
Scientific journal

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Abstract is: Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by John Wiley & Sons, which was established in 1986 by Cyrus Levinthal. The journal covers research on all aspects protein biochemistry, including computation, function, structure, design, and genetics. The editor-in-chief is Nikolay Dokholyan (Penn State College of Medicine). Publishing formats are original research reports, short communications, prediction reports, invited reviews, and topic proposals. In addition, Proteins includes a section entitled "Section Notes", describing novel protein structures.

Proteins is …
instance of (P31):
scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID19739
P8375Crossref journal ID22119
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO152967
P1058ERA Journal ID15253
P646Freebase ID/m/0czcddw
P1277JUFO ID65625
P1144Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic)90655008
P1055NLM Unique ID8700181
P243OCLC control number13196210
P856official website
P10283OpenAlex IDS121161810
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID31769
P7461Publons journals/conferences ID21240
P7662Scilit journal ID61594
P1156Scopus source ID14283
P12897Wiley Online Library journal ID10970134

P495country of originUnited StatesQ30
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectproteinQ8054
P1813short nameProteins
P1680subtitleStructure, Function, and Bioinformatics

Reverse relations

published in (P1433)
Q68704269"Dry" enzymes
Q27732118"Ensemble" iterative relaxation matrix approach: a new NMR refinement protocol applied to the solution structure of crambin
Q276395861.3-A resolution structure of human glutathione S-transferase with S-hexyl glutathione bound reveals possible extended ligandin binding site
Q276843881.37 Å Crystal structure of pathogenic factor pectate lyase from Acidovorax citrulli
Q277309271.56 A structure of mature truncated human fibroblast collagenase
Q276523081.59 A structure of trypsin at 120 K: comparison of low temperature and room temperature structures
Q344201701.6 A crystal structure of YteR protein from Bacillus subtilis, a predicted lyase.
Q374712241.6 A crystal structure of a PA2721 protein from pseudomonas aeruginosa--a potential drug-resistance protein
Q332108831.70 A X-ray structure of human apo kallikrein 1: structural changes upon peptide inhibitor/substrate binding
Q276293751.9 A x-ray study shows closed flap conformation in crystals of tethered HIV-1 PR
Q582936161996 Johns Hopkins protein folding meeting
Q476251351H NMR structure of an antifungal gamma-thionin protein SIalpha1: similarity to scorpion toxins
Q311627162-5A induces a conformational change in the ankyrin-repeat domain of RNase L.
Q304249402.0 A resolution structure of a ternary complex of pig muscle phosphoglycerate kinase containing 3-phospho-D-glycerate and the nucleotide Mn adenylylimidodiphosphate
Q276310412.8-A crystal structure of a nontoxic type-II ribosome-inactivating protein, ebulin l
Q466046553',5' Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases class III: members, structure, and catalytic mechanism
Q445251393(10)-helices in proteins are parahelices
Q580389843D domain-swapped human cystatin C with amyloidlike intermolecular β-sheets
Q310045213D structural model of the G‐protein‐coupled cannabinoid CB2 receptor
Q335737863DM: systematic analysis of heterogeneous superfamily data to discover protein functionalities.
Q792100283DS3 and 3DS5 3D-SHOTGUN meta-predictors in CAFASP3
Q304207103Drefine: consistent protein structure refinement by optimizing hydrogen bonding network and atomic-level energy minimization
Q732715963D‐SHOTGUN: A novel, cooperative, fold‐recognition meta‐predictor
Q303740113d interaction homology: The structurally known rotamers of tyrosine derive from a surprisingly limited set of information-rich hydropathic interaction environments described by maps.
Q130681474AlphaFold2‐guided description of CoBaHMA, a novel family of bacterial domains within the heavy‐metal‐associated superfamily
Q53560178A "moving metal mechanism" for substrate cleavage by the DNA repair endonuclease APE-1.
Q33210885A "solvated rotamer" approach to modeling water-mediated hydrogen bonds at protein-protein interfaces
Q27644504A 1.55 A resolution X-ray crystal structure of HEF2/ERH and insights into its transcriptional and cell-cycle interaction networks
Q67777633A 175-psec molecular dynamics simulation of camphor-bound cytochrome P-450cam
Q30396558A 3D building blocks approach to analyzing and predicting structure of proteins
Q40553690A ?FRankenstein's monster? approach to comparative modeling: Merging the finest fragments of Fold-Recognition models and iterative model refinement aided by 3D structure evaluation
Q47282702A Computational Method for the Design of Nested Proteins by Loop-Directed Domain Insertion.
Q47896135A Markov-chain model description of binding funnels to enhance the ranking of docked solutions
Q81505333A Mg2+-induced conformational switch rendering a competent DNA polymerase catalytic complex
Q54623267A P-loop-like motif in a widespread ATP pyrophosphatase domain: implications for the evolution of sequence motifs and enzyme activity.
Q94950193A Protein Sequence Fitness Function for Identifying Natural and Non-Natural Proteins
Q59464008A QM/MM study of proton transport pathways in a [NiFe] hydrogenase
Q46345706A QM/MM study of the catalytic mechanism of SAM methyltransferase RlmN from Escherichia coli.
Q53032524A QM/MM study of the reaction mechanism of (R)-hydroxynitrile lyases from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtHNL).
Q52005742A Shannon entropy-based filter detects high- quality profile-profile alignments in searches for remote homologues
Q79303649A ToxR-based dominant-negative system to investigate heterotypic transmembrane domain interactions
Q30388027A benchmark testing ground for integrating homology modeling and protein docking
Q90563024A benchmarking study on virtual ligand screening against homology models of human GPCRs
Q30429145A beta-complex statistical four body contact potential combined with a hydrogen bond statistical potential recognizes the correct native structure from protein decoy sets.
Q41867652A binding free energy decomposition approach for accurate calculations of the fidelity of DNA polymerases
Q30414103A broad specificity nucleoside kinase from Thermoplasma acidophilum
Q52388559A calculation strategy for the structure determination of symmetric dimers by 1H NMR.
Q81494743A chemogenomic analysis of the transmembrane binding cavity of human G-protein-coupled receptors
Q51905670A chirality index for investigating protein secondary structures and their time evolution
Q43900308A clade of trypsins found in cold-adapted fish
Q42084202A coarse-grained alpha-carbon protein model with anisotropic hydrogen-bonding.
Q42662065A coarse-grained potential for fold recognition and molecular dynamics simulations of proteins
Q51911563A coarse-grained protein force field for folding and structure prediction.
Q41468197A combination of rescoring and refinement significantly improves protein docking performance
Q32167461A combinatorial library for the binuclear metal center of bacterial phosphotriesterase
Q33238967A combinatorial score to distinguish biological and nonbiological protein-protein interfaces
Q48048981A combinatorial scoring function for protein-RNA docking
Q46823192A combined approach of mass spectrometry, molecular modeling, and site-directed mutagenesis highlights key structural features responsible for the thermostability of Sulfolobus solfataricus carboxypeptidase
Q43875748A common structural scaffold in CTD phosphatases that supports distinct catalytic mechanisms.
Q37399880A comparative analysis of the equilibrium dynamics of a designed protein inferred from NMR, X-ray, and computations
Q43022305A comparative infrared spectroscopic study of glycoside hydrolases from extremophilic archaea revealed different molecular mechanisms of adaptation to high temperatures
Q27627415A comparative structural analysis of the ADF/cofilin family
Q44686524A comparative study of dynamic structures between phage 434 Cro and repressor proteins by normal mode analysis
Q47427892A comparative study of viral capsids and bacterial compartments reveals an enriched understanding of shell dynamics.
Q57064940A comparison of SCOP and CATH with respect to domain-domain interactions
Q45786244A comparison of the dynamics of pantothenate synthetase from M. tuberculosis and E. coli: Computational studies
Q72868496A comparison of the immunogenicity of a pair of enantiomeric proteins
Q58008737A comparison of15N NMR relaxation measurements with a molecular dynamics simulation: Backbone dynamics of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain
Q33295506A complete library of amino acid alterations at R306 in Streptomyces clavuligerus deacetoxycephalosporin C synthase demonstrates its structural role in the ring-expansion activity
Q58484085A complete relaxation matrix refinement of the solution structure of a paramagnetic metalloprotein: Reduced HiPIP I from Ectothiorhodospira halophila
Q36821377A complete relaxation matrix refinement of the solution structure of a paramagnetic metalloprotein: reduced HiPIP I from Ectothiorhodospira halophila
Q30381428A composite approach towards a complete model of the myosin rod
Q30168943A comprehensive analysis of the Greek key motifs in protein beta-barrels and beta-sandwiches
Q34721619A comprehensive examination of the contributions to the binding entropy of protein-ligand complexes
Q34120063A comprehensive library of blocked dipeptides reveals intrinsic backbone conformational propensities of unfolded proteins
Q51629866A computational analysis of the binding affinities of FKBP12 inhibitors using the MM-PB/SA method
Q51276071A computational approach for studying antibody-antigen interactions without prior structural information: the anti-testosterone binding antibody as a case study
Q82354600A computational investigation on the role of glycosylation in the binding of alpha1 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor with two alpha-neurotoxins
Q46274599A computational method for selecting short peptide sequences for inorganic material binding.
Q90556723A computational model for controlling conformational cooperativity and function in proteins
Q28295072A computational model of the inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ATPase by a new drug candidate R207910
Q51960090A computational protocol to probe the role of solvation effects on the reduction potential of azurin mutants
Q34372655A computational tool for identifying minimotifs in protein–protein interactions and improving the accuracy of minimotif predictions
Q72589777A computer model of the interleukin-4/receptor complex
Q30377365A computer model to dynamically simulate protein folding: studies with crambin.
Q72367442A connected-cluster of hydration around myoglobin: correlation between molecular dynamics simulations and experiment
Q30157950A consensus algorithm to screen genomes for novel families of transmembrane beta barrel proteins
Q30193549A consensus prediction of the secondary structure for the 6-phospho-beta-D-galactosidase superfamily
Q44515173A consensus-binding structure for adenine at the atomic level permits searching for the ligand site in a wide spectrum of adenine-containing complexes
Q74308441A conserved helix-unfolding motif in the naturally unfolded proteins
Q46022933A conserved hypothetical protein from Mycoplasma genitalium shows structural homology to nusb proteins.
Q81686176A consistent set of statistical potentials for quantifying local side-chain and backbone interactions
Q40978107A continuum theory for the prediction of lateral and rotational positioning of alpha-helices in membrane proteins: bacteriorhodopsin.
Q51956381A correlation-based method for the enhancement of scoring functions on funnel-shaped energy landscapes
Q27649633A covalent S-F heterodimer of leucotoxin reveals molecular plasticity of beta-barrel pore-forming toxins
Q43900312A critical analysis of continuum electrostatics: the screened Coulomb potential--implicit solvent model and the study of the alanine dipeptide and discrimination of misfolded structures of proteins
Q71267484A critical assessment of comparative molecular modeling of tertiary structures of proteins
Q46415727A critical survey of average distances between catalytic carboxyl groups in glycoside hydrolases.
Q90733842A crystal structure of the human protein kinase Mps1 reveals an ordered conformation of the activation loop
Q30832957A data-driven approach to modeling the tripartite structure of multidrug resistance efflux pumps.
Q56611946A database method for automated map interpretation in protein crystallography
Q30322867A database method for automated map interpretation in protein crystallography.
Q38561234A database of mutants and effects of site-directed mutagenesis experiments on G protein-coupled receptors
Q91793567A deep dense inception network for protein beta-turn prediction
Q27656745A designed chimeric cyanovirin-N homolog lectin: Structure and molecular basis of sucrose binding
Q47307422A detailed comparison of current docking and scoring methods on systems of pharmaceutical relevance
Q43460369A detailed representation of electrostatic energy in prediction of sequence and pH dependence of protein stability
Q45198410A detailed unfolding pathway of a (beta/alpha)8-barrel protein as studied by molecular dynamics simulations.
Q34468854A differential association of Apolipoprotein E isoforms with the amyloid-β oligomer in solution.
Q45402219A discriminative approach for identifying domain-domain interactions from protein-protein interactions
Q44419055A distance-dependent atomic knowledge-based potential and force for discrimination of native structures from decoys
Q30328397A distance-dependent atomic knowledge-based potential for improved protein structure selection.
Q112578723A distinct ssDNA/RNA binding interface in the Nsp9 protein from SARS-CoV-2
Q73083588A disulfide bridge near the active site of carbapenem-hydrolyzing class A beta-lactamases might explain their unusual substrate profile
Q81349949A diverse view of protein dynamics from NMR studies of HIV-1 protease flaps
Q42426826A divide‐and‐conquer approach to determine the Pareto frontier for optimization of protein engineering experiments
Q41432614A domain of the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I has polymerase but no exonuclease activity.
Q27655365A dramatic conformational rearrangement is necessary for the activation of DNR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Crystal structure of wild-type DNR
Q46863948A dynamic N-capping motif in cytochrome b5: evidence for a pH-controlled conformational switch
Q47925496A dynamic model for processive transcription elongation and backtracking long pauses by multisubunit RNA polymerases
Q54336657A dynamic model of long-range conformational adaptations triggered by nucleotide binding in GroEL-GroES.
Q36301863A family 13 thioesterase isolated from an activated sludge metagenome: Insights into aromatic compounds metabolism.
Q42658621A family of proteins related to Spätzle, the toll receptor ligand, are encoded in the Drosophila genome.
Q41675256A fast algorithm for genome-wide analysis of proteins with repeated sequences.
Q52206936A fast and simple method to calculate protonation states in proteins
Q86425594A fast approximate method of identifying paths of allosteric communication in proteins
Q52080528A fast method to sample real protein conformational space
Q51906613A filter enhanced sampling and combinatorial scoring study for protein docking in CAPRI.
Q48376963A finite element framework for computation of protein normal modes and mechanical response
Q46873034A folding inhibitor of the HIV-1 protease.
Q46781117A fourth generation synchrotron at SLAC?
Q91793624A free-energy landscape for the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor GLP1R
Q92174538A further leap of improvement in tertiary structure prediction in CASP13 prompts new routes for future assessments
Q74419054A fusion protein between serum amyloid A and staphylococcal nuclease—synthesis, purification, and structural studies
Q40168256A general approach for developing system-specific functions to score protein-ligand docked complexes using support vector inductive logic programming.
Q47596362A general clustering approach with application to the Miyazawa-Jernigan potentials for amino acids
Q52901657A general method of domain closure is applied to phosphoglycerate kinase and the result compared with the crystal structure of a closed conformation of the enzyme
Q46698321A generalized affine gap model significantly improves protein sequence alignment accuracy
Q34188720A generalized approach to sampling backbone conformations with RosettaDock for CAPRI rounds 13-19
Q41381019A generalized knowledge-based discriminatory function for biomolecular interactions
Q54252468A genetic and physical study of the interdomain linker of E. Coli AraC protein--a trans-subunit communication pathway
Q54338499A genetic screen to identify variants of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor with altered folding energetics
Q27674956A genetically encoded, high-signal-to-noise maltose sensor
Q56558814A genomic perspective of protein kinases in Plasmodium falciparum
Q52401572A geometrical constraint approach for reproducing the native backbone conformation of a protein
Q30355895A global machine learning based scoring function for protein structure prediction.
Q51633101A graph spectral analysis of the structural similarity network of protein chains
Q39221322A guide to the effects of a large portion of the residues of triosephosphate isomerase on catalysis, stability, druggability, and human disease.
Q30195945A helix-turn-strand structural motif common in α-β proteins
Q46597277A hidden aggregation-prone structure in the heart of hypoxia inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase
Q29615859A hierarchical approach to all-atom protein loop prediction
Q52229481A hierarchical method for generating low-energy conformers of a protein-ligand complex
Q84898779A hierarchical order within protein structures underlies large separations between strands in β‐sheets
Q79184855A hinge of the endogeneous ATP synthase inhibitor protein: the link between inhibitory and anchoring domains
Q51906611A holistic approach to protein docking
Q53942033A homology model for the human theta-class glutathione transferase T1-1.
Q72589787A homology model of human interferon alpha-2
Q37334362A hybrid NMR/SAXS-based approach for discriminating oligomeric protein interfaces using Rosetta
Q43787251A hybrid sequence approach to the paracelsus challenge
Q69444356A hydrophobic cluster forms early in the folding of dihydrofolate reductase
Q90267408A hyperthermophilic protein G variant engineered via directed evolution prevents the formation of toxic SOD1 oligomers
Q54567778A hypothetical complex between crystalline flavocytochrome b2 and cytochrome c.
Q77751659A kinetic model for the internal motions of proteins: diffusion between multiple harmonic wells
Q50899108A knowledge-based forcefield for protein-protein interface design
Q51927664A knowledge-based move set for protein folding
Q52026759A knowledge-based scale for amino acid membrane propensity
Q30362842A large data set comparison of protein structures determined by crystallography and NMR: statistical test for structural differences and the effect of crystal packing.
Q30424383A large-scale experiment to assess protein structure prediction methods.
Q44544340A left-handed alpha-helix containing both L- and D-amino acids: the solution structure of the antimicrobial lipodepsipeptide tolaasin
Q35963380A less-biased analysis of metalloproteins reveals novel zinc coordination geometries
Q71763575A lipoamide dehydrogenase from Neisseria meningitidis has a lipoyl domain
Q39115927A machine learning approach for ranking clusters of docked protein-protein complexes by pairwise cluster comparison
Q42143961A machine learning approach for the prediction of protein surface loop flexibility
Q45789918A mathematically related singularity and the maximum size of protein domains.
Q30795000A measure of progress in fold recognition?
Q42699474A mechanism by which binding of the broadly neutralizing antibody b12 unfolds the inner domain α1 helix in an engineered HIV-1 gp120.
Q27658901A metal-mediated hydride shift mechanism for xylose isomerase based on the 1.6 A Streptomyces rubiginosus structures with xylitol and D-xylose
Q52380142A method for alpha-helical integral membrane protein fold prediction
Q71774368A method for detecting hydrophobic patches on protein surfaces
Q30334411A method for determining the positions of polar hydrogens added to a protein structure that maximizes protein hydrogen bonding
Q47604846A method for localizing ligand binding pockets in protein structures
Q58882294A method for partitioning the information contained in a protein sequence between its structure and function
Q33978603A method for simultaneous alignment of multiple protein structures
Q46167114A method for the analysis of domain movements in large biomolecular complexes
Q46754427A method for the improvement of threading-based protein models
Q46425803A method for the prediction of surface "U"-turns and transglobular connections in small proteins
Q52387751A method to recognize distant repeats in protein sequences
Q41463219A method using active-site sequence conservation to find functional shifts in protein families: application to the enzymes of central metabolism, leading to the identification of an anomalous isocitrate dehydrogenase in pathogens
Q30400559A miniaturized technique for assessing protein thermodynamics and function using fast determination of quantitative cysteine reactivity
Q31107925A minimalist approach to fragment-based ligand design using common rings and linkers: application to kinase inhibitors
Q35093751A missense mutation in CLIC2 associated with intellectual disability is predicted by in silico modeling to affect protein stability and dynamics
Q51559851A mixed molecular modeling‐robotics approach to investigate lipase large molecular motions
Q42625265A model for human cardiac troponin C and for modulation of its Ca2+ affinity by drugs
Q72321038A model for the LexA repressor DNA complex
Q80809756A model for the assembly of nicotinic receptors based on subunit-subunit interactions
Q42999033A model for the hepatitis C virus envelope glycoprotein E2.
Q30157232A model for the interaction between NF-kappa-B and ASPP2 suggests an I-kappa-B-like binding mechanism
Q52246770A model for the nucleotide-binding domains of ABC transporters based on the large domain of aspartate aminotransferase
Q52538859A model for the structure of a homodimeric prohormone: the precursor to the locust neuropeptide AKH I.
Q27737034A model of insulin fibrils derived from the x-ray crystal structure of a monomeric insulin (despentapeptide insulin)
Q30355469A model of local-minima distribution on conformational space and its application to protein structure prediction.
Q31108068A model of restriction endonuclease MvaI in complex with DNA: a template for interpretation of experimental data and a guide for specificity engineering
Q72303904A model of the complex between interleukin-4 and its receptors
Q42626699A model of the complex between the PfEMP1 malaria protein and the human ICAM-1 receptor
Q38325515A model of the platelet factor 4 complex with heparin
Q80752697A model study of protein nascent chain and cotranslational folding using hydrophobic-polar residues
Q56994722A model-based proposal for the role of UreF as a GTPase-activating protein in the urease active site biosynthesis
Q30312625A modified definition of Sov, a segment-based measure for protein secondary structure prediction assessment.
Q69761715A molecular dynamics analysis of protein structural elements
Q30421076A molecular dynamics approach for the generation of complete protein structures from limited coordinate data.
Q45361266A molecular dynamics approach to study the importance of solvent in protein interactions
Q36885859A molecular dynamics simulation study of segment B1 of protein G
Q80595817A molecular dynamics study comparing a wild-type with a multiple drug resistant HIV protease: differences in flap and aspartate 25 cavity dimensions
Q47925571A molecular dynamics study of C1r and C1s dimers: implications for the structure of the C1 complex.
Q54655137A molecular dynamics study of solvent behavior around a protein.
Q51300908A molecular dynamics study of the binary complexes of APP, JIP1, and the cargo binding domain of KLC.
Q34013248A molecular dynamics study of the early stages of amyloid-beta(1-42) oligomerization: the role of lipid membranes
Q45161839A molecular dynamics study of the structural stability of HIV-1 protease under physiological conditions: the role of Na+ ions in stabilizing the active site
Q30577364A molten globule intermediate of the von Willebrand factor A1 domain firmly tethers platelets under shear flow
Q53021773A monoclonal antibody fab fragment crystallized with and without a peptide epitope from HIV
Q27679324A multi-faceted analysis of RutD reveals a novel family of α/β hydrolases
Q51434391A multi-resolution model to capture both global fluctuations of an enzyme and molecular recognition in the ligand-binding site
Q81424625A multibody, whole-residue potential for protein structures, with testing by Monte Carlo simulated annealing
Q36871044A multicopy modeling of the water distribution in macromolecular crystals
Q30408135A multilayer evaluation approach for protein structure prediction and model quality assessment
Q44677796A multiple-start Monte Carlo docking method.
Q34975436A multiple‐template approach to protein threading
Q51072404A multiscale approach to predicting affinity changes in protein-protein interfaces.
Q40849232A multiscale approach to simulating the conformational properties of unbound multi-C₂H₂ zinc finger proteins
Q51082035A multiscale model for simulating binding kinetics of proteins with flexible linkers
Q68754537A mutant T4 lysozyme (Val 131----Ala) designed to increase thermostability by the reduction of strain within an alpha-helix
Q28743851A natural and readily available crowding agent: NMR studies of proteins in hen egg white
Q44035979A network of dynamically conserved residues deciphers the motions of maltose transporter
Q40606078A neural network approach to evaluate fold recognition results.
Q52221395A new Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm for protein potential function test and structure refinement
Q54341267A new and unexpected domain-domain interaction in the AraC protein
Q30333117A new bioinformatic approach to detect common 3D sites in protein structures.
Q60761703A new catalog of protein β-sheets
Q27625016A new fold in the scorpion toxin family, associated with an activity on a ryanodine-sensitive calcium channel
Q51627514A new implicit solvent model for protein-ligand docking.
Q51980532A new method for identification of protein (sub)families in a set of proteins based on hydropathy distribution in proteins
Q30426895A new method for modeling large-scale rearrangements of protein domains
Q52235994A new method for predicting binding free energy between receptor and ligand
Q98306758A new method for protein characterization and classification using geometrical features for 3D face analysis: an example of tubulin structures
Q30328399A new method to model membrane protein structure based on silent amino acid substitutions.
Q28647324A new model for howO6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase binds DNA
Q51727987A new pairwise folding potential based on improved decoy generation and side-chain packing
Q47304975A new parameter-rich structure-aware mechanistic model for amino acid substitution during evolution.
Q47596335A new perspective on analysis of helix-helix packing preferences in globular proteins
Q33412232A new prediction strategy for long local protein structures using an original description
Q72303898A new protein folding recognition potential function
Q27666111A new regulatory switch in a JAK protein kinase
Q34417845A new relaxed state in horse methemoglobin characterized by crystallographic studies
Q48055560A new residue-nucleotide propensity potential with structural information considered for discriminating protein-RNA docking decoys
Q30415727A new size-independent score for pairwise protein structure alignment and its application to structure classification and nucleic-acid binding prediction
Q37676135A new structure-based classification of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductases.
Q47949421A new subfamily of short bacterial adenylate kinases with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis enzyme as a model: A predictive and experimental study
Q57978665A new subfamily of short bacterial adenylate kinases with theMycobacteriumtuberculosis enzyme as a model: A predictive and experimental study
Q30332170A new test set for validating predictions of protein-ligand interaction.
