Abstract is: Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by John Wiley & Sons, which was established in 1986 by Cyrus Levinthal. The journal covers research on all aspects protein biochemistry, including computation, function, structure, design, and genetics. The editor-in-chief is Nikolay Dokholyan (Penn State College of Medicine). Publishing formats are original research reports, short communications, prediction reports, invited reviews, and topic proposals. In addition, Proteins includes a section entitled "Section Notes", describing novel protein structures.
scientific journal | Q5633421 |
P6981 | ACNP journal ID | 19739 |
2276168 | ||
P8375 | Crossref journal ID | 22119 |
P1250 | Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO | 152967 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0134 |
P1058 | ERA Journal ID | 15253 |
P646 | Freebase ID | /m/0czcddw |
P236 | ISSN | 0887-3585 |
1097-0134 | ||
P7363 | ISSN-L | 0887-3585 |
P1277 | JUFO ID | 65625 |
P1144 | Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic) | 90655008 |
P1055 | NLM Unique ID | 8700181 |
P243 | OCLC control number | 13196210 |
P856 | official website | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0134 |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10970134 | ||
http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0887-3585/ | ||
P10283 | OpenAlex ID | S121161810 |
P3181 | OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID | 31769 |
P7461 | Publons journals/conferences ID | 21240 |
P7662 | Scilit journal ID | 61594 |
P1156 | Scopus source ID | 14283 |
P12897 | Wiley Online Library journal ID | 10970134 |
P495 | country of origin | United States | Q30 |
P1240 | Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level | 1 | |
P571 | inception | 1986-01-01 | |
P8875 | indexed in bibliographic review | Scopus | Q371467 |
Science Citation Index Expanded | Q104047209 | ||
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | protein | Q8054 |
P123 | publisher | Wiley | Q1479654 |
P1813 | short name | Proteins | |
P1680 | subtitle | Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics | |
P1476 | title | Proteins |
Q68704269 | "Dry" enzymes |
Q27732118 | "Ensemble" iterative relaxation matrix approach: a new NMR refinement protocol applied to the solution structure of crambin |
Q27639586 | 1.3-A resolution structure of human glutathione S-transferase with S-hexyl glutathione bound reveals possible extended ligandin binding site |
Q27684388 | 1.37 Å Crystal structure of pathogenic factor pectate lyase from Acidovorax citrulli |
Q27730927 | 1.56 A structure of mature truncated human fibroblast collagenase |
Q27652308 | 1.59 A structure of trypsin at 120 K: comparison of low temperature and room temperature structures |
Q34420170 | 1.6 A crystal structure of YteR protein from Bacillus subtilis, a predicted lyase. |
Q37471224 | 1.6 A crystal structure of a PA2721 protein from pseudomonas aeruginosa--a potential drug-resistance protein |
Q33210883 | 1.70 A X-ray structure of human apo kallikrein 1: structural changes upon peptide inhibitor/substrate binding |
Q27629375 | 1.9 A x-ray study shows closed flap conformation in crystals of tethered HIV-1 PR |
Q58293616 | 1996 Johns Hopkins protein folding meeting |
Q47625135 | 1H NMR structure of an antifungal gamma-thionin protein SIalpha1: similarity to scorpion toxins |
Q31162716 | 2-5A induces a conformational change in the ankyrin-repeat domain of RNase L. |
Q30424940 | 2.0 A resolution structure of a ternary complex of pig muscle phosphoglycerate kinase containing 3-phospho-D-glycerate and the nucleotide Mn adenylylimidodiphosphate |
Q27631041 | 2.8-A crystal structure of a nontoxic type-II ribosome-inactivating protein, ebulin l |
Q46604655 | 3',5' Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases class III: members, structure, and catalytic mechanism |
Q44525139 | 3(10)-helices in proteins are parahelices |
Q58038984 | 3D domain-swapped human cystatin C with amyloidlike intermolecular β-sheets |
Q31004521 | 3D structural model of the G‐protein‐coupled cannabinoid CB2 receptor |
Q33573786 | 3DM: systematic analysis of heterogeneous superfamily data to discover protein functionalities. |
Q79210028 | 3DS3 and 3DS5 3D-SHOTGUN meta-predictors in CAFASP3 |
Q30420710 | 3Drefine: consistent protein structure refinement by optimizing hydrogen bonding network and atomic-level energy minimization |
Q73271596 | 3D‐SHOTGUN: A novel, cooperative, fold‐recognition meta‐predictor |
Q30374011 | 3d interaction homology: The structurally known rotamers of tyrosine derive from a surprisingly limited set of information-rich hydropathic interaction environments described by maps. |
Q130681474 | |
Q53560178 | A "moving metal mechanism" for substrate cleavage by the DNA repair endonuclease APE-1. |
Q33210885 | A "solvated rotamer" approach to modeling water-mediated hydrogen bonds at protein-protein interfaces |
Q27644504 | A 1.55 A resolution X-ray crystal structure of HEF2/ERH and insights into its transcriptional and cell-cycle interaction networks |
Q67777633 | A 175-psec molecular dynamics simulation of camphor-bound cytochrome P-450cam |
Q30396558 | A 3D building blocks approach to analyzing and predicting structure of proteins |
Q40553690 | A ?FRankenstein's monster? approach to comparative modeling: Merging the finest fragments of Fold-Recognition models and iterative model refinement aided by 3D structure evaluation |
Q47282702 | A Computational Method for the Design of Nested Proteins by Loop-Directed Domain Insertion. |
Q47896135 | A Markov-chain model description of binding funnels to enhance the ranking of docked solutions |
Q81505333 | A Mg2+-induced conformational switch rendering a competent DNA polymerase catalytic complex |
Q54623267 | A P-loop-like motif in a widespread ATP pyrophosphatase domain: implications for the evolution of sequence motifs and enzyme activity. |
Q94950193 | A Protein Sequence Fitness Function for Identifying Natural and Non-Natural Proteins |
Q59464008 | A QM/MM study of proton transport pathways in a [NiFe] hydrogenase |
Q46345706 | A QM/MM study of the catalytic mechanism of SAM methyltransferase RlmN from Escherichia coli. |
Q53032524 | A QM/MM study of the reaction mechanism of (R)-hydroxynitrile lyases from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtHNL). |
Q52005742 | A Shannon entropy-based filter detects high- quality profile-profile alignments in searches for remote homologues |
Q79303649 | A ToxR-based dominant-negative system to investigate heterotypic transmembrane domain interactions |
Q30388027 | A benchmark testing ground for integrating homology modeling and protein docking |
Q90563024 | A benchmarking study on virtual ligand screening against homology models of human GPCRs |
Q30429145 | A beta-complex statistical four body contact potential combined with a hydrogen bond statistical potential recognizes the correct native structure from protein decoy sets. |
Q41867652 | A binding free energy decomposition approach for accurate calculations of the fidelity of DNA polymerases |
Q30414103 | A broad specificity nucleoside kinase from Thermoplasma acidophilum |
Q52388559 | A calculation strategy for the structure determination of symmetric dimers by 1H NMR. |
Q81494743 | A chemogenomic analysis of the transmembrane binding cavity of human G-protein-coupled receptors |
Q51905670 | A chirality index for investigating protein secondary structures and their time evolution |
Q43900308 | A clade of trypsins found in cold-adapted fish |
Q42084202 | A coarse-grained alpha-carbon protein model with anisotropic hydrogen-bonding. |
Q42662065 | A coarse-grained potential for fold recognition and molecular dynamics simulations of proteins |
Q51911563 | A coarse-grained protein force field for folding and structure prediction. |
Q41468197 | A combination of rescoring and refinement significantly improves protein docking performance |
Q32167461 | A combinatorial library for the binuclear metal center of bacterial phosphotriesterase |
Q33238967 | A combinatorial score to distinguish biological and nonbiological protein-protein interfaces |
Q48048981 | A combinatorial scoring function for protein-RNA docking |
Q46823192 | A combined approach of mass spectrometry, molecular modeling, and site-directed mutagenesis highlights key structural features responsible for the thermostability of Sulfolobus solfataricus carboxypeptidase |
Q43875748 | A common structural scaffold in CTD phosphatases that supports distinct catalytic mechanisms. |
Q37399880 | A comparative analysis of the equilibrium dynamics of a designed protein inferred from NMR, X-ray, and computations |
Q43022305 | A comparative infrared spectroscopic study of glycoside hydrolases from extremophilic archaea revealed different molecular mechanisms of adaptation to high temperatures |
Q27627415 | A comparative structural analysis of the ADF/cofilin family |
Q44686524 | A comparative study of dynamic structures between phage 434 Cro and repressor proteins by normal mode analysis |
Q47427892 | A comparative study of viral capsids and bacterial compartments reveals an enriched understanding of shell dynamics. |
Q57064940 | A comparison of SCOP and CATH with respect to domain-domain interactions |
Q45786244 | A comparison of the dynamics of pantothenate synthetase from M. tuberculosis and E. coli: Computational studies |
Q72868496 | A comparison of the immunogenicity of a pair of enantiomeric proteins |
Q58008737 | A comparison of15N NMR relaxation measurements with a molecular dynamics simulation: Backbone dynamics of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain |
Q33295506 | A complete library of amino acid alterations at R306 in Streptomyces clavuligerus deacetoxycephalosporin C synthase demonstrates its structural role in the ring-expansion activity |
Q58484085 | A complete relaxation matrix refinement of the solution structure of a paramagnetic metalloprotein: Reduced HiPIP I from Ectothiorhodospira halophila |
Q36821377 | A complete relaxation matrix refinement of the solution structure of a paramagnetic metalloprotein: reduced HiPIP I from Ectothiorhodospira halophila |
Q30381428 | A composite approach towards a complete model of the myosin rod |
Q30168943 | A comprehensive analysis of the Greek key motifs in protein beta-barrels and beta-sandwiches |
Q34721619 | A comprehensive examination of the contributions to the binding entropy of protein-ligand complexes |
Q34120063 | A comprehensive library of blocked dipeptides reveals intrinsic backbone conformational propensities of unfolded proteins |
Q51629866 | A computational analysis of the binding affinities of FKBP12 inhibitors using the MM-PB/SA method |
Q51276071 | A computational approach for studying antibody-antigen interactions without prior structural information: the anti-testosterone binding antibody as a case study |
Q82354600 | A computational investigation on the role of glycosylation in the binding of alpha1 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor with two alpha-neurotoxins |
Q46274599 | A computational method for selecting short peptide sequences for inorganic material binding. |
Q90556723 | A computational model for controlling conformational cooperativity and function in proteins |
Q28295072 | A computational model of the inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ATPase by a new drug candidate R207910 |
Q51960090 | A computational protocol to probe the role of solvation effects on the reduction potential of azurin mutants |
Q34372655 | A computational tool for identifying minimotifs in protein–protein interactions and improving the accuracy of minimotif predictions |
Q72589777 | A computer model of the interleukin-4/receptor complex |
Q30377365 | A computer model to dynamically simulate protein folding: studies with crambin. |
Q72367442 | A connected-cluster of hydration around myoglobin: correlation between molecular dynamics simulations and experiment |
Q30157950 | A consensus algorithm to screen genomes for novel families of transmembrane beta barrel proteins |
Q30193549 | A consensus prediction of the secondary structure for the 6-phospho-beta-D-galactosidase superfamily |
Q44515173 | A consensus-binding structure for adenine at the atomic level permits searching for the ligand site in a wide spectrum of adenine-containing complexes |
Q74308441 | A conserved helix-unfolding motif in the naturally unfolded proteins |
Q46022933 | A conserved hypothetical protein from Mycoplasma genitalium shows structural homology to nusb proteins. |
Q81686176 | A consistent set of statistical potentials for quantifying local side-chain and backbone interactions |
Q40978107 | A continuum theory for the prediction of lateral and rotational positioning of alpha-helices in membrane proteins: bacteriorhodopsin. |
Q51956381 | A correlation-based method for the enhancement of scoring functions on funnel-shaped energy landscapes |
Q27649633 | A covalent S-F heterodimer of leucotoxin reveals molecular plasticity of beta-barrel pore-forming toxins |
Q43900312 | A critical analysis of continuum electrostatics: the screened Coulomb potential--implicit solvent model and the study of the alanine dipeptide and discrimination of misfolded structures of proteins |
Q71267484 | A critical assessment of comparative molecular modeling of tertiary structures of proteins |
Q46415727 | A critical survey of average distances between catalytic carboxyl groups in glycoside hydrolases. |
Q90733842 | A crystal structure of the human protein kinase Mps1 reveals an ordered conformation of the activation loop |
Q30832957 | A data-driven approach to modeling the tripartite structure of multidrug resistance efflux pumps. |
Q56611946 | A database method for automated map interpretation in protein crystallography |
Q30322867 | A database method for automated map interpretation in protein crystallography. |
Q38561234 | A database of mutants and effects of site-directed mutagenesis experiments on G protein-coupled receptors |
Q91793567 | A deep dense inception network for protein beta-turn prediction |
Q27656745 | A designed chimeric cyanovirin-N homolog lectin: Structure and molecular basis of sucrose binding |
Q47307422 | A detailed comparison of current docking and scoring methods on systems of pharmaceutical relevance |
Q43460369 | A detailed representation of electrostatic energy in prediction of sequence and pH dependence of protein stability |
Q45198410 | A detailed unfolding pathway of a (beta/alpha)8-barrel protein as studied by molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q34468854 | A differential association of Apolipoprotein E isoforms with the amyloid-β oligomer in solution. |
Q45402219 | A discriminative approach for identifying domain-domain interactions from protein-protein interactions |
Q44419055 | A distance-dependent atomic knowledge-based potential and force for discrimination of native structures from decoys |
Q30328397 | A distance-dependent atomic knowledge-based potential for improved protein structure selection. |
Q112578723 | A distinct ssDNA/RNA binding interface in the Nsp9 protein from SARS-CoV-2 |
Q73083588 | A disulfide bridge near the active site of carbapenem-hydrolyzing class A beta-lactamases might explain their unusual substrate profile |
Q81349949 | A diverse view of protein dynamics from NMR studies of HIV-1 protease flaps |
Q42426826 | A divide‐and‐conquer approach to determine the Pareto frontier for optimization of protein engineering experiments |
Q41432614 | A domain of the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I has polymerase but no exonuclease activity. |
Q27655365 | A dramatic conformational rearrangement is necessary for the activation of DNR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Crystal structure of wild-type DNR |
Q46863948 | A dynamic N-capping motif in cytochrome b5: evidence for a pH-controlled conformational switch |
Q47925496 | A dynamic model for processive transcription elongation and backtracking long pauses by multisubunit RNA polymerases |
Q54336657 | A dynamic model of long-range conformational adaptations triggered by nucleotide binding in GroEL-GroES. |
Q36301863 | A family 13 thioesterase isolated from an activated sludge metagenome: Insights into aromatic compounds metabolism. |
Q42658621 | A family of proteins related to Spätzle, the toll receptor ligand, are encoded in the Drosophila genome. |
Q41675256 | A fast algorithm for genome-wide analysis of proteins with repeated sequences. |
Q52206936 | A fast and simple method to calculate protonation states in proteins |
Q86425594 | A fast approximate method of identifying paths of allosteric communication in proteins |
Q52080528 | A fast method to sample real protein conformational space |
Q51906613 | A filter enhanced sampling and combinatorial scoring study for protein docking in CAPRI. |
Q48376963 | A finite element framework for computation of protein normal modes and mechanical response |
Q46873034 | A folding inhibitor of the HIV-1 protease. |
Q46781117 | A fourth generation synchrotron at SLAC? |
Q91793624 | A free-energy landscape for the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor GLP1R |
Q92174538 | A further leap of improvement in tertiary structure prediction in CASP13 prompts new routes for future assessments |
Q74419054 | A fusion protein between serum amyloid A and staphylococcal nuclease—synthesis, purification, and structural studies |
Q40168256 | A general approach for developing system-specific functions to score protein-ligand docked complexes using support vector inductive logic programming. |
Q47596362 | A general clustering approach with application to the Miyazawa-Jernigan potentials for amino acids |
Q52901657 | A general method of domain closure is applied to phosphoglycerate kinase and the result compared with the crystal structure of a closed conformation of the enzyme |
Q46698321 | A generalized affine gap model significantly improves protein sequence alignment accuracy |
Q34188720 | A generalized approach to sampling backbone conformations with RosettaDock for CAPRI rounds 13-19 |
Q41381019 | A generalized knowledge-based discriminatory function for biomolecular interactions |
Q54252468 | A genetic and physical study of the interdomain linker of E. Coli AraC protein--a trans-subunit communication pathway |
Q54338499 | A genetic screen to identify variants of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor with altered folding energetics |
Q27674956 | A genetically encoded, high-signal-to-noise maltose sensor |
Q56558814 | A genomic perspective of protein kinases in Plasmodium falciparum |
Q52401572 | A geometrical constraint approach for reproducing the native backbone conformation of a protein |
Q30355895 | A global machine learning based scoring function for protein structure prediction. |
Q51633101 | A graph spectral analysis of the structural similarity network of protein chains |
Q39221322 | A guide to the effects of a large portion of the residues of triosephosphate isomerase on catalysis, stability, druggability, and human disease. |
Q30195945 | A helix-turn-strand structural motif common in α-β proteins |
Q46597277 | A hidden aggregation-prone structure in the heart of hypoxia inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase |
Q29615859 | A hierarchical approach to all-atom protein loop prediction |
Q52229481 | A hierarchical method for generating low-energy conformers of a protein-ligand complex |
Q84898779 | A hierarchical order within protein structures underlies large separations between strands in β‐sheets |
Q79184855 | A hinge of the endogeneous ATP synthase inhibitor protein: the link between inhibitory and anchoring domains |
Q51906611 | A holistic approach to protein docking |
Q53942033 | A homology model for the human theta-class glutathione transferase T1-1. |
Q72589787 | A homology model of human interferon alpha-2 |
Q37334362 | A hybrid NMR/SAXS-based approach for discriminating oligomeric protein interfaces using Rosetta |
Q43787251 | A hybrid sequence approach to the paracelsus challenge |
Q69444356 | A hydrophobic cluster forms early in the folding of dihydrofolate reductase |
Q90267408 | A hyperthermophilic protein G variant engineered via directed evolution prevents the formation of toxic SOD1 oligomers |
Q54567778 | A hypothetical complex between crystalline flavocytochrome b2 and cytochrome c. |
Q77751659 | A kinetic model for the internal motions of proteins: diffusion between multiple harmonic wells |
Q50899108 | A knowledge-based forcefield for protein-protein interface design |
Q51927664 | A knowledge-based move set for protein folding |
Q52026759 | A knowledge-based scale for amino acid membrane propensity |
Q30362842 | A large data set comparison of protein structures determined by crystallography and NMR: statistical test for structural differences and the effect of crystal packing. |
Q30424383 | A large-scale experiment to assess protein structure prediction methods. |
Q44544340 | A left-handed alpha-helix containing both L- and D-amino acids: the solution structure of the antimicrobial lipodepsipeptide tolaasin |
Q35963380 | A less-biased analysis of metalloproteins reveals novel zinc coordination geometries |
Q71763575 | A lipoamide dehydrogenase from Neisseria meningitidis has a lipoyl domain |
Q39115927 | A machine learning approach for ranking clusters of docked protein-protein complexes by pairwise cluster comparison |
Q42143961 | A machine learning approach for the prediction of protein surface loop flexibility |
Q45789918 | A mathematically related singularity and the maximum size of protein domains. |
Q30795000 | A measure of progress in fold recognition? |
Q42699474 | A mechanism by which binding of the broadly neutralizing antibody b12 unfolds the inner domain α1 helix in an engineered HIV-1 gp120. |
Q27658901 | A metal-mediated hydride shift mechanism for xylose isomerase based on the 1.6 A Streptomyces rubiginosus structures with xylitol and D-xylose |
Q52380142 | A method for alpha-helical integral membrane protein fold prediction |
Q71774368 | A method for detecting hydrophobic patches on protein surfaces |
Q30334411 | A method for determining the positions of polar hydrogens added to a protein structure that maximizes protein hydrogen bonding |
Q47604846 | A method for localizing ligand binding pockets in protein structures |
Q58882294 | A method for partitioning the information contained in a protein sequence between its structure and function |
Q33978603 | A method for simultaneous alignment of multiple protein structures |
Q46167114 | A method for the analysis of domain movements in large biomolecular complexes |
Q46754427 | A method for the improvement of threading-based protein models |
Q46425803 | A method for the prediction of surface "U"-turns and transglobular connections in small proteins |
Q52387751 | A method to recognize distant repeats in protein sequences |
Q41463219 | A method using active-site sequence conservation to find functional shifts in protein families: application to the enzymes of central metabolism, leading to the identification of an anomalous isocitrate dehydrogenase in pathogens |
Q30400559 | A miniaturized technique for assessing protein thermodynamics and function using fast determination of quantitative cysteine reactivity |
Q31107925 | A minimalist approach to fragment-based ligand design using common rings and linkers: application to kinase inhibitors |
Q35093751 | A missense mutation in CLIC2 associated with intellectual disability is predicted by in silico modeling to affect protein stability and dynamics |
Q51559851 | A mixed molecular modeling‐robotics approach to investigate lipase large molecular motions |
Q42625265 | A model for human cardiac troponin C and for modulation of its Ca2+ affinity by drugs |
Q72321038 | A model for the LexA repressor DNA complex |
Q80809756 | A model for the assembly of nicotinic receptors based on subunit-subunit interactions |
Q42999033 | A model for the hepatitis C virus envelope glycoprotein E2. |
Q30157232 | A model for the interaction between NF-kappa-B and ASPP2 suggests an I-kappa-B-like binding mechanism |
Q52246770 | A model for the nucleotide-binding domains of ABC transporters based on the large domain of aspartate aminotransferase |
Q52538859 | A model for the structure of a homodimeric prohormone: the precursor to the locust neuropeptide AKH I. |
Q27737034 | A model of insulin fibrils derived from the x-ray crystal structure of a monomeric insulin (despentapeptide insulin) |
Q30355469 | A model of local-minima distribution on conformational space and its application to protein structure prediction. |
Q31108068 | A model of restriction endonuclease MvaI in complex with DNA: a template for interpretation of experimental data and a guide for specificity engineering |
Q72303904 | A model of the complex between interleukin-4 and its receptors |
Q42626699 | A model of the complex between the PfEMP1 malaria protein and the human ICAM-1 receptor |
Q38325515 | A model of the platelet factor 4 complex with heparin |
Q80752697 | A model study of protein nascent chain and cotranslational folding using hydrophobic-polar residues |
Q56994722 | A model-based proposal for the role of UreF as a GTPase-activating protein in the urease active site biosynthesis |
Q30312625 | A modified definition of Sov, a segment-based measure for protein secondary structure prediction assessment. |
Q69761715 | A molecular dynamics analysis of protein structural elements |
Q30421076 | A molecular dynamics approach for the generation of complete protein structures from limited coordinate data. |
Q45361266 | A molecular dynamics approach to study the importance of solvent in protein interactions |
Q36885859 | A molecular dynamics simulation study of segment B1 of protein G |
Q80595817 | A molecular dynamics study comparing a wild-type with a multiple drug resistant HIV protease: differences in flap and aspartate 25 cavity dimensions |
Q47925571 | A molecular dynamics study of C1r and C1s dimers: implications for the structure of the C1 complex. |
Q54655137 | A molecular dynamics study of solvent behavior around a protein. |
Q51300908 | A molecular dynamics study of the binary complexes of APP, JIP1, and the cargo binding domain of KLC. |
Q34013248 | A molecular dynamics study of the early stages of amyloid-beta(1-42) oligomerization: the role of lipid membranes |
Q45161839 | A molecular dynamics study of the structural stability of HIV-1 protease under physiological conditions: the role of Na+ ions in stabilizing the active site |
Q30577364 | A molten globule intermediate of the von Willebrand factor A1 domain firmly tethers platelets under shear flow |
Q53021773 | A monoclonal antibody fab fragment crystallized with and without a peptide epitope from HIV |
Q27679324 | A multi-faceted analysis of RutD reveals a novel family of α/β hydrolases |
Q51434391 | A multi-resolution model to capture both global fluctuations of an enzyme and molecular recognition in the ligand-binding site |
Q81424625 | A multibody, whole-residue potential for protein structures, with testing by Monte Carlo simulated annealing |
Q36871044 | A multicopy modeling of the water distribution in macromolecular crystals |
Q30408135 | A multilayer evaluation approach for protein structure prediction and model quality assessment |
Q44677796 | A multiple-start Monte Carlo docking method. |
Q34975436 | A multiple‐template approach to protein threading |
Q51072404 | A multiscale approach to predicting affinity changes in protein-protein interfaces. |
Q40849232 | A multiscale approach to simulating the conformational properties of unbound multi-C₂H₂ zinc finger proteins |
Q51082035 | A multiscale model for simulating binding kinetics of proteins with flexible linkers |
Q68754537 | A mutant T4 lysozyme (Val 131----Ala) designed to increase thermostability by the reduction of strain within an alpha-helix |
Q28743851 | A natural and readily available crowding agent: NMR studies of proteins in hen egg white |
Q44035979 | A network of dynamically conserved residues deciphers the motions of maltose transporter |
Q40606078 | A neural network approach to evaluate fold recognition results. |
Q52221395 | A new Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm for protein potential function test and structure refinement |
Q54341267 | A new and unexpected domain-domain interaction in the AraC protein |
Q30333117 | A new bioinformatic approach to detect common 3D sites in protein structures. |
Q60761703 | A new catalog of protein β-sheets |
Q27625016 | A new fold in the scorpion toxin family, associated with an activity on a ryanodine-sensitive calcium channel |
Q51627514 | A new implicit solvent model for protein-ligand docking. |
Q51980532 | A new method for identification of protein (sub)families in a set of proteins based on hydropathy distribution in proteins |
Q30426895 | A new method for modeling large-scale rearrangements of protein domains |
Q52235994 | A new method for predicting binding free energy between receptor and ligand |
Q98306758 | A new method for protein characterization and classification using geometrical features for 3D face analysis: an example of tubulin structures |
Q30328399 | A new method to model membrane protein structure based on silent amino acid substitutions. |
Q28647324 | A new model for howO6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase binds DNA |
Q51727987 | A new pairwise folding potential based on improved decoy generation and side-chain packing |
Q47304975 | A new parameter-rich structure-aware mechanistic model for amino acid substitution during evolution. |
Q47596335 | A new perspective on analysis of helix-helix packing preferences in globular proteins |
Q33412232 | A new prediction strategy for long local protein structures using an original description |
Q72303898 | A new protein folding recognition potential function |
Q27666111 | A new regulatory switch in a JAK protein kinase |
Q34417845 | A new relaxed state in horse methemoglobin characterized by crystallographic studies |
Q48055560 | A new residue-nucleotide propensity potential with structural information considered for discriminating protein-RNA docking decoys |
Q30415727 | A new size-independent score for pairwise protein structure alignment and its application to structure classification and nucleic-acid binding prediction |
Q37676135 | A new structure-based classification of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductases. |
Q47949421 | A new subfamily of short bacterial adenylate kinases with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis enzyme as a model: A predictive and experimental study |
Q57978665 | A new subfamily of short bacterial adenylate kinases with theMycobacteriumtuberculosis enzyme as a model: A predictive and experimental study |
Q30332170 | A new test set for validating predictions of protein-ligand interaction. |
Q34545038 | A non-redundant protein-RNA docking benchmark version 2.0. |
Q58482613 | A novel TctA citrate transporter from an activated sludge metagenome: Structural and mechanistic predictions for the TTT family |
Q33612052 | A novel and efficient tool for locating and characterizing protein cavities and binding sites |
Q42697595 | A novel approach to local similarity of protein binding sites substantially improves computational drug design results |
Q44784440 | A novel approach to predict active sites of enzyme molecules |
Q34296247 | A novel approach to predicting protein structural classes in a (20-1)-D amino acid composition space |
Q30382361 | A novel approach to segregate and identify functional loop regions in protein structures using their Ramachandran maps. |
Q47614703 | A novel approach to the recognition of protein architecture from sequence using Fourier analysis and neural networks |
Q90439071 | A novel bacterial l-arginine sensor controlling c-di-GMP levels in Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Q35835565 | A novel binding pocket of cyclin-dependent kinase 2. |
Q30422991 | A novel computer modeling approach to the structures of small bioactive peptides: the structure of gonadotropin releasing hormone |
Q79252715 | A novel cross-linked RNase A dimer with enhanced enzymatic properties |
Q30326387 | A novel energy-based stochastic method for positioning polar protons in protein structures from X-rays. |
Q52078677 | A novel exhaustive search algorithm for predicting the conformation of polypeptide segments in proteins |
Q52036911 | A novel fold recognition method using composite predicted secondary structures |
Q51131839 | A novel high resolution Calpha--Calpha distance dependent force field based on a high quality decoy set. |
Q51644243 | A novel measure characterized by a polar energy surface approximation for recognition and classification of transmembrane protein structures |
Q30376830 | A novel method for predicting and using distance constraints of high accuracy for refining protein structure prediction. |
Q45966836 | A novel method for protein secondary structure prediction using dual-layer SVM and profiles. |
Q30408036 | A novel method for protein–protein interaction site prediction using phylogenetic substitution models |
Q68704266 | A novel method for selective isolation of C-terminal peptides from tryptic digests of proteins by immobilized anhydrotrypsin: application to structural analyses of the tail sheath and tube proteins from bacteriophage T4 |
Q47867148 | A novel method of resistance for influenza against a channel-blocking antiviral drug |
Q43435701 | A novel method to map and compare protein-protein interactions in spherical viral capsids. |
Q27649771 | A novel mode of dimerization via formation of a glutamate anhydride crosslink in a protein crystal structure |
Q39113228 | A novel parameterization scheme for energy equations and its use to calculate the structure of protein molecules |
Q52018270 | A novel shape complementarity scoring function for protein‐protein docking |
Q30350110 | A novel strategy for the identification of toxinlike structures in spider venom. |
Q54766229 | A novel twist on molecular interactions between thioredoxin and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-dependent thioredoxin reductase. |
Q42607423 | A novel “open‐form” structure of sortaseC from Streptococcus suis |
Q30359373 | A pair-to-pair amino acids substitution matrix and its applications for protein structure prediction. |
Q51570605 | A parameterized, continuum electrostatic model for predicting protein pKa values |
Q71460525 | A partial model of the erythropoietin receptor complex |
Q30332485 | A path from primary protein sequence to ligand recognition. |
Q36836481 | A peptide isolated by phage display binds to ICAM-1 and inhibits binding to LFA-1. |
Q60167433 | A perturbative view of protein structural variation |
Q30336353 | A pharmacophore docking algorithm and its application to the cross-docking of 18 HIV-NNRTI's in their binding pockets. |
Q38515004 | A pharmacophore-based evolutionary approach for screening selective estrogen receptor modulators |
Q46814775 | A phospho-sugar binding domain homologous to NagB enzymes regulates the activity of the central glycolytic genes repressor. |
Q42676203 | A phosphoinositide-binding sequence is shared by PH domain target molecules—a model for the binding of PH domains to proteins |
Q47430872 | A physical reference state unifies the structure-derived potential of mean force for protein folding and binding. |
Q45028375 | A portable allosteric mechanism |
Q80678260 | A potential molecular switch in an alpha-helical coiled coil |
Q54563306 | A potential processing enzyme in prokaryotes: Oligopeptidase B, a new type of serine peptidase |
Q22061753 | A practical overview of protein disorder prediction methods |
Q46414948 | A predicted consensus structure for the C terminus of the beta and gamma chains of fibrinogen |
Q45168044 | A predicted consensus structure for the N-terminal fragment of the heat shock protein HSP90 family |
Q40978117 | A predicted consensus structure for the protein kinase C2 homology (C2H) domain, the repeating unit of synaptotagmin |
Q72416535 | A prediction of the secondary structure of the pleckstrin homology domain |
Q52256494 | A predictive method for the evaluation of peptide binding in pocket 1 of HLA-DRB1 via global minimization of energy interactions |
Q77894298 | A preliminary CD and NMR study of the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III theta subunit |
Q42010167 | A probabilistic model for secondary structure prediction from protein chemical shifts |
Q57835079 | A probabilistic network model for structural transitions in biomolecules |
Q73326576 | A probable conformational difference between recombinant and urinary erythropoietins |
Q51800514 | A proposed interaction mechanism between elastin-derived peptides and the elastin/laminin receptor-binding domain. |
Q40774265 | A proposed model for the PEX5-peroxisomal targeting signal-1 recognition complex |
Q31710469 | A protein dissection study demonstrates that two specific hydrophobic clusters play a key role in stabilizing the core structure of the molten globule state of human alpha-lactalbumin |
Q27694677 | A protein structural motif that bends DNA |
Q34266948 | A protein-RNA docking benchmark (I): nonredundant cases. |
Q30415187 | A protein-RNA docking benchmark (II): extended set from experimental and homology modeling data |
Q52015253 | A protein-protein docking benchmark |
Q57897339 | A protein-specifically adapted scoring function for the reranking of docking solutions |
Q43033364 | A quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics study of the reaction mechanism of the hepatitis C virus NS3 protease with the NS5A/5B substrate |
Q30312627 | A rapid method for exploring the protein structure universe |
Q52206931 | A rapid method for positioning small flexible molecules, nucleic acids, and large protein fragments in experimental electron density maps |
Q56612167 | A rapid method for positioning small flexible molecules, nucleic acids, and large protein fragments in experimental electron density maps |
Q48103913 | A rare polyglycine type II-like helix motif in naturally occurring proteins. |
Q51799133 | A recombinant allosteric lectin antagonist of HIV-1 envelope gp120 interactions |
Q52007583 | A reduced protein model with accurate native-structure identification ability |
Q30421604 | A reduced representation of proteins for use in restraint satisfaction calculations |
Q40709394 | A refined accuracy index to evaluate algorithms of protein secondary structure prediction |
Q30010173 | A residue in helical conformation in the native state adopts a β-strand conformation in the folding transition state despite its high and canonical Φ-value |
Q57444427 | A retrospective analysis of CASP2 threading predictions |
Q74252593 | A retrospective analysis of CASP2 threading predictions |
Q42437093 | A robust approach for analyzing a heterogeneous structural ensemble |
Q30343009 | A robust method to detect structural and functional remote homologues. |
Q98897096 | A rod conformation of the Pyrococcus furiosus Rad50 coiled coil |
Q33763419 | A role for indels in the evolution of Cro protein folds |
Q27642418 | A second binding site revealed by C-terminal truncation of calpain small subunit, a penta-EF-hand protein |
Q31026460 | A self-stabilized model of the chymotrypsin catalytic pocket. The energy profile of the overall catalytic cycle |
Q47715192 | A set of homology models of pore loop domain of six eukaryotic voltage-gated potassium channels Kv1.1-Kv1.6. |
Q47625341 | A set of van der Waals and coulombic radii of protein atoms for molecular and solvent-accessible surface calculation, packing evaluation, and docking |
Q96339074 | A shift of dynamic equilibrium between the KIT active and inactive states causes drug resistance |
Q51897351 | A simple and fuzzy method to align and compare druggable ligand-binding sites |
Q44917503 | A simple clustering algorithm can be accurate enough for use in calculations of pKs in macromolecules |
Q41837828 | A simple contact mapping algorithm for identifying potential peptide mimetics in protein-protein interaction partners |
Q30353679 | A simple measure of native-state topology and chain connectivity predicts the folding rates of two-state proteins with and without crosslinks. |
Q33367761 | A simple model of chaperonin-mediated protein folding |
Q30427943 | A simple probabilistic model of multibody interactions in proteins |
Q43141142 | A simple reference state makes a significant improvement in near-native selections from structurally refined docking decoys |
Q58658653 | A simple simulation model can reproduce the thermodynamic folding intermediate of apoflavodoxin |
Q30342101 | A simple topological representation of protein structure: implications for new, fast, and robust structural classification. |
Q52276333 | A simple two-dimensional representation for the common secondary structural elements of polypeptides and proteins |
Q51917205 | A simple way to compute protein dynamics without a mechanical model. |
Q52380143 | A simplified amino acid potential for use in structure predictions of proteins. |
Q90388466 | A single amino acid substitution alters ClpS2 binding specificity |
Q43021401 | A single proline substitution is critical for the thermostabilization of Clostridium beijerinckii alcohol dehydrogenase. |
Q41809947 | A single tryptic fragment of colicin E1 can form an ion channel: Stoichiometry confirms kinetics |
Q52015262 | A soft docking algorithm for predicting the structure of antibody-antigen complexes |
Q52370464 | A special-purpose computer for molecular dynamics: GRAPE-2A. |
Q80518836 | A statistical approach to the prediction of pK(a) values in proteins |
Q31041065 | A statistical framework to discover true associations from multiprotein complex pull-down proteomics data sets |
Q47596105 | A statistical rescoring scheme for protein-ligand docking: Consideration of entropic effect. |
Q45771614 | A strategy for theoretical binding constant, Ki, calculations for neuraminidase aromatic inhibitors designed on the basis of the active site structure of influenza virus neuraminidase. |
Q93056692 | A strong correlation between consensus sequences and unique super secondary structures in leucine rich repeats |
Q33213914 | A structural alphabet for local protein structures: improved prediction methods |
Q38344133 | A structural and dynamic model for the interaction of interleukin-8 and glycosaminoglycans: support from isothermal fluorescence titrations |
Q57954836 | A structural and functional dissection of the cardiac stress response factor MS1 |
Q44770740 | A structural and thermodynamic escape mechanism from a drug resistant mutation of the HIV-1 protease |
Q52425625 | A structural assessment of the apo[a] protein of human lipoprotein[a] |
Q30392692 | A structural dissection of amino acid substitutions in helical transmembrane proteins |
Q41097598 | A structural model for human dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase |
Q30326075 | A structural model for the rolA protein and its interaction with DNA. |
Q30341941 | A structural pattern-based method for protein fold recognition. |
Q57209034 | A study on protein sequence alignment quality |
Q58796899 | A substitution matrix for structural alphabet based on structural alignment of homologous proteins and its applications |
Q62033064 | A superposition free method for protein conformational ensemble analyses and local clustering based on a differential geometry representation of backbone |
Q27730416 | A surface mutant (G82R) of a human alpha-glutathione S-transferase shows decreased thermal stability and a new mode of molecular association in the crystal |
Q84922862 | A survey of hemoglobin quaternary structures |
Q34249498 | A synthetic hexapeptide designed to resemble a proteinaceous P-loop nest is shown to bind inorganic phosphate. |
Q38739861 | A systematic analysis of scoring functions in rigid-body protein docking: The delicate balance between the predictive rate improvement and the risk of overtraining |
Q44273664 | A systematic search for protein signature sequences |
Q46330754 | A tale of two tails: The importance of unstructured termini in the aggregation pathway of β2-microglobulin. |
Q35784416 | A temperature-dependent conformational change of NADH oxidase from Thermus thermophilus HB8. |
Q44515176 | A template search reveals mechanistic similarities and differences in beta-ketoacyl synthases (KAS) and related enzymes |
Q34007562 | A template-finding algorithm and a comprehensive benchmark for homology modeling of proteins |
Q30319813 | A tetrapeptide fragment-based design method results in highly stable artificial proteins |
Q53780001 | A tetrapeptide-based method for polyproline II-type secondary structure prediction |
Q42646908 | A theoretical DFT investigation of the lysozyme mechanism: computational evidence for a covalent intermediate pathway |
Q71460506 | A theoretical study of torsional flexibility in the active site of aspartic proteinases: implications for catalysis |
Q30358633 | A topologically related singularity suggests a maximum preferred size for protein domains. |
Q30352330 | A topology-constrained distance network algorithm for protein structure determination from NOESY data. |
Q46354140 | A tribute to Anna Tramontano (1957-2017). |
Q53632809 | A two-entropies analysis to identify functional positions in the transmembrane region of class A G protein-coupled receptors |
Q30157444 | A unified hydrophobicity scale for multispan membrane proteins |
Q30953683 | A unified representation of multiprotein complex data for modeling interaction networks |
Q57972079 | A unifold, mesofold, and superfold model of protein fold use |
Q81319562 | A unique and differential effect of denaturants on cofactor mediated activation of Plasmodium falciparum beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase |
Q27649477 | A unique catalytic triad revealed by the crystal structure of APE0912, a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family protein from Aeropyrum pernix K1 |
Q34104980 | A universal combinatorial design of antibody framework to graft distinct CDR sequences: A bioinformatics approach |
Q47431327 | A universal pathway for amyloid nucleus and precursor formation for insulin |
Q52395596 | A vector projection approach to predicting HIV protease cleavage sites in proteins |
Q72303895 | A vector projection method for predicting the specificity of GalNAc-transferase |
Q69026449 | A very short peptide makes a voltage-dependent ion channel: the critical length of the channel domain of colicin E1 |
Q29618211 | A workbench for multiple alignment construction and analysis |
Q48956120 | A2T and A2V Aβ peptides exhibit different aggregation kinetics, primary nucleation, morphology, structure, and LTP inhibition |
Q30351183 | ABACUS, a direct method for protein NMR structure computation via assembly of fragments. |
Q36745505 | ACA-specific RNA sequence recognition is acquired via the loop 2 region of MazF mRNA interferase. |
Q68837141 | ALMA, an editor for large sequence alignments |
Q46980211 | ARTIST: an activated method in internal coordinate space for sampling protein energy landscapes |
Q45127040 | ATCUN-like metal-binding motifs in proteins: identification and characterization by crystal structure and sequence analysis |
Q47985100 | ATLAS: A database linking binding affinities with structures for wild-type and mutant TCR-pMHC complexes. |
Q43286521 | ATP conformations and ion binding modes in the active site of anthrax edema factor: a computational analysis. |
Q41727106 | ATP-activated oligomerization as a mechanism for apoptosis regulation: fold and mechanism prediction for CED-4. |
Q36464322 | ATP-binding to P-type ATPases as revealed by biochemical, spectroscopic, and crystallographic experiments |
Q45139113 | ATP-induced structural change of dephosphocoenzyme A kinase from Thermus thermophilus HB8. |
Q51421505 | ATTRACT: protein-protein docking in CAPRI using a reduced protein model |
Q27652363 | AU-rich RNA-binding induces changes in the quaternary structure of AUH |
Q57838260 | Ab initio calculations on hidden modulators of theta class glutathione transferase activity |
Q39215060 | Ab initio computational modeling of loops in G-protein-coupled receptors: lessons from the crystal structure of rhodopsin |
Q44321996 | Ab initio construction of polypeptide fragments: Accuracy of loop decoy discrimination by an all-atom statistical potential and the AMBER force field with the Generalized Born solvation model |
Q52022174 | Ab initio construction of polypeptide fragments: efficient generation of accurate, representative ensembles |
Q50996693 | Ab initio folding of extended α-helix: a theoretical study about the role of electrostatic polarization in the folding of helical structures |
Q41696970 | Ab initio folding of proteins using restraints derived from evolutionary information |
Q71543075 | Ab initio models for receptor-ligand interactions in proteins. 4. Model assembly study of the catalytic mechanism of triosephosphate isomerase |
Q27673666 | Ab initio phasing of a nucleoside hydrolase-related hypothetical protein from Saccharophagus degradans that is associated with carbohydrate metabolism |
Q46862322 | Ab initio prediction of peptide-MHC binding geometry for diverse class I MHC allotypes |
Q30330293 | Ab initio prediction of protein structure using LINUS. |
Q33210184 | Ab initio prediction of the three-dimensional structure of a de novo designed protein: a double-blind case study |
Q86983476 | Ab initio protein folding simulations using atomic burials as informational intermediates between sequence and structure |
Q52280917 | Ab initio protein folding simulations with genetic algorithms: Simulations on the complete sequence of small proteins |
Q28261756 | Ab initio protein structure assembly using continuous structure fragments and optimized knowledge‐based force field |
Q28145980 | Ab initio protein structure prediction of CASP III targets using ROSETTA |
Q30323186 | Ab initio protein structure prediction using a combined hierarchical approach. |
Q30328051 | Ab initio protein structure prediction using physicochemical potentials and a simplified off-lattice model. |
Q30329572 | Ab initio protein structure prediction via a combination of threading, lattice folding, clustering, and structure refinement. |
Q52324541 | Ab initio structure prediction for small polypeptides and protein fragments using genetic algorithms |
Q85744307 | Ab initio structure prediction of the antibody hypervariable H3 loop |
Q41451876 | AbDesign: An algorithm for combinatorial backbone design guided by natural conformations and sequences. |
Q33559036 | Aberrant coordination geometries discovered in the most abundant metalloproteins |
Q45028389 | Absence of kinetic thermal stabilization in a hyperthermophile rubredoxin indicated by 40 microsecond folding in the presence of irreversible denaturation |
Q46798591 | Absolute and relative binding free energy calculations of the interaction of biotin and its analogs with streptavidin using molecular dynamics/free energy perturbation approaches |
Q30386091 | Absolute binding free energy calculations: on the accuracy of computational scoring of protein-ligand interactions |
Q30400320 | Absolute quality evaluation of protein model structures using statistical potentials with respect to the native and reference states. |
Q84511287 | Abundance and functional roles of intrinsic disorder in allergenic proteins and allergen representative peptides |
Q48194197 | Accelerated molecular dynamics simulations of the octopamine receptor using GPUs: discovery of an alternate agonist-binding position. |
Q78136382 | Accessibility and order of water sites in and around proteins: A crystallographic time-averaging study |
Q44632578 | Accessibility of oxygen with respect to the heme pocket in horseradish peroxidase. |
Q57642963 | Accessibility of tobacco lipid transfer protein cavity revealed by 15N NMR relaxation studies and molecular dynamics simulations |
Q53954493 | Accessibility to internal cavities and ligand binding sites monitored by protein crystallographic thermal factors |
Q71313776 | Accessing the Kabat antibody sequence database by computer |
Q90623611 | Accessory mutations balance the marginal stability of the HIV-1 protease in drug resistance |
Q43973743 | Accommodation of single amino acid insertions by the native state of staphylococcal nuclease |
Q51629030 | Accounting for conformational entropy in predicting binding free energies of protein-protein interactions |
Q33274715 | Accounting for ligand-bound metal ions in docking small molecules on adenylyl cyclase toxins |
Q51300167 | Accounting for loop flexibility during protein-protein docking |
Q30428156 | Accuracy and precision of NMR relaxation experiments and MD simulations for characterizing protein dynamics |
Q40950814 | Accuracy and reliability of the scaling-relaxation method for loop closure: an evaluation based on extensive and multiple copy conformational samplings |
Q36554207 | Accuracy issues involved in modeling in vivo protein structures using PM7. |
Q59536347 | Accuracy of binding mode prediction with a cascadic stochastic tunneling method |
Q58533574 | Accuracy of protein flexibility predictions |
Q30353159 | Accuracy of sequence alignment and fold assessment using reduced amino acid alphabets. |
Q30431722 | Accuracy of side-chain prediction upon near-native protein backbones generated by Ab initio folding methods |
Q47715101 | Accurate and efficient description of protein vibrational dynamics: comparing molecular dynamics and Gaussian models |
Q30377100 | Accurate contact predictions using covariation techniques and machine learning. |
Q45805551 | Accurate domain identification with structure-anchored hidden Markov models, saHMMs |
Q71763589 | Accurate general method for lattice approximation of three-dimensional structure of a chain molecule |
Q47191490 | Accurate geometries for "mountain pass" regions of the Ramachandran plot using quantum chemical calculations. |
Q30373257 | Accurate prediction for atomic-level protein design and its application in diversifying the near-optimal sequence space. |
Q45959496 | Accurate prediction of hot spot residues through physicochemical characteristics of amino acid sequences. |
Q51127920 | Accurate prediction of interfacial residues in two-domain proteins using evolutionary information: implications for three-dimensional modeling |
Q51699017 | Accurate prediction of protein folding rates from sequence and sequence-derived residue flexibility and solvent accessibility |
Q30342423 | Accurate prediction of solvent accessibility using neural networks-based regression. |
Q41755871 | Accurate reconstruction of all-atom protein representations from side-chain-based low-resolution models |
Q30366585 | Accurate single-sequence prediction of solvent accessible surface area using local and global features |
Q48022610 | Accurate template-based modeling in CASP12 using the IntFOLD4-TS, ModFOLD6, and ReFOLD methods |
Q73083577 | Acetyl-CoA enolization in citrate synthase: a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) study |
Q34592447 | Achieving 80% ten-fold cross-validated accuracy for secondary structure prediction by large-scale training. |
Q34522304 | Achieving reliability and high accuracy in automated protein docking: ClusPro, PIPER, SDU, and stability analysis in CAPRI rounds 13-19 |
Q52243379 | Acid helix-turn activator motif |
Q69444361 | Acid-induced dimerization of skeletal troponin C |
Q53575719 | Acid-induced loss of functional properties of bacterial cell division protein FtsZ: evidence for an alternative conformation at acidic pH. |
Q30364207 | Acidic groups docked to well defined wetted pockets at the core of the binding interface: a tale of scoring and missing protein interactions in CAPRI. |
Q51896285 | Acidic range titration of HEWL using a constant-pH molecular dynamics method |
Q40163889 | Activation loop phosphorylation-independent kinase activity of human protein kinase C zeta |
Q41652285 | Activation of blood coagulation factor VIIa with cleaved tissue factor extracellular domain and crystallization of the active complex |
Q69826675 | Activation of retinal rod cyclic GMP-phosphodiesterase by transducin: characterization of the complex formed by phosphodiesterase inhibitor and transducin alpha-subunit |
Q27657593 | Active and inactive state structures of unliganded Lactobacillus casei allosteric L-lactate dehydrogenase |
Q44026702 | Active site conformation in myoglobin as determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy |
Q42613455 | Active site dynamics of acyl-chymotrypsin |
Q54069115 | Activity of crystalline turkey egg white lysozyme |
Q30328049 | Adaptations of the helix-grip fold for ligand binding and catalysis in the START domain superfamily. |
Q50951079 | Adaptive Smith-Waterman residue match seeding for protein structural alignment |
Q74177440 | Addendum to crystal structure of recombinant trypsin-solubilized fragment of cytochrome b(5) and the structural comparison with Val61His mutant |
Q39062782 | Addressing recent docking challenges: A hybrid strategy to integrate template-based and free protein-protein docking. |
Q30350426 | Addressing the intrinsic disorder bottleneck in structural proteomics. |
Q30323173 | Addressing the issue of sequence-to-structure alignments in comparative modeling of CASP3 target proteins. |
Q30328398 | Adenine recognition: a motif present in ATP-, CoA-, NAD-, NADP-, and FAD-dependent proteins. |
Q73594394 | Adipyl crosslinked bovine hemoglobins as new models of allosteric systems |
Q44960719 | Adjacent cysteines are capable of ligating the same tetranuclear iron-sulfur cluster |
Q46212567 | Adjusting potential energy functions for lattice models of chain molecules |
Q28141081 | Adrenodoxin: structure, stability, and electron transfer properties |
Q46917279 | Adsorption and folding dynamics of MPER of HIV-1 gp41 in the presence of DPC micelle. |
Q30402449 | Advances in molecular engineering of carbohydrate-binding modules. |
Q54617905 | Affinities of phosphorylated substrates for the E. coli tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit: roles of Ser-235 and helix-8' dipole. |
Q70388089 | Affinity of nonhomologous amphiphilic peptides toward a monoclonal antibody raised against apolipoprotein A-I |
Q40664616 | Age-related cleavages of crystallins in human lens cortical fiber cells generate a plethora of endogenous peptides and high molecular weight complexes. |
Q91245002 | AggScore: Prediction of aggregation-prone regions in proteins based on the distribution of surface patches |
Q54356548 | Aggregating the amyloid Abeta(11-25) peptide into a four-stranded beta-sheet structure |
Q59673231 | Aggregation of small peptides studied by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q31170430 | Aggregation prone regions in human proteome: Insights from large-scale data analyses |
Q34543978 | Alanine and proline content modulate global sensitivity to discrete perturbations in disordered proteins |
Q73062328 | Aldose and aldehyde reductases: correlation of molecular modeling and mass spectrometric studies on the binding of inhibitors to the active site |
Q44403946 | Algorithms for computational solvent mapping of proteins |
Q50563601 | Aligning, analyzing, and visualizing sequences for antibody engineering: Automated recognition of immunoglobulin variable region features |
Q77538024 | Alignments grow, secondary structure prediction improves |
Q48440493 | Alkaline phosphatase-somatostatin hybrid proteins as probes for somatostatin-14 receptors |
Q39276813 | All-atom and coarse-grained simulations of the forced unfolding pathways of the SNARE complex. |
Q83003785 | All-atom chain-building by optimizing MODELLER energy function using conformational space annealing |
Q78434116 | All-atom fast protein folding simulations: the villin headpiece |
Q30343744 | All-atom folding of the three-helix HIV accessory protein with an adaptive parallel tempering method. |
Q90564442 | All-atom molecular dynamics simulations reveal how kinesin transits from one-head-bound to two-heads-bound state |
Q46718310 | All-atom replica exchange molecular simulation of protein BBL. |
Q91895799 | All-atom structure ensembles of islet amyloid polypeptides determined by enhanced sampling and experiment data restraints |
Q44165223 | Allosteric effects of chloride ions at the intradimeric alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta2 interfaces of human hemoglobin |
Q34032620 | Allosteric effects of the antipsychotic drug trifluoperazine on the energetics of calcium binding by calmodulin |
Q43629661 | Allosteric free energy changes at the alpha 1 beta 2 interface of human hemoglobin probed by proton exchange of Trp beta 37. |
Q45346177 | Allosteric regulation of PKCθ: understanding multistep phosphorylation and priming by ligands in AGC kinases |
Q46786473 | Allosteric sites can be identified based on the residue-residue interaction energy difference |
Q50887279 | Allosteric transitions of ATP-binding cassette transporter MsbA studied by the adaptive anisotropic network model. |
Q30380931 | Allostery and conformational free energy changes in human tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase from essential dynamics and structure networks. |
Q53123409 | All‐atom structural models of insulin binding to the insulin receptor in the presence of a tandem hormone‐binding element |
Q72335558 | Alpha helix capping in synthetic model peptides by reciprocal side chain-main chain interactions: evidence for an N terminal "capping box" |
Q47921655 | Alpha helix shortening in 1522 MSP-1 conserved peptide analogs is associated with immunogenicity and protection against P. falciparum malaria |
Q30351250 | Alpha-alpha linking motifs and interhelical orientations. |
Q31813824 | Alpha-amylase inhibitors selected from a combinatorial library of a cellulose binding domain scaffold |
Q37918087 | Alpha-helical coiled coils and bundles: how to design an alpha-helical protein |
Q83932055 | Alpha-helix stabilization by alanine relative to glycine: roles of polar and apolar solvent exposures and of backbone entropy |
Q72200807 | Alpha-helix-forming propensities in peptides and proteins |
Q47992535 | Alpha/beta-hydrolases: A unique structural motif coordinates catalytic acid residue in 40 protein fold families |
Q107864575 | AlphaFold2 predicts the inward‐facing conformation of the multidrug transporter LmrP |
Q81603069 | Alteration of protein subcellular location and domain formation by alternative translational initiation |
Q48312992 | Altered dynamics upon oligomerization corresponds to key functional sites. |
Q35803157 | Altered nuclear cofactor switching in retinoic‐resistant variants of the PML‐RARα oncoprotein of acute promyelocytic leukemia |
Q33302442 | Altering the laccase functionality by in vivo assembly of mutant libraries with different mutational spectra |
Q46456745 | Alternate succession of steps can lead to the folding of a multidomain oligomeric protein |
Q30342103 | Alternative alignments from comparison of protein structures. |
Q46102425 | Alternative zinc-binding sites explain the redox sensitivity of zinc-containing anti-sigma factors |
Q47810376 | AmbiPack: A systematic algorithm for packing of macromolecular structures with ambiguous distance constraints |
Q30379551 | Amino acid alphabet reduction preserves fold information contained in contact interactions in proteins. |
Q43017132 | Amino acid coupling patterns in thermophilic proteins |
Q46049108 | Amino acid function relates to its embedded protein microenvironment: A study on disulfide-bridged cystine |
Q57739954 | Amino acid pairing at the N- and C-termini of helical segments in proteins |
Q30380675 | Amino acid positions subject to multiple coevolutionary constraints can be robustly identified by their eigenvector network centrality scores |
Q54463670 | Amino acid residues that determine functional specificity of NADP- and NAD-dependent isocitrate and isopropylmalate dehydrogenases. |
Q51919300 | Amino acid sequence autocorrelation vectors and Bayesian-regularized genetic neural networks for modeling protein conformational stability: gene V protein mutants |
Q47349668 | Amino acid sequence predicts folding rate for middle-size two-state proteins |
Q46084397 | Amino acid substitution analysis of E. coli thymidylate synthase: the study of a highly conserved region at the N-terminus |
Q30354410 | Amino acid substitutions affecting protein dynamics in eglin C do not affect heat capacity change upon unfolding. |
Q82692307 | Amino acid substitutions at protein-protein interfaces that modulate the oligomeric state |
Q69729591 | Amino acid substitutions that increase the thermal stability of the lambda Cro protein |
Q37987535 | Amphipathic helix motif: classes and properties |
Q29543244 | Amphipathic α-helices in proteins: Results from analysis of protein structures |
Q50497689 | Amyloid aggregation of lysozyme: The synergy study of red wine polyphenols |
Q51910115 | An NMA-guided path planning approach for computing large-amplitude conformational changes in proteins |
Q91793239 | An NMR and MD study of complexes of bacteriophage lambda lysozyme with tetra- and hexa-N-acetylchitohexaose |
Q54359608 | An NMR study of the N-terminal domain of wild-type hERG and a T65P trafficking deficient hERG mutant |
Q30984170 | An NMR-based molecular dynamics simulation of the interaction of the lac repressor headpiece and its operator in aqueous solution |
Q51638608 | An accurate feature-based method for identifying DNA-binding residues on protein surfaces. |
Q83452854 | An accurate model of polyglutamine |
Q45559122 | An algorithm for determining the conformation of polypeptide segments in proteins by systematic search |
Q42554397 | An all-atom knowledge-based energy function for protein-DNA threading, docking decoy discrimination, and prediction of transcription-factor binding profiles |
Q30157501 | An all-atom structure-based potential for proteins: bridging minimal models with all-atom empirical forcefields |
Q28271509 | An all-atom, distance-dependent scoring function for the prediction of protein-DNA interactions from structure |
Q27648910 | An alternate sucrose binding mode in the E203Q Arabidopsis invertase mutant: an X-ray crystallography and docking study |
Q30846455 | An alternative view of protein fold space |
Q41970502 | An amino acid code for irregular and mixed protein packing |
Q41835427 | An amino acid code for β-sheet packing structure. |
Q30381456 | An amino acid code to define a protein's tertiary packing surface. |
Q28305576 | An amino acid has two sides: a new 2D measure provides a different view of solvent exposure |
Q48468420 | An analysis approach to identify specific functional sites in orthologous proteins using sequence and structural information: application to neuroserpin reveals regions that differentially regulate inhibitory activity |
Q52340732 | An analysis of side chain interactions and pair correlations within antiparallel beta-sheets: the differences between backbone hydrogen-bonded and non-hydrogen-bonded residue pairs |
Q42614512 | An analysis of the conformational paths of citrate synthase |
Q52074685 | An analysis of the helix-to-strand transition between peptides with identical sequence. |
Q34106069 | An ancient anion-binding structural module in RNA and DNA helicases |
Q30351280 | An assessment of the accuracy of methods for predicting hydrogen positions in protein structures. |
Q27648766 | An asymmetric dimer of beta-lactoglobulin in a low humidity crystal form--structural changes that accompany partial dehydration and protein action |
Q80594685 | An atomic resolution structure for human fibroblast growth factor 1 |
Q73864393 | An atoms-in-molecules study of the genetically-encoded amino acids: I. Effects of conformation and of tautomerization on geometric, atomic, and bond properties |
Q30323188 | An attempt to analyse progress in fold recognition from CASP1 to CASP3. |
Q27644751 | An autoantibody to single-stranded DNA: Comparison of the three-dimensional structures of the unliganded fab and a deoxynucleotide-fab complex |
Q80443351 | An automated decision-tree approach to predicting protein interaction hot spots |
Q42692720 | An automated method for consistent helix assignment using turn information. |
Q52322027 | An automated method for dynamic ligand design |
Q38232597 | An effective coarse-grained model for biological simulations: recent refinements and validations |
Q33256083 | An efficient and generic strategy for producing soluble human proteins and domains in E. coli by screening construct libraries |
Q30365631 | An efficient conformational sampling method for homology modeling. |
Q43016309 | An electrostatic basis for the stability of thermophilic proteins |
Q34365419 | An empirical energy function for threading protein sequence through the folding motif |
Q78010864 | An empirical energy potential with a reference state for protein fold and sequence recognition |
Q52018277 | An empirical model for electrostatic interactions in proteins incorporating multiple geometry‐dependent dielectric constants |
Q34265765 | An energy-based conformer library for side chain optimization: improved prediction and adjustable sampling |
Q46489564 | An engineered folded PLP-bound monomer of Treponema denticola cystalysin reveals the effect of the dimeric structure on the catalytic properties of the enzyme |
Q82424690 | An enhanced elastic network model to represent the motions of domain-swapped proteins |
Q57137624 | An evaluation of implicit and explicit solvent model systems for the molecular dynamics simulation of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme |
Q57752477 | An evolutionary and structure-based docking model for glucocerebrosidase-saposin C and glucocerebrosidase-substrate interactions - relevance for Gaucher disease |
Q34425600 | An evolutionary treasure: unification of a broad set of amidohydrolases related to urease |
Q52507508 | An expectation maximization (EM) algorithm for the identification and characterization of common sites in unaligned biopolymer sequences |
Q54577829 | An extended sampling of the configurational space of HPr from E. coli. |
Q30421279 | An improved pair potential to recognize native protein folds |
Q30333352 | An improved protein decoy set for testing energy functions for protein structure prediction. |
Q51897089 | An insight into the general relationship between the three dimensional structures of enzymes and their electronic wave functions: Implication for the prediction of functional sites of enzymes |
Q58112061 | An insight of early PrP-E200K aggregation by combined molecular dynamics/fragment molecular orbital approaches |
Q27653168 | An intact SAM-dependent methyltransferase fold is encoded by the human endothelin-converting enzyme-2 gene |
Q27689465 | An integrated approach for thermal stabilization of a mesophilic adenylate kinase |
Q33669063 | An integrated approach to inferring gene-disease associations in humans |
Q34188571 | An integrated suite of fast docking algorithms |
Q27678283 | An intersubunit disulfide bridge stabilizes the tetrameric nucleoside diphosphate kinase of Aquifex aeolicus |
Q51961972 | An intuitive approach to measuring protein surface curvature. |
Q80626080 | An iterative knowledge-based scoring function for protein-protein recognition |
Q60668711 | An iterative structure-assisted approach to sequence alignment and comparative modeling |
Q52141283 | An iterative structure-assisted approach to sequence alignment and comparative modeling. |
Q39698701 | An optimized MM/PBSA virtual screening approach applied to an HIV-1 gp41 fusion peptide inhibitor. |
Q92315987 | An overview of data-driven HADDOCK strategies in CAPRI rounds 38-45 |
Q116729526 | An overview of the Plasmodium falciparum hexose transporter and its therapeutic interventions |
Q40161441 | An unsuspected ecdysteroid/steroid phosphatase activity in the key T-cell regulator, Sts-1: surprising relationship to insect ecdysteroid phosphate phosphatase |
Q44898256 | An unusual triosephosphate isomerase from the early divergent eukaryote Giardia lamblia. |
Q41940863 | An unusually small dimer interface is observed in all available crystal structures of cytosolic sulfotransferases |
Q27702504 | Anabaena sp. DyP-type peroxidase is a tetramer consisting of two asymmetric dimers |
Q58621984 | Anabaenaapoflavodoxin hydrogen exchange: On the stable exchange core of the α/β(21345) flavodoxin-like family |
Q51068333 | Analycys: a database for conservation and conformation of disulphide bonds in homologous protein domains |
Q89915418 | Analyses of protein cores reveal fundamental differences between solution and crystal structures |
Q54627051 | Analyses of the folding properties of ferredoxin-like fold proteins by means of a coarse-grained Gō model: relationship between the free energy profiles and folding cores. |
Q30794988 | Analysis and assessment of ab initio three-dimensional prediction, secondary structure, and contacts prediction |
Q47616798 | Analysis and assessment of comparative modeling predictions in CASP4. |
Q45623134 | Analysis and network representation of hotspots in protein interfaces using minimum cut trees. |
Q52933950 | Analysis and prediction of helix-helix interactions in membrane channels and transporters |
Q30367312 | Analysis and prediction of protein local structure based on structure alphabets. |
Q30421316 | Analysis of C alpha geometry in protein structures |
Q44817530 | Analysis of CDK2 active-site hydration: a method to design new inhibitors |
Q84524231 | Analysis of Ca2+/Mg2+ selectivity in alpha-lactalbumin and Ca(2+)-binding lysozyme reveals a distinct Mg(2+)-specific site in lysozyme |
Q45279346 | Analysis of GTPases carrying hydrophobic amino acid substitutions in lieu of the catalytic glutamine: implications for GTP hydrolysis |
Q77435969 | Analysis of N-terminal capping using carbonyl-carbon chemical shift measurements |
Q30363498 | Analysis of TASSER-based CASP7 protein structure prediction results. |
Q30328086 | Analysis of a data set of paired uncomplexed protein structures: new metrics for side-chain flexibility and model evaluation. |
Q114234888 | Analysis of amyloidogenic transthyretin mutations using continuum solvent free energy calculations |
Q56901077 | Analysis of antibodies of known structure suggests a lack of correspondence between the residues in contact with the antigen and those modified by somatic hypermutation |
Q51922352 | Analysis of chameleon sequences and their implications in biological processes |
Q74252586 | Analysis of comparative modeling predictions for CASP2 targets 1, 3, 9, and 17 |
Q46754270 | Analysis of correlated domain motions in IgG light chain reveals possible mechanisms of immunological signal transduction |
Q47898390 | Analysis of deep learning methods for blind protein contact prediction in CASP12. |
Q93026322 | Analysis of distance-based protein structure prediction by deep learning in CASP13 |
Q48709850 | Analysis of domain motions by approximate normal mode calculations |
Q58008923 | Analysis of domain motions in large proteins |
Q34794325 | Analysis of electrostatic contributions to the selectivity of interactions between RING-finger domains and ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes |
Q54353016 | Analysis of electrostatic interactions in the denatured state ensemble of the N-terminal domain of L9 under native conditions |
Q30380565 | Analysis of free modeling predictions by RBO aleph in CASP11. |
Q27652879 | Analysis of nasturtium TmNXG1 complexes by crystallography and molecular dynamics provides detailed insight into substrate recognition by family GH16 xyloglucan endo-transglycosylases and endo-hydrolases |
Q57133878 | Analysis of pH-dependent elements in proteins: geometry and properties of pairs of hydrogen-bonded carboxylic acid side-chains |
Q38501868 | Analysis of protein function and its prediction from amino acid sequence |
Q36014909 | Analysis of protein homology by assessing the (dis)similarity in protein loop regions |
Q52423082 | Analysis of protein sheet topologies by graph theoretical methods |
Q52007585 | Analysis of protein structures reveals regions of rare backbone conformation at functional sites. |
Q51602292 | Analysis of proton wires in the enzyme active site suggests a mechanism of c-di-GMP hydrolysis by the EAL domain phosphodiesterases. |
Q42537687 | Analysis of secondary structure and self-assembly of amelogenin by variable temperature circular dichroism and isothermal titration calorimetry |
Q52141082 | Analysis of sequence signature defining functional specificity and structural stability in helix-loop-helix proteins |
Q45205601 | Analysis of sequence-reactivity space for protein-protein interactions |
Q81413470 | Analysis of similarity/dissimilarity of protein sequences |
Q42609804 | Analysis of singleton ORFans in fully sequenced microbial genomes |
Q42635906 | Analysis of six protein structures predicted by comparative modeling techniques |
Q44929415 | Analysis of solvent structure in proteins using neutron D2O-H2O solvent maps: pattern of primary and secondary hydration of trypsin |
Q44242211 | Analysis of the binding energies of testosterone, 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate with an antitestosterone antibody |
Q44464205 | Analysis of the differences in the folding kinetics of structurally homologous proteins based on predictions of the gross features of residue contacts |
Q43069600 | Analysis of the electrochemistry of hemes with E(m)s spanning 800 mV. |
Q34254489 | Analysis of the linker region joining the adenylation and carrier protein domains of the modular nonribosomal peptide synthetases. |
Q84583065 | Analysis of the movements of helices in EF-hands |
Q34727787 | Analysis of the peroxiredoxin family: using active-site structure and sequence information for global classification and residue analysis |
Q30429654 | Analysis of the predicted structures of domain 1 of protein g3 (T0030) and NK‐lysin (T0042) |
Q48207992 | Analysis of the products of genes encompassed by the theoretically predicted pathogenicity islands of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis. |
Q53516474 | Analysis of the protein kinome of Entamoeba histolytica |
Q30367758 | Analysis of the residue-residue coevolution network and the functionally important residues in proteins. |
Q43728443 | Analysis of the segmental stability of helical peptides by isotope-edited infrared spectroscopy |
Q44209003 | Analysis of the sequence and structural features of the left-handed beta-helical fold |
Q60913981 | Analysis of the steric strain in the polypeptide backbone of protein molecules |
Q52276346 | Analysis of the structure of HIV-1 protease complexed with a hexapeptide inhibitor. Part II: Molecular dynamic studies of the active site region |
Q36849662 | Analysis of the structure of chemically synthesized HIV-1 protease complexed with a hexapeptide inhibitor. Part I: Crystallographic refinement of 2 A data. |
Q27650208 | Analysis of the structure of human apo-S100B at low temperature indicates a unimodal conformational distribution is adopted by calcium-free S100 proteins |
Q52302212 | Analysis of topological and nontopological structural similarities in the PDB: new examples with old structures |
Q54591150 | Analysis of water patterns in protein kinase binding sites. |
Q57991167 | Analysis of zinc-ligand bond lengths in metalloproteins: Trends and patterns |
Q46114043 | Analysis on folding of misgurin using two-dimensional HP model |
Q42201409 | Analysis on long-range residue-residue communication using molecular dynamics |
Q51647257 | Analytical shape computation of macromolecules: I. molecular area and volume through alpha shape |
Q51647253 | Analytical shape computation of macromolecules: II. Inaccessible cavities in proteins |
Q46823177 | Analyzing and modeling the inhibitory effect of phosphatidic acid on the GTP-gamma-S binding activity of Goalpha |
Q83159754 | Analyzing large-scale structural change in proteins: comparison of principal component projection and Sammon mapping |
Q52214947 | Analyzing protein circular dichroism spectra for accurate secondary structures |
Q113555581 | Analyzing protein circular dichroism spectra for accurate secondary structures |
Q46920266 | Analyzing the catalytic mechanism of MPtpA: a low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis through site-directed mutagenesis |
Q51050680 | Analyzing the effect of homogeneous frustration in protein folding. |
Q56770481 | Anatomy of a structural pathway for activation of the catalytic domain of Src kinase Hck |
Q44566271 | Anatomy of specific interactions between lambda repressor and operator DNA. |
Q27643235 | Ancestral sequence evolutionary trace and crystal structure analyses of alkaline alpha-amylase from Bacillus sp. KSM-1378 to clarify the alkaline adaptation process of proteins |
Q80962906 | Anchor profiles of HLA-specific peptides: analysis by a novel affinity scoring method and experimental validation |
Q46600393 | Anchoring effects in a wide binding pocket: the molecular basis of regioselectivity in engineered cytochrome P450 monooxygenase from B. megaterium. |
Q47804956 | Anion induced conformational preference of Cα NN motif residues in functional proteins |
Q73798402 | Anion-induced stabilization of human serum albumin prevents the formation of intermediate during urea denaturation |
Q53665755 | Anisotropic effective interactions in a coarse-grained tube picture of proteins |
Q68697933 | Anisotropy and anharmonicity of atomic fluctuations in proteins: analysis of a molecular dynamics simulation |
Q33289747 | Annexin A2/P11 interaction: new insights into annexin A2 tetramer structure by chemical crosslinking, high-resolution mass spectrometry, and computational modeling |
Q46701909 | Anomalies in the ionic properties of serum albumin |
Q83003932 | Another look at the conditions for the extraction of protein knowledge-based potentials |
Q45777876 | Antagonist binding and induced conformational dynamics of GPCR A2A adenosine receptor |
Q46036599 | Anti-apoptotic Bcl-XL protein in complex with BH3 peptides of pro-apoptotic Bak, Bad, and Bim proteins: comparative molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q33425252 | Anti-cooperativity and cooperativity in hydrophobic interactions: Three-body free energy landscapes and comparison with implicit-solvent potential functions for proteins |
Q30835904 | Anti-idiotypic protein domains selected from protein A-based affibody libraries |
Q86705196 | Antiapoptotic Bcl-2 homolog CED-9 in Caenorhabditis elegans: dynamics of BH3 and CED-4 binding regions and comparison with mammalian antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins |
Q41172450 | Antibodies as a model system for comparative model refinement. |
Q52206838 | Antibody BCF2 against scorpion toxin Cn2 from Centuroides noxius Hoffmann: primary structure and three-dimensional model as free Fv fragment and complexed with its antigen |
Q58665182 | Antibody BCF2 against scorpion toxin cn2 fromCentruroides noxius hoffmann: Primary structure and three-dimensional model as free fv fragment and complexed with its antigen |
Q27674338 | Antibody modeling assessment |
Q27689511 | Antibody modeling assessment II. Structures and models |
Q44898263 | Antibody recognition of chiral surfaces. Structural models of antibody complexes with leucine-leucine-tyrosine crystal surfaces |
Q47214903 | Antibody side chain conformations are position-dependent |
Q30360105 | Antibody structure determination using a combination of homology modeling, energy-based refinement, and loop prediction. |
Q89749874 | Anticodon-binding domain swapping in a nondiscriminating aspartyl-tRNA synthetase reveals contributions to tRNA specificity and catalytic activity |
Q92039566 | Antimicrobial activity and structure of a consensus human β-defensin and its comparison to a novel putative hBD10 |
Q46764629 | Apo-parvalbumin as an intrinsically disordered protein |
Q68763755 | Apolar peptide models for conformational heterogeneity, hydration, and packing of polypeptide helices: crystal structure of hepta- and octapeptides containing alpha-aminoisobutyric acid |
Q44898266 | Apolipoprotein E-low density lipoprotein receptor binding: study of protein-protein interaction in rationally selected docked complexes |
Q40553676 | Application of 3D-Jury, GRDB, and Verify3D in fold recognition |
Q28133308 | Application of InChI to curate, index, and query 3-D structures |
Q30329571 | Application of PROSPECT in CASP4: characterizing protein structures with new folds. |
Q43804448 | Application of a directed conformational search for generating 3-D coordinates for protein structures from alpha-carbon coordinates |
Q51679184 | Application of biasing-potential replica-exchange simulations for loop modeling and refinement of proteins in explicit solvent |
Q90321405 | Application of docking methodologies to modeled proteins |
Q45752370 | Application of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for studying human immunodeficiency virus protein complexes |
Q30367324 | Application of information theory to a three-body coarse-grained representation of proteins in the PDB: insights into the structural and evolutionary roles of residues in protein structure. |
Q51607223 | Application of long‐range order to predict unfolding rates of two‐state proteins |
Q29614377 | Application of multiple sequence alignment profiles to improve protein secondary structure prediction |
Q37480652 | Application of nonlinear dimensionality reduction to characterize the conformational landscape of small peptides |
Q57128603 | Application of the Gaussian dielectric boundary in Zap to the prediction of protein pKa values |
Q47762472 | Application of the fuzzy-oil-drop model to membrane protein simulation |
Q42041433 | Applying Undertaker to quality assessment |
Q43490153 | Applying conformational selection theory to improve crossdocking efficiency in 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1. |
Q30373263 | Applying undertaker cost functions to model quality assessment. |
Q47606431 | Approaching the CAPRI challenge with an efficient geometry-based docking |
Q48256361 | Aquerium: A web application for comparative exploration of domain-based protein occurrences on the taxonomically clustered genome tree |
Q47773583 | Archaea S-layer nanotube from a "black smoker" in complex with cyclo-octasulfur (S8 ) rings |
Q99553561 | Archaeal roots of intramembrane aspartyl protease siblings signal peptide peptidase and presenilin |
Q46650298 | Archeal lectins: An identification through a genomic search |
Q103739890 | Are Granulins Copper Sequestering Proteins? |
Q30363491 | Are aromatic carbon donor hydrogen bonds linear in proteins? |
Q30430535 | Are knowledge-based potentials derived from protein structure sets discriminative with respect to amino acid types? |
Q58024676 | Are knowledge-based potentials derived from protein structure sets discriminative with respect to amino acid types? |
Q52913168 | Are membrane proteins "inside-out" proteins? |
Q51960314 | Are structural biases at protein termini a signature of vectorial folding? |
Q57000452 | Are there dominant membrane protein families with a given number of helices? |
Q88162775 | Arginine side chain stacking with peptide plane stabilizes the protein helix conformation in a cooperative way |
Q77771890 | Arm-domain interactions in proteins: a review |
Q43728440 | Aromatic di-alanine repeats (AdAR) are structural motifs characteristic of the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein (SNAP) family |
Q43503098 | Aromatic interactions in homeodomains contribute to the low quantum yield of a conserved, buried tryptophan |
Q44125151 | Aromatic side-chain interactions in proteins. I. Main structural features |
Q44125153 | Aromatic side-chain interactions in proteins. II. Near- and far-sequence Phe-X pairs |
Q44745629 | Aromatic side-chain interactions in proteins: near- and far-sequence Tyr-X pairs |
Q98161413 | Artificial protein sequences enable recognition of vicinal and distant protein functional relationships |
Q30008902 | Artificial proteins as allosteric modulators of PDZ3 and SH3 in two-domain constructs: A computational characterization of novel chimeric proteins |
Q57469526 | Asp271 is critical for substrate interaction with the surface binding site in β-agarase A from Zobellia galactanivorans |
Q30411473 | Asparagine and glutamine differ in their propensities to form specific side chain‐backbone hydrogen bonded motifs in proteins |
Q79935408 | Assay for rapid analysis of the tri-peptidase activity of LTA4 hydrolase |
Q57851675 | Assembling novel protein folds from super-secondary structural fragments |
Q47826690 | Assembly factors of F1FO-ATP synthase across genomes. |
Q44875749 | Assembly of a tetrameric alpha-helical bundle: computer simulations on an intermediate-resolution protein model |
Q30431371 | Assembly of protein structure from sparse experimental data: An efficient Monte Carlo model |
Q73589794 | Assembly of protein tertiary structures from secondary structures using optimized potentials |
Q81383344 | Assembly of the oncogenic DNA-binding complex LMO2-Ldb1-TAL1-E12 |
Q33248321 | Assembly of transmembrane helices of simple polytopic membrane proteins from sequence conservation patterns |
Q30352380 | Assessing a novel approach for predicting local 3D protein structures from sequence. |
Q44060639 | Assessing equilibration and convergence in biomolecular simulations |
Q80638893 | Assessing model accuracy using the homology modeling automatically software |
Q81635428 | Assessing precision and accuracy of protein structures derived from NMR data |
Q36312787 | Assessing protein disorder and induced folding |
Q30365141 | Assessing secondary structure assignment of protein structures by using pairwise sequence-alignment benchmarks. |
Q90516508 | Assessing the accuracy of contact predictions in CASP13 |
Q57600747 | Assessing the acid-base and conformational properties of histidine residues in human prion protein (125-228) by means of pKa calculations and molecular dynamics simulations |
Q47597353 | Assessing the energy landscape of CAPRI targets by FunHunt |
Q47909076 | Assessing the reconstruction of macromolecular assemblies with toleranced models |
Q51904487 | Assessing the reliability of sequence similarities detected through hydrophobic cluster analysis |
Q125345893 | Assessing the utility of |
Q36672683 | Assessment of 3D models for allergen research |
Q28258469 | Assessment of CAPRI predictions in rounds 3-5 shows progress in docking procedures |
Q30352237 | Assessment of CASP10 contact‐assisted predictions |
Q30384592 | Assessment of CASP11 contact-assisted predictions. |
Q28274204 | Assessment of CASP6 predictions for new and nearly new fold targets |
Q28250579 | Assessment of CASP7 predictions for template-based modeling targets |
Q28250562 | Assessment of CASP7 predictions in the high accuracy template-based modeling category |
Q28250552 | Assessment of CASP7 structure predictions for template free targets |
Q35004666 | Assessment of CASP8 structure predictions for template free targets |
Q107868722 | Assessment of Protein Model Structure Accuracy Estimation in CASP14: Old and New Challenges |
Q34272407 | Assessment of RAPTOR's linear programming approach in CAFASP3 |
Q57753457 | Assessment of a protein fold recognition method that takes into account four physicochemical properties: side-chain packing, solvation, hydrogen-bonding, and local conformation |
Q47613358 | Assessment of blind predictions of protein-protein interactions: current status of docking methods |
Q90380555 | Assessment of chemical-crosslink-assisted protein structure modeling in CASP13 |
Q92908653 | Assessment of chemical-crosslink-assisted protein structure modeling in CASP13 |
Q47628125 | Assessment of comparative modeling in CASP2. |
Q45944467 | Assessment of contact predictions in CASP12: co-evolution and deep learning coming of age. |
Q47299350 | Assessment of data-assisted prediction by inclusion of crosslinking/mass-spectrometry and small angle X-ray scattering data in the 12th Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction experiment. |
Q51963679 | Assessment of disorder predictions in CASP6. |
Q30363273 | Assessment of disorder predictions in CASP7. |
Q57998345 | Assessment of disorder predictions in CASP8 |
Q30380197 | Assessment of domain boundary predictions and the prediction of intramolecular contacts in CASP8. |
Q30351465 | Assessment of fold recognition predictions in CASP6. |
Q43090923 | Assessment of fully automated antibody homology modeling protocols in molecular operating environment |
Q57208983 | Assessment of global and local model quality in CASP8 using Pcons and ProQ |
Q46130527 | Assessment of hard target modeling in CASP12 reveals an emerging role of alignment-based contact prediction methods. |
Q30336223 | Assessment of homology-based predictions in CASP5. |
Q30363176 | Assessment of intramolecular contact predictions for CASP7. |
Q30380200 | Assessment of ligand binding residue predictions in CASP8 |
Q30356831 | Assessment of ligand binding site predictions in CASP10 |
Q41782161 | Assessment of ligand-binding residue predictions in CASP9. |
Q46225966 | Assessment of model accuracy estimations in CASP12. |
Q54550923 | Assessment of novel fold targets in CASP4: predictions of three-dimensional structures, secondary structures, and interresidue contacts. |
Q30363275 | Assessment of predictions in the model quality assessment category. |
Q28274192 | Assessment of predictions submitted for the CASP6 comparative modeling category |
Q30363268 | Assessment of predictions submitted for the CASP7 domain prediction category. |
Q30363079 | Assessment of predictions submitted for the CASP7 function prediction category. |
Q44072765 | Assessment of progress over the CASP experiments |
Q46521126 | Assessment of protein assembly prediction in CASP12. |
Q92368472 | Assessment of protein assembly prediction in CASP13 |
Q29048205 | Assessment of protein disorder region predictions in CASP10 |
Q92767126 | Assessment of protein model structure accuracy estimation in CASP13: Challenges in the era of deep learning |
Q30360108 | Assessment of protein side-chain conformation prediction methods in different residue environments. |
Q30409206 | Assessment of protein structure refinement in CASP9. |
Q30386930 | Assessment of refinement of template-based models in CASP11. |
Q30408257 | Assessment of template based protein structure predictions in CASP9. |
Q30386933 | Assessment of template-based modeling of protein structure in CASP11. |
Q30356624 | Assessment of template-based protein structure predictions in CASP10 |
Q30356925 | Assessment of template-free modeling in CASP10 and ROLL. |
Q77615096 | Assessment of the CASP4 fold recognition category |
Q29048204 | Assessment of the assessment: evaluation of the model quality estimates in CASP10 |
Q45944463 | Assessment of the model refinement category in CASP12. |
Q30380207 | Assessment of the protein-structure refinement category in CASP8 |
Q30980220 | Assigning new GO annotations to protein data bank sequences by combining structure and sequence homology |
Q30322703 | Assigning secondary structure from protein coordinate data. |
Q73798412 | Assignment of enzyme substrate specificity by principal component analysis of aligned protein sequences: an experimental test using DNA glycosylase homologs |
Q30358637 | Assignment of polar states for protein amino acid residues using an interaction cluster decomposition algorithm and its application to high resolution protein structure modeling. |
Q61758587 | Assignment of the contribution of the tryptophan residues to the spectroscopic and functional properties of the ribotoxin alpha-sarcin |
Q54702312 | Assignment of the nucleotide binding sites and the mechanism of substrate inhibition of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase. |
Q33241148 | Association of calcineurin with mitochondrial proteins |
Q46015642 | Association of calmodulin and smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase: application of a label selection technique with trace acetylated calmodulin. |
Q28291205 | Associative mechanism for phosphoryl transfer: a molecular dynamics simulation of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase complexed with its substrates |
Q85185882 | Asymmetric amyloid fibril elongation: a new perspective on a symmetric world |
Q50874939 | Asymmetric inclusion by de novo designed proteins: fluorescence probe studies on amphiphilic alpha-helix bundles |
Q28271287 | At the dawn of the 21st century: Is dynamics the missing link for understanding enzyme catalysis? |
Q71374330 | Atomic and residue hydrophilicity in the context of folded protein structures |
Q79210060 | Atomic contact vectors in protein‐protein recognition |
Q80353249 | Atomic contacts in protein structures. A detailed analysis of atomic radii, packing, and overlaps |
Q47715167 | Atomic insight into the CD4 binding-induced conformational changes in HIV-1 gp120. |
Q27648909 | Atomic resolution (1.1 A) structure of the ribosome-inactivating protein PD-L4 from Phytolacca dioica L. leaves |
Q27697263 | Atomic resolution crystal structure of HV-BBI protease inhibitor from amphibian skin in complex with bovine trypsin |
Q27643632 | Atomic resolution crystal structures of HIV-1 protease and mutants V82A and I84V with saquinavir |
Q27660254 | Atomic resolution crystallography of a complex of triosephosphate isomerase with a reaction-intermediate analog: new insight in the proton transfer reaction mechanism |
Q27640989 | Atomic resolution structure of prokaryotic phospholipase A2: Analysis of internal motion and implication for a catalytic mechanism |
Q27678807 | Atomic structure of the nuclear pore complex targeting domain of a nup116 homologue from the yeast, Candida glabrata |
Q51967602 | Atomically detailed potentials to recognize native and approximate protein structures |
Q45297035 | Atomistic mechanisms of huntingtin N-terminal fragment insertion on a phospholipid bilayer revealed by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q74449590 | Atoms-in-molecules study of the genetically encoded amino acids. II. Computational study of molecular geometries |
Q44515170 | Atoms-in-molecules study of the genetically encoded amino acids. III. Bond and atomic properties and their correlations with experiment including mutation-induced changes in protein stability and genetic coding |
Q79992379 | Attempt to simplify the amino-acid sequence of photoactive yellow protein with a set of simple rules |
Q34121578 | Automatch: Target‐binding protein design and enzyme design by automatic pinpointing potential active sites in available protein scaffolds |
Q30361881 | Automated Aufbau of antibody structures from given sequences using Macromoltek's SmrtMolAntibody. |
Q42005537 | Automated antibody structure prediction using Accelrys tools: results and best practices |
Q30329583 | Automated assignment of SCOP and CATH protein structure classifications from FSSP scores. |
Q46391824 | Automated computation of low-energy pathways for complex rearrangements in proteins: application to the conformational switch of Ras p21. |
Q46055675 | Automated docking in crystallography: analysis of the substrates of aconitase |
Q38311573 | Automated docking of alpha-(1-->4)- and alpha-(1-->6)-linked glucosyl trisaccharides and maltopentaose into the soybean beta-amylase active site. |
Q38345522 | Automated docking of glucosyl disaccharides in the glucoamylase active site |
Q38317891 | Automated docking of maltose, 2-deoxymaltose, and maltotetraose into the soybean beta-amylase active site |
Q38348797 | Automated docking of monosaccharide substrates and analogues and methyl alpha-acarviosinide in the glucoamylase active site |
Q34640538 | Automated docking of substrates to proteins by simulated annealing |
Q43825573 | Automated docking to multiple target structures: incorporation of protein mobility and structural water heterogeneity in AutoDock |
Q44379446 | Automated generation of MCSS-derived pharmacophoric DOCK site points for searching multiconformation databases |
Q42642389 | Automated identification of binding sites for phosphorylated ligands in protein structures |
Q30323114 | Automated large scale evaluation of protein structure predictions. |
Q30395997 | Automated minimization of steric clashes in protein structures |
Q52261420 | Automated multiple analysis of protein structures: application to homology modeling of cytochromes P450. |
Q47618994 | Automated multiple structure alignment and detection of a common substructural motif |
Q30336233 | Automated prediction of CASP-5 structures using the Robetta server. |
Q30351479 | Automated prediction of domain boundaries in CASP6 targets using Ginzu and RosettaDOM. |
Q46283837 | Automated prediction of ligand-binding sites in proteins |
Q28252646 | Automated protein structure modeling in CASP9 by I‐TASSER pipeline combined with QUARK‐based ab initio folding and FG‐MD‐based structure refinement |
Q39983192 | Automated scaffold selection for enzyme design |
Q28250590 | Automated server predictions in CASP7 |
Q37348271 | Automated site preparation in physics-based rescoring of receptor ligand complexes |
Q39682349 | Automated tertiary structure prediction with accurate local model quality assessment using the intfold‐ts method |
Q30984863 | Automated use of mutagenesis data in structure prediction |
Q43561238 | Automatic annotation of protein function based on family identification |
Q57209027 | Automatic consensus-based fold recognition using Pcons, ProQ, and Pmodeller |
Q51986886 | Automatic domain decomposition of proteins by a Gaussian Network Model |
Q52335319 | Automatic identification of discrete substates in proteins: singular value decomposition analysis of time-averaged crystallographic refinements |
Q47597143 | Automatic prediction of protein interactions with large scale motion |
Q30358064 | Automatic procedure for using models of proteins in molecular replacement. |
Q47797377 | Automatic structure prediction of oligomeric assemblies using Robetta in CASP12. |
Q47307485 | Automatic target selection for structural genomics on eukaryotes |
Q51139343 | Automating human intuition for protein design |
Q30322332 | Averaging interaction energies over homologs improves protein fold recognition in gapless threading. |
Q46013258 | Axial ligand replacement in horse heart cytochrome c by semisynthesis. |
Q30437666 | B. subtilis ykuD protein at 2.0 A resolution: insights into the structure and function of a novel, ubiquitous family of bacterial enzymes |
Q44322003 | BATMAS30: amino acid substitution matrix for alignment of bacterial transporters. |
Q80934686 | BAliBASE 3.0: latest developments of the multiple sequence alignment benchmark |
Q30354487 | BCL::Fold--protein topology determination from limited NMR restraints. |
Q30373207 | BCL::MP-fold: Membrane protein structure prediction guided by EPR restraints |
Q36701877 | BCL::SAXS: GPU accelerated Debye method for computation of small angle X-ray scattering profiles |
Q34040043 | BSP‐SLIM: A blind low‐resolution ligand‐protein docking approach using predicted protein structures |
Q33384020 | Backbone conformations and side chain flexibility of two somatostatin mimics investigated by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q34389044 | Backbone dependency further improves side chain prediction efficiency in the Energy-based Conformer Library (bEBL). |
Q43256919 | Backbone dynamics of TFE-induced native-like fold of region 4 of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase sigma70 subunit |
Q73134460 | Backbone dynamics of barstar: a (15)N NMR relaxation study |
Q78675885 | Backbone dynamics of the CC-chemokine eotaxin-2 and comparison among the eotaxin group chemokines |
Q52035295 | Backbone dynamics, fast folding, and secondary structure formation in helical proteins and peptides |
Q73784255 | Backbone entropy of loops as a measure of their flexibility: Application to a Ras protein simulated by molecular dynamics |
Q80389891 | Backbone-backbone geometry of tertiary contacts between alpha-helices |
Q27743100 | Bactericidal antibody recognition of a PorA epitope of Neisseria meningitidis: crystal structure of a Fab fragment in complex with a fluorescein-conjugated peptide |
Q30397208 | Balancing exploration and exploitation in population-based sampling improves fragment-based de novo protein structure prediction |
Q30787844 | Banding of NMR-derived methyl order parameters: implications for protein dynamics |
Q27649937 | Barley aldose reductase: structure, cofactor binding, and substrate recognition in the aldo/keto reductase 4C family |
Q78854479 | Basic interdomain boundary residues in calmodulin decrease calcium affinity of sites I and II by stabilizing helix-helix interactions |
Q47388542 | Bayesian estimation of NMR restraint potential and weight: a validation on a representative set of protein structures |
Q30352859 | Bayesian model aggregation for ensemble-based estimates of protein pKa values. |
Q40744027 | Bayesian probabilistic approach for predicting backbone structures in terms of protein blocks |
Q51629036 | Behavior of the ATP grasp domain of biotin carboxylase monomers and dimers studied using molecular dynamics simulations |
Q30361172 | Benchmarking of TASSER in the ab initio limit. |
Q51952143 | Benchmarking of dimeric threading and structure refinement |
Q39273299 | Benchmarking protein-protein interface predictions: why you should care about protein size |
Q57851681 | Benchmarking secondary structure prediction for fold recognition |
Q30362845 | Benchmarking template selection and model quality assessment for high-resolution comparative modeling. |
Q40093904 | Bending of the BST-2 coiled-coil during viral budding. |
Q70618648 | Beta VI turns in peptides and proteins: a model peptide mimicry |
Q45028392 | Beta-hairpin conformation of fibrillogenic peptides: structure and alpha-beta transition mechanism revealed by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q27683632 | Beta-lactamase of Bacillus licheniformis 749/C at 2 A resolution |
Q35968690 | Beta-sheet coil transitions in a simple polypeptide model |
Q80353252 | Beta-strand recombination in tricalbin evolution and the origin of synaptotagmin-like C2 domains |
Q51099059 | BetaVoid: molecular voids via beta-complexes and Voronoi diagrams |
Q30156038 | Beta‐barrel models of soluble amyloid beta oligomers and annular protofibrils |
Q30429659 | Better 1D predictions by experts with machines |
Q30336265 | Better prediction of sub-cellular localization by combining evolutionary and structural information. |
Q33253189 | Better prediction of the location of alpha-turns in proteins with support vector machine |
Q57973959 | Beyond Lumry-Eyring: An unexpected pattern of operational reversibility/irreversibility in protein denaturation |
Q30376826 | Beyond the Twilight Zone: automated prediction of structural properties of proteins by recursive neural networks and remote homology information. |
Q30719266 | Beyond the rotamer library: genetic algorithm combined with the disturbing mutation process for upbuilding protein side-chains |
Q27700247 | Bh3 induced conformational changes in Bcl-Xl revealed by crystal structure and comparative analysis |
Q52078681 | BiGGER: a new (soft) docking algorithm for predicting protein interactions |
Q39692774 | BiPPred: Combined sequence- and structure-based prediction of peptide binding to the Hsp70 chaperone BiP. |
Q52053621 | Bias-free separation of internal and overall motion of biomolecules |
Q30410723 | Bihelix: Towards de novo structure prediction of an ensemble of G‐protein coupled receptor conformations |
Q81878003 | Binding MOAD (Mother Of All Databases) |
Q30157496 | Binding and release of cholesterol in the Osh4 protein of yeast |
Q90183701 | Binding and structural studies of the complexes of type 1 ribosome inactivating protein from Momordica balsamina with uracil and uridine |
Q81394699 | Binding energy analysis for wild-type and Y181C mutant HIV-1 RT/8-Cl TIBO complex structures: quantum chemical calculations based on the ONIOM method |
Q71374325 | Binding geometry of alpha-helices that recognize DNA |
Q35450396 | Binding hotspots on K-ras: consensus ligand binding sites and other reactive regions from probe-based molecular dynamics analysis |
Q46029368 | Binding interactions of kistrin with platelet glycoprotein IIb-IIIa: analysis by site-directed mutagenesis. |
Q41981433 | Binding interface prediction by combining protein-protein docking results |
Q53028079 | Binding mode analysis of a major T3SS translocator protein PopB with its chaperone PcrH from Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Q43676072 | Binding of AMP to two of the four subunits of pig kidney fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase induces the allosteric transition |
Q51921200 | Binding of antifusion peptides with HIVgp41 from molecular dynamics simulations: quantitative correlation with experiment |
Q83053117 | Binding of calcium is sensed structurally and dynamically throughout the second calcium-binding domain of the sodium/calcium exchanger |
Q72668321 | Binding of cyanide, cyanate, and thiocyanate to human carbonic anhydrase II |
Q30344056 | Binding of glutamine to glutamine-binding protein from Escherichia coli induces changes in protein structure and increases protein stability. |
Q27658022 | Binding of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates (N-BPs) to the Trypanosoma cruzi farnesyl diphosphate synthase homodimer |
Q34680971 | Binding of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to Abeta fibril |
Q45194407 | Binding of recombinant PrPc to human plasminogen: kinetic and thermodynamic study using a resonant mirror biosensor |
Q52073334 | Binding of small organic molecules to macromolecular targets: evaluation of conformational entropy changes |
Q27649299 | Binding of sulfonium-ion analogues of di-epi-swainsonine and 8-epi-lentiginosine to Drosophila Golgi alpha-mannosidase II: the role of water in inhibitor binding |
Q50862492 | Binding similarity network of ligand |
Q34254661 | Binding site multiplicity with fatty acid ligands: implications for the regulation of PKR kinase autophosphorylation with palmitate |
Q51670398 | Binding site prediction and improved scoring during flexible protein-protein docking with ATTRACT. |
Q42675837 | Binding site-based classification of coronaviral papain-like proteases |
Q37083934 | Binding specificity of SH2 domains: insight from free energy simulations |
Q35070607 | Binding to the open conformation of HIV-1 protease |
Q30370399 | BioGPS: navigating biological space to predict polypharmacology, off-targeting, and selectivity. |
Q38288656 | Biochemical characterization and structural insight into aliphatic β-amino acid adenylation enzymes IdnL1 and CmiS6. |
Q46841052 | Biological and functional relevance of CASP predictions. |
