Crystal structure of the BTB domain from PLZF

scientific article published on October 13, 1998

Crystal structure of the BTB domain from PLZF is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P953full work available at URL
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID469108
P932PMC publication ID22795
P698PubMed publication ID9770450
P5875ResearchGate publication ID13516608

P50authorGilbert G PrivéQ56458223
P2093author name stringC. K. Engel
K. F. Ahmad
P2860cites workAmino-terminal protein-protein interaction motif (POZ-domain) is responsible for activities of the promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger-retinoic acid receptor-alpha fusion proteinQ24308811
Transcriptional repressor ZF5 identifies a new conserved domain in zinc finger proteinsQ24313028
An alternative pathway for gene regulation by MycQ24532791
Repression of the Drosophila fushi tarazu (ftz) segmentation geneQ24561526
The BTB domain, found primarily in zinc finger proteins, defines an evolutionarily conserved family that includes several developmentally regulated genes in DrosophilaQ24562764
Fusion between a novel Krüppel-like zinc finger gene and the retinoic acid receptor-alpha locus due to a variant t(11;17) translocation associated with acute promyelocytic leukaemiaQ24564693
Improved tools for biological sequence comparisonQ24652199
SMRT corepressor interacts with PLZF and with the PML-retinoic acid receptor α (RARα) and PLZF-RARα oncoproteins associated with acute promyelocytic leukemiaQ24653689
Improved methods for building protein models in electron density maps and the location of errors in these modelsQ26776980
Conserved folding in retroviral proteases: crystal structure of a synthetic HIV-1 proteaseQ27696384
A structural basis for mutational inactivation of the tumour suppressor Smad4Q27740172
SETOR: hardware-lighted three-dimensional solid model representations of macromoleculesQ27860751
Protein structure comparison by alignment of distance matricesQ27860798
Principles of protein-protein interactionsQ27860855
Refinement of macromolecular structures by the maximum-likelihood methodQ27861011
The CCP4 suite: programs for protein crystallographyQ27861090
Protein folding and association: insights from the interfacial and thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbonsQ27861091
The POZ domain: a conserved protein-protein interaction motifQ28115868
Role of the histone deacetylase complex in acute promyelocytic leukaemiaQ28263534
Reduced retinoic acid-sensitivities of nuclear receptor corepressor binding to PML- and PLZF-RARalpha underlie molecular pathogenesis and treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemiaQ28266768
A system for integrated collection and analysis of crystallographic diffraction dataQ31040562
A family of DNA virus genes that consists of fused portions of unrelated cellular genesQ33199721
Drosophila kelch motif is derived from a common enzyme foldQ34060478
Protein motifs 5. Zinc fingersQ34312024
A 3D-1D substitution matrix for protein fold recognition that includes predicted secondary structure of the sequenceQ34424634
Expression of the zinc-finger gene PLZF at rhombomere boundaries in the vertebrate hindbrainQ34580344
Dynamics of potentiation and activation: GAGA factor and its role in heat shock gene regulationQ34639083
Domain swapping: entangling alliances between proteinsQ35156951
Structure of the leucine zipperQ36354797
The BTB/POZ domain targets the LAZ3/BCL6 oncoprotein to nuclear dots and mediates homomerisation in vivoQ42819027
Cavities and packing at protein interfacesQ42844008
Pattern formation in the limbs of Drosophila: bric à brac is expressed in both a gradient and a wave-like pattern and is required for specification and proper segmentation of the tarsusQ46425377
Sequence-specific DNA Binding and Transcriptional Regulation by the Promyelocytic Leukemia Zinc Finger ProteinQ52192845
The BTB/POZ domain: a new protein-protein interaction motif common to DNA- and actin-binding proteins.Q52546379
Distinct interactions of PML-RARalpha and PLZF-RARalpha with co-repressors determine differential responses to RA in APL.Q54147247
[27] Maximum-likelihood heavy-atom parameter refinement for multiple isomorphous replacement and multiwavelength anomalous diffraction methods.Q55059918
Overexpression, Purification, Characterization, and Crystallization of the BTB/POZ Domain from the PLZF OncoproteinQ73813778
Conserved water molecules in the specificity pocket of serine proteases and the molecular mechanism of Na+ bindingQ74093196
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectcrystal structureQ895901
DNA-binding transcription factor activityQ14817979
Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 18Q21136893
P577publication date1998-10-13
P1433published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaQ1146531
P1476titleCrystal structure of the BTB domain from PLZF

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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