scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P6179 | Dimensions Publication ID | 1022279877 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1038/NATURE01257 |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 12432407 |
P5875 | ResearchGate publication ID | 8030576 |
P50 | author | David McMillen | Q37842309 |
P2093 | author name string | Jeff Hasty | |
J J Collins | |||
P2860 | cites work | Positive feedback in eukaryotic gene networks: cell differentiation by graded to binary response conversion | Q24535235 |
Attenuation of noise in ultrasensitive signaling cascades | Q24537521 | ||
Intrinsic noise in gene regulatory networks | Q24630461 | ||
Stochastic focusing: fluctuation-enhanced sensitivity of intracellular regulation | Q24682736 | ||
Surfing the p53 network | Q28032484 | ||
Model genetic circuits encoding autoregulatory transcription factors | Q52352784 | ||
Rapid synchronization through fast threshold modulation | Q52403853 | ||
Oscillations and multiple steady states in a cyclic gene model with repression | Q52610539 | ||
Mathematical modelling of dynamics and control in metabolic networks. V. Static bifurcations in single biochemical control loops | Q52673837 | ||
The large scale structure and dynamics of gene control circuits: an ensemble approach. | Q54474981 | ||
The role of feedback circuits: Positive feedback circuits are a necessary condition for positive real eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix | Q56698278 | ||
Comparison of classical and autogenous systems of regulation in inducible operons | Q59052197 | ||
The logical analysis of continuous, non-linear biochemical control networks | Q69589433 | ||
Circadian clocks limited by noise | Q73412329 | ||
Stability puzzles in phage lambda | Q74281803 | ||
Synthetic gene network for entraining and amplifying cellular oscillations | Q77945549 | ||
Construction of a genetic toggle switch in Escherichia coli | Q28144086 | ||
Circadian rhythms from flies to human | Q28217953 | ||
Classification of biological networks by their qualitative dynamics | Q28218557 | ||
Molecular bases for circadian clocks | Q28297151 | ||
Stochasticity in Transcriptional Regulation: Origins, Consequences, and Mathematical Representations | Q28365103 | ||
A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators | Q29547344 | ||
From molecular to modular cell biology | Q29547493 | ||
Engineering stability in gene networks by autoregulation | Q29615326 | ||
Regulation of noise in the expression of a single gene | Q29616626 | ||
Stochastic mechanisms in gene expression | Q29617407 | ||
Self-perpetuating states in signal transduction: positive feedback, double-negative feedback and bistability | Q29619706 | ||
Combinatorial synthesis of genetic networks | Q30732089 | ||
Xenopus oocyte maturation: new lessons from a good egg. | Q33738540 | ||
Building a cellular switch: more lessons from a good egg. | Q33738553 | ||
How bacteria talk to each other: regulation of gene expression by quorum sensing. | Q33801611 | ||
Synchronizing genetic relaxation oscillators by intercell signaling | Q33894343 | ||
Towards a circuit engineering discipline | Q33912780 | ||
Mathematical modeling of gene networks | Q33969404 | ||
Teleonomic mechanisms in cellular metabolism, growth, and differentiation | Q33972541 | ||
Mechanisms of noise-resistance in genetic oscillators | Q34027562 | ||
A simple model of circadian rhythms based on dimerization and proteolysis of PER and TIM. | Q34171647 | ||
Computational studies of gene regulatory networks: in numero molecular biology. | Q34205538 | ||
How the lambda repressor and cro work | Q34260627 | ||
Whole-cell biocomputing | Q34307600 | ||
Census and consensus in bacterial ecosystems: the LuxR-LuxI family of quorum-sensing transcriptional regulators | Q34406253 | ||
Kinetic analysis of a molecular model of the budding yeast cell cycle | Q34675369 | ||
Noise-based switches and amplifiers for gene expression | Q35047931 | ||
Designer gene networks: Towards fundamental cellular control. | Q35142368 | ||
Modeling the fission yeast cell cycle: quantized cycle times in wee1- cdc25Delta mutant cells | Q35170247 | ||
Cell signaling pathways as control modules: complexity for simplicity? | Q36099088 | ||
Modeling the control of DNA replication in fission yeast | Q36555233 | ||
Re-engineering adenovirus regulatory pathways to enhance oncolytic specificity and efficacy | Q40770884 | ||
A Model for Circadian Rhythms in Drosophila Incorporating the Formation of a Complex between the PER and TIM Proteins | Q40868342 | ||
Theoretical and experimental analysis of the phage lambda genetic switch implies missing levels of co-operativity | Q43840701 | ||
Modeling the differential fitness of cyanobacterial strains whose circadian oscillators have different free-running periods: comparing the mutual inhibition and substrate depletion hypotheses | Q52076922 | ||
Circuit simulation of genetic networks | Q52206654 | ||
Dynamical behaviour of biological regulatory networks--I. Biological role of feedback loops and practical use of the concept of the loop-characteristic state | Q52349298 | ||
P433 | issue | 6912 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P1104 | number of pages | 7 | |
P304 | page(s) | 224-230 | |
P577 | publication date | 2002-11-01 | |
P13046 | publication type of scholarly work | review article | Q7318358 |
P1433 | published in | Nature | Q180445 |
P1476 | title | Engineered gene circuits | |
P478 | volume | 420 |
Q37294000 | 'AND' logic gates at work: Crystal structure of Rad53 bound to Dbf4 and Cdc7. |
Q33700672 | A Boolean model of the gene regulatory network underlying Mammalian cortical area development |
Q34228474 | A GFP-lacZ Bicistronic Reporter System for Promoter Analysis in Environmental Gram-Negative Bacteria |
Q36155245 | A Multistate Toggle Switch Defines Fungal Cell Fates and Is Regulated by Synergistic Genetic Cues |
Q57518488 | A New Evolutionary Gene Regulatory Network Reverse Engineering Tool |
Q47219915 | A brief history of synthetic biology |
Q36869653 | A destabilized bacterial luciferase for dynamic gene expression studies |
Q46079515 | A fast, robust and tunable synthetic gene oscillator. |
Q36591079 | A gene regulatory motif that generates oscillatory or multiway switch outputs |
Q52086693 | A gene regulatory network model for cell-fate determination during Arabidopsis thaliana flower development that is robust and recovers experimental gene expression profiles |
Q33233350 | A methodology for the structural and functional analysis of signaling and regulatory networks |
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Q51491931 | A new approximate method for the stochastic simulation of chemical systems: The representative reaction approach |
Q41903038 | A novel non-canonical forkhead-associated (FHA) domain-binding interface mediates the interaction between Rad53 and Dbf4 proteins. |
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Q36663520 | A synthetic Escherichia coli predator-prey ecosystem |
Q30479864 | A synthetic gene network for tuning protein degradation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
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Q33351251 | A synthetic mammalian gene circuit reveals antituberculosis compounds |
Q92579002 | A synthetic system for asymmetric cell division in Escherichia coli |
Q35633536 | A synthetic time-delay circuit in mammalian cells and mice |
Q33476550 | A systematic design method for robust synthetic biology to satisfy design specifications |
Q33387678 | A systematic molecular circuit design method for gene networks under biochemical time delays and molecular noises |
Q30478233 | A tunable algorithm for collective decision-making |
Q40009888 | A tunable synthetic mammalian oscillator |
Q34630283 | A universal RNAi-based logic evaluator that operates in mammalian cells |
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Q36702677 | Design of synthetic genetic oscillators using evolutionary optimization |
Q34428885 | Design then mutate |
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Q42002457 | Designing new cellular signaling pathways. |
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Q34078874 | Develop reusable and combinable designs for transcriptional logic gates |
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Q24684087 | Dispersing biofilms with engineered enzymatic bacteriophage |
Q33431823 | Diversity-based, model-guided construction of synthetic gene networks with predicted functions |
Q28469152 | Dose response relationship in anti-stress gene regulatory networks |
Q47590195 | Dynamic metabolic engineering for increasing bioprocess productivity |
Q90473757 | Dynamic modulation of external conditions can transform chemistry into logic gates |
Q51949944 | Dynamical advantages of scale-free networks |
Q33239377 | Dynamical principles of two-component genetic oscillators |
Q51657216 | Dynamical properties of the repressilator model |
Q35194039 | Dynamics of single-cell gene expression |
Q34680366 | Effective temperature in stochastic kinetics and gene networks |
Q34712882 | Electronic Implementation of a Repressilator with Quorum Sensing Feedback |
Q37114251 | Engineered bacteriophage targeting gene networks as adjuvants for antibiotic therapy |
Q28267834 | Engineered riboregulators enable post-transcriptional control of gene expression |
Q38019711 | Engineered riboswitches: Expanding researchers' toolbox with synthetic RNA regulators |
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Q37233536 | Engineering microbial consortia: a new frontier in synthetic biology |
Q37328414 | Engineering prokaryotic gene circuits |
Q51788965 | Entraining synthetic genetic oscillators. |
Q27332166 | Entrainment of a Population of Synthetic Genetic Oscillators |
Q46119221 | Entropy-production-driven oscillators in simple nonequilibrium networks |
Q41583515 | Evolution of genetic switch complexity |
Q73939709 | Evolutionary conservation of motif constituents in the yeast protein interaction network |
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Q33274655 | External stimuli mediate collective rhythms: artificial control strategies |
Q37611008 | Factorized time-dependent distributions for certain multiclass queueing networks and an application to enzymatic processing networks |
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Q34723380 | Gateway Vectors for Efficient Artificial Gene Assembly In Vitro and Expression in Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q46972144 | Gene regulatory networks: a coarse-grained, equation-free approach to multiscale computation |
Q36335163 | Genetic Circuits in Salmonella typhimurium |
Q43766220 | Genetic and biochemical analyses of sensor kinase A in Bacillus subtilis sporulation |
Q34520533 | Genetic circuit design automation |
Q54334788 | Genetically switched D-lactate production in Escherichia coli. |
Q39414558 | Germline Stem Cells and Their Regulation in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans |
Q42062295 | Growth rate-dependent global effects on gene expression in bacteria |
Q33892242 | Hysteresis in a synthetic mammalian gene network |
Q34643738 | Identification of genetic networks |
Q31071565 | Identification of unique transcripts from a mouse full-length, subtracted inner ear cDNA library |
Q35909908 | Implementation of Complex Biological Logic Circuits Using Spatially Distributed Multicellular Consortia |
Q36335158 | In Vivo Gene Expression Dynamics of Tumor-Targeted Bacteria. |
Q33369221 | Increasing the efficiency of bacterial transcription simulations: when to exclude the genome without loss of accuracy |
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Q33213114 | Localized transfection on arrays of magnetic beads coated with PCR products |
Q40015098 | Logical stochastic resonance with correlated internal and external noises in a synthetic biological logic block. |
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Q34098336 | Microfluidic devices for measuring gene network dynamics in single cells |
Q42877353 | Minimal genetic device with multiple tunable functions |
Q28272329 | Modeling a synthetic multicellular clock: repressilators coupled by quorum sensing |
Q38336312 | Modeling stochastic noise in gene regulatory systems |
Q30478425 | Monitoring dynamics of single-cell gene expression over multiple cell cycles |
Q33436717 | Monomeric bistability and the role of autoloops in gene regulation |
Q35121904 | Motifs, modules and games in bacteria |
Q51579443 | Multi-scale genetic dynamic modelling I : an algorithm to compute generators. |
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Q27861027 | Network biology: understanding the cell's functional organization |
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Q28485322 | New Measurement Methods of Network Robustness and Response Ability via Microarray Data |
Q47668570 | Noise in gene expression as the source of non-genetic individuality in the chemotactic response of Escherichia coli |
Q51607759 | Noise-aided computation within a synthetic gene network through morphable and robust logic gates |
Q33516559 | Nonlinear dynamic trans/cis regulatory circuit for gene transcription via microarray data |
Q57661646 | On genetic logic circuits: forcing digital electronics standards? |
Q51664128 | On multistability of delayed genetic regulatory networks with multivariable regulation functions |
Q33711386 | On schemes of combinatorial transcription logic |
Q28743059 | On the Interplay between the Evolvability and Network Robustness in an Evolutionary Biological Network: A Systems Biology Approach |
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Q33233059 | On the attenuation and amplification of molecular noise in genetic regulatory networks |
Q44307481 | On the calculation of signal transduction ability of signaling transduction pathways in intracellular communication: systematic approach |
Q37497761 | Opportunities for microfluidic technologies in synthetic biology |
Q33322237 | OptCircuit: an optimization based method for computational design of genetic circuits |
Q40298597 | Optimizing genetic circuits by global sensitivity analysis |
Q46189027 | Origins of extrinsic variability in eukaryotic gene expression |
Q33907610 | Orthogonal Gene Expression in Escherichia coli |
Q42534025 | Overpowering the component problem |
Q34502643 | Phenotypic variation in bacteria: the role of feedback regulation |
Q37040312 | Photosynthetic metabolism of C3 plants shows highly cooperative regulation under changing environments: a systems biological analysis |
Q47833507 | Plasmid-borne prokaryotic gene expression: sources of variability and quantitative system characterization |
Q33239285 | Plasticity of the cis-regulatory input function of a gene |
Q58916728 | Positive Stability Analysis and Bio-Circuit Design for Nonlinear Biochemical Networks |
Q90474391 | Preexisting variation in DNA damage response predicts the fate of single mycobacteria under stress |
Q51987883 | Preliminary studies on the in silico evolution of biochemical networks. |
Q36131481 | Processing Oscillatory Signals by Incoherent Feedforward Loops |
Q34322635 | Programmable cells: interfacing natural and engineered gene networks |
Q51693435 | Programmed population control by cell-cell communication and regulated killing |
Q33305625 | Programming gene expression with combinatorial promoters |
Q51566164 | Promoter Reliability in Modular Transcriptional Networks |
Q41966921 | Pulsing cells: how fast is too fast? |
Q50986160 | Quantifying Dynamic Stability of Genetic Memory Circuits |
Q39972019 | Quantifying stochastic effects in biochemical reaction networks using partitioned leaping. |
Q37080844 | Queueing up for enzymatic processing: correlated signaling through coupled degradation |
Q90707198 | Quorum sensing for population-level control of bacteria and potential therapeutic applications |
Q36470934 | RNA synthetic biology |
Q40251891 | Rational design of functional and tunable oscillating enzymatic networks. |
Q41444663 | Rational design of modular circuits for gene transcription: A test of the bottom-up approach |
Q36668937 | Rationally designed bidirectional promoter improves the evolutionary stability of synthetic genetic circuits |
Q46091653 | Realizing the potential of synthetic biology |
Q34470075 | Reconstruction of genetic circuits |
Q34110864 | Repeated small perturbation approach reveals transcriptomic steady states |
Q35555974 | Reprogramming in nuclear transfer |
Q35610464 | Robust Design of Biological Circuits: Evolutionary Systems Biology Approach |
Q48008340 | Robust Engineered Circuit Design Principles for Stochastic Biochemical Networks With Parameter Uncertainties and Disturbances |
Q59142450 | Robust Genetic Circuit Design: A Mixed H∞ and IQC Analysis |
Q34458342 | Robust synchronization control scheme of a population of nonlinear stochastic synthetic genetic oscillators under intrinsic and extrinsic molecular noise via quorum sensing |
Q37249135 | Robust synthetic biology design: stochastic game theory approach |
Q51961254 | Robustness analysis of cellular memory in an autoactivating positive feedback system. |
Q37513241 | Robustness properties of circadian clock architectures |
Q93132800 | Rock-paper-scissors: Engineered population dynamics increase genetic stability |
Q34424966 | Rules for biological regulation based on error minimization |
Q43819303 | Selection of tetracycline inducible self-cleaving ribozymes as synthetic devices for gene regulation in yeast |
Q87689786 | Simulating Genetic Circuits in Bacterial Populations with Growth Heterogeneity |
Q28487113 | Simulation of E. coli Gene Regulation including Overlapping Cell Cycles, Growth, Division, Time Delays and Noise |
Q55437274 | Single molecules can operate as primitive biological sensors, switches and oscillators. |
Q30579452 | Spatiotemporal control of gene expression with pulse-generating networks. |
Q33325607 | Stability analysis of genetic regulatory network with additive noises. |
Q51652290 | Stability and chaos in coupled two-dimensional maps on gene regulatory network of bacterium E. coli. |
Q33842266 | Standard biological parts knowledgebase |
Q51755890 | Stat6 cooperates with Sp1 in controlling breast cancer cell proliferation by modulating the expression of p21Cip1/WAF1 and p27Kip1 |
Q28554812 | Stochastic Simulation Service: Bridging the Gap between the Computational Expert and the Biologist |
Q36494123 | Stochastic dynamics of macromolecular-assembly networks. |
Q36527657 | Stochastically driven genetic circuits. |
Q31129063 | Stochasticity, bistability and the wisdom of crowds: a model for associative learning in genetic regulatory networks |
Q40472328 | Strategies for manipulation of oxygen utilization by the electron transfer chain in microbes for metabolic engineering purposes. |
Q36710252 | Study of the combined treatment of lung cancer using gene-loaded immunomagnetic albumin nanospheres in vitro and in vivo |
Q59123203 | Survey of Engineering Models for Systems Biology |
Q51822085 | Synchronization and clustering of synthetic genetic networks: a role for cis-regulatory modules |
Q37208985 | Synthesis of orthogonal transcription-translation networks |
Q33988336 | Synthetic biology |
Q85083750 | Synthetic biology and rearrangements of microbial genetic material |
Q37563486 | Synthetic biology of minimal systems |
Q28078320 | Synthetic biology to access and expand nature's chemical diversity |
Q36586096 | Synthetic biology--putting engineering into biology |
Q35907569 | Synthetic biology: advancing biological frontiers by building synthetic systems |
Q34675593 | Synthetic biology: putting synthesis into biology |
Q40091404 | Synthetic circuits integrating logic and memory in living cells |
Q36715725 | Synthetic gene circuits: design with directed evolution |
Q49154884 | Synthetic recombinase-based state machines in living cells. |
Q36188597 | Systematic Design of a Metal Ion Biosensor: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach |
Q33590158 | Systematic design methodology for robust genetic transistors based on I/O specifications via promoter-RBS libraries |
Q58928389 | Systems Biology |
Q58928412 | Systems Biology |
Q37679194 | Systems biology as an integrated platform for bioinformatics, systems synthetic biology, and systems metabolic engineering |
Q57935727 | The Logic of Decision Making in Environmental Bacteria |
Q92767745 | The emergence of the two cell fates and their associated switching for a negative auto-regulating gene |
Q35670177 | The evolution of genetic regulatory systems in bacteria |
Q37853611 | The logicome of environmental bacteria: merging catabolic and regulatory events with Boolean formalisms |
Q34066433 | The pedestrian watchmaker: genetic clocks from engineered oscillators |
Q30412933 | The roles of integration in molecular systems biology |
Q41863973 | The selective values of alleles in a molecular network model are context dependent. |
Q37591347 | The stochastic evolutionary game for a population of biological networks under natural selection |
Q45966124 | Theodor Bücher Lecture. Metabolomics, modelling and machine learning in systems biology - towards an understanding of the languages of cells. Delivered on 3 July 2005 at the 30th FEBS Congress and the 9th IUBMB conference in Budapest. |
Q45004530 | Top-level dynamics and the regulated gene response of feed-forward loop transcriptional motifs |
Q51985085 | Topological generalizations of network motifs |
Q97526594 | Toward Engineering Biosystems With Emergent Collective Functions |
Q34185672 | Tracking operator state fluctuations in gene expression in single cells |
Q30496523 | Tracking, tuning, and terminating microbial physiology using synthetic riboregulators. |
Q46853848 | Transcription factor logic using chemical complementation |
Q38877182 | Transcriptional regulation with CRISPR-Cas9: principles, advances, and applications |
Q28511692 | Trim11 modulates the function of neurogenic transcription factor Pax6 through ubiquitin-proteosome system |
Q34559750 | Tunable Signal Processing in Synthetic MAP Kinase Cascades |
Q24649674 | Tweaking biological switches through a better understanding of bistability behavior |
Q51687954 | Two-peak and three-peak optimal complex networks |
Q37197219 | Underlying principles of natural selection in network evolution: systems biology approach. |
Q37070273 | Understanding biological functions through molecular networks |
Q34187246 | Uniform sampling of steady-state flux spaces: means to design experiments and to interpret enzymopathies. |
Q28484856 | Using topology to tame the complex biochemistry of genetic networks |
Q51916299 | Variable-free exploration of stochastic models: a gene regulatory network example |
Q36092864 | p53 activated by AND gate genetic circuit under radiation and hypoxia for targeted cancer gene therapy |
Q33983770 | proTeOn and proTeOff, New Protein Devices That Inducibly Activate Bacterial Gene Expression |
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