Structural Basis for Cul3 Protein Assembly with the BTB-Kelch Family of E3 Ubiquitin Ligases

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Structural Basis for Cul3 Protein Assembly with the BTB-Kelch Family of E3 Ubiquitin Ligases is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID2803080
P932PMC publication ID3597819
P698PubMed publication ID23349464

P50authorStefan KnappQ40296391
James W. MurrayQ41621508
Apirat ChaikuadQ42118607
Chancievan ThangaratnarajahQ58203115
Frank von DelftQ28050592
Tobias KrojerQ28050596
Opher GileadiQ38321459
P2093author name stringAlex N Bullock
Ashley C W Pike
Brian D Marsden
Vikram Ayinampudi
Christopher D O Cooper
Peter Canning
Tracy Keates
Viktorija Hojzan
P2860cites workCrystal structure of the BTB domain from PLZFQ22003945
Structure of the VHL-ElonginC-ElonginB complex: implications for VHL tumor suppressor functionQ22009393
Insights into SCF ubiquitin ligases from the structure of the Skp1-Skp2 complexQ24290565
Fitting molecular fragments into electron densityQ38606490
High-level expression and purification of recombinant SCF ubiquitin ligasesQ42039276
Dimerization of substrate adaptors can facilitate cullin-mediated ubiquitylation of proteins by a "tethering" mechanism: a two-site interaction model for the Nrf2-Keap1 complexQ53616483
PhyloDraw: a phylogenetic tree drawing systemQ73399729
Structure of the Cul1-Rbx1-Skp1-F boxSkp2 SCF ubiquitin ligase complexQ24294734
Structure of the Keap1:Nrf2 interface provides mechanistic insight into Nrf2 signalingQ24298930
Molecular architecture and assembly of the DDB1-CUL4A ubiquitin ligase machineryQ24302241
Ubiquitin-dependent regulation of COPII coat size and functionQ24305964
Structure of a beta-TrCP1-Skp1-beta-catenin complex: destruction motif binding and lysine specificity of the SCF(beta-TrCP1) ubiquitin ligaseQ24306203
Structural insights into NEDD8 activation of cullin-RING ligases: conformational control of conjugationQ24314520
Adaptor protein self-assembly drives the control of a cullin-RING ubiquitin ligaseQ24336527
Oxidative stress sensor Keap1 functions as an adaptor for Cul3-based E3 ligase to regulate proteasomal degradation of Nrf2Q24563807
Specific small molecule inhibitors of Skp2-mediated p27 degradationQ24596988
Mutations in a BTB-Kelch protein, KLHL7, cause autosomal-dominant retinitis pigmentosaQ24647358
Ubiquitin-like protein activation by E1 enzymes: the apex for downstream signalling pathwaysQ24647626
MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallographyQ24649111
BTB Protein KLHL12 targets the dopamine D4 receptor for ubiquitination by a Cul3-based E3 ligaseQ24652896
PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solutionQ24654617
Multiple sequence alignment with the Clustal series of programsQ24672842
Molecular phylogeny of the kelch-repeat superfamily reveals an expansion of BTB/kelch proteins in animalsQ24804994
Sequence and structural analysis of BTB domain proteinsQ24812693
Crystallography & NMR System: A New Software Suite for Macromolecular Structure DeterminationQ26778405
Structure of a c-Cbl-UbcH7 complex: RING domain function in ubiquitin-protein ligasesQ27626747
In vivo activation of the p53 pathway by small-molecule antagonists of MDM2Q27642888
Suprafacial orientation of the SCFCdc4 dimer accommodates multiple geometries for substrate ubiquitinationQ27645983
Different Electrostatic Potentials Define ETGE and DLG Motifs as Hinge and Latch in Oxidative Stress ResponseQ27647812
Structure of the SOCS4-ElonginB/C Complex Reveals a Distinct SOCS Box Interface and the Molecular Basis for SOCS-Dependent EGFR DegradationQ27649020
Novel  -Propeller of the BTB-Kelch Protein Krp1 Provides a Binding Site for Lasp-1 That Is Necessary for Pseudopodial ExtensionQ27657284
Structures of SPOP-Substrate Complexes: Insights into Molecular Architectures of BTB-Cul3 Ubiquitin LigasesQ27657740
A Small-Molecule Inhibitor of BCL6 Kills DLBCL Cells In Vitro and In VivoQ27660498
Structure of a RING E3 ligase and ubiquitin-loaded E2 primed for catalysisQ27670947
BIRC7–E2 ubiquitin conjugate structure reveals the mechanism of ubiquitin transfer by a RING dimerQ27671574
Small-Molecule Inhibitors of the Interaction between the E3 Ligase VHL and HIF1αQ27674529
The molecular basis of CRL4DDB2/CSA ubiquitin ligase architecture, targeting, and activationQ27675805
Inference of macromolecular assemblies from crystalline stateQ27860457
Automated structure solution with autoSHARPQ27860516
Version 1.2 of the Crystallography and NMR systemQ27860583
The ubiquitin systemQ27860803
REFMAC5 for the refinement of macromolecular crystal structuresQ27860905
Phasercrystallographic softwareQ27860930
The Buccaneer software for automated model building. 1. Tracing protein chainsQ27860979
Refinement of macromolecular structures by the maximum-likelihood methodQ27861011
Features and development of CootQ27861079
The CCP4 suite: programs for protein crystallographyQ27861090
Scaling and assessment of data qualityQ27861107
Function and regulation of cullin-RING ubiquitin ligasesQ28131707
Crystal structure of the Kelch domain of human Keap1Q28287182
The KLHL12-Cullin-3 ubiquitin ligase negatively regulates the Wnt-beta-catenin pathway by targeting Dishevelled for degradationQ28302850
Dysfunctional KEAP1-NRF2 interaction in non-small-cell lung cancerQ28469051
Keap1 recruits Neh2 through binding to ETGE and DLG motifs: characterization of the two-site molecular recognition modelQ28910182
Recent developments in classical density modificationQ29615315
Keap1-dependent proteasomal degradation of transcription factor Nrf2 contributes to the negative regulation of antioxidant response element-driven gene expressionQ29615644
Structural basis for defects of Keap1 activity provoked by its point mutations in lung cancerQ29616499
Keap1 is a forked-stem dimer structure with two large spheres enclosing the intervening, double glycine repeat, and C-terminal domainsQ33734064
Kelch-like homologue 9 mutation is associated with an early onset autosomal dominant distal myopathyQ33944189
High-throughput production of human proteins for crystallization: the SGC experience.Q34124142
Structural assembly of cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase complexesQ34762436
Cullin-based ubiquitin ligases: Cul3-BTB complexes join the family.Q35740993
Mutations in kelch-like 3 and cullin 3 cause hypertension and electrolyte abnormalitiesQ35754537
The BACK domain in BTB-kelch proteins.Q35950674
Structure of an E3:E2~Ub complex reveals an allosteric mechanism shared among RING/U-box ligases.Q36291328
Multimodal activation of the ubiquitin ligase SCF by Nedd8 conjugationQ37101488
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectcell biologyQ7141
P577publication date2013-03-15
P1433published inJournal of Biological ChemistryQ867727
P1476titleStructural Basis for Cul3 Protein Assembly with the BTB-Kelch Family of E3 Ubiquitin Ligases

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cites work (P2860)
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