Q30388103 | Biological function derived from predicted structures in CASP11. |
Q80752690 | Biological implications of SNPs in signal peptide domains of human proteins |
Q33318033 | Biological roles of specific peptides in enzymes |
Q81892387 | Biologically enhanced sampling geometric docking and backbone flexibility treatment with multiconformational superposition |
Q51149144 | Biophysical characterization and structural determination of the potent cytotoxic Psathyrella asperospora lectin |
Q56775080 | Biophysical characterization of Vpu from HIV-1 suggests a channel-pore dualism |
Q27649768 | Biotinoyl domain of human acetyl-CoA carboxylase: Structural insights into the carboxyl transfer mechanism |
Q77314214 | Biphasic denaturation of human placental alkaline phosphatase in guanidinium chloride |
Q44252311 | BisANS binding to tubulin: isothermal titration calorimetry and the site-specific proteolysis reveal the GTP-induced structural stability of tubulin |
Q90709301 | Blind prediction of homo- and hetero-protein complexes: The CASP13-CAPRI experiment |
Q36090741 | Blind prediction of interfacial water positions in CAPRI |
Q39251813 | Blind prediction performance of RosettaAntibody 3.0: grafting, relaxation, kinematic loop modeling, and full CDR optimization. |
Q30429651 | Blind predictions of local protein structure in CASP2 targets using the I‐sites library |
Q47584313 | Blind predictions of protein interfaces by docking calculations in CAPRI |
Q30385316 | Blind testing of cross-linking/mass spectrometry hybrid methods in CASP11. |
Q51501247 | Blind, one‐eyed, or eagle‐eyed? pKa calculations during blind predictions with staphylococcal nuclease |
Q92617098 | Boosting phosphorylation site prediction with sequence feature-based machine learning |
Q51591338 | Both helical propensity and side-chain hydrophobicity at a partially exposed site in alpha-helix contribute to the thermodynamic stability of ubiquitin |
Q57145042 | Bridging between normal mode analysis and elastic network models |
Q34434040 | Bridging of anions by hydrogen bonds in nest motifs and its significance for Schellman loops and other larger motifs within proteins |
Q30379050 | Bridging of partially negative atoms by hydrogen bonds from main-chain NH groups in proteins: The crown motif. |
Q58484057 | Browsing gene banks for Fe2S2 ferredoxins and structural modeling of 88 plant-type sequences: An analysis of fold and function |
Q30380943 | BuildBeta--a system for automatically constructing beta sheets. |
Q47826141 | Building alternate protein structures using the elastic network model. |
Q42661998 | Building and assessing atomic models of proteins from structural templates: learning and benchmarks |
Q44632652 | Building interacting partner predictors using co-varying residue pairs between histidine kinase and response regulator pairs of 48 bacterial two-component systems |
Q45969907 | Building self-avoiding lattice models of proteins using a self-consistent field optimization. |
Q52075239 | Building-block approach for determining low-frequency normal modes of macromolecules |
Q68494553 | Bundles of amphipathic transmembrane alpha-helices as a structural motif for ion-conducting channel proteins: studies on sodium channels and acetylcholine receptors |
Q87725977 | Burial of nonpolar surface area and thermodynamic stabilization of globins as a function of chain elongation |
Q77926208 | C-terminal domain of gyrase A is predicted to have a beta-propeller structure |
Q27653169 | C-terminal tail derived from the neighboring subunit is critical for the activity of Thermoplasma acidophilum D-aldohexose dehydrogenase |
Q27688045 | C-terminal β-strand swapping in a consensus-derived fibronectin Type III scaffold |
Q96233530 | C1188D mutation abolishes specific recognition between MLL1-CXXC domain and CpG site by inducing conformational switch of flexible N- terminal |
Q30420780 | CAD-score: a new contact area difference-based function for evaluation of protein structural models. |
Q57209048 | CAFASP-1: Critical assessment of fully automated structure prediction methods |
Q28145981 | CAFASP-1: critical assessment of fully automated structure prediction methods |
Q40661543 | CAFASP2: the second critical assessment of fully automated structure prediction methods |
Q79210041 | CAFASP3 in the spotlight of EVA |
Q57209029 | CAFASP3: The third critical assessment of fully automated structure prediction methods |
Q28258479 | CAPRI rounds 3-5 reveal promising successes and future challenges for RosettaDock |
Q84534732 | CAPRI targets T29-T42: proving ground for new docking procedures |
Q28208450 | CAPRI: a Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions |
Q30383453 | CASP 11 target classification. |
Q30353649 | CASP prediction center infrastructure and evaluation measures in CASP10 and CASP ROLL. |
Q30354839 | CASP10 results compared to those of previous CASP experiments |
Q30370695 | CASP10-BCL::Fold efficiently samples topologies of large proteins. |
Q30377096 | CASP11 refinement experiments with ROSETTA. |
Q30384245 | CASP11 statistics and the prediction center evaluation system |
Q91793346 | CASP13 target classification into tertiary structure prediction categories |
Q52281039 | CASP2 experiences with docking flexible ligands using FlexX. |
Q30329567 | CASP2 knowledge-based approach to distant homology recognition and fold prediction in CASP4. |
Q30429662 | CASP2 molecular docking predictions with the LIGIN software |
Q74252614 | CASP2: Report on ab initio predictions |
Q30794909 | CASP3 comparative modeling evaluation |
Q30336226 | CASP5 assessment of fold recognition target predictions |
Q42704736 | CASP5 target classification |
Q79209979 | CASP5. Proceedings of the 5th Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction. 1-5 December 2002, Asilomar, California, USA |
Q30351480 | CASP6 assessment of contact prediction. |
Q30351463 | CASP6 data processing and automatic evaluation at the protein structure prediction center. |
Q35000644 | CASP8 results in context of previous experiments |
Q30408132 | CASP9 assessment of free modeling target predictions |
Q42921761 | CASP9 results compared to those of previous CASP experiments |
Q30408141 | CASP9 target classification |
Q47715062 | CHOP proteins into structural domain-like fragments |
Q30365572 | CLEMAPS: multiple alignment of protein structures based on conformational letters. |
Q52434109 | CLIX: A search algorithm for finding novel ligands capable of binding proteins of known three‐dimensional structure |
Q51899748 | CO escape from myoglobin with metadynamics simulations |
Q57831887 | COCO: A simple tool to enrich the representation of conformational variability in NMR structures |
Q57975291 | COMBINE analysis of the specificity of binding of Ras proteins to their effectors |
Q30383444 | COMSAT: Residue contact prediction of transmembrane proteins based on support vector machines and mixed integer linear programming. |
Q30374675 | CONFOLD: Residue-residue contact-guided ab initio protein folding. |
Q84505249 | CRK: an evolutionary approach for distinguishing biologically relevant interfaces from crystal contacts |
Q79320573 | Ca2+-dependent conformational changes in the neuronal Ca2+-sensor recoverin probed by the fluorescent dye Alexa647 |
Q104618312 | Ca2+ as cofactor of the mitochondrial H+ -translocating F1 FO -ATP(hydrol)ase |
Q36396802 | CaMELS: In silico prediction of calmodulin binding proteins and their binding sites |
Q80821117 | Calcineurin B-like domains in the large regulatory alpha/beta subunits of phosphorylase kinase |
Q84082968 | Calcineurin regulatory subunit B is a unique calcium sensor that regulates calcineurin in both calcium-dependent and calcium-independent manner |
Q43025211 | Calcium binding to the purple membrane: A molecular dynamics study |
Q78627298 | Calcium binding to the transmembrane domain of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase: insights from molecular modeling |
Q79191077 | Calcium-binding and temperature induced transitions in equine lysozyme: new insights from the pCa-temperature "phase diagrams" |
Q70216501 | Calcium-free calmodulin is a substrate of proteases from human immunodeficiency viruses 1 and 2 |
Q27731951 | Calcium-independent subtilisin by design |
Q44960722 | Calculating proton uptake/release and binding free energy taking into account ionization and conformation changes induced by protein-inhibitor association: application to plasmepsin, cathepsin D and endothiapepsin-pepstatin complexes |
Q30404964 | Calculating three-dimensional changes in protein structure due to amino-acid substitutions: the variable region of immunoglobulins |
Q52235998 | Calculation of HyHel10-lysozyme binding free energy changes: Effect of ten point mutations |
Q35846124 | Calculation of pKa in proteins with the microenvironment modulated‐screened coulomb potential |
Q52261413 | Calculation of pathways for the conformational transition between the GTP‐ and GDP‐bound states of the Ha‐ras‐p21 protein: Calculations with explicit solvent simulations and comparison with calculations in vacuum |
Q30323187 | Calculation of protein conformation by global optimization of a potential energy function. |
Q43825576 | Calculation of protein ionization equilibria with conformational sampling: pKa of a model leucine zipper, GCN4 and barnase |
Q30409635 | Calculation of rate spectra from noisy time series data. |
Q38567679 | Calculation of the pitch of the alpha-helical coiled coil: an addendum |
Q30403890 | Calculation of the total electrostatic energy of a macromolecular system: solvation energies, binding energies, and conformational analysis |
Q68701378 | Calibration of effective van der Waals atomic contact radii for proteins and peptides |
Q44546237 | Calmodulin binding to alpha 1-purothionin: solution binding and modeling of the complex |
Q82627891 | Calmodulin signaling: analysis and prediction of a disorder-dependent molecular recognition |
Q38333730 | Camel single-domain antibody inhibits enzyme by mimicking carbohydrate substrate |
Q43553705 | Camps 2.0: exploring the sequence and structure space of prokaryotic, eukaryotic, and viral membrane proteins. |
Q52082394 | Can a pairwise contact potential stabilize native protein folds against decoys obtained by threading? |
Q30360592 | Can molecular dynamics simulations provide high-resolution refinement of protein structure? |
Q46497570 | Can one predict protein stability? An attempt to do so for residue 133 of T4 lysozyme using a combination of free energy derivatives, PROFEC, and free energy perturbation methods |
Q30496929 | Can self-inhibitory peptides be derived from the interfaces of globular protein-protein interactions? |
Q47589178 | Cancer-associated mutations are preferentially distributed in protein kinase functional sites |
Q51930286 | Cancer-related mutations in BRCA1-BRCT cause long-range structural changes in protein-protein binding sites: a molecular dynamics study |
Q81193282 | Candidate nsSNPs that can affect the functions and interactions of cell cycle proteins |
Q41946585 | Canonical structures of short CDR-L3 in antibodies |
Q31115802 | Capturing protein sequence-structure specificity using computational sequence design |
Q42735601 | Capturing the energetics of water insertion in biological systems: The water flooding approach |
Q27695696 | Carbohydrate binding module recognition of xyloglucan defined by polar contacts with branching xyloses and CH-Π interactions |
Q91742229 | Cardosin A endocytosis mediated by integrin leads to lysosome leakage and apoptosis of epithelial cells |
Q47256063 | Cartilage acidic protein 1, a new member of the beta-propeller protein family with amyloid propensity |
Q70726296 | Catalysis by dienelactone hydrolase: a variation on the protease mechanism |
Q92995874 | Catalytic triad heterogeneity in S51 peptidase family: Structural basis for functional variability |
Q80011300 | Cation-aromatic database |
Q45279404 | Cation-pi interactions in protein-protein interfaces |
Q33754213 | Cation-π interactions of methylated ammonium ions: a quantum mechanical study |
Q87217903 | Cation-π, amino-π, π-π, and H-bond interactions stabilize antigen-antibody interfaces |
Q48189831 | Causality, transfer entropy, and allosteric communication landscapes in proteins with harmonic interactions |
Q37069889 | Cell cycle kinases predicted from conserved biophysical properties |
Q33947335 | Cell surface receptors and their ligands: in vitro analysis of CD6-CD166 interactions |
Q52251886 | Chain conformation in polyretropeptides III: Design of a 310 helix using α,α-dialkylated amino acids and retropeptide bonds |
Q58037861 | Chain length is the main determinant of the folding rate for proteins with three-state folding kinetics |
Q93026588 | Challenges and opportunities of automated protein-protein docking: HDOCK server vs human predictions in CAPRI Rounds 38-46 |
Q33494609 | Challenging a paradigm: theoretical calculations of the protonation state of the Cys25-His159 catalytic diad in free papain |
Q27680838 | Challenging the state of the art in protein structure prediction: Highlights of experimental target structures for the 10th Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction Experiment CASP10 |
Q45934507 | Change in protein flexibility upon complex formation: analysis of Ras-Raf using molecular dynamics and a molecular framework approach. |
Q47810386 | Change of thermal stability of colicin E7 triggered by acidic pH suggests the existence of unfolded intermediate during the membrane-translocation phase |
Q68666381 | Changes in secondary structure follow the dissociation of human insulin hexamers: a circular dichroism study |
Q46313885 | Changes in the electron density of the cofactor NADPH on binding to E. coli dihydrofolate reductase |
Q52251898 | Chaos in protein dynamics |
Q46296756 | Chaperone action of a versatile small heat shock protein from Methanococcoides burtonii, a cold adapted archaeon |
Q47589403 | Chaperone-client interactions between Hsp21 and client proteins monitored in solution by small angle X-ray scattering and captured by crosslinking mass spectrometry. |
Q91231457 | Chaperone-like activity of the N-terminal region of a human small heat shock protein and chaperone-functionalized nanoparticles |
Q79624974 | Chaperone-mediated inhibition of tubulin self-assembly |
Q51924709 | Characteristic amino acid combinations in olfactory G protein-coupled receptors |
Q42645617 | Characterization and autoprocessing of precursor and mature forms of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV 1) protease purified from Escherichia coli |
Q57088189 | Characterization and functional properties of the extracellular coelomic hemoglobins from the deep-sea, hydrothermal vent scaleworm Branchipolynoe symmytilida |
Q46982720 | Characterization and structural modeling of a novel thermostable glycine oxidase from Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426. |
Q42036089 | Characterization and tissue-specific expression of two lepidopteran farnesyl diphosphate synthase homologs: implications for the biosynthesis of ethyl-substituted juvenile hormones |
Q47866998 | Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana stellacyanin: a comparison with umecyanin |
Q68188218 | Characterization of HIV-1 p24 self-association using analytical affinity chromatography |
Q98198405 | Characterization of Left-handed beta Helix-domains, and identification and functional annotation of proteins containing such domains |
Q44947535 | Characterization of Lys-698-to-Met substitution in human plasminogen catalytic domain |
Q30010236 | Characterization of PDZ domain‐peptide interaction interface based on energetic patterns |
Q40376423 | Characterization of Salmonella typhi OmpC and OmpF porins engineered with HIV-gp41 epitope on the surface loops |
Q27644271 | Characterization of Salmonella typhimurium YegS, a putative lipid kinase homologous to eukaryotic sphingosine and diacylglycerol kinases |
Q43021929 | Characterization of a corrinoid protein involved in the C1 metabolism of strict anaerobic bacterium Moorella thermoacetica |
Q27653535 | Characterization of a diagnostic Fab fragment binding trimeric Lewis X |
Q45865791 | Characterization of a putative calcium-binding site in tobacco mosaic virus |
Q46548593 | Characterization of a sHsp of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, SpHsp15.8, and the implication of its functional mechanism by comparison with another sHsp, SpHsp16.0. |
Q54768947 | Characterization of a slow folding reaction for the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase. |
Q43593727 | Characterization of a thrombomodulin binding site on protein C and its comparison to an activated protein C binding site for factor Va. |
Q53393870 | Characterization of an alternative low energy fold for bovine α‐lactalbumin formed by disulfide bond shuffling |
Q47771231 | Characterization of cancer-linked BRCA1-BRCT missense variants and their interaction with phosphoprotein targets |
Q31138279 | Characterization of carbonic anhydrases from Riftia pachyptila, a symbiotic invertebrate from deep-sea hydrothermal vents |
Q71660325 | Characterization of crystals of Penicillium purpurogenum acetyl xylan esterase from high-resolution x-ray diffraction |
Q57979651 | Characterization of crystals of the thermostable DNA polymerase I fromthermus aquaticus |
Q46261187 | Characterization of cysteine thiol modifications based on protein microenvironments and local secondary structures |
Q40314632 | Characterization of de novo four-helix bundles by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q80068376 | Characterization of interfacial solvent in protein complexes and contribution of wet spots to the interface description |
Q74614435 | Characterization of internal motions of Escherichia coli ribonuclease H by Monte Carlo simulation |
Q43256880 | Characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry: conformational heterogeneity of alpha-synuclein |
Q30365524 | Characterization of local geometry of protein surfaces with the visibility criterion. |
Q30320157 | Characterization of peptides resulting from digestion of human skin elastin with elastase. |
Q92309401 | Characterization of perdeuterated high-potential iron-sulfur protein with high-resolution X-ray crystallography |
Q70604305 | Characterization of proline-containing alpha-helix (helix F model of bacteriorhodopsin) by molecular dynamics studies |
Q81489824 | Characterization of protein dynamics from residual dipolar couplings using the three dimensional Gaussian axial fluctuation model |
Q46129874 | Characterization of receptors with a new negative image: Use in molecular docking and lead optimization |
Q31149794 | Characterization of sequence variability in nucleosome core histone folds. |
Q51521576 | Characterization of the AXH domain of Ataxin-1 using enhanced sampling and functional mode analysis. |
Q47422752 | Characterization of the active site of DNA polymerase β by molecular dynamics and quantum chemical calculation |
Q51079352 | Characterization of the active site of group B streptococcal hyaluronan lyase |
Q73798420 | Characterization of the active site of group B streptococcal hyaluronan lyase |
Q48007276 | Characterization of the amino acid contribution to the folding degree of proteins |
Q36778462 | Characterization of the backbone dynamics of an anti-digoxin antibody VL domain by inverse detected 1H-15N NMR: comparisons with X-ray data for the Fab. |
Q30354980 | Characterization of the backbone geometry of protein native state structures. |
Q30962824 | Characterization of the conformational space of a triple-stranded beta-sheet forming peptide with molecular dynamics simulations |
Q30976908 | Characterization of the denaturation of human alpha-lactalbumin in urea by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q29048196 | Characterization of the differences in the cyclopiazonic acid binding mode to mammalian and P. Falciparum Ca2+ pumps: a computational study |
Q27687987 | Characterization of the divalent metal binding site of bacterial polysaccharide deacetylase using crystallography and quantum chemical calculations |
Q27640569 | Characterization of the electrophile binding site and substrate binding mode of the 26-kDa glutathione S-transferase from Schistosoma japonicum |
Q41710730 | Characterization of the flexibility of the peripheral stalk of prokaryotic rotary A-ATPases by atomistic simulations |
Q77669594 | Characterization of the folding pathway of recombinant human macrophage-colony stimulating-factor beta (rhM-CSF beta) by bis-cysteinyl modification and mass spectrometry |
Q39627714 | Characterization of the homodimerization interface and functional hotspots of the CXCR4 chemokine receptor |
Q43825905 | Characterization of the impact of alternative splicing on protein dynamics: the cases of glutathione S-transferase and ectodysplasin-A isoforms |
Q45713086 | Characterization of the near native conformational states of the SAM domain of Ste11 protein by NMR spectroscopy |
Q30157626 | Characterization of the outer membrane protein OprF of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a lipopolysaccharide membrane by computer simulation |
Q57976889 | Characterization of the residual structure in the unfolded state of the Δ131Δ fragment of staphylococcal nuclease |
Q45036370 | Characterization of the structure and catalytic activity of Legionella pneumophila VipF. |
Q54632303 | Characterization of two crystal forms of Clostridium thermocellum endoglucanase CelC. |
Q91137986 | Characterizing molecular flexibility by combining least root mean square deviation measures |
Q30365845 | Characterizing of functional human coding RNA editing from evolutionary, structural, and dynamic perspectives. |
Q45765685 | Characterizing the binding of annexin V to a lipid bilayer using molecular dynamics simulations |
Q51317035 | Characterizing the conformational ensemble of monomeric polyglutamine. |
Q51342935 | Characterizing the morphology of protein binding patches. |
Q73844969 | Charge centers and formation of the protein folding core |
Q43885118 | Charged single alpha-helix: a versatile protein structural motif |
Q38408842 | Chemical compound navigator: a web-based chem-BLAST, chemical taxonomy-based search engine for browsing compounds |
Q71543071 | Chemical cross-linking between lysine groups in vimentin oligomers is dependent on local peptide conformations |
Q69569349 | Chemical modification of the RTEM-1 thiol beta-lactamase by thiol-selective reagents: evidence for activation of the primary nucleophile of the beta-lactamase active site by adjacent functional groups |
Q60129856 | Chemical synthesis of mouse cripto CFC variants |
Q82462297 | Chemometric tools for classification and elucidation of protein secondary structure from infrared and circular dichroism spectroscopic measurements |
Q51379039 | Choice of synonymous codons associated with protein folding |
Q44352138 | Cholesterol-β1 AR interaction versus cholesterol-β2 AR interaction |
Q47561394 | Choosing non-redundant representative subsets of protein sequence data sets using submodular optimization |
Q70830930 | Circular dichroism of the parallel beta helical proteins pectate lyase C and E |
Q57753147 | Circular permutants in β-glucosidases (family 3) within a predicted double-domain topology that includes a (β/α)8-barrel |
Q21045416 | Circular permuted proteins in the universe of protein folds |
Q47258354 | Cis/trans isomerization in HIV-1 capsid protein catalyzed by cyclophilin A: insights from computational and theoretical studies |
Q96340486 | Citius, Altius, Fortius |
Q37083960 | Clarifying allosteric control of flap conformations in the 1TW7 crystal structure of HIV-1 protease. |
Q75209215 | Class-specific correlations between protein folding rate, structure-derived, and sequence-derived descriptors |
Q43825564 | Classical molecular interaction potentials: improved setup procedure in molecular dynamics simulations of proteins. |
Q27935991 | Classification and functional annotation of eukaryotic protein kinases |
Q47258295 | Classification of common functional loops of kinase super-families |
Q80678271 | Classification of conformational stability of protein mutants from 3D pseudo-folding graph representation of protein sequences using support vector machines |
Q51421512 | Classification of protein complexes based on docking difficulty |
Q52133653 | Classification of protein sequences by homology modeling and quantitative analysis of electrostatic similarity |
Q43947457 | Classification of proteins based on the properties of the ligand-binding site: the case of adenine-binding proteins |
Q30809775 | Classification of the caspase-hemoglobinase fold: detection of new families and implications for the origin of the eukaryotic separins |
Q83098493 | Classification of transporters using efficient radial basis function networks with position-specific scoring matrices and biochemical properties |
Q27648694 | Classifying protein kinase structures guides use of ligand-selectivity profiles to predict inactive conformations: structure of lck/imatinib complex |
Q47718245 | Cloning and characterization of a caesalpinoid (Chamaecrista fasciculata) hemoglobin: the structural transition from a nonsymbiotic hemoglobin to a leghemoglobin. |
Q60602325 | Cloning and expression of the uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitor (UGI) from bacteriophage PBS-1 and crystallization of a uracil-DNA glycosylase-UGI complex |
Q36448470 | Cloning, expression, and nucleotide sequence of livR, the repressor for high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport in Escherichia coli |
Q90107881 | ClusPro in rounds 38 to 45 of CAPRI: Toward combining template-based methods with free docking |
Q51905726 | ClusPro: performance in CAPRI rounds 6-11 and the new server |
Q42635958 | Cluster conservation as a novel tool for studying protein-protein interactions evolution |
Q30350530 | Clustering algorithms for identifying core atom sets and for assessing the precision of protein structure ensembles. |
Q30374983 | Clustering and visualizing similarity networks of membrane proteins. |
Q51384741 | Clustering biomolecular complexes by residue contacts similarity |
Q57752503 | Clustering of multi-domain protein sequences |
Q46978001 | Clustering of null mutations in the EcoRI endonuclease |
Q50862494 | Clustering orthologous proteins across phylogenetically distant species |
Q30168356 | Clusters in alpha/beta barrel proteins: implications for protein structure, function, and folding: a graph theoretical approach |
Q40860270 | Co-evolutionary analysis implies auxiliary functions of HSP110 in Plasmodium falciparum |
Q33219608 | Co-translational myristoylation alters the quaternary structure of HIV-1 Nef in solution |
Q46111975 | Coarse grain lipid-protein molecular interactions and diffusion with MsbA flippase |
Q30424079 | Coarse- and fine-grained models for proteins: evaluation by decoy discrimination |
Q44249508 | Coarse-grained and all-atom modeling of structural states and transitions in hemoglobin |
Q91563817 | Coarse-grained and atomic resolution biomolecular docking with the ATTRACT approach |
Q51888469 | Coarse-grained dynamics of the receiver domain of NtrC: fluctuations, correlations and implications for allosteric cooperativity. |
Q87366219 | Coarse-grained modeling of the intrinsically disordered protein Histatin 5 in solution: Monte Carlo simulations in combination with SAXS |
Q47625877 | Coarse-grained simulations of conformational dynamics of proteins: Application to apomyoglobin |
Q51367033 | Coarse-grained simulations of proton-dependent conformational changes in lactose permease |
Q84136480 | Coarse‐grained modeling of conformational transitions underlying the processive stepping of myosin V dimer along filamentous actin |
Q58360796 | Cocrystallization of Lysyl-tRNA synthetase fromThermus thermophilus with its cognate tRNAlys and withEscherichia coli tRNAlys |
Q83192173 | Codep: maximizing co-evolutionary interdependencies to discover interacting proteins |
Q33373404 | Coevolution in defining the functional specificity |
Q38876977 | Coevolutionary constraints in the sequence-space of macromolecular complexes reflect their self-assembly pathways |
Q42684108 | Cofactor assisted gating mechanism in the active site of NADH oxidase from Thermus thermophilus |
Q42625526 | Cofactor-binding sites in proteins of deviating sequence: comparative analysis and clustering in torsion angle, cavity, and fold space |
Q39328444 | Cofactors-loaded quaternary structure of lysine-specific demethylase 5C (KDM5C) protein: Computational model |
Q51112347 | Cofactory: sequence-based prediction of cofactor specificity of Rossmann folds |
Q27656244 | Cohesin diversity revealed by the crystal structure of the anchoring cohesin from Ruminococcus flavefaciens |
Q73594398 | Cohesin-dockerin recognition in cellulosome assembly: experiment versus hypothesis |
Q90307969 | Coil conversion to β-strand induced by dimerization |
Q46666901 | Coiled-coil length: Size does matter. |
Q52871341 | Coiled-coil stutter and link segments in keratin and other intermediate filament molecules: a computer modeling study |
Q27730353 | Cold adaption of enzymes: structural comparison between salmon and bovine trypsins |
Q73521271 | Cold denaturation of alpha-lactalbumin |
Q57956349 | Cold unfolding of β-hairpins: A molecular-level rationalization |
Q41834158 | Collective dynamics of the ribosomal tunnel revealed by elastic network modeling |
Q72335565 | Collective motions in proteins investigated by X-ray diffuse scattering |
Q52465150 | Collective motions in proteins: A covariance analysis of atomic fluctuations in molecular dynamics and normal mode simulations |
Q51794147 | Combination of scoring functions improves discrimination in protein-protein docking |
Q44404796 | Combined QM/MM mechanistic study of the acylation process in furin complexed with the H5N1 avian influenza virus hemagglutinin's cleavage site |
Q51775539 | Combined computational and biochemical study reveals the importance of electrostatic interactions between the "pH sensor" and the cation binding site of the sodium/proton antiporter NhaA of Escherichia coli |
Q41642027 | Combined computational and experimental analysis of a complex of ribonuclease III and the regulatory macrodomain protein, YmdB |
Q33854315 | Combined computational design of a zinc-binding site and a protein-protein interaction: one open zinc coordination site was not a robust hotspot for de novo ubiquitin binding |
Q30403472 | Combined procedure of distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics techniques for protein structure determination from nuclear magnetic resonance data: application to the DNA binding domain of lac repressor from Escherichia coli |
Q27664843 | Combined use of computational chemistry, NMR screening, and X-ray crystallography for identification and characterization of fluorophilic protein environments |
Q51082691 | Combining ancestral sequence reconstruction with protein design to identify an interface hotspot in a key metabolic enzyme complex |
Q84843927 | Combining coarse‐grained nonbonded and atomistic bonded interactions for protein modeling |
Q27657212 | Combining crystallography and molecular dynamics: the case of Schistosoma mansoni phospholipid glutathione peroxidase |
Q30342425 | Combining evolutionary and structural information for local protein structure prediction. |
Q29614392 | Combining evolutionary information and neural networks to predict protein secondary structure |
Q41462734 | Combining features in a graphical model to predict protein binding sites |
Q38405905 | Combining functional and topological properties to identify core modules in protein interaction networks. |
Q46394449 | Combining interface core and whole interface descriptors in postscan processing of protein-protein docking models |
Q30336231 | Combining local-structure, fold-recognition, and new fold methods for protein structure prediction. |
Q27638993 | Combining mutations in HIV-1 protease to understand mechanisms of resistance |
Q28239844 | Combining prediction of secondary structure and solvent accessibility in proteins |
Q40636300 | Combining the GOR V algorithm with evolutionary information for protein secondary structure prediction from amino acid sequence |
Q29619067 | Combining the polymerase incomplete primer extension method for cloning and mutagenesis with microscreening to accelerate structural genomics efforts |
Q54535231 | Coming to peace with protein complexes? 5th CAPRI evaluation meeting, April 17-19th 2013--Utrecht. |
Q73798390 | Comment on "a fast and simple method to calculate protonation states in proteins" |
Q79838664 | Comment on Probe-dependent and nonexponential relaxation kinetics: unreliable signatures of downhill protein folding |
Q44018178 | Comment on ion transit pathways and gating in ClC chloride channels |
Q57956455 | Comment on “Phenomenological similarities between protein denaturation and small-molecule dissolution: Insights into the mechanism driving the thermal resistance of globular proteins” (Proteins 2004;54:323-332) |
Q58008891 | Comment on: “Energy landscape of a small peptide revealed by dihedral angle principal component analysis” |
Q73427984 | Comment to Daura, X., et al., Proteins 25:89-103, 1996 |
Q44864924 | Commentary on: "Assembly of a tetrameric alpha-helical bundle: computer simulations on an intermediate-resolution protein model" [Proteins 2001;44:376-391]. |
Q38322076 | Common binding site for disialyllactose and tri-peptide in C-fragment of tetanus neurotoxin |
Q27646624 | Common conformational changes in flavodoxins induced by FMN and anion binding: the structure of Helicobacter pylori apoflavodoxin |
Q47637017 | Common features of the conformations of antigen-binding loops in immunoglobulins and application to modeling loop conformations |
Q34989642 | Common functionally important motions of the nucleotide-binding domain of Hsp70 |
Q94529184 | Common mechanism of thermostability in small α- and β-proteins studied by molecular dynamics |
Q30365144 | Common occurrence of internal repeat symmetry in membrane proteins. |
Q77386261 | Common structural elements in the architecture of the cofactor-binding domains in unrelated families of pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes |
Q34083289 | Community-wide evaluation of methods for predicting the effect of mutations on protein-protein interactions |
Q57267827 | Compact conformations of α-synuclein induced by alcohols and copper |
Q46753799 | Compact dimension of denatured states of staphylococcal nuclease |
Q43018619 | Compact reduced thioredoxin structure from the thermophilic bacteria Thermus thermophilus |
Q27622761 | Comparative X-ray analysis of the un-liganded fosfomycin-target murA |
Q30388080 | Comparative analyses of quaternary arrangements in homo-oligomeric proteins in superfamilies: Functional implications |
Q81171039 | Comparative analysis of HIV-1 Tat variants |
Q42662784 | Comparative analysis of amino acid distributions in integral membrane proteins from 107 genomes |
Q52641027 | Comparative analysis of nanobody sequence and structure data. |
Q51099046 | Comparative analysis of sequence covariation methods to mine evolutionary hubs: examples from selected GPCR families |
Q44755455 | Comparative analysis of structural properties of the C-type-lectin-like domain (CTLD). |
Q68137855 | Comparative analysis of the beta transducin family with identification of several new members including PWP1, a nonessential gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is divergently transcribed from NMT1 |
Q68051379 | Comparative analysis of the sequences and structures of HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases |
Q43273730 | Comparative binding energy analysis for binding affinity and target selectivity prediction |
Q92477078 | Comparative dynamics of tropomyosin in vertebrates and invertebrates |
Q36144310 | Comparative electrostatic analysis of adenylyl cyclase for isoform dependent regulation properties |
Q92454884 | Comparative electrostatic analysis of adenylyl cyclase for isoform dependent regulation properties |
Q33206310 | Comparative evaluation of eight docking tools for docking and virtual screening accuracy |
Q30159802 | Comparative model of EutB from coenzyme B12-dependent ethanolamine ammonia-lyase reveals a beta8alpha8, TIM-barrel fold and radical catalytic site structural features |
Q35948872 | Comparative modeling and protein‐like features of hydrophobic–polar models on a two‐dimensional lattice |
Q30336362 | Comparative modeling in CASP5: progress is evident, but alignment errors remain a significant hindrance. |
Q30351468 | Comparative modeling in CASP6 using consensus approach to template selection, sequence-structure alignment, and structure assessment. |
Q43524110 | Comparative modeling methods: application to the family of the mammalian serine proteases |
Q57931644 | Comparative modeling of CASP3 targets using PSI-BLAST and SCWRL |
Q30794937 | Comparative modeling of CASP3 targets using PSI-BLAST and SCWRL. |
Q30329566 | Comparative modeling of CASP4 target proteins: combining results of sequence search with three-dimensional structure assessment. |
Q45818968 | Comparative modeling of human NSF reveals a possible binding mode of GABARAP and GATE-16. |
Q44899548 | Comparative modeling of mammalian aspartate transcarbamylase |
Q40914759 | Comparative modeling of the three-dimensional structure of the calmodulin-related TCH2 protein from Arabidopsis |
Q57752842 | Comparative modeling of the three-dimensional structures of family 3 glycoside hydrolases |
Q73798371 | Comparative modeling studies of the calmodulin-like domain of calcium-dependent protein kinase from soybean |
Q53861662 | Comparative molecular dynamics simulations of HIV-1 integrase and the T66I/M154I mutant: binding modes and drug resistance to a diketo acid inhibitor. |
Q40105003 | Comparative molecular dynamics simulations of histone deacetylase-like protein: binding modes and free energy analysis to hydroxamic acid inhibitors |
Q42671024 | Comparative molecular dynamics--similar folds and similar motions? |
Q28293707 | Comparative molecular model building of two serine proteinases from cytotoxic T lymphocytes |
Q49162124 | Comparative molecular modeling and crystallization of P-30 protein: a novel antitumor protein of Rana pipiens oocytes and early embryos |
Q30164931 | Comparative properties of a three-dimensional model of Plasmodium falciparum ornithine decarboxylase. |
Q112582357 | Comparative protein structure network analysis on 3CLpro from SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 |
Q54238877 | Comparative proteome analysis reveals pathogen specific outer membrane proteins of Leptospira |
Q43018776 | Comparative sequence and structure analysis reveal features of cold adaptation of an enzyme in the thermolysin family |
Q30160304 | Comparative structural analysis of TonB-dependent outer membrane transporters: implications for the transport cycle |
Q51130506 | Comparative structural analysis of a novel glutathioneS-transferase (ATU5508) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens at 2.0 A resolution |
Q43030179 | Comparative structural analysis of psychrophilic and meso- and thermophilic enzymes |
Q42718380 | Comparative structural analysis of the binding domain of follicle stimulating hormone receptor |
Q81521844 | Comparative structure-function analysis of cytolethal distending toxins |
Q48045765 | Comparative studies of the catalytic mechanisms of two chorismatases: CH-fkbo and CH-Hyg5. |
Q93059675 | Comparative studies on ion-pair energetic, distribution among three domains of life: Archaea, eubacteria, and eukarya |
Q91294636 | Comparative study of the effect of disease causing and benign mutations in position Q92 on cholesterol binding by the NPC1 n-terminal domain |
Q30558517 | Comparing aminoglycoside binding sites in bacterial ribosomal RNA and aminoglycoside modifying enzymes |
Q30352610 | Comparing atomistic simulation data with the NMR experiment: how much can NOEs actually tell us? |
Q46877421 | Comparing folding codes for proteins and polymers |
Q51239716 | Comparing programs for rigid-body multiple structural superposition of proteins |
Q36152993 | Comparing protein-ligand docking programs is difficult. |
Q52545253 | Comparing short protein substructures by a method based on backbone torsion angles |
Q50087493 | Comparing side chain packing in soluble proteins, protein-protein interfaces, and transmembrane proteins |
Q45327298 | Comparing the folding free-energy landscapes of Abeta42 variants with different aggregation properties |
Q51041059 | Comparison between computational alanine scanning and per-residue binding free energy decomposition for protein-protein association using MM-GBSA: application to the TCR-p-MHC complex |
Q54735679 | Comparison of CD spectra in the aromatic region on a series of variant proteins substituted at a unique position of tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit. |
Q30368397 | Comparison of Composer and ORCHESTRAR. |
Q43475406 | Comparison of DNA binding across protein superfamilies. |
Q47433501 | Comparison of NMR and crystal structures of membrane proteins and computational refinement to improve model quality |
Q92174616 | Comparison of Rosetta flexible-backbone computational protein design methods on binding interactions |
Q58037841 | Comparison of X-ray and NMR structures: Is there a systematic difference in residue contacts between X-ray- and NMR-resolved protein structures? |
Q44296010 | Comparison of a QM/MM force field and molecular mechanics force fields in simulations of alanine and glycine "dipeptides" (Ace-Ala-Nme and Ace-Gly-Nme) in water in relation to the problem of modeling the unfolded peptide backbone in solution |
Q71565956 | Comparison of an antibody model with an X-ray structure: the variable fragment of BR96 |
Q60214155 | Comparison of backbone dynamics of monomeric and domain-swapped stefin A |
Q58201930 | Comparison of cell-based and cell-free protocols for producing target proteins from the Arabidopsis thaliana genome for structural studies |
Q27643815 | Comparison of cytochromes b5 from insects and vertebrates |
Q73845036 | Comparison of different schemes to treat long-range electrostatic interactions in molecular dynamics simulations of a protein crystal |
Q57127575 | Comparison of end-point continuum-solvation methods for the calculation of protein-ligand binding free energies |
Q71565961 | Comparison of low oxidoreduction potential cytochrome c553 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris with the class I cytochrome c family |
Q68085492 | Comparison of model and nuclear magnetic resonance structures for the human inflammatory protein C5a |
Q27861040 | Comparison of multiple Amber force fields and development of improved protein backbone parameters |
Q30329575 | Comparison of performance in successive CASP experiments. |
Q56144901 | Comparison of protein active site structures for functional annotation of proteins and drug design |
Q30331167 | Comparison of sequence and structure alignments for protein domains. |
Q30351001 | Comparison of sequence and structure-based datasets for nonredundant structural data mining. |
Q32063335 | Comparison of solution and crystal structures of maize nonspecific lipid transfer protein: A model for a potential in vivo lipid carrier protein |
Q42939604 | Comparison of structure-based and threading-based approaches to protein functional annotation |
Q27663391 | Comparison of the crystal structure of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme at low, medium, and high ionic strengths |
Q68033364 | Comparison of the dynamics of the membrane-bound form of fd coat protein in micelles and in bilayers by solution and solid-state nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
Q71763600 | Comparison of the effects of hydrophobicity, amphiphilicity, and alpha-helicity on the activities of antimicrobial peptides |
Q51897349 | Comparison of the efficiency of evolutionary change-based and side chain orientation-based fold recognition potentials |
Q46251102 | Comparison of the folding mechanism of highly homologous proteins in the lipid-binding protein family. |
Q30195472 | Comparison of the hemocyanin beta-barrel with other Greek key beta-barrels: possible importance of the "beta-zipper" in protein structure and folding |
Q41209700 | Comparison of the structures of globins and phycocyanins: evidence for evolutionary relationship |
Q46794596 | Comparison of the three-dimensional structure of two human rhinoviruses (HRV2 and HRV14). |
Q28241164 | Comparison of the transition state ensembles for folding of Im7 and Im9 determined using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations with phi value restraints |
Q52074689 | Comparison of two optimization methods to derive energy parameters for protein folding: perceptron and Z score |
Q27648960 | Comparison of vertebrate and invertebrate CLIC proteins: the crystal structures of Caenorhabditis elegans EXC-4 and Drosophila melanogaster DmCLIC |
Q42630672 | Comparisons of experimental and computed protein anisotropic temperature factors |
Q30429635 | Competitive assessment of protein fold recognition and alignment accuracy |
Q51929128 | Complementarity of hydrophobic properties in ATP-protein binding: a new criterion to rank docking solutions |
Q47311209 | Complementarity of stability patches at the interfaces of protein complexes: Implication for the structural organization of energetic hot spots. |
Q41158742 | Complete characterization of the mutation landscape reveals the effect on amylin stability and amyloidogenicity |
Q28220809 | Completion and refinement of 3-D homology models with restricted molecular dynamics: application to targets 47, 58, and 111 in the CASP modeling competition and posterior analysis |
Q46853494 | Complex assembly mechanism and an RNA-binding mode of the human p14-SF3b155 spliceosomal protein complex identified by NMR solution structure and functional analyses |
Q47258345 | Complex folding pathways in a simple beta-hairpin |
Q51556411 | Complex formation dynamics of native and mutated pyrin's B30.2 domain with caspase-1. |
Q46010779 | Complexes of HIV-1 integrase with HAT proteins: multiscale models, dynamics, and hypotheses on allosteric sites of inhibition. |
Q51931326 | Complexity of free energy landscapes of peptides revealed by nonlinear principal component analysis |
Q50671762 | Component D of chicken hemoglobin and the hemoglobin of the embryonic Tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) self-associate upon deoxygenation: Effect on oxygen binding |
Q53168946 | Comprehensive analysis of motions in molecular dynamics trajectories of the actin capping protein and its inhibitor complexes |
Q46794984 | Comprehensive analysis of the helix-X-helix motif in soluble proteins |
Q30367296 | Comprehensive description of protein structures using protein folding shape code. |
Q52344954 | Comprehensive mapping of cystic fibrosis mutations to CFTR protein identifies mutation clusters and molecular docking predicts corrector binding site. |
Q47822299 | Comprehensive secondary-structure analysis of disulfide variants of lysozyme by synchrotron-radiation vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism. |
Q58024639 | Comprehensive statistical analysis of residues interaction specificity at protein-protein interfaces |
Q43825551 | Computation and mutagenesis suggest a right‐handed structure for the synaptobrevin transmembrane dimer |
Q45966452 | Computation of conformational entropy from protein sequences using the machine-learning method--application to the study of the relationship between structural conservation and local structural stability. |
Q43825546 | Computational 3‐D modeling and site‐directed mutation of an antibody that binds Neu2en5Ac, a transition state analogue of a sialic acid |
Q58112055 | Computational Investigation of the Conformational Dynamics in Tom20-Mitochondrial Presequence Tethered Complexes |
Q42643262 | Computational active site analysis of molecular pathways to improve functional classification of enzymes |
Q34056558 | Computational alanine scanning with linear scaling semiempirical quantum mechanical methods |
Q34689386 | Computational analysis of folding and mutation properties of C5 domain of myosin binding protein C. |
Q40431535 | Computational analysis of molecular basis of 1:1 interactions of NRG-1beta wild-type and variants with ErbB3 and ErbB4. |
Q130681476 | Computational analysis of propeptide‐containing proteins and prediction of their post‐cleavage conformation changes |
Q30385837 | Computational analysis of the CB1 carboxyl-terminus in the receptor-G protein complex |
Q57227211 | Computational analysis of the S. cerevisiae proteome reveals the function and cellular localization of the least and most amyloidogenic proteins |
Q73912090 | Computational analysis of two similar neuropeptides yields distinct conformational ensembles |
Q36220263 | Computational analysis predicts the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus tegument protein ORF63 to be alpha helical |
Q57752565 | Computational and experimental approaches for assessing the interactions between the model calycin beta-lactoglobulin and two antibacterial fluoroquinolones |
Q85353522 | Computational and experimental investigation of constitutive behavior in AraC |
Q45193877 | Computational and site-specific mutagenesis analyses of the asymmetric charge distribution on calmodulin |
Q50469801 | Computational approach to site-directed ligand discovery |
Q52068726 | Computational approach to the protein-folding problem |
Q36707980 | Computational approaches to study protein unfolding: hen egg white lysozyme as a case study |
Q88417979 | Computational assessment of folding energy landscapes in heterodimeric coiled coils |
Q96767247 | Computational backbone design enables soluble engineering of transferrin receptor apical domain |
Q33260320 | Computational basis of knowledge-based conformational probabilities derived from local- and long-range interactions in proteins. |
Q46288028 | Computational characterization of substrate and product specificities, and functionality of S-adenosylmethionine binding pocket in histone lysine methyltransferases from Arabidopsis, rice and maize |
Q90307930 | Computational characterization of the binding mode between oncoprotein Ets-1 and DNA-repair enzymes |
Q87015820 | Computational characterization of the chemical step in the GTP hydrolysis by Ras-GAP for the wild-type and G13V mutated Ras |
Q51322090 | Computational characterization of the sequence landscape in simple protein alphabets |
Q27643630 | Computational design and crystal structure of an enhanced affinity mutant human CD8 alphaalpha coreceptor |
Q27647665 | Computational design and experimental study of tighter binding peptides to an inactivated mutant of HIV-1 protease |
Q54575988 | Computational design of a substrate specificity mutant of a protein. |
Q35624791 | Computational design of protein antigens that interact with the CDR H3 loop of HIV broadly neutralizing antibody 2F5. |
Q33991441 | Computational design of second-site suppressor mutations at protein-protein interfaces |
Q84315163 | Computational design, construction, and characterization of a set of specificity determining residues in protein-protein interactions |
Q44175684 | Computational detection of the binding-site hot spot at the remodeled human growth hormone-receptor interface. |
Q30357459 | Computational diagnosis of protein conformational diseases: short molecular dynamics simulations reveal a fast unfolding of r-LDL mutants that cause familial hypercholesterolemia. |
Q46602224 | Computational evidence for the catalytic mechanism of glutaminyl cyclase. A DFT investigation |
Q128285726 | Computational evidences of a misfolding event in an aggregation‐prone light chain preceding the formation of the non‐native pathogenic dimer |
Q38311544 | Computational exploration of the activated pathways associated with DNA damage response in breast cancer |
Q36065378 | Computational exploration of the binding mode of heme-dependent stimulators into the active catalytic domain of soluble guanylate cyclase. |
Q41816394 | Computational exploration of the network of sequence flow between protein structures |
Q51065936 | Computational identification of post-translational modification-based nuclear import regulations by characterizing nuclear localization signal-import receptor interaction. |
Q33212947 | Computational identification of proteins for selectivity assays |
Q40288667 | Computational identification of self‐inhibitory peptides from envelope proteins |
Q46335126 | Computational insights into the interaction of the anthrax lethal factor with the N-terminal region of its substrates. |
Q51276073 | Computational investigation of proton transfer, pKa shifts and pH-optimum of protein-DNA and protein-RNA complexes |
Q83742301 | Computational investigation of the HIV-1 Rev multimerization using molecular dynamics simulations and binding free energy calculations |
Q42694170 | Computational methods for identifying a layered allosteric regulatory mechanism for ALS‐causing mutations of Cu‐Zn superoxide dismutase 1 |
Q31043202 | Computational model for the IGF-II/IGF2r complex that is predictive of mutational and surface plasmon resonance data |
Q28821078 | Computational modeling of laminin N-terminal domains using sparse distance constraints from disulfide bonds and chemical cross-linking |
Q26995693 | Computational modeling of membrane proteins |
Q34668331 | Computational modeling of the N-terminus of the human dopamine transporter and its interaction with PIP2 -containing membranes. |
Q30353912 | Computational mutagenesis studies of protein structure-function correlations. |
Q39780607 | Computational prediction and analysis of the DR6–NAPP interaction |
Q34655493 | Computational prediction of the binding site of proteinase 3 to the plasma membrane |
Q30157275 | Computational protein design as a tool for fold recognition |
Q34421580 | Computational protein design suggests that human PCNA-partner interactions are not optimized for affinity. |
Q52610954 | Computational protein design with a generalized Born solvent model: application to Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase |
Q41039615 | Computational protein design with explicit consideration of surface hydrophobic patches |
Q30157643 | Computational protein design with side-chain conformational entropy. |
Q48538406 | Computational proteomics analysis of HIV-1 protease interactome |
Q46486140 | Computational proteomics of biomolecular interactions in the sequence and structure space of the tyrosine kinome: deciphering the molecular basis of the kinase inhibitors selectivity |
Q57132519 | Computational protocol for predicting the binding affinities of zinc containing metalloprotein-ligand complexes |
Q40366140 | Computational reconstruction of the human skeletal muscle secretome |
Q30360277 | Computational sidechain placement and protein mutagenesis with implicit solvent models. |
Q91226710 | Computational simulations of TNF receptor oligomerization on plasma membrane |
Q59614315 | Computational simulations of stem-cell factor/c-Kit receptor interaction |
Q48139800 | Computational site-directed mutagenesis studies of the role of the hydrophobic triad on substrate binding in cholesterol oxidase. |
Q45125288 | Computational studies and peptidomimetic design for the human p53-MDM2 complex |
Q46932778 | Computational studies of LXR molecular interactions reveal an allosteric communication pathway |
Q34372578 | Computational studies of colicin insertion into membranes: the closed state |
Q70216505 | Computational studies of ligand diffusion in globins: I. Leghemoglobin |
Q73233208 | Computational studies of the domain movement and the catalytic mechanism of thymidine phosphorylase |
Q54647155 | Computational studies of the interaction between the HIV‐1 integrase tetramer and the cofactor LEDGF/p75: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations and the Informational spectrum method |
Q57794928 | Computational studies of the structure, dynamics and native content of amyloid-like fibrils of ribonuclease A |
Q43797840 | Computational study of colipase interaction with lipid droplets and bile salt micelles. |
Q61587518 | Computational study of lipid-destabilizing protein fragments: Towards a comprehensive view of tilted peptides |
Q51628645 | Computational study of the Trp-cage miniprotein based on the ECEPP/3 force field |
Q43131944 | Computational study on the carboligation reaction of acetohidroxyacid synthase: new approach on the role of the HEThDP- intermediate. |
Q91802583 | Computational study on the selective inhibition mechanism of MS402 to the first and second bromodomains of BRD4 |
Q27743078 | Computational, pulse-radiolytic, and structural investigations of lysine-136 and its role in the electrostatic triad of human C u,Z n superoxide dismutase |
Q45039426 | Computational, spectroscopic, and resonant mirror biosensor analysis of the interaction of adrenodoxin with native and tryptophan-modified NADPH-adrenodoxin reductase |
Q44878988 | Computationally accessible method for estimating free energy changes resulting from site-specific mutations of biomolecules: systematic model building and structural/hydropathic analysis of deoxy and oxy hemoglobins |
Q30427185 | Computationally-predicted CB1 cannabinoid receptor mutants show distinct patterns of salt-bridges that correlate with their level of constitutive activity reflected in G protein coupling levels, thermal stability, and ligand binding |
Q30406914 | Computed structures of point deletion mutants and their enzymatic activities |
Q41749524 | Computer analysis of mutations that affect antibody specificity |
Q38534207 | Computer design of bioactive molecules: a method for receptor-based de novo ligand design |
Q46412312 | Computer modeling and folding of four-helix bundles |
Q74460943 | Computer modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of ligand bound complexes of bovine angiogenin: dinucleotide topology at the active site of RNase a family proteins |
Q73228386 | Computer modeling of human angiogenin-dinucleotide substrate interaction |
Q44784434 | Computer modeling of the rhamnogalacturonase-"hairy" pectin complex |
Q97547599 | Computer modelling of a potential agent against SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) protease |
Q46604460 | Computer simulation of antibody binding specificity |
Q36251051 | Computer simulation study of amyloid fibril formation by palindromic sequences in prion peptides |
Q74527953 | Computer simulations aimed at structure prediction of supersecondary motifs in proteins |
Q73594418 | Computer simulations of protein folding by targeted molecular dynamics |
Q73393610 | Computer simulations of the dynamics of human choriogonadotropin and its alpha subunit |
Q73393018 | Computer simulations of the properties of the alpha2, alpha2C, and alpha2D de novo designed helical proteins |
Q47598356 | Computing van der Waals energies in the context of the rotamer approximation. |
Q71696573 | Configurational effects in antibody-antigen interactions studied by microcalorimetry |
Q30327291 | Confirmation of a unique intra-dimer cooperativity in the human hemoglobin alpha(1)beta(1)half-oxygenated intermediate supports the symmetry rule model of allosteric regulation. |
Q27648764 | Conformation and dynamics of the three-helix bundle UBA domain of p62 from experiment and simulation |
Q52285629 | Conformation and stability of streptokinases from nephritogenic and nonnephritogenic strains of streptococci |
Q54129567 | Conformation of alamethicin in phospholipid vesicles: implications for insertion models |
Q31036408 | Conformation of membrane-bound proteins revealed by vacuum-ultraviolet circular-dichroism and linear-dichroism spectroscopy |
Q52243196 | Conformation of the Ras-binding domain of Raf studied by molecular dynamics and free energy simulations |
Q74363297 | Conformation of the sebacyl β1Lys82–β2Lys82 crosslink in T-state human hemoglobin |
Q46326614 | Conformation spaces of proteins |
Q42033722 | Conformation transition kinetics of Bombyx mori silk protein. |
Q46526656 | Conformational analysis and design of cross-strand disulfides in antiparallel β-sheets. |
Q68151691 | Conformational analysis of a 12-residue analogue of mastoparan and of mastoparan X |
Q72521328 | Conformational analysis of hemopexin by Fourier-transform infrared and circular dichroism spectroscopy |
Q36758959 | Conformational analysis of protein structures derived from NMR data |
Q30371074 | Conformational and connotational heterogeneity: a surprising relationship between protein structural flexibility and puns. |
Q31141868 | Conformational and dynamics changes induced by bile acids binding to chicken liver bile acid binding protein |
Q27617580 | Conformational and functional variability supported by the BPTI fold: solution structure of the Ca2+ channel blocker calcicludine |
Q68596184 | Conformational and helicoidal analysis of the molecular dynamics of proteins: "curves," dials and windows for a 50 psec dynamic trajectory of BPTI |
Q57829529 | Conformational changes in DNA-binding proteins: Relationships with precomplex features and contributions to specificity and stability |
Q96292399 | Conformational changes in a Vernier zone region: implications for antibody dual specificity |
Q44696788 | Conformational changes in yeast phosphoglycerate kinase upon ligand binding: fluorescence of a linked probe and chemical reactivity of genetically introduced cysteinyl residues |
Q83846383 | Conformational changes induced by ATP‐hydrolysis in an ABC transporter: A molecular dynamics study of the Sav1866 exporter |
Q68141527 | Conformational characteristics of the complete sequence of group A streptococcal M6 protein |
Q27644819 | Conformational contagion in a protein: structural properties of a chameleon sequence |
Q72890874 | Conformational deformation in deoxymyoglobin by hydrostatic pressure |
Q50042128 | Conformational dynamics of L-lysine, L-arginine, L-ornithine binding protein reveals ligand-dependent plasticity |
Q40880187 | Conformational dynamics of a short antigenic peptide in its free and antibody bound forms gives insight into the role of β-turns in peptide immunogenicity |
Q52620670 | Conformational dynamics of capping protein and interaction partners: simulation studies |
Q73256223 | Conformational dynamics of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 by coarse-grained simulations |
Q57875310 | Conformational dynamics of cytochrome c: Correlation to hydrogen exchange |
Q77977305 | Conformational dynamics of cytochrome c: correlation to hydrogen exchange |
Q47291196 | Conformational dynamics of human protein kinase CK2α and its effect on function and inhibition. |
Q30370239 | Conformational dynamics of nonsynonymous variants at protein interfaces reveals disease association. |
Q42012774 | Conformational dynamics of recoverin's Ca2+‐myristoyl switch probed by 15N NMR relaxation dispersion and chemical shift analysis |
Q54770451 | Conformational dynamics of the EGFR kinase domain reveals structural features involved in activation. |
Q33743239 | Conformational flexibility and binding interactions of the G protein βγ heterodimer |
Q27648040 | Conformational flexibility in mammalian 15S-lipoxygenase: Reinterpretation of the crystallographic data |
Q82627881 | Conformational flexibility may explain multiple cellular roles of PEST motifs |
Q54457701 | Conformational flexibility of RecA protein filament: transitions between compressed and stretched states |
Q52450208 | Conformational flexibility of a scorpion toxin active on mammals and insects: a circular dichroism study |
Q73594370 | Conformational flexibility of the catalytic Asp dyad in HIV-1 protease: An ab initio study on the free enzyme |
Q48294286 | Conformational flexibility of the complete catalytic domain of Cdc25B phosphatases |
Q30380926 | Conformational fluctuations of the AXH monomer of Ataxin-1. |
Q46595057 | Conformational interconversion in compstatin probed with molecular dynamics simulations |
Q44253632 | Conformational mapping of a viral fusion peptide in structure-promoting solvents using circular dichroism and electrospray mass spectrometry |
Q41860440 | Conformational perturbation of interleukin-2: a strategy for the design of cytokine analogs |
Q43986867 | Conformational polymorphism of wild-type and mutant prion proteins: Energy landscape analysis |
Q33399171 | Conformational preferences of a short Aib/Ala-based water-soluble peptide as a function of temperature |
Q54644212 | Conformational regulation of the EGFR kinase core by the juxtamembrane and C‐terminal tail: A molecular dynamics study |
Q30163865 | Conformational sampling and dynamics of membrane proteins from 10-nanosecond computer simulations. |
Q91327312 | Conformational sampling and polarization of Asp26 in pKa calculations of thioredoxin |
Q30424944 | Conformational sampling by NMR solution structures calculated with the program DIANA evaluated by comparison with long-time molecular dynamics calculations in explicit water |
Q43280889 | Conformational selection and collagenolysis in type III collagen |
Q54335575 | Conformational selection and induced changes along the catalytic cycle of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase. |
Q45965729 | Conformational selection in silico: loop latching motions and ligand binding in enzymes. |
Q57077666 | Conformational selection through electrostatics: Free energy simulations of gtp and gdp binding to archaeal initiation factor 2 |
Q28569677 | Conformational stability and DNA binding energetics of the rat thyroid transcription factor 1 homeodomain |
Q100318080 | Conformational stability of the bacterial adhesin, FimH, with an inactivating mutation |
Q48117891 | Conformational stability of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor as influenced by glycosylation, dimerization and EGF hormone binding. |
Q79909276 | Conformational states and folding pathways of peptides revealed by principal-independent component analyses |
Q30331653 | Conformational states of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain from molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q48007456 | Conformational subspace in simulation of early-stage protein folding |
Q27694586 | Conformational transitions driven by pyridoxal-5'-phosphate uptake in the psychrophilic serine hydroxymethyltransferase from Psychromonas ingrahamii |
Q47958933 | Conformational variability of the stationary phase survival protein E from Xylella fastidiosa revealed by X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering studies, and normal mode analysis. |
Q27621091 | Conformational variation of calcium-bound troponin C |
Q50791664 | Conformations of variably linked chimeric proteins evaluated by synchrotron X-ray small-angle scattering. |
Q40966790 | Confronting the problem of interconnected structural changes in the comparative modeling of proteins. |
Q47318855 | Congruent qualitative behavior of complete and reconstructed phase space trajectories from biomolecular dynamics simulation |
Q32105094 | ConsDock: A new program for the consensus analysis of protein-ligand interactions |
Q36788610 | Consensus preferred hydration sites in six FKBP12-drug complexes. |
Q24657210 | Consensus scoring for enriching near-native structures from protein-protein docking decoys |
Q86493482 | Conservation analysis of class-specific positions in cytochrome P450 monooxygenases: functional and structural relevance |
Q44379456 | Conservation and amyloid formation: a study of the gelsolin-like family |
Q30419557 | Conservation and prediction of solvent accessibility in protein families |
Q30349854 | Conservation of cis prolyl bonds in proteins during evolution. |
Q80060137 | Conservation of metal-coordinating residues |
Q47621019 | Conservation of polar residues as hot spots at protein interfaces |
Q57808046 | Conservation of polar residues as hot spots at protein interfaces |
Q54204143 | Conservation of structural fluctuations in homologous protein kinases and its implications on functional sites |
Q44236368 | Conserved amino acid networks involved in antibody variable domain interactions |
Q84248139 | Conserved conformational dynamics of membrane fusion protein transmembrane domains and flanking regions indicated by sequence statistics |
Q30779887 | Conserved core structure and active site residues in alkaline phosphatase superfamily enzymes |
Q97533172 | Conserved internal hydration motifs in protein kinases |
Q30327615 | Conserved key amino acid positions (CKAAPs) derived from the analysis of common substructures in proteins. |
Q41969439 | Conserved movement of TMS11 between occluded conformations of LacY and XylE of the major facilitator superfamily suggests a similar hinge-like mechanism |
Q27640839 | Conserved protein YecM fromEscherichia coli shows structural homology to metal-binding isomerases and oxygenases |
Q27330867 | Conserved quantitative stability/flexibility relationships (QSFR) in an orthologous RNase H pair |
Q30333118 | Conserved residue clustering and protein structure prediction. |
Q30909739 | Conserved spatially interacting motifs of protein superfamilies: application to fold recognition and function annotation of genome data |
Q83248552 | Conserved structural and dynamics features in the denatured states of drosophila SUMO, human SUMO and ubiquitin proteins: Implications to sequence-folding paradigm |
Q27642612 | Conserved structural elements in glutathione transferase homologues encoded in the genome of Escherichia coli |
Q27618712 | Conserved water molecules in a large family of microbial ribonucleases |
Q74093196 | Conserved water molecules in the specificity pocket of serine proteases and the molecular mechanism of Na+ binding |
Q99553570 | Consistency and variation of protein subcellular location annotations |
Q30332520 | Consistency matrices: quantified structure alignments for sets of related proteins. |
Q28286468 | Consistent refinement of submitted models at CASP using a knowledge-based potential |
Q35382958 | Constant pH molecular dynamics of proteins in explicit solvent with proton tautomerism |
Q62764040 | Constant-pH molecular dynamics using continuous titration coordinates |
Q46586536 | Constitutive and dynamic phosphorylation and acetylation sites on NUCKS, a hypermodified nuclear protein, studied by quantitative proteomics |
Q30375694 | Construct optimization for protein NMR structure analysis using amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. |
Q30424569 | Constructing amino acid residue substitution classes maximally indicative of local protein structure |
Q51914305 | Constructing ensembles of flexible fragments in native proteins by iterative stochastic elimination is relevant to protein-protein interfaces |
Q30369013 | Constructing templates for protein structure prediction by simulation of protein folding pathways. |
Q73083592 | Construction and analysis of a detailed three-dimensional model of the ligand binding domain of the human B cell receptor CD40 |
Q78315721 | Construction and characterization of beta-lactoglobulin chimeras |
Q52007588 | Construction of molecular assemblies via docking: modeling of tetramers with D2 symmetry |
Q51838200 | Contact order dependent protein folding rates: kinetic consequences of a cooperative interplay between favorable nonlocal interactions and local conformational preferences. |
Q51088346 | Contact patterns between helices and strands of sheet define protein folding patterns |
Q30386605 | Contact prediction for beta and alpha-beta proteins using integer linear optimization and its impact on the first principles 3D structure prediction method ASTRO-FOLD. |
Q44547214 | Contact prediction using mutual information and neural nets |
Q41003317 | Contact rearrangements form coupled networks from local motions in allosteric proteins |
Q30382587 | Contact-assisted protein structure modeling by global optimization in CASP11. |
Q39015550 | Context characterization of amino acid homorepeats using evolution, position, and order |
Q51906237 | Context shapes: Efficient complementary shape matching for protein-protein docking. |
Q34713866 | Context-specific amino acid substitution matrices and their use in the detection of protein homologs |
Q47361657 | Continuous Automated Model EvaluatiOn (CAMEO) complementing the critical assessment of structure prediction in CASP12. |
Q68697928 | Continuous compact protein domains |
Q43825577 | Continuum electrostatic analysis of irregular ionization and proton allocation in proteins |
Q33179640 | Continuum electrostatic analysis of preferred solvation sites around proteins in solution |
Q58489183 | Continuum electrostatic analysis of preferred solvation sites around proteins in solution |
Q52421623 | Continuum electrostatics of the C-peptide: anatomy of the problem |
Q27634694 | Contribution of Thr29 to the thermodynamic stability of goat alpha-lactalbumin as determined by experimental and theoretical approaches |
Q53988252 | Contribution of arginine (HC3) 141 alpha to the Bohr effect of the fourth binding step in the reaction of ligand with human hemoglobin |
Q46377411 | Contributions of water transfer energy to protein-ligand association and dissociation barriers: Watermap analysis of a series of p38α MAP kinase inhibitors |
Q43947466 | Contributions to the binding free energy of ligands to avidin and streptavidin. |
Q38288280 | Control of crystal forms of apoferritin by site-directed mutagenesis |
Q51000031 | Conventional NMA as a better standard for evaluating elastic network models |
Q79624906 | Convergence of molecular dynamics simulations of membrane proteins |
Q42807058 | Conversion of type I 4:6 to 3:5 beta-turn types in human acidic fibroblast growth factor: effects upon structure, stability, folding, and mitogenic function. |
Q46402210 | Conversion of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase into amyloid-like structure |
Q30323184 | Cooperative approach for the protein fold recognition. |
Q31913202 | Cooperative binding of inhaled anesthetics and ATP to firefly luciferase |
Q31001659 | Cooperative effects in hydrogen-bonding of protein secondary structure elements: a systematic analysis of crystal data using Secbase. |
Q73271590 | Cooperative fluctuations of unliganded and substrate-bound HIV-1 protease: a structure-based analysis on a variety of conformations from crystallography and molecular dynamics simulations |
Q57905970 | Cooperative folding mechanism of a β-hairpin peptide studied by a multicanonical replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulation |
Q43028867 | Cooperative helix stabilization by complex Arg-Glu salt bridges. |
Q42182110 | Cooperative nature of gating transitions in K(+) channels as seen from dynamic importance sampling calculations |
Q27643950 | Cooperative propagation of local stability changes from low-stability and high-stability regions in a SH3 domain |
Q80809761 | Cooperative symmetric to asymmetric conformational transition of the apo-form of scavenger decapping enzyme revealed by simulations |
Q74460955 | Coordination topology and stability for the native and binding conformers of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 |
Q50085600 | Copper binding sites in the C-terminal domain of mouse prion protein: A hybrid (QM/MM) molecular dynamics study |
Q86534359 | Copper-chaperones with dicoordinated Cu(I)--unique protection mechanism |
Q93555607 | Correction |
Q125757087 | Correction to the article “Crystal Structure of a Ferredoxin Reductase for the CYP199A2 System from Rhodopseudomonas palustris ” |
Q57082065 | Correction to the article “Position-resolved free energy of solvation for amino acids in lipid membranes from molecular dynamics simulations” |
Q46093741 | Correlated mutation analyses on super-family alignments reveal functionally important residues |
Q25891592 | Correlated mutations and residue contacts in proteins |
Q80701899 | Correlated mutations at gp120 positions 322 and 440: implications for gp120 structure |
Q47603699 | Correlated mutations: advances and limitations. A study on fusion proteins and on the Cohesin-Dockerin families |
Q52082395 | Correlation between changes in nuclear magnetic resonance order parameters and conformational entropy: molecular dynamics simulations of native and denatured staphylococcal nuclease |
Q41675264 | Correlation between knowledge-based and detailed atomic potentials: application to the unfolding of the GCN4 leucine zipper |
Q72834590 | Correlation between protein stability and crystal properties of designed ROP variants |
Q30385358 | Correlation of (2)J couplings with protein secondary structure. |
Q57980270 | Correlation of the enzyme activities of Bacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase on three substrates with the results of molecular dynamics/energy minimization conformational searching |
Q73784287 | Correlation of the enzyme activities of Bacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase on three substrates with the results of molecular dynamics/energy minimization conformational searching |
Q45211190 | Correlations of atomic movements in lysozyme crystals |
Q31014050 | Correspondence of function and phylogeny of ABC proteins based on an automated analysis of 20 model protein data sets. |
Q51520168 | Coupling between ATP hydrolysis and protein conformational change in maltose transporter |
Q51967605 | Coupling between conformation and proton binding in proteins |
Q30374017 | Coupling between overall rotational diffusion and domain motions in proteins and its effect on dielectric spectra. |
Q92372186 | Coupling dynamics and evolutionary information with structure to identify protein regulatory and functional binding sites |
Q43956362 | Coupling of ligand binding and dimerization of helix-loop-helix peptides: spectroscopic and sedimentation analyses of calbindin D9k EF-hands |
Q60459586 | Coupling of structural fluctuations to deamidation reaction in triosephosphate isomerase by Gaussian network model |
Q46470076 | Coupling of the guanosine glycosidic bond conformation and the ribonucleotide cleavage reaction: implications for barnase catalysis |
Q52072063 | Covariance analysis of protein families: the case of the variable domains of antibodies |
Q123218872 | Cover Image, Volume 84, Issue 10 |
Q63247875 | Cover Image, Volume 85, Issue 2 |
Q58482678 | Cover Image, Volume 85, Issue 3 |
Q128879200 | Cover Image, Volume 86, Issue 11 |
Q57276435 | Cover Image, Volume 86, Issue 5 |
Q128050175 | Cover Image, Volume 87, Issue 6 |
Q127758967 | Cover Image, Volume 87, Issue 7 |
Q128271530 | Cover Image, Volume 88, Issue 8 |
Q84312224 | Cover and spacer insertions: small nonhydrophobic accessories that assist protein oligomerization |
Q51145762 | Criteria for downhill protein folding: calorimetry, chevron plot, kinetic relaxation, and single-molecule radius of gyration in chain models with subdued degrees of cooperativity |
Q30429619 | Criteria for evaluating protein structures derived from comparative modeling |
Q67961445 | Criteria that discriminate between native proteins and incorrectly folded models |
Q39540848 | Critical analysis of the successes and failures of homology models of G protein-coupled receptors. |
Q30351462 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)--round 6. |
Q29048192 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)--round IX |
Q29048203 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)--round x |
Q46348067 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)-Round XII. |
Q90564393 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)-Round XIII |
Q30336229 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)-round V. |
Q56171911 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP): Round II |
Q30429616 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP): round II. |
Q30323113 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP): round III. |
Q30329564 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP): round IV. |
Q47588454 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction - Round VIII. |
Q24642528 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction-Round VII |
Q30388020 | Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction: Progress and new directions in round XI. |
Q51932994 | Critical assessment of the automated AutoDock as a new docking tool for virtual screening |
Q51930103 | Critical evaluation of methods to incorporate entropy loss upon binding in high-throughput docking |
Q74252623 | Critical evaluation of the research docking program for the CASP2 challenge |
Q130038794 | Critical micellar concentration determination of pure phospholipids and lipid‐raft and their mixtures with cholesterol |
Q50936574 | Cross-talk between the ligand- and DNA-binding domains of estrogen receptor |
Q79554814 | Crosstalk between the subunits of the homodimeric enzyme triosephosphate isomerase |
Q48044614 | Cry1A(b)16 toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis: Theoretical refinement of three-dimensional structure and prediction of peptides as molecular markers for detection of genetically modified organisms |
Q90430303 | Cryo-electron microscopy targets in CASP13: Overview and evaluation of results |
Q43629663 | Cryptic epitopes in N-terminally truncated prion protein are exposed in the full-length molecule: dependence of conformation on pH. |
Q90653368 | Crystal and solution structures of human oncoprotein Musashi-2 N-terminal RNA recognition motif 1 |
Q51975331 | Crystal packing effects on protein loops |
Q27635348 | Crystal packing interaction that blocks crystallization of a site-specific DNA binding protein-DNA complex |
Q27670601 | Crystal packing modifies ligand binding affinity: The case of aldose reductase |
Q67777637 | Crystal parameters and molecular replacement of an anticholera toxin peptide complex |
Q27646971 | Crystal structure analysis reveals a novel forkhead-associated domain of ESAT-6 secretion system C protein in Staphylococcus aureus |
Q48043033 | Crystal structure analysis, covalent docking, and molecular dynamics calculations reveal a conformational switch in PhaZ7 PHB depolymerase |
Q36479423 | Crystal structure and biochemical properties of putrescine carbamoyltransferase from Enterococcus faecalis: Assembly, active site, and allosteric regulation |
Q27649935 | Crystal structure and domain characterization of ScpB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
Q27656246 | Crystal structure and enhanced activity of a cutinase-like enzyme from Cryptococcus sp. strain S-2 |
Q27676871 | Crystal structure and fluorescence studies reveal the role of helical dimeric interface of staphylococcal FabG1 in positive cooperativity for NADPH |
Q27649048 | Crystal structure and functional analysis identify the P-loop containing protein YFH7 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an ATP-dependent kinase |
Q27682287 | Crystal structure and nucleic acid‐binding activity of the CRISPR‐associated protein Csx1 of Pyrococcus furiosus |
Q27659268 | Crystal structure and oligomeric state of the RetS signaling kinase sensory domain |
Q27649852 | Crystal structure and possible dimerization of the single RRM of human PABPN1 |
Q27647394 | Crystal structure and putative function of small Toprim domain-containing protein from Bacillus stearothermophilus |
Q27627763 | Crystal structure and refolding properties of the mutant F99S/M153T/V163A of the green fluorescent protein |
Q27649511 | Crystal structure and stereochemical studies of KD(P)G aldolase from Thermoproteus tenax |
Q46634395 | Crystal structure and structural stability of acylphosphatase from hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3. |
Q27666584 | Crystal structure and substrate-binding mode of cellulase 12A from Thermotoga maritima |
Q27654048 | Crystal structure and thermodynamic analysis of diagnostic mAb 106.3 complexed with BNP 5-13 (C10A) |
Q46900611 | Crystal structure at 1.45-A resolution of the major allergen endo-beta-1,3-glucanase of banana as a molecular basis for the latex-fruit syndrome |
Q27688953 | Crystal structure determination of anti-DNA Fab A52 |
Q27649051 | Crystal structure of 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate kinase (TM0067) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.05 A resolution |
Q34559842 | Crystal structure of 2-phosphosulfolactate phosphatase (ComB) from Clostridium acetobutylicum at 2.6 A resolution reveals a new fold with a novel active site |
Q27664979 | Crystal structure of 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase, a member of the orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase suprafamily |
Q53590741 | Crystal structure of 5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidase from Arabidopsis thaliana at 1.5-A resolution |
Q27683480 | Crystal structure of 6-guanidinohexanoyl trypsin near the optimum pH reveals the acyl-enzyme intermediate to be deacylated |
Q40733218 | Crystal structure of A. aeolicus LpxC with bound product suggests alternate deacetylation mechanism |
Q27645431 | Crystal structure of ACE19, the collagen binding subdomain of Enterococus faecalis surface protein ACE |
Q46815510 | Crystal structure of ADP/AMP complex of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase |
Q27649816 | Crystal structure of AICAR transformylase IMP cyclohydrolase (TM1249) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.88 A resolution |
Q89857932 | Crystal structure of Alr1298, a pentapeptide repeat protein from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 7120, determined at 2.1 Å resolution |
Q27673831 | Crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana 12‐oxophytodienoate reductase isoform 3 in complex with 8‐iso prostaglandin A1 |
Q27648398 | Crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana cytokinin dehydrogenase |
Q27656983 | Crystal structure of Arabidopsis translation initiation factor eIF-5A2 |
Q63351983 | Crystal structure of At2g03760, a putative steroid sulfotransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana |
Q52371520 | Crystal structure of B-cell co-receptor CD19 in complex with antibody B43 reveals an unexpected fold |
Q27650586 | Crystal structure of B. subtilis YjcG characterizing the YjcG-like group of 2H phosphoesterase superfamily |
Q27648945 | Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis CodW, a noncanonical HslV-like peptidase with an impaired catalytic apparatus |
Q37471276 | Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis YdaF protein: a putative ribosomal N-acetyltransferase. |
Q27639347 | Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis ioli shows endonuclase IV fold with altered Zn binding |
Q27667879 | Crystal structure of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron TetX2: A tetracycline degrading monooxygenase at 2.8 Å resolution |
Q27690806 | Crystal structure of BinB: a receptor binding component of the binary toxin from Lysinibacillus sphaericus |
Q27621079 | Crystal structure of CHO reductase, a member of the aldo-keto reductase superfamily |
Q27732095 | Crystal structure of CTP-ligated T state aspartate transcarbamoylase at 2.5 A resolution: implications for ATCase mutants and the mechanism of negative cooperativity |
Q47683950 | Crystal structure of D-glycero-Β-D-manno-heptose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase from Burkholderia pseudomallei |
Q27639588 | Crystal structure of D-ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (RpiA) from Escherichia coli |
Q27650422 | Crystal structure of DFA0005 complexed with alpha-ketoglutarate: a novel member of the ICL/PEPM superfamily from alkali-tolerant Deinococcus ficus |
Q27678498 | Crystal structure of DeSI-1, a novel deSUMOylase belonging to a putative isopeptidase superfamily |
Q27646879 | Crystal structure of Dim2p: a preribosomal RNA processing factor, from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 at 2.30 A |
Q27689019 | Crystal structure of DszC from Rhodococcus sp. XP at 1.79 Å |
Q44855362 | Crystal structure of E. coli yddE protein reveals a striking homology with diaminopimelate epimerase |
Q46801612 | Crystal structure of Escherichia coli DkgA, a broad-specificity aldo-keto reductase |
Q27730949 | Crystal structure of Escherichia coli RNase HI in complex with Mg2+ at 2.8 A resolution: proof for a single Mg(2+)-binding site |
Q27731984 | Crystal structure of Escherichia coli TEM1 beta-lactamase at 1.8 A resolution |
Q46529634 | Crystal structure of Escherichia coli YfhJ protein, a member of the ISC machinery involved in assembly of iron-sulfur clusters |
Q27617728 | Crystal structure of Escherichia coli uracil DNA glycosylase and its complexes with uracil and glycerol: structure and glycosylase mechanism revisited |
Q27670731 | Crystal structure of FAF1 UBX domain in complex with p97/VCP N domain reveals a conformational change in the conserved FcisP touch‐turn motif of UBX domain |
Q27650274 | Crystal structure of GH13 alpha-glucosidase GSJ from one of the deepest sea bacteria |
Q28256757 | Crystal structure of GlcAT-S, a human glucuronyltransferase, involved in the biosynthesis of the HNK-1 carbohydrate epitope |
Q54623889 | Crystal structure of HP0242, a hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori with a novel fold. |
Q27666850 | Crystal structure of HP0721, a novel secreted protein from Helicobacter pylori |
Q27644051 | Crystal structure of Helicobacter pylori spermidine synthase: a Rossmann-like fold with a distinct active site |
Q24297467 | Crystal structure of Homo sapiens protein LOC79017 |
Q57973457 | Crystal structure of Homo sapiens protein hp14.5 |
Q34302791 | Crystal structure of Homo sapiens protein hp14.5. |
Q34510806 | Crystal structure of Homo sapiens thialysine Nepsilon-acetyltransferase (HsSSAT2) in complex with acetyl coenzyme A. |
Q56978825 | Crystal structure of Hsp33 chaperone (TM1394) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.20 Å resolution |
Q27689666 | Crystal structure of JHP933 from Helicobacter pylori J99 shows two-domain architecture with a DUF1814 family nucleotidyltransferase domain and a helical bundle domain |
Q27654047 | Crystal structure of KaiC-like protein PH0186 from hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 |
Q27653395 | Crystal structure of LZ-8 from the medicinal fungus Ganoderma lucidium |
Q27639581 | Crystal structure of MTH169, a crucial component of phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthetase |
Q27638994 | Crystal structure of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum conserved protein MTH1020 reveals an NTN-hydrolase fold |
Q27646884 | Crystal structure of MtnX phosphatase from Bacillus subtilis at 2.0 angstroms resolution provides a structural basis for bipartite phosphomonoester hydrolysis of 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate |
Q27687101 | Crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CarD, an essential RNA polymerase binding protein, reveals a quasidomain-swapped dimeric structural architecture |
Q27658106 | Crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis LppA, a lipoprotein confined to pathogenic mycobacteria |
Q27673650 | Crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3168: A putative aminoglycoside antibiotics resistance enzyme |
Q27649623 | Crystal structure of N-acylamino acid racemase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q27658679 | Crystal structure of NADH:rubredoxin oxidoreductase from Clostridium acetobutylicum: a key component of the dioxygen scavenging system in obligatory anaerobes |
Q45220727 | Crystal structure of NH3-dependent NAD+ synthetase from Helicobacter pylori. |
Q27646784 | Crystal structure of NMA1982 from Neisseria meningitidis at 1.5 angstroms resolution provides a structural scaffold for nonclassical, eukaryotic-like phosphatases |
Q27649774 | Crystal structure of Natratoxin, a novel snake secreted phospholipaseA2 neurotoxin from Naja atra venom inhibiting A-type K+ currents |
Q27682234 | Crystal structure of NirD, the small subunit of the nitrite reductase NirbD from Mycobacterium tuberculosis at 2.0 Å resolution |
Q27653171 | Crystal structure of Npun_R1517, a putative negative regulator of heterocyst differentiation from Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102 |
Q27655646 | Crystal structure of NusG N-terminal (NGN) domain from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii and its interaction with rpoE'' |
Q46475143 | Crystal structure of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase (TM0665) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.8 A resolution |
Q27650276 | Crystal structure of PAE0151 from Pyrobaculum aerophilum, a PIN-domain (VapC) protein from a toxin-antitoxin operon |
Q34370302 | Crystal structure of PH0010 from Pyrococcus horikoshii, which is highly homologous to human AMMECR 1C-terminal region. |
Q27652349 | Crystal structure of PH1733, an aspartate racemase homologue, from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 |
Q27658491 | Crystal structure of PRY-SPRY domain of human TRIM72 |
Q102382264 | Crystal structure of PYCH_01220 from Pyrococcus yayanosii potentially involved in binding nucleic acid |
Q27687798 | Crystal structure of Plasmodium vivax FK506-binding protein 25 reveals conformational changes responsible for its noncanonical activity |
Q28268145 | Crystal structure of PqqC from Klebsiella pneumoniae at 2.1 A resolution |
Q46683357 | Crystal structure of PurE (BA0288) from Bacillus anthracis at 1.8 A resolution |
Q27643807 | Crystal structure of Pyrococcus horikoshii PPC protein at 1.60 A resolution |
Q27650644 | Crystal structure of QueC from Bacillus subtilis: an enzyme involved in preQ1 biosynthesis |
Q27652872 | Crystal structure of RecX: a potent regulatory protein of RecA from Xanthomonas campestris |
Q34410412 | Crystal structure of S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase (QueA) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.0 A resolution reveals a new fold |
Q27644647 | Crystal structure of S. aureus YlaN, an essential leucine rich protein involved in the control of cell shape |
Q27649936 | Crystal structure of STS042, a stand-alone RAM module protein, from hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7 |
Q27654994 | Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ygr203w, a homolog of single-domain rhodanese and Cdc25 phosphatase catalytic domain |
Q27654407 | Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutamine synthetase Gln1 suggests a nanotube-like supramolecular assembly |
Q46203974 | Crystal structure of ScpB from Chlorobium tepidum, a protein involved in chromosome partitioning |
Q27677025 | Crystal structure of SsfS6, the putativeC-glycosyltransferase involved in SF2575 biosynthesis |
Q27667654 | Crystal structure of Sulfolobus tokodaii Sua5 complexed with L-threonine and AMPPNP |
Q72668315 | Crystal structure of TGF-beta 2 refined at 1.8 A resolution |
Q27644506 | Crystal structure of TM1030 from Thermotoga maritima at 2.3 A resolution reveals molecular details of its transcription repressor function |
Q46245319 | Crystal structure of TM1367 from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution reveals an atypical member of the cyclophilin (peptidylprolyl isomerase) fold |
Q57894979 | Crystal structure of TT1662 from Thermus thermophilus HB8: A member of the α/β hydrolase fold enzymes |
Q27649050 | Crystal structure of TTHA0303 (TT2238), a four-helix bundle protein with an exposed histidine triad from Thermus thermophilus HB8 at 2.0 A |
Q27657213 | Crystal structure of TTHA0807, a CcpA regulator, from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q27653940 | Crystal structure of TTHA1264, a putative M16-family zinc peptidase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 that is homologous to the beta subunit of mitochondrial processing peptidase |
Q27651934 | Crystal structure of TTHA1429, a novel metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q27643234 | Crystal structure of TTHA1657 (AT-rich DNA-binding protein; p25) from Thermus thermophilus HB8 at 2.16 A resolution |
Q27650417 | Crystal structure of Tflp: a ferredoxin-like metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis |
Q27652348 | Crystal structure of Thermotoga maritima SPOUT superfamily RNA methyltransferase Tm1570 in complex with S-adenosyl-L-methionine |
Q27666636 | Crystal structure of Toll-like receptor 2-activating lipoprotein IIpA from Vibrio vulnificus |
Q53584302 | Crystal structure of UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvylglucosamine reductase (MurB) from Thermus caldophilus |
Q27649770 | Crystal structure of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine enolpyruvyl transferase from Haemophilus influenzae in complex with UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and fosfomycin |
Q27642422 | Crystal structure of UDP‐N‐acetylglucosamine acyltransferase fromHelicobacter pylori |
Q82649965 | Crystal structure of VC0702 at 2.0 A: conserved hypothetical protein from Vibrio cholerae |
Q27649938 | Crystal structure of VC1805, a conserved hypothetical protein from a Vibrio cholerae pathogenicity island, reveals homology to human p32 |
Q79212146 | Crystal structure of XC5357 from Xanthomonas campestris: a putative tetracenomycin polyketide synthesis protein adopting a novel cupin subfamily structure |
Q46602324 | Crystal structure of YHI9, the yeast member of the phenazine biosynthesis PhzF enzyme superfamily |
Q47714904 | Crystal structure of YIGZ, a conserved hypothetical protein from Escherichia coli k12 with a novel fold |
Q27650143 | Crystal structure of YagE, a putative DHDPS-like protein from Escherichia coli K12 |
Q27640186 | Crystal structure of YbaB from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0442), a protein of unknown function coexpressed with the recombinational DNA repair protein RecR |
Q27622559 | Crystal structure of YbaK protein from Haemophilus influenzae (HI1434) at 1.8 A resolution: functional implications |
Q27642257 | Crystal structure of YdcE protein from Bacillus subtilis |
Q27636863 | Crystal structure of Yeco from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0319) reveals a methyltransferase fold and a bound S‐adenosylhomocysteine |
Q79969417 | Crystal structure of YfiR, an unusual TetR/CamR-type putative transcriptional regulator from Bacillus subtilis |
Q27650764 | Crystal structure of YlqF, a circularly permuted GTPase: implications for its GTPase activation in 50 S ribosomal subunit assembly |
Q27697926 | Crystal structure of YwpF from Staphylococcus aureus reveals its architecture comprised of a β-barrel core domain resembling type VI secretion system proteins and a two-helix pair |
Q27652876 | Crystal structure of a 1.6-hexanediol bound tetrameric form of Escherichia coli lac-repressor refined to 2.1 A resolution |
Q98161415 | Crystal structure of a 123 amino acids dimerization domain of Drosophila Caprin |
Q27648489 | Crystal structure of a 3-oxoacyl-(acylcarrier protein) reductase (BA3989) from Bacillus anthracis at 2.4-A resolution |
Q27678203 | Crystal structure of a Cas6 paralogous protein from Pyrococcus furiosus |
Q27690169 | Crystal structure of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar RabGAP TBC-domain at 1.8 Å resolution |
Q46294475 | Crystal structure of a PIN (PilT N-terminus) domain (AF0591) from Archaeoglobus fulgidus at 1.90 A resolution |
Q27650583 | Crystal structure of a PduO-type ATP:cobalamin adenosyltransferase from Burkholderia thailandensis |
Q98896987 | Crystal structure of a SAM-dependent O-methyltransferase-like enzyme from Aspergillus flavus |
Q27704892 | Crystal structure of a [NiFe] hydrogenase maturation protease HybD from Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1 |
Q27666625 | Crystal structure of a bacterial phosphoglucomutase, an enzyme involved in the virulence of multiple human pathogens |
Q46389037 | Crystal structure of a bicupin protein HutD involved in histidine utilization in Pseudomonas. |
Q27644364 | Crystal structure of a binary complex between human GCN5 histone acetyltransferase domain and acetyl coenzyme A |
Q38328070 | Crystal structure of a calcium-induced dimer of two isoforms of cobra phospholipase A2 at 1.6 A resolution |
Q27650765 | Crystal structure of a chimera of human and Plasmodium falciparum hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferases provides insights into oligomerization |
Q27765347 | Crystal structure of a complex formed between proteolytically-generated lactoferrin fragment and proteinase K |
Q45194395 | Crystal structure of a component of glycine cleavage system: T-protein from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 at 1.5 A resolution. |
Q57839935 | Crystal structure of a consensus-designed ankyrin repeat protein: Implications for stability |
Q56978807 | Crystal structure of a conserved hypothetical protein (gi: 13879369) from Mouse at 1.90 Å resolution reveals a new fold |
Q57895178 | Crystal structure of a conserved hypothetical protein TT1751 fromThermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q27648693 | Crystal structure of a conserved protein of unknown function (MJ1651) from Methanococcus jannaschii |
Q27644821 | Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial sucrose-phosphatase in complex with glucose-containing disaccharides |
Q27651674 | Crystal structure of a family GT4 glycosyltransferase from Bacillus anthracis ORF BA1558 |
Q27656658 | Crystal structure of a ferredoxin reductase for the CYP199A2 system from Rhodopseudomonas palustris |
Q57898162 | Crystal structure of a feruloyl esterase belonging to the tannase family: A disulfide bond near a catalytic triad |
Q27641821 | Crystal structure of a flavin-binding protein from Thermotoga maritima |
Q34384467 | Crystal structure of a formiminotetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase (TM1560) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.80 A resolution reveals a new fold |
Q35536516 | Crystal structure of a fully glycosylated HIV-1 gp120 core reveals a stabilizing role for the glycan at Asn262. |
Q56978662 | Crystal structure of a glycerate kinase (TM1585) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.70 Å resolution reveals a new fold |
Q46714134 | Crystal structure of a glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) from Thermotoga maritima (TM1621) at 1.60 A resolution |
Q46803204 | Crystal structure of a heterodimer of phospholipase A2 from Naja naja sagittifera at 2.3 A resolution reveals the presence of a new PLA2-like protein with a novel cys 32-Cys 49 disulphide bridge with a bound sugar at the substrate-binding site |
Q27643947 | Crystal structure of a histidine kinase sensor domain with similarity to periplasmic binding proteins |
Q34447851 | Crystal structure of a human kynurenine aminotransferase II homologue from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 at 2.20 A resolution. |
Q27640465 | Crystal structure of a hypothetical protein, TM841 of Thermotoga maritima, reveals its function as a fatty acid-binding protein |
Q27642420 | Crystal structure of a hypothetical protein, TT1725, from Thermus thermophilus HB8 at 1.7 A resolution |
Q27679089 | Crystal structure of a member of a novel family of dioxygenases (PF10014) reveals a conserved cupin fold and active site |
Q27667656 | Crystal structure of a metal-dependent phosphoesterase (YP_910028.1) from Bifidobacterium adolescentis: Computational prediction and experimental validation of phosphoesterase activity |
Q44947551 | Crystal structure of a methionine aminopeptidase (TM1478) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.9 A resolution |
Q27648253 | Crystal structure of a monoclonal antibody directed against an antigenic determinant common to Ogawa and Inaba serotypes of Vibrio cholerae O1 |
Q27631610 | Crystal structure of a mutant human lysozyme with a substituted disulfide bond |
Q46724996 | Crystal structure of a new class of glutathione transferase from the model human hookworm nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus. |
Q91610279 | Crystal structure of a novel ATPase RadD from Escherichia coli |
Q27653537 | Crystal structure of a novel Sm-like protein of putative cyanophage origin at 2.60 Å resolution |
Q46589580 | Crystal structure of a novel Thermotoga maritima enzyme (TM1112) from the cupin family at 1.83 A resolution |
Q27653173 | Crystal structure of a novel archaeal AAA+ ATPase SSO1545 fromSulfolobus solfataricus |
Q27667949 | Crystal structure of a novel dimer form of FlgD from P. aeruginosa PAO1 |
Q93244716 | Crystal structure of a novel fold protein Gp72 from the freshwater cyanophage Mic1 |
Q44960730 | Crystal structure of a novel manganese-containing cupin (TM1459) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.65 A resolution |
Q27674967 | Crystal structure of a novel mitogen‐activated protein kinase phosphatase, SKRP1 |
Q27650140 | Crystal structure of a novel non-Pfam protein AF1514 from Archeoglobus fulgidus DSM 4304 solved by S-SAD using a Cr X-ray source |
Q46304080 | Crystal structure of a novel prolidase from Deinococcus radiodurans identifies new subfamily of bacterial prolidases. |
Q27644010 | Crystal structure of a novel single-stranded DNA binding protein from Mycoplasma pneumoniae |
Q41110623 | Crystal structure of a novel two domain GH78 family α-rhamnosidase from Klebsiella oxytoca with rhamnose bound. |
Q27667347 | Crystal structure of a phenol‐coupling P450 monooxygenase involved in teicoplanin biosynthesis |
Q44817554 | Crystal structure of a phosphoribosylaminoimidazole mutase PurE (TM0446) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.77-A resolution |
Q47866942 | Crystal structure of a phosphotransacetylase from Streptococcus pyogenes |
Q37471248 | Crystal structure of a predicted precorrin-8x methylmutase from Thermoplasma acidophilum |
Q47596538 | Crystal structure of a protein associated with cell division from Mycoplasma pneumoniae (GI: 13508053): a novel fold with a conserved sequence motif |
Q68596174 | Crystal structure of a protein-toxin alpha 1-purothionin at 2.5A and a comparison with predicted models |
Q43018120 | Crystal structure of a purine/pyrimidine phosphoribosyltransferase-related protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8. |
Q27641532 | Crystal structure of a putative CN hydrolase from yeast |
Q27651129 | Crystal structure of a putative DNA methylase TTHA0409 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q35546797 | Crystal structure of a putative HTH-type transcriptional regulator yxaF from Bacillus subtilis. |
Q44960740 | Crystal structure of a putative NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase (GI: 18204011) from mouse at 2.10 A resolution |
Q48007177 | Crystal structure of a putative PII-like signaling protein (TM0021) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.5 A resolution |
Q83957597 | Crystal structure of a putative acyl-CoA thioesterase from Xanthomonas campestris (XC229) adopts a tetrameric hotdog fold of epsilongamma mode |
Q44855333 | Crystal structure of a putative aspartate aminotransferase belonging to subgroup IV. |
Q44784471 | Crystal structure of a putative glutamine amido transferase (TM1158) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.7 A resolution |
Q27650670 | Crystal structure of a putative lysostaphin peptidase from Vibrio cholerae |
Q27657329 | Crystal structure of a putative methylmalonyl-coenzyme A epimerase from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis at 2.0 A resolution |
Q46214522 | Crystal structure of a putative modulator of DNA gyrase (pmbA) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.95 A resolution reveals a new fold |
Q28485422 | Crystal structure of a putative oxalate decarboxylase (TM1287) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.95 A resolution |
Q53657371 | Crystal structure of a putative phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PA4866) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAC1. |
Q46865795 | Crystal structure of a putative pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase (Rv2607) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
Q27680491 | Crystal structure of a putative quorum sensing-regulated protein (PA3611) from the Pseudomonas-specific DUF4146 family |
Q27734823 | Crystal structure of a recombinant form of the maltodextrin-binding protein carrying an inserted sequence of a B-cell epitope from the preS2 region of hepatitis B virus |
Q44910194 | Crystal structure of a ribose-5-phosphate isomerase RpiB (TM1080) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution |
Q27649047 | Crystal structure of a secondary vitamin D3 binding site of milk beta-lactoglobulin |
Q56978738 | Crystal structure of a single-stranded DNA-binding protein (TM0604) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.60 Å resolution |
Q27678402 | Crystal structure of a supercharged variant of the human enteropeptidase light chain |
Q46320318 | Crystal structure of a tandem cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS) domain protein (TM0935) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.87 A resolution |
Q27621093 | Crystal structure of a thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase substrate complex suggests determinants of substrate specificity and thermostability |
Q27643664 | Crystal structure of a transcription regulator (TM1602) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.3 A resolution |
Q27646782 | Crystal structure of a transcriptional activator of comK gene from Bacillus halodurans |
Q27659695 | Crystal structure of a triacylglycerol lipase from Penicillium expansum at 1.3 A determined by sulfur SAD |
Q27657330 | Crystal structure of a trimeric archaeal adenylate kinase from the mesophile Methanococcus maripaludis with an unusually broad functional range and thermal stability |
Q27628955 | Crystal structure of a truncated form of porcine odorant-binding protein |
Q27663517 | Crystal structure of a truncated urease accessory protein UreF from Helicobacter pylori |
Q45257277 | Crystal structure of a truncated version of the phage lambda protein gpD. |
Q46025762 | Crystal structure of a type II quinolic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (TM1645) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.50 A resolution. |
Q44252320 | Crystal structure of a zinc-containing glycerol dehydrogenase (TM0423) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.5 A resolution |
Q43559566 | Crystal structure of acireductone dioxygenase (ARD) from Mus musculus at 2.06 angstrom resolution |
Q27678201 | Crystal structure of agkisacucetin, a Gpib-binding snake C-type lectin that inhibits platelet adhesion and aggregation |
Q82068613 | Crystal structure of alanyl-tRNA synthetase editing-domain homolog (PH0574) from a hyperthermophile, Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 at 1.45 A resolution |