Q34545038A non-redundant protein-RNA docking benchmark version 2.0.
Q58482613A novel TctA citrate transporter from an activated sludge metagenome: Structural and mechanistic predictions for the TTT family
Q33612052A novel and efficient tool for locating and characterizing protein cavities and binding sites
Q42697595A novel approach to local similarity of protein binding sites substantially improves computational drug design results
Q44784440A novel approach to predict active sites of enzyme molecules
Q34296247A novel approach to predicting protein structural classes in a (20-1)-D amino acid composition space
Q30382361A novel approach to segregate and identify functional loop regions in protein structures using their Ramachandran maps.
Q47614703A novel approach to the recognition of protein architecture from sequence using Fourier analysis and neural networks
Q90439071A novel bacterial l-arginine sensor controlling c-di-GMP levels in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q35835565A novel binding pocket of cyclin-dependent kinase 2.
Q30422991A novel computer modeling approach to the structures of small bioactive peptides: the structure of gonadotropin releasing hormone
Q79252715A novel cross-linked RNase A dimer with enhanced enzymatic properties
Q30326387A novel energy-based stochastic method for positioning polar protons in protein structures from X-rays.
Q52078677A novel exhaustive search algorithm for predicting the conformation of polypeptide segments in proteins
Q52036911A novel fold recognition method using composite predicted secondary structures
Q51131839A novel high resolution Calpha--Calpha distance dependent force field based on a high quality decoy set.
Q51644243A novel measure characterized by a polar energy surface approximation for recognition and classification of transmembrane protein structures
Q30376830A novel method for predicting and using distance constraints of high accuracy for refining protein structure prediction.
Q45966836A novel method for protein secondary structure prediction using dual-layer SVM and profiles.
Q30408036A novel method for protein–protein interaction site prediction using phylogenetic substitution models
Q68704266A novel method for selective isolation of C-terminal peptides from tryptic digests of proteins by immobilized anhydrotrypsin: application to structural analyses of the tail sheath and tube proteins from bacteriophage T4
Q47867148A novel method of resistance for influenza against a channel-blocking antiviral drug
Q43435701A novel method to map and compare protein-protein interactions in spherical viral capsids.
Q27649771A novel mode of dimerization via formation of a glutamate anhydride crosslink in a protein crystal structure
Q39113228A novel parameterization scheme for energy equations and its use to calculate the structure of protein molecules
Q52018270A novel shape complementarity scoring function for protein‐protein docking
Q30350110A novel strategy for the identification of toxinlike structures in spider venom.
Q54766229A novel twist on molecular interactions between thioredoxin and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-dependent thioredoxin reductase.
Q42607423A novel “open‐form” structure of sortaseC from Streptococcus suis
Q30359373A pair-to-pair amino acids substitution matrix and its applications for protein structure prediction.
Q51570605A parameterized, continuum electrostatic model for predicting protein pKa values
Q71460525A partial model of the erythropoietin receptor complex
Q30332485A path from primary protein sequence to ligand recognition.
Q36836481A peptide isolated by phage display binds to ICAM-1 and inhibits binding to LFA-1.
Q60167433A perturbative view of protein structural variation
Q30336353A pharmacophore docking algorithm and its application to the cross-docking of 18 HIV-NNRTI's in their binding pockets.
Q38515004A pharmacophore-based evolutionary approach for screening selective estrogen receptor modulators
Q46814775A phospho-sugar binding domain homologous to NagB enzymes regulates the activity of the central glycolytic genes repressor.
Q42676203A phosphoinositide-binding sequence is shared by PH domain target molecules—a model for the binding of PH domains to proteins
Q47430872A physical reference state unifies the structure-derived potential of mean force for protein folding and binding.
Q45028375A portable allosteric mechanism
Q80678260A potential molecular switch in an alpha-helical coiled coil
Q54563306A potential processing enzyme in prokaryotes: Oligopeptidase B, a new type of serine peptidase
Q22061753A practical overview of protein disorder prediction methods
Q46414948A predicted consensus structure for the C terminus of the beta and gamma chains of fibrinogen
Q45168044A predicted consensus structure for the N-terminal fragment of the heat shock protein HSP90 family
Q40978117A predicted consensus structure for the protein kinase C2 homology (C2H) domain, the repeating unit of synaptotagmin
Q72416535A prediction of the secondary structure of the pleckstrin homology domain
Q52256494A predictive method for the evaluation of peptide binding in pocket 1 of HLA-DRB1 via global minimization of energy interactions
Q77894298A preliminary CD and NMR study of the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III theta subunit
Q42010167A probabilistic model for secondary structure prediction from protein chemical shifts
Q57835079A probabilistic network model for structural transitions in biomolecules
Q73326576A probable conformational difference between recombinant and urinary erythropoietins
Q51800514A proposed interaction mechanism between elastin-derived peptides and the elastin/laminin receptor-binding domain.
Q40774265A proposed model for the PEX5-peroxisomal targeting signal-1 recognition complex
Q31710469A protein dissection study demonstrates that two specific hydrophobic clusters play a key role in stabilizing the core structure of the molten globule state of human alpha-lactalbumin
Q27694677A protein structural motif that bends DNA
Q34266948A protein-RNA docking benchmark (I): nonredundant cases.
Q30415187A protein-RNA docking benchmark (II): extended set from experimental and homology modeling data
Q52015253A protein-protein docking benchmark
Q57897339A protein-specifically adapted scoring function for the reranking of docking solutions
Q43033364A quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics study of the reaction mechanism of the hepatitis C virus NS3 protease with the NS5A/5B substrate
Q30312627A rapid method for exploring the protein structure universe
Q52206931A rapid method for positioning small flexible molecules, nucleic acids, and large protein fragments in experimental electron density maps
Q56612167A rapid method for positioning small flexible molecules, nucleic acids, and large protein fragments in experimental electron density maps
Q48103913A rare polyglycine type II-like helix motif in naturally occurring proteins.
Q51799133A recombinant allosteric lectin antagonist of HIV-1 envelope gp120 interactions
Q52007583A reduced protein model with accurate native-structure identification ability
Q30421604A reduced representation of proteins for use in restraint satisfaction calculations
Q40709394A refined accuracy index to evaluate algorithms of protein secondary structure prediction
Q30010173A residue in helical conformation in the native state adopts a β-strand conformation in the folding transition state despite its high and canonical Φ-value
Q57444427A retrospective analysis of CASP2 threading predictions
Q74252593A retrospective analysis of CASP2 threading predictions
Q42437093A robust approach for analyzing a heterogeneous structural ensemble
Q30343009A robust method to detect structural and functional remote homologues.
Q98897096A rod conformation of the Pyrococcus furiosus Rad50 coiled coil
Q33763419A role for indels in the evolution of Cro protein folds
Q27642418A second binding site revealed by C-terminal truncation of calpain small subunit, a penta-EF-hand protein
Q31026460A self-stabilized model of the chymotrypsin catalytic pocket. The energy profile of the overall catalytic cycle
Q47715192A set of homology models of pore loop domain of six eukaryotic voltage-gated potassium channels Kv1.1-Kv1.6.
Q47625341A set of van der Waals and coulombic radii of protein atoms for molecular and solvent-accessible surface calculation, packing evaluation, and docking
Q96339074A shift of dynamic equilibrium between the KIT active and inactive states causes drug resistance
Q51897351A simple and fuzzy method to align and compare druggable ligand-binding sites
Q44917503A simple clustering algorithm can be accurate enough for use in calculations of pKs in macromolecules
Q41837828A simple contact mapping algorithm for identifying potential peptide mimetics in protein-protein interaction partners
Q30353679A simple measure of native-state topology and chain connectivity predicts the folding rates of two-state proteins with and without crosslinks.
Q33367761A simple model of chaperonin-mediated protein folding
Q30427943A simple probabilistic model of multibody interactions in proteins
Q43141142A simple reference state makes a significant improvement in near-native selections from structurally refined docking decoys
Q58658653A simple simulation model can reproduce the thermodynamic folding intermediate of apoflavodoxin
Q30342101A simple topological representation of protein structure: implications for new, fast, and robust structural classification.
Q52276333A simple two-dimensional representation for the common secondary structural elements of polypeptides and proteins
Q51917205A simple way to compute protein dynamics without a mechanical model.
Q52380143A simplified amino acid potential for use in structure predictions of proteins.
Q90388466A single amino acid substitution alters ClpS2 binding specificity
Q43021401A single proline substitution is critical for the thermostabilization of Clostridium beijerinckii alcohol dehydrogenase.
Q41809947A single tryptic fragment of colicin E1 can form an ion channel: Stoichiometry confirms kinetics
Q52015262A soft docking algorithm for predicting the structure of antibody-antigen complexes
Q52370464A special-purpose computer for molecular dynamics: GRAPE-2A.
Q80518836A statistical approach to the prediction of pK(a) values in proteins
Q31041065A statistical framework to discover true associations from multiprotein complex pull-down proteomics data sets
Q47596105A statistical rescoring scheme for protein-ligand docking: Consideration of entropic effect.
Q45771614A strategy for theoretical binding constant, Ki, calculations for neuraminidase aromatic inhibitors designed on the basis of the active site structure of influenza virus neuraminidase.
Q93056692A strong correlation between consensus sequences and unique super secondary structures in leucine rich repeats
Q33213914A structural alphabet for local protein structures: improved prediction methods
Q38344133A structural and dynamic model for the interaction of interleukin-8 and glycosaminoglycans: support from isothermal fluorescence titrations
Q57954836A structural and functional dissection of the cardiac stress response factor MS1
Q44770740A structural and thermodynamic escape mechanism from a drug resistant mutation of the HIV-1 protease
Q52425625A structural assessment of the apo[a] protein of human lipoprotein[a]
Q30392692A structural dissection of amino acid substitutions in helical transmembrane proteins
Q41097598A structural model for human dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
Q30326075A structural model for the rolA protein and its interaction with DNA.
Q30341941A structural pattern-based method for protein fold recognition.
Q57209034A study on protein sequence alignment quality
Q58796899A substitution matrix for structural alphabet based on structural alignment of homologous proteins and its applications
Q62033064A superposition free method for protein conformational ensemble analyses and local clustering based on a differential geometry representation of backbone
Q27730416A surface mutant (G82R) of a human alpha-glutathione S-transferase shows decreased thermal stability and a new mode of molecular association in the crystal
Q84922862A survey of hemoglobin quaternary structures
Q34249498A synthetic hexapeptide designed to resemble a proteinaceous P-loop nest is shown to bind inorganic phosphate.
Q38739861A systematic analysis of scoring functions in rigid-body protein docking: The delicate balance between the predictive rate improvement and the risk of overtraining
Q44273664A systematic search for protein signature sequences
Q46330754A tale of two tails: The importance of unstructured termini in the aggregation pathway of β2-microglobulin.
Q35784416A temperature-dependent conformational change of NADH oxidase from Thermus thermophilus HB8.
Q44515176A template search reveals mechanistic similarities and differences in beta-ketoacyl synthases (KAS) and related enzymes
Q34007562A template-finding algorithm and a comprehensive benchmark for homology modeling of proteins
Q30319813A tetrapeptide fragment-based design method results in highly stable artificial proteins
Q53780001A tetrapeptide-based method for polyproline II-type secondary structure prediction
Q42646908A theoretical DFT investigation of the lysozyme mechanism: computational evidence for a covalent intermediate pathway
Q71460506A theoretical study of torsional flexibility in the active site of aspartic proteinases: implications for catalysis
Q30358633A topologically related singularity suggests a maximum preferred size for protein domains.
Q30352330A topology-constrained distance network algorithm for protein structure determination from NOESY data.
Q46354140A tribute to Anna Tramontano (1957-2017).
Q53632809A two-entropies analysis to identify functional positions in the transmembrane region of class A G protein-coupled receptors
Q30157444A unified hydrophobicity scale for multispan membrane proteins
Q30953683A unified representation of multiprotein complex data for modeling interaction networks
Q57972079A unifold, mesofold, and superfold model of protein fold use
Q81319562A unique and differential effect of denaturants on cofactor mediated activation of Plasmodium falciparum beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase
Q27649477A unique catalytic triad revealed by the crystal structure of APE0912, a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family protein from Aeropyrum pernix K1
Q34104980A universal combinatorial design of antibody framework to graft distinct CDR sequences: A bioinformatics approach
Q47431327A universal pathway for amyloid nucleus and precursor formation for insulin
Q52395596A vector projection approach to predicting HIV protease cleavage sites in proteins
Q72303895A vector projection method for predicting the specificity of GalNAc-transferase
Q69026449A very short peptide makes a voltage-dependent ion channel: the critical length of the channel domain of colicin E1
Q29618211A workbench for multiple alignment construction and analysis
Q48956120A2T and A2V Aβ peptides exhibit different aggregation kinetics, primary nucleation, morphology, structure, and LTP inhibition
Q30351183ABACUS, a direct method for protein NMR structure computation via assembly of fragments.
Q36745505ACA-specific RNA sequence recognition is acquired via the loop 2 region of MazF mRNA interferase.
Q68837141ALMA, an editor for large sequence alignments
Q46980211ARTIST: an activated method in internal coordinate space for sampling protein energy landscapes
Q45127040ATCUN-like metal-binding motifs in proteins: identification and characterization by crystal structure and sequence analysis
Q47985100ATLAS: A database linking binding affinities with structures for wild-type and mutant TCR-pMHC complexes.
Q43286521ATP conformations and ion binding modes in the active site of anthrax edema factor: a computational analysis.
Q41727106ATP-activated oligomerization as a mechanism for apoptosis regulation: fold and mechanism prediction for CED-4.
Q36464322ATP-binding to P-type ATPases as revealed by biochemical, spectroscopic, and crystallographic experiments
Q45139113ATP-induced structural change of dephosphocoenzyme A kinase from Thermus thermophilus HB8.
Q51421505ATTRACT: protein-protein docking in CAPRI using a reduced protein model
Q27652363AU-rich RNA-binding induces changes in the quaternary structure of AUH
Q57838260Ab initio calculations on hidden modulators of theta class glutathione transferase activity
Q39215060Ab initio computational modeling of loops in G-protein-coupled receptors: lessons from the crystal structure of rhodopsin
Q44321996Ab initio construction of polypeptide fragments: Accuracy of loop decoy discrimination by an all-atom statistical potential and the AMBER force field with the Generalized Born solvation model
Q52022174Ab initio construction of polypeptide fragments: efficient generation of accurate, representative ensembles
Q50996693Ab initio folding of extended α-helix: a theoretical study about the role of electrostatic polarization in the folding of helical structures
Q41696970Ab initio folding of proteins using restraints derived from evolutionary information
Q71543075Ab initio models for receptor-ligand interactions in proteins. 4. Model assembly study of the catalytic mechanism of triosephosphate isomerase
Q27673666Ab initio phasing of a nucleoside hydrolase-related hypothetical protein from Saccharophagus degradans that is associated with carbohydrate metabolism
Q46862322Ab initio prediction of peptide-MHC binding geometry for diverse class I MHC allotypes
Q30330293Ab initio prediction of protein structure using LINUS.
Q33210184Ab initio prediction of the three-dimensional structure of a de novo designed protein: a double-blind case study
Q86983476Ab initio protein folding simulations using atomic burials as informational intermediates between sequence and structure
Q52280917Ab initio protein folding simulations with genetic algorithms: Simulations on the complete sequence of small proteins
Q28261756Ab initio protein structure assembly using continuous structure fragments and optimized knowledge‐based force field
Q28145980Ab initio protein structure prediction of CASP III targets using ROSETTA
Q30323186Ab initio protein structure prediction using a combined hierarchical approach.
Q30328051Ab initio protein structure prediction using physicochemical potentials and a simplified off-lattice model.
Q30329572Ab initio protein structure prediction via a combination of threading, lattice folding, clustering, and structure refinement.
Q52324541Ab initio structure prediction for small polypeptides and protein fragments using genetic algorithms
Q85744307Ab initio structure prediction of the antibody hypervariable H3 loop
Q41451876AbDesign: An algorithm for combinatorial backbone design guided by natural conformations and sequences.
Q33559036Aberrant coordination geometries discovered in the most abundant metalloproteins
Q45028389Absence of kinetic thermal stabilization in a hyperthermophile rubredoxin indicated by 40 microsecond folding in the presence of irreversible denaturation
Q46798591Absolute and relative binding free energy calculations of the interaction of biotin and its analogs with streptavidin using molecular dynamics/free energy perturbation approaches
Q30386091Absolute binding free energy calculations: on the accuracy of computational scoring of protein-ligand interactions
Q30400320Absolute quality evaluation of protein model structures using statistical potentials with respect to the native and reference states.
Q84511287Abundance and functional roles of intrinsic disorder in allergenic proteins and allergen representative peptides
Q48194197Accelerated molecular dynamics simulations of the octopamine receptor using GPUs: discovery of an alternate agonist-binding position.
Q78136382Accessibility and order of water sites in and around proteins: A crystallographic time-averaging study
Q44632578Accessibility of oxygen with respect to the heme pocket in horseradish peroxidase.
Q57642963Accessibility of tobacco lipid transfer protein cavity revealed by 15N NMR relaxation studies and molecular dynamics simulations
Q53954493Accessibility to internal cavities and ligand binding sites monitored by protein crystallographic thermal factors
Q71313776Accessing the Kabat antibody sequence database by computer
Q90623611Accessory mutations balance the marginal stability of the HIV-1 protease in drug resistance
Q43973743Accommodation of single amino acid insertions by the native state of staphylococcal nuclease
Q51629030Accounting for conformational entropy in predicting binding free energies of protein-protein interactions
Q33274715Accounting for ligand-bound metal ions in docking small molecules on adenylyl cyclase toxins
Q51300167Accounting for loop flexibility during protein-protein docking
Q30428156Accuracy and precision of NMR relaxation experiments and MD simulations for characterizing protein dynamics
Q40950814Accuracy and reliability of the scaling-relaxation method for loop closure: an evaluation based on extensive and multiple copy conformational samplings
Q36554207Accuracy issues involved in modeling in vivo protein structures using PM7.
Q59536347Accuracy of binding mode prediction with a cascadic stochastic tunneling method
Q58533574Accuracy of protein flexibility predictions
Q30353159Accuracy of sequence alignment and fold assessment using reduced amino acid alphabets.
Q30431722Accuracy of side-chain prediction upon near-native protein backbones generated by Ab initio folding methods
Q47715101Accurate and efficient description of protein vibrational dynamics: comparing molecular dynamics and Gaussian models
Q30377100Accurate contact predictions using covariation techniques and machine learning.
Q45805551Accurate domain identification with structure-anchored hidden Markov models, saHMMs
Q71763589Accurate general method for lattice approximation of three-dimensional structure of a chain molecule
Q47191490Accurate geometries for "mountain pass" regions of the Ramachandran plot using quantum chemical calculations.
Q30373257Accurate prediction for atomic-level protein design and its application in diversifying the near-optimal sequence space.
Q45959496Accurate prediction of hot spot residues through physicochemical characteristics of amino acid sequences.
Q51127920Accurate prediction of interfacial residues in two-domain proteins using evolutionary information: implications for three-dimensional modeling
Q51699017Accurate prediction of protein folding rates from sequence and sequence-derived residue flexibility and solvent accessibility
Q30342423Accurate prediction of solvent accessibility using neural networks-based regression.
Q41755871Accurate reconstruction of all-atom protein representations from side-chain-based low-resolution models
Q30366585Accurate single-sequence prediction of solvent accessible surface area using local and global features
Q48022610Accurate template-based modeling in CASP12 using the IntFOLD4-TS, ModFOLD6, and ReFOLD methods
Q73083577Acetyl-CoA enolization in citrate synthase: a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) study
Q34592447Achieving 80% ten-fold cross-validated accuracy for secondary structure prediction by large-scale training.
Q34522304Achieving reliability and high accuracy in automated protein docking: ClusPro, PIPER, SDU, and stability analysis in CAPRI rounds 13-19
Q52243379Acid helix-turn activator motif
Q69444361Acid-induced dimerization of skeletal troponin C
Q53575719Acid-induced loss of functional properties of bacterial cell division protein FtsZ: evidence for an alternative conformation at acidic pH.
Q30364207Acidic groups docked to well defined wetted pockets at the core of the binding interface: a tale of scoring and missing protein interactions in CAPRI.
Q51896285Acidic range titration of HEWL using a constant-pH molecular dynamics method
Q40163889Activation loop phosphorylation-independent kinase activity of human protein kinase C zeta
Q41652285Activation of blood coagulation factor VIIa with cleaved tissue factor extracellular domain and crystallization of the active complex
Q69826675Activation of retinal rod cyclic GMP-phosphodiesterase by transducin: characterization of the complex formed by phosphodiesterase inhibitor and transducin alpha-subunit
Q27657593Active and inactive state structures of unliganded Lactobacillus casei allosteric L-lactate dehydrogenase
Q44026702Active site conformation in myoglobin as determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Q42613455Active site dynamics of acyl-chymotrypsin
Q54069115Activity of crystalline turkey egg white lysozyme
Q30328049Adaptations of the helix-grip fold for ligand binding and catalysis in the START domain superfamily.
Q50951079Adaptive Smith-Waterman residue match seeding for protein structural alignment
Q74177440Addendum to crystal structure of recombinant trypsin-solubilized fragment of cytochrome b(5) and the structural comparison with Val61His mutant
Q39062782Addressing recent docking challenges: A hybrid strategy to integrate template-based and free protein-protein docking.
Q30350426Addressing the intrinsic disorder bottleneck in structural proteomics.
Q30323173Addressing the issue of sequence-to-structure alignments in comparative modeling of CASP3 target proteins.
Q30328398Adenine recognition: a motif present in ATP-, CoA-, NAD-, NADP-, and FAD-dependent proteins.
Q73594394Adipyl crosslinked bovine hemoglobins as new models of allosteric systems
Q44960719Adjacent cysteines are capable of ligating the same tetranuclear iron-sulfur cluster
Q46212567Adjusting potential energy functions for lattice models of chain molecules
Q28141081Adrenodoxin: structure, stability, and electron transfer properties
Q46917279Adsorption and folding dynamics of MPER of HIV-1 gp41 in the presence of DPC micelle.
Q30402449Advances in molecular engineering of carbohydrate-binding modules.
Q54617905Affinities of phosphorylated substrates for the E. coli tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit: roles of Ser-235 and helix-8' dipole.
Q70388089Affinity of nonhomologous amphiphilic peptides toward a monoclonal antibody raised against apolipoprotein A-I
Q40664616Age-related cleavages of crystallins in human lens cortical fiber cells generate a plethora of endogenous peptides and high molecular weight complexes.
Q91245002AggScore: Prediction of aggregation-prone regions in proteins based on the distribution of surface patches
Q54356548Aggregating the amyloid Abeta(11-25) peptide into a four-stranded beta-sheet structure
Q59673231Aggregation of small peptides studied by molecular dynamics simulations
Q31170430Aggregation prone regions in human proteome: Insights from large-scale data analyses
Q34543978Alanine and proline content modulate global sensitivity to discrete perturbations in disordered proteins
Q73062328Aldose and aldehyde reductases: correlation of molecular modeling and mass spectrometric studies on the binding of inhibitors to the active site
Q44403946Algorithms for computational solvent mapping of proteins
Q50563601Aligning, analyzing, and visualizing sequences for antibody engineering: Automated recognition of immunoglobulin variable region features
Q77538024Alignments grow, secondary structure prediction improves
Q48440493Alkaline phosphatase-somatostatin hybrid proteins as probes for somatostatin-14 receptors
Q39276813All-atom and coarse-grained simulations of the forced unfolding pathways of the SNARE complex.
Q83003785All-atom chain-building by optimizing MODELLER energy function using conformational space annealing
Q78434116All-atom fast protein folding simulations: the villin headpiece
Q30343744All-atom folding of the three-helix HIV accessory protein with an adaptive parallel tempering method.
Q90564442All-atom molecular dynamics simulations reveal how kinesin transits from one-head-bound to two-heads-bound state
Q46718310All-atom replica exchange molecular simulation of protein BBL.
Q91895799All-atom structure ensembles of islet amyloid polypeptides determined by enhanced sampling and experiment data restraints
Q44165223Allosteric effects of chloride ions at the intradimeric alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta2 interfaces of human hemoglobin
Q34032620Allosteric effects of the antipsychotic drug trifluoperazine on the energetics of calcium binding by calmodulin
Q43629661Allosteric free energy changes at the alpha 1 beta 2 interface of human hemoglobin probed by proton exchange of Trp beta 37.
Q45346177Allosteric regulation of PKCθ: understanding multistep phosphorylation and priming by ligands in AGC kinases
Q46786473Allosteric sites can be identified based on the residue-residue interaction energy difference
Q50887279Allosteric transitions of ATP-binding cassette transporter MsbA studied by the adaptive anisotropic network model.
