Lysosome-dependent pathways as a unifying theme in Parkinson's disease.

scientific article published on 23 August 2012

Lysosome-dependent pathways as a unifying theme in Parkinson's disease. is …
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P698PubMed publication ID22927213

P50authorGeorge K TofarisQ56056700
P2093author name stringGeorge K Tofaris
P2860cites workPINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy is dependent on VDAC1 and p62/SQSTM1Q24297155
Gaucher disease glucocerebrosidase and α-synuclein form a bidirectional pathogenic loop in synucleinopathiesQ24307627
Collaborative Analysis of α-Synuclein Gene Promoter Variability and Parkinson DiseaseQ57977634
The familial Parkinsonism gene LRRK2 regulates neurite process morphologyQ24317613
Hereditary early-onset Parkinson's disease caused by mutations in PINK1Q24337084
Autophagic substrate clearance requires activity of the syntaxin-5 SNARE complexQ24337387
Disrupted autophagy leads to dopaminergic axon and dendrite degeneration and promotes presynaptic accumulation of α-synuclein and LRRK2 in the brainQ24599233
Imputation of sequence variants for identification of genetic risks for Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studiesQ24606055
Alpha-synuclein promotes SNARE-complex assembly in vivo and in vitroQ24629968
A mutation in VPS35, encoding a subunit of the retromer complex, causes late-onset Parkinson diseaseQ24633417
Multicenter analysis of glucocerebrosidase mutations in Parkinson's disease.Q24634577
Role of autophagy in G2019S-LRRK2-associated neurite shortening in differentiated SH-SY5Y cellsQ24651391
LRRK2 regulates autophagic activity and localizes to specific membrane microdomains in a novel human genomic reporter cellular modelQ24656256
α-Synuclein in Lewy bodiesQ27860680
Alpha-synuclein is part of a diverse and highly conserved interaction network that includes PARK9 and manganese toxicityQ27934988
Chaperone-mediated autophagy markers in Parkinson disease brainsQ28115026
Hereditary parkinsonism with dementia is caused by mutations in ATP13A2, encoding a lysosomal type 5 P-type ATPaseQ28116395
Mutations in LRRK2 cause autosomal-dominant parkinsonism with pleomorphic pathologyQ28131833
Loss of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 causes impairment of protein degradation pathways, accumulation of alpha-synuclein, and apoptotic cell death in aged miceQ28507051
Alpha-synuclein cooperates with CSPalpha in preventing neurodegenerationQ28587785
The new mutation, E46K, of alpha-synuclein causes Parkinson and Lewy body dementiaQ29547174
Drosophila pink1 is required for mitochondrial function and interacts genetically with parkinQ29547423
Impaired degradation of mutant alpha-synuclein by chaperone-mediated autophagyQ29614178
Proteasome and p97 mediate mitophagy and degradation of mitofusins induced by ParkinQ29615623
Mitochondrial dysfunction in Drosophila PINK1 mutants is complemented by parkinQ29615684
Parkinson's diseaseQ29616302
α-Syn suppression reverses synaptic and memory defects in a mouse model of dementia with Lewy bodiesQ30471591
DJ-1 is critical for mitochondrial function and rescues PINK1 loss of functionQ30495575
SNCA variant associated with Parkinson disease and plasma alpha-synuclein levelQ30497763
Abberant alpha-synuclein confers toxicity to neurons in part through inhibition of chaperone-mediated autophagyQ33444800
Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 regulates the progression of neuropathology induced by Parkinson's-disease-related mutant alpha-synuclein.Q33594388
Phosphorylation of ezrin/radixin/moesin proteins by LRRK2 promotes the rearrangement of actin cytoskeleton in neuronal morphogenesisQ33595218
Lysosomal degradation of alpha-synuclein in vivo.Q33810012
Immunohistochemical and subcellular localization of Parkin protein: absence of protein in autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism patientsQ33861614
SNARE protein redistribution and synaptic failure in a transgenic mouse model of Parkinson's diseaseQ33944220
A pathologic cascade leading to synaptic dysfunction in alpha-synuclein-induced neurodegeneration.Q33982546