Q27648249 | Crystal structure of aminopeptidase N from human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis |
Q27649853 | Crystal structure of an ADP-ribosylated protein with a cytidine deaminase-like fold, but unknown function (TM1506), from Thermotoga maritima at 2.70 A resolution |
Q34431926 | Crystal structure of an Apo mRNA decapping enzyme (DcpS) from Mouse at 1.83 A resolution |
Q46145171 | Crystal structure of an HEPN domain protein (TM0613) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.75 A resolution |
Q56978648 | Crystal structure of an ORFan protein (TM1622) fromThermotoga maritimaat 1.75 Å resolution reveals a fold similar to the Ran-binding protein Mog1p |
Q82585442 | Crystal structure of an RtcB homolog protein (PH1602-extein protein) from Pyrococcus horikoshii reveals a novel fold |
Q46128390 | Crystal structure of an Udp-n-acetylmuramate-alanine ligase MurC (TM0231) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.3 A resolution |
Q27646622 | Crystal structure of an acetyltransferase protein fromVibrio choleraestrain N16961 |
Q45229452 | Crystal structure of an alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase from Anabaena sp. at 1.70 A resolution reveals a noncovalently linked PLP cofactor |
Q43608572 | Crystal structure of an aldehyde reductase Y50F mutant-NADP complex and its implications for substrate binding |
Q27652281 | Crystal structure of an alkaline serine protease from Nesterenkonia sp. defines a novel family of secreted bacterial proteases |
Q34330586 | Crystal structure of an allantoicase (YIR029W) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 2.4 A resolution |
Q44071941 | Crystal structure of an alpha/beta serine hydrolase (YDR428C) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 1.85 A resolution |
Q46721054 | Crystal structure of an archaeal Sm protein from Sulfolobus solfataricus. |
Q27662227 | Crystal structure of an archaeal cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor subunit from Pyrococcus horikoshii |
Q79935373 | Crystal structure of an archaeal homologue of multidrug resistance repressor protein, EmrR, from hyperthermophilic archaea Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7 |
Q43023614 | Crystal structure of an archaeal specific DNA-binding protein (Ape10b2) from Aeropyrum pernix K1. |
Q44855358 | Crystal structure of an aspartate aminotransferase (TM1255) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution |
Q27660234 | Crystal structure of an eIF4G-like protein fromDanio rerio |
Q56978885 | Crystal structure of an indigoidine synthase A (IndA)-like protein (TM1464) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 Å resolution reveals a new fold |
Q27642900 | Crystal structure of an iron-containing 1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase (TM0920) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.3 A resolution |
Q46091228 | Crystal structure of an orphan protein (TM0875) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.00-A resolution reveals a new fold |
Q46848400 | Crystal structure of antigen TpF1 from Treponema pallidum |
Q27703593 | Crystal structure of archaeal ketopantoate reductase complexed with coenzyme a and 2-oxopantoate provides structural insights into feedback regulation |
Q27650205 | Crystal structure of archaeal tRNA(m(1)G37)methyltransferase aTrm5 |
Q27662960 | Crystal structure of archaemetzincin AmzA from Methanopyrus kandleri at 1.5 A resolution |
Q57875907 | Crystal structure of axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) liver bile acid-binding protein bound to cholic and oleic acid |
Q27675746 | Crystal structure of bacteriophage ϕNIT1 zinc peptidase PghP that hydrolyzes γ-glutamyl linkage of bacterial poly-γ-glutamate |
Q27626597 | Crystal structure of bovine duodenase, a serine protease, with dual trypsin and chymotrypsin-like specificities |
Q27645355 | Crystal structure of calcium binding protein-1 from Entamoeba histolytica: a novel arrangement of EF hand motifs |
Q27749440 | Crystal structure of calcium-independent subtilisin BPN′ with restored thermal stability folded without the prodomain |
Q98161380 | Crystal structure of chalcone synthase, a key enzyme for isoflavonoid biosynthesis in soybean |
Q27643629 | Crystal structure of chemically synthesized vMIP-II |
Q56764579 | Crystal structure of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase B2 encoded by the multiresistance transposon Tn2424 |
Q27642898 | Crystal structure of chorismate synthase from Aquifex aeolicus reveals a novel beta alpha beta sandwich topology |
Q27685221 | Crystal structure of conjugated polyketone reductase (CPR-C1) from Candida parapsilosis IFO 0708 complexed with NADPH |
Q48007394 | Crystal structure of conserved protein PH1136 from Pyrococcus horikoshii. |
Q27666119 | Crystal structure of curcuminoid synthase CUS from Oryza sativa |
Q81528787 | Crystal structure of decameric peroxiredoxin (AhpC) from Amphibacillus xylanus |
Q27675247 | Crystal structure of decaprenylphosphoryl-β-D-ribose 2'-epimerase fromMycobacterium smegmatis |
Q80914870 | Crystal structure of dehydroquinate synthase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 showing functional importance of the dimeric state |
Q27684504 | Crystal structure of deltarhodopsin‐3 from Haloterrigena thermotolerans |
Q43029698 | Crystal structure of dibenzothiophene sulfone monooxygenase BdsA from Bacillus subtilis WU-S2B. |
Q46803237 | Crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase (BA3935) from Bacillus anthracis at 1.94 A resolution |
Q45729072 | Crystal structure of elongation factor P from Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 1.75 å resolution |
Q27651672 | Crystal structure of engineered beta-glucosidase from a soil metagenome |
Q51186372 | Crystal structure of fatty acid-CoA racemase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv |
Q46832312 | Crystal structure of flavin binding to FAD synthetase of Thermotoga maritima |
Q27642894 | Crystal structure of gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase (TM0293) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.0 A resolution |
Q45028395 | Crystal structure of gene locus At3g16990 from Arabidopsis thaliana |
Q27656419 | Crystal structure of ginkbilobin-2 with homology to the extracellular domain of plant cysteine-rich receptor-like kinases |
Q27674916 | Crystal structure of glucuronic acid dehydrogenase [correction of dehydrogeanse] from Chromohalobacter salexigens |
Q27639732 | Crystal structure of glutamine amidotransferase fromThermotoga maritima |
Q27645350 | Crystal structure of glutathione reductase Glr1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q27651950 | Crystal structure of glutathione-dependent phospholipid peroxidase Hyr1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q46848393 | Crystal structure of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Plasmodium falciparum at 2.25 A resolution reveals intriguing extra electron density in the active site. |
Q27649609 | Crystal structure of glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis, a metal ion-dependent enzyme: insight into the catalytic mechanism |
Q80113383 | Crystal structure of glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens by SAD with a large asymmetric unit |
Q39226755 | Crystal structure of heart 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (PFKFB2) and the inhibitory influence of citrate on substrate binding |
Q27675741 | Crystal structure of homoisocitrate dehydrogenase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe |
Q27645233 | Crystal structure of homoserine O-succinyltransferase from Bacillus cereus at 2.4 A resolution |
Q34645728 | Crystal structure of human Ankyrin G death domain |
Q44855348 | Crystal structure of human L-xylulose reductase holoenzyme: probing the role of Asn107 with site-directed mutagenesis |
Q28265727 | Crystal structure of human SH3BGRL protein: the first structure of the human SH3BGR family representing a novel class of thioredoxin fold proteins |
Q34574153 | Crystal structure of human TMDP, a testis-specific dual specificity protein phosphatase: implications for substrate specificity |
Q27651133 | Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase XIII and its complex with the inhibitor acetazolamide |
Q27654629 | Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase-related protein VIII reveals the basis for catalytic silencing |
Q27649297 | Crystal structure of human cellular retinol-binding protein II to 1.2 A resolution |
Q27649296 | Crystal structure of human cyclophilin D in complex with its inhibitor, cyclosporin A at 0.96-A resolution |
Q27677502 | Crystal structure of human cytosolic aspartyl‐tRNA synthetase, a component of multi‐tRNA synthetase complex |
Q24311982 | Crystal structure of human diphosphoinositol phosphatase 1 |
Q34577177 | Crystal structure of human dual specificity phosphatase, JNK stimulatory phosphatase-1, at 1.5 A resolution |
Q27654071 | Crystal structure of human eIF5A1: insight into functional similarity of human eIF5A1 and eIF5A2 |
Q27642167 | Crystal structure of human immunoglobulin fragment Fab New refined at 2.0 A resolution |
Q38456781 | Crystal structure of human multiple copies in T‐cell lymphoma‐1 oncoprotein |
Q27643992 | Crystal structure of human myo-inositol monophosphatase 2, the product of the putative susceptibility gene for bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and febrile seizures |
Q27648284 | Crystal structure of human nucleophosmin-core reveals plasticity of the pentamer-pentamer interface |
Q27637712 | Crystal structure of human nucleoside diphosphate kinase A, a metastasis suppressor |
Q27622554 | Crystal structure of human ornithine transcarbamylase complexed with carbamoyl phosphate and L-norvaline at 1.9 A resolution |
Q27653392 | Crystal structure of human osteoclast stimulating factor |
Q48007168 | Crystal structure of human p120 homologue protein PH1374 from Pyrococcus horikoshii |
Q27651131 | Crystal structure of human phosphomevalonate kinase at 1.8 A resolution |
Q34501848 | Crystal structure of human protein tyrosine phosphatase 14 (PTPN14) at 1.65-A resolution |
Q27652880 | Crystal structure of human retinoblastoma binding protein 9 |
Q27644410 | Crystal structure of human slingshot phosphatase 2 |
Q82863243 | Crystal structure of human spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (hSSAT): the first structure of a new sequence family of transferase homologous superfamily |
Q27621914 | Crystal structure of human ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase |
Q80610301 | Crystal structure of hypothetical protein PH0642 from Pyrococcus horikoshii at 1.6A resolution |
Q27652346 | Crystal structure of hypothetical protein PH0734.1 from hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 |
Q80610309 | Crystal structure of hypothetical protein PH0828 from Pyrococcus horikoshii |
Q27676667 | Crystal structure of hypothetical protein TTHB210, controlled by the σ(E) /anti-σ(E) regulatory system in Thermus thermophilus HB8, reveals a novel homodecamer |
Q30437663 | Crystal structure of hypothetical protein YfiH from Shigella flexneri at 2 A resolution |
Q51264884 | Crystal structure of intein homing endonuclease II encoded in DNA polymerase gene from hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis strain KOD1. |
Q27665814 | Crystal structure of isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals a novel active site architecture and the basis of substrate specificity |
Q44898287 | Crystal structure of isocitrate dehydrogenase from Aeropyrum pernix |
Q27694799 | Crystal structure of juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase from the silkworm Bombyx mori |
Q47995292 | Crystal structure of lipoate-bound lipoate ligase 1, LipL1, from Plasmodium falciparum |
Q46622877 | Crystal structure of methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from Mycoplasma pneumoniae (GI: 13508087) at 2.2 A resolution |
Q54719164 | Crystal structure of myoglobin from a synthetic gene. |
Q27667432 | Crystal structure of native Anopheles gambiae serpin-2, a negative regulator of melanization in mosquitoes |
Q27650107 | Crystal structure of native O-acetyl-serine sulfhydrylase from Entamoeba histolytica and its complex with cysteine: structural evidence for cysteine binding and lack of interactions with serine acetyl transferase |
Q27652428 | Crystal structure of native cinnamomin isoform III and its comparison with other ribosome inactivating proteins |
Q27637481 | Crystal structure of non-allosteric L-lactate dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus pentosus at 2.3 A resolution: specific interactions at subunit interfaces |
Q48020683 | Crystal structure of nonspecific lipid transfer protein from Solanum melongena |
Q27642899 | Crystal structure of osmotin, a plant antifungal protein |
Q91163256 | Crystal structure of pantoate kinase from Thermococcus kodakarensis |
Q45070150 | Crystal structure of peptide deformylase from Staphylococcus aureus in complex with actinonin, a naturally occurring antibacterial agent |
Q27655519 | Crystal structure of phenylacetic acid degradation protein PaaG from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q79895869 | Crystal structure of phosphatidylglycerophosphatase (PGPase), a putative membrane-bound lipid phosphatase, reveals a novel binuclear metal binding site and two "proton wires" |
Q27650878 | Crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from Trypanosoma brucei complexed with glucose-6-phosphate at 1.6 A resolution |
Q27639878 | Crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from pig muscle and its complex with 5-phosphoarabinonate |
Q27689554 | Crystal structure of phosphopantothenate synthetase from Thermococcus kodakarensis |
Q46153449 | Crystal structure of phosphoribosylformyl-glycinamidine synthase II, PurS subunit (TM1244) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution |
Q46181744 | Crystal structure of phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II (smPurL) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.15 A resolution |
Q46766771 | Crystal structure of putative N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase (AK071544) from rice (Oryza sativa). |
Q46898521 | Crystal structure of quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori |
Q27644050 | Crystal structure of recombinant human stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha |
Q27622756 | Crystal structure of recombinant trypsin-solubilized fragment of cytochrome b(5) and the structural comparison with Val61His mutant |
Q27650071 | Crystal structure of single-domain VL of an anti-DNA binding antibody 3D8 scFv and its active site revealed by complex structures of a small molecule and metals |
Q52841312 | Crystal structure of stilbene synthase from Arachis hypogaea |
Q27642258 | Crystal structure of tRNA (m1G37) methyltransferase from Aquifex aeolicus at 2.6 Å resolution: A novel methyltransferase fold |
Q27678696 | Crystal structure of tandem ACT domain-containing protein ACTP from Galdieria sulphuraria |
Q47214914 | Crystal structure of tetrameric human Rabin8 GEF domain |
Q45070173 | Crystal structure of the ATP-binding cassette of multisugar transporter from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3. |
Q56978684 | Crystal structure of the ApbE protein (TM1553) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.58 Å resolution |
Q27653938 | Crystal structure of the Bacillus anthracis nucleoside diphosphate kinase and its characterization reveals an enzyme adapted to perform under stress conditions |
Q41439174 | Crystal structure of the C-terminal 2',5'-phosphodiesterase domain of group A rotavirus protein VP3. |
Q27649990 | Crystal structure of the C-terminal conserved domain of human GRP, a galectin-related protein, reveals a function mode different from those of galectins |
Q27684042 | Crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of mouse TLR9 |
Q84398109 | Crystal structure of the C-terminal region of human p97/DAP5 |
Q46770760 | Crystal structure of the C107S/C112S mutant of yeast nuclear 2-Cys peroxiredoxin |
Q27642857 | Crystal structure of the C67A mutant of isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase complexed with a mechanism-based irreversible inhibitor |
Q27673322 | Crystal structure of the Campylobacter jejuni Cj0090 protein reveals a novel variant of the immunoglobulin fold among bacterial lipoproteins |
Q54495563 | Crystal structure of the Co-chaperonin Cpn10 from Thermus thermophilus HB8. |
Q27657595 | Crystal structure of the DNA gyrase GyrA N-terminal domain fromMycobacterium tuberculosis |
Q27652352 | Crystal structure of the DUF54 family protein PH1010 from hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 |
Q27638843 | Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli SbmC protein that protects cells from the DNA replication inhibitor microcin B17 |
Q44601568 | Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli Tas protein, an NADP(H)-dependent aldo-keto reductase. |
Q27640841 | Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli YcdX protein reveals a trinuclear zinc active site |
Q27642861 | Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli YjiA protein suggests a GTP-dependent regulatory function |
Q27638955 | Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli glucose-inhibited division protein B (GidB) reveals a methyltransferase fold |
Q27638954 | Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli shikimate kinase I (AroK) that confers sensitivity to mecillinam |
Q27653353 | Crystal structure of the Fic (Filamentation induced by cAMP) family protein SO4266 (gi|24375750) from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 at 1.6 Å resolution |
Q27667079 | Crystal structure of the GAF-B domain from human phosphodiesterase 5 |
Q27648281 | Crystal structure of the Helicobacter pylori enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase in complex with hydroxydiphenyl ether compounds, triclosan and diclosan |
Q27678456 | Crystal structure of the Kar3-like kinesin motor domain from the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii |
Q47380035 | Crystal structure of the Legionella effector Lem22. |
Q36469768 | Crystal structure of the Legionella pneumophila Lem10 effector reveals a new member of the HD protein superfamily |
Q57662978 | Crystal structure of the MYB domain of the RAD transcription factor from Antirrhinum majus |
Q27658771 | Crystal structure of the MukB hinge domain with coiled-coil stretches and its functional implications |
Q27689464 | Crystal structure of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis phosphate binding protein PstS3 |
Q27678865 | Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of EccA₁ ATPase from the ESX-1 secretion system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
Q27709756 | Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of human SIRT7 reveals a three-helical domain architecture |
Q27687165 | Crystal structure of the N-terminal methyltransferase-like domain of anamorsin |
Q27679327 | Crystal structure of the O intermediate of the Leu93→Ala mutant of bacteriorhodopsin |
Q27649289 | Crystal structure of the PH1932 protein, a unique archaeal ArsR type winged-HTH transcription factor from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 |
Q27645446 | Crystal structure of the PIN domain of human telomerase-associated protein EST1A |
Q27701665 | Crystal structure of the PepSY-containing domain of the YpeB protein involved in germination of bacillus spores |
Q27677394 | Crystal structure of the S187F variant of human liver alanine: Aminotransferase associated with primary hyperoxaluria type I and its functional implications |
Q27638956 | Crystal structure of the Streptococcus pneumoniae phosphomevalonate kinase, a member of the GHMP kinase superfamily |
Q27678121 | Crystal structure of the TLDc domain of oxidation resistance protein 2 from zebrafish |
Q47430783 | Crystal structure of the TM1442 protein from Thermotoga maritima, a homolog of the Bacillus subtilis general stress response anti-anti-sigma factor RsbV. |
Q71074646 | Crystal structure of the Trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase.mepacrine complex |
Q27937236 | Crystal structure of the YGR205w protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae: close structural resemblance to E. coli pantothenate kinase |
Q27639585 | Crystal structure of the YciO protein from Escherichia coli |
Q34375723 | Crystal structure of the YgfY from Escherichia coli, a protein that may be involved in transcriptional regulation |
Q27639346 | Crystal structure of the YjeE protein from Haemophilus influenzae: a putative Atpase involved in cell wall synthesis |
Q81564262 | Crystal structure of the YjgF/YER057c/UK114 family protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7 |
Q53594959 | Crystal structure of the apo form of D-alanine: D-alanine ligase (Ddl) from Thermus caldophilus: a basis for the substrate-induced conformational changes |
Q45964968 | Crystal structure of the archaeosine synthase QueF-like-Insights into amidino transfer and tRNA recognition by the tunnel fold. |
Q43415087 | Crystal structure of the binary complex of pig muscle phosphoglycerate kinase and its substrate 3-phospho-D-glycerate |
Q27648234 | Crystal structure of the biotin carboxylase domain of human acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 |
Q27666556 | Crystal structure of the carbon monoxide complex of human cytoglobin |
Q27667774 | Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of cholesterol‐α‐glucosyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori |
Q28271499 | Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human DUSP5, a dual specificity MAP kinase protein phosphatase |
Q27655364 | Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human MKP-2 reveals a 24-mer assembly |
Q34452031 | Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human VHY, a dual-specificity protein phosphatase |
Q27649213 | Crystal structure of the catalytic trimer of Methanococcus jannaschii aspartate transcarbamoylase |
Q27678125 | Crystal structure of the cataract-causing P23T γD-crystallin mutant |
Q92926906 | Crystal structure of the coiled-coil domain of Drosophila TRIM protein Brat |
Q27731522 | Crystal structure of the complex of human alpha-thrombin and nonhydrolyzable bifunctional inhibitors, hirutonin-2 and hirutonin-6 |
Q80202099 | Crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical cytosolic protein Xcc0516 from Xanthomonas campestris reveals a novel quaternary structure assembled by five four-helix bundles |
Q46333683 | Crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein MPN330 (GI: 1674200) from Mycoplasma pneumoniae |
Q47714884 | Crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein TT1380 from Thermus thermophilus HB8. |
Q27654410 | Crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein TTHA1606 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q54493853 | Crystal structure of the copper homeostasis protein (CutCm) from Shigella flexneri at 1.7 A resolution: the first structure of a new sequence family of TIM barrels. |
Q27655401 | Crystal structure of the cytosolic domain of the cation diffusion facilitator family protein |
Q27704012 | Crystal structure of the deglycating enzyme Amadoriase I in its free form and substrate-bound complex |
Q79152356 | Crystal structure of the diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase from Shigella flexneri 2a |
Q27666109 | Crystal structure of the dimeric Oct6 (POU3f1) POU domain bound to palindromic MORE DNA |
Q27649815 | Crystal structure of the dimeric Urm1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q27653393 | Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A |
Q27757639 | Crystal structure of the disulfide-stabilized Fv fragment of anticancer antibody B1: Conformational influence of an engineered disulfide bond |
Q27648230 | Crystal structure of the endopolygalacturonase from the phytopathogenic fungus Colletotrichum lupini and its interaction with polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins |
Q27674730 | Crystal structure of the extracellular domain of human myelin protein zero |
Q45220732 | Crystal structure of the ferredoxin component of carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase of Pseudomonas resinovorans strain CA10, a novel Rieske non-heme iron oxygenase system |
Q27647659 | Crystal structure of the flavin reductase component (HpaC) of 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase from Thermus thermophilus HB8: Structural basis for the flavin affinity |
Q46462376 | Crystal structure of the global regulatory protein CsrA from Pseudomonas putida at 2.05 A resolution reveals a new fold |
Q27651944 | Crystal structure of the hexamer of human heat shock factor binding protein 1 |
Q27700040 | Crystal structure of the human odorant binding protein, OBPIIa |
Q51339228 | Crystal structure of the hypothetical protein ST2072 from Sulfolobus tokodaii. |
Q57895021 | Crystal structure of the hypothetical protein TTHA1013 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q27684358 | Crystal structure of the invertebrate bifunctional purine biosynthesis enzyme PAICS at 2.8 Å resolution |
Q102202444 | Crystal structure of the large subunit of cobaltochelatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
Q27648692 | Crystal structure of the leucine zipper domain of small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (SK(Ca)) channel from Rattus norvegicus |
Q27652878 | Crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain of the retinoid X receptor from the ascidian Polyandrocarpa misakiensis |
Q27657134 | Crystal structure of the manganese transport regulatory protein from Escherichia coli |
Q45741815 | Crystal structure of the methyltransferase domain of human TARBP1. |
Q27648242 | Crystal structure of the mouse p53 core domain in zinc-free state |
Q27662223 | Crystal structure of the noncompetitive xylanase inhibitor TLXI, member of the small thaumatin-like protein family |
Q27668134 | Crystal structure of the novel PaiA N-acetyltransferase from Thermoplasma acidophilum involved in the negative control of sporulation and degradative enzyme production |
Q27668133 | Crystal structure of the novel PaiB transcriptional regulator from Geobacillus stearothermophilus |
Q27649476 | Crystal structure of the proline iminopeptidase-related protein TTHA1809 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q36220331 | Crystal structure of the protein At3g01520, a eukaryotic universal stress protein-like protein from Arabidopsis thaliana in complex with AMP. |
Q35618676 | Crystal structure of the protein from Arabidopsis thaliana gene At5g06450, a putative DnaQ‐like exonuclease domain‐containing protein with homohexameric assembly |
Q63351984 | Crystal structure of the protein from gene At3g17210 of Arabidopsis thaliana |
Q46770752 | Crystal structure of the putative RNA methyltransferase PH1948 from Pyrococcus horikoshii, in complex with the copurified S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine |
Q27650420 | Crystal structure of the putative carbohydrate recognition domain of human galectin-related protein |
Q83300257 | Crystal structure of the pyrimidine 5′‐nucleotidase SDT1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae complexed with uridine 5′‐monophosphate provides further insight into ligand binding |
Q67562110 | Crystal structure of the reduced form of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase refined at 2.3 A resolution |
Q27690283 | Crystal structure of the secreted protein HP1454 from the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori |
Q48095709 | Crystal structure of the sensor domain of BaeS from Serratia marcescens FS14. |
Q57894846 | Crystal structure of the single-domain rhodanese homologue TTHA0613 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q81394706 | Crystal structure of the small form of glucose-inhibited division protein A from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q27645364 | Crystal structure of the tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase from Streptococcus pyogenes |
Q27641381 | Crystal structure of the type II 3-dehydroquinase from Helicobacter pylori |
Q27667516 | Crystal structure of the unliganded retinoblastoma protein pocket domain |
Q79252707 | Crystal structure of the yeast cytoplasmic thioredoxin Trx2 |
Q27683595 | Crystal structure of the ω-aminotransferase from Paracoccus denitrificans and its phylogenetic relationship with other class III aminotransferases that have biotechnological potential |
Q27645436 | Crystal structure of thioredoxin domain of ST2123 from thermophilic archaea Sulfolobus tokodaii strain7 |
Q58051288 | Crystal structure of thioredoxin peroxidase from aerobic hyperthermophilic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix K1 |
Q46184015 | Crystal structure of thy1, a thymidylate synthase complementing protein from Thermotoga maritima at 2.25 A resolution |
Q27704006 | Crystal structure of translation initiation factor 5B from the crenarchaeon Aeropyrum pernix |
Q27621082 | Crystal structure of tropomyosin at 7 Angstroms resolution |
Q27651931 | Crystal structure of ultralente--a microcrystalline insulin suspension |
Q27650069 | Crystal structure of uncharacterized protein TTHA1756 from Thermus thermophilus HB8: Structural variety in UPF0150 family proteins |
Q28487284 | Crystal structure of uncleaved L-aspartate-alpha-decarboxylase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
Q46661972 | Crystal structure of ureidoglycolate hydrolase (AllA) from Escherichia coli O157:H7. |
Q27641922 | Crystal structure of uronate isomerase (TM0064) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.85 A resolution |
Q46221648 | Crystal structure of virulence factor CJ0248 from Campylobacter jejuni at 2.25 A resolution reveals a new fold |
Q27649818 | Crystal structure of yeast hexokinase PI in complex with glucose: A classical "induced fit" example revised |
Q48136600 | Crystal structure of yeast nitronate monooxygenase from Cyberlindnera saturnus. |
Q38289229 | Crystal structure of β-glucosidase 1A from Thermotoga neapolitana and comparison of active site mutants for hydrolysis of flavonoid glucosides |
Q27639348 | Crystal structure ofEscherichia coli EC1530, a glyoxylate induced protein YgbM |
Q80867966 | Crystal structure solution of a ParB-like nuclease at atomic resolution |
Q27748895 | Crystal structures and properties of de novo circularly permuted 1,3-1,4-β-glucanases |
Q54454409 | Crystal structures of E. coli CcmG and its mutants reveal key roles of the N-terminal beta-sheet and the fingerprint region. |
Q27765349 | Crystal structures of HLA-A*0201 complexed with antigenic peptides with either the amino- or carboxyl-terminal group substituted by a methyl group |
Q27684357 | Crystal structures of Klebsiella pneumoniae pantothenate kinase in complex with N‐substituted pantothenamides |
Q27657332 | Crystal structures of Lys-63-linked tri- and di-ubiquitin reveal a highly extended chain architecture |
Q27641687 | Crystal structures of MTH1187 and its yeast ortholog YBL001c |
Q27650015 | Crystal structures of MW1337R and lin2004: representatives of a novel protein family that adopt a four-helical bundle fold |
Q27704185 | Crystal structures of OprN and OprJ, outer membrane factors of multidrug tripartite efflux pumps of Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Q27648494 | Crystal structures of Salmonella typhimurium propionate kinase and its complex with Ap4A: evidence for a novel Ap4A synthetic activity |
Q44960735 | Crystal structures of Staphylococcus aureus type I dehydroquinase from enzyme turnover experiments |
Q27666633 | Crystal structures of a family 8 polysaccharide lyase reveal open and highly occluded substrate-binding cleft conformations |
Q114873201 | Crystal structures of a new class of pyrimidine/purine nucleoside phosphorylase revealed a Cupin fold |
Q27640466 | Crystal structures of a psychrophilic metalloprotease reveal new insights into catalysis by cold-adapted proteases |
Q27688898 | Crystal structures of carbohydrate recognition domain of blood dendritic cell antigen-2 (BDCA2) reveal a common domain-swapped dimer |
Q27642256 | Crystal structures of ferrous horse heart myoglobin complexed with nitric oxide and nitrosoethane |
Q27702223 | Crystal structures of halohydrin hydrogen-halide-lyases from Corynebacterium sp. N-1074 |
Q27660308 | Crystal structures of holo and Cu-deficient Cu/Zn-SOD from the silkworm Bombyx mori and the implications in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
Q84025507 | Crystal structures of human CDY proteins reveal a crotonase-like fold |
Q34542476 | Crystal structures of human sulfotransferases SULT1B1 and SULT1C1 complexed with the cofactor product adenosine-3'- 5'-diphosphate (PAP). |
Q27684067 | Crystal structures of ligand-bound octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase fromEscherichia colireveal the catalytic and chain-length determining mechanisms |
Q27687066 | Crystal structures of starch binding domain from Rhizopus oryzae glucoamylase in complex with isomaltooligosaccharide: insights into polysaccharide binding mechanism of CBM21 family |
Q46955007 | Crystal structures of subtilisin BPN' variants containing disulfide bonds and cavities: concerted structural rearrangements induced by mutagenesis |
Q27650645 | Crystal structures of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis secretory antigen alanine dehydrogenase (Rv2780) in apo and ternary complex forms captures "open" and "closed" enzyme conformations |
Q80072844 | Crystal structures of the PLP- and PMP-bound forms of BtrR, a dual functional aminotransferase involved in butirosin biosynthesis |
Q43000312 | Crystal structures of the apo and GDP-bound forms of a cupin-like protein BbDUF985 from Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense |
Q27689000 | Crystal structures of the archaeal UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerase from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii reveal a conformational change induced by UDP-GlcNAc |
Q83096037 | Crystal structures of the complexes of a group IIA phospholipase A2 with two natural anti-inflammatory agents, anisic acid, and atropine reveal a similar mode of binding |
Q27621908 | Crystal structures of the complexes of trichosanthin with four substrate analogs and catalytic mechanism of RNA N-glycosidase |
Q27745648 | Crystal structures of the methane monooxygenase hydroxylase from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath): Implications for substrate gating and component interactions |
Q27631038 | Crystal structures of the peanut lectin-lactose complex at acidic pH: retention of unusual quaternary structure, empty and carbohydrate bound combining sites, molecular mimicry and crystal packing directed by interactions at the combining site |
Q27732113 | Crystal structures of two mutants of adenylate kinase from Escherichia coli that modify the Gly-loop |
Q27646874 | Crystal structures of two novel dye-decolorizing peroxidases reveal a beta-barrel fold with a conserved heme-binding motif |
Q35585795 | Crystal structures of two putative phosphoheptose isomerases. |
Q27639583 | Crystal structures of unligated and CN-ligated Glycera dibranchiata monomer ferric hemoglobin components III and IV |
Q30159617 | Crystal structures of vegetative soybean lipoxygenase VLX-B and VLX-D, and comparisons with seed isoforms LOX-1 and LOX-3 |
Q27765159 | Crystal structures ofBacillus stearothermophilus adenylate kinase with bound Ap5A, Mg2+ Ap5A, and Mn2+ Ap5A reveal an intermediate lid position and six coordinate octahedral geometry for bound Mg2+ and Mn2+ |
Q71374377 | Crystallization and X-ray analysis of a single fab binding domain from protein L of Peptostreptococcus magnus |
Q36788614 | Crystallization and X-ray diffraction data of the cleaved form of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. |
Q54632307 | Crystallization and characterization of colicin E1 channel-forming polypeptides. |
Q72521332 | Crystallization and characterization of the recombinant human Clara cell 10-kDa protein |
Q54589416 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA(fMet) formyltransferase. |
Q41113837 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of Escherichia coli peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. |
Q71565984 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of Pit-1 POU domain complexed to a 28 base pair DNA element |
Q60238375 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of nonglycosylated tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1, N30QN78Q TIMP-1 |
Q54592604 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the Escherichia coli replication terminator protein complexed with DNA. |
Q53057369 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the cytoplasmic domain of human erythrocyte band 3. |
Q34425126 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase from Penicillium simplicissimum. |
Q43024140 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of the Methanothermus fervidus histones HMfA and HMfB. |
Q71374345 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of ImmE7 protein of colicin E7 |
Q70581316 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of arylesterase from Pseudomonas fluorescens |
Q72589774 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of chitinase from barley seeds |
Q72141155 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of phospholipid transfer protein from maize seedlings |
Q71537038 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of nonhistone region of macroH2A.1. |
Q54587474 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of recombinant bovine neurocalcin delta. |
Q73134830 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic study of the Ras-GTPase-activating domain of human p120GAP |
Q59287379 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of bovine seminal plasma PDC-109, a protein composed of two fibronectin type II domains |
Q68188225 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of staphylococcal enterotoxin type C |
Q36866181 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction data of two different human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) subfractions |
Q36783292 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction data of two heparin-binding fragments of human fibronectin |
Q71763583 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a bacterial flavohemoglobin protein |
Q45778849 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a monoclonal antibody Fab fragment against foot-and-mouth disease virus and of its complex with the main antigenic site peptide |
Q58375385 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of an a1/α2/DNA ternary complex |
Q70830914 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of complexes between an influenza hemagglutinin and Fab fragments of two different monoclonal antibodies |
Q64949822 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of dogfish C-reactive protein. |
Q71705248 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of formylmethanofuran: tetrahydromethanopterin formyltransferase from Methanopyrus kandleri |
Q64038879 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of human procathepsin L |
Q67777646 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of human salivary alpha-amylase |
Q72867745 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of mandelonitrile lyase from almonds |
Q72952943 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of peroxidase from a fungus Arthromyces ramosus |
Q41646372 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the human major histocompatibility antigen HLA-B27 |
Q44964300 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of two mutants of lactate dehydrogenase from Bacillus stearothermophilus |
Q57396080 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of 1,3,8-trihydroxynaphthalene reductase fromMagnaporthe grisea |
Q68085496 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of a protein with a high potential rubredoxin center and a hemerythrin-type Fe center |
Q58072266 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of the green flavoenzyme 5-Hydroxyvaleryl-CoA dehydratase/dehydrogenase from Clostridium aminovalericum |
Q54577824 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation at 2.0 A resolution of Bet v 1, a birch pollen protein causing IgE-mediated allergy. |
Q62083044 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of a recombinant form of rat catecholO-methyltransferase |
Q54648635 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of barstar, the intracellular inhibitor of barnase. |
Q71763604 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of recombinant human interleukin 10 |
Q57922414 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of the recombinant Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense calmodulin |
Q54484741 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of I-CreI: a group I intron-encoded endonuclease from C. reinhardtii. |
Q71565991 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of ornithine decarboxylase from Trypanosoma brucei |
Q72061295 | Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray diffraction studies of leishmanolysin, the major surface metalloproteinase from Leishmania major |
Q72061299 | Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray diffraction studies of the cartilage link protein from bovine trachea |
Q68262403 | Crystallization and preliminary analysis of enzyme-substrate complexes of pyruvate kinase from rabbit muscle |
Q48048063 | Crystallization and preliminary cryogenic X-ray diffraction analyses of protein L-isoaspartylO-methyltransferase from human fetal brain |
Q54589419 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of RepA1, a replication control protein of the RepFIC replicon of enterotoxin plasmid EntP307. |
Q71537033 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of a 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp. strain KKS102 having polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-degrading activity |
Q71374355 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of an amylopullulanase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus woesei |
Q70830926 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of recombinant abrin-a A-chain with ribosome inactivating activity |
Q72957334 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of ribonuclease H from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q73134822 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of ribosomal protein S8 from Thermus thermophilus |
Q54581756 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of tetrahydrodipicolinate-N-succinyltransferase. |
Q73510598 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the N-terminal actin binding domain of human fimbrin |
Q71681048 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the N-terminal two domain fragment of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) |
Q36694724 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data for class I deoxyribose‐5‐phosphate aldolase fromEscherichia coli: An Application of Reverse Screening |
Q36847094 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data of a neutrophil migration-inducing lectin (KM+) extracted from the seed of Artocarpus integrifolia |
Q59651728 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data of a neutrophil migration-inducing lectin (KM+) extracted from the seed ofArtocarpus integrifolia |
Q30468988 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphate synthase from Escherichia coli |
Q72511037 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the precursor and mature forms of a neutral lipase from the fungus Rhizopus delemar |
Q72154723 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of human CksHs1: a cell cycle regulatory protein |
Q57225272 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of human lithostathine |
Q71565977 | Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of the pentamerizing domain from cartilage oligomeric matrix protein: a five-stranded alpha-helical bundle |
Q42549662 | Crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of Ca(2+)-calmodulin-drug and apocalmodulin-drug complexes |
Q46206441 | Crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of thioesterase II from rat mammary gland |
Q54757151 | Crystallization and preliminary investigation of single crystals of deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase from Escherichia coli. |
Q46825512 | Crystallization and preliminary structural studies of a chorismate mutase catalytic antibody complexed with a transition state analog |
Q46216642 | Crystallization and preliminary structural studies of the ncd motor domain |
Q73134827 | Crystallization and preliminary studies of lima bean trypsin inhibitor |
Q73083616 | Crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of recombinant staphylokinase |
Q71074639 | Crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of volvatoxin A2 from Volvariella volvacea |
Q71660319 | Crystallization and preliminary x-ray crystallographic studies of L-2-haloacid dehalogenase from Pseudomonas sp. YL |
Q71660308 | Crystallization and preliminary x-ray crystallographic studies of ketosteroid isomerase from Pseudomonas putida biotype B |
Q46295644 | Crystallization and structural analysis of bullfrog red cell L-subunit ferritins |
Q71074636 | Crystallization of ADP-ribosyl cyclase from Aplysia californica |
Q71774376 | Crystallization of NAD+ synthetase from Bacillus subtilis |
Q58360785 | Crystallization of Thermus thermophilus histidyl-tRNA synthetase and Its complex with tRNAHis |
Q54611637 | Crystallization of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase from Escherichia coli. |
Q54589423 | Crystallization of a family 8 cellulase from Clostridium thermocellum. |
Q54634170 | Crystallization of a fragment of human fibronectin: introduction of methionine by site-directed mutagenesis to allow phasing via selenomethionine. |
Q71565987 | Crystallization of a mammalian ornithine decarboxylase |
Q52547275 | Crystallization of a membrane pore-forming protein with mosquitocidal activity from Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kyushuensis |
Q72867739 | Crystallization of a scRIP-gelonin isolated from plant seeds Gelonium multiforum |
Q70830922 | Crystallization of a soluble, catalytically active form of Escherichia coli leader peptidase |
Q72200803 | Crystallization of an enzyme-inhibitor complex: proteinase K with its protein inhibitor, PK13 |
Q71074634 | Crystallization of glycosylated and nonglycosylated phytohemagglutinin-L |
Q61919933 | Crystallization of glycosylated and nonglycosylated phytohemagglutinin‐L |
Q45998860 | Crystallization of intact monoclonal antibodies. |
Q69833446 | Crystallization of purified recombinant human interleukin-1 beta |
Q71961412 | Crystallization of the NAD-dependent 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q54561341 | Crystallization of the RNA-binding domain of the transcriptional antiterminator protein sacy from Bacillus subtilis |
Q71961407 | Crystallization of the bifunctional methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase domain of the human trifunctional enzyme |
Q71374350 | Crystallization of the complex of human IFN-gamma and the extracellular domain of the IFN-gamma receptor |
Q71671465 | Crystallization of the purine salvage enzyme adenine phosphoribosyltransferase |
Q72635017 | Crystallization of the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides in a new tetragonal form |
Q46095608 | Crystallization of the receptor binding domain of vascular endothelial growth factor |
Q70125487 | Crystallization of yeast orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with 1-(5'-phospho-beta-D-ribofuranosyl) barbituric acid |
Q44395892 | Crystallization studies of glycosylated and unglycosylated human recombinant interleukin-2. |
Q57563297 | Crystallization, characterization, and preliminary crystallographic studies of mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I ofRana catesbeiana |
Q27730265 | Crystallization, molecular replacement solution, and refinement of tetrameric beta-amylase from sweet potato |
Q58483648 | Crystallization, preliminary X-ray diffraction study, and crystal packing of a complex between anti-Hen lysozyme antibody F9.13.7 and Guinea-fowl lysozyme |
Q30873768 | Crystallization, sequence, and preliminary crystallographic data for an antipeptide Fab 50.1 and peptide complexes with the principal neutralizing determinant of HIV-1 gp120 |
Q27732114 | Crystallographic analysis of Thr-200-->His human carbonic anhydrase II and its complex with the substrate, HCO3- |
Q27641921 | Crystallographic analysis of an "anticalin" with tailored specificity for fluorescein reveals high structural plasticity of the lipocalin loop region |
Q39032586 | Crystallographic analysis of murine p24γ2 Golgi dynamics domain. |
Q27730786 | Crystallographic analysis of oxygenated and deoxygenated states of arthropod hemocyanin shows unusual differences |
Q70628255 | Crystallographic analysis of the interaction between cyclosporin A and the Fab fragment of a monoclonal antibody |
Q27655404 | Crystallographic and activity-based evidence for thumb flexibility and its relevance in glycoside hydrolase family 11 xylanases |
Q27649145 | Crystallographic and computational studies on 4-phenyl-N-(beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazole-1-acetamide, an inhibitor of glycogen phosphorylase: comparison with alpha-D-glucose, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine and [...] |
Q27658669 | Crystallographic and mass spectrometric analyses of a tandem GNAT protein from the clavulanic acid biosynthesis pathway |
Q27667788 | Crystallographic and microcalorimetric analyses reveal the structural basis for high arginine specificity in the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium periplasmic binding protein STM4351 |
Q27685190 | Crystallographic and mutational analyses of tannase from Lactobacillus plantarum |
Q27684090 | Crystallographic and mutational studies on the tRNA thiouridine synthetase TtuA |
Q53956963 | Crystallographic and spectroscopic characterization of a molecular hinge: conformational changes in bothropstoxin I, a dimeric Lys49-phospholipase A2 homologue. |
Q27638991 | Crystallographic dissection of the thermal motion of protein-sugar complex |
Q27676232 | Crystallographic refinement of human serum retinol binding protein at 2A resolution |
Q27652309 | Crystallographic refinement of ricin to 2.5 A |
Q68033370 | Crystallographic structure analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation |
Q27733278 | Crystallographic structure of metal-free concanavalin A at 2.5 A resolution |
Q48090791 | Crystallographic studies and primary structure of the antitumor monoclonal CC49 Fab'. |
Q45070138 | Crystallographic studies of V44 mutants of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin: effects of side-chain size on reduction potential |
Q24296920 | Crystallographic studies of inhibitor binding sites in human carbonic anhydrase II: a pentacoordinated binding of the SCN- ion to the zinc at high pH |
Q27643991 | Crystallographic, thermodynamic, and molecular modeling studies of the mode of binding of oligosaccharides to the potent antiviral protein griffithsin |
Q50116024 | Crystals of an antibody Fv fragment against an integral membrane protein diffracting to 1.28 A resolution |
Q73598267 | Crystals of cytochrome c-553 from Bacillus pasteurii show diffraction to 0.97 A resolution |
Q43875253 | Cu(II)-binding properties of a cytochrome c with a synthetic metal-binding site: His-X3-His in an alpha-helix |
Q95650577 | Cumulative hydropathic topology of a voltage-gated sodium channel at atomic resolution |
Q46848922 | Curious structure in "canonical" alanine-based peptides |
Q30386093 | Current status of membrane protein structure classification. |
Q31913262 | Cutinase unfolding and stabilization by trehalose and mannosylglycerate |
Q59592111 | Cutinase unfolding and stabilization by trehalose and mannosylglycerate |
Q50752193 | Cy-preds: An algorithm and a web service for the analysis and prediction of cysteine reactivity |
Q46509418 | CyClus: a fast, comprehensive cylindrical interface approximation clustering/reranking method for rigid-body protein-protein docking decoys |
Q72511030 | Cyanomet human hemoglobin crystallized under physiological conditions exhibits the Y quaternary structure |
Q114234880 | Cyclic Cystine Knot and its Strong Implication on the Structure and Dynamics of Cyclotides |
Q44125138 | Cys(x)His(y)-Zn2+ interactions: thiol vs. thiolate coordination |
Q27649294 | Cysteine 10 is critical for the activity of Ochrobactrum anthropi glutathione transferase and its mutation to alanine causes the preferential binding of glutathione to the H-site |
Q71565965 | Cysteine-191 in aspartate aminotransferases appears to be conserved due to the lack of a neutral mutation pathway to the functional equivalent, alanine-191 |
Q24610829 | Cytosolic domain of the human mitochondrial fission protein fis1 adopts a TPR fold |
Q30363672 | Cytotoxicity of the Vibrio vulnificus MARTX toxin effector DUF5 is linked to the C2A subdomain. |
Q44309134 | D-amino acid residues in peptides and proteins. |
Q38315065 | D-trehalose/D-maltose-binding protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus litoralis: the binding of trehalose and maltose results in different protein conformational states. |
Q51644649 | DARWIN: a program for docking flexible molecules |
Q45959136 | DNABind: A hybrid algorithm for structure-based prediction of DNA-binding residues by combining machine learning- and template-based approaches |
Q99204523 | DNSS2: improved ab initio protein secondary structure prediction using advanced deep learning architectures |
Q33297368 | DOCKGROUND system of databases for protein recognition studies: unbound structures for docking |
Q30342106 | DPANN: improved sequence to structure alignments following fold recognition. |
Q47715301 | DRESS: a database of REfined solution NMR structures. |
Q91793594 | DRoP: Automated detection of conserved solvent-binding sites on proteins |
Q50642290 | Dark proteins: effect of inclusion body formation on quantification of protein expression |
Q30799802 | Data mining crystallization databases: knowledge-based approaches to optimize protein crystal screens |
Q30742612 | Data mining the protein data bank: residue interactions |
Q48042492 | Data-assisted protein structure modeling by global optimization in CASP12. |
Q30917020 | Data-based model and parameter evaluation in dynamic transcriptional regulatory networks |
Q30992986 | Data-driven docking: HADDOCK's adventures in CAPRI. |
Q30667051 | Data-driven models for protein interaction and design. |
Q46661990 | Database for three dimensional structures of pepsin-like enzymes using the internal coordinate system |
Q29614393 | Database of homology-derived protein structures and the structural meaning of sequence alignment |
Q52881713 | Database of protein complexes with multivalent binding ability: Bival-Bind |
Q48637921 | David Blow (1931-2004). |
Q33739863 | De novo backbone scaffolds for protein design |
Q33416529 | De novo identification of binding sequences for antibody replacement molecules |
Q44759261 | De novo inference of protein function from coarse-grained dynamics. |
Q43809337 | De novo ligand design to an ensemble of protein structures |
Q30403052 | De novo protein structure prediction by dynamic fragment assembly and conformational space annealing |
Q30419532 | Dead-end elimination with perturbations (DEEPer): a provable protein design algorithm with continuous sidechain and backbone flexibility |
Q56999368 | Deciphering a novel thioredoxin-like fold family |
Q38762026 | Deciphering common recognition principles of nucleoside mono/di and tri-phosphates binding in diverse proteins via structural matching of their binding sites. |
Q47821476 | Deciphering the promiscuous interactions between intrinsically disordered transactivation domains and the KIX domain. |
Q46554672 | Deciphering the role of the electrostatic interactions in the alpha-tropomyosin head-to-tail complex |
Q87241136 | Decoding the structural events in substrate-gating mechanism of eukaryotic prolyl oligopeptidase using normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics simulations |
Q52421487 | Deconvolution of the circular dichroism spectra of proteins: the circular dichroism spectra of the antiparallel beta-sheet in proteins |
Q30420763 | Decoupling of melting domains in immobilized ribonuclease A. |
Q92749482 | Decrypting protein surfaces by combining evolution, geometry, and molecular docking |
Q27640178 | Deep trefoil knot implicated in RNA binding found in an archaebacterial protein |
Q92309343 | Deep-learning contact-map guided protein structure prediction in CASP13 |
Q30425238 | Defining a similarity threshold for a functional protein sequence pattern: the signal peptide cleavage site |
Q51618751 | Defining and characterizing protein surface using alpha shapes. |
Q33248029 | Defining the fold space of membrane proteins: the CAMPS database |
Q47861597 | Defining the limits of homology modeling in information-driven protein docking |
Q47176446 | Defining the protein complexome of translation termination factor eRF1: Identification of four novel eRF1-containing complexes that range from 20S to 57S in size. |
Q30354491 | Definition and classification of evaluation units for CASP10 |
Q45936967 | Definition and classification of evaluation units for tertiary structure prediction in CASP12 facilitated through semi-automated metrics. |
Q80538911 | Definition of an electrostatic relay switch critical for the cAMP-dependent activation of protein kinase A as revealed by the D170A mutant of RIalpha |
Q35655524 | Deformability in the cleavage site of primary microRNA is not sensed by the double-stranded RNA binding domains in the microprocessor component DGCR8 |
Q30327742 | Defrosting the frozen approximation: PROSPECTOR--a new approach to threading. |
Q57120067 | DelPhiPKa: Including salt in the calculations and enabling polar residues to titrate |
Q30353658 | Delaunay-based nonlocal interactions are sufficient and accurate in protein fold recognition. |
Q28255720 | Deletions and replacements of omega loops in yeast iso-1-cytochrome c |
Q90516533 | Delineation of a new structural motif involving NHN γ-turn |
Q39398108 | Delineation of key XRCC4/Ligase IV interfaces for targeted disruption of non-homologous end joining DNA repair |
Q49265681 | Denatured collapsed states in protein folding: example of apomyoglobin |
Q30157773 | Denatured state is critical in determining the properties of model proteins designed on different folds. |
Q44927767 | Density functional studies on herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase–substrate interactions: The role of Tyr-172 and Met-128 in thymine fixation |
Q42189457 | Density functional theory calculations on entire proteins for free energies of binding: application to a model polar binding site |
Q83705648 | Density-cluster NMA: A new protein decomposition technique for coarse-grained normal mode analysis |
Q58847199 | Dependence of folding dynamics and structural stability on the location of a hydrophobic pair in β-hairpins |
Q30351652 | Dependency between consecutive local conformations helps assemble protein structures from secondary structures using Go potential and greedy algorithm. |
Q73393012 | Derivation of protein-specific pair potentials based on weak sequence fragment similarity |
Q85528303 | Deriving how far structural information is transmitted through parallel homodimeric coiled-coils: a correlation analysis of helical staggers |
Q30367959 | Deriving protein dynamical properties from weighted protein contact number. |
Q30375802 | Describing protein structure: a general algorithm yielding complete helicoidal parameters and a unique overall axis. |
Q30374836 | Description and recognition of regular and distorted secondary structures in proteins using the automated protein structure analysis method. |
Q79364295 | Description of atomic burials in compact globular proteins by Fermi-Dirac probability distributions |
Q46607611 | Design and characterization of a multimeric DNA binding protein using Sac7d and GCN4 as templates |
Q91188520 | Design and characterization of novel dual Fc antibody with enhanced avidity for Fc receptors |
Q30730691 | Design and expression of soluble CTLA-4 variable domain as a scaffold for the display of functional polypeptides |
Q44125145 | Design and folding of dimeric proteins |
Q43864568 | Design and initial characterization of a circular permuted variant of the potent HIV-inactivating protein cyanovirin-N. |
Q44739782 | Design and synthesis of the pseudo-EF hand in calbindin D9K: effect of amino acid substitutions in the alpha-helical regions |
Q92039518 | Design of a basigin-mimicking inhibitor targeting the malaria invasion protein RH5 |
Q30977089 | Design of a data model for developing laboratory information management and analysis systems for protein production |
Q30408033 | Design of a modified mouse protein with ligand binding properties of its human analog by molecular dynamics simulations: the case of C3 inhibition by compstatin |
Q48218853 | Design of anti-thyroid drugs: Binding studies and structure determination of the complex of lactoperoxidase with 2-mercaptoimidazole at 2.30 Å resolution |
Q37797029 | Design of biologically active, conformationally constrained GnRH antagonists |
Q33218374 | Design of combinatorial protein libraries of optimal size |
Q57278499 | Design of human granzyme B variants resistant to serpin B9 |
Q50762559 | Design of improved protein inhibitors of HIV-1 cell entry: Optimization of electrostatic interactions at the binding interface. |
Q72141147 | Design of interchain disulfide bonds in the framework region of the Fv fragment of the monoclonal antibody B3 |
Q47588127 | Design of multispecific protein sequences using probabilistic graphical modeling. |
Q47810325 | Design of proteins with hydrophobic and polar amino acids |
Q57837586 | Design principles for chlorophyll-binding sites in helical proteins |
Q77142598 | Design, construction, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray studies of a fine-tuning mutant (F133V) of module-substituted chimera hemoglobin |
Q30978202 | Design, docking, and evaluation of multiple libraries against multiple targets |
Q78315769 | Designability of protein structures: a lattice-model study using the Miyazawa-Jernigan matrix |
Q44415585 | Designing cooperativity into the designed protein Top7. |
Q48254643 | Designing dual inhibitors of Mdm2/MdmX: Unexpected coupling of water with gatekeeper Y100/99. |
Q35783481 | Designing proteins from the inside out. |
Q54451017 | Destabilization of transthyretin by pathogenic mutations in the DE loop |
Q80538535 | Detailed conformational dynamics of juxtamembrane region and activation loop in c-Kit kinase activation process |
Q46991263 | Detailed microscopic study of the full zipA:FtsZ interface. |
Q52012567 | Detecting distant homologs using phylogenetic tree-based HMMs |
Q35803616 | Detecting local ligand‐binding site similarity in nonhomologous proteins by surface patch comparison |
Q30365803 | Detecting local residue environment similarity for recognizing near-native structure models. |
Q51990733 | Detecting local structural similarity in proteins by maximizing number of equivalent residues |
Q87661778 | Detecting protein atom correlations using correlation of probability of recurrence |
Q44754837 | Detecting selection for negative design in proteins through an improved model of the misfolded state |
Q36152480 | Detecting the native ligand orientation by interfacial rigidity: SiteInterlock |
Q84417770 | Detection and refinement of encounter complexes for protein-protein docking: taking account of macromolecular crowding |
Q80113373 | Detection of a hidden folding intermediate in the focal adhesion target domain: Implications for its function and folding |
Q73379992 | Detection of breaking points in helices linking separate domains |
Q52465662 | Detection of common three-dimensional substructures in proteins |
Q47285412 | Detection of functional modules from protein interaction networks. |
Q48405901 | Detection of gene duplication signals of Ig folds from their amino acid sequences |
Q52614830 | Detection of human somatic cell structural gene mutations by two-dimensional electrophoresis |
Q67538812 | Detection of local structures in reduced unfolded bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor |
Q51773359 | Detection of multiscale pockets on protein surfaces using mathematical morphology. |
Q30995797 | Detection of native-like models for amino acid sequences of unknown three-dimensional structure in a data base of known protein conformations |
Q31956710 | Detection of non-covalent interaction of single and double stranded DNA with peptides by MALDI-TOF. |
Q54464027 | Detection of operons. |
Q42925767 | Detection of peptide-binding sites on protein surfaces: the first step toward the modeling and targeting of peptide-mediated interactions |
Q38302586 | Detection of pockets on protein surfaces using small and large probe spheres to find putative ligand binding sites. |
Q51356483 | Detection of protein complexes using a protein ranking algorithm |
Q51052614 | Detection of structural changes in a cofactor binding protein by using a wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis system coupled with unnatural amino acid probing |
Q45099918 | Determinants of cysteine pKa values in creatine kinase and alpha1-antitrypsin |
Q42665668 | Determinants of protein stability and folding: comparative analysis of beta-lactoglobulins and liver basic fatty acid binding protein |
Q30151151 | Determination of binding affinity upon mutation for type I dockerin-cohesin complexes from Clostridium thermocellum and Clostridium cellulolyticum using deep sequencing |
Q51939475 | Determination of dihedral Psi angles in large proteins by combining NH(N)/C(alpha)H(alpha) dipole/dipole cross-correlation and chemical shifts |
Q52327747 | Determination of the conformation of folding initiation sites in proteins by computer simulation |
Q83167336 | Determination of the dipole moments of RNAse SA wild type and a basic mutant |
Q92927072 | Determination of the structural ensemble of the molten globule state of a protein by computer simulations |
Q36457536 | Determination of three-dimensional protein structures from nuclear magnetic resonance data using fragments of known structures |
Q30371560 | Determining and visualizing flexibility in protein structures. |
Q34188709 | Determining macromolecular assembly structures by molecular docking and fitting into an electron density map |
Q27670984 | Determining the molecular mechanism of inactivation by chemical modification of triosephosphate isomerase from the human parasite Giardia lamblia: a study for antiparasitic drug design |
Q46770756 | Deuterium oxide promotes assembly and bundling of FtsZ protofilaments |
Q35561768 | Developing hybrid approaches to predict pKavalues of ionizable groups |
Q30361367 | Development and benchmarking of TASSER(iter) for the iterative improvement of protein structure predictions. |
Q31086785 | Development and large scale benchmark testing of the PROSPECTOR_3 threading algorithm |
Q51970518 | Development and testing of an automated approach to protein docking |
Q47299338 | Development of METAL-ACTIVE SITE and ZINCCLUSTER tool to predictactive site pockets |
Q36145651 | Development of a motif-based topology-independent structure comparison method to identify evolutionarily related folds |
Q42109476 | Development of a new physics‐based internal coordinate mechanics force field and its application to protein loop modeling |
Q33314112 | Development of new laccases by directed evolution: functional and computational analyses |
Q40295007 | Development, validation, and application of adapted PEOE charges to estimate pKa values of functional groups in protein-ligand complexes |
Q40270287 | Dewetting transitions in protein cavities |
Q52259049 | Dichroic statistical model for prediction and analysis of peptide helicity |
Q30323904 | Dictionary building via unsupervised hierarchical motif discovery in the sequence space of natural proteins. |
Q30431465 | Dictionary of recurrent domains in protein structures |
Q68085494 | Differences in crystal properties and ligand affinities of an antifluorescyl Fab (4-4-20) in two solvent systems |
Q60214193 | Differences in the effects of TFE on the folding pathways of human stefins A and B |
Q28822370 | Different combinations of atomic interactions predict protein-small molecule and protein-DNA/RNA affinities with similar accuracy |
Q27685402 | Different contribution of conserved amino acids to the global properties of triosephosphate isomerases |
Q30397736 | Different dynamics and pathway of disulfide bonds reduction of two human defensins, a molecular dynamics simulation study |
Q46619319 | Different methylation characteristics of protein arginine methyltransferase 1 and 3 toward the Ewing Sarcoma protein and a peptide |
Q47867012 | Different propensity to form amyloid fibrils by two homologous proteins-Human stefins A and B: searching for an explanation. |
Q58045315 | Different secondary structure elements as scaffolds for protein folding transition states of two homologous four-helix bundles |
Q30573849 | Different sequence patterns in signal peptides from mycoplasmas, other gram-positive bacteria, and Escherichia coli: a multivariate data analysis |
Q48591816 | Differentiable, multi-dimensional, knowledge-based energy terms for torsion angle probabilities and propensities |
Q50593026 | Differential dynamics of RAS isoforms in GDP- and GTP-bound states |
Q43026130 | Differential effects of Phe19 and Phe20 on fibril formation by amyloidogenic peptide A beta 16-22 (Ac-KLVFFAE-NH2). |
Q43728441 | Differential effects of isomeric incorporation of fluorophenylalanines into PvuII endonuclease |
Q81388887 | Differential native state ruggedness of the two Ca2+-binding domains in a Ca2+ sensor protein |
Q73228382 | Differential pathways in oxy and deoxy HbC aggregation/crystallization |
Q83199912 | Differential role of calmodulin and calcium ions in the stabilization of the catalytic domain of adenyl cyclase CyaA from Bordetella pertussis |
Q78675911 | Differential scanning calorimetric, circular dichroism, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic characterization of the thermal unfolding of xylanase A from Streptomyces lividans |
Q46814791 | Differentiation between two-state and multi-state folding proteins based on sequence |
Q33232127 | Differentiation-dependent expression of hypothetical proteins in the neuroblastoma cell line N1E-115. |
Q68052814 | Diffusion-collision model for the folding kinetics of myoglobin |
Q56997925 | Diffusion-collision of foldons elucidates the kinetic effects of point mutations and suggests control strategies of the folding process of helical proteins |
Q98228003 | Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase moonlighting activity as a DNA chelating agent |
Q96584727 | Dimerization of Aβ40 inside dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer and its effect on bilayer integrity: Atomistic simulation at three temperatures |
Q57970601 | Dimerization of protein G B1 domain at low pH: A conformational switch caused by loss of a single hydrogen bond |
Q42654611 | Dipeptide frequency/bias analysis identifies conserved sites of nonrandomness shared by cysteine-rich motifs |
Q74246359 | Dipole lattice membrane model for protein calculations |
Q51646349 | Direct computation of long time processes in peptides and proteins: reaction path study of the coil-to-helix transition in polyalanine |
Q51139925 | Direct correlation between proteins' folding rates and their amino acid compositions: an ab initio folding rate prediction |
Q79298609 | Direct folding simulation of alpha-helices and beta-hairpins based on a single all-atom force field with an implicit solvation model |
Q46764625 | Direct insight into insulin aggregation by 2D NMR complemented by PFGSE NMR. |
Q43015686 | Direct measure of functional importance visualized atom-by-atom for photoactive yellow protein: application to photoisomerization reaction |
Q46906261 | Direct observation of an altered quaternary-structure transition in a mutant aspartate transcarbamoylase |
Q30363288 | Direct prediction of profiles of sequences compatible with a protein structure by neural networks with fragment-based local and energy-based nonlocal profiles |
Q51304377 | Directed evolution of the epidermal growth factor receptor extracellular domain for expression in yeast |
Q42232452 | Discerning intersecting fusion-activation pathways in the Nipah virus using machine learning |
Q40359179 | Discovery of Rab1 binding sites using an ensemble of clustering methods |
Q35172930 | Discovery of binding proteins for a protein target using protein-protein docking-based virtual screening |
Q52224068 | Discovery of local packing motifs in protein structures |
Q39043145 | Discovery of multiple interacting partners of gankyrin, a proteasomal chaperone and an oncoprotein--evidence for a common hot spot site at the interface and its functional relevance. |
Q91821912 | Discovery of receptor-ligand interfaces in the immunoglobulin superfamily |
Q37343613 | Discovery of sarcosine dimethylglycine methyltransferase from Galdieria sulphuraria. |
Q47620467 | Discriminating between homodimeric and monomeric proteins in the crystalline state |
Q52236828 | Discrimination between native and intentionally misfolded conformations of proteins: ES/IS, a new method for calculating conformational free energy that uses both dynamics simulations with an explicit solvent and an implicit solvent continuum model |
Q43023250 | Discrimination of mesophilic and thermophilic proteins using machine learning algorithms |
Q31153497 | Discrimination of native loop conformations in membrane proteins: decoy library design and evaluation of effective energy scoring functions. |
Q58489192 | Discrimination of near-native protein structures from misfolded models by empirical free energy functions |
Q30327412 | Discrimination of near-native protein structures from misfolded models by empirical free energy functions. |
Q33662936 | Discrimination of near-native structures in protein-protein docking by testing the stability of local minima |
Q45966107 | Discrimination of outer membrane proteins using machine learning algorithms. |
Q44855355 | Discrimination of single amino acid mutations of the p53 protein by means of deterministic singularities of recurrence quantification analysis |
Q74721860 | Discriminative ability with respect to amino acid types: assessing the performance of knowledge-based potentials without threading |
Q30368864 | Discriminative learning for protein conformation sampling. |
Q34508241 | Disorder and order in unfolded and disordered peptides and proteins: a view derived from tripeptide conformational analysis. I. Tripeptides with long and predominantly hydrophobic side chains |
Q43658168 | Disorder and order in unfolded and disordered peptides and proteins: a view derived from tripeptide conformational analysis. II. Tripeptides with short side chains populating asx and β-type like turn conformations |
Q58429273 | Disorder guides domain rearrangement in elongation factor Tu |
Q34064614 | Disposition of amphiphilic helices in heteropolar environments |
Q57951719 | Dissecting contact potentials for proteins: Relative contributions of individual amino acids |
Q77926233 | Dissecting protein-protein recognition sites |
Q44632584 | Dissecting subunit interfaces in homodimeric proteins |
Q52698759 | Dissecting the molecular mechanism of drosophila odorant receptors through activity modeling and comparative analysis |
Q30385799 | Dissecting the roles of local packing density and longer-range effects in protein sequence evolution |
Q47974543 | Dissecting α-helices: Position-specific analysis of α-helices in globular proteins |
Q60162161 | Dissection of multi-protein complexes using mass spectrometry: Subunit interactions in transthyretin and retinol-binding protein complexes |
Q31956726 | Dissection of multi-protein complexes using mass spectrometry: subunit interactions in transthyretin and retinol-binding protein complexes |
Q46403154 | Dissection of the GTPase mechanism of Ras protein by MD analysis of Ras mutants |
Q42935474 | Dissection of the conformational cycle of the multidrug/lipidA ABC exporter MsbA. |
Q37732202 | Dissection of the critical binding determinants of cellular retinoic acid binding protein II by mutagenesis and fluorescence binding assay |
Q81787002 | Dissection, residue conservation, and structural classification of protein-DNA interfaces |
Q91325492 | Dissociation mechanism of GDP from Cdc42 via DOCK9 revealed by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q44252305 | Distal heme pocket regulation of ligand binding and stability in soybean leghemoglobin |
Q82354920 | Distal mutation modulates the heme sliding in mouse neuroglobin investigated by molecular dynamics simulation |
Q30364498 | Distance dependent centroid to centroid force fields using high resolution decoys. |
Q51690029 | Distance-dependent classification of amino acids by information theory |
Q74177419 | Distance-dependent, pair potential for protein folding: results from linear optimization |
Q51454003 | Distance‐dependent atomic knowledge‐based force in protein fold recognition |
Q33310035 | Distant homology detection using a LEngth and STructure-based sequence Alignment Tool (LESTAT). |
Q30429638 | Distant homology recognition using structural classification of proteins |
Q55122146 | Distant homology recognition using structural classification of proteins |
Q43017790 | Distinct character in hydrophobicity of amino acid compositions of mitochondrial proteins |
Q38789349 | Distinct dynamics and interaction patterns in H- and K-Ras oncogenic P-loop mutants |
Q45349661 | Distinct interfacial biclique patterns between ssDNA-binding proteins and those with dsDNAs |
Q45115569 | Distinct phases of free α-synuclein--a Monte Carlo study |
Q42694873 | Distinct second extracellular loop structures of the brain cannabinoid CB(1) receptor: implication in ligand binding and receptor function |
Q96339144 | Distinctive Communication Networks in Inactive States of β2 -Adrenergic Receptor: Mutual Information and Entropy Transfer Analysis |
Q92513880 | Distinctive ligand-binding specificities of tandem PA14 biomass-sensory elements from Clostridium thermocellum and Clostridium clariflavum |
Q47715113 | Distinguish protein decoys by using a scoring function based on a new AMBER force field, short molecular dynamics simulations, and the generalized born solvent model |
Q38438050 | Distinguishing between biochemical and cellular function: Are there peptide signatures for cellular function of proteins? |
Q52033392 | Distinguishing foldable proteins from nonfolders: when and how do they differ? |
Q57134711 | Distinguishing native conformations of proteins from decoys with an effective free energy estimator based on the OPLS all-atom force field and the Surface Generalized Born solvent model |
Q45946546 | Distinguishing two groups of flavin reductases by analyzing the protonation state of an active site carboxylic acid |
Q70140031 | Distribution and complementarity of hydropathy in multisubunit proteins |
Q36747528 | Distribution function implied dynamics versus residence times and correlations: solvation shells of myoglobin |
Q74460972 | Distribution of Indel lengths |
Q41443860 | Distribution of accessible surfaces of amino acids in globular proteins |
Q30330311 | Distributions of beta sheets in proteins with application to structure prediction. |
Q41736278 | Disulfide bond plasticity in epidermal growth factor |
Q30156089 | Disulfide bond tethering of extracellular loops does not affect the closure of OmpF porin at acidic pH. |
Q38113990 | Disulfide bonds in amyloidogenesis diseases related proteins |
Q90297462 | Disulfide bridge formation influences ligand recognition by the ATAD2 bromodomain |
Q43235819 | Disulfide conformation and design at helix N-termini |
Q30353891 | Disulfide connectivity prediction with 70% accuracy using two-level models. |
Q28662264 | Diterpene cyclases and the nature of the isoprene fold |
Q81471426 | Divalent ion-binding properties of the two avian beta-parvalbumins |
Q46263456 | Diversity in peptide recognition by the SH2 domain of SH2B1. |
Q33790634 | Diversity of conformational states and changes within the EF-hand protein superfamily |
Q51903856 | Do collagenases unwind triple-helical collagen before peptide bond hydrolysis? Reinterpreting experimental observations with mathematical models |
Q34049826 | Do crystal structures obviate the need for theoretical models of GPCRs for structure-based virtual screening? |
Q57851365 | Do more complex organisms have a greater proportion of membrane proteins in their genomes? |
Q29038132 | DockRank: Ranking docked conformations using partner-specific sequence homology-based protein interface prediction |
Q30432061 | DockTrina: docking triangular protein trimers. |
Q42080846 | Docking analysis of transient complexes: interaction of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase with ferredoxin and flavodoxin |
Q31031991 | Docking and free energy simulations to predict conformational domains involved in hCG-LH receptor interactions using recombinant antibodies |
Q30008752 | Docking and molecular dynamics simulations of the Fyn-SH3 domain with free and phospholipid bilayer-associated 18.5-kDa myelin basic protein (MBP)-Insights into a noncanonical and fuzzy interaction |
Q28252297 | Docking and scoring protein complexes: CAPRI 3rd Edition |
Q47584586 | Docking and scoring protein interactions: CAPRI 2009 |
Q33360334 | Docking and scoring with alternative side-chain conformations |
Q33660432 | Docking by structural similarity at protein-protein interfaces |
Q71671442 | Docking enzyme-inhibitor complexes using a preference-based free-energy surface |
Q28258497 | Docking essential dynamics eigenstructures |
Q43512278 | Docking molecules by families to increase the diversity of hits in database screens: computational strategy and experimental evaluation |
Q42164220 | Docking multiple conformations of a flexible ligand into a protein binding site using NMR restraints |
Q43946825 | Docking of a human rhinovirus neutralizing antibody onto the viral capsid |
Q52216410 | Docking of flexible ligands to flexible receptors in solution by molecular dynamics simulation |
Q31062350 | Docking of human interleukin-15 to its specific receptor alpha chain: correlation between molecular modeling and mutagenesis experimental data |
Q82693119 | Docking of insulin to a structurally equilibrated insulin receptor ectodomain |
Q44195803 | Docking of non-nucleoside inhibitors: neotripterifordin and its derivatives to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase |
Q51906606 | Docking of protein molecular surfaces with evolutionary trace analysis |
Q51970527 | Docking prediction using biological information, ZDOCK sampling technique, and clustering guided by the DFIRE statistical energy function |
Q91349200 | Docking proteins and peptides under evolutionary constraints in Critical Assessment of PRediction of Interactions rounds 38 to 45 |
Q33196433 | Docking studies and model development of tea polyphenol proteasome inhibitors: applications to rational drug design |
Q51970501 | Docking to single-domain and multiple-domain proteins: old and new challenges |
Q52042875 | Docking unbound proteins using shape complementarity, desolvation, and electrostatics |
Q40174451 | Docking with PIPER and refinement with SDU in rounds 6-11 of CAPRI. |
Q33297369 | Docking without docking: ISEARCH--prediction of interactions using known interfaces |
Q38312001 | Docking, scoring, and affinity prediction in CAPRI. |
Q90996706 | Dodecameric structure of a small heat shock protein from Mycobacterium marinum M |
Q92439107 | Does inclusion of residue-residue contact information boost protein threading? |
Q51966376 | Does secondary structure determine tertiary structure in proteins? |
Q81635423 | Does structural and chemical divergence play a role in precluding undesirable protein interactions? |
Q57599858 | Does tetracycline bind helix 2 of prion? An integrated spectroscopical and computational study of the interaction between the antibiotic and α helix 2 human prion protein fragments |
Q57931515 | Domain definition and target classification for CASP6 |
Q56879564 | Domain definition and target classification for CASP7 |
Q43726275 | Domain flexibility in aspartic proteinases |
Q46850356 | Domain interactions direct misfolding and amyloid formation of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase. |
Q32063337 | Domain motions in bacteriophage T4 lysozyme: a comparison between molecular dynamics and crystallographic data. |
Q46194103 | Domain motions of hyaluronan lyase underlying processive hyaluronan translocation. |
Q30374966 | Domain position prediction based on sequence information by using fuzzy mean operator. |
Q125822463 | Domain shuffling of a highly mutable ligand‐binding fold drives adhesin generation across the bacterial kingdom |
Q34342990 | Domain swapping of CD4 upon dimerization |
Q43676309 | Don Caspar, TMV, and protein–protein interactions |
Q52291822 | Dopamine transporter comparative molecular modeling and binding site prediction using the LeuT(Aa) leucine transporter as a template |
Q51433130 | Double phosphorylation-induced structural changes in the signal-receiving domain of IκBα in complex with NF-κB. |
Q39702497 | Dowser++, a new method of hydrating protein structures |
Q54013266 | Dramatic differences in the motions of the mouth of open and closed cytochrome P450BM-3 by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q92737749 | Driven to near-experimental accuracy by refinement via molecular dynamics simulations |
Q42617629 | Drug block of the hERG potassium channel: insight from modeling. |
Q79402267 | Drug design for the third world: a conference report |
Q39856385 | Dry molten globule intermediates and the mechanism of protein unfolding |
Q53355939 | Dual effects of familial Alzheimer's disease mutations (D7H, D7N, and H6R) on amyloid β peptide: correlation dynamics and zinc binding |
Q46714089 | Dual-affinity avidin molecules. |
Q51766267 | DynaDock: A new molecular dynamics-based algorithm for protein-peptide docking including receptor flexibility |
Q51641989 | Dynamic and structural analysis of isotropically distributed molecular ensembles |
Q96233399 | Dynamic aspects of pressure and temperature-stabilized intermediates of outer surface protein A |
Q83413198 | Dynamic communication between androgen and coactivator: mutually induced conformational perturbations in androgen receptor ligand-binding domain |
Q83358893 | Dynamic control of allosteric antagonism of leukocyte function antigen-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 interaction |
Q51940497 | Dynamic domain threading |
Q78675897 | Dynamic effects of mutations within two loops of cytochrome c551 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Q83782525 | Dynamic flaps in HIV‐1 protease adopt unique ordering at different stages in the catalytic cycle |
Q44321993 | Dynamic fluorescence studies of beta-glycosidase mutants from Sulfolobus solfataricus: effects of single mutations on protein thermostability. |
Q52077719 | Dynamic ligand design and combinatorial optimization: designing inhibitors to endothiapepsin |
Q72061281 | Dynamic properties of some beta-chain mutant hemoglobins |
Q50909668 | Dynamic property is a key determinant for protein-protein interactions |
Q70980737 | Dynamic structure of human serum transferrin from transient electric birefringence experiments |
Q77142633 | Dynamic structure of subtilisin-eglin c complex studied by normal mode analysis |
Q22061744 | Dynamic α-helices: Conformations that do not conform |
Q79737558 | Dynamical behavior of the vascular endothelial growth factor: biological implications |
Q91294630 | Dynamical comparison between myoglobin and hemoglobin |
Q47865702 | Dynamical differences of hemoglobin and the ionotropic glutamate receptor in different states revealed by a new dynamics alignment method. |
Q56934603 | Dynamical properties of fasciculin-2 |
Q41685635 | Dynamical properties of fasciculin-2. |
Q51438313 | Dynamics alignment: comparison of protein dynamics in the SCOP database |
Q50753745 | Dynamics and allostery of the ionotropic glutamate receptors and the ligand binding domain |
Q79223162 | Dynamics and assembly of the cytolethal distending toxin |
Q44898271 | Dynamics and energetics of water permeation through the aquaporin channel |
Q64032840 | Dynamics and energetics of water permeation through the aquaporin channel |
Q51799173 | Dynamics and thermodynamic properties of CXCL7 chemokine. |
Q27734335 | Dynamics of Fusarium solani cutinase investigated through structural comparison among different crystal forms of its variants |
Q42617075 | Dynamics of beta3 integrin I-like and hybrid domains: insight from simulations on the mechanism of transition between open and closed forms. |
Q48091281 | Dynamics of bridge helix bending in RNA polymerase II. |
Q58847877 | Dynamics of group II chaperonin and prefoldin probed by 13C NMR spectroscopy |
Q80424010 | Dynamics of heteropentameric nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: implications of the gating mechanism |
Q73422367 | Dynamics of internal water in fatty acid binding protein: computer simulations and comparison with experiments |
Q47620838 | Dynamics of proteins predicted by molecular dynamics simulations and analytical approaches: application to alpha-amylase inhibitor |
Q48058556 | Dynamics of the protein structure of T169S pyranose 2-oxidase in solution: Molecular dynamics simulation |
Q37249169 | Dynamics of the trimeric AcrB transporter protein inferred from a B-factor analysis of the crystal structure |
Q86212715 | Dynamics on human Toll-like receptor 4 complexation to MD-2: the coreceptor stabilizing function |
Q27681811 | E2-binding surface on Uba3 β-grasp domain undergoes a conformational transition |
Q51919234 | EADock: docking of small molecules into protein active sites with a multiobjective evolutionary optimization. |
Q34113376 | EVA: large-scale analysis of secondary structure prediction |
Q44431730 | Early days of protein hydrogen exchange: 1954–1972 |
Q80962914 | Early events in protein aggregation: molecular flexibility and hydrophobicity/charge interaction in amyloid peptides as studied by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q52206952 | Early events in the folding of an amphipathic peptide: A multinanosecond molecular dynamics study |
Q81430221 | Early stages of beta2-microglobulin aggregation and the inhibiting action of alphaB-crystallin |
Q52237300 | Easy method to predict solvent accessibility from multiple protein sequence alignments |
Q57385264 | Edge-count probabilities for the identification of local protein communities and their organization |
Q73379942 | Editorial on molecular dynamics simulations |
Q114234886 | Editorial: Special issue Transporter and Channel |
Q27654075 | Effect of D to E mutation of the RGD motif in rhodostomin on its activity, structure, and dynamics: importance of the interactions between the D residue and integrin |
Q74631434 | Effect of G40R mutation on the binding of human SRY protein to DNA: a molecular dynamics view |
Q81081492 | Effect of T-R conformational change on sickle-cell hemoglobin interactions and aggregation |
Q30352687 | Effect of a mutation on the structure and dynamics of an alpha-helical antifreeze protein in water and ice. |
Q28217665 | Effect of acidic phospholipids on the structural properties of recombinant cytosolic human glyoxalase II |
Q30322344 | Effect of alphabet size and foldability requirements on protein structure designability. |
Q38290271 | Effect of altered glycosylation on the structure of the I-like domain of beta1 integrin: a molecular dynamics study |
Q74452352 | Effect of amino acid substitutions at the subunit interface on the stability and aggregation properties of a dimeric protein: role of Arg 178 and Arg 218 at the Dimer interface of thymidylate synthase |
Q50647078 | Effect of an amyloidogenic sequence attached to yellow fluorescent protein |
Q46814803 | Effect of bivalent cations on the interaction of transketolase with its donor substrate |
Q70628260 | Effect of end group blockage on the properties of a class A amphipathic helical peptide |
Q42162687 | Effect of ethanol on folding of hen egg-white lysozyme under acidic condition |
Q40336901 | Effect of flanking residues on the conformational sampling of the internal fusion peptide from Ebola virus |
Q34336924 | Effect of glycosylation on the structure of Erythrina corallodendron lectin. |
Q91966009 | Effect of heterochiral inversions on the structure of a β-hairpin peptide |
Q92822826 | Effect of hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding interactions on the potency of ß-alanine analogs of G-protein coupled glucagon receptor inhibitors |
Q40692587 | Effect of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the simulated D-band length of type I collagen. |
Q48467606 | Effect of linker segments on the stability of epithelial cadherin Domain 2. |
Q81202526 | Effect of lipid composition on buforin II structure and membrane entry |
Q43144227 | Effect of mixed macromolecular crowding agents on protein folding |
Q43030638 | Effect of naturally occurring active site mutations on hepatitis C virus NS3 protease specificity |
Q47629351 | Effect of nucleotide substrate binding on the pKa of catalytic residues in barnase |
Q34501365 | Effect of oxidatively damaged DNA on the active site preorganization during nucleotide incorporation in a high fidelity polymerase from Bacillus stearothermophilus. |
Q46987563 | Effect of pH on the structure and stability of Bacillus circulans ssp. alkalophilus phosphoserine aminotransferase: thermodynamic and crystallographic studies. |
Q67562114 | Effect of polyethylene glycol-400 at low concentrations on long-term growth of muscle phosphoglucomutase crystals from concentrated salt solutions |
Q45733316 | Effect of pressure on helix-coil transition of an alanine-based peptide: an FTIR study |
Q45094177 | Effect of protein conformation on rate of deamidation: ribonuclease A. |
Q90267288 | Effect of site-directed point mutations on protein misfolding: A simulation study |
Q67703767 | Effect of urey-bradley-shimanouchi force field on the harmonic dynamics of proteins |
Q30395993 | Effect of using suboptimal alignments in template-based protein structure prediction |
Q42351313 | Effective approach for calculations of absolute stability of proteins using focused dielectric constants |
Q30369789 | Effective connectivity profile: a structural representation that evidences the relationship between protein structures and sequences. |
Q43410518 | Effective discrimination between biologically relevant contacts and crystal packing contacts using new determinants |
Q44496100 | Effective energy function for proteins in lipid membranes |
Q28142746 | Effective energy function for proteins in solution |
Q30353351 | Effective handling of induced-fit motion in flexible docking. |
Q81191021 | Effective interactions between chaotropic agents and proteins |
Q38985037 | Effective protein model structure refinement by loop modeling and overall relaxation |
Q51727992 | Effective scoring function for protein sequence design |
Q27690734 | Effectiveness and limitations of local structural entropy optimization in the thermal stabilization of mesophilic and thermophilic adenylate kinases |
Q103007699 | Effects of Amino Acid Modifications on the Permeability of the Pentameric Sarcolipin Channel |
Q91895665 | Effects of PI(4,5)P2 concentration on the F-BAR domain membrane binding as revealed by coarse-grained simulations |
Q44125147 | Effects of a helix substitution on the folding mechanism of bovine alpha-lactalbumin. |
Q53754105 | Effects of acid exposure on the conformation, stability, and aggregation of monoclonal antibodies |
Q47298784 | Effects of amino acid composition, finite size of proteins, and sparse statistics on distance-dependent statistical pair potentials |
Q70830940 | Effects of cavity-creating mutations on conformational stability and structure of the dimeric 4-alpha-helical protein ROP: thermal unfolding studies |
Q44868395 | Effects of chain length on the aggregation of model polyglutamine peptides: molecular dynamics simulations |
Q67562112 | Effects of changing the interaction between subdomains on the thermostability of Bacillus neutral proteases |
Q52206946 | Effects of core-packing on the structure, function, and mechanics of a four-helix-bundle protein ROP. |
Q57276506 | Effects of eglin-c binding to thermitase: Three-dimensional structure comparison of native thermitase and thermitase eglin-c complexes |
Q30351693 | Effects of environment on the structure of Pyrococcus furiosus rubredoxin: a molecular dynamics study. |
Q30368087 | Effects of external interactions on protein sequence-structure relations of beta-trefoil fold. |
Q47299318 | Effects of force fields on the conformational and dynamic properties of amyloid β(1-40) dimer explored by replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations |
Q46899106 | Effects of glycerol on the compaction and stability of the wild type and mutated rabbit muscle creatine kinase |
Q38333301 | Effects of glycosylation on heparin binding and antithrombin activation by heparin |
Q80865702 | Effects of ligand binding on the dynamics of rice nonspecific lipid transfer protein 1: a model from molecular simulations |
Q50952462 | Effects of ligand binding upon flexibility of proteins. |
Q35933586 | Effects of mutations in tyrosine hydroxylase associated with progressive dystonia on the activity and stability of the protein. |
Q32167485 | Effects of organic solvents on protein structures: Observation of a structured helical core in hen egg-white lysozyme in aqueous dimethylsulfoxide |
Q41652279 | Effects of pH and high ionic strength on the adsorption and activity of native and mutated cellobiohydrolase I from Trichoderma reesei |
Q52618590 | Effects of point mutations in pVHL on the binding of HIF-1α. |
Q30414469 | Effects of point mutations on protein structure are nonexponentially distributed. |
Q27682066 | Effects of protein engineering and rational mutagenesis on crystal lattice of single chain antibody fragments |
Q42680896 | Effects of protonation state of Asp181 and position of active site water molecules on the conformation of PTP1B |
Q58043781 | Effects of somatic mutations on CDR loop flexibility during affinity maturation |
Q52237297 | Effects of the T→R transition on the electrostatic properties ofE. coli aspartate transcarbamylase |
Q85076899 | Effects of the Val211Gly substitution on molecular dynamics of the CMY‐2 cephalosporinase: Implications on hydrolysis of expanded‐spectrum cephalosporins |
Q46668377 | Effects of the stabilization of the molten globule state on the folding mechanism of alpha-lactalbumin: a study of a chimera of bovine and human alpha-lactalbumin |
Q52133669 | Efficacy and selectivity in flexible database docking |
Q45039422 | Efficiency of a second-generation HIV-1 protease inhibitor studied by molecular dynamics and absolute binding free energy calculations. |
Q78627277 | Efficient RMSD measures for the comparison of two molecular ensembles. Root-mean-square deviation |
Q51905248 | Efficient comprehensive scoring of docked protein complexes using probabilistic support vector machines |
Q30620916 | Efficient electrostatic solvation model for protein-fragment docking |
Q30380043 | Efficient identification of near-native conformations in ab initio protein structure prediction using structural profiles. |
Q44322005 | Efficient identification of side-chain patterns using a multidimensional index tree |
Q84266182 | Efficient mapping of ligand migration channel networks in dynamic proteins |
Q47236428 | Efficient methods for filtering and ranking fragments for the prediction of structurally variable regions in proteins |
Q56999374 | Efficient minimization of angle-dependent potentials for polypeptides in internal coordinates |
Q52920397 | Efficient sampling in collective coordinate space |
Q47653322 | Elastic Surface Model For Beta-Barrels: Geometric, Computational, And Statistical Analysis. |
Q46736038 | Elastic network model‐based normal mode analysis reveals the conformational couplings in the tripartite AcrAB‐TolC multidrug efflux complex |
Q54765737 | Elastic network normal mode dynamics reveal the GPCR activation mechanism. |
Q46141328 | Electron redistribution on binding of a substrate to an enzyme: folate and dihydrofolate reductase |
Q81319554 | Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of soybean lipoxygenases: N-terminal acetylation, chemical modification, and solution conformation |
Q46815493 | Electrostatic analysis of bacterial expansins. |
Q69825129 | Electrostatic calculations and model-building suggest that DNA bound to CAP is sharply bent |
Q40305520 | Electrostatic contribution to the binding stability of protein-protein complexes. |
Q80867942 | Electrostatic contribution to the thermodynamic and kinetic stability of the homotrimeric coiled coil Lpp-56: A computational study |
Q46345768 | Electrostatic contributions to protein–protein binding affinities: Application to Rap/Raf interaction |
Q57138618 | Electrostatic effects in a large enzyme complex: subunit interactions and electrostatic potential field of the icosahedral beta 60 capsid of heavy riboflavin synthase |
Q45145991 | Electrostatic fields at the active site of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase |
Q90919807 | Electrostatic interactions determine entrance/release order of substrates in the catalytic cycle of adenylate kinase |
Q69518563 | Electrostatic interactions in the assembly of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase |
Q46870565 | Electrostatic interactions of peptides flanking the tyrosine kinase domain in the epidermal growth factor receptor provides a model for intracellular dimerization and autophosphorylation. |
Q39317330 | Electrostatic interactions play an essential role in the binding of oleic acid with α‐lactalbumin in the HAMLET‐like complex: A study using charge‐specific chemical modifications |
Q51549409 | Electrostatic pKa computations in proteins: Role of internal cavities |
Q46773035 | Electrostatic potential at the retinal of three archaeal rhodopsins: implications for their different absorption spectra |
Q71705238 | Electrostatic properties deduced from refined structures of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase and the other flavin-dependent reductases: pyridine nucleotide-binding and interaction with an electron-transfer partner |
Q44496105 | Electrostatic properties in the catalytic site of papain: A possible regulatory mechanism for the reactivity of the ion pair |
Q57135485 | Electrostatic properties of bovine beta-lactoglobulin |
Q41780888 | Electrostatic rate enhancement and transient complex of protein-protein association |
Q39705849 | Electrostatic repulsion between HIV-1 capsid proteins modulates hexamer plasticity and in vitro assembly |
Q77924659 | Electrostatic reversal of serine proteinase substrate specificity |
Q30326371 | Electrostatic strengths of salt bridges in thermophilic and mesophilic glutamate dehydrogenase monomers. |
Q30418989 | Electrostatics of cysteine residues in proteins: parameterization and validation of a simple model. |
Q52077723 | Electrostatics of mesophilic and psychrophilic trypsin isoenzymes: qualitative evaluation of electrostatic differences at the substrate binding site |
Q52263620 | Electrostatics of proteins: description in terms of two dielectric constants simultaneously |
Q47625563 | Electrostatics, allostery, and activity of the yeast chorismate mutase |
Q46489549 | Electrostatics-defying interaction between arginine termini as a thermodynamic driving force in protein-protein interaction |
Q111199748 | Elucidating important structural features for the binding affinity of spike - SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody complexes |
Q43676085 | Elucidating protein secondary structures using alpha-carbon recurrence quantifications |
Q27656422 | Elucidating the exact role of engineered CRABPII residues for the formation of a retinal protonated Schiff base |
Q52066466 | Elucidating the structural mechanisms for biological activity of the chemokine family |
Q45169306 | Elucidation of information encoded in tryptophan 140 of staphylococcal nuclease |
Q47195044 | Elucidation of insulin assembly at acidic and neutral pH: Characterization of low molecular weight oligomers. |
Q79210085 | Elucidation of the disulfide-folding pathway of hirudin by a topology-based approach |
Q40708038 | Elucidation of the mode of substrate binding to hydroxynitrile lyase from Hevea brasiliensis. |
Q72154714 | Elusive affinities |
Q53873970 | Emergence of highly designable protein-backbone conformations in an off-lattice model |
Q73864357 | Empirical calculation of the relative free energies of peptide binding to the molecular chaperone DnaK |
Q52335314 | Empirical correlation for the replacement of Ala by Gly: importance of amino acid secondary intrinsic propensities |
Q52340727 | Empirical evaluation of the influence of side chains on the conformational entropy of the polypeptide backbone |
Q46403139 | Empirical lipid propensities of amino acid residues in multispan alpha helical membrane proteins |
Q30352947 | Empirical potential function for simplified protein models: combining contact and local sequence-structure descriptors. |
Q30331170 | Empirical relationships between protein structure and carboxyl pKa values in proteins. |
Q31083650 | Empirical solvation models can be used to differentiate native from near-native conformations of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor |
Q30852972 | Empirical solvation models in the context of conformational energy searches: application to bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor |
Q50104360 | Empirical valence bond simulations of the hydride transfer step in the monoamine oxidase B catalyzed metabolism of dopamine |
Q92952314 | Enabling full-length evolutionary profiles based deep convolutional neural network for predicting DNA-binding proteins from sequence |
Q44464209 | Endogenous tryptophan residues of cAPK regulatory subunit type IIbeta reveal local variations in environments and dynamics |
Q30195753 | Energetic approach to the folding of α/β barrels |
Q93171278 | Energetic contributions of amino acid residues and its cross-talk (ECONTACT) to delineate ligand binding mechanism |
Q36859545 | Energetically unfavorable amide conformations for N6‐acetyllysine side chains in refined protein structures |
Q81508069 | Energetics and stability of transmembrane helix packing: a replica-exchange simulation with a knowledge-based membrane potential |
Q53542878 | Energetics of K+ permeability through Gramicidin A by forward-reverse steered molecular dynamics. |
Q34074679 | Energetics of calmodulin domain interactions with the calmodulin binding domain of CaMKII. |
Q52427206 | Energetics of charge-charge interactions in proteins |
Q82451708 | Energetics of charge–charge interactions between residues adjacent in sequence |
Q81383313 | Energetics of protein homodimerization: effects of water sequestering on the formation of beta-lactoglobulin dimer |
Q45393738 | Energetics of the loop-to-helix transition leading to the coiled-coil structure of influenza virus hemagglutinin HA2 subunits |
Q82184337 | Energetics of the native and non-native states of the glycophorin transmembrane helix dimer |
Q73025531 | Energetics of the specific binding interaction of the first three zinc fingers of the transcription factor TFIIIA with its cognate DNA sequence |
Q30195936 | Energetics of the structure and chain tilting of antiparallel beta-barrels in proteins |
Q77669672 | Energy landscape of a native protein: jumping-among-minima model |
Q80947716 | Energy landscape of a small peptide revealed by dihedral angle principal component analysis |
Q53344184 | Energy landscape theory for Alzheimer's amyloid beta-peptide fibril elongation |
Q50923993 | Energy minimization in low-frequency normal modes to efficiently allow for global flexibility during systematic protein-protein docking |
Q30419952 | Energy minimization method using automata network for sequence and side-chain conformation prediction from given backbone geometry. |
Q90123830 | Energy-based graph convolutional networks for scoring protein docking models |
Q33447473 | Engineered cystine knot peptides that bind alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5, and alpha5beta1 integrins with low-nanomolar affinity |
Q60147785 | Engineering a soluble parathyroid hormone GPCR mimetic |
Q57077684 | Engineering an Mg2 site to replace a structurally conserved arginine in the catalytic center of histidyl‐tRNA synthetase by computer experiments |
Q77142657 | Engineering an Mg2+ site to replace a structurally conserved arginine in the catalytic center of histidyl-tRNA synthetase by computer experiments |
Q46020524 | Engineering monomeric streptavidin and its ligands with infinite affinity in binding but reversibility in interaction. |
Q33207176 | Engineering of a polymeric bacterial protein as a scaffold for the multiple display of peptides. |
Q74464024 | Engineering of a stable mutant malic enzyme by introducing an extra ion-pair to the protein |
Q41947472 | Engineering proteins with enhanced mechanical stability by force-specific sequence motifs. |
Q50890574 | Engineering proteins with tunable thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities. |
Q45948249 | Engineering subtilisin BPN' for site-specific proteolysis. |
Q96163609 | Engineering the specificity of Streptococcus pyogenes sortase A by loop grafting |
Q52082493 | Enhanced conformational diversity search of CDR-H3 in antibodies: role of the first CDR-H3 residue |
Q30373977 | Enhanced protein fold recognition using a structural alphabet. |
Q30350621 | Enhanced sampling near the native conformation using statistical potentials for local side-chain and backbone interactions. |
Q51101606 | Enhanced sampling of peptide and protein conformations using replica exchange simulations with a peptide backbone biasing-potential |
Q91163245 | Enhanced sampling of protein conformational states for dynamic cross-docking within the protein-protein docking server SwarmDock |