Q30380931Allostery and conformational free energy changes in human tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase from essential dynamics and structure networks.
Q53123409All‐atom structural models of insulin binding to the insulin receptor in the presence of a tandem hormone‐binding element
Q72335558Alpha helix capping in synthetic model peptides by reciprocal side chain-main chain interactions: evidence for an N terminal "capping box"
Q47921655Alpha helix shortening in 1522 MSP-1 conserved peptide analogs is associated with immunogenicity and protection against P. falciparum malaria
Q30351250Alpha-alpha linking motifs and interhelical orientations.
Q31813824Alpha-amylase inhibitors selected from a combinatorial library of a cellulose binding domain scaffold
Q37918087Alpha-helical coiled coils and bundles: how to design an alpha-helical protein
Q83932055Alpha-helix stabilization by alanine relative to glycine: roles of polar and apolar solvent exposures and of backbone entropy
Q72200807Alpha-helix-forming propensities in peptides and proteins
Q47992535Alpha/beta-hydrolases: A unique structural motif coordinates catalytic acid residue in 40 protein fold families
Q107864575AlphaFold2 predicts the inward‐facing conformation of the multidrug transporter LmrP
Q81603069Alteration of protein subcellular location and domain formation by alternative translational initiation
Q48312992Altered dynamics upon oligomerization corresponds to key functional sites.
Q35803157Altered nuclear cofactor switching in retinoic‐resistant variants of the PML‐RARα oncoprotein of acute promyelocytic leukemia
Q33302442Altering the laccase functionality by in vivo assembly of mutant libraries with different mutational spectra
Q46456745Alternate succession of steps can lead to the folding of a multidomain oligomeric protein
Q30342103Alternative alignments from comparison of protein structures.
Q46102425Alternative zinc-binding sites explain the redox sensitivity of zinc-containing anti-sigma factors
Q47810376AmbiPack: A systematic algorithm for packing of macromolecular structures with ambiguous distance constraints
Q30379551Amino acid alphabet reduction preserves fold information contained in contact interactions in proteins.
Q43017132Amino acid coupling patterns in thermophilic proteins
Q46049108Amino acid function relates to its embedded protein microenvironment: A study on disulfide-bridged cystine
Q57739954Amino acid pairing at the N- and C-termini of helical segments in proteins
Q30380675Amino acid positions subject to multiple coevolutionary constraints can be robustly identified by their eigenvector network centrality scores
Q54463670Amino acid residues that determine functional specificity of NADP- and NAD-dependent isocitrate and isopropylmalate dehydrogenases.
Q51919300Amino acid sequence autocorrelation vectors and Bayesian-regularized genetic neural networks for modeling protein conformational stability: gene V protein mutants
Q47349668Amino acid sequence predicts folding rate for middle-size two-state proteins
Q46084397Amino acid substitution analysis of E. coli thymidylate synthase: the study of a highly conserved region at the N-terminus
Q30354410Amino acid substitutions affecting protein dynamics in eglin C do not affect heat capacity change upon unfolding.
Q82692307Amino acid substitutions at protein-protein interfaces that modulate the oligomeric state
Q69729591Amino acid substitutions that increase the thermal stability of the lambda Cro protein
Q37987535Amphipathic helix motif: classes and properties
Q29543244Amphipathic α-helices in proteins: Results from analysis of protein structures
Q50497689Amyloid aggregation of lysozyme: The synergy study of red wine polyphenols
Q51910115An NMA-guided path planning approach for computing large-amplitude conformational changes in proteins
Q91793239An NMR and MD study of complexes of bacteriophage lambda lysozyme with tetra- and hexa-N-acetylchitohexaose
Q54359608An NMR study of the N-terminal domain of wild-type hERG and a T65P trafficking deficient hERG mutant
Q30984170An NMR-based molecular dynamics simulation of the interaction of the lac repressor headpiece and its operator in aqueous solution
Q51638608An accurate feature-based method for identifying DNA-binding residues on protein surfaces.
Q83452854An accurate model of polyglutamine
Q45559122An algorithm for determining the conformation of polypeptide segments in proteins by systematic search
Q42554397An all-atom knowledge-based energy function for protein-DNA threading, docking decoy discrimination, and prediction of transcription-factor binding profiles
Q30157501An all-atom structure-based potential for proteins: bridging minimal models with all-atom empirical forcefields
Q28271509An all-atom, distance-dependent scoring function for the prediction of protein-DNA interactions from structure
Q27648910An alternate sucrose binding mode in the E203Q Arabidopsis invertase mutant: an X-ray crystallography and docking study
Q30846455An alternative view of protein fold space
Q41970502An amino acid code for irregular and mixed protein packing
Q41835427An amino acid code for β-sheet packing structure.
Q30381456An amino acid code to define a protein's tertiary packing surface.
Q28305576An amino acid has two sides: a new 2D measure provides a different view of solvent exposure
Q48468420An analysis approach to identify specific functional sites in orthologous proteins using sequence and structural information: application to neuroserpin reveals regions that differentially regulate inhibitory activity
Q52340732An analysis of side chain interactions and pair correlations within antiparallel beta-sheets: the differences between backbone hydrogen-bonded and non-hydrogen-bonded residue pairs
Q42614512An analysis of the conformational paths of citrate synthase
Q52074685An analysis of the helix-to-strand transition between peptides with identical sequence.
Q34106069An ancient anion-binding structural module in RNA and DNA helicases
Q30351280An assessment of the accuracy of methods for predicting hydrogen positions in protein structures.
Q27648766An asymmetric dimer of beta-lactoglobulin in a low humidity crystal form--structural changes that accompany partial dehydration and protein action
Q80594685An atomic resolution structure for human fibroblast growth factor 1
Q73864393An atoms-in-molecules study of the genetically-encoded amino acids: I. Effects of conformation and of tautomerization on geometric, atomic, and bond properties
Q30323188An attempt to analyse progress in fold recognition from CASP1 to CASP3.
Q27644751An autoantibody to single-stranded DNA: Comparison of the three-dimensional structures of the unliganded fab and a deoxynucleotide-fab complex
Q80443351An automated decision-tree approach to predicting protein interaction hot spots
Q42692720An automated method for consistent helix assignment using turn information.
Q52322027An automated method for dynamic ligand design
Q38232597An effective coarse-grained model for biological simulations: recent refinements and validations
Q33256083An efficient and generic strategy for producing soluble human proteins and domains in E. coli by screening construct libraries
Q30365631An efficient conformational sampling method for homology modeling.
Q43016309An electrostatic basis for the stability of thermophilic proteins
Q34365419An empirical energy function for threading protein sequence through the folding motif
Q78010864An empirical energy potential with a reference state for protein fold and sequence recognition
Q52018277An empirical model for electrostatic interactions in proteins incorporating multiple geometry‐dependent dielectric constants
Q34265765An energy-based conformer library for side chain optimization: improved prediction and adjustable sampling
Q46489564An engineered folded PLP-bound monomer of Treponema denticola cystalysin reveals the effect of the dimeric structure on the catalytic properties of the enzyme
Q82424690An enhanced elastic network model to represent the motions of domain-swapped proteins
Q57137624An evaluation of implicit and explicit solvent model systems for the molecular dynamics simulation of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme
Q57752477An evolutionary and structure-based docking model for glucocerebrosidase-saposin C and glucocerebrosidase-substrate interactions - relevance for Gaucher disease
Q34425600An evolutionary treasure: unification of a broad set of amidohydrolases related to urease
Q52507508An expectation maximization (EM) algorithm for the identification and characterization of common sites in unaligned biopolymer sequences
Q54577829An extended sampling of the configurational space of HPr from E. coli.
Q30421279An improved pair potential to recognize native protein folds
Q30333352An improved protein decoy set for testing energy functions for protein structure prediction.
Q51897089An insight into the general relationship between the three dimensional structures of enzymes and their electronic wave functions: Implication for the prediction of functional sites of enzymes
Q58112061An insight of early PrP-E200K aggregation by combined molecular dynamics/fragment molecular orbital approaches
Q27653168An intact SAM-dependent methyltransferase fold is encoded by the human endothelin-converting enzyme-2 gene
Q27689465An integrated approach for thermal stabilization of a mesophilic adenylate kinase
Q33669063An integrated approach to inferring gene-disease associations in humans
Q34188571An integrated suite of fast docking algorithms
Q27678283An intersubunit disulfide bridge stabilizes the tetrameric nucleoside diphosphate kinase of Aquifex aeolicus
Q51961972An intuitive approach to measuring protein surface curvature.
Q80626080An iterative knowledge-based scoring function for protein-protein recognition
Q60668711An iterative structure-assisted approach to sequence alignment and comparative modeling
Q52141283An iterative structure-assisted approach to sequence alignment and comparative modeling.
Q39698701An optimized MM/PBSA virtual screening approach applied to an HIV-1 gp41 fusion peptide inhibitor.
Q92315987An overview of data-driven HADDOCK strategies in CAPRI rounds 38-45
Q116729526An overview of the Plasmodium falciparum hexose transporter and its therapeutic interventions
Q40161441An unsuspected ecdysteroid/steroid phosphatase activity in the key T-cell regulator, Sts-1: surprising relationship to insect ecdysteroid phosphate phosphatase
Q44898256An unusual triosephosphate isomerase from the early divergent eukaryote Giardia lamblia.
Q41940863An unusually small dimer interface is observed in all available crystal structures of cytosolic sulfotransferases
Q27702504Anabaena sp. DyP-type peroxidase is a tetramer consisting of two asymmetric dimers
Q58621984Anabaenaapoflavodoxin hydrogen exchange: On the stable exchange core of the α/β(21345) flavodoxin-like family
Q51068333Analycys: a database for conservation and conformation of disulphide bonds in homologous protein domains
Q89915418Analyses of protein cores reveal fundamental differences between solution and crystal structures
Q54627051Analyses of the folding properties of ferredoxin-like fold proteins by means of a coarse-grained Gō model: relationship between the free energy profiles and folding cores.
Q30794988Analysis and assessment of ab initio three-dimensional prediction, secondary structure, and contacts prediction
Q47616798Analysis and assessment of comparative modeling predictions in CASP4.
Q45623134Analysis and network representation of hotspots in protein interfaces using minimum cut trees.
Q52933950Analysis and prediction of helix-helix interactions in membrane channels and transporters
Q30367312Analysis and prediction of protein local structure based on structure alphabets.
Q30421316Analysis of C alpha geometry in protein structures
Q44817530Analysis of CDK2 active-site hydration: a method to design new inhibitors
Q84524231Analysis of Ca2+/Mg2+ selectivity in alpha-lactalbumin and Ca(2+)-binding lysozyme reveals a distinct Mg(2+)-specific site in lysozyme
Q45279346Analysis of GTPases carrying hydrophobic amino acid substitutions in lieu of the catalytic glutamine: implications for GTP hydrolysis
Q77435969Analysis of N-terminal capping using carbonyl-carbon chemical shift measurements
Q30363498Analysis of TASSER-based CASP7 protein structure prediction results.
Q30328086Analysis of a data set of paired uncomplexed protein structures: new metrics for side-chain flexibility and model evaluation.
Q114234888Analysis of amyloidogenic transthyretin mutations using continuum solvent free energy calculations
Q56901077Analysis of antibodies of known structure suggests a lack of correspondence between the residues in contact with the antigen and those modified by somatic hypermutation
Q51922352Analysis of chameleon sequences and their implications in biological processes
Q74252586Analysis of comparative modeling predictions for CASP2 targets 1, 3, 9, and 17
Q46754270Analysis of correlated domain motions in IgG light chain reveals possible mechanisms of immunological signal transduction
Q47898390Analysis of deep learning methods for blind protein contact prediction in CASP12.
Q93026322Analysis of distance-based protein structure prediction by deep learning in CASP13
Q48709850Analysis of domain motions by approximate normal mode calculations
Q58008923Analysis of domain motions in large proteins
Q34794325Analysis of electrostatic contributions to the selectivity of interactions between RING-finger domains and ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes
Q54353016Analysis of electrostatic interactions in the denatured state ensemble of the N-terminal domain of L9 under native conditions
Q30380565Analysis of free modeling predictions by RBO aleph in CASP11.
Q27652879Analysis of nasturtium TmNXG1 complexes by crystallography and molecular dynamics provides detailed insight into substrate recognition by family GH16 xyloglucan endo-transglycosylases and endo-hydrolases
Q57133878Analysis of pH-dependent elements in proteins: geometry and properties of pairs of hydrogen-bonded carboxylic acid side-chains
Q38501868Analysis of protein function and its prediction from amino acid sequence
Q36014909Analysis of protein homology by assessing the (dis)similarity in protein loop regions
Q52423082Analysis of protein sheet topologies by graph theoretical methods
Q52007585Analysis of protein structures reveals regions of rare backbone conformation at functional sites.
Q51602292Analysis of proton wires in the enzyme active site suggests a mechanism of c-di-GMP hydrolysis by the EAL domain phosphodiesterases.
Q42537687Analysis of secondary structure and self-assembly of amelogenin by variable temperature circular dichroism and isothermal titration calorimetry
Q52141082Analysis of sequence signature defining functional specificity and structural stability in helix-loop-helix proteins
Q45205601Analysis of sequence-reactivity space for protein-protein interactions
Q81413470Analysis of similarity/dissimilarity of protein sequences
Q42609804Analysis of singleton ORFans in fully sequenced microbial genomes
Q42635906Analysis of six protein structures predicted by comparative modeling techniques
Q44929415Analysis of solvent structure in proteins using neutron D2O-H2O solvent maps: pattern of primary and secondary hydration of trypsin
Q44242211Analysis of the binding energies of testosterone, 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate with an antitestosterone antibody
Q44464205Analysis of the differences in the folding kinetics of structurally homologous proteins based on predictions of the gross features of residue contacts
Q43069600Analysis of the electrochemistry of hemes with E(m)s spanning 800 mV.
Q34254489Analysis of the linker region joining the adenylation and carrier protein domains of the modular nonribosomal peptide synthetases.
Q84583065Analysis of the movements of helices in EF-hands
Q34727787Analysis of the peroxiredoxin family: using active-site structure and sequence information for global classification and residue analysis
Q30429654Analysis of the predicted structures of domain 1 of protein g3 (T0030) and NK‐lysin (T0042)
Q48207992Analysis of the products of genes encompassed by the theoretically predicted pathogenicity islands of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis.
Q53516474Analysis of the protein kinome of Entamoeba histolytica
Q30367758Analysis of the residue-residue coevolution network and the functionally important residues in proteins.
Q43728443Analysis of the segmental stability of helical peptides by isotope-edited infrared spectroscopy
Q44209003Analysis of the sequence and structural features of the left-handed beta-helical fold
Q60913981Analysis of the steric strain in the polypeptide backbone of protein molecules
Q52276346Analysis of the structure of HIV-1 protease complexed with a hexapeptide inhibitor. Part II: Molecular dynamic studies of the active site region
Q36849662Analysis of the structure of chemically synthesized HIV-1 protease complexed with a hexapeptide inhibitor. Part I: Crystallographic refinement of 2 A data.
Q27650208Analysis of the structure of human apo-S100B at low temperature indicates a unimodal conformational distribution is adopted by calcium-free S100 proteins
Q52302212Analysis of topological and nontopological structural similarities in the PDB: new examples with old structures
Q54591150Analysis of water patterns in protein kinase binding sites.
Q57991167Analysis of zinc-ligand bond lengths in metalloproteins: Trends and patterns
Q46114043Analysis on folding of misgurin using two-dimensional HP model
Q42201409Analysis on long-range residue-residue communication using molecular dynamics
Q51647257Analytical shape computation of macromolecules: I. molecular area and volume through alpha shape
Q51647253Analytical shape computation of macromolecules: II. Inaccessible cavities in proteins
Q46823177Analyzing and modeling the inhibitory effect of phosphatidic acid on the GTP-gamma-S binding activity of Goalpha
Q83159754Analyzing large-scale structural change in proteins: comparison of principal component projection and Sammon mapping
Q52214947Analyzing protein circular dichroism spectra for accurate secondary structures
Q113555581Analyzing protein circular dichroism spectra for accurate secondary structures
Q46920266Analyzing the catalytic mechanism of MPtpA: a low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis through site-directed mutagenesis
Q51050680Analyzing the effect of homogeneous frustration in protein folding.
Q56770481Anatomy of a structural pathway for activation of the catalytic domain of Src kinase Hck
Q44566271Anatomy of specific interactions between lambda repressor and operator DNA.
Q27643235Ancestral sequence evolutionary trace and crystal structure analyses of alkaline alpha-amylase from Bacillus sp. KSM-1378 to clarify the alkaline adaptation process of proteins
Q80962906Anchor profiles of HLA-specific peptides: analysis by a novel affinity scoring method and experimental validation
Q46600393Anchoring effects in a wide binding pocket: the molecular basis of regioselectivity in engineered cytochrome P450 monooxygenase from B. megaterium.
Q47804956Anion induced conformational preference of Cα NN motif residues in functional proteins
Q73798402Anion-induced stabilization of human serum albumin prevents the formation of intermediate during urea denaturation
Q53665755Anisotropic effective interactions in a coarse-grained tube picture of proteins
Q68697933Anisotropy and anharmonicity of atomic fluctuations in proteins: analysis of a molecular dynamics simulation
Q33289747Annexin A2/P11 interaction: new insights into annexin A2 tetramer structure by chemical crosslinking, high-resolution mass spectrometry, and computational modeling
Q46701909Anomalies in the ionic properties of serum albumin
Q83003932Another look at the conditions for the extraction of protein knowledge-based potentials
Q45777876Antagonist binding and induced conformational dynamics of GPCR A2A adenosine receptor
Q46036599Anti-apoptotic Bcl-XL protein in complex with BH3 peptides of pro-apoptotic Bak, Bad, and Bim proteins: comparative molecular dynamics simulations.
Q33425252Anti-cooperativity and cooperativity in hydrophobic interactions: Three-body free energy landscapes and comparison with implicit-solvent potential functions for proteins
Q30835904Anti-idiotypic protein domains selected from protein A-based affibody libraries
Q86705196Antiapoptotic Bcl-2 homolog CED-9 in Caenorhabditis elegans: dynamics of BH3 and CED-4 binding regions and comparison with mammalian antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins
Q41172450Antibodies as a model system for comparative model refinement.
Q52206838Antibody BCF2 against scorpion toxin Cn2 from Centuroides noxius Hoffmann: primary structure and three-dimensional model as free Fv fragment and complexed with its antigen
Q58665182Antibody BCF2 against scorpion toxin cn2 fromCentruroides noxius hoffmann: Primary structure and three-dimensional model as free fv fragment and complexed with its antigen
Q27674338Antibody modeling assessment
Q27689511Antibody modeling assessment II. Structures and models
Q44898263Antibody recognition of chiral surfaces. Structural models of antibody complexes with leucine-leucine-tyrosine crystal surfaces
Q47214903Antibody side chain conformations are position-dependent
Q30360105Antibody structure determination using a combination of homology modeling, energy-based refinement, and loop prediction.
Q89749874Anticodon-binding domain swapping in a nondiscriminating aspartyl-tRNA synthetase reveals contributions to tRNA specificity and catalytic activity
Q92039566Antimicrobial activity and structure of a consensus human β-defensin and its comparison to a novel putative hBD10
Q46764629Apo-parvalbumin as an intrinsically disordered protein
Q68763755Apolar peptide models for conformational heterogeneity, hydration, and packing of polypeptide helices: crystal structure of hepta- and octapeptides containing alpha-aminoisobutyric acid
Q44898266Apolipoprotein E-low density lipoprotein receptor binding: study of protein-protein interaction in rationally selected docked complexes
Q40553676Application of 3D-Jury, GRDB, and Verify3D in fold recognition
Q28133308Application of InChI to curate, index, and query 3-D structures
Q30329571Application of PROSPECT in CASP4: characterizing protein structures with new folds.
Q43804448Application of a directed conformational search for generating 3-D coordinates for protein structures from alpha-carbon coordinates
Q51679184Application of biasing-potential replica-exchange simulations for loop modeling and refinement of proteins in explicit solvent
Q90321405Application of docking methodologies to modeled proteins
Q45752370Application of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for studying human immunodeficiency virus protein complexes
Q30367324Application of information theory to a three-body coarse-grained representation of proteins in the PDB: insights into the structural and evolutionary roles of residues in protein structure.
Q51607223Application of long‐range order to predict unfolding rates of two‐state proteins
Q29614377Application of multiple sequence alignment profiles to improve protein secondary structure prediction
Q37480652Application of nonlinear dimensionality reduction to characterize the conformational landscape of small peptides
Q57128603Application of the Gaussian dielectric boundary in Zap to the prediction of protein pKa values
Q47762472Application of the fuzzy-oil-drop model to membrane protein simulation
Q42041433Applying Undertaker to quality assessment
Q43490153Applying conformational selection theory to improve crossdocking efficiency in 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1.
Q30373263Applying undertaker cost functions to model quality assessment.
Q47606431Approaching the CAPRI challenge with an efficient geometry-based docking
Q48256361Aquerium: A web application for comparative exploration of domain-based protein occurrences on the taxonomically clustered genome tree
Q47773583Archaea S-layer nanotube from a "black smoker" in complex with cyclo-octasulfur (S8 ) rings
Q99553561Archaeal roots of intramembrane aspartyl protease siblings signal peptide peptidase and presenilin
Q46650298Archeal lectins: An identification through a genomic search
Q103739890Are Granulins Copper Sequestering Proteins?
Q30363491Are aromatic carbon donor hydrogen bonds linear in proteins?
Q30430535Are knowledge-based potentials derived from protein structure sets discriminative with respect to amino acid types?
Q58024676Are knowledge-based potentials derived from protein structure sets discriminative with respect to amino acid types?
Q52913168Are membrane proteins "inside-out" proteins?
Q51960314Are structural biases at protein termini a signature of vectorial folding?
Q57000452Are there dominant membrane protein families with a given number of helices?
Q88162775Arginine side chain stacking with peptide plane stabilizes the protein helix conformation in a cooperative way
Q77771890Arm-domain interactions in proteins: a review
Q43728440Aromatic di-alanine repeats (AdAR) are structural motifs characteristic of the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein (SNAP) family
Q43503098Aromatic interactions in homeodomains contribute to the low quantum yield of a conserved, buried tryptophan
Q44125151Aromatic side-chain interactions in proteins. I. Main structural features
Q44125153Aromatic side-chain interactions in proteins. II. Near- and far-sequence Phe-X pairs
Q44745629Aromatic side-chain interactions in proteins: near- and far-sequence Tyr-X pairs
Q98161413Artificial protein sequences enable recognition of vicinal and distant protein functional relationships
Q30008902Artificial proteins as allosteric modulators of PDZ3 and SH3 in two-domain constructs: A computational characterization of novel chimeric proteins
Q57469526Asp271 is critical for substrate interaction with the surface binding site in β-agarase A from Zobellia galactanivorans
Q30411473Asparagine and glutamine differ in their propensities to form specific side chain‐backbone hydrogen bonded motifs in proteins
Q79935408Assay for rapid analysis of the tri-peptidase activity of LTA4 hydrolase
Q57851675Assembling novel protein folds from super-secondary structural fragments
Q47826690Assembly factors of F1FO-ATP synthase across genomes.
Q44875749Assembly of a tetrameric alpha-helical bundle: computer simulations on an intermediate-resolution protein model
Q30431371Assembly of protein structure from sparse experimental data: An efficient Monte Carlo model
Q73589794Assembly of protein tertiary structures from secondary structures using optimized potentials
Q81383344Assembly of the oncogenic DNA-binding complex LMO2-Ldb1-TAL1-E12
Q33248321Assembly of transmembrane helices of simple polytopic membrane proteins from sequence conservation patterns
Q30352380Assessing a novel approach for predicting local 3D protein structures from sequence.
Q44060639Assessing equilibration and convergence in biomolecular simulations
Q80638893Assessing model accuracy using the homology modeling automatically software
Q81635428Assessing precision and accuracy of protein structures derived from NMR data
Q36312787Assessing protein disorder and induced folding
Q30365141Assessing secondary structure assignment of protein structures by using pairwise sequence-alignment benchmarks.
Q90516508Assessing the accuracy of contact predictions in CASP13
Q57600747Assessing the acid-base and conformational properties of histidine residues in human prion protein (125-228) by means of pKa calculations and molecular dynamics simulations
Q47597353Assessing the energy landscape of CAPRI targets by FunHunt
Q47909076Assessing the reconstruction of macromolecular assemblies with toleranced models
Q51904487Assessing the reliability of sequence similarities detected through hydrophobic cluster analysis
Q125345893Assessing the utility of CASP14 models for molecular replacement
Q36672683Assessment of 3D models for allergen research
Q28258469Assessment of CAPRI predictions in rounds 3-5 shows progress in docking procedures
Q30352237Assessment of CASP10 contact‐assisted predictions
Q30384592Assessment of CASP11 contact-assisted predictions.
