Structure of a Fbw7-Skp1-cyclin E complex: multisite-phosphorylated substrate recognition by SCF ubiquitin ligases

scientific article

Structure of a Fbw7-Skp1-cyclin E complex: multisite-phosphorylated substrate recognition by SCF ubiquitin ligases is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID3574682
P698PubMed publication ID17434132
P5875ResearchGate publication ID6394525

P50authorJeffrey W. HarperQ57326226
P2093author name stringMathew E Sowa
Bing Hao
Nikola P Pavletich
Stephanie Oehlmann
P921main subjectphosphorylationQ242736
phosphothreonine residue bindingQ21107330
F-box and WD repeat domain containing 7Q21113973
P577publication date2007-04-01
P1433published inMolecular CellQ3319468
P1476titleStructure of a Fbw7-Skp1-cyclin E complex: multisite-phosphorylated substrate recognition by SCF ubiquitin ligases

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cites work (P2860)
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