men who have sex with men in Atlanta, GA
Q45161002Racial differences in trajectories of cigarette use.
Q35672881Racial differences in trajectories of heavy drinking and regular marijuana use from ages 13 to 24 among African-American and White males.
Q91024575Racial disparities in discontinuation of long-term opioid therapy following illicit drug use among black and white patients
Q41911006Racial factors influencing college students' ratings of alcohol's usefulness
Q39151704Racial/ethnic differences in 30-year trajectories of heavy drinking in a nationally representative U.S. sample
Q44215401Racial/ethnic differences in correlates of prescription drug misuse among young adults
Q95647554Racial/ethnic differences in opioid-involved overdose deaths across metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in the United States, 1999-2017
Q27312280Racial/ethnic differences in trends in heroin use and heroin-related risk behaviors among nonmedical prescription opioid users.
Q98563545Racial/ethnic discrimination and alcohol use disorder severity among United States adults
Q68249658Radioimmunoassay of amphetamines in rat parotid saliva
Q67599531Radioimmunoassay of methadone in rat parotid saliva
Q46239777Random responses inflate statistical estimates in heavily skewed addictions data.
Q74741334Randomised double-blind comparison of lofexidine and clonidine in the out-patient treatment of opiate withdrawal
Q59769137Randomised double-blind comparison of lofexidine and methadone in the in-patient treatment of opiate withdrawal
Q89577132Randomized Trial of Screening and Brief Intervention to Reduce Injury and Substance Abuse in an urban Level I Trauma Center
Q37164750Randomized clinical trial examining duration of voucher-based reinforcement therapy for cocaine abstinence
Q54226260Randomized clinical trial of disulfiram for cocaine dependence or abuse during buprenorphine treatment.
Q44348336Randomized controlled study transitioning opioid-dependent pregnant women from short-acting morphine to buprenorphine or methadone
Q44344528Randomized controlled trial of a computerized opioid overdose education intervention
Q91339370Randomized controlled trial of a positive affect intervention for methamphetamine users
Q93351006Randomized controlled trial of telephone monitoring with psychiatry inpatients with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders
Q36630235Randomized multi-site trial of the Job Seekers' Workshop in patients with substance use disorders
Q43278930Randomized response estimates for doping and illicit drug use in elite athletes.
Q102058333Randomized trial of methadone treatment of arrestees: 24-month post-release outcomes
Q33441401Randomized, controlled pilot trial of a smartphone app for smoking cessation using acceptance and commitment therapy
Q34424620Randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial of disulfiram for the treatment of cocaine dependence in methadone-stabilized patients.
Q33873511Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of modafinil for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence
Q40320100Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of baclofen and gabapentin for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence
Q36839403Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of bupropion for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence
Q44679867Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of sertraline and contingency management for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence
Q38034585Rapid adaptation to neuronal membrane effects of ethanol and low temperature: Some speculations on mechanism
Q42644267Rapid assessment of drug-related HIV risk among men who have sex with men in three South African cities
Q73316256Rapid cortical hemoglobin deoxygenation after heroin and methadone injection in humans: a preliminary report
Q42767360Rapid heterologous desensitization of antinociceptive activity between mu or delta opioid receptors and chemokine receptors in rats
Q40509840Rapid transition from drinking to alcohol dependence among adolescent and young-adult newly incident drinkers in the United States, 2002-2013.
Q47803823Rapid widespread distribution of intranasal naloxone for overdose prevention.
Q59138815Rates and correlates of mortality amongst heroin users: Findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS), 2001–2009
Q39542428Rates of past-year alcohol treatment across two time metrics and differences by alcohol use disorder severity and mental health comorbidities
Q94548449Rates, characteristics and manner of cannabis-related deaths in Australia 2000-2018
Q46491044Rating the severity and character of transient cocaine-induced delusions and hallucinations with a new instrument, the Scale for Assessment of Positive Symptoms for Cocaine-Induced Psychosis (SAPS-CIP).
Q90444540Re-evaluation of the KMSK scales, rapid dimensional measures of self-exposure to specific drugs: Gender-specific features
Q60485528Reaching and enrolling drug users for HIV prevention: a multi-site analysis
Q103822117Reactions to targeted tobacco control messaging: Transgender and gender diverse young adult perspectives
Q52252648Reactivity to alcohol stimuli in alcoholics: is there a role for temptation?
Q24655024Reactivity to laboratory stress provocation predicts relapse to cocaine
Q39943824Readiness-to-change as a moderator of a web-based brief intervention for marijuana among students identified by health center screening.
Q57166657Real-time predictors of smoking among sexual minority and heterosexual young adults: An ecological momentary assessment study
Q37402666Real-time tracking of neighborhood surroundings and mood in urban drug misusers: application of a new method to study behavior in its geographical context
Q58450681Real-time, continuous electrochemical monitoring of drugs in vivo
Q41640417Rearing environment differentially modulates cocaine self-administration after opioid pretreatment: A behavioral economic analysis.
Q43890406Rearrest rates among Norwegian drugged drivers compared with drunken drivers
Q49092895Reasons adduced by high school students for not using drugs
Q89714503Reasons for assisting with injection initiation: Results from a large survey of people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California
Q47204719Reasons for non-drinking among Israeli adolescents of four religions
Q58633804Reasons for prescription opioid misuse while playing in the NFL associated with current use and misuse among retired players
Q42359197Reasons for using flavored liquids among electronic cigarette users: A concept mapping study
Q40832748Reasons to use e-cigarettes and associations with other substances among adolescents in Switzerland
Q68249644Reassessing the goal of drug education: diversity of preference among teachers and students
Q47741373Recalled first reactions to inhaling nicotine predict the level of physical dependence
Q44448276Recanting of substance use reports in a longitudinal prevention study
Q54213589Receipt of alcohol-related care among patients with HCV and unhealthy alcohol use.
Q91231032Receipt of opioid agonist treatment halves the risk of HIV-1 RNA viral load rebound through improved ART adherence for HIV-infected women who use illicit drugs
Q44331742Receipt of opioid agonist treatment in the Veterans Health Administration: facility and patient factors
Q36619578Receipt of pharmacotherapy for opioid use disorder by justice-involved U.S. Veterans Health Administration patients
Q45719859Receiving versus being denied an abortion and subsequent drug use.
Q44154872Recent cannabis use among adolescent and young adult immigrants in the Netherlands--the roles of acculturation strategy and linguistic acculturation
Q31870862Recent evolution in opiate dependence in France during generalisation of maintenance treatments
Q94540262Recent incarceration and risk of first-time injection initiation assistance: A prospective cohort study of persons who inject drugs
Q52650502Recent rapid decrease in adolescents' perception that marijuana is harmful, but no concurrent increase in use.
Q100501573Recent trends and associated factors of amphetamine-type stimulant overdoses in emergency departments
Q40728562Recent trends in cannabis use in Canada
Q90672405Recent trends in cooperativeness among participants in the national survey of drug use and health 2002-2015
Q48114861Receptor selectivity of icv morphine in the rat cold water tail-flick test
Q67353189Recidivism among clients of alcoholism halfway houses
Q67353191Recidivism and indices of drug abuse treatment effectiveness
Q67353187Recidivism as a measure of the persistency of deviant behavior
Q67353183Recidivism in alcoholism and substance abuse programs. An introduction to the symposium
Q103825512Reciprocal influences of tobacco use on illicit opioid and alcohol use during the first six-months of specialist addiction treatment
Q35605861Reciprocal inhibitory effects of intravenous d-methamphetamine self-administration and wheel activity in rats
Q37694825Recognition and management of alcohol misuse in OEF/OIF and other veterans in the VA: a cross-sectional study
Q38832784Recognition and response to opioid overdose deaths-New Mexico, 2012.
Q45161029Recognition of a dopamine replacement therapy dependence syndrome in Parkinson's disease: a pilot study
Q37674006Recovery benefits of the "therapeutic alliance" among 12-step mutual-help organization attendees and their sponsors
Q47651636Recovery capital pathways: Modelling the components of recovery wellbeing.
Q35952024Recovery definitions: Do they change?
Q92892386Recreational ART use among individuals living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa: Examining longitudinal ART initiation and viral suppression
Q92736311Recreational cannabis use impairs driving performance in the absence of acute intoxication
Q24650832Recreational drug use and T lymphocyte subpopulations in HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected men
Q48573782Recreational drug use and risk of HIV infection among men who have sex with men: A cross-sectional study in Shenzhen, China
Q58555059Recreational marijuana legalization and prescription opioids received by Medicaid enrollees
Q40702802Recreational phenethylamine poisonings reported to a French poison control center
Q37467733Redressing the epidemics of opioid overdose and HIV among people who inject drugs in Central Asia: the need for a syndemic approach
Q34093206Reduced anterior prefrontal cortex activation in young binge drinkers during a visual working memory task.
Q60680227Reduced baroreflex sensitivity in acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome and in abstained alcoholics
Q44161274Reduced cardio-respiratory coupling in acute alcohol withdrawal
Q44668411Reduced cardiovascular effects of methamphetamine following treatment with selegiline
Q44672960Reduced cortical gray matter density in human MDMA (Ecstasy) users: a voxel-based morphometry study.
Q35206732Reduced cortical gray matter volume in male adolescents with substance and conduct problems.
Q48233797Reduced frontal cortical thickness and increased caudate volume within fronto-striatal circuits in young adult smokers
Q48025502Reduced interhemispheric executive control network coupling in men during early cocaine abstinence: A pilot study
Q47233701Reduced nicotine content cigarette advertising: How false beliefs and subjective ratings affect smoking behavior
Q36575460Reduced posterior mesofrontal cortex activation by risky rewards in substance-dependent patients
Q59540399Reduced precuneus activation in adolescents at risk for food addiction
Q43905204Reduced striatal brain volumes in non-medicated adult ADHD patients with comorbid cocaine dependence
Q44084042Reduced ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) volume and impaired vmPFC-default mode network integration in codeine-containing cough syrups users
Q71721803Reducing alcohol-use disorders via decreased consumption: a comparison of population and high-risk strategies
Q71035551Reducing attrition from conjoint therapy with alcoholic couples
Q35146787Reducing hospital presentations for opioid overdose in patients treated with sustained release naltrexone implants
Q44338821Reducing opioid. analgesic abuse: models for successful collaboration among government, industry and other key stakeholders
Q33642268Reducing readmissions to detoxification: an interorganizational network perspective
Q60031018Reducing the cost of free time: Treatment success in a randomized trial of clonidine as adjunct to buprenorphine maintenance is associated with more leisure activities in the clonidine condition
Q43570022Reducing the harms caused by cannabis use: the policy debate in Australia
Q46930879Reducing the time and dose of morphine application used in Marshall and Grahame-Smith method for induction of morphine tolerance and dependence in mice
Q93371619Reduction in methamphetamine consumption trends from 2015 to 2018 detected by wastewater-based epidemiology in Dalian, China
Q92246555Reduction in non-abstinent WHO drinking risk levels and depression/anxiety disorders: 3-year follow-up results in the US general population
Q92587979Reduction in non-abstinent World Health Organization (WHO) drinking risk levels and drug use disorders: 3-year follow-up results in the US general population
Q48900155Reduction of the sialic acid and galactose concentrations in erythrocyte membranes in alcoholics
Q73434142Reductions in acquisitive crime and drug use after treatment of addiction problems: 1-year follow-up outcomes
Q44333159Reductions in convictions for violent crime during opioid maintenance treatment: a longitudinal national cohort study
Q46651921Reductions in criminal convictions after addiction treatment: 5-year follow-up
Q59138830Reductions in heroin use are not associated with increases in other drug use: 2-year findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study
Q36421232Reductions in physical pain predict lower risk of relapse following alcohol treatment
Q90166721Redundant visual signals reduce the intensity of alcohol impairment
Q50574950Referral for chronic hepatitis C treatment from a drug dependency treatment setting
Q35781994Regardless of psychiatric severity the addition of contingency management to standard treatment improves retention and drug use outcomes
Q48437291Regional cerebral blood flow during acute and chronic abstinence from combined cocaine-alcohol abuse
Q44574561Regional cerebral blood flow in female cocaine-addicted subjects following limbic activation
Q50083696Regional cerebral blood flow predictors of relapse and resilience in substance use recovery: A coordinate-based meta-analysis of human neuroimaging studies
Q36205006Regional differences in drug use rates among American Indian youth
Q66985010Regional differences in high-affinity choline uptake in brain after acute and chronic treatment with ethanol
Q39758554Regional differences in injecting practices and other substance use-related behaviour among entrants into opioid maintenance pharmacotherapy treatment in New South Wales, Australia
Q92601168Regional differences in white matter integrity in stimulant use disorders: A meta-analysis of diffusion tensor imaging studies
Q34480610Regional gray matter deficits in alcohol dependence: A meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies
Q92160664Regional trends in suspected synthetic cannabinoid exposure from January 2016 to September 2019 in the United States
Q78246018Regional variations in alcohol use among young people in France. Epidemiological approach to alcohol use and abuse by adolescents and conscripts
Q70578340Regional variations in the consumption of alcohol in the U.S.A.
Q37725081Regionally-specific alterations in myelin proteins in nonhuman primate white matter following prolonged cocaine self-administration
Q42403475Registered reports: a new submission format at Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Q37592882Regression to the mean and alcohol consumption: a cohort study exploring implications for the interpretation of change in control groups in brief intervention trials
Q91665835Regular MDMA use is associated with decreased risk of drug injection among street-involved youth who use illicit drugs
Q47914548Regular cannabis and alcohol use is associated with resting-state time course power spectra in incarcerated adolescents
Q90309181Regular cannabis use, with and without tobacco co-use, is associated with respiratory disease
Q37238635Regular drinking may strengthen the beneficial influence of social support on depression: findings from a representative Israeli sample during a period of war and terrorism
Q39708844Regular use of alcohol and tobacco in India and its association with age, gender, and poverty.
Q33949643Regularly drinking alcohol before sex in the United States: effects of relationship status and alcohol use disorders
Q33624263Regulation of craving by cognitive strategies in cigarette smokers
Q37719125Regulation of opioid receptors by endocytic membrane traffic: mechanisms and translational implications
Q82981849Regulatory challenges for new formulations of controlled substances in today's environment
Q71736709Rehabilitation of drug-dependent persons: where are we going wrong?
Q52316316Rehospitalization and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment entry among patients seen by a hospital SUD consultation-liaison service.
Q30375616Reinforcement enhancing effects of acute nicotine via electronic cigarettes.
Q39528221Reinforcement-based intensive outpatient treatment for inner city opiate abusers: a short-term evaluation
Q46588014Reinforcement-based therapy: 12-month evaluation of an outpatient drug-free treatment for heroin abusers
Q51854924Reinforcements from the first drug experience can predict later drug habits and/or addiction: Results with coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, barbiturates, minor and major tranquilizers, stimulants, marijuana, hallucinogens, heroin, opiates and cocaine
Q88109047Reinforcer pathologies: Predicting alcohol related problems in college drinking men and women
Q34387041Reinforcing and discriminative stimulus effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine in rhesus monkeys
Q43803503Reinforcing and discriminative-stimulus effects of ephedrine isomers in rhesus monkeys
Q45109753Reinforcing and subjective effects of the volatile anesthetic, sevoflurane
Q48858301Reinforcing breath carbon monoxide reductions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Q43728938Reinforcing effects of D2 dopamine receptor agonists and partial agonists in rhesus monkeys
Q34362487Reinforcing effects of extended inhalation of nitrous oxide in humans
Q37204887Reinforcing integrated psychiatric service attendance in an opioid-agonist program: a randomized and controlled trial
Q51848710Reinforcing properties of lorazepam in normal volunteers.
Q40567512Reinforcing, subject-rated, and physiological effects of intranasal methylphenidate in humans: a dose-response analysis
Q28210514Reinforcing, subjective, and physiological effects of MDMA in humans: a comparison with d-amphetamine and mCPP
Q35541827Reinstatement of methamphetamine seeking in male and female rats treated with modafinil and allopregnanolone
Q71099424Relapse rates for former clients of alcoholism rehabilitation units who are drinking without symptoms
Q48405844Relapse to drug-seeking: neural and molecular mechanisms
Q70664585Relapse to morphine self-administration in morphine, methadone, and levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) post-addict rats
Q46326723Relapse to opiate use provokes biphasic changes of blood pressure in heroin-withdrawn addicts treated with clonidine
Q52585390Relapse to smoking following release from smoke-free correctional facilities in Queensland, Australia.
Q37667076Relation among HPA and HPG neuroendocrine systems, transmissible risk and neighborhood quality on development of substance use disorder: results of a 10-year prospective study
Q45109730Relation between cognitive distortions and neurobehavior disinhibition on the development of substance use during adolescence and substance use disorder by young adulthood: a prospective study
Q44958387Relation of attachment style to family history of alcoholism and alcohol use disorders in early adulthood
Q115217234Relations between impulsive personality traits, alcohol and cannabis co-use, and negative alcohol consequences: A test of cognitive and behavioral mediators
Q47760890Relations between mental health diagnoses, mental health treatment, and substance use in homeless youth.
Q51915976Relations between parent and adolescent problems among adolescents presenting for family-based marijuana abuse treatment.
Q44337911Relationship between CYP2B6*6 and cold pressor pain sensitivity in opioid dependent patients on methadone maintenance therapy (MMT).
Q70709841Relationship between HBV markers and heroin as a cause of liver injury in drug addicts
Q44026080Relationship between LAAM-methadone preference and treatment outcomes
Q48378696Relationship between N-acetyl-aspartate in gray and white matter of abstinent methamphetamine abusers and their history of drug abuse: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study
Q69677298Relationship between alcohol consumption and breast cancer morbidity rates in Western Australia, 1971--1984
Q44324902Relationship between betel quid chewing and risks of cardiovascular disease in older adults: a cross-sectional study in Taiwan
Q46588054Relationship between blood alcohol concentration and carbohydrate-deficient transferrin among drivers
Q40105598Relationship between brain levels of cyclic nucleotides and γ-aminobutyric acid during ethanol withdrawal in rats
Q92774315Relationship between cannabis use frequency and major depressive disorder in adolescents: Findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2012-2017
Q43647888Relationship between central serotonergic neurotransmission and reduction in alcohol intake by citalopram
Q58591005Relationship between childhood abuse and substance misuse problems is mediated by substance use coping motives, in school attending South African adolescents
Q38913566Relationship between early symptoms of alcohol craving and binge drinking 2.5 years later
Q44094315Relationship between extent of cocaine use and dependence among adolescents and adults in the United States
Q88650775Relationship between fMRI response during a nonverbal memory task and marijuana use in college students
Q68035113Relationship between hepatic histology and conventional biochemical liver function test in chronic alcoholic patients
Q51666814Relationship between intravenous use and achieving initial cocaine abstinence.
Q47337756Relationship between masculinity and feminity in drinking in alcohol-related behavior in a general population sample
Q69337760Relationship between plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone and cortisol concentrations in chronic alcoholic patients with depression
Q48631036Relationship between plasma cortisol concentrations and depression in chronic alcoholic patients
Q36797296Relationship between sex hormones and cognitive performance in men with substance use.
Q90110141Relationship between skin melanin index and nicotine pharmacokinetics in African American smokers
Q51136571Relationship between subjective effects and drug preferences: ethanol and diazepam.
Q88532741Relationship between the duration of methamphetamine use and psychotic symptoms: A two-year prospective cohort study
Q48499377Relationship between trait impulsivity and cortical volume, thickness and surface area in male cocaine users and non-drug using controls
Q68641078Relationship between waiting time and retention in treatment amongst substance abusers
Q92773796Relationship functioning and substance use in same-sex male couples
Q77893762Relationship of ADHD, depression, and non-tobacco substance use disorders to nicotine dependence in substance-dependent delinquents
Q34612772Relationship of cognitive function and the acquisition of coping skills in computer assisted treatment for substance use disorders.
Q43199063Relationship of combat experiences to alcohol misuse among U.S. soldiers returning from the Iraq war.
Q71389895Relationship of family history of alcoholism to patterns of drinking and physical dependence in male alcoholics
Q91019991Relationship of media exposure to substance use among adolescents in Saudi Arabia: Results from a national study
Q40091587Relationship of opioid prescription sales and overdoses, North Carolina.
Q72629337Relationship of specialty and access to substance use among registered nurses: an exploratory analysis
Q78170784Relationships between characteristics of drinking occasions and negative and positive experiences related to drinking
Q93122295Relationships between drinking quantity and frequency and behavioral and hippocampal BOLD responses during working memory performance involving allocentric spatial navigation in college students
Q50943092Relationships between frequency and quantity of marijuana use and last year proxy dependence among adolescents and adults in the United States.
Q38846267Relationships between needle and syringe programs and police: An exploratory analysis of the potential role of in-service training
Q72180017Relationships of personality disorders with problem severity in methadone patients
Q34170690Relative abuse liability of lorazepam and diazepam: an evaluation in 'recreational' drug users
Q49019338Relative abuse of diazepam and oxazepam: prescription forgeries and theft/loss reports in Sweden
Q34649494Relative bioavailability of different buprenorphine formulations under chronic dosing conditions
Q90202469Relative importance of caregiver characteristics for future alcohol consumption in youth involved with child welfare system
Q44189352Relative reinforcing effects of different benzodiazepine doses for rhesus monkeys
Q51611678Relative reinforcing effects of different doses of orally delivered cocaine.
Q68090742Relative risk factors in detecting adolescent drug abuse
Q38307013Relaxin-3 mRNA levels in nucleus incertus correlate with alcohol and sucrose intake in rats
Q99209500Relevance of routine activities for understanding the impact of the dual systems model on binge drinking among college students
Q43571808Reliability and discriminant validity of the Type I/II and Type A/B alcoholic subtype classifications in untreated problem drinkers: a test of the Apollonian--Dionysian hypothesis
Q37222587Reliability and validity of a short form of the Marijuana Craving Questionnaire.
Q77462282Reliability and validity of self-report: on the importance of considering context
Q50669509Reliability and validity of the Westminster Substance Use Questionnaire among Lancashire adolescents
Q36087857Reliability of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria using the semi-structured assessment for drug dependence and alcoholism (SSADDA).
Q93596358Reliability of a family tree questionnaire for assessing family history of alcohol problems
Q74447010Reliability of drug dependents' self-reports
Q39446741Reliability of drug dependents' self-reports.
Q74507731Reliability of self-reported antisocial personality disorder symptoms among substance abusers
Q70478117Reliability of self-reports of low ethanol consumption by problem drinkers over 18 months of follow-up
Q47686705Reliability of substance use disorder diagnoses among African-Americans and Caucasians
Q51914207Reliability of the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence, Minnesota Nicotine Withdrawal Scale, and Tiffany Questionnaire for Smoking Urges in smokers with and without schizophrenia.
Q40879940Reliability of the alcohol and drug modules of the Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule--Alcohol/Drug-Revised (AUDADIS-ADR): an international comparison
Q36089480Reliability of use, abuse, and dependence of four types of inhalants in adolescents and young adults.
Q54724081Religion and alcohol in the U.S. National Alcohol Survey: how important is religion for abstention and drinking?
Q54791081Religion and attitudes towards alcohol use in the Western Isles.
Q36672654Religiosity and substance use among Asian American college students: moderated effects of race and acculturation
Q36689460Religiosity as a protective factor for hazardous drinking and drug use among sexual minority and heterosexual women: Findings from the National Alcohol Survey
Q37574561Religious factors associated with alcohol involvement: results from the Mauritian Joint Child Health Project
Q91195636Religious involvement and racial disparities in opioid use disorder between 2004-2005 and 2012-2013: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Q101241556Remifentanil-food choice follows predictions of relative subjective value
Q35903423Remission from alcohol and other drug problem use in public and private treatment samples over seven years
Q37204853Remission from substance dependence: differences between individuals in a general population longitudinal survey who do and do not seek help
Q38950931Remission from substance use disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q52278405Remissions from drug dependence: is treatment a prerequisite?
Q43062360Removal notice to "Sustained-release naltrexone for opioid dependence: A cochrane review and meta-analysis" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 146 (2015) e165-e166].
Q51809769Repeated administration of diazepam and triazolam to subjects with histories of drug abuse.
Q51763333Repeated intranasal cocaine administration: lack of tolerance to pressor effects.
Q39674168Repeated measures latent class analysis of daily smoking in three smoking cessation studies
Q112585825Repeated morphine exposure activates synaptogenesis and other neuroplasticity-related gene networks in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex of male and female rats
Q47411978Repeated nicotine exposure modulates prodynorphin and pronociceptin levels in the reward pathway.
Q48456524Repeated weekly exposure to MDMA, methamphetamine or their combination: long-term behavioural and neurochemical effects in rats.
Q70793304Repeated withdrawal from barbital as a drive for 'drug taking behavior' in rats
Q38893356Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex reduces resting-state insula activity and modulates functional connectivity of the orbitofrontal cortex in cigarette smokers
Q37023967Replication and sustainability of improved access and retention within the Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment
Q39767800Reported alcohol drinking and mental health problems in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents
Q42595690Reporting of HIV risk behaviors by injection drug using heterosexual couples in methadone maintenance
Q31028892Reproducibility and differential item functioning of the alcohol dependence syndrome construct across four alcohol treatment studies: An integrative data analysis
Q58330025Republic of Georgia estimates for prevalence of drug use: Randomized response techniques suggest under-estimation
Q68759607Research and policy
Q59488289Research design strategies to evaluate the impact of formulations on abuse liability
Q37917032Research is badly needed to improve programmes for the prevention and treatment of drug abuse and drug dependence in Brazil
Q41447847Research issues concerning alcohol consumption among aging populations
Q37811591Research issues in assessing addiction treatment efficacy: how cost effective are Alcoholics Anonymous and private treatment centers?
Q37917020Research on drug use: a review of problems, needs and future perspectives
Q37917008Research on psychopathology and addiction: treatment implications
Q92076017Research on women with substance use disorders: Reviewing progress and developing a research and implementation roadmap
Q36975144Researching the intoxicated: informed consent implications for alcohol and drug research
Q36496674Residual effects of intranasal methamphetamine on sleep, mood, and performance.
Q48739520Residual effects of repeated cocaine smoking in humans
Q44994499Residual neuropsychological effects of illicit 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in individuals with minimal exposure to other drugs
Q93072104Resiliency factors that protect against post-deployment drug use among male US Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers
Q34162203Resisting temptation: decreasing alcohol-related affect and drinking behavior by training response inhibition
Q96762364Respiratory and emotional reactivity to ethanol odor in human neonates is dependent upon maternal drinking patterns during pregnancy
Q48097663Respiratory effects of diazepam/methadone combination in rats: a study based on concentration/effect relationships.
Q47567218Respondent driven sampling and community structure in a population of injecting drug users, Bristol, UK.
Q34167609Respondent driven sampling is an effective method for engaging methamphetamine users in HIV prevention research in South Africa
Q50160157Respondent-driven sampling to assess characteristics and estimate the number of injection drug users in Bangkok, Thailand
Q46449718Respondent-driven sampling to recruit MDMA users: a methodological assessment
Q35667147Respondent-driven sampling to recruit young adult non-medical users of pharmaceutical opioids: problems and solutions
Q51876576Responding maintained by cocaine or d-amphetamine under fixed-interval schedules in baboons.
Q37462396Response disinhibition evoked by the administration of nicotine and nicotine-associated contextual cues
Q56678970Response inhibition and fronto-striatal-thalamic circuit dysfunction in cocaine addiction
Q36164768Response inhibition and psychomotor speed during methadone maintenance: impact of treatment duration, dose, and sleep deprivation
Q91780583Response letter to Qiu et al
Q52277303Response patterns of the Spanish version of the 49-item short form of the Addiction Research Center Inventory after the use of sedatives, stimulants, and opioids.
Q92520630Response to Kwon et al. "Estimating the number of people who inject drugs and syringe coverage in Australia, 2005-2016"
Q91569661Response to Manthey, Carr, and Rehm
Q45198803Response to alcohol cues as a function of consumption level
Q34474280Response to alcohol in women: Role of the menstrual cycle and a family history of alcoholism
Q46742376Response to cocaine, alone and in combination with methylphenidate, in cocaine abusers with ADHD.