Q28274204Assessment of CASP6 predictions for new and nearly new fold targets
Q28250579Assessment of CASP7 predictions for template-based modeling targets
Q28250562Assessment of CASP7 predictions in the high accuracy template-based modeling category
Q28250552Assessment of CASP7 structure predictions for template free targets
Q35004666Assessment of CASP8 structure predictions for template free targets
Q107868722Assessment of Protein Model Structure Accuracy Estimation in CASP14: Old and New Challenges
Q34272407Assessment of RAPTOR's linear programming approach in CAFASP3
Q57753457Assessment of a protein fold recognition method that takes into account four physicochemical properties: side-chain packing, solvation, hydrogen-bonding, and local conformation
Q47613358Assessment of blind predictions of protein-protein interactions: current status of docking methods
Q90380555Assessment of chemical-crosslink-assisted protein structure modeling in CASP13
Q92908653Assessment of chemical-crosslink-assisted protein structure modeling in CASP13
Q47628125Assessment of comparative modeling in CASP2.
Q45944467Assessment of contact predictions in CASP12: co-evolution and deep learning coming of age.
Q47299350Assessment of data-assisted prediction by inclusion of crosslinking/mass-spectrometry and small angle X-ray scattering data in the 12th Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction experiment.
Q51963679Assessment of disorder predictions in CASP6.
Q30363273Assessment of disorder predictions in CASP7.
Q57998345Assessment of disorder predictions in CASP8
Q30380197Assessment of domain boundary predictions and the prediction of intramolecular contacts in CASP8.
Q30351465Assessment of fold recognition predictions in CASP6.
Q43090923Assessment of fully automated antibody homology modeling protocols in molecular operating environment
Q57208983Assessment of global and local model quality in CASP8 using Pcons and ProQ
Q46130527Assessment of hard target modeling in CASP12 reveals an emerging role of alignment-based contact prediction methods.
Q30336223Assessment of homology-based predictions in CASP5.
Q30363176Assessment of intramolecular contact predictions for CASP7.
Q30380200Assessment of ligand binding residue predictions in CASP8
Q30356831Assessment of ligand binding site predictions in CASP10
Q41782161Assessment of ligand-binding residue predictions in CASP9.
Q46225966Assessment of model accuracy estimations in CASP12.
Q54550923Assessment of novel fold targets in CASP4: predictions of three-dimensional structures, secondary structures, and interresidue contacts.
Q30363275Assessment of predictions in the model quality assessment category.
Q28274192Assessment of predictions submitted for the CASP6 comparative modeling category
Q30363268Assessment of predictions submitted for the CASP7 domain prediction category.
Q30363079Assessment of predictions submitted for the CASP7 function prediction category.
Q44072765Assessment of progress over the CASP experiments
Q46521126Assessment of protein assembly prediction in CASP12.
Q92368472Assessment of protein assembly prediction in CASP13
Q29048205Assessment of protein disorder region predictions in CASP10
Q92767126Assessment of protein model structure accuracy estimation in CASP13: Challenges in the era of deep learning
Q30360108Assessment of protein side-chain conformation prediction methods in different residue environments.
Q30409206Assessment of protein structure refinement in CASP9.
Q30386930Assessment of refinement of template-based models in CASP11.
Q30408257Assessment of template based protein structure predictions in CASP9.
Q30386933Assessment of template-based modeling of protein structure in CASP11.
Q30356624Assessment of template-based protein structure predictions in CASP10
Q30356925Assessment of template-free modeling in CASP10 and ROLL.
Q77615096Assessment of the CASP4 fold recognition category
Q29048204Assessment of the assessment: evaluation of the model quality estimates in CASP10
Q45944463Assessment of the model refinement category in CASP12.
Q30380207Assessment of the protein-structure refinement category in CASP8
Q30980220Assigning new GO annotations to protein data bank sequences by combining structure and sequence homology
Q30322703Assigning secondary structure from protein coordinate data.
Q73798412Assignment of enzyme substrate specificity by principal component analysis of aligned protein sequences: an experimental test using DNA glycosylase homologs
Q30358637Assignment of polar states for protein amino acid residues using an interaction cluster decomposition algorithm and its application to high resolution protein structure modeling.
Q61758587Assignment of the contribution of the tryptophan residues to the spectroscopic and functional properties of the ribotoxin alpha-sarcin
Q54702312Assignment of the nucleotide binding sites and the mechanism of substrate inhibition of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase.
Q33241148Association of calcineurin with mitochondrial proteins
Q46015642Association of calmodulin and smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase: application of a label selection technique with trace acetylated calmodulin.
Q28291205Associative mechanism for phosphoryl transfer: a molecular dynamics simulation of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase complexed with its substrates
Q85185882Asymmetric amyloid fibril elongation: a new perspective on a symmetric world
Q50874939Asymmetric inclusion by de novo designed proteins: fluorescence probe studies on amphiphilic alpha-helix bundles
Q28271287At the dawn of the 21st century: Is dynamics the missing link for understanding enzyme catalysis?
Q71374330Atomic and residue hydrophilicity in the context of folded protein structures
Q79210060Atomic contact vectors in protein‐protein recognition
Q80353249Atomic contacts in protein structures. A detailed analysis of atomic radii, packing, and overlaps
Q47715167Atomic insight into the CD4 binding-induced conformational changes in HIV-1 gp120.
Q27648909Atomic resolution (1.1 A) structure of the ribosome-inactivating protein PD-L4 from Phytolacca dioica L. leaves
Q27697263Atomic resolution crystal structure of HV-BBI protease inhibitor from amphibian skin in complex with bovine trypsin
Q27643632Atomic resolution crystal structures of HIV-1 protease and mutants V82A and I84V with saquinavir
Q27660254Atomic resolution crystallography of a complex of triosephosphate isomerase with a reaction-intermediate analog: new insight in the proton transfer reaction mechanism
Q27640989Atomic resolution structure of prokaryotic phospholipase A2: Analysis of internal motion and implication for a catalytic mechanism
Q27678807Atomic structure of the nuclear pore complex targeting domain of a nup116 homologue from the yeast, Candida glabrata
Q51967602Atomically detailed potentials to recognize native and approximate protein structures
Q45297035Atomistic mechanisms of huntingtin N-terminal fragment insertion on a phospholipid bilayer revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
Q74449590Atoms-in-molecules study of the genetically encoded amino acids. II. Computational study of molecular geometries
Q44515170Atoms-in-molecules study of the genetically encoded amino acids. III. Bond and atomic properties and their correlations with experiment including mutation-induced changes in protein stability and genetic coding
Q79992379Attempt to simplify the amino-acid sequence of photoactive yellow protein with a set of simple rules
Q34121578Automatch: Target‐binding protein design and enzyme design by automatic pinpointing potential active sites in available protein scaffolds
Q30361881Automated Aufbau of antibody structures from given sequences using Macromoltek's SmrtMolAntibody.
Q42005537Automated antibody structure prediction using Accelrys tools: results and best practices
Q30329583Automated assignment of SCOP and CATH protein structure classifications from FSSP scores.
Q46391824Automated computation of low-energy pathways for complex rearrangements in proteins: application to the conformational switch of Ras p21.
Q46055675Automated docking in crystallography: analysis of the substrates of aconitase
Q38311573Automated docking of alpha-(1-->4)- and alpha-(1-->6)-linked glucosyl trisaccharides and maltopentaose into the soybean beta-amylase active site.
Q38345522Automated docking of glucosyl disaccharides in the glucoamylase active site
Q38317891Automated docking of maltose, 2-deoxymaltose, and maltotetraose into the soybean beta-amylase active site
Q38348797Automated docking of monosaccharide substrates and analogues and methyl alpha-acarviosinide in the glucoamylase active site
Q34640538Automated docking of substrates to proteins by simulated annealing
Q43825573Automated docking to multiple target structures: incorporation of protein mobility and structural water heterogeneity in AutoDock
Q44379446Automated generation of MCSS-derived pharmacophoric DOCK site points for searching multiconformation databases
Q42642389Automated identification of binding sites for phosphorylated ligands in protein structures
Q30323114Automated large scale evaluation of protein structure predictions.
Q30395997Automated minimization of steric clashes in protein structures
Q52261420Automated multiple analysis of protein structures: application to homology modeling of cytochromes P450.
Q47618994Automated multiple structure alignment and detection of a common substructural motif
Q30336233Automated prediction of CASP-5 structures using the Robetta server.
Q30351479Automated prediction of domain boundaries in CASP6 targets using Ginzu and RosettaDOM.
Q46283837Automated prediction of ligand-binding sites in proteins
Q28252646Automated protein structure modeling in CASP9 by I‐TASSER pipeline combined with QUARK‐based ab initio folding and FG‐MD‐based structure refinement
Q39983192Automated scaffold selection for enzyme design
Q28250590Automated server predictions in CASP7
Q37348271Automated site preparation in physics-based rescoring of receptor ligand complexes
Q39682349Automated tertiary structure prediction with accurate local model quality assessment using the intfold‐ts method
Q30984863Automated use of mutagenesis data in structure prediction
Q43561238Automatic annotation of protein function based on family identification
Q57209027Automatic consensus-based fold recognition using Pcons, ProQ, and Pmodeller
Q51986886Automatic domain decomposition of proteins by a Gaussian Network Model
Q52335319Automatic identification of discrete substates in proteins: singular value decomposition analysis of time-averaged crystallographic refinements
Q47597143Automatic prediction of protein interactions with large scale motion
Q30358064Automatic procedure for using models of proteins in molecular replacement.
Q47797377Automatic structure prediction of oligomeric assemblies using Robetta in CASP12.
Q47307485Automatic target selection for structural genomics on eukaryotes
Q51139343Automating human intuition for protein design
Q30322332Averaging interaction energies over homologs improves protein fold recognition in gapless threading.
Q46013258Axial ligand replacement in horse heart cytochrome c by semisynthesis.
Q30437666B. subtilis ykuD protein at 2.0 A resolution: insights into the structure and function of a novel, ubiquitous family of bacterial enzymes
Q44322003BATMAS30: amino acid substitution matrix for alignment of bacterial transporters.
Q80934686BAliBASE 3.0: latest developments of the multiple sequence alignment benchmark
Q30354487BCL::Fold--protein topology determination from limited NMR restraints.
Q30373207BCL::MP-fold: Membrane protein structure prediction guided by EPR restraints
Q36701877BCL::SAXS: GPU accelerated Debye method for computation of small angle X-ray scattering profiles
Q34040043BSP‐SLIM: A blind low‐resolution ligand‐protein docking approach using predicted protein structures
Q33384020Backbone conformations and side chain flexibility of two somatostatin mimics investigated by molecular dynamics simulations
Q34389044Backbone dependency further improves side chain prediction efficiency in the Energy-based Conformer Library (bEBL).
Q43256919Backbone dynamics of TFE-induced native-like fold of region 4 of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase sigma70 subunit
Q73134460Backbone dynamics of barstar: a (15)N NMR relaxation study
Q78675885Backbone dynamics of the CC-chemokine eotaxin-2 and comparison among the eotaxin group chemokines
Q52035295Backbone dynamics, fast folding, and secondary structure formation in helical proteins and peptides
Q73784255Backbone entropy of loops as a measure of their flexibility: Application to a Ras protein simulated by molecular dynamics
Q80389891Backbone-backbone geometry of tertiary contacts between alpha-helices
Q27743100Bactericidal antibody recognition of a PorA epitope of Neisseria meningitidis: crystal structure of a Fab fragment in complex with a fluorescein-conjugated peptide
Q30397208Balancing exploration and exploitation in population-based sampling improves fragment-based de novo protein structure prediction
Q30787844Banding of NMR-derived methyl order parameters: implications for protein dynamics
Q27649937Barley aldose reductase: structure, cofactor binding, and substrate recognition in the aldo/keto reductase 4C family
Q78854479Basic interdomain boundary residues in calmodulin decrease calcium affinity of sites I and II by stabilizing helix-helix interactions
Q47388542Bayesian estimation of NMR restraint potential and weight: a validation on a representative set of protein structures
Q30352859Bayesian model aggregation for ensemble-based estimates of protein pKa values.
Q40744027Bayesian probabilistic approach for predicting backbone structures in terms of protein blocks
Q51629036Behavior of the ATP grasp domain of biotin carboxylase monomers and dimers studied using molecular dynamics simulations
Q30361172Benchmarking of TASSER in the ab initio limit.
Q51952143Benchmarking of dimeric threading and structure refinement
Q39273299Benchmarking protein-protein interface predictions: why you should care about protein size
Q57851681Benchmarking secondary structure prediction for fold recognition
Q30362845Benchmarking template selection and model quality assessment for high-resolution comparative modeling.
Q40093904Bending of the BST-2 coiled-coil during viral budding.
Q70618648Beta VI turns in peptides and proteins: a model peptide mimicry
Q45028392Beta-hairpin conformation of fibrillogenic peptides: structure and alpha-beta transition mechanism revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
Q27683632Beta-lactamase of Bacillus licheniformis 749/C at 2 A resolution
Q35968690Beta-sheet coil transitions in a simple polypeptide model
Q80353252Beta-strand recombination in tricalbin evolution and the origin of synaptotagmin-like C2 domains
Q51099059BetaVoid: molecular voids via beta-complexes and Voronoi diagrams
Q30156038Beta‐barrel models of soluble amyloid beta oligomers and annular protofibrils
Q30429659Better 1D predictions by experts with machines
Q30336265Better prediction of sub-cellular localization by combining evolutionary and structural information.
Q33253189Better prediction of the location of alpha-turns in proteins with support vector machine
Q57973959Beyond Lumry-Eyring: An unexpected pattern of operational reversibility/irreversibility in protein denaturation
Q30376826Beyond the Twilight Zone: automated prediction of structural properties of proteins by recursive neural networks and remote homology information.
Q30719266Beyond the rotamer library: genetic algorithm combined with the disturbing mutation process for upbuilding protein side-chains
Q27700247Bh3 induced conformational changes in Bcl-Xl revealed by crystal structure and comparative analysis
Q52078681BiGGER: a new (soft) docking algorithm for predicting protein interactions
Q39692774BiPPred: Combined sequence- and structure-based prediction of peptide binding to the Hsp70 chaperone BiP.
Q52053621Bias-free separation of internal and overall motion of biomolecules
Q30410723Bihelix: Towards de novo structure prediction of an ensemble of G‐protein coupled receptor conformations
Q81878003Binding MOAD (Mother Of All Databases)
Q30157496Binding and release of cholesterol in the Osh4 protein of yeast
Q90183701Binding and structural studies of the complexes of type 1 ribosome inactivating protein from Momordica balsamina with uracil and uridine
Q81394699Binding energy analysis for wild-type and Y181C mutant HIV-1 RT/8-Cl TIBO complex structures: quantum chemical calculations based on the ONIOM method
Q71374325Binding geometry of alpha-helices that recognize DNA
Q35450396Binding hotspots on K-ras: consensus ligand binding sites and other reactive regions from probe-based molecular dynamics analysis
Q46029368Binding interactions of kistrin with platelet glycoprotein IIb-IIIa: analysis by site-directed mutagenesis.
Q41981433Binding interface prediction by combining protein-protein docking results
Q53028079Binding mode analysis of a major T3SS translocator protein PopB with its chaperone PcrH from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q43676072Binding of AMP to two of the four subunits of pig kidney fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase induces the allosteric transition
Q51921200Binding of antifusion peptides with HIVgp41 from molecular dynamics simulations: quantitative correlation with experiment
Q83053117Binding of calcium is sensed structurally and dynamically throughout the second calcium-binding domain of the sodium/calcium exchanger
Q72668321Binding of cyanide, cyanate, and thiocyanate to human carbonic anhydrase II
Q30344056Binding of glutamine to glutamine-binding protein from Escherichia coli induces changes in protein structure and increases protein stability.
Q27658022Binding of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates (N-BPs) to the Trypanosoma cruzi farnesyl diphosphate synthase homodimer
Q34680971Binding of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to Abeta fibril
Q45194407Binding of recombinant PrPc to human plasminogen: kinetic and thermodynamic study using a resonant mirror biosensor
Q52073334Binding of small organic molecules to macromolecular targets: evaluation of conformational entropy changes
Q27649299Binding of sulfonium-ion analogues of di-epi-swainsonine and 8-epi-lentiginosine to Drosophila Golgi alpha-mannosidase II: the role of water in inhibitor binding
Q50862492Binding similarity network of ligand
Q34254661Binding site multiplicity with fatty acid ligands: implications for the regulation of PKR kinase autophosphorylation with palmitate
Q51670398Binding site prediction and improved scoring during flexible protein-protein docking with ATTRACT.
Q42675837Binding site-based classification of coronaviral papain-like proteases
Q37083934Binding specificity of SH2 domains: insight from free energy simulations
Q35070607Binding to the open conformation of HIV-1 protease
Q30370399BioGPS: navigating biological space to predict polypharmacology, off-targeting, and selectivity.
Q38288656Biochemical characterization and structural insight into aliphatic β-amino acid adenylation enzymes IdnL1 and CmiS6.
Q46841052Biological and functional relevance of CASP predictions.
Q30388103Biological function derived from predicted structures in CASP11.
Q80752690Biological implications of SNPs in signal peptide domains of human proteins
Q33318033Biological roles of specific peptides in enzymes
Q81892387Biologically enhanced sampling geometric docking and backbone flexibility treatment with multiconformational superposition
Q51149144Biophysical characterization and structural determination of the potent cytotoxic Psathyrella asperospora lectin
Q56775080Biophysical characterization of Vpu from HIV-1 suggests a channel-pore dualism
Q27649768Biotinoyl domain of human acetyl-CoA carboxylase: Structural insights into the carboxyl transfer mechanism
Q77314214Biphasic denaturation of human placental alkaline phosphatase in guanidinium chloride
Q44252311BisANS binding to tubulin: isothermal titration calorimetry and the site-specific proteolysis reveal the GTP-induced structural stability of tubulin
Q90709301Blind prediction of homo- and hetero-protein complexes: The CASP13-CAPRI experiment
Q36090741Blind prediction of interfacial water positions in CAPRI
Q39251813Blind prediction performance of RosettaAntibody 3.0: grafting, relaxation, kinematic loop modeling, and full CDR optimization.
Q30429651Blind predictions of local protein structure in CASP2 targets using the I‐sites library
Q47584313Blind predictions of protein interfaces by docking calculations in CAPRI
Q30385316Blind testing of cross-linking/mass spectrometry hybrid methods in CASP11.
Q51501247Blind, one‐eyed, or eagle‐eyed? pKa calculations during blind predictions with staphylococcal nuclease
Q92617098Boosting phosphorylation site prediction with sequence feature-based machine learning
Q51591338Both helical propensity and side-chain hydrophobicity at a partially exposed site in alpha-helix contribute to the thermodynamic stability of ubiquitin
Q57145042Bridging between normal mode analysis and elastic network models
Q34434040Bridging of anions by hydrogen bonds in nest motifs and its significance for Schellman loops and other larger motifs within proteins
Q30379050Bridging of partially negative atoms by hydrogen bonds from main-chain NH groups in proteins: The crown motif.
Q58484057Browsing gene banks for Fe2S2 ferredoxins and structural modeling of 88 plant-type sequences: An analysis of fold and function
Q30380943BuildBeta--a system for automatically constructing beta sheets.
Q47826141Building alternate protein structures using the elastic network model.
Q42661998Building and assessing atomic models of proteins from structural templates: learning and benchmarks
Q44632652Building interacting partner predictors using co-varying residue pairs between histidine kinase and response regulator pairs of 48 bacterial two-component systems
Q45969907Building self-avoiding lattice models of proteins using a self-consistent field optimization.
Q52075239Building-block approach for determining low-frequency normal modes of macromolecules
Q68494553Bundles of amphipathic transmembrane alpha-helices as a structural motif for ion-conducting channel proteins: studies on sodium channels and acetylcholine receptors
Q87725977Burial of nonpolar surface area and thermodynamic stabilization of globins as a function of chain elongation
Q77926208C-terminal domain of gyrase A is predicted to have a beta-propeller structure
Q27653169C-terminal tail derived from the neighboring subunit is critical for the activity of Thermoplasma acidophilum D-aldohexose dehydrogenase
Q27688045C-terminal β-strand swapping in a consensus-derived fibronectin Type III scaffold
Q96233530C1188D mutation abolishes specific recognition between MLL1-CXXC domain and CpG site by inducing conformational switch of flexible N- terminal
Q30420780CAD-score: a new contact area difference-based function for evaluation of protein structural models.
Q57209048CAFASP-1: Critical assessment of fully automated structure prediction methods
Q28145981CAFASP-1: critical assessment of fully automated structure prediction methods
Q40661543CAFASP2: the second critical assessment of fully automated structure prediction methods
Q79210041CAFASP3 in the spotlight of EVA
Q57209029CAFASP3: The third critical assessment of fully automated structure prediction methods
Q28258479CAPRI rounds 3-5 reveal promising successes and future challenges for RosettaDock
Q84534732CAPRI targets T29-T42: proving ground for new docking procedures
Q28208450CAPRI: a Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions
Q30383453CASP 11 target classification.
Q30353649CASP prediction center infrastructure and evaluation measures in CASP10 and CASP ROLL.
Q30354839CASP10 results compared to those of previous CASP experiments
Q30370695CASP10-BCL::Fold efficiently samples topologies of large proteins.
Q30377096CASP11 refinement experiments with ROSETTA.
Q30384245CASP11 statistics and the prediction center evaluation system
Q91793346CASP13 target classification into tertiary structure prediction categories
Q52281039CASP2 experiences with docking flexible ligands using FlexX.
Q30329567CASP2 knowledge-based approach to distant homology recognition and fold prediction in CASP4.
Q30429662CASP2 molecular docking predictions with the LIGIN software
Q74252614CASP2: Report on ab initio predictions
Q30794909CASP3 comparative modeling evaluation
Q30336226CASP5 assessment of fold recognition target predictions
Q42704736CASP5 target classification
Q79209979CASP5. Proceedings of the 5th Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction. 1-5 December 2002, Asilomar, California, USA
Q30351480CASP6 assessment of contact prediction.
Q30351463CASP6 data processing and automatic evaluation at the protein structure prediction center.
Q35000644CASP8 results in context of previous experiments
Q30408132CASP9 assessment of free modeling target predictions
Q42921761CASP9 results compared to those of previous CASP experiments
Q30408141CASP9 target classification
Q47715062CHOP proteins into structural domain-like fragments
Q30365572CLEMAPS: multiple alignment of protein structures based on conformational letters.
Q52434109CLIX: A search algorithm for finding novel ligands capable of binding proteins of known three‐dimensional structure
Q51899748CO escape from myoglobin with metadynamics simulations
Q57831887COCO: A simple tool to enrich the representation of conformational variability in NMR structures
Q57975291COMBINE analysis of the specificity of binding of Ras proteins to their effectors
Q30383444COMSAT: Residue contact prediction of transmembrane proteins based on support vector machines and mixed integer linear programming.
Q30374675CONFOLD: Residue-residue contact-guided ab initio protein folding.
Q84505249CRK: an evolutionary approach for distinguishing biologically relevant interfaces from crystal contacts
Q79320573Ca2+-dependent conformational changes in the neuronal Ca2+-sensor recoverin probed by the fluorescent dye Alexa647
Q104618312Ca2+ as cofactor of the mitochondrial H+ -translocating F1 FO -ATP(hydrol)ase
Q36396802CaMELS: In silico prediction of calmodulin binding proteins and their binding sites
Q80821117Calcineurin B-like domains in the large regulatory alpha/beta subunits of phosphorylase kinase
Q84082968Calcineurin regulatory subunit B is a unique calcium sensor that regulates calcineurin in both calcium-dependent and calcium-independent manner
Q43025211Calcium binding to the purple membrane: A molecular dynamics study
Q78627298Calcium binding to the transmembrane domain of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase: insights from molecular modeling
Q79191077Calcium-binding and temperature induced transitions in equine lysozyme: new insights from the pCa-temperature "phase diagrams"
Q70216501Calcium-free calmodulin is a substrate of proteases from human immunodeficiency viruses 1 and 2
Q27731951Calcium-independent subtilisin by design
Q44960722Calculating proton uptake/release and binding free energy taking into account ionization and conformation changes induced by protein-inhibitor association: application to plasmepsin, cathepsin D and endothiapepsin-pepstatin complexes
Q30404964Calculating three-dimensional changes in protein structure due to amino-acid substitutions: the variable region of immunoglobulins
Q52235998Calculation of HyHel10-lysozyme binding free energy changes: Effect of ten point mutations
Q35846124Calculation of pKa in proteins with the microenvironment modulated‐screened coulomb potential
Q52261413Calculation of pathways for the conformational transition between the GTP‐ and GDP‐bound states of the Ha‐ras‐p21 protein: Calculations with explicit solvent simulations and comparison with calculations in vacuum
Q30323187Calculation of protein conformation by global optimization of a potential energy function.