Q81134288 | Enhanced thermal stability achieved without increased conformational rigidity at physiological temperatures: spatial propagation of differential flexibility in rubredoxin hybrids |
Q27621917 | Enhancement of catalytic efficiency of enzymes through exposure to anhydrous organic solvent at 70 degrees C. Three-dimensional structure of a treated serine proteinase at 2.2 A resolution |
Q30329565 | Enhancement of protein modeling by human intervention in applying the automatic programs 3D-JIGSAW and 3D-PSSM. |
Q51531290 | Enhancing systematic protein–protein docking methods using ray casting: Application to ATTRACT |
Q95310337 | Enhancing the promiscuity of a member of the Caspase protease family by rational design |
Q52005574 | Enriching the sequence substitution matrix by structural information |
Q30357936 | Ensemble docking of multiple protein structures: considering protein structural variations in molecular docking. |
Q30010207 | Ensemble modeling of protein disordered states: Experimental restraint contributions and validation |
Q50688427 | Ensemble models of proteins and protein domains based on distance distribution restraints |
Q30351810 | Ensemble-based signatures of energy propagation in proteins: a new view of an old phenomenon. |
Q92585784 | Ensembling multiple raw coevolutionary features with deep residual neural networks for contact-map prediction in CASP13 |
Q77435967 | Enthalpy and heat capacity changes for the proton dissociation of various buffer components in 0.1 M potassium chloride |
Q74449650 | Entropic benefit of a cross-link in protein association |
Q52068717 | Entropy calculations on a reversibly folding peptide: changes in solute free energy cannot explain folding behavior |
Q57204703 | Entropy calculations on the molten globule state of a protein: Side-chain entropies of α-lactalbumin |
Q58037819 | Entropy capacity determines protein folding |
Q52384808 | Entropy in biological binding processes: estimation of translational entropy loss |
Q30326388 | Environment of tryptophan side chains in proteins. |
Q27649989 | Enzymatic characterization and crystal structure analysis of the D-alanine-D-alanine ligase from Helicobacter pylori |
Q38302248 | Enzymatic circularization of a malto-octaose linear chain studied by stochastic reaction path calculations on cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase |
Q43530741 | Enzyme classification by ligand binding |
Q48007508 | Enzyme family classification by support vector machines |
Q73233198 | Enzyme polarization of substrates of dihydrofolate reductase by different theoretical methods |
Q27643332 | Enzyme-substrate interactions revealed by the crystal structures of the archaeal Sulfolobus PTP-fold phosphatase and its phosphopeptide complexes |
Q27648036 | Epitope mapping and structural analysis of an anti-ErbB2 antibody A21: Molecular basis for tumor inhibitory mechanism |
Q27703671 | Epitope mapping and structural basis for the recognition of phosphorylated tau by the anti-tau antibody AT8 |
Q44195800 | Equilibrium and kinetic folding of hen egg-white lysozyme under acidic conditions. |
Q57752608 | Equilibrium heat-induced denaturation of chitinase 40 from Streptomyces thermoviolaceus |
Q30375057 | Equilibrium transitions between side-chain conformations in leucine and isoleucine. |
Q58375287 | Erratum |
Q95596616 | Erratum |
Q51940826 | Error distribution derived NOE distance restraints. |
Q91339294 | Escapement mechanisms: Efficient free energy transduction by reciprocally-coupled gating |
Q30428164 | Escher: A new docking procedure applied to the reconstruction of protein tertiary structure |
Q30961455 | Escherichia coli adenylate kinase dynamics: comparison of elastic network model modes with mode-coupling (15)N-NMR relaxation data |
Q77615139 | Essential domain motions in barnase revealed by MD simulations |
Q29616843 | Essential dynamics of proteins |
Q39226766 | Essential dynamics of the cold denaturation: pressure and temperature effects in yeast frataxin |
Q39135914 | Essential dynamics sampling study of adenylate kinase: comparison to citrate synthase and implication for the hinge and shear mechanisms of domain motions |
Q87726281 | Essential function of the N-termini tails of the proteasome for the gating mechanism revealed by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q47974629 | Essential spaces defined by NMR structure ensembles and molecular dynamics simulation show significant overlap |
Q78010858 | Estimates of the loss of main-chain conformational entropy of different residues on protein folding |
Q82354607 | Estimating binding affinities by docking/scoring methods using variable protonation states |
Q51610153 | Estimating protein-ligand binding free energy: atomic solvation parameters for partition coefficient and solvation free energy calculation |
Q51899745 | Estimating quality of template-based protein models by alignment stability |
Q64123395 | Estimating the contribution of folding stability to nonspecific epistasis in protein evolution |
Q39509181 | Estimating the pKa values of basic and acidic side chains in ion channels using electrophysiological recordings: A robust approach to an elusive problem |
Q33866133 | Estimating the total number of protein folds |
Q56032117 | Estimating the total number of protein folds |
Q52372237 | Estimation of changes in side chain configurational entropy in binding and folding: general methods and application to helix formation |
Q91550145 | Estimation of model accuracy in CASP13 |
Q68697900 | Estimation of uncertainties in X-ray refinement results by use of perturbed structures |
Q30588359 | Euclidean sections of protein conformation space and their implications in dimensionality reduction |
Q52314555 | Eukaryote Specific Folds: Part of the Whole. |
Q30331647 | Evaluating CASP4 predictions with physical energy functions. |
Q48058205 | Evaluating amber force fields using computed NMR chemical shifts. |
Q81383307 | Evaluating conformational changes in protein structures binding RNA |
Q29547577 | Evaluating protein structures determined by structural genomics consortia |
Q50904735 | Evaluating protein:protein complex formation using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy |
Q30373259 | Evaluating the absolute quality of a single protein model using structural features and support vector machines. |
Q43196448 | Evaluating the potency of HIV-1 protease drugs to combat resistance |
Q31024907 | Evaluating the quality of NMR structures by local density of protons |
Q33855340 | Evaluation and improvement of multiple sequence methods for protein secondary structure prediction. |
Q30380203 | Evaluation of CASP8 model quality predictions. |
Q30429666 | Evaluation of GRAMM low‐resolution docking methodology on the hemagglutinin‐antibody complex |
Q28211559 | Evaluation of a fast implicit solvent model for molecular dynamics simulations |
Q33373402 | Evaluation of an inverse molecular design algorithm in a model binding site |
Q29617322 | Evaluation of comparative protein modeling by MODELLER |
Q30429627 | Evaluation of comparative protein structure modeling by MODELLER‐3 |
Q42559661 | Evaluation of conformational changes in diabetes-associated mutation in insulin a chain: a molecular dynamics study |
Q30424408 | Evaluation of current techniques for ab initio protein structure prediction |
Q31031427 | Evaluation of different biological data and computational classification methods for use in protein interaction prediction |
Q57972076 | Evaluation of disorder predictions in CASP5 |
Q29048164 | Evaluation of disorder predictions in CASP9 |
Q27645460 | Evaluation of docking programs for predicting binding of Golgi alpha-mannosidase II inhibitors: a comparison with crystallography |
Q30351478 | Evaluation of domain prediction in CASP6. |
Q30382583 | Evaluation of free modeling targets in CASP11 and ROLL. |
Q68455955 | Evaluation of homology modeling of HIV protease |
Q30341344 | Evaluation of local structure alphabets based on residue burial. |
Q29048166 | Evaluation of model quality predictions in CASP9 |
Q92309412 | Evaluation of model refinement in CASP13 |
Q30352482 | Evaluation of predictions in the CASP10 model refinement category. |
Q52015248 | Evaluation of protein docking predictions using Hex 3.1 in CAPRI rounds 1 and 2. |
Q57014902 | Evaluation of protein fold comparison servers |
Q29048194 | Evaluation of residue-residue contact prediction in CASP10 |
Q29048165 | Evaluation of residue-residue contact predictions in CASP9 |
Q30322367 | Evaluation of short-range interactions as secondary structure energies for protein fold and sequence recognition. |
Q92585605 | Evaluation of template-based modeling in CASP13 |
Q29048208 | Evaluation of template-based models in CASP8 with standard measures |
Q52015257 | Evaluation of the 3D-Dock protein docking suite in rounds 1 and 2 of the CAPRI blind trial. |
Q74252620 | Evaluation of the CASP2 docking section |
Q30822076 | Evaluation of the FLEXX incremental construction algorithm for protein-ligand docking |
Q54641591 | Evaluation of the conformational free energies of loops in proteins. |
Q37423462 | Evaluation of the relative stability of liganded versus ligand-free protein conformations using Simplicial Neighborhood Analysis of Protein Packing (SNAPP) method |
Q80252050 | Evaluation of the substrate envelope hypothesis for inhibitors of HIV-1 protease |
Q46357263 | Evaluation of the template-based modeling in CASP12. |
Q44464301 | Evaluation of the third solvent clusters fitting procedure for the prediction of protein-protein interactions based on the results at the CAPRI blind docking study |
Q71774359 | Evaluation of threading specificity and accuracy |
Q41642290 | Evaluation of transmembrane helix predictions in 2014. |
Q30531491 | Event detection and sub‐state discovery from biomolecular simulations using higher‐order statistics: Application to enzyme adenylate kinase |
Q30159592 | Evidence for a novel domain of bacterial outer membrane ushers |
Q46704187 | Evidence for communality in the primary determinants of CYP74 catalysis and of structural similarities between CYP74 and classical mammalian P450 enzymes |
Q84380451 | Evidence for specific subunit distribution and interactions in the quaternary structure of alpha-crystallin |
Q47974529 | Evidence of new cadmium binding sites in recombinant horse L-chain ferritin by anomalous Fourier difference map calculation |
Q36674676 | Evidence of π‐stacking interactions in the self‐assembly of hIAPP22‐29 |
Q51537315 | Evolution and similarity evaluation of protein structures in contact map space |
Q30196048 | Evolution of CuZn superoxide dismutase and the Greek key beta-barrel structural motif |
Q30176869 | Evolution of beta-amylase: patterns of variation and conservation in subfamily sequences in relation to parsimony mechanisms |
Q47596509 | Evolution of binding sites for zinc and calcium ions playing structural roles |
Q61982092 | Evolution of cnidarian trans-defensins: sequence, structure and exploration of chemical space |
Q52251893 | Evolution of model proteins on a foldability landscape |
Q42614045 | Evolution of prokaryotic subtilases: genome-wide analysis reveals novel subfamilies with different catalytic residues |
Q112574716 | Evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 proteome in three dimensions (3D) during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Q51973330 | Evolution of the beta-propeller fold |
Q83568740 | Evolution of the isoelectric point of mammalian proteins as a consequence of indels and adaptive evolution |
Q43994824 | Evolutionary analysis of HIV-1 protease inhibitors: Methods for design of inhibitors that evade resistance |
Q28204161 | Evolutionary analysis reveals collective properties and specificity in the C-type lectin and lectin-like domain superfamily |
Q85540701 | Evolutionary and structural analyses of heterodimeric proteins composed of subunits with same fold |
Q46883270 | Evolutionary and structural feedback on selection of sequences for comparative analysis of proteins |
Q51731627 | Evolutionary conservation in multiple faces of protein interaction |
Q46794959 | Evolutionary conserved N-terminal region of human muscle fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase regulates its activity and the interaction with aldolase. |
Q30159915 | Evolutionary coupling of structural and functional sequence information in the intracellular lipid-binding protein family |
Q90313520 | Evolutionary couplings and sequence variation effect predict protein binding sites |
Q42691196 | Evolutionary identification of a subtype specific functional site in the ligand binding domain of steroid receptors |
Q30414685 | Evolutionary information hidden in a single protein structure |
Q94566304 | Evolutionary model of protein secondary structure capable of revealing new biological relationships |
Q35928441 | Evolutionary plasticity of protein families: coupling between sequence and structure variation |
Q34371312 | Evolutionary relationship between 5+5 and 7+7 inverted repeat folds within the amino acid-polyamine-organocation superfamily |
Q96436206 | Evolutionary relationships and sequence-structure determinants in human SARS coronavirus-2 spike proteins for host receptor recognition |
Q44706742 | Evolutionary trace analysis of scorpion toxins specific for K-channels |
Q44631073 | Examination of polypeptide substrate specificity for Escherichia coli ClpB. |
Q47617870 | Examination of possible structural constraints of MHC-binding peptides by assessment of their native structure within their source proteins. |
Q47623070 | Examination of shape complementarity in docking of unbound proteins |
Q60651236 | Examination of shape complementarity in docking ofUnbound proteins |
Q53370116 | Examination of the dynamic assembly equilibrium for E. coli ClpB. |
Q41736269 | Examining methods for calculations of binding free energies: LRA, LIE, PDLD-LRA, and PDLD/S-LRA calculations of ligands binding to an HIV protease |
Q34139629 | Examining the promiscuous phosphatase activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa arylsulfatase: a comparison to analogous phosphatases. |
Q46851137 | Exhaustive Metropolis Monte Carlo sampling and analysis of polyalanine conformations adopted under the influence of hydrogen bonds |
Q52206840 | Exhaustive docking of molecular fragments with electrostatic solvation |
Q46149002 | Exhaustive mutagenesis in silico: multicoordinate free energy calculations on proteins and peptides |
Q58488808 | Expanded turn conformations: Characterization and sequence-structure correspondence in α-turns with implications in helix folding |
Q44817538 | Expanded turn conformations: characterization and sequence-structure correspondence in alpha-turns with implications in helix folding |
Q46823172 | Expanding GPCR homology model binding sites via a balloon potential: A molecular dynamics refinement approach |
Q45775602 | Expanding the frontiers of protein-protein modeling: from docking and scoring to binding affinity predictions and other challenges |
Q74103023 | Expanding the nitrogen regulatory protein superfamily: Homology detection at below random sequence identity |
Q99627489 | Expansin Engineering Database: A navigation and classification tool for expansins and homologues |
Q34254810 | Expansion of the APC superfamily of secondary carriers |
Q46732325 | Experimental analysis of co-evolution within protein complexes: the yeast exosome as a model |
Q45137403 | Experimental and theoretical studies of the three-dimensional structure of human interleukin-4. |
Q71460513 | Experimental and theoretical study of electrostatic effects on the isoelectric pH and the pKa of the catalytic residue His-102 of the recombinant ribonuclease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (barnase) |
Q90516337 | Experimental comparison of energy landscape features of ubiquitin family proteins |
Q30398313 | Experimental conformational energy maps of proteins and peptides |
Q36978145 | Experimental identification of specificity determinants in the domain linker of a LacI/GalR protein: bioinformatics-based predictions generate true positives and false negatives |
Q45070157 | Experimental indication for the existence of multiple Trp rotamers in von Willebrand Factor A3 domain |
Q28245997 | Expert system for predicting protein localization sites in gram-negative bacteria |
Q57808067 | Explicit and implicit water simulations of a ?-hairpin peptide |
Q30580685 | Explicit and implicit water simulations of a beta-hairpin peptide |
Q42672328 | Explicit solvent dynamics and energetics of HIV-1 protease flap opening and closing. |
Q51603813 | Explicit-chain model of native-state hydrogen exchange: implications for event ordering and cooperativity in protein folding |
Q81230764 | Exploiting 3D structural templates for detection of metal-binding sites in protein structures |
Q30351476 | Exploiting heterogeneous sequence properties improves prediction of protein disorder. |
Q46059424 | Exploiting sequence and structure homologs to identify protein-protein binding sites |
Q40068731 | Exploration micromechanism of VP35 IID interaction and recognition dsRNA: A molecular dynamics simulation |
Q47996335 | Exploration of conformational changes in lactose permease upon sugar binding and proton transfer through coarse-grained simulations |
Q57000538 | Exploration of disorder in protein structures by X-ray restrained molecular dynamics |
Q52008629 | Exploration of structural features of monomeric helical peptides designed with a genetic algorithm. |
Q73798377 | Exploration of the S(')(1) subsite of neprilysin: a joined molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis study |
Q30329266 | Exploratory studies of ab initio protein structure prediction: Multiple copy simulated annealing, AMBER energy functions, and a generalized born/solvent accessibility solvation model |
Q48042958 | Exploring additivity effects of double mutations on the binding affinity of protein-protein complexes. |
Q85993131 | Exploring alternate states and oligomerization preferences of coiled-coils by de novo structure modeling |
Q92474143 | Exploring alternative catalytic mechanisms of the Cas9 HNH domain |
Q51438298 | Exploring c-Met kinase flexibility by sampling and clustering its conformational space. |
Q51501233 | Exploring conformational changes coupled to ionization states using a hybrid Rosetta‐MCCE protocol |
Q51639702 | Exploring coumarin egress channels in human cytochrome p450 2a6 by random acceleration and steered molecular dynamics simulations |
Q27748821 | Exploring hydrophobic sites in proteins with xenon or krypton |
Q38953505 | Exploring interaction mechanisms of the inhibitor binding to the VP35 IID region of Ebola virus by all atom molecular dynamics simulation method |
Q91802564 | Exploring molecular mechanism of allosteric inhibitor to relieve drug resistance of multiple mutations in HIV-1 protease by enhanced conformational sampling |
Q30343068 | Exploring peptide energy landscapes: a test of force fields and implicit solvent models. |
Q30559807 | Exploring protein interiors: the role of a buried histidine in the KH module fold |
Q29617088 | Exploring protein native states and large-scale conformational changes with a modified generalized born model |
Q90733985 | Exploring protein-protein interactions using the site-identification by ligand competitive saturation methodology |
Q38463331 | Exploring proteome-wide occurrence of clusters of charged residues in eukaryotes |
Q34328475 | Exploring structural features of the interaction between the scorpion toxinCnErg1 and ERG K+ channels |
Q30354348 | Exploring structurally conserved solvent sites in protein families. |
Q39757341 | Exploring structure and interactions of the bacterial adaptor protein YjbH by crosslinking mass spectrometry |
Q98830070 | Exploring the Effect of Silicene monolayer on the Structure and Function of Villin headpiece and Amyloid fibrils by Molecular dynamics simulations |
Q98830095 | Exploring the Role of Hydrophilic Amino Acids in Unfolding of Protein in Aqueous Ethanol Solution |
Q27765161 | Exploring the active site of herpes simplex virus type-1 thymidine kinase by X-ray crystallography of complexes with aciclovir and other ligands |
Q52340715 | Exploring the binding preferences/specificity in the active site of human cathepsin E. |
Q48099827 | Exploring the cause of aggregation and reduced Zn binding affinity by G85R mutation in SOD1 rendering amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. |
Q51470332 | Exploring the charge space of protein-protein association: a proteomic study |
Q99627483 | Exploring the conformational dynamics of PD1 in complex with different ligands: What we can learn for designing novel PD1 signaling blockers? |
Q90556463 | Exploring the conformational landscapes of HIV protease structural ensembles using principal component analysis |
Q79935403 | Exploring the conformational space of protein loops using a mean field technique with MOLS sampling |
Q31996404 | Exploring the conformational space of protein side chains using dead-end elimination and the A* algorithm |
Q77894293 | Exploring the dynamic information content of a protein NMR structure: comparison of a molecular dynamics simulation with the NMR and X-ray structures of Escherichia coli ribonuclease HI |
Q42217077 | Exploring the early stages of the pH-induced conformational change of influenza hemagglutinin |
Q47330391 | Exploring the effects of sparse restraints on protein structure prediction. |
Q73379963 | Exploring the energy landscape of a beta hairpin in explicit solvent |
Q46297937 | Exploring the energy landscapes of molecular recognition by a genetic algorithm: analysis of the requirements for robust docking of HIV-1 protease and FKBP-12 complexes |
Q51165258 | Exploring the environmental preference of weak interactions in (alpha/beta)8 barrel proteins |
Q57014315 | Exploring the essential collective dynamics of interacting proteins: Application to prion protein dimers |
Q45760615 | Exploring the essential collective dynamics of interacting proteins: application to prion protein dimers |
Q29618973 | Exploring the extremes of sequence/structure space with ensemble fold recognition in the program Phyre |
Q87870904 | Exploring the free energy landscape of a model β-hairpin peptide and its isoform |
Q71774352 | Exploring the interaction between D-xylose isomerase and D-xylose by free energy calculation |
Q42598180 | Exploring the mechanism of DNA polymerases by analyzing the effect of mutations of active site acidic groups in Polymerase β |
Q41003035 | Exploring the molecular basis of action of ring D aromatic steroidal antiestrogens. |
Q46920262 | Exploring the molecular basis of heme coordination in human neuroglobin |
Q52648484 | Exploring the multiscale signaling behavior of phototropin1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using a full-residue space kinetic Monte Carlo molecular dynamics technique |
Q46118764 | Exploring the origin of the ion selectivity of the KcsA potassium channel |
Q51898575 | Exploring the protein G helix free-energy surface by solute tempering metadynamics |
Q53008295 | Exploring the relationship between funneled energy landscapes and two-state protein folding |
Q36627376 | Exploring the role of large conformational changes in the fidelity of DNA polymerase beta |
Q42716014 | Exploring the role of structure and dynamics in the function of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 |
Q43000327 | Exploring the role of the phospholipid ligand in endothelial protein C receptor: a molecular dynamics study. |
Q92737879 | Exploring the systematic effect of N-substituted PxxP motifs on peptoid affinity to ARHGEF5/TIM SH3 domain and its relationship with ARHGEF5/TIM activation |
Q40821867 | Exploring the unbinding of Leishmania (L.) amazonensis CPB derived-epitopes from H2 MHC class I proteins |
Q46585954 | Exploring zipping and assembly as a protein folding principle |
Q78627274 | Exponential decay kinetics in "downhill" protein folding |
Q60602314 | Expression and crystallization of the yeast Hsp82 chaperone, and preliminary x-ray diffraction studies of the amino-terminal domain |
Q58361093 | Expression and crystallization of the yeast Hsp82 chaperone, and preliminary x‐ray diffraction studies of the amino‐terminal domain |
Q58868810 | Expression in Pichia pastoris and characterization by circular dichroism and NMR of rhodostomin |
Q54565093 | Expression, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of FtsY, the docking protein of the signal recognition particle of E. coli. |
Q71671470 | Expression, purification, and crystallization of meso-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase from Corynebacterium glutamicum |
Q38308577 | Expression, purification, and crystallization of restriction endonuclease PvuII with DNA containing its recognition site |
Q73134833 | Expression, purification, and crystallization of the DNA-binding domain from the Saccharomyces cerevisae cell-cycle transcription factor MBP-1 |
Q63383688 | Expression, purification, and crystallization of the DNA-binding domain from theSaccharomyces cerevisae cell-cycle transcription factor MBP-1 |
Q73083613 | Expression, purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the homodimeric bacterial hemoglobin from Vitreoscilla stercoraria |
Q33683352 | Extending RosettaDock with water, sugar, and pH for prediction of complex structures and affinities for CAPRI rounds 20-27 |
Q34156490 | Extending the PRIME model for protein aggregation to all 20 amino acids |
Q36470096 | Extension of a protein docking algorithm to membranes and applications to amyloid precursor protein dimerization. |
Q68697921 | Extension of the fragment method to calculate amino acid zwitterion and side chain partition coefficients |
Q73598258 | Extent and nature of contacts between protein molecules in crystal lattices and between subunits of protein oligomers |
Q46160408 | Extent of protein-protein interactions and quasi-equivalence in viral capsids |
Q51962070 | External cross-validation for unbiased evaluation of protein family detectors: application to allergens. |
Q74566120 | Extracting contact energies from protein structures: A study using a simplified model |
Q30425395 | Extracting knowledge from protein structure geometry |
Q51072430 | Extracting representative structures from protein conformational ensembles. |
Q52230744 | Extraction of geometrically similar substructures: least-squares and Chebyshev fitting and the difference distance matrix |
Q92331388 | Extraction of molecular features for the drug discovery targeting protein-protein interaction of Helicobacter pylori CagA and tumor suppressor protein ASSP2 |
Q43014940 | Extreme free energy of stabilization of Taq DNA polymerase |
Q36890551 | Extreme heat- and pressure-resistant 7-kDa protein P2 from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is dramatically destabilized by a single-point amino acid substitution |
Q91821900 | F508del disturbs the dynamics of the nucleotide binding domains of CFTR before and after ATP hydrolysis |
Q30349855 | FAST: a novel protein structure alignment algorithm. |
Q67797012 | FASTRUN: a special purpose, hardwired computer for molecular simulation |
Q30389832 | FF12MC: A revised AMBER forcefield and new protein simulation protocol |
Q34694427 | FINDSITE‐metal: Integrating evolutionary information and machine learning for structure‐based metal‐binding site prediction at the proteome level |
Q51913931 | FLIPDock: docking flexible ligands into flexible receptors |
Q30383898 | FREAD revisited: Accurate loop structure prediction using a database search algorithm. |
Q52029632 | FROST: a filter-based fold recognition method |
Q30351469 | FRankenstein becomes a cyborg: the automatic recombination and realignment of fold recognition models in CASP6. |
Q31147697 | FURSMASA: a new approach to rapid scoring functions that uses a MD-averaged potential energy grid and a solvent-accessible surface area term with parameters GA fit to experimental data |
Q30365527 | Factors affecting the use of 13C(alpha) chemical shifts to determine, refine, and validate protein structures |
Q84544041 | Factors determining electrostatic fields in molecular dynamics simulations of the ras/effector interface |
Q73798423 | Factors determining the relative stability of anionic tetrahedral complexes in serine protease catalysis and inhibition |
Q71961401 | Factors governing the foldability of proteins |
Q74631425 | Factors that affect the folding ability of proteins |
Q71774356 | Failures of inverse folding and threading with gapped alignment |
Q30364781 | Fams-ace: a combined method to select the best model after remodeling all server models. |
Q51635631 | Fast accurate evaluation of protein solvent exposure |
Q30379190 | Fast and accurate automatic structure prediction with HHpred. |
Q45028385 | Fast and accurate computation of the 13C chemical shifts for an alanine-rich peptide |
Q47577731 | Fast and accurate modeling of protein-protein interactions by combining template-interface-based docking with flexible refinement |
Q30330310 | Fast and accurate side-chain topology and energy refinement (FASTER) as a new method for protein structure optimization. |
Q80020996 | Fast and reliable analysis of molecular motion using proximity relations and dimensionality reduction |
Q30335018 | Fast and simple Monte Carlo algorithm for side chain optimization in proteins: application to model building by homology |
Q42758254 | Fast approximations of the rotational diffusion tensor and their application to structural assembly of molecular complexes |
Q30382308 | Fast assessment of structural models of ion channels based on their predicted current-voltage characteristics. |
Q30400754 | Fast de novo discovery of low-energy protein loop conformations. |
Q42695246 | Fast gap-free enumeration of conformations and sequences for protein design |
Q30368401 | Fast protein tertiary structure retrieval based on global surface shape similarity. |
Q30335016 | Fast structure alignment for protein databank searching |
Q53377930 | Fe(2+) binding on amyloid β-peptide promotes aggregation. |
Q45957494 | Feature selection and classification of protein-protein complexes based on their binding affinities using machine learning approaches. |
Q30385361 | Feature space resampling for protein conformational search. |
Q74093207 | Feature-extraction from endopeptidase cleavage sites in mitochondrial targeting peptides |
Q54598890 | Fermenter production of an artificial fab fragment, rationally designed for the antigen cystatin, and its optimized crystallization through constant domain shuffling. |
Q53817763 | Ferric uptake regulator protein: binding free energy calculations and per-residue free energy decomposition |
Q82538944 | Festschrift in honor of the 65th birthday of George D. Rose |
Q89950942 | FiRES: A computational method for the de novo identification of internal structure similarity in proteins |
Q34909306 | FiberDock: Flexible induced-fit backbone refinement in molecular docking |
Q45965731 | FiberID--a technique to identify fibrous protein subclasses. |
Q58032981 | Fibril elongation mechanisms of HET-s prion-forming domain: Topological evidence for growth polarity |
Q83145050 | Fibrous long spacing type collagen fibrils have a hierarchical internal structure |
Q74460969 | Filling a cavity dramatically increases pressure stability of the c-Myb R2 subdomain |
Q30324336 | Filtered neighbors threading. |
Q47659483 | Filtering and selection of structural models: combining docking and NMR. |
Q30312628 | Finding local structural similarities among families of unrelated protein structures: a generic non-linear alignment algorithm |
Q46963633 | Finding needles in haystacks: Reranking DOT results by using shape complementarity, cluster analysis, and biological information |
Q35229098 | Finding off-targets, biological pathways, and target diseases for chymase inhibitors via structure-based systems biology approach. |
Q92225467 | Finding the generalized molecular principles of protein thermal stability |
Q47295214 | Fine structure of conformational ensembles in adenylate kinase. |
Q78140818 | Fine tuning the N-terminus of a calcium binding protein: alpha-lactalbumin |
Q58322022 | Fine tuning the N‐terminus of a calcium binding protein: α‐lactalbumin |
Q78955224 | Fine-grained protein fold assignment by support vector machines using generalized npeptide coding schemes and jury voting from multiple-parameter sets |
Q41616464 | Fingerprint‐based structure retrieval using electron density |
Q47598103 | FireDock: fast interaction refinement in molecular docking |
Q24306216 | First crystallographic models of human TBC domains in the context of a family-wide structural analysis |
Q47810301 | First partial three-dimensional model of human monoamine oxidase A |
Q44713132 | First principles computational study of the active site of arginase |
Q27683683 | First structural evidence of sequestration of mRNA cap structures by type 1 ribosome inactivating protein from Momordica balsamina |
Q71565969 | Fitting an inhibitor into the active site of thermolysin: a molecular dynamics case study |
Q72635015 | Five-stranded beta-sheet sandwiched with two alpha-helices: a structural link between restriction endonucleases EcoRI and EcoRV |
Q40766306 | Flap flexibility amongst plasmepsins I, II, III, IV, and V: Sequence, structural, and molecular dynamics analyses |
Q47700031 | Flavors of protein disorder |
Q47566942 | FlexPepDock lessons from CAPRI peptide-protein rounds and suggested new criteria for assessment of model quality and utility |
Q45070169 | FlexX-Scan: fast, structure-based virtual screening |
Q37406562 | Flexibility and charge asymmetry in the activation loop of Src tyrosine kinases |
Q45339546 | Flexibility and inhibitor binding in cdc25 phosphatases |
Q43986872 | Flexibility in monomeric Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase detected by limited proteolysis and molecular dynamics simulation. |
Q41529085 | Flexibility in the N-terminal actin-binding domain: clues from in silico mutations and molecular dynamics. |
Q30164240 | Flexibility of beta-sheets: principal component analysis of database protein structures |
Q81430706 | Flexibility of metal binding sites in proteins on a database scale |
Q46560922 | Flexibility of prolyl oligopeptidase: molecular dynamics and molecular framework analysis of the potential substrate pathways. |
Q27728585 | Flexibility of the DNA-binding domains of trp repressor |
Q36365102 | Flexible connection of the N‐terminal domain in ClpB modulates substrate binding and the aggregate reactivation efficiency |
Q47625159 | Flexible docking allowing induced fit in proteins: insights from an open to closed conformational isomers |
Q51168227 | Flexible docking and refinement with a coarse-grained protein model using ATTRACT. |
Q52230740 | Flexible docking using Tabu search and an empirical estimate of binding affinity |
Q48046687 | Flexible glycine rich motif of Escherichia coli deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase is important for functional but not for structural integrity of the enzyme |
Q41673303 | Flexible ligand docking: a multistep strategy approach |
Q47615937 | Flexible protein alignment and hinge detection |
Q51366191 | Flexible protein docking refinement using pose-dependent normal mode analysis. |
Q46934304 | Flexible protein-flexible ligand docking with disrupted velocity simulated annealing. |
Q52281044 | Flexible protein–ligand docking by global energy optimization in internal coordinates |
Q80068370 | Flexible relaxation of rigid-body docking solutions |
Q44539239 | Flexible structural comparison allowing hinge-bending, swiveling motions |
Q36386536 | Fluctuation dynamics analysis of gp120 envelope protein reveals a topologically based communication network |
Q47620132 | Fluctuations between stabilizing and destabilizing electrostatic contributions of ion pairs in conformers of the c-Myc-Max leucine zipper |
Q47618755 | Fluctuations in ion pairs and their stabilities in proteins |
Q30393337 | Fluctuations of backbone torsion angles obtained from NMR-determined structures and their prediction |
Q73233212 | Fluorescence quenching in the DsbA protein from Escherichia coli: complete picture of the excited-state energy pathway and evidence for the reshuffling dynamics of the microstates of tryptophan |
Q37629401 | Fluorescence spectroscopy of soluble E. coli SPase I Δ2-75 reveals conformational changes in response to ligand binding |
Q44632570 | Fluorescent dyes as probes to study lipid‐binding proteins |
Q27731972 | Fluoride inhibition of yeast enolase: crystal structure of the enolase-Mg(2+)-F(-)-Pi complex at 2.6 A resolution |
Q33225159 | Focused library design in GPCR projects on the example of 5-HT(2c) agonists: comparison of structure-based virtual screening with ligand-based search methods |
Q57139076 | Focusing of electric fields in the active site of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase: effects of ionic strength and amino-acid modification |
Q43741635 | Focusing of the electrostatic potential at EF-hands of calbindin D(9k): titration of acidic residues |
Q74252601 | Fold assignments for amino acid sequences of the CASP2 experiment |
Q42431296 | Fold homology detection using sequence fragment composition profiles of proteins |
Q27678016 | Fold of the conserved DTC domain in deltex proteins |
Q30424401 | Fold recognition and ab initio structure predictions using hidden Markov models and beta-strand pair potentials |
Q30969610 | Fold recognition and accurate query-template alignment by a combination of PSI-BLAST and threading |
Q51945460 | Fold recognition and accurate sequence-structure alignment of sequences directing beta-sheet proteins |
Q31124129 | Fold recognition by combining sequence profiles derived from evolution and from depth-dependent structural alignment of fragments |
Q58041659 | Fold recognition by concurrent use of solvent accessibility and residue depth |
Q40661549 | Fold recognition from sequence comparisons. |
Q30429641 | Fold recognition using predicted secondary structure sequences and hidden Markov models of protein folds |
Q52141230 | Fold recognition using sequence and secondary structure information. |
Q73472701 | Fold recognition with minimal gaps |
Q44515167 | Fold recognition, homology modeling, docking simulations, kinetics analysis and mutagenesis of ATP/CTP:tRNA nucleotidyltransferase from Methanococcus jannaschii |
Q30351000 | Fold usage on genomes and protein fold evolution. |
Q34082277 | Fold versus sequence effects on the driving force for protein-mediated electron transfer |
Q30390297 | FoldGPCR: structure prediction protocol for the transmembrane domain of G protein-coupled receptors from class A. |
Q98167046 | Foldability and chameleon propensity of fold-switching protein sequences |
Q54784061 | Folding 19 proteins to their native state and stability of large proteins from a coarse-grained model. |
Q52082498 | Folding Lennard-Jones proteins by a contact potential |
Q46846117 | Folding and amyloid-fibril formation for a series of human stefins' chimeras: any correlation? |
Q80538508 | Folding and dimerization of the ionic peptide EAK 16-IV |
Q33540757 | Folding and membrane insertion of amyloid-beta (25-35) peptide and its mutants: implications for aggregation and neurotoxicity |
Q86175753 | Folding and stability of helical bundle proteins from coarse-grained models |
Q30672007 | Folding and stability of the three-stranded beta-sheet peptide Betanova: insights from molecular dynamics simulations |
Q74721951 | Folding and stretching in a Go-like model of titin |
Q81364384 | Folding behavior of chaperonin-mediated substrate protein |
Q27666760 | Folding determinants of disulfide bond forming protein B explored by solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
Q30885873 | Folding in lipid membranes (FILM): a novel method for the prediction of small membrane protein 3D structures |
Q67543994 | Folding in vitro of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor in the presence of proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum |
Q81645659 | Folding is not required for bilayer insertion: replica exchange simulations of an alpha-helical peptide with an explicit lipid bilayer |
Q46857538 | Folding mechanism of beta-hairpins studied by replica exchange molecular simulations |
Q77314236 | Folding mechanism of three structurally similar β-sheet proteins |
Q44972885 | Folding of RNase T1 is decelerated by a specific tertiary contact in a folding intermediate |
Q46635184 | Folding of Top7 in unbiased all-atom Monte Carlo simulations. |
Q57953582 | Folding of a small helical protein using hydrogen bonds and hydrophobicity forces |
Q30164156 | Folding of beta/alpha-unit scrambled forms of S. cerevisiae triosephosphate isomerase: Evidence for autonomy of substructure formation and plasticity of hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding interactions in core of (beta/alpha)8-barrel. |
Q41294766 | Folding of bovine growth hormone is consistent with the molten globule hypothesis |
Q52068721 | Folding of bundles of alpha-helices in solution, membranes, and adsorbed overlayers |
Q43565756 | Folding of intracellular retinol and retinoic acid binding proteins |
Q84789916 | Folding of multidomain proteins: Biophysical consequences of tethering even in apparently independent folding |
Q44928025 | Folding of tandem-linked domains. |
Q81489735 | Folding pathway dependence on energetic frustration and interaction heterogeneity for a three-dimensional hydrophobic protein model |
Q81645663 | Folding pathways for initiator and effector procaspases from computer simulations |
Q35531140 | Folding protein alpha-carbon chains into compact forms by Monte Carlo methods |
Q46162407 | Folding simulations and computer redesign of protein A three-helix bundle motifs |
Q46144488 | Folding simulations of Trp-cage mini protein in explicit solvent using biasing potential replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations |
Q89248619 | Folding superfunnel to describe cooperative folding of interacting proteins |
Q45753777 | Folding the ribonuclease H domain of Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase requires metal binding or a short N-terminal extension |
Q47430850 | Folding thermodynamics of three beta-sheet peptides: a model study |
Q40940259 | Folding thermodynamics of β-hairpins studied by replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations |
Q88781976 | Folding with a protein's native shortcut network |
Q48602264 | Folding with downhill behavior and low cooperativity of proteins |
Q52230737 | Folding-unfolding energy change of a simple sphere model protein and an energy landscape of the folding process |
Q31623630 | Folding-unfolding of goat alpha-lactalbumin studied by stopped-flow circular dichroism and molecular dynamics simulations |
Q58616280 | Folding-unfolding thermodynamics of a ?-heptapeptide from equilibrium simulations |
Q74452346 | Folding-unfolding thermodynamics of a beta-heptapeptide from equilibrium simulations |
Q73365487 | For Guldberg and Waage, with love and cratic entropy |
Q46683365 | Force calculations in automated docking: enzyme-substrate interactions in Fusarium oxysporum Cel7B. |
Q54756335 | Formation of heterodimers between wild type and mutant trp aporepressor polypeptides of Escherichia coli. |
Q43107227 | Formation of the RFX gene regulatory complex induces folding of the interaction domain of RFXAP. |
Q30352752 | Formulation of probabilistic models of protein structure in atomic detail using the reference ratio method. |
Q51918735 | Four-body contact potentials derived from two protein datasets to discriminate native structures from decoys |
Q33709370 | Fragment peptide library for classification and functional prediction of proteins |
Q81786969 | Fragment-based local statistical potentials derived by combining an alphabet of protein local structures with secondary structures and solvent accessibilities |
Q56877541 | Fragment-based modeling of NAD binding to the catalytic subunits of diphtheria and pertussis toxins |
Q39434682 | Fragment-based modeling of membrane protein loops: successes, failures, and prospects for the future |
Q30733711 | Free energetics of rigid body association of ubiquitin binding domains: a biochemical model for binding mediated by hydrophobic interaction. |
Q44706733 | Free energies of binding of polychlorinated biphenyls to the estrogen receptor from a single simulation |
Q57204714 | Free energy barrier estimation of unfolding the ?-helical surfactant-associated polypeptide C |
Q44496096 | Free energy calculations for the relative binding affinity between DNA and lambda-repressor |
Q46141636 | Free energy calculations on binding and catalysis by alpha-lytic protease: the role of substrate size in the P1 pocket |
Q83921867 | Free energy calculations show that acidic P1 variants undergo large pKa shifts upon binding to trypsin |
Q77360637 | Free energy distributions in proteins |
Q58429825 | Free energy landscape and folding mechanism of a β-hairpin in explicit water: A replica exchange molecular dynamics study |
Q79909335 | Free energy landscape of a biomolecule in dihedral principal component space: sampling convergence and correspondence between structures and minima |
Q28205750 | Free energy landscape of protein folding in water: Explicit vs. implicit solvent |
Q44784437 | Free energy simulations and MM-PBSA analyses on the affinity and specificity of steroid binding to antiestradiol antibody |
Q52372238 | Free energy simulations: the meaning of the individual contributions from a component analysis |
Q47307353 | Free energy surfaces of beta-hairpin and alpha-helical peptides generated by replica exchange molecular dynamics with the AGBNP implicit solvent model |
Q81576302 | Free energy surfaces of miniproteins with a betabetaalpha motif: replica exchange molecular dynamics simulation with an implicit solvation model |
Q28274213 | Free modeling with Rosetta in CASP6 |
Q44480412 | Free-energy computations identify the mutations required to confer trans-sialidase activity into Trypanosoma rangeli sialidase. |
Q62846697 | Free-energy function based on an all-atom model for proteins |
Q33894160 | Free-energy function for discriminating the native fold of a protein from misfolded decoys |
Q81489841 | Free-energy landscape of kinesin by a realistic lattice model |
Q34492990 | Free-energy landscape of the GB1 hairpin in all-atom explicit solvent simulations with different force fields: Similarities and differences |
Q33419441 | Free-energy profiles for ions in the influenza M2-TMD channel |
Q44060656 | Free-energy simulations of the oxidation of c-terminal methionines in calmodulin |
Q30368713 | Frequent side chain methyl carbon-oxygen hydrogen bonding in proteins revealed by computational and stereochemical analysis of neutron structures. |
Q52004497 | From analysis of protein structural alignments toward a novel approach to align protein sequences |
Q30157963 | From coarse-grain to all-atom: toward multiscale analysis of protein landscapes |
Q97534589 | From monomer to fibril: Abeta-amyloid binding to Aducanumab antibody studied by Molecular Dynamics simulation |
Q27637715 | From structure to function: YrbI from Haemophilus influenzae (HI1679) is a phosphatase |
Q47596962 | From the Mediterranean coast to the shores of Lake Ontario: CAPRI's premiere on the American continent |
Q42699012 | Frustration-guided motion planning reveals conformational transitions in proteins |
Q81312745 | Full correlation analysis of conformational protein dynamics |
Q27748969 | Full-matrix least-squares refinement of lysozymes and analysis of anisotropic thermal motion |
Q87286617 | Function changing mutations in glucocorticoid receptor evolution correlate with their relevance to mode coupling |
Q51151309 | Function-based assessment of structural similarity measurements using metal co-factor orientation |
Q31101736 | Function-dependent clustering of orthologues and paralogues of cyclophilins |
Q90564387 | Function2Form Bridge-Toward synthetic protein holistic performance prediction |
Q91325556 | Functional Evolution of Proteins |
Q45279397 | Functional analysis of CYP2D6.31 variant: homology modeling suggests possible disruption of redox partner interaction by Arg440His substitution. |
Q37215081 | Functional and computational studies of the ligand-associated metal binding site of beta3 integrins |
Q27678009 | Functional and structural characterization of a thermostable acetyl esterase from Thermotoga maritima |
Q38300126 | Functional and structural characterization of the catalytic domain of the starch synthase III from Arabidopsis thaliana. |
Q27649293 | Functional and structural features of the oxyanion hole in a thermophilic esterase from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius |
Q38310114 | Functional and structural studies of pullulanase from Anoxybacillus sp. LM18-11. |
Q81003190 | Functional annotation by sequence-weighted structure alignments: statistical analysis and case studies from the Protein 3000 structural genomics project in Japan |
Q27626749 | Functional aspects of the heme bound hemophore HasA by structural analysis of various crystal forms |
Q27642259 | Functional assignment based on structural analysis: crystal structure of the yggJ protein (HI0303) of Haemophilus influenzae reveals an RNA methyltransferase with a deep trefoil knot |
Q31116991 | Functional assignment of MAPK phosphatase domains |
Q123181565 | Functional characterization of a hypothetical protein ( |
Q47974578 | Functional conformational changes of endo-1,4-xylanase II from Trichoderma reesei: a molecular dynamics study |
Q57689478 | Functional conformational changes of endo-1,4-xylanase II fromTrichoderma reesei: A molecular dynamics study |
Q38302702 | Functional consequences of exchanging domains between LacI and PurR are mediated by the intervening linker sequence |
Q93092048 | Functional divergence between evolutionary-related LuxG and Fre oxidoreductases of luminous bacteria |
Q34254917 | Functional evolution of PLP-dependent enzymes based on active-site structural similarities |
Q46931830 | Functional evolution within a protein superfamily |
Q33233796 | Functional grouping based on signatures in protein termini |
Q30195530 | Functional implications of interleukin-1 beta based on the three-dimensional structure |
Q34224344 | Functional interaction among catalytic residues in subtilisin BPN'. |
Q27938732 | Functional interaction of 13 yeast SCF complexes with a set of yeast E2 enzymes in vitro |
Q43225812 | Functional modes of the regulatory arm of AraC. |
Q51818440 | Functional motions can be extracted from on‐lattice construction of protein structures |
Q77133326 | Functional protein domains from the thermally driven motion of polypeptide chains: A proposal |
Q59859428 | Functional restraints on the patterns of amino acid substitutions: Application to sequence-structure homology recognition |
Q44379449 | Functional role for Tyr 31 in the catalytic cycle of chicken dihydrofolate reductase |
Q28281761 | Functional role of a protein foldon--an Omega-loop foldon controls the alkaline transition in ferricytochrome c |
Q54261035 | Functional roles of amino acid residues involved in forming the alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix operator DNA binding motif of Tet repressor from Tn10 |
Q42117358 | Functional significance of conserved amino acid residues |
Q36381301 | Functional tuning of the catalytic residue pKa in a de novo designed esterase. |
Q44440703 | Functionality maps of binding sites: a multiple copy simultaneous search method |
Q54719168 | Functionally acceptable substitutions in two alpha-helical regions of lambda repressor. |
Q34168536 | Functionally important positions can comprise the majority of a protein's architecture |
Q37349376 | Funnel-like organization in sequence space determines the distributions of protein stability and folding rate preferred by evolution |
Q29617521 | Funnels, pathways, and the energy landscape of protein folding: a synthesis |
Q68082928 | Further experimental studies of the disulfide folding transition of ribonuclease A |
Q45735421 | Further studies of the helix dipole model: effects of a free alpha-NH3+ or alpha-COO- group on helix stability |
Q100674232 | Further thermo-stabilization of thermophilic rhodopsin from Thermus thermophilus JL-18 through engineering in extramembrane regions |
Q30425234 | Future directions in folding: the multi-state nature of protein structure |
Q52413361 | Fuzzy cluster analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories |
Q40051800 | Fuzzy domains: new way of describing flexibility and interdependence of the protein domains |
Q34906286 | G protein inactive and active forms investigated by simulation methods |
Q38324611 | G-protein-coupled receptor domain overexpression in Halobacterium salinarum: long-range transmembrane interactions in heptahelical membrane proteins. |
Q52015272 | GAPDOCK: a Genetic Algorithm Approach to Protein Docking in CAPRI round 1. |
Q38517870 | GEMDOCK: a generic evolutionary method for molecular docking. |
Q33928362 | GGDEF domain is homologous to adenylyl cyclase |
Q50643791 | GGIP: Structure and sequence-based GPCR-GPCR interaction pair predictor |
Q30430082 | GLASS: a tool to visualize protein structure prediction data in three dimensions and evaluate their consistency |
Q30437388 | GPCR 3D homology models for ligand screening: lessons learned from blind predictions of adenosine A2a receptor complex |
Q51906608 | GRID-MD-A tool for massive simulation of protein channels |
Q30417143 | GSAFold: A new application of GSA to protein structure prediction |
Q42666969 | Gain of local structure in an amphipathic peptide does not require a specific tertiary framework. |
Q34287670 | Gaps in structurally similar proteins: towards improvement of multiple sequence alignment |
Q73326566 | Gas phase hydrogen/deuterium exchange reactions of peptide ions in a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer |
Q52405221 | Gaussian neighborhood: a new measure of accessibility for residues of protein molecules |
Q38510895 | Gene ontology functional annotations at the structural domain level |
Q90296969 | Gene ontology improves template selection in comparative protein docking |
Q52981145 | General and targeted statistical potentials for protein-ligand interactions |
Q85295079 | General mean-field theory for mechanical hysteresis of network-like macromolecules |
Q37656141 | General trends of dihedral conformational transitions in a globular protein |
Q32051928 | Generalized affine gap costs for protein sequence alignment |
Q30328277 | Generalized comparative modeling (GENECOMP): a combination of sequence comparison, threading, and lattice modeling for protein structure prediction and refinement. |
Q81628609 | Generalized correlation for biomolecular dynamics |
Q33256084 | Generalized modeling of enzyme-ligand interactions using proteochemometrics and local protein substructures |
Q30351467 | Generalized protein structure prediction based on combination of fold-recognition with de novo folding and evaluation of models. |
Q95779344 | Generating stereochemically acceptable protein pathways |
Q31007257 | Generation and analysis of a protein-protein interface data set with similar chemical and spatial patterns of interactions |
Q31001554 | Generation of a substructure library for the description and classification of protein secondary structure. I. Overview of the methods and results |
Q31001600 | Generation of a substructure library for the description and classification of protein secondary structure. II. Application to spectra-structure correlations in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy |
Q73472715 | Generation of accurate protein loop conformations through low-barrier molecular dynamics |
Q27644818 | Generation of blood group specificity: new insights from structural studies on the complexes of A- and B-reactive saccharides with basic winged bean agglutinin |
Q54718802 | Generation of potential structures for the G-domain of chloroplast EF-Tu using comparative molecular modeling. |
Q30428160 | Generation of pseudonative protein structures for threading |
Q34226353 | Generic inhibition of amyloidogenic proteins by two naphthoquinone–tryptophan hybrid molecules |
Q69364372 | Genetic analysis of the molecular basis for beta-adrenergic receptor subtype specificity |
Q42524546 | Genome wide analysis of pathogenic SH2 domain mutations |
Q30358119 | Genome-based identification and characterization of a putative mucin-binding protein from the surface of Streptococcus pneumoniae. |
Q33187590 | Genome-based identification of a carbohydrate binding module in Streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase. |
Q34353364 | Genome-scale prediction of proteins with long intrinsically disordered regions |
Q97547556 | Genome-wide and structural analyses of pseudokinases encoded in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana provide functional insights |
Q86867268 | Genome-wide computational determination of the human metalloproteome |
Q51872846 | Genome-wide enzyme annotation with precision control: catalytic families (CatFam) databases |
Q100694983 | Genomic screening and molecular dynamics simulations of cyanovirin-N homologs from Cyanobacteria phylum |
Q90411516 | Genomic screening of new putative antiviral lectins from Amazonian cyanobacteria based on a bioinformatics approach |
Q27658966 | Genomics, evolution, and crystal structure of a new family of bacterial spore kinases |
Q30410943 | Geofold: topology-based protein unfolding pathways capture the effects of engineered disulfides on kinetic stability. |
Q77707835 | Geometric and chemical patterns of interaction in protein--ligand complexes and their application in docking |
Q46194094 | Geometric characteristics of hydrogen bonds involving sulfur atoms in proteins |
Q39779712 | Geometric constraints for porphyrin binding in helical protein binding sites. |
Q81682282 | Geometric cooperativity and anticooperativity of three-body interactions in native proteins |
Q51978830 | Geometric preferences of crosslinked protein-derived cofactors reveal a high propensity for near-sequence pairs |
Q52276340 | Geometric versus topological clustering: an insight into conformation mapping |
Q90564490 | Geometrical characterization of T cell receptor binding modes reveals class-specific binding to maximize access to antigen |
Q30364899 | Geometrical comparison of two protein structures using Wigner-D functions. |
Q38711042 | Geometrical principles of homomeric β-barrels and β-helices: Application to modeling amyloid protofilaments. |
Q45962694 | Geometrically centered region: A “wet” model of protein binding hot spots not excluding water molecules |
Q53671447 | Geometry and physics of proteins |
Q47606407 | Geometry-based flexible and symmetric protein docking |
Q51635798 | Gibbs adsorption isotherm combined with Monte Carlo sampling to see action of cosolutes on protein folding |
Q30380089 | Global and local model quality estimation at CASP8 using the scoring functions QMEAN and QMEANclust. |
Q42403433 | Global and local structural similarity in protein–protein complexes: Implications for template‐based docking |
Q33809669 | Global fold of human cannabinoid type 2 receptor probed by solid-state 13C-, 15N-MAS NMR and molecular dynamics simulations |
Q58048214 | Global multiple-sequence alignment with repeats |
Q52955479 | Global secondary structure packing angle bias in proteins |
Q46719735 | Glucoamylase structural, functional, and evolutionary relationships |
Q35209218 | Glucose interactions with a model peptide |
Q43644964 | Glucose oxidase from Penicillium amagasakiense: characterization of the transition state of its denaturation from molecular dynamics simulations |
Q74246354 | Glucose-6-phosphate transporter and receptor functions of the glucose 6-phosphatase system analyzed from a consensus defined by multiple alignments |
Q58112056 | Glutamate Dehydrogenase: Structure of a Hyperinsulinism Mutant, Corrections to the Atomic model, and Insights into a Regulatory Site |
Q27649934 | Glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase at the crossroad: the structure of Schistosoma mansoni thioredoxin glutathione reductase |
Q92382744 | Glutathione transferase Omega 1-1 (GSTO1-1) modulates Akt and MEK1/2 signaling in human neuroblastoma cell SH-SY5Y |
Q27650585 | Glutathionylation-triggered conformational changes of glutaredoxin Grx1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q46021241 | Gly-238-Ser substitution changes the substrate specificity of the SHV class A beta-lactamases. |
Q24302229 | Glycine N-methyltransferases: a comparison of the crystal structures and kinetic properties of recombinant human, mouse and rat enzymes |
Q46770714 | Glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors: a free energy perturbation analysis of glucopyranose spirohydantoin analogues |
Q91231461 | Grafting a short chameleon sequence from αB crystallin into a β-sheet scaffold protein |
Q52082495 | Graphical method for force analysis: macromolecular mechanics with atomic force microscopy |
Q33420576 | Graphical models of protein-protein interaction specificity from correlated mutations and interaction data |
Q39692552 | Great interactions: How binding incorrect partners can teach us about protein recognition and function |
Q46721058 | Grouping of amino acid types and extraction of amino acid properties from multiple sequence alignments using variance maximization |
Q59806983 | Growth and analysis of crystal forms of toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 |
Q50939945 | Guanidine hydrochloride denaturation of dopamine-induced α-synuclein oligomers: a small-angle X-ray scattering study |
Q52015267 | Guided docking: first step to locate potential binding sites |
Q30369792 | Guiding conformation space search with an all-atom energy potential. |
Q64018874 | H-bond network optimization in protein-protein complexes: Are all-atom force field scores enough? |
Q29615981 | HADDOCK versus HADDOCK: new features and performance of HADDOCK2.0 on the CAPRI targets |
Q30419365 | HERA--a program to draw schematic diagrams of protein secondary structures |
Q77751671 | HIKE, a candidate protein binding site for PH domains, is a major regulatory region of Gbeta proteins |
Q42064637 | HIV-1 protease function and structure studies with the simplicial neighborhood analysis of protein packing method |
Q45730318 | HIVdb: a database of the structures of human immunodeficiency virus protease |
Q37063734 | HIV‐1 ENV gp120 structural determinants for peptide triazole dual receptor site antagonism |
Q34324246 | HOOK: a program for finding novel molecular architectures that satisfy the chemical and steric requirements of a macromolecule binding site |
Q54094052 | Hallmarks of mycolic acid biosynthesis: a comparative genomics study |
Q51034898 | Hamiltonian replica exchange combined with elastic network analysis to enhance global domain motions in atomistic molecular dynamics simulations |
Q52043306 | Hamming distance geometry of a protein conformational space: application to the clustering of a 4-ns molecular dynamics trajectory of the HIV-1 integrase catalytic core |
Q30429623 | Handling context‐sensitivity in protein structures using graph theory: Bona fide prediction |
Q123016270 | Happy birthday michael rossmann |
Q71537029 | Hard alpha-keratin IF: a structural model lacking a head-to-tail molecular overlap but having hybrid features characteristic of both epidermal keratin and vimentin IF |
Q70980716 | Harmonicity and anharmonicity in protein dynamics: a normal mode analysis and principal component analysis |
Q44334205 | Helical fold prediction for the cyclin box. |
Q62141728 | Helical preferences of alanine, glycine, and aminoisobutyric homopeptides |
Q53868514 | Helicobacter pylori protein HP0222 belongs to Arc/MetJ family of transcriptional regulators |
Q50461500 | Helix formation is a dynamical bottleneck in the recovery reaction of Photoactive Yellow Protein |
Q30360293 | Helix kinks are equally prevalent in soluble and membrane proteins. |
Q47644752 | Helix lap-joints as ion-binding sites: DNA-binding motifs and Ca-binding "EF hands" are related by charge and sequence reversal |
Q30969625 | Helix nucleation kinetics from molecular simulations in explicit solvent |
Q57000496 | Helix packing in proteins: Prediction and energetic analysis of dimeric, trimeric, and tetrameric GCN4 coiled coil structures |
Q68115170 | Helix packing of leucine-rich peptides: a parallel leucine ladder in the structure of Boc-Aib-Leu-Aib-Aib-Leu-Leu-Leu-Aib-Leu-Aib-OMe |
Q43219182 | Helix propensities calculations for amino acids in alanine based peptides using Jarzynski's equality |
Q30332484 | Helix propensities of short peptides: molecular dynamics versus bioinformatics. |
Q42957108 | Helix stability of oligoglycine, oligoalanine, and oligo-β-alanine dodecamers reflected by hydrogen-bond persistence |
Q43495944 | Helix-capping interaction in lambda Cro protein: a free energy simulation analysis. |
Q46426339 | Helix-coil transition of alanine peptides in water: force field dependence on the folded and unfolded structures |
Q57906347 | Helix-forming tendencies of nonpolar amino acids predicted by Monte Carlo simulated annealing |
Q46863114 | Helix-helix packing angle preferences for finite helix axes |
Q30386084 | Helix-sheet packing in proteins |
Q43825559 | Helix‐coil transition of PrP106–126: Molecular dynamic study |
Q58036768 | Helix‐helix packing angle preferences for finite helix axes |
Q45736215 | Heme proteins--diversity in structural characteristics, function, and folding |
Q57088191 | Hemoglobins from deep-sea hydrothermal vent scaleworms of the genus Branchipolynoe: a new type of quaternary structure |
Q41209193 | Heptad breaks in alpha-helical coiled coils: stutters and stammers |
Q74015810 | Heralding EarlyView(R)! |
Q46249676 | Heterogeneity of single molecule FRET signals reveals multiple active ribosome subpopulations |
Q27658969 | Heterologous quaternary structure of CXCL12 and its relationship to the CC chemokine family |
Q67936538 | Hexamers of subunit II from Limulus hemocyanin (a 48-mer) have the same quaternary structure as whole Panulirus hemocyanin molecules |
Q46468378 | Hidden Markov models that use predicted local structure for fold recognition: alphabets of backbone geometry |
Q57209050 | Hidden Markov models that use predicted secondary structures for fold recognition |
Q57209072 | Hidden Markov models that use predicted secondary structures for fold recognition |
Q44322008 | Hidden order in the GroEL-GroES-(ADP)7 chaperonin: forms, folding, and ADP-binding sites |
Q61836185 | Hidden partners: Using cross-docking calculations to predict binding sites for proteins with multiple interactions |
Q30371326 | Hierarchical domain-motion analysis of conformational changes in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca²⁺-ATPase. |
Q30332658 | Hierarchical protein folding pathways: a computational study of protein fragments. |
Q104111721 | Hierarchical,rotation-equivariant neural networks to select structural models of protein complexes |
Q43825571 | Hierarchy of simulation models in predicting molecular recognition mechanisms from the binding energy landscapes: structural analysis of the peptide complexes with SH2 domains. |
Q97591243 | High Resolution Structure of A Partially Folded Insulin Aggregation Intermediate |
Q51505896 | High accuracy prediction of beta-turns and their types using propensities and multiple alignments |
Q33300265 | High accuracy template based modeling by global optimization |
Q38333671 | High affinity fucose binding of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin PA-IIL: 1.0 A resolution crystal structure of the complex combined with thermodynamics and computational chemistry approaches |
Q80539443 | High incidence of ubiquitin-like domains in human ubiquitin-specific proteases |
Q60430668 | High performance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry for the simultaneous resolution and identification of intrinsic thylakoid membrane proteins |
Q30423793 | High pressure effects on protein structure and function |
Q61963718 | High pressure reveals structural determinants for globin hexacoordination: Neuroglobin and myoglobin cases |
Q51899066 | High quality binding modes in docking ligands to proteins |
Q27646756 | High resolution X-ray crystallographic structure of bovine heart cytochrome c and its application to the design of an electron transfer biosensor |
Q27689471 | High resolution crystal structure of Clostridium propionicum β-alanyl-CoA:ammonia lyase, a new member of the "hot dog fold" protein superfamily |
Q27682725 | High resolution crystal structure of Sco5413, a widespread actinomycete MarR family transcriptional regulator of unknown function |
Q27683599 | High resolution crystal structure of dengue-3 envelope protein domain III suggests possible molecular mechanisms for serospecific antibody recognition |
Q56815822 | High resolution crystal structure of deoxy hemoglobin from Trematomus bernacchii at different pH values: The role of histidine residues in modulating the strength of the root effect |
Q58859642 | High resolution crystal structures of unliganded and liganded human liver ACBP reveal a new mode of binding for the acyl-CoA ligand |
Q73319271 | High resolution fast quantitative docking using Fourier domain correlation techniques |
Q43026640 | High resolution structure and sequence of T. aurantiacus xylanase I: implications for the evolution of thermostability in family 10 xylanases and enzymes with (beta)alpha-barrel architecture |
Q80011294 | High resolution structure of streptavidin in complex with a novel high affinity peptide tag mimicking the biotin binding motif |
Q30984706 | High throughput docking for library design and library prioritization |
Q30393908 | High-accuracy modeling of antibody structures by a search for minimum-energy recombination of backbone fragments |
Q91142474 | High-accuracy protein structures by combining machine-learning with physics-based refinement |
Q92039581 | High-accuracy refinement using Rosetta in CASP13 |
Q33635681 | High-precision measurement of hydrogen bond lengths in proteins by nuclear magnetic resonance methods |
Q90299958 | High-resolution crystal structure of peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase from Thermus thermophilus |
Q40426555 | High-resolution crystal structures leverage protein binding affinity predictions. |
Q39205310 | High-resolution modeling of antibody structures by a combination of bioinformatics, expert knowledge, and molecular simulations |
Q47867048 | High-resolution prediction of protein helix positions and orientations |
Q27757666 | High-resolution solution structure of Bacillus subtilis IIAglc |
Q57078252 | High-resolution solution structure ofBacillus subtilis IIAglc |
Q27640183 | High-resolution structure and biochemical properties of a recombinant Proteus mirabilis catalase depleted in iron |
Q27618775 | High-resolution structures of scytalone dehydratase-inhibitor complexes crystallized at physiological pH |
Q57818558 | High-resolution structures of scytalone dehydratase-inhibitor complexes crystallized at physiological pH |
Q56992809 | High-throughput prediction of disordered moonlighting regions in protein sequences |
Q30369215 | Highly accurate method for ligand-binding site prediction in unbound state (apo) protein structures. |
Q27658105 | Highly conserved glycine 86 and arginine 87 residues contribute differently to the structure and activity of the mature HIV-1 protease |
Q73964867 | Highly constrained multiple-copy refinement of protein crystal structures |
Q44243757 | Highly covarying residues have a functional role in antibody constant domains |
Q48626094 | Hiking in the energy landscape in sequence space: a bumpy road to good folders |
Q52322021 | Hinge-bending motion in citrate synthase arising from normal mode calculations |
Q38456853 | HingeMaster: normal mode hinge prediction approach and integration of complementary predictors. |
Q28248187 | HingeProt: automated prediction of hinges in protein structures |
Q42112965 | Histidine in continuum electrostatics protonation state calculations |
Q43256876 | Holo-BtuF stabilizes the open conformation of the vitamin B12 ABC transporter BtuCD. |
Q72335570 | Homologous modeling of the lysosomal protective protein/carboxypeptidase L: structural and functional implications of mutations identified in galactosialidosis patients |
Q87476848 | Homologous steroid receptors assemble at identical promoter architectures with unique energetics of cooperativity |
Q30305513 | Homologs of the alpha- and beta-subunits of mammalian brain platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase Ib in the Drosophila melanogaster genome |
Q28303882 | Homology model for the human GSTT2 Theta class glutathione transferase |
Q41607233 | Homology model of juvenile hormone esterase from the crop pest, Heliothis virescens |
Q47972593 | Homology model of the human tRNA splicing ligase RtcB. |
Q36087159 | Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of the active state of the nociceptin receptor reveal new insights intoagonist binding and activation |
Q42618746 | Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of the alpha1 glycine receptor reveals different states of the channel |
Q33863107 | Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of the glycine receptor ligand binding domain |
Q40470015 | Homology modeling and molecular dynamics study of West Nile virus NS3 protease: a molecular basis for the catalytic activity increased by the NS2B cofactor. |
Q41705444 | Homology modeling and substrate binding study of human CYP2C18 and CYP2C19 enzymes |
Q41705437 | Homology modeling and substrate binding study of human CYP2C9 enzyme |
Q28137614 | Homology modeling and substrate binding study of human CYP4A11 enzyme |
Q29031204 | Homology modeling and substrate binding study of human CYP4A11 enzyme |
Q30424405 | Homology modeling by the ICM method |
Q52229477 | Homology modeling of an RNP domain from a human RNA-binding protein: Homology-constrained energy optimization provides a criterion for distinguishing potential sequence alignments |
Q46524377 | Homology modeling of histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin: construction of models and comparison with experiment |
Q73205395 | Homology modeling of rabbit prolactin hormone complexed with its receptor |
Q30193943 | Homology modeling of the Abl-SH3 domain. |
Q74252568 | Homology modeling with internal coordinate mechanics: Deformation zone mapping and improvements of models via conformational search |
Q79307159 | Homology models of dipeptidyl peptidases 8 and 9 with a focus on loop predictions near the active site |
Q41870119 | Homology models of the HIV-1 attachment inhibitor BMS-626529 bound to gp120 suggest a unique mechanism of action |
Q46007965 | Homology models of two isozymes of manganese peroxidase: prediction of a Mn(II) binding site. |
Q69058504 | Homology of lysosomal enzymes and related proteins: prediction of posttranslational modification sites including phosphorylation of mannose and potential epitopic and substrate binding sites in the alpha- and beta-subunits of hexosaminidases, alpha- |
Q38342633 | Hormone phage: an enrichment method for variant proteins with altered binding properties |
Q40565690 | Host-guest scale of left-handed polyproline II helix formation. |
Q36839286 | Hot spots--a review of the protein-protein interface determinant amino-acid residues |
Q27690810 | Hot-spot analysis to dissect the functional protein-protein interface of a tRNA-modifying enzyme |
Q85076877 | How T cell receptors interact with peptide‐MHCs: A multiple steered molecular dynamics study |
Q33763840 | How a small change in retinal leads to G-protein activation: initial events suggested by molecular dynamics calculations |
Q88781994 | How accurately do force fields represent protein side chain ensembles? |
Q45395599 | How calcium inhibits the magnesium-dependent kinase gsk3β: a molecular simulation study |
Q44711034 | How catalase recognizes H₂O₂ in a sea of water |
Q51660327 | How different from random are docking predictions when ranked by scoring functions? |
Q40191460 | How do side chains orient globally in protein structures? |
Q43014738 | How do thermophilic proteins resist aggregation? |
Q47816987 | How does nitrous oxide reductase interact with its electron donors?--A docking study |
Q38610833 | How fast monoamine oxidases decompose adrenaline? Kinetics of isoenzymes A and B evaluated by empirical valence bond simulation |
Q42634689 | How general is the nucleation-condensation mechanism? |
Q93059658 | How good are comparative models in the understanding of protein dynamics? |
Q37601847 | How good is automated protein docking? |
Q43594673 | How good is prediction of protein structural class by the component-coupled method? |
Q30356549 | How inaccuracies in protein structure models affect estimates of protein-ligand interactions: computational analysis of HIV-I protease inhibitor binding. |
Q38322199 | How maltose influences structural changes to bind to maltose-binding protein: results from umbrella sampling simulation |
Q71774362 | How many fold types of protein are there in nature? |
Q34035641 | How many ionizable groups can sit on a protein hydrophobic core? |
Q30411400 | How noise in force fields can affect the structural refinement of protein models? |
Q51663923 | How orientational order governs collectivity of folded proteins |
Q30362362 | How the folding rates of two- and multistate proteins depend on the amino acid properties. |
Q93026413 | How to choose templates for modeling of protein complexes: Insights from benchmarking template-based docking |
Q30327152 | How to generate improved potentials for protein tertiary structure prediction: a lattice model study. |
Q31922968 | How to guarantee optimal stability for most representative structures in the Protein Data Bank. |
Q31143562 | How to lose a kink and gain a helix: pH independent conformational changes of the fusion domains from influenza hemagglutinin in heterogeneous lipid bilayers |
Q52937569 | How well are protein structures annotated in secondary databases? |
Q30333271 | How well can we predict native contacts in proteins based on decoy structures and their energies? |
Q44216908 | Human DEAD-box ATPase DDX3 shows a relaxed nucleoside substrate specificity |
Q81614114 | Human FEZ1 has characteristics of a natively unfolded protein and dimerizes in solution |
Q107273003 | Human SARS CoV-2 spike protein mutations |
Q45028378 | Human SARS-coronavirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase: activity determinants and nucleoside analogue inhibitors |
Q30393220 | Human and server docking prediction for CAPRI round 30-35 using LZerD with combined scoring functions |
Q31151707 | Human interleukin-23 receptor antagonists derived from an albumin-binding domain scaffold inhibit IL-23-dependent ex vivo expansion of IL-17-producing T-cells |
Q28281160 | Human myeloperoxidase and thyroid peroxidase, two enzymes with separate and distinct physiological functions, are evolutionarily related members of the same gene family |
Q90307942 | Human telomerase protein: Understanding how the catalytic activity is suppressed under single substitutions of some conserved residues. A computational study |
Q24300503 | Human uroporphyrinogen III synthase: NMR-based mapping of the active site |
Q28115413 | Human α-amino-β-carboxymuconate-ε-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD): a structural and mechanistic unveiling |
Q28249671 | Hundreds of ankyrin-like repeats in functionally diverse proteins: mobile modules that cross phyla horizontally? |
Q33310030 | Huntingtin interacting protein HYPK is intrinsically unstructured |
Q46259165 | Hybrid immunoglobulin isotypes of identical specificity produced by genetic recombination in Escherichia coli and expression in lymphoid cells |
Q51969053 | Hybrid native partitioning of interactions among nonconserved residues in chimeric proteins |
Q57814868 | Hydration energy landscape of the active site cavity in cytochrome P450cam |
Q57814879 | Hydration energy landscape of the active site cavity in cytochrome P450cam |
Q78854500 | Hydration in proteins observed by high-resolution neutron crystallography |
Q31106691 | Hydration of a hydrophobic cavity and its functional role: a simulation study of human interleukin-1beta. |
Q51648439 | Hydration of an alpha-helical peptide: comparison of theory and molecular dynamics simulation |
Q57875457 | Hydration of an α‐Helical peptide: comparison of theory and molecular dynamics simulation |
Q81692270 | Hydration of protein-protein interfaces |
Q47554434 | Hydrodynamic Radius Coincides with the Slip Plane Position in the Electrokinetic Behavior of Lysozyme. |
Q72511006 | Hydrogen bond strength and beta-sheet propensities: the role of a side chain blocking effect |
Q81624613 | Hydrogen bonding increases packing density in the protein interior |
Q57976334 | Hydrogen bonding is the prime determinant of carboxyl pKa values at the N-termini of α-helices |
Q74614429 | Hydrogen bonds between short polar side chains and peptide backbone: prevalence in proteins and effects on helix-forming propensities |
Q30362217 | Hydrogen bonds involving sulfur atoms in proteins. |
Q44184711 | Hydrogen exchange in native and denatured states of hen egg-white lysozyme |
Q74015797 | Hydrogen exchange study of canine milk lysozyme: stabilization mechanism of the molten globule |
Q38243902 | Hydrolysis of GTP by the alpha-chain of Gs and other GTP binding proteins |
Q92354244 | Hydrolysis of homocysteine thiolactone results in the formation of Protein-Cys-S-S-homocysteinylation |
Q44411429 | Hydrolysis of organophosphate compounds by mutant butyrylcholinesterase: A story of two histidines |
Q73365493 | Hydrophilicity of cavities in proteins |
Q43446796 | Hydrophobic clustering in nonnative states of a protein: interpretation of chemical shifts in NMR spectra of denatured states of lysozyme |
Q80474195 | Hydrophobic clusters in protein structures |
Q47430831 | Hydrophobic complementarity in protein-protein docking |
Q52364814 | Hydrophobic docking: a proposed enhancement to molecular recognition techniques |
Q73256212 | Hydrophobic dye inhibits aggregation of molten carbonic anhydrase during thermal unfolding and refolding |
Q43017457 | Hydrophobic environment is a key factor for the stability of thermophilic proteins |
Q30365005 | Hydrophobic interactions and ionic networks play an important role in thermal stability and denaturation mechanism of the porcine odorant-binding protein. |
Q52007584 | Hydrophobic moments of tertiary protein structures |
Q73510588 | Hydrophobic patches on protein subunit interfaces: characteristics and prediction |
Q71623229 | Hydrophobic patches on the surfaces of protein structures |
Q47554440 | Hydrophobic residues can identify native protein structures |
Q51327053 | Hydrophobic tail length plays a pivotal role in amyloid beta (25-35) fibril-surfactant interactions |
Q45279356 | Hydrophobic tendency of polar group hydration as a major force in type I antifreeze protein recognition |
Q73393596 | Hydrophobicity at the surface of proteins |
Q43537136 | Hydrophobicity of amino acid subgroups in proteins |
Q39055069 | Hydroxynitrile lyase from Hevea brasiliensis: molecular characterization and mechanism of enzyme catalysis |
Q38323950 | Hypocrea jecorina (Trichoderma reesei) Cel7A as a molecular machine: A docking study. |
Q30380936 | I-TASSER: fully automated protein structure prediction in CASP8 |
Q46664729 | ICM-DISCO docking by global energy optimization with fully flexible side-chains |
Q129148214 | III. Geometrical framework for thinking about globular proteins: Turns in proteins |
Q52245934 | IMPALA: A simple restraint field to simulate the biological membrane in molecular structure studies |
Q51910632 | Ideal amino acid exchange forms for approximating substitution matrices |
Q52070055 | Identification and ab initio simulations of early folding units in proteins |
Q52302222 | Identification and analysis of long-range electrostatic effects in proteins by computer modeling:aspartate transcarbamylase |
Q58882307 | Identification and characterization of folding inhibitors of hen egg lysozyme: An example of a new paradigm of drug design |
Q33212902 | Identification and distribution of protein families in 120 completed genomes using Gene3D. |
Q47597557 | Identification and functional characterization of the bile acid transport proteins in non-mammalian ileum and mammalian liver |
Q38649778 | Identification and functionality prediction of pathogenesis-related protein 1 from legume family |
Q27646876 | Identification and structural characterization of heme binding in a novel dye-decolorizing peroxidase, TyrA |
Q34164671 | Identification of CCR2‐binding features in Cytl1 by a CCL2‐like chemokine model |
Q40178550 | Identification of FAKTS as a novel 14-3-3-associated nuclear protein |
Q91337711 | Identification of FDA-approved drugs as novel allosteric inhibitors of human executioner caspases |
Q40317285 | Identification of GATC- and CCGG-recognizing Type II REases and their putative specificity-determining positions using Scan2S--a novel motif scan algorithm with optional secondary structure constraints |
Q97591131 | Identification of Potential Allosteric Binding Sites in Cathepsin K Based on Intramolecular Communication |
Q27683617 | Identification of a cation transport pathway in Neisseria meningitidis PorB |
Q48277571 | Identification of a conserved 8 aa insert in the PIP5K protein in the Saccharomycetaceae family of fungi and the molecular dynamics simulations and structural analysis to investigate its potential functional role |
Q36816170 | Identification of a decapeptide with the binding reactivity for tumor-associated TAG72 antigen from a phage displayed library |
Q48022764 | Identification of a dimeric KDG aldolase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens |
Q27651947 | Identification of a key element for hydrogen-bonding patterns between protein kinases and their inhibitors |
Q91244973 | Identification of a new nucleotide binding site by structural alignment and site directed mutagenesis |
Q51121910 | Identification of a new subfamily of HNH nucleases and experimental characterization of a representative member, HphI restriction endonuclease |
Q41586108 | Identification of a novel carbohydrate esterase from Bjerkandera adusta: structural and function predictions through bioinformatics analysis and molecular modeling |
Q52043309 | Identification of a novel class in the alpha/beta hydrolase fold superfamily: the N-myc differentiation-related proteins |
Q27683600 | Identification of a novel ligand binding site in phosphoserine phosphatase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus onnurineus |
Q30423790 | Identification of a pattern in protein structure based on energetic and statistical considerations |
Q38333952 | Identification of amino acids important for target recognition by the DNA:m5C methyltransferase M.NgoPII by alanine-scanning mutagenesis of residues at the protein-DNA interface |
Q36278766 | Identification of bacterial guanylate cyclases |
Q88064459 | Identification of bacterial guanylate cyclases |
Q27666649 | Identification of biochemical and putative biological role of a xenolog from Escherichia coli using structural analysis |
Q95659863 | Identification of biochemically neutral positions in liver pyruvate kinase |
Q42621319 | Identification of common structural features of binding sites in galactose-specific proteins |
Q45787056 | Identification of critical contact residues in the NC41 epitope of a subtype N9 influenza virus neuraminidase. |
Q30350425 | Identification of domains and domain interface residues in multidomain proteins from graph spectral method. |
Q44689605 | Identification of efflux proteins using efficient radial basis function networks with position-specific scoring matrices and biochemical properties |
Q38514126 | Identification of family determining residues in Jumonji-C lysine demethylases: A sequence-based, family wide classification |
Q77435974 | Identification of functional and unfolding motions of cutinase as obtained from molecular dynamics computer simulations |
Q54608497 | Identification of functional motions in the adenylate kinase (ADK) protein family by computational hybrid approaches. |
Q44544342 | Identification of functionally conserved residues with the use of entropy-variability plots |
Q46628068 | Identification of fungal oxaloacetate hydrolyase within the isocitrate lyase/PEP mutase enzyme superfamily using a sequence marker-based method |
Q30321831 | Identification of homologous core structures. |
Q51531543 | Identification of imine reductase-specific sequence motifs |
Q30578492 | Identification of mycobacterial lectins from genomic data |
Q51918597 | Identification of near-native structures by clustering protein docking conformations |
Q30357239 | Identification of new claudin family members by a novel PSI-BLAST based approach with enhanced specificity. |
Q43558040 | Identification of new repeating motifs in titin |
Q33280444 | Identification of novel fragment compounds targeted against the pY pocket of v-Src SH2 by computational and NMR screening and thermodynamic evaluation |
Q40098311 | Identification of novel host defense peptides and the absence of alpha-defensins in the bovine genome |
Q31001610 | Identification of novel peptide antagonists for GPIIb/IIIa from a conformationally constrained phage peptide library |
Q44124797 | Identification of peptide hormones of the amphipathic helix class using the helical hydrophobic moment algorithm |
Q56901060 | Identification of protein fold and catalytic residues of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase LinA |
Q62274623 | Identification of protein fold and catalytic residues of γ-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase LinA |
Q30403374 | Identification of protein folds: matching hydrophobicity patterns of sequence sets with solvent accessibility patterns of known structures |
Q51617488 | Identification of protein functional surfaces by the concept of a split pocket |
Q24321382 | Identification of proteins interacting with protein arginine methyltransferase 8: the Ewing sarcoma (EWS) protein binds independent of its methylation state |
Q42623582 | Identification of protons position in acid-base enzyme catalyzed reactions: the hepatitis C viral NS3 protease |
Q54322060 | Identification of putative unfolding intermediates of the mutant His-107-tyr of human carbonic anhydrase II in a multidimensional property space |
Q81786978 | Identification of putative, stable binding regions through flexibility analysis of HIV-1 gp120 |
Q82054931 | Identification of selectivity-determining residues in cytochrome P450 monooxygenases: a systematic analysis of the substrate recognition site 5 |
Q84194113 | Identification of specificity and promiscuity of PDZ domain interactions through their dynamic behavior |
Q47623426 | Identification of structural domains in proteins by a graph heuristic |
Q34049800 | Identification of structural motifs from protein coordinate data: secondary structure and first-level supersecondary structure |
Q43920606 | Identification of structural proteins from shrimp white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) by 2DE-MS. |
Q44060634 | Identification of the N-terminal functional domains of Cdk5 by molecular truncation and computer modeling |
Q51464727 | Identification of the active site of human mitochondrial malonyl-coenzyme a decarboxylase: A combined computational study |
Q27678066 | Identification of the bile salt binding site on IpaD from Shigella flexneri and the influence of ligand binding on IpaD structure. |
Q28492381 | Identification of the bona fide DHDPS from a common plant pathogen |
Q30333119 | Identification of the domains for DNA binding and transactivation function of C protein from bacteriophage Mu. |
Q77924671 | Identification of the ligand binding site in Fas (CD95) and analysis of Fas-ligand interactions |
Q27655403 | Identification of trypsin-inhibitory site and structure determination of human SPINK2 serine proteinase inhibitor |
Q40880012 | Identification of universal selectivity-determining positions in cytochrome P450 monooxygenases by systematic sequence-based literature mining |
Q24624622 | Identification, analysis, and prediction of protein ubiquitination sites |
Q27681687 | Identification, structural, and biochemical characterization of a group of large Csn2 proteins involved in CRISPR‐mediated bacterial immunity |
Q51495484 | Identifying continuous pores in protein structures with PROPORES by computational repositioning of gating residues |
Q30356403 | Identifying cysteines and histidines in transition-metal-binding sites using support vector machines and neural networks. |
Q80445463 | Identifying folding nucleus based on residue contact networks of proteins |
Q33276607 | Identifying long-range structure in the intrinsically unstructured transactivation domain of p53. |
Q30376344 | Identifying native-like protein structures with scoring functions based on all-atom ECEPP force fields, implicit solvent models and structure relaxation |
Q40106053 | Identifying novel peroxisomal proteins |
Q42055275 | Identifying polymer-forming SAM domains |
Q30655261 | Identifying protein complexes from heterogeneous biological data |
Q77926218 | Identifying proteins of high designability via surface-exposure patterns |
Q30367305 | Identifying stabilizing key residues in proteins using interresidue interaction energy matrix. |
Q54734467 | Illuminating the early signaling pathway of a fungal light-oxygen-voltage photoreceptor. |
Q48007546 | Immunoglobulin kappa light chain and its amyloidogenic mutants: a molecular dynamics study |
Q58175518 | Impact of Cl and Na ions on simulated structure and dynamics of βARK1 PH domain |
Q58175544 | Impact of Cl- and Na+ ions on simulated structure and dynamics of betaARK1 PH domain |
Q51934736 | Impact of EGFR point mutations on the sensitivity to gefitinib: insights from comparative structural analyses and molecular dynamics simulations |
Q42734341 | Impact of calcium on N1 influenza neuraminidase dynamics and binding free energy |
Q44540221 | Impact of deglycosylation and thermal stress on conformational stability of a full length murine igG2a monoclonal antibody: Observations from molecular dynamics simulations |
Q44125127 | Impact of incorporating the 2C5 crystal structure into comparative models of cytochrome P450 2D6. |
Q34442775 | Impact of sequence on the molecular assembly of short amyloid peptides |
Q34159813 | Impact of the K24N mutation on the transactivation domain of p53 and its binding to murine double-minute clone 2 |
Q57577545 | Impact of the tail and mutations G131V and M129V on prion protein flexibility |
Q44001444 | Implications of structural genomics target selection strategies: Pfam5000, whole genome, and random approaches |
Q51909159 | Implicit flexibility in protein docking: cross-docking and local refinement |
Q57134555 | Implicit solvent models for flexible protein-protein docking by molecular dynamics simulation |
Q45194411 | Implicit solvent simulations of peptide interactions with anionic lipid membranes |
Q52206843 | Importance of anchor group positioning in protein loop prediction |
Q30164075 | Importance of hydrophobic cluster formation through long-range contacts in the folding transition state of two-state proteins |
Q51092685 | Importance of polarization effect in the study of metalloproteins: application of polarized protein specific charge scheme in predicting the reduction potential of azurin |
Q47422764 | Importance of sequence specificity for predicting protein folding pathways: Perturbed Gaussian chain model |
Q30323185 | Improved ab initio predictions with a simplified, flexible geometry model. |
Q30357341 | Improved beta-protein structure prediction by multilevel optimization of nonlocal strand pairings and local backbone conformation. |
Q52393861 | Improved calculations of compactness and a reevaluation of continuous compact units |
Q30382585 | Improved de novo structure prediction in CASP11 by incorporating coevolution information into Rosetta. |
Q42091603 | Improved energy bound accuracy enhances the efficiency of continuous protein design |
Q51168223 | Improved flexible refinement of protein docking in CAPRI rounds 22-27. |
Q30155964 | Improved identification of outer membrane beta barrel proteins using primary sequence, predicted secondary structure, and evolutionary information |
Q30429060 | Improved method for prediction of protein backbone U-turn positions and major secondary structural elements between U-turns |
Q46284437 | Improved model building and assessment of the Calcium-sensing receptor transmembrane domain |
Q63191335 | Improved modeling of side-chains in proteins with rotamer-based methods: A flexible rotamer model |
Q47711925 | Improved performance in CAPRI round 37 using LZerD docking and template-based modeling with combined scoring functions |
Q38701850 | Improved prediction for N-termini of alpha-helices using empirical information |
Q40921781 | Improved prediction for the structure of the dimeric transmembrane domain of glycophorin A obtained through global searching |
Q56877803 | Improved prediction for the structure of the dimeric transmembrane domain of glycophorin A obtained through global searching |
Q24634442 | Improved prediction of protein side-chain conformations with SCWRL4 |
Q45945716 | Improved protein contact predictions with the MetaPSICOV2 server in CASP12. |
Q62846812 | Improved protein free energy calculation by more accurate treatment of nonbonded energy: Application to chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, V57A |
Q52245930 | Improved protein free energy calculation by more accurate treatment of nonbonded energy: application to chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, V57A. |
Q50420082 | Improved protein model quality assessments by changing the target function. |
Q29616787 | Improved protein-ligand docking using GOLD |
Q56999449 | Improved recognition of native-like protein structures using a combination of sequence-dependent and sequence-independent features of proteins |
Q45003124 | Improved sequence-based prediction of protein secondary structures by combining vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy with neural network |
Q24616749 | Improved side-chain torsion potentials for the Amber ff99SB protein force field |
Q27642890 | Improved thermostability of bacillus circulans cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase by the introduction of a salt bridge |
Q73083584 | Improvement of protein secondary structure prediction using binary word encoding |
Q51956434 | Improvement of statistical potentials and threading score functions using information maximization |
Q46568966 | Improving CAPRI predictions: optimized desolvation for rigid-body docking |
Q27652286 | Improving NMR protein structure quality by Rosetta refinement: A molecular replacement study |
Q30370764 | Improving accuracy and efficiency of blind protein-ligand docking by focusing on predicted binding sites. |
Q30369974 | Improving accuracy of protein contact prediction using balanced network deconvolution. |
Q34683409 | Improving computational protein design by using structure-derived sequence profile |
Q30361622 | Improving fragment quality for de novo structure prediction. |
Q34612025 | Improving physical realism, stereochemistry, and side-chain accuracy in homology modeling: Four approaches that performed well in CASP8. |
Q30399508 | Improving prediction of helix-helix packing in membrane proteins using predicted contact numbers as restraints |
Q45747432 | Improving ranking of models for protein complexes with side chain modeling and atomic potentials |
Q48650559 | Improving taxonomy-based protein fold recognition by using global and local features. |
Q52234205 | Improving the accuracy of protein pKa calculations: conformational averaging versus the average structure |
Q39323801 | Improving the accuracy of protein stability predictions with multistate design using a variety of backbone ensembles |
Q43710035 | Improving the analysis of NMR spectra tracking pH-induced conformational changes: removing artefacts of the electric field on the NMR chemical shift. |
Q87839353 | Improving the orientation-dependent statistical potential using a reference state |
Q30327787 | Improving the performance of Rosetta using multiple sequence alignment information and global measures of hydrophobic core formation. |
Q37083941 | Improving the prediction accuracy of residue solvent accessibility and real-value backbone torsion angles of proteins by guided-learning through a two-layer neural network. |
Q30330078 | Improving the prediction of protein secondary structure in three and eight classes using recurrent neural networks and profiles. |
Q44817547 | Improving the tolerance of a protein a analogue to repeated alkaline exposures using a bypass mutagenesis approach |
Q33844352 | Improving threading algorithms for remote homology modeling by combining fragment and template comparisons |
Q28235593 | In Memoriam: Frederic M. Richards (1925-2009) |
Q79098378 | In Silico |
Q67797005 | In memoriam--Cyrus Levinthal |
Q47587723 | In memoriam. Angel Ramírez Ortiz (1966-2008). |
Q48474537 | In memoriam: Charles Tanford(1921-2009). |
Q49157447 | In memoriam: Irving S. Sigal 1953-1988. |
Q27649290 | In meso crystal structure and docking simulations suggest an alternative proteoglycan binding site in the OpcA outer membrane adhesin |
Q43170586 | In pursuit of virtual lead optimization: pruning ensembles of receptor structures for increased efficiency and accuracy during docking |
Q40419101 | In pursuit of virtual lead optimization: the role of the receptor structure and ensembles in accurate docking |
Q46296776 | In silico analyses of substrate interactions with human serum paraoxonase 1. |
Q33439048 | In silico characterization of protein chimeras: relating sequence and function within the same fold. |
Q90516587 | In silico design and molecular basis for the selectivity of Olinone toward the first over the second bromodomain of BRD4 |
Q33302443 | In silico local structure approach: a case study on outer membrane proteins |
Q39037535 | In silico modeling of pH‐optimum of protein–protein binding |
Q51720267 | In silico mutational studies of Hsp70 disclose sites with distinct functional attributes |
Q53302216 | In silico platform for predicting and initiating β-turns in a protein at desired locations. |
Q84171308 | In silico predictions of LH2 ring sizes from the crystal structure of a single subunit using molecular dynamics simulations |
Q46778241 | In silico structure-function analysis of E. cloacae nitroreductase |
Q45138458 | In silico study of the human rhodopsin and meta rhodopsin II/S-arrestin complexes: impact of single point mutations related to retina degenerative diseases. |
Q54547905 | In silico two-hybrid system for the selection of physically interacting protein pairs. |
Q92309391 | In vitro and in silico studies on membrane interactions of diverse Capsicum annuum flower γ-thionin peptides |
Q47893467 | In vitro and in vivo characterization of designed immunogens derived from the CD-helix of the stem of influenza hemagglutinin |
Q54583935 | In vivo association of protein fragments giving active AraC. |
Q46194098 | Inclusion of ionization states of ligands in affinity calculations |
Q37565089 | Inclusion of the orientational entropic effect and low-resolution experimental information for protein-protein docking in Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions (CAPRI). |
Q51905246 | Incorporating biochemical information and backbone flexibility in RosettaDock for CAPRI rounds 6-12. |
Q86534498 | Incorporating into a Cα Go model the effects of geometrical restriction on Cα atoms caused by side chain orientations |
Q30359220 | Incorporating replacement free energy of binding-site waters in molecular docking. |
Q41768307 | Incorporation of evolutionary information into Rosetta comparative modeling |
Q51970520 | Incorporation of flexibility into rigid-body docking: applications in rounds 3-5 of CAPRI. |
Q45768018 | Incorporation of microcrystals by growing protein and virus crystals |
Q30332739 | Increased detection of structural templates using alignments of designed sequences |
Q57472390 | Increased sequence hydrophobicity reduces conformational specificity: a mutational case study of the Arc repressor protein |
Q42095915 | Increasing protein stability by improving beta-turns |
Q43665065 | Increasing stability of antibody via antibody engineering: stability engineering on an anti-hVEGF. |
Q33217621 | Increasing the molecular contacts between maurotoxin and Kv1.2 channel augments ligand affinity. |
Q28874041 | Increasing the precision of comparative models with YASARA NOVA-a self-parameterizing force field |
Q50545034 | Indefinite noncooperative self‐association of chicken deoxy hemoglobin D |
Q40249508 | Indel-based targeting of essential proteins in human pathogens that have close host orthologue(s): discovery of selective inhibitors for Leishmania donovani elongation factor-1alpha |
Q41134627 | Induced conformational change in human IL-4 upon binding of a signal-neutralizing DARPin |
Q42645383 | Induced fit in liver X receptor beta: a molecular dynamics-based investigation |
Q50771478 | Induced refolding of a temperature denatured llama heavy-chain antibody fragment by its antigen |
Q45922397 | Induction of the tetracycline repressor: characterization by molecular-dynamics simulations. |
Q44366842 | Inferring a weighted elastic network from partial unfolding with coarse-grained simulations |
Q40191495 | Inferring ideal amino acid interaction forms from statistical protein contact potentials |
Q31028667 | Inferring protein interactions from experimental data by association probabilistic method |
Q30884368 | Inferring the microscopic surface energy of protein-protein interfaces from mutation data. |
Q97557445 | Influence of Electrostatic Forces on the Association Kinetics and Conformational Ensemble of an Intrinsically Disordered Protein |
Q104474626 | Influence of Sequence Length and Charged Residues on Swc5 Binding with Histone H2A-H2B |
Q30361618 | Influence of a heptad repeat stutter on the pH-dependent conformational behavior of the central coiled-coil from influenza hemagglutinin HA2 |
Q46449574 | Influence of conservation on calculations of amino acid covariance in multiple sequence alignments |
Q30372936 | Influence of different assignment conditions on the determination of symmetric homodimeric structures with ARIA. |
Q38361551 | Influence of induced fit in the interaction of Bacillus subtilis trp RNA-binding attenuator protein and its RNA antiterminator target oligomer |
Q54585320 | Influence of kinetics of drug binding on EGFR signaling: A comparative study of three EGFR signaling pathway models |
Q41470212 | Influence of oligomerization on the dynamics of G-protein coupled receptors as assessed by normal mode analysis |
Q34389407 | Influence of oligomerization state on the structural properties of invasion plasmid antigen B from Shigella flexneri in the presence and absence of phospholipid membranes. |
Q64923362 | Influence of pressure on the low‐frequency vibrational modes of lysozyme and water: A complementary inelastic neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulation study |
Q52389860 | Influence of protein flexibility on the redox potential of rubredoxin: energy minimization studies |
Q30430527 | Influence of protein structure databases on the predictive power of statistical pair potentials |
Q49265475 | Influence of rotational energy barriers to the conformational search of protein loops in molecular dynamics and ranking the conformations |
Q44165213 | Influence of solvent molecules on the stereochemical code of glycyl residues in proteins |
Q30352413 | Influence of the disulfide bond configuration on the dynamics of the spin label attached to cytochrome c. |
Q80660489 | Influence of the germline sequence on the thermodynamic stability and fibrillogenicity of human lambda 6 light chains |
Q79252711 | Influence of the protein matrix on intramolecular histidine ligation in ferric and ferrous hexacoordinate hemoglobins |
Q30365841 | Information and discrimination in pairwise contact potentials. |
Q50726214 | Information and redundancy in the burial folding code of globular proteins within a wide range of shapes and sizes |
Q30371405 | Information theory provides a comprehensive framework for the evaluation of protein structure predictions. |
Q30383895 | Information-theoretic analysis of the reference state in contact potentials used for protein structure prediction. |
Q30331650 | Information-theoretic dissection of pairwise contact potentials. |
Q44886386 | Information-theoretical entropy as a measure of sequence variability |
Q50673825 | Inhibition of Ribonuclease A by polyphenols present in green tea. |
Q53175065 | Inhibition of interdomain motion in g‐actin by the natural product latrunculin: A molecular dynamics study |
Q57937295 | Inhibition of protein-protein interactions: The discovery of druglike β-catenin inhibitors by combining virtual and biophysical screening |
Q62994772 | Inhibition of trypsin by cowpea thionin: Characterization, molecular modeling, and docking |
Q53322022 | Inhibition of α-synuclein aggregation by small heat shock proteins. |
Q44125142 | Inhibitor binding alters the directions of domain motions in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase |
Q75348990 | Inhomogeneous stability of bacteriorhodopsin in purple membrane against photobleaching at high temperature |
Q45352137 | Inositol phosphates compete with nucleic acids for binding to bovine leukemia virus matrix protein: Implications for deltaretroviral assembly |
Q34361791 | Insertion of peptide chains into lipid membranes: an off-lattice Monte Carlo dynamics model |
Q51109313 | Insight into the activity of SARS main protease: Molecular dynamics study of dimeric and monomeric form of enzyme |
Q27652353 | Insight into the antibacterial drug design and architectural mechanism of peptide recognition from the E. faecium peptide deformylase structure |
Q79323943 | Insight into the catalytic mechanism of arginine deiminase: functional studies on the crucial sites |
Q52847435 | Insight into the correlation between lag time and aggregation rate in the kinetics of protein aggregation |
Q30362621 | Insight into the early stages of thermal unfolding of peanut agglutinin by molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q40255470 | Insight into the remarkable affinity and selectivity of the aminobenzosuberone scaffold for the M1 aminopeptidases family based on structure analysis. |
Q44601566 | Insight into the stability of the hydrophobic binding proteins ofescherichia coli:Assessing the proteins for use as biosensors |
Q27659155 | Insight into the structure of the pUL89 C-terminal domain of the human cytomegalovirus terminase complex |
Q27656119 | Insight into the substrate length restriction of M32 carboxypeptidases: characterization of two distinct subfamilies |
Q46668209 | Insights from the energetics of water binding at the domain-ligand interface of the Src SH2 domain |
Q27666117 | Insights into Mycoplasma genitalium metabolism revealed by the structure of MG289, an extracytoplasmic thiamine binding lipoprotein |
Q104695529 | Insights into Specificity and Catalytic Mechanism of Amphotericin B/Nystatin Thioesterase |
Q34416381 | Insights into a highly conserved network of hydrogen bonds in the agonist binding site of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: a structural and theoretical study |
Q46814788 | Insights into activation and RNA binding of trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP) through all-atom simulations |
Q83319759 | Insights into internal dynamics of 6-phosphogluconolactonase from Trypanosoma brucei studied by nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular dynamics |
Q45993120 | Insights into lid movements of Burkholderia cepacia lipase inferred from molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q50858078 | Insights into mechanism of pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidines as DYRK1A inhibitors based on molecular dynamic simulations |
Q58375365 | Insights into nonspecific binding of homeodomains from a structure of MATα2 bound to DNA |
Q30357462 | Insights into protein structure and function from disorder-complexity space. |
Q27703595 | Insights into regioselective metabolism of mefenamic acid by cytochrome P450 BM3 mutants through crystallography, docking, molecular dynamics, and free energy calculations |
Q47367614 | Insights into the DNA cleavage mechanism of human LINE-1 retrotransposon endonuclease |
Q27640184 | Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures |
Q27654533 | Insights into the catalytic mechanism of the Bcp family: functional and structural analysis of Bcp1 from Sulfolobus solfataricus |
Q39038050 | Insights into the interaction of high potency inhibitor IRC-083864 with phosphatase CDC25. |
Q80626072 | Insights into the interactions between HIV-1 integrase and human LEDGF/p75 by molecular dynamics simulation and free energy calculation |
Q27621102 | Insights into the mechanisms of catalysis and heterotropic regulation of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase based upon a structure of the enzyme complexed with the bisubstrate analogue N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate at 2.1 A |
Q27649854 | Insights into the role of oligomeric state on the biological activities of crotoxin: crystal structure of a tetrameric phospholipase A2 formed by two isoforms of crotoxin B from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom |
Q38859454 | Insights into the transmembrane helix associations of kit ligand by molecular dynamics simulation and TOXCAT. |
Q30428835 | Insights into thermal resistance of proteins from the intrinsic stability of their α-helices |
Q80020949 | Insights into unbinding mechanisms upon two mutations investigated by molecular dynamics study of GSK3beta-axin complex: role of packing hydrophobic residues |
Q31026877 | Insights on HIV-1 Tat:P/CAF bromodomain molecular recognition from in vivo experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q45342240 | Insights on Na+ binding and conformational dynamics in multidrug and toxic compound extrusion transporter NorM |
Q57278500 | Insights on the acetylated NF-κB transcription factor complex with DNA from molecular dynamics simulations |
Q91787001 | Inspecting fluctuation and coordination around chromophore inside green fluorescent protein from water to nonpolar solvent |
Q71763596 | Insulin and epidermal growth factor receptors contain the cysteine repeat motif found in the tumor necrosis factor receptor |
Q52053619 | Integrated graphical analysis of protein sequence features predicted from sequence composition |
Q51639697 | Integrated prediction of the effect of mutations on multiple protein characteristics. |
Q51626110 | Integrating statistical pair potentials into protein complex prediction |
Q34975505 | Integrating the intrinsic conformational preferences of noncoded α-amino acids modified at the peptide bond into the noncoded amino acids database |
Q30379180 | Integration of QUARK and I-TASSER for Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction in CASP11. |
Q91349229 | Integrative modeling of protein-protein interactions with pyDock for the new docking challenges |
Q68151698 | Integrity of refolded and reoxidized gelatin-binding fragments of fibronectin |
Q44784442 | Inter-residue and solvent-residue interactions in proteins: a statistical study on experimental structures |
Q30399514 | InterPred: A pipeline to identify and model protein-protein interactions. |
Q53336814 | Interacting processes in protein coagulation |
Q30380846 | Interaction between bound water molecules and local protein structures: A statistical analysis of the hydrogen bond structures around bound water molecules. |
Q46917665 | Interaction between mammalian glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and L-lactate dehydrogenase from heart and muscle |
Q81383339 | Interaction cutoff effect on ruggedness of protein-protein energy landscape |
Q79554810 | Interaction geometry involving planar groups in protein-protein interfaces |
Q81054160 | Interaction interfaces of protein domains are not topologically equivalent across families within superfamilies: Implications for metabolic and signaling pathways |
Q50730119 | Interaction of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate with human serum albumin: fluorescence, fourier transform infrared, circular dichroism, and docking studies |
Q38359685 | Interaction of E. coli outer-membrane protein A with sugars on the receptors of the brain microvascular endothelial cells |
Q28214346 | Interaction of Hsp90 with 20S proteasome: thermodynamic and kinetic characterization |
Q28183468 | Interaction of agitoxin2, charybdotoxin, and iberiotoxin with potassium channels: selectivity between voltage-gated and Maxi-K channels |
Q77133311 | Interaction of explicit solvent with hydrophobic/philic/charged residues of a protein: residue character vs. conformational context |
Q32061110 | Interaction of human SRY protein with DNA: A molecular dynamics study |
Q40259593 | Interaction of malaria parasite-inhibitory antibodies with the merozoite surface protein MSP1(19) by computational docking |
Q53337296 | Interaction of metal chelators with different molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase and its significance in Alzheimer's disease treatment |
Q46834876 | Interaction of peptide boronic acids with elastase: circular dichroism studies |
Q52243202 | Interaction of transmembrane helices by a knobs-into-holes packing characteristic of soluble coiled coils |
Q74363284 | Interaction potentials for protein folding |
Q54701079 | Interaction stabilizing tertiary structure of bacteriorhodopsin studied by denaturation experiments. |
Q35948844 | Interactions between relay helix and Src homology 1 (SH1) domain helix drive the converter domain rotation during the recovery stroke of myosin II |
Q27652877 | Interactions between the archaeal transcription repressor FL11 and its coregulators lysine and arginine |
Q53579152 | Interactions between the toxin Kid of the bacterial parD system and the antitoxins Kis and MazE. |
Q27633855 | Interactions of Streptomyces griseus aminopeptidase with amino acid reaction products and their implications toward a catalytic mechanism |
Q37286930 | Interactions of different inhibitors with active-site aspartyl residues of HIV-1 protease and possible relevance to pepsin |
Q28263652 | Interactions of macromolecules with salt ions: an electrostatic theory for the Hofmeister effect |
Q33242650 | Interactions of the C2 domain of human factor V with a model membrane |
Q46823198 | Interdomain cooperativity of calmodulin bound to melittin preferentially increases calcium affinity of sites I and II. |
Q53599719 | Interdomain mobility in di-ubiquitin revealed by NMR. |
Q92513897 | Interfacial amino acids support Spa47 oligomerization and shigella type three secretion system activation |
Q43947468 | Interhelical hydrogen bonds and spatial motifs in membrane proteins: polar clamps and serine zippers |
Q85910653 | Intermolecular disulfide bond formation promotes immunoglobulin aggregation: investigation by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy |
Q70248265 | Internal motion of a tryptophan residue in Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor: deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance in solution |
Q35093508 | Internal organization of large protein families: relationship between the sequence, structure, and function-based clustering |
Q28822365 | Interolog interfaces in protein-protein docking |
Q35687847 | Interpeptide interactions induce helix to strand structural transition in Abeta peptides |
Q51412572 | Interplay between binding affinity and kinetics in protein-protein interactions |
Q46586541 | Interplay between structural rigidity and electrostatic interactions in the ligand binding domain of GluR2. |
Q30431832 | Interplay of I‐TASSER and QUARK for template‐based and ab initio protein structure prediction in CASP10 |
Q90304563 | Interplay of cysteine exposure and global protein dynamics in small-molecule recognition by a regulator of G-protein signaling protein |
Q73205383 | Interresidue interactions in protein classes |
Q27766078 | Intersubunit hydrogen bond acts as a global molecular switch in Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase |
Q27680314 | Intramolecular isopeptide but not internal thioester bonds confer proteolytic and significant thermal stability to theS. pyogenespilus adhesin Spy0125 |
Q35153112 | Intramolecular localization of epitopes within an oligomeric protein by immunoelectron microscopy and image processing |
Q89311088 | Intrinsic disorder accelerates dissociation rather than association |
Q80353265 | Intrinsic disorder in yeast transcriptional regulatory network |
Q52664522 | Intrinsic disorder is a key characteristic in partners that bind 14-3-3 proteins. |
Q51896014 | Intrinsic disorder of Drosophila melanogaster hormone receptor 38 N-terminal domain. |
Q53219534 | Intrinsic disorder of human Yin Yang 1 protein |
Q57137427 | Intrinsic pKas of ionizable residues in proteins: an explicit solvent calculation for lysozyme |
Q52364819 | Intrinsic secondary structure propensities of the amino acids, using statistical phi-psi matrices: comparison with experimental scales |
Q28910370 | Intrinsic structural disorder and sequence features of the cell cycle inhibitor p57Kip2 |
Q45340609 | Intrinsic structural disorder of mouse proNGF. |
Q81507965 | Intrinsic unstructuredness and abundance of PEST motifs in eukaryotic proteomes |
Q39114601 | Intrinsic α helix propensities compact hydrodynamic radii in intrinsically disordered proteins |
Q46899115 | Intrinsically disordered protein from a pathogenic mesophile Mycobacterium tuberculosis adopts structured conformation at high temperature |
Q39335014 | Intrinsically disordered regions in autophagy proteins |
Q65000375 | Intrinsically unstructured N-terminal domain of bZIP transcription factor HY5. |
Q90393811 | Introducing "best single template" models as reference baseline for the Continuous Automated Model Evaluation (CAMEO) |
Q44862616 | Introducing folding stability into the score function for computational design of RNA-binding peptides boosts the probability of success |
Q27667224 | Introduction of a disulfide bond leads to stabilization and crystallization of a ricin immunogen |
Q46166584 | Intron/exon structure of the human gene for the muscle isozyme of glycogen phosphorylase |
Q44990288 | Intuitive, but not simple: including explicit water molecules in protein-protein docking simulations improves model quality. |
Q27643968 | Invariance of the zinc finger module: a comparison of the free structure with those in nucleic-acid complexes |
Q59210376 | Invariant Ser211 is involved in the catalysis of PD-L4, type I RIP from Phytolacca dioica leaves |
Q47554413 | Investigating Energy-Based Pool Structure Selection in the Structure Ensemble Modeling with Experimental Distance Constraints: The Example from a Multi-Domain Protein Pub1. |
Q77386266 | Investigating a back door mechanism of actin phosphate release by steered molecular dynamics |
Q96585349 | Investigating dual Ca2+ modulation of the ryanodine receptor 1 by molecular dynamics simulation |
Q91076218 | Investigating role of conformational changes of microtubule in regulating its binding affinity to kinesin by all-atom molecular dynamics simulation |
Q27653170 | Investigating the binding of beta-1,4-galactan to Bacillus licheniformis beta-1,4-galactanase by crystallography and computational modeling |
Q47547727 | Investigating the effect of key mutations on the conformational dynamics of Toll-like receptor dimers through molecular dynamics simulations and protein structure networks |
Q38683377 | Investigating the inter-subunit/subdomain interactions and motions relevant to disease mutations in the N-terminal domain of ryanodine receptors by molecular dynamics simulation |
Q42409589 | Investigating the linkage between disease-causing amino acid variants and their effect on protein stability and binding |
Q30456752 | Investigating the mutation resistance of nonnucleoside inhibitors of HIV-RT using multiple microsecond atomistic simulations |
Q91163110 | Investigating the stability of dengue virus envelope protein dimer using well-tempered metadynamics simulations |
Q41596452 | Investigating the structural dynamics of the PIEZO1 channel activation and inactivation by coarse-grained modeling |
Q38299971 | Investigating the structural stability of the Tup1-interaction domain of Ssn6: evidence for a conformational change on the complex. |
Q30332014 | Investigating the ultrastructure of fibrous long spacing collagen by parallel atomic force and transmission electron microscopy. |
Q44855337 | Investigation of glucose binding sites on insulin |
Q47367719 | Investigation of molecular size of transcription factor TFIIE in solution. |
Q52340739 | Investigation of the folding pathway of the TEM-1 beta-lactamase |
Q38324015 | Investigation of the function of mutated cellulose-binding domains of Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase I |
Q57843045 | Investigation of the functional interplay between the primary site and the subsite of RNase T1: Kinetic analysis of single and multiple mutants for modified substrates |
Q44544336 | Investigation of the induced-fit mechanism and catalytic activity of the human cytomegalovirus protease homodimer via molecular dynamics simulations |
Q30375050 | Investigation of the molecular similarity in closely related protein systems: The PrP case study. |
Q57831465 | Investigation of transcription factor Ndt80 affinity differences for wild type and mutant DNA: A molecular dynamics study |
Q46938187 | Involvement of disulfide bonds and histidine 172 in a unique beta-sheet to alpha-helix transition of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein at the biomembrane interface |
Q41652149 | In‐cell protein NMR and protein leakage |
Q46982745 | Ion exclusion mechanism in aquaporin at an atomistic level |
Q52378782 | Ion pair formation involving methylated lysine side chains: a theoretical study |
Q51649750 | Ion pair formation of phosphorylated amino acids and lysine and arginine side chains: a theoretical study |
Q63214351 | Ion pairs and their role in modulating stability of cold- and warm-active uracil DNA glycosylase |
Q68697910 | Ion pairs in alpha helices |
Q44242207 | Ion permeation through the gramicidin channel: atomically detailed modeling by the Stochastic Difference Equation |
Q45039438 | Ion transit pathways and gating in ClC chloride channels |
Q73864352 | Ion-induced conformational and stability changes in Nereis sarcoplasmic calcium binding protein: evidence that the APO state is a molten globule |
Q58413098 | Ionic network at the C-terminus of the ?-glycosidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeonSulfolobus solfataricus: Functional role in the quaternary structure thermal stabilization |
Q35229574 | Ionic strength dependence of F‐actin and glycolytic enzyme associations: A Brownian dynamics simulations approach |
Q57904261 | Ionization Behavior of Acidic Residues in Calbindin D9k |
Q30322874 | Ionization behavior of acidic residues in calbindin D(9k). |
Q47596290 | Irreversible formation of intermediate BSA oligomers requires and induces conformational changes |
Q43238277 | Is Asp-His-Ser/Thr-Trp tetrad hydrogen-bond network important to WD40-repeat proteins: a statistical and theoretical study |
Q35894622 | Is allostery an intrinsic property of all dynamic proteins? |
Q73134818 | Is cyanate a carbonic anhydrase substrate? |
Q44855342 | Is histoaspartic protease a serine protease with a pepsin-like fold? |
Q52066244 | Is it a paradox or misinterpretation? |
Q53214167 | Is the binding of beta-amyloid protein to antichymotrypsin in Alzheimer plaques mediated by a beta-strand insertion? |
Q27685370 | Is the bovine lysosomal phospholipase B-like protein an amidase? |
Q74093201 | Is the molten globule a third thermodynamic state of protein? The example of α-lactalbumin |
Q82451701 | Is the prediction of pKavalues by constant‐pH molecular dynamics being hindered by inherited problems? |
Q44745626 | Is there a weak H-bond --> LBHB transition on tetrahedral complex formation in serine proteases? |
Q46650397 | Is there nascent structure in the intrinsically disordered region of troponin I? |
Q52696012 | Isoform-specific variation in the intrinsic disorder of the ecdysteroid receptor N-terminal domain |
Q45964612 | Isoform-specific variation in the intrinsic disorder of troponin I. |
Q45141440 | Isolation and analysis of arc repressor mutants: evidence for an unusual mechanism of DNA binding |
Q46488478 | Isolation and characterization of native human renin derived from Chinese hamster ovary cells |
Q27666733 | Isolation, kinetic analysis, and structural characterization of an antibody targeting the Bacillus anthracis major spore surface protein BclA |
Q72589792 | Isotope effects in peptide group hydrogen exchange |
Q126290317 | Issue Information ‐ Forthcoming |
Q45159481 | Issues in high-throughput comparative modelling: a case study using the ubiquitin E2 conjugating enzymes |
Q30496342 | Iterative cluster-NMA: A tool for generating conformational transitions in proteins |
Q51550360 | KFC2: A knowledge‐based hot spot prediction method based on interface solvation, atomic density, and plasticity features |
Q28646973 | Key challenges for the creation and maintenance of specialist protein resources |
Q41669208 | Key mutations stabilize antigen-binding conformation during affinity maturation of a broadly neutralizing influenza antibody lineage |
Q33180488 | Key residues approach to the definition of protein families and analysis of sparse family signatures |
Q105099846 | Key residues approach to the definition of protein families and analysis of sparse family signatures |
Q44195807 | Kinase inhibitors and the case for CH...O hydrogen bonds in protein-ligand binding |
Q36218605 | Kinesin tail domains are intrinsically disordered. |
Q81230771 | Kinetic analysis of molecular dynamics simulations reveals changes in the denatured state and switch of folding pathways upon single-point mutation of a beta-sheet miniprotein |
Q62666988 | Kinetic analysis of the interaction between the QutA and QutR transcription-regulating proteins |
Q33479643 | Kinetic and binding effects in peptide substrate selectivity of matrix metalloproteinase-2: Molecular dynamics and QM/MM calculations |
Q46750678 | Kinetic and crystallographic studies of glucopyranose spirohydantoin and glucopyranosylamine analogs inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase. |
Q57752568 | Kinetic and structural properties of inorganic pyrophosphatase from the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori |
Q27648882 | Kinetic and structural properties of triosephosphate isomerase from Helicobacter pylori |
Q54773800 | Kinetic characterization of early intermediates in the folding of E. coli tryptophan-synthase beta 2 subunit. |
Q52133639 | Kinetic characterization of the interaction of the Z-fragment of protein A with mouse-IgG3 in a volume in chemical space |
Q30010189 | Kinetic consequences of native state optimization of surface-exposed electrostatic interactions in the Fyn SH3 domain |
Q70980712 | Kinetic folding and unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease and its six mutants studied by stopped-flow circular dichroism |
Q73883517 | Kinetic nonoptimality and vibrational stability of proteins |
Q46105819 | Kinetic steps for alpha-helix formation |
Q72200787 | Kinetic study on myoglobin refolding monitored by five optical probe stopped-flow methods |
Q30157902 | Kinetically driven refolding of the hyperstable EBNA1 origin DNA-binding dimeric beta-barrel domain into amyloid-like spherical oligomers |
Q77669697 | Kinetics and interaction studies between cytochrome c3 and Fe-only hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough |
Q46068436 | Kinetics and thermodynamics of gas diffusion in a NiFe hydrogenase |
Q44379452 | Kinetics of cytochrome C folding: atomically detailed simulations |
Q45039432 | Kinetics of folding and unfolding of goat alpha-lactalbumin |
Q89915402 | Kinetics of pH-dependent interactions between PD-1 and PD-L1 immune checkpoint proteins from molecular dynamics |
Q87726705 | Kinetics of protein fibrillation controlled by fibril elongation |
Q38337597 | Kinetics, in silico docking, molecular dynamics, and MM‐GBSA binding studies on prototype indirubins, KT5720, and staurosporine as phosphorylase kinase ATP‐binding site inhibitors: The role of water molecules examined |
Q30322116 | Knowledge-based interaction potentials for proteins. |
Q73427996 | Knowledge-based modeling of a bacterial dichloromethane dehalogenase |
Q59312602 | Knowledge-based modeling of theD-lactate dehydrogenase three-dimensional structure |
Q29547838 | Knowledge-based protein secondary structure assignment |
Q40377577 | Knowledge-based voting algorithm for automated protein functional annotation |
Q52340706 | LINUS: a hierarchic procedure to predict the fold of a protein |
Q33863846 | LabCaS: labeling calpain substrate cleavage sites from amino acid sequence using conditional random fields |
Q27635351 | Lactoferrin-melanin interaction and its possible implications in melanin polymerization: crystal structure of the complex formed between mare lactoferrin and melanin monomers at 2.7-A resolution |
Q52019786 | Large contact surface interactions between proteins detected by time series analysis methods: case study on C-phycocyanins |
Q73025524 | Large contributions of coupled protonation equilibria to the observed enthalpy and heat capacity changes for ssDNA binding to Escherichia coli SSB protein |
Q57091182 | Large differences are observed between the crystal and solution quaternary structures of allosteric aspartate transcarbamylase in the R state |
Q51602853 | Large loop conformation sampling using the activation relaxation technique, ART-nouveau method |
Q41308079 | Large oligomeric complex structures can be computationally assembled by efficiently combining docked interfaces |
Q48127175 | Large scale ab initio modelling of structurally uncharacterized antimicrobial peptides reveals known and novel folds |
Q51899750 | Large scale analysis of protein-binding cavities using self-organizing maps and wavelet-based surface patches to describe functional properties, selectivity discrimination, and putative cross-reactivity |
Q38509250 | Large-scale analysis of secondary structure changes in proteins suggests a role for disorder-to-order transitions in nucleotide binding proteins |
Q50936482 | Large-scale analysis of the dynamics of enzymes |
Q45944217 | Large-scale automated function prediction of protein sequences and an experimental case study validation on PTEN transcript variants. |
Q81433368 | Large-scale characteristics of the energy landscape in protein-protein interactions |
Q46972510 | Large-scale comparison of protein sequence alignment algorithms with structure alignments |
Q46244966 | Large-scale prediction of disulphide bridges using kernel methods, two-dimensional recursive neural networks, and weighted graph matching |
Q57444201 | Large-scale prediction of function shift in protein families with a focus on enzymatic function |
Q44491602 | Large-scale prediction of protein geometry and stability changes for arbitrary single point mutations |
Q58323028 | Large-scale purification and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of human aspartylglucosaminidase |
Q43525502 | Large-scale survey for potentially targetable indels in bacterial and protozoan proteins |
Q30393805 | Large‐scale comparison of protein essential dynamics from molecular dynamics simulations and coarse‐grained normal mode analyses |
Q81210075 | Lattice models, packing density, and Boltzmann-like distribution of cavities in proteins |
Q30328050 | Lattice protein folding with two and four-body statistical potentials. |
Q44932031 | Lattice simulations of cotranslational folding of single domain proteins |
Q30369016 | Lattices for ab initio protein structure prediction. |
Q91189840 | Learning a functional grammar of protein domains using natural language word embedding techniques |
Q30419136 | Learning about protein folding via potential functions |
Q43711450 | Learning about protein hydrogen bonding by minimizing contrastive divergence. |
Q52142055 | Learning effective amino acid interactions through iterative stochastic techniques. |
Q51609601 | Learning generative models for protein fold families |
Q46448828 | Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase activation by synthetic amphipathic peptides |
Q64911673 | Left-handed polyproline II helix formation is (very) locally driven. |
Q40909294 | Length distribution of CDRH3 in antibodies |
Q39324146 | Lessons from (co-)evolution in the docking of proteins and peptides for CAPRI Rounds 28-35. |
Q40823351 | Lethal mutations in the major homology region and their suppressors act by modulating the dimerization of the rous sarcoma virus capsid protein C‐terminal domain |
Q52610867 | Leukocyte integrin αLβ2 transmembrane association dynamics revealed by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q33290508 | Library of local descriptors models the core of proteins accurately |
Q34805228 | Ligand binding and dynamics of the monomeric epidermal growth factor receptor ectodomain |
Q91793230 | Ligand nanovectorization using graphene to target cellular death receptors of cancer cell |
Q30489539 | Ligand preference and orientation in b- and c-type heme-binding proteins |
Q52214239 | Ligand solvation in molecular docking |
Q44195805 | Ligand specificity and ligand-induced conformational change in gal repressor |
Q44685771 | Ligand unbinding from the estrogen receptor: a computational study of pathways and ligand specificity |
Q46671657 | Ligand-based protein alignment and isozyme specificity of glutathione S-transferase inhibitors |
Q56877641 | Ligand-induced dynamical regulation of NO conversion in Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin-N |
Q42660634 | Ligand-induced fit in mycobacterial MabA: the sequence-specific C-terminus locks the conformational change |
Q52890990 | Ligand-induced formation of transient dimers of mammalian 12/15-lipoxygenase: a key to allosteric behavior of this class of enzymes? |
Q104618319 | Ligand-induced transition in conformations of vicinal cysteine disulfides in proteins |
Q96290019 | Ligand-protein interactions in lysozyme investigated through a dual-resolution model |
Q43558049 | Ligand-protein inverse docking and its potential use in the computer search of protein targets of a small molecule |
Q79223169 | Ligand-supported homology modeling of the human angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor: insights into the molecular determinants of telmisartan binding |
Q81481787 | Limited validity of group additivity for the folding energetics of the peptide group |
Q41104358 | Limits on alpha-helix prediction with neural network models |
Q34050401 | Linear extrapolation method of analyzing solvent denaturation curves |
Q74615900 | Linear programming optimization and a double statistical filter for protein threading protocols |
Q45070176 | Linear response theory: an alternative to PB and GB methods for the analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories? |
Q33232121 | Linker chains of the gigantic hemoglobin of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris: primary structures of linkers L2, L3, and L4 and analysis of the connectivity of the disulfide bonds in linker L1. |
Q36075396 | Linking tumor cell cytotoxicity to mechanism of drug action: an integrated analysis of gene expression, small-molecule screening and structural databases |
Q45852371 | Lipid A from lipopolysaccharide recognition: structure, dynamics and cooperativity by molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q46814799 | Lipid membrane templates the ordering and induces the fibrillogenesis of Alzheimer's disease amyloid-beta peptide |
Q30363926 | Lipid nanotechnologies for structural studies of membrane-associated proteins |
Q30850744 | Lipid-associated aggregate formation of superoxide dismutase-1 is initiated by membrane-targeting loops |
Q46534332 | Lipophobicity and the residue environments of the transmembrane alpha-helical bundle |
Q57015034 | Lipoprotein lipase: A bioinformatics criterion for assessment of mutations as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease |
Q27642889 | Lipoxygenase interactions with natural flavonoid, quercetin, reveal a complex with protocatechuic acid in its X-ray structure at 2.1 A resolution |
Q30329580 | LiveBench-2: large-scale automated evaluation of protein structure prediction servers. |
Q30336308 | LiveBench-6: large-scale automated evaluation of protein structure prediction servers. |
Q56877450 | Lobster enolase crystallized by serendipity |
Q30373443 | Local descriptors of protein structure: a systematic analysis of the sequence-structure relationship in proteins using short- and long-range interactions |
Q30331169 | Local energy landscape flattening: parallel hyperbolic Monte Carlo sampling of protein folding. |
Q83341005 | Local feature analysis: a statistical theory for reproducible essential dynamics of large macromolecules |
Q30428832 | Local interactions and the optimization of protein folding |
Q51903851 | Local interactions in protein folding determined through an inverse folding model |
Q58042910 | Local interactions in protein folding determined through an inverse folding model |
Q53017556 | Local motions in a benchmark of allosteric proteins |
Q52330897 | Local moves: an efficient algorithm for simulation of protein folding |
Q44322001 | Local protein unfolding and pathogenesis of polyglutamine-expansion diseases |
Q87167117 | Local sequence of protein β-strands influences twist and bend angles |
Q47694030 | Local-scale repetitiveness in amino acid use in eukaryote protein sequences: a genomic factor in protein evolution |
Q52392511 | Localization of hydrogen-bonds within modules in barnase |
Q27628951 | Localization of the C-terminus of rat glutathione S-transferase A1-1: crystal structure of mutants W21F and W21F/F220Y |
Q46080127 | Locally defined protein phylogenetic profiles reveal previously missed protein interactions and functional relationships |
Q27621096 | Locating interaction sites on proteins: the crystal structure of thermolysin soaked in 2% to 100% isopropanol |
Q30358933 | Locating missing water molecules in protein cavities by the three-dimensional reference interaction site model theory of molecular solvation. |
Q61836416 | Locating the active sites of enzymes using mechanical properties |
Q47867085 | Locating the stabilizing residues in (alpha/beta)8 barrel proteins based on hydrophobicity, long-range interactions, and sequence conservation |
Q35574706 | Long dynamics simulations of proteins using atomistic force fields and a continuum representation of solvent effects: calculation of structural and dynamic properties |
Q51934735 | Long loop prediction using the protein local optimization program |
Q47632010 | Long timestep dynamics of peptides by the dynamics driver approach |
Q78627282 | Long- and short-range interactions in native protein structures are consistent/minimally frustrated in sequence space |
Q35791084 | Longer simulations sample larger subspaces of conformations while maintaining robust mechanisms of motion |
Q41875634 | Loop modeling: Sampling, filtering, and scoring |
Q49084735 | Loop prediction for a GPCR homology model: Algorithms and results |
Q80380695 | Loop-closure events during protein folding: rationalizing the shape of Phi-value distributions |
Q48406515 | Loss of intramolecular electrostatic interactions and limited conformational ensemble may promote self-association of cis-tau peptide |
Q73427985 | Loss of translational entropy in binding, folding, and catalysis |
Q44713138 | Loss of translational entropy in molecular associations |
Q52680163 | Low pressure-induced secondary structure transitions of regenerated silk fibroin in its wet film studied by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy. |
Q30158062 | Low-throughput model design of protein folding inhibitors. |
Q43027594 | Lower kinetic limit to protein thermal stability: a proposal regarding protein stability in vivo and its relation with misfolding diseases |
Q46668369 | Lysine carboxylation in proteins: OXA-10 beta-lactamase |
Q104474642 | Lysine-Arginine Advanced Glycation End-Product Cross-links and the Effect on Collagen Structure: A Molecular Dynamics Study |
Q70397716 | Lysine/fibrin binding sites of kringles modeled after the structure of kringle 1 of prothrombin |
Q90516630 | Lysosomal acid lipase does not have a propeptide and should not be considered being a proprotein |
Q74054770 | M13 endopeptidases: New conserved motifs correlated with structure, and simultaneous phylogenetic occurrence of PHEX and the bony fish |
Q97554798 | M42 aminopeptidase catalytic site: the structural and functional role of a strictly conserved aspartate residue |
Q47844501 | MAAP: malarial adhesins and adhesin-like proteins predictor |
Q28286817 | MADAMM: a multistaged docking with an automated molecular modeling protocol |
Q53028808 | MALIDUP: a database of manually constructed structure alignments for duplicated domain pairs |
Q51532804 | MCCE analysis of the pKas of introduced buried acids and bases in staphylococcal nuclease |
Q52082500 | MCSS functionality maps for a flexible protein |
Q99203054 | MD Simulation Reveals Differential Binding of Cm(III) and Th(IV) with Serum Transferrin at Acidic pH |
Q67584048 | MD simulation of subtilisin BPN' in a crystal environment |
Q92954714 | MD simulations reveal alternate conformations of the oxyanion hole in the Zika virus NS2B/NS3 protease |
Q34188650 | MDockPP: A hierarchical approach for protein-protein docking and its application to CAPRI rounds 15-19 |
Q52033384 | MIAX: a new paradigm for modeling biomacromolecular interactions and complex formation in condensed phases |
Q43995264 | MINOES: a new approach to select a representative ensemble of structures in NMR studies of (partially) unfolded states. Application to Delta25-PYP. |
Q60218560 | MM/PBSA analysis of molecular dynamics simulations of bovine β-lactoglobulin: Free energy gradients in conformational transitions? |
Q30968423 | MOLE: a data management application based on a protein production data model |
Q30352079 | MOTOR: model assisted software for NMR structure determination. |
Q30372373 | MQAPsingle: A quasi single-model approach for estimation of the quality of individual protein structure models. |
Q80829064 | MSDsite: a database search and retrieval system for the analysis and viewing of bound ligands and active sites |
Q50421442 | MUFOLD-SS: New deep inception-inside-inception networks for protein secondary structure prediction. |
Q30408138 | MUFOLD-WQA: A new selective consensus method for quality assessment in protein structure prediction |
Q30382728 | MUFOLD: A new solution for protein 3D structure prediction |
Q31113169 | MULTIPROSPECTOR: an algorithm for the prediction of protein-protein interactions by multimeric threading |
Q39775057 | MUPRED: a tool for bridging the gap between template based methods and sequence profile based methods for protein secondary structure prediction |
Q51190031 | MUSTANG: a multiple structural alignment algorithm |
Q24646301 | MUSTER: Improving protein sequence profile-profile alignments by using multiple sources of structure information |
Q101054538 | Machine Learning-based Prediction of Enzyme Substrate Scope: Application to Bacterial Nitrilases |
Q90650346 | Machine learning techniques for protein function prediction |
Q78010849 | Macromolecular impurities and disorder in protein crystals |
Q38312613 | Magnetic resonance studies of the binding of oligonucleotide substrates to mutants of staphylococcal nuclease |
Q34434237 | Main-chain conformational tendencies of amino acids |
Q31913216 | Major differences in stability and dimerization properties of two chimeric mutants of human stefins |
Q60214177 | Major differences in stability and dimerization properties of two chimeric mutants of human stefins |
Q52223877 | Major structural determinants of transmembrane proteins identified by principal component analysis |
Q77751667 | Major subdomain rearrangement in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase simulated by molecular dynamics |
Q27636869 | Major venom allergen of yellow jackets, Ves v 5: structural characterization of a pathogenesis-related protein superfamily |
Q34351595 | Making optimal use of empirical energy functions: force-field parameterization in crystal space |
Q31018502 | Managing and mining protein crystallization data. |
Q30374170 | Manual classification strategies in the ECOD database. |
Q57970638 | Many residues in cytochromec populate alternative states under equilibrium conditions |
Q38290276 | Mapping alpha-helical induced folding within the intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain of the measles virus nucleoprotein by site-directed spin-labeling EPR spectroscopy |
Q45503208 | Mapping disease-related missense mutations in the immunoglobulin-like fold domain of lamin A/C reveals novel genotype-phenotype associations for laminopathies |
Q34420724 | Mapping mouse IL-13 binding regions using structure modeling, molecular docking, and high-density peptide microarray analysis |
Q41946244 | Mapping of ligand-binding cavities in proteins |
Q29039687 | Mapping pathways of allosteric communication in GroEL by analysis of correlated mutations |
Q46111888 | Mapping the accessibility of the disulfide crosslink network in the wool fiber cortex. |
Q32083062 | Mapping the active site of factor Xa by selective inhibitors: An NMR and MD study |
Q67255662 | Mapping the enzymatic active site of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A |
Q46127492 | Mapping the intramolecular signal transduction of G-protein coupled receptors |
Q44998316 | Markovian Backbone Negentropies: Molecular descriptors for protein research. I. Predicting protein stability in Arc repressor mutants |
Q31956679 | Mass spectrometric identification and microcharacterization of proteins from electrophoretic gels: strategies and applications |
Q31956695 | Mass spectrometric mapping of ion channel proteins (porins) and identification of their supramolecular membrane assembly |
Q34521360 | Mass spectrometrical verification of stomatin-like protein 2 (SLP-2) primary structure |
Q33289183 | Mass spectrometry analysis of HIV-1 Vif reveals an increase in ordered structure upon oligomerization in regions necessary for viral infectivity |
Q33221094 | Mass spectrometry identification of NASP binding partners in HeLa cells |
Q46106488 | Massive conformation change in the prion protein: Using dual-basin structure-based models to find misfolding pathways |
Q30379161 | Massive integration of diverse protein quality assessment methods to improve template based modeling in CASP11. |
Q46657761 | Mean field analysis of FKBP12 complexes with FK506 and rapamycin: Implications for a role of crystallographic water molecules in molecular recognition and specificity |
Q74177433 | Measured and calculated effects of mutations in bacteriophage T4 lysozyme on interactions in solution |
Q36871049 | Measurement of water–amide proton exchange rates in the denatured state of staphylococcal nuclease by a magnetization transfer technique |
Q30343829 | Measurements of protein sequence-structure correlations. |
Q44365446 | Measures for the assessment of fuzzy predictions of protein secondary structure |
Q57444431 | Measures of threading specificity and accuracy |
Q74252589 | Measures of threading specificity and accuracy |
Q39472349 | Measuring the successes and deficiencies of constant pH molecular dynamics: a blind prediction study |
Q30176556 | Mechanical property of a TIM-barrel protein |
Q37163199 | Mechanical stability and differentially conserved physical-chemical properties of titin Ig-domains |
Q83782512 | Mechanical stability of multidomain proteins and novel mechanical clamps |
Q83003864 | Mechanical unfolding pathway and origin of mechanical stability of proteins of ubiquitin family: an investigation by steered molecular dynamics simulation |
Q36823266 | Mechanism and rate constants of the Cdc42 GTPase binding with intrinsically disordered effectors |
Q27652354 | Mechanism for multiple-substrates recognition of alpha-aminoadipate aminotransferase from Thermus thermophilus |
Q34266155 | Mechanism for the alpha-helix to beta-hairpin transition |
Q89309727 | Mechanism for verification of mismatched and homoduplex DNAs by nucleotides-bound MutS analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q57206145 | Mechanism of NAD(P)H:Quinone reductase: Ab initio studies of reduced flavin |
Q43599714 | Mechanism of NAD(P)H:quinone reductase: Ab initio studies of reduced flavin |
Q30387043 | Mechanism of allosteric propagation across a β-sheet structure investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q33393750 | Mechanism of formation of the C-terminal beta-hairpin of the B3 domain of the immunoglobulin binding protein G from Streptococcus. I. Importance of hydrophobic interactions in stabilization of beta-hairpin structure |
Q42133852 | Mechanism of formation of the C-terminal beta-hairpin of the B3 domain of the immunoglobulin binding protein G from Streptococcus. II. Interplay of local backbone conformational dynamics and long-range hydrophobic interactions in hairpin formation |
Q42121452 | Mechanism of formation of the C-terminal beta-hairpin of the B3 domain of the immunoglobulin binding protein G from Streptococcus. III. Dynamics of long-range hydrophobic interactions |
Q80660538 | Mechanism of induced folding: Both folding before binding and binding before folding can be realized in staphylococcal nuclease mutants |
Q46794953 | Mechanism of inhibition of wt-dihydrofolate reductase from E. coli by tea epigallocatechin-gallate |
Q30168709 | Mechanism of protein folding |
Q68085499 | Mechanism of protein folding: I. General considerations and refolding of myoglobin |
Q83677152 | Mechanism of reactant and product dissociation from the anthrax edema factor: a locally enhanced sampling and steered molecular dynamics study |
Q78010867 | Mechanism of substrate dephosphorylation in low Mr protein tyrosine phosphatase |
Q51553044 | Mechanisms for allosteric activation of protease DegS by ligand binding and oligomerization as revealed from molecular dynamics simulations |
Q79342159 | Mechanisms of guanosine triphosphate hydrolysis by Ras and Ras-GAP proteins as rationalized by ab initio QM/MM simulations |
Q41668610 | Mechanisms of signaling and related enzymes |
Q79737563 | Mechanistic events underlying odorant binding protein chemoreception |
Q52612340 | Mechanistic insight of photo-induced aggregation of chicken egg white lysozyme: the interplay between hydrophobic interactions and formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds |
Q45846360 | Mechanistic insights into Pin1 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerization from umbrella sampling simulations |
Q33300264 | Mechanistic insights into the inhibition of prostate specific antigen by beta-lactam class compounds |
Q84248142 | Mechanistic role of NS4A and substrate in the activation of HCV NS3 protease |
Q41143699 | Mechanistic studies of the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter |
Q44817534 | Melittin as model system for probing interactions between proteins and cyclodextrins |
Q24603721 | Membrane insertion of the FYVE domain is modulated by pH |
Q80867947 | Membrane-bound structure and energetics of alpha-synuclein |
Q51853796 | Merging chemical and biological space: Structural mapping of enzyme binding pocket space |
Q45397837 | Metal binding sites of human H‐chain ferritin and iron transport mechanism to the ferroxidase sites: A molecular dynamics simulation study |
Q54686771 | Metal ion stabilization of the conformation of a recombinant 19‐kDa catalytic fragment of human fibroblast collagenase |
Q70581313 | Metal poison inhibition of carbonic anhydrase |
Q70980741 | Metal search: a computer program that helps design tetrahedral metal-binding sites |
Q44745618 | Metal-Induced reversible structural interconversion of human mitochondrial NAD(P)+-dependent malic enzyme. |
Q30367299 | Method for comparing the structures of protein ligand-binding sites and application for predicting protein-drug interactions. |
Q30373197 | Method for identification of rigid domains and hinge residues in proteins based on exhaustive enumeration. |
Q41679805 | Methodology for protein-ligand binding studies: application to a model for drug resistance, the HIV/FIV protease system |
Q45945240 | Methods for estimation of model accuracy in CASP12. |
Q30378820 | Methods of model accuracy estimation can help selecting the best models from decoy sets: Assessment of model accuracy estimations in CASP11 |
Q81508072 | Methyl dynamics for understanding hydrophobic core packing of dynamically different motifs of double-stranded RNA binding domain of protein kinase R |
Q27648762 | Methylene substitution at the alpha-beta bridging position within the phosphate chain of dUDP profoundly perturbs ligand accommodation into the dUTPase active site |
Q42183669 | Methyltransferases do not work by compression, cratic, or desolvation effects, but by electrostatic preorganization |
Q68188222 | Michaelis complexes of porcine pancreatic elastase with 7-[(alkylcarbamoyl)amino]-4-chloro-3-ethoxyisocoumarins: translational sampling of inhibitor position and kinetic measurements |
Q42623585 | Microbial genomes have over 72% structure assignment by the threading algorithm PROSPECTOR_Q. |
Q68513082 | Microfolding: Conformational probability map for the alanine dipeptide in water from molecular dynamics simulations |
Q51318577 | Microscopic mechanisms that govern the titration response and pKa values of buried residues in staphylococcal nuclease mutants |
Q38988816 | Microsecond simulations of mdm2 and its complex with p53 yield insight into force field accuracy and conformational dynamics. |
Q36501036 | Microsecond simulations of the folding/unfolding thermodynamics of the Trp-cage miniprotein. |
Q45784548 | Microtube batch protein crystallization: applications to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) protease and human renin |
Q86868220 | Microtubules dual chemo and thermo-responsive depolymerization |
Q114234883 | Milestoning simulation of ligand dissociation from the glycogen synthase kinase 3β |
Q52309231 | Mimicking a p53-MDM2 interaction based on a stable immunoglobulin-like domain scaffold |
Q34192586 | Mimicking the action of folding chaperones by Hamiltonian replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations: application in the refinement of de novo models |
Q104583367 | Mind the GAP: Purification and characterization of urea resistant GAPDH during extreme dehydration |
Q30409794 | Minimal ensembles of side chain conformers for modeling protein-protein interactions |
Q73182194 | Minimal model for studying prion-like folding pathways |
Q46813701 | Minimal structural requirements for root effect: crystal structure of the cathodic hemoglobin isolated from the antarctic fish Trematomus newnesi |
Q81242966 | Minimal surface as a model of beta-sheets |
Q83365562 | Minimizing false positives in kinase virtual screens |
Q58847196 | Minimum model for the α-helix-β-hairpin transition in proteins |
Q57795080 | Misfolding of the amyloid β-protein: A molecular dynamics study |
Q43014946 | Missense mutations in transmembrane domains of proteins: phenotypic propensity of polar residues for human disease |
Q46255143 | Misunderstanding the preorganization concept can lead to confusions about the origin of enzyme catalysis |
Q51320385 | Miz-1 and Max compete to engage c-Myc: implication for the mechanism of inhibition of c-Myc transcriptional activity by Miz-1. |
Q81388894 | Mn/Fe superoxide dismutase interaction fingerprints and prediction of oligomerization and metal cofactor from sequence |
Q87542947 | Mode coupling points to functionally important residues in myosin II |
Q52360157 | Model assembly study of the ligand binding by p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase: correlation between the calculated binding energies and the experimental dissociation constants |
Q30323142 | Model building by comparison at CASP3: using expert knowledge and computer automation. |
Q30429631 | Model building by comparison: a combination of expert knowledge and computer automation. |
Q87238479 | Model for the allosteric regulation of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NCX |
Q68837129 | Model for the interaction of amphiphilic helices with troponin C and calmodulin |
Q28206585 | Model for the three-dimensional structure of vitronectin: predictions for the multi-domain protein from threading and docking |
Q69841953 | Model of a complex between the tetrahemic cytochrome c3 and the ferredoxin I from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (Norway strain) |
Q31913246 | Model of the 3-D structure of the GLUT3 glucose transporter and molecular dynamics simulation of glucose transport |
Q42680177 | Model of the alphaLbeta2 integrin I-domain/ICAM-1 DI interface suggests that subtle changes in loop orientation determine ligand specificity |
Q43676067 | Model of three-dimensional structure of vitamin D receptor and its binding mechanism with 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3). |
Q30373255 | Model quality assessment using distance constraints from alignments. |
Q43027844 | Model-free analysis of a thermophilic Fe(7)S(8) protein compared with a mesophilic Fe(4)S(4) protein |
Q58619182 | Model-free analysis of a thermophilic Fe7S8 protein compared with a mesophilic Fe4S4 protein |
Q73205389 | Model-free methods of analyzing domain motions in proteins from simulation: a comparison of normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics simulation of lysozyme |
Q47804972 | Modeling CAPRI targets 110-120 by template-based and free docking using contact potential and combined scoring function. |
Q43269858 | Modeling G protein-coupled receptors for structure-based drug discovery using low-frequency normal modes for refinement of homology models: application to H3 antagonists |
Q53437310 | Modeling GPCR active state conformations: The β2‐adrenergic receptor |
Q118958808 | Modeling SARS-CoV-2 proteins in the CASP-commons experiment |
Q78675892 | Modeling alpha-helical coiled-coil interactions: the axial and azimuthal alignment of 1B segments from vimentin intermediate filaments |
Q38301628 | Modeling and analysis of molecularinteraction between Smurf1-WW2 domain and various isoforms of LIM mineralization protein |
Q46991259 | Modeling and functional analysis of AEBP1, a transcriptional repressor |
Q48960371 | Modeling and minimizing CAPRI round 30 symmetrical protein complexes from CASP-11 structural models |
Q30159971 | Modeling and simulations of a bacterial outer membrane protein: OprF from Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Q92349990 | Modeling beta-sheet peptide-protein interactions: Rosetta FlexPepDock in CAPRI rounds 38-45 |
Q50562576 | Modeling complexes of modeled proteins |
Q44140902 | Modeling conformational change in macromolecules as an elastic deformation |
Q92554685 | Modeling conformational flexibility of kinases in inactive states |
Q50802091 | Modeling conformational redox-switch modulation of human succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase |
Q45039418 | Modeling correlated main-chain motions in proteins for flexible molecular recognition |
Q44898284 | Modeling effects of mutations in coiled-coil structures: case study using epidermolysis bullosa simplex mutations in segment 1a of K5/K14 intermediate filaments |
Q51900428 | Modeling ensembles of transmembrane beta-barrel proteins |
Q40927134 | Modeling evolution of hydrogen bonding and stabilization of transition states in the process of cocaine hydrolysis catalyzed by human butyrylcholinesterase |
Q57135724 | Modeling implicit reorganization in continuum descriptions of protein-protein interactions |
Q51986757 | Modeling loop reorganization free energies of acetylcholinesterase: a comparison of explicit and implicit solvent models |
Q52416614 | Modeling microdomains: the surface area of globin helices |
Q39352554 | Modeling oblong proteins and water-mediated interfaces with RosettaDock in CAPRI rounds 28-35. |
Q40950808 | Modeling of a five-stranded coiled coil structure for the assembly domain of the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein |
Q74631429 | Modeling of acanthoxin A1, a PLA2 enzyme from the venom of the common death adder (Acanthophis antarcticus) |
Q68079018 | Modeling of agonist binding to the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily of receptors |
Q71774348 | Modeling of halorhodopsin and rhodopsin based on bacteriorhodopsin |
Q52244720 | Modeling of inhibitor–metalloenzyme interactions and selectivity using molecular mechanics grounded in quantum chemistry |
Q73521264 | Modeling of ion permeation in calcium and sodium channel selectivity filters |
Q30366129 | Modeling of metal interaction geometries for protein-ligand docking. |
Q40643073 | Modeling of peptides connecting the ligand-binding and transmembrane domains in the GluR2 glutamate receptor. |
Q47804826 | Modeling of protein complexes in CAPRI Round 37 using template-based approach combined with model selection. |
Q58489158 | Modeling of protein interactions in genomes |
Q74054756 | Modeling of protein interactions in genomes |
Q71856538 | Modeling of serpin-protease complexes: antithrombin-thrombin, alpha 1-antitrypsin (358Met-->Arg)-thrombin, alpha 1-antitrypsin (358Met-->Arg)-trypsin, and antitrypsin-elastase |
Q67562106 | Modeling of substrate and inhibitor binding to phospholipase A2 |
Q68091115 | Modeling of the human intercellular adhesion molecule-1, the human rhinovirus major group receptor |
Q46345012 | Modeling of the metallo-beta-lactamase from B. fragilis: structural and dynamic effects of inhibitor binding. |
Q51970536 | Modeling oligomers with Cn or Dn symmetry: application to CAPRI target 10. |
Q92454873 | Modeling post-translational modifications and cancer-associated mutations that impact the heterochromatin protein 1α-importin α heterodimers |
Q47566911 | Modeling protein assemblies: Critical Assessment of Predicted Interactions (CAPRI) 15 years hence.: 6TH CAPRI evaluation meeting April 17-19 Tel-Aviv, Israel |
Q52015271 | Modeling protein complexes with BiGGER. |
Q51934987 | Modeling protein conformational ensembles: from missing loops to equilibrium fluctuations. |
Q74015793 | Modeling protein density of states: additive hydrophobic effects are insufficient for calorimetric two-state cooperativity |
Q89796250 | Modeling protein interactions and complexes in CAPRI: Seventh CAPRI evaluation meeting, April 3-5 EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK |
Q36185366 | Modeling protein recognition of carbohydrates |
Q39172517 | Modeling protein-protein and protein-peptide complexes: CAPRI 6th edition |
Q92318885 | Modeling protein-protein, protein-peptide, and protein-oligosaccharide complexes: CAPRI 7th edition |
Q84594092 | Modeling reaction routes from rhodopsin to bathorhodopsin |
Q51970532 | Modeling side-chains using molecular dynamics improve recognition of binding region in CAPRI targets |
Q30341350 | Modeling structurally variable regions in homologous proteins with rosetta. |
Q33304501 | Modeling the accessible conformations of the intrinsically unstructured transactivation domain of p53. |
Q46604797 | Modeling the anti-CEA antibody combining site by homology and conformational search |
Q46109010 | Modeling the biochemical differences between rabbit muscle and human liver phosphorylase |
Q48036962 | Modeling the interaction between aldolase and the thrombospondin-related anonymous protein, a key connection of the malaria parasite invasion machinery |
Q30428829 | Modeling the paramyxovirus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein |
Q42951624 | Modeling the possible conformations of the extracellular loops in G-protein-coupled receptors |
Q52348356 | Modeling the quinone-B binding site of the photosystem-II reaction center using notions of complementarity and contact-surface between atoms |
Q54085346 | Modeling the role of disulfide bonds in protein folding: Entropic barriers and pathways |
Q50945170 | Modeling the structure of mAb 14B7 bound to the anthrax protective antigen |
Q30327518 | Modeling the third loop of short-chain snake venom neurotoxins: roles of the short-range and long-range interactions. |
Q40553682 | Modeling three-dimensional protein structures for CASP5 using the 3D-SHOTGUN meta-predictors |
Q52141277 | Modeling three-dimensional protein structures for amino acid sequences of the CASP3 experiment using sequence-derived predictions |
Q46825707 | Modeling truncated hemoglobin vibrational dynamics |
Q27629207 | Modeling, mutagenesis, and structural studies on the fully conserved phosphate-binding loop (loop 8) of triosephosphate isomerase: toward a new substrate specificity |
Q41607225 | Modelling of factor Xa-inhibitor complexes: a computational flexible docking approach |
Q30159495 | Modelling of the ABL and ARG proteins predicts two functionally critical regions that are natively unfolded |
Q48001234 | Modelling repressor proteins docking to DNA. |
Q73233205 | Modelling the catalytic reaction in human aldose reductase |
Q30195745 | Modelling the three-dimensional structure and electrostatic potential field of the two Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase variants from Xenopus laevis. |
Q52505237 | Models of delta-hemolysin membrane channels and crystal structures |
Q30155996 | Models of membrane‐bound Alzheimer's Abeta peptide assemblies |
Q77142609 | Models of natural mutations including site heterogeneity |
Q91797647 | Modification of lactoferrin by peroxynitrite reduces its antibacterial activity and changes protein structure |
Q40648632 | Modifications to canonical structure sequence patterns: analysis for L1 and L3. |
Q41736267 | Modified genetic algorithm resolves ambiguous NOE restraints and reduces unsightly NOE violations |
Q46020528 | Modular coenzyme specificity: a domain-swopped chimera of glutamate dehydrogenase. |
Q30379187 | Modularity of intrinsic disorder in the human proteome. |
Q82452429 | Modulated nicking endonuclease function by the N‐terminal extended region of the smr domain in human Bcl‐3 binding protein |
Q30351986 | Modulating the folding stability and ligand binding affinity of Pin1 WW domain by proline ring puckering. |
Q72154717 | Modulation of DNA-binding specificity within the nuclear receptor family by substitutions at a single amino acid position |
Q98830084 | Modulation of GCSF Conformation and Receptor Binding by Methionine Oxidation |
Q35706925 | Modulation of HIV protease flexibility by the T80N mutation |
Q58112058 | Modulation of glucan-enzyme interactions by domain V in GTF-SI from Streptococcus mutans |
Q38299891 | Modulation of human cytidine deaminase by specific aminoacids involved in the intersubunit interactions |
Q37221295 | MolAxis: efficient and accurate identification of channels in macromolecules |
Q98937838 | Molecular Dynamics Analysis of The Binding of Human Interleukin-6 with Interleukin-6 α-Receptor |
Q101219650 | Molecular Dynamics Simulations Identify the Regions of Compromised Thermostability in SazCA |
Q30360596 | Molecular adaptation strategies to high temperature and thermal denaturation mechanism of the D-trehalose/D-maltose-binding protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus litoralis. |
Q91294615 | Molecular and structural bases of interaction between extracellular domains of nectin-2 and N-cadherin |
Q40533093 | Molecular aspects of the interaction between Mason-Pfizer monkey virus matrix protein and artificial phospholipid membrane. |
Q27652190 | Molecular basis for dimer formation of TRβ variant D355R |
Q27642891 | Molecular basis for redox-Bohr and cooperative effects in cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774: crystallographic and modeling studies of oxidized and reduced high-resolution structures at pH 7.6 |
Q52389865 | Molecular basis of cooperativity in protein folding. IV. CORE: a general cooperative folding model |
Q72867725 | Molecular basis of cooperativity in protein folding. V. Thermodynamic and structural conditions for the stabilization of compact denatured states |
Q90564501 | Molecular basis of drug resistance in smoothened receptor: An in silico study of protein resistivity and specificity |
Q51625612 | Molecular basis of inhibitory peptide maurotoxin recognizing Kv1.2 channel explored by ZDOCK and molecular dynamic simulations |
Q27676867 | Molecular basis of the fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase reaction of PFKFB3: Transition state and the C-terminal function |
Q30427366 | Molecular collapse: the rate-limiting step in two-state cytochrome c folding |
Q46551396 | Molecular damage in Fabry disease: characterization and prediction of alpha-galactosidase A pathological mutations |
Q51989293 | Molecular definitions of fatty acid hydroxylases in Arabidopsis thaliana |
Q47552574 | Molecular details of spontaneous insertion and interaction of HCV non-structure 3 protease protein domain with PIP2-containing membrane. |
Q40172670 | Molecular determinants of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase inhibition by hydroquinone-based compounds |
Q44179888 | Molecular determinants of thapsigargin binding by SERCA Ca2+-ATPase: a computational docking study |
Q57531358 | Molecular determinants of the ATP hydrolysis asymmetry of the CCT chaperonin complex |
Q27656001 | Molecular determinants of the pKa values of Asp and Glu residues in staphylococcal nuclease |
Q46770745 | Molecular docking of balanol to dynamics snapshots of protein kinase A. |
Q81230766 | Molecular docking study of the interactions between the thioesterase domain of human fatty acid synthase and its ligands |
Q52306147 | Molecular docking using surface complementarity |
Q38302828 | Molecular domain organization of BldD, an essential transcriptional regulator for developmental process of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). |
Q85281477 | Molecular dynamic studies on the impact of mutations on the structure, stability, and N-terminal orientation of annexin A1: implications for membrane aggregation |
Q30559805 | Molecular dynamics and accuracy of NMR structures: effects of error bounds and data removal |
Q68036476 | Molecular dynamics characterization of the active cavity of carboxypeptidase A and some of its inhibitor adducts |
Q57138607 | Molecular dynamics effects on protein electrostatics |
Q30371408 | Molecular dynamics guided study of salt bridge length dependence in both fluorinated and non-fluorinated parallel dimeric coiled-coils. |
Q90267310 | Molecular dynamics investigation of a redox switch in the anti-HIV protein SAMHD1 |
Q53323973 | Molecular dynamics investigation of the ionic liquid/enzyme interface: application to engineering enzyme surface charge |
Q84922890 | Molecular dynamics modeling of tubulin C-terminal tail interactions with the microtubule surface |
Q27667125 | Molecular dynamics of EF‐G during translocation |
Q68151703 | Molecular dynamics of HIV-1 protease |
Q43557768 | Molecular dynamics of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase indicates increased flexibility upon DNA binding |
Q30157532 | Molecular dynamics of amicyanin reveals a conserved dynamical core for blue copper proteins |
Q43245874 | Molecular dynamics of leucine and dopamine transporter proteins in a model cell membrane lipid bilayer |
Q39531209 | Molecular dynamics of mouse and Syrian hamster PrP: implications for activity |
Q33462407 | Molecular dynamics of the structural changes of helical peptides induced by pressure |
Q53455831 | Molecular dynamics of water and monovalent-ions transportation mechanisms of pentameric sarcolipin |
Q73594404 | Molecular dynamics simulation accurately predicts the experimentally-observed distributions of the (C, N, O) protein atoms around water molecules and sodium ions |
Q83365559 | Molecular dynamics simulation of Leishmania major surface metalloprotease GP63 (leishmanolysin) |
Q43670289 | Molecular dynamics simulation of PNPLA3 I148M polymorphism reveals reduced substrate access to the catalytic cavity |
Q84398083 | Molecular dynamics simulation of SRP GTPases: towards an understanding of the complex formation from equilibrium fluctuations |
Q82621430 | Molecular dynamics simulation of conformational heterogeneity in transportin 1 |
Q30596356 | Molecular dynamics simulation of hen egg white lysozyme: a test of the GROMOS96 force field against nuclear magnetic resonance data |
Q72061285 | Molecular dynamics simulation of hydration in myoglobin |
Q59576384 | Molecular dynamics simulation of solvated azurin: Correlation between surface solvent accessibility and water residence times |
Q38330299 | Molecular dynamics simulation of sucrose- and trehalose-coated carboxy-myoglobin |
Q46489552 | Molecular dynamics simulation of the acidic compact state of apomyoglobin from yellowfin tuna. |
Q57795191 | Molecular dynamics simulation of the aggregation of the core-recognition motif of the islet amyloid polypeptide in explicit water |
Q52375019 | Molecular dynamics simulation of the docking of substrates to proteins |
Q87374682 | Molecular dynamics simulation of the phosphorylation-induced conformational changes of a tau peptide fragment |
Q92029532 | Molecular dynamics simulation of tropomyosin bound to actins/myosin in the closed and open states |
Q60218551 | Molecular dynamics simulation of β2-microglobulin in denaturing and stabilizing conditions |
Q44296015 | Molecular dynamics simulation reveals a surface salt bridge forming a kinetic trap in unfolding of truncated Staphylococcal nuclease |
Q46971345 | Molecular dynamics simulation study for LRH-1: interaction with fragments of SHP and function of phospholipid ligand |
Q40333546 | Molecular dynamics simulation study of the "stay or leave" problem for two magnesium ions in gene transcription. |
Q47662738 | Molecular dynamics simulation, binding free energy calculation and unbinding pathway analysis on selectivity difference between FKBP51 and FKBP52: Insight into the molecular mechanism of isoform selectivity. |
Q41909739 | Molecular dynamics simulations and functional characterization of the interactions of the PAR2 ectodomain with factor VIIa |
Q54233905 | Molecular dynamics simulations elucidate the mode of protein recognition by Skp1 and the F-box domain in the SCF complex |
Q30157923 | Molecular dynamics simulations from putative transition states of alpha-spectrin SH3 domain |
Q85651656 | Molecular dynamics simulations indicate that tyrosineB10 limits motions of distal histidine to regulate CO binding in soybean leghemoglobin |
Q50923985 | Molecular dynamics simulations of HIV-1 protease monomer: Assembly of N-terminus and C-terminus into beta-sheet in water solution. |
Q80278826 | Molecular dynamics simulations of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c552: comparisons of the wild-type protein, a b-type variant, and the apo state |
Q46827745 | Molecular dynamics simulations of LysRS: an asymmetric state. |
Q73365503 | Molecular dynamics simulations of N-terminal peptides from a nucleotide binding protein |
Q74449646 | Molecular dynamics simulations of a double unit cell in a protein crystal: volume relaxation at constant pressure and correlation of motions between the two unit cells |
Q41895411 | Molecular dynamics simulations of a helicase |
Q30167944 | Molecular dynamics simulations of a highly charged peptide from an SH3 domain: possible sequence-function relationship |
Q30164798 | Molecular dynamics simulations of a protein model in uniform and elongational flows |
Q52360151 | Molecular dynamics simulations of alcohol dehydrogenase with a four- or five-coordinate catalytic zinc ion. |
Q48065730 | Molecular dynamics simulations of apo, holo, and inactivator bound GABA-at reveal the role of active site residues in PLP dependent enzymes |
Q52133674 | Molecular dynamics simulations of beta-hairpin folding |
Q42634253 | Molecular dynamics simulations of domain motions of substrate-free S-adenosyl- L-homocysteine hydrolase in solution |
Q52018275 | Molecular dynamics simulations of enhanced green fluorescent proteins: effects of F64L, S65T and T203Y mutations on the ground-state proton equilibria |
Q31966089 | Molecular dynamics simulations of epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-alpha structures in water |
Q46899110 | Molecular dynamics simulations of ethanol binding to the transmembrane domain of the glycine receptor: implications for the channel potentiation mechanism |
Q34310983 | Molecular dynamics simulations of galectin‐1‐oligosaccharide complexes reveal the molecular basis for ligand diversity |
Q52535439 | Molecular dynamics simulations of human alpha-lactalbumin: changes to the structural and dynamical properties of the protein at low pH. |
Q42647267 | Molecular dynamics simulations of human butyrylcholinesterase. |
Q77314243 | Molecular dynamics simulations of human carbonic anhydrase II: Insight into experimental results and the role of solvation |
Q78140806 | Molecular dynamics simulations of human glutathione transferase P1-1: analysis of the induced-fit mechanism by GSH binding |
Q78140812 | Molecular dynamics simulations of human glutathione transferase P1-1: conformational fluctuations of the apo-structure |
Q30770627 | Molecular dynamics simulations of peptides and proteins with a continuum electrostatic model based on screened Coulomb potentials. |
Q30887031 | Molecular dynamics simulations of peptides containing an unnatural amino acid: dimerization, folding, and protein binding |
Q78136342 | Molecular dynamics simulations of polypeptide conformations in water: A comparison of alpha, beta, and poly(pro)II conformations |
Q41810800 | Molecular dynamics simulations of ribonuclease T1: comparison of the free enzyme and the 2' GMP-enzyme complex |
Q36682552 | Molecular dynamics simulations of rubredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum: changes in structure and electrostatic potential during redox reactions |
Q47596399 | Molecular dynamics simulations of structural changes during procaspase 3 activation |
Q71543068 | Molecular dynamics simulations of synthetic peptide folding |
Q30560225 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the Ras:Raf and Rap:Raf complexes |
Q61644569 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the active matrix metalloproteinase-2: Positioning of the N-terminal fragment and binding of a small peptide substrate |
Q43956367 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the acyl-enzyme and the tetrahedral intermediate in the deacylation step of serine proteases |
Q50452706 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the auxin-binding protein 1 in complex with indole-3-acetic acid and naphthalen-1-acetic acid |
Q43694844 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the conformational changes of the glutamate receptor ligand-binding core in the presence of glutamate and kainate. |
Q31035927 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the cytochrome c3-rubredoxin complex from Desulfovibrio vulgaris |
Q83980840 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the hydrophobin SC3 at a hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface |
Q38548814 | Molecular dynamics simulations of transitions for ECD epidermal growth factor receptors show key differences between human and drosophila forms of the receptors. |
Q72635007 | Molecular dynamics simulations of trp apo- and holorepressors: domain structure and ligand-protein interaction |
Q47266895 | Molecular dynamics simulations on interaction between bacterial proteins: Implication on pathogenic activities. |
Q30399511 | Molecular dynamics simulations on networks of heparin and collagen. |
Q83782509 | Molecular dynamics simulations reveal structural coordination of Ffh‐FtsY heterodimer toward GTPase activation |
Q39038055 | Molecular dynamics simulations reveal structural insights into inhibitor binding modes and functionality in human Group IIA phospholipase A2. |
Q30353042 | Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that apo-HisJ can sample a closed conformation. |
Q91142570 | Molecular dynamics simulations to the bidirectional adhesion signaling pathway of integrin αV β3 |
Q53383110 | Molecular dynamics studies of hexamers of amyloid-beta peptide (16-35) and its mutants: influence of charge states on amyloid formation |
Q30652050 | Molecular dynamics studies of the energetics of translocation in model T7 RNA polymerase elongation complexes |
Q44324122 | Molecular dynamics studies on HIV-1 protease drug resistance and folding pathways |
Q72510988 | Molecular dynamics studies on mutants of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase: the functional role of charged residues in the electrostatic loop VII |
Q83003939 | Molecular dynamics studies on structure and dynamics of phospholamban monomer and pentamer in membranes |
Q30355077 | Molecular dynamics study of HIV-1 RT-DNA-nevirapine complexes explains NNRTI inhibition and resistance by connection mutations |
Q46794956 | Molecular dynamics study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin-II complexed with monosaccharides |
Q51945037 | Molecular dynamics study of a calmodulin-like protein with an IQ peptide: spontaneous refolding of the protein around the peptide |
Q77615161 | Molecular dynamics study of a hyperthermophilic and a mesophilic rubredoxin |
Q31996390 | Molecular dynamics study of calbindin D9k in the apo and singly and doubly calcium-loaded states |
Q50622453 | Molecular dynamics study of chemically engineered green fluorescent protein mutants: comparison of intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer rate |
Q79750721 | Molecular dynamics study of conformational changes in human serum albumin by binding of fatty acids |
Q77142603 | Molecular dynamics study of femtosecond events in photoactive yellow protein after photoexcitation of the chromophore |
Q71074630 | Molecular dynamics study of glucocorticoid receptor-DNA binding |
Q43167687 | Molecular dynamics study of interaction and substrate channeling between neuron-specific enolase and B-type phosphoglycerate mutase |
Q93196984 | Molecular dynamics study of interactions between polymorphic actin filaments and gelsolin segment-1 |
Q56997534 | Molecular dynamics study of onset of water gelation around the collagen triple helix |
Q52306162 | Molecular dynamics study of phospholipase A2 on a membrane surface |
Q68837137 | Molecular dynamics study of secondary structure motions in proteins: application to myohemerythrin |
Q84484847 | Molecular dynamics study of small molecule inhibitors of the Bcl‐2 family |
Q72890883 | Molecular dynamics study of structure and stability of a model coiled coil |
Q52224074 | Molecular dynamics study of the proposed beta-hairpin form of the switch domain from HIV1 gp120 alone and complexed with an inhibitor of CD4 binding |
Q57269351 | Molecular dynamics study of the stabilities of consensus designed ankyrin repeat proteins |
Q30350921 | Molecular dynamics study of water penetration in staphylococcal nuclease. |
Q30152917 | Molecular dynamics study on folding and allostery in RfaH. |
Q30351821 | Molecular dynamics study on the folding and metallation of the individual domains of metallothionein. |
Q43676069 | Molecular engineering of a polymer of tetrameric hemoglobins |
Q42914294 | Molecular function prediction for a family exhibiting evolutionary tendencies toward substrate specificity swapping: recurrence of tyrosine aminotransferase activity in the Iα subfamily |
Q24301390 | Molecular insight into substrate recognition by human cytosolic sialidase NEU2 |
Q36027178 | Molecular insights into substrate specificity of prostate specific antigen through structural modeling |
Q37968625 | Molecular interactions in protein crystals: solvent accessible surface and stability |
Q74527941 | Molecular mapping of thrombin-receptor interactions |
Q73598264 | Molecular mechanic study of nerve agentO-ethylS-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl]methylphosphonothioate (VX) bound to the active site ofTorpedo californica acetylcholinesterase |
Q58072092 | Molecular mechanics simulations of a conformational rearrangement ofD-xylose in the active site ofD-xylose isomerase |
Q39784629 | Molecular mechanism of allosteric communication in the human PPARalpha-RXRalpha heterodimer |
Q44482709 | Molecular mechanism of substrate specificity in the bacterial neutral amino acid transporter LeuT. |
Q85181911 | Molecular mechanism of β-sheet self-organization at water-hydrophobic interfaces |
Q36791136 | Molecular mechanisms and design principles for promiscuous inhibitors to avoid drug resistance: lessons learned from HIV-1 protease inhibition. |
Q73844958 | Molecular mechanisms of microheterogeneity-induced defect formation in ferritin crystallization |
Q46885324 | Molecular mechanisms of pH-driven conformational transitions of proteins: insights from continuum electrostatics calculations of acid unfolding |
Q71671452 | Molecular mechanisms of pressure induced conformational changes in BPTI |
Q46937887 | Molecular modeling and inhibitory activity of cowpea cystatin against bean bruchid pests |
Q40487987 | Molecular modeling and redesign of alginate lyase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa for accelerating CRPA biofilm degradation |
Q70980729 | Molecular modeling indicates that homodimers form the basis for intermediate filament assembly from human and mouse epidermal keratins |
Q68137858 | Molecular modeling of an antigenic complex between a viral peptide and a class I major histocompatibility glycoprotein |
Q46560918 | Molecular modeling of cardiac glycoside binding by the human sequence monoclonal antibody 1B3. |
Q57127563 | Molecular modeling of hair keratin/peptide complex: Using MM-PBSA calculations to describe experimental binding results |
Q56984897 | Molecular modeling of prohibitin domains |
Q44898273 | Molecular modeling of protein function regions. |
Q33895934 | Molecular modeling of substrate binding in wild-type and mutant Corynebacteria 2,5-diketo-D-gluconate reductases |
Q44237500 | Molecular modeling of the amphipathic helices of the plasma apolipoproteins |
Q35875508 | Molecular modeling of the binding modes of the iron-sulfur protein to the Jac1 co-chaperone from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by all-atom and coarse-grained approaches |
Q80514486 | Molecular modeling of the core of Abeta amyloid fibrils |
Q33304500 | Molecular modeling of the second extracellular loop of G-protein coupled receptors and its implication on structure-based virtual screening |
Q36841483 | Molecular modeling of vimentin filament assembly |
Q86693970 | Molecular modeling reveals binding interface of γ-tubulin with GCP4 and interactions with noscapinoids |
Q44515165 | Molecular modeling studies on CNG channel from bovine retinal rod: a structural model of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain |
Q44784454 | Molecular modeling study of the editing active site of Escherichia coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase: two amino acid binding sites in the editing domain |
Q92926898 | Molecular modeling study on the differential microtubule-stabilizing effect in singly- and doubly-bonded complexes with peloruside A and paclitaxel |
Q52080525 | Molecular modelling of Trematomus newnesi Hb 1: insights for a lowered oxygen affinity and lack of root effect |
Q44125124 | Molecular motions and conformational changes of HPPK. |
Q33875834 | Molecular organization, structural features, and ligand binding characteristics of CD44, a highly variable cell surface glycoprotein with multiple functions |
Q34410331 | Molecular physiology of the tensin brotherhood of integrin adaptor proteins |
Q27644738 | Molecular properties of two proteins homologous to PduO-type ATP:cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase from Sulfolobus tokodaii |
Q80045457 | Molecular recognition mechanism of FK506 binding protein: an all-electron fragment molecular orbital study |
Q45076941 | Molecular recognition of aldehydes by aldehyde dehydrogenase and mechanism of nucleophile activation. |
Q79992387 | Molecular simulations bring new insights into flavonoid/quercetinase interaction modes |
Q46462901 | Molecular simulations enlighten the binding mode of quercetin to lipoxygenase-3. |
Q61641978 | Molecular simulations of β-lactoglobulin complexed with fatty acids reveal the structural basis of ligand affinity to internal and possible external binding sites |
Q79757155 | Molecular simulations reveal a new entry site in quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase. A pathway for dioxygen? |
Q72668319 | Molecular skins: a new concept for quantitative shape matching of a protein with its small molecule mimics |
Q38290571 | Molecular strategies for protein stabilization: the case of a trehalose/maltose-binding protein from Thermus thermophilus. |
Q39699464 | Molecular structure and evolution of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors |
Q51960093 | Molecular surface generation using a variable-radius solvent probe |
Q29035652 | Molecular surface representations by sparse critical points |
Q71623213 | Molecular systematics in 3D: the classification of protein structures. Paris, April 9-11, 1996 |
Q30327337 | Molecular-dynamics simulation of the beta domain of metallothionein with a semi-empirical treatment of the metal core. |
Q45125265 | Molego-based definition of the architecture and specificity of metal-binding sites |
Q35971266 | Molprobity's ultimate rotamer-library distributions for model validation |
Q44165220 | Molten globule of bovine alpha-lactalbumin at neutral pH induced by heat, trifluoroethanol, and oleic acid: a comparative analysis by circular dichroism spectroscopy and limited proteolysis |
Q73319295 | Molten globule state of equine beta-lactoglobulin |
Q59239010 | Monitoring transient events in infrared spectra using local mode analysis |
Q27654883 | Monomeric tRNA (m(7)G46) methyltransferase from Escherichia coli presents a novel structure at the function-essential insertion |
Q30731518 | Monophyly of class I aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, USPA, ETFP, photolyase, and PP-ATPase nucleotide-binding domains: implications for protein evolution in the RNA. |
Q52418353 | Monte Carlo docking of oligopeptides to proteins |
Q30332738 | Monte Carlo estimation of the number of possible protein folds: Effects of sampling bias and folds distributions |
Q51911565 | Monte Carlo folding of trans-membrane helical peptides in an implicit generalized Born membrane |
Q67562104 | Monte Carlo minimization with thermalization for global optimization of polypeptide conformations in cartesian coordinate space |
Q30398315 | Monte Carlo replica-exchange based ensemble docking of protein conformations |
Q79236250 | Monte Carlo sampling of near-native structures of proteins with applications |
Q74267467 | Monte Carlo simulation of denaturation of adsorbed proteins |
Q73594379 | Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion of adsorbed proteins |
Q52251889 | Monte Carlo simulation of protein folding with orientation-dependent monomer–monomer interactions |
Q30429718 | Monte Carlo simulation of the kinetics of protein adsorption |
Q45987283 | Monte Carlo simulations of protein folding. I. Lattice model and interaction scheme. |
Q30421319 | Monte Carlo simulations of protein folding. II. Application to protein A, ROP, and crambin |
Q43814574 | Monte Carlo simulations of the peptide recognition at the consensus binding site of the constant fragment of human immunoglobulin G: the energy landscape analysis of a hot spot at the intermolecular interface |
Q73521274 | Monte Carlo-minimized energy profile of estradiol in the ligand-binding tunnel of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase: atomic mechanisms of steroid recognition |
Q58037807 | More compact protein globules exhibit slower folding rates |
Q51351315 | Motion of transfer RNA from the A/T state into the A‐site using docking and simulations |
Q43088941 | Motional timescale predictions by molecular dynamics simulations: case study using proline and hydroxyproline sidechain dynamics. |
Q36016551 | Multi-LZerD: multiple protein docking for asymmetric complexes |
Q28914723 | Multi-constraint computational design suggests that native sequences of germline antibody H3 loops are nearly optimal for conformational flexibility |
Q56834871 | Multi-method global analysis of thermodynamics and kinetics in reconstitution of monellin |
Q33684624 | Multi-scale characterization of the energy landscape of proteins with application to the C3D/Efb-C complex |
Q51171122 | Multi-template approach to modeling engineered disulfide bonds |
Q42039279 | Multibody coarse-grained potentials for native structure recognition and quality assessment of protein models |
Q95650714 | Multicopper oxidases: modular structure, sequence space and evolutionary relationships |
Q73233226 | Multifunctional enzymes and evolution of biosynthetic pathways: retro-evolution by jumps |
Q93120338 | Multimapping confounds ribosome profiling analysis: A case-study of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone |
Q30352314 | Multipass membrane protein structure prediction using Rosetta |
Q51100258 | Multiple Gaussian network modes alignment reveals dynamically variable regions: the hemoglobin case |
Q33283213 | Multiple asparagine deamidation of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen causes charge isoforms whose complexity correlates with reduced biological activity |
Q87624491 | Multiple conformational states and gate opening of outer membrane protein TolC revealed by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q45946454 | Multiple conformational states of a new hematopoietic cytokine (megakaryocyte growth and development factor): pH- and urea-induced denaturation |
Q68704287 | Multiple conformations of amino acid residues in ribonuclease A |
Q54026445 | Multiple copy sampling: rigid versus flexible protein |
Q58670508 | Multiple display of a protein domain on a bacterial polymeric scaffold |
Q54549089 | Multiple drugs and multiple targets: An analysis of the electrostatic determinants of binding between non‐nucleoside HIV‐1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors and variants of HIV‐1 RT |
Q81523628 | Multiple folding mechanisms of protein ubiquitin |
Q39000654 | Multiple helical conformations of the helix-turn-helix region revealed by NOE-restrained MD simulations of tryptophan aporepressor, TrpR. |
Q73713054 | Multiple linear regression for protein secondary structure prediction |
Q30352690 | Multiple mapping method: a novel approach to the sequence-to-structure alignment problem in comparative protein structure modeling. |
Q27729294 | Multiple modes of ligand recognition: crystal structures of cyclin-dependent protein kinase 2 in complex with ATP and two inhibitors, olomoucine and isopentenyladenine |
Q48211957 | Multiple molecular dynamics simulations of human LOX-1 and Trp150Ala mutant reveal the structural determinants causing the full deactivation of the receptor |
Q83203029 | Multiple molecular dynamics simulations of human p450 monooxygenase CYP2C9: the molecular basis of substrate binding and regioselectivity toward warfarin |
Q27684751 | Multiple polymer architectures of human polyhomeotic homolog 3 sterile alpha motif |
Q30168197 | Multiple protein folding nuclei and the transition state ensemble in two-state proteins |
Q29615743 | Multiple protein sequence alignment from tertiary structure comparison: assignment of global and residue confidence levels |
Q55070133 | Multiple proton relay routes in the reaction mechanism of RNAP II: assessing the effect of structural model. |
Q27654183 | Multiple solvent crystal structures of ribonuclease A: an assessment of the method |
Q46356926 | Multiple time step diffusive Langevin dynamics for proteins |
Q70618652 | Multiple-site titration and molecular modeling: two rapid methods for computing energies and forces for ionizable groups in proteins |
Q38272896 | Multiscale characterization of protein conformational ensembles |
Q83630174 | Multiscale modeling of cellular actin filaments: from atomistic molecular to coarse-grained dynamics |
Q51984585 | Multiscale modeling of macromolecular conformational changes combining concepts from rigidity and elastic network theory |
Q51789201 | Multiscale modeling of structural dynamics underlying force generation and product release in actomyosin complex |
Q42915927 | Multiscale simulations of protein landscapes: using coarse-grained models as reference potentials to full explicit models |
Q54284917 | Multivariate sequence analysis reveals additional function impacting residues in the SDR superfamily |
Q125341923 | Multi‐state modeling of G‐protein coupled receptors at experimental accuracy |
Q31171716 | MurD ligase from E. coli: Tetrahedral intermediate formation study by hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical replica path method. |
Q27680679 | Murine norovirus protein NS1/2 aspartate to glutamate mutation, sufficient for persistence, reorients side chain of surface exposed tryptophan within a novel structured domain |
Q34993607 | Muscle FBPase is targeted to nucleus by its 203KKKGK207 sequence |
Q38319809 | Mutagenesis at Pro309 of single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator alters its catalytic properties |
Q31101709 | Mutagenesis data in the automated prediction of transmembrane helix dimers |
Q80867933 | Mutagenesis study of rice nonspecific lipid transfer protein 2 reveals residues that contribute to structure and ligand binding |
Q35531134 | Mutagenic dissection of hemoglobin cooperativity: effects of amino acid alteration on subunit assembly of oxy and deoxy tetramers |
Q30367653 | Mutant bovine odorant-binding protein: Temperature affects the protein stability and dynamics as revealed by infrared spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q68704277 | Mutant forms of staphylococcal nuclease with altered patterns of guanidine hydrochloride and urea denaturation |
Q38329720 | Mutating the charged residues in the binding pocket of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein simultaneously reduces its binding affinity to retinoic acid and increases its thermostability |
Q43027621 | Mutation design of a thermophilic Rubisco based on three-dimensional structure enhances its activity at ambient temperature |
Q91786960 | Mutation in a flexible linker modulates binding affinity for modular complexes |
Q30426887 | Mutation matrices and physical-chemical properties: correlations and implications |
Q54465965 | Mutation of Phe102 to Ser in the carboxyl terminal helix of Escherichia coli thioredoxin affects the stability and processivity of T7 DNA polymerase. |
Q45161404 | Mutational analysis of domain antibodies reveals aggregation hotspots within and near the complementarity determining regions |
Q44972183 | Mutational analysis of m-values as a strategy to identify cold-resistant substructures of the protein ensemble |
Q59137790 | Mutational analysis of the pro-peptide of a marine intracellular subtilisin protease supports its role in inhibition |
Q36755108 | Mutational tests of the NMR-docked structure of the staphylococcal nuclease-metal-3',5'-pdTp complex |
Q46846115 | Mutations in alpha-helical solvent-exposed sites of eglin c have long-range effects: evidence from molecular dynamics simulations |
Q48124740 | MxaJ structure reveals a periplasmic binding protein-like architecture with unique secondary structural elements |
Q44566267 | Mycobacterium smegmatis RecA protein is structurally similar to but functionally distinct from Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA. |
Q30155475 | Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv0899 defines a family of membrane proteins widespread in nitrogen‐fixing bacteria |
Q47589435 | Mycobacterium tuberculosis UvrB forms dimers in solution and interacts with UvrA in the absence of ligands. |
Q36479553 | Mycobacterium tuberculosis copper-regulated protein SocB is an intrinsically disordered protein that folds upon interaction with a synthetic phospholipid bilayer |
Q46753794 | Mycobacterium tuberculosis isocitrate lyase (MtbIcl): role of divalent cations in modulation of functional and structural properties |
Q27658108 | Mycobacterium tuberculosisRv2704 is a member of the YjgF/YER057c/UK114 family |
Q47236477 | Myosin flexibility: structural domains and collective vibrations. |
Q44706738 | N-H...O, O-H...O, and C-H...O hydrogen bonds in protein-ligand complexes: strong and weak interactions in molecular recognition |
Q40063167 | N-linked glycans of the human insulin receptor and their distribution over the crystal structure |
Q33583554 | N-terminal strands of filamin Ig domains act as a conformational switch under biological forces |
Q27688980 | N-terminal β-strand swapping in a consensus-derived alternative scaffold driven by stabilizing hydrophobic interactions |
Q54440059 | NAD+-dependent DNA ligase (Rv3014c) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: novel structure-function relationship and identification of a specific inhibitor. |
Q28486332 | NAD+-dependent DNA ligases of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Streptomyces coelicolor |
Q43900314 | NADH interactions with WT- and S94A-acyl carrier protein reductase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: an ab initio study |
Q34064610 | NADP-dependent enzymes. I: Conserved stereochemistry of cofactor binding |
Q73326564 | NADP-dependent enzymes. II: Evolution of the mono- and dinucleotide binding domains |
Q27697656 | NF023 binding to XIAP-BIR1: searching drugs for regulation of the NF-κB pathway |
Q46676359 | NMR assignments of tryptophan residue in apo and holo LBD-rVDR. |
Q43208254 | NMR characterization of an engineered domain fusion between maltose binding protein and TEM1 beta-lactamase provides insight into its structure and allosteric mechanism. |
Q92926930 | NMR characterization of conformational fluctuations and noncovalent interactions of SUMO protein from Drosophila melanogaster (dSmt3) |
Q30937711 | NMR docking of a substrate into the X-ray structure of staphylococcal nuclease |
Q72589779 | NMR docking of the competitive inhibitor thymidine 3',5'-diphosphate into the X-ray structure of staphylococcal nuclease |
Q38777104 | NMR identification of the binding surfaces involved in the Salmonella and Shigella Type III secretion tip-translocon protein-protein interactions |
Q30646851 | NMR investigation of the equilibrium partitioning of a water-soluble bile salt protein carrier to phospholipid vesicles |
Q63339627 | NMR investigations of protein-carbohydrate interactions: Studies on the relevance of Trp/Tyr variations in lectin binding sites as deduced from titration microcalorimetry and NMR studies on hevein domains. Determination of the NMR structure of the co |
Q30597094 | NMR investigations of protein-carbohydrate interactions: studies on the relevance of Trp/Tyr variations in lectin binding sites as deduced from titration microcalorimetry and NMR studies on hevein domains. Determination of the NMR structure of the c |
Q52416621 | NMR restraint analysis of transforming growth factor alpha: a key component for NMR structure refinement |
Q27667126 | NMR solution structure of a cyanovirin homolog from wheat head blight fungus |
Q27648761 | NMR solution structure of the reduced form of thioredoxin 1 from Sacharomyces cerevisiae |
Q46489558 | NMR structural studies of the Ste11 SAM domain in the dodecyl phosphocholine micelle |
Q28492926 | NMR structure and binding studies confirm that PA4608 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a PilZ domain and a c-di-GMP binding protein |
Q46733393 | NMR structure and dynamics of human ephrin-B2 ectodomain: the functionally critical C-D and G-H loops are highly dynamic in solution |
Q27668187 | NMR structure and dynamics of recombinant wild type and mutated jerdostatin, a selective inhibitor of integrin α1β1 |
Q46177787 | NMR structure determination of the conserved hypothetical protein TM1816 from Thermotoga maritima |
Q27658972 | NMR structure of F-actin-binding domain of Arg/Abl2 from Homo sapiens |
Q27643525 | NMR structure of YcgL, a conserved protein from Escherichia coli representing the DUF709 family, with a novel alpha/beta/alpha sandwich fold |
Q91592049 | NMR structure of a full-length single-pass membrane protein NRADD |
Q27659504 | NMR structure of a phosphatidyl-ethanolamine binding protein from Drosophila |
Q27639587 | NMR structure of conserved eukaryotic protein ZK652.3 from C. elegans: a ubiquitin-like fold |
Q46043067 | NMR structure of hypothetical protein MG354 from Mycoplasma genitalium |
Q27644198 | NMR structure of hypothetical protein TA0938 from Thermoplasma acidophilum |
Q27649478 | NMR structure of protein Cgl2762 from Corynebacterium glutamicum implicated in DNA transposition reveals a helix-turn-helix motif attached to a flexibly disordered leucine zipper |
Q58002361 | NMR structure of protein PA2021 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Q27655526 | NMR structure of protein YvyC fromBacillus subtilisreveals unexpected structural similarity between two PFAM families |
Q27643707 | NMR structure of protein yjbR from Escherichia coli reveals 'double-wing' DNA binding motif |
Q81466373 | NMR structure of protein yqbG from Bacillus subtilis reveals a novel alpha-helical protein fold |
Q81193213 | NMR structure of the 18 kDa protein CC1736 from Caulobacter crescentus identifies a member of the START domain superfamily and suggests residues mediating substrate specificity |
Q27639582 | NMR structure of the Escherichia coli protein YacG: a novel sequence motif in the zinc-finger family of proteins |
Q46295218 | NMR structure of the conserved hypothetical protein TM0979 from Thermotoga maritima |
Q42676505 | NMR structure of the conserved novel-fold protein TA0743 from Thermoplasma acidophilum |
Q48007208 | NMR structure of the hypothetical protein AQ-1857 encoded by the Y157 gene from Aquifex aeolicus reveals a novel protein fold |
Q34315712 | NMR structure of the hypothetical protein NMA1147 from Neisseria meningitidis reveals a distinct 5-helix bundle |
Q57412389 | NMR structure of the hypothetical protein encoded by the YjbJ gene from Escherichia coli |
Q27649773 | NMR structure of the peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase domain from Pseudomonas syringae expands the structural coverage of the hydrolysis domains of class 1 peptide chain release factors |
Q27627408 | NMR structures of thioredoxin m from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii |
Q73427987 | NMR studies on the flexibility of nucleoside diphosphate kinase |
Q31117247 | NMR study and molecular dynamics simulations of optimized beta-hairpin fragments of protein G. |
Q54613004 | NMR study of the reconstitution of the β‐sheet of thioredoxin by fragment complementation |
Q92217173 | NMR-assisted protein structure prediction with MELDxMD |
Q55120792 | NMR-based modeling and binding studies of a ternary complex between chicken liver bile acid binding protein and bile acids |
Q51765531 | NMR-derived solution structure of SUMO from Drosophila melanogaster (dSmt3). |
Q27678014 | NMR‐based insights into the conformational and interaction properties of Arkadia RING‐H2 E3 Ub ligase |
Q62492901 | Native and modeled disulfide bonds in proteins: knowledge-based approaches toward structure prediction of disulfide-rich polypeptides |
Q77926241 | Native and non-native interactions along protein folding and unfolding pathways |
Q48385017 | Native atomic burials, supplemented by physically motivated hydrogen bond constraints, contain sufficient information to determine the tertiary structure of small globular proteins |
Q37431107 | Native cysteine residues are dispensable for the structure and function of all five yeast mitotic septins |
Q50970471 | Native fold and docking pose discrimination by the same residue-based scoring function. |
Q47881405 | Native secondary structure topology has near minimum contact energy among all possible geometrically constrained topologies |
Q47771261 | Native state dynamics and mechanical properties of human topoisomerase I within a structure-based coarse-grained model |
Q82414680 | Native-specific stabilization of flavodoxin by the FMN cofactor: structural and thermodynamical explanation |
Q79319223 | Natively unfolded C-terminal domain of caldesmon remains substantially unstructured after the effective binding to calmodulin |
Q36313231 | Natively unfolded regions of the vertebrate fibrinogen molecule |
Q74721824 | Natural coordinate representation for the protein backbone structure |
Q30855071 | Natural history of the E1-like superfamily: implication for adenylation, sulfur transfer, and ubiquitin conjugation |
Q91880639 | Navigating within thiamine diphosphate-dependent decarboxylases: Sequences, structures, functional positions, and binding sites |
Q42643521 | NdPASA: a novel pairwise protein sequence alignment algorithm that incorporates neighbor-dependent amino acid propensities |
Q82548716 | Nearest-neighbor effects and structural preferences in dipeptides are a function of the electronic properties of amino acid side-chains |
Q81544585 | Negative modulation of signal transduction via interleukin splice variation |
Q91746091 | NetSurfP-2.0: Improved prediction of protein structural features by integrated deep learning |
Q40207279 | Network mapping among the functional domains of Chikungunya virus nonstructural proteins |
Q51538130 | Neural network-based prediction of mutation-induced protein stability changes in Staphylococcal nuclease at 20 residue positions |
Q31138210 | Neutralization of NGF-TrkA receptor interaction by the novel antagonistic anti-TrkA monoclonal antibody MNAC13: a structural insight. |
Q71074628 | Neutron scattering redux? |
Q38852142 | Neutron scattering shows a droplet of oleic acid at the center of the BAMLET complex |
Q96233499 | New Facets of Larger Nest Motifs in Proteins |
Q39114594 | New additions to the ClusPro server motivated by CAPRI. |
Q34792053 | New benchmark metrics for protein‐protein docking methods |
Q30362203 | New classification of supersecondary structures of sandwich-like proteins uncovers strict patterns of strand assemblage. |
Q30386087 | New computational method for prediction of interacting protein loop regions. |
Q27649819 | New crystal structures of ColE1 Rom and variants resulting from mutation of a surface exposed residue: Implications for RNA-recognition |
Q40256442 | New encouraging developments in contact prediction: Assessment of the CASP11 results |
Q41615834 | New features and enhancements in the X-PLOR computer program |
Q77771911 | New general approach for determining the solution structure of a ligand bound weakly to a receptor: structure of a fibrinogen Aalpha-like peptide bound to thrombin (S195A) obtained using NOE distance constraints and an ECEPP/3 flexible docking progr |
Q39686913 | New hypotheses about the structure-function of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9: analysis of the epidermal growth factor-like repeat A docking site using WaterMap |
Q36342306 | New insight into long-range nonadditivity within protein double-mutant cycles |
Q53323410 | New insight into the architecture of oxy-anion pocket in unliganded conformation of GAT domains: A MD-simulation study. |
Q79184908 | New insights into DHFR interactions: analysis of Pneumocystis carinii and mouse DHFR complexes with NADPH and two highly potent 5-(omega-carboxy(alkyloxy) trimethoprim derivatives reveals conformational correlations with activity and novel parallel |
Q33834449 | New insights into the GABA(A) receptor structure and orthosteric ligand binding: receptor modeling guided by experimental data. |
Q46886474 | New insights into the half‐of‐the‐sites reactivity of human aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 |
Q74615893 | New insights into the mechanism of protein-protein association |
Q61388013 | New insights into the molecular basis of lectin-carbohydrate interactions: A calorimetric and structural study of the association of hevein to oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine |
Q38341129 | New insights into the molecular basis of lectin-carbohydrate interactions: a calorimetric and structural study of the association of hevein to oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine |
Q42637082 | New insights of membrane environment effects on MscL channel mechanics from theoretical approaches. |
Q52070754 | New method for accurate prediction of solvent accessibility from protein sequence |
Q30350697 | New method for protein secondary structure assignment based on a simple topological descriptor. |
Q41665041 | New methods for accurate prediction of protein secondary structure |
Q27684162 | New molecular interaction of IIA(Ntr) and HPr from Burkholderia pseudomallei identified by X-ray crystallography and docking studies |
Q28369348 | New sequence motifs in flavoproteins: evidence for common ancestry and tools to predict structure |
Q74452350 | New structural insights into the refolding of ribonuclease T1 as seen by time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy |
Q30363495 | New tools and expanded data analysis capabilities at the Protein Structure Prediction Center |
Q33587709 | Nitric oxide conduction by the brain aquaporin AQP4. |
Q27749026 | Nitric oxide myoglobin: Crystal structure and analysis of ligand geometry |
Q71705233 | No crystals no grant |
Q27621099 | Non-Boltzmann thermodynamic integration (NBTI) for macromolecular systems: relative free energy of binding of trypsin to benzamidine and benzylamine |
Q58484036 | Non-heme iron through the three domains of life |
Q53657663 | Non-interacting surface solvation and dynamics in protein-protein interactions |
Q48009975 | Non-intertwined binary patterns of hydrophobic/nonhydrophobic amino acids are considerably better markers of regular secondary structures than nonconstrained patterns |
Q43494033 | Non-native alpha-helix formation is not necessary for folding of lipocalin: comparison of burst-phase folding between tear lipocalin and beta-lactoglobulin |
Q30165223 | Non-native interactions, effective contact order, and protein folding: a mutational investigation with the energetically frustrated hydrophobic model |
Q47626865 | Non-randomness in side-chain packing: the distribution of interplanar angles |
Q57893163 | Non-randomness in side-chain packing: the distribution of interplanar angles |
Q41820978 | Nonadditive effects of mixed crowding on protein stability |
Q30332169 | Nonatomic solvent-driven Voronoi tessellation of proteins: an open tool to analyze protein folds. |
Q27665113 | Noncellulosomal cohesin from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus |
Q56794559 | Noncovalent interaction energies in covalent complexes: TEM-1 ?-lactamase and ?-lactams |
Q27638114 | Noncovalent interaction energies in covalent complexes: TEM-1 beta-lactamase and beta-lactams |
Q52012574 | Nonequilibrium, multiple-timescale simulations of ligand-receptor interactions in structured protein systems |
Q36172642 | Nonlinearities in protein space limit the utility of informatics in protein biophysics |
Q30372401 | Nonrandom distribution of intramolecular contacts in native single-domain proteins. |
Q33231136 | Nontoxic crystal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis demonstrates a remarkable structural similarity to beta-pore-forming toxins |
Q45134647 | Noonan syndrome type I with PTPN11 3 bp deletion: structure-function implications. |
Q41219658 | Normal mode analysis of human lysozyme: study of the relative motion of the two domains and characterization of the harmonic motion |
Q28220822 | Normal mode analysis of macromolecular motions in a database framework: developing mode concentration as a useful classifying statistic |
Q72890887 | Normal mode analysis of mouse epidermal growth factor: characterization of the harmonic motion |
Q68701376 | Normal modes of vibration in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and its mechanical property |
Q33346847 | Normal-mode-based modeling of allosteric couplings that underlie cyclic conformational transition in F(1) ATPase |
Q38288438 | Norovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase: A computational study of metal-binding preferences |
Q27694651 | Novel RNA recognition motif domain in the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 |
Q30357297 | Novel approach for alpha-helical topology prediction in globular proteins: generation of interhelical restraints. |
Q44784457 | Novel approaches for modeling of the A1 adenosine receptor and its agonist binding site |
Q27648765 | Novel cation-pi interaction revealed by crystal structure of thermoalkalophilic lipase |
Q28296637 | Novel conserved hydrolase domain in the CLCA family of alleged calcium-activated chloride channels |
Q34082509 | Novel high-affinity binders of human interferon gamma derived from albumin-binding domain of protein G. |