DJ-1 acts in parallel to the PINK1/parkin pathway to control mitochondrial function and autophagyQ34399382
Deficiency of ATP13A2 leads to lysosomal dysfunction, α-synuclein accumulation, and neurotoxicityQ34636872
The Parkinson's disease protein DJ-1 is neuroprotective due to cysteine-sulfinic acid-driven mitochondrial localizationQ34836156
α-Synuclein impairs macroautophagy: implications for Parkinson's disease.Q35005567
Increased expression of alpha-synuclein reduces neurotransmitter release by inhibiting synaptic vesicle reclustering after endocytosisQ35058315
VPS35 mutations in Parkinson diseaseQ35103751
Phenotype in parkinsonian and nonparkinsonian LRRK2 G2019S mutation carriersQ35119612
Aggregation of α-synuclein in S. cerevisiae is associated with defects in endosomal trafficking and phospholipid biosynthesisQ35138501
Ubiquitin ligase Nedd4 promotes alpha-synuclein degradation by the endosomal-lysosomal pathwayQ35344983
Roles of the Drosophila LRRK2 homolog in Rab7-dependent lysosomal positioningQ35771011
Impaired neurotransmission caused by overexpression of α-synuclein in nigral dopamine neuronsQ35807528
Glucocerebrosidase is present in α-synuclein inclusions in Lewy body disordersQ35960413
The Parkinson's disease protein alpha-synuclein disrupts cellular Rab homeostasisQ36423369
Physiological and pathological properties of alpha-synucleinQ36866952
Cathepsin D expression level affects alpha-synuclein processing, aggregation, and toxicity in vivo.Q37102231
A multidisciplinary study of patients with early-onset PD with and without parkin mutationsQ37180446
A primate model of parkinsonism: selective destruction of dopaminergic neurons in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra by N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridineQ37343442
Genomic investigation of alpha-synuclein multiplication and parkinsonismQ37362778
Association of glucocerebrosidase mutations with dementia with lewy bodiesQ37379711
Abnormal localization of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 to the endosomal-lysosomal compartment in lewy body diseaseQ37402225
Acid β-glucosidase mutants linked to Gaucher disease, Parkinson disease, and Lewy body dementia alter α-synuclein processing.Q39562553
Pathogenic lysosomal depletion in Parkinson's diseaseQ39655523
Inhibition of mitochondrial fusion by α-synuclein is rescued by PINK1, Parkin and DJ-1.Q39655865
Lysosomal enzyme cathepsin D protects against alpha-synuclein aggregation and toxicityQ39914071
alpha-synuclein metabolism and aggregation is linked to ubiquitin-independent degradation by the proteasomeQ43816254
α-Synuclein Is Degraded by Both Autophagy and the ProteasomeQ44420467
Young-onset Parkinson's disease revisited--clinical features, natural history, and mortalityQ44667840
Aberrant phosphorylation of alpha-synuclein in human Niemann-Pick type C1 diseaseQ44852325
Localization of MAP1-LC3 in vulnerable neurons and Lewy bodies in brains of patients with dementia with Lewy bodiesQ46184361
Neuronal and glial accumulation of alpha- and beta-synucleins in human lipidosesQ46314049
Neuropathology provides clues to the pathophysiology of Gaucher diseaseQ47247270
PINK1-linked parkinsonism is associated with Lewy body pathologyQ48252842
The ups and downs of alpha-synuclein mRNA expressionQ48375102
Glucocerebrosidase mutations are an important risk factor for Lewy body disordersQ48491146
Novel antibodies to synuclein show abundant striatal pathology in Lewy body diseasesQ48494226
Neurodegenerative disease: amyloid pores from pathogenic mutationsQ48544171
Pathological changes in dopaminergic nerve cells of the substantia nigra and olfactory bulb in mice transgenic for truncated human alpha-synuclein(1-120): implications for Lewy body disorders.Q48586171
Parkinsonism, premature menopause, and mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma mutations: clinical and molecular genetic studyQ53612457
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectParkinson's diseaseQ11085
P577publication date2012-08-23
P1433published inMovement DisordersQ1486418
P1476titleLysosome-dependent pathways as a unifying theme in Parkinson's disease

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