Q43825576Calculation of protein ionization equilibria with conformational sampling: pKa of a model leucine zipper, GCN4 and barnase
Q30409635Calculation of rate spectra from noisy time series data.
Q38567679Calculation of the pitch of the alpha-helical coiled coil: an addendum
Q30403890Calculation of the total electrostatic energy of a macromolecular system: solvation energies, binding energies, and conformational analysis
Q68701378Calibration of effective van der Waals atomic contact radii for proteins and peptides
Q44546237Calmodulin binding to alpha 1-purothionin: solution binding and modeling of the complex
Q82627891Calmodulin signaling: analysis and prediction of a disorder-dependent molecular recognition
Q38333730Camel single-domain antibody inhibits enzyme by mimicking carbohydrate substrate
Q43553705Camps 2.0: exploring the sequence and structure space of prokaryotic, eukaryotic, and viral membrane proteins.
Q52082394Can a pairwise contact potential stabilize native protein folds against decoys obtained by threading?
Q30360592Can molecular dynamics simulations provide high-resolution refinement of protein structure?
Q46497570Can one predict protein stability? An attempt to do so for residue 133 of T4 lysozyme using a combination of free energy derivatives, PROFEC, and free energy perturbation methods
Q30496929Can self-inhibitory peptides be derived from the interfaces of globular protein-protein interactions?
Q47589178Cancer-associated mutations are preferentially distributed in protein kinase functional sites
Q51930286Cancer-related mutations in BRCA1-BRCT cause long-range structural changes in protein-protein binding sites: a molecular dynamics study
Q81193282Candidate nsSNPs that can affect the functions and interactions of cell cycle proteins
Q41946585Canonical structures of short CDR-L3 in antibodies
Q31115802Capturing protein sequence-structure specificity using computational sequence design
Q42735601Capturing the energetics of water insertion in biological systems: The water flooding approach
Q27695696Carbohydrate binding module recognition of xyloglucan defined by polar contacts with branching xyloses and CH-Π interactions
Q91742229Cardosin A endocytosis mediated by integrin leads to lysosome leakage and apoptosis of epithelial cells
Q47256063Cartilage acidic protein 1, a new member of the beta-propeller protein family with amyloid propensity
Q70726296Catalysis by dienelactone hydrolase: a variation on the protease mechanism
Q92995874Catalytic triad heterogeneity in S51 peptidase family: Structural basis for functional variability
Q80011300Cation-aromatic database
Q45279404Cation-pi interactions in protein-protein interfaces
Q33754213Cation-π interactions of methylated ammonium ions: a quantum mechanical study
Q87217903Cation-π, amino-π, π-π, and H-bond interactions stabilize antigen-antibody interfaces
Q48189831Causality, transfer entropy, and allosteric communication landscapes in proteins with harmonic interactions
Q37069889Cell cycle kinases predicted from conserved biophysical properties
Q33947335Cell surface receptors and their ligands: in vitro analysis of CD6-CD166 interactions
Q52251886Chain conformation in polyretropeptides III: Design of a 310 helix using α,α-dialkylated amino acids and retropeptide bonds
Q58037861Chain length is the main determinant of the folding rate for proteins with three-state folding kinetics
Q93026588Challenges and opportunities of automated protein-protein docking: HDOCK server vs human predictions in CAPRI Rounds 38-46
Q33494609Challenging a paradigm: theoretical calculations of the protonation state of the Cys25-His159 catalytic diad in free papain
Q27680838Challenging the state of the art in protein structure prediction: Highlights of experimental target structures for the 10th Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction Experiment CASP10
Q45934507Change in protein flexibility upon complex formation: analysis of Ras-Raf using molecular dynamics and a molecular framework approach.
Q47810386Change of thermal stability of colicin E7 triggered by acidic pH suggests the existence of unfolded intermediate during the membrane-translocation phase
Q68666381Changes in secondary structure follow the dissociation of human insulin hexamers: a circular dichroism study
Q46313885Changes in the electron density of the cofactor NADPH on binding to E. coli dihydrofolate reductase
Q52251898Chaos in protein dynamics
Q46296756Chaperone action of a versatile small heat shock protein from Methanococcoides burtonii, a cold adapted archaeon
Q47589403Chaperone-client interactions between Hsp21 and client proteins monitored in solution by small angle X-ray scattering and captured by crosslinking mass spectrometry.
Q91231457Chaperone-like activity of the N-terminal region of a human small heat shock protein and chaperone-functionalized nanoparticles
Q79624974Chaperone-mediated inhibition of tubulin self-assembly
Q51924709Characteristic amino acid combinations in olfactory G protein-coupled receptors
Q42645617Characterization and autoprocessing of precursor and mature forms of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV 1) protease purified from Escherichia coli
Q57088189Characterization and functional properties of the extracellular coelomic hemoglobins from the deep-sea, hydrothermal vent scaleworm Branchipolynoe symmytilida
Q46982720Characterization and structural modeling of a novel thermostable glycine oxidase from Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426.
Q42036089Characterization and tissue-specific expression of two lepidopteran farnesyl diphosphate synthase homologs: implications for the biosynthesis of ethyl-substituted juvenile hormones
Q47866998Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana stellacyanin: a comparison with umecyanin
Q68188218Characterization of HIV-1 p24 self-association using analytical affinity chromatography
Q98198405Characterization of Left-handed beta Helix-domains, and identification and functional annotation of proteins containing such domains
Q44947535Characterization of Lys-698-to-Met substitution in human plasminogen catalytic domain
Q30010236Characterization of PDZ domain‐peptide interaction interface based on energetic patterns
Q40376423Characterization of Salmonella typhi OmpC and OmpF porins engineered with HIV-gp41 epitope on the surface loops
Q27644271Characterization of Salmonella typhimurium YegS, a putative lipid kinase homologous to eukaryotic sphingosine and diacylglycerol kinases
Q43021929Characterization of a corrinoid protein involved in the C1 metabolism of strict anaerobic bacterium Moorella thermoacetica
Q27653535Characterization of a diagnostic Fab fragment binding trimeric Lewis X
Q45865791Characterization of a putative calcium-binding site in tobacco mosaic virus
Q46548593Characterization of a sHsp of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, SpHsp15.8, and the implication of its functional mechanism by comparison with another sHsp, SpHsp16.0.
Q54768947Characterization of a slow folding reaction for the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase.
Q43593727Characterization of a thrombomodulin binding site on protein C and its comparison to an activated protein C binding site for factor Va.
Q53393870Characterization of an alternative low energy fold for bovine α‐lactalbumin formed by disulfide bond shuffling
Q47771231Characterization of cancer-linked BRCA1-BRCT missense variants and their interaction with phosphoprotein targets
Q31138279Characterization of carbonic anhydrases from Riftia pachyptila, a symbiotic invertebrate from deep-sea hydrothermal vents
Q71660325Characterization of crystals of Penicillium purpurogenum acetyl xylan esterase from high-resolution x-ray diffraction
Q57979651Characterization of crystals of the thermostable DNA polymerase I fromthermus aquaticus
Q46261187Characterization of cysteine thiol modifications based on protein microenvironments and local secondary structures
Q40314632Characterization of de novo four-helix bundles by molecular dynamics simulations
Q80068376Characterization of interfacial solvent in protein complexes and contribution of wet spots to the interface description
Q74614435Characterization of internal motions of Escherichia coli ribonuclease H by Monte Carlo simulation
Q43256880Characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry: conformational heterogeneity of alpha-synuclein
Q30365524Characterization of local geometry of protein surfaces with the visibility criterion.
Q30320157Characterization of peptides resulting from digestion of human skin elastin with elastase.
Q92309401Characterization of perdeuterated high-potential iron-sulfur protein with high-resolution X-ray crystallography
Q70604305Characterization of proline-containing alpha-helix (helix F model of bacteriorhodopsin) by molecular dynamics studies
Q81489824Characterization of protein dynamics from residual dipolar couplings using the three dimensional Gaussian axial fluctuation model
Q46129874Characterization of receptors with a new negative image: Use in molecular docking and lead optimization
Q31149794Characterization of sequence variability in nucleosome core histone folds.
Q51521576Characterization of the AXH domain of Ataxin-1 using enhanced sampling and functional mode analysis.
Q47422752Characterization of the active site of DNA polymerase β by molecular dynamics and quantum chemical calculation
Q51079352Characterization of the active site of group B streptococcal hyaluronan lyase
Q73798420Characterization of the active site of group B streptococcal hyaluronan lyase
Q48007276Characterization of the amino acid contribution to the folding degree of proteins
Q36778462Characterization of the backbone dynamics of an anti-digoxin antibody VL domain by inverse detected 1H-15N NMR: comparisons with X-ray data for the Fab.
Q30354980Characterization of the backbone geometry of protein native state structures.
Q30962824Characterization of the conformational space of a triple-stranded beta-sheet forming peptide with molecular dynamics simulations
Q30976908Characterization of the denaturation of human alpha-lactalbumin in urea by molecular dynamics simulations
Q29048196Characterization of the differences in the cyclopiazonic acid binding mode to mammalian and P. Falciparum Ca2+ pumps: a computational study
Q27687987Characterization of the divalent metal binding site of bacterial polysaccharide deacetylase using crystallography and quantum chemical calculations
Q27640569Characterization of the electrophile binding site and substrate binding mode of the 26-kDa glutathione S-transferase from Schistosoma japonicum
Q41710730Characterization of the flexibility of the peripheral stalk of prokaryotic rotary A-ATPases by atomistic simulations
Q77669594Characterization of the folding pathway of recombinant human macrophage-colony stimulating-factor beta (rhM-CSF beta) by bis-cysteinyl modification and mass spectrometry
Q39627714Characterization of the homodimerization interface and functional hotspots of the CXCR4 chemokine receptor
Q43825905Characterization of the impact of alternative splicing on protein dynamics: the cases of glutathione S-transferase and ectodysplasin-A isoforms
Q45713086Characterization of the near native conformational states of the SAM domain of Ste11 protein by NMR spectroscopy
Q30157626Characterization of the outer membrane protein OprF of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a lipopolysaccharide membrane by computer simulation
Q57976889Characterization of the residual structure in the unfolded state of the Δ131Δ fragment of staphylococcal nuclease
Q45036370Characterization of the structure and catalytic activity of Legionella pneumophila VipF.
Q54632303Characterization of two crystal forms of Clostridium thermocellum endoglucanase CelC.
Q91137986Characterizing molecular flexibility by combining least root mean square deviation measures
Q30365845Characterizing of functional human coding RNA editing from evolutionary, structural, and dynamic perspectives.
Q45765685Characterizing the binding of annexin V to a lipid bilayer using molecular dynamics simulations
Q51317035Characterizing the conformational ensemble of monomeric polyglutamine.
Q51342935Characterizing the morphology of protein binding patches.
Q73844969Charge centers and formation of the protein folding core
Q43885118Charged single alpha-helix: a versatile protein structural motif
Q38408842Chemical compound navigator: a web-based chem-BLAST, chemical taxonomy-based search engine for browsing compounds
Q71543071Chemical cross-linking between lysine groups in vimentin oligomers is dependent on local peptide conformations
Q69569349Chemical modification of the RTEM-1 thiol beta-lactamase by thiol-selective reagents: evidence for activation of the primary nucleophile of the beta-lactamase active site by adjacent functional groups
Q60129856Chemical synthesis of mouse cripto CFC variants
Q82462297Chemometric tools for classification and elucidation of protein secondary structure from infrared and circular dichroism spectroscopic measurements
Q51379039Choice of synonymous codons associated with protein folding
Q44352138Cholesterol-β1 AR interaction versus cholesterol-β2 AR interaction
Q47561394Choosing non-redundant representative subsets of protein sequence data sets using submodular optimization
Q70830930Circular dichroism of the parallel beta helical proteins pectate lyase C and E
Q57753147Circular permutants in β-glucosidases (family 3) within a predicted double-domain topology that includes a (β/α)8-barrel
Q21045416Circular permuted proteins in the universe of protein folds
Q47258354Cis/trans isomerization in HIV-1 capsid protein catalyzed by cyclophilin A: insights from computational and theoretical studies
Q96340486Citius, Altius, Fortius
Q37083960Clarifying allosteric control of flap conformations in the 1TW7 crystal structure of HIV-1 protease.
Q75209215Class-specific correlations between protein folding rate, structure-derived, and sequence-derived descriptors
Q43825564Classical molecular interaction potentials: improved setup procedure in molecular dynamics simulations of proteins.
Q27935991Classification and functional annotation of eukaryotic protein kinases
Q47258295Classification of common functional loops of kinase super-families
Q80678271Classification of conformational stability of protein mutants from 3D pseudo-folding graph representation of protein sequences using support vector machines
Q51421512Classification of protein complexes based on docking difficulty
Q52133653Classification of protein sequences by homology modeling and quantitative analysis of electrostatic similarity
Q43947457Classification of proteins based on the properties of the ligand-binding site: the case of adenine-binding proteins
Q30809775Classification of the caspase-hemoglobinase fold: detection of new families and implications for the origin of the eukaryotic separins
Q83098493Classification of transporters using efficient radial basis function networks with position-specific scoring matrices and biochemical properties
Q27648694Classifying protein kinase structures guides use of ligand-selectivity profiles to predict inactive conformations: structure of lck/imatinib complex
Q47718245Cloning and characterization of a caesalpinoid (Chamaecrista fasciculata) hemoglobin: the structural transition from a nonsymbiotic hemoglobin to a leghemoglobin.
Q60602325Cloning and expression of the uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitor (UGI) from bacteriophage PBS-1 and crystallization of a uracil-DNA glycosylase-UGI complex
Q36448470Cloning, expression, and nucleotide sequence of livR, the repressor for high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport in Escherichia coli
Q90107881ClusPro in rounds 38 to 45 of CAPRI: Toward combining template-based methods with free docking
Q51905726ClusPro: performance in CAPRI rounds 6-11 and the new server
Q42635958Cluster conservation as a novel tool for studying protein-protein interactions evolution
Q30350530Clustering algorithms for identifying core atom sets and for assessing the precision of protein structure ensembles.
Q30374983Clustering and visualizing similarity networks of membrane proteins.
Q51384741Clustering biomolecular complexes by residue contacts similarity
Q57752503Clustering of multi-domain protein sequences
Q46978001Clustering of null mutations in the EcoRI endonuclease
Q50862494Clustering orthologous proteins across phylogenetically distant species
Q30168356Clusters in alpha/beta barrel proteins: implications for protein structure, function, and folding: a graph theoretical approach
Q40860270Co-evolutionary analysis implies auxiliary functions of HSP110 in Plasmodium falciparum
Q33219608Co-translational myristoylation alters the quaternary structure of HIV-1 Nef in solution
Q46111975Coarse grain lipid-protein molecular interactions and diffusion with MsbA flippase
Q30424079Coarse- and fine-grained models for proteins: evaluation by decoy discrimination
Q44249508Coarse-grained and all-atom modeling of structural states and transitions in hemoglobin
Q91563817Coarse-grained and atomic resolution biomolecular docking with the ATTRACT approach
Q51888469Coarse-grained dynamics of the receiver domain of NtrC: fluctuations, correlations and implications for allosteric cooperativity.
Q87366219Coarse-grained modeling of the intrinsically disordered protein Histatin 5 in solution: Monte Carlo simulations in combination with SAXS
Q47625877Coarse-grained simulations of conformational dynamics of proteins: Application to apomyoglobin
Q51367033Coarse-grained simulations of proton-dependent conformational changes in lactose permease
Q84136480Coarse‐grained modeling of conformational transitions underlying the processive stepping of myosin V dimer along filamentous actin
Q58360796Cocrystallization of Lysyl-tRNA synthetase fromThermus thermophilus with its cognate tRNAlys and withEscherichia coli tRNAlys
Q83192173Codep: maximizing co-evolutionary interdependencies to discover interacting proteins
Q33373404Coevolution in defining the functional specificity
Q38876977Coevolutionary constraints in the sequence-space of macromolecular complexes reflect their self-assembly pathways
Q42684108Cofactor assisted gating mechanism in the active site of NADH oxidase from Thermus thermophilus
Q42625526Cofactor-binding sites in proteins of deviating sequence: comparative analysis and clustering in torsion angle, cavity, and fold space
Q39328444Cofactors-loaded quaternary structure of lysine-specific demethylase 5C (KDM5C) protein: Computational model
Q51112347Cofactory: sequence-based prediction of cofactor specificity of Rossmann folds
Q27656244Cohesin diversity revealed by the crystal structure of the anchoring cohesin from Ruminococcus flavefaciens
Q73594398Cohesin-dockerin recognition in cellulosome assembly: experiment versus hypothesis
Q90307969Coil conversion to β-strand induced by dimerization
Q46666901Coiled-coil length: Size does matter.
Q52871341Coiled-coil stutter and link segments in keratin and other intermediate filament molecules: a computer modeling study
Q27730353Cold adaption of enzymes: structural comparison between salmon and bovine trypsins
Q73521271Cold denaturation of alpha-lactalbumin
Q57956349Cold unfolding of β-hairpins: A molecular-level rationalization
Q41834158Collective dynamics of the ribosomal tunnel revealed by elastic network modeling
Q72335565Collective motions in proteins investigated by X-ray diffuse scattering
Q52465150Collective motions in proteins: A covariance analysis of atomic fluctuations in molecular dynamics and normal mode simulations
Q51794147Combination of scoring functions improves discrimination in protein-protein docking
Q44404796Combined QM/MM mechanistic study of the acylation process in furin complexed with the H5N1 avian influenza virus hemagglutinin's cleavage site
Q51775539Combined computational and biochemical study reveals the importance of electrostatic interactions between the "pH sensor" and the cation binding site of the sodium/proton antiporter NhaA of Escherichia coli
Q41642027Combined computational and experimental analysis of a complex of ribonuclease III and the regulatory macrodomain protein, YmdB
Q33854315Combined computational design of a zinc-binding site and a protein-protein interaction: one open zinc coordination site was not a robust hotspot for de novo ubiquitin binding
Q30403472Combined procedure of distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics techniques for protein structure determination from nuclear magnetic resonance data: application to the DNA binding domain of lac repressor from Escherichia coli
Q27664843Combined use of computational chemistry, NMR screening, and X-ray crystallography for identification and characterization of fluorophilic protein environments
Q51082691Combining ancestral sequence reconstruction with protein design to identify an interface hotspot in a key metabolic enzyme complex
Q84843927Combining coarse‐grained nonbonded and atomistic bonded interactions for protein modeling
Q27657212Combining crystallography and molecular dynamics: the case of Schistosoma mansoni phospholipid glutathione peroxidase
Q30342425Combining evolutionary and structural information for local protein structure prediction.
Q29614392Combining evolutionary information and neural networks to predict protein secondary structure
Q41462734Combining features in a graphical model to predict protein binding sites
Q38405905Combining functional and topological properties to identify core modules in protein interaction networks.
Q46394449Combining interface core and whole interface descriptors in postscan processing of protein-protein docking models
Q30336231Combining local-structure, fold-recognition, and new fold methods for protein structure prediction.
Q27638993Combining mutations in HIV-1 protease to understand mechanisms of resistance
Q28239844Combining prediction of secondary structure and solvent accessibility in proteins
Q40636300Combining the GOR V algorithm with evolutionary information for protein secondary structure prediction from amino acid sequence
Q29619067Combining the polymerase incomplete primer extension method for cloning and mutagenesis with microscreening to accelerate structural genomics efforts
Q54535231Coming to peace with protein complexes? 5th CAPRI evaluation meeting, April 17-19th 2013--Utrecht.
Q73798390Comment on "a fast and simple method to calculate protonation states in proteins"
Q79838664Comment on Probe-dependent and nonexponential relaxation kinetics: unreliable signatures of downhill protein folding
Q44018178Comment on ion transit pathways and gating in ClC chloride channels
Q57956455Comment on “Phenomenological similarities between protein denaturation and small-molecule dissolution: Insights into the mechanism driving the thermal resistance of globular proteins” (Proteins 2004;54:323-332)
Q58008891Comment on: “Energy landscape of a small peptide revealed by dihedral angle principal component analysis”
Q73427984Comment to Daura, X., et al., Proteins 25:89-103, 1996
Q44864924Commentary on: "Assembly of a tetrameric alpha-helical bundle: computer simulations on an intermediate-resolution protein model" [Proteins 2001;44:376-391].
Q38322076Common binding site for disialyllactose and tri-peptide in C-fragment of tetanus neurotoxin
Q27646624Common conformational changes in flavodoxins induced by FMN and anion binding: the structure of Helicobacter pylori apoflavodoxin
Q47637017Common features of the conformations of antigen-binding loops in immunoglobulins and application to modeling loop conformations
Q34989642Common functionally important motions of the nucleotide-binding domain of Hsp70
Q94529184Common mechanism of thermostability in small α- and β-proteins studied by molecular dynamics
Q30365144Common occurrence of internal repeat symmetry in membrane proteins.
Q77386261Common structural elements in the architecture of the cofactor-binding domains in unrelated families of pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes
Q34083289Community-wide evaluation of methods for predicting the effect of mutations on protein-protein interactions
Q57267827Compact conformations of α-synuclein induced by alcohols and copper
Q46753799Compact dimension of denatured states of staphylococcal nuclease
Q43018619Compact reduced thioredoxin structure from the thermophilic bacteria Thermus thermophilus
Q27622761Comparative X-ray analysis of the un-liganded fosfomycin-target murA
Q30388080Comparative analyses of quaternary arrangements in homo-oligomeric proteins in superfamilies: Functional implications
Q81171039Comparative analysis of HIV-1 Tat variants
Q42662784Comparative analysis of amino acid distributions in integral membrane proteins from 107 genomes
Q52641027Comparative analysis of nanobody sequence and structure data.
Q51099046Comparative analysis of sequence covariation methods to mine evolutionary hubs: examples from selected GPCR families
Q44755455Comparative analysis of structural properties of the C-type-lectin-like domain (CTLD).
Q68137855Comparative analysis of the beta transducin family with identification of several new members including PWP1, a nonessential gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is divergently transcribed from NMT1
Q68051379Comparative analysis of the sequences and structures of HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases
Q43273730Comparative binding energy analysis for binding affinity and target selectivity prediction
Q92477078Comparative dynamics of tropomyosin in vertebrates and invertebrates
Q36144310Comparative electrostatic analysis of adenylyl cyclase for isoform dependent regulation properties
Q92454884Comparative electrostatic analysis of adenylyl cyclase for isoform dependent regulation properties
Q33206310Comparative evaluation of eight docking tools for docking and virtual screening accuracy
Q30159802Comparative model of EutB from coenzyme B12-dependent ethanolamine ammonia-lyase reveals a beta8alpha8, TIM-barrel fold and radical catalytic site structural features
Q35948872Comparative modeling and protein‐like features of hydrophobic–polar models on a two‐dimensional lattice
Q30336362Comparative modeling in CASP5: progress is evident, but alignment errors remain a significant hindrance.
Q30351468Comparative modeling in CASP6 using consensus approach to template selection, sequence-structure alignment, and structure assessment.
Q43524110Comparative modeling methods: application to the family of the mammalian serine proteases
Q57931644Comparative modeling of CASP3 targets using PSI-BLAST and SCWRL
Q30794937Comparative modeling of CASP3 targets using PSI-BLAST and SCWRL.
Q30329566Comparative modeling of CASP4 target proteins: combining results of sequence search with three-dimensional structure assessment.
Q45818968Comparative modeling of human NSF reveals a possible binding mode of GABARAP and GATE-16.
Q44899548Comparative modeling of mammalian aspartate transcarbamylase
Q40914759Comparative modeling of the three-dimensional structure of the calmodulin-related TCH2 protein from Arabidopsis
Q57752842Comparative modeling of the three-dimensional structures of family 3 glycoside hydrolases
Q73798371Comparative modeling studies of the calmodulin-like domain of calcium-dependent protein kinase from soybean
Q53861662Comparative molecular dynamics simulations of HIV-1 integrase and the T66I/M154I mutant: binding modes and drug resistance to a diketo acid inhibitor.
Q40105003Comparative molecular dynamics simulations of histone deacetylase-like protein: binding modes and free energy analysis to hydroxamic acid inhibitors
Q42671024Comparative molecular dynamics--similar folds and similar motions?
Q28293707Comparative molecular model building of two serine proteinases from cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Q49162124Comparative molecular modeling and crystallization of P-30 protein: a novel antitumor protein of Rana pipiens oocytes and early embryos
Q30164931Comparative properties of a three-dimensional model of Plasmodium falciparum ornithine decarboxylase.