Q46985514 | Novel insights on the mechanism of action of alpha-amylase inhibitors from the plant defensin family |
Q70628287 | Novel mechanism-based substrates of dihydrofolate reductase and the thermodynamics of ligand binding: a comparison of theory and experiment for 8-methylpterin and 6,8-dimethylpterin |
Q48193128 | Novel modulation factor quantifies the role of water molecules in protein interactions |
Q90071656 | Novel phosphorylation-dependent regulation in an unstructured protein |
Q30389896 | Novel proteases from the genome of the carnivorous plant Drosera capensis: Structural prediction and comparative analysis |
Q27642859 | Novel protein and Mg2+ configurations in the Mg2+GDP complex of the SRP GTPase ffh |
Q91336731 | Novel sampling strategies and a coarse-grained score function for docking homomers, flexible heteromers, and oligosaccharides using Rosetta in CAPRI rounds 37-45 |
Q53634234 | Novel scoring function for modeling structures of oligomers of transmembrane alpha-helices |
Q81478489 | Novel statistical-thermodynamic methods to predict protein-ligand binding positions using probability distribution functions |
Q30163968 | Novel structure and nucleotide binding properties of HI1480 from Haemophilus influenzae: a protein with no known sequence homologues. |
Q30336224 | Novel use of a genetic algorithm for protein structure prediction: searching template and sequence alignment space. |
Q34497427 | Novel, structure-based mechanism for uridylylation of the genome-linked peptide (VPg) of picornaviruses |
Q47715131 | NrdH-redoxin of Corynebacterium ammoniagenes forms a domain-swapped dimer |
Q91793612 | Nuclear magnetic resonance solution structure of Pisum sativum defensin 2 provides evidence for the presence of hydrophobic surface-clusters |
Q46871543 | Nucleation‐based prediction of the protein folding rate and its correlation with the folding nucleus size |
Q27627766 | Nucleoside binding site of herpes simplex type 1 thymidine kinase analyzed by X-ray crystallography |
Q57077664 | Nucleotide recognition by the initiation factor aIF5B: Free energy simulations of a neoclassical GTPase |
Q46155035 | Nucleotide-dependence of G-actin conformation from multiple molecular dynamics simulations and observation of a putatively polymerization-competent superclosed state |
Q86743397 | Nucleotide-dependent structural fluctuations and regulation of microtubule-binding affinity of KIF1A |
Q30429648 | Numerical criteria for the evaluation of ab initio predictions of protein structure. |
Q96163465 | Numerous severely twisted N-acetylglucosamine conformations found in the protein databank |
Q38328181 | O-raffinose crosslinked hemoglobin lacks site-specific chemistry in the central cavity: structural and functional consequences of beta93Cys modification |
Q52948319 | Observation of residual dipolar couplings in short peptides |
Q56985409 | Observing the osmophobic effect in action at the single molecule level |
Q47296648 | Octanol-water partition of nonzwitterionic peptides: predictive power of a molecular size-based model |
Q79757159 | Old fold in a new X-ray diffraction dataset? Low-resolution molecular replacement using representative structural templates can provide phase information |
Q95305906 | Oleg borisovich ptitsyn: july 18, 1929-march 22, 1999 |
Q81211360 | Oligomerization states of Bowman-Birk inhibitor by atomic force microscopy and computational approaches |
Q30430086 | Oligopeptidase B: Cloning and probing stability under nonequilibrium conditions |
Q34170542 | Oligopeptide biases in protein sequences and their use in predicting protein coding regions in nucleotide sequences |
Q80474169 | On defining the dynamics of hydrophobic patches on protein surfaces |
Q30376364 | On interpretation of protein X-ray structures: Planarity of the peptide unit. |
Q93074531 | On predicting foldability of a protein from its sequence |
Q30402886 | On the Relationship between Residue Structural Environment and Sequence Conservation in Proteins |
Q84309305 | On the accuracy of inferring energetic coupling between distant sites in protein families from evolutionary imprints: illustrations using lattice model |
Q72074160 | On the calculation of pKas in proteins |
Q52206949 | On the convergence of the conformational coordinates basis set obtained by the essential dynamics analysis of proteins' molecular dynamics simulations |
Q52078678 | On the design and analysis of protein folding potentials |
Q35353400 | On the development of protein pKa calculation algorithms. |
Q112638612 | On the diversity of F420 -dependent oxidoreductases: A sequence- and structure-based classification |
Q35013835 | On the diversity of physicochemical environments experienced by identical ligands in binding pockets of unrelated proteins |
Q47589359 | On the effect of mutations in bovine or camel chymosin on the thermodynamics of binding κ-caseins |
Q45001065 | On the evolutionary origin of the chaperonins. |
Q30341348 | On the functional significance of electron density protein structure alignments. |
Q41823477 | On the helix sense of gramicidin A single channels |
Q60214202 | On the mechanism of human stefin B folding: I. Comparison to homologous stefin A. Influence of pH and trifluoroethanol on the fast and slow folding phases |
Q60214206 | On the mechanism of human stefin B folding: II. Folding from GuHCl unfolded, TFE denatured, acid denatured, and acid intermediate states |
Q30393176 | On the mechanism of protein fold‐switching by a molecular sensor |
Q50522986 | On the molecular structure of human neuroserpin polymers |
Q52465385 | On the multiple-minima problem in the conformational analysis of polypeptides. V. Application of the self-consistent electrostatic field and the electrostatically driven monte carlo methods to bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor |
Q67656994 | On the nature of antibody combining sites: Unusual structural features that may confer on these sites an enhanced capacity for binding ligands |
Q34494450 | On the nature of cavities on protein surfaces: application to the identification of drug-binding sites |
Q43180953 | On the orientation of the catalytic dyad in aspartic proteases |
Q37399660 | On the origin of the catalytic power of carboxypeptidase A and other metalloenzymes |
Q30176762 | On the origin of the cooperativity of protein folding: implications from model simulations |
Q42675018 | On the pH-optimum of activity and stability of proteins |
Q92737932 | On the presence of short-range periodicities in protein structures that are not related to established secondary structure elements |
Q62141729 | On the reaction mechanism of class Pi glutathione S-transferase |
Q51775528 | On the relation between residue flexibility and local solvent accessibility in proteins |
Q28391996 | On the relationship between NMR-derived amide order parameters and protein backbone entropy changes |
Q30367569 | On the relationship between the protein structure and protein dynamics. |
Q30427194 | On the relationship between the sequence conservation and the packing density profiles of the protein complexes |
Q36809892 | On the sensitivity of MD trajectories to changes in water-protein interaction parameters: the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor in water as a test case for the GROMOS force field |
Q44620087 | On the stoichiometry of Deinococcus radiodurans Dps-1 binding to duplex DNA. |
Q91163228 | On the structure and function of Escherichia coli YjhC: An oxidoreductase involved in bacterial sialic acid metabolism |
Q74177410 | On the unfolding of alpha-lytic protease and the role of the pro region |
Q51508072 | On the use of distance constraints in protein–protein docking computations |
Q47586265 | On the use of structural templates for high-resolution docking |
Q30352480 | One contact for every twelve residues allows robust and accurate topology-level protein structure modeling |
Q45288452 | One gene, two diseases and three conformations: molecular dynamics simulations of mutants of human prion protein at room temperature and elevated temperatures |
Q82665082 | One‐bond and two‐bond j couplings help annotate protein secondary‐structure motifs: J‐coupling indexing applied to human endoplasmic reticulum protein ERp18 |
Q38801229 | Open and compressed conformations of Francisella tularensis ClpP. |
Q46335123 | Opening of the ADP-bound active site in the ABC transporter ATPase dimer: evidence for a constant contact, alternating sites model for the catalytic cycle. |
Q50312505 | Operational definition of intrinsically unstructured protein sequences based on susceptibility to the 20S proteasome. |
Q44398469 | Operons and the effect of genome redundancy in deciphering functional relationships using phylogenetic profiles |
Q35450179 | Opposing orientations of the anti-psychotic drug trifluoperazine selected by alternate conformations of M144 in calmodulin |
Q31165105 | Optimal data collection for correlated mutation analysis |
Q47604362 | Optimal design of protein docking potentials: efficiency and limitations |
Q46609131 | Optimal docking area: a new method for predicting protein-protein interaction sites |
Q71537057 | Optimal local propensities for model proteins |
Q52114194 | Optimal potentials for predicting inter-helical packing in transmembrane proteins. |
Q43284323 | Optimal protein-RNA area, OPRA: a propensity-based method to identify RNA-binding sites on proteins |
Q74449574 | Optimally informative backbone structural propensities in proteins |
Q42601395 | Optimization of 3D Poisson-Nernst-Planck model for fast evaluation of diverse protein channels |
Q52072060 | Optimization of a new score function for the detection of remote homologs |
Q74721964 | Optimization of a new score function for the generation of accurate alignments |
Q34625066 | Optimization of molecular docking scores with support vector rank regression |
Q46809714 | Optimization of multiple-sequence alignment based on multiple-structure alignment |
Q51682700 | Optimization of pyDock for the new CAPRI challenges: Docking of homology-based models, domain-domain assembly and protein-RNA binding |
Q57135150 | Optimization of solvation models for predicting the structure of surface loops in proteins |
Q41334195 | Optimization of the design and preparation of nanoscale phospholipid bilayers for its application to solution NMR. |
Q34357490 | Optimized E. coli expression strain LOBSTR eliminates common contaminants from His-tag purification |
Q30371877 | Optimized distance-dependent atom-pair-based potential DOOP for protein structure prediction. |
Q51604620 | Optimized grid‐based protein–protein docking as a global search tool followed by incorporating experimentally derivable restraints |
Q73403630 | Optimized representations and maximal information in proteins |
Q51624323 | Optimizing pKa computation in proteins with pH adapted conformations |
Q52005571 | Optimizing physical energy functions for protein folding |
Q50892827 | Optimizing the affinity and specificity of ligand binding with the inclusion of solvation effect |
Q52064388 | Optimizing the hydrogen-bond network in Poisson-Boltzmann equation-based pK(a) calculations. |
Q37369361 | Order propensity of an intrinsically disordered protein, the cyclin-dependent-kinase inhibitor Sic1 |
Q41870328 | Order within disorder: aggrecan chondroitin sulphate-attachment region provides new structural insights into protein sequences classified as disordered |
Q31142431 | Ordered conformational change in the protein backbone: prediction of conformationally variable positions from sequence and low-resolution structural data |
Q57348546 | Ordering of adsorbed proteins |
Q45777079 | Organization of turnip yellow mosaic virus investigated by neutron small angle scattering at 80 K: an intermediate state preceding decapsidation of the virion? |
Q46595884 | Orientation and rotational dynamics of spin-labeled phalloidin bound to actin in muscle fibers |
Q42160644 | Orientational distributions of contact clusters in proteins closely resemble those of an icosahedron |
Q46268512 | Orientational sampling and rigid-body minimization in molecular docking |
Q42600798 | Origin of functional diversity among tetrameric voltage-gated channels. |
Q81282353 | Origin of the sequence-dependent polyproline II structure in unfolded peptides |
Q42686721 | Origins of protein denatured state compactness and hydrophobic clustering in aqueous urea: inferences from nonpolar potentials of mean force |
Q46953779 | Osmolyte effect on the stability and folding of a hyperthermophilic protein |
Q46924080 | Osmolyte-induced protein folding free energy changes |
Q27652430 | Outer membrane cytochrome c, OmcF, from Geobacter sulfurreducens: high structural similarity to an algal cytochrome c6 |
Q36297691 | Overcoming sequence misalignments with weighted structural superposition |
Q71565971 | Overexpression of Bacillus subtilis phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase and crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of the free enzyme and its substrate-effector complexes |
Q46853497 | Overexpression, physicochemical characterization, and modeling of a hyperthermophilic pyrococcus furiosus type 2 IPP isomerase. |
Q44165216 | Overlapping binding sites for trypsin and papain on a Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor from Prosopis juliflora. |
Q44252098 | Overproduction, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the major cold shock protein from Bacillus subtilis, CspB. |
Q91217872 | Oxidase or peptidase? A computational insight into a putative aflatoxin oxidase from Armillariella tabescens |
Q92331319 | Oxidation-induced destabilization of the fibrinogen αC-domain dimer investigated by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q80238521 | Oxygen affinity controlled by dynamical distal conformations: the soybean leghemoglobin and the Paramecium caudatum hemoglobin cases |
Q56272088 | Oxygen and proton pathways in cytochrome c oxidase |
Q71671446 | Oxygen binding by single crystals of hemoglobin: the problem of cooperativity and inequivalence of alpha and beta subunits |
Q35045263 | PAIRpred: partner-specific prediction of interacting residues from sequence and structure |
Q101041487 | PDB-Tools Web: A user-friendly interface for the manipulation of PDB files |
Q46988348 | PDB‐scale analysis of known and putative ligand‐binding sites with structural sketches |
Q27972551 | PFP: Automated prediction of gene ontology functional annotations with confidence scores using protein sequence data |
Q42149736 | PIE-efficient filters and coarse grained potentials for unbound protein-protein docking |
Q30359869 | PIER: protein interface recognition for structural proteomics. |
Q46857534 | PII structure in the model peptides for unfolded proteins: studies on ubiquitin fragments and several alanine-rich peptides containing QQQ, SSS, FFF, and VVV. |
Q41872855 | PIK3CA somatic mutations in breast cancer: Mechanistic insights from Langevin dynamics simulations |
Q51140851 | PIPER: an FFT-based protein docking program with pairwise potentials |
Q30394800 | PKB: a program system and data base for analysis of protein structure |
Q58091494 | PLUG (Pruning of Local Unrealistic Geometries) removes restrictions on biophysical modeling for protein design |
Q57953054 | PPRODO: Prediction of protein domain boundaries using neural networks |
Q42654619 | PRED-CLASS: cascading neural networks for generalized protein classification and genome-wide applications |
Q31107931 | PREDICT modeling and in-silico screening for G-protein coupled receptors. |
Q33653515 | PRIMO/PRIMONA: a coarse-grained model for proteins and nucleic acids that preserves near-atomistic accuracy |
Q51119552 | PRIMSIPLR: prediction of inner-membrane situated pore-lining residues for alpha-helical transmembrane proteins |
Q51373396 | PRL-Dock: protein-ligand docking based on hydrogen bond matching and probabilistic relaxation labeling. |
Q51293025 | PSI-DOCK: towards highly efficient and accurate flexible ligand docking. |
Q38392351 | PSLDoc: Protein subcellular localization prediction based on gapped-dipeptides and probabilistic latent semantic analysis |
Q30406911 | PackHelix: A tool for helix‐sheet packing during protein structure prediction |
Q70628280 | Packing and recognition of protein structural elements: a new approach applied to the 4-helix bundle of myohemerythrin |
Q52348350 | Packing constraints of hydrophobic side chains in (alpha/beta)8 barrels |
Q52243187 | Packing forces in nine crystal forms of cutinase |
Q33599950 | Packing interface energetics in different crystal forms of the λ Cro dimer |
Q27644869 | Pactolus I-domain: functional switching of the Rossmann fold |
Q47658298 | Pairwise contact energy statistical potentials can help to find probability of point mutations. |
Q41826221 | Pan1 is an intrinsically disordered protein with homotypic interactions |
Q57977961 | Pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide: Crystallization, circular dichroism analysis, and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies |
Q31113034 | Parallel tempering molecular dynamics folding simulation of a signal peptide in explicit water |
Q52012571 | Parallel tempering simulations of HP-36. |
Q52253536 | Paramagnetic relaxation as a tool for solution structure determination: Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin as an example |
Q58484081 | Paramagnetic relaxation as a tool for solution structure determination:Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin as an example |
Q70980733 | Parametric sensitivity analysis of avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP) |
Q28239434 | Parser for protein folding units |
Q47430859 | Partial atomic charges of amino acids in proteins |
Q46615228 | Partial destabilization of native structure by a combination of heat and denaturant facilitates cold denaturation in a hyperthermophile protein. |
Q30380377 | Partial unfolding and refolding for structure refinement: A unified approach of geometric simulations and molecular dynamics. |
Q30344054 | Partition of protein solvation into group contributions from molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q60431912 | Partner‐specific Prediction of RNA‐binding Residues in Proteins: A Critical Assessment |
Q56970691 | Pathway heterogeneity in protein folding |
Q38348081 | Pattern descriptors and the unidentified reading frame 6 human mtDNA dinucleotide-binding site |
Q73365498 | Patterns in ionizable side chain interactions in protein structures |
Q30432219 | Patterns of protein-fold usage in eight microbial genomes: a comprehensive structural census |
Q45039434 | Patterns of retinal light absorption related to retinitis pigmentosa mutants from in silico model structures of rhodopsin |
Q30426650 | Patterns, structures, and amino acid frequencies in structural building blocks, a protein secondary structure classification scheme |
Q42985865 | Pentacoordinated phosphorus revisited by high-level QM/MM calculations. |
Q46580529 | Pepsinogen-like activation intermediate of plasmepsin II revealed by molecular dynamics analysis |
Q98937816 | PeptiDesCalculator : Software for Computation of Peptide Descriptors. Definition, Implementation and Case Studies for 9 Bioactivity Endpoints |
Q68786417 | Peptide and ester synthesis in organic solvents catalyzed by seryl proteases linked to alumina |
Q47427287 | Peptide binding to the PDZ3 domain by conformational selection |
Q46815490 | Peptide fragment studies on the folding elements of dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli |
Q45199812 | Peptide models XLV: conformational properties of N-formyl-L-methioninamide and its relevance to methionine in proteins |
Q69364371 | Peptide sequencing and site-directed mutagenesis identify tyrosine-319 as the active site tyrosine of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I |
Q68457829 | Peptide synthesis catalyzed by polyethylene glycol-modified chymotrypsin in organic solvents |
Q30423608 | Perfect temperature for protein structure prediction and folding. |
Q91163198 | Performance and enhancement of the LZerD protein assembly pipeline in CAPRI 38-46 |
Q50110817 | Performance evaluation of a new algorithm for the detection of remote homologs with sequence comparison |
Q72589783 | Performance evaluation of amino acid substitution matrices |
Q96131812 | Performance of Human and Server Prediction in CAPRI rounds 38-45 |
Q48947966 | Performance of MDockPP in CAPRI rounds 28-29 and 31-35 including the prediction of water-mediated interactions |
Q50562538 | Performance of ZDOCK and IRAD in CAPRI rounds 28-34. |
Q93026635 | Performance of ZDOCK and IRAD in CAPRI rounds 39-45 |
Q41981451 | Performance of ZDOCK and ZRANK in CAPRI rounds 13-19. |
Q37684662 | Performance of ZDOCK in CAPRI rounds 20-26. |
Q30379331 | Performance of the Pro-sp3-TASSER server in CASP8 |
Q58489123 | Performance of the first protein docking server ClusPro in CAPRI rounds 3-5 |
Q51922354 | Periodic distributions of hydrophobic amino acids allows the definition of fundamental building blocks to align distantly related proteins |
Q58048764 | Permeation of water through the KcsA K+channel |
Q103007520 | Persistent homology and application on residues 1-28 of amyloid beta peptide |
Q42644226 | Perspectives and expectations in structural bioinformatics of metalloproteins |
Q27732119 | Perturbation of Trp 138 in T4 lysozyme by mutations at Gln 105 used to correlate changes in structure, stability, solvation, and spectroscopic properties |
Q73083596 | Perturbation of conformational dynamics, enzymatic activity, and thermostability of beta-glycosidase from archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus by pH and sodium dodecyl sulfate detergent |
Q103048188 | Perturbing the energy landscape for improved packing during computational protein design |
Q48767965 | Peter Andrew Kollman |
Q48623700 | Pex, analytical tools for PDB files. I. GF-Pex: basic file to describe a protein |
Q52068718 | Pex, analytical tools for PDB files. II. H-Pex: noncanonical H-bonds in alpha-helices |
Q44898259 | Pex5p binding affinities for canonical and noncanonical PTS1 peptides. |
Q29614439 | Pfam: a comprehensive database of protein domain families based on seed alignments |
Q92445560 | Phage display derived therapeutic antibodies have enriched aliphatic content: Insights for developability issues |
Q30875156 | Phage-display and correlated mutations identify an essential region of subdomain 1C involved in homodimerization of Escherichia coli FtsA. |
Q44379444 | Pharmacophore-based molecular docking to account for ligand flexibility |
Q27729292 | Phe-46(CD4) orients the distal histidine for hydrogen bonding to bound ligands in sperm whale myoglobin |
Q43014614 | Phenomenological similarities between protein denaturation and small-molecule dissolution: Insights into the mechanism driving the thermal resistance of globular proteins |
Q38324605 | Phenotype analysis using network motifs derived from changes in regulatory network dynamics |
Q27690019 | Phenotypic comparisons of consensus variants versus laboratory resurrections of Precambrian proteins |
Q34370332 | PhosphaBase: an ontology-driven database resource for protein phosphatases. |
Q37229460 | Phospholipase A2 at the bilayer interface |
Q51522059 | Phosphorylation alters backbone conformational preferences of serine and threonine peptides. |
Q46560912 | Phosphorylation of either Ser16 or Thr30 does not disrupt the structure of the Itch E3 ubiquitin ligase third WW domain |
Q83949081 | Phosphorylation-induced transient intrinsic structure in the kinase-inducible domain of CREB facilitates its recognition by the KIX domain of CBP |
Q38348076 | Photochemical crosslinking of bacteriophage T4 single-stranded DNA-binding protein (gp32) to oligo-p(dT)8: identification of phenylalanine-183 as the site of crosslinking |
Q46375493 | Photoinduced fibrils formation of chicken egg white lysozyme under native conditions |
Q48414049 | Phylogenetic analysis of haloalkane dehalogenases |
Q52050100 | Phylogenetic information improves homology detection |
Q48064976 | Phylogenetic occurrence of coiled coil proteins: implications for tissue structure in metazoa via a coiled coil tissue matrix |
Q87910630 | Phylogenetic spread of sequence data affects fitness of SOD1 consensus enzymes: Insights from sequence statistics and structural analyses |
Q92585857 | Phylogenetic spread of sequence data affects fitness of consensus enzymes: Insights from triosephosphate isomerase |
Q48213548 | Physical interaction between the strawberry allergen Fra a 1 and an associated partner FaAP: Interaction of Fra a 1 proteins and FaAP. |
Q68051375 | Physical reasons for secondary structure stability: alpha-helices in short peptides |
Q30342098 | Physical scoring function based on AMBER force field and Poisson-Boltzmann implicit solvent for protein structure prediction. |
Q39346444 | Physicochemical descriptors to discriminate protein-protein interactions in permanent and transient complexes selected by means of machine learning algorithms |
Q57021685 | Physicochemical explanation of peptide binding to HLA-A*0201 major histocompatibility complex: A three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship study |
Q56893550 | Physics-based enzyme design: predicting binding affinity and catalytic activity |
Q30431472 | Physics‐based protein structure refinement through multiple molecular dynamics trajectories and structure averaging |
Q52261424 | Picosecond dynamical changes on denaturation of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase revealed by quasielastic neutron scattering |
Q44706729 | Picosecond dynamics of the glutamate receptor in response to agonist-induced vibrational excitation |
Q52395599 | Picosecond timescale rigid-helix and side-chain motions in deoxymyoglobin |
Q38565768 | Pitch diversity in alpha-helical coiled coils |
Q27657492 | Plasmodium falciparumacyl carrier protein crystal structures in disulfide-linked and reduced states and their prevalence during blood stage growth |
Q27666626 | Plastic adaptation toward mutations in proteins: structural comparison of thymidylate synthases |
Q27621911 | Plasticity and steric strain in a parallel beta-helix: rational mutations in the P22 tailspike protein |
Q72635012 | Polar and nonpolar atomic environments in the protein core: implications for folding and binding |
Q57000556 | Polar hydrogen positions in proteins: Empirical energy placement and neutron diffraction comparison |
Q46379655 | Poly-(L-alanine) expansions form core beta-sheets that nucleate amyloid assembly. |
Q38956652 | Polyanion binding accelerates the formation of stable and low-toxic aggregates of ALS-linked SOD1 mutant A4V. |
Q84084543 | Polyglutamine fibrils are formed using a simple designed beta-hairpin model |
Q81094719 | Polyglutamine homopolymers having 8-45 residues form slablike beta-crystallite assemblies |
Q61797583 | Polyglutamine repeats and β-helix structure: Molecular dynamics study |
Q74015806 | Polymer principles of protein calorimetric two-state cooperativity |
Q58663907 | Polymer principles of protein calorimetric two‐state cooperativity |
Q47715263 | Polyproline II helix is the preferred conformation for unfolded polyalanine in water |
Q30453036 | Polyproline, beta-turn helices. Novel secondary structures proposed for the tandem repeats within rhodopsin, synaptophysin, synexin, gliadin, RNA polymerase II, hordein, and gluten |
Q73713059 | Population analyses of kinetic partitioning in protein folding |
Q41906900 | Population shift of binding pocket size and dynamic correlation analysis shed new light on the anticooperative mechanism of PII protein |
Q77603390 | Populations of hydrophobic amino acids within protein globular domains: identification of conserved "topohydrophobic" positions |
Q30160412 | Porcine beta-lactoglobulin chemical unfolding: identification of a non-native alpha-helical intermediate |
Q30364677 | Position-resolved free energy of solvation for amino acids in lipid membranes from molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q30426168 | Positioning hydrogen atoms by optimizing hydrogen-bond networks in protein structures |
Q30330111 | Positioning of anchor groups in protein loop prediction: the importance of solvent accessibility and secondary structure elements. |
Q83782515 | Possible ligand release pathway of dipeptidyl peptidase IV investigated by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q44496112 | Possible locally driven folding pathways of TC5b, a 20-residue protein |
Q38291985 | Potential DNA binding and nuclease functions of ComEC domains characterized in silico |
Q27664233 | Potential anti-bacterial drug target: structural characterization of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase from Salmonella typhimurium LT2 |
Q31101722 | Potential folding-function interrelationship in proteins |
Q30355042 | Potential for assessing quality of protein structure based on contact number prediction. |
Q77538018 | Potential of mean force for protein-protein interaction studies |
Q74177429 | Practical limits of function prediction |
Q92806794 | Pre- and post-docking sampling of conformational changes using ClustENM and HADDOCK for protein-protein and protein-DNA systems |
Q35212044 | Prechemistry versus preorganization in DNA replication fidelity |
Q68697902 | Predicted calmodulin-binding sequence in the gamma subunit of phosphorylase b kinase |
Q30388330 | Predicted residue-residue contacts can help the scoring of 3D models |
Q30341638 | Predicted role for the archease protein family based on structural and sequence analysis of TM1083 and MTH1598, two proteins structurally characterized through structural genomics efforts. |
Q72154705 | Predicted secondary and supersecondary structure for the serine-threonine-specific protein phosphatase family |
Q101219690 | Predicted structural differences of four fertility-related Y-chromosome proteins in Macaca mulatta, M. fascicularis, and their Indochinese hybrids |
Q73256232 | Predicted structure and fold recognition for the glutamyl tRNA reductase family of proteins |
Q34975607 | Predicted structures of agonist and antagonist bound complexes of adenosine A3 receptor |
Q46019611 | Predicted three-dimensional structure of the protease inhibitor domain of the Alzheimer's disease beta-amyloid precursor. |
Q41557386 | Predicting Ca2+‐binding sites using refined carbon clusters |
Q30360181 | Predicting DNA-binding amino acid residues from electrostatic stabilization upon mutation to Asp/Glu and evolutionary conservation. |
Q51936758 | Predicting G-protein coupled receptors-G-protein coupling specificity based on autocross-covariance transform |
Q30344115 | Predicting absolute contact numbers of native protein structure from amino acid sequence. |
Q68704284 | Predicting antibody hypervariable loop conformations. II: Minimization and molecular dynamics studies of MCPC603 from many randomly generated loop conformations |
Q38764353 | Predicting binding modes of reversible peptide-based inhibitors of falcipain-2 consistent with structure-activity relationships. |
Q30353913 | Predicting calcium-binding sites in proteins - a graph theory and geometry approach. |
Q103007988 | Predicting cryptic ligand binding sites based on normal modes guided conformational sampling |
Q30359722 | Predicting disulfide connectivity patterns. |
Q35534782 | Predicting drug resistance of the HIV-1 protease using molecular interaction energy components |
Q43872323 | Predicting enzymatic function from global binding site descriptors |
Q51905720 | Predicting experimental properties of integral membrane proteins by a naive Bayes approach |
Q35541836 | Predicting extreme pKa shifts in staphylococcal nuclease mutants with constant pH molecular dynamics |
Q35624629 | Predicting flexible loop regions that interact with ligands: the challenge of accurate scoring |
Q43480874 | Predicting functional residues in Plasmodium falciparum plasmepsins by combining sequence and structural analysis with molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q52261428 | Predicting helical segments in proteins by a helix-coil transition theory with parameters derived from a structural database of proteins |
Q30369612 | Predicting helix orientation for coiled-coil dimers |
Q34379398 | Predicting human immunodeficiency virus protease cleavage sites in proteins by a discriminant function method |
Q44593620 | Predicting interactions of winged-helix transcription factors with DNA. |
Q79210022 | Predicting interresidue contacts using templates and pathways |
Q47422786 | Predicting intrinsic disorder from amino acid sequence |
Q44372128 | Predicting kinetic constants of protein-protein interactions based on structural properties. |
Q30406906 | Predicting large-scale conformational changes in proteins using energy-weighted normal modes. |
Q52372459 | Predicting molecular interactions and inducible complementarity: fragment docking of Fab-peptide complexes. |
Q52046754 | Predicting novel protein folds by using FRAGFOLD. |
Q30409524 | Predicting nucleic acid binding interfaces from structural models of proteins |
Q42985707 | Predicting order of conformational changes during protein conformational transitions using an interpolated elastic network model |
Q47236441 | Predicting peptide binding to MHC pockets via molecular modeling, implicit solvation, and global optimization |
Q52181475 | Predicting peptides that bind to MHC molecules using supervised learning of hidden Markov models |
Q30424729 | Predicting permanent and transient protein–protein interfaces |
Q34491235 | Predicting protease types by hybridizing gene ontology and pseudo amino acid composition |
Q51773361 | Predicting protein complex geometries with a neural network |
Q45949461 | Predicting protein conformational changes for unbound and homology docking: learning from intrinsic and induced flexibility. |
Q33278353 | Predicting protein domain interactions from coevolution of conserved regions |
Q30399245 | Predicting protein flexibility through the prediction of local structures |
Q51645839 | Predicting protein folding rate change upon point mutation using residue-level coevolutionary information. |
Q45169320 | Predicting protein functional sites with phylogenetic motifs |
Q46853504 | Predicting protein homocysteinylation targets based on dihedral strain energy and pKa of cysteines |
Q30366480 | Predicting protein interaction interfaces from protein sequences: case studies of subtilisin and phycocyanin. |
Q51800509 | Predicting protein pK(a) by environment similarity |
Q34266160 | Predicting protein quaternary structure by pseudo amino acid composition |
Q57017390 | Predicting protein quaternary structure by pseudo amino acid composition |
Q51964764 | Predicting protein secondary structure and solvent accessibility with an improved multiple linear regression method |
Q30429645 | Predicting protein structure using hidden Markov models |
Q30323183 | Predicting protein structure using only sequence information. |
Q33712176 | Predicting protein-DNA interactions by full search computational docking |
Q42111437 | Predicting residue-residue contact maps by a two-layer, integrated neural-network method |
Q52306159 | Predicting solvent accessibility: higher accuracy using Bayesian statistics and optimized residue substitution classes |
Q43686780 | Predicting structural effects in HIV-1 protease mutant complexes with flexible ligand docking and protein side-chain optimization |
Q42550838 | Predicting structurally conserved contacts for homologous proteins using sequence conservation filters |
Q42164192 | Predicting the disulfide bonding state of cysteines using protein descriptors |
Q73134800 | Predicting the equilibrium protein folding pathway: structure-based analysis of staphylococcal nuclease |
Q51478939 | Predicting the functional motions of p97 using symmetric normal modes |
Q38612068 | Predicting the helix-helix interactions from correlated residue mutations. |
Q42153432 | Predicting the order in which contacts are broken during single molecule protein stretching experiments |
Q46917629 | Predicting the redox state and secondary structure of cysteine residues in proteins using NMR chemical shifts |
Q30363422 | Predicting the side-chain dihedral angle distributions of nonpolar, aromatic, and polar amino acids using hard sphere models. |
Q31031926 | Predicting the three-dimensional structure of human P-glycoprotein in absence of ATP by computational techniques embodying crosslinking data: insight into the mechanism of ligand migration and binding sites. |
Q30159712 | Predicting transmembrane beta-barrels and interstrand residue interactions from sequence |
Q40175476 | Predicting transmembrane helix pair configurations with knowledge-based distance-dependent pair potentials |
Q52244712 | Prediction and classification of domain structural classes |
Q40921775 | Prediction and evaluation of side-chain conformations for protein backbone structures |
Q51353182 | Prediction and evolutionary information analysis of protein solvent accessibility using multiple linear regression |
Q51905722 | Prediction and scoring of docking poses with pyDock |
Q37629422 | Prediction and validation of the unexplored RNA-binding protein atlas of the human proteome |
Q45964055 | Prediction of 3D metal binding sites from translated gene sequences based on remote-homology templates. |
Q28274221 | Prediction of CASP6 structures using automated Robetta protocols |
Q28264124 | Prediction of EF-hand calcium-binding proteins and analysis of bacterial EF-hand proteins |
Q91460796 | Prediction of GABARAP interaction with the GABA type A receptor |
Q51903854 | Prediction of RNA binding sites in a protein using SVM and PSSM profile. |
Q51609595 | Prediction of RNA-binding residues in proteins from primary sequence using an enriched random forest model with a novel hybrid feature |
Q57979389 | Prediction of VH-VL domain orientation for antibody variable domain modeling |
Q30339066 | Prediction of alpha-turns in proteins using PSI-BLAST profiles and secondary structure information. |
Q42426481 | Prediction of an HMG-box fold in the C-terminal domain of histone H1: insights into its role in DNA condensation. |
Q51980286 | Prediction of binding modes for ligands in the cytochromes P450 and other heme-containing proteins. |
Q51955731 | Prediction of buried helices in multispan alpha helical membrane proteins |
Q51935911 | Prediction of continuous B-cell epitopes in an antigen using recurrent neural network |
Q30330076 | Prediction of coordination number and relative solvent accessibility in proteins. |
Q59351799 | Prediction of cross-clade HIV-1 T-cell epitopes using immunoinformatics analysis |
Q31028185 | Prediction of deleterious functional effects of amino acid mutations using a library of structure-based function descriptors |
Q34272402 | Prediction of disordered regions in proteins from position specific score matrices |
Q51555186 | Prediction of distant residue contacts with the use of evolutionary information. |
Q42668404 | Prediction of disulfide connectivity from protein sequences |
Q90300121 | Prediction of folding mechanisms for Ig-like beta sandwich proteins based on inter-residue average distance statistics methods |
Q47248696 | Prediction of folding pathway and kinetics among plant hemoglobins using an average distance map method. |
Q73025077 | Prediction of folding rates and transition-state placement from native-state geometry |
Q30361364 | Prediction of folding transition-state position (betaT) of small, two-state proteins from local secondary structure content. |
Q30364784 | Prediction of global and local model quality in CASP7 using Pcons and ProQ. |
Q45963615 | Prediction of global and local model quality in CASP8 using the ModFOLD server. |
Q30378304 | Prediction of global and local quality of CASP8 models by MULTICOM series. |
Q43730210 | Prediction of helix-helix contacts and interacting helices in polytopic membrane proteins using neural networks |
Q45946283 | Prediction of homologous protein structures based on conformational searches and energetics. |
Q30387414 | Prediction of homoprotein and heteroprotein complexes by protein docking and template-based modeling: A CASP-CAPRI experiment |
Q46733397 | Prediction of interaction sites from apo 3D structures when the holo conformation is different |
Q33221093 | Prediction of interface residues in protein-protein complexes by a consensus neural network method: test against NMR data |
Q45184365 | Prediction of interfaces for oligomerizations of G-protein coupled receptors. |
Q91821907 | Prediction of interresidue contacts with DeepMetaPSICOV in CASP13 |
Q80752693 | Prediction of kinase-specific phosphorylation sites with sequence features by a log-odds ratio approach |
Q30379193 | Prediction of ligand binding sites using homologous structures and conservation at CASP8. |
Q77386247 | Prediction of loop geometries using a generalized born model of solvation effects |
Q52214249 | Prediction of membrane protein types and subcellular locations |
Q30351475 | Prediction of novel and analogous folds using fragment assembly and fold recognition. |
Q51932138 | Prediction of peptide structure: how far are we? |
Q41955954 | Prediction of phenotypes of missense mutations in human proteins from biological assemblies |
Q47664031 | Prediction of phosphorylation sites based on Krawtchouk image moments |
Q28205759 | Prediction of possible sites for posttranslational modifications in human gamma crystallins: Effect of glycation on the structure of human gamma‐b‐crystallin as analyzed by molecular modeling |
Q51980533 | Prediction of protein B-factor profiles |
Q45070147 | Prediction of protein accessible surface areas by support vector regression |
Q54615864 | Prediction of protein binding regions. |
Q33941503 | Prediction of protein cellular attributes using pseudo-amino acid composition |
Q57754185 | Prediction of protein conformational freedom from distance constraints |
Q36584378 | Prediction of protein domain boundaries from inverse covariances |
Q90900989 | Prediction of protein flexibility using a conformationally restrained contact map |
Q46213947 | Prediction of protein folding class from amino acid composition |
Q49265986 | Prediction of protein interaction sites from sequence profile and residue neighbor list |
Q30367309 | Prediction of protein local structures and folding fragments based on building-block library. |
Q51911900 | Prediction of protein loop geometries in solution |
Q30401819 | Prediction of protein mutation effects based on dehydration and hydrogen bonding - A large-scale study |
Q90058547 | Prediction of protein oligomer structures using GALAXY in CASP13 |
Q30350134 | Prediction of protein relative solvent accessibility with a two-stage SVM approach. |
Q47236434 | Prediction of protein relative solvent accessibility with support vector machines and long-range interaction 3D local descriptor |
Q52075238 | Prediction of protein secondary structure at 80% accuracy |
Q30362848 | Prediction of protein secondary structure content for the twilight zone sequences. |
Q30352177 | Prediction of protein secondary structure content using amino acid composition and evolutionary information. |
Q45421787 | Prediction of protein secondary structure from circular dichroism using theoretically derived spectra |
Q52941135 | Prediction of protein secondary structures from conformational biases |
Q52070751 | Prediction of protein signal sequences and their cleavage sites |
Q45967137 | Prediction of protein solvent accessibility using support vector machines. |
Q46560080 | Prediction of protein stability changes for single-site mutations using support vector machines |
Q30336225 | Prediction of protein structure by emphasizing local side-chain/backbone interactions in ensembles of turn fragments |
Q30366952 | Prediction of protein structure from ideal forms. |
Q47405976 | Prediction of protein structure with the coarse-grained UNRES force field assisted by small X-ray scattering data and knowledge-based information |
Q30175326 | Prediction of protein structure: the problem of fold multiplicity |
Q28244166 | Prediction of protein subcellular localization |
Q52068724 | Prediction of protein surface accessibility with information theory. |
Q31101728 | Prediction of protein tertiary structure using PROFESY, a novel method based on fragment assembly and conformational space annealing |
Q34017391 | Prediction of protein-glucose binding sites using support vector machines |
Q92331123 | Prediction of quaternary structure by analysis of hot spot residues in protein-protein interfaces: the case of anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferases |
Q38562011 | Prediction of secondary structural content of proteins from their amino acid composition alone. I. New analytic vector decomposition methods |
Q38562009 | Prediction of secondary structural content of proteins from their amino acid composition alone. II. The paradox with secondary structural class |
Q30196217 | Prediction of secondary structure by evolutionary comparison: application to the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase |
Q33268373 | Prediction of side-chain conformations on protein surfaces |
Q41882635 | Prediction of stability changes upon mutation in an icosahedral capsid |
Q47615952 | Prediction of strand pairing in antiparallel and parallel beta-sheets using information theory |
Q44898281 | Prediction of the bonding states of cysteines using the support vector machines based on multiple feature vectors and cysteine state sequences |
Q30351051 | Prediction of the conformation and geometry of loops in globular proteins: testing ArchDB, a structural classification of loops. |
Q39103337 | Prediction of the conformation of ice-nucleation protein by conformational energy calculation |
Q91945139 | Prediction of the initial folding sites and the entire folding processes for Ig-like beta-sandwich proteins |
Q30343006 | Prediction of the interaction site on the surface of an isolated protein structure by analysis of side chain energy scores. |
Q40941083 | Prediction of the secondary structure of HIV-1 gp120. |
Q73871016 | Prediction of the secondary structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor nontransmembrane regions |
Q30193331 | Prediction of the structure of GroES and its interaction with GroEL. |
Q42655710 | Prediction of the structure of the replication initiator protein DnaA. |
Q40551036 | Prediction of the substrate for nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) adenylation domains by virtual screening |
Q30404505 | Prediction of the tertiary structure of the alpha-subunit of tryptophan synthase |
Q46054195 | Prediction of the three-dimensional structure of human growth hormone |
Q52244716 | Prediction of the three-dimensional structure of proteins using the electrostatic screening model and hierarchic condensation |
Q47863720 | Prediction of the unknown: inspiring experience with the CAPRI experiment |
Q30363102 | Prediction of transition metal-binding sites from apo protein structures. |
Q30164057 | Prediction of transmembrane regions of beta-barrel proteins using ANN- and SVM-based methods. |
Q45966232 | Prediction of transporter family from protein sequence by support vector machine approach. |
Q30370580 | Prediction of turn types in protein structure by machine-learning classifiers. |
Q57090483 | Prediction targets of CASP4 |
Q36569264 | Prediction, refinement, and persistency of transmembrane helix dimers in lipid bilayers using implicit and explicit solvent/lipid representations: microsecond molecular dynamics simulations of ErbB1/B2 and EphA1. |
Q45965622 | Prediction-based fingerprints of protein-protein interactions. |
Q46120384 | Predictions of protein flexibility: first-order measures |
Q52072059 | Predictions of protein segments with the same aminoacid sequence and different secondary structure: a benchmark for predictive methods. |
Q28212631 | Predictions without templates: New folds, secondary structure, and contacts in CASP5 |
Q44252315 | Predictive crystallization of ribonuclease A via rapid screening of osmotic second virial coefficients |
Q45070154 | Predictive reconstruction of the mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly metabolism. II. Role of glutaredoxin Grx5. |
Q47307308 | Predictive reconstruction of the mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly metabolism: I. The role of the protein pair ferredoxin-ferredoxin reductase (Yah1-Arh1). |
Q47601163 | Predisposition of the dark state of rhodopsin to functional changes in structure |
Q30403888 | Preferred conformational state of the N-terminus section of a bovine growth hormone fragment (residues 96-133) in water is an omega loop |
Q102371569 | Prefusion spike protein stabilization through computational mutagenesis |
Q54635852 | Preliminary X-ray analysis of Escherichia coli GMP synthetase: determination of anomalous scattering factors for a cysteinyl mercury derivative. |
Q70121400 | Preliminary X-ray analysis of crystals of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 |
Q65559583 | Preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis ofTritrichomonas foetus inosine-5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase |
Q54774139 | Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of HhaII endonuclease-DNA cocrystals. |
Q45785149 | Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of crystals of tomato aspermy virus (TAV). |
Q43444530 | Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of crystals of turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV). |
Q41881305 | Preliminary X-ray diffraction studies and biochemical characterization of the antitumor protein mitomalcin indicate close similarity to neocarzinostatin |
Q44481189 | Preliminary crystallographic analysis of an enzyme involved in erythromycin biosynthesis: cytochrome P450eryF. |
Q54720639 | Preliminary crystallographic analysis of class 3 rat liver aldehyde dehydrogenase. |
Q58321559 | Preliminary crystallographic characterization of ricin agglutinin |
Q72242673 | Preparation and characterization of the E168Q site-directed mutant of yeast enolase 1 |
Q52999918 | Preparation and crystallization of a cross-linked complex of bovine adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase |
Q57008054 | Preparation and initial characterization of crystals of the photoprotein aequorin from Aequorea victoria |
Q46800694 | Preparation of amino-acid-type selective isotope labeling of protein expressed in Pichia pastoris. |
Q51508103 | PresCont: predicting protein-protein interfaces utilizing four residue properties. |
Q39949452 | Present and future challenges and limitations in protein-protein docking |
Q30417671 | Pressure as a denaturing agent in studies of single-point mutants of an amyloidogenic protein human cystatin c. |
Q43676063 | Pressure effect on denaturant-induced unfolding of hen egg white lysozyme |
Q30351842 | Pressure effect on the stability and the conformational dynamics of the D-Galactose/D-Glucose-binding protein from Escherichia coli. |
Q30476118 | Pressure perturbation calorimetry of apolipoproteins in solution and in model lipoproteins |
Q46863955 | Pressure perturbation calorimetry of helical peptides |
Q27649295 | Pressure-induced changes in the solution structure of the GB1 domain of protein G |
Q87442896 | Pressure-induced conformational switch of an interfacial protein |
Q30994627 | Pressure-induced structural transition of mature HIV-1 protease from a combined NMR/MD simulation approach |
Q67488113 | Primary mutations in calmodulin prevent activation of the Ca+ +‐dependent Na+ channel in Paramecium |
Q29614750 | Primary structure effects on peptide group hydrogen exchange |
Q36448475 | Primary structure of a precursor to the aspartic proteinase from Rhizomucor miehei shows that the enzyme is synthesized as a zymogen |
Q57088249 | Primary structure of the common polypeptide chainb from the multi-hemoglobin system of the hydrothermal vent tube wormRiftia pachyptila: An insight on the sulfide binding-site |
Q46497685 | Primary structure of the reaction center from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides |
Q30399169 | Princeton_TIGRESS 2.0: High refinement consistency and net gains through support vector machines and molecular dynamics in double-blind predictions during the CASP11 experiment |
Q30355061 | Princeton_TIGRESS: protein geometry refinement using simulations and support vector machines. |
Q30559566 | Principal component analysis of chemical shift perturbation data of a multiple-ligand-binding system for elucidation of respective binding mechanism. |
Q51639725 | Principal component and normal mode analysis of proteins; a quantitative comparison using the GroEL subunit |
Q57217928 | Principal eigenvector of contact matrices and hydrophobicity profiles in proteins |
Q27731973 | Principles and pitfalls in designing site-directed peptide ligands |
Q28217048 | Principles of docking: An overview of search algorithms and a guide to scoring functions |
Q57808017 | Principles of docking: An overview of search algorithms and a guide to scoring functions |
Q36952164 | Principles of flexible protein-protein docking |
Q33281033 | Principles of nanostructure design with protein building blocks |
Q39855522 | Prion protein region 23-32 interacts with tubulin and inhibits microtubule assembly |
Q36909356 | Prior knowledge or freedom of interpretation? A critical look at a recently published classification of "novel" Zn binding sites |
Q92194951 | ProDCoNN: Protein design using a convolutional neural network |
Q51104952 | ProDomAs, protein domain assignment algorithm using center-based clustering and independent dominating set. |
Q75209210 | ProVal: a protein-scoring function for the selection of native and near-native folds |
Q51927404 | Probabilistic alignment detects remote homology in a pair of protein sequences without homologous sequence information |
Q47430812 | Probabilistic description of protein alignments for sequences and structures |
Q30329264 | Probabilistic sampling of protein conformations: New hope for brute force? |
Q80045488 | Probe-dependent and nonexponential relaxation kinetics: unreliable signatures of downhill protein folding |
Q51050770 | Probing a continuum of macro-molecular assembly models with graph templates of complexes |
Q31161561 | Probing beta-lactamase structure and function using random replacement mutagenesis |
Q46794978 | Probing electric fields in proteins in solution by NMR spectroscopy |
Q46853482 | Probing electrostatic interactions and ligand binding in aspartyl-tRNA synthetase through site-directed mutagenesis and computer simulations |
Q47430898 | Probing flexibility and "induced-fit" phenomena in aldose reductase by comparative crystal structure analysis and molecular dynamics simulations |
Q46899112 | Probing ligand binding modes of human cytochrome P450 2J2 by homology modeling, molecular dynamics simulation, and flexible molecular docking |
Q73393624 | Probing local environments of tryptophan residues in proteins: comparison of 19F nuclear magnetic resonance results with the intrinsic fluorescence of soluble human tissue factor |
Q51080128 | Probing nascent structures in peptides using natural abundance 13C NMR relaxation and reduced spectral density mapping |
Q38848944 | Probing protease sensitivity of recombinant human erythropoietin reveals α3-α4 inter-helical loop as a stability determinant. |
Q48136545 | Probing subtle conformational changes induced by phosphorylation and point mutations in the TIR domains of TLR2 and TLR3. |
Q40957320 | Probing the activation of protein C by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex using structural analysis, site-directed mutagenesis, and computer modeling |
Q30339082 | Probing the alpha-complementing domain of E. coli beta-galactosidase with use of an insertional pentapeptide mutagenesis strategy based on Mu in vitro DNA transposition. |
Q46905577 | Probing the different chaperone activities of the bacterial HSP70-HSP40 system using a thermolabile luciferase substrate |
Q77977309 | Probing the modelled structure of wheatwin1 by controlled proteolysis and sequence analysis of unfractionated digestion mixtures |
Q27765709 | Probing the potential glycoprotein binding site of sindbis virus capsid protein with dioxane and model building |
Q41895535 | Probing the role of interfacial waters in protein–DNA recognition using a hybrid implicit/explicit solvation model |
Q27702639 | Probing the roles of two tryptophans surrounding the unique zinc coordination site in lipase family I.5 |
Q38784917 | Probing the structural dynamics of the CRISPR-Cas9 RNA-guided DNA-cleavage system by coarse-grained modeling |
Q38879619 | Probing the structural dynamics of the SNARE recycling machine based on coarse-grained modeling |
Q43947460 | Probing the structure of the warfarin-binding site on human serum albumin using site-directed mutagenesis |
Q73217210 | Proceedings of the 3rd meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction. Asilomar, December 1998 |
Q83476427 | Proceedings of the 4th Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Predicted Interaction (CAPRI), Barcelona, Spain |
Q80548333 | Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction. November 26-30, 2006. Pacific Grove, California, USA |
Q28145979 | Processing and analysis of CASP3 protein structure predictions |
Q28218067 | Processing and evaluation of predictions in CASP4 |
Q59443871 | Processing and evaluation of predictions in CASP4 |
Q39606407 | Processivity of nucleic acid unwinding and translocation by helicases |
Q71671461 | Production and crystallization of a selenomethionyl variant of UmuD', an Escherichia coli SOS response protein |
Q57209021 | Profile-profile methods provide improved fold-recognition: A study of different profile-profile alignment methods |
Q48557743 | Profiling the array of Ca(v)3.1 variants from the human T-type calcium channel gene CACNA1G: alternative structures, developmental expression, and biophysical variations |
Q30350114 | Progress and challenges in high-resolution refinement of protein structure models. |
Q34698989 | Progress from CASP6 to CASP7. |
Q46907040 | Progress in computation and amide hydrogen exchange for prediction of protein-protein complexes |
Q52324562 | Progress in fold recognition. |
Q52046751 | Progress in predicting inter-residue contacts of proteins with neural networks and correlated mutations. |
Q28258457 | Progress in protein-protein docking: atomic resolution predictions in the CAPRI experiment using RosettaDock with an improved treatment of side-chain flexibility |
Q38915827 | Progress in super long loop prediction. |
Q35627466 | Progress in the prediction of pKa values in proteins |
Q56979272 | Progress in the structural prediction of G protein-coupled receptors: D3 receptor in complex with eticlopride |
Q30424386 | Progress of 1D protein structure prediction at last |
Q30351482 | Progress over the first decade of CASP experiments. |
Q44125156 | Progress toward virtual screening for drug side effects. |
Q30164198 | Progressive combinatorial algorithm for multiple structural alignments: application to distantly related proteins |
Q45012035 | Projection of Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics trajectories onto the normal mode axes: human lysozyme |
Q41914753 | Proline in alpha-helix: stability and conformation studied by dynamics simulation |
Q43629656 | Proline-induced hinges in transmembrane helices: possible roles in ion channel gating |
Q30157751 | Prolylproline unit in model peptides and in fragments from databases |
Q51791742 | Propensity vectors of low-ASA residue pairs in the distinction of protein interactions |
Q68704281 | Properties of a second sensory receptor protein in Halobacterium halobium phototaxis |
Q45276526 | Properties of integral membrane protein structures: derivation of an implicit membrane potential. |
Q45229454 | Properties of polyproline II, a secondary structure element implicated in protein-protein interactions |
Q80045491 | Property-based sequence representations do not adequately encode local protein folding information |
Q27641380 | Proposed amino acid sequence and the 1.63 A X-ray crystal structure of a plant cysteine protease, ervatamin B: some insights into the structural basis of its stability and substrate specificity |
Q28293819 | Proposed structural models of the prothrombinase (FXa-FVa) complex |
Q46546900 | Protease pro region required for folding is a potent inhibitor of the mature enzyme. |
Q68236082 | Proteases of enhanced stability: characterization of a thermostable variant of subtilisin |
Q90747077 | Protein adaptation to high hydrostatic pressure: Computational analysis of the structural proteome |
Q81258728 | Protein classification based on text document classification techniques |
Q31139777 | Protein classification with imbalanced data |
Q46068059 | Protein conformational landscapes: energy minimization and clustering of a long molecular dynamics trajectory |
Q45996366 | Protein conformational transitions coupled to binding in molecular recognition of unstructured proteins: deciphering the effect of intermolecular interactions on computational structure prediction of the p27Kip1 protein bound to the cyclin A-cyclin- |
Q51911720 | Protein conformational transitions explored by mixed elastic network models |
Q42621326 | Protein conformer selection by sequence-dependent packing contacts in crystals of 3-phosphoglycerate kinase |
Q45944818 | Protein contact prediction by integrating deep multiple sequence alignments, coevolution and machine learning. |
Q44998310 | Protein contact prediction using patterns of correlation |
Q40741195 | Protein crystallography for all. |
Q53042799 | Protein cutoff scanning: A comparative analysis of cutoff dependent and cutoff free methods for prospecting contacts in proteins. |
Q34436089 | Protein design on computers. Five new proteins: Shpilka, Grendel, Fingerclasp, Leather, and Aida |
Q46827672 | Protein design simulations suggest that side-chain conformational entropy is not a strong determinant of amino acid environmental preferences |
Q52062727 | Protein docking using a genetic algorithm |
Q51151900 | Protein docking using case-based reasoning |
Q52080524 | Protein docking using spherical polar Fourier correlations |
Q45965397 | Protein docking using surface matching and supervised machine learning. |
Q80538483 | Protein domain annotation with integration of heterogeneous information sources |
Q30399247 | Protein domain assignment from the recurrence of locally similar structures |
Q52033388 | Protein domain identification and improved sequence similarity searching using PSI-BLAST. |
Q52256509 | Protein domain movements: detection of rigid domains and visualization of hinges in comparisons of atomic coordinates |
Q45249247 | Protein domain of unknown function DUF1023 is an alpha/beta hydrolase |
Q62654659 | Protein dynamics analysis reveals that missense mutations in cancer-related genes appear frequently on hinge-neighboring residues |
Q79416234 | Protein dynamics from X-ray crystallography: anisotropic, global motion in diffuse scattering patterns |
Q44932771 | Protein electrostatics and pKa blind predictions; contribution from empirical predictions of internal ionizable residues. |
Q38666970 | Protein features as determinants of wild-type glycoside hydrolase thermostability |
Q34440277 | Protein flexibility and rigidity predicted from sequence |
Q84685413 | Protein flexibility from discrete molecular dynamics simulations using quasi-physical potentials |
Q43629667 | Protein flexibility predictions using graph theory |
Q43648923 | Protein fluorescence quenching by small molecules: protein penetration versus solvent exposure |
Q41649019 | Protein fold analysis of the B30.2-like domain |
Q71961398 | Protein fold recognition and dynamics in the space of contact maps |
Q52077268 | Protein fold recognition by total alignment probability |
Q57746713 | Protein fold recognition score functions: Unusual construction strategies |
Q27861091 | Protein folding and association: insights from the interfacial and thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbons |
Q30165171 | Protein folding in mode space: a collective coordinate approach to structure prediction |
Q41690266 | Protein folding in the landscape perspective: Chevron plots and non-arrhenius kinetics |
Q30400486 | Protein folding kinetics by combined use of rapid mixing techniques and NMR observation of individual amide protons |
Q52237311 | Protein folding mechanisms and the multidimensional folding funnel |
Q51647609 | Protein folding simulation with genetic algorithm and supersecondary structure constraints |
Q57135272 | Protein folding simulation with solvent-induced force field: folding pathway ensemble of three-helix-bundle proteins |
Q30329263 | Protein folding: Looping from hydrophobic nuclei |
Q41034558 | Protein folding: predicting predicting |
Q74252605 | Protein folds from pair interactions: A blind test in fold recognition |
Q78955240 | Protein fragment clustering and canonical local shapes |
Q42414721 | Protein function annotation by local binding site surface similarity |
Q53679864 | Protein heat capacity reflects the dynamics of enthalpy exchange between the single macromolecule and the surroundings |
Q30363180 | Protein homology detection and fold inference through multiple alignment entropy profiles. |
Q84801600 | Protein homomers in point‐group assembly: Symmetry making and breaking are specific and distinctive in their codes of chemical alphabet in side chains |
Q68697925 | Protein hydrophobicity: is it the sum of its parts? |
Q46794973 | Protein kinase C isozymes and their selectivity towards ruboxistaurin |
Q46129960 | Protein kinase resource: an integrated environment for phosphorylation research |
Q78955236 | Protein local structure prediction from sequence |
Q34097299 | Protein loop closure using orientational restraints from NMR data |
Q34292837 | Protein loop modeling by using fragment assembly and analytical loop closure |
Q51568651 | Protein loop selection using orientation-dependent force fields derived by parameter optimization |
Q30351615 | Protein loop structure prediction with flexible stem geometries. |
Q99401364 | Protein loops with multiple meta-stable conformations: a challenge for sampling and scoring methods |
Q38091029 | Protein misfolding in the late-onset neurodegenerative diseases: common themes and the unique case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. |
Q90919878 | Protein model discrimination attempts using mutational sensitivity, predicted secondary structure, and model quality information |
Q33305650 | Protein model quality assessment prediction by combining fragment comparisons and a consensus C(alpha) contact potential |
Q52281057 | Protein modeling by multiple sequence threading and distance geometry. |
Q35450334 | Protein models docking benchmark 2. |
Q37129861 | Protein models: the Grand Challenge of protein docking |
Q57134681 | Protein molecular dynamics with electrostatic force entirely determined by a single Poisson-Boltzmann calculation |
Q57077682 | Protein molecular dynamics with the generalized born/ACE solvent model |
Q43030167 | Protein rigidity and thermophilic adaptation |
Q37937535 | Protein secondary structure and circular dichroism: a practical guide |
Q47715236 | Protein secondary structure assignment through Voronoï tessellation |
Q81547710 | Protein secondary structure prediction with dihedral angles |
Q74054779 | Protein sequence threading: Averaging over structures |
Q35947259 | Protein side chain conformation predictions with an MMGBSA energy function |
Q30360147 | Protein side-chain modeling with a protein-dependent optimized rotamer library. |
Q44252308 | Protein side-chain rearrangement in regions of point mutations |
Q30339081 | Protein simple sequence conservation. |
Q28236405 | Protein simulations using techniques suitable for very large systems: the cell multipole method for nonbond interactions and the Newton-Euler inverse mass operator method for internal coordinate dynamics |
Q28818852 | Protein social behavior makes a stronger signal for partner identification than surface geometry |
Q68566676 | Protein stability and electrostatic interactions between solvent exposed charged side chains |
Q30407525 | Protein stability and in vivo concentration of missense mutations in phenylalanine hydroxylase. |
Q72416539 | Protein stability parameters measured by hydrogen exchange |
Q50517955 | Protein strain in blue copper proteins studied by free energy perturbations |
Q73379973 | Protein structural alignments and functional genomics |
Q57065004 | Protein structural domains: Analysis of the 3Dee domains database |
Q57065016 | Protein structural domains: Analysis of the 3Dee domains database |
Q30326372 | Protein structure alignment using a genetic algorithm. |
Q30425192 | Protein structure and the sequential structure of mRNA: alpha-helix and beta-sheet signals at the nucleotide level |
Q30327109 | Protein structure comparison using the markov transition model of evolution. |
Q30380138 | Protein structure determination by conformational space annealing using NMR geometric restraints. |
Q30365837 | Protein structure mining using a structural alphabet. |
Q47916176 | Protein structure model refinement in CASP12 using short and long molecular dynamics simulations in implicit solvent |
Q47380009 | Protein structure modeling and refinement by global optimization in CASP12. |
Q30353045 | Protein structure modeling for CASP10 by multiple layers of global optimization. |
Q30319684 | Protein structure modeling indicates hexahistidine-tag interference with enzyme activity |
Q90653346 | Protein structure prediction assisted with sparse NMR data in CASP13 |
Q30383511 | Protein structure prediction begins well but ends badly. |
Q30424389 | Protein structure prediction by threading methods: evaluation of current techniques |
Q30380286 | Protein structure prediction center in CASP8. |
Q30426891 | Protein structure prediction force fields: parametrization with quasi-newtonian dynamics |
Q30351472 | Protein structure prediction in CASP6 using CHIMERA and FAMS. |
Q79209995 | Protein structure prediction of CASP5 comparative modeling and fold recognition targets using consensus alignment approach and 3D assessment |
Q47756295 | Protein structure prediction using Rosetta in CASP12. |
Q30329570 | Protein structure prediction using a combination of sequence-based alignment, constrained energy minimization, and structural alignment. |
Q30401241 | Protein structure prediction using a docking-based hierarchical folding scheme |
Q30351470 | Protein structure prediction using a variety of profile libraries and 3D verification. |
Q90646320 | Protein structure prediction using multiple deep neural networks in the 13th Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction (CASP13) |
Q30378826 | Protein structure prediction using residue- and fragment-environment potentials in CASP11. |
Q91778709 | Protein structure prediction using sparse NOE and RDC restraints with Rosetta in CASP13 |
Q38629307 | Protein structure prediction: making AWSEM AWSEM-ER by adding evolutionary restraints |
Q30375937 | Protein structure refinement by optimization. |
Q30377414 | Protein structure refinement via molecular-dynamics simulations: What works and what does not? |
Q30379991 | Protein structure refinement with adaptively restrained homologous replicas. |
Q93092064 | Protein tertiary structure modeling driven by deep learning and contact distance prediction in CASP13 |
Q52220825 | Protein tertiary structure prediction using a branch and bound algorithm |
Q30367570 | Protein thermal stabilization by charged compatible solutes: Computational studies in rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas. |
Q52077270 | Protein threading using PROSPECT: design and evaluation |
Q30356324 | Protein under pressure: molecular dynamics simulation of the arc repressor. |
Q51639175 | Protein unfolding at interfaces: slow dynamics of alpha-helix to beta-sheet transition |
Q28258488 | Protein-Protein Docking Benchmark 2.0: an update |
Q79522519 | Protein-RNA contacts at crystal packing surfaces |
Q79448967 | Protein-RNA interactions: structural analysis and functional classes |
Q44242205 | Protein-based virtual screening of chemical databases. II. Are homology models of G-Protein Coupled Receptors suitable targets? |
Q30380928 | Protein-binding site prediction based on three-dimensional protein modeling. |
Q68763748 | Protein-drug interactions: characterization of inhibitor binding in complexes of DHFR with trimethoprim and related derivatives |
Q43558037 | Protein-flavonol interaction: fluorescence spectroscopic study |
Q30383790 | Protein-fold recognition using an improved single-source K diverse shortest paths algorithm. |
Q51626047 | Protein-inhibitor flexible docking by a multicanonical sampling: native complex structure with the lowest free energy and a free-energy barrier distinguishing the native complex from the others |
Q36544700 | Protein-ligand docking: current status and future challenges |
Q46668372 | Protein-nucleic acid recognition: statistical analysis of atomic interactions and influence of DNA structure |
Q39245081 | Protein-protein and peptide-protein docking and refinement using ATTRACT in CAPRI. |
Q50882321 | Protein-protein association rates captured in a single geometric parameter |
Q57976304 | Protein-protein binding is often associated with changes in protonation state |
Q41891375 | Protein-protein docking benchmark version 3.0. |
Q51897092 | Protein-protein docking by simulating the process of association subject to biochemical constraints |
Q50919250 | Protein-protein docking in CAPRI using ATTRACT to account for global and local flexibility |
Q57814824 | Protein-protein docking of electron transfer complexes: Cytochromecoxidase and cytochromec |
Q28208464 | Protein-protein docking predictions for the CAPRI experiment |
Q33217994 | Protein-protein docking using 3D-Dock in rounds 3, 4, and 5 of CAPRI. |
Q51665410 | Protein-protein docking with binding site patch prediction and network-based terms enhanced combinatorial scoring. |
Q51906617 | Protein-protein docking: progress in CAPRI rounds 6-12 using a combination of methods: the introduction of steered solvated molecular dynamics |
Q71374340 | Protein-protein interaction at crystal contacts |
Q38498009 | Protein-protein interaction network-based detection of functionally similar proteins within species |
Q45935765 | Protein-protein interactions at an enzyme-substrate interface: characterization of transient reaction intermediates throughout a full catalytic cycle of Escherichia coli thioredoxin reductase. |
Q83216415 | Protein-protein interactions in actin-myosin binding and structural effects of R405Q mutation: a molecular dynamics study |
Q63979795 | Protein-protein interactions: Analysis of a false positive GST pulldown result |
Q47619897 | Protein-protein interfaces: analysis of amino acid conservation in homodimers |
Q52465000 | Protein-protein recognition analyzed by docking simulation |
Q51924434 | Protein-protein recognition and interaction hot spots in an antigen-antibody complex: free energy decomposition identifies "efficient amino acids". |
Q52224060 | Protein-protein recognition: exploring the energy funnels near the binding sites |
Q30388852 | Protein-protein structure prediction by scoring molecular dynamics trajectories of putative poses. |
Q34437618 | Protein-spanning water networks and implications for prediction of protein-protein interactions mediated through hydrophobic effects |
Q80559801 | Protein-thiol substitution or protein dethiolation by thiol/disulfide exchange reactions: the albumin model |
Q47596418 | Protein-water interactions in ribonuclease A and angiogenin: a molecular dynamics study |
Q38188308 | Proteins and peptides in water-restricted environments |
Q47603412 | Proteins of the same fold and unrelated sequences have similar amino acid composition |
Q42093255 | Protein–protein docking benchmark version 4.0 |
Q57814814 | Protein–protein docking of electron transfer complexes: Cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome c |
Q80448968 | Proteochemometric analysis of small cyclic peptides' interaction with wild-type and chimeric melanocortin receptors |
Q51920356 | Proteochemometric modeling reveals the interaction site for Trp9 modified alpha-MSH peptides in melanocortin receptors |
Q74419065 | Proteolysis as a probe of thermal unfolding of cytochrome C |
Q70388086 | Proteolytic dissection of a hapten binding site |
Q52003359 | Proteomic signatures: amino acid and oligopeptide compositions differentiate among phyla |
Q47622317 | ProtoMap: automatic classification of protein sequences, a hierarchy of protein families, and local maps of the protein space |
Q43676091 | Protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase: a homology model examined by site-directed mutagenesis |
Q51918183 | Proton pathways and H+/Cl- stoichiometry in bacterial chloride transporters |
Q81230775 | Proton pathways in a [NiFe]-hydrogenase: A theoretical study |
Q90612993 | Proton relay network in P450cam formed upon docking of putidaredoxin |
Q46655444 | Proton transfer in a Thr200His mutant of human carbonic anhydrase II. |
Q41815761 | Protonate3D: assignment of ionization states and hydrogen coordinates to macromolecular structures |
Q80595829 | Protonation state and substrate binding to B2 metallo-beta-lactamase CphA from Aeromonas hydrofila |
Q90564487 | Protonation state of the selectivity filter of bacterial voltage-gated sodium channels is modulated by ions |
Q40696079 | Protonation states of active-site lysines of penicillin-binding protein 6 from Escherichia coli and the mechanistic implications. |
Q54434623 | Protonless 13C direct detection NMR: characterization of the 37 kDa trimeric protein CutA1. |
Q42253991 | Prots: A fragment based protein thermo‐stability potential |
Q33460006 | PseqIP: a nonredundant and exhaustive protein sequence data bank generated from 4 major existing collections |
Q52256499 | Pseudocontact shifts as constraints for energy minimization and molecular dynamics calculations on solution structures of paramagnetic metalloproteins |
Q80168581 | Pump-probe molecular dynamics as a tool for studying protein motion and long range coupling |
Q73428010 | Purification and crystallization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa chloramphenicol acetyltransferase |
Q41170735 | Purification and crystallization of a complex between human interferon gamma receptor (extracellular domain) and human interferon gamma |
Q54613001 | Purification and crystallization of a schistosomal glutathione S-transferase. |
Q52441418 | Purification and crystallization of insecticidal delta-endotoxin CryIIIB2 from Bacillus thuringiensis |
Q44260172 | Purification and preliminary crystallographic studies on the sporulation response regulatory phosphotransferase protein, Spo0B, from Bacillus subtilis |
Q104111707 | Purification, characterization and crystal structure of YhdA-type azoreductase from Bacillus velezensis |
Q70980749 | Purification, characterization, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray results from Paracoccus denitrificans porin |
Q71374372 | Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray analysis of Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase |
Q54602213 | Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray analysis of PepX, an X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase from Lactococcus lactis. |
Q50144420 | Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray diffraction analyses of the bacterial chemotaxis receptor modifying enzymes. |
Q38298248 | Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of even-skipped homeodomain complexed to DNA. |
Q45990770 | Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray studies of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from Clostridia acidici-urici. |
Q38322022 | Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray studies on the rhizome lectin from stinging nettle and its complex with NN'N"-triacetylchitotriose |
Q30468986 | Purification, crystallization, and preliminary crystallographic analysis of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase from Escherichia coli |
Q71660312 | Purification, crystallization, and preliminary x-ray diffraction studies of tRNA-guanine transglycosylase from Zymomonas mobilis |
Q36849665 | Purification, crystallization, and preliminary x-ray studies of a bifunctional 5,10-methenyl/methylene-tetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase/dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli |
Q54589429 | Purification, stabilization, and crystallization of a modular protein: Grb2. |
Q45029743 | Purine salvage in Methanocaldococcus jannaschii: Elucidating the role of a conserved cysteine in adenine deaminase |
Q44607630 | Putative cholesterol-binding sites in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coreceptors CXCR4 and CCR5. |
Q92445268 | Putative structural rearrangements associated with the interaction of macrocyclic inhibitors with norovirus 3CL protease |
Q34316219 | Pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase (Pcp): an enzyme that removes pyroglutamic acid (pGlu) from pGlu-peptides and pGlu-proteins |
Q30353222 | QBES: predicting real values of solvent accessibility from sequences by efficient, constrained energy optimization. |
Q42739061 | QM/MM linear response method distinguishes ligand affinities for closely related metalloproteins |
Q46500571 | QM/MM modeling the Ras-GAP catalyzed hydrolysis of guanosine triphosphate. |
Q51134217 | QM/MM studies on the calcium-assisted β-elimination mechanism of pectate lyase from bacillus subtilis |
Q43818080 | QM/MM study of the C-C coupling reaction mechanism of CYP121, an essential cytochrome p450 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
Q30365138 | QMEAN: A comprehensive scoring function for model quality assessment. |
Q30665587 | QSAR: hydropathic analysis of inhibitors of the p53-mdm2 interaction |
Q33888045 | QSD quadratic shape descriptors. 2. Molecular docking using quadratic shape descriptors (QSDock). |
Q30350531 | Quantifying allosteric effects in proteins. |
Q71671449 | Quantifying biological specificity: the statistical mechanics of molecular recognition |
Q47296179 | Quantifying the effect of burial of amino acid residues on protein stability |
Q51784692 | Quantifying the evolutionary divergence of protein structures: the role of function change and function conservation. |
Q34664245 | Quantifying the relationship of protein burying depth and sequence |
Q47771215 | Quantitative analysis and prediction of curvature in leucine-rich repeat proteins |
Q52070052 | Quantitative comparison of the ability of hydropathy scales to recognize surface beta-strands in proteins |
Q41489269 | Quantitative delineation of how breathing motions open ligand migration channels in myoglobin and its mutants |
Q30367568 | Quantitative expression of protein heterogeneity: Response of amino acid side chains to their local environment. |
Q47174762 | Quantitative modeling of peptide binding to TAP using support vector machine |
Q68878435 | Quantitative organization of the known protein x-ray structures. I. Methods and short-length-scale results |
Q46251096 | Quantitative structure activity relationship of IA3-like peptides as aspartic proteinase inhibitors |
Q55120704 | Quantitative use of chemical shifts for the modeling of protein complexes |
Q46661986 | Quantum computational analysis for drug resistance of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase to nevirapine through point mutations |
Q80389895 | Quantum descriptors for biological macromolecules from linear-scaling electronic structure methods |
Q38939533 | Quantum mechanical electronic structure calculation reveals orientation dependence of hydrogen bond energy in proteins |
Q54623263 | Quantum mechanical model assembly study on the energetics of binding of arabinose, fucose, and galactose to L-arabinose-binding protein. |
Q30328502 | Quantum mechanics simulation of protein dynamics on long timescale. |
Q46403165 | Quantum study of mutational effect in binding of efavirenz to HIV-1 RT. |
Q84789809 | Quasi-harmonic fluctuations of two bound peptides |
Q46159941 | Quaternary structure effects on the hexacoordination equilibrium in rice hemoglobin rHb1: insights from molecular dynamics simulations |
Q45554919 | Quaternary structure is critical for protein display on capsid-like particles (CLPs): efficient generation of hepatitis B virus CLPs presenting monomeric but not dimeric and tetrameric fluorescent proteins. |
Q99633251 | Quaternary variations in the structural assembly of N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase from Pasteurella multocida |
Q30402478 | Quaternion-based definition of protein secondary structure straightness and its relationship to Ramachandran angles |
Q50797771 | R248Q mutation--Beyond p53-DNA binding. |
Q50660564 | RBRDetector: improved prediction of binding residues on RNA-binding protein structures using complementary feature- and template-based strategies |
Q41110819 | RBRIdent: An algorithm for improved identification of RNA-binding residues in proteins from primary sequences |
Q53536105 | RCC1-like repeat proteins: a pangenomic, structurally diverse new superfamily of beta-propeller domains |
Q79210081 | RDOCK: Refinement of rigid‐body protein docking predictions |
Q29614749 | RECOORD: a recalculated coordinate database of 500+ proteins from the PDB using restraints from the BioMagResBank |
Q30375449 | REMO: A new protocol to refine full atomic protein models from C-alpha traces by optimizing hydrogen-bonding networks |
Q46937892 | RIP death domain structural interactions implicated in TNF-mediated proliferation and survival |
Q30323115 | RMS/coverage graphs: a qualitative method for comparing three-dimensional protein structure predictions. |
Q90771209 | RMSD analysis of structures of the bacterial protein FimH identifies five conformations of its lectin domain |
Q30552721 | RNA polymerase II flexibility during translocation from normal mode analysis |
Q51933455 | ROSETTALIGAND: protein-small molecule docking with full side-chain flexibility |
Q57902423 | Rab7: NMR and kinetics analysis of intact and C-terminal truncated constructs |
Q73134811 | Rab7: crystallization of intact and C-terminal truncated constructs complexed with GDP and GppNHp |
Q88512044 | Radiation chemists look at damage in redox proteins induced by X-rays |
Q90984014 | Ramachandran maps for side chains in globular proteins |
Q129830448 | Random, de novo, and conserved proteins: How structure and disorder predictors perform differently |
Q51149982 | Rank information: a structure-independent measure of evolutionary trace quality that improves identification of protein functional sites |
Q41666440 | Ranking ligand binding affinities with avidin: a molecular dynamics-based interaction energy study |
Q51050723 | Ranking multiple docking solutions based on the conservation of inter‐residue contacts |
Q30365830 | Ranking predicted protein structures with support vector regression. |
Q60761692 | Ranking the factors that contribute to protein β-sheet folding |
Q90297006 | Rapid and accurate structure-based therapeutic peptide design using GPU accelerated thermodynamic integration |
Q51975402 | Rapid assessment of contact-dependent secondary structure propensity: relevance to amyloidogenic sequences |
Q52074687 | Rapid automatic detection and alignment of repeats in protein sequences |
Q31119238 | Rapid calculation of the solution scattering profile from a macromolecule of known structure |
Q36952014 | Rapid comparison of properties on protein surface |
Q44784463 | Rapid protein-ligand docking using soft modes from molecular dynamics simulations to account for protein deformability: binding of FK506 to FKBP. |
Q24633589 | Raptorx: Exploiting structure information for protein alignment by statistical inference |
Q54737044 | Ras interaction with the GTPase-activating protein (GAP). |
Q42159713 | Rate of beta-structure formation in polypeptides |
Q47972577 | Ratio of ellipticities between 192 and 208 nm (R1 ): An effective electronic circular dichroism parameter for characterization of the helical components of proteins and peptides. |
Q30157141 | Rational design of amyloid beta peptide-binding proteins: pseudo-Abeta beta-sheet surface presented in green fluorescent protein binds tightly and preferentially to structured Abeta |
Q27649614 | Rational design of peptides active against the gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus |
Q45159356 | Rational discovery of a novel interface for a coactivator in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma: theoretical implications of impairment in type 2 diabetes mellitus |
Q34669702 | Rational genomics I: antisense open reading frames and codon bias in short-chain oxido reductase enzymes and the evolution of the genetic code |
Q44667171 | Rational proteomics I. Fingerprint identification and cofactor specificity in the short-chain oxidoreductase (SCOR) enzyme family. |
Q41891997 | Rational proteomics II: electrostatic nature of cofactor preference in the short-chain oxidoreductase (SCOR) enzyme family |
Q27665808 | Re-engineering specificity in 1,3-1, 4-β-glucanase to accept branched xyloglucan substrates |
Q44496092 | Re: Watts et al. Proteins 2002;48:161-168. |
Q44496103 | Reaction mechanism of caspases: insights from QM/MM Car-Parrinello simulations. |
Q42681280 | Reaction path and free energy calculations of the transition between alternate conformations of HIV-1 protease |
Q39673538 | Reactivation of mutant p53: Constraints on mechanism highlighted by principal component analysis of the DNA binding domain |
Q27765265 | Reactivation of the totally inactive pancreatic lipase RP1 by structure-predicted point mutations |
Q58882356 | Reading the three-dimensional structure of lattice model-designed proteins from their amino acid sequence |
Q52022851 | Real value prediction of solvent accessibility from amino acid sequence |
Q51966304 | Real value prediction of solvent accessibility in proteins using multiple sequence alignment and secondary structure. |
Q51918600 | Real-SPINE: an integrated system of neural networks for real-value prediction of protein structural properties |
Q34436712 | Real-time ligand binding pocket database search using local surface descriptors |
Q30367302 | Real-value prediction of backbone torsion angles. |
Q39263823 | Rebuilding a macromolecular membrane complex at the atomic scale: case of the Kir6.2 potassium channel coupled to the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2. |
Q47643233 | Rebuilding flavodoxin from C alpha coordinates: a test study |
Q44165209 | Rebuilt 3D structure of the chloroplast f1 ATPase-tentoxin complex. |
Q70500337 | Recent Developments in Deep Learning Applied to Protein Structure Prediction |
Q45172695 | Receptor rigidity and ligand mobility in trypsin-ligand complexes |
Q27621689 | Receptor-binding conformation of the "ELR" motif of IL-8: X-ray structure of the L5C/H33C variant at 2.35 A resolution |
Q62153412 | Receptor-specific scoring functions derived from quantum chemical models improve affinity estimates for in-silico drug discovery |
Q52072064 | Receptors coupling to G proteins: is there a signal behind the sequence? |
Q44542011 | Reciprocal control of retinal rod cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase by its gamma subunit and transducin |
Q73594366 | Recognition and architecture of the framework structure of protein |
Q74464021 | Recognition and interaction of small rings with the ricin A-chain binding site |
Q54341270 | Recognition between a short unstructured peptide and a partially folded fragment leads to the thioredoxin fold sharing native-like dynamics |
Q79992401 | Recognition of Cdk2 by Cdk7 |
Q38774504 | Recognition of HIV-inactivating peptide triazoles by the recombinant soluble Env trimer, BG505 SOSIP.664. |
Q98295347 | Recognition of LD motifs by the Focal Adhesion Targeting Domains of FAK and PYK2: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations |
Q41675248 | Recognition of a protein fold in the context of the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) classification |
Q47715209 | Recognition of coarse-grained protein tertiary structure |
Q72200793 | Recognition of distantly related proteins through energy calculations |
Q28249658 | Recognition of errors in three-dimensional structures of proteins |
Q47625148 | Recognition of native structure from complete enumeration of low-resolution models with constraints |
Q27765264 | Recognition of single-stranded DNA by nuclease P1: High resolution crystal structures of complexes with substrate analogs |
Q34676752 | Recognition of β-calcineurin by the domains of calmodulin: thermodynamic and structural evidence for distinct roles |
Q51975052 | Recognizing protein folds by cluster distance geometry |
Q52210953 | Recognizing very distant sequence relationships among proteins by family profile analysis |
Q45930668 | Recombinant HIV1 protease secreted by Saccharomyces cerevisiae correctly processes myristylated gag polyprotein. |
Q45156863 | Recombinant antineuraminidase single chain antibody: expression, characterization, and crystallization in complex with antigen. |
Q46941745 | Reconciling the "old" and "new" views of protein allostery: a molecular simulation study of chemotaxis Y protein (CheY). |
Q30757788 | Recovering the true targets of specific ligands by virtual screening of the protein data bank |
Q52047756 | Recurrence quantification analysis reveals interaction partners in paramyxoviridae envelope glycoproteins |
Q30195432 | Recurrent alpha beta loop structures in TIM barrel motifs show a distinct pattern of conserved structural features. |
Q52076418 | Recurrent oligomers in proteins: an optimal scheme reconciling accurate and concise backbone representations in automated folding and design studies |
Q30995758 | Redesigning the DNA-binding specificity of a zinc finger protein: a data base-guided approach |
Q40780634 | Redesigning the hydrophobic core of a model beta-sheet protein: destabilizing traps through a threading approach |
Q38931111 | Redesigning the stereospecificity of tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase |
Q50452689 | Redesigning the type II' β-turn in green fluorescent protein to type I': implications for folding kinetics and stability. |
Q34634076 | Redox properties and evolution of human glutaredoxins |
Q30371317 | Reduced alphabet for protein folding prediction. |
Q46969641 | Reducing CDK4/6-p16(INK4a) interface. Computational alanine scanning of a peptide bound to CDK6 protein. |
Q27618179 | Refined crystal structure (2.3 A) of a double-headed winged bean alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitor and location of its second reactive site |
Q27734159 | Refined crystal structure and mutagenesis of human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor |
Q27619399 | Refined solution structure of the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of human immunovirus-1 integrase |
Q30427772 | Refined solution structure of the anti-mammal and anti-insect LqqIII scorpion toxin: Comparison with other scorpion toxins |
Q90179671 | Refined structure of BeM9 reveals arginine hand, an overlooked structural motif in scorpion toxins affecting sodium channels |
Q70726283 | Refined structure of bovine carbonic anhydrase III at 2.0 A resolution |
Q27728532 | Refined structure of human carbonic anhydrase II at 2.0 A resolution |
Q43776861 | Refined structure of melittin bound to perdeuterated dodecylphosphocholine micelles as studied by 2D-NMR and distance geometry calculation |
Q27733724 | Refined structures of bobwhite quail lysozyme uncomplexed and complexed with the HyHEL-5 Fab fragment |
Q35848801 | Refinement by shifting secondary structure elements improves sequence alignments |
Q40925024 | Refinement of 3D models of horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme C: predictions of 2D NMR assignments and substrate binding sites |
Q42615724 | Refinement of NMR-determined protein structures with database derived mean-force potentials |
Q30979462 | Refinement of X-ray data on dual cosubstrate specificity of CK2 kinase by free energy calculations based on molecular dynamics simulation |
Q43194436 | Refinement of noncalorimetric determination of the change in heat capacity, DeltaC(p), of protein unfolding and validation across a wide temperature range |
Q98165873 | Refinement of pairwise potentials via logistic regression to score protein-protein interactions |
Q30415550 | Refinement of protein structure homology models via long, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations |
Q27860639 | Refinement of protein structures in explicit solvent |
Q47580210 | Refinement of protein termini in template-based modeling using conformational space annealing |
Q58106950 | Refinement of protein-protein complexes in contact map space with metadynamics simulations |
Q27664884 | Refinement of the NMR structures for acyl carrier protein with scalar coupling data |
Q57013562 | Refinement of unbound protein docking studies using biological knowledge |
Q30415183 | Refinement of unreliable local regions in template-based protein models |
Q42582708 | Refining homology models by combining replica-exchange molecular dynamics and statistical potentials |
Q30374452 | Refining near-native protein-protein docking decoys by local resampling and energy minimization |
Q40656802 | Refining structural and functional predictions for secretasome components by comparative sequence analysis |
Q40359573 | Refining the treatment of membrane proteins by coarse-grained models |
Q36885864 | Refolding simulations of an isolated fragment of barnase into a native-like β hairpin: Evidence for compactness and hydrogen bonding as concurrent stabilizing factors |
Q46668125 | Region-specific role of water in collagen unwinding and assembly |
Q30380933 | Regional covariation and its application for predicting protein contact patches. |
Q44379439 | Registering alpha-helices and beta-strands using backbone C-H...O interactions |
Q35531137 | Regulation of oxygen affinity by quaternary enhancement: does hemoglobin Ypsilanti represent an allosteric intermediate? |
Q44109422 | Regulatory mechanism of the light-activable allosteric switch LOV-TAP for the control of DNA binding: a computer simulation study. |
Q84597811 | Relation between flexibility and positively selected HIV-1 protease mutants against inhibitors |
Q45804029 | Relation between pH, structure, and absorption spectrum of Cerulean: a study by molecular dynamics and TD DFT calculations. |
Q47406551 | Relationship between chaperone activity and oligomeric size of recombinant human alphaA- and alphaB-crystallin: a tryptic digestion study |
Q57753048 | Relationship between energy distribution and fold stability: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations of native and mutant proteins |
Q62898923 | Relationship between enzyme activity and dimeric structure of recombinant HIV-1 reverse transcriptase |
Q45143295 | Relationship between local structural entropy and protein thermostability |
Q30343973 | Relationship between multiple sequence alignments and quality of protein comparative models. |
Q30333351 | Relationship between protein structures and disulfide-bonding patterns. |
Q44898278 | Relationships between amino acid sequence and backbone torsion angle preferences. |
Q43026125 | Relationships between functional subclasses and information contained in active-site and ligand-binding residues in diverse superfamilies |
Q30430531 | Relationships between protein sequence and structure patterns based on residue contacts |
Q57133963 | Relative free energy of binding and binding mode calculations of HIV-1 RT inhibitors based on dock-MM-PB/GS |
Q44566278 | Relative stability of protein structures determined by X-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy: a molecular dynamics simulation study |
Q33263222 | Relative tolerance of mesostable and thermostable protein homologs to extensive mutation |
Q33380655 | Relaxation data in NMR structure determination: model calculations for the lysozyme-Gd3+ complex |
Q30399241 | Remeasuring HEWL pK(a) values by NMR spectroscopy: methods, analysis, accuracy, and implications for theoretical pK(a) calculations |
Q48882047 | Remembering Cy Levinthal |
Q80594695 | Remote homolog detection using local sequence-structure correlations |
Q51898573 | Remote homology detection of integral membrane proteins using conserved sequence features |
Q42621333 | Reorganization in apo- and holo-beta-lactoglobulin upon protonation of Glu89: molecular dynamics and pKa calculations |
Q31086772 | Repacking of hydrophobic residues in a stable mutant of apocytochrome b562 selected by phage-display and proteolysis |
Q46264300 | Repair of impurity-poisoned protein crystal surfaces |
Q43565759 | Replacement of thrombin residue G184 with Lys or Arg fails to mimic Na+ binding |
Q51670405 | ReplicOpter: a replicate optimizer for flexible docking. |
Q46552313 | Replica exchange molecular dynamics simulation of cross-fibrillation of IAPP and PrP106-126. |
Q73870991 | Report on the 1997 Johns Hopkins protein folding meeting |
Q30409446 | Representing and comparing protein folds and fold families using three-dimensional shape-density representations. |
Q36828221 | Requirements for perpendicular helix pairing |
Q48215772 | Rescore protein-protein docked ensembles with an interface contact statistics. |
Q31122954 | Residual structure in disordered peptides and unfolded proteins from multivariate analysis and ab initio simulation of Raman optical activity data |
Q97591127 | Residue Interaction Dynamics in Vaucheria Aureochrome1 LOV: Bridging Theory and Experiments |
Q81489833 | Residue conservation in viral capsid assembly |
Q52066467 | Residue frequencies and pairing preferences at protein-protein interfaces |
Q48228790 | Residue packing in globular and intrinsically disordered proteins |
Q90299990 | Residue-level determinants of angiopoietin-2 interactions with its receptor Tie2 |
Q81922252 | Residue-wise conformational stability of DLC8 dimer from native-state hydrogen exchange |
Q42079214 | Resolution-adapted recombination of structural features significantly improves sampling in restraint-guided structure calculation |
Q30400313 | Resolving protein structure-function-binding site relationships from a binding site similarity network perspective. |
Q73798394 | Response to "a fast and simple method to calculate protonation states in proteins" |
Q50888768 | Restricted mobility of side chains on concave surfaces of solenoid proteins may impart heightened potential for intermolecular interactions |
Q63391811 | Retracted: Crystal structure of a Baeyer-Villiger flavin-containing monooxygenase from Staphylococcus aureus MRSA strain MU50 |
Q63391828 | Retracted: Site-specific recombination of nitrogen-fixation genes in cyanobacteria by XisF-XisH-XisI complex: Structures and models |
Q27684940 | Retraction: Crystal structure of a Baeyer-Villiger flavin-containing monooxygenase from Staphylococcus aureus MRSA strain MU50, William C. Hwang, Qingping Xu, Bainan Wu, Adam Godzik |
Q84764405 | Retraction: Open and closed conformations reveal induced fit movements in butyrate kinase 2 activation. J. Diao, Y. D. Ma, and M. S. Hasson |
Q27694941 | Retraction: Site‐specific recombination of nitrogen‐fixation genes in cyanobacteria by XisF–XisH–XisI complex: Structures and models, William C. Hwang, James W. Golden, Jaime Pascual, Dong Xu, Anton Cheltsov, Adam Godzik |
Q81699466 | Reversal of some viral IL-6 electrostatic properties compared to IL-6 contributes to a loss of alpha receptor component recruitment |
Q93069215 | Reversible control of enzyme-inhibitor interactions with light illumination using a photoresponsive surfactant |
Q27636882 | Reversible substrate-induced domain motions in ribonuclease A |
Q50668645 | Review of the fifth annual Johns Hopkins Protein Folding Meeting |
Q33689031 | Review of the fourth Johns Hopkins protein folding meeting |
Q50691129 | Review of the sixth Annual Johns Hopkins Folding Meeting |
Q27676233 | Revised 2.3 A structure of porcine pepsin: evidence for a flexible subdomain |
Q42750175 | Revisiting gap locations in amino acid sequence alignments and a proposal for a method to improve them by introducing solvent accessibility |
Q43825549 | Revisiting the structural flexibility of the complex p21(ras)-GTP: the catalytic conformation of the molecular switch II. |
Q46167124 | Rhesus macaque: a tight homodimeric CD8alphaalpha |
Q60639614 | RhoB can adopt a Mg2+free conformation prior to GEF binding |
Q45244947 | Ribosome-inhibiting proteins, retroviral reverse transcriptases, and RNase H share common structural elements |
Q38350098 | Ricin A-chain structural determinant for binding substrate analogues: a molecular dynamics simulation analysis |
Q45940899 | Right- and left-handed three-helix proteins. II. Similarity and differences in mechanical unfolding of proteins |
Q45820715 | Right‐ and left‐handed three‐helix proteins. I. Experimental and simulation analysis of differences in folding and structure |
Q42643258 | Rigid body essential X-ray crystallography: distinguishing the bend and twist of glutamate receptor ligand binding domains |
Q46985984 | Rigid domains in proteins: an algorithmic approach to their identification |
Q52386621 | Rigid-body docking with mutant constraints of influenza hemagglutinin with antibody HC19. |
Q43286522 | RigidFinder: a fast and sensitive method to detect rigid blocks in large macromolecular complexes |
Q90737631 | Rigidity and flexibility characteristics of DD[E/D]-transposases Mos1 and Sleeping Beauty |
Q51134435 | Rigidity loss of protein macromolecule induced by force--effective field theory |
Q47966241 | Rigid‐body motions of interacting proteins dominate multispecific binding of ubiquitin in a shape‐dependent manner |
Q50850517 | Rings and ribbons in protein structures: Characterization using helical parameters and Ramachandran plots for repeating dipeptides. |
Q45936094 | Robustness and generalization of structure-based models for protein folding and function. |
Q47711974 | Role of AP-endonuclease (Ape1) active site residues in stabilization of the reactant enzyme-DNA complex |
Q44125130 | Role of C-terminal region of Staphylococcal nuclease for foldability, stability, and activity |
Q74460966 | Role of Ca(2+) for the mechanical properties of fibrillin |
Q38795554 | Role of N-glycosylation in EGFR ectodomain ligand binding |
Q51602379 | Role of W181 in modulating kinetic properties of Plasmodium falciparum hypoxanthine guanine xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase. |
Q53401736 | Role of active-site residues Tyr55 and Tyr114 in catalysis and substrate specificity of Corynebacterium diphtheriae C-S lyase |
Q83264889 | Role of amino acid hydrophobicity, aromaticity, and molecular volume on IAPP(20-29) amyloid self-assembly |
Q27635356 | Role of amino acid residues in left-handed helical conformation for the conformational stability of a protein |
Q36866174 | Role of aromatic amino acids in carbohydrate binding of plant lectins: laser photo chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization study of hevein domain-containing lectins |
Q44403947 | Role of beta-lactam carboxyl group on binding of penicillins and cephalosporins to class C beta-lactamases. |
Q30399243 | Role of conformational sampling in computing mutation-induced changes in protein structure and stability |
Q54702386 | Role of conserved proline residues in stabilizing tryptophan synthase alpha subunit: analysis by mutants with alanine or glycine. |
Q85076964 | Role of different β‐turns in β‐hairpin conformation and stability studied by optical spectroscopy |
Q82209827 | Role of disulfide bonds in modulating internal motions of proteins to tune their function: molecular dynamics simulation of scorpion toxin Lqh III |
Q84193469 | Role of electrostatic interactions for the stability and folding behavior of cold shock protein |
Q73427991 | Role of electrostatics at the catalytic metal binding site in xylose isomerase action: Ca(2+)-inhibition and metal competence in the double mutant D254E/D256E |
Q52209259 | Role of evolutionary information in predicting the disulfide-bonding state of cysteine in proteins |
Q57809406 | Role of evolutionary information in predicting the disulfide-bonding state of cysteine in proteins |
Q88565361 | Role of glycans in cholesteryl ester transfer protein revealed by molecular dynamics simulation |
Q57961910 | Role of histidine for charge regulation of unstructured peptides at interfaces and in bulk |
Q61758591 | Role of histidine-50, glutamic acid-96, and histidine-137 in the ribonucleolytic mechanism of the ribotoxin ?-sarcin |
Q73256229 | Role of histidine-50, glutamic acid-96, and histidine-137 in the ribonucleolytic mechanism of the ribotoxin alpha-sarcin |
Q43947462 | Role of hydrophilic and hydrophobic contacts in folding of the second beta-hairpin fragment of protein G: molecular dynamics simulation studies of an all-atom model |
Q73403645 | Role of hydrophobic interactions in yeast phosphoglycerate kinase stability |
Q79416219 | Role of intrinsic disorder in transient interactions of hub proteins |
Q57831583 | Role of lysine versus arginine in enzyme cold-adaptation: Modifying lysine to homo-arginine stabilizes the cold-adapted α-amylase from Pseudoalteramonas haloplanktis |
Q73233228 | Role of metal ions on the secondary and quaternary structure of alkaline phosphatase from bovine intestinal mucosa |
Q27633257 | Role of non-glycine residues in left-handed helical conformation for the conformational stability of human lysozyme |
Q42496692 | Role of partial protein unfolding in alcohol-induced protein aggregation |
Q46808448 | Role of phosphorylated Thr160 for the activation of the CDK2/Cyclin A complex |
Q52061433 | Role of phosphorylation in conformational adaptability of bovine myelin basic protein |
Q47596279 | Role of protein in the primary step of the photoreaction of yellow protein |
Q30431036 | Role of quaternary structure in muscle creatine kinase stability: Tryptophan 210 is important for dimer cohesion |
Q74449642 | Role of stabilization centers in 4 helix bundle proteins |
Q28205100 | Role of the 14-3-3 C-terminal loop in ligand interaction |
Q57135178 | Role of the C-terminal chain in human interferongamma stability: an electrostatic study |
Q81544588 | Role of the IXI/V motif in oligomer assembly and function of StHsp14.0, a small heat shock protein from the acidothermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7 |
Q47595747 | Role of the amino acid sequence in domain swapping of the B1 domain of protein G. |
Q43676078 | Role of the carboxy-termini of tubulin on its chaperone-like activity |
Q80752686 | Role of the individual domains of translation termination factor eRF1 in GTP binding to eRF3 |
Q41736273 | Role of the minor energetic determinants of chicken egg white lysozyme (HEWL) to the stability of the HEWL.antibody scFv-10 complex |
Q78627294 | Role of the protein side-chain fluctuations on the strength of pair-wise electrostatic interactions: comparing experimental with computed pK(a)s |
Q30349989 | Role of trehalose and heat in the structure of the C-terminal activation domain of the heat shock transcription factor. |
Q46327659 | Role of tyrosine hot-spot residues at the interface of colicin E9 and immunity protein 9: a comparative free energy simulation study |
Q27765158 | Role of water in plasticity, stability, and action of proteins: The crystal structures of lysozyme at very low levels of hydration |
Q54376157 | Roles for the two N‐terminal (β/α) modules in the folding of a (β/α)8‐barrel protein as studied by fragmentation analysis |
Q83358847 | Roles of conserved basic amino acid residues and activation mechanism of the hyperthermophilic aspartate racemase at high temperature |
Q88314365 | Roles of conserved tryptophans in trimerization of HIV-1 membrane-proximal external regions: Implications for virucidal design via alchemical free-energy molecular simulations |
Q51699019 | Roles of non-native hydrogen-bonding interaction in helix-coil transition of a single polypeptide as revealed by comparison between Gō-like and non-Gō models. |
Q30164238 | Roles of physical interactions in determining protein-folding mechanisms: molecular simulation of protein G and alpha spectrin SH3. |
Q35828040 | Room temperature crystal structure of the fast switching M159T mutant of the fluorescent protein dronpa |
Q48604554 | Rose is a rose is a rose. Especially if you're a George |
Q35631597 | Rosetta comparative modeling for library design: Engineering alternative inducer specificity in a transcription factor. |
Q42411390 | Rosetta in CAPRI rounds 13-19. |
Q28218074 | Rosetta in CASP4: progress in ab initio protein structure prediction |
Q30336227 | Rosetta predictions in CASP5: successes, failures, and prospects for complete automation. |
Q28239152 | RosettaDock in CAPRI rounds 6-12 |
Q36087081 | Rotamer libraries and probabilities of transition between rotamers for the side chains in protein-protein binding |
Q48540316 | Rough set-based proteochemometrics modeling of G-protein-coupled receptor-ligand interactions |
Q36866168 | Roughness of the globular protein surface: analysis of high resolution X-ray data |
Q30357624 | Routes are trees: the parsing perspective on protein folding. |
Q59261918 | Rubredoxin refolding on nanostructured hydrophobic surfaces: Evidence for a new type of biomimetic chaperones |
Q30349966 | S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus: biochemical characterization and analysis of protein structure by comparative molecular modeling. |
Q30351474 | SAM-T04: what is new in protein-structure prediction for CASP6. |
Q92147458 | SAXSDom: Modeling multidomain protein structures using small-angle X-ray scattering data |
Q36885869 | SAmBA: an interactive software for optimizing the design of biological macromolecules crystallization experiments. |
Q30379024 | SESAM: a relational database for structure and sequence of macromolecules. |
Q50131043 | SFCscore: scoring functions for affinity prediction of protein-ligand complexes. |
Q30176341 | SH3 domain of Bruton's tyrosine kinase can bind to proline-rich peptides of TH domain of the kinase and p120cbl |
Q27704917 | SH3-like motif-containing C-terminal domain of staphylococcal teichoic acid transporter suggests possible function |
Q57904273 | SHBG region of the anticoagulant cofactor protein S: Secondary structure prediction, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and analysis of naturally occurring mutations |
Q40874513 | SHBG region of the anticoagulant cofactor protein S: secondary structure prediction, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and analysis of naturally occurring mutations |
Q34071261 | SIDEpro: A novel machine learning approach for the fast and accurate prediction of side‐chain conformations |
Q80377686 | SIMPLE estimate of the free energy change due to aliphatic mutations: superior predictions based on first principles |
Q51906615 | SOFTDOCK application to protein-protein interaction benchmark and CAPRI. |
Q61456026 | SOMCD: Method for evaluating protein secondary structure from UV circular dichroism spectraAn implementation of the method presented in this article will be available online at http://somcd.geneura.org |
Q52068722 | SOMCD: method for evaluating protein secondary structure from UV circular dichroism spectra |
Q51963681 | SPARKS 2 and SP3 servers in CASP6. |
Q50420712 | SPIN2: Predicting sequence profiles from protein structures using deep neural networks |
Q30357106 | SPINFAST: using structure alignment profiles to enhance the accuracy and assess the reliability of protein side-chain modeling. |
Q30352414 | SPINS: a laboratory information management system for organizing and archiving intermediate and final results from NMR protein structure determinations. |
Q51956848 | SSALN: an alignment algorithm using structure-dependent substitution matrices and gap penalties learned from structurally aligned protein pairs |
Q39685610 | STITCHER: Dynamic assembly of likely amyloid and prion β-structures from secondary structure predictions |
Q34568527 | STRUCTFAST: protein sequence remote homology detection and alignment using novel dynamic programming and profile-profile scoring. |
Q47292616 | SVM-Cabins: prediction of solvent accessibility using accumulation cutoff set and support vector machine |
Q30354381 | SVR_CAF: an integrated score function for detecting native protein structures among decoys. |
Q81892371 | Sailing the route from Gaeta, Italy, to CAPRI |
Q47810337 | Salt bridge interactions: stability of the ionic and neutral complexes in the gas phase, in solution, and in proteins. |
Q41989888 | Salt bridges: Geometrically specific, designable interactions |
Q45848655 | Salt effects on hydrophobic-core formation in folding of a helical miniprotein studied by molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q44915256 | Salt or ion bridges in biological systems: a study employing quantum and molecular mechanics |
Q44125117 | Salt-promoted protein folding, preferential binding, or electrostatic screening? |
Q39238865 | Salvianolic acid B inhibits the amyloid formation of human islet amyloid polypeptide and protects pancreatic beta-cells against cytotoxicity |
Q27010280 | Sampling and scoring: a marriage made in heaven |
Q45190627 | Sampling efficiency in explicit and implicit membrane environments studied by peptide folding simulations |
Q30364680 | Sampling of near-native protein conformations during protein structure refinement using a coarse-grained model, normal modes, and molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q27646968 | Sampling of the native conformational ensemble of myoglobin via structures in different crystalline environments |
Q46030052 | Sampling‐based exploration of folded state of a protein under kinematic and geometric constraints |
Q46824452 | Sann: Solvent accessibility prediction of proteins by nearest neighbor method |
Q30372465 | Satisfaction of hydrogen-bonding potential influences the conservation of polar sidechains. |
Q44947544 | Saturation transfer difference (STD) 1H-NMR experiments and in silico docking experiments to probe the binding of N-acetylneuraminic acid and derivatives to Vibrio cholerae sialidase |
Q33920753 | ScaffoldSeq: Software for characterization of directed evolution populations |
Q91327241 | Scalable remote homology detection and fold recognition in massive protein networks |
Q47864113 | Scaling law in sizes of protein sequence families: from super-families to orphan genes |
Q60429766 | Scan2S: Increasing the precision of PROSITE pattern motifs using secondary structure constraints |
Q46115863 | Score_set: a CAPRI benchmark for scoring protein complexes |
Q28299530 | Scoring a diverse set of high-quality docked conformations: a metascore based on electrostatic and desolvation interactions |
Q52077262 | Scoring docked conformations generated by rigid-body protein-protein docking |
Q51970495 | Scoring docking models with evolutionary information |
Q30360854 | Scoring function accuracy for membrane protein structure prediction. |
Q29615862 | Scoring function for automated assessment of protein structure template quality |
Q42257042 | Scoring protein interaction decoys using exposed residues (SPIDER): a novel multibody interaction scoring function based on frequent geometric patterns of interfacial residues |
Q34733455 | Scoring residue conservation |
Q77314228 | Screening a peptidyl database for potential ligands to proteins with side-chain flexibility |
Q46969540 | Screening of the active site from water by the incoming ligand triggers catalysis and inhibition in serine proteases |
Q40760191 | Search for the most stable folds of protein chains: III. Improvement in fold recognition by averaging over homologous sequences and 3D structures |
Q41705448 | Searching for frameshift evolutionary relationships between protein sequence families |
Q51263617 | Searching for protein signatures using a multilevel alphabet |
Q46568963 | Searching for protein-protein interaction sites and docking by the methods of molecular dynamics, grid scoring, and the pairwise interaction potential of amino acid residues |
Q78315762 | Searching for quantitative entropy-enthalpy compensation among protein variants |
Q30419948 | Searching protein structure databases has come of age. |
Q46914372 | Second antibody modeling assessment (AMA-II). |
Q50085735 | Second step of hydrolytic dehalogenation in haloalkane dehalogenase investigated by QM/MM methods |
Q69658333 | Second virial coefficient of alpha-crystallin |
Q44630774 | Secondary structural analysis of retrovirus integrase: characterization by circular dichroism and empirical prediction methods |
Q72890876 | Secondary structural features of modules M2 and M3 of barnase in solution by NMR experiment and distance geometry calculation |
Q52364824 | Secondary structural predictions for the clostridial neurotoxins |
Q38629281 | Secondary structure and dynamics study of the intrinsically disordered silica-mineralizing peptide P5 S3 during silicic acid condensation and silica decondensation. |
Q79502796 | Secondary structure length as a determinant of folding rate of proteins with two- and three-state kinetics |
Q46217877 | Secondary structure prediction and unrefined tertiary structure prediction for cyclin A, B, and D. |
Q30195749 | Secondary structure-based profiles: use of structure-conserving scoring tables in searching protein sequence databases for structural similarities |
Q27687161 | Secondary sugar binding site identified for LecA lectin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Q44245143 | Secondary‐structure analysis of alcohol‐denatured proteins by vacuum‐ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy |
Q40861289 | Secretion of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins from animal cells using novel secretion modules |
Q46464609 | Segment swapping aided the evolution of enzyme function: The case of uroporphyrinogen III synthase |
Q53529546 | Selected-fit versus induced-fit protein binding: kinetic differences and mutational analysis |
Q30757774 | Selection and affinity maturation of IgNAR variable domains targeting Plasmodium falciparum AMA1. |
Q33191653 | Selection of a representative set of structures from Brookhaven Protein Data Bank |
Q41840576 | Selection of near-native poses in CAPRI rounds 13-19. |
Q30377216 | Selective refinement and selection of near-native models in protein structure prediction. |
Q40469351 | Selective targeting of indel-inferred differences in spatial structures of highly homologous proteins. |
Q48046292 | Self-assembling study of sarcolipin and its mutants in multiple molecular dynamic simulations. |
Q27661466 | Self-association of TPR domains: Lessons learned from a designed, consensus-based TPR oligomer |
Q77771924 | Self-consistent estimation of inter-residue protein contact energies based on an equilibrium mixture approximation of residues |
Q30427177 | Self-consistent field approach to protein structure and stability. I: pH dependence of electrostatic contribution |
Q42198361 | Self-guided Langevin dynamics study of regulatory interactions in NtrC. |
Q45736470 | Self-repair of biological fibers catalyzed by the surface of a virus crystal |
Q50878481 | Sense and Simplicity in HADDOCK Scoring: Lessons from CASP-CAPRI (page 418). |
Q37664304 | Sense and simplicity in HADDOCK scoring: Lessons from CASP-CAPRI round 1. |
Q51611817 | Sensing the dissociation of a polymeric enzyme by means of an engineered intrinsic probe |
Q50482715 | Sensitive detection of sequence similarity using combinatorial pattern discovery: a challenging study of two distantly related protein families |
Q44526586 | Separability between overall and internal motion: A protein folding problem |
Q50909018 | Separating true positive predicted residue contacts from false positive ones in mainly alpha proteins, using constrained Metropolis MC simulations. |
Q73792004 | Sequence analysis reveals how G protein-coupled receptors transduce the signal to the G protein |
Q85639676 | Sequence and conformational preferences at termini of α-helices in membrane proteins: role of the helix environment |
Q40541100 | Sequence and structural analysis of cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins reveals a network of conserved hydrophobic interactions |
Q57829327 | Sequence and structural determinants of Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase aggregation |
Q73798374 | Sequence and structural determinants of mannose recognition |
Q57752885 | Sequence and structural features of the T-fold, an original tunnelling building unit |
Q45876582 | Sequence and structural properties of identical mutations with varying phenotypes in human coagulation factor IX. |
Q77603395 | Sequence and structure conservation in a protein core |
Q46868110 | Sequence and structure of epoxide hydrolases: a systematic analysis |
Q92926943 | Sequence and structure-based characterization of ubiquitination sites in human and yeast proteins using Chou's sample formulation |
Q73380001 | Sequence codes for extended conformation: a neighbor-dependent sequence analysis of loops in proteins |
Q29616420 | Sequence complexity of disordered protein |
Q70388091 | Sequence conservation and region shuffling in an endoglucanase and an exoglucanase from Cellulomonas fimi |
Q44078752 | Sequence determinants of protein architecture |
Q47720602 | Sequence determinants of protein folding rates: positive correlation between contact energy and contact range indicates selection for fast folding |
Q27657531 | Sequence fingerprint and structural analysis of the SCOR enzyme A3DFK9 from Clostridium thermocellum |
Q62660449 | Sequence patterns associated with disordered regions in proteins |
Q42139934 | Sequence recombination improves target specificity in a redesigned collagen peptide abc-type heterotrimer |
Q73094556 | Sequence to structure alignment in comparative modeling using PrISM |
Q38761956 | Sequence-based analysis of protein degradation rates. |
Q80610312 | Sequence-based prediction of pathological mutations |
Q51903855 | Sequence-based protein domain boundary prediction using BP neural network with various property profiles |
Q57953580 | Sequence-based study of two related proteins with different folding behaviors |
Q30365843 | Sequence-similar, structure-dissimilar protein pairs in the PDB. |
Q92331496 | Sequence-specific dynamic information in proteins |
Q30329569 | Sequence-structure homology recognition by iterative alignment refinement and comparative modeling. |
Q42641933 | Sequence-structure-function analysis of the bifunctional enzyme MnmC that catalyses the last two steps in the biosynthesis of hypermodified nucleoside mnm5s2U in tRNA. |
Q46403152 | Sequence-structure-function relationships of a tRNA (m7G46) methyltransferase studied by homology modeling and site-directed mutagenesis |
Q39618799 | Sequential four‐state folding/unfolding of goat α‐lactalbumin and its N‐terminal variants |
Q79375667 | Serendipitous discovery of novel bacterial methionine aminopeptidase inhibitors |
Q73393602 | Serine proteases: an ab initio molecular dynamics study |
Q77894285 | Serpins in the Caenorhabditis elegans genome |
Q58023165 | Serpins in theCaenorhabditis elegans genome |
Q39699460 | Set of novel, conserved proteins fold pre-messenger RNA into ribonucleosomes |
Q81489821 | Seventh Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction |
Q38558729 | Seventy-five percent accuracy in protein secondary structure prediction |
Q30380400 | Shape and evolution of thermostable protein structure. |
Q41837120 | Shape complementarity of protein-protein complexes at multiple resolutions |
Q43729912 | Shape evolution with temperature of a thermotolerant protein (PeaT1) in solution detected by small angle X‐ray scattering |
Q27648760 | Shark IgNAR antibody mimotopes target a murine immunoglobulin through extended CDR3 loop structures |
Q51772435 | Shelling the Voronoi interface of protein-protein complexes reveals patterns of residue conservation, dynamics, and composition. |
Q44947532 | Shift in nucleotide conformational equilibrium contributes to increased rate of catalysis of GpAp versus GpA in barnase |
Q47626873 | Short-range conformational energies, secondary structure propensities, and recognition of correct sequence-structure matches |
Q30009100 | Shortening a loop can increase protein native state entropy. |
Q48053109 | Shuffling of structural elements in filamentous bacteriophages |
Q39032562 | Side chain flexibility and coupling between the S4-S5 linker and the TRP domain in thermo-sensitive TRP channels: Insights from protein modeling |
Q90267317 | Side chain rotameric changes and backbone dynamics enable specific cladosporin binding in Plasmodium falciparum lysyl-tRNA synthetase |
Q41161629 | Side chain-backbone hydrogen bonding contributes to helix stability in peptides derived from an alpha-helical region of carboxypeptidase A. |
Q73912098 | Side chains in transmembrane helices are shorter at helix-helix interfaces |
Q73912102 | Side-chain conformational entropy in protein unfolded states |
Q30333120 | Side-chain dynamics and protein folding. |
Q81546937 | Side-chain entropy effects on protein secondary structure formation |
Q52080522 | Side-chain flexibility in proteins upon ligand binding |
Q51667050 | Side-chain rotamer transitions at protein-protein interfaces |
Q44060650 | Signal transduction in the photoactive yellow protein. I. Photon absorption and the isomerization of the chromophore |
Q44060653 | Signal transduction in the photoactive yellow protein. II. Proton transfer initiates conformational changes |
Q83319473 | Signaling pathway of a photoactivable Rac1-GTPase in the early stages |
Q37019487 | Signaling pathways of PDZ2 domain: a molecular dynamics interaction correlation analysis |
Q83319611 | Signatures of the ATP-binding pocket as a basis for structural classification of the serine/threonine protein kinases of gram-positive bacteria |
Q30328185 | Significance of aromatic-backbone amide interactions in protein structure. |
Q33206312 | Significance of conformational biases in Monte Carlo simulations of protein folding: lessons from Metropolis-Hastings approach. |
Q34273201 | Silk fibroin: structural implications of a remarkable amino acid sequence. |
Q30351841 | SimFold energy function for de novo protein structure prediction: consensus with Rosetta. |
Q30367656 | Similar chemistry, but different bond preferences in inter versus intra-protein interactions. |
Q51959646 | Similarity networks of protein binding sites |
Q42975911 | Similarity of cytochrome c oxidases in different organisms |
Q52076419 | Similarity-driven flexible ligand docking |
Q30692839 | Simple sequences are rare in the Protein Data Bank |
Q58033010 | Simple solvation potential for coarse-grained models of proteins |
Q51838206 | Simple two-state protein folding kinetics requires near-levinthal thermodynamic cooperativity |
Q30336275 | Simplicial edge representation of protein structures and alpha contact potential with confidence measure. |
Q101211221 | Simplified geometric representations of protein structures identify complementary interaction interfaces |
Q42712396 | Simplified modeling approach suggests structural mechanisms for constitutive activation of the C5a receptor |
Q80546575 | Simulated annealing exploration of an active-site tyrosine in TEM-1 beta-lactamase suggests the existence of alternate conformations |
Q34820098 | Simulated tempering yields insight into the low-resolution Rosetta scoring functions |
Q45964522 | Simulating electrostatic energies in proteins: perspectives and some recent studies of pKas, redox, and other crucial functional properties. |
Q43166561 | Simulating protein folding initiation sites using an alpha-carbon-only knowledge-based force field |
Q52040919 | Simulating proteins at constant pH: An approach combining molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation |
Q41685643 | Simulating proton translocations in proteins: probing proton transfer pathways in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction center |
Q46108702 | Simulating the fidelity and the three Mg mechanism of pol η and clarifying the validity of transition state theory in enzyme catalysis |
Q52908895 | Simulation of peptide folding with explicit water--a mean solvation method |
Q73319277 | Simulation of protein conformational freedom as a function of pH: constant-pH molecular dynamics using implicit titration |
Q46453321 | Simulation of protein crystal nucleation |
Q47565535 | Simulation of the effect of an external GHz electric field on the potential energy profile of Ca2+ ions in the selectivity filter of the CaV Ab channel |
Q39547080 | Simulation of the mutation F76del on the von Hippel–Lindau tumor suppressor protein: Mechanism of the disease and implications for drug development |
Q34223245 | Simulation of the β‐ to α‐sheet transition results in a twisted sheet for antiparallel and an α‐nanotube for parallel strands: Implications for amyloid formation |
Q73845018 | Simulation of two-dimensional streptavidin crystallization |
Q54509343 | Simulation reveals two major docking pathways between the hexapeptide GDYMNM and the catalytic domain of the insulin receptor protein kinase. |
Q46820099 | Simulations of ion current in realistic models of ion channels: the KcsA potassium channel |
Q35949089 | Simulations of substrate transport in the multidrug transporter EmrD |
Q41465545 | Simultaneous prediction of protein secondary structure and transmembrane spans |
Q47565056 | Simultaneous refinement of inaccurate local regions and overall structure in the CASP12 protein model refinement experiment |
Q34773665 | Single and multiple input modules in regulatory networks |
Q54735609 | Single crystals of bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase. |
Q47596351 | Single-body residue-level knowledge-based energy score combined with sequence-profile and secondary structure information for fold recognition |
Q72685101 | Single-site modifications of half-ligated hemoglobin reveal autonomous dimer cooperativity within a quaternary T tetramer |
Q43796913 | Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) from prokaryotic transmissible plasmids |
Q30670853 | Singular value decomposition analysis of protein sequence alignment score data |
Q90307982 | Singular value decomposition for the correlation of atomic fluctuations with arbitrary angle |
Q51917208 | Site directed mutagenesis at position 193 of human trypsin 4 alters the rate of conformational change during activation: role of local internal viscosity in protein dynamics. |
Q57209062 | Site specific point mutation changes specificity: A molecular modeling study by free energy simulations and enzyme kinetics of the thermodynamics in ribonuclease T1 substrate interactions |
Q33247198 | Site-directed combinatorial construction of chimaeric genes: general method for optimizing assembly of gene fragments |
Q46024915 | Site-directed mutagenesis of colicin E1 provides specific attachment sites for spin labels whose spectra are sensitive to local conformation. |
Q67959668 | Site-directed mutagenesis of ricin A-chain and implications for the mechanism of action |
Q38345575 | Site-directed mutagenesis of the T4 endonuclease V gene: mutations which enhance enzyme specific activity at low salt concentrations |
Q54756843 | Site-directed mutations altering methyl-accepting residues of a sensory transducer protein. |
Q70618658 | Site-specific proteolytic cleavage of Ku protein bound to DNA |
Q46873060 | Site-specific transamidation and deamidation of the small heat-shock protein Hsp20 by tissue transglutaminase |
Q47175786 | Size determination of multienzyme complexes using two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis |
Q47351957 | Size-independent comparison of protein three-dimensional structures |
Q46150489 | Sizes of interface residues account for cross-class binding affinity patterns in Eph receptor-ephrin families |
Q43256878 | Slow formation of aggregation-resistant beta-sheet folding intermediates |
Q47191421 | Small angle X-ray scattering and cross-linking for data assisted protein structure prediction in CASP 12 with prospects for improved accuracy |
Q90564420 | Small angle X-ray scattering-assisted protein structure prediction in CASP13 and emergence of solution structure differences |
Q43669505 | Small cationic protein from a marine turtle has beta-defensin-like fold and antibacterial and antiviral activity |
Q72074164 | Small effects of amino acid replacements on the reduced and unfolded state of pancreatic trypsin inhibitor |
Q52560762 | Small-Angle x-ray scattering and crystallographic studies of arcelin-1: An insecticidal lectin-like glycoprotein from Phaseolus vulgaris L |
Q45891411 | Small-angle X-ray scattering of BAMLET at pH 12: a complex of α-lactalbumin and oleic acid. |
Q44536579 | Small-angle X-ray scattering reveals architecture and A₂B₂ stoichiometry of the UvrA-UvrB DNA damage sensor. |
Q81193331 | Small-world network approach to identify key residues in protein-protein interaction |
Q85200800 | Smoothing molecular interactions: The “kinetic buffer” effect of intrinsically disordered proteins |
Q48254561 | Soft interactions and volume exclusion by polymeric crowders can stabilize or destabilize transient structure in disordered proteins depending on polymer concentration |
Q33511797 | Solid-state NMR and simulation studies of equinatoxin II N-terminus interaction with lipid bilayers |
Q46846379 | Solubilization of cellulosomal cellulases by fusion with cellulose-binding domain of noncellulosomal cellulase engd from Clostridium cellulovorans |
Q27625013 | Soluble beta-galactosyl-binding lectin (galectin) from toad ovary: crystallographic studies of two protein-sugar complexes |
Q30692723 | Solution NMR analysis of the interaction between the actinoporin sticholysin I and DHPC micelles--correlation with backbone dynamics |
Q38544515 | Solution NMR and molecular dynamics reveal a persistent alpha helix within the dynamic region of PsbQ from photosystem II of higher plants |
Q27675781 | Solution NMR structure of Asl3597 from Nostoc sp. PCC7120, the first structure from protein domain family PF12095, reveals a novel fold |
Q27675795 | Solution NMR structure of BT_0084, a conjugative transposon lipoprotein from Bacteroides thetaiotamicron |
Q99572378 | Solution NMR structure of Borrelia burgdorferi outer surface lipoprotein BBP28, a member of the mlp protein family |
Q91793224 | Solution NMR structure of CGL2373, a polyketide cyclase-like protein from Corynebacterium glutamicum |
Q58109481 | Solution NMR structure of CHU_1110 from Cytophaga hutchinsonii, an AHSA1 protein potentially involved in metal ion stress response |
Q27644873 | Solution NMR structure of Escherichia coli ytfP expands the structural coverage of the UPF0131 protein domain family |
Q27663104 | Solution NMR structure of Lin0431 protein from Listeria innocua reveals high structural similarity with domain II of bacterial transcription antitermination protein NusG |
Q47985110 | Solution NMR structure of RHE_CH02687 from Rhizobium etli: A novel flavonoid-binding protein. |
Q27673658 | Solution NMR structure of VF0530 from Vibrio fischeri reveals a nucleic acid-binding function |
Q27682474 | Solution NMR structure of a sheddase inhibitor prodomain from the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum |
Q27665632 | Solution NMR structure of photosystem II reaction center protein Psb28 fromSynechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803 |
Q27661470 | Solution NMR structure of the ARID domain of human AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 3A: A human cancer protein interaction network target |
Q28236103 | Solution NMR structure of the SH3 domain of human nephrocystin and analysis of a mutation-causing juvenile nephronophthisis |
Q27650416 | Solution NMR structure of the SOS response protein YnzC from Bacillus subtilis |
Q27665384 | Solution NMR structure of the plasmid-encoded fimbriae regulatory protein PefI fromSalmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium |
Q27678059 | Solution NMR structure of the ribosomal protein RP-L35Ae from Pyrococcus furiosus |
Q47985123 | Solution NMR structure of zinc finger 4 and 5 from human INSM1, an essential regulator of neuroendocrine differentiation. |
Q27658281 | Solution NMR structures of proteins VPA0419 fromVibrio parahaemolyticusand yiiS fromShigella flexneriprovide structural coverage for protein domain family PFAM 04175 |
Q27724656 | Solution NMR structures of the C-domain of Tetrahymena cytoskeletal protein Tcb2 reveal distinct calcium-induced structural rearrangements |
Q30361451 | Solution NMR studies reveal no global flexibility in the catalytic domain of CDC25B. |
Q27694773 | Solution and crystal structure of BA42, a protein from the Antarctic bacterium Bizionia argentinensis comprised of a stand-alone TPM domain |
Q27694772 | Solution and high-pressure NMR studies of the structure, dynamics, and stability of the cross-reactive allergenic cod parvalbumin Gad m 1 |
Q27619420 | Solution structure and RNA-binding activity of the N-terminal leucine-repeat region of hepatitis delta antigen |
Q27638952 | Solution structure and backbone dynamics of an antigen-free heavy chain variable domain (VHH) from Llama |
Q82490286 | Solution structure and binding specificity of FBP11/HYPA WW domain as Group-II/III |
Q27657489 | Solution structure and calcium binding of protein SSO6904 from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus |
Q27658668 | Solution structure and dynamics of human ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ube2g2 |
Q27633250 | Solution structure and dynamics of ribonuclease Sa |
Q33684835 | Solution structure and function of YndB, an AHSA1 protein from Bacillus subtilis |
Q27654532 | Solution structure and glycophorin C binding studies of the protein 4.1R FERM alpha-lobe domain |
Q27687513 | Solution structure and interface-driven self-assembly of NC2, a new member of the Class II hydrophobin proteins |
Q51575984 | Solution structure and interface-driven self-assembly of NC2, a new member of the Class II hydrophobin proteins |
Q27649056 | Solution structure and neutralizing antibody binding studies of domain III of the dengue-2 virus envelope protein |
Q30373528 | Solution structure and properties of AlgH from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. |
Q27681815 | Solution structure and siRNA-mediated knockdown analysis of the mitochondrial disease-related protein C12orf65 |
Q27679209 | Solution structure and small angle scattering analysis of TraI (381–569) |
Q27642856 | Solution structure of ADO1, a toxin extracted from the saliva of the assassin bug, Agriosphodrus dohrni |
Q45279390 | Solution structure of APETx1 from the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima: a new fold for an HERG toxin |
Q27643665 | Solution structure of ApaG from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri reveals a fibronectin-3 fold |
Q27654551 | Solution structure of Apo-YjaB from Escherichia coli |
Q27649618 | Solution structure of At3g28950 fromArabidopsis thaliana |
Q34321170 | Solution structure of BmKK2, a new potassium channel blocker from the venom of chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch |
Q27621087 | Solution structure of BmKTX, a K+ blocker toxin from the Chinese scorpion Buthus Martensi |
Q27648246 | Solution structure of FK506 binding domain (FKBD) of Plasmodium falciparum FK506 binding protein 35 (PfFKBP35) |
Q27681771 | Solution structure of FK506-binding protein 12 from Aedes aegypti |
Q53611841 | Solution structure of HP1242 from Helicobacter pylori |
Q27666898 | Solution structure of MTH1821, a putative structure homologue to RNA polymerase α subunit from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum |
Q27733317 | Solution structure of P01, a natural scorpion peptide structurally analogous to scorpion toxins specific for apamin-sensitive potassium channel |
Q27654550 | Solution structure of SUMO from Trypanosoma brucei and its interaction with Ubc9 |
Q27678405 | Solution structure of SWI1 AT‐rich interaction domain from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its nonspecific binding to DNA |
Q58002371 | Solution structure of TA0895, a MoaD homologue from Thermoplasma acidophilum |
Q58002372 | Solution structure of TA1092, a ribosomal protein S24e from Thermoplasma acidophilum |
Q27704293 | Solution structure of TbTFIIS2-1 PWWP domain from Trypanosoma brucei |
Q27747236 | Solution structure of TsKapa, a charybdotoxin-like scorpion toxin fromTityus serrulatus with high affinity for apamin-sensitive Ca2+-activated K+ channels |
Q27653941 | Solution structure of Urm1 from Trypanosoma brucei |
Q50085322 | Solution structure of YggX: a prokaryotic protein involved in Fe(II) trafficking |
Q27696171 | Solution structure of a bacterial immunoglobulin-like domain of the outer membrane protein (LigB) from Leptospira |
Q46442047 | Solution structure of a core peptide derived from scyllatoxin |
Q73403635 | Solution structure of a peptide model of a region important for the folding of alpha-lactalbumin provides evidence for the formation of nonnative structure in the denatured state |
Q38330231 | Solution structure of a tobacco lipid transfer protein exhibiting new biophysical and biological features |
Q67302272 | Solution structure of a zinc finger domain of yeast ADR1 |
Q58002375 | Solution structure of acyl carrier protein from Nitrosomonas europaea |
Q27648880 | Solution structure of conserved hypothetical protein HP0892 from Helicobacter pylori |
Q81364388 | Solution structure of conserved hypothetical protein HP0894 from Helicobacter pylori |
Q45076939 | Solution structure of gamma-bungarotoxin: the functional significance of amino acid residues flanking the RGD motif in integrin binding |
Q27675489 | Solution structure of gp17 from the Siphoviridae bacteriophage SPP1: insights into its role in virion assembly |
Q27649603 | Solution structure of human DESR1, a CSL zinc-binding protein |
Q54440866 | Solution structure of human calcitonin in membrane-mimetic environment: The role of the amphipathic helix |
Q34533326 | Solution structure of human erythroid p55 PDZ domain |
Q44910185 | Solution structure of hypothetical Nudix hydrolase DR0079 from extremely radiation-resistant Deinococcus radiodurans bacterium |
Q27653394 | Solution structure of hypothetical protein HP1423 (Y1423_HELPY) reveals the presence of alphaL motif related to RNA binding |
Q27644151 | Solution structure of hypothetical protein, HP0495 (Y495_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori |
Q27747214 | Solution structure of maurotoxin, a scorpion toxin from Scorpio maurus, with high affinity for voltage-gated potassium channels |
Q27617577 | Solution structure of potassium channel-inhibiting scorpion toxin Lq2 |
Q27731512 | Solution structure of tertiapin determined using nuclear magnetic resonance and distance geometry |
Q27655529 | Solution structure of the AT-rich interaction domain of Jumonji/JARID2 |
Q27661476 | Solution structure of the C-terminal DUF1000 domain of the human thioredoxin-like 1 protein |
Q27653397 | Solution structure of the C-terminal domain of multiprotein bridging factor 1 (MBF1) of Trichoderma reesei |
Q27728175 | Solution structure of the Cys74 to Ala74 mutant of the recombinant catalytic domain of Zoocin A |
Q27655402 | Solution structure of the DNA binding domain of AraC protein |
Q24313587 | Solution structure of the DNA-binding domain of interleukin enhancer binding factor 1 (FOXK1a) |
Q27654184 | Solution structure of the Escherichia coli HybE reveals a novel fold |
Q27651114 | Solution structure of the GUCT domain from human RNA helicase II/Gu beta reveals the RRM fold, but implausible RNA interactions |
Q27660307 | Solution structure of the N-terminal domain of Bacillus subtilis delta subunit of RNA polymerase and its classification based on structural homologs |
Q27651937 | Solution structure of the Pseudomonas putida protein PpPutA45 and its DNA complex |
Q27683597 | Solution structure of the SH3 domain of DOCK180 |
Q27649053 | Solution structure of the beta-subunit of the translation initiation factor aIF2 from archaebacteria Sulfolobus solfataricus |
Q40821561 | Solution structure of the calmodulin-like C-terminal domain of Entamoeba α-actinin2. |
Q27657259 | Solution structure of the fourth FF domain of yeast Prp40 splicing factor |
Q27643051 | Solution structure of the highly acidic protein HI1450 from Haemophilus influenzae, a putative double-stranded DNA mimic |
Q27646762 | Solution structure of the hypothetical novel-fold protein TA0956 from Thermoplasma acidophilum |
Q27657137 | Solution structure of the inhibitory phosphorylation domain of myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 1 |
Q27706695 | Solution structure of the lymphocyte receptor Nkrp1a reveals a distinct conformation of the long loop region as compared to in the crystal structure |
Q46093665 | Solution structure of the plant defensin VrD1 from mung bean and its possible role in insecticidal activity against bruchids |
Q27667655 | Solution structure of the protein lipocalin 12 from rat epididymis |
Q27683516 | Solution structure of the recombinant target recognition domain of zoocin A |
Q27666896 | Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of Zonula Occludens 1 |
Q57893966 | Solution structure of the splicing factor motif of the human Prp18 protein |
Q44784468 | Solution structure of the ubiquitin-binding domain in Swa2p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q27650761 | Solution structure of the yeast URN1 splicing factor FF domain: comparative analysis of charge distributions in FF domain structures-FFs and SURPs, two domains with a similar fold |
Q34396834 | Solution structure of two insect-specific spider toxins and their pharmacological interaction with the insect voltage-gated Na+ channel |
Q42232132 | Solution structure studies of monomeric human TIP47/perilipin-3 reveal a highly extended conformation. |
Q27652347 | Solution structures and DNA binding properties of the N-terminal SAP domains of SUMO E3 ligases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Oryza sativa |
Q27675444 | Solution structures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis thioredoxin C and models of intact thioredoxin system suggest new approaches to inhibitor and drug design |
Q27638108 | Solution structures of a 30-residue amino-terminal domain of the carp granulin-1 protein and its amino-terminally truncated 3-30 subfragment: implications for the conformational stability of the stack of two beta-hairpins |
Q27666630 | Solution structures of chicken parvalbumin 3 in the Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-bound states |
Q27682468 | Solution structures of polcalcin Phl p 7 in three ligation states: Apo-, hemi-Mg2+-bound, and fully Ca2+-bound |
Q27678235 | Solution structures of the double-stranded RNA-binding domains from RNA helicase A |
Q83880394 | Solution structures of the first and fourth TSR domains of F-spondin |
Q46741111 | Solution structures of the reduced and Cu(I) bound forms of the first metal binding sequence of ATP7A associated with Menkes disease |
Q27664077 | Solution structures of the trihelix DNA-binding domains of the wild-type and a phosphomimetic mutant of Arabidopsis GT-1: mechanism for an increase in DNA-binding affinity through phosphorylation |
Q27644210 | Solution structures, dynamics, and lipid-binding of the sterile alpha-motif domain of the deleted in liver cancer 2 |
Q55120528 | Solvated protein-protein docking using Kyte-Doolittle-based water preferences |
Q46084222 | Solvation energy density occlusion approximation for evaluation of desolvation penalties in biomolecular interactions |
Q80947725 | Solvation influences flap collapse in HIV-1 protease |
Q40594020 | Solvation parameters for predicting the structure of surface loops in proteins: Transferability and entropic effects |
Q52077724 | Solvent density and long-range dipole field around a DNA-binding protein studied by molecular dynamics |
Q58008886 | Solvent effects in the slow dynamics of proteins |
Q38317707 | Solvent participation in Serratia marcescens endonuclease complexes |
Q58622068 | Solvent polarity-dependent structural refolding: A CD and NMR study of a 15 residue peptide |
Q73205387 | Solvent structure at a hydrophobic protein surface |
Q44121797 | Solvent structure in crystals of trypsin determined by X-ray and neutron diffraction |
Q44898270 | Solvent-accessible surface area: How well can be applied to hot-spot detection? |
Q27649298 | Solvent-exposed residues located in the beta-sheet modulate the stability of the tetramerization domain of p53--a structural and combinatorial approach |
Q34317861 | Solvent-induced organization: a physical model of folding myoglobin |
Q33946823 | Some insights into protein structural class prediction |
Q30323189 | Some measures of comparative performance in the three CASPs. |
Q30380342 | Some of the most interesting CASP11 targets through the eyes of their authors |
Q40242791 | Some recommendations for the practitioner to improve the precision of experimentally determined protein folding rates and phi values |
Q51040720 | Sop-GPU: accelerating biomolecular simulations in the centisecond timescale using graphics processors. |
Q41644075 | Sparse networks of directly coupled, polymorphic, and functional side chains in allosteric proteins |
Q38128264 | Sparsely populated residue conformations in protein structures: Revisiting “experimental” Ramachandran maps |
Q47683971 | Spatial features of proteins related to their phosphorylation and associated structural changes |
Q51651767 | Spatial optimization of electrostatic interactions between the ionized groups in globular proteins |
Q47700042 | Spatial profiling of protein hydrophobicity: native vs. decoy structures |
Q30383922 | Spatial proximity statistics suggest a regulatory role of protein phosphorylation on compound binding. |
Q78136332 | Special issue dedicated to Herman Berendsen: researcher, teacher, scholar, colleague, skipper |
Q47974598 | Species dependence of enzyme-substrate encounter rates for triose phosphate isomerases |
Q35110256 | Species specificity of the complement inhibitor compstatin investigated by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations |
Q73964877 | Species-specificity of the cohesin-dockerin interaction betweenClostridium thermocellum andClostridium cellulolyticum: Prediction of specificity determinants of the dockerin domain |
Q82920335 | Specific DNA binding by the homeodomain Nkx2.5(C56S): detection of impaired DNA or unfolded protein by isothermal titration calorimetry |
Q30968418 | Specific DNA recognition by the Antp homeodomain: MD simulations of specific and nonspecific complexes |
Q74267471 | Specific fluorescent labeling of two functional domains in RNA polymerase α subunit |
Q74177414 | Specific interaction of cytosolic and mitochondrial glyoxalase II with acidic phospholipids in form of liposomes results in the inhibition of the cytosolic enzyme only |
Q51893728 | Specific interactions for ab initio folding of protein terminal regions with secondary structures |
Q30388325 | Specific interactions of sticholysin I with model membranes: an NMR study. |
Q27690648 | Specific potassium ion interactions facilitate homocysteine binding to betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase |
Q27666846 | Specificity and cooperativity at β‐lactamase position 104 in TEM‐1/BLIP and SHV‐1/BLIP interactions |
Q42547719 | Specificity in structure-based drug design: Identification of a novel, selective inhibitor of Pneumocystis carinii dihydrofolate reductase |
Q42876442 | Specificity of a protein-protein interface: local dynamics direct substrate recognition of effector caspases |
Q47171755 | Specificity of a protein–protein interface: Local dynamics direct substrate recognition of effector caspases |
Q31117244 | Specificity of helix packing in transmembrane dimer of the cell death factor BNIP3: a molecular modeling study |
Q58898186 | Specificity of molecular interactions in transient protein-protein interaction interfaces |
Q27652870 | Spectroscopic and crystallographic studies of the mutant R416W give insight into the nucleotide binding traits of subunit B of the A1Ao ATP synthase |
Q46303556 | Spectroscopic evidence for preexisting T- and R-state insulin hexamer conformations |
Q79320555 | Spectroscopic study of conformational changes accompanying self-assembly of HCV core protein |
Q46093766 | Speeding protein folding beyond the Gō model: How a little frustration sometimes helps |
Q44745632 | Splice variants: a homology modeling approach |
Q27649627 | Spontaneous asparaginyl deamidation of canine milk lysozyme under mild conditions |
Q57752464 | Spontaneous beta-barrel formation: an all-atom Monte Carlo study of Abeta16-22 oligomerization |
Q62001994 | Spontaneous β-helical fold in prion protein: The case of PrP(82-146) |
Q48007473 | Squeezed exponential kinetics to describe a nonglassy downhill folding as observed in a lattice protein model |
Q73403638 | Stability analysis for the cavity-filling mutations of the Myb DNA-binding domain utilizing free-energy calculations |
Q42164198 | Stability and conformational dynamics of metallothioneins from the antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps and mouse. |
Q30176728 | Stability and folding of the SH3 domain of Bruton's tyrosine kinase |
Q54163512 | Stability of TEM beta-lactamase mutants hydrolyzing third generation cephalosporins |
Q46293353 | Stability of macromolecular complexes |
Q77669589 | Stability of secondary structural elements in a solvent-free environment. II: the beta-pleated sheets |
Q73134798 | Stability of secondary structural elements in a solvent-free environment: the alpha helix |
Q88781957 | Stability of structurally entangled protein dimers |
Q46714320 | Stability of wild-type and mutant RTEM-1 beta-lactamases: effect of the disulfide bond |
Q58041733 | Stability scale and atomic solvation parameters extracted from 1023 mutation experiments |
Q50772668 | Stability strengths and weaknesses in protein structures detected by statistical potentials: Application to bovine seminal ribonuclease |
Q27649146 | Stabilization of antibody structure upon association to a human carbonic anhydrase IX epitope studied by X-ray crystallography, microcalorimetry, and molecular dynamics simulations |
Q38350564 | Stabilization of lambda repressor against thermal denaturation by site-directed Gly----Ala changes in alpha-helix 3. |
Q42269421 | Stabilization of the integrase-DNA complex by Mg2+ ions and prediction of key residues for binding HIV-1 integrase inhibitors. |
Q57139038 | Stabilization of the ribonuclease S-peptide alpha-helix by trifluoroethanol |
Q92372207 | Stabilization of μ-opioid receptor facilitates its cellular translocation and signaling |
Q31709878 | Stabilizing C-terminal tails on AraC. |
Q43825567 | Stabilizing nonpolar/polar side-chain interactions in the alpha-helix |
Q44041127 | Stacking efficiency and flexibility analysis of aromatic amino acids in cap-binding proteins. |
Q79969456 | Starch-synthase III family encodes a tandem of three starch-binding domains |
Q30577861 | Starting‐structure dependence of nanosecond timescale intersubstate transitions and reproducibility of MD‐derived order parameters |
Q56877658 | Static and dynamic water molecules in Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase |
Q46807317 | Statistical analysis and prediction of protein-protein interfaces |
Q91325560 | Statistical analysis of disease-causing and neutral mutations in human membrane proteins |
Q57814774 | Statistical analysis of predominantly transient protein-protein interfaces |
Q84075114 | Statistical analysis of protein structures suggests that buried ionizable residues in proteins are hydrogen bonded or form salt bridges |
Q41945611 | Statistical analysis of structural determinants for protein-DNA-binding specificity |
Q33262420 | Statistical and conformational analysis of the electron density of protein side chains |
Q46529625 | Statistical and molecular dynamics studies of buried waters in globular proteins |
Q80380712 | Statistical characterization of salt bridges in proteins |
Q45288456 | Statistical criteria for the identification of protein active sites using Theoretical Microscopic Titration Curves |
Q44935103 | Statistical geometry based prediction of nonsynonymous SNP functional effects using random forest and neuro-fuzzy classifiers |
Q77192762 | Statistical mechanics of protein folding by exhaustive enumeration |
Q30404525 | Statistical mechanics‐based method to extract atomic distance‐dependent potentials from protein structures |
Q30355144 | Statistical potential-based amino acid similarity matrices for aligning distantly related protein sequences. |
Q51639179 | Statistical sequence analyses of G-protein-coupled receptors: structural and functional characteristics viewed with periodicities of entropy, hydrophobicity, and volume |
Q30427190 | Statistical torsion angle potential energy functions for protein structure modeling: A bicubic interpolation approach |
Q73798407 | Steady-state and time resolved fluorescence of albumins interacting with N-oleylethanolamine, a component of the endogenous N-acylethanolamines |
Q46900608 | Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence studies of the intestinal fatty acid binding protein. |
Q74614427 | Steady-state fluorescence and circular dichroism of trout hemoglobins I and IV interacting with tributyltin |
Q77924666 | Steered molecular dynamics simulations of force-induced protein domain unfolding |
Q51093482 | Steiner minimal trees, twist angles, and the protein folding problem |
Q33281773 | Stepwise prediction of conformational discontinuous B-cell epitopes using the Mapitope algorithm |
Q27860874 | Stereochemical quality of protein structure coordinates |
Q30356915 | Stereochemistry of guanidine-metal interactions: implications for L-arginine-metal interactions in protein structure and function. |
Q68082934 | Stereochemistry of salt-bridge formation in alpha-helices and beta-strands |
Q27729901 | Steric and conformational features of the aconitase mechanism |
Q35642158 | Steric and thermodynamic limits of design for the incorporation of large unnatural amino acids in aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes |
Q83063459 | Stop-flow kinetics studies of the interaction of surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate, with acid-denatured cytochrome c |
Q53872945 | Stopped-flow NMR measurement of hydrogen exchange rates in reduced horse cytochromec under strongly destabilizing conditions |
Q52206849 | Strain in protein structures as viewed through nonrotameric side chains: I. their position and interaction |
Q52206845 | Strain in protein structures as viewed through nonrotameric side chains: II. effects upon ligand binding |
Q46132517 | Strand-loop-strand motifs: prediction of hairpins and diverging turns in proteins |
Q30358641 | Strategies for high-throughput comparative modeling: applications to leverage analysis in structural genomics and protein family organization. |
Q43032317 | Strategies for structural proteomics of prokaryotes: Quantifying the advantages of studying orthologous proteins and of using both NMR and X-ray crystallography approaches |
Q44475155 | Strategies for the effective identification of remotely related sequences in multiple PSSM search approach |
Q38942452 | Strategies to reduce end-product inhibition in family 48 glycoside hydrolases |
Q33280441 | Strategies to search and design stabilizers of protein-protein interactions: a feasibility study |
Q74449398 | Strategy for membrane protein crystallization exemplified with OmpA and OmpX |
Q33203190 | Strategy for supplementing structure calculations using limited data with hydrophobic distance restraints |
Q33662289 | Strengths and weaknesses of data-driven docking in critical assessment of prediction of interactions. |
Q79502773 | Strong and weak hydrogen bonds in the protein-ligand interface |
Q96437203 | Structural Compliance - A New Metric for Protein Flexibility |
Q56877735 | Structural alignment and analysis of two distantly related proteins:Aplysia limacina myoglobin and sea lamprey globin |
Q73540955 | Structural alignment of ferredoxin and flavodoxin based on electrostatic potentials: implications for their interactions with photosystem I and ferredoxin-NADP reductase |
Q30357671 | Structural analysis and prediction of protein mutant stability using distance and torsion potentials: role of secondary structure and solvent accessibility. |
Q83932046 | Structural analysis of B. subtilis CcpA effector binding site |
Q27673648 | Structural analysis of CPF_2247, a novel α-amylase from Clostridium perfringens |
Q83670942 | Structural analysis of Escherichia coli C5 protein |
Q46445101 | Structural analysis of a set of proteins resulting from a bacterial genomics project. |
Q27697412 | Structural analysis of antiviral agents that interact with the capsid of human rhinoviruses |
Q48007336 | Structural analysis of disease-causing mutations in the P-subfamily of forkhead transcription factors |
Q27652350 | Structural analysis of fish versus mammalian hemoglobins: Effect of the heme pocket environment on autooxidation and hemin loss |
Q60633209 | Structural analysis of interactions for complex formation between Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase and its protein partners |
Q40682149 | Structural analysis of nested neutralizing and non-neutralizing B cell epitopes on ricin toxin's enzymatic subunit. |
Q51066564 | Structural analysis of oligomeric and protofibrillar Aβ amyloid pair structures considering F20L mutation effects using molecular dynamics simulations |
Q37361318 | Structural analysis of protein dynamics by MD simulations and NMR spin-relaxation |
Q47299327 | Structural analysis of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B reveals potentially druggable allosteric binding sites |
Q43408067 | Structural analysis of purified beta-adrenergic receptors |
Q30196156 | Structural analysis of the 2.8 A model of Xylose isomerase from Actinoplanes missouriensis |
Q98830086 | Structural analysis of the N-acetyltransferase Eis1 from Mycobacterium abscessus reveals the molecular determinants of its incapacity to modify aminoglycosides |
Q46157805 | Structural analysis of the N-terminal fragment of the antiangiogenic protein endostatin: a molecular dynamics study. |
Q27703785 | Structural analysis of the active site architecture of the VapC toxin from Shigella flexneri |
Q27700095 | Structural analysis of the polo-box domain of human Polo-like kinase 2 |
Q63387718 | Structural analysis of the transcriptional regulator homolog protein from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 |
Q27730436 | Structural analysis of the zinc hydroxide-Thr-199-Glu-106 hydrogen-bond network in human carbonic anhydrase II |
Q27730209 | Structural analysis of two crystal forms of lentil lectin at 1.8 A resolution |
Q43956364 | Structural analysis, identification, and design of calcium-binding sites in proteins |
Q38330176 | Structural and binding studies of the C-terminal domains of yeast TFIIF subunits Tfg1 and Tfg2. |
Q35344420 | Structural and biochemical analysis of mammalian methionine sulfoxide reductase B2 |
Q61716783 | Structural and biochemical characterization of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp70-x reveals functional versatility of its C-terminal EEVN motif |
Q80353260 | Structural and biochemical characterization of inhibitor-1alpha |
Q27679275 | Structural and biochemical characterization of native and recombinant single insulin‐like growth factor‐binding domain protein (SIBD‐1) from the Central American Hunting Spider Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae) |
Q27704294 | Structural and biochemical insights into 7β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase stereoselectivity |
Q42968658 | Structural and catalytic roles of amino acid residues located at substrate-binding pocket in Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase |
Q74452358 | Structural and chemical complementarity between antibodies and the crystal surfaces they recognize |
Q43026411 | Structural and dynamic aspects of beta-glycosidase from mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria by multitryptophanyl emission decay studies |
Q30952600 | Structural and dynamic effects of alpha-helix deletion in Sso7d: implications for protein thermal stability |
Q33913886 | Structural and dynamic effects of cholesterol at preferred sites of interaction with rhodopsin identified from microsecond length molecular dynamics simulations |
Q80135996 | Structural and dynamical properties of manganese catalase and the synthetic protein DF1 and their implication for reactivity from classical molecular dynamics calculations |
Q38337399 | Structural and energetic characterization of nucleic acid-binding to the fingers domain of Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase. |
Q45905896 | Structural and energetic differences between insertions and substitutions in staphylococcal nuclease. |
Q27648043 | Structural and enzymatic characterization of DR1281: A calcineurin-like phosphoesterase from Deinococcus radiodurans |
Q27650070 | Structural and enzymatic characterization of HP0496, a YbgC thioesterase from Helicobacter pylori |
Q27684204 | Structural and functional analyses of catalytic domain of GH10 xylanase from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum JW/SL-YS485 |
Q27694654 | Structural and functional analyses of human tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase |
Q27701580 | Structural and functional analysis of SleL, a peptidoglycan lysin involved in germination of Bacillus spores |
Q27653172 | Structural and functional analysis of a novel hormone-sensitive lipase from a metagenome library |
Q27666114 | Structural and functional analysis of substrate recognition by the 250s loop in amylomaltase from Thermus brockianus |
Q27666542 | Structural and functional analysis of the Lmo2642 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from Listeria monocytogenes |
Q30351948 | Structural and functional characterization of BaiA, an enzyme involved in secondary bile acid synthesis in human gut microbe |
Q27662216 | Structural and functional characterization of CcmG from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a key component of the bacterial cytochrome c maturation apparatus |
Q91945321 | Structural and functional characterization of Solanum tuberosum VDAC36 |
Q45017282 | Structural and functional characterization of a 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from Mycoplasma pneumoniae (GI: 13508087). |
Q27650421 | Structural and functional characterization of a novel phosphatase from the Arabidopsis thaliana gene locus At1g05000 |
Q27687097 | Structural and functional characterization of a novel α/β hydrolase from cariogenic pathogen Streptococcus mutans |
Q27658892 | Structural and functional characterization of a promiscuous feruloyl esterase (Est1E) from the rumen bacterium Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus |
Q52678573 | Structural and functional characterization of binding sites in metallocarboxypeptidases based on Optimal Docking Area analysis |
Q27677483 | Structural and functional characterization of solute binding proteins for aromatic compounds derived from lignin:p-Coumaric acid and related aromatic acids |
Q90606858 | Structural and functional characterization of type three secretion system ATPase PscN and its regulator PscL from Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Q27621692 | Structural and functional differences of two toxins from the scorpion Pandinus imperator |
Q58881508 | Structural and functional effects of disease-causing amino acid substitutions affecting residues Ala72 and Glu76 of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 |
Q54463124 | Structural and functional evolution of transthyretin and transthyretin-like proteins |
Q74015801 | Structural and functional properties of a Bacillus subtilis temperature-sensitive sigma(A) factor |
Q33956462 | Structural and functional properties of hemocyanin from Cyanagraea praedator, a deep‐sea hydrothermal vent crab |
Q44649576 | Structural and functional relations among thioredoxins of different species |
Q27682252 | Structural and functional studies of atrans-acyltransferase polyketide assembly line enzyme that catalyzes stereoselective α- and β-ketoreduction |
Q27657257 | Structural and functional studies of the potent anti-HIV chemokine variant P2-RANTES |
Q27644411 | Structural and kinetic analysis of proton shuttle residues in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase III |
Q27685369 | Structural and mutational analyses of Aes, an inhibitor of MalT in Escherichia coli |
Q27694789 | Structural and mutational analysis of a monomeric and dimeric form of a single domain antibody with implications for protein misfolding |
Q47430906 | Structural and sequence comparisons arising from the solution structure of the transcription elongation factor NusG from Thermus thermophilus |
Q43498896 | Structural and sequence features of two residue turns in beta-hairpins |
Q46931828 | Structural and thermodynamic consequences of removal of a conserved disulfide bond from equine beta-lactoglobulin |
Q34348491 | Structural and thermodynamic folding characterization of triosephosphate isomerases from Trichomonas vaginalis reveals the role of destabilizing mutations following gene duplication |
Q27667226 | Structural architecture of Galdieria sulphuraria DCN1L |
Q71774371 | Structural aspects of the functional modules in human protein kinase-C alpha deduced from comparative analyses |
Q54438227 | Structural assessment of glycyl mutations in invariantly conserved motifs |
Q91778762 | Structural basis for -35 element recognition by σ4 chimera proteins and their interactions with PmrA response regulator |
Q31011437 | Structural basis for SUMO-E2 interaction revealed by a complex model using docking approach in combination with NMR data |
Q34802689 | Structural basis for a ribofuranosyl binding protein: Insights into the furanose specific transport |
Q27630848 | Structural basis for altered activity of M- and H-isozyme forms of human lactate dehydrogenase |
Q47672472 | Structural basis for binding and transfer of heme in bacterial heme-acquisition systems |
Q27666047 | Structural basis for branching-enzyme activity of glycoside hydrolase family 57: structure and stability studies of a novel branching enzyme from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 |
Q27704007 | Structural basis for cellulose binding by the type A carbohydrate-binding module 64 of Spirochaeta thermophila |
Q27658970 | Structural basis for regulation of poly-SUMO chain by a SUMO-like domain of Nip45 |
Q45080412 | Structural basis for serpin inhibitor activity |
Q64038856 | Structural basis for specificity of papain-like cysteine protease proregions toward their cognate enzymes |
Q27652193 | Structural basis for sugar recognition, including the Tn carcinoma antigen, by the lectin SNA-II from Sambucus nigra |
Q27618299 | Structural basis for the activity of two muconate cycloisomerase variants toward substituted muconates |
Q43608570 | Structural basis for the appearance of a molten globule state in chimeric molecules derived from lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin |
Q27649508 | Structural basis for the cold adaptation of psychrophilic M37 lipase from Photobacterium lipolyticum |
Q46251109 | Structural basis for the complete loss of GSK3beta catalytic activity due to R96 mutation investigated by molecular dynamics study |
Q80278836 | Structural basis for the observed differential magnetic anisotropic tensorial values in calcium binding proteins |
Q27684756 | Structural basis for the β-lactamase activity of EstU1, a family VIII carboxylesterase |
Q43024589 | Structural basis for thermostability and identification of potential active site residues for adenylate kinases from the archaeal genus Methanococcus. |
Q46103514 | Structural basis for type I and type II deficiencies of antithrombotic plasma protein C: patterns revealed by three-dimensional molecular modelling of mutations of the protease domain |
Q27643631 | Structural basis of allele variation of human thiopurine-S-methyltransferase |
Q55072903 | Structural basis of conformational variance in phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated states of PKCβII. |
Q51656662 | Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. I: Introduction |
Q51656679 | Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. II: Monte Carlo simulation of native thermal fluctuations and energy minimization |
Q51656674 | Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. III: Side chain and main chain local conformations |
Q45102853 | Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. IV: Rearrangements in atom packing and local deformations |
Q51656666 | Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. V: Nonlocal deformations |
Q27766340 | Structural basis of increased resistance to thermal denaturation induced by single amino acid substitution in the sequence of beta-glucosidase A from Bacillus polymyxa |
Q104503361 | Structural basis of mutants of PET-degrading enzyme from Saccharomonospora viridis AHK190 with high activity and thermal stability |
Q27649291 | Structural basis of octanoic acid recognition by lipoate-protein ligase B |
Q42828980 | Structural basis of oncogenic activation caused by point mutations in the kinase domain of the MET proto-oncogene: modeling studies |
Q27728173 | Structural basis of reversine selectivity in inhibiting Mps1 more potently than aurora B kinase |
Q27621085 | Structural basis of the catalytic role of Glu301 in Anabaena PCC 7119 ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase revealed by x-ray crystallography |
Q60633217 | Structural basis of the catalytic role of Glu301 inAnabaena PCC 7119 ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase revealed by x-ray crystallography |
Q43024866 | Structural basis of the properties of an industrially relevant thermophilic xylanase |
Q43018634 | Structural basis of the substrate subsite and the highly thermal stability of xylanase 10B from Thermotoga maritima MSB8. |
Q27656652 | Structural basis of typhoid: Salmonella typhi type IVb pilin (PilS) and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator interaction |
Q46971343 | Structural bioinformatics analysis of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis pathway of the hypermodified nucleoside ms(2)io(6)A37 in tRNA. |
Q47902093 | Structural bioinformatics mutation analysis reveals genotype-phenotype correlations in von Hippel-Lindau disease and suggests molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis |
Q27737057 | Structural change and receptor binding in a chemokine mutant with a rearranged disulfide: X-ray structure of E38C/C50AIL-8 at 2 A resolution |
Q83530742 | Structural changes of Listeria monocytogenes sortase A: A key to understanding the catalytic mechanism |
Q53323738 | Structural characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance of the impact of phosphorylation in the proline-rich region of the disordered Tau protein |
Q36060114 | Structural characterization of AtmS13, a putative sugar aminotransferase involved in indolocarbazole AT2433 aminopentose biosynthesis |
Q27650879 | Structural characterization of CalO2: A putative orsellinic acid P450 oxidase in the calicheamicin biosynthetic pathway |
Q33240038 | Structural characterization of Salmonella typhimurium YeaZ, an M22 O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase homolog |
Q27688004 | Structural characterization of a ligand-bound form of Bacillus subtilis FadR involved in the regulation of fatty acid degradation |
Q30587173 | Structural characterization of a methionine-rich, emulsifying protein from sunflower seed |
Q27689012 | Structural characterization of a new N-substituted pantothenamide bound to pantothenate kinases from Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus |
Q46032479 | Structural characterization of an iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscU in a zinc-bound form. |
Q27674550 | Structural characterization of human Uch37 |
Q36789994 | Structural characterization of proteins using residue environments |
Q79805169 | Structural characterization of the Acetobacter xylinum endo-beta-1,4-glucanase CMCax required for cellulose biosynthesis |
Q48268242 | Structural characterization of the PTS IIA and IIB proteins associated with pneumococcal fucose utilization. |
Q81979774 | Structural characterization of the alpha-hemolysin monomer from Staphylococcus aureus |
Q33270037 | Structural characterization of the functional regions in the archaeal protein Sso7d |
Q48209789 | Structural characterization of the heme-based oxygen sensor, AfGcHK, its interactions with the cognate response regulator, and their combined mechanism of action in a bacterial two-component signaling system. |
Q27667659 | Structural characterization of the mitomycin 7-O-methyltransferase |
Q58111155 | Structural characterization of the neurabin sterile alpha motif domain |
Q46251092 | Structural characterization of the tunnels of Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin N from molecular dynamics simulations |
Q37289657 | Structural characterization of the zinc binding domain in cytosolic PSD-95 interactor (cypin): Role of zinc binding in guanine deamination and dendrite branching |
Q34019423 | Structural characterization of two pore-forming peptides: consequences of introducing a C-terminal tryptophan |
Q73393627 | Structural characterization of two tandemly arranged DNA methyltransferase genes from Neisseria gonorrhoeae MS11: N4-cytosine specific M.NgoMXV and nonfunctional 5-cytosine-type M.NgoMorf2P |
Q93012387 | Structural characterization of β-ketoacyl ACP synthase I bound to platencin and fragment screening molecules at two substrate binding sites |
Q46431511 | Structural classification of CDR-H3 revisited: a lesson in antibody modeling |
Q52247913 | Structural classification of alphabetabeta and betabetaalpha supersecondary structure units in proteins |
Q30344339 | Structural classification of thioredoxin-like fold proteins. |
Q30390364 | Structural comparison and classification of alpha-helical transmembrane domains based on helix interaction patterns |
Q27654074 | Structural comparison of chromosomal and exogenous dihydrofolate reductase from Staphylococcus aureus in complex with the potent inhibitor trimethoprim |
Q79212130 | Structural comparison of oxidized and reduced FKBP13 from Arabidopsis thaliana |
Q54756788 | Structural comparison of the prokaryotic ribosomal proteins L7/L12 and L30. |
Q91142497 | Structural complementarity of distance constraints obtained from chemical cross-linking and amino acid coevolution |
Q80389889 | Structural components of SCAN-domain dimerizations |
Q46140155 | Structural consensus in ligand-protein docking identifies recognition peptide motifs that bind streptavidin |
Q73062305 | Structural consequences of an amino acid deletion in the B1 domain of protein G |
Q27681708 | Structural conservation of the B subunit in the ammonia monooxygenase/particulate methane monooxygenase superfamily |
Q27651627 | Structural coupling between FKBP12 and buried water |
Q27739356 | Structural definition of the C5a C terminus by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
Q27704385 | Structural determinants in bacterial 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-gluconate dehydrogenase KduD for dual-coenzyme specificity |
Q77360649 | Structural determinants of binding and specificity in transforming growth factor–receptor interactions |
Q56877631 | Structural determinants of ligand migration in Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin O |
Q37436023 | Structural determinants of species-selective substrate recognition in human and Drosophila serotonin transporters revealed through computational docking studies |
Q47643263 | Structural determinants of the conformations of medium-sized loops in proteins |
Q79883952 | Structural determinants responsible for the thermostability of Sso7d and its single point mutants |
Q57070597 | Structural determination of archaeal UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase from Methanobrevibacter ruminantium M1 in complex with the bacterial cell wall intermediate UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid |
Q87461806 | Structural differences among subfamilies of EF-hand proteins--a view from the pseudo two-fold symmetry axis |
Q57355701 | Structural differences between allelic variants of the ovine prion protein revealed by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q92926953 | Structural differences between the ectodomains of murine and human CD98hc |
Q34713870 | Structural disorder serves as a weak signal for intracellular protein degradation. |
Q34680376 | Structural divergence is more extensive than sequence divergence for a family of intrinsically disordered proteins |
Q30429975 | Structural diversity of sequentially identical subsequences of proteins: Identical octapeptides can have different conformations |
Q30487951 | Structural diversity of the epigenetics pocketome. |
Q33500238 | Structural domain-domain interactions: assessment and comparison with protein-protein interaction data to improve the interactome |
Q35824282 | Structural dynamics of an ionotropic glutamate receptor |
Q47608094 | Structural dynamics of nucleosome core particle: comparison with nucleosomes containing histone variants. |
Q96437228 | Structural dynamics of pentapeptide repeat proteins |
Q28264619 | Structural dynamics of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier revealed by molecular dynamics simulation studies |
Q34254774 | Structural dynamics of the monoamine transporter homolog LeuT from accelerated conformational sampling and channel analysis |
Q27642125 | Structural effects induced by mutagenesis affected by crystal packing factors: the structure of a 30-51 disulfide mutant of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor |
Q92952309 | Structural effects of divalent calcium cations on the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: A molecular dynamics simulation study |
Q88142869 | Structural effects of point mutations in proteins |
Q27652649 | Structural elucidation of the Cys-His-Glu-Asn proteolytic relay in the secreted CHAP domain enzyme from the human pathogenStaphylococcus saprophyticus |
Q57206223 | Structural energetics of peptide recognition: Angiotensin II/antibody binding |
Q40825795 | Structural energetics of the molten globule state |
Q27689006 | Structural evidence for a constrained conformation of short CDR-L3 in antibodies |
Q42624873 | Structural evidence for a functionally relevant second camphor binding site in P450cam: model for substrate entry into a P450 active site |
Q27625388 | Structural evidence for recognition of a single epitope by two distinct antibodies |
Q56984915 | Structural evidence for variable oligomerization of the N-terminal domain of cyclase-associated protein (CAP) |
Q27673668 | Structural evidence that puromycin hydrolase is a new type of aminopeptidase with a prolyl oligopeptidase family fold |
Q48342777 | Structural facets of disease-linked human prion protein mutants: a molecular dynamic study |
Q30155210 | Structural features of cholesteryl ester transfer protein: a molecular dynamics simulation study |
Q42648833 | Structural features of ribonucleotide reductase |
Q27657493 | Structural features of the Nostoc punctiforme debranching enzyme reveal the basis of its mechanism and substrate specificity |
Q34330580 | Structural features of the inactive and active states of the melanin-concentrating hormone receptors: insights from molecular simulations. |
Q32035348 | Structural features of the plasmid pMV158-encoded transcriptional repressor CopG, a protein sharing similarities with both helix-turn-helix and beta-sheet DNA binding proteins |
Q62019583 | Structural features of the plasmid pMV158-encoded transcriptional repressor CopG, a protein sharing similarities with both helix-turn-helix and β-sheet DNA binding proteins |
Q30412983 | Structural features that predict real-value fluctuations of globular proteins |
Q100388562 | Structural fluctuations and mechanical stabilities of the metamorphic protein RfaH |
Q52938509 | Structural genomics analysis: characteristics of atypical, common, and horizontally transferred folds |
Q27700949 | Structural genomics for drug design against the pathogen Coxiella burnetii |
Q27640991 | Structural genomics of Caenorhabditis elegans: Triosephosphate isomerase |
Q47307280 | Structural genomics of Caenorhabditis elegans: crystal structure of the tropomodulin C-terminal domain |
Q27642613 | Structural genomics of Caenorhabditis elegans: structure of dihydropteridine reductase |
Q47608931 | Structural genomics of Pyrococcus furiosus: X-ray crystallography reveals 3D domain swapping in rubrerythrin |
Q27642614 | Structural genomics of caenorhabditis elegans: crystal structure of calmodulin |
Q27653638 | Structural genomics reveals EVE as a new ASCH/PUA-related domain |
Q43544497 | Structural homology among the peroxidase enzyme family revealed by hydrophobic cluster analysis |
Q36847090 | Structural homology of spinach acyl carrier protein and Escherichia coli acyl carrier protein based on NMR data |
Q27631613 | Structural implications of drug-resistant mutants of HIV-1 protease: high-resolution crystal structures of the mutant protease/substrate analogue complexes |
Q43014937 | Structural insight for the roles of fas death domain binding to fadd and oligomerization degree of the fas–fadd complex in the death‐inducing signaling complex formation: A computational study |
Q27675491 | Structural insight into mechanism and diverse substrate selection strategy of L-ribulokinase |
Q45223476 | Structural insight into the UNC-45-myosin complex |
Q53551591 | Structural insight into the distinct properties of copper transport by the Helicobacter pylori CopP protein |
Q27679287 | Structural insight into the evolution of a new chemokine family from zebrafish |
Q27647662 | Structural insight of the role of the Hahella chejuensis HapK protein in prodigiosin biosynthesis |
Q27681484 | Structural insights into FRS2α PTB domain recognition by neurotrophin receptor TrkB |
Q27657490 | Structural insights into Staphylococcus aureus enoyl-ACP reductase (FabI), in complex with NADP and triclosan |
Q83349776 | Structural insights into a low‐spin myoglobin variant with bis‐histidine coordination from molecular modeling |
Q27679522 | Structural insights into catalysis by βC-S lyase from Streptococcus anginosus |
Q39000675 | Structural insights into human microsomal epoxide hydrolase by combined homology modeling, molecular dynamics simulations, and molecular docking calculations |
Q27667433 | Structural insights into piRNA recognition by the human PIWI-like 1 PAZ domain |
Q42592414 | Structural insights into recognition of beta2-glycoprotein I by the lipoprotein receptors. |
Q27690230 | Structural insights into substrate and coenzyme preference by SDR family protein Gox2253 from Gluconobater oxydans |
Q54451013 | Structural insights into the GTPase domain of Escherichia coli MnmE protein. |
Q27687643 | Structural insights into the aggregation behavior of Murraya koenigii miraculin-like protein below pH 7.5 |
Q46668381 | Structural insights into the cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP). |
Q84171315 | Structural insights into the metal binding properties of hypothetical protein MJ0754 from Methanococcus jannaschii |
Q27690813 | Structural insights into the stabilization of active, tetrameric DszC by its C-terminus |
Q35875958 | Structural integrity of the ribonuclease H domain in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. |
Q43032019 | Structural investigation into the C-terminal extension of the ene-reductase from Ralstonia (Cupriavidus) metallidurans. |
Q47974611 | Structural investigation of C4b-binding protein by molecular modeling: localization of putative binding sites. |
Q42554450 | Structural investigation of the complexation properties between horse spleen apoferritin and metalloporphyrins |
Q27660211 | Structural investigation of transcriptional regulator HlyIIR: influence of a disordered region on protein fold and dimerization |
Q73134452 | Structural mapping of single cysteine mutants of cardiac troponin I |
Q30371571 | Structural mapping of the coiled-coil domain of a bacterial condensin and comparative analyses across all domains of life suggest conserved features of SMC proteins. |
Q42716640 | Structural mechanism associated with domain opening in gain-of-function mutations in SHP2 phosphatase. |
Q39864197 | Structural mechanisms of constitutive activation in the C5a receptors with mutations in the extracellular loops: Molecular modeling study |
Q51009394 | Structural memory of natively unfolded tau protein detected by small-angle X-ray scattering |
Q77603403 | Structural model for family 32 of glycosyl-hydrolase enzymes |
Q47974642 | Structural model of Dex protein from Penicillium minioluteum and its implications in the mechanism of catalysis |
Q45250396 | Structural model of human GAD65: prediction and interpretation of biochemical and immunogenic features |
Q52297894 | Structural model of the anti-snake-toxin antibody, M alpha 2,3. |
Q71537025 | Structural model of the photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodobacter capsulatus |
Q54631335 | Structural modeling and electrostatic properties of aspartate transcarbamylase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. |
Q84071510 | Structural modeling and molecular dynamics simulation of the actin filament |
Q33180899 | Structural modeling of a plant disease resistance gene product domain |
Q28218002 | Structural modeling of ataxin-3 reveals distant homology to adaptins |
Q91793310 | Structural modeling of protein complexes: Current capabilities and challenges |
Q74363289 | Structural modeling of the complex between an acetylcholine receptor-mimicking antibody and its snake toxin antigen |
Q52229470 | Structural models of the bovine papillomavirus E5 protein |
Q53614710 | Structural models of the snake venom factor V activators from Daboia russelli and Daboia lebetina |
Q48177488 | Structural motifs in which β-strands are clipped together with the П-like module. |
Q30391301 | Structural mutation analysis of PTEN and its genotype-phenotype correlations in endometriosis and cancer |
Q27664066 | Structural origins of pH-dependent chemical shifts in the B1 domain of protein G |
Q44125121 | Structural parameterization of the binding enthalpy of small ligands |
Q33449219 | Structural plasticity of staphylococcal nuclease probed by perturbation with pressure and pH. |
Q43031949 | Structural plasticity of thermophilic serine hydroxymethyltransferases |
Q47258381 | Structural polymorphism of a marginally stable 4-alpha-helical bundle. Images of a trapped molten globule? |
Q46564490 | Structural prediction of peptides binding to MHC class I molecules |
Q58035264 | Structural prediction of the β-domain of metallothionein-3 by molecular dynamics simulation |
Q28156101 | Structural principles for the propeller assembly of beta-sheets: the preference for seven-fold symmetry |
Q28142324 | Structural principles governing domain motions in proteins |
Q29305034 | Structural principles governing domain motions in proteins |
Q28270770 | Structural principles of alpha/beta barrel proteins: the packing of the interior of the sheet |
Q28241151 | Structural principles of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins |
Q48046294 | Structural properties of amyloid β(1-40) dimer explored by replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q42030679 | Structural properties of the DNA-bound form of a novel tandem repeat DNA-binding domain, STPR. |
Q45396888 | Structural properties of the human respiratory syncytial virus P protein: evidence for an elongated homotetrameric molecule that is the smallest orthologue within the family of paramyxovirus polymerase cofactors |
Q49701383 | Structural quality of unrefined models in protein docking |
Q27660059 | Structural rationale for the short branched substrate specificity of the glycogen debranching enzyme GlgX |
Q46934310 | Structural rationalization of novel drug metabolizing mutants of cytochrome P450 BM3. |
Q40295014 | Structural refinement of protein segments containing secondary structure elements: Local sampling, knowledge-based potentials, and clustering |
Q42426874 | Structural refinement of the hERG1 pore and voltage-sensing domains with ROSETTA-membrane and molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q30421557 | Structural relationships of homologous proteins as a fundamental principle in homology modeling |
Q47581961 | Structural repertoire of immunoglobulin λ light chains |
Q42275220 | Structural requirements for enzymatic activities of foamy virus protease-reverse transcriptase |
Q36381221 | Structural review of PPARγ in complex with ligands: Cartesian- and dihedral angle principal component analyses of X-ray crystallographic data. |
Q48342123 | Structural role of a conserved active site cis proline in the Thermotoga maritima acetyl esterase from the carbohydrate esterase family 7. |
Q30327292 | Structural stability of binding sites: consequences for binding affinity and allosteric effects. |
Q71705245 | Structural stability of disulfide mutants of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor: a molecular dynamics study |
Q27621075 | Structural studies of FIV and HIV-1 proteases complexed with an efficient inhibitor of FIV protease |
Q35751293 | Structural studies of a signal peptide in complex with signal peptidase I cytoplasmic domain: the stabilizing effect of membrane-mimetics on the acquired fold |
Q36707190 | Structural studies of a synthetic peptide derived from the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. |
Q27690084 | Structural studies of bovine, equine, and leporine serum albumin complexes with naproxen |
Q27663100 | Structural studies of mutant forms of the PQQ-forming enzyme PqqC in the presence of product and substrate |
Q46668183 | Structural studies of prephenate dehydratase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv by SAXS, ultracentrifugation, and computational analysis. |
Q46764636 | Structural studies of shikimate 5-dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
Q27666243 | Structural studies of the Nudix GDP-mannose hydrolase from E. coli reveals a new motif for mannose recognition |
Q27642090 | Structural studies of the retroviral proteinase from avian myeloblastosis associated virus |
Q27684462 | Structural studies of the tethered N-terminus of the Alzheimer's disease amyloid-β peptide |
Q90388690 | Structural studies on 10-hydroxygeraniol dehydrogenase: A novel linear substrate-specific dehydrogenase from Catharanthus roseus |
Q27640401 | Structural studies on MtRecA-nucleotide complexes: insights into DNA and nucleotide binding and the structural signature of NTP recognition |
Q27657590 | Structural studies on cytosolic domain of magnesium transporter MgtE fromEnterococcus faecalis |
Q27664980 | Structural studies on the enzyme complex isopropylmalate isomerase (LeuCD) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
Q45959208 | Structural study of Carcinus maenas hemocyanin by native ESI-MS: interaction with L-lactate and divalent cations. |
Q34062344 | Structural superposition of proteins with unknown alignment and detection of topological similarity using a six-dimensional search algorithm |
Q35501780 | Structural templates for comparative protein docking |
Q56927698 | Structural thermal adaptation of β-tubulins from the Antarctic psychrophilic protozoan Euplotes focardii |
Q73025527 | Structural thermodynamics of a random coil protein in guanidine hydrochloride |
Q46580532 | Structural thermodynamics of protein preferential solvation: osmolyte solvation of proteins, aminoacids, and peptides |
Q35948983 | Structural transitions and oligomerization along polyalanine fibril formation pathways from computer simulations |
Q30427554 | Structural trees for protein superfamilies |
Q27656655 | Structural understanding of stabilization patterns in engineered bispecific Ig-like antibody molecules |
Q57707009 | Structural variation and immune recognition of the P1.2 subtype meningococcal antigen |
Q59226365 | Structural variation manipulates the differential oxidative susceptibility and conformational stability of apolipoprotein E isoforms |
Q30155162 | Structural, energetic, and dynamic responses of the native state ensemble of staphylococcal nuclease to cavity-creating mutations. |
Q27664737 | Structural, functional, and bioinformatics studies reveal a new snake venom homologue phospholipase A₂ class |
Q30152895 | Structure alignment of membrane proteins: Accuracy of available tools and a consensus strategy |
Q51575991 | Structure alignment of membrane proteins: Accuracy of available tools and a consensus strategy. |
Q30350634 | Structure alignment via Delaunay tetrahedralization. |
Q38513454 | Structure analysis of peptide deformylase from Bacillus cereus |
Q28592797 | Structure and DNA binding characteristics of the three-Cys(2)His(2) domain of mouse testis zinc finger protein |
Q27666116 | Structure and DNA‐binding activity of the Pyrococcus furiosus SMC protein hinge domain |
Q27683578 | Structure and activity of the NAD(P)+-dependent succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase YneI from Salmonella typhimurium |
Q27649055 | Structure and biochemical analysis of Kokobera virus helicase |
Q45062754 | Structure and catalytic activation of the TRIM23 RING E3 ubiquitin ligase |
Q27637709 | Structure and cooperativity of a T-state mutant of histidine decarboxylase from Lactobacillus 30a |
Q30176016 | Structure and dynamic properties of the single disulfide-deficient alpha-amylase inhibitor [C45A/C73A]tendamistat: an NMR study |
Q93059679 | Structure and dynamics at N- and C-terminal regions of intrinsically disordered human c-Myc PEST degron reveal a pH-induced transition |
Q30009287 | Structure and dynamics of DRD4 bound to an agonist and an antagonist using in silico approaches |
Q27646758 | Structure and dynamics of gamma-SNAP: insight into flexibility of proteins from the SNAP family |
Q30427174 | Structure and dynamics of the M13 coat signal sequence in membranes by multidimensional high-resolution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy |
Q111291711 | Structure and dynamics of the SARS‐CoV ‐2 envelope protein monomer |
Q34372533 | Structure and dynamics of the human pleckstrin DEP domain: distinct molecular features of a novel DEP domain subfamily |
Q72416543 | Structure and dynamics of the neutrophil defensins NP-2, NP-5, and HNP-1: NMR studies of amide hydrogen exchange kinetics |
Q30588345 | Structure and dynamics of the pore-lining helix of the nicotinic receptor: MD simulations in water, lipid bilayers, and transbilayer bundles |
Q27640399 | Structure and dynamics of the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor by 1H and 15N NMR |
Q54756726 | Structure and energetics of ligand binding to proteins: Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase-trimethoprim, a drug-receptor system. |
Q46565537 | Structure and energy landscape of a photoswitchable peptide: a replica exchange molecular dynamics study |
Q43967675 | Structure and enzymatic properties of a chimeric bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase and single-stranded DNA binding protein with increased processivity |
Q34768272 | Structure and folding of disulfide-rich miniproteins: insights from molecular dynamics simulations and MM-PBSA free energy calculations |
Q90300132 | Structure and function insights garnered from in silico modeling of the thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing 7A antigen |
Q27683997 | Structure and function of a TetR family transcriptional regulator, SbtR, from thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q27683810 | Structure and function of an acetyl xylan esterase (Est2A) from the rumen bacterium Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus |
Q74449405 | Structure and function of chromophores in R-Phycoerythrin at 1.9 A resolution |
Q27684460 | Structure and function ofEscherichia coliRimK, an ATP-grasp fold,l-glutamyl ligase enzyme |
Q27702575 | Structure and functional analysis of the siderophore periplasmic binding protein from the fuscachelin gene cluster of Thermobifida fusca |
Q36586233 | Structure and functional characterization of a bile acid 7α dehydratase BaiE in secondary bile acid synthesis |
Q27663110 | Structure and interactions of the C-terminal metal binding domain of Archaeoglobus fulgidus CopA |
Q36788618 | Structure and internal dynamics of the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor in aqueous solution from long-time molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q46804016 | Structure and mechanism of the farnesyl diphosphate synthase from Trypanosoma cruzi: implications for drug design |
Q27661461 | Structure and oligomerization of the PilC type IV pilus biogenesis protein from Thermus thermophilus |
Q54203727 | Structure and properties of AB21, a novel Agaricus bisporus protein with structural relation to bacterial pore-forming toxins |
Q27643329 | Structure and properties of a truely apo form of AraC dimerization domain |
Q27646760 | Structure and quantum chemical analysis of NAD+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase: hydride transfer and co-factor specificity |
Q34735386 | Structure and specificity of FEN-1 from Methanopyrus kandleri |
Q27689552 | Structure and specificity of an antibody targeting a proteolytically cleaved IgG hinge |
Q51370409 | Structure and stability of a model three-helix-bundle protein on tailored surfaces |
Q69658326 | Structure and thermal stability of monomeric bacteriorhodopsin in mixed phospholipid/detergent micelles |
Q42181496 | Structure based computational assessment of channel properties of assembled ORF-8a from SARS-CoV. |
Q43445023 | Structure based mechanism of the Ca(2+)-induced release of coelenterazine from the Renilla binding protein |
Q42612067 | Structure classification-based assessment of CASP3 predictions for the fold recognition targets |
Q42643528 | Structure conservation in cytochromes P450. |
Q52309185 | Structure conservation in lipoxygenases: structural analysis of soybean lipoxygenase-1 and modeling of human lipoxygenases |
Q27683745 | Structure determination and refinement of Bacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase |
Q27650209 | Structure determination of Discoidin II from Dictyostelium discoideum and carbohydrate binding properties of the lectin domain |
Q31056365 | Structure determination of a new protein from backbone-centered NMR data and NMR-assisted structure prediction |
Q51610756 | Structure determination of a protein assembly by amino acid selective cross-saturation |
Q27732038 | Structure determination of feline panleukopenia virus empty particles |
Q34555581 | Structure determination of symmetric homo-oligomers by a complete search of symmetry configuration space, using NMR restraints and van der Waals packing. |
Q57208986 | Structure is three to ten times more conserved than sequence-A study of structural response in protein cores |
Q52300233 | Structure model of a complex between the factor for inversion stimulation (FIS) and DNA: modeling protein-DNA complexes with dyad symmetry and known protein structures |
Q57752571 | Structure modeling, ligand binding, and binding affinity calculation (LR-MM-PBSA) of human heparanase for inhibition and drug design |
Q42614811 | Structure modelling and site-directed mutagenesis of the rat aromatic L-amino acid pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent decarboxylase: a functional study |
Q30361168 | Structure networks of E. coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase: effects of ligand binding. |
Q27648278 | Structure of 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose synthase, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of 2-deoxystreptamine-containing aminoglycoside antibiotics, in complex with a mechanism-based inhibitor and NAD+ |
Q27639584 | Structure of 2C-methyl-D-erythrol-2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase from Haemophilus influenzae: activation by conformational transition |
Q27701666 | Structure of Ctk3, a subunit of the RNA polymerase II CTD kinase complex, reveals a noncanonical CTD-interacting domain fold |
Q60913190 | Structure of HI0073 from Haemophilus influenzae, the nucleotide-binding domain of a two-protein nucleotidyl transferase |
Q27639733 | Structure of HI1333 (YhbY), a putative RNA-binding protein from Haemophilus influenzae |
Q27651183 | Structure of HP0564 from Helicobacter pylori identifies it as a new transcriptional regulator |
Q43864571 | Structure of Met-enkephalin in explicit aqueous solution using replica exchange molecular dynamics |
Q27735387 | Structure of Semliki Forest virus core protein |
Q27646620 | Structure of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri YaeQ reveals a new compact protein fold built around a variation of the PD-(D/E)XK nuclease motif |
Q46391927 | Structure of YciI from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0828) reveals a ferredoxin-like alpha/beta-fold with a histidine/aspartate centered catalytic site. |
Q30435859 | Structure of YidB protein from Shigella flexneri shows a new fold with homeodomain motif |
Q27650324 | Structure of YraM, a protein essential for growth of Haemophilus influenzae |
Q60238208 | Structure of a carbohydrate esterase from Bacillus anthracis |
Q34989735 | Structure of a cupin protein Plu4264 from Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. laumondii TTO1 at 1.35 Å resolution |
Q83203031 | Structure of a glutathione conjugate bound to the active site of aldose reductase |
Q46464605 | Structure of a glycoside hydrolase family 50 enzyme from a subfamily that is enriched in human gut microbiome bacteroidetes |
Q27633847 | Structure of a legume lectin from the bark of Robinia pseudoacacia and its complex with N-acetylgalactosamine |
Q27654990 | Structure of a pullulanase from Bacillus acidopullulyticus |
Q27664156 | Structure of a putative BenF-like porin from Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 at 2.6 Å resolution |
Q67584046 | Structure of a rhombohedral R6 insulin/phenol complex |
Q28283187 | Structure of a ribulose 5-phosphate 3-epimerase from Plasmodium falciparum |
Q27733437 | Structure of a ternary complex of proteinase K, mercury, and a substrate-analogue hexa-peptide at 2.2 A resolution |
Q45039419 | Structure of an anti-DNA fab complexed with a non-DNA ligand provides insights into cross-reactivity and molecular mimicry |
Q27635358 | Structure of an anti-HIV monoclonal Fab antibody fragment specific to a gp120 C-4 region peptide |
Q27667514 | Structure of an archaeal-type phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase sensitive to inhibition by aspartate |
Q30196213 | Structure of an insect virus at 3.0 A resolution |
Q43512274 | Structure of an intermediate in the unfolding of creatine kinase |
Q27648031 | Structure of aspartate racemase complexed with a dual substrate analogue, citric acid, and implications for the reaction mechanism |
Q27646975 | Structure of biosynthetic N-acetylornithine aminotransferase from Salmonella typhimurium: studies on substrate specificity and inhibitor binding |
Q43694842 | Structure of bovine alpha-1,3-galactosyltransferase and its complexes with UDP and DPGal inferred from molecular modeling |
Q50148706 | Structure of catalase HPII from Escherichia coli at 1.9 A resolution |
Q78675908 | Structure of deoxyhemoglobin: ionizable groups and polyethylene glycol |
Q27662219 | Structure of full-length class I chitinase from rice revealed by X-ray crystallography and small-angle X-ray scattering |
Q27659698 | Structure of human CLIC3 at 2 A resolution |
Q27695608 | Structure of human SNX10 reveals insights into its role in human autosomal recessive osteopetrosis |
Q44252303 | Structure of human aldose reductase holoenzyme in complex with statil: an approach to structure-based inhibitor design of the enzyme |
Q27657905 | Structure of hyperthermophilic endocellulase from Pyrococcus horikoshii |
Q27703982 | Structure of iron saturated C-lobe of bovine lactoferrin at pH 6.8 indicates a weakening of iron coordination |
Q37471218 | Structure of phage protein BC1872 from Bacillus cereus, a singleton with new fold. |
Q27649514 | Structure of protein PH0536 from Pyrococcus horikoshii at 1.7 A resolution reveals a novel assembly of an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold and an alpha-helical bundle |
Q27634879 | Structure of rat parvalbumin with deleted AB domain: implications for the evolution of EF hand calcium-binding proteins and possible physiological relevance |
Q45233913 | Structure of ricin A-chain at 2.5 A. |
Q30372288 | Structure of ricin B-chain at 2.5 A resolution. |
Q27743059 | Structure of soybean lipoxygenase L3 and a comparison with its L1 isoenzyme |
Q27663523 | Structure of the ATP-binding domain of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp90 |
Q27667121 | Structure of the C-terminal domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nup133, a component of the nuclear pore complex |
Q27640400 | Structure of the Clade 1 catalase, CatF of Pseudomonas syringae, at 1.8 A resolution |
Q27667228 | Structure of the C‐terminal heme‐binding domain of THAP domain containing protein 4 from Homo sapiens |
Q27675629 | Structure of the DNA-bound T-box domain of human TBX1, a transcription factor associated with the DiGeorge syndrome |
Q27648881 | Structure of the Drosophila nucleosome core particle highlights evolutionary constraints on the H2A-H2B histone dimer |
Q27657487 | Structure of the EMMPRIN N-terminal domain 1: dimerization via beta-strand swapping |
Q44125849 | Structure of the LAV6 peptide: A nucleation site for the correct receptor-induced refolding of the CD4-binding domain of HIV1 gp 120 |
Q27666113 | Structure of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis OmpATb protein: a model of an oligomeric channel in the mycobacterial cell wall |
Q27676879 | Structure of the NLRP1 caspase recruitment domain suggests potential mechanisms for its association with procaspase-1 |
Q27652351 | Structure of the OSR1 kinase, a hypertension drug target |
Q27677252 | Structure of the RNA-directed RNA Polymerase from the cystovirus ϕ12 |
Q27652871 | Structure of the S1S2 glutamate binding domain of GLuR3 |
Q27644199 | Structure of the SANT domain from the Xenopus chromatin remodeling factor ISWI |
Q27640567 | Structure of the YibK methyltransferase from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0766): a cofactor bound at a site formed by a knot |
Q53891195 | Structure of the adenovirus E4 Orf6 protein predicted by fold recognition and comparative protein modeling |
Q27663525 | Structure of the amino-terminal domain from the cell-cycle regulator Swi6 |
Q27642616 | Structure of the bacillus subtilis YYCN protein: a putative N-acetyltransferase |
Q27668191 | Structure of the catalytic domain of glucuronoyl esterase Cip2 from Hypocrea jecorina |
Q30157142 | Structure of the heme/hemoglobin outer membrane receptor ShuA from Shigella dysenteriae: heme binding by an induced fit mechanism |
Q27687647 | Structure of the hypothetical protein Ton1535 from Thermococcus onnurineus NA1 reveals unique structural properties by a left-handed helical turn in normal α-solenoid protein |
Q28138164 | Structure of the integral membrane domain of the GLP1 receptor |
Q29540751 | Structure of the integral membrane domain of the GLP1 receptor |
Q27650275 | Structure of the partially unliganded met state of 400 kDa hemoglobin: insights into ligand-induced structural changes of giant hemoglobins |
Q43269859 | Structure of the ribosome associating GTPase HflX. |
Q27620631 | Structure of the small G protein Rap2 in a non-catalytic complex with GTP |
Q27697457 | Structure of the terminal PCP domain of the non-ribosomal peptide synthetase in teicoplanin biosynthesis |
Q46500567 | Structure of the tetrameric form of human L-Xylulose reductase: probing the inhibitor-binding site with molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis. |
Q41087270 | Structure of the yeast Bre1 RING domain. |
Q34060201 | Structure of trichosanthin at 1.88 A resolution |
Q30176590 | Structure prediction and fold recognition for the ferrochelatase family of proteins |
Q28250601 | Structure prediction for CASP7 targets using extensive all-atom refinement with Rosetta@home |
Q30380039 | Structure prediction for CASP8 with all-atom refinement using Rosetta. |
Q38339608 | Structure prediction of a complex between the chromosomal protein HMG-D and DNA. |
Q91487322 | Structure prediction of biological assemblies using GALAXY in CAPRI rounds 38-45 |
Q30384246 | Structure prediction using sparse simulated NOE restraints with Rosetta in CASP11. |
Q88417944 | Structure refinement of membrane proteins via molecular dynamics simulations |
Q85198369 | Structure refinement of protein model decoys requires accurate side‐chain placement |
Q27860657 | Structure validation by Calpha geometry: phi,psi and Cbeta deviation |
Q46803209 | Structure, conformational stability, and enzymatic properties of acylphosphatase from the hyperthermophile Sulfolobus solfataricus |
Q30155826 | Structure, dynamics, and Hck interaction of full-length HIV-1 Nef. |
Q27650763 | Structure, dynamics, and binding thermodynamics of the v-Src SH2 domain: implications for drug design |
Q34988155 | Structure, dynamics, and interactions of jacalin. Insights from molecular dynamics simulations examined in conjunction with results of X-ray studies |
Q71074649 | Structure, energetics, and dynamics of lipid-protein interactions: A molecular dynamics study of the gramicidin A channel in a DMPC bilayer |
Q44544349 | Structure, evolution, and inhibitor interaction of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase from Plasmodium falciparum |
Q27645454 | Structure, flexibility, and mechanism of the Bacillus stearothermophilus RecU Holliday junction resolvase |
Q31473053 | Structure-based analysis of protein dynamics: comparison of theoretical results for hen lysozyme with X-ray diffraction and NMR relaxation data |
Q27650762 | Structure-based approach to pharmacophore identification, in silico screening, and three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship studies for inhibitors of Trypanosoma cruzi dihydrofolate reductase function |
Q37222972 | Structure-based classification of 45 FK506-binding proteins |
Q51540257 | Structure-based classification of FAD binding sites: A comparative study of structural alignment tools. |
Q33366003 | Structure-based design of a T-cell receptor leads to nearly 100-fold improvement in binding affinity for pepMHC. |
Q74464016 | Structure-based design of model proteins |
Q40594026 | Structure-based identification of binding sites, native ligands and potential inhibitors for G-protein coupled receptors. |
Q34975441 | Structure-based identification of catalytic residues. |
Q47890169 | Structure-based inhibitor screening: a family of sulfonated dye inhibitors for malaria parasite triosephosphate isomerase. |
Q27694678 | Structure-based investigation into the functional roles of the extended loop and substrate-recognition sites in an endo-β-1,4-D-mannanase from the Antarctic springtail, Cryptopygus antarcticus |
Q52206940 | Structure-based ligand design by dynamically assembling molecular building blocks at binding site |
Q81003129 | Structure-based mutagenesis of Penicillium griseofulvum xylanase using computational design |
Q30321828 | Structure-based prediction of DNA target sites by regulatory proteins. |
Q47596442 | Structure-based prediction of DNA-binding sites on proteins using the empirical preference of electrostatic potential and the shape of molecular surfaces |
Q51891629 | Structure-based prediction of transcription factor binding sites using a protein-DNA docking approach |
Q27644505 | Structure-based protein engineering for alpha-amylase inhibitory activity of plant defensin |
Q30588355 | Structure-based simulations reveal concerted dynamics of GPCR activation |
Q33326721 | Structure-based tailoring of compound libraries for high-throughput screening: discovery of novel EphB4 kinase inhibitors |
Q52250455 | Structure-based thermodynamic design of peptide ligands: Application to peptide inhibitors of the aspartic protease endothiapepsin |
Q33285015 | Structure-based virtual ligand screening with LigandFit: pose prediction and enrichment of compound collections |
Q45277435 | Structure-based, biophysical annotation of molecular coevolution of acetylcholinesterase |
Q40137005 | Structure-function relationship of inhibitory Smads: Structural flexibility contributes to functional divergence |
Q44072534 | Structure-function relationships in 3-phosphoglycerate kinase: role of the carboxy-terminal peptide |
Q34713855 | Structure-function relationships in the 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase family: substrate-specific signatures and functional predictions for the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like proteins |
Q35943452 | Structure-function relationships of the hematopoietic growth factors |