Q46112128Response to methadone maintenance treatment of opiate dependent patients with and without significant pain
Q46987212Responsiveness of EQ-5D utility indices in alcohol-dependent patients
Q130081933Resting state functional connectivity in dependent cannabis users: The moderating role of cannabis attitudes
Q49895331Resting state functional connectivity of the amygdala and problem drinking in non-dependent alcohol drinkers
Q37138543Resting state synchrony in long-term abstinent alcoholics with versus without comorbid drug dependence
Q36746203Resting-state activity in the left executive control network is associated with behavioral approach and is increased in substance dependence
Q35181313Resting-state regional cerebral blood flow during adolescence: associations with initiation of substance use and prediction of future use disorders.
Q47567346Restricting the availability of alcohol and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide).
Q37400844Results from a pilot clinical trial of varenicline for the treatment of alcohol dependence
Q31926065Results of a baseline urine test predict levels of cocaine use during treatment
Q30423352Results of a pilot randomized controlled trial of buprenorphine for opioid dependent women in the criminal justice system
Q35685676Results of an initial clinical trial of varenicline for the treatment of cocaine dependence
Q44980776Results of prevention programs with adolescents
Q51614416Results of the NIDA treatment demonstration grants' cocaine workgroup: characteristics of cocaine users and HIV risk behaviors.
Q51745704Resumption of injecting drug use following release from prison in Australia.
Q24678345Retail marijuana purchases in designer and commercial markets in New York City: sales units, weights, and prices per gram
Q45960603Retention and its predictors among methadone maintenance treatment clients in China: a six-year cohort study.
Q52083391Retention and patient engagement models for different treatment modalities in DATOS.
Q42637737Retention in a low-threshold methadone maintenance program
Q43009162Retention in naltrexone implant treatment for opioid dependence
Q57209689Retention in treatment of heroin users in Italy: the role of treatment type and of methadone maintenance dosage
Q71099435Retention of driving-under-the-influence offenders in alcoholism treatment
Q104571669Retention of opioid agonist treatment prescribers across New South Wales, Australia, 2001-2018: Implications for treatment systems and potential impact on client outcomes
Q43884128Retention rate and illicit opioid use during methadone maintenance interventions: a meta-analysis
Q93107816Retraction notice to Confirmed Marijuana Use and Lymphocyte Count in Black People Living with HIV [DAD 180 (2017) 22 - 25]
Q43540768Reversal of acute effects of high dose morphine on lymphocyte activity by chlorisondamine
Q44024561Reversibility of morphine effects on phagocytosis by murine macrophages
Q52049498Reversible effects of acute and long-term administration of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on memory in the rat.
Q46133428Reversing the sequence: reducing alcohol consumption by overcoming alcohol attentional bias
Q39820251Review of self-administration
Q100941584Review of sexualized drug use associated with sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men
Q89116297Review: Adjunctive pharmacologic approaches for benzodiazepine tapers
Q47330073Revisiting the role of the insula and smoking cue-reactivity in relapse: A replication and extension of neuroimaging findings
Q93341138Reward activation in childhood predicts adolescent substance use initiation in a high-risk sample
Q58566049Reward and executive control network resting-state functional connectivity is associated with impulsivity during reward-based decision making for cocaine users
Q35624288Reward expectations lead to smoking uptake among depressed adolescents
Q36803318Reward-related decision-making deficits and elevated impulsivity among MDMA and other drug users
Q47683914Reward-related frontostriatal activity and smoking behavior among adolescents in treatment for smoking cessation
Q35738885Rifampin, but not rifabutin, may produce opiate withdrawal in buprenorphine-maintained patients
Q42602102Rise in needle sharing among injection drug users in Pakistan during the Afghanistan war.
Q57482317Rising incidence of ageing opioid users within the EU wide treatment demand indicator; The Irish opioid epidemic from 1996 to 2014
Q90347532Risk and protective factors for heroin use in a nationally representative sample of Ecuadorian youth
Q91441409Risk and protective factors for opioid misuse in American Indian adolescents
Q89714510Risk and protective factors for repeated overdose after opioid overdose survival
Q33489194Risk behaviors after hepatitis C virus seroconversion in young injection drug users in San Francisco
Q42688141Risk behaviors and HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C seroprevalence among injection drug users in Georgia
Q45828609Risk behaviours among substance use disorder treatment seekers with and without adult ADHD symptoms.
Q39263170Risk characteristics associated with chronic unemployment in methadone clients
Q30636591Risk estimates for starting tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use in the United States: male-female differences and the possibility that 'limiting time with friends' is protective
Q38021096Risk factors associated with HIV/HCV infection among entrants in methadone maintenance treatment clinics in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q91804544Risk factors associated with subsequent initiation of cigarettes and e-cigarettes in adolescence: A structural equation modeling approach
Q44574557Risk factors for HIV infection among drug injectors in southern Thailand
Q36024480Risk factors for adolescent smoking: parental smoking and the mediating role of nicotine dependence
Q69908894Risk factors for alcohol hepatotoxicity among male alcoholics
Q44440408Risk factors for alcoholism in the Oklahoma Family Health Patterns project: impact of early life adversity and family history on affect regulation and personality
Q48917789Risk factors for all-cause, overdose and early deaths after release from prison in Washington state
Q44487811Risk factors for anabolic-androgenic steroid use among weightlifters: a case-control study
Q42167719Risk factors for cocaine-induced paranoia in cocaine-dependent sibling pairs
Q50885003Risk factors for concurrent use of benzodiazepines and opioids among individuals under community corrections supervision.
Q58633922Risk factors for consumption of energy drinks, alcohol and both among a sample of youth from 10 U.S. metropolitan areas
Q47642420Risk factors for gambling and substance use among recent college students.
Q44338085Risk factors for high levels of prescription drug misuse and illicit drug use among substance-using young men who have sex with men (YMSM).
Q33613641Risk factors for incident nonmedical prescription opioid use and abuse and dependence: results from a longitudinal nationally representative sample
Q58633810Risk factors for prescription opioid misuse by duration of misuse
Q37282087Risk factors for progression to regular injection drug use among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting
Q48132282Risk factors for relapse to problem drinking among current and former US military personnel: a prospective study of the Millennium Cohort
Q35876117Risk factors for stimulant use among homeless and unstably housed adult women
Q47322257Risk factors for substances use and misuse among young people in France: What can we learn from the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale?
Q39884718Risk factors for unnatural death: Fatal accidental intoxication, undetermined intent and suicide: Register follow-up in a criminal justice population with substance use problems.
Q36357013Risk for prescription opioid misuse among patients with a history of substance use disorder
Q59522594Risk identification, risk assessment, and risk management of abusable drug formulations
Q33748353Risk management and post-marketing surveillance for the abuse of medications acting on the central nervous system: expert panel report
Q43274021Risk management and post-marketing surveillance of CNS drugs
Q43278393Risk management and post-marketing surveillance of CNS drugs: an introduction
Q37420971Risk management of drug products and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: evolution and context
Q70578320Risk of alcohol-related hospital admissions by marital status and social class among females
Q101120078Risk of discharge against medical advice among hospital inpatients with a history of opioid agonist therapy in New South Wales, Australia: A cohort study and nested crossover-cohort analysis
Q49833345Risk of fentanyl-involved overdose among those with past year incarceration: Findings from a recent outbreak in 2014 and 2015.
Q38742100Risk of injury from alcohol, marijuana and other drug use among emergency department patients
Q36689488Risk of mortality and physiologic injury evident with lower alcohol exposure among HIV infected compared with uninfected men.
Q91387380Risk of polysubstance use among sexual minority and heterosexual youth
Q58633889Risk of sexual abuse among ecstasy users differs by gender and other drug use
Q50532572Risk of substance use disorders following prenatal or postnatal exposure to bereavement
Q89515971Risk perception, changing social context, and norms prevent transition to regular injection among people who smoke heroin
Q89652000Risk perceptions regarding cigarette smoking in the United States continue to decline
Q46693259Risk profile of individuals who provide assistance with illicit drug injections
Q37304594Risk-factors for methadone-specific deaths in Scotland's methadone-prescription clients between 2009 and 2013
Q41586930Risk-taking and drug-use behaviour: an examination
Q43004655Risk-taking but not response inhibition or delay discounting predict alcohol consumption in social drinkers
Q57394305Risk-taking propensity and (un)healthy behavior in Germany
Q35591763Risks associated with crack cocaine smoking among exotic dancers in Baltimore, MD
Q33577658Risks for early substance involvement associated with parental alcoholism and parental separation in an adolescent female cohort
Q34258923Risks for opioid abuse and dependence among recipients of chronic opioid therapy: results from the TROUP study
Q90039480Risks of fatal opioid overdose during the first year following nonfatal overdose
Q50043507Risky alcohol use in Danish physicians: Associated with alexithymia and burnout?
Q42199479Risky behavior and correlates of HIV and Hepatitis C Virus infection among people who inject drugs in three cities in Afghanistan
Q39041535Risky behaviors, e-cigarette use and susceptibility of use among college students.
Q51808595Risky decision-making predicts short-term outcome of community but not residential treatment for opiate addiction. Implications for case management.
Q39281142Risky driving and sexual behaviors as developmental outcomes of co-occurring substance use and antisocial behavior
Q44668432Risky sexual behavior in relation to marijuana and alcohol use among African-American, male adolescent detainees and their female partners
Q40509748Risky substance use and peer pressure in Swiss young men: Test of moderation effects
Q44915814Road traffic crashes and prescribed methadone and buprenorphine: a French registry-based case-control study
Q36440977Robust and stable drinking behavior following long-term oral alcohol intake in rhesus macaques
Q53428759Role of agonist-antagonist analgesics in medicine.
Q39287014Role of calcium in ethanol-membrane interactions: A model for tolerance and dependence
Q44394319Role of catalase in ethanol-induced conditioned taste aversion: a study with 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole
Q27015058Role of cigarette sensory cues in modifying puffing topography
Q47791795Role of cortical alpha-2 adrenoceptors in alcohol withdrawal-induced depression and tricyclic antidepressants
Q58633894Role of gender in age of initiation of nonmedical use of prescription drugs among youth 10 to 18 years
Q36952379Role of individual, peer and family factors in the use of cannabis and other illicit drugs: a longitudinal analysis among Finnish adolescent twins
Q71502555Role of noradrenergic hyperactivity in neonatal opiate abstinence
Q122896543Role of parental divorce and discord in the intergenerational transmission of alcohol use disorder
Q36739205Role of phenmetrazine as an active metabolite of phendimetrazine: evidence from studies of drug discrimination and pharmacokinetics in rhesus monkeys
Q52423273Role of self-efficacy in predicting outcomes from a programme for controlled drinking.
Q39906878Role of serotonin in tolerance to ethanol and barbiturates: Evidence for a specific vs. non-specific concept of tolerance
Q37366254Role of social support and self-efficacy in treatment outcomes among clients with co-occurring disorders
Q63313857Role of substance abuse in physical and mental health trajectories throughout the deployment cycle: A national guard study
Q28276141Role of the increased noradrenergic neurotransmission in drug self-administration
Q92749395Role of the treatment environment in the effects of aripiprazole on ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization and conditioned place preference in female mice
Q91072381Roll-your-own cigarette smoking among youth experiencing homelessness
Q47728417Rosa Damascena oil improved sexual function and testosterone in male patients with opium use disorder under methadone maintenance therapy-results from a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Q93057762Route of administration effects on nicotine discrimination in female and male mice
Q36068409Route of administration influences substitution patterns in rats trained to discriminate methadone vs. vehicle
Q44836271Routine screening for risky alcohol consumption at an emergency department using the AUDIT-C questionnaire.
Q92568984Rumination and problematic substance use among individuals with a long-term history of illicit drug use
Q42698813Rural and urban comparisons of polysubstance use profiles and associated injection behaviors among people who inject drugs in Puerto Rico
Q33855987SPECT imaging of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in nonsmoking heavy alcohol drinking individuals
Q51639842Saccadic distractibility in cocaine dependent patients: a preliminary laboratory exploration of the cocaine-OCD hypothesis.
Q35124206Safety and health policy considerations related to the use of buprenorphine/naloxone as an office-based treatment for opiate dependence
Q44277328Safety and side-effects of buprenorphine in the clinical management of heroin addiction
Q36328458Safety of oral dronabinol during opioid withdrawal in humans
Q39315866Safety profile of injectable hydromorphone and diacetylmorphine for long-term severe opioid use disorder
Q37218859Safety, tolerability and efficacy of levodopa-carbidopa treatment for cocaine dependence: two double-blind, randomized, clinical trials
Q36404102Safety, tolerability and subject-rated effects of acute intranasal cocaine administration during atomoxetine maintenance
Q49632622Salience network coupling is linked to both tobacco smoking and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Q60633118Salivary hexosaminidase in smoking alcoholics with bad periodontal and dental states
Q47312876Salivary immune proteins monitoring can help detection of binge and chronic alcohol drinkers: Preliminary findings
Q100722995Salivary measurement and mindfulness-based modulation of prescription opioid cue-reactivity
Q93171128Salivary proteome characterization of alcohol and tobacco dependents
Q33520598Salvia divinorum: effects and use among YouTube users
Q47979827Same-day use of opioids and other central nervous system depressants amongst people who tamper with pharmaceutical opioids: A retrospective 7-day diary study
Q72486648Saving face ? Survey respondents who claim their last week's drinking was atypical
Q38150525Scaling up HIV prevention efforts targeting people who inject drugs in Central Asia: a review of key challenges and ways forward
Q52264850Schedule-induced drinking in humans: a potential factor in excessive alcohol use.
Q51739845Schedule-induced oral self-administration of cocaine and ethanol solutions: lack of effect of chronic desipramine.
Q48592670Schedule-induced polydipsia alters cocaine- but not ethanol-induced suppression of saccharin consumption
Q38782539School collective occupation movements and substance use among adolescents: A school-level panel design
Q42167672School-level contextual influences on smoking and drinking among Asian and Pacific Islander adolescents
Q68759609Science aid to policy dilemmas: implications of alcohol research to policy formulation in U.S.A.
Q34487271Scientific overview: 2013 BBC plenary symposium on tobacco addiction
Q43654140Scottish cocaine users: wealthy snorters or delinquent smokers?
Q92850944Screen of drug use: Diagnostic accuracy for opioid use disorder
Q96614316Screening and brief intervention for lower-risk drug use in primary care: A pilot randomized trial
Q90740550Screening for adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in alcohol dependent patients: Underreporting of ADHD symptoms in self-report scales
Q51017921Screening for alcohol problems in the emergency room: a rapid alcohol problems screen.
Q46493174Screening for alcohol problems in two emergency service samples in Poland: comparison of the RAPS4, CAGE and AUDIT.
Q39659073Screening for alcohol problems: comparison of the audit, RAPS4 and RAPS4-QF among African American and Hispanic patients in an inner city emergency department
Q43277525Screening for atypical suicide risk with person fit statistics among people presenting to alcohol and other drug treatment
Q83461518Screening for bipolar disorders in patients with alcohol or substance use disorders: performance of the mood disorder questionnaire
Q44430863Screening for cannabis use disorders in an adolescent emergency department sample.
Q52267490Screening for current drug use disorders in alcoholics: an application of receiver operating characteristic analysis.
Q44852801Screening for drug use disorders in the emergency department: performance of the rapid drug problems screen (RDPS).
Q41237409Screening for major depression among alcoholics: an application of receiver operating characteristic analysis
Q113032038Screening for oral cancer in tobacco and/or alcohol addicts: A comparison of different organizations
Q70578357Screening for problem drinkers among medical inpatients
Q34497011Screening for sexually transmitted infections at a DeAddictions service in south India
Q36862587Screening for sexually transmitted infections in substance abuse treatment programs.
Q98234067Screening illicit substance use in college students: The Chinese version of the Drug Abuse Screening Test
Q39478042Screening mammography: a missed opportunity
Q34859268Screening, brief interventions, referral to treatment (SBIRT) for illicit drug and alcohol use at multiple healthcare sites: comparison at intake and 6 months later
Q70598656Seasonality of alcohol-related hospital admissions has implications for prevention
Q90722336Secondary distribution of injecting equipment obtained from needle and syringe programmes by people injecting image and performance enhancing drugs: England and Wales, 2012-15
Q34981295Sedative and hypothermic effects of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in rats alone and in combination with other drugs: assessment using biotelemetry.
Q43271125Seeing the forest through the trees: a comparison of different IAT variants measuring implicit alcohol associations
Q43611635Seeking truth in heroin indicators: the case of New York City
Q41108973Segmental hair analysis to assess effectiveness of single-session motivational intervention to stop ethanol use during pregnancy.
Q39013297Selection criteria limit generalizability of smoking pharmacotherapy studies differentially across clinical trials and laboratory studies: A systematic review on varenicline.
Q95651844Selective alterations in endogenous opioid system genes expression in rats selected for high ethanol intake during adolescence
Q47393974Selective attention moderates the relationship between attentional capture by signals of nondrug reward and illicit drug use.
Q43442536Selective processing of cannabis cues in regular cannabis users.
Q96588205Selective visual and crossmodal impairement in the discrimination of anger and fear expressions in severe alcohol use disorder
Q71035574Self assessment of social competence in situations with and without alcohol by female alcoholics in treatment
Q42543507Self detoxication by amphetamine dependent patients: a pilot study
Q43728947Self-administered ethanol as a discriminative stimulus in rats
Q34510925Self-administration of bretazenil under progressive-ratio schedules: Behavioral economic analysis of the role intrinsic efficacy plays in the reinforcing effects of benzodiazepines
Q37127157Self-administration of cocaine-pentobarbital mixtures by rhesus monkeys
Q91568671Self-administration of edible Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and associated behavioral effects in mice
Q71241959Self-administration of ethanol by genetically heterogeneous mice (RU:NCS): relationship to sensitivity and tolerance
Q44026061Self-administration of heroin produces alterations in the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase
Q42167690Self-administration of heroin, cocaine and their combination under a discrete trial schedule of reinforcement in rats
Q51803175Self-administration of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) by rhesus monkeys.
Q51793804Self-administration of minaprine in rhesus monkeys.
Q41884732Self-administration of progesterone and synthetic neuroactive steroids by male rhesus monkeys
Q90130165Self-awareness of problematic drug use: Preliminary validation of a new fMRI task to assess underlying neurocircuitry
Q39853977Self-control and its relation to joint developmental trajectories of cannabis use and depressive mood symptoms
Q47747973Self-efficacy and acceptance of cravings to smoke underlie the effectiveness of quitline counseling for smoking cessation
Q93198417Self-efficacy as a pathway to long-term smoking cessation among low-income parents in the multilevel Kids Safe and Smokefree intervention
Q69748702Self-estimates of blood alcohol concentration in drinking-driving context
Q48775248Self-help activities in cocaine dependent patients entering treatment: results from NIDA collaborative cocaine treatment study
Q74163410Self-help group attendance and participation among cocaine dependent patients
Q46449705Self-injection of flunitrazepam alone and in the context of methadone maintenance in baboons
Q46474845Self-injurious behaviour, traumatic life events and alexithymia among treatment-seeking opiate addicts: prevalence, pattern and correlates
Q52662505Self-medication of mood and anxiety disorders with marijuana: Higher in states with medical marijuana laws.
Q46698604Self-mutilation in substance-dependent patients and relationship with childhood abuse and neglect, alexithymia and temperament and character dimensions of personality
Q45029236Self-rated everyday and prospective memory abilities of cigarette smokers and non-smokers: a web-based study
Q39204289Self-regulation and treatment retention in cocaine dependent individuals: a longitudinal study
Q77462275Self-report among injecting drug users: a review
Q36909696Self-report of illicit benzodiazepine use on the Addiction Severity Index predicts treatment outcome
Q36811945Self-report stability for substance use over 10 years: data from the St. Louis Epidemiologic Catchment Study
Q46327945Self-report stability of adolescent substance use: are there differences for gender, ethnicity and age?
Q51169745Self-report vs. laboratory measures of aggression as predictors of substance abuse.
Q37451223Self-reported alcohol abstinence associated with ART initiation among HIV-infected persons in rural Uganda
Q52267982Self-reported alcohol consumption among high school students in France. Epidemiological approach of the alcoholisation process and its evolution.
Q68097389Self-reported alcohol consumption among population sub-groups in three areas of Britain
Q41347734Self-reported cocaine reactions among social-recreational users: a factor analytic study
Q84336407Self-reported drug use and mortality among a nationwide sample of Swedish conscripts - a 35-year follow-up
Q44780511Self-reported lifetime marijuana use and interleukin-6 levels in middle-aged African Americans
Q47357617Self-reported precedence of depression in alcoholism
Q38855058Self-reported reasons for vaping among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in the US: Nationally-representative results.
Q28607852Self-reported use of novel psychoactive substances in a US nationally representative survey: Prevalence, correlates, and a call for new survey methods to prevent underreporting
Q49013701Self-stigma in alcohol dependence: consequences for drinking-refusal self-efficacy
Q91572556Self-treatment of skin infections by people who inject drugs
Q38706696Seller's reputation and capacity on the illicit drug markets: 11-month study on the Finnish version of the Silk Road
Q44332660Sensation seeking as a common factor in opioid dependent subjects and high risk sport practicing subjects. A cross sectional study
Q53421437Sensation seeking moderates television's cultivation of alcohol and tobacco beliefs: Evidence from a national study of French adolescents.
Q43570035Sensation seeking needs among 8th and 11th graders: characteristics associated with cigarette and marijuana use.
Q104456460Sensation seeking versus alcohol use: Evaluating temporal precedence using cross-lagged panel models
Q52275175Sensitivity and specificity to amphetamine of a French version of the 49-item form of the addiction research center inventory.
Q41465701Sensitivity of human lymphocytes to acetaldehyde: comparison between alcoholic and control subjects
Q52230429Sensitivity of some human cognitive functions to effects of methamphetamine and secobarbital.
Q37315276Sensitivity to reinforcer delay predicts ethanol's suppressant effects, but itself is unaffected by ethanol.
Q42672615Sensitization of hypervigilance effects of cocaine can be induced by NK3 receptor activation in marmoset monkeys
Q36986325Sensitization to the locomotor stimulant effects of "bath salt" constituents, 4-methylmethcathinone (4-MMC) and 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV), in male Sprague-Dawley rats
Q91886348Sensitized brain response to acute pain in patients using prescription opiates for chronic pain: A pilot study
Q35840095Separate and combined effects of the GABA reuptake inhibitor tiagabine and Δ9-THC in humans discriminating Δ9-THC.
Q36339147Separate and combined effects of the GABA(B) agonist baclofen and Δ9-THC in humans discriminating Δ9-THC.
Q34205968Separate and combined effects of the GABAA positive allosteric modulator diazepam and Δ⁹-THC in humans discriminating Δ⁹-THC.
Q34950909Separate and combined effects of the cannabinoid agonists nabilone and Δ⁹-THC in humans discriminating Δ⁹-THC
Q36599609Separate and combined psychopharmacological effects of alprazolam and oxycodone in healthy volunteers
Q44406627Separating intentional inhibition of prepotent responses and resistance to proactive interference in alcohol-dependent individuals
Q47897406Separation of the locomotor stimulant and discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine by its C-2 phenyl ester analog, RTI-15.
Q43926226Sequence of drug use among serious drug users: typical vs atypical progression
Q34419757Sequential combination of self-report, breath carbon monoxide, and saliva cotinine to assess smoking status
Q92070222Serious psychological distress and daily cannabis use, 2008 to 2016: Potential implications for mental health?
Q47738225Serious suicide attempts in outpatients with multiple substance use disorders
Q42632401Serosorting for hepatitis C status in the sharing of injection equipment among Seattle area injection drug users
Q48438066Serotonergic responsiveness in human cocaine users
Q34605239Serotonin (5-HT) precursor loading with 5-hydroxy-l-tryptophan (5-HTP) reduces locomotor activation produced by (+)-amphetamine in the rat
Q42939215Serotonin 6 receptor gene is associated with methamphetamine-induced psychosis in a Japanese population
Q30413322Serotonin transporter and receptor genes significantly impact nicotine dependence through genetic interactions in both European American and African American smokers
Q46690681Serotonin2C receptors (5-HT2C R) control expression of cocaine-induced conditioned hyperactivity
Q73563353Serum and intracellular magnesium concentrations in intoxicated chronic alcoholic and control subjects
Q36956267Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor decreased in chronic ketamine abusers
Q69020539Serum desialotransferrin in the detection of alcohol abuse. Definition of a Tf index
Q60710731Serum dopamine-β-Hydroxylase activity and alcohol withdrawal symptoms
Q72503773Serum ferritin, gammaglutamyl-transferase and alcohol consumption in healthy middle-aged men
Q71762439Serum folic acid levels and antipyrine clearance rates in smokers and non-smokers
Q36956283Serum level of vascular endothelial growth factor decreased in chronic ketamine abusers
Q90266589Serum lipids, leptin, and soluble leptin receptor in alcohol dependence: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study
Q72658681Serum neopterin levels in alcoholic liver disease
Q52078330Serum prolactin correlates with depressed mood during alcohol withdrawal.
Q97539618Serum proteomic profiling of patients with amphetamine use disorder
Q58896377Serum time course of naltrexone and 6β-naltrexol levels during long term treatment in drug addicts
Q51655219Serum tryptophan levels in alcoholics.
Q71196818Serum zinc, magnesium and calcium status in the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Q41996800Seven attitude scales used in assessing cannabis use amongst students
Q70398688Seven year follow-up of heroin addicts: life histories summarised
Q115217229Severity of anabolic steroid dependence, executive function, and personality traits in substance use disorder patients in Norway
Q36444626Severity of childhood trauma is predictive of cocaine relapse outcomes in women but not men.
Q42655505Severity of drug dependence, economic pressure and HIV-related risk behaviors among non-institutionalized female injecting drug users who are also sex workers in China
Q59780935Sex and HIV serostatus effects on high-risk decision making
Q38587012Sex and gender-related differences in alcohol use and its consequences: Contemporary knowledge and future research considerations
Q88388446Sex and orientation identity matter in the substance use behaviors of sexual minority adolescents in the United States
Q46028074Sex differences and hormonal modulation of ethanol-enhanced risk taking in rats.
Q54139585Sex differences in acetaldehyde on body temperature and open-field performance in the rat.
Q34167852Sex differences in antinociceptive tolerance to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the rat
Q36875735Sex differences in cocaine/heroin users: drug-use triggers and craving in daily life.
Q59780937Sex differences in cognitive and motor impulsivity among users of different classes of drugs in protracted abstinence
Q49113265Sex differences in correlates of problem drinking among employed males and females
Q36586302Sex differences in disinhibition and its relationship to physical abuse in a sample of stimulant-dependent patients
Q34492657Sex differences in dopamine binding and modafinil conditioned place preference in mice
Q34625720Sex differences in drug use among polysubstance users.
Q59780926Sex differences in effects of trait impulsivity on vulnerability to substance dependence
Q44026550Sex differences in gamma-glutamyltransferase in people aged 40-42 years in two Norwegian counties
Q53103896Sex differences in guanfacine effects on stress-induced stroop performance in cocaine dependence.
Q92323620Sex differences in incidence and psychiatric comorbidity for alcohol dependence in patients with panic disorder
Q51146947Sex differences in methamphetamine pharmacokinetics in adult rats and its transfer to pups through the placental membrane and breast milk.
Q90672401Sex differences in nonmedical prescription tranquilizer and stimulant use trends among secondary school students in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay
Q43647880Sex differences in opioid antinociception: kappa and 'mixed action' agonists
Q90378726Sex differences in prescription opioid use patterns assessed through a community engagement program in Florida
Q92299379Sex differences in substance use from adolescence to young adulthood: Tests of increases in emergent adulthood and maturing out in later young adulthood
Q61821986Sex differences in the cardiometabolic health of cannabis users with a psychotic illness
Q33653490Sex differences in the effects of allopregnanolone on yohimbine-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking in rats
Q43890396Sex differences in the effects of baclofen on the acquisition of intravenous cocaine self-administration in rats
Q37625945Sex differences in the effects of estradiol in the nucleus accumbens and striatum on the response to cocaine: neurochemistry and behavior
Q52234874Sex differences in the interaction of drinking, positive expectancies and symptoms of dependence in young adults
Q69953054Sex differences in the marital functioning of treated alcoholics
Q114190384Sex differences in the relationship between prescription opioid misuse and gun and other weapon-carrying behaviors
Q90793399Sex differences in tobacco smokers: Executive control network and frontostriatal connectivity
Q47855474Sex disparities in substance abuse research: Evaluating 23 years of structural neuroimaging studies.
Q33605769Sex heterogeneity in pharmacogenetic smoking cessation clinical trials
Q104691628Sex moderates the effects of experimentally induced musculoskeletal pain on alcohol demand in healthy drinkers
Q37204916Sex modulates approach systems and impulsivity in substance dependence
Q52271161Sex ratio among opium addicts in Asia: influences of drug availability and sampling method.