Q112582357Comparative protein structure network analysis on 3CLpro from SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2
Q54238877Comparative proteome analysis reveals pathogen specific outer membrane proteins of Leptospira
Q43018776Comparative sequence and structure analysis reveal features of cold adaptation of an enzyme in the thermolysin family
Q30160304Comparative structural analysis of TonB-dependent outer membrane transporters: implications for the transport cycle
Q51130506Comparative structural analysis of a novel glutathioneS-transferase (ATU5508) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens at 2.0 A resolution
Q43030179Comparative structural analysis of psychrophilic and meso- and thermophilic enzymes
Q42718380Comparative structural analysis of the binding domain of follicle stimulating hormone receptor
Q81521844Comparative structure-function analysis of cytolethal distending toxins
Q48045765Comparative studies of the catalytic mechanisms of two chorismatases: CH-fkbo and CH-Hyg5.
Q93059675Comparative studies on ion-pair energetic, distribution among three domains of life: Archaea, eubacteria, and eukarya
Q91294636Comparative study of the effect of disease causing and benign mutations in position Q92 on cholesterol binding by the NPC1 n-terminal domain
Q30558517Comparing aminoglycoside binding sites in bacterial ribosomal RNA and aminoglycoside modifying enzymes
Q30352610Comparing atomistic simulation data with the NMR experiment: how much can NOEs actually tell us?
Q46877421Comparing folding codes for proteins and polymers
Q51239716Comparing programs for rigid-body multiple structural superposition of proteins
Q36152993Comparing protein-ligand docking programs is difficult.
Q52545253Comparing short protein substructures by a method based on backbone torsion angles
Q50087493Comparing side chain packing in soluble proteins, protein-protein interfaces, and transmembrane proteins
Q45327298Comparing the folding free-energy landscapes of Abeta42 variants with different aggregation properties
Q51041059Comparison between computational alanine scanning and per-residue binding free energy decomposition for protein-protein association using MM-GBSA: application to the TCR-p-MHC complex
Q54735679Comparison of CD spectra in the aromatic region on a series of variant proteins substituted at a unique position of tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit.
Q30368397Comparison of Composer and ORCHESTRAR.
Q43475406Comparison of DNA binding across protein superfamilies.
Q47433501Comparison of NMR and crystal structures of membrane proteins and computational refinement to improve model quality
Q92174616Comparison of Rosetta flexible-backbone computational protein design methods on binding interactions
Q58037841Comparison of X-ray and NMR structures: Is there a systematic difference in residue contacts between X-ray- and NMR-resolved protein structures?
Q44296010Comparison of a QM/MM force field and molecular mechanics force fields in simulations of alanine and glycine "dipeptides" (Ace-Ala-Nme and Ace-Gly-Nme) in water in relation to the problem of modeling the unfolded peptide backbone in solution
Q71565956Comparison of an antibody model with an X-ray structure: the variable fragment of BR96
Q60214155Comparison of backbone dynamics of monomeric and domain-swapped stefin A
Q58201930Comparison of cell-based and cell-free protocols for producing target proteins from the Arabidopsis thaliana genome for structural studies
Q27643815Comparison of cytochromes b5 from insects and vertebrates
Q73845036Comparison of different schemes to treat long-range electrostatic interactions in molecular dynamics simulations of a protein crystal
Q57127575Comparison of end-point continuum-solvation methods for the calculation of protein-ligand binding free energies
Q71565961Comparison of low oxidoreduction potential cytochrome c553 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris with the class I cytochrome c family
Q68085492Comparison of model and nuclear magnetic resonance structures for the human inflammatory protein C5a
Q27861040Comparison of multiple Amber force fields and development of improved protein backbone parameters
Q30329575Comparison of performance in successive CASP experiments.
Q56144901Comparison of protein active site structures for functional annotation of proteins and drug design
Q30331167Comparison of sequence and structure alignments for protein domains.
Q30351001Comparison of sequence and structure-based datasets for nonredundant structural data mining.
Q32063335Comparison of solution and crystal structures of maize nonspecific lipid transfer protein: A model for a potential in vivo lipid carrier protein
Q42939604Comparison of structure-based and threading-based approaches to protein functional annotation
Q27663391Comparison of the crystal structure of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme at low, medium, and high ionic strengths
Q68033364Comparison of the dynamics of the membrane-bound form of fd coat protein in micelles and in bilayers by solution and solid-state nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Q71763600Comparison of the effects of hydrophobicity, amphiphilicity, and alpha-helicity on the activities of antimicrobial peptides
Q51897349Comparison of the efficiency of evolutionary change-based and side chain orientation-based fold recognition potentials
Q46251102Comparison of the folding mechanism of highly homologous proteins in the lipid-binding protein family.
Q30195472Comparison of the hemocyanin beta-barrel with other Greek key beta-barrels: possible importance of the "beta-zipper" in protein structure and folding
Q41209700Comparison of the structures of globins and phycocyanins: evidence for evolutionary relationship
Q46794596Comparison of the three-dimensional structure of two human rhinoviruses (HRV2 and HRV14).
Q28241164Comparison of the transition state ensembles for folding of Im7 and Im9 determined using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations with phi value restraints
Q52074689Comparison of two optimization methods to derive energy parameters for protein folding: perceptron and Z score
Q27648960Comparison of vertebrate and invertebrate CLIC proteins: the crystal structures of Caenorhabditis elegans EXC-4 and Drosophila melanogaster DmCLIC
Q42630672Comparisons of experimental and computed protein anisotropic temperature factors
Q30429635Competitive assessment of protein fold recognition and alignment accuracy
Q51929128Complementarity of hydrophobic properties in ATP-protein binding: a new criterion to rank docking solutions
Q47311209Complementarity of stability patches at the interfaces of protein complexes: Implication for the structural organization of energetic hot spots.
Q41158742Complete characterization of the mutation landscape reveals the effect on amylin stability and amyloidogenicity
Q28220809Completion and refinement of 3-D homology models with restricted molecular dynamics: application to targets 47, 58, and 111 in the CASP modeling competition and posterior analysis
Q46853494Complex assembly mechanism and an RNA-binding mode of the human p14-SF3b155 spliceosomal protein complex identified by NMR solution structure and functional analyses
Q47258345Complex folding pathways in a simple beta-hairpin
Q51556411Complex formation dynamics of native and mutated pyrin's B30.2 domain with caspase-1.
Q46010779Complexes of HIV-1 integrase with HAT proteins: multiscale models, dynamics, and hypotheses on allosteric sites of inhibition.
Q51931326Complexity of free energy landscapes of peptides revealed by nonlinear principal component analysis
Q50671762Component D of chicken hemoglobin and the hemoglobin of the embryonic Tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) self-associate upon deoxygenation: Effect on oxygen binding
Q53168946Comprehensive analysis of motions in molecular dynamics trajectories of the actin capping protein and its inhibitor complexes
Q46794984Comprehensive analysis of the helix-X-helix motif in soluble proteins
Q30367296Comprehensive description of protein structures using protein folding shape code.
Q52344954Comprehensive mapping of cystic fibrosis mutations to CFTR protein identifies mutation clusters and molecular docking predicts corrector binding site.
Q47822299Comprehensive secondary-structure analysis of disulfide variants of lysozyme by synchrotron-radiation vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism.
Q58024639Comprehensive statistical analysis of residues interaction specificity at protein-protein interfaces
Q43825551Computation and mutagenesis suggest a right‐handed structure for the synaptobrevin transmembrane dimer
Q45966452Computation of conformational entropy from protein sequences using the machine-learning method--application to the study of the relationship between structural conservation and local structural stability.
Q43825546Computational 3‐D modeling and site‐directed mutation of an antibody that binds Neu2en5Ac, a transition state analogue of a sialic acid
Q58112055Computational Investigation of the Conformational Dynamics in Tom20-Mitochondrial Presequence Tethered Complexes
Q42643262Computational active site analysis of molecular pathways to improve functional classification of enzymes
Q34056558Computational alanine scanning with linear scaling semiempirical quantum mechanical methods
Q34689386Computational analysis of folding and mutation properties of C5 domain of myosin binding protein C.
Q40431535Computational analysis of molecular basis of 1:1 interactions of NRG-1beta wild-type and variants with ErbB3 and ErbB4.
Q130681476Computational analysis of propeptide‐containing proteins and prediction of their post‐cleavage conformation changes
Q30385837Computational analysis of the CB1 carboxyl-terminus in the receptor-G protein complex
Q57227211Computational analysis of the S. cerevisiae proteome reveals the function and cellular localization of the least and most amyloidogenic proteins
Q73912090Computational analysis of two similar neuropeptides yields distinct conformational ensembles
Q36220263Computational analysis predicts the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus tegument protein ORF63 to be alpha helical
Q57752565Computational and experimental approaches for assessing the interactions between the model calycin beta-lactoglobulin and two antibacterial fluoroquinolones
Q85353522Computational and experimental investigation of constitutive behavior in AraC
Q45193877Computational and site-specific mutagenesis analyses of the asymmetric charge distribution on calmodulin
Q50469801Computational approach to site-directed ligand discovery
Q52068726Computational approach to the protein-folding problem
Q36707980Computational approaches to study protein unfolding: hen egg white lysozyme as a case study
Q88417979Computational assessment of folding energy landscapes in heterodimeric coiled coils
Q96767247Computational backbone design enables soluble engineering of transferrin receptor apical domain
Q33260320Computational basis of knowledge-based conformational probabilities derived from local- and long-range interactions in proteins.
Q46288028Computational characterization of substrate and product specificities, and functionality of S-adenosylmethionine binding pocket in histone lysine methyltransferases from Arabidopsis, rice and maize
Q90307930Computational characterization of the binding mode between oncoprotein Ets-1 and DNA-repair enzymes
Q87015820Computational characterization of the chemical step in the GTP hydrolysis by Ras-GAP for the wild-type and G13V mutated Ras
Q51322090Computational characterization of the sequence landscape in simple protein alphabets
Q27643630Computational design and crystal structure of an enhanced affinity mutant human CD8 alphaalpha coreceptor
Q27647665Computational design and experimental study of tighter binding peptides to an inactivated mutant of HIV-1 protease
Q54575988Computational design of a substrate specificity mutant of a protein.
Q35624791Computational design of protein antigens that interact with the CDR H3 loop of HIV broadly neutralizing antibody 2F5.
Q33991441Computational design of second-site suppressor mutations at protein-protein interfaces
Q84315163Computational design, construction, and characterization of a set of specificity determining residues in protein-protein interactions
Q44175684Computational detection of the binding-site hot spot at the remodeled human growth hormone-receptor interface.
Q30357459Computational diagnosis of protein conformational diseases: short molecular dynamics simulations reveal a fast unfolding of r-LDL mutants that cause familial hypercholesterolemia.
Q46602224Computational evidence for the catalytic mechanism of glutaminyl cyclase. A DFT investigation
Q128285726Computational evidences of a misfolding event in an aggregation‐prone light chain preceding the formation of the non‐native pathogenic dimer
Q38311544Computational exploration of the activated pathways associated with DNA damage response in breast cancer
Q36065378Computational exploration of the binding mode of heme-dependent stimulators into the active catalytic domain of soluble guanylate cyclase.
Q41816394Computational exploration of the network of sequence flow between protein structures
Q51065936Computational identification of post-translational modification-based nuclear import regulations by characterizing nuclear localization signal-import receptor interaction.
Q33212947Computational identification of proteins for selectivity assays
Q40288667Computational identification of self‐inhibitory peptides from envelope proteins
Q46335126Computational insights into the interaction of the anthrax lethal factor with the N-terminal region of its substrates.
Q51276073Computational investigation of proton transfer, pKa shifts and pH-optimum of protein-DNA and protein-RNA complexes
Q83742301Computational investigation of the HIV-1 Rev multimerization using molecular dynamics simulations and binding free energy calculations
Q42694170Computational methods for identifying a layered allosteric regulatory mechanism for ALS‐causing mutations of Cu‐Zn superoxide dismutase 1
Q31043202Computational model for the IGF-II/IGF2r complex that is predictive of mutational and surface plasmon resonance data
Q28821078Computational modeling of laminin N-terminal domains using sparse distance constraints from disulfide bonds and chemical cross-linking
Q26995693Computational modeling of membrane proteins
Q34668331Computational modeling of the N-terminus of the human dopamine transporter and its interaction with PIP2 -containing membranes.
Q30353912Computational mutagenesis studies of protein structure-function correlations.
Q39780607Computational prediction and analysis of the DR6–NAPP interaction
Q34655493Computational prediction of the binding site of proteinase 3 to the plasma membrane
Q30157275Computational protein design as a tool for fold recognition
Q34421580Computational protein design suggests that human PCNA-partner interactions are not optimized for affinity.
Q52610954Computational protein design with a generalized Born solvent model: application to Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
Q41039615Computational protein design with explicit consideration of surface hydrophobic patches
Q30157643Computational protein design with side-chain conformational entropy.
Q48538406Computational proteomics analysis of HIV-1 protease interactome
Q46486140Computational proteomics of biomolecular interactions in the sequence and structure space of the tyrosine kinome: deciphering the molecular basis of the kinase inhibitors selectivity
Q57132519Computational protocol for predicting the binding affinities of zinc containing metalloprotein-ligand complexes
Q40366140Computational reconstruction of the human skeletal muscle secretome
Q30360277Computational sidechain placement and protein mutagenesis with implicit solvent models.
Q91226710Computational simulations of TNF receptor oligomerization on plasma membrane
Q59614315Computational simulations of stem-cell factor/c-Kit receptor interaction
Q48139800Computational site-directed mutagenesis studies of the role of the hydrophobic triad on substrate binding in cholesterol oxidase.
Q45125288Computational studies and peptidomimetic design for the human p53-MDM2 complex
Q46932778Computational studies of LXR molecular interactions reveal an allosteric communication pathway
Q34372578Computational studies of colicin insertion into membranes: the closed state
Q70216505Computational studies of ligand diffusion in globins: I. Leghemoglobin
Q73233208Computational studies of the domain movement and the catalytic mechanism of thymidine phosphorylase
Q54647155Computational studies of the interaction between the HIV‐1 integrase tetramer and the cofactor LEDGF/p75: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations and the Informational spectrum method
Q57794928Computational studies of the structure, dynamics and native content of amyloid-like fibrils of ribonuclease A
Q43797840Computational study of colipase interaction with lipid droplets and bile salt micelles.
Q61587518Computational study of lipid-destabilizing protein fragments: Towards a comprehensive view of tilted peptides
Q51628645Computational study of the Trp-cage miniprotein based on the ECEPP/3 force field
Q43131944Computational study on the carboligation reaction of acetohidroxyacid synthase: new approach on the role of the HEThDP- intermediate.
Q91802583Computational study on the selective inhibition mechanism of MS402 to the first and second bromodomains of BRD4
Q27743078Computational, pulse-radiolytic, and structural investigations of lysine-136 and its role in the electrostatic triad of human C u,Z n superoxide dismutase
Q45039426Computational, spectroscopic, and resonant mirror biosensor analysis of the interaction of adrenodoxin with native and tryptophan-modified NADPH-adrenodoxin reductase
Q44878988Computationally accessible method for estimating free energy changes resulting from site-specific mutations of biomolecules: systematic model building and structural/hydropathic analysis of deoxy and oxy hemoglobins
Q30427185Computationally-predicted CB1 cannabinoid receptor mutants show distinct patterns of salt-bridges that correlate with their level of constitutive activity reflected in G protein coupling levels, thermal stability, and ligand binding
Q30406914Computed structures of point deletion mutants and their enzymatic activities
Q41749524Computer analysis of mutations that affect antibody specificity
Q38534207Computer design of bioactive molecules: a method for receptor-based de novo ligand design
Q46412312Computer modeling and folding of four-helix bundles
Q74460943Computer modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of ligand bound complexes of bovine angiogenin: dinucleotide topology at the active site of RNase a family proteins
Q73228386Computer modeling of human angiogenin-dinucleotide substrate interaction
Q44784434Computer modeling of the rhamnogalacturonase-"hairy" pectin complex
Q97547599Computer modelling of a potential agent against SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) protease
Q46604460Computer simulation of antibody binding specificity
Q36251051Computer simulation study of amyloid fibril formation by palindromic sequences in prion peptides
Q74527953Computer simulations aimed at structure prediction of supersecondary motifs in proteins
Q73594418Computer simulations of protein folding by targeted molecular dynamics
Q73393610Computer simulations of the dynamics of human choriogonadotropin and its alpha subunit
Q73393018Computer simulations of the properties of the alpha2, alpha2C, and alpha2D de novo designed helical proteins
Q47598356Computing van der Waals energies in the context of the rotamer approximation.
Q71696573Configurational effects in antibody-antigen interactions studied by microcalorimetry
Q30327291Confirmation of a unique intra-dimer cooperativity in the human hemoglobin alpha(1)beta(1)half-oxygenated intermediate supports the symmetry rule model of allosteric regulation.
Q27648764Conformation and dynamics of the three-helix bundle UBA domain of p62 from experiment and simulation
Q52285629Conformation and stability of streptokinases from nephritogenic and nonnephritogenic strains of streptococci
Q54129567Conformation of alamethicin in phospholipid vesicles: implications for insertion models
Q31036408Conformation of membrane-bound proteins revealed by vacuum-ultraviolet circular-dichroism and linear-dichroism spectroscopy
Q52243196Conformation of the Ras-binding domain of Raf studied by molecular dynamics and free energy simulations
Q74363297Conformation of the sebacyl β1Lys82–β2Lys82 crosslink in T-state human hemoglobin
Q46326614Conformation spaces of proteins
Q42033722Conformation transition kinetics of Bombyx mori silk protein.
Q46526656Conformational analysis and design of cross-strand disulfides in antiparallel β-sheets.
Q68151691Conformational analysis of a 12-residue analogue of mastoparan and of mastoparan X
Q72521328Conformational analysis of hemopexin by Fourier-transform infrared and circular dichroism spectroscopy
Q36758959Conformational analysis of protein structures derived from NMR data
Q30371074Conformational and connotational heterogeneity: a surprising relationship between protein structural flexibility and puns.
Q31141868Conformational and dynamics changes induced by bile acids binding to chicken liver bile acid binding protein
Q27617580Conformational and functional variability supported by the BPTI fold: solution structure of the Ca2+ channel blocker calcicludine
Q68596184Conformational and helicoidal analysis of the molecular dynamics of proteins: "curves," dials and windows for a 50 psec dynamic trajectory of BPTI
Q57829529Conformational changes in DNA-binding proteins: Relationships with precomplex features and contributions to specificity and stability
Q96292399Conformational changes in a Vernier zone region: implications for antibody dual specificity
Q44696788Conformational changes in yeast phosphoglycerate kinase upon ligand binding: fluorescence of a linked probe and chemical reactivity of genetically introduced cysteinyl residues
Q83846383Conformational changes induced by ATP‐hydrolysis in an ABC transporter: A molecular dynamics study of the Sav1866 exporter
Q68141527Conformational characteristics of the complete sequence of group A streptococcal M6 protein
Q27644819Conformational contagion in a protein: structural properties of a chameleon sequence
Q72890874Conformational deformation in deoxymyoglobin by hydrostatic pressure
Q50042128Conformational dynamics of L-lysine, L-arginine, L-ornithine binding protein reveals ligand-dependent plasticity
Q40880187Conformational dynamics of a short antigenic peptide in its free and antibody bound forms gives insight into the role of β-turns in peptide immunogenicity
Q52620670Conformational dynamics of capping protein and interaction partners: simulation studies
Q73256223Conformational dynamics of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 by coarse-grained simulations
Q57875310Conformational dynamics of cytochrome c: Correlation to hydrogen exchange
Q77977305Conformational dynamics of cytochrome c: correlation to hydrogen exchange
Q47291196Conformational dynamics of human protein kinase CK2α and its effect on function and inhibition.
Q30370239Conformational dynamics of nonsynonymous variants at protein interfaces reveals disease association.
Q42012774Conformational dynamics of recoverin's Ca2+‐myristoyl switch probed by 15N NMR relaxation dispersion and chemical shift analysis
Q54770451Conformational dynamics of the EGFR kinase domain reveals structural features involved in activation.
Q33743239Conformational flexibility and binding interactions of the G protein βγ heterodimer
Q27648040Conformational flexibility in mammalian 15S-lipoxygenase: Reinterpretation of the crystallographic data
Q82627881Conformational flexibility may explain multiple cellular roles of PEST motifs
Q54457701Conformational flexibility of RecA protein filament: transitions between compressed and stretched states
Q52450208Conformational flexibility of a scorpion toxin active on mammals and insects: a circular dichroism study
Q73594370Conformational flexibility of the catalytic Asp dyad in HIV-1 protease: An ab initio study on the free enzyme
Q48294286Conformational flexibility of the complete catalytic domain of Cdc25B phosphatases
Q30380926Conformational fluctuations of the AXH monomer of Ataxin-1.
Q46595057Conformational interconversion in compstatin probed with molecular dynamics simulations
Q44253632Conformational mapping of a viral fusion peptide in structure-promoting solvents using circular dichroism and electrospray mass spectrometry
Q41860440Conformational perturbation of interleukin-2: a strategy for the design of cytokine analogs
Q43986867Conformational polymorphism of wild-type and mutant prion proteins: Energy landscape analysis
Q33399171Conformational preferences of a short Aib/Ala-based water-soluble peptide as a function of temperature
Q54644212Conformational regulation of the EGFR kinase core by the juxtamembrane and C‐terminal tail: A molecular dynamics study
Q30163865Conformational sampling and dynamics of membrane proteins from 10-nanosecond computer simulations.
Q91327312Conformational sampling and polarization of Asp26 in pKa calculations of thioredoxin
Q30424944Conformational sampling by NMR solution structures calculated with the program DIANA evaluated by comparison with long-time molecular dynamics calculations in explicit water
Q43280889Conformational selection and collagenolysis in type III collagen
Q54335575Conformational selection and induced changes along the catalytic cycle of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase.
Q45965729Conformational selection in silico: loop latching motions and ligand binding in enzymes.
Q57077666Conformational selection through electrostatics: Free energy simulations of gtp and gdp binding to archaeal initiation factor 2
Q28569677Conformational stability and DNA binding energetics of the rat thyroid transcription factor 1 homeodomain
Q100318080Conformational stability of the bacterial adhesin, FimH, with an inactivating mutation
Q48117891Conformational stability of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor as influenced by glycosylation, dimerization and EGF hormone binding.
Q79909276Conformational states and folding pathways of peptides revealed by principal-independent component analyses
Q30331653Conformational states of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain from molecular dynamics simulations.
Q48007456Conformational subspace in simulation of early-stage protein folding
Q27694586Conformational transitions driven by pyridoxal-5'-phosphate uptake in the psychrophilic serine hydroxymethyltransferase from Psychromonas ingrahamii
Q47958933Conformational variability of the stationary phase survival protein E from Xylella fastidiosa revealed by X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering studies, and normal mode analysis.
Q27621091Conformational variation of calcium-bound troponin C
Q50791664Conformations of variably linked chimeric proteins evaluated by synchrotron X-ray small-angle scattering.
Q40966790Confronting the problem of interconnected structural changes in the comparative modeling of proteins.
Q47318855Congruent qualitative behavior of complete and reconstructed phase space trajectories from biomolecular dynamics simulation
Q32105094ConsDock: A new program for the consensus analysis of protein-ligand interactions
Q36788610Consensus preferred hydration sites in six FKBP12-drug complexes.
Q24657210Consensus scoring for enriching near-native structures from protein-protein docking decoys
Q86493482Conservation analysis of class-specific positions in cytochrome P450 monooxygenases: functional and structural relevance
Q44379456Conservation and amyloid formation: a study of the gelsolin-like family
Q30419557Conservation and prediction of solvent accessibility in protein families
Q30349854Conservation of cis prolyl bonds in proteins during evolution.
Q80060137Conservation of metal-coordinating residues
Q47621019Conservation of polar residues as hot spots at protein interfaces
Q57808046Conservation of polar residues as hot spots at protein interfaces
Q54204143Conservation of structural fluctuations in homologous protein kinases and its implications on functional sites
Q44236368Conserved amino acid networks involved in antibody variable domain interactions
Q84248139Conserved conformational dynamics of membrane fusion protein transmembrane domains and flanking regions indicated by sequence statistics
Q30779887Conserved core structure and active site residues in alkaline phosphatase superfamily enzymes
Q97533172Conserved internal hydration motifs in protein kinases
Q30327615Conserved key amino acid positions (CKAAPs) derived from the analysis of common substructures in proteins.
Q41969439Conserved movement of TMS11 between occluded conformations of LacY and XylE of the major facilitator superfamily suggests a similar hinge-like mechanism
Q27640839Conserved protein YecM fromEscherichia coli shows structural homology to metal-binding isomerases and oxygenases
Q27330867Conserved quantitative stability/flexibility relationships (QSFR) in an orthologous RNase H pair
Q30333118Conserved residue clustering and protein structure prediction.
