Comparison of ARM and HEAT protein repeats

scientific article (publication date: 25 May 2001)

Comparison of ARM and HEAT protein repeats is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID723962
P698PubMed publication ID11491282
P5875ResearchGate publication ID222345722

P2093author name stringBork P
Andrade MA
O'Donoghue SI
Müller CW
Petosa C
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1104number of pages18
P577publication date2001-05-25
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inJournal of Molecular BiologyQ925779
P1476titleComparison of ARM and HEAT protein repeats

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cites work (P2860)
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Q44059623LFR, which encodes a novel nuclear-localized Armadillo-repeat protein, affects multiple developmental processes in the aerial organs in Arabidopsis
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Q36812590Looking beyond the Wnt pathway for the deep nature of β-catenin.
Q35909198MAPping the eukaryotic tree of life: structure, function, and evolution of the MAP215/Dis1 family of microtubule-associated proteins
Q43020662MTH187 from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum has three HEAT-like repeats
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Q38342357Molecular basis for the recognition of phosphorylated STAT1 by importin alpha5.
Q27728078Molecular basis of cobalamin-dependent RNA modification
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Q30310486Mot1 regulates the DNA binding activity of free TATA-binding protein in an ATP-dependent manner
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Q35539061Nuclear signaling from cadherin adhesion complexes
Q34634182Nucleic acid recognition by tandem helical repeats
Q34486781Nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of proteins and RNA in plants
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Q27675889Nucleoporin Nup50 Stabilizes Closed Conformation of Armadillo repeat 10 in Importin  5
Q36899105Nucleus-specific importin alpha proteins and nucleoporins regulate protein import and nuclear division in the binucleate Tetrahymena thermophila
Q35560356Nutrient Signaling Through TOR Kinases Controls Gene Expression and Cellular Differentiation in Fungi
Q34327854Optimization of designed armadillo repeat proteins by molecular dynamics simulations and NMR spectroscopy
Q27940223Overexpression of eukaryotic translation elongation factor 3 impairs Gcn2 protein activation
Q30368988Overview of protein structural and functional folds.
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Q30493200PR65, the HEAT-repeat scaffold of phosphatase PP2A, is an elastic connector that links force and catalysis
Q34159503PRIC295, a Nuclear Receptor Coactivator, Identified from PPAR-Interacting Cofactor Complex
Q36471381Phycoerythrin-specific bilin lyase-isomerase controls blue-green chromatic acclimation in marine Synechococcus.
Q50785833Plant-specific microtubule-associated protein SPIRAL2 is required for anisotropic growth in Arabidopsis
Q36141277Polyglutamine Tract Expansion Increases S-Nitrosylation of Huntingtin and Ataxin-1.
Q38182492Prediction of the repeat domain structures and impact of parkinsonism-associated variations on structure and function of all functional domains of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2).
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Q52605399Proteostasis in Huntington's disease: disease mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities.
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Q27641468RNA recognition via the SAM domain of Smaug
Q30852139Recognition of a structural domain (RWDBD) in Gcn1 proteins that interacts with the RWD domain containing proteins.
Q54977143Redesigning TOR Kinase to Explore the Structural Basis for TORC1 and TORC2 Assembly.
Q41841727Repeat protein architectures predicted by a continuum representation of fold space.
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Q30053727RepeatsDB: a database of tandem repeat protein structures
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Q27937207Rif1 controls DNA replication by directing Protein Phosphatase 1 to reverse Cdc7-mediated phosphorylation of the MCM complex
Q112344672Rif1 regulates telomere length through conserved HEAT repeats
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Q35558697Roles for BTAF1 and Mot1p in dynamics of TATA-binding protein and regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription
Q24321927Roles of the HEAT repeat proteins Utp10 and Utp20 in 40S ribosome maturation
Q28259286Rpn1 and Rpn2 coordinate ubiquitin processing factors at proteasome
Q37587994SF3B1/Hsh155 HEAT motif mutations affect interaction with the spliceosomal ATPase Prp5, resulting in altered branch site selectivity in pre-mRNA splicing
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Q36583061Single-particle EM reveals extensive conformational variability of the Ltn1 E3 ligase.
Q34471725Sisters unbound is required for meiotic centromeric cohesion in Drosophila melanogaster
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Q38594900Stall no more at polyproline stretches with the translation elongation factors EF-P and IF-5A.
Q36719149Stay lean without dieting: Lose Sam68
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Q34161123Structural basis for the recognition between HIV-1 integrase and transcriptional coactivator p75.
Q24294735Structural basis of microtubule plus end tracking by XMAP215, CLIP-170, and EB1
Q34572286Structural determinants of human FANCF protein that function in the assembly of a DNA damage signaling complex
Q30479471Structural insight into repair of alkylated DNA by a new superfamily of DNA glycosylases comprising HEAT-like repeats
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Q42069888Structure of the exportin Xpo4 in complex with RanGTP and the hypusine-containing translation factor eIF5A.
Q34522876Structure of the human dimeric ATM kinase
Q27663763Structure of the torque ring of the flagellar motor and the molecular basis for rotational switching
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Q24531411Subunit H of the V-ATPase involved in endocytosis shows homology to beta-adaptins
Q27934309Surveillance of nuclear-restricted pre-ribosomes within a subnucleolar region of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q27683159Synchronizing nuclear import of ribosomal proteins with ribosome assembly
Q38615512Systematic and quantitative assessment of hydrogen peroxide reactivity with cysteines across human proteomes
Q39528791TAF(II)170 interacts with the concave surface of TATA-binding protein to inhibit its DNA binding activity
Q27681162TFIID TAF6-TAF9 Complex Formation Involves the HEAT Repeat-containing C-terminal Domain of TAF6 and Is Modulated by TAF5 Protein
Q35007386Tandem-repeat protein domains across the tree of life
Q24297874Tel2 structure and function in the Hsp90-dependent maturation of mTOR and ATR complexes
Q55036334The ATRs, ATMs, and TORs are giant HEAT repeat proteins.
Q27652505The Arabidopsis COP9 Signalosome Subunit 7 Is a Model PCI Domain Protein with Subdomains Involved in COP9 Signalosome Assembly
Q61730550The Arabidopsis KAKTUS gene encodes a HECT protein and controls the number of endoreduplication cycles
Q77105464The C terminus of the Vps34p phosphoinositide 3-kinase is necessary and sufficient for the interaction with the Vps15p protein kinase
Q27683791The C-Terminal Domain from S. cerevisiae Pat1 Displays Two Conserved Regions Involved in Decapping Factor Recruitment
Q52599754The Drosophila clock protein Timeless is a member of the Arm/HEAT family
Q27938094The HEAT repeat protein Blm10 regulates the yeast proteasome by capping the core particle
Q27667476The Hypoxic Regulator of Sterol Synthesis Nro1 Is a Nuclear Import Adaptor
Q28114864The La-related protein 1-specific domain repurposes HEAT-like repeats to directly bind a 5'TOP sequence
Q43207551The Noc proteins involved in ribosome synthesis and export contain divergent HEAT repeats.
Q33519530The Noc-domain containing C-terminus of Noc4p mediates both formation of the Noc4p-Nop14p submodule and its incorporation into the SSU processome
Q27697579The RNA helicase Aquarius exhibits structural adaptations mediating its recruitment to spliceosomes
Q28262088The Sam68 STAR RNA-Binding Protein Regulates mTOR Alternative Splicing during Adipogenesis
Q92440933The Structure of the Nuclear Pore Complex (An Update)
Q27684463The XMAP215 family drives microtubule polymerization using a structurally diverse TOG array
Q34132377The eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 5 HEAT domain mediates multifactor assembly and scanning with distinct interfaces to eIF1, eIF2, eIF3, and eIF4G
Q34261024The evolution of filamin-a protein domain repeat perspective
Q38319012The glycine 90 to aspartate alteration in the Abeta subunit of PP2A (PPP2R1B) associates with breast cancer and causes a deficit in protein function
Q28203006The hunt for huntingtin function: interaction partners tell many different stories
Q34024480The importin β binding domain as a master regulator of nucleocytoplasmic transport
Q21266622The interrelationship between DRIM gene expression and cytogenetic and phenotypic characteristics in human breast tumor cell lines
Q33325927The lentiviral integrase binding protein LEDGF/p75 and HIV-1 replication
Q24294637The microtubule-associated protein tumor overexpressed gene binds to the RNA trafficking protein heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2
Q24649859The post-translational synthesis of a polyamine-derived amino acid, hypusine, in the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A)
Q24799224The predominantly HEAT-like motif structure of huntingtin and its association and coincident nuclear entry with dorsal, an NF-kB/Rel/dorsal family transcription factor
Q24803062The repertoire of protein kinases encoded in the draft version of the human genome: atypical variations and uncommon domain combinations
Q27665628The structure of an Iws1/Spt6 complex reveals an interaction domain conserved in TFIIS, Elongin A and Med26
Q27678954The structure of the TOG-like domain ofDrosophila melanogasterMast/Orbit
Q62570671The translation initiation factor 3 subunit eIF3K interacts with PML and associates with PML nuclear bodies
Q28594713Tipin, a novel timeless-interacting protein, is developmentally co-expressed with timeless and disrupts its self-association
Q34040766Transportin-1 and Transportin-2: protein nuclear import and beyond.
Q27932192Vac14 controls PtdIns(3,5)P(2) synthesis and Fab1-dependent protein trafficking to the multivesicular body
Q30342184West Nile virus core protein; tetramer structure and ribbon formation.
Q77070509What curves alpha-solenoids? Evidence for an alpha-helical toroid structure of Rpn1 and Rpn2 proteins of the 26 S proteasome
Q24300321Whole-exome capture and sequencing identifies HEATR2 mutation as a cause of primary ciliary dyskinesia
Q27667259X-ray Crystal Structure of the UCS Domain-Containing UNC-45 Myosin Chaperone from Drosophila melanogaster
Q35560395mTOR: A Mediator of Intracellular Homeostasis

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