Tumor-suppressor role for the SPOP ubiquitin ligase in signal-dependent proteolysis of the oncogenic co-activator SRC-3/AIB1

scientific article

Tumor-suppressor role for the SPOP ubiquitin ligase in signal-dependent proteolysis of the oncogenic co-activator SRC-3/AIB1 is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1008108843
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID1911584
P932PMC publication ID3158261
P698PubMed publication ID21577200
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51131520

P50authorDung-Fang LeeQ55283602
P2093author name stringJ Xu
C Li
B W O'Malley
J Fu
J Ao
D Lonard
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Allelotyping of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: deletion of loci on 8p, 13q, 16q, 17p and 17q.Q38480342
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The BTB protein MEL-26 is a substrate-specific adaptor of the CUL-3 ubiquitin-ligase.Q47069071
Targeting of protein ubiquitination by BTB–Cullin 3–Roc1 ubiquitin ligasesQ50337002
The ubiquitin ligase CHIP acts as an upstream regulator of oncogenic pathwaysQ51568474
BTB domain-containing speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) serves as an adaptor of Daxx for ubiquitination by Cul3-based ubiquitin ligaseQ53633362
High tumor incidence and activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway in transgenic mice define AIB1 as an oncogeneQ57165894
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RAC-3 is a NF-kappa B coactivatorQ73230918
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectproteolysisQ33123
P577publication date2011-05-16
P1433published inOncogeneQ1568657
P1476titleTumor-suppressor role for the SPOP ubiquitin ligase in signal-dependent proteolysis of the oncogenic co-activator SRC-3/AIB1

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