Q30909739Conserved spatially interacting motifs of protein superfamilies: application to fold recognition and function annotation of genome data
Q83248552Conserved structural and dynamics features in the denatured states of drosophila SUMO, human SUMO and ubiquitin proteins: Implications to sequence-folding paradigm
Q27642612Conserved structural elements in glutathione transferase homologues encoded in the genome of Escherichia coli
Q27618712Conserved water molecules in a large family of microbial ribonucleases
Q74093196Conserved water molecules in the specificity pocket of serine proteases and the molecular mechanism of Na+ binding
Q99553570Consistency and variation of protein subcellular location annotations
Q30332520Consistency matrices: quantified structure alignments for sets of related proteins.
Q28286468Consistent refinement of submitted models at CASP using a knowledge-based potential
Q35382958Constant pH molecular dynamics of proteins in explicit solvent with proton tautomerism
Q62764040Constant-pH molecular dynamics using continuous titration coordinates
Q46586536Constitutive and dynamic phosphorylation and acetylation sites on NUCKS, a hypermodified nuclear protein, studied by quantitative proteomics
Q30375694Construct optimization for protein NMR structure analysis using amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry.
Q30424569Constructing amino acid residue substitution classes maximally indicative of local protein structure
Q51914305Constructing ensembles of flexible fragments in native proteins by iterative stochastic elimination is relevant to protein-protein interfaces
Q30369013Constructing templates for protein structure prediction by simulation of protein folding pathways.
Q73083592Construction and analysis of a detailed three-dimensional model of the ligand binding domain of the human B cell receptor CD40
Q78315721Construction and characterization of beta-lactoglobulin chimeras
Q52007588Construction of molecular assemblies via docking: modeling of tetramers with D2 symmetry
Q51838200Contact order dependent protein folding rates: kinetic consequences of a cooperative interplay between favorable nonlocal interactions and local conformational preferences.
Q51088346Contact patterns between helices and strands of sheet define protein folding patterns
Q30386605Contact prediction for beta and alpha-beta proteins using integer linear optimization and its impact on the first principles 3D structure prediction method ASTRO-FOLD.
Q44547214Contact prediction using mutual information and neural nets
Q41003317Contact rearrangements form coupled networks from local motions in allosteric proteins
Q30382587Contact-assisted protein structure modeling by global optimization in CASP11.
Q39015550Context characterization of amino acid homorepeats using evolution, position, and order
Q51906237Context shapes: Efficient complementary shape matching for protein-protein docking.
Q34713866Context-specific amino acid substitution matrices and their use in the detection of protein homologs
Q47361657Continuous Automated Model EvaluatiOn (CAMEO) complementing the critical assessment of structure prediction in CASP12.
Q68697928Continuous compact protein domains
Q43825577Continuum electrostatic analysis of irregular ionization and proton allocation in proteins
Q33179640Continuum electrostatic analysis of preferred solvation sites around proteins in solution
Q58489183Continuum electrostatic analysis of preferred solvation sites around proteins in solution
Q52421623Continuum electrostatics of the C-peptide: anatomy of the problem
Q27634694Contribution of Thr29 to the thermodynamic stability of goat alpha-lactalbumin as determined by experimental and theoretical approaches
Q53988252Contribution of arginine (HC3) 141 alpha to the Bohr effect of the fourth binding step in the reaction of ligand with human hemoglobin
Q46377411Contributions of water transfer energy to protein-ligand association and dissociation barriers: Watermap analysis of a series of p38α MAP kinase inhibitors
Q43947466Contributions to the binding free energy of ligands to avidin and streptavidin.
Q38288280Control of crystal forms of apoferritin by site-directed mutagenesis
Q51000031Conventional NMA as a better standard for evaluating elastic network models
Q79624906Convergence of molecular dynamics simulations of membrane proteins
Q42807058Conversion of type I 4:6 to 3:5 beta-turn types in human acidic fibroblast growth factor: effects upon structure, stability, folding, and mitogenic function.
Q46402210Conversion of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase into amyloid-like structure
Q30323184Cooperative approach for the protein fold recognition.
Q31913202Cooperative binding of inhaled anesthetics and ATP to firefly luciferase
Q31001659Cooperative effects in hydrogen-bonding of protein secondary structure elements: a systematic analysis of crystal data using Secbase.
Q73271590Cooperative fluctuations of unliganded and substrate-bound HIV-1 protease: a structure-based analysis on a variety of conformations from crystallography and molecular dynamics simulations
Q57905970Cooperative folding mechanism of a β-hairpin peptide studied by a multicanonical replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulation
Q43028867Cooperative helix stabilization by complex Arg-Glu salt bridges.
Q42182110Cooperative nature of gating transitions in K(+) channels as seen from dynamic importance sampling calculations
Q27643950Cooperative propagation of local stability changes from low-stability and high-stability regions in a SH3 domain
Q80809761Cooperative symmetric to asymmetric conformational transition of the apo-form of scavenger decapping enzyme revealed by simulations
Q74460955Coordination topology and stability for the native and binding conformers of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2
Q50085600Copper binding sites in the C-terminal domain of mouse prion protein: A hybrid (QM/MM) molecular dynamics study
Q86534359Copper-chaperones with dicoordinated Cu(I)--unique protection mechanism
Q125757087Correction to the article “Crystal Structure of a Ferredoxin Reductase for the CYP199A2 System from Rhodopseudomonas palustris ”
Q57082065Correction to the article “Position-resolved free energy of solvation for amino acids in lipid membranes from molecular dynamics simulations”
Q46093741Correlated mutation analyses on super-family alignments reveal functionally important residues
Q25891592Correlated mutations and residue contacts in proteins
Q80701899Correlated mutations at gp120 positions 322 and 440: implications for gp120 structure
Q47603699Correlated mutations: advances and limitations. A study on fusion proteins and on the Cohesin-Dockerin families
Q52082395Correlation between changes in nuclear magnetic resonance order parameters and conformational entropy: molecular dynamics simulations of native and denatured staphylococcal nuclease
Q41675264Correlation between knowledge-based and detailed atomic potentials: application to the unfolding of the GCN4 leucine zipper
Q72834590Correlation between protein stability and crystal properties of designed ROP variants
Q30385358Correlation of (2)J couplings with protein secondary structure.
Q57980270Correlation of the enzyme activities of Bacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase on three substrates with the results of molecular dynamics/energy minimization conformational searching
Q73784287Correlation of the enzyme activities of Bacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase on three substrates with the results of molecular dynamics/energy minimization conformational searching
Q45211190Correlations of atomic movements in lysozyme crystals
Q31014050Correspondence of function and phylogeny of ABC proteins based on an automated analysis of 20 model protein data sets.
Q51520168Coupling between ATP hydrolysis and protein conformational change in maltose transporter
Q51967605Coupling between conformation and proton binding in proteins
Q30374017Coupling between overall rotational diffusion and domain motions in proteins and its effect on dielectric spectra.
Q92372186Coupling dynamics and evolutionary information with structure to identify protein regulatory and functional binding sites
Q43956362Coupling of ligand binding and dimerization of helix-loop-helix peptides: spectroscopic and sedimentation analyses of calbindin D9k EF-hands
Q60459586Coupling of structural fluctuations to deamidation reaction in triosephosphate isomerase by Gaussian network model
Q46470076Coupling of the guanosine glycosidic bond conformation and the ribonucleotide cleavage reaction: implications for barnase catalysis
Q52072063Covariance analysis of protein families: the case of the variable domains of antibodies
Q123218872Cover Image, Volume 84, Issue 10
Q63247875Cover Image, Volume 85, Issue 2
Q58482678Cover Image, Volume 85, Issue 3
Q128879200Cover Image, Volume 86, Issue 11
Q57276435Cover Image, Volume 86, Issue 5
Q128050175Cover Image, Volume 87, Issue 6
Q127758967Cover Image, Volume 87, Issue 7
Q128271530Cover Image, Volume 88, Issue 8
Q84312224Cover and spacer insertions: small nonhydrophobic accessories that assist protein oligomerization
Q51145762Criteria for downhill protein folding: calorimetry, chevron plot, kinetic relaxation, and single-molecule radius of gyration in chain models with subdued degrees of cooperativity
Q30429619Criteria for evaluating protein structures derived from comparative modeling
Q67961445Criteria that discriminate between native proteins and incorrectly folded models
Q39540848Critical analysis of the successes and failures of homology models of G protein-coupled receptors.
Q30351462Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)--round 6.
Q29048192Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)--round IX
Q29048203Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)--round x
Q46348067Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)-Round XII.
Q90564393Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)-Round XIII
Q30336229Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)-round V.
Q56171911Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP): Round II
Q30429616Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP): round II.
Q30323113Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP): round III.
Q30329564Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP): round IV.
Q47588454Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction - Round VIII.
Q24642528Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction-Round VII
Q30388020Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction: Progress and new directions in round XI.
Q51932994Critical assessment of the automated AutoDock as a new docking tool for virtual screening
Q51930103Critical evaluation of methods to incorporate entropy loss upon binding in high-throughput docking
Q74252623Critical evaluation of the research docking program for the CASP2 challenge
Q130038794Critical micellar concentration determination of pure phospholipids and lipid‐raft and their mixtures with cholesterol
Q50936574Cross-talk between the ligand- and DNA-binding domains of estrogen receptor
Q79554814Crosstalk between the subunits of the homodimeric enzyme triosephosphate isomerase
Q48044614Cry1A(b)16 toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis: Theoretical refinement of three-dimensional structure and prediction of peptides as molecular markers for detection of genetically modified organisms
Q90430303Cryo-electron microscopy targets in CASP13: Overview and evaluation of results
Q43629663Cryptic epitopes in N-terminally truncated prion protein are exposed in the full-length molecule: dependence of conformation on pH.
Q90653368Crystal and solution structures of human oncoprotein Musashi-2 N-terminal RNA recognition motif 1
Q51975331Crystal packing effects on protein loops
Q27635348Crystal packing interaction that blocks crystallization of a site-specific DNA binding protein-DNA complex
Q27670601Crystal packing modifies ligand binding affinity: The case of aldose reductase
Q67777637Crystal parameters and molecular replacement of an anticholera toxin peptide complex
Q27646971Crystal structure analysis reveals a novel forkhead-associated domain of ESAT-6 secretion system C protein in Staphylococcus aureus
Q48043033Crystal structure analysis, covalent docking, and molecular dynamics calculations reveal a conformational switch in PhaZ7 PHB depolymerase
Q36479423Crystal structure and biochemical properties of putrescine carbamoyltransferase from Enterococcus faecalis: Assembly, active site, and allosteric regulation
Q27649935Crystal structure and domain characterization of ScpB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q27656246Crystal structure and enhanced activity of a cutinase-like enzyme from Cryptococcus sp. strain S-2
Q27676871Crystal structure and fluorescence studies reveal the role of helical dimeric interface of staphylococcal FabG1 in positive cooperativity for NADPH
Q27649048Crystal structure and functional analysis identify the P-loop containing protein YFH7 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an ATP-dependent kinase
Q27682287Crystal structure and nucleic acid‐binding activity of the CRISPR‐associated protein Csx1 of Pyrococcus furiosus
Q27659268Crystal structure and oligomeric state of the RetS signaling kinase sensory domain
Q27649852Crystal structure and possible dimerization of the single RRM of human PABPN1
Q27647394Crystal structure and putative function of small Toprim domain-containing protein from Bacillus stearothermophilus
Q27627763Crystal structure and refolding properties of the mutant F99S/M153T/V163A of the green fluorescent protein
Q27649511Crystal structure and stereochemical studies of KD(P)G aldolase from Thermoproteus tenax
Q46634395Crystal structure and structural stability of acylphosphatase from hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3.
Q27666584Crystal structure and substrate-binding mode of cellulase 12A from Thermotoga maritima
Q27654048Crystal structure and thermodynamic analysis of diagnostic mAb 106.3 complexed with BNP 5-13 (C10A)
Q46900611Crystal structure at 1.45-A resolution of the major allergen endo-beta-1,3-glucanase of banana as a molecular basis for the latex-fruit syndrome
Q27688953Crystal structure determination of anti-DNA Fab A52
Q27649051Crystal structure of 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate kinase (TM0067) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.05 A resolution
Q34559842Crystal structure of 2-phosphosulfolactate phosphatase (ComB) from Clostridium acetobutylicum at 2.6 A resolution reveals a new fold with a novel active site
Q27664979Crystal structure of 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase, a member of the orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase suprafamily
Q53590741Crystal structure of 5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidase from Arabidopsis thaliana at 1.5-A resolution
Q27683480Crystal structure of 6-guanidinohexanoyl trypsin near the optimum pH reveals the acyl-enzyme intermediate to be deacylated
Q40733218Crystal structure of A. aeolicus LpxC with bound product suggests alternate deacetylation mechanism
Q27645431Crystal structure of ACE19, the collagen binding subdomain of Enterococus faecalis surface protein ACE
Q46815510Crystal structure of ADP/AMP complex of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase
Q27649816Crystal structure of AICAR transformylase IMP cyclohydrolase (TM1249) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.88 A resolution
Q89857932Crystal structure of Alr1298, a pentapeptide repeat protein from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 7120, determined at 2.1 Å resolution
Q27673831Crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana 12‐oxophytodienoate reductase isoform 3 in complex with 8‐iso prostaglandin A1
Q27648398Crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana cytokinin dehydrogenase
Q27656983Crystal structure of Arabidopsis translation initiation factor eIF-5A2
Q63351983Crystal structure of At2g03760, a putative steroid sulfotransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana
Q52371520Crystal structure of B-cell co-receptor CD19 in complex with antibody B43 reveals an unexpected fold
Q27650586Crystal structure of B. subtilis YjcG characterizing the YjcG-like group of 2H phosphoesterase superfamily
Q27648945Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis CodW, a noncanonical HslV-like peptidase with an impaired catalytic apparatus
Q37471276Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis YdaF protein: a putative ribosomal N-acetyltransferase.
Q27639347Crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis ioli shows endonuclase IV fold with altered Zn binding
Q27667879Crystal structure of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron TetX2: A tetracycline degrading monooxygenase at 2.8 Å resolution
Q27690806Crystal structure of BinB: a receptor binding component of the binary toxin from Lysinibacillus sphaericus
Q27621079Crystal structure of CHO reductase, a member of the aldo-keto reductase superfamily
Q27732095Crystal structure of CTP-ligated T state aspartate transcarbamoylase at 2.5 A resolution: implications for ATCase mutants and the mechanism of negative cooperativity
Q47683950Crystal structure of D-glycero-Β-D-manno-heptose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase from Burkholderia pseudomallei
Q27639588Crystal structure of D-ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (RpiA) from Escherichia coli
Q27650422Crystal structure of DFA0005 complexed with alpha-ketoglutarate: a novel member of the ICL/PEPM superfamily from alkali-tolerant Deinococcus ficus
Q27678498Crystal structure of DeSI-1, a novel deSUMOylase belonging to a putative isopeptidase superfamily
Q27646879Crystal structure of Dim2p: a preribosomal RNA processing factor, from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 at 2.30 A
Q27689019Crystal structure of DszC from Rhodococcus sp. XP at 1.79 Å
Q44855362Crystal structure of E. coli yddE protein reveals a striking homology with diaminopimelate epimerase
Q46801612Crystal structure of Escherichia coli DkgA, a broad-specificity aldo-keto reductase
Q27730949Crystal structure of Escherichia coli RNase HI in complex with Mg2+ at 2.8 A resolution: proof for a single Mg(2+)-binding site
Q27731984Crystal structure of Escherichia coli TEM1 beta-lactamase at 1.8 A resolution
Q46529634Crystal structure of Escherichia coli YfhJ protein, a member of the ISC machinery involved in assembly of iron-sulfur clusters
Q27617728Crystal structure of Escherichia coli uracil DNA glycosylase and its complexes with uracil and glycerol: structure and glycosylase mechanism revisited
Q27670731Crystal structure of FAF1 UBX domain in complex with p97/VCP N domain reveals a conformational change in the conserved FcisP touch‐turn motif of UBX domain
Q27650274Crystal structure of GH13 alpha-glucosidase GSJ from one of the deepest sea bacteria
Q28256757Crystal structure of GlcAT-S, a human glucuronyltransferase, involved in the biosynthesis of the HNK-1 carbohydrate epitope
Q54623889Crystal structure of HP0242, a hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori with a novel fold.
Q27666850Crystal structure of HP0721, a novel secreted protein from Helicobacter pylori
Q27644051Crystal structure of Helicobacter pylori spermidine synthase: a Rossmann-like fold with a distinct active site
Q24297467Crystal structure of Homo sapiens protein LOC79017
Q57973457Crystal structure of Homo sapiens protein hp14.5
Q34302791Crystal structure of Homo sapiens protein hp14.5.
Q34510806Crystal structure of Homo sapiens thialysine Nepsilon-acetyltransferase (HsSSAT2) in complex with acetyl coenzyme A.
Q56978825Crystal structure of Hsp33 chaperone (TM1394) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.20 Å resolution
Q27689666Crystal structure of JHP933 from Helicobacter pylori J99 shows two-domain architecture with a DUF1814 family nucleotidyltransferase domain and a helical bundle domain
Q27654047Crystal structure of KaiC-like protein PH0186 from hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3
Q27653395Crystal structure of LZ-8 from the medicinal fungus Ganoderma lucidium
Q27639581Crystal structure of MTH169, a crucial component of phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthetase
Q27638994Crystal structure of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum conserved protein MTH1020 reveals an NTN-hydrolase fold
Q27646884Crystal structure of MtnX phosphatase from Bacillus subtilis at 2.0 angstroms resolution provides a structural basis for bipartite phosphomonoester hydrolysis of 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate
Q27687101Crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CarD, an essential RNA polymerase binding protein, reveals a quasidomain-swapped dimeric structural architecture
Q27658106Crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis LppA, a lipoprotein confined to pathogenic mycobacteria
Q27673650Crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3168: A putative aminoglycoside antibiotics resistance enzyme
Q27649623Crystal structure of N-acylamino acid racemase from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q27658679Crystal structure of NADH:rubredoxin oxidoreductase from Clostridium acetobutylicum: a key component of the dioxygen scavenging system in obligatory anaerobes
Q45220727Crystal structure of NH3-dependent NAD+ synthetase from Helicobacter pylori.
Q27646784Crystal structure of NMA1982 from Neisseria meningitidis at 1.5 angstroms resolution provides a structural scaffold for nonclassical, eukaryotic-like phosphatases
Q27649774Crystal structure of Natratoxin, a novel snake secreted phospholipaseA2 neurotoxin from Naja atra venom inhibiting A-type K+ currents
Q27682234Crystal structure of NirD, the small subunit of the nitrite reductase NirbD from Mycobacterium tuberculosis at 2.0 Å resolution
Q27653171Crystal structure of Npun_R1517, a putative negative regulator of heterocyst differentiation from Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102
Q27655646Crystal structure of NusG N-terminal (NGN) domain from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii and its interaction with rpoE''
Q46475143Crystal structure of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase (TM0665) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.8 A resolution
Q27650276Crystal structure of PAE0151 from Pyrobaculum aerophilum, a PIN-domain (VapC) protein from a toxin-antitoxin operon
Q34370302Crystal structure of PH0010 from Pyrococcus horikoshii, which is highly homologous to human AMMECR 1C-terminal region.
Q27652349Crystal structure of PH1733, an aspartate racemase homologue, from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3
Q27658491Crystal structure of PRY-SPRY domain of human TRIM72
Q102382264Crystal structure of PYCH_01220 from Pyrococcus yayanosii potentially involved in binding nucleic acid
Q27687798Crystal structure of Plasmodium vivax FK506-binding protein 25 reveals conformational changes responsible for its noncanonical activity
Q28268145Crystal structure of PqqC from Klebsiella pneumoniae at 2.1 A resolution
Q46683357Crystal structure of PurE (BA0288) from Bacillus anthracis at 1.8 A resolution
Q27643807Crystal structure of Pyrococcus horikoshii PPC protein at 1.60 A resolution
Q27650644Crystal structure of QueC from Bacillus subtilis: an enzyme involved in preQ1 biosynthesis
Q27652872Crystal structure of RecX: a potent regulatory protein of RecA from Xanthomonas campestris
Q34410412Crystal structure of S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase (QueA) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.0 A resolution reveals a new fold
Q27644647Crystal structure of S. aureus YlaN, an essential leucine rich protein involved in the control of cell shape
Q27649936Crystal structure of STS042, a stand-alone RAM module protein, from hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7
Q27654994Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ygr203w, a homolog of single-domain rhodanese and Cdc25 phosphatase catalytic domain
Q27654407Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutamine synthetase Gln1 suggests a nanotube-like supramolecular assembly
Q46203974Crystal structure of ScpB from Chlorobium tepidum, a protein involved in chromosome partitioning
Q27677025Crystal structure of SsfS6, the putativeC-glycosyltransferase involved in SF2575 biosynthesis
Q27667654Crystal structure of Sulfolobus tokodaii Sua5 complexed with L-threonine and AMPPNP
Q72668315Crystal structure of TGF-beta 2 refined at 1.8 A resolution
Q27644506Crystal structure of TM1030 from Thermotoga maritima at 2.3 A resolution reveals molecular details of its transcription repressor function
Q46245319Crystal structure of TM1367 from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution reveals an atypical member of the cyclophilin (peptidylprolyl isomerase) fold
Q57894979Crystal structure of TT1662 from Thermus thermophilus HB8: A member of the α/β hydrolase fold enzymes
Q27649050Crystal structure of TTHA0303 (TT2238), a four-helix bundle protein with an exposed histidine triad from Thermus thermophilus HB8 at 2.0 A
Q27657213Crystal structure of TTHA0807, a CcpA regulator, from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q27653940Crystal structure of TTHA1264, a putative M16-family zinc peptidase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 that is homologous to the beta subunit of mitochondrial processing peptidase
Q27651934Crystal structure of TTHA1429, a novel metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q27643234Crystal structure of TTHA1657 (AT-rich DNA-binding protein; p25) from Thermus thermophilus HB8 at 2.16 A resolution
Q27650417Crystal structure of Tflp: a ferredoxin-like metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
Q27652348Crystal structure of Thermotoga maritima SPOUT superfamily RNA methyltransferase Tm1570 in complex with S-adenosyl-L-methionine
Q27666636Crystal structure of Toll-like receptor 2-activating lipoprotein IIpA from Vibrio vulnificus
Q53584302Crystal structure of UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvylglucosamine reductase (MurB) from Thermus caldophilus
Q27649770Crystal structure of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine enolpyruvyl transferase from Haemophilus influenzae in complex with UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and fosfomycin
Q27642422Crystal structure of UDP‐N‐acetylglucosamine acyltransferase fromHelicobacter pylori
Q82649965Crystal structure of VC0702 at 2.0 A: conserved hypothetical protein from Vibrio cholerae
Q27649938Crystal structure of VC1805, a conserved hypothetical protein from a Vibrio cholerae pathogenicity island, reveals homology to human p32
Q79212146Crystal structure of XC5357 from Xanthomonas campestris: a putative tetracenomycin polyketide synthesis protein adopting a novel cupin subfamily structure
Q46602324Crystal structure of YHI9, the yeast member of the phenazine biosynthesis PhzF enzyme superfamily
Q47714904Crystal structure of YIGZ, a conserved hypothetical protein from Escherichia coli k12 with a novel fold
Q27650143Crystal structure of YagE, a putative DHDPS-like protein from Escherichia coli K12
Q27640186Crystal structure of YbaB from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0442), a protein of unknown function coexpressed with the recombinational DNA repair protein RecR
Q27622559Crystal structure of YbaK protein from Haemophilus influenzae (HI1434) at 1.8 A resolution: functional implications
Q27642257Crystal structure of YdcE protein from Bacillus subtilis
Q27636863Crystal structure of Yeco from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0319) reveals a methyltransferase fold and a bound S‐adenosylhomocysteine
Q79969417Crystal structure of YfiR, an unusual TetR/CamR-type putative transcriptional regulator from Bacillus subtilis
Q27650764Crystal structure of YlqF, a circularly permuted GTPase: implications for its GTPase activation in 50 S ribosomal subunit assembly
Q27697926Crystal structure of YwpF from Staphylococcus aureus reveals its architecture comprised of a β-barrel core domain resembling type VI secretion system proteins and a two-helix pair
Q27652876Crystal structure of a 1.6-hexanediol bound tetrameric form of Escherichia coli lac-repressor refined to 2.1 A resolution
Q98161415Crystal structure of a 123 amino acids dimerization domain of Drosophila Caprin
Q27648489Crystal structure of a 3-oxoacyl-(acylcarrier protein) reductase (BA3989) from Bacillus anthracis at 2.4-A resolution
Q27678203Crystal structure of a Cas6 paralogous protein from Pyrococcus furiosus
Q27690169Crystal structure of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar RabGAP TBC-domain at 1.8 Å resolution
Q46294475Crystal structure of a PIN (PilT N-terminus) domain (AF0591) from Archaeoglobus fulgidus at 1.90 A resolution
Q27650583Crystal structure of a PduO-type ATP:cobalamin adenosyltransferase from Burkholderia thailandensis
Q98896987Crystal structure of a SAM-dependent O-methyltransferase-like enzyme from Aspergillus flavus
Q27704892Crystal structure of a [NiFe] hydrogenase maturation protease HybD from Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1
Q27666625Crystal structure of a bacterial phosphoglucomutase, an enzyme involved in the virulence of multiple human pathogens
Q46389037Crystal structure of a bicupin protein HutD involved in histidine utilization in Pseudomonas.