Q38310374 | Structure-guided analysis of catalytic specificity of the abundantly secreted chitosanase SACTE_5457 from Streptomyces sp. SirexAA-E. |
Q43823211 | Structure-guided approach for detecting large domain inserts in protein sequences as illustrated using the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily. |
Q41927287 | Structure-guided forcefield optimization |
Q87482896 | Structure-kinetic relationship of carbapenem antibacterials permeating through E. coli OmpC porin |
Q42676940 | Structure/function of KRAB repression domains: structural properties of KRAB modules inferred from hydrodynamic, circular dichroism, and FTIR spectroscopic analyses. |
Q34325473 | Structured disorder and conformational selection |
Q90403222 | Structures and activities of widely conserved small prokaryotic aminopeptidases-P clarify classification of M24B peptidases |
Q38971732 | Structures and recognition modes of toll-like receptors |
Q92372224 | Structures of Hsp90α and Hsp90β bound to a purine-scaffold inhibitor reveal an exploitable residue for drug selectivity |
Q83898714 | Structures of N-acetylornithine transcarbamoylase from Xanthomonas campestris complexed with substrates and substrate analogs imply mechanisms for substrate binding and catalysis |
Q27650471 | Structures of a potent phenylalkyl bisphosphonate inhibitor bound to farnesyl and geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthases |
Q27696880 | Structures of citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
Q46800884 | Structures of complexes of rhizopuspepsin with pepstatin and other statine-containing inhibitors |
Q27646881 | Structures of dimeric dihydrodiol dehydrogenase apoenzyme and inhibitor complex: probing the subunit interface with site-directed mutagenesis |
Q82649959 | Structures of intact glycoproteins from vibrational circular dichroism |
Q52360845 | Structures of jacalin-related lectin PPL3 regulating pearl shell biomineralization. |
Q57095150 | Structures of mesophilic and extremophilic citrate synthases reveal rigidity and flexibility for function |
Q27704889 | Structures of paraoxon-inhibited human acetylcholinesterase reveal perturbations of the acyl loop and the dimer interface |
Q27666632 | Structures of parasitic CDPK domains point to a common mechanism of activation |
Q27687968 | Structures of reduced and ligand-bound nitric oxide reductase provide insights into functional differences in respiratory enzymes |
Q40760197 | Structures of scrambled disulfide forms of the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor predicted by molecular dynamics simulations with constraints |
Q57957053 | Structures of scrambled disulfide forms of the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor predicted by molecular dynamics simulations with constraints |
Q30159690 | Structures of soluble amyloid oligomers from computer simulations |
Q27731983 | Structures of the "open" and "closed" state of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase, as observed in a new crystal form: implications for the reaction mechanism |
Q27660306 | Structures of the autoproteolytic domain from theSaccharomyces cerevisiaenuclear pore complex component, Nup145 |
Q27654471 | Structures of twoArabidopsis thalianamajor latex proteins represent novel helix-grip folds |
Q43852590 | Structures of vertebrate hyaluronidases and their unique enzymatic mechanism of hydrolysis |
Q27684611 | Structure‐based engineering of streptavidin monomer with a reduced biotin dissociation rate |
Q43502365 | Structure‐based prediction of protein–peptide specificity in rosetta |
Q30361792 | Studies of the molten globule state of ferredoxin: structural characterization and implications on protein folding and iron-sulfur center assembly. |
Q73427999 | Studies of the unfolding of an unstable mutant of staphylococcal nuclease: evidence for low temperature unfolding and compactness of the high temperature unfolded state |
Q28267131 | Studies of the zein-like alpha-prolamins based on an analysis of amino acid sequences: implications for their evolution and three-dimensional structure |
Q30396151 | Studies on the inference of protein binding regions across fold space based on structural similarities |
Q27745686 | Studies on the inhibitor-binding site of porcine aldehyde reductase: Crystal structure of the holoenzyme-inhibitor ternary complex |
Q45832587 | Study of Q224K, V152G double mutation in bean PGIP2, an LRR protein for plant defense—An in silico approach |
Q52306154 | Study of global motions in proteins by weighted masses molecular dynamics: adenylate kinase as a test case |
Q51970529 | Study of protein-protein interaction using conformational space annealing |
Q51985235 | Study of the Villin headpiece folding dynamics by combining coarse-grained Monte Carlo evolution and all-atom molecular dynamics |
Q52133646 | Study of the electrostatics treatment in molecular dynamics simulations |
Q33347927 | Study of the impact of the T877A mutation on ligand-induced helix-12 positioning of the androgen receptor resulted in design and synthesis of novel antiandrogens |
Q46634376 | Study of the insulin dimerization: binding free energy calculations and per-residue free energy decomposition |
Q99603107 | Studying dynamics without explicit dynamics: a structure-based study of the export mechanism by AcrB |
Q48229799 | Studying pressure denaturation of a protein by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q33671898 | Studying submicrosecond protein folding kinetics using a photolabile caging strategy and time-resolved photoacoustic calorimetry. |
Q47586066 | Sub-angstrom modeling of complexes between flexible peptides and globular proteins. |
Q34163319 | Subcellular location prediction of apoptosis proteins |
Q44060658 | Subdomains in the F and G helices of bacteriorhodopsin regulate the conformational transitions of the reprotonation mechanism |
Q46022091 | Substrate binding modifies the hinge bending characteristics of human 3-phosphoglycerate kinase: a molecular dynamics study. |
Q44745620 | Substrate binding to mononuclear metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacillus cereus |
Q46393912 | Substrate directs enzyme dynamics by bridging distal sites: UDP-galactopyranose mutase |
Q27633262 | Substrate flow in catalases deduced from the crystal structures of active site variants of HPII from Escherichia coli |
Q41917068 | Substrate induced structural and dynamics changes in human phosphomevalonate kinase and implications for mechanism. |
Q68137851 | Substrate mobility in a deeply buried active site: analysis of norcamphor bound to cytochrome P-450cam as determined by a 201-psec molecular dynamics simulation |
Q58456703 | Substrate polarization in enzyme catalysis: QM/MM analysis of the effect of oxaloacetate polarization on acetyl-CoA enolization in citrate synthase |
Q54720062 | Substrate recognition by the EcoRI endonuclease. |
Q46142968 | Substrate specificities in class A beta-lactamases: preference for penams vs. cephems. The role of residue 237. |
Q36129891 | Substrate specificity characterization for eight putative nudix hydrolases. Evaluation of criteria for substrate identification within the Nudix family |
Q51188485 | Substrate specificity in HIV-1 protease by a biased sequence search method |
Q39846885 | Substrate stereo-specificity in tryptophan dioxygenase and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase. |
Q28081510 | Substrate tunnels in enzymes: structure-function relationships and computational methodology |
Q30381183 | Substrate uptake and protein stability relationship in mammalian histidine decarboxylase. |
Q50996579 | Substrate versus inhibitor dynamics of P-glycoprotein |
Q93056725 | Substrate-dependent transport mechanism in AcrB of multidrug resistant bacteria |
Q62648718 | Substrate-enzyme interactions and catalytic mechanism in phospholipase C: A molecular modeling study using the GRID program |
Q46896541 | Substrate-free structure of a monomeric NADP isocitrate dehydrogenase: an open conformation phylogenetic relationship of isocitrate dehydrogenase |
Q57752101 | Substrate-mediated control of the conformation of an ancillary domain delivers a competent catalytic site for N-acetylneuraminic acid synthase |
Q44359047 | Substrate-shielding and hydrolytic reaction in hydrolases. |
Q82863059 | Substructural cooperativity and parallel versus sequential events during protein unfolding |
Q73876909 | Subtle functional collective motions in pancreatic-like ribonucleases: from ribonuclease A to angiogenin |
Q44379436 | Subunit E of mitochondrial ATP synthase: a bioinformatic analysis reveals a phosphopeptide binding motif supporting a multifunctional regulatory role and identifies a related human brain protein with the same motif |
Q45212617 | Subunit assembly and active site location in the structure of glutamate dehydrogenase |
Q54768950 | Subunit assembly and metabolic stability of E. coli RNA polymerase. |
Q52281049 | Successful ab initio prediction of the tertiary structure of NK‐lysin using multiple sequences and recognized supersecondary structural motifs |
Q52015252 | Successful discrimination of protein interactions |
Q43765189 | Successful molecular dynamics simulation of two zinc complexes bridged by a hydroxide in phosphotriesterase using the cationic dummy atom method |
Q57000512 | Successful prediction of the coiled coil geometry of the GCN4 leucine zipper domain by simulated annealing: Comparison to the X-ray structure |
Q30424396 | Successful protein fold recognition by optimal sequence threading validated by rigorous blind testing |
Q52141257 | Successful recognition of protein folds using threading methods biased by sequence similarity and predicted secondary structure |
Q51728577 | Sucrose prevents protein fibrillation through compaction of the tertiary structure but hardly affects the secondary structure. |
Q42620563 | Super folds, networks, and barriers |
Q28143898 | Super-motifs and evolution of tandem leucine-rich repeats within the small proteoglycans--biglycan, decorin, lumican, fibromodulin, PRELP, keratocan, osteoadherin, epiphycan, and osteoglycin |
Q58023176 | Superantigen natural affinity maturation revealed by the crystal structure of staphylococcal enterotoxin G and its binding to T-cell receptor Vβ8.2 |
Q46035013 | Superfamily active site templates. |
Q51929016 | Surface hydrophobic groups, stability, and flip-flopping in lattice proteins |
Q68033367 | Surface interactions of gamma-crystallins in the crystal medium in relation to their association in the eye lens |
Q30422345 | Surface motifs by a computer vision technique: searches, detection, and implications for protein-ligand recognition |
Q52229473 | Surface properties of adipocyte lipid-binding protein: Response to lipid binding, and comparison with homologous proteins |
Q80867938 | Surface recognition elements of membrane protein oligomerization |
Q39869782 | Surface shapes and surrounding environment analysis of single- and double-stranded DNA-binding proteins in protein-DNA interface |
Q42054429 | Surface-based protein binding pocket similarity |
Q74419058 | Surface-exposed phenylalanines in the RNP1/RNP2 motif stabilize the cold-shock protein CspB from Bacillus subtilis |
Q39865644 | Surface‐histogram: A new shape descriptor for protein‐protein docking |
Q44544345 | Survey for g-proteins in the prokaryotic genomes: prediction of functional roles based on classification |
Q30821888 | Survey of phosphorylation near drug binding sites in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and their effects |
Q51632243 | Survey of the geometric association of domain-domain interfaces |
Q44060644 | Susceptibility to proteolysis of triosephosphate isomerase from two pathogenic parasites: characterization of an enzyme with an intact and a nicked monomer |
Q40793518 | Sustained performance of knowledge-based potentials in fold recognition. |
Q60229708 | Swapping the domains of exoribonucleases RNase II and RNase R: Conferring upon RNase II the ability to degrade ds RNA |
Q52036909 | Swaps in protein sequences |
Q51328754 | Swfoldrate: Predicting protein folding rates from amino acid sequence with sliding window method |
Q35161189 | SymmRef: a flexible refinement method for symmetric multimers |
Q30382391 | Symmetry-restrained molecular dynamics simulations improve homology models of potassium channels |
Q41300612 | Synergistic enhancement of cellulase pairs linked by consensus ankyrin repeats: Determination of the roles of spacing, orientation, and enzyme identity |
Q45270047 | Synthetic peptides corresponding to sequences of snake venom neurotoxins and rabies virus glycoprotein bind to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor |
Q81268383 | System for accepting server predictions in CASP6 |
Q29547923 | Systematic analysis of domain motions in proteins from conformational change: New results on citrate synthase and T4 lysozyme |
Q81979762 | Systematic classification of CDR-L3 in antibodies: implications of the light chain subtypes and the VL-VH interface |
Q79236327 | Systematic comparison of catalytic mechanisms of hydrolysis and transfer reactions classified in the EzCatDB database |
Q30396232 | Systematic evaluation of CS-Rosetta for membrane protein structure prediction with sparse NOE restraints |
Q30371090 | Systematic solution to homo-oligomeric structures determined by NMR. |
Q27655054 | Systematic structural studies of iron superoxide dismutases from human parasites and a statistical coupling analysis of metal binding specificity |
Q40353250 | TASSER-based refinement of NMR structures |
Q51963686 | TASSER: an automated method for the prediction of protein tertiary structures in CASP6. |
Q30391461 | TASSER_low-zsc: an approach to improve structure prediction using low z-score-ranked templates |
Q39644236 | THz frequency spectrum of protein-solvent interaction energy using a recurrence plot-based Wiener-Khinchin method |
Q91460855 | TKSA-MC: A web server for rational mutation through the optimization of protein charge interactions |
Q30392295 | TMSEG: Novel prediction of transmembrane helices |
Q30336234 | TOUCHSTONE: a unified approach to protein structure prediction. |
Q30336124 | TOUCHSTONEX: protein structure prediction with sparse NMR data. |
Q27647821 | TPR domain of NrfG mediates complex formation between heme lyase and formate-dependent nitrite reductase in Escherichia coli O157:H7 |
Q51547005 | TSAR, a new graph–theoretical approach to computational modeling of protein side‐chain flexibility: Modeling of ionization properties of proteins |
Q112582210 | Tackling Covid-19 using disordered-to-order transition of residues in the spike protein upon angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 binding |
Q81307659 | Taking advantage of local structure descriptors to analyze interresidue contacts in protein structures and protein complexes |
Q47613348 | Taking geometry to its edge: fast unbound rigid (and hinge-bent) docking |
Q42115423 | Talin-driven inside-out activation mechanism of platelet αIIbβ3 integrin probed by multimicrosecond, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations |
Q85889966 | Tamoxifen, an anticancer drug, is an activator of human aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 |
Q27649292 | Tandem use of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to obtain ab initio the complete and exact amino acids sequence of HPBP, a human 38-kDa apolipoprotein |
Q24647352 | Target domain definition and classification in CASP8 |
Q41928117 | Target highlights from the first post-PSI CASP experiment (CASP12, May-August 2016). |
Q92816927 | Target highlights in CASP13: Experimental target structures through the eyes of their authors |
Q30408519 | Target highlights in CASP9: Experimental target structures for the critical assessment of techniques for protein structure prediction |
Q46436407 | Target selection and deselection at the Berkeley Structural Genomics Center |
Q42582837 | Targeted molecular dynamics reveals overall common conformational changes upon hybrid domain swing-out in beta3 integrins |
Q34618181 | Targeted molecular dynamics simulation studies of binding and conformational changes in E. coli MurD. |
Q30731629 | Targeting novel folds for structural genomics |
Q54729743 | Targeting the conformational transitions of MDM2 and MDMX: insights into key residues affecting p53 recognition. |
Q53297291 | Targeting the early steps of Abeta16-22 protofibril disassembly by N-methylated inhibitors: a numerical study |
Q51570059 | Tat peptide‐calmodulin binding studies and bioinformatics of HIV‐1 protein–calmodulin interactions |
Q38289496 | Taxonomic distribution, repeats, and functions of the S1 domain-containing proteins as members of the OB-fold family. |
Q52575406 | Tchebichef image moment approach to the prediction of protein secondary structures based on circular dichroism |
Q34284914 | Temperature and pressure denaturation of chignolin: Folding and unfolding simulation by multibaric‐multithermal molecular dynamics method |
Q87486112 | Temperature and pressure effects on C112S azurin: volume, expansivity, and flexibility changes |
Q48420779 | Temperature dependence of the NMR generalized order parameter |
Q30164200 | Temperature dependence of the free energy landscape of the src-SH3 protein domain |
Q43982440 | Temperature effects on the hydrodynamic radius of the intrinsically disordered N-terminal region of the p53 protein |
Q47107100 | Temperature stability of proteins: Analysis of irreversible denaturation using isothermal calorimetry. |
Q87957424 | Temperature-accelerated molecular dynamics gives insights into globular conformations sampled in the free state of the AC catalytic domain |
Q33326719 | Temperature-dependent downhill unfolding of ubiquitin. I. Nanosecond-to-millisecond resolved nonlinear infrared spectroscopy |
Q52586107 | Temperature-dependent downhill unfolding of ubiquitin. II. Modeling the free energy surface |
Q82665031 | Temperature-dependent oligomerization in M-crystallin: lead or lag toward cataract, an NMR perspective |
Q81075444 | Temperature-dependent structural and functional features of a hyperthermostable enzyme using elastic neutron scattering |
Q45816549 | Temperature-dependent study reveals that dynamics of hydrophobic residues plays an important functional role in the mitochondrial Tim9-Tim10 complex. |
Q52378057 | Temperature-induced complementarity as a mechanism for biomolecular assembly |
Q47771272 | Temperature-induced partially unfolded state of hUBF HMG Box-5: conformational and dynamic investigations of the Box-5 thermal intermediate ensemble |
Q47402752 | Temperature-induced unfolding behavior of proteins studied by tensorial elastic network model |
Q27675987 | Temperature‐dependent conformational change affecting Tyr11 and sweetness loops of brazzein |
Q30378664 | Template based protein structure modeling by global optimization in CASP11. |
Q30380289 | Template-based and free modeling by RAPTOR++ in CASP8 |
Q47589415 | Template-based and free modeling of I-TASSER and QUARK pipelines using predicted contact maps in CASP12. |
Q47567198 | Template-based modeling and ab initio refinement of protein oligomer structures using GALAXY in CAPRI round 30. |
Q90388648 | Template-based modeling and ab-initio docking using CoDock in CAPRI |
Q30364787 | Template-based modeling and free modeling by I-TASSER in CASP7. |
Q92838113 | Template-based modeling by ClusPro in CASP13 and the potential for using co-evolutionary information in docking |
Q91163154 | Template-based modeling of diverse protein interactions in CAPRI rounds 38-45 |
Q30409791 | Template-based protein structure modeling using TASSER(VMT.). |
Q30378816 | Template-based protein structure prediction in CASP11 and retrospect of I-TASSER in the last decade. |
Q47361532 | Template-based quaternary structure prediction of proteins using enhanced profile-profile alignments. |
Q30380345 | Template-free modeling by LEE and LEER in CASP11. |
Q30376832 | Template-free protein structure prediction and quality assessment with an all-atom free-energy model. |
Q84677897 | Tensorial elastic network model for protein dynamics: Integration of the anisotropic network model with bond‐bending and twist elasticities |
Q82521398 | Terminal ion pairs stabilize the second beta-hairpin of the B1 domain of protein G |
Q34389239 | Terminal sialic acids on CD44 N-glycans can block hyaluronan binding by forming competing intramolecular contacts with arginine sidechains |
Q82365981 | Terminal-group effects on the folding behavior of selected beta-peptides |
Q58008929 | Tertiary and quaternary conformational changes in aspartate transcarbamylase: a normal mode study |
Q30431726 | Tertiary structure prediction of mixed alpha/beta proteins via energy minimization |
Q46172421 | Tertiary structure prediction of the KIX domain of CBP using Monte Carlo simulations driven by restraints derived from multiple sequence alignments |
Q68082931 | Test of circular dichroism (CD) methods for crambin and CD-assisted secondary structure prediction of its homologous toxins |
Q47810344 | Testing a new Monte Carlo algorithm for protein folding |
Q58042939 | Testing a new Monte Carlo algorithm for protein folding |
Q34579607 | Testing computational prediction of missense mutation phenotypes: functional characterization of 204 mutations of human cystathionine beta synthase |
Q58042924 | Testing similarity measures with continuous and discrete protein models |
Q34774496 | Tethering polypeptides through bifunctional PEG cross-linking agents to probe protein function: application to ATP synthase |
Q30160179 | The "first in-last out" hypothesis on protein folding revisited |
Q30322866 | The "random-coil" state of proteins: comparison of database statistics and molecular simulations. |
Q47588389 | The (non)malignancy of cancerous amino acidic substitutions |
Q27648274 | The 1.3 A crystal structure of a novel endo-beta-1,3-glucanase of glycoside hydrolase family 16 from alkaliphilic Nocardiopsis sp. strain F96 |
Q27649474 | The 1.38 Å crystal structure of DmsD protein fromSalmonella typhimurium, a proofreading chaperone on the Tat pathway |
Q47714920 | The 1.59 A resolution crystal structure of TM0096, a flavin mononucleotide binding protein from Thermotoga maritima |
Q57572230 | The 1.6-Å resolution crystal structure of NovW: A 4-keto-6-deoxy sugar epimerase from the novobiocin biosynthetic gene cluster of Streptomyces spheroides |
Q69537537 | The 15 N-terminal amino acids of hexokinase II are not required for in vivo function: analysis of a truncated form of hexokinase II in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q27656125 | The 2.1 Å crystal structure of an acyl-CoA synthetase from Methanosarcina acetivorans reveals an alternate acyl-binding pocket for small branched acyl substrates |
Q27685454 | The 2/2 hemoglobin from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 with covalently attached heme: comparison of X-ray and NMR structures |
Q93012343 | The 3A6-TCR/superagonist/HLA-DR2a complex shows similar interface and reduced flexibility compared to the complex with self-peptide |
Q58428627 | The 4th meeting on the Critical Assessment of Predicted Interaction (CAPRI) held at the Mare Nostrum, Barcelona |
Q41958187 | The ABC transporters in Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus |
Q96162993 | The Actin cytoskeleton orchestra in Entamoeba histolytica |
Q45070142 | The B-ring substituent at C-7 of colchicine and the alpha-C-terminus of tubulin communicate through the "tail-body" interaction |
Q73303306 | The C-terminal domain of HPII catalase is a member of the type I glutamine amidotransferase superfamily |
Q50701620 | The C-terminal domain of the transcriptional regulator BldD from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) constitutes a novel fold of winged-helix domains |
Q41931296 | The C-terminal extension of human RTEL1, mutated in Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome, contains harmonin-N-like domains. |
Q38347632 | The C-terminal module of Chi1 from Aeromonas caviae CB101 has a function in substrate binding and hydrolysis |
Q43023799 | The C-terminal region of thermophilic tRNA (m7G46) methyltransferase (TrmB) stabilizes the dimer structure and enhances fidelity of methylation |
Q27860601 | The CCPN data model for NMR spectroscopy: development of a software pipeline |
Q81481796 | The CDR1 of the human lambdaVI light chains adopts a new canonical structure |
Q83844462 | The Caenorhabditis elegans DAF-12 nuclear receptor: structure, dynamics, and interaction with ligands |
Q30349877 | The ConSurf-HSSP database: the mapping of evolutionary conservation among homologs onto PDB structures. |
Q98774561 | The Crystal Structure of AbsH3: a Putative FAD-dependent Reductase in the Abyssomicin Biosynthesis Pathway |
Q30440962 | The DC-module of doublecortin: dynamics, domain boundaries, and functional implications |
Q68236075 | The DNA replication inhibitor microcin B17 is a forty-three-amino-acid protein containing sixty percent glycine |
Q27650257 | The Escherichia coli YdcF binds S-adenosyl-L-methionine and adopts an alpha/beta-fold characteristic of nucleotide-utilizing enzymes |
Q91244924 | The GluN2B-Glu413Gly NMDA receptor variant arising from a de novo GRIN2B mutation promotes ligand-unbinding and domain opening |
Q80380717 | The Gō model revisited: Native structure and the geometric coupling between local and long-range contacts |
Q42339476 | The H3 loop of antibodies shows unique structural characteristics |
Q27640180 | The HI0073/HI0074 protein pair from Haemophilus influenzae is a member of a new nucleotidyltransferase family: structure, sequence analyses, and solution studies |
Q41937609 | The HIV-1 p66 homodimeric RT exhibits different conformations in the binding-competent and -incompetent NNRTI site |
Q41673312 | The Helicobacter pylori genome: from sequence analysis to structural and functional predictions |
Q27648703 | The HhH domain of the human DNA repair protein XPF forms stable homodimers |
Q33229210 | The Histone Database: a comprehensive resource for histones and histone fold-containing proteins |
Q28295769 | The N- and C-termini of the human Nogo molecules are intrinsically unstructured: bioinformatics, CD, NMR characterization, and functional implications |
Q43420513 | The N-terminal domains of SOCS proteins: a conserved region in the disordered N-termini of SOCS4 and 5. |
Q88046683 | The N-terminal of annexin A1 as a secondary membrane binding site: a molecular dynamics study |
Q30394771 | The NMR solution structure and function of RPA3313: a putative ribosomal transport protein from Rhodopseudomonas palustris |
Q27650668 | The NMR solution structure of the artificial protein M7 matches the computationally designed model |
Q27667929 | The PR/SET domain in PRDM4 is preceded by a zinc knuckle |
Q33225808 | The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB): a bioinformatics and spectroscopic resource |
Q30845175 | The Protein Coil Library: a structural database of nonhelix, nonstrand fragments derived from the PDB. |
Q43120115 | The Rho GTPase inactivation domain in Vibrio cholerae MARTX toxin has a circularly permuted papain-like thiol protease fold |
Q27704656 | The SCP2-thiolase-like protein (SLP) of Trypanosoma brucei is an enzyme involved in lipid metabolism |
Q31101733 | The SHS2 module is a common structural theme in functionally diverse protein groups, like Rpb7p, FtsA, GyrI, and MTH1598/TM1083 superfamilies. |
Q51906056 | The SKE-DOCK server and human teams based on a combined method of shape complementarity and free energy estimation |
Q44973571 | The ST pinch: A side chain‐to‐side chain hydrogen‐bonded motif |
Q91325485 | The Short-chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase Engineering Database (SDRED): A classification and analysis system for a highly diverse enzyme family |
Q52714241 | The Structure of the N-terminal Module of the Cell Wall Hydrolase RipA and its Role in Regulating Catalytic Activity. |
Q30406909 | The VSGB 2.0 model: a next generation energy model for high resolution protein structure modeling |
Q80949357 | The X-ray crystal structure of PA3566 from Pseudomonas aureginosa at 1.8 A resolution |
Q27646873 | The X-ray crystallographic structure and activity analysis of a Pseudomonas-specific subfamily of the HAD enzyme superfamily evidences a novel biochemical function |
Q27649513 | The X-ray structure of N-methyltryptophan oxidase reveals the structural determinants of substrate specificity |
Q27674962 | The X‐ray crystallographic structure and specificity profile of HAD superfamily phosphohydrolase BT1666: Comparison of paralogous functions in B. thetaiotaomicron |
Q57975285 | The active-inactive transition of human thymidylate synthase: Targeted molecular dynamics simulations |
Q45172676 | The activity of recombinant human neuroglobin as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger |
Q27663401 | The adaptability of the active site of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase as observed in the crystal structures of three different complexes |
Q48268370 | The adaptive nature of protein residue networks. |
Q30355437 | The addition of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol prevents the aggregation of guanidinium around protein and impairs its denaturation ability: a molecular dynamics simulation study. |
Q46014933 | The aggregation state of spin-labeled melittin in solution and bound to phospholipid membranes: evidence that membrane-bound melittin is monomeric. |
Q113301902 | The amounts of thermal vibrations and static disorder in protein X‐ray crystallographic B‐factors |
Q39114591 | The anatomy of mammalian sweet taste receptors |
Q27655448 | The ankyrin repeat domain of Huntingtin interacting protein 14 contains a surface aromatic cage, a potential site for methyl-lysine binding |
Q34432278 | The anti-HIV cyanovirin-N domain is evolutionarily conserved and occurs as a protein module in eukaryotes. |
Q45990153 | The application of different solvation and electrostatic models in molecular dynamics simulations of ubiquitin: how well is the X-ray structure "maintained"? |
Q47715144 | The architecture of the binding site in redox protein complexes: implications for fast dissociation |
Q43963799 | The balance between the rates of incorporation and pyrophosphorolytic removal influences the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase bypass of an abasic site with deoxy-, dideoxy-, and ribonucleotides |
Q36508923 | The barrier for proton transport in aquaporins as a challenge for electrostatic models: the role of protein relaxation in mutational calculations |
Q27688110 | The basic helix-loop-helix region of the transcriptional repressor hairy and enhancer of split 1 is preorganized to bind DNA |
Q46587424 | The betaalphabetaalphabeta elementary supersecondary structure of the Rossmann fold from porcine lactate dehydrogenase exhibits characteristics of a molten globule |
Q48693717 | The binding affinities of proteins interacting with the PDZ domain of PICK1. |
Q27644272 | The bioactive conformation of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide by NMR and CD spectroscopy |
Q47810422 | The biology workbench—A seamless database and analysis environment for the biologist |
Q51900431 | The blind search for the closed states of hinge-bending proteins. |
Q68878431 | The building of protein structures from alpha-carbon coordinates |
Q44291548 | The carboxyl terminal domain of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I confers higher affinity to DNA. |
Q38294044 | The catalytic domain of a bacterial lytic transglycosylase defines a novel class of lysozymes |
Q27670688 | The catalytic domain of the germination-specific lytic transglycosylase SleB fromBacillus anthracisdisplays a unique active site topology |
Q44379459 | The catalytic mechanism of Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase: evidence for a proton relay modulated by the coupled ionization of the active site Lysine/Tyrosine pair and a NAD+ ribose OH switch |
Q84523995 | The catch bond mechanism between von Willebrand factor and platelet surface receptors investigated by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q47414206 | The challenge of modeling protein assemblies: The CASP12-CAPRI experiment. |
Q83319404 | The chaperone activity of α-synuclein: Utilizing deletion mutants to map its interaction with target proteins |
Q92816908 | The characterization of pc-polylines representing protein backbones |
Q46168045 | The characterization of recombinant mouse glandular kallikreins from E. coli |
Q30153299 | The chloroplast outer envelope protein P39 in Arabidopsis thaliana belongs to the Omp85 protein family |
Q30341944 | The cis-Pro touch-turn: a rare motif preferred at functional sites. |
Q27730728 | The closed conformation of a highly flexible protein: the structure of E. coli adenylate kinase with bound AMP and AMPPNP |
Q27650207 | The complex structure of calmodulin bound to a calcineurin peptide |
Q46917398 | The confirmation of the denatured structure of pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase under nondenaturing conditions: difference in helix propensity of two synthetic peptides with single amino acid substitution |
Q34005469 | The conformation of the extracellular binding domain of Death Receptor 5 in the presence and absence of the activating ligand TRAIL: a molecular dynamics study |
Q30366947 | The conformational plasticity of calmodulin upon calcium complexation gives a model of its interaction with the oedema factor of Bacillus anthracis. |
Q30373438 | The conservation profile of a protein bears the imprint of the molecule that is evolutionarily coupled to the protein. |
Q51054355 | The conserved Arg241-Glu439 salt bridge determines flexibility of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor binding core in the ligand-free state |
Q80773472 | The conserved salt bridge linking two C-terminal beta/alpha units in homodimeric triosephosphate isomerase determines the folding rate of the monomer |
Q30196050 | The construction of new proteins: V. A template-assembled synthetic protein (TASP) containing both a 4-helix bundle and beta-barrel-like structure |
Q52407607 | The contribution of cross‐links to protein stability: A normal mode analysis of the configurational entropy of the native state |
Q40533640 | The control of the discrimination between dNTP and rNTP in DNA and RNA polymerase |
Q45070165 | The coupling of structural fluctuations to hydride transfer in dihydrofolate reductase |
Q27652356 | The crystal structure and identification of NQM1/YGR043C, a transaldolase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Q34449680 | The crystal structure of 5-keto-4-deoxyuronate isomerase from Escherichia coli |
Q37471263 | The crystal structure of Aq_328 from the hyperthermophilic bacteria Aquifex aeolicus shows an ancestral histone fold. |
Q27694605 | The crystal structure of BlmI as a model for nonribosomal peptide synthetase peptidyl carrier proteins |
Q62448424 | The crystal structure of CagS from theHelicobacter pyloripathogenicity island |
Q27724705 | The crystal structure of Clostridium perfringens SleM, a muramidase involved in cortical hydrolysis during spore germination |
Q92514699 | The crystal structure of Klebsiella pneumoniae FeoA reveals a site for protein-protein interactions |
Q27660086 | The crystal structure of NGO0477 from Neisseria gonorrhoeae reveals a novel protein fold incorporating a helix-turn-helix motif |
Q27655518 | The crystal structure of ORF14 from Sulfolobus islandicus filamentous virus |
Q27684282 | The crystal structure of Toxoplasma gondii nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 represents a conformational intermediate in the reductive activation mechanism of the tetrameric enzyme |
Q27646626 | The crystal structure of Trypanosoma cruzi arginine kinase |
Q27646808 | The crystal structure of XC1258 from Xanthomonas campestris: a putative procaryotic Nit protein with an arsenic adduct in the active site |
Q54459064 | The crystal structure of XC1739: a putative multiple antibiotic-resistance repressor (MarR) from Xanthomonas campestris at 1.8 A resolution |
Q79212149 | The crystal structure of XC847 from Xanthomonas campestris: a 3'-5' oligoribonuclease of DnaQ fold family with a novel opposingly shifted helix |
Q27658390 | The crystal structure of XG-34, an evolved xyloglucan-specific carbohydrate-binding module |
Q27644247 | The crystal structure of a novel glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus |
Q27695650 | The crystal structure of archaeal serine hydroxymethyltransferase reveals idiosyncratic features likely required to withstand high temperatures |
Q27633269 | The crystal structure of chorismate lyase shows a new fold and a tightly retained product |
Q27678874 | The crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from Escherichia coli with bound pyruvate and succinic acid semialdehyde: Unambiguous resolution of the stereochemistry of the condensation product |
Q27649509 | The crystal structure of human chloride intracellular channel protein 2: a disulfide bond with functional implications |
Q27651940 | The crystal structure of human cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor-5 reveals a dimeric Nudix protein with a conserved catalytic site |
Q46980209 | The crystal structure of human muscle glycogen phosphorylase a with bound glucose and AMP: an intermediate conformation with T-state and R-state features |
Q27685506 | The crystal structure of human quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with its inhibitor phthalic acid |
Q83340987 | The crystal structure of hypothetical methyltransferase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q89110173 | The crystal structure of maleylacetate reductase from Rhizobium sp. strain MTP-10005 provides insights into the reaction mechanism of enzymes in its original family |
Q45902485 | The crystal structure of methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase from Methanobrevibacter ruminantium. |
Q27617726 | The crystal structure of recombinant rat pancreatic RNase A |
Q27663117 | The crystal structure of ribonuclease A in complex with thymidine-3'-monophosphate provides further insight into ligand binding |
Q27652694 | The crystal structure of staphylococcal nuclease refined at 1.7 A resolution |
Q27663395 | The crystal structure of the "open" and the "closed" conformation of the flexible loop of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase |
Q27651180 | The crystal structure of the ING5 PHD finger in complex with an H3K4me3 histone peptide |
Q27645226 | The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the chick retinal neurite inhibitor-receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase CRYP-2/cPTPRO |
Q27697433 | The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the ser/thr kinase PknA from M. tuberculosis shows an Src-like autoinhibited conformation |
Q27647399 | The crystal structure of the effector-binding domain of the trehalose repressor TreR from Bacillus subtilis 168 reveals a unique quarternary assembly |
Q27648763 | The crystal structure of the estA protein, a virulence factor from Streptococcus pneumoniae |
Q91945231 | The crystal structure of the mycobacterial trehalose monomycolate transport factor A, TtfA, reveals an atypical fold |
Q27655516 | The crystal structure of the outer membrane lipoprotein YbhC from Escherichia coli sheds new light on the phylogeny of carbohydrate esterase family 8 |
Q27650877 | The crystal structure of the protein YhaK from Escherichia coli reveals a new subclass of redox sensitive enterobacterial bicupins |
Q27644820 | The crystal structure of the secreted aspartic proteinase 3 from Candida albicans and its complex with pepstatin A |
Q27728484 | The crystal structure of the ternary complex of staphylococcal nuclease, Ca2+, and the inhibitor pdTp, refined at 1.65 A |
Q27620626 | The crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) from Thermotoga maritima: a comparative thermostability structural analysis of ten different TIM structures |
Q27694669 | The crystal structure of type III effector protein XopQ from Xanthomonas oryzae complexed with adenosine diphosphate ribose |
Q27651341 | The crystal structures of the psychrophilic subtilisin S41 and the mesophilic subtilisin Sph reveal the same calcium-loaded state |
Q41652276 | The cytidylyltransferase superfamily: identification of the nucleotide-binding site and fold prediction |
Q52237306 | The dependence of amino acid pair correlations on structural environment |
Q30195923 | The design of idealized alpha/beta-barrels: analysis of beta-sheet closure requirements. |
Q46122649 | The design, synthesis, and crystallization of an alpha-helical peptide |
Q30377801 | The determinants of bond angle variability in protein/peptide backbones: A comprehensive statistical/quantum mechanics analysis. |
Q44855339 | The determinants of carboxyl pKa values in turkey ovomucoid third domain |
Q46908446 | The determinants of stability in the human prion protein: insights into folding and misfolding from the analysis of the change in the stabilization energy distribution in different conditions |
Q30365569 | The differences in the microenvironment of the two tryptophan residues of the glutamine-binding protein from Escherichia coli shed light on the binding properties and the structural dynamics of the protein. |
Q27657486 | The dimeric structure of Sulfolobus solfataricus thioredoxin A2 and the basis of its thermostability |
Q88142617 | The dimerization of PSGL-1 is driven by the transmembrane domain via a leucine zipper motif |
Q30409630 | The dual role of fragments in fragment-assembly methods for de novo protein structure prediction |
Q52077265 | The duplication of an eight-residue helical stretch in Staphylococcal nuclease is not helical: a model for evolutionary change |
Q33384022 | The effect of Asp54 phosphorylation on the energetics and dynamics in the response regulator protein Spo0F studied by molecular dynamics |
Q30157049 | The effect of calcium on the conformation of cobalamin transporter BtuB. |
Q31150503 | The effect of higher order RNA processes on changing patterns of protein domain selection: a developmentally regulated transcriptome of type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors |
Q52209873 | The effect of inhibitor binding on the structural stability and cooperativity of the HIV-1 protease |
Q58616291 | The effect of motional averaging on the calculation of NMR-derived structural properties |
Q90607552 | The effect of phosphate ion on the ssDNA binding mode of MoSub1, a Sub1/PC4 homolog from rice blast fungus |
Q81547688 | The effect of resolution-dependent global shape modifications on rigid-body protein-protein docking |
Q68666383 | The effect of solvent viscosity on the rate-determining step of fatty acid synthetase |
Q39077397 | The effect of specific proline residues on the kinetic stability of the triosephosphate isomerases of two trypanosomes. |
Q42602581 | The effects of rigid motions on elastic network model force constants |
Q92952318 | The effects of somatic mutations on EGFR interaction with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies: Implication for acquired resistance |
Q83349839 | The effects of the L29F mutation on the ligand migration kinetics in crystallized myoglobin as revealed by molecular dynamics simulations |
Q52545512 | The effects of truncating long-range forces on protein dynamics |
Q46654279 | The electrostatic potential of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase |
Q58106946 | The elixir phase of chain molecules |
Q31061756 | The emergence of catalytic and structural diversity within the beta-clip fold |
Q33902905 | The energetics of the acetylation switch in p53-mediated transcriptional activation |
Q37399868 | The energy profiles of atomic conformational transition intermediates of adenylate kinase |
Q42732147 | The ensemble folding kinetics of the FBP28 WW domain revealed by an all‐atom Monte Carlo simulation in a knowledge‐based potential |
Q52295098 | The enthalpy change in protein folding and binding: refinement of parameters for structure-based calculations |
Q72367448 | The enzymatic mechanism of carboxypeptidase: a molecular dynamics study |
Q58859753 | The essential dynamics of thermolysin: Confirmation of the hinge-bending motion and comparison of simulations in vacuum and water |
Q43027699 | The esterase from the thermophilic eubacterium Bacillus acidocaldarius: structural-functional relationship and comparison with the esterase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus. |
Q50687502 | The evolution and evolutionary consequences of marginal thermostability in proteins |
Q82377300 | The evolution of ATPase activity in SMC proteins |
Q36580708 | The evolution of function in strictosidine synthase-like proteins |
Q33559060 | The evolution of function within the Nudix homology clan |
Q43556619 | The evolutionary landscape of the chromatin modification machinery reveals lineage specific gains, expansions, and losses |
Q30356675 | The expanded FindCore method for identification of a core atom set for assessment of protein structure prediction. |
Q44817543 | The extended left-handed helix: a simple nucleic acid-binding motif |
Q40914765 | The family of the IL-6-type cytokines: specificity and promiscuity of the receptor complexes |
Q48300024 | The finite number of global motion patterns available to symmetric protein complexes. |
Q27662232 | The first crystal structure of an archaeal metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein; ST1585 from Sulfolobus tokodaii |
Q27651125 | The first high pH structure ofEscherichia coliaspartate transcarbamoylase |
Q72321043 | The first solvation shell of magnesium ion in a model protein environment with formate, water, and X-NH3, H2S, imidazole, formaldehyde, and chloride as ligands: an Ab initio study |
Q41868069 | The flexibility and dynamics of protein disulfide isomerase. |
Q34102711 | The flexible C-terminal arm of the Lassa arenavirus Z-protein mediates interactions with multiple binding partners |
Q48629238 | The folding funnel landscape for the peptide Met-enkephalin |
Q46018101 | The folding landscape of an alpha-lytic protease variant reveals the role of a conserved beta-hairpin in the development of kinetic stability. |
Q50515281 | The folding pathway of glycosomal triosephosphate isomerase: structural insights into equilibrium intermediates. |
Q48100247 | The fragment transformation method to detect the protein structural motifs |
Q41685638 | The free energies for mutating S27 and W79 to alanine in streptavidin and its biotin complex: the relative size of polar and nonpolar free energies on biotin binding |
Q70125483 | The frequency of ion-pair substructures in proteins is quantitatively related to electrostatic potential: a statistical model for nonbonded interactions |
Q73233222 | The function of conserved amino acid residues adjacent to the effector domain in elongation factor G |
Q68704276 | The galactan-binding immunoglobulin Fab J539: an X-ray diffraction study at 2.6-A resolution |
Q34706258 | The geometry of alpha-sheet: Implications for its possible function as amyloid precursor in proteins |
Q79739100 | The guanidino-group modifying enzymes: structural basis for their diversity and commonality |
Q71537055 | The heat capacity of proteins |
Q50968912 | The helix-coil transition revisited |
Q42549663 | The high-resolution crystal structure of a 24-kDa gyrase B fragment from E. coli complexed with one of the most potent coumarin inhibitors, clorobiocin |
Q28255445 | The high-resolution crystal structure of porcine pepsinogen |
Q45249254 | The human prion protein alpha2 helix: a thermodynamic study of its conformational preferences |
Q92147375 | The impact of different mutations at arginine141 on the structure, subunit exchange dynamics and chaperone activity of Hsp16.3. |
Q57975302 | The impact of protein flexibility on protein-protein docking |
Q58213292 | The impact of the fourth disulfide bridge in scorpion toxins of the α-KTx6 subfamily |
Q46213311 | The importance of explicit chain representation in protein folding models: An examination of ising‐like models |
Q54214877 | The influence of Mg2+ coordination on 13C and 15N chemical shifts in CKI1RD protein domain from experiment and molecular dynamics/density functional theory calculations |
Q71623223 | The influence of a protein on water dynamics in its vicinity investigated by molecular dynamics simulation |
Q90300096 | The influence of intrinsic folding mechanism of an unfolded protein on the coupled folding-binding process during target recognition |
Q42229093 | The influenza fusion peptide promotes lipid polar head intrusion through hydrogen bonding with phosphates and N-terminal membrane insertion depth |
Q52687942 | The insecticidal protein hirsutellin A from the mite fungal pathogen Hirsutella thompsonii is a ribotoxin |
Q41875982 | The interaction of calmodulin with fluorescent and photoreactive model peptides: evidence for a short interdomain separation |
Q41761359 | The interplay of structure and dynamics: insights from a survey of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase crystal structures. |
Q34061894 | The interprotein scoring noises in glide docking scores |
Q31018067 | The intracellular domain of the Drosophila cholinesterase-like neural adhesion protein, gliotactin, is natively unfolded. |
Q80188310 | The investigation of interactions of kappa-Hefutoxin1 with the voltage-gated potassium channels: a computational simulation |
Q54702390 | The isolation, purification, and preliminary crystallographic characterization of UDP-galactose-4-epimerase from Escherichia coli. |
Q48155266 | The key role of atom types, reference states, and interaction cutoff radii in the knowledge-based method: new variational approach |
Q52263626 | The kinetics of protein-protein recognition |
Q42164209 | The leghemoglobin proximal heme pocket directs oxygen dissociation and stabilizes bound heme. |
Q40799777 | The lifestyle of prokaryotic organisms influences the repertoire of promiscuous enzymes. |
Q72589769 | The limits of simulations |
Q39864705 | The linear interaction energy method for the prediction of protein stability changes upon mutation |
Q71623218 | The linker of calmodulin lacking Glu84 is elongated in solution, although it is bent in the crystal |
Q33262338 | The location and characterisation of the O-linked glycans of the human insulin receptor |
Q48169004 | The long unstructured region of Bcl-xl modulates its structural dynamics |
Q44855345 | The low barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) proposal revisited: the case of the Asp... His pair in serine proteases |
Q71543063 | The magnitude of the backbone conformational entropy change in protein folding |
Q46296762 | The major toxin from the Australian Common Brown Snake is a hexamer with unusual gas-phase dissociation properties |
Q41815499 | The maturation of HIV-1 protease precursor studied by discrete molecular dynamics |
Q42155548 | The measured and calculated affinity of methyl- and methoxy-substituted benzoquinones for the Q(A) site of bacterial reaction centers |
Q46476689 | The mechanism of amyloid-fibril formation by stefin B: temperature and protein concentration dependence of the rates. |
Q47342114 | The mechanism of nucleotide-binding domain dimerization in the intact maltose transporter as studied by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q83013841 | The mechanism of papain inhibition by peptidyl aldehydes |
Q47867203 | The mechanism of proton exclusion in aquaporin channels |
Q36365074 | The mechanism of the converter domain rotation in the recovery stroke of myosin motor protein. |
Q27735412 | The metal site of Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin, revealed by a crystal structure determination of the Co(II) derivative and Co-EPR spectroscopy |
Q46970759 | The minimal α-crystallin domain of Mj Hsp16.5 is functional at non-heat-shock conditions |
Q88006337 | The modular structure of ThDP-dependent enzymes |
Q88013870 | The modules of trans-acyltransferase assembly lines redefined with a central acyl carrier protein |
Q48043847 | The molecular behavior of a single β-amyloid inside a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer at three different temperatures: An atomistic simulation study: Aβ interaction with DPPC: Atomistic simulation |
Q51762113 | The molecular evolution of HIV-1 protease simulated at atomic detail |
Q47965368 | The molecular mechanism behind resistance of the kinase FLT3 to the inhibitor quizartinib |
Q44947540 | The molecular origin of the thiamine diphosphate-induced spectral bands of ThDP-dependent enzymes. |
Q34556266 | The molecular structure of UDP-galactose 4-epimerase from Escherichia coli determined at 2.5 A resolution |
Q30385457 | The molten globule state as a clue for understanding the folding and cooperativity of globular-protein structure. |
Q27652692 | The mutation beta 99 Asp-Tyr stabilizes Y--a new, composite quaternary state of human hemoglobin |
Q27643397 | The mutations Lys 114 --> Gln and Asp 126 --> Asn disrupt an intersubunit salt bridge and convert Listeria innocua Dps into its natural mutant Listeria monocytogenes Dps. Effects on protein stability at Low pH |
Q71623215 | The native state of apomyoglobin described by proton NMR spectroscopy: the A-B-G-H interface of wild-type sperm whale apomyoglobin |
Q43994829 | The nature of intermolecular interactions between aromatic amino acid residues |
Q53635588 | The nature of the free energy barriers to two-state folding |
Q28208426 | The nature of the turn in omega loops of proteins |
Q45076574 | The nature of tryptophan radicals involved in the long-range electron transfer of lignin peroxidase and lignin peroxidase-like systems: Insights from quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics simulations |
Q85889862 | The near-symmetry of proteins |
Q38211862 | The neuraminidase of influenza virus |
Q80867970 | The noncatalytic triad of alpha-amylases: a novel structural motif involved in conformational stability |
Q47589392 | The nuclear DEK interactome supports multi-functionality. |
Q47236457 | The number of protein folds and their distribution over families in nature |
Q44998319 | The occurrence of C--H...O hydrogen bonds in alpha-helices and helix termini in globular proteins |
Q47612425 | The origin and extent of coarse-grained regularities in protein internal packing |
Q46296772 | The osmolyte betaine promotes protein misfolding and disruption of protein aggregates. |
Q24604646 | The other 90% of the protein: assessment beyond the Calphas for CASP8 template-based and high-accuracy models |
Q35638699 | The p66 immature precursor of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. |
Q37946320 | The pKa Cooperative: A collaborative effort to advance structure‐based calculations of pKa values and electrostatic effects in proteins |
Q38851416 | The part of a long beta hairpin from the scrapie form of the human prion protein is reconstructed in the synthetic CC36 protein |
Q52214244 | The particle concept: placing discrete water molecules during protein-ligand docking predictions. |
Q38297387 | The peculiar structural features of kiwi fruit pectin methylesterase: amino acid sequence, oligosaccharides structure, and modeling of the interaction with its natural proteinaceous inhibitor |
Q29615941 | The penultimate rotamer library |
Q56874662 | The penultimate rotamer library |
Q51906620 | The performance of ZDOCK and ZRANK in rounds 6-11 of CAPRI. |
Q87198984 | The performance of fine-grained and coarse-grained elastic network models and its dependence on various factors |
Q28267278 | The peroxidase-cyclooxygenase superfamily: Reconstructed evolution of critical enzymes of the innate immune system |
Q30192974 | The phospho-beta-galactosidase and synaptotagmin predictions |
Q83898721 | The planar conformation of a strained proline ring: a QM/MM study |
Q33310036 | The point mutation A34F causes dimerization of GB1. |
Q52066242 | The prediction accuracy for protein structural class by the component-coupled method is around 60%. |
Q40385795 | The prediction of protein function at CASP6. |
Q69544975 | The pro-peptide is not necessary for active renin secretion from transfected mammalian cells |
Q30366950 | The protein fluorescence and structural toolkit: Database and programs for the analysis of protein fluorescence and structural data. |
Q47307499 | The protein target list of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium |
Q47636226 | The quaternary structure of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin ypsilanti |
Q71313768 | The rate-limiting step in the folding of the cis-Pro167Thr mutant of TEM-1 beta-lactamase is the trans to cis isomerization of a non-proline peptide bond |
Q42831938 | The reaction mechanism of type I phosphomannose isomerases: new information from inhibition and polarizable molecular mechanics studies |
Q73319290 | The reaction pathway of the isomerization of D-xylose catalyzed by the enzyme D-xylose isomerase: a theoretical study |
Q57204650 | The recognition of membrane-bound PtdIns3Pby PX domains |
Q27678500 | The reductive reaction mechanism of tobacco nitrite reductase derived from a combination of crystal structures and ultraviolet-visible microspectroscopy |
Q27642082 | The refined crystal structure of Pseudomonas putida lipoamide dehydrogenase complexed with NAD+ at 2.45 A resolution |
Q42621654 | The relationship between n-gram patterns and protein secondary structure |
Q73594386 | The relative order of helical propensity of amino acids changes with solvent environment |
Q45264233 | The repeat domain of the type III effector protein PthA shows a TPR-like structure and undergoes conformational changes upon DNA interaction. |
Q51528062 | The respective roles of polar/nonpolar binary patterns and amino acid composition in protein regular secondary structures explored exhaustively using hydrophobic cluster analysis. |
Q42436318 | The response of type three secretion system needle proteins MxiHDelta5, BsaLDelta5, and PrgIDelta5 to temperature and pH. |
Q52626601 | The restoration of electron micrographs blurred by drift and rotation |
Q28288037 | The role of Buergi-Dunitz interactions in the structural stability of proteins |
Q58010827 | The role of Li+, Na+, and K+ in the ligand binding inside the human acetylcholinesterase gorge |
Q46634386 | The role of Trp-82 in the folding of intestinal fatty acid binding protein |
Q46872939 | The role of a conserved histidine-tyrosine interhelical interaction in the ion channel domain of delta-endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis |
Q46281486 | The role of arginine 143 in the electrostatics and mechanism of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase: computational and experimental evaluation by mutational analysis |
Q35818865 | The role of atomic level steric effects and attractive forces in protein folding |
Q46857593 | The role of backbone stability near Ala44 in the high reduction potential class of rubredoxins |
Q30351181 | The role of calcium in the conformational dynamics and thermal stability of the D-galactose/D-glucose-binding protein from Escherichia coli. |
Q44784459 | The role of carbon-donor hydrogen bonds in stabilizing tryptophan conformations |
Q35631389 | The role of conformational selection in the molecular recognition of the wild type and mutants XPA67-80 peptides by ERCC1. |
Q41949035 | The role of conserved water molecules in the catalytic domain of protein kinases |
Q36071830 | The role of domain: domain interactions versus domain: water interactions in the coarse-grained simulations of the E1P to E2P transitions in Ca-ATPase (SERCA). |
Q44309138 | The role of electrostatic interaction in the molecular recognition of selective agonists to metabotropic glutamate receptors |
Q51463230 | The role of electrostatics in TrxR electron transfer mechanism: A computational approach |
Q73365490 | The role of helix formation in the folding of a fully alpha-helical coiled coil |
Q44060661 | The role of hydrophobic microenvironments in modulating pKa shifts in proteins. |
Q70604309 | The role of local tight packing of hydrophobic groups in beta-structure |
Q90483180 | The role of negative selection in protein evolution revealed through the energetics of the native sate ensemble |
Q30383783 | The role of negative selection in protein evolution revealed through the energetics of the native state ensemble. |
Q48007427 | The role of pH on instability and aggregation of sickle hemoglobin solutions |
Q31083553 | The role of phosphorylation on the structure and dynamics of phospholamban: a model from molecular simulations |
Q46865818 | The role of residue stability in transient protein-protein interactions involved in enzymatic phosphate hydrolysis. A computational study |
Q67505014 | The role of tyrosine 67 in the cytochrome c heme crevice structure studied by semisynthesis |
Q36623928 | The role of tyrosine 71 in modulating the flap conformations of BACE1. |
Q47974633 | The role played by environmental residues on sidechain torsional angles within homologous families of proteins: a new method of sidechain modeling |
Q56903322 | The roles of residues Tyr150, Glu272, and His314 in class C beta-lactamases |
Q37163585 | The selenoproteome of Clostridium sp. OhILAs: characterization of anaerobic bacterial selenoprotein methionine sulfoxide reductase A |
Q33316149 | The size of the intermolecular energy funnel in protein-protein interactions |
Q77669683 | The slow step of folding of Staphylococcus aureus PC1 beta-lactamase involves the collapse of a surface loop rate limited by the trans to cis isomerization of a non-proline peptide bond |
Q81044044 | The solution structure of BmTx3B, a member of the scorpion toxin subfamily alpha-KTx 16 |
Q57755356 | The solution structure of full-length dodecameric MCM by SANS and molecular modeling |
Q39562819 | The solution structure of the forkhead box-O DNA binding domain of Brugia malayi DAF-16a |
Q27649510 | The solution structure of the outer membrane lipoprotein OmlA from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri reveals a protein fold implicated in protein-protein interaction |
Q43019814 | The stability of Taq DNA polymerase results from a reduced entropic folding penalty; identification of other thermophilic proteins with similar folding thermodynamics |
Q30155110 | The stability of cylindrin β-barrel amyloid oligomer models-a molecular dynamics study. |
Q48254745 | The starch-binding domain family CBM41-An in silico analysis of evolutionary relationships. |
Q30339076 | The state of the Protein Structure Initiative. |
Q92822851 | The structural details of the interaction of single-stranded DNA binding protein hSSB2 (NABP1/OBFC2A) with UV-damaged DNA |
Q47307471 | The structural genomics experimental pipeline: insights from global target lists. |
Q79935413 | The structural properties of magainin in water, TFE/water, and aqueous urea solutions: molecular dynamics simulations |
Q27658328 | The structure and NO binding properties of the nitrophorin-like heme-binding protein from Arabidopsis thaliana gene locus At1g79260.1 |
Q27661480 | The structure of Boo/Diva reveals a divergent Bcl-2 protein |
Q47310342 | The structure of DLP12 endolysin exhibiting alternate loop conformation and comparative analysis with other endolysins |
Q24311969 | The structure of G117H mutant of butyrylcholinesterase: nerve agents scavenger |
Q35085276 | The structure of S. lividans acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase shows a novel interaction between the C-terminal extension and the N-terminal domain |
Q27731286 | The structure of Trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase in the oxidized and NADPH reduced state |
Q27667556 | The structure of a D‐lyxose isomerase from the σB regulon of Bacillus subtilis |
Q92331362 | The structure of a GH149 β-(1 → 3) glucan phosphorylase reveals a new surface oligosaccharide binding site and additional domains that are absent in the disaccharide-specific GH94 glucose-β-(1 → 3)-glucose (laminaribiose) phosphorylase |
Q34352233 | The structure of a centrosymmetric protein crystal |
Q27683455 | The structure of a shellfish specific GST class glutathioneS‐transferase from antarctic bivalveLaternula ellipticareveals novel active site architecture |
Q43023550 | The structure of a thermally stable 3-phosphoglycerate kinase and a comparison with its mesophilic equivalent |
Q34047792 | The structure of aconitase |
Q27648239 | The structure of flavin-dependent tryptophan 7-halogenase RebH |
Q28263368 | The structure of murine neuroglobin: Novel pathways for ligand migration and binding |
Q27664881 | The structure of rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strain 27774 at 1.5 A resolution |
Q27643951 | The structure of the Escherichia coli nucleoside diphosphate kinase reveals a new quaternary architecture for this enzyme family |
Q27651127 | The structure of the PP2A regulatory subunit B56 gamma: the remaining piece of the PP2A jigsaw puzzle |
Q27650587 | The structure of the anti-c-myc antibody 9E10 Fab fragment/epitope peptide complex reveals a novel binding mode dominated by the heavy chain hypervariable loops |
Q27642166 | The structure of the complex between influenza virus neuraminidase and sialic acid, the viral receptor |
Q83349887 | The structure of the ends of α-helices in globular proteins: effect of additional hydrogen bonds and implications for helix formation |
Q91829246 | The structure of the extended E2 DNA-binding domain of the bovine papillomavirus-1 |
Q27674964 | The structure, molecular dynamics, and energetics of centrin-melittin complex |
Q69444358 | The surface area of monomeric proteins: significance of power law behavior |
Q71543078 | The surface of beta-sheet proteins contains amphiphilic regions which may provide clues about protein folding |
Q30610407 | The synthetase domains of cobalamin biosynthesis amidotransferases cobB and cobQ belong to a new family of ATP-dependent amidoligases, related to dethiobiotin synthetase |
Q43000306 | The targets of CAPRI Rounds 13-19. |
Q47895843 | The targets of CAPRI rounds 20–27 |
Q51970505 | The targets of CAPRI rounds 3-5. |
Q51909155 | The targets of CAPRI rounds 6-12. |
Q43018804 | The thermal adaptation of the nitrogenase Fe protein from thermophilic Methanobacter thermoautotrophicus |
Q30326370 | The thermophilic esterase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus: structure and conformational dynamics at high temperature. |
Q27620624 | The three-dimensional solution structure of Aesculus hippocastanum antimicrobial protein 1 determined by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance |
Q57831915 | The three-dimensional solution structure ofAesculus hippocastanum antimicrobial protein 1 determined by1H nuclear magnetic resonance |
Q27700901 | The three-dimensional structure of "Lonely Guy" from Claviceps purpurea provides insights into the phosphoribohydrolase function of Rossmann fold-containing lysine decarboxylase-like proteins |
Q42635059 | The three-dimensional structure of Escherichia coli porphobilinogen deaminase at 1.76-A resolution |
Q54702398 | The three-dimensional structure of glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli at 3.0 A resolution. |
Q27676234 | The three-dimensional structure of recombinant bovine chymosin at 2.3 A resolution |
Q44632574 | The tissue factor/factor VIIa/factor Xa complex: a model built by docking and site-directed mutagenesis |
Q57666117 | The toxin-antitoxin proteins relBE2Spn of Streptococcus pneumoniae: Characterization and association to their DNA target |
Q45855155 | The translocation kinetics of antibiotics through porin OmpC: Insights from structure‐based solvation mapping using WaterMap |
Q90907488 | The tripartite architecture of the eukaryotic integral membrane protein zinc metalloprotease Ste24 |
Q47925510 | The triterpene cyclase protein family: A systematic analysis |
Q40135495 | The type IA topoisomerase catalytic cycle: A normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics simulation |
Q92926866 | The uncharacterized bacterial protein YejG has the same architecture as domain III of elongation factor G |
Q39023903 | The unique N-terminal insert in the ribosomal protein, phosphoprotein P0, of Tetrahymena thermophila: Bioinformatic evidence for an interaction with 26S rRNA. |
Q27641531 | The unswapped chain of bovine seminal ribonuclease: Crystal structure of the free and liganded monomeric derivative |
Q90564479 | The unusual conformation of cross-strand disulfide bonds is critical to the stability of β-hairpin peptides |
Q30379327 | The use of automatic tools and human expertise in template-based modeling of CASP8 target proteins. |
Q71267503 | The use of position-specific rotamers in model building by homology |
Q46428128 | The utility of molecular dynamics simulations for understanding site-directed mutagenesis of glycine residues in biotin carboxylase |
Q30378455 | The value of protein structure classification information-Surveying the scientific literature. |
Q40732945 | The volume of cavities in proteins and virus capsids |
Q27667775 | The ygeW encoded protein from Escherichia coli is a knotted ancestral catabolic transcarbamylase |
Q44859736 | The α‐sheet: A missing‐in‐action secondary structure? |
Q50103299 | The ω-Transaminase Engineering Database (oTAED): A navigation tool in protein sequence and structure space |
Q43599710 | Theoretical evidence of a salt bridge disruption as the initiating process for the alpha1d-adrenergic receptor activation: a molecular dynamics and docking study |
Q48061948 | Theoretical insights into the protonation states of active site cysteine and citrullination mechanism of Porphyromonas gingivalis peptidylarginine deiminase. |
Q59614298 | Theoretical investigation of IL-6 multiprotein receptor assembly |
Q44434505 | Theoretical investigation on the diatomic ligand migration process and ligand binding properties in non‐O2‐binding H‐NOX domain |
Q45172733 | Theoretical investigations of prostatic acid phosphatase. |
Q79364291 | Theoretical model of human apolipoprotein B100 tertiary structure |
Q30353106 | Theoretical model of restriction endonuclease HpaI in complex with DNA, predicted by fold recognition and validated by site-directed mutagenesis. |
Q53456582 | Theoretical modeling of the O-intermediate structure of bacteriorhodopsin |
Q70628268 | Theoretical probes of conformational fluctuations in S-peptide and RNase A/3'-UMP enzyme product complex |
Q70628274 | Theoretical studies of relaxation of a monomeric subunit of HIV-1 protease in water using molecular dynamics |
Q57991214 | Theoretical studies on farnesyltransferase: The distances paradox explained |
Q58008933 | Theoretical study of the conformation of the H-protein lipoamide arm as a function of its terminal group |
Q43765195 | Theoretical study of the conformation of the lipoamide arm in a mutant H protein |
Q42614803 | Theoretical study of the electrostatically driven step of receptor-G protein recognition |
Q59614258 | Theoretical study of the electrostatically driven step of receptor-G protein recognition |
Q44898269 | Theoretical study of the ligand-CYP2B4 complexes: effect of structure on binding free energies and heme spin state |
Q51777291 | Theoretical tests of the mechanical protection strategy in protein nanomechanics |
Q47974647 | Theory of kinetic partitioning in protein folding with possible applications to prions |
Q45838245 | Thermal and acid denaturation of bovine lens α‐crystallin |
Q51322092 | Thermal denaturation of a recombinant mouse amelogenin: circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetric studies |
Q47307375 | Thermal effects in stretching of Go-like models of titin and secondary structures |
Q74721944 | Thermal folding and mechanical unfolding pathways of protein secondary structures |
Q36119188 | Thermal green protein, an extremely stable, nonaggregating fluorescent protein created by structure-guided surface engineering. |
Q27649817 | Thermal stabilization of the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica alcohol dehydrogenase by a single proline substitution |
Q42164230 | Thermal unfolding molecular dynamics simulation of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase: thermal stability of protein domains and unfolding pathway |
Q30176191 | Thermal unfolding of small proteins with SH3 domain folding pattern. |
Q57831493 | Thermal unfolding simulations of a multimeric protein-Transition state and unfolding pathways |
Q52022848 | Thermal unfolding simulations of apo-calmodulin using leap-dynamics |
Q80218880 | Thermal versus mechanical unfolding of ubiquitin |
Q71460517 | Thermally induced hydrogen exchange processes in small proteins as seen by FTIR spectroscopy |
Q41294752 | Thermitase, a thermostable subtilisin: comparison of predicted and experimental structures and the molecular cause of thermostability |
Q73025534 | Thermodynamic analysis of interactions between denaturants and protein surface exposed on unfolding: interpretation of urea and guanidinium chloride m-values and their correlation with changes in accessible surface area (ASA) using preferential inte |
Q44867590 | Thermodynamic analysis of structural transitions during GNNQQNY aggregation |
Q34120049 | Thermodynamic analysis of water molecules at the surface of proteins and applications to binding site prediction and characterization |
Q51818471 | Thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of a beta-hairpin peptide in solution: an extended phase space sampling by molecular dynamics simulations in explicit water. |
Q54431818 | Thermodynamic and kinetic determinants of Thermotoga maritima cold shock protein stability: a structural and dynamic analysis |
Q27657789 | Thermodynamic and structural analysis of highly stabilized BPTIs by single and double mutations |
Q39000580 | Thermodynamic and structural effect of urea and guanidine chloride on the helical and on a hairpin fragment of GB1 from molecular simulations |
Q41980771 | Thermodynamic basis of selectivity in guide‐target‐mismatched rna interference |
Q54453983 | Thermodynamic effects of proline introduction on protein stability. |
Q44667169 | Thermodynamic effects of replacements of Pro residues in helix interiors of maltose-binding protein |
Q44193458 | Thermodynamic genetics of the folding of the B1 immunoglobulin-binding domain from streptococcal protein G. |
Q52404189 | Thermodynamic integration calculations of binding free energy difference for Gly-169 mutation in subtilisin BPN'. |
Q30386278 | Thermodynamic resolution: how do errors in modeled protein structures affect binding affinity predictions? |
Q41951688 | Thermodynamic stability, unfolding kinetics, and aggregation of the N-terminal actin-binding domains of utrophin and dystrophin. |
Q57835665 | Thermodynamics and dynamics of amyloid peptide oligomerization are sequence dependent |
Q85891722 | Thermodynamics of Aβ16-21 dissociation from a fibril: Enthalpy, entropy, and volumetric properties |
Q38896032 | Thermodynamics of an aminoglycoside modifying enzyme with low substrate promiscuity: The aminoglycoside N3 acetyltransferase-VIa. |
Q46163796 | Thermodynamics of binding by calmodulin correlates with target peptide α-helical propensity |
Q37019434 | Thermodynamics of calmodulin binding to cardiac and skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor ion channels |
Q44089217 | Thermodynamics of ligand binding and denaturation for His64 mutants of tissue plasminogen activator kringle-2 domain |
Q57966740 | Thermodynamics of protein-cation interaction: Ca+2 and Mg+2 binding to the fifth binding module of the LDL receptor |
Q40002852 | Thermodynamics of the Trp-cage miniprotein unfolding in urea |
Q31913230 | Thermodynamics of the helix-coil transition: Binding of S15 and a hybrid sequence, disulfide stabilized peptide to the S-protein |
Q30421277 | Thermodynamics of ubiquitin unfolding |
Q45383518 | Thermodynamics of zinc binding to hepatitis C virus NS3 protease: a folding by binding event |
Q33299335 | Thermostable variants of the recombinant xylanase A from Bacillus subtilis produced by directed evolution show reduced heat capacity changes |
Q41157648 | Thiol protease-like active site found in the enzyme dienelactone hydrolase: Localization using biochemical, genetic, and structural tools |
Q41144246 | Thiol proteases and aldehyde dehydrogenases: Evolution from a common thiolesterase precursor? |
Q43864564 | Thioredoxin and peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase: convergence of similar structure and function in distinct structural folds |
Q30424393 | Threading a database of protein cores |
Q43825557 | Threading structural model of the manganese-stabilizing protein PsbO reveals presence of two possible beta-sandwich domains |
Q30330077 | Threading with chemostructural restrictions method for predicting fold and functionally significant residues: application to dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPP-IV). |
Q30794963 | Threading with explicit models for evolutionary conservation of structure and sequence |
Q57444423 | Threading with explicit models for evolutionary conservation of structure and sequence |
Q51886568 | Threading without optimizing weighting factors for scoring function |
Q44745622 | Three acidic residues are at the active site of a beta-propeller architecture in glycoside hydrolase families 32, 43, 62, and 68. |
Q33926211 | Three enhancements to the inference of statistical protein‐DNA potentials |
Q39325298 | Three pairs of weak interactions precisely regulate the G-loop gate of Kir2.1 channel |
Q57151709 | Three ways in, one way out: Water dynamics in the trans‐membrane domains of the inner membrane translocase AcrB |
Q45250514 | Three-dimensional model of a substrate-bound SARS chymotrypsin-like cysteine proteinase predicted by multiple molecular dynamics simulations: catalytic efficiency regulated by substrate binding |
Q61835565 | Three-dimensional model of the SHBG-like region of anticoagulant protein S: New structure-function insights |
Q43558045 | Three-dimensional model of the SHBG-like region of anticoagulant protein S: new structure-function insights |
Q30193062 | Three-dimensional model of the alpha-subunit of bacterial luciferase |
Q46881530 | Three-dimensional model of the human aromatase enzyme and density functional parameterization of the iron-containing protoporphyrin IX for a molecular dynamics study of heme-cysteinato cytochromes. |
Q46647178 | Three-dimensional model of the human urotensin-II receptor: docking of human urotensin-II and nonpeptide antagonists in the binding site and comparison with an antagonist pharmacophore model |
Q83358842 | Three-dimensional modeling of cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase and preliminary analysis of drug resistance |
Q36836475 | Three-dimensional reconstruction of the hexagonal bilayer hemoglobin of the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila by cryoelectron microscopy |
Q57972072 | Three-dimensional structural location and molecular functional effects of missense SNPs in the T cell receptor V? domain |
Q45249259 | Three-dimensional structure of GlcNAcalpha1-4Gal releasing endo-beta-galactosidase from Clostridium perfringens |
Q27628948 | Three-dimensional structure of a complex of galanthamine (Nivalin) with acetylcholinesterase from Torpedo californica: implications for the design of new anti-Alzheimer drugs |
Q27694675 | Three-dimensional structure of a fluorescein-Fab complex crystallized in 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol |
Q45831632 | Three-dimensional structure of neuraminidase of subtype N9 from an avian influenza virus. |
Q27698414 | Three-dimensional structure of the neurotoxin ATX Ia from Anemonia sulcata in aqueous solution determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
Q44110878 | Three-dimensional structure of the quinoprotein methylamine dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans determined by molecular replacement at 2.8 A resolution |
Q42686073 | Three-dimensional structure prediction of the NAD binding site of proton-pumping transhydrogenase from Escherichia coli |
Q27664883 | Three-dimensional structures of complexes of Lathyrus ochrus isolectin I with glucose and mannose: fine specificity of the monosaccharide-binding site |
Q30414200 | Three‐dimensional domain swapping in the protein structure space |
Q57006875 | Three‐dimensional model of the cyclin‐dependent kinase 1 (CDK1): Ab initio active site parameters for molecular dynamics studies of CDKS |
Q37618717 | Thumb inhibitor binding eliminates functionally important dynamics in the hepatitis C virus RNA polymerase |
Q61587407 | Tilted properties of the 67-78 fragment of α-synuclein are responsible for membrane destabilization and neurotoxicity |
Q50518253 | Time resolved fluorescence and phosphorescence properties of the individual tryptophan residues of barnase: evidence for protein-protein interactions |
Q73025095 | Time scale of protein aggregation dictated by liquid-liquid demixing |
Q42545592 | Time-dependent insulin oligomer reaction pathway prior to fibril formation: cooling and seeding |
Q52040922 | Time-resolved backbone desolvation and mutational hot spots in folding proteins |
Q50750255 | Time-resolved fluorescence study of a calcium-induced conformational change in prothrombin fragment 1. |
Q56970636 | Time‐resolved backbone desolvation and mutational hot spots in folding proteins |
Q57975710 | Titration_DB: Storage and analysis of NMR-monitored protein pH titration curves |
Q46525599 | Titration_DB: storage and analysis of NMR-monitored protein pH titration curves |
Q33243877 | Tolerance for random recombination of domains in prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation systems: Limited interdomain misfolding in a eukaryotic translation system |
Q79319216 | Tolerance to the substitution of buried apolar residues by charged residues in the homologous protein structures |
Q42613952 | Tomato pectin methylesterase: modeling, fluorescence, and inhibitor interaction studies-comparison with the bacterial (Erwinia chrysanthemi) enzyme |
Q40653193 | Topological and sequence information predict that foldons organize a partially overlapped and hierarchical structure |
Q30344341 | Topological determinants of protein unfolding rates. |
Q30352985 | Topological mirror images in protein structure computation: an underestimated problem. |
Q47715221 | Topological thermal instability and length of proteins |
Q53079816 | Topology‐based modeling of intrinsically disordered proteins: Balancing intrinsic folding and intermolecular interactions |
Q28242162 | Torsion angle dynamics: reduced variable conformational sampling enhances crystallographic structure refinement |
Q30383777 | Toward a detailed understanding of search trajectories in fragment assembly approaches to protein structure prediction |
Q80465752 | Toward a property/function relationship for metallothioneins: histidine coordination and unusual cluster composition in a zinc-metallothionein from plants |
Q56889970 | Toward a systems level view of the ECM and related proteins: a framework for the systematic definition and analysis of biological systems |
Q51549010 | Toward accurate prediction of pKa values for internal protein residues: The importance of conformational relaxation and desolvation energy |
Q33206311 | Toward an atomistic model for predicting transcription-factor binding sites |
Q52077721 | Toward an energy function for the contact map representation of proteins |
Q42585482 | Toward better refinement of comparative models: predicting loops in inexact environments |
Q38950829 | Toward decrypting the allosteric mechanism of the ryanodine receptor based on coarse-grained structural and dynamic modeling |
Q38807269 | Toward elucidating the heat activation mechanism of the TRPV1 channel gating by molecular dynamics simulation |
Q24603390 | Toward high-resolution homology modeling of antibody Fv regions and application to antibody-antigen docking |
Q46713967 | Toward minimalist models of larger proteins: a ubiquitin-like protein |
Q30322873 | Toward more meaningful hierarchical classification of protein three-dimensional structures. |
Q30421206 | Toward optimal fragment generations for ab initio protein structure assembly |
Q36470740 | Toward rational thermostabilization of Aspergillus oryzae cutinase: Insights into catalytic and structural stability |
Q44910189 | Toward the active conformations of rhodopsin and the beta2-adrenergic receptor |
Q30342804 | Toward the detection and validation of repeats in protein structure. |
Q40231861 | Toward the mechanism of dynamical couplings and translocation in hepatitis C virus NS3 helicase using elastic network model |
Q84071518 | Toward the quantum chemical calculation of nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts of proteins |
Q38562658 | Toward understanding the structure and interactions of microtubules and motor proteins |
Q44960725 | Towards a MIP-based alignment and docking in computer-aided drug design. |
Q44947527 | Towards a structural classification of phosphate binding sites in protein-nucleotide complexes: an automated all-against-all structural comparison using geometric matching |
Q57936636 | Towards a systems level view of the ECM and related proteins: A framework for the systematic definition and analysis of biological systems |
Q30371811 | Towards accurate residue-residue hydrophobic contact prediction for alpha helical proteins via integer linear optimization |
Q27639345 | Towards atomic resolution with crystals grown in gel: the case of thaumatin seen at room temperature |
Q39743311 | Towards computing with proteins. |
Q33262339 | Towards in silico lead optimization: scores from ensembles of protein/ligand conformations reliably correlate with biological activity |
Q36825878 | Towards meeting the Paracelsus Challenge: The design, synthesis, and characterization of paracelsin-43, an alpha-helical protein with over 50% sequence identity to an all-beta protein |
Q40155467 | Towards predicting Ca2+-binding sites with different coordination numbers in proteins with atomic resolution |
Q45928897 | Towards the elucidation of molecular determinants of cooperativity in the liver bile acid binding protein. |
Q38308536 | Towards the molecular understanding of glycogen elongation by amylosucrase |
Q30394774 | Towards understanding the crosstalk between protein post-translational modifications: Homo- and heterotypic PTM pair distances on protein surfaces are not random |
Q34733126 | Toxoplasma gondii ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase: Role of ionic interactions in stabilization of native conformation and structural cooperativity |
Q27622556 | Trans-substitution of the proximal hydrogen bond in myoglobin: I. Structural consequences of hydrogen bond deletion |
Q73798364 | Trans-substitution of the proximal hydrogen bond in myoglobin: II. Energetics, functional consequences, and implications for hemoglobin allostery |
Q51899067 | TransPath: a computational method for locating ion transit pathways through membrane proteins |
Q58049054 | Transcriptional activity of the TFIIA four-helix bundle in vivo |
Q92174527 | Transcriptional regulatory module analysis reveals that bridge proteins reconcile multiple signals in extracellular electron transfer pathways |
Q73798381 | Transcriptional repressor CopR: amino acids involved in forming the dimeric interface |
Q73521268 | Transcriptional repressor CopR: structure model-based localization of the deoxyribonucleic acid binding motif |
Q27643366 | Transformation of an alpha-helix peptide into a beta-hairpin induced by addition of a fragment results in creation of a coexisting state |
Q130082615 | Transient excited states of the metamorphic protein Mad2 and their implications for function |
Q30159747 | Transition state of a SH3 domain detected with principle component analysis and a charge-neutralized all-atom protein model |
Q30163854 | Transition states for folding of circular-permuted proteins |
Q52313723 | Translational regulation of ribosomal protein S15 drives characteristic patterns of protein-mRNA epistasis |
Q68838759 | Translational repression in vitro by the bacteriophage T4 regA protein |
Q79402260 | Trapping choline oxidase in a nonfunctional conformation by freezing at low pH |
Q27652874 | Trapping open and closed forms of FitE: a group III periplasmic binding protein |
Q38662954 | Treatment of electrostatic effects in macromolecular modeling |
Q51652069 | Treatment of electrostatic effects in proteins: multigrid-based Newton iterative method for solution of the full nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation |
Q44784448 | Trehalose-protein interaction in aqueous solution |
Q30165221 | Triage protein fold prediction |
Q39776843 | Triathlon for energy functions: Who is the winner for design of protein–protein interactions? |
Q41850711 | Trifluoperazine regulation of calmodulin binding to Fas: A computational study |
Q33587782 | Trimethylamine N-oxide influence on the backbone of proteins: an oligoglycine model |
Q80595869 | Truncated prolyl oligopeptidase from Pyrococcus furiosus |
Q38323413 | Tryptophan microstate reshuffling upon the binding of cyclosporin A to human cyclophilin A. |
Q46966110 | Tryptophan side chain conformers monitored by NMR and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopies |
Q46463622 | Tryptophan to phenylalanine substitutions allow differentiation of short- and long-range conformational changes during denaturation of goat alpha-lactalbumin |
Q45028387 | Tsp36, a tapeworm small heat-shock protein with a duplicated alpha-crystallin domain, forms dimers and tetramers with good chaperone-like activity |
Q100695356 | Tuning the binding interface between Machupo virus glycoprotein and human transferrin receptor |
Q46167116 | Tuning the conformational properties of the prion peptide |
Q41717280 | Turning a reference inside-out: commentary on an article by Stevens and Arkin entitled: "Are membrane proteins 'inside-out' proteins?" (Proteins 1999;36:135-143) |
Q52077267 | Turning an opinion inside-out: Rees and Eisenberg's commentary (Proteins 2000;38:121-122) on "Are membrane proteins 'inside-out' proteins?" (Proteins 1999;36:135-143). |
Q45067684 | Turning the growth hormone receptor on: evidence that hormone binding induces subunit rotation |
Q42594652 | Turns revisited: a uniform and comprehensive classification of normal, open, and reverse turn families minimizing unassigned random chain portions |
Q79298613 | Two alternative substrate paths for compound I formation and reduction in catalase-peroxidase KatG from Burkholderia pseudomallei |
Q56877649 | Two distinct heme distal site states define Cerebratulus lacteus mini-hemoglobin oxygen affinity |
Q44817526 | Two histidines of the coat protein of turnip yellow mosaic virus at the capsid interior are crucial for viability |
Q27629371 | Two mutants of human heparin binding protein (CAP37): toward the understanding of the nature of lipid A/LPS and BPTI binding |
Q74363294 | Two structural subdomains of barstar detected by rapid mixing NMR measurement of amide hydrogen exchange |
Q68378966 | Two trifluoperazine-binding sites on calmodulin predicted from comparative molecular modeling with troponin-C |
Q46917650 | Two types of transmembrane homomeric interactions in the integrin receptor family are evolutionarily conserved. |
Q47702171 | Two-domain analysis of JmjN-JmjC and PHD-JmjC lysine demethylases: Detecting an inter-domain evolutionary stress |
Q40353256 | Two-stage support vector regression approach for predicting accessible surface areas of amino acids |
Q42985847 | Two-state conformational equilibrium in the Par-4 leucine zipper domain. |
Q75209201 | Type I collagen N-telopeptides adopt an ordered structure when docked to their helix receptor during fibrillogenesis |
Q43208253 | UV and X-ray structural studies of a 101-residue long Tat protein from a HIV-1 primary isolate and of its mutated, detoxified, vaccine candidate |
Q28262035 | Ultrahigh resolution drug design I: details of interactions in human aldose reductase-inhibitor complex at 0.66 A |
Q44898251 | Ultrahigh resolution drug design. II. Atomic resolution structures of human aldose reductase holoenzyme complexed with Fidarestat and Minalrestat: implications for the binding of cyclic imide inhibitors |
Q44464202 | Ultraviolet illumination-induced reduction of alpha-lactalbumin disulfide bridges |
Q80113376 | Unambiguous prediction of human integrin transmembrane heterodimer interactions using only homologous sequences |
Q53026162 | Unbinding and unfolding of adhesion protein complexes through stretching: interplay between shear and tensile mechanical clamps |
Q44157877 | Unbinding free energy of acetylcholinesterase bound oxime drugs along the gorge pathway from metadynamics-umbrella sampling investigation |
Q45028372 | Unconventional interactions between water and heterocyclic nitrogens in protein structures |
Q47700271 | Uncovering allostery and regulation in SAMHD1 through molecular dynamics simulations |
Q48099848 | Uncovering allostery and regulation in SAMHD1 through molecular dynamics simulations |
Q46823170 | Understanding of known drug-target interactions in the catalytic pocket of neuraminidase subtype N1. |
Q30331654 | Understanding protein structure-function relationships in Family 47 alpha-1,2-mannosidases through computational docking of ligands. |
Q37915098 | Understanding structural relationships in proteins of unsolved three-dimensional structure |
Q44566276 | Understanding the acylation mechanisms of active-site serine penicillin-recognizing proteins: a molecular dynamics simulation study |
Q41607608 | Understanding the apparent stator-rotor connections in the rotary ATPase family using coarse-grained computer modeling |
Q28709396 | Understanding the basis of a class of paradoxical mutations in AraC through simulations |
Q83782523 | Understanding the binding mode and function of BMS-488043 against HIV-1 viral entry |
Q30350005 | Understanding the energetics of helical peptide orientation in membranes. |
Q51068343 | Understanding the folding and stability of a zinc finger-based full sequence design protein with replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q30384933 | Understanding the physical basis for the side-chain conformational preferences of methionine. |
Q47626965 | Understanding the recognition of protein structural classes by amino acid composition |
Q51924710 | Understanding the regulation mechanisms of PAF receptor by agonists and antagonists: molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulation studies |
Q34011530 | Understanding the role of Arg96 in structure and stability of green fluorescent protein |
Q31155211 | Understanding the roles of amino acid residues in tertiary structure formation of chignolin by using molecular dynamics simulation |
Q81544592 | Understanding the structural and functional differences between mouse thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptors 1 and 2 |
Q30341342 | Unfolded state of polyalanine is a segmented polyproline II helix. |
Q46794944 | Unfolding and aggregation of transthyretin by the truncation of 50 N-terminal amino acids. |
Q34747812 | Unfolding energetics and stability of banana lectin. |
Q30153467 | Unfolding of beta-lactoglobulin on the surface of polystyrene nanoparticles: experimental and computational approaches |
Q52540491 | Unfolding of hen egg lysozyme by molecular dynamics simulations at 300K: insight into the role of the interdomain interface |
Q30164435 | Unfolding of the cold shock protein studied with biased molecular dynamics |
Q31036143 | Unfolding transition state and intermediates of the tumor suppressor p16INK4a investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q42134646 | Unifying mechanical and thermodynamic descriptions across the thioredoxin protein family. |
Q28486499 | Unique GMP-binding site in Mycobacterium tuberculosis guanosine monophosphate kinase |
Q91142507 | Unique active site formation in a novel galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum |
Q27728033 | Unique coenzyme binding mode of hyperthermophilic archaeal sn-glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase from Pyrobaculum calidifontis |
Q52082497 | Unit-vector RMS (URMS) as a tool to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories |
Q54487161 | Universal biases in protein composition of model prokaryotes. |
Q39924918 | Universal features of fluctuations in globular proteins |
Q57011846 | Universality of protein reentrant condensation in solution induced by multivalent metal ions |
Q27697928 | Unprecedented access of phenolic substrates to the heme active site of a catalase: substrate binding and peroxidase-like reactivity of Bacillus pumilus catalase monitored by X-ray crystallography and EPR spectroscopy |
Q64902463 | Unraveling the mechanism of proton translocation in the extracellular half-channel of bacteriorhodopsin. |
Q43245876 | Unraveling the molecular basis for ligand binding in truncated hemoglobins: the trHbO Bacillus subtilis case |
Q79838626 | Unstructured intermediate states in single protein force experiments |
Q46435560 | Untangling influences of hydrophobicity on protein sequences and structures |
Q73256218 | Unusual amino acid usage in the variable regions of mercury-binding antibodies |
Q45987978 | Unusual zymogen-processing properties of a mutated form of prochymosin. |
Q81282365 | Unwinding the helical linker of calcium-loaded calmodulin: a molecular dynamics study |
Q74566093 | Urea effects on protein stability: Hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic effect |
Q27649057 | Use of L-asparagine and N-phosphonacetyl-L-asparagine to investigate the linkage of catalysis and homotropic cooperativity in E. coli aspartate transcarbomoylase |
Q41736263 | Use of MM-PB/SA in estimating the free energies of proteins: application to native, intermediates, and unfolded villin headpiece |
Q81318633 | Use of bioinformatics tools for the annotation of disease-associated mutations in animal models |
Q68115182 | Use of conditional probabilities for determining relationships between amino acid sequence and protein secondary structure |
Q52214942 | Use of pair potentials across protein interfaces in screening predicted docked complexes |
Q52234198 | Use of quantitative structure-property relationships to predict the folding ability of model proteins |
Q27701699 | Use of restrained molecular dynamics in water to determine three-dimensional protein structure: prediction of the three-dimensional structure of Ecballium elaterium trypsin inhibitor II |
Q39226773 | Use of restrained molecular dynamics to predict the conformations of phosphorylated receiver domains in two-component signaling systems |
Q30329265 | Use of structure comparison methods for the refinement of protein structure predictions. I. Identifying the structural family of a protein from low-resolution models. |
Q52256504 | Use of the multiple copy simultaneous search (MCSS) method to design a new class of picornavirus capsid binding drugs |
Q94655044 | Using Machine Learning to Improve Ensemble Docking for Drug Discovery |
Q104518300 | Using Normal Mode Analysis on protein structural models. How far can we go on our predictions? |
Q96162785 | Using Restraints in EROS-Dock Improves Model Quality in Pairwise and Multicomponent Protein Docking |
Q51152599 | Using a consensus approach based on the conservation of inter-residue contacts to rank CAPRI models |
Q43024386 | Using a strategy based on the concept of convergent evolution to identify residue substitutions responsible for thermal adaptation |
Q48094793 | Using evolutionary and structural information to predict DNA-binding sites on DNA-binding proteins |
Q45910840 | Using evolutionary information for the query and target improves fold recognition. |
Q34829661 | Using genetic algorithms to select most predictive protein features |
Q40130441 | Using homology modeling to interrogate binding affinity in neutralization of ricin toxin by a family of single domain antibodies |
Q54441169 | Using molecular dynamics to map interaction networks in an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase |
Q79210002 | Using multiple structure alignments, fast model building, and energetic analysis in fold recognition and homology modeling |
Q45959093 | Using physical potentials and learned models to distinguish native binding interfaces from de novo designed interfaces that do not bind |
Q30366477 | Using quantum mechanics to improve estimates of amino acid side chain rotamer energies |
Q30365834 | Using scores derived from statistical coupling analysis to distinguish correct and incorrect folds in de-novo protein structure prediction. |
Q42051859 | Using the concept of transient complex for affinity predictions in CAPRI rounds 20-27 and beyond |
Q92431766 | VH -VL interdomain dynamics observed by computer simulations and NMR |
Q27745669 | VL:VH domain rotations in engineered antibodies: crystal structures of the Fab fragments from two murine antitumor antibodies and their engineered human constructs |
Q85097553 | Validating and improving elastic network models with molecular dynamics simulations |
Q33754209 | Validating computer simulations of enantioselective catalysis; reproducing the large steric and entropic contributions in Candida Antarctica lipase B |
Q35821952 | Validating the vitality strategy for fighting drug resistance |
Q52216406 | Validation of NMR side-chain conformations by packing calculations |
Q30402892 | Validation of Protein Structure Models using Network Similarity Score |
Q33625244 | Validation of archived chemical shifts through atomic coordinates |
Q58085189 | Validation of chemical genetics for the study of zipper-interacting protein kinase signaling |
Q47903272 | Validation of nuclear magnetic resonance structures of proteins and nucleic acids: hydrogen geometry and nomenclature |
Q36457575 | Validation of the first step of the heuristic refinement method for the derivation of solution structures of proteins from NMR data |
Q33855998 | Variability in quaternary association of proteins with the same tertiary fold: a case study and rationalization involving legume lectins |
Q44125134 | Variability in the pKa of histidine side-chains correlates with burial within proteins |
Q46044077 | Variability of conformations at crystal contacts in BPTI represent true low-energy structures: correspondence among lattice packing and molecular dynamics structures |
Q77192771 | Variability of the canonical loop conformations in serine proteinases inhibitors and other proteins |
Q30331168 | Variants of 3(10)-helices in proteins. |
Q47435943 | Variation of folded polypeptide surface area with probe size |
Q73784262 | Variations on a theme by Debye and Waller: From simple crystals to proteins |
Q30991459 | Various strategies of using residual dipolar couplings in NMR-driven protein docking: application to Lys48-linked di-ubiquitin and validation against 15N-relaxation data |
Q84966735 | Versatile substrate protein recognition mechanism of the eukaryotic chaperonin CCT |
Q29619767 | Very fast empirical prediction and rationalization of protein pKa values |
Q27144110 | Very fast prediction and rationalization of pKa values for protein-ligand complexes |
Q37130581 | Very short peptides with stable folds: building on the interrelationship of Trp/Trp, Trp/cation, and Trp/backbone-amide interaction geometries |
Q47214896 | Vibrational entropy estimation can improve binding affinity prediction for non-obligatory protein complexes. |
Q69837539 | Vibrational spectroscopy of bacteriorhodopsin mutants: I. Tyrosine-185 protonates and deprotonates during the photocycle |
Q44784445 | Vicinal disulfide bridge conformers by experimental methods and by ab initio and DFT molecular computations |
Q47596508 | Virtual screening for inhibitors of human aldose reductase. |
Q30365357 | Virtual screening on an α-helix to β-strand switchable region of the FGFR2 extracellular domain revealed positive and negative modulators. |
Q46607615 | Virtual screening to enrich a compound collection with CDK2 inhibitors using docking, scoring, and composite scoring models |
Q31120824 | Virtual screening to enrich hit lists from high-throughput screening: a case study on small-molecule inhibitors of angiogenin. |
Q34975702 | Virtual screening using molecular simulations |
Q73380010 | Viscosity dependence of protein dynamics |
Q45028380 | Visualizing complexes of phospholipids with Streptomyces phospholipase D by automated docking |
Q40369228 | Visualizing global properties of a molecular dynamics trajectory |
Q34488156 | Vivaldi: visualization and validation of biomacromolecular NMR structures from the PDB. |
Q30399505 | VoroMQA: Assessment of protein structure quality using interatomic contact areas. |
Q31031423 | WHISCY: what information does surface conservation yield? Application to data-driven docking. |
Q79739550 | Walking through the protein sequence space: towards new generation of the homology modeling |
Q40229014 | Water and ion permeability of a claudin model: A computational study |
Q45194394 | Water dynamics simulation as a tool for probing proton transfer pathways in a heptahelical membrane protein |
Q43986875 | Water in protein cavities: A procedure to identify internal water and exchange pathways and application to fatty acid-binding protein |
Q30587171 | Water penetration and escape in proteins |
Q57875300 | Water penetration and escape in proteins |
Q33298524 | Water penetration in the low and high pressure native states of ubiquitin |
Q61155774 | Water transfer energetics and solid-like packing of globular proteins |
Q27649512 | Water-mediated interactions between DNA and PhoB DNA-binding/transactivation domain: NMR-restrained molecular dynamics in explicit water environment |
Q30360721 | WeFold: a coopetition for protein structure prediction |
Q41182371 | Weak correlation between predictive power of individual sequence patterns and overall prediction accuracy in proteins |
Q46805508 | Weak self-association of human growth hormone investigated by nitrogen-15 NMR relaxation. |
Q77926223 | Weak temperature dependence of the free energy surface and folding pathways of structured peptides |
Q46569606 | Weighing in on a Timeless controversy |
Q47863740 | Weighted geometric docking: incorporating external information in the rotation-translation scan |
Q30382591 | Wetting of nonconserved residue-backbones: A feature indicative of aggregation associated regions of proteins. |
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Q30417147 | What is the best reference state for designing statistical atomic potentials in protein structure prediction? |
Q35531144 | What is the pitch of the alpha-helical coiled coil? |
Q30339077 | What is the protein design alphabet? |
Q30363271 | What is the relationship between the global structures of apo and holo proteins? |
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Q51718302 | What stabilizes the 3(14)-helix in beta3-peptides? A conformational analysis using molecular simulation |
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Q70980700 | Why do protein architectures have Boltzmann-like statistics? |
Q86149583 | Why does mutation of Gln61 in Ras by the nitro analog NGln maintain activity of Ras-GAP in hydrolysis of guanosine triphosphate? |
Q30339075 | Why does the Ras switch "break" by oncogenic mutations? |
Q30361608 | Why is the biological hydrophobicity scale more accurate than earlier experimental hydrophobicity scales? |
Q77615171 | Why protein R-factors are so large: a self-consistent analysis |
Q46112510 | Wild type and mutants of the HET-s(218-289) prion show different flexibility at fibrillar ends: a simulation study |
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Q39640152 | Wrapping mimicking in drug-like small molecules disruptive of protein-protein interfaces |
Q51627898 | X-ray absorption and molecular dynamics study of cation binding sites in the purple membrane. |
Q27649049 | X-ray analysis of phosphoglycerate kinase 2, a sperm-specific isoform from Mus musculus |
Q68052812 | X-ray and model-building studies on the specificity of the active site of proteinase K |
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Q27642896 | X-ray crystal structure of CutA from Thermotoga maritima at 1.4 Å resolution |
Q27636876 | X-ray crystal structure of MTH938 from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum at 2.2 A resolution reveals a novel tertiary protein fold |
Q27677556 | X-ray crystal structure of TTHB099, a CRP/FNR superfamily transcriptional regulator from Thermus thermophilus HB8, reveals a DNA-binding protein with no required allosteric effector molecule |
Q27653536 | X-ray crystal structure of a CRISPR-associated RAMP module [corrected] Cmr5 protein [corrected] from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
Q27652192 | X-ray crystal structure of a CRISPR-associated protein, Cse2, from Thermus thermophilus HB8 |
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Q40416001 | X-ray crystal structure of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CYP101J2 from Sphingobium yanoikuyae strain B2. |
Q27649475 | X-ray crystal structure of the B component of Hemolysin BL from Bacillus cereus |
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Q27653355 | XC1028 from Xanthomonas campestris adopts a PilZ domain-like structure without a c-di-GMP switch |
Q27645230 | XC5848, an ORFan protein from Xanthomonas campestris, adopts a novel variant of Sm-like motif |
Q27655648 | Xanthomonas campestris PqqD in the pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis operon adopts a novel saddle-like fold that possibly serves as a PQQ carrier |
Q30351133 | YAKUSA: a fast structural database scanning method. |
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Q52015255 | ZDOCK: an initial-stage protein-docking algorithm |
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Q27675295 | hCINAP is an atypical mammalian nuclear adenylate kinase with an ATPase motif: Structural and functional studies |
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Q85991852 | iATTRACT: simultaneous global and local interface optimization for protein-protein docking refinement |
Q51928346 | iGibbs: improving Gibbs motif sampler for proteins by sequence clustering and iterative pattern sampling |
Q57930409 | iProtGly-SS: Identifying protein glycation sites using sequence and structure based features |
Q62717281 | iSEE: Interface structure, evolution, and energy-based machine learning predictor of binding affinity changes upon mutations |
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Q27659271 | p-Coumaric acid decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum: structural insights into the active site and decarboxylation catalytic mechanism |
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