Q73662637Sex related HIV risk behaviors: differential risks among injection drug users, crack smokers, and injection drug users who smoke crack
Q51747537Sex work, injection drug use, and abscesses: Associations in women, but not men.
Q58555051Sex, THC, and hormones: Effects on density and sensitivity of CB cannabinoid receptors in rats
Q91549225Sex, drugs, and sexually transmitted infections: A latent class analysis among men who have sex with men in Amsterdam and surrounding urban regions, the Netherlands
Q58633898Sex, drugs, and violence: An analysis of women in drug court
Q39168708Sex-dependent effects of cannabis-induced analgesia
Q89952617Sex-related differences in subjective, but not neural, cue-elicited craving response in heavy cannabis users
Q40289065Sex-related substance use and the externalizing spectrum
Q91125477Sex-specific association of depressive disorder and transient emotional states with alcohol consumption in male and female alcoholics
Q47559590Sexual HIV risk behavior outcomes of brief interventions for drug use in an inner-city emergency department: Secondary outcomes from a randomized controlled trial
Q46737558Sexual and drug use behaviors among female crack users: a multi-site sample
Q47187337Sexual attraction and the nonmedical use of opioids and sedative drugs among Chinese adolescents
Q92754456Sexual minority disparities in opioid misuse, perceived heroin risk and heroin access among a national sample of US adults
Q91760135Sexual minority substance use disparities: Bisexual women at elevated risk relative to other sexual minority groups
Q100722993Sexual minority tobacco use disparities across adolescence and the transition to young adulthood
Q50061806Sexual minority youth continue to smoke cigarettes earlier and more often than heterosexuals: Findings from population-based data
Q91072386Sexual orientation and gender identity disparities in substance use disorders during young adulthood in a United States longitudinal cohort
Q80257429Sexual orientation, gender, and alcohol use in a cohort study of U.S. adolescent girls and boys
Q46256692Sexual orientation, minority stress, social norms, and substance use among racially diverse adolescents
Q39952526Sexual orientation, treatment utilization, and barriers for alcohol related problems: Findings from a nationally representative sample
Q59654175Sexual risk and substance use behaviors among partnered and non-partnered HIV-infected adults with substance dependence
Q36283066Sexual risk behaviors and steroid use among sexual minority adolescent boys
Q36619355Sexual-orientation differences in drinking patterns and use of drinking contexts among college students.
Q45161011Shaping smoking cessation using percentile schedules
Q93106972Shared and specific associations of substance use disorders on adverse outcomes: A national prospective study
Q50064387Shifting characteristics of ecstasy users ages 12-34 in the United States, 2007-2014.
Q90557874Shifting characteristics of nonmedical prescription tranquilizer users in the United States, 2005-2014
Q92677448Short and long-term improvements in psychiatric symptomatology to validate clinically meaningful treatment outcomes for cocaine use disorders
Q49415229Short communication: Genetic association between schizophrenia and cannabis use.
Q97640861Short term effects of the REAL media e-learning media literacy substance prevention curriculum: An RCT of adolescents disseminated through a community organization
Q36652120Short term health-related quality of life improvement during opioid agonist treatment
Q61914297Short term impact of same intensity but different duration interventions for cannabis users
Q95298650Short- and long-term changes in substance-related coping as mediators of in-person and computerized CBT for alcohol and drug use disorders
Q92190361Short- and long-term effects of digital prevention and treatment interventions for cannabis use reduction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q44574568Short-term alcohol and drug treatment outcomes predict long-term outcome
Q44994519Short-term distribution of nicotine in the rat lung
Q91041256Short-term stability of different drinking patterns over the course of four weeks among adults. A latent transition analysis
Q92009753Short-term withdrawal from repeated exposure to cocaine during adolescence modulates dynorphin mRNA levels and BDNF signaling in the rat nucleus accumbens
Q36848924Shorter interpuff interval is associated with higher nicotine intake in smokers with schizophrenia
Q35082578Should anyone be riding to glory on the now-descending limb of the crack-cocaine epidemic curve in the United States?
Q35286907Should pathological gambling and obesity be considered addictive disorders? A factor analytic study in a nationally representative sample
Q48795078Should tolerance and withdrawal be required for substance dependence disorders?
Q70479515Sialidase and beta-galactosidase activities in serum of alcoholic patients
Q40048318Sigma effects of nalorphine in the chronic spinal dog
Q98460925Sigma-1 antagonism inhibits binge ethanol drinking at adolescence
Q37555639Signal detection in post-marketing surveillance for controlled substances.
Q97895993Signal of increased opioid overdose during COVID-19 from emergency medical services data
Q44352694Significance of biogenic amines for opioid-induced locomotor activity in rats
Q93189176Significance of reduced number of cigarettes smoked after release from smoke-free prisons
Q71035584Significance of tattooes in narcotic abusers
Q91306991Significant decrease in the rate of fatal alcohol poisonings in Finland validated by blood alcohol concentration statistics
Q33145592Significant interaction between clozapine and cocaine in cocaine addicts
Q38467880Significant reductions of HIV prevalence but not of hepatitis C virus infections in injection drug users from metropolitan Barcelona: 1987-2001.
Q71035534Signs and symptoms of hangover: prevalence and relationship to alcohol use in a general adult population
Q42615227Similar hyporesponsiveness of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in problem gamblers and heavy smokers during an inhibitory control task
Q50059995Similarities and changes between 15- and 24-year survival and retention rates of patients in a large medical-affiliated methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) center
Q35952158Simulated driving performance under alcohol: Effects on driver-risk versus driver-skill
Q44351204Simulated opioid withdrawal engenders risk-prone choice: a comparison of intravenous and intranasal-using populations
Q37204836Simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use among U.S. high school seniors from 1976 to 2011: trends, reasons, and situations
Q34495930Simultaneous cannabis and tobacco use and cannabis-related outcomes in young women
Q36816923Simultaneous use of non-medical ADHD prescription stimulants and alcohol among undergraduate students
Q44331299Single case study: panic disorder associated with opioid dependency and methadone maintenance treatment
Q35122006Single versus multiple drug focus in substance abuse clinical trials research
Q35122012Single versus multiple drug focus in substance abuse clinical trials research: the devil is in the details
Q33932327Single versus recurrent depression history: differentiating risk factors among current US smokers
Q91512013Single- and cross-commodity delay discounting of money and e-cigarette liquid in experienced e-cigarette users
Q33451557Single-arm trial of the second version of an acceptance & commitment therapy smartphone application for smoking cessation
Q48313014Sites of action of naloxone in precipitating withdrawal jumping in morphine-dependent mice: investigations by the ED50 value and CNS content of naloxone
Q54028812Six-month open trial with Zimelidine in alcohol-dependent patients: reduction in days of alcohol intake.
Q46537313Sixteen-year changes and stable remission among treated and untreated individuals with alcohol use disorders
Q41364783Sleep and use of alcohol and drug in adolescence. A large population-based study of Norwegian adolescents aged 16 to 19 years
Q35058880Sleep disturbance and the effects of extended-release zolpidem during cannabis withdrawal
Q91343126Sleep disturbances in early alcohol recovery: Prevalence and associations with clinical characteristics and severity of alcohol consumption
Q48960473Sleep in babies born to chronically heroin addicted mothers. A follow up study
Q43685921Sleep problems and substance use in adolescence
Q46783606Sleep, sleep-dependent procedural learning and vigilance in chronic cocaine users: Evidence for occult insomnia
Q51465672Small area associations between social context and alcohol-attributable mortality in a middle income country.
Q34687574Smaller feedback ERN amplitudes during the BART are associated with a greater family history density of alcohol problems in treatment-naïve alcoholics
Q90904436Smartphone application for unhealthy alcohol use: Pilot randomized controlled trial in the general population
Q92628544Smile judgment in substance use disorders and its relationship to interpersonal and emotional functioning: An eye-tracking investigation
Q36865668Smoke-free bar policies and smokers' alcohol consumption: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey
Q33738719Smoke-free policies in drinking venues predict transitions in alcohol use disorders in a longitudinal U.S. sample
Q46698614Smoked cocaine discrimination in humans: effects of gabapentin
Q48676112Smoked cocaine self-administration by humans is not reduced by large gabapentin maintenance doses
Q38669813Smoked marijuana attenuates performance and mood disruptions during simulated night shift work
Q41735263Smokeless tobacco brand switching: a means to reduce toxicant exposure?
Q58575486Smokers with bipolar disorder, other affective disorders, and no mental health conditions: Comparison of baseline characteristics and success at quitting in a large 12-month behavioral intervention randomized trial
Q91195598Smokers' behavioral intentions in response to a low-nicotine cigarette policy
Q90874756Smoking abstinence effects on emotion dysregulation in adult cigarette smokers with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Q96830348Smoking and cessation treatment among persons with and without HIV in a U.S. integrated health system
Q37598453Smoking and drinking among college students: "it's a package deal".
Q39843337Smoking and everyday prospective memory: a comparison of self-report and objective methodologies
Q44975596Smoking and nicotine dependence in young adults: differences between blacks and whites
Q41227361Smoking and potentially preventable hospitalisation: the benefit of smoking cessation in older ages
Q39863429Smoking and psychiatric disorders in the rural and urban regions of Beijing, China: a community-based survey
Q37282181Smoking and psychopathology increasingly associated in recent birth cohorts
Q37482354Smoking and smoking cessation in disadvantaged women: assessing genetic contributions
Q44430867Smoking and substance abuse in outpatients with schizophrenia: a 2-year follow-up study in Turkey.
Q24655785Smoking and suicide: a brief overview
Q44482480Smoking cessation behaviors among persons with psychiatric diagnoses: results from a population-level state survey
Q44730113Smoking cessation efforts among substance abusing adolescents
Q47320865Smoking cessation for substance misusers: A systematic review of qualitative studies on participant and provider beliefs and perceptions.
Q90587183Smoking cessation in the context of recovery from drug and alcohol problems: Prevalence, predictors, and cohort effects in a national U.S. sample
Q35669664Smoking cessation interventions for adults aged 50 or older: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q52265266Smoking cessation--gradual or sudden stopping?
Q40092173Smoking during pregnancy in the United States, 2005-2014: The role of depression
Q48762335Smoking habits and attitudes in a methadone maintenance treatment population
Q38381998Smoking in male patients with schizophrenia in China: A meta-analysis
Q36486761Smoking is associated with neurocognitive deficits in alcoholism
Q37673401Smoking motives of daily and non-daily smokers: a profile analysis
Q35017150Smoking outcome expectancies in young adult female smokers: individual differences and associations with nicotine dependence in a genetically informative sample
Q37381028Smoking predicts posttraumatic stress symptoms among rescue workers: a prospective study of ambulance personnel involved in the Enschede Fireworks Disaster
Q52199319Smoking produces a smaller increase in heart rate in the natural smoking environment than in the laboratory.
Q92042773Smoking relapse risk is increased among individuals in recovery
Q91456743Smoking related outcomes before and after implementation of tobacco-free grounds in residential substance use disorder treatment programs
Q91673309Smoking status and quit behaviors among health center patients with substance use disorders: A national study
Q40546023Smoking status and substance abuse severity in a residential treatment sample.
Q48446021Smoking status in the initial weeks of quitting as a predictor of smoking-cessation outcomes in pregnant women
Q24650310Smoking tobacco along with marijuana increases symptoms of cannabis dependence
Q50786767Smoking, MATRICS consensus cognitive battery and P50 sensory gating in a Han Chinese population.
Q45161021Smoking, nicotine dependence and psychiatric comorbidity--a population-based study including smoking cessation after three years
Q36249013Smoking, posttraumatic stress disorder, and alcohol use disorders in a nationally representative sample of Australian men and women
Q45150453Smoking-related outcomes and associations with tobacco-free policy in addiction treatment, 2015-2016.
Q39732566Smoking-related prospective memory deficits in a real-world task.
Q40752431Sniping and other high-risk smoking practices among homeless youth
Q37002241Snus use and risk of schizophrenia and non-affective psychosis
Q48469500Sobriety as an admission criterion for transitional housing: a multi-site comparison of programs with a sobriety requirement to programs with no sobriety requirement
Q37109438Social anxiety disorder as a risk factor for alcohol use disorders: a prospective examination of parental and peer influences
Q39365839Social attitudes, self-description and perceived reasons for using drugs: a survey of the secondary school population in Malaysia
Q39365833Social background and attitudes towards drugs as predictors of drug use among Malaysian students
Q66972165Social background, attitudes and personality in a three-year follow-up study of alcohol consumers
Q47611831Social background, personal relationships, and self-descriptions as predictors of drug-user status: a study of adolescents in post-revolutionary Iran
Q45109728Social behavioural profile of cocaine in isolated and grouped male mice
Q48394596Social class and morbidity in clinically treated alcoholics
Q39163587Social cognitive predictors of treatment outcome in cannabis dependence
Q47302085Social contextual risk factors for stimulant use among adolescent American Indians
Q47654818Social determinants of drug-related mortality in a general population
Q48021063Social distance and homophily in adolescent smoking initiation
Q70709844Social drinking in a simulated tavern: an experimental analysis
Q39845390Social exclusion, personal control, self-regulation, and stress among substance abuse treatment clients
Q50647201Social housing conditions influence morphine dependence and the extinction of morphine place preference in adolescent mice.
Q34157204Social influences on morphine sensitization in adolescent females.
Q91125481Social integration and alcohol consumption among older people: A four-year follow-up of a Swedish national sample
Q93171146Social isolation proxy variables and prescription opioid and benzodiazepine misuse among older adults in the U.S.: A cross-sectional analysis of data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2015-2017
Q92046366Social marginalization, gender-based violence, and binge drinking among transgender women in Cambodia
Q39453045Social network characteristics and injecting HIV-risk behaviors among street injection drug users
Q39672115Social network correlates of self-reported non-fatal overdose
Q33819260Social network drinking and family history contribute equally to first-onset alcohol dependence in high risk adults
Q44349718Social networking online to recover from opioid use disorder: A study of community interactions
Q90818165Social networks and substance use after transitioning into permanentsupportive housing
Q46621021Social neuroscience: applications to addiction
Q91441934Social norms towards smoking and vaping and associations with product use among youth in England, Canada, and the US
Q41372376Social policy and drug dependence: an historical case study
Q37596519Social preference and drug self-administration: a preclinical model of social choice within peer groups
Q36989658Social rank and inhalant drug use: the case of lança perfume use in São Paulo, Brazil.
Q43685935Social relationships and intravenous drug use among methadone maintenance patients
Q36796429Social reward-conditioned place preference: a model revealing an interaction between cocaine and social context rewards in rats.
Q52304034Social skills training and cognitive restructuring with alcoholics.
Q36003731Social smoking among intermittent smokers
Q67583574Social stability on admission and success of in-patient treatment for alcoholism
Q43446377Social support and abstinence from opiates and cocaine during opioid maintenance treatment
Q45094481Social support and anxiety in pregnant drug abusers and nonusers: unexpected findings of few differences
Q98882472Social support modifies the association between hazardous drinking and depression symptoms among ART clients in Vietnam
Q46812236Socialization to binge drinking: a population-based, longitudinal study with emphasis on parental influences
Q35456868Socializing in an open drug scene: the relationship between access to private space and drug-related street disorder
Q39872910Socio-behavioral and geographic correlates of prevalent hepatitis C virus infection among young injection drug users in metropolitan Baltimore and Chicago
Q57163344Socio-cognitive functioning in stimulant polysubstance users
Q47343055Socio-cultural factors affecting drug addiction treatment in Italy (fear of treatment).
Q37046890Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of 3129 heroin users in the first methadone maintenance treatment clinic in China
Q83068672Socio-demographic and drug use factors associated with HIV-1 recombinants and dual infections in Northern Thai drug users: associations of risk with genetic complexity
Q89837221Socio-demographic and ecological factors associated with anti-HCV prevalence in people who inject drugs: A systematic review
Q47201829Socio-demographic correlates and pattern of drug abuse in eastern Saudi Arabia
Q104106004Socio-ecological and pharmacy-level factors associated with naloxone stocking at standing-order naloxone pharmacies in New York City
Q41594223Socio-ecological factors associated with depression, suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt among female injection drug users who are sex workers in China
Q44283693Socio-economic status and binge drinking in Israel
Q53956075Socio-familial characteristics of black male heroin addicts and their nonaddicted friends.
Q44836282Sociocultural diversity and substance use pattern in Arunachal Pradesh, India
Q43487768Sociodemographic and substance use characteristics of γ hydroxybutyrate (GHB) dependent inpatients and associations with dependence severity
Q48428999Sociodemographic characteristics associated with binge drinking among Brazilians
Q92116885Sociodemographic factors and social determinants associated with toxicology confirmed polysubstance opioid-related deaths
Q89454979Sociodemographic factors, prescription history and opioid overdose deaths: a statewide analysis using linked PDMP and mortality data
Q46866275Sociodemographic representation in published studies of cocaine abuse pharmacotherapy
Q89937859Socioeconomic characteristics of women with substance use disorder during pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in their newborns: A national registry study from the Czech Republic
Q38966057Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol consumption in Chile and Finland
Q97518127Socioeconomic marginalization and opioid-related overdose: A systematic review
Q94491367Socioeconomic sequelae of drug abuse in a Swedish national cohort
Q34404149Socioeconomic status and smokers' number of smoking friends: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.
Q89714497Socioeconomic status, mindfulness, and momentary associations between stress and smoking lapse during a quit attempt
Q52279067Sociopathy, gender, and treatment outcome among outpatient substance abusers.
Q71008144Soft drug use prior to and during pregnancy: a comparison of samples over a four-year period
Q114190339Solitary alcohol use in adolescence predicts alcohol problems in adulthood: A 17-year longitudinal study in a large national sample of US high school students
Q36248851Solitary cannabis use in adolescence as a correlate and predictor of cannabis problems
Q48380490Solvay Award address. Drug abuse as an adjunctive behavior
Q38689171Somatic health care utilization by patients treated for substance use disorders.
Q50708037Some aspects of drug use among students in Benin City, Nigeria.
Q67020052Some aspects of the changes induced by chronic barbital treatments in the male rat
Q47600913Some career aspects of alcoholics not motivated to take part in therapy 6 months after detoxification
Q37917013Some implications of animal alcohol self-administration studies for human alcohol problems
Q71473794Some parameters of the use of alcohol by Israeli youth and its relationship to their involvement with cannabis and tobacco
Q71736700Some personal reflections on drug abuse research, chiefly epidemiology and prevention
Q52270563Some personality characteristics of imprisoned heroin addicts.
Q43410556Some social consequences of partial prohibition in Auckland, New Zealand
Q47598877Some sociocultural aspects of the problem of drug abuse in Nigeria
Q67293936Some thoughts about endogenous opioids and addiction
Q53926385Some thoughts about opiopeptins, peptides with opiate-like activity
Q44836263Sources of information about MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine): perceived accuracy, importance, and implications for prevention among young adult users
Q27312440Sources of nonmedically used prescription stimulants: differences in onset, recency and severity of misuse in a population-based study
Q47230160Spanish version of the 49-item short form of the Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI).
Q90673086Spatial analysis of drug poisoning deaths in the American west: A comparison study using profile regression to adjust for collinearity and spatial correlation
Q40954571Spatial and temporal trends in alcohol consumption in Belgian cities: A wastewater-based approach
Q52002804Spatial cognition in alcoholics: influence of concurrent abuse of other drugs.
Q36803554Spatial relationships between alcohol-related road crashes and retail alcohol availability.
Q40803420Specialist services: the need for multi-agency partnership
Q69875523Speech processing ability in alcoholics: a transient impairment and its relation to field dependence
Q59351023Speed kills: Associations between methamphetamine use, HIV infection, tobacco use, and accelerated mortality among gay and bisexual men in Los Angeles, CA 20years after methamphetamine dependence treatment
Q44715545Spending trends on substance abuse treatment under private employer-sponsored insurance, 2001-2009.
Q92269766Spirits purchasing and marijuana use behaviors of risky drinkers in the state of Washington from 2014 to 2016
Q34602952Spirituality/religiosity promotes acceptance-based responding and 12-step involvement
Q46522634Spirituality/religiosity, substance use, and HIV testing among young black men who have sex with men.
Q34982155Sponsorship and service as mediators of the effects of Making Alcoholics Anonymous Easier (MAAEZ), a 12-step facilitation intervention
Q40641078Spontaneous recovery in alcoholics: a review and analysis of the available research
Q38556156Sports and clean living: a useful myth?
Q39066942Spousal concordance in the use of alternative tobacco products: A multi-country investigation
Q40861725Spousal resemblance for smoking: Underlying mechanisms and effects of cohort and age.
Q40402277Stability and instability in alcohol diagnosis from ages 18 to 21 and ages 21 to 25 years
Q97522787Stability in effects of different smoking-related polygenic risk scores over age and smoking phenotypes
Q49156883Stability of a factor-analytic description of smoking behavior
Q94587328Stability of acute responses to drugs in humans across repeated testing: Findings with alcohol and amphetamine
Q44343510Stability of opioid craving over time as measured by visual analog scales
Q39552468Stability of scores and correlations with drinking behaviors over 15 years for the Self-Report of the Effects of Alcohol Questionnaire
Q51094002Staff attitudes and retention of patients in methadone maintenance programs.
Q40981140Stages and processes of change among polydrug users in methadone maintenance treatment
Q33895599Stages in the development of adolescent smoking
Q90507304Stakeholder perspectives on implementing fentanyl drug checking: Results from a multi-site study
Q51818191Standardized measures for substance use stigma.
Q48872133Starting, switching, stopping: users' explanations of illicit drug use.
Q30431764Startle response to unpredictable threat in comorbid panic disorder and alcohol dependence
Q68749028Stasis pigmentation and chronic alcoholism
Q91311693State criminal justice policy context and opioid agonist treatment delivery among opioid treatment admissions, 2015
Q98182373State medical marijuana laws, cannabis use and cannabis use disorder among adults with elevated psychological distress
Q88959957State naloxone access laws are associated with an increase in the number of naloxone prescriptions dispensed in retail pharmacies
Q98776077State pain management clinic policies and county opioid prescribing: A fixed effects analysis
Q93167558State-level marijuana policies and marijuana use and marijuana use disorder among a nationally representative sample of adults in the United States, 2015-2017: Sexual identity and gender matter
Q39275722State-level medical marijuana laws, marijuana use and perceived availability of marijuana among the general U.S. population
Q73652643Statement on national drug policy. College on problems of drug dependence
Q36328320States' implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the supply of physicians waivered to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid dependence
Q43563963Static and dynamic predictors of criminal involvement among people with heroin dependence: findings from a 3-year longitudinal study
Q50159757Statistical considerations in the choice of endpoint for drug use disorder trials
Q44138234Status hearings in drug court: when more is less and less is more
Q100514241Steep increases in fentanyl-related mortality west of the Mississippi River: Recent evidence from county and state surveillance
Q36989649Steppingstone and gateway ideas: a discussion of origins, research challenges, and promising lines of research for the future
Q51350403Stereotypic information about drinkers and students' observed alcohol intake: an experimental study on prototype-behavior relations in males and females in a naturalistic drinking context.
Q89229049Steven G Holtzman: The blending of professional and personal lives
Q38089390Stigma among health professionals towards patients with substance use disorders and its consequences for healthcare delivery: systematic review.
Q47585949Stigma, discrimination and the health of illicit drug users
Q43911752Stigmatization of people with drug dependence in China: a community-based study in Hunan province
Q33722876Stimulant use and HIV disease management among men in same-sex relationships
Q42690063Stimulant use and symptoms of abuse/dependence: epidemiology and associations with cannabis use--a twin study
Q46339635Stimulant-associated cognitive abnormalities: mechanisms and impact on reward-related behavior and addiction
Q93341142Stimulus effects of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin in electronic cigarette liquids
Q36468351Stimulus-response learning in long-term cocaine users: acquired equivalence and probabilistic category learning
Q34708943Stopping smoking during first year of substance use treatment predicted 9-year alcohol and drug treatment outcomes.
Q48283972Strain Interview (11/17/15)—Diann Gaalema
Q48484575Strategic self-regulation, decision-making and emotion processing in poly-substance abusers in their first year of abstinence.
Q35230724Strategies for characterizing complex phenotypes and environments: general and specific family environmental predictors of young adult tobacco dependence, alcohol use disorder, and co-occurring problems
Q37933734Strategies for evaluating the economic value of drugs in alcohol dependence treatment
Q95651849Strategies to improve treatment utilization for substance use disorders: A systematic review of intervention studies
Q99547725Strategies to maintain persistence of opioid agonist therapy during the novel coronavirus pandemic in Taiwan
Q92448862Strategies used by people who inject drugs to avoid stigma in healthcare settings
Q58022756Stratifying delays for assessment by type of substance to improve the probability of attendance in outpatient services
Q39553963Street pharmacology: uses of cocaine and heroin in the treatment of addiction
Q39408628Street sale of heroin--a profitable way of making a living?
Q51609340Strength of drug habits: for heroin, morphine, methadone, alcohol, barbiturates, pentobarbital, benzedrine, cocaine, and marijuana.
Q36100799Stress and alcohol use in rural Chinese residents: A moderated mediation model examining the roles of resilience and negative emotions
Q46225928Stress burden, drug dependence and the nativity paradox among U.S. Hispanics
Q70793307Stress induced alteration of opiate withdrawal
Q73434115Stress induced spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine psychosis: the relation between stressful experiences and sensitivity to stress
Q50138548Stress responding in cannabis smokers as a function of trauma exposure, sex, and relapse in the human laboratory
Q92255139Stress, craving and mood as predictors of early dropout from opioid agonist therapy
Q35828308Stress- and cue-induced cigarette craving: effects of a family history of smoking
Q33872643Stress-induced changes in mood and cortisol release predict mood effects of amphetamine
Q35606670Stressful life events and suicidal behavior in adults with alcohol use disorders: role of event severity, timing, and type
Q36496045Striatal D(2)/D(3) receptor availability is inversely correlated with cannabis consumption in chronic marijuana users.
Q96126818Striatal and white matter volumes in chronic ketamine users with or without recent regular stimulant use
Q35205029Striatal hyposensitivity to delayed rewards among cigarette smokers
Q37004153Strong HIV and hepatitis disclosure norms and frequent risk behaviors among Hungarian drug injectors
Q34793657Structural brain differences in alcohol-dependent individuals with and without comorbid substance dependence
Q52313730Structural deficits in salience network regions are associated with increased impulsivity and compulsivity in alcohol dependence.
Q40099379Structural equation modeling of the effects of racism, LGBTQ discrimination, and internalized oppression on illicit drug use in LGBTQ people of color.
Q129417193Structural indices of brain aging in methamphetamine use disorder
Q52266861Student cannabis use and enforcement activity in Canada: 1977-1987.
Q39426588Students worry about the impact of alcohol on quality of life: Roles of frequency of binge drinking and drinker self-concept
Q103722855Students' stimulant use for cognitive enhancement: A deliberate choice rather than an emotional response to a given situation
Q48127563Studies of selected phenyltropanes at monoamine transporters
Q66972152Studies on metabolic tolerance to alcohol, hepatomegaly and alcoholic liver disease
Q70380932Studies on the effect of 4-methylpyrazole on methanol poisoning using the monkey as an animal model: with particular reference to the ocular toxicity
Q57163337Study characteristics influence the efficacy of substance abuse treatments: A meta-analysis of medications for alcohol use disorder
Q46152777Studying addiction in the age of neuroimaging. Marian W. Fischman Lecture given at the 2008 meeting of CPDD.
Q39582272Studying psychoactive substance use in injured patients: does exclusion of late arriving patients bias the results?
Q50067339Studying the interactive effects of menthol and nicotine among youth: An examination using e-cigarettes.
Q35819406Sub-diagnostic psychiatric comorbidity in alcoholics
Q48346770Subchronic treatment of rats with nicotine: effects on tolerance and on [3H]acetylcholine and [3H]nicotine binding in the brain
Q71364563Subcutaneous injection of an analog of neuropeptide FF prevents naloxone-precipitated morphine abstinence syndrome
Q39129920Subjective alcohol responses in a cross-sectional, field-based study of adolescents and young adults: Effects of age, drinking level, and dependence/consequences
Q47748942Subjective and physiological effects, and expired carbon monoxide concentrations in frequent and occasional cannabis smokers following smoked, vaporized, and oral cannabis administration
Q35618981Subjective and psychomotor effects of carisoprodol in combination with oxycodone in healthy volunteers
Q37059561Subjective effects for alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana association with cross-drug outcomes
Q91258285Subjective effects of combustible, vaporized, and edible cannabis: Results from a survey of adolescent cannabis users
Q51209057Subjective effects of khat chewing in humans.
Q51099157Subjective effects of oral caffeine in formerly cocaine-dependent humans.
Q36787655Subjective effects to cannabis are associated with use, abuse and dependence after adjusting for genetic and environmental influences
Q34399503Subjective effects to marijuana associated with marijuana use in community and clinical subjects
Q38969369Subjective experiences at first use of cigarette, e-cigarettes, hookah, and cigar products among Texas adolescents
Q43890398Subjective quality of life and depressive symptoms in women with alcoholism during detoxification treatment
Q36777907Subjective reactivity to the first cigarette of the day as a predictor of smoking relapse: a preliminary study.
Q51657100Subjective reports of withdrawal among cocaine users: recommendations for DSM-IV.
Q34213701Subjective response to alcohol and associated craving in heavy drinkers vs. alcohol dependents: an examination of Koob's allostatic model in humans.
Q30482392Subjective sensitivity to monetary gradients is associated with frontolimbic activation to reward in cocaine abusers
Q73789354Subjective sleep-wake parameters in treatment-seeking opiate addicts
Q40811653Subjective well-being and hookah use among adults in the United States: A nationally-representative sample
Q45882572Subjective, cognitive/psychomotor, and physiological effects of aripiprazole in Chinese light and heavy smokers
Q48746450Subjects with a history of drug dependence are more aggressive than subjects with no drug use history
Q36170053Sublingual buprenorphine/naloxone precipitated withdrawal in subjects maintained on 100mg of daily methadone
Q59633326Subsensitive alpha-2-adrenoceptor function in male alcohol-dependent individuals during 6 months of abstinence
Q54255884Substance Dependence Severity Scale (SDSS): reliability and validity of a clinician-administered interview for DSM-IV substance use disorders.
Q47741861Substance abuse and associated psychosocial problems among Argentina adolescents: sex heterogeneity and familial transmission
Q40700822Substance abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder comorbidity
Q43540759Substance abuse and the immune system
Q44070885Substance abuse and the need for money management assistance among psychiatric inpatients
Q92391384Substance abuse and white matter: Findings, limitations, and future of diffusion tensor imaging research
Q33636042Substance abuse detoxification and residential treatment among Medicaid-enrolled adults: rates and duration of subsequent treatment
Q36513431Substance abuse prevention intervention research with Hispanic populations
Q33575538Substance abuse risk in emerging adults associated with smaller frontal gray matter volumes and higher externalizing behaviors
Q50421832Substance abuse treatment engagement, completion and short-term outcomes in the Western Cape province, South Africa: Findings from the Service Quality Measures Initiative
Q71721796Substance abuse treatment entry, retention and effectiveness: out-of-treatment opiate injection drug users
Q36495737Substance abuse treatment entry, retention, and outcome in women: a review of the literature
Q40603130Substance abuse treatment need among older adults in 2020: the impact of the aging baby-boom cohort
Q48448713Substance abuse treatment providers' beliefs and objections regarding contingency management: implications for dissemination
Q40714133Substance abuse, pathological gambling, and impulsiveness
Q42086155Substance abusers seeking emergency psychiatric care: motivation to treatment
Q43059762Substance abusers' motives for using anabolic androgenic steroids
Q58121257Substance misuse in patients who have comorbid chronic pain in a clinical population receiving methadone maintenance therapy for the treatment of opioid dependence
Q43613918Substance risk, prevention treatments and the role of the environmental and cultural context in addressing Latinos and other ethnic/racial populations
Q91740595Substance type moderates the longitudinal association between depression and substance use from pre-treatment through a 1-year follow-up
Q35587222Substance use after participation in laboratory studies involving smoked cocaine self-administration
Q39395715Substance use among HIV-infected patients in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Agreement between medical records and the ASSIST questionnaire
Q47243955Substance use among Venezuelan medical and pharmacy students
Q77989968Substance use among a regional sample of female nurses
Q44026537Substance use among adolescents in Taiwan: associated personality traits, incompetence, and behavioral/emotional problems
Q73434149Substance use among high school students in Greece: outburst of illicit drug use in a society under change
Q34546957Substance use among high-school students in Southern Thailand: trends over 3 years (2002-2004).
Q69720041Substance use among medical students in Barcelona (Spain). A comparison with previous surveys
Q43292940Substance use among non-fatally injured patients attended at emergency departments in Spain
Q70754025Substance use among resident doctors in Venezuela
Q47206006Substance use among schoolchildren in the north of England
Q40454752Substance use and STI acquisition: Secondary analysis from the AWARE study.
Q27312536Substance use and drinking outcomes in Personalized Cognitive Counseling randomized trial for episodic substance-using men who have sex with men
Q88934849Substance use and homelessness among emergency department patients
Q30995447Substance use and mental diagnoses among adults with and without type 2 diabetes: Results from electronic health records data
Q41115463Substance use and mental health disorders are linked to different forms of intimate partner violence victimisation.
Q96680913Substance use and mental health predictors of patterns of non-partner youth violence among high-risk urban youth
Q51803455Substance use and predictors of substance dependence in homeless women.
Q52195719Substance use and risky sexual behavior in female adolescents.
Q30524748Substance use and sexual behavior among recent Hispanic immigrant adolescents: effects of parent-adolescent differential acculturation and communication
Q46246690Substance use and substance use disorders in recently deployed and never deployed soldiers
Q35690402Substance use and treatment of substance use disorders in a community sample of transgender adults
Q60031001Substance use disorder and home neighborhood disorder do not predict posttraumatic stress symptoms
Q34539480Substance use disorder treatment programs in Switzerland and the USA: Program characteristics and 1-year outcomes
Q118186692Substance use disorders among adults who are deaf or hard of hearing in the United States
Q123600443Substance use disorders and COVID-19: An analysis of nation-wide Veterans Health Administration electronic health records
Q52350385Substance use disorders and medical comorbidities among high-need, high-risk patients with diabetes.
Q98731008Substance use disorders and risk of severe maternal morbidity in the United States
Q89952612Substance use disorders before, at and after first episode psychosis hospitalizations in a young national Swedish cohort
Q45083086Substance use disorders in Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in VA healthcare, 2001-2010: Implications for screening, diagnosis and treatment
Q48443262Substance use disorders increase the odds of subsequent mood disorders
Q58294150Substance use during pregnancy among young women with symptoms of psychological stress and depression
Q35920033Substance use histories in patients seeking treatment for controlled-release oxycodone dependence
Q96123725Substance use improvement depends on Race/Ethnicity: Outpatient treatment disparities observed in a large US national sample
Q44668403Substance use in a sample of Turkish medical students
Q36328334Substance use network characteristics and drug and alcohol use behaviors among young men who have sex with men (YMSM)
Q33765325Substance use outcomes 51/2 years past baseline for partnership-based, family-school preventive interventions
Q90818172Substance use patterns among women living with HIV compared with the general female population of Canada
Q33924466Substance use patterns and factors associated with changes over time in a cohort of heterosexual women at risk for HIV acquisition in the United States.
Q97539644Substance use patterns and health profiles among US adults who use opioids, methamphetamine, or both, 2015-2018
Q47342835Substance use patterns associated with recent exposure to fentanyl among people who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada: A cross-sectional urine toxicology screening study
Q91384308Substance use prevention research funded by the NIH
Q37626326Substance use stigma: Reliability and validity of a theory-based scale for substance-using populations.
Q36127902Substance use treatment outcomes for youth: integrating personal and environmental predictors
Q44189356Substance use, abuse and dependence in adolescence: prevalence, symptom profiles and correlates
Q40402624Substance use, dependence and treatment seeking in the United States and Australia: a cross-national comparison
Q89138681Substance use, recovery, and linguistics: The impact of word choice on explicit and implicit bias
Q90166726Substance use: Interplay between polygenic risk and neighborhood environment
Q46554029Substance-dependent patients with and without social anxiety disorder: occurrence and clinical differences. A study of a consecutive sample of alcohol-dependent and poly-substance-dependent patients treated in two counties in Norway
Q74507735Substance-dependent, conduct-disordered adolescent males: severity of diagnosis predicts 2-year outcome
Q35179458Substance-related traffic-risk behaviors among college students
Q90130161Substances injected at the Sydney supervised injecting facility: A chemical analysis of used injecting equipment and comparison with self-reported drug type
Q50085555Substitutability of nicotine alone and an electronic cigarette liquid using a concurrent choice assay in rats: A behavioral economic analysis
Q44934080Substitutes for tobacco smoking: a behavioral economic analysis of nicotine gum, denicotinized cigarettes, and nicotine-containing cigarettes
Q52268127Substitution and primary dependence studies in animals.
Q51729841Substitution of psychoactive drugs in pentobarbital-dependent rats.
Q36169430Subtypes of alcohol dependence in a nationally representative sample
Q34258698Subtypes of nonmedical opioid users: results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions
Q24613527Subtypes of nonmedical prescription drug misuse
Q99200896Successful engagement in buprenorphine treatment among hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder and trauma
Q42994848Successful treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus infection in severely opioid-dependent patients under heroin maintenance
Q69661603Successfully adjusted alcoholics lost to long-term follow-up. A prospective study
Q92587984Sudden cardiac death associated to substances of abuse and psychotropic drugs consumed by young people: A population study based on forensic autopsies
Q71865388Sufficient conditions for effective treatment of substance abusing homeless persons
Q34369777Suicidal behavior, drug use and depressive symptoms after detoxification: a 2-year prospective study
Q45157523Suicidal behaviors and drug abuse: impulsivity and its assessment
Q34031665Suicidal ideation and substance use among adolescents and young adults: a bidirectional relation?
Q90800199Suicidal motivations reported by opioid overdose survivors: A cross-sectional study of adults with opioid use disorder
Q37622005Suicide and substance use among female veterans: a need for research
Q39798300Suicide attempts among alcohol-dependent pain patients before and after an inpatient hospitalization
Q99708415Suicide attempts and death among heroin-involved women seeking methadone treatment in Taiwan
Q48836719Suicide attempts and overdoses among adults entering addictions treatment: comparing correlates in a U.S. National Study
Q42646679Suicide attempts prior to starting methadone maintenance treatment in Taiwan
Q44555335Suicides and alcohol consumption in Russia, 1965-1999.
Q36976706Suitability of the PROMIS alcohol use short form for screening in a HIV clinical care setting
Q46744253Summary of NIDA medications workshop: new opportunities for chemists and pharmacologists
Q48717700Superoxide dismutase activity in brains from chronic alcoholics
Q52265325Supersensitivity to naloxone following acute morphine pretreatment in humans: behavioral, hormonal and physiological effects.
Q35471492Supervised injection services: what has been demonstrated? A systematic literature review
Q39899186Supplementing the liquid alcohol diet with chow enhances alcohol intake in C57 BL/6 mice
Q38816803Support for marijuana legalization in the US state of Washington has continued to increase through 2016.
Q39578671Supporting the habit: income generation activities of frequent crack users compared with frequent users of other hard drugs
Q44394325Suppression by baclofen of alcohol deprivation effect in Sardinian alcohol-preferring (sP) rats
Q48266872Suppression of ethanol tolerance and dependence in rats treated with DSP-4, a noradrenergic neurotoxin
Q48369504Suppression of morphine abstinence syndrome by body electroacupuncture of different frequencies in rats
Q70648680Suppression of withdrawal jumping: comparison of narcotic tolerance and dependence
Q44341476Survival study of opioid addicts in relation to its adherence to methadone maintenance treatment
Q43728918Susceptibility to subsequent episodes of spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine psychosis
Q39385965Suspected determinants of enrollment into detoxification and methadone maintenance treatment among injecting drug users
Q30494650Sustainability of intervention effects of an evidence-based HIV prevention intervention for African American women who smoke crack cocaine
Q43808743Sustained administration of cyclazocine for antagonism of morphine
Q98882476Sustained attention and vigilance deficits associated with HIV and a history of methamphetamine dependence
Q34992657Sustained attention in patients receiving and abstinent following methadone maintenance treatment for opiate dependence: performance and neuroimaging results
Q95823474Sustained heavy drinking over 25 years is associated with increased N-terminal-pro-B-type natriuretic peptides in early old age: Population-based cohort study
Q39312220Sustained reduction of diversion and abuse after introduction of an abuse deterrent formulation of extended release oxycodone.
Q43218428Sustained release methylphenidate for the treatment of ADHD in amphetamine abusers: a pilot study
Q41586937Symmetry and complementarity in the alcoholic marriage: a pilot study
Q40553878Sympathetic nervous system mediated cardiovascular effects of cocaine are primarily due to a peripheral site of action of the drug.
Q52270911Symptom complaints of patients maintained on methadone, LAAM (methadyl acetate), and naltrexone at different times in their addiction careers.
Q70578324Symptom profiles of 'driving under the influence' offenders referred for alcoholism treatment
Q53768944Symptoms discriminating between heroin addicts seeking ambulatory detoxification or methadone maintenance.
Q35186495Symptoms of alcohol dependence and smoking initiation and persistence: a longitudinal study among US adults
Q37177691Symptoms of depression and PTSD are associated with elevated alcohol demand
Q33912643Symptoms of substance dependence and risky sexual behavior in a probability sample of HIV-negative men who have sex with men in Chicago
Q42095385Syndemic factors associated with adult sexual HIV risk behaviors in a sample of Latino men who have sex with men in New York City
Q97539574Syndemic latent transition analysis in the HPTN 061 cohort: Prospective interactions between trauma, mental health, social support, and substance use
Q49895336Syndemics among individuals enrolled in the PrEP Brasil Study
Q43416009Synergism of ethanol and clofibrate in the lauric acid hydroxylation
Q40366091Synthetic cannabimimetics in Bulgaria 2010-2013.
Q34164162Synthetic cannabinoid JWH-018 and psychosis: an explorative study.
Q34167511Synthetic cannabinoid use among patients in residential substance use disorder treatment: prevalence, motives, and correlates
Q35181572Synthetic cannabinoid use in a nationally representative sample of US high school seniors.
Q53094148Synthetic cannabinoids found in "spice" products alter body temperature and cardiovascular parameters in conscious male rats.
Q34617484Synthetic cannabinoids: epidemiology, pharmacodynamics, and clinical implications
Q43637419Synthetic cannabis: a comparison of patterns of use and effect profile with natural cannabis in a large global sample
Q91504248Synthetic cathinone MDPV enhances reward function through purinergic P2X7 receptor-dependent pathway and increases P2X7 gene expression in nucleus accumbens
Q38710913Synthetic cathinones and stereochemistry: S enantiomer of mephedrone reduces anxiety- and depressant-like effects in cocaine- or MDPV-abstinent rats
Q91678174Syringe disposal among people who inject drugs before and after the implementation of a syringe services program
Q90362321Systematic review of outcome domains and measures used in psychosocial and pharmacological treatment trials for cannabis use disorder
Q89044133Systemic barriers in substance use disorder treatment: A prospective qualitative study of professionals in the field
Q41609663Systems of reinforcement and drug dependence
Q57832953T1 and T2 relaxation time estimates and brain measures during withdrawal in alcoholic men
Q96769556THC and CBD blood and brain concentrations following daily administration to adolescent primates
Q88882751TV-1380 attenuates cocaine-induced changes in cardiodynamic parameters in monkeys and reduces the formation of cocaethylene
Q90416090Take-home naloxone possession among people who inject drugs in rural West Virginia
Q34021875Taking a life course approach to studying substance use treatment among a community cohort of African American substance users
Q64123974Tapering off and returning to buprenorphine maintenance in a primary care Office Based Addiction Treatment (OBAT) program
Q39211498Targeting practitioners: A review of guidelines, training, and policy in pain management
Q61635359Targeting problematic users of illicit drugs with Internet-based screening and brief intervention: A randomized controlled trial
Q44094329Taste function in methadone-maintained opioid-dependent men.
Q37275074Taxometric analysis of DSM-IV and DSM-5 alcohol use disorders
Q37048767Taxonomy of Caribbean tourism alcohol venues: implications for HIV transmission.
Q43620003Technology transfer through performance management: the effects of graphical feedback and positive reinforcement on drug treatment counselors' behavior.
Q58400532Technology-based intervention preferences to enhance self-management of substance use disorders, HIV, and hepatitis c among patients in inpatient detoxification
Q47314651Teenagers and alcohol: results of a Scottish national survey
Q36700229Teenagers do not always lie: characteristics and correspondence of telephone and in-person reports of adolescent drug use.
Q46588046Telephone self-monitoring among alcohol use disorder patients in early recovery: a randomized study of feasibility and measurement reactivity
Q44672955Telephone versus in-person interviews for alcohol use: results of the 2000 National Alcohol Survey
Q36553470Telephone-based continuing care counseling in substance abuse treatment: Economic analysis of a randomized trial
Q39874271Television viewing and alcohol advertising with alcohol expectancies among school-aged children in Taiwan
Q46719258Temperament characteristics, as assessed by the tridimensional personality questionnaire, moderate the response to sertraline in depressed opiate-dependent methadone patients
Q72629333Temperament: a salient correlate of risk factors for alcohol and drug abuse
Q47753375Temporal and dose-dependent differences in simultaneously-induced cocaine hypervigilance and conditioned-place-preference in marmoset monkeys
Q73140894Temporal and geographic variations in the characteristics of heroin seized in Spain and their relation with the route of administration. Spanish Group for the Study of the Purity of Seized Drugs
Q51643172Temporal changes in plasma levels and metabolism of ketone bodies by liver and brain after ethanol and/or starvation in C57BL/6J mice.
Q46489616Temporal dynamics and determinants of whole brain tissue volume changes during recovery from alcohol dependence.
Q37320909Temporal horizon: modulation by smoking status and gender
Q33697808Temporal profile of fronto-striatal-limbic activity during implicit decisions in drug dependence.
Q103722823Temporal relationship between a sudden disruption of a local illicit drug market in a deprived neighborhood of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and the number of discarded syringes collected from public space
Q45000255Temporal relationship between the age of onset of phobic disorders and development of substance dependence in adolescent psychiatric patients
Q48684260Temporal studies of the inhibition of voluntary ethanol intake in the rat induced by intermittent ethanol treatment and some long term neurochemical consequences
Q34166546Temporal trends in marijuana attitudes, availability and use in Colorado compared to non-medical marijuana states: 2003-11.
Q44884491Temporal trends in the survival of drug and alcohol abusers according to the primary drug of admission to treatment in Spain
Q36817075Ten-year stability of remission in private alcohol and drug outpatient treatment: non-problem users versus abstainers
Q34056992Teratogenic effects of acetaldehyde in the rat.
Q71502561Teratogenic effects of ethanol in the Quackenbush special mouse
Q49132712Terminal sleep following delirium tremens in chronic alcoholics--polysomnographic and behavioral study
Q33736641Test of association between GABRA2 (SNP rs279871) and adolescent conduct/alcohol use disorders utilizing a sample of clinic referred youth with serious substance and conduct problems, controls and available first degree relatives
Q51910864Test of association between TaqIA A1 allele and alcohol use disorder phenotypes in a sample of adolescent patients with serious substance and behavioral problems.
Q46861779Test of measurement invariance of the FTND across demographic groups: assessment, effect size, and prediction of cessation
Q67377144Test-retest reliability and validity information for a high school drug use questionnaire
Q100422780Test-retest reliability of DSM-5 substance disorder measures as assessed with the PRISM-5, a clinician-administered diagnostic interview
Q129496870Test-retest reliability of DSM-5 substance use symptom checklists used in primary care and mental health care settings
Q34714395Test-retest reliability of eye tracking during the visual probe task in cocaine-using adults
Q47778146Test-retest reliability of the alcohol and drug use disorder sections of the schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry (SCAN).
Q45926745Testing different thresholds for risky episodic drinking--what's so special about five drinks?
Q44487800Testing hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis
Q34541119Testing the abuse liability of anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs in humans
Q62671051Testing the biosocial cognitive model of substance use in cannabis users referred to treatment
Q100457952Testing the drug use and condomless anal sex link among sexual minority men: The predictive utility of marijuana and interactions with relationship status
Q45264658Testing the dual pathway hypothesis to substance use in adolescence and young adulthood
Q92116891Testing the reciprocal association between smoking and depressive symptoms from adolescence to adulthood: A longitudinal twin study
Q38363648Testosterone suppression in opioid users: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q41877150Tetrahydroisoquinolines and the serotonergic system
Q37876286The 'point of no return' as a target of experimental research on drug dependence
Q44934071The 12-month prevalence and trends in DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence: United States, 1991-1992 and 2001-2002.
Q36572535The 14-year course of alcoholism in a community sample: do men and women differ?
Q45109743The Addiction Severity Index medical and psychiatric composite scores measure similar domains as the SF-36 in substance-dependent veterans: concurrent and discriminant validity
Q39991084The Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention Study: A randomized field trial of a universal substance abuse prevention program
Q72795798The Alcohol Problems Questionnaire: reliability and validity
Q35088286The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-5 (AUDADIS-5): procedural validity of substance use disorders modules through clinical re-appraisal in a general population sample
Q41375342The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-5 (AUDADIS-5): reliability of substance use and psychiatric disorder modules in a general population sample
Q44487795The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-IV (AUDADIS-IV): reliability of alcohol consumption, tobacco use, family history of depression and psychiatric diagnostic modules in a general population sample
Q46021419The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) as a screening instrument for adolescents.
Q46233348The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test revisited: establishing its structure using nonlinear factor analysis and identifying subgroups of respondents using latent class factor analysis
Q99413408The Association between Opioid Discontinuation and Heroin Use: A Nested Case-Control Study
Q92225556The Auckland alcohol detoxification outcome study: Measuring changes in quality of life in individuals completing a medicated withdrawal from alcohol in a detoxification unit
Q33568364The Betel Quid Dependence Scale: replication and extension in a Guamanian sample
Q37392290The CB1 antagonist rimonabant (SR141716) blocks cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking and other context and extinction phenomena predictive of relapse
Q46510091The Cannabis Problems Questionnaire: factor structure, reliability, and validity
Q39732890The Cannabis Withdrawal Scale development: patterns and predictors of cannabis withdrawal and distress
Q50689890The ClockΔ19 mutation in mice fails to alter the primary and secondary reinforcing properties of nicotine.
Q34504902The Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence: a legacy of the National Academy of Sciences. A historical account
Q34350035The Controlled Substances Act: how a "big tent" reform became a punitive drug law.
Q46345484The DOP system: a manifestation of social exclusion. A personal commentary on 'Alcohol consumption amongst South African farm workers: a post-apartheid challenge, by L. London 1999'.
Q71993968The DSM-IV field trial for substance use disorders: major results
Q60941476The DSM-IV field trial for substance use disorders: major results. brief commentaries on this article by Cottler et al. pp. 59–69 Commebtary no. 2: The road to DSM-IV: confessions of an erstwhile nosologist
Q37086029The Dynamic Assessment and Referral System for Substance Abuse (DARSSA): development, functionality, and end-user satisfaction
Q51913342The EQ-5D in alcohol dependent patients: relationships among health-related quality of life, psychopathology and social functioning.
Q96110961The Efficacy of Lidocaine in Disrupting Cocaine Cue-Induced Memory Reconsolidation
Q44781080The Emergency Department as a prevention site: a demographic analysis of substance use among ED patients
Q47298208The European Community of twelve and the drug demand. Excerpt of a comparative study of legislations and judicial practice
Q45063872The Experimental Tobacco Marketplace II: Substitutability and sex effects in dual electronic cigarette and conventional cigarette users
Q92231019The Experimental Tobacco Marketplace: Narratives engage cognitive biases to increase electronic cigarette substitution
Q44487790The Fagerström test for nicotine dependence in two adult population samples-potential influence of lifetime amount of tobacco smoked on the degree of dependence
Q46502454The Fagerström test for nicotine dependence: a comparison of standard scoring and latent class analysis approaches
Q91813555The G-protein biased mu-opioid agonist, TRV130, produces reinforcing and antinociceptive effects that are comparable to oxycodone in rats
Q33757216The GABA B agonist baclofen reduces cigarette consumption in a preliminary double-blind placebo-controlled smoking reduction study.
Q50198765The Galician Beverage Picture Set (GBPS): A standardized database of alcohol and non-alcohol images.
Q42632926The H2O2 scavenger ebselen decreases ethanol-induced locomotor stimulation in mice
Q103038500The HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-term SM) Communities Study: Protocol for a cluster randomized trial at the community level to reduce opioid overdose deaths through implementation of an integrated set of evidence-based practices
Q37385095The Hispanic Americans Baseline Alcohol Survey (HABLAS): the association between birthplace, acculturation and alcohol abuse and dependence across Hispanic national groups
Q44852808The Italian version of the Obsessive-Compulsive Drinking Scale: validation, comparison with the other versions, and difference between type 1- and type 2-like alcoholics.
Q44332668The Kreek-McHugh-Schluger-Kellogg scale: a new, rapid method for quantifying substance abuse and its possible applications
Q46889105The MAO-A gene, platelet MAO-B activity and psychosocial environment in adolescent female alcohol-related problem behaviour
Q37367811The Marijuana Ladder: measuring motivation to change marijuana use in incarcerated adolescents
Q90386147The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) evaluation study: Did parity differentially affect substance use disorder and mental health benefits offered by behavioral healthcare carve-out and carve-in plans?
Q35850617The Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment (NIATx): enhancing access and retention
Q35944503The Nicotine Dependence Syndrome Scale in Finnish smokers
Q35633126The Obsessive Compulsive Cocaine Use Scale: development and initial validation of a self-rated instrument for the quantification of thoughts about cocaine use.
Q100941656The Opioid-overdose Reduction Continuum of Care Approach (ORCCA): Evidence-based practices in the HEALing Communities Study
Q35785458The Physicians' Competence in Substance Abuse Test (P-CSAT): a multidimensional educational measurement tool for substance abuse training programs
Q38737060The Prescription Opioid Addiction Treatment Study: What have we learned.
Q92601767The Rapidly Changing US Illicit Drug Market and the Potential for an Improved Early Warning System: Evidence from Ohio Drug Crime Labs
Q51775154The Role of GABA in morphine abstinence in rats
Q46889101The SRPHK1 outcome measure for cocaine-dependence trials combines self-report, urine benzoylecgonine levels, and the concordance between the two to determine a cocaine-use status for each study day.
Q52317188The Self-Report Habit Index: Assessing habitual marijuana, alcohol, e-cigarette, and cigarette use.
Q46822992The Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) in an adolescent population of cannabis users: reliability, validity and diagnostic cut-off.
Q35791037The Sexual Discounting Task: HIV risk behavior and the discounting of delayed sexual rewards in cocaine dependence
Q43852992The Society for the Study of Addiction: temperance, treatment or tolerance? (1930-1961).
Q38770885The Standard Joint Unit
Q39240670The Swedish methadone maintenance program: A controlled study
Q98185771The Syrian Center for Tobacco Studies-13 (SCTS-13): Psychometric evaluation of a waterpipe-specific nicotine dependence instrument
Q36942804The Thai HIV/AIDS epidemic at 15 years: sustained needle sharing among southern Thai drug injectors
Q30353340The Twelve Promises of Alcoholics Anonymous: psychometric measure validation and mediational testing as a 12-step specific mechanism of behavior change.
Q37277610The Washington circle engagement performance measures' association with adolescent treatment outcomes
Q36920520The Women's Recovery Group Study: a Stage I trial of women-focused group therapy for substance use disorders versus mixed-gender group drug counseling.
Q27312095The Yale Craving Scale: Development and psychometric properties
Q35901006The absence of DSM-IV nicotine dependence in moderate-to-heavy daily smokers.
Q45161025The acute and sub-acute effects of 'ecstasy' (MDMA) on processing of facial expressions: preliminary findings
Q46812069The acute effects of gabapentin in combination with alcohol in heavy drinkers.
Q66972154The adaptive increase in ethanol metabolism due to pretreatment with ethanol: A rapid phenomenon
Q52092635The addiction hospital: current status and an assessment.
Q70150504The administration of transcranial electric treatment for affective disturbances therapy in alcoholic patients
Q35792939The adoption of medications in substance abuse treatment: associations with organizational characteristics and technology clusters
Q37443980The adoption of wraparound services among substance abuse treatment organizations serving criminal offenders: The role of a women-specific program
Q37204862The aftermath of public housing relocation: relationship to substance misuse
Q47701102The alcohol purchase task in young men from the general population
Q35017102The alcohol relapse situation appraisal questionnaire: development and validation.
Q44907459The alcohol use disorder and associated disabilities interview schedule (AUDADIS): reliability of alcohol and drug modules in a clinical sample
Q40981146The alcohol use disorder and associated disabilities interview schedule (AUDADIS): reliability of alcohol and drug modules in a general population sample
Q36465741The alcohol use disorder and associated disabilities interview schedule-IV (AUDADIS-IV): reliability of new psychiatric diagnostic modules and risk factors in a general population sample
Q48808225The alcohol-deprivation effect in hybrid mice
Q52298974The aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 gene is associated with heroin dependence.
Q36847296The alpha-1 adrenergic antagonist doxazosin for treatment of cocaine dependence: A pilot study
Q47314666The amount of alcohol intake and some associated factors in a representative sample of 691 French boys aged 13-18.
Q37165438The anabolic steroids testosterone propionate and nandrolone, but not 17alpha-methyltestosterone, induce conditioned place preference in adult mice
Q69748679The appearance of 2,3-butanediol in the chronic ethanol treated pregnant rat
Q73861218The applicability of the dependence syndrome to amphetamine
Q70578317The appropriateness of laboratory tests in tracing young heavy drinkers
Q39245380The arrest of drivers under the influence as a predictor of subsequent social disadvantage and death
Q47613045The association between Act-Belong-Commit indicators and problem drinking among older Irish adults: Findings from a prospective analysis of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA).
Q60169653The association between alcohol use and hepatitis C status among injecting drug users in Glasgow
Q33624618The association between alcohol-related arrests and college football game days
Q37403694The association between cannabinoid receptor 1 gene (CNR1) and cannabis dependence symptoms in adolescents and young adults
Q45131558The association between change in social network characteristics and non-fatal overdose: results from the SHIELD study in Baltimore, MD, USA.
Q33648645The association between changes in alternative reinforcers and short-term smoking cessation
Q51121140The association between childhood irritability and liability to substance use in early adolescence: a 2-year follow-up study of boys at risk for substance abuse.
Q52235864The association between chronic cannabis use and cognitive functions
Q51914926The association between cigarette smoking and DSM-IV nicotine dependence among first year college students.
Q30587123The association between cue-reactivity in the precuneus and level of dependence on nicotine and alcohol
Q58633926The association between exposure to guns and gambling among community-recruited substance using women
Q102140501The association between frequency of e-cigarette use and long-term smoking cessation outcomes among treatment-seeking smokers receiving a behavioral intervention
Q91740576The association between frequency of opioid misuse and opioid use disorder among youth and adults in the United States
Q36401889The association between frontal-striatal connectivity and sensorimotor control in cocaine users.
Q35785618The association between insomnia and suicidal thoughts in adults treated for alcohol dependence in Poland
Q57137191The association between lifetime polytobacco use and intention to quit among HIV-positive cigarette smokers
Q40034864The association between neighborhood disorder, social cohesion and hazardous alcohol use: a national multilevel study.
Q47231102The association between neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and high-risk injection behavior among people who inject drugs
Q48071489The association between nonmedical use of prescription medication status and change in health-related quality of life: results from a Nationally Representative Survey
Q35491054The association between outpatient buprenorphine detoxification duration and clinical treatment outcomes: a review
Q91572569The association between pain clinic laws and prescription opioid exposures: New evidence from multi-state comparisons
Q44360018The association between parental alcohol-related behaviors and children's drinking
Q38638817The association between parental history and delay discounting among individuals in recovery from addiction.
Q35228275The association between parental risk behaviors during childhood and having high risk networks in adulthood
Q45055508The association between personality disorders with alcohol use and misuse: A population-based twin study
Q91233442The association between physical pain and cannabis use in daily life: An experience sampling method
Q96616394The association between quantity, frequency and duration of cocaine use during the heaviest use period and DSM-5 cocaine use disorder
Q91707956The association between racial and socioeconomic discrimination and two stages of alcohol use in blacks
Q97085200The association between regular cocaine use, with and without tobacco co-use, and adverse cardiovascular and respiratory outcomes
Q38649050The association between regular marijuana use and adult mental health outcomes
Q58633816The association between religion/spirituality and 30 day crack/cocaine and marijuana use among female offenders
Q103834911The association between short-term emotion dynamics and cigarette dependence: A comprehensive examination of dynamic measures
Q93057769The association between smoke-free school policies and adolescents' anti-smoking beliefs: Moderation by family smoking norms
Q45329935The association between substance use disorders and mortality among a cohort of Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: variation by age cohort and mortality type
Q39480277The association between tobacco smoking and use of other psychoactive substances among Egyptian male students
Q91828903The association between use of opiates, cocaine, and amphetamines during pregnancy and maternal postpartum readmission in the United States: A retrospective analysis of the Nationwide Readmissions Database
Q37540492The association of alcohol intake with γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels: evidence for correlated genetic effects
Q38780494The association of prenatal cocaine exposure, externalizing behavior and adolescent substance use
Q38825321The association of psychiatric comorbidity with treatment completion among clients admitted to substance use treatment programs in a U.S. national sample
Q35714846The association of rs1051730 genotype on adherence to and consumption of prescribed nicotine replacement therapy dose during a smoking cessation attempt
Q37328739The association of self-reported neighborhood disorganization and social capital with adolescent alcohol and drug use, dependence, and access to treatment
Q36803463The association of specific traumatic experiences with cannabis initiation and transition to problem use: Differences between African-American and European-American women
Q37067677The association of syringe type and syringe cleaning with HCV infection among IDUs in Budapest, Hungary
Q38402324The association of unemployment from age 21 to 33 with substance use disorder symptoms at age 39: The role of childhood neighborhood characteristics.
Q39867861The associations of binge alcohol use with HIV/STI risk and diagnosis among heterosexual African American men.
Q51705895The attitudes of heroin users and matched non-users to drugs and drug users.
Q37373642The behavioral economics of will in recovery from addiction
Q68671017The beliefs and attitudes of a group of men in mid-life towards tobacco use
Q90719476The benefits and implementation challenges of the first state-wide comprehensive medication for addictions program in a unified jail and prison setting
Q67928670The blood alcohol curve as a function of time and type of beverage: methodological considerations
Q52171033The brief abstinence test: voucher-based reinforcement of cocaine abstinence.
Q38431215The built environment and alcohol consumption in urban neighborhoods.
Q48039246The case for medical marijuana: an issue of relief.
Q71736718The case of the Swedish methadone maintenance treatment programme
Q39161296The cerebellum in drug craving.
Q44786057The challenge of illicit drug addiction for general practice
Q39733529The challenge of psychiatric comorbidity to the public services for drug dependence in Italy: A national survey.
Q114190380The changes in retinal nerve fiber layer and macular thickness in Chinese patients with alcohol dependency
Q48186010The changes in sulfhydryl compounds in plasma, liver and brain after acute and chronic ethanol administration in rats
Q45999091The changing demographic of blunt smokers across birth cohorts.
Q91339193The changing landscape of naloxone availability in the United States, 2011 - 2017
Q42672917The characteristics and risk factors for HIV infection among Beijing drug users in different settings
Q43870789The clinical course of alcohol use disorders: using joinpoint analysis to aid in interpretation of growth mixture models
Q35124187The clinical pharmacology of buprenorphine: extrapolating from the laboratory to the clinic
Q39466523The clinical usefulness of agonist-antagonist analgesics in acute pain
Q39466528The clinical usefulness of agonist-antagonistic opioid analgesics in chronic pain
Q70578332The clinical-correctional interface in the treatment of drug offenders: the evidence from N.S.W. australia
Q46594892The co-occurrence of smoking and drinking among young adults in college: national survey results from the United States
Q47646223The combined effects of parental divorce and parental history of depression on cannabis use in young adults in France
Q44689212The comorbidity of alcohol dependence and affective disorders: treatment implications
Q44905048The comorbidity of substance abuse and depressive symptoms in Costa Rican adolescents.
Q43282951The comparative toxicology and major organ pathology of fatal methadone and heroin toxicity cases
Q37292214The construct and measurement equivalence of cocaine and opioid dependences: a National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) study
Q41921956The continuum of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in a community in South Africa: Prevalence and characteristics in a fifth sample
Q36494950The continuum of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in four rural communities in South Africa: Prevalence and characteristics
Q99358052The contribution of methamphetamine use to crime: Evidence from Australian longitudinal data
Q44337133The contributions of viral hepatitis and alcohol to liver-related deaths in opioid-dependent people
Q24630787The cost of crime to society: new crime-specific estimates for policy and program evaluation
Q102053189The cost of opioid use disorder and the value of aversion
Q37331750The cost of treating addiction from the client's perspective: results from a multi-modality application of the Client DATCAP.
Q43131867The cost-effectiveness of prize-based and voucher-based contingency management in a population of cocaine- or opioid-dependent outpatients
Q36536506The cost-effectiveness of rapid HIV testing in substance abuse treatment: results of a randomized trial
Q57686829The cost-effectiveness of tailored, postal feedback on general practitioners’ prescribing of pharmacotherapies for alcohol dependence
Q47615115The costs of crime associated with stimulant use in a Canadian setting
Q52271239The course and outcome of drug addiction. A follow-up study of 178 cases in Madurai, South India.
Q44263719The dangers of alcohol - the situation in the Federal Republic of Germany
Q52270457The day-to-day criminality of heroin addicts in Baltimore--a study in the continuity of offence rates.
Q67781897The decrease of superoxide dismutase activity and depletion of sulfhydryl compounds in ethanol-induced liver injury
Q68103393The demographic distribution of drinking patterns in 1984
Q39180842The design of medical marijuana laws and adolescent use and heavy use of marijuana: Analysis of 45 states from 1991 to 2011.
Q47357565The detoxification of high dose heroin addicts in Pakistan
Q91608789The development and validation of a human screening model of tobacco abstinence
Q51649264The development of a cocaine craving questionnaire.
Q91421148The development of respondent-driven sampling (RDS) inference: A systematic review of the population mean and variance estimates
Q44271760The development of suicide ideation and attempts: an epidemiologic study of first graders followed into young adulthood
Q34771658The developmental antecedents of illicit drug use: evidence from a 25-year longitudinal study.
Q46474837The developmental origin of adolescent alcohol use: findings from the Mater University Study of Pregnancy and its outcomes
Q48956398The dexamethasone suppression test in chronic alcoholics with and without depression and its relationship to their hepatic status
Q41313783The diabetic alcoholic: characteristics and treatment outcome
Q34574338The diagnostic dilemma of pathological appearance and performance enhancing drug use
Q74741310The differential effects of alcohol consumption and dependence on adverse alcohol-related consequences: implications for the workforce
Q42093683The differential effects of alprazolam and oxazepam on methamphetamine self-administration in rats
Q36003494The differential relationship between cocaine use and marijuana use on decision-making performance over repeat testing with the Iowa Gambling Task
Q37448792The dimensionality of alcohol use disorders: results from Israel
Q51174193The discriminative stimulus properties of ethanol and acute ethanol withdrawal states in rats.
Q39840606The disease concept of alcoholism: a review
Q44102616The diversion and injection of a buprenorphine-naloxone soluble film formulation
Q47563437The dopamine D2 receptor gene: a genetic risk factor in substance abuse
Q36494884The dopamine D3 receptor antagonist, SR 21502, facilitates extinction of cocaine conditioned place preference.
Q47676574The dopamine transporter gene may not contribute to susceptibility and the specific personality traits of amphetamine dependence
Q36536527The dose effects of short-term dronabinol (oral THC) maintenance in daily cannabis users
Q91028770The downstream effects of state tobacco control policies on maternal smoking during pregnancy and birth outcomes
Q41519830The drinking habits of residents of a rehabilitation program with a controlled drinking option: a preliminary report
Q41188256The drinking patterns of American and Polish university students: a cross-national study
Q47820837The drug abuse problem in Peninsular Malaysia: parent and child differences in knowledge, attitudes and perceptions
Q93631312The drug problem in the Federal Republic of Germany
Q92887613The drug purity discounting task: Ecstasy use likelihood is reduced by probabilistic impurity according to harmfulness of adulterants
Q52734459The drug use profile (DUP): an instrument for clinical and research evaluations for drug use patterns.
Q70905533The drug-use patterns of helping-profession students in Brisbane, Australia
Q43750183The drunken driver: a psychosocial study
Q34352464The dual use of opioids and temazepam by drug injectors in Glasgow (Scotland).
Q52316732The dual-process model in young adults with a consistent binge drinking trajectory into adulthood.
Q101119538The economic burden of opioid use disorder and fatal opioid overdose in the United States, 2017
Q40791219The economic context of drug and non-drug reinforcers affects acquisition and maintenance of drug-reinforced behavior and withdrawal effects
Q31799483The economic costs of heroin addiction in the United States
Q34387048The effect of 12-step self-help group attendance and participation on drug use outcomes among cocaine-dependent patients
Q46970547The effect of FDA approval of a generic competitor to OxyContin (oxycodone HCl controlled-release) tablets on the abuse of oxycodone
Q48826483The effect of Heparegen and D-penicillamine on the activity of some ammonia metabolizing enzymes in liver and brain of rats intoxicated with ethanol
Q50138551The effect of N-acetylcysteine on alcohol use during a cannabis cessation trial
Q44982022The effect of abstinence in alcoholics of erythrocyte gangliosides
Q46913878The effect of acamprosate on alcohol and food craving in patients with alcohol dependence
Q47416212The effect of alcohol dependence on automatic visuo-spatial perspective taking
Q97439237The effect of alcohol level on male and female drivers: Important facts
Q92194311The effect of alcohol on osteoporosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q48771725The effect of alcoholism on salsolinol and biogenic amines in human brain
Q46535072The effect of buprenorphine and benzodiazepines on respiration in the rat.
Q71035590The effect of chlormethiazole on serum cortisol concentrations in chronic alcoholics
Q48301695The effect of chronic ethanol ingestion on brain lipid peroxide and glutathione levels in rats
Q48359230The effect of chronic ethanol intake on brain NGF level and on NGF-target tissues of adult mice.
Q48269467The effect of chronic maternal alcohol consumption on the development of central nervous system myelin subfractions in rat offspring
Q52215302The effect of chronic naltrexone pretreatment on associative vs. non-associative morphine tolerance.
Q48869561The effect of chronically administered delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol upon the polygraphically monitored sleep of normal volunteers
Q43908079The effect of clonidine and related substances on voluntary ethanol consumption in rats
Q36997176The effect of drinking goals at treatment entry on longitudinal alcohol use patterns among adults with alcohol dependence
Q44668429The effect of drugs of abuse on NMDAR1 receptor expression in the rat limbic system
Q91770465The effect of economy type on demand and preference for cocaine and saccharin in rats
Q52286397The effect of haloperidol and 6-hydroxydopamine on oral drug taking behavior in rats
Q70666024The effect of hematin on the development of microsomal enzyme induction and physical dependence in mice following repeated oral propoxyphene administration
Q50680889The effect of heroin dependence on resumption of heroin self-administration in rats.
Q53403058The effect of high-dose dronabinol (oral THC) maintenance on cannabis self-administration.
Q39768145The effect of individual, program, and neighborhood variables on continuity of treatment among dually diagnosed individuals
Q77504461The effect of lamotrigine on naloxone-precipitated opiate withdrawal
Q34751772The effect of maternal betel quid exposure during pregnancy on adverse birth outcomes among aborigines in Taiwan
Q95644068The effect of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) on residential treatment completion and retention in the US
Q92414944The effect of methadone on the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis and sexual function: A systematic review
Q37149617The effect of motivational lung age feedback on short-term quit rates in smokers seeking intensive group treatment: A randomized controlled pilot study
Q43050936The effect of motivational status on treatment outcome in the North American Opiate Medication Initiative (NAOMI) study
Q72548171The effect of naftidrofuryl on ethanol-induced liver damage in chronic alcoholic patients
Q51866177The effect of neuroleptics, tranquillizers, narcotics, antidepressants and anticonvulsive drugs on the alterations of mouse behaviour caused by acetaldehyde
Q70369063The effect of paternal alcohol consumption on fetal development in mice
Q42667562The effect of persistence of cocaine use on 12-month outcomes for the treatment of heroin dependence
Q38619321The effect of post-traumatic stress disorder on the risk of developing prescription opioid use disorder: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions III.
Q36248958The effect of prescription opioid injection on the risk of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs
Q57137163The effect of quinine in two bottle choice procedures in C57BL6 mice: Opioid preference, somatic withdrawal, and pharmacokinetic outcomes
Q72533796The effect of repeated amphetamine administration on the proopiomelanocortin mRNA level in the rat pituitary: an in situ hybridization study
Q41303999The effect of repeated withdrawal episodes on subsequent withdrawal severity in ethanol-treated rats
Q40515923The effect of sertraline and environmental context on treating depression and illicit substance use among methadone maintained opiate dependent patients: a controlled clinical trial
Q44336126The effect of single and repeated ethanol administration of hypothalamic opioid systems activity --an in vitro release study
Q33696256The effect of social anxiety on urge and craving among smokers with and without anxiety disorders
Q38928821The effect of task difficulty on motor performance and frontal-striatal connectivity in cocaine users
Q43867225The effect of the 'What Do You Drink' web-based brief alcohol intervention on self-efficacy to better understand changes in alcohol use over time: randomized controlled trial using ecological momentary assessment
Q60653460The effect of the ecstasy ‘come-down’ on the diagnosis of ecstasy dependence
Q44152881The effect of the timing and spacing of observations in longitudinal studies of tobacco and other drug use: temporal design considerations
Q39995975The effect of two elementary school-based prevention interventions on being offered tobacco and the transition to smoking
Q43192049The effectiveness of a school-based substance abuse prevention program: 18-month follow-up of the EU-Dap cluster randomized controlled trial
Q34091426The effectiveness of brief intervention among injured patients with alcohol dependence: who benefits from brief interventions?
Q44026541The effectiveness of drug abuse treatment: a meta-analysis of comparison group studies
Q31870918The effectiveness of incentives in enhancing treatment attendance and drug abstinence in methadone-maintained pregnant women.
Q83288310The effectiveness of outreach case management in re-enrolling discharged methadone patients
Q39444337The effectiveness of post-detoxication referrals: Effects on later detoxication admissions, drunkenness and criminality
Q93122288The effectiveness of residential treatment services for individuals with substance use disorders: A systematic review
Q40472775The effectiveness of telemedicine-delivered opioid agonist therapy in a supervised clinical setting.
Q39555493The effectiveness of two intensities of psychosocial treatment for cocaine dependence
Q52260277The effects of (+/-)-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and (+/-)-methylenedioxyamphetamine in monkeys trained to discriminate (+)-amphetamine from saline.
Q47697500The effects of GSK-3β blockade on ketamine self-administration and relapse to drug-seeking behavior in rats
Q30490351The effects of HIV on P300 are moderated by familial risk for substance dependence: implications for a theory of brain reserve
Q36248846The effects of N-Acetylcysteine on frontostriatal resting-state functional connectivity, withdrawal symptoms and smoking abstinence: A double-blind, placebo-controlled fMRI pilot study.
Q64917135The effects of Pavlovian cue extinction and ceftriaxone on cocaine relapse after abstinence.
Q48037868The effects of Present Hedonistic Time Perspective and Past Negative Time Perspective on substance use consequences
Q51110632The effects of a cold-water immersion stressor on the reinforcing and subjective effects of fentanyl in healthy volunteers.
Q39295778The effects of a repeated dose of a recombinant humanized anti-cocaine monoclonal antibody on cocaine self-administration in rats
Q90343744The effects of a working memory load on drinking-related decisions: The role of incentives, disincentives, and lifetime alcohol problems
Q33169939The effects of acute and chronic ingestion of ethanol on the autonomic nervous system
Q44094302The effects of acute haloperidol or risperidone on subjective responses to methamphetamine in healthy volunteers
Q51104194The effects of alcohol history on the reinforcing, subjective and psychomotor effects of nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers.
Q39212153The effects of alcohol on spontaneous clearance of acute hepatitis C virus infection in females versus males.
Q48868203The effects of alcohol withdrawal and acute doses of alcohol on the acid-base balance in mice and rats
Q40164948The effects of alcohol, cannabis, and cigarette use on the initiation, reinitiation and persistence of non-medical use of opioids, sedatives, and tranquilizers in adults
Q37518400The effects of alcohol-containing e-cigarettes on young adult smokers
Q34621557The effects of chronic alcohol self-administration on serotonin-1A receptor binding in nonhuman primates.
Q37656588The effects of chronic ethanol self-administration on hippocampal 5-HT1A receptors in monkeys.
Q43570029The effects of chronic morphine on behavior reinforced by several opioids or by cocaine in rhesus monkeys
Q48367150The effects of cocaine and the amphetamines on brain and behavior: a conference report
Q45348662The effects of combined acamprosate and integrative behaviour therapy in the outpatient treatment of alcohol dependence: a randomized controlled trial
Q35876145The effects of continuing care on emerging adult outcomes following residential addiction treatment
Q45089622The effects of delay of reinforcement and dose on the self-administration of cocaine and procaine in rhesus monkeys
Q51657117The effects of dose and access restrictions on the periodicity of cocaine self-administration in the rat.
Q35952033The effects of dronabinol during detoxification and the initiation of treatment with extended release naltrexone
Q44430852The effects of escalating doses of smoked cocaine in humans
Q66972164The effects of ethanol and meperidine on auditory evoked potentials
Q92246550The effects of extended-release injectable naltrexone and incentives for opiate abstinence in heroin-dependent adults in a model therapeutic workplace: A randomized trial
Q48967180The effects of food deprivation on the self-administration of psychoactive drugs
Q35737181The effects of general and alcohol-specific peer factors in adolescence on trajectories of alcohol abuse disorder symptoms from 21 to 33 years
Q72066753The effects of high and low doses of methadone on cigarette smoking
Q71035567The effects of marijuana use during pregnancy. II. A study in a low-risk home-delivery population
Q43845717The effects of maternal drug dependence on neonatal mortality
Q68085655The effects of moderate drinking and abstinence on serum and urinary beta-hexosaminidase levels
Q39617959The effects of naloxone on behavior maintained by cocaine and heroin injections in the rhesus monkey
Q112162178The effects of nicotine administration and drug cue on impulsivity
Q36936174The effects of oral d-amphetamine on impulsivity in smoked and intranasal cocaine users
Q50470311The effects of perceived quality on behavioral economic demand for marijuana: A web-based experiment
Q40133486The effects of perceived quality on the behavioural economics of alcohol, amphetamine, cannabis, cocaine, and ecstasy purchases
Q35584841The effects of piracetam on heroin-induced CPP and neuronal apoptosis in rats
Q48416275The effects of price and perceived quality on the behavioural economics of alcohol, amphetamine, cannabis, cocaine, and ecstasy purchases
Q51901625The effects of priming restrained versus disinhibited behaviour on alcohol-seeking in social drinkers
Q60485526The effects of psychiatric comorbidity on response to an HIV prevention intervention
Q34421435The effects of racemic D,L-methadone and L-methadone in substituted patients--a randomized controlled study
Q50964385The effects of rearing condition on methamphetamine self-administration and cue-induced drug seeking.
Q30276879The effects of resistance exercise on cocaine self-administration, muscle hypertrophy, and BDNF expression in the nucleus accumbens
Q69416627The effects of smoked Marijuana on interpersonal distances in small groups
Q47748378The effects of social contact on cocaine intake in female rats
Q33914705The effects of social learning on the acquisition of cocaine self-administration
Q34113858The effects of sponsorship in 12-step treatment of injection drug users
Q44343723The effects of the opioid pharmacotherapies methadone, LAAM and buprenorphine, alone and in combination with alcohol, on simulated driving
Q39371164The effects of the therapeutic workplace and heavy alcohol use on homelessness among homeless alcohol-dependent adults
Q38706700The effects of using answer sheets on reported drug use and data quality in a classroom survey: A cluster-randomized study.
Q46200725The effects of varenicline on stress-induced and cue-induced craving for cigarettes
Q36213637The efficacy of Familias Unidas on drug and alcohol outcomes for Hispanic delinquent youth: main effects and interaction effects by parental stress and social support
Q43685933The efficacy of computer-tailored smoking cessation material as a supplement to nicotine patch therapy
Q92207231The efficacy of spiritual/religious interventions for substance use problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Q57137151The end of convergence in developmental patterns of frequent marijuana use from ages 18 to 30: An analysis of cohort change from 1976-2016
Q37640872The endogenous opioid system: a common substrate in drug addiction
Q92244303The epidemiology of benzodiazepine misuse: A systematic review
Q47249158The epidemiology of cocaine use in Spain
Q35783203The epidemiology of fetal alcohol syndrome and partial FAS in a South African community
Q90507450The epidemiology of opioid overdose in Flint and Genesee County, Michigan: Implications for public health practice and intervention
Q92960674The etiology of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder: Evidence of shared and non-shared additive genetic effects
Q41636663The etiology of problem drinking in the workplace
Q93008283The event-level impact of one's typical alcohol expectancies, drinking motivations, and use of protective behavioral strategies
Q52201682The expression of both amphetamine-conditioned place preference and pentylenetetrazol-conditioned place aversion is attenuated by the NMDA receptor antagonist (+/-)-CPP.
Q39480270The extent of drug use among Egyptian male university students
Q39480289The extent of nonmedical use of psychoactive substances among secondary school students in Greater Cairo
Q44701184The external validity of results derived from ecstasy users recruited using purposive sampling strategies
Q36164721The first 90 days following release from jail: findings from the Recovery Management Checkups for Women Offenders (RMCWO) experiment
Q70905549The frequency of delirium tremens and chlormethiazole (Heminevrin)
Q41522275The future of federal drug abuse research. How can we best maximize scarce resources?
Q57729642The gap in marijuana prevalence between black and white adolescents has disappeared since 2011: The role of perceived risk of marijuana use
Q43075979The genetic epidemiology of substance use disorder: A review
Q52264195The genetic interface of addiction
Q36997134The genetic relationship between cannabis and tobacco cigarette use in European- and African-American female twins and siblings
Q36314812The genetics of alcohol dependence: advancing towards systems-based approaches
Q38190139The global epidemiology and burden of psychostimulant dependence: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.
Q35893566The global political economy of scheduling: the international-historical context of the Controlled Substances Act.
Q91195619The grey future: Overgenerality of emotional future thinking in alcohol-use disorders
Q37244439The group II metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, LY379268, decreases methamphetamine self-administration in rats.
Q96018547The growing transition from lifetime marijuana use to frequent use among 12th grade students: U.S. National data from 1976 to 2019
Q44023961The growth of treatment research in alcohol and drug use disorders: a computerized literature search
Q45234131The half-life of the 'teachable moment' for alcohol misusing patients in the emergency department
Q27687440The hardening hypothesis: is the ability to quit decreasing due to increasing nicotine dependence? A review and commentary
Q37218679The harm inside: injection during incarceration among male injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico
Q42724125The hazards of bad sleep-Sleep duration and quality as predictors of adolescent alcohol and cannabis use.
Q39860248The health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption: a review of the literature
Q95651829The heterogeneous effect of marijuana decriminalization policy on arrest rates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2009-2018
Q43162019The highs and lows of my years at NIDA (1986-1992).
Q43162027The history of a public science: How the Addiction Research Center became the NIDA Intramural Research Program
Q42221571The iatrogenic epidemic of prescription drug abuse: county-level determinants of opioid availability and abuse
Q52264302The iceberg of opium addiction an epidemiological survey of opium addiction in a rural community
Q43625667The identification and management of drug-seeking behavior in a medical center
Q40521710The identification of LSD-like hallucinogens using the chronic spinal dog
Q67553724The image of self and of the environment in drug abusers: a comparative study using the TAT
Q37621168The impact of ADHD persistence, recent cannabis use, and age of regular cannabis use onset on subcortical volume and cortical thickness in young adults
Q96031916The impact of Medicare Part D on opioid use among U.S. older adults
Q40240663The impact of a Housing First randomized controlled trial on substance use problems among homeless individuals with mental illness
Q46588017The impact of a reduction in drug supply on demand for and compliance with treatment for drug dependence
Q44344420The impact of a reformulation of extended-release oxycodone designed to deter abuse in a sample of prescription opioid abusers
Q47697281The impact of a stage tailored intervention on alcohol use trajectories among those who do not intend to change
Q30407558The impact of active and passive peer influence on young adult smoking: an experimental study
Q52689775The impact of acute and short-term methamphetamine abstinence on brain metabolites: A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy chemical shift imaging study.
Q39290095The impact of adolescent exposure to medical marijuana laws on high school completion, college enrollment and college degree completion
Q47703672The impact of alcohol policies on alcohol-attributable diseases in Taiwan-A population-based study.
Q37074829The impact of an alcohol harm reduction intervention on interpersonal violence and engagement in sex work among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: Results from a randomized controlled trial
Q39064035The impact of anticipated and unanticipated smoking opportunities on cigarette smoking and nicotine lozenge responses
Q40982600The impact of blood-borne viruses on cause-specific mortality among opioid dependent people: An Australian population-based cohort study
Q35613401The impact of borderline personality disorder on residential substance abuse treatment dropout among men.
Q40008111The impact of buprenorphine on treatment of opioid dependence in a Medicaid population: recent service utilization trends in the use of buprenorphine and methadone
Q33644060The impact of buprenorphine/naloxone treatment on HIV risk behaviors among HIV-infected, opioid-dependent patients
Q38742773The impact of cannabis and cannabinoids for medical conditions on health-related quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q89845190The impact of chronic liver disease in patients receiving active pharmacological therapy for opioid use disorder: One-year findings from a prospective cohort study
Q90515856The impact of co-occurring opioid misuse and PTSD on response inhibition
Q36669895The impact of early school behavior and educational achievement on adult drug use disorders: a prospective study.
Q33874564The impact of engagement in street-based income generation activities on stimulant drug use cessation among people who inject drugs
Q40647261The impact of flavoring on the rewarding and reinforcing value of e-cigarettes with nicotine among young adult smokers
Q35987538The impact of illicit drug use and harmful drinking on quality of life among injection drug users at high risk for hepatitis C infection
Q45193444The impact of injecting drug use status on hepatitis C-related referral and treatment
Q37463091The impact of lifetime drug use on hepatitis C treatment outcomes in insured members of an integrated health care plan
Q83481347The impact of long-term maintenance treatment with buprenorphine on complex psychomotor and cognitive function
Q46028367The impact of long-term moderate and heavy alcohol consumption on incident atherosclerosis among persons living with HIV.
Q36249096The impact of low-threshold methadone maintenance treatment on mortality in a Canadian setting
Q41234842The impact of marijuana decriminalization on California drivers
Q102209695The impact of menthol flavoring in combusted tobacco on alternative product purchasing: A pilot study using the Experimental Tobacco Marketplace
Q68249667The impact of methadone and drug-free treatment on criminal behavior
Q80030516The impact of ongoing illicit drug use on methadone adherence in illicit drug users receiving treatment for HIV in a directly observed therapy program
Q91402447The impact of opioid use disorder on levels of educational attainment: Perceived benefits and consequences
Q53601410The impact of personality and religion on attitude towards substance use among 13-15 year olds.
Q91072392The impact of plain packaging and health warnings on consumer appeal of cannabis products
Q99622433The impact of psychiatric comorbidity on treatment discontinuation among individuals receiving medications for opioid use disorder
Q60145905The impact of state medical marijuana legislation on adolescent marijuana use
Q90366187The impact of the prescription opioid epidemic on young children: Trends and mortality
Q51257105The impact of the prohibition of benzylpiperazine (BZP) "legal highs" on the availability, price and strength of BZP in New Zealand.
Q51189023The impact of the prohibition of benzylpiperazine (BZP) 'legal highs' on the prevalence of BZP, new legal highs and other drug use in New Zealand.
Q24656563The impact of two universal randomized first- and second-grade classroom interventions on young adult suicide ideation and attempts
Q36689355The impact of violence on sex risk and drug use behaviors among women engaged in sex work in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Q39528560The impact on retention of expansion of an Australian public methadone program.
Q35952296The impacts of marijuana dispensary density and neighborhood ecology on marijuana abuse and dependence.
Q51425638The importance of a compound stimulus in conditioned drug-seeking behavior following one week of extinction from self-administered cocaine in rats.
Q37282055The importance of age composition of 12-step meetings as a moderating factor in the relation between young adults' 12-step participation and abstinence
Q91339366The importance of considering polysubstance use: lessons from cocaine research
Q35914745The importance of family factors to protect against substance use related problems among Mexican heritage and White youth.
Q47798089The importance of nutrition in aiding recovery from substance use disorders: A review.
Q40444393The importance of stress, self-efficacy, and self-medication for pharmacological neuroenhancement among employees and students.
Q46651929The increase in the association of education and cocaine use over the 1980s and 1990s: evidence for a 'historical period' effect
Q36402197The incremental inpatient costs associated with marijuana comorbidity
Q39618347The individual and combined effects of phenmetrazine and mgluR2/3 agonist LY379268 on the motivation to self-administer cocaine
Q52262580The induction of oral ethanol self-administration by contingent ethanol delivery.
Q93683331The influence of acute ethanol on the catecholamine system in man as reflected in cerebrospinal fluid and urine. A new condensation product, 1-carboxysalsolinol
Q51807704The influence of antihistamine compounds on the oral intake of different addictive drugs.
Q53040844The influence of brain catecholamines on 'drug taking behaviour' relative to oral self-administration of d-amphetamine by rats.
Q34749316The influence of cannabis motives on alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco use among treatment-seeking cigarette smokers
Q35915889The influence of depressive symptoms on alcohol use among HIV-infected Russian drinkers
Q37668649The influence of discrimination on smoking cessation among Latinos
Q52310969The influence of early lead exposure on morphine reinforcement in the rat
Q72541331The influence of external factors on oral drugtaking behavior
Q71865393The influence of familial and non-familial factors on the association between major depression and substance abuse/dependence in 1874 monozygotic male twin pairs
Q47658891The influence of groups and alcohol consumption on individual risk-taking.
Q48619747The influence of haloperidol and aminooxyacetic acid on etonitazene, alcohol, diazepam and barbital consumption
Q48089749The influence of heroin abuse on glutathione-dependent enzymes in human brain
Q36492527The influence of legal coercion on dropout from substance abuse treatment: results from a national survey
Q45391269The influence of living along the U.S.-Mexico border on unintentional drug overdose death, New Mexico (USA), 2005-2009.
Q37204952The influence of monetary punishment on cognitive control in abstinent cocaine-users
Q50038109The influence of motives on alcohol- and sex-related behaviors among female college students
Q92541781The influence of opioid dependence on salt consumption and related psychological parameters in mice and humans
Q70524829The influence of p-chlorophenylalanine on different morphine effects
Q30892590The influence of parental drinking on offspring's drinking motives and drinking: a mediation analysis on 9 year follow-up data
Q44394299The influence of partner drug use and relationship power on treatment engagement
Q40315044The influence of perceived neighborhood disorder on smoking cessation among urban safety net hospital patients.
Q70163512The influence of pimozide, haloperidol, α-methyl-p-tyrosine and reserpine on the development of morphine dependence in rats
Q39880096The influence of program mediators on eleventh grade outcomes for seventh grade substance users and nonusers.
Q52267294The influence of thiamine deficiency and ethanol on rat brain catecholamines.
Q39459611The inner city and drug use: initial findings from an epidemiological study
Q35133392The interacting effect of depressive symptoms, gender, and distress tolerance on substance use problems among residential treatment-seeking substance users
Q34033735The interaction of conduct problems and depressed mood in relation to adolescent substance involvement and peer substance use
Q92789505The interaction of sociodemographic risk factors and measures of nicotine dependence in predicting maternal smoking during pregnancy
Q50918160The interest in eight new psychoactive substances before and after scheduling.
Q43224874The intergenerational transmission of tobacco smoking--the role of parents' long-term smoking trajectories
Q52303163The international HIV/AIDS pandemic has been closely inter-twined with drug abuse and addiction from the time it began. Preface.
Q57137118The interplay between externalizing disorders polygenic risk scores and contextual factors on the development of marijuana use disorders
Q44994504The interplay between help-seeking and alcohol-related outcomes: divergent processes for professional treatment and self-help groups
Q44896450The intravenous self-administration of antihistamines by rhesus monkeys
Q41016602The introduction of a potentially abuse deterrent oxycodone formulation: Early findings from the Australian National Opioid Medications Abuse Deterrence (NOMAD) study
Q37917043The irrelevance of research to government policies on drugs
Q36198973The isoflavone puerarin reduces alcohol intake in heavy drinkers: a pilot study
Q54339091The language barrier and institutional provincialism in science.
Q37281788The latent structure and predictors of non-medical prescription drug use and prescription drug use disorders: a national study.
Q40386603The latent structure of alcohol misuse in young adults: Do taxometric results differ as a function of prior criminal history?
Q36275182The latent structure of marijuana and cocaine use disorders: results from the National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey (NLAES).
Q91415787The legal regulation of drugs and role of government: Perspectives from people who use drugs
Q40415606The level of response to alcohol in daughters of alcoholics and controls
Q48545762The long-term effects of prenatal nicotine exposure on verbal working memory: an fMRI study of young adults
Q40267376The long-term effects of school dropout and GED attainment on substance use disorders
Q37588861The longitudinal association between homelessness, injection drug use, and injection-related risk behavior among persons with a history of injection drug use in Baltimore, MD.
Q46743700The longitudinal association between substance use and delinquency among high-risk youth
Q39724014The longitudinal associations between substance use, crime, and social risk among emerging adults: A longitudinal within and between-person latent variables analysis
Q51839943The mGlu5 receptor antagonist MTEP attenuates opiate self-administration and cue-induced opiate-seeking behaviour in mice.
Q47906290The mGlu5 receptor regulates extinction of cocaine-driven behaviours.
Q45358941The magnitude and reliability of cue-specific craving in nondependent smokers
Q40119935The major medical sequelae of opioid addiction
Q40766153The male factor: Outcomes from a cluster randomized field experiment with a couples-based HIV prevention intervention in a South African township
Q63313862The marginal effects of hazardous alcohol use on the probability of behavioral healthcare utilization among National Guard members
Q91246774The maximum alcohol withdrawal syndrome score associates with worse clinical outcomes-A retrospective cohort study
Q40156026The mediating effects of depressive symptoms and sleep quality on the relationship between the non-medical use of prescription drugs and suicidal behaviors among Chinese adolescents
Q40791224The medical status of methadone maintenance patients in treatment for 11-18 years
Q50657393The misuse of benzodiazepines among adolescents: psychosocial risk factors in a national sample
Q47566322The misuse of buprenorphine and a buprenorphine-naloxone combination in Wellington, New Zealand
Q36434454The moderating effect of parental illicit substance use disorders on the relation between adolescent depression and subsequent illicit substance use disorders
Q90284031The moderating effect of perceived social support on the relation between heaviness of smoking and quit attempts among adult homeless smokers
Q38554257The more drinking, the more fun; but is there a calculus of fun, and should it drive policy?
Q33921417The more you drink, the harder you fall: a systematic review and meta-analysis of how acute alcohol consumption and injury or collision risk increase together
Q38303351The morphine-binding site on human activated T-cells is not related to the mu opioid receptor
Q114261732The most 100 cited papers in addiction research on cannabis, heroin, cocaine and psychostimulants. A bibliometric cross-sectional analysis
Q48858290The motivation of alcohol dependents to undergo treatment
Q30556629The musical substance of Charles R. Schuster, Ph.D. (1930–2011).
Q52662978The national implementation of Contingency Management (CM) in the Department of Veterans Affairs: Attendance at CM sessions and substance use outcomes.
Q43774567The natural course of cannabis use, abuse and dependence over four years: a longitudinal community study of adolescents and young adults
Q36536957The natural history of efforts to stop smoking: a prospective cohort study
Q71096963The need for a new design for evaluating alcoholism treatment programs
Q36576210The need for evidence-based research ethics: a review of the substance abuse literature
Q50437056The needle and the damage done: clinical and behavioural markers of severe femoral vein damage among groin injectors
Q92731464The neural interface between negative emotion regulation and motivation for change in cocaine dependent individuals under treatment
Q91885065The neural representation of the association between comorbid drug use disorders and childhood maltreatment
Q47611030The neurobiology of alcohol abuse and alcoholism: building knowledge, creating hope
Q35685525The neurobiology of cognitive control in successful cocaine abstinence.
Q47720605The neurochemical consequences of methamphetamine self-administration in male and female rats
Q38590656The non-medical use of prescription psychotropic drugs by school boys in greater Cairo
Q39480305The non-medical use of psychoactive substances among male secondary school students in Egypt: an epidemiological study
Q46100326The nonmedical use of prescription medicines among high school students: a cross-sectional study in Southern China
Q39480295The nonmedical use of psychoactive substances by male technical school students in Greater Cairo: an epidemiological study
Q46919093The nuts and bolts of gene array technology and its application to drug abuse research
Q60632070The onset of heroin use and criminal behaviour: does order make a difference?
Q92252115The optimization of methadone dosing whilst treating with rifampicin: A pharmacokinetic modeling study
Q52308306The overexpression of Thioredoxin-1 suppressing inflammation induced by methamphetamine in spleen.
Q41158842The partial opioid agonist, buprenorphine, protects against lethal effects of cocaine
Q100408331The performance of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder and quantity-frequency of alcohol consumption criteria: An item response theory analysis
Q39168475The permissive role of glucocorticoids in the development of ethanol dependence and tolerance
Q41507662The personal characteristics and life-style of the young drinker: the results of a survey of British adolescents
Q35287300The pharmacokinetics of methamphetamine self-administration in male and female rats
Q47658516The pharmacokinetics of racemic MDPV and its (R) and (S) enantiomers in female and male rats
Q43728941The pharmacologic and expectancy effects of alcohol on social anxiety in individuals with social phobia.
Q43619986The pharmacological activity of inhalation exposure to marijuana smoke in mice
Q44668423The pharmacology of cocaethylene in humans following cocaine and ethanol administration
Q44184667The pharmacology of drug abuse--a novel approach to drug education at San Quentin
Q44443571The pharmacology of thebaine in the chronic spinal dog
Q92720127The polymorphism of dopamine D2 receptor TaqIA gene is associated with brain response to drug cues in male heroin-dependent individuals during methadone maintenance treatment
Q52074785The position of psychiatry in alcohol dependence.
Q43188400The positive allosteric modulator of the GABA(B) receptor, rac-BHFF, suppresses alcohol self-administration
Q67492426The possible mechanism of action of ethanol on rat thymus
Q36003086The potential for accurately measuring behavioral and economic dimensions of consumption, prices, and markets for illegal drugs
Q35535833The potential impact of recruitment method on sample characteristics and treatment outcomes in a psychosocial trial for women with co-occurring substance use disorder and PTSD.
Q35665809The power of the proposition: frequency of marijuana offers, parental knowledge, and adolescent marijuana use.
Q44349305The practice of office-based buprenorphine treatment of opioid dependence: is it associated with new patients entering into treatment?
Q102377607The predictability of the Addiction Severity Index criminal justice assessment instrument and future imprisonment: A Swedish registry study with a national sample of adults with risky substance use
Q103798439The predictive capacity of AUDIT and AUDIT-C among adolescents in a one-year follow-up study
Q34510807The prevalence and clinical features of amphetamine-induced obsessive compulsive disorder
Q37080021The prevalence and correlates of single cigarette selling among urban disadvantaged drug users in Baltimore, Maryland
Q89845192The prevalence and impact of elevated anxiety sensitivity among hazardous drinking college students
Q51724371The prevalence and self-reported consequences of cocaine use: an exploratory and descriptive analysis.
Q37127803The prevalence of cannabis-involved driving in California
Q46858941The prevalence of drinking and driving in the United States, 2001-2002: results from the national epidemiological survey on alcohol and related conditions
Q35911194The prevalence of substance use disorders and psychiatric disorders as a function of psychotic symptoms
Q103722816The prevalence, child characteristics, and maternal risk factors for the continuum of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: A sixth population-based study in the same South African community
Q36501904The prevention of HIV transmission in Hispanic adolescents
Q39998590The profile of psychiatric symptoms exacerbated by methamphetamine use.
Q36968077The prognostic implications of DSM-IV abuse criteria in drinking adolescents
Q44998766The promise of PROMIS(®) for addiction
Q48502970The provision of cell phones as a recruitment and retention strategy for people who inject drugs enrolling in a randomized trial
Q40406912The proximal association between smoking and alcohol use among first year college students
Q39862349The psychological benefits of moderate alcohol consumption: a review of the literature
Q35068959The psychological impact of heavy drinking among the elderly on their co-residents: the 10/66 group population based survey in the Dominican Republic
Q52267824The psychopathology of alcoholism.
Q44403992The quantitative assessment of physical dependence on opiates
Q46928854The reach of a youth-oriented anti-tobacco media campaign on adult smokers
Q38929843The recovery of online drug markets following law enforcement and other disruptions
Q42409477The reinforcement enhancing effects of nicotine depend on the incentive value of non-drug reinforcers and increase with repeated drug injections
Q104456570The reinforcement threshold and elasticity of demand for nicotine in an adolescent rat model of depression
Q36164835The reinforcement threshold for nicotine as a target for tobacco control
Q51559250The reinforcing effects of brief exposures to nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers.
Q97597714The reinforcing effects of ethanol within the prelimbic cortex and ethanol drinking: Involvement of local dopamine D2 receptor-mediated neurotransmission
Q48147520The reinforcing value of alcohol in a drinking to cope paradigm
Q52318213The relation between gray matter volume and the use of alcohol, tobacco, cocaine and cannabis in male polysubstance users.
Q48035869The relation between risk-taking behavior and alcohol use in young adults is different for men and women
Q60736714The relation of autonomic function to physical fitness in patients suffering from alcohol dependence
Q88758587The relation of parent alcohol disorder to young adult drinking outcomes mediated by parenting: Effects of developmentally limited versus persistent parent alcohol disorder
Q42598813The relationship between age and risky injecting behaviours among a sample of Australian people who inject drugs
Q48937654The relationship between alcohol intoxication and power in real-life non-alcoholic couples
Q50743001The relationship between alcohol use and injecting drug use: impacts on health, crime and wellbeing.
Q45082907The relationship between alcohol use and other drug use among New York State college students
Q35701473The relationship between cannabis involvement and suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
Q43774559The relationship between cannabis use and other substance use in the general population.
Q35954701The relationship between cannabis use disorders and social anxiety disorder in the National Epidemiological Study of Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC).
Q53536682The relationship between crystalline methamphetamine use and methamphetamine dependence.
Q35203268The relationship between drug use stigma and HIV injection risk behaviors among injection drug users in Chennai, India
Q47575492The relationship between executive functions and emotion regulation in females attending therapeutic community treatment for substance use disorder
Q40117573The relationship between group size, intoxication and continuing to drink after bar attendance
Q70578344The relationship between hepatitis B surface antigen and antibody and continued drug use in narcotic dependency: a randomized controlled study
Q52381686The relationship between impulsivity and methamphetamine use severity in a community sample.
Q96126830The relationship between incarceration history and overdose in North America: A scoping review of the evidence
Q98244559The relationship between insomnia and the intensity of drinking in treatment-seeking individuals with alcohol dependence
Q34149087The relationship between methamphetamine and alcohol use in a community sample of methamphetamine users.
Q51692774The relationship between observed signs of impairment and THC concentration in oral fluid.
Q35231076The relationship between past-year drinking behaviors and nonmedical use of prescription drugs: prevalence of co-occurrence in a national sample
Q92520636The relationship between perceived stress and depression in substance use disorder treatment
Q51972710The relationship between psychopathology and smoking cessation treatment response.
Q92124840The relationship between pupil diameter and other measures of opioid withdrawal during naloxone precipitated withdrawal
Q33385914The relationship between recreational gambling and substance abuse/dependence: data from a nationally representative sample
Q50993301The relationship between risk networks' patterns of crack cocaine and alcohol consumption and HIV-related sexual behaviors among adult injection drug users: a prospective study.
Q47192999The relationship between self-compassion and the risk for substance use disorder
Q35173139The relationship between services delivered and substance use outcomes in New Mexico's Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT) Initiative
Q93140233The relationship between smoking cessation and binge drinking, depression, and anxiety symptoms among smokers with serious mental illness
Q91824862The relationship between social inequalities, substance use and violence in border and non-border cities of northern Mexico
Q35037944The relationship between social network factors, HIV, and Hepatitis C among injection drug users in Chennai, India
Q50927485The relationship between temporal discounting and the prisoner's dilemma game in intranasal abusers of prescription opioids.
Q39435513The relationship between the UPPS-P impulsive personality traits and substance use psychotherapy outcomes: A meta-analysis
Q46904306The relationship between the locomotor response to a novel environment and behavioral disinhibition in rats
Q44349161The relationship between treatment accessibility and preference amongst out-of-treatment individuals who engage in non-medical prescription opioid use.
Q33717964The relationship of DSM-IV personality disorders to nicotine dependence-results from a national survey
Q69677294The relationship of cerebral atrophy and T1 in alcoholics: an MRI study
Q52893957The relationship of counseling and self-help participation to patient outcomes in DATOS.
Q36144625The relationship of cumulative and proximal adversity to onset of substance dependence symptoms in two American Indian communities
Q36346768The relationship of dysthymia, minor depression, and gender to changes in smoking for current and former smokers: longitudinal evaluation in the U.S. population
Q70459129The relationship of mean daily blood alcohol levels to admission MAST, clinic absenteeism and depression in alcoholic methadone patients
Q40863292The relationship of pre-treatment Alcoholics Anonymous affiliation with problem severity, social resources and treatment history
Q31870842The relationship of psychiatric comorbidity to treatment outcomes in methadone maintained patients
Q43075644The relationship of quality and price of the psychostimulants cocaine and amphetamine with health care outcomes
Q52921754The relationships of HIV status and HIV risky behavior with readiness for treatment.
Q39212907The relationships of childhood trauma and adulthood prescription pain reliever misuse and injection drug use.
Q67353194The relationships of recidivism to program evaluation
Q37156564The relative abuse liability of oral oxycodone, hydrocodone and hydromorphone assessed in prescription opioid abusers
Q36442331The relative and unique contributions of emotion dysregulation and impulsivity to posttraumatic stress disorder among substance dependent inpatients
Q93171141The relative importance of perceived substance misuse use by different peers on smoking, alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescence
Q41649577The relative validity of a chronological drinking record
Q50780335The relevance of age at first alcohol and nicotine use for initiation of cannabis use and progression to cannabis use disorders.
Q40800974The relevance of recent animal studies for the development of treatment procedures for alcoholics
Q44747877The reliability and stability of a quantity-frequency method and a diary method of measuring alcohol consumption
Q44993938The reliability and validity of the WHO student drug-use questionnaire among Nigerian students
Q52274533The reliability of the Alcohol Timeline Followback when administered by telephone and by computer.
Q35752855The remote brief intervention and referral to treatment model: Development, functionality, acceptability, and feasibility
Q40467778The residual neuropsychological effects of cannabis: the current status of research
Q42762761The rise (and fall?) of drug discrimination research
Q92754460The rise of e-cigarettes, pod mod devices, and JUUL among youth: Factors influencing use, health implications, and downstream effects
Q43162029The road from ADAMHA to NIH: Reflections on NIDA (1992-1994).
Q40480633The role of 5-HT3 receptors in drug dependence
Q34708991The role of Alcoholics Anonymous in mobilizing adaptive social network changes: a prospective lagged mediational analysis
Q40530370The role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in dopaminergic neuropathology produced by the amphetamines
Q51611717The role of NMDA receptor systems in neuropeptide responses to stimulants of abuse.
Q98509862The role of access to integrated services at opioid agonist treatment sites in reaching 90-90-90 cascade in people who inject drugs in Ukraine: Country-level data
Q49384047The role of acculturation and binge drinking on smoking status among Mexican Americans: Comparison by border residence
Q33684454The role of adverse events and related safety data in the pre-market evaluation of drug abuse potential
Q37307782The role of alcohol consumption in future classifications of alcohol use disorders
Q34308754The role of alcohol misuse in PTSD outcomes for women in community treatment: a secondary analysis of NIDA's Women and Trauma Study
Q39446837The role of alcohol use in antiretroviral adherence among individuals living with HIV in South Africa: Event-level findings from a daily diary study.
Q94472462The role of alcohol-induced blackouts in symptoms of depression among young adults
Q44592860The role of alcohol-related problematic events in treatment entry
Q40480636The role of calcium channels in drug dependence
Q35156598The role of cannabis use within a dimensional approach to cannabis use disorders.
Q48721673The role of central serotoninergic neurotransmission in the morphine abstinence syndrome in rats
Q54029322The role of conduct disorder in explaining the comorbidity between alcohol and illicit drug dependence in adolescence.
Q44897038The role of conduct disorder in the association between ADHD and alcohol use (disorder). Results from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study-2.
Q39627351The role of craving in AUDs: dimensionality and Differential Functioning in the DSM-5.
Q91757109The role of craving in the treatment of alcohol use disorders: The importance of competing desires and pretreatment changes in drinking
Q35952070The role of decision-making in cannabis-related problems among young adults
Q37164972The role of depression and social support in non-fatal drug overdose among a cohort of injection drug users in a Canadian setting
Q42126435The role of discrimination in alcohol-related problems in samples of heavy drinking HIV-negative and positive men who have sex with men (MSM)
Q40231995The role of distress intolerance in the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and problematic alcohol use among Latin American MSM.
Q40480641The role of dopamine in drug abuse viewed from the perspective of its role in motivation
Q43032717The role of drinking locations in university student drinking: findings from a national web-based survey
Q36371241The role of dyad-level factors in shaping sexual and drug-related HIV/STI risks among sex workers with intimate partners
Q91004177The role of emotion dysregulation in the relation of childhood trauma to heroin craving in individuals with heroin dependence
Q51819657The role of food deprivation in the maintenance and reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior in rats.
Q41699208The role of general parenting and cannabis-specific parenting practices in adolescent cannabis and other illicit drug use.
Q37147515The role of human drug self-administration procedures in the development of medications
Q94549439The role of impulsivity as predisposing behavioural trait in different aspects of alcohol self-administration in rats
Q38708639The role of marijuana use disorder in predicting emergency department and inpatient encounters: A retrospective cohort study
Q37197574The role of medical conditions and primary care services in 5-year substance use outcomes among chemical dependency treatment patients
Q48711248The role of monoamine neurotransmitter systems in the nicotine discriminative stimulus
Q89744537The role of negative affect in the persistence of nicotine dependence among alternative high school students: A latent growth curve analysis
Q35952351The role of neighborhood in urban black adolescent marijuana use.
Q92391363The role of neurocognitive functioning, substance use variables and the DSM-5 severity scale in cocaine relapse: A prospective study
Q39172033The role of pain intensity and smoking expectancies on smoking urge and behavior following experimental pain induction
Q45160175The role of parental alcohol use, parental discipline and antisocial behaviour on adolescent drinking trajectories
Q42982738The role of parental alcohol-specific communication in early adolescents' alcohol use.
Q39176065The role of participants' self-selected future smoking goals in adolescent smoking cessation interventions.
Q33648476The role of physical dependence in animal models of human alcoholism
Q91564360The role of pubertal timing in the link between family history of alcohol use disorder and late adolescent substance use
Q47844681The role of restraint omission in alcohol-related traffic fatalities.
Q35903257The role of sexual expectancies of substance use as a mediator between adult attachment and drug use among gay and bisexual men.
Q36701887The role of social networks and geography on risky injection behaviors of young persons who inject drugs
Q89841641The role of social support on the effects of stress and depression on African American tobacco and alcohol use
Q51419175The role of stimulated lipid peroxidation and impaired calcium sequestration in the enhancement of cocaine induced hepatotoxicity by ethanol.
Q94683479The role of subjective responses in electronic cigarette uptake and substitution in adult smokers
Q90000185The role of substance use disorders in experiencing a repeat opioid overdose, and substance use treatment patterns among patients with a non-fatal opioid overdose
Q45989460The role of temperament in the relationship between early onset of tobacco and cannabis use: the TRAILS study.
Q46812074The role of the early therapeutic alliance in predicting drug treatment dropout
Q71500106The role of the hepatic microsomal electron-transport system in the development of metabolic tolerance from repeated oral methadone administration in mice
Q88717491The role of the vasopressin system and dopamine D1 receptors in the effects of social housing condition on morphine reward
Q92987469The roles of heavy drinking and drug use in engagement in HIV care among hospitalized substance using individuals with poorly controlled HIV infection
Q35660928The roles of outlet density and norms in alcohol use disorder
Q33174599The safety and value of naloxone as a therapeutic aid.
Q43984088The scale for treatment integration of the dually diagnosed (STIDD): an instrument for assessing intervention strategies in the pharmacotherapy of mentally ill substance abusers
Q36335939The scientific/clinical response to the cocaine epidemic: a MEDLINE search of the literature
Q38776235The search for an elusive cutoff remains: Problems of binary classification of heavy drinking as an endpoint for alcohol clinical trials
Q36248887The selective dopamine D3 receptor antagonist, SR 21502, reduces cue-induced reinstatement of heroin seeking and heroin conditioned place preference in rats
Q46181714The serotonin 2A receptor gene in alcohol dependence and tobacco smoking
Q33716681The serotonin transporter gene and risk for alcohol dependence: a meta-analytic review.
Q97597713The short-acting synthetic cannabinoid AB-FUBINACA induces physical dependence in mice
Q35017184The sigma receptor agonist SA4503 both attenuates and enhances the effects of methamphetamine.
Q46944269The simulation of addiction: pharmacological and neurocomputational models of drug self-administration
Q113876983The situational contexts and subjective effects of co-use of electronic cigarettes and alcohol among college students: An ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study
Q36827603The six-year outcome of alcohol use disorders in men: A population based study from India
Q35226260The social context of homeless men's substance use
Q37346301The social context of homeless women's alcohol and drug use.
Q37917025The social relevance of epidemiological research in drug use, abuse and dependence: a position paper
Q37499486The social shaping of health and smoking
Q53416220The source and diversion of pharmaceutical drugs for non-medical use: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q38706703The spatial accuracy of geographic ecological momentary assessment (GEMA): Error and bias due to subject and environmental characteristics
Q90133154The spatio-temporal distribution of naloxone administration events in rural Ohio 2010-16
Q94491362The state of clinical outcome assessments for cannabis use disorder clinical trials: A review and research agenda
Q97539598The state of the science in opioid policy research
Q39459880The stimulants and hallucinogens under consideration: a brief overview of their chemistry and pharmacology
Q36083418The street cost of drugs and drug use patterns: relationships with sex work income in an urban Canadian setting
Q59282396The street prices of immediate- and extended-release tapentadol are lower than other schedule II opioid tablets/capsules
Q46591372The structure of alcohol dependence in the community
Q44189348The structure of cannabis dependence in the community
Q48120304The structure of synaptosomal plasma membrane
Q36705949The structure of the UPPS-R-Child impulsivity scale and its relations with substance use outcomes among treatment-seeking adolescents
Q43803511The subjective effects of MDMA and mCPP in moderate MDMA users
Q30586963The suspected association between methamphetamine ('ice') smoking and frequent episodes of alcohol intoxication: data from the 1993 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
Q36421427The temporal association between energy drink and alcohol use among adolescents: A short communication
Q37971218The temporal relationship between per capita alcohol consumption and harm: a systematic review of time lag specifications in aggregate time series analyses
Q44620772The theory of planned behavior: precursors of marijuana use in early adolescence?
Q37011213The therapeutic alliance in medical-based interventions impacts outcome in treating alcohol dependence
Q52266799The tobacco withdrawal syndrome: performance decrements assessed on a computerized test battery.
Q40530376The tonic/phasic model of dopamine system regulation: its relevance for understanding how stimulant abuse can alter basal ganglia function
Q40868924The trading of sex for money or drugs, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and HIV-related risk behaviors among multisubstance using alcoholic inpatients
Q52265620The transfer of alcohol tolerance, and its relation to reinforcement.
Q47199563The treatment mapping survey; a descriptive study of drug and alcohol treatment responses in 23 countries
Q70910544The treatment of alcoholism in France
Q40235510The treatment requests of alcoholics
Q44707811The triggering effect of alcohol and illicit drugs on violent crime in a remand prison population: a case crossover study
Q40368937The two-faceted nature of impulsivity in patients with borderline personality disorder and substance use disorder
Q52082193The under-reporting of alcohol use: the role of organic mental syndromes.
Q33582989The use of administrative data as a substitute for individual screening scores in observational studies related to problematic alcohol or drug use.
Q34708873The use of anabolic androgenic steroids and polypharmacy: a review of the literature
Q44934084The use of biological laboratory markers in the diagnosis of alcohol misuse: an evidence-based approach.
Q44070882The use of divalproex in alcohol relapse prevention: a pilot study
Q30978827The use of electronic debit cards in longitudinal data collection with geographically mobile drug users
Q48888391The use of flavor in cigarette substitutes
Q27010380The use of neuroproteomics in drug abuse research
Q98498888The use of person-centered language in scientific research articles focusing on alcohol use disorder
Q119832652The use of person-centered language in scientific research articles focusing on opioid use disorder
Q67553722The use of plasma levels to optimize methadone maintenance treatment
Q40634290The use of psychoactive prescription drugs among DUI suspects
Q39480248The use of psychoactive substances among Egyptian males working in the manufacturing industries
Q39480256The use of psychoactive substances by female Egyptian university students, compared with their male colleagues on selected items
Q47817673The use of social networking sites: A risk factor for using alcohol, marijuana, and synthetic cannabinoids?
Q46779746The use of the mini-mental state examination in recruitment for substance abuse research studies
Q46352373The use of tobacco products among Nigerian adults: a general population survey
Q33360335The utility of indirect predictors of hepatitis C viremia
Q46071378The utilization of health care services by children with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in the Western Cape, South Africa
Q46872174The validity and reliability of a brief measure of cocaine craving
Q44070869The validity of drug use self-reports among hard core drug users in a household survey in Puerto Rico: comparison of survey responses of cocaine and heroin use with hair tests
Q46651932The video assessment of simulated encounters (VASE): Development and validation of a group-administered method for evaluating clinician skills in motivational interviewing
Q36962808The video assessment of simulated encounters-revised (VASE-R): reliability and validity of a revised measure of motivational interviewing skills
Q39162976The widening gender gap in marijuana use prevalence in the U.S. during a period of economic change, 2002-2014.
Q90924170Themes of agency and communion and rehabilitation from substance misuse
Q40741529Theoretical and observed subtypes of DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence in a general population sample
Q66697404Theories of tolerance and dependence on ethanol: mechanistic approaches
Q35850890Theory-based active ingredients of effective treatments for substance use disorders
Q42691302Therapeutic community methods in methadone maintenance (Passages): an open clinical trial
Q33880853Therapeutic infusions of ketamine: do the psychoactive effects matter?
Q46606625Therapeutic thresholds in methadone maintenance treatment: a receiver operating characteristic analysis
Q87287173Therapist-client relationships in a psychological therapy trial for psychosis and substance misuse
Q45193433Therapy of the neonatal abstinence syndrome with tincture of opium or morphine drops
Q31029486Thirsty heroin addicts show different fMRI activations when exposed to water-related and drug-related cues.
Q54048194Thoughts about the relevance of neurochemistry, neurophysiology and neuropsychopharmacology to the social problems of drug abuse.
Q104611952Three As of American Indian adolescent marijuana use: Availability, acceptability, and approval
Q51996886Three clusters of male alcoholics.
Q45004189Three-year changes in drinking patterns in Spain: a prospective population-based cohort study.
Q58581274Three-year retention in methadone opioid agonist treatment: A survival analysis of clients by dose, area deprivation, and availability of alcohol and cannabis outlets
Q43515119Thrice-weekly supervised dosing with the combination buprenorphine-naloxone tablet is preferred to daily supervised dosing by opioid-dependent humans
Q70724460Thyroid status in chronic alcoholics
Q70905552Thyroid status in patients with alcoholic liver disease
Q52264384Tilidine abuse and dependence
Q48785092Time based prospective memory deficits associated with binge drinking: evidence from the Cambridge Prospective Memory Test (CAMPROMPT).
Q44874932Time course for the induction and maintenance of tolerance to Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in mice
Q52431835Time course of breath acetaldehyde concentrations during intravenous infusions of ethanol in healthy men.
Q73193612Time course of manganese superoxide dismutase concentrations in serum of alcohol-dependent patients during abstinence
Q68275531Time course of naloxone-precipitated withdrawal after acute methadone exposure in humans
Q52275742Time of day of methadone consumption and illicit heroin use.
Q42611291Time to first treatment interruption in the Chinese methadone maintenance treatment programme
Q37204964Time to initiation of treatment for neonatal abstinence syndrome in neonates exposed in utero to buprenorphine or methadone
Q35997640Time to relapse following treatment for methamphetamine use: a long-term perspective on patterns and predictors
Q36797010Time-varying effects of a text-based smoking cessation intervention for urban adolescents
Q90485664Time-varying effects of family smoking and family management on adolescent daily smoking: The moderating roles of behavioral disinhibition and anxiety
Q36511764Time-varying effects of smoking quantity and nicotine dependence on adolescent smoking regularity
Q90329442Timing of vape use among adolescents: Differences by family structure
Q41082996To drink or not to drink? Assessing conflicting desires in dependent drinkers in treatment
Q40017044Tobacco advertising, environmental smoking bans, and smoking in Chinese urban areas
Q37186971Tobacco and cannabis co-occurrence: does route of administration matter?
Q40171737Tobacco and e-cigarette use amongst illicit drug users in Australia
Q91441418Tobacco control in France: Why missing the forest for the trees?
Q54674873Tobacco control policy and socio-economic inequalities in smoking in 27 European countries.
Q50503031Tobacco demand, delay discounting, and smoking topography among smokers with and without psychopathology
Q41249626Tobacco smoking and cannabis use in a longitudinal birth cohort: evidence of reciprocal causal relationships
Q57430015Tobacco smoking in relation to analgesic drug use in a national adult population sample
Q38607385Tobacco toxicant exposure in cigarette smokers who use or do not use other tobacco products
Q36859686Tobacco use among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, and mixed-race individuals: 2002-2010
Q43623500Tobacco use among HIV-infected individuals in a rural community in Yunnan Province, China
Q92960688Tobacco use among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young adults varies by sexual and gender identity
Q91207298Tobacco use and the interplay of internalizing, externalizing and substance use problems: A latent class analysis of data from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study
Q97640864Tobacco use and tobacco services in California substance use treatment programs
Q49068799Tobacco use by narcoleptics and daytime sleep tendency
Q58702349Tobacco use during cannabis cessation: Use patterns and impact on abstinence in a National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network study
Q43773050Tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use during pregnancy: clustering of risks
Q44666828Tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and other illegal drug use among young adults: the socioeconomic context
Q48746493Tolerance and cross tolerance to the accuracy- and rate-decreasing effects of mu opioids in rats responding under a fixed-consecutive-number schedule
Q73571286Tolerance development to morphine-induced alterations of immune status
Q48670872Tolerance following the repeated administration of high doses of phencyclidine: no relation to central catecholamine depletion
Q67694340Tolerance to an effect of ethanol on post-tetanic potentiation in Aplysia
Q70645388Tolerance to methadone lethality and microsomal enzyme induction in mice tolerant to and dependent on morphine
Q51665432Tolerance to self-administration of cocaine in rats: time course and dose-response determination using a multi-dose method.
Q52287300Tolerance to the behavioral effects of orally self-administered phencyclidine.
Q45163155Tolerance to, and physical dependence on, ethanol: Why do we study them ?
Q67017062Tolerance, dependence and lethality in morphine-dependent mice after repeated oral administration of methadone
Q43884117Toluene inhalation produces regionally specific changes in extracellular dopamine
Q45994167Too young to drink but old enough to drive under the influence: a study of underage offenders as seen in substance abuse treatment in Texas.
Q30407769Topiramate for cocaine dependence during methadone maintenance treatment: a randomized controlled trial.
Q50697707Topiramate treatment for alcoholic outpatients recently receiving residential treatment programs: a 12-week, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
Q104130514Topiramate-phentermine combinations reduce cocaine self-administration in humans
Q73100890Topographic quantitative EEG sequelae of chronic marihuana use: a replication using medically and psychiatrically screened normal subjects
Q68046823Total acidity, pH and ethanol contents in illicit liquor (Indian home made brew)
Q90110148Touchpoints - Opportunities to predict and prevent opioid overdose: A cohort study
Q35207377Toward DSM-V: mapping the alcohol use disorder continuum in college students
Q34617902Toward a comprehensive developmental model of smoking initiation and nicotine dependence
Q114190375Toward a typology of hallucinogen users in the United States
Q30579736Toward empirical identification of a clinically meaningful indicator of treatment outcome: features of candidate indicators and evaluation of sensitivity to treatment effects and relationship to one year follow up cocaine use outcomes.
Q38778361Toward precision smoking cessation treatment I: Moderator results from a factorial experiment
Q39066430Toward precision smoking cessation treatment II: Proximal effects of smoking cessation intervention components on putative mechanisms of action
Q94540269Towards a common metric for assessing heroin-dependent patient satisfaction with medications: Testing methadone and buprenorphine-naloxone
Q41896870Towards a typology of relapse: a preliminary report
Q30275499Towards greater understanding of addiction stigma: Intersectionality with race/ethnicity and gender
Q96588209Toxicological analysis of serious drug-related harm among electronic dance music festival attendees in New South Wales, Australia: A consecutive case series
Q46682988Toxicological findings and manner of death in autopsied users of anabolic androgenic steroids
Q90904448Toxicological oral fluid results among Spanish drivers testing positive on on-site drug controls from 2013 to 2015
Q35809445Training and fidelity monitoring of behavioral interventions in multi-site addictions research
Q39709233Training law enforcement to respond to opioid overdose with naloxone: Impact on knowledge, attitudes, and interactions with community members
Q48628398Trait impulsivity and prefrontal gray matter reductions in cocaine dependent individuals
Q60031026Trait, state, and place: The role of personality and environment in drug use
Q44737952Trajectories in cigarette dependence as a function of anxiety: a multilevel analysis
Q36164859Trajectories of adolescent alcohol use after brief treatment in an Emergency Department
Q128556441Trajectories of alcohol and cannabis use among emerging adults with a history of unstable housing: Associations with functioning over a two-year period
Q47799439Trajectories of alcohol, marijuana, and illicit drug use in a diverse sample of young men who have sex with men.
Q98194332Trajectories of cannabis use and risk for opioid misuse in a young adult urban cohort
Q36668074Trajectories of criteria of nicotine dependence from adolescence to early adulthood
Q51349506Trajectories of energy drink consumption and subsequent drug use during young adulthood.
Q90256492Trajectories of heroin use: A 15-year retrospective study of Mexican-American men who were affiliated with gangs during adolescence
Q41728812Trajectories of injecting behavior in the Amsterdam Cohort Study among drug users
Q60697170Trajectories of nonmedical use of prescription opioids in adolescents in primary care
Q91195624Trajectory classes of opioid use among individuals in a randomized controlled trial comparing extended-release naltrexone and buprenorphine-naloxone
Q101378086Tramadol non-medical use in Four European countries: A comparative analysis
Q44094300Tramadol post-marketing surveillance in health care professionals
Q47311551Transcriptomic profiling of the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens in rhesus macaques following long-term cocaine self-administration
Q34267700Transdermal administration of nicotine
Q30884222Transdermal alcohol concentration data collected during a contingency management program to reduce at-risk drinking
Q34432000Transdermal nicotine alters some of marihuana's effects in male and female volunteers
Q69367849Transferrin and mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase in young adult alcoholics
Q46852590Transition to injection drug use among street youth--a qualitative analysis
Q47947696Transition to parenthood and substance use disorders: findings from a 30-year longitudinal study
Q40170941Transitional patterns of self-administration following substitution of methadone or l-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) for morphine in dependent rats
Q96438776Transitioning from pharmaceutical opioids: A discrete-time survival analysis of heroin initiation in suburban/exurban communities
Q34959452Transitioning opioid-dependent patients from detoxification to long-term treatment: efficacy of intensive role induction
Q46392666Transitions from first substance use to substance use disorders in adolescence: is early onset associated with a rapid escalation?
Q89261454Transitions in the use of multiple substances from adolescence to young adulthood
Q64970607Transitions through stages of alcohol involvement: The potential role of mood disorders.
Q36586134Transitions to regular smoking and to nicotine dependence in women using cannabis
Q35122009Transporting efficacious treatments from academia to community: barriers and opportunities
Q43842919Trauma and substance cue reactivity in individuals with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and cocaine or alcohol dependence
Q49311370Traumatic damage of the posterior cranial fossa in chronic alcoholism
Q46807354Traumatic events and post-traumatic stress disorder in cocaine users entering private treatment
Q36468291Traveling young injection drug users at high risk for acquisition and transmission of viral infections
Q35545701Trazodone for sleep disturbance during methadone maintenance: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Q37168989Treated and untreated remission from problem drinking in late life: post-remission functioning and health-related quality of life
Q47306587Treated delinquent boys' substance use: onset, pattern, relationship to conduct and mood disorders
Q44049000Treating hepatitis C in methadone maintenance patients: an interim analysis
Q36407380Treating paternal drug abuse using Learning Sobriety Together: effects on adolescents versus children
Q37109681Treatment Cost Analysis Tool (TCAT) for estimating costs of outpatient treatment services
Q70972530Treatment attitudes of recovered alcoholic counselors and nonalcoholic counselors
Q92677453Treatment cascade for hepatitis C virus in young adult people who inject drugs in San Francisco: Low number treated
Q38770875Treatment consumption and treatment re-enrollment in GHB-dependent patients in The Netherlands
Q68249641Treatment effectiveness as judged by successfully and unsuccessfully treated alcoholics
Q50878939Treatment failure and methadone dose in a public methadone maintenance treatment programme in Geneva.
Q124802407Treatment for alcohol use disorders in seriously mentally ill adults using the ethyl glucuronide biomarker
Q34417838Treatment for hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection in HIV-infected individuals on methadone maintenance therapy
Q44350871Treatment for opioid use and outcomes in older adults: a systematic literature review
Q91195632Treatment for substance use disorders in pregnant women: Motivators and barriers
Q88515472Treatment initiation strategies for syringe exchange referrals to methadone maintenance: A randomized clinical trial
Q33700819Treatment interventions-looking towards the millennium
Q46066128Treatment motivation in drug users: a theory-based analysis
Q38561488Treatment needs and experiences of Australian women with alcohol and other drug problems
Q35612485Treatment needs associated with pain in substance use disorder patients: implications for concurrent treatment
Q35131764Treatment of adolescent tobacco smokers: issues and opportunities for exposure reduction approaches
Q52298905Treatment of adolescents with a cannabis use disorder: main findings of a randomized controlled trial comparing multidimensional family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in The Netherlands.
Q69899416Treatment of alcoholism in Kuwait: a prospective follow-up study
Q33872639Treatment of anabolic-androgenic steroid dependence: Emerging evidence and its implications
Q51826988Treatment of chronic cocaine abuse and attention deficit disorder, residual type, with magnesium pemoline.
Q51913341Treatment of cocaine dependent treatment seekers with adult ADHD: double-blind comparison of methylphenidate and placebo.
Q52304268Treatment of crack-cocaine dependence with topiramate: a randomized controlled feasibility trial in The Netherlands.
Q51855687Treatment of dependence upon stimulants and hallucinogens.
Q34443382Treatment of methadone-maintained patients with adult ADHD: double-blind comparison of methylphenidate, bupropion and placebo
Q28257927Treatment of toxicity from amphetamines, related derivatives, and analogues: a systematic clinical review
Q90444531Treatment outcome disparities for opioid users: Are there racial and ethnic differences in treatment completion across large US metropolitan areas?
Q71141883Treatment outcome in methadone detoxification: relationship to initial levels of illicit opiate use
Q43119790Treatment outcome in relation to alcohol consumption during hepatitis C therapy: an analysis of the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study.
Q51538773Treatment outcome of cocaine-alcohol dependent patients.
Q48899306Treatment outcome: a neglected area of drug abuse research
Q34980323Treatment outcomes for substance use disorder among women of reproductive age in Massachusetts: a population-based approach
Q36248807Treatment outcomes for veterans with PTSD and substance use: Impact of specific substances and achievement of abstinence
Q44487818Treatment process components and heroin use outcome among methadone patients
Q36421010Treatment programs in the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network
Q42616333Treatment retention and 1 year outcomes for residential programmes in England
Q43270096Treatment seeking adults with autism or ADHD and co-morbid substance use disorder: prevalence, risk factors and functional disability
Q39163426Treatment seeking in cannabis dependence: The role of social cognition.
Q35875486Treatment strategy profiles in substance use disorder treatment programs: A latent class analysis
Q41747062Treatment use, perceived need, and barriers to seeking treatment for substance abuse and mental health problems among older adults compared to younger adults
Q38649047Treatment use, sources of payment, and financial barriers to treatment among individuals with opioid use disorder following the national implementation of the ACA.
Q38376069Treatment utilization among persons with opioid use disorder in the United States.
Q33998159Treatment with modafinil and escitalopram, alone and in combination, on cocaine-induced effects: a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled human laboratory study.
Q36923895Treatment-naive active alcoholics have greater psychiatric comorbidity than normal controls but less than treated abstinent alcoholics
Q40277380Trends and characteristics of heroin overdoses in Wisconsin, 2003-2012.
Q47754601Trends and correlates of cocaine use and cocaine use disorder in the United States from 2011 to 2015.
Q39034490Trends and correlates of marijuana use among late middle-aged and older adults in the United States, 2002-2014.
Q58121247Trends and correlates of perceived access to heroin among young adults in the United States, 2002-2016
Q98182398Trends and correlates of self-reported alcohol and nicotine use among women before and during pregnancy, 2009-2017
Q39497894Trends and correlates of substance use disorders among probationers and parolees in the United States 2002-2014.
Q36317009Trends and socioeconomic differences in policy triggers for thinking about quitting smoking: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Europe Surveys
Q95823464Trends in LSD use among US adults: 2015-2018
Q33942500Trends in U.S., past-year marijuana use from 1985 to 2009: an age-period-cohort analysis
Q48116107Trends in abuse and misuse of prescription opioids among older adults
Q41495873Trends in adult exposure to secondhand smoke in vehicles: Findings from the 2009-2012 Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey
Q60447009Trends in and correlates of medical marijuana use among adults in the United States
Q92720138Trends in and correlates of tranquilizer misuse among adults who misuse opioids in the United States, 2002-2014
Q91056911Trends in and factors associated with the adoption of digital aids for smoking cessation and alcohol reduction: A population survey in England
Q92244297Trends in binge drinking and alcohol abstention among adolescents in the US, 2002-2016
Q90751949Trends in cannabis use disorder by cigarette smoking status in the United States, 2002-2016
Q39674155Trends in cannabis use disorders among racial/ethnic population groups in the United States.
Q40548568Trends in cannabis-related ambulance presentations from 2000 to 2013 in Melbourne, Australia
Q96343909Trends in characteristics of individuals who use methamphetamine in the United States, 2015-2018
Q68035097Trends in diagnosed drug problems among newborns: United States, 1979-1987
Q89680299Trends in drug use among electronic dance music party attendees in New York City, 2016-2019
Q41498652Trends in dual diagnosis of severe mental illness and substance use disorders, 1996-2010, Israel
Q89078788Trends in engagement in the cascade of care for opioid use disorder, Vancouver, Canada, 2006-2016
Q33799020Trends in fatal motor vehicle crashes before and after marijuana commercialization in Colorado
Q92602236Trends in fentanyl and fentanyl analogue-related overdose deaths - Montgomery County, Ohio, 2015-2017
Q91195610Trends in first-time treatment admissions for older adults with alcohol use disorder: Availability of medical and specialty clinical services in hospital, residential, and outpatient facilities
Q38616085Trends in heroin and pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths in Australia
Q56348907Trends in incidence and risk markers of student emergency department visits with alcohol intoxication in a U.S. public university-A longitudinal data linkage study
Q51410074Trends in incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome in Canada and associated healthcare resource utilization.
Q90378759Trends in inequalities of alcohol-related harms among Thai households: 2007-2017
Q38464264Trends in injection drug use behaviors over 10 years among street youth
Q38617056Trends in insurance coverage and treatment among persons with opioid use disorders following the Affordable Care Act.
Q91195594Trends in marijuana edible consumption and perceptions of harm in a cohort of young adults
Q91318445Trends in marijuana use among pregnant women with and without nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, 2009-2016
Q47203593Trends in medical student use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs in an Irish university, 1973-2002.
Q24655493Trends in non-medical use of anabolic steroids by U.S. college students: results from four national surveys
Q50860797Trends in opiate overdose deaths in Australia 1979-1995.
Q47686692Trends in opiate-related deaths in the United Kingdom and Australia, 1985-1995.
Q90507463Trends in prior receipt of prescription opioid or adjuvant analgesics among patients with incident opioid use disorder or opioid-related overdose from 2006 to 2016
Q40164746Trends in recreational poisoning in Newcastle, Australia, between 1996 and 2013.
Q40190400Trends in registered medical marijuana participation across 13 US states and District of Columbia.
Q46812330Trends in situational norms and attitudes toward drinking among whites, blacks, and hispanics: 1984-1995.
Q99604397Trends in stimulant dispensing by age, sex, state of residence, and prescriber specialty - United States, 2014-2019
Q92575301Trends in the sequence of first alcohol, cannabis and cigarette use in Australia, 2001-2016
Q44247687Trends in the use and abuse of branded and generic extended release oxycodone and fentanyl products in the United States
Q41599553Trends in tobacco consumption in three different birth cohorts of elderly of São Paulo, Brazil
Q38653569Trends in typologies of concurrent alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use among US adolescents: An ecological examination by sex and race/ethnicity.
Q57729658Trends in use of and attitudes toward marijuana among youth before and after decriminalization: The case of California 2007–2013
Q41621809Trends in use of health care and HIV prevention services for persons who inject drugs in San Francisco: results from National HIV Behavioral Surveillance 2005-2012.
Q38729731Trends in utilization of smoking cessation agents before and after the passage of FDA boxed warning in the United States
Q37071511Tri-city study of Ecstasy use problems: a latent class analysis.
Q47394430Triazolam and ethanol effects on human matching-to-sample performance vary as a function of pattern size and discriminability
Q51150519Triazolam as a discriminative stimulus in humans
Q92269761Trusting the source: The potential role of drug dealers in reducing drug-related harms via drug checking
Q48717693Tryptophan levels in human cerebrospinal fluid after acute and chronic ethanol consumption
Q38127511Tuberculosis, drug use and HIV infection in Central Asia: an urgent need for attention
Q38073059Tuberculosis, injecting drug use and integrated HIV-TB care: a review of the literature
Q36731691Turning k on its head: comments on use of an ED50 in delay discounting research
Q90130176Tutorial in Biostatistics: The use of generalized additive models to evaluate alcohol consumption as an exposure variable
Q46745635Twelve-month prevalence and changes in driving after drinking: United States, 1991-1992 and 2001-2002.
Q46757626Twelve-year trend in treatment seeking for buprenorphine abuse in Finland
Q38706707Twenty years of take-home naloxone for the prevention of overdose deaths from heroin and other opioids-Conception and maturation.
Q43774557Twenty-five year mortality of US servicemen deployed in Vietnam: predictive utility of early drug use.
Q57477949Twin epidemics: The surging rise of methamphetamine use in chronic opioid users
Q43560182Two decades of treatment seeking for substance use disorders in Saudi Arabia: trends and patterns in a rehabilitation facility in Dammam
Q43803507Two methods of community detoxification from opiates: an open-label comparison of lofexidine and buprenorphine
Q86706665Two perspectives on the legalization of medical marijuana in the United States
Q41384467Two versions of dependence: D.S.M.-III and the alcohol Dependence Syndrome
Q36234326Two-part random effects growth modeling to identify risks associated with alcohol and cannabis initiation, initial average use and changes in drug consumption in a sample of adult, male twins
Q52270837Types and characteristics of addicts in the community.
Q34188489Types of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and dexamethasone suppression test
Q44298060Types of self-reported psychopathology in Dutch and American heroin addicts
Q44809248Typologies of drug dependence: comparative validity of a multivariate and four univariate models
Q35190131Typologies of recanting of lifetime cigarette, alcohol and marijuana use during a six-year longitudinal panel study
Q33653346Typology of club drug use among young adults recruited using time-space sampling
Q88728494Typology of new psychoactive substance use among the general Australian population
Q38701860U.S. cannabis legalization and use of vaping and edible products among youth.
Q93346622U.S. county prevalence of retail prescription opioid sales and opioid-related hospitalizations from 2011 to 2014
Q90125162U.S. trends in the supply of providers with a waiver to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder in 2016 and 2018
Q43540771U50488 inhibits HIV-1 expression in acutely infected monocyte-derived macrophages
Q92413980UPPS-P impulsive personality traits and adolescent cigarette smoking: A meta-analysis
Q38967254UPPS-P model impulsivity and marijuana use behaviors in adolescents: A meta-analysis
Q90097529US physicians' decision-making during buprenorphine-naloxone treatment: Conjoint analyses of dose and office visit adjustments based on patient progress
Q44360024Ultra-rapid opiate detoxification using deep sedation and prior oral buprenorphine preparation: long-term results
Q51488279Ultra-rapid opiate detoxification using deep sedation with oral midazolam: short and long-term results.
Q44150372Ultra-rapid screening for substance-use disorders: the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-Lite).
Q31799410Ultrarapid opioid detoxification: effects on cardiopulmonary physiology, stress hormones and clinical outcomes
Q59355947Ultrasound findings of liver damage in a series of patients consecutively admitted for treatment of alcohol use disorder
Q38125886Uncovering the epidemic of HIV among men who have sex with men in Central Asia
Q46190971Under double influence: assessment of simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in general youth populations
Q38853734Underreporting of ecstasy use among high school seniors in the US.
Q92804804Understanding Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) using tree-based classifiers
Q44574555Understanding US addiction physicians' low rate of naltrexone prescription
Q57137203Understanding alcohol motivation using the alcohol purchase task: A methodological systematic review
Q91691926Understanding disparities in access to naloxone among people who inject drugs in Southeast Michigan using respondent driven sampling
Q59192068Understanding emerging forms of cannabis use through an online cannabis community: An analysis of relative post volume and subjective highness ratings
Q44339372Understanding opioid overdose characteristics involving prescription and illicit opioids: A mixed methods analysis
Q35156798Understanding subtypes of inner-city drug users with a latent class approach
Q40265036Understanding the demand side of the prescription opioid epidemic: Does the initial source of opioids matter?
Q46056113Understanding the importance of organizational and system variables on addiction treatment services within criminal justice settings
Q89744543Understanding the increase in opioid overdoses in New Hampshire: A rapid epidemiologic assessment
Q91848237Understanding the link between substance use and chronic pain: A qualitative study among people who use illicit drugs in Montreal, Canada
Q38667275Understanding the prevalence of lifetime abstinence from alcohol: An ecological study
Q33753065Understanding the role of cessation fatigue in the smoking cessation process.
Q37964420Understanding the trends in HIV and hepatitis C prevalence amongst injecting drug users in different settings--implications for intervention impact
Q57815346Understanding the use of diverted buprenorphine
Q34021900Unemployment and substance outcomes in the United States 2002-2010.
Q47980780Unfairness sensitivity and social decision-making in individuals with alcohol dependence: a preliminary study
Q30710117Unhealthy alcohol use in older adults: Association with readmissions and emergency department use in the 30 days after hospital discharge
Q72257051Unidimensionality of alcohol dependence syndrome
Q44774641Unidimensionality of alcohol dependence syndrome?
Q37118078Unintended effects of training on clinicians' interest, confidence, and commitment in using motivational interviewing
Q92602240Unintentional drug overdose deaths involving cocaine among middle-aged and older adults in New York City
Q37739631Unintentional overdose and suicide among substance users: a review of overlap and risk factors
Q39880847Universal school-based substance abuse prevention programs: Modeling targeted mediators and outcomes for adolescent cigarette, alcohol and marijuana use.
Q90282559University students' self-reported reasons for abstinence from prescription and non-prescription stimulants and depressants
Q46618330Unmet need for recommended preventive health services among clients of California syringe exchange programs: implications for quality improvement
Q36213552Unmet need for treatment for substance use disorders across race and ethnicity
Q91327898Unmet substance use disorder treatment need among reproductive age women
Q58400538Unobserved home induction onto buprenorphine: Outcomes at year 7
Q39549385Unrecognized drug dependence and withdrawal in the elderly
Q68035092Unrecognized left ventricular dysfunction in an apparently healthy alcohol abuse population
Q52304415Unrecorded alcohol in Rio de Janeiro: assessing its misusers through Respondent Driven Sampling.
Q48093091Unseen scars: Cocaine patients with prior trauma evidence heightened resting state functional connectivity (RSFC) between the amygdala and limbic-striatal regions.
Q44340315Unused opioid analgesics and drug disposal following outpatient dental surgery: A randomized controlled trial
Q38082143Update on tamper-resistant drug formulations
Q40101926Uptake of needle and syringe program services in the Kyrgyz Republic: Key barriers and facilitators.
Q42656367Uptake of paraphernalia from injecting equipment provision services and its association with sharing of paraphernalia among injecting drug users in Scotland
Q90793406Urban-rural variation in the socioeconomic determinants of opioid overdose
Q36420025Urge-specific and lifestyle coping strategies of alcoholics: relationships of specific strategies to treatment outcome
Q46449738Urge-specific and lifestyle coping strategies of cocaine abusers: relationships to treatment outcomes
Q39162974Urgency traits moderate daily relations between affect and drinking to intoxication among young adults
Q68086289Urine analysis for benzodiazepines among opiate consumers
Q92501308Urine is superior to oral fluid for detecting buprenorphine compliance in patients undergoing treatment for opioid addiction
Q68345297Urine toxicology as a predictor of continuation in outpatient alcoholism treatment
Q57910003Usage of low dead space syringes and association with hepatitis C prevalence amongst people who inject drugs in the UK
Q67416074Use and abuse of non-narcotic analgesics
Q33857553Use of a single alcohol screening question to identify other drug use
Q68046857Use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs amongst 13-year-olds in three areas of Britain
Q42971595Use of anabolic androgenic steroids in substance abusers arrested for crime
Q99574415Use of anabolic-androgenic steroids and other substances prior to and during imprisonment - Results from the Norwegian Offender Mental Health and Addiction (NorMA) study
Q95651824Use of and perceptions about electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) among people with mental health conditions or serious psychological distress, 2018
Q42724129Use of and reasons for using multiple other tobacco products in daily and nondaily smokers: Associations with cigarette consumption and nicotine dependence
Q61602587Use of buprenorphine in HIV-infected injection drug users: negligible impact on virologic response to HAART
Q61602596Use of buprenorphine in HIV-infected injection drug users: negligible impact on virologic response to HAART
Q35124209Use of buprenorphine in pregnancy: patient management and effects on the neonate
Q34118694Use of continuous transdermal alcohol monitoring during a contingency management procedure to reduce excessive alcohol use.
Q36757250Use of evidence-based treatments in substance abuse treatment programs serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities
Q72486637Use of gastric fistula rats for the study of sedative, hypnotic and antianxiety drugs
Q123600451Use of highly-potent cannabis concentrate products: More common in U.S. states with recreational or medical cannabis laws
Q41087634Use of identical assay conditions for cocaine analog binding and dopamine uptake to identify potential cocaine antagonists
Q35206845Use of item response theory and latent class analysis to link poly-substance use disorders with addiction severity, HIV risk, and quality of life among opioid-dependent patients in the Clinical Trials Network.
Q90587176Use of marijuana exclusively for medical purposes
Q41364775Use of moist smokeless tobacco (snus) and the risk of development of alcohol dependence: a cohort study in a middle-aged population in Sweden
Q42138329Use of multiple tobacco products in a national sample of persons enrolled in addiction treatment
Q44967942Use of naltrexone for alcohol use disorders in the Veterans' Health Administration: a national study
Q46524670Use of nicotine replacement therapy among never smokers in the 1999-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys
Q39261394Use of psychoactive substances among male secondary school pupils in Egypt: a study on a nationwide representative sample
Q43981697Use of psychotropic drugs and addiction: approaches to epidemiologic research
Q46489651Use of specialty substance abuse and mental health services in adults with substance use disorders in the community
Q33968846Use of synthetic cathinones and cannabimimetics among injection drug users in San Diego, California
Q59784157Use of the Fagerström test to assess differences in the degree of nicotine dependence in smokers from five ethnic groups: The HELIUS study
Q42971596Use patterns and self-reported effects of Salvia divinorum: an internet-based survey
Q34167524Use trajectories of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) in Shanghai, China
Q33957998Use, abuse and dependence of ecstasy and related drugs in adolescents and young adults-a transient phenomenon? Results from a longitudinal community study
Q48458232Use, function, and subjective experiences of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB).
Q34558973Use, indications and distribution in different countries of the stimulant and hallucinogenic amphetamine derivatives under consideration by WHO.
Q38403738User characteristics and effect profile of Butane Hash Oil: An extremely high-potency cannabis concentrate.
Q35489516Using NicAlert strips to verify smoking status among pregnant cigarette smokers
Q93346616Using a data science approach to predict cocaine use frequency from depressive symptoms
Q48888380Using a drinking motivation scale to predict degrees of problematic drinking
Q36947094Using a factor mixture modeling approach in alcohol dependence in a general population sample
Q34098382Using a novel alternative to drug choice in a human laboratory model of a cocaine binge: a game of chance
Q115162915Using administrative data to predict cessation risk and identify novel predictors among new entrants to opioid agonist treatment
Q44026553Using ambulance attendances to recruit people who have experienced non-fatal heroin overdose
Q101163433Using arrest and prescription data to examine the relationship between intimate partner violence and opioid prescriptions in the United States, 2006-2012
Q36338434Using behavioral economics to predict opioid use during prescription opioid dependence treatment
Q37593389Using cannabis to help you sleep: heightened frequency of medical cannabis use among those with PTSD.
Q40741524Using cluster analysis of alcohol use disorders to investigate 'diagnostic orphans': subjects with alcohol dependence symptoms but no diagnosis
Q47837831Using conditioned suppression to investigate compulsive drug seeking in rats
Q50059999Using dual capture/recapture studies to estimate the population size of persons who inject drugs (PWID) in the city of Hai Phong, Vietnam
Q33266632Using engineering control principles to inform the design of adaptive interventions: a conceptual introduction
Q36328432Using ethyl glucuronide in urine to detect light and heavy drinking in alcohol dependent outpatients
Q36971137Using eye-tracking to examine how embedding risk corrective statements improves cigarette risk beliefs: Implications for tobacco regulatory policy
Q39470215Using geographic information systems to assess spatial patterns of drug use, selection bias and attrition among a sample of injection drug users
Q44958384Using growth models to relate acquisition of nicotine self-administration to break point and nicotinic receptor binding
Q42984122Using hepatitis C virus and herpes simplex virus-2 to track HIV among injecting drug users in New York City
Q39772096Using latent class analysis (LCA) to analyze patterns of drug use in a population of illegal opioid users
Q46377567Using latent class analysis to identify participant typologies in a drug treatment court.
Q46805293Using latent class analysis to identify patterns of hepatitis C service provision in drug-free treatment programs in the U.S.
Q98776074Using machine learning for real-time BAC estimation from a new-generation transdermal biosensor in the laboratory
Q36026242Using mathematical modeling and control to develop structured treatment interruption strategies for HIV infection
Q37268646Using propensity scores to adjust for selection bias when assessing the effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous in observational studies
Q44152872Using qualitative research to inform survey development on nicotine dependence among adolescents
Q39376145Using social network analysis to study patterns of drug use among urban drug users at high risk for HIV/AIDS
Q33777712Using structural equation modeling to understand prescription stimulant misuse: a test of the Theory of Triadic Influence.
Q45193425Utility of lead-in period in cocaine dependence pharmacotherapy trials
Q92960681Utility of routine alcohol screening for monitoring changes in alcohol consumption
Q73405954Utility of the AUDIT for identification of hazardous or harmful drinking in drug-dependent patients
Q35795201Utilization and outcomes of detoxification and maintenance treatment for opioid dependence in publicly-funded facilities in California, USA: 1991-2012.
Q36597791Utilization of communication technology by patients enrolled in substance abuse treatment.
Q58581281Utilization of opioid agonist therapy among incarcerated persons with opioid use disorder in Vancouver, Canada
Q37347124Utilization patterns and correlates of retention among clients of the needle exchange program in Baltimore, Maryland.
Q46489643Utilizing Recovery Management Checkups to shorten the cycle of relapse, treatment reentry, and recovery
Q44055720Utilizing a multimodal assessment strategy to examine variations of impulsivity among young adults engaged in co-occurring smoking and binge drinking behaviors
Q50530990Utilizing a train-the-trainer model for multi-site naloxone distribution programs.
Q36531009Utilizing dissemination findings to help understand and bridge the research and practice gap in the treatment of substance abuse disorders in Hispanic populations
Q35660947Utilizing mHealth methods to identify patterns of high risk illicit drug use.
Q91511703Utilizing social media to explore overdose and HIV/HCV risk behaviors among current opioid misusers
Q28239347Vaccine for cocaine dependence: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled efficacy trial
Q30494648Validation of a measure to assess alcohol- and marijuana-related risks and consequences among incarcerated adolescents
Q115162830Validation of a single question for the assessment of past three-month alcohol consumption among adolescents
Q121651970Validation of a single question for the assessment of past three-month alcohol consumption among adolescents
Q39611760Validation of a substance and alcohol use assessment instrument among orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia using Audio Computer Assisted Self-Interviewing (ACASI).
Q36330457Validation of prescriber risk indicators obtained from prescription drug monitoring program data.
Q98460926Validation of secondary data sources for enumerating marijuana dispensaries in a state commercializing marijuana
Q44411001Validation of the Cannabis Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ) in adult cannabis users in treatment
Q52923638Validation of the Christo Inventory for Substance-misuse Services (CISS): a simple outcome evaluation tool.
Q39359437Validation of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) in an Italian urban population
Q37118446Validation of the Spanish Addiction Severity Index Multimedia Version (S-ASI-MV).
Q39952522Validation of the alcohol use item banks from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS).
Q37138260Validation of the nicotine dependence syndrome scale (NDSS): a criterion-group design contrasting chippers and regular smokers
Q61700344Validation of the substance use brief screen in primary care
Q46535048Validation of the timeline follow-back in the assessment of adolescent smoking
Q100422777Validation of transdermal alcohol concentration data collected using wearable alcohol monitors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q40234390Validity and reliability of the Michigan alcoholism screening test: a review
Q36817013Validity and reliability of the nicotine and marijuana interaction expectancy (NAMIE) questionnaire
Q90130158Validity of ICD-based algorithms to estimate the prevalence of injection drug use among infective endocarditis hospitalizations in the absence of a reference standard
Q92944482Validity of International Classification of Diseases codes in identifying illicit drug use target conditions using medical record data as a reference standard: A systematic review
Q34511215Validity of a demand curve measure of nicotine reinforcement with adolescent smokers
Q42624283Validity of intravenous drug abusers' self-reported changes in HIV high-risk drug use behaviors
Q46362431Validity of patients' self-reported drug use as a function of treatment status
Q31992499Validity of self-reported data, scientific methods and drug policy
Q33851850Validity of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) as a screener for adult ADHD in treatment seeking substance use disorder patients.
Q36619494Validity of the CAGE questionnaire for men who have sex with men (MSM) in China
Q123600442Validity of the DSM-5 tobacco use disorder diagnostics in adults with problematic substance use
Q46707974Validity of the EQ-5D as a generic health outcome instrument in a heroin-dependent population.
Q88299023Validity of the PARADISE24 questionnaire in people with substance use disorders: A measure to assess psychosocial difficulties
Q36864898Validity of the longitudinal, expert, all data procedure for psychiatric diagnosis in patients with psychoactive substance use disorders.
Q52002806Validity of the psychopathy checklist-revised in male methadone patients.
Q45928469Validity of the timeline followback among treatment-seeking smokers in Germany.
Q46161701Validity of three measures of antisociality in predicting HIV risk behaviors in methadone-maintenance patients
Q37267352Valproate treatment and cocaine cue reactivity in cocaine dependent individuals
Q46951604Value for money in drug treatment: economic evaluation of prison methadone
Q99590254Vaping while high: Factors associated with vaping marijuana among youth in the United States
Q48783598Vaporised nicotine and tobacco harm reduction for addressing smoking among people living with HIV: A cross-sectional survey of Australian HIV health practitioners' attitudes.
Q43188062Varenicline decreases nicotine but not alcohol self-administration in genetically selected Marchigian Sardinian alcohol-preferring (msP) rats.
Q37282141Varenicline for smoking cessation among methadone-maintained smokers: a randomized clinical trial
Q50088319Varenicline for tobacco-dependence treatment in alcohol-dependent smokers: A randomized controlled trial
Q88959955Varenicline treatment for methamphetamine dependence: A randomized, double-blind phase II clinical trial
Q30484284Variability in initial nicotine sensitivity due to sex, history of other drug use, and parental smoking
Q52270874Variability in opium dosage: observations from Laos, 1965-75.
Q34049049Variability in the prevalence of adult ADHD in treatment seeking substance use disorder patients: results from an international multi-center study exploring DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria
Q92323631Variables associated with low, moderate and high emergency department use among patients with substance-related disorders
Q46696112Variables associated with perceived sleep disorders in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) patients
Q44340328Variants of opioid system genes are associated with non-dependent opioid use and heroin dependence.
Q36421698Variation in CYP2A6 and tobacco dependence throughout adolescence and in young adult smokers
Q71099427Variation in length of time to development of alcoholism by family history of problem drinking
Q38654314Variation in receipt of pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorders across racial/ethnic groups: A national study in the U.S. Veterans Health Administration.
Q96428698Variation in the degree of concentration of prescription opioid utilization using different measures
Q46114125Variations by age and sex in alcohol-related problematic behaviour per drinking volume and heavier drinking occasion
Q44345956Variations in evidence-based clinical practices in nine United States Veterans Administration opioid agonist therapy clinics
Q35733246Variations in opioid receptor genes in neonatal abstinence syndrome
Q37471349Variations in social contexts and their effect on adolescent inhalant use: a latent profile investigation
Q40877019Veni, vidi, vici: The appearance and dominance of new psychoactive substances among new participants at the largest needle exchange program in Hungary between 2006 and 2014.
Q59780931Verbal memory is impaired among HIV + female, but not HIV + male cocaine users
Q91456734Very-low-nicotine-content cigarettes and dependence among non-daily smokers
Q45337765Veterans administration hospital staff attitudes toward alcoholism
Q90164894Veterans with PTSD and comorbid substance use disorders: Does single versus poly-substance use disorder affect treatment outcomes?
Q38686176Victimization as a mediator of alcohol use disparities between sexual minority subgroups and sexual majority youth using the 2015 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Q43890385Violence among individuals in substance abuse treatment: the role of alcohol and cocaine consumption
Q36811006Violence among men and women in substance use disorder treatment: a multi-level event-based analysis.
Q114190346Violence, policing, and systemic racism as structural barriers to substance use treatment amongst women sex workers who use drugs: Findings of a community-based cohort in Vancouver, Canada (2010–2019)
Q38816806Violence, trauma and living with HIV: Longitudinal predictors of initiating crystal methamphetamine injection among sex workers
Q36495145Visual and verbal learning deficits in Veterans with alcohol and substance use disorders
Q34167675Visual cortex activation to drug cues: a meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging papers in addiction and substance abuse literature.
Q48441562Vitamin D deficiency in alcohol-use disorders and its relationship to comorbid major depression: a cross-sectional study of inpatients in Nepal
Q72590571Vitamin d utilization status in chronic alcoholic patients
Q48944199Volitional oral intake of nicotine in tupaias: drug-induced alterations
Q52271009Volitional problems in carrying through a difficult decision: the case of drug addiction.
Q94680735Voluntary wheel running protects against the increase in ethanol consumption induced by social stress in mice
Q34612884Voucher incentives increase treatment participation in telephone-based continuing care for cocaine dependence
Q35990490Voucher reinforcement improves medication adherence in HIV-positive methadone patients: a randomized trial
Q52200770Voucher-based reinforcement of attendance by unemployed methadone patients in a job skills training program.
Q43842935Voucher-based reinforcement of opiate abstinence during methadone detoxification
Q101378069Vouchers versus reminders to prevent dropout: Findings from the randomized youth drug abuse treatment project (youthDAT project)
Q41598952WHO Study on the reliability and validity of the alcohol and drug use disorder instruments: overview of methods and results.
Q69914150WHO Symposium on Drug Dependence: Benefit-risk ratio assessment of agonist-antagonist analgesics. August 1986. Satellite meeting to the III World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Q34776984WISDM primary and secondary dependence motives: associations with self-monitored motives for smoking in two college samples.
Q84222763WITHDRAWN: The influence of living along the U.S.-Mexico border on unintentional drug overdose death, New Mexico (USA), 2005-2009
Q37626399Walking the line: stimulant use during sex and HIV risk behavior among Black urban MSM.
Q91886340Waterpipe tobacco smoking trends among middle and high school students in the United States from 2011 to 2017
Q38521031Waterpipe tobacco smoking: The critical need for cessation treatment.
Q30634195Wavelet-transformed temporal cerebral blood flow signals during attempted inhibition of cue-induced cocaine craving distinguish prognostic phenotypes
Q90467657Wearable sensor-based detection of stress and craving in patients during treatment for substance use disorder: A mixed methods pilot study
Q39227670Weighing up the pros and cons: help-seeking by drug misusers in Baltimore, USA
Q36049485What Oregon's parity law can tell us about the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and spending on substance abuse treatment services
Q35180409What adolescents enrolled in genomic addiction research want to know about conflicts of interest
Q39895285What are the needs of alcohol dependent patients with a history of sexual violence? A case-register study in a metropolitan region
Q89712142What are the reasons that smokers reject ENDS? A national probability survey of U.S. Adult smokers, 2017-2018
Q33837927What data are available on the extent of illicit drug use and dependence globally? Results of four systematic reviews
Q48891817What do opiate addicts and cigarette smokers mean by "craving"? A pilot study
Q37430998What do you feel? Adolescent drug and alcohol users show altered brain response to pleasant interoceptive stimuli
Q44283708What does it take to retain substance-abusing adolescents in research protocols? Delineation of effort required, strategies undertaken, costs incurred, and 6-month post-treatment differences by retention difficulty
Q34552327What factors are associated with current smokers using or stopping e-cigarette use?
Q38923394What is abnormal about addiction-related attentional biases?
Q52289910What is addiction? Age-related differences in the meaning of addiction.
Q92009747What is the cause of death, when alcohol dependent persons die prematurely?
Q100524019What is the drug of choice of young festivalgoers?
Q34152761What is the evidence for hardening in the cigarette smoking population? Trends in nicotine dependence in the U.S., 2002-2012.
Q40633504What motivates adolescent smokers to make a quit attempt?
Q44094311What predicts incident use of cannabis and progression to abuse and dependence? A 4-year prospective examination of risk factors in a community sample of adolescents and young adults
Q38278116What we know, and don't know, about the impact of state policy and systems-level interventions on prescription drug overdose
Q46491043What were they thinking? Adolescents' interpretations of DSM-IV alcohol dependence symptom queries and implications for diagnostic validity.
Q58633822What's in your medicine cabinet? Gender differences
Q30278578Wheel running exercise attenuates vulnerability to self-administer nicotine in rats
Q91869837When DAWN went dark: Can the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) fill the surveillance gap left by the discontinued Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)?
Q47666946When does methadone treatment reduce arrest and severity of arrest charges? An analysis of arrest records
Q44540531When drugs in the same controlled substance schedule differ in real-world abuse, should they be differentiated in labeling?
Q43440180When goals diverge: Staff consensus and the organizational climate
Q57660311When is a little knowledge dangerous?Circumstances of recent heroin overdose and links to knowledge of overdose risk factors
Q47191315When parents supply alcohol to their children: Exploring associations with drinking frequency, alcohol-related harms, and the role of parental monitoring
Q71035562Which detoxified alcoholic keeps the first clinic appointment?
Q44335967Which indicators can public health authorities use to monitor prescription drug abuse and evaluate the impact of regulatory measures? Controlling High Dosage Buprenorphine abuse
Q50704389Which parenting style is more protective against adolescent substance use? Evidence within the European context.
Q91306988White matter connectometry among individuals with self-reported family history of drug and alcohol use disorders
Q31053800White matter development and tobacco smoking in young adults: A systematic review with recommendations for future research
Q47371831White matter disruptions in male cocaine polysubstance users: Associations with severity of drug use and duration of abstinence.
Q115162795White matter microstructure differences in individuals with dependence on cocaine, methamphetamine, and nicotine: Findings from the ENIGMA-Addiction working group
Q38908454White-matter crossing-fiber microstructure in adolescents prenatally exposed to cocaine
Q39290138Who are the adolescents saying "No" to cannabis offers
Q46535042Who becomes cannabis dependent soon after onset of use? Epidemiological evidence from the United States: 2000-2001.
Q33740800Who benefits from additional drug counseling among prescription opioid-dependent patients receiving buprenorphine-naloxone and standard medical management?
Q40241233Who benefits from computer-based brief alcohol intervention? Day-to-day drinking patterns as a moderator of intervention efficacy
Q90631206Who consumes most of the cannabis in Canada? Profiles of cannabis consumption by quantity
Q47565152Who goes first? Understanding hepatitis C risk among injecting networks in the prison setting.
Q35082600Who is becoming hallucinogen dependent soon after hallucinogen use starts?
Q44614488Who is most affected by prenatal alcohol exposure: Boys or girls?
Q40470596Who receives cannabis use offers: A general population study of adolescents.
Q99547727Who takes the trip? Personality and hallucinogen use among college students and adolescents
Q63313867Whose post-traumatic stress affects drinking levels? Couple-dyad modeling of national guard service members and their partners
Q39693713Why do controlled-drinking outcomes vary by investigator, by country and by era? Cultural conceptions of release and remission in alcoholism
Q51603071Why publish three negative articles on carbamazepine as a medication for the treatment of cocaine dependence?
Q40731110Wide array of T-cell subpopulation alterations in patients with alcohol use disorders.
Q58146740Widening inequalities in smoking initiation and cessation patterns: A cohort and gender analysis in France
Q91207287Willingness to take buprenorphine/naloxone among people who use opioids in Vancouver, Canada
Q50860313Willingness to use HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among community-recruited, older people who inject drugs in Washington, DC.
Q51748352Willingness to use drug checking within future supervised injection services among people who inject drugs in a mid-sized Canadian city.
Q46489645Wine preference and related health determinants in a U.S. national sample of young adults
Q90131526With socioeconomic status controlled, cigarette use is lower among American Indians/Alaska Natives than whites
Q46218705Withdrawal exposure with withdrawal regulation training for smoking cessation: a randomized controlled pilot trial
Q46177958Withdrawal seizures in black and white alcoholic patients: intellectual and neuropsychological sequelae
Q45195642Withdrawal symptoms as a predictor of mortality in patients HIV-infected through drug use and receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).
Q72217772Withdrawal symptoms from high dose benzodiazepines in poly drug users
Q90616275Withdrawal symptoms predict prescription opioid dependence in chronic pain patients
Q99622436Withdrawal-associated injury site pain prevalence and correlates among opioid-using people who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada
Q52207481Withdrawal-like effects of pentylenetetrazol and valproate in the naive organism: a model of motivation produced by opiate withdrawal?
Q95651836Within- and between-person associations of neighborhood poverty with alcohol use and consequences: A monthly study of young adults
Q34084908Within- and between-subject variability in the reinforcing and subjective effects of nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers
Q35069601Within-day temporal patterns of smoking, withdrawal symptoms, and craving
Q35557400Within-prison drug injection among HIV-infected male prisoners in Indonesia: a highly constrained choice
Q36328326Within-session communication patterns predict alcohol treatment outcomes
Q52201236Within-session determination of dose-response curves for heroin self-administration in rats: Comparison with between-session determination and effects of naltrexone.
Q34913732Within-subject comparison of the psychopharmacological profiles of oral hydrocodone and oxycodone combination products in non-drug-abusing volunteers
Q46604402Within-subject comparison of the subjective and psychomotor effects of a gaseous anesthetic and two volatile anesthetics in healthy volunteers
Q92852183Within-treatment frequency of use versus abstinence as a predictor of longitudinal post-treatment follow-up assessments of drug use
Q84129775Women and smoking: An interdisciplinary examination of socioeconomic influences. Proceedings from the College on Problems of Drug Dependence Mini-conference, April 9-10, 2008, Annapolis, MD, USA
Q33584633Women and smoking: an interdisciplinary examination of socioeconomic influences
Q37432924Women and smoking: understanding socioeconomic influences
Q37516839Women and tobacco control policies: social-structural and psychosocial contributions to vulnerability to tobacco use and exposure
Q37227555Women who abuse prescription opioids: findings from the Addiction Severity Index-Multimedia Version Connect prescription opioid database
Q70198379Women, alcohol dependence and crime
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