Q27644364Crystal structure of a binary complex between human GCN5 histone acetyltransferase domain and acetyl coenzyme A
Q38328070Crystal structure of a calcium-induced dimer of two isoforms of cobra phospholipase A2 at 1.6 A resolution
Q27650765Crystal structure of a chimera of human and Plasmodium falciparum hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferases provides insights into oligomerization
Q27765347Crystal structure of a complex formed between proteolytically-generated lactoferrin fragment and proteinase K
Q45194395Crystal structure of a component of glycine cleavage system: T-protein from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 at 1.5 A resolution.
Q57839935Crystal structure of a consensus-designed ankyrin repeat protein: Implications for stability
Q56978807Crystal structure of a conserved hypothetical protein (gi: 13879369) from Mouse at 1.90 Å resolution reveals a new fold
Q57895178Crystal structure of a conserved hypothetical protein TT1751 fromThermus thermophilus HB8
Q27648693Crystal structure of a conserved protein of unknown function (MJ1651) from Methanococcus jannaschii
Q27644821Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial sucrose-phosphatase in complex with glucose-containing disaccharides
Q27651674Crystal structure of a family GT4 glycosyltransferase from Bacillus anthracis ORF BA1558
Q27656658Crystal structure of a ferredoxin reductase for the CYP199A2 system from Rhodopseudomonas palustris
Q57898162Crystal structure of a feruloyl esterase belonging to the tannase family: A disulfide bond near a catalytic triad
Q27641821Crystal structure of a flavin-binding protein from Thermotoga maritima
Q34384467Crystal structure of a formiminotetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase (TM1560) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.80 A resolution reveals a new fold
Q35536516Crystal structure of a fully glycosylated HIV-1 gp120 core reveals a stabilizing role for the glycan at Asn262.
Q56978662Crystal structure of a glycerate kinase (TM1585) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.70 Å resolution reveals a new fold
Q46714134Crystal structure of a glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) from Thermotoga maritima (TM1621) at 1.60 A resolution
Q46803204Crystal structure of a heterodimer of phospholipase A2 from Naja naja sagittifera at 2.3 A resolution reveals the presence of a new PLA2-like protein with a novel cys 32-Cys 49 disulphide bridge with a bound sugar at the substrate-binding site
Q27643947Crystal structure of a histidine kinase sensor domain with similarity to periplasmic binding proteins
Q34447851Crystal structure of a human kynurenine aminotransferase II homologue from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 at 2.20 A resolution.
Q27640465Crystal structure of a hypothetical protein, TM841 of Thermotoga maritima, reveals its function as a fatty acid-binding protein
Q27642420Crystal structure of a hypothetical protein, TT1725, from Thermus thermophilus HB8 at 1.7 A resolution
Q27679089Crystal structure of a member of a novel family of dioxygenases (PF10014) reveals a conserved cupin fold and active site
Q27667656Crystal structure of a metal-dependent phosphoesterase (YP_910028.1) from Bifidobacterium adolescentis: Computational prediction and experimental validation of phosphoesterase activity
Q44947551Crystal structure of a methionine aminopeptidase (TM1478) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.9 A resolution
Q27648253Crystal structure of a monoclonal antibody directed against an antigenic determinant common to Ogawa and Inaba serotypes of Vibrio cholerae O1
Q27631610Crystal structure of a mutant human lysozyme with a substituted disulfide bond
Q46724996Crystal structure of a new class of glutathione transferase from the model human hookworm nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus.
Q91610279Crystal structure of a novel ATPase RadD from Escherichia coli
Q27653537Crystal structure of a novel Sm-like protein of putative cyanophage origin at 2.60 Å resolution
Q46589580Crystal structure of a novel Thermotoga maritima enzyme (TM1112) from the cupin family at 1.83 A resolution
Q27653173Crystal structure of a novel archaeal AAA+ ATPase SSO1545 fromSulfolobus solfataricus
Q27667949Crystal structure of a novel dimer form of FlgD from P. aeruginosa PAO1
Q93244716Crystal structure of a novel fold protein Gp72 from the freshwater cyanophage Mic1
Q44960730Crystal structure of a novel manganese-containing cupin (TM1459) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.65 A resolution
Q27674967Crystal structure of a novel mitogen‐activated protein kinase phosphatase, SKRP1
Q27650140Crystal structure of a novel non-Pfam protein AF1514 from Archeoglobus fulgidus DSM 4304 solved by S-SAD using a Cr X-ray source
Q46304080Crystal structure of a novel prolidase from Deinococcus radiodurans identifies new subfamily of bacterial prolidases.
Q27644010Crystal structure of a novel single-stranded DNA binding protein from Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Q41110623Crystal structure of a novel two domain GH78 family α-rhamnosidase from Klebsiella oxytoca with rhamnose bound.
Q27667347Crystal structure of a phenol‐coupling P450 monooxygenase involved in teicoplanin biosynthesis
Q44817554Crystal structure of a phosphoribosylaminoimidazole mutase PurE (TM0446) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.77-A resolution
Q47866942Crystal structure of a phosphotransacetylase from Streptococcus pyogenes
Q37471248Crystal structure of a predicted precorrin-8x methylmutase from Thermoplasma acidophilum
Q47596538Crystal structure of a protein associated with cell division from Mycoplasma pneumoniae (GI: 13508053): a novel fold with a conserved sequence motif
Q68596174Crystal structure of a protein-toxin alpha 1-purothionin at 2.5A and a comparison with predicted models
Q43018120Crystal structure of a purine/pyrimidine phosphoribosyltransferase-related protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8.
Q27641532Crystal structure of a putative CN hydrolase from yeast
Q27651129Crystal structure of a putative DNA methylase TTHA0409 from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q35546797Crystal structure of a putative HTH-type transcriptional regulator yxaF from Bacillus subtilis.
Q44960740Crystal structure of a putative NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase (GI: 18204011) from mouse at 2.10 A resolution
Q48007177Crystal structure of a putative PII-like signaling protein (TM0021) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.5 A resolution
Q83957597Crystal structure of a putative acyl-CoA thioesterase from Xanthomonas campestris (XC229) adopts a tetrameric hotdog fold of epsilongamma mode
Q44855333Crystal structure of a putative aspartate aminotransferase belonging to subgroup IV.
Q44784471Crystal structure of a putative glutamine amido transferase (TM1158) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.7 A resolution
Q27650670Crystal structure of a putative lysostaphin peptidase from Vibrio cholerae
Q27657329Crystal structure of a putative methylmalonyl-coenzyme A epimerase from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis at 2.0 A resolution
Q46214522Crystal structure of a putative modulator of DNA gyrase (pmbA) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.95 A resolution reveals a new fold
Q28485422Crystal structure of a putative oxalate decarboxylase (TM1287) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.95 A resolution
Q53657371Crystal structure of a putative phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PA4866) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAC1.
Q46865795Crystal structure of a putative pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase (Rv2607) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q27680491Crystal structure of a putative quorum sensing-regulated protein (PA3611) from the Pseudomonas-specific DUF4146 family
Q27734823Crystal structure of a recombinant form of the maltodextrin-binding protein carrying an inserted sequence of a B-cell epitope from the preS2 region of hepatitis B virus
Q44910194Crystal structure of a ribose-5-phosphate isomerase RpiB (TM1080) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution
Q27649047Crystal structure of a secondary vitamin D3 binding site of milk beta-lactoglobulin
Q56978738Crystal structure of a single-stranded DNA-binding protein (TM0604) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.60 Å resolution
Q27678402Crystal structure of a supercharged variant of the human enteropeptidase light chain
Q46320318Crystal structure of a tandem cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS) domain protein (TM0935) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.87 A resolution
Q27621093Crystal structure of a thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase substrate complex suggests determinants of substrate specificity and thermostability
Q27643664Crystal structure of a transcription regulator (TM1602) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.3 A resolution
Q27646782Crystal structure of a transcriptional activator of comK gene from Bacillus halodurans
Q27659695Crystal structure of a triacylglycerol lipase from Penicillium expansum at 1.3 A determined by sulfur SAD
Q27657330Crystal structure of a trimeric archaeal adenylate kinase from the mesophile Methanococcus maripaludis with an unusually broad functional range and thermal stability
Q27628955Crystal structure of a truncated form of porcine odorant-binding protein
Q27663517Crystal structure of a truncated urease accessory protein UreF from Helicobacter pylori
Q45257277Crystal structure of a truncated version of the phage lambda protein gpD.
Q46025762Crystal structure of a type II quinolic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (TM1645) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.50 A resolution.
Q44252320Crystal structure of a zinc-containing glycerol dehydrogenase (TM0423) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.5 A resolution
Q43559566Crystal structure of acireductone dioxygenase (ARD) from Mus musculus at 2.06 angstrom resolution
Q27678201Crystal structure of agkisacucetin, a Gpib-binding snake C-type lectin that inhibits platelet adhesion and aggregation
Q82068613Crystal structure of alanyl-tRNA synthetase editing-domain homolog (PH0574) from a hyperthermophile, Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 at 1.45 A resolution
Q27648249Crystal structure of aminopeptidase N from human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis
Q27649853Crystal structure of an ADP-ribosylated protein with a cytidine deaminase-like fold, but unknown function (TM1506), from Thermotoga maritima at 2.70 A resolution
Q34431926Crystal structure of an Apo mRNA decapping enzyme (DcpS) from Mouse at 1.83 A resolution
Q46145171Crystal structure of an HEPN domain protein (TM0613) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.75 A resolution
Q56978648Crystal structure of an ORFan protein (TM1622) fromThermotoga maritimaat 1.75 Å resolution reveals a fold similar to the Ran-binding protein Mog1p
Q82585442Crystal structure of an RtcB homolog protein (PH1602-extein protein) from Pyrococcus horikoshii reveals a novel fold
Q46128390Crystal structure of an Udp-n-acetylmuramate-alanine ligase MurC (TM0231) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.3 A resolution
Q27646622Crystal structure of an acetyltransferase protein fromVibrio choleraestrain N16961
Q45229452Crystal structure of an alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase from Anabaena sp. at 1.70 A resolution reveals a noncovalently linked PLP cofactor
Q43608572Crystal structure of an aldehyde reductase Y50F mutant-NADP complex and its implications for substrate binding
Q27652281Crystal structure of an alkaline serine protease from Nesterenkonia sp. defines a novel family of secreted bacterial proteases
Q34330586Crystal structure of an allantoicase (YIR029W) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 2.4 A resolution
Q44071941Crystal structure of an alpha/beta serine hydrolase (YDR428C) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 1.85 A resolution
Q46721054Crystal structure of an archaeal Sm protein from Sulfolobus solfataricus.
Q27662227Crystal structure of an archaeal cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor subunit from Pyrococcus horikoshii
Q79935373Crystal structure of an archaeal homologue of multidrug resistance repressor protein, EmrR, from hyperthermophilic archaea Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7
Q43023614Crystal structure of an archaeal specific DNA-binding protein (Ape10b2) from Aeropyrum pernix K1.
Q44855358Crystal structure of an aspartate aminotransferase (TM1255) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution
Q27660234Crystal structure of an eIF4G-like protein fromDanio rerio
Q56978885Crystal structure of an indigoidine synthase A (IndA)-like protein (TM1464) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 Å resolution reveals a new fold
Q27642900Crystal structure of an iron-containing 1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase (TM0920) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.3 A resolution
Q46091228Crystal structure of an orphan protein (TM0875) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.00-A resolution reveals a new fold
Q46848400Crystal structure of antigen TpF1 from Treponema pallidum
Q27703593Crystal structure of archaeal ketopantoate reductase complexed with coenzyme a and 2-oxopantoate provides structural insights into feedback regulation
Q27650205Crystal structure of archaeal tRNA(m(1)G37)methyltransferase aTrm5
Q27662960Crystal structure of archaemetzincin AmzA from Methanopyrus kandleri at 1.5 A resolution
Q57875907Crystal structure of axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) liver bile acid-binding protein bound to cholic and oleic acid
Q27675746Crystal structure of bacteriophage ϕNIT1 zinc peptidase PghP that hydrolyzes γ-glutamyl linkage of bacterial poly-γ-glutamate
Q27626597Crystal structure of bovine duodenase, a serine protease, with dual trypsin and chymotrypsin-like specificities
Q27645355Crystal structure of calcium binding protein-1 from Entamoeba histolytica: a novel arrangement of EF hand motifs
Q27749440Crystal structure of calcium-independent subtilisin BPN′ with restored thermal stability folded without the prodomain
Q98161380Crystal structure of chalcone synthase, a key enzyme for isoflavonoid biosynthesis in soybean
Q27643629Crystal structure of chemically synthesized vMIP-II
Q56764579Crystal structure of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase B2 encoded by the multiresistance transposon Tn2424
Q27642898Crystal structure of chorismate synthase from Aquifex aeolicus reveals a novel beta alpha beta sandwich topology
Q27685221Crystal structure of conjugated polyketone reductase (CPR-C1) from Candida parapsilosis IFO 0708 complexed with NADPH
Q48007394Crystal structure of conserved protein PH1136 from Pyrococcus horikoshii.
Q27666119Crystal structure of curcuminoid synthase CUS from Oryza sativa
Q81528787Crystal structure of decameric peroxiredoxin (AhpC) from Amphibacillus xylanus
Q27675247Crystal structure of decaprenylphosphoryl-β-D-ribose 2'-epimerase fromMycobacterium smegmatis
Q80914870Crystal structure of dehydroquinate synthase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 showing functional importance of the dimeric state
Q27684504Crystal structure of deltarhodopsin‐3 from Haloterrigena thermotolerans
Q43029698Crystal structure of dibenzothiophene sulfone monooxygenase BdsA from Bacillus subtilis WU-S2B.
Q46803237Crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase (BA3935) from Bacillus anthracis at 1.94 A resolution
Q45729072Crystal structure of elongation factor P from Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 1.75 å resolution
Q27651672Crystal structure of engineered beta-glucosidase from a soil metagenome
Q51186372Crystal structure of fatty acid-CoA racemase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
Q46832312Crystal structure of flavin binding to FAD synthetase of Thermotoga maritima
Q27642894Crystal structure of gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase (TM0293) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.0 A resolution
Q45028395Crystal structure of gene locus At3g16990 from Arabidopsis thaliana
Q27656419Crystal structure of ginkbilobin-2 with homology to the extracellular domain of plant cysteine-rich receptor-like kinases
Q27674916Crystal structure of glucuronic acid dehydrogenase [correction of dehydrogeanse] from Chromohalobacter salexigens
Q27639732Crystal structure of glutamine amidotransferase fromThermotoga maritima
Q27645350Crystal structure of glutathione reductase Glr1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q27651950Crystal structure of glutathione-dependent phospholipid peroxidase Hyr1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q46848393Crystal structure of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Plasmodium falciparum at 2.25 A resolution reveals intriguing extra electron density in the active site.
Q27649609Crystal structure of glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis, a metal ion-dependent enzyme: insight into the catalytic mechanism
Q80113383Crystal structure of glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens by SAD with a large asymmetric unit
Q39226755Crystal structure of heart 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (PFKFB2) and the inhibitory influence of citrate on substrate binding
Q27675741Crystal structure of homoisocitrate dehydrogenase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Q27645233Crystal structure of homoserine O-succinyltransferase from Bacillus cereus at 2.4 A resolution
Q34645728Crystal structure of human Ankyrin G death domain
Q44855348Crystal structure of human L-xylulose reductase holoenzyme: probing the role of Asn107 with site-directed mutagenesis
Q28265727Crystal structure of human SH3BGRL protein: the first structure of the human SH3BGR family representing a novel class of thioredoxin fold proteins
Q34574153Crystal structure of human TMDP, a testis-specific dual specificity protein phosphatase: implications for substrate specificity
Q27651133Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase XIII and its complex with the inhibitor acetazolamide
Q27654629Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase-related protein VIII reveals the basis for catalytic silencing
Q27649297Crystal structure of human cellular retinol-binding protein II to 1.2 A resolution
Q27649296Crystal structure of human cyclophilin D in complex with its inhibitor, cyclosporin A at 0.96-A resolution
Q27677502Crystal structure of human cytosolic aspartyl‐tRNA synthetase, a component of multi‐tRNA synthetase complex
Q24311982Crystal structure of human diphosphoinositol phosphatase 1
Q34577177Crystal structure of human dual specificity phosphatase, JNK stimulatory phosphatase-1, at 1.5 A resolution
Q27654071Crystal structure of human eIF5A1: insight into functional similarity of human eIF5A1 and eIF5A2
Q27642167Crystal structure of human immunoglobulin fragment Fab New refined at 2.0 A resolution
Q38456781Crystal structure of human multiple copies in T‐cell lymphoma‐1 oncoprotein
Q27643992Crystal structure of human myo-inositol monophosphatase 2, the product of the putative susceptibility gene for bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and febrile seizures
Q27648284Crystal structure of human nucleophosmin-core reveals plasticity of the pentamer-pentamer interface
Q27637712Crystal structure of human nucleoside diphosphate kinase A, a metastasis suppressor
Q27622554Crystal structure of human ornithine transcarbamylase complexed with carbamoyl phosphate and L-norvaline at 1.9 A resolution
Q27653392Crystal structure of human osteoclast stimulating factor
Q48007168Crystal structure of human p120 homologue protein PH1374 from Pyrococcus horikoshii
Q27651131Crystal structure of human phosphomevalonate kinase at 1.8 A resolution
Q34501848Crystal structure of human protein tyrosine phosphatase 14 (PTPN14) at 1.65-A resolution
Q27652880Crystal structure of human retinoblastoma binding protein 9
Q27644410Crystal structure of human slingshot phosphatase 2
Q82863243Crystal structure of human spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (hSSAT): the first structure of a new sequence family of transferase homologous superfamily
Q27621914Crystal structure of human ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase
Q80610301Crystal structure of hypothetical protein PH0642 from Pyrococcus horikoshii at 1.6A resolution
Q27652346Crystal structure of hypothetical protein PH0734.1 from hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3
Q80610309Crystal structure of hypothetical protein PH0828 from Pyrococcus horikoshii
Q27676667Crystal structure of hypothetical protein TTHB210, controlled by the σ(E) /anti-σ(E) regulatory system in Thermus thermophilus HB8, reveals a novel homodecamer
Q30437663Crystal structure of hypothetical protein YfiH from Shigella flexneri at 2 A resolution
Q51264884Crystal structure of intein homing endonuclease II encoded in DNA polymerase gene from hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis strain KOD1.
Q27665814Crystal structure of isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals a novel active site architecture and the basis of substrate specificity
Q44898287Crystal structure of isocitrate dehydrogenase from Aeropyrum pernix
Q27694799Crystal structure of juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase from the silkworm Bombyx mori
Q47995292Crystal structure of lipoate-bound lipoate ligase 1, LipL1, from Plasmodium falciparum
Q46622877Crystal structure of methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from Mycoplasma pneumoniae (GI: 13508087) at 2.2 A resolution
Q54719164Crystal structure of myoglobin from a synthetic gene.
Q27667432Crystal structure of native Anopheles gambiae serpin-2, a negative regulator of melanization in mosquitoes
Q27650107Crystal structure of native O-acetyl-serine sulfhydrylase from Entamoeba histolytica and its complex with cysteine: structural evidence for cysteine binding and lack of interactions with serine acetyl transferase
Q27652428Crystal structure of native cinnamomin isoform III and its comparison with other ribosome inactivating proteins
Q27637481Crystal structure of non-allosteric L-lactate dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus pentosus at 2.3 A resolution: specific interactions at subunit interfaces
Q48020683Crystal structure of nonspecific lipid transfer protein from Solanum melongena
Q27642899Crystal structure of osmotin, a plant antifungal protein
Q91163256Crystal structure of pantoate kinase from Thermococcus kodakarensis
Q45070150Crystal structure of peptide deformylase from Staphylococcus aureus in complex with actinonin, a naturally occurring antibacterial agent
Q27655519Crystal structure of phenylacetic acid degradation protein PaaG from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q79895869Crystal structure of phosphatidylglycerophosphatase (PGPase), a putative membrane-bound lipid phosphatase, reveals a novel binuclear metal binding site and two "proton wires"
Q27650878Crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from Trypanosoma brucei complexed with glucose-6-phosphate at 1.6 A resolution
Q27639878Crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from pig muscle and its complex with 5-phosphoarabinonate
Q27689554Crystal structure of phosphopantothenate synthetase from Thermococcus kodakarensis
Q46153449Crystal structure of phosphoribosylformyl-glycinamidine synthase II, PurS subunit (TM1244) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution
Q46181744Crystal structure of phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II (smPurL) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.15 A resolution
Q46766771Crystal structure of putative N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase (AK071544) from rice (Oryza sativa).
Q46898521Crystal structure of quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori
Q27644050Crystal structure of recombinant human stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha
Q27622756Crystal structure of recombinant trypsin-solubilized fragment of cytochrome b(5) and the structural comparison with Val61His mutant
Q27650071Crystal structure of single-domain VL of an anti-DNA binding antibody 3D8 scFv and its active site revealed by complex structures of a small molecule and metals
Q52841312Crystal structure of stilbene synthase from Arachis hypogaea
Q27642258Crystal structure of tRNA (m1G37) methyltransferase from Aquifex aeolicus at 2.6 Å resolution: A novel methyltransferase fold
Q27678696Crystal structure of tandem ACT domain-containing protein ACTP from Galdieria sulphuraria
Q47214914Crystal structure of tetrameric human Rabin8 GEF domain
Q45070173Crystal structure of the ATP-binding cassette of multisugar transporter from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3.
Q56978684Crystal structure of the ApbE protein (TM1553) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.58 Å resolution
Q27653938Crystal structure of the Bacillus anthracis nucleoside diphosphate kinase and its characterization reveals an enzyme adapted to perform under stress conditions
Q41439174Crystal structure of the C-terminal 2',5'-phosphodiesterase domain of group A rotavirus protein VP3.
Q27649990Crystal structure of the C-terminal conserved domain of human GRP, a galectin-related protein, reveals a function mode different from those of galectins
Q27684042Crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of mouse TLR9
Q84398109Crystal structure of the C-terminal region of human p97/DAP5
Q46770760Crystal structure of the C107S/C112S mutant of yeast nuclear 2-Cys peroxiredoxin
Q27642857Crystal structure of the C67A mutant of isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase complexed with a mechanism-based irreversible inhibitor
Q27673322Crystal structure of the Campylobacter jejuni Cj0090 protein reveals a novel variant of the immunoglobulin fold among bacterial lipoproteins
Q54495563Crystal structure of the Co-chaperonin Cpn10 from Thermus thermophilus HB8.
Q27657595Crystal structure of the DNA gyrase GyrA N-terminal domain fromMycobacterium tuberculosis
Q27652352Crystal structure of the DUF54 family protein PH1010 from hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3
Q27638843Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli SbmC protein that protects cells from the DNA replication inhibitor microcin B17
Q44601568Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli Tas protein, an NADP(H)-dependent aldo-keto reductase.
Q27640841Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli YcdX protein reveals a trinuclear zinc active site
Q27642861Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli YjiA protein suggests a GTP-dependent regulatory function
Q27638955Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli glucose-inhibited division protein B (GidB) reveals a methyltransferase fold
Q27638954Crystal structure of the Escherichia coli shikimate kinase I (AroK) that confers sensitivity to mecillinam
Q27653353Crystal structure of the Fic (Filamentation induced by cAMP) family protein SO4266 (gi|24375750) from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 at 1.6 Å resolution
Q27667079Crystal structure of the GAF-B domain from human phosphodiesterase 5
Q27648281Crystal structure of the Helicobacter pylori enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase in complex with hydroxydiphenyl ether compounds, triclosan and diclosan
Q27678456Crystal structure of the Kar3-like kinesin motor domain from the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii
Q47380035Crystal structure of the Legionella effector Lem22.
Q36469768Crystal structure of the Legionella pneumophila Lem10 effector reveals a new member of the HD protein superfamily
Q57662978Crystal structure of the MYB domain of the RAD transcription factor from Antirrhinum majus
Q27658771Crystal structure of the MukