Regulation ofDrosophilaglial cell proliferation by Merlin-Hippo signaling

scientific article published on December 1, 2011

Regulation ofDrosophilaglial cell proliferation by Merlin-Hippo signaling is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P953full work available at URL
P932PMC publication ID3210499
P698PubMed publication ID22069188

P50authorKenneth D. IrvineQ72050167
P2093author name stringB. V V G. Reddy
P2860cites workInactivation of YAP oncoprotein by the Hippo pathway is involved in cell contact inhibition and tissue growth controlQ24299106
Kibra functions as a tumor suppressor protein that regulates Hippo signaling in conjunction with Merlin and ExpandedQ24299457
Merlin/NF2 suppresses tumorigenesis by inhibiting the E3 ubiquitin ligase CRL4(DCAF1) in the nucleusQ24300692
The Hippo Signaling Pathway in Development and CancerQ24603986
The neurofibromatosis 2 tumor suppressor gene product, merlin, regulates human meningioma cell growth by signaling through YAPQ24650089
Transcription factor choice in the Hippo signaling pathway: homothorax and yorkie regulation of the microRNA bantam in the progenitor domain of the Drosophila eye imaginal discQ24655799
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bantam encodes a developmentally regulated microRNA that controls cell proliferation and regulates the proapoptotic gene hid in DrosophilaQ28131827
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A genome-wide transgenic RNAi library for conditional gene inactivation in DrosophilaQ28236209
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The Hippo signaling pathway coordinately regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis by inactivating Yorkie, the Drosophila Homolog of YAPQ28266862
Membrane organization and tumorigenesis--the NF2 tumor suppressor, MerlinQ28275474
The Hippo-YAP pathway in organ size control and tumorigenesis: an updated versionQ28281214
Merlin, a "magic" linker between extracellular cues and intracellular signaling pathways that regulate cell motility, proliferation, and survivalQ28283076
The mystery and magic of glia: a perspective on their roles in health and diseaseQ28300305
Cooperation between dE2F1 and Yki/Sd defines a distinct transcriptional program necessary to bypass cell cycle exitQ28742574
Crumbs regulates Salvador/Warts/Hippo signaling in Drosophila via the FERM-domain protein ExpandedQ28752559
Malignant astrocytic glioma: genetics, biology, and paths to treatmentQ29618156
Elucidation of a universal size-control mechanism in Drosophila and mammalsQ29618935
The Drosophila Mst ortholog, hippo, restricts growth and cell proliferation and promotes apoptosisQ29619851
hippo encodes a Ste-20 family protein kinase that restricts cell proliferation and promotes apoptosis in conjunction with salvador and wartsQ29620457
Neurofibromatosis type 2.Q30391375
Loss of the tumor suppressor gene NF2, encoding merlin, constitutively activates integrin-dependent mTORC1 signalingQ30437229
Interactions between PTEN and receptor tyrosine kinase pathways and their implications for glioma therapyQ30437740
Protein interaction mapping: a Drosophila case studyQ33211911
Kibra is a regulator of the Salvador/Warts/Hippo signaling networkQ33754234
The miRNA machinery targets Mei-P26 and regulates Myc protein levels in the Drosophila wingQ33878532
Zyxin Links Fat Signaling to the Hippo PathwayQ33930545
The apical transmembrane protein Crumbs functions as a tumor suppressor that regulates Hippo signaling by binding to ExpandedQ33934781
Nf2/Merlin controls progenitor homeostasis and tumorigenesis in the liverQ34069370
The Merlin/NF2 tumor suppressor functions through the YAP oncoprotein to regulate tissue homeostasis in mammalsQ34077795
The WW domain protein Kibra acts upstream of Hippo in Drosophila.Q34099040
Pten and p53 converge on c-Myc to control differentiation, self-renewal, and transformation of normal and neoplastic stem cells in glioblastomaQ46158804
The fat cadherin acts through the hippo tumor-suppressor pathway to regulate tissue size.Q47070421
The neurofibromatosis-2 homologue, Merlin, and the tumor suppressor expanded function together in Drosophila to regulate cell proliferation and differentiation.Q47071741
The tumor suppressors Merlin and Expanded function cooperatively to modulate receptor endocytosis and signalingQ47071805
The TEAD/TEF family protein Scalloped mediates transcriptional output of the Hippo growth-regulatory pathwayQ47071830
Fat cadherin modulates organ size in Drosophila via the Salvador/Warts/Hippo signaling pathway.Q47317241
repo encodes a glial-specific homeo domain protein required in the Drosophila nervous systemQ48083343
c-myc oncogene family expression in glioblastoma and survivalQ48214274
The Salvador partner Hippo promotes apoptosis and cell-cycle exit in DrosophilaQ52100108
Dpp and Hedgehog mediate neuron-glia interactions in Drosophila eye development by promoting the proliferation and motility of subretinal gliaQ52129050
The tumor-suppressor gene fat controls tissue growth upstream of expanded in the hippo signaling pathwayQ52672613
Lgl, aPKC, and Crumbs regulate the Salvador/Warts/Hippo pathway through two distinct mechanismsQ52704046
C-MYC expression in medulloblastoma and its prognostic value.Q55475120
Evidence for the complete inactivation of the NF2 gene in the majority of sporadic meningiomasQ58862180
Neurofibromatosis type 2Q79307309
The apical-basal cell polarity determinant Crumbs regulates Hippo signaling in DrosophilaQ34115445
Malignant glioma: genetics and biology of a grave matter.Q34272357
The tumour-suppressor genes NF2/Merlin and Expanded act through Hippo signalling to regulate cell proliferation and apoptosisQ34474913
ERM proteins in epithelial cell organization and functionsQ34556675
The Hippo pathway regulates the bantam microRNA to control cell proliferation and apoptosis in DrosophilaQ34559232
The bantam microRNA is a target of the hippo tumor-suppressor pathwayQ34562924
Delineation of a Fat tumor suppressor pathwayQ34566699
Regulation of Hippo signaling by Jun kinase signaling during compensatory cell proliferation and regeneration, and in neoplastic tumors.Q34570927
Common Kibra alleles are associated with human memory performanceQ34575472
Hippo signaling: growth control and beyondQ34625638
Molecular biology of gliomasQ35753046
Contact-dependent inhibition of EGFR signaling by Nf2/MerlinQ36118464
Fat and expanded act in parallel to regulate growth through wartsQ36299955
Glial cell biology in Drosophila and vertebratesQ36352981
In vivo regulation of Yorkie phosphorylation and localization.Q36663448
Morphogen control of wing growth through the Fat signaling pathway.Q37036018
In vivo analysis of Yorkie phosphorylation sites.Q37239572
The Fat and Warts signaling pathways: new insights into their regulation, mechanism and conservationQ37242218
Processing and phosphorylation of the Fat receptorQ37259222
Merlin is a potent inhibitor of glioma growthQ37422836
MicroRNAs and glioblastoma; the stem cell connectionQ37517191
microRNAs in gliomas: small regulators of a big problemQ37592046
Modes and regulation of glial migration in vertebrates and invertebratesQ37601942
The eye imaginal disc as a model to study the coordination of neuronal and glial development.Q37693588
Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) tumor suppressor merlin inhibits phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase through binding to PIKE-LQ37709703
Yorkie: the final destination of Hippo signaling.Q37746333
Hippo signaling in Drosophila: Recent advances and insightsQ37968995
An anti-Ras function of neurofibromatosis type 2 gene product (NF2/Merlin).Q38304298
The TEAD/TEF family of transcription factor Scalloped mediates Hippo signaling in organ size controlQ40015415
Merlin/neurofibromatosis type 2 suppresses growth by inhibiting the activation of Ras and Rac.Q40181731
Neurofibromatosis 2: loss of merlin's protective spellQ41099831
Influence of fat-hippo and notch signaling on the proliferation and differentiation of Drosophila optic neuroepitheliaQ41268202
The neurofibromatosis 2 protein, merlin, regulates glial cell growth in an ErbB2- and Src-dependent mannerQ41814702
Modeling glioma growth and invasion in Drosophila melanogasterQ41891046
Cooperative Regulation of Growth by Yorkie and Mad through bantamQ41988574
Evidence for a Growth-Stabilizing Regulatory Feedback Mechanism between Myc and Yorkie, the Drosophila Homolog of YapQ42023045
The Drosophila tumor suppressors Expanded and Merlin differentially regulate cell cycle exit, apoptosis, and Wingless signalingQ42529926
The Nf2 tumor suppressor, merlin, functions in Rac-dependent signaling.Q42823880
Hippo promotes proliferation arrest and apoptosis in the Salvador/Warts pathwayQ44591663
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectDrosophilaQ312154
Yorkie Dmel_CG4005Q29809694
Hippo Dmel_CG11228Q29813249
Warts Dmel_CG12072Q29815953
Kibra Dmel_CG33967Q29817161
Merlin Dmel_CG14228Q29819518
P1104number of pages12
P577publication date2011-12-01
P1433published inDevelopmentQ3025404
P1476titleRegulation of Drosophila glial cell proliferation by Merlin-Hippo signaling
Regulation ofDrosophilaglial cell proliferation by Merlin-Hippo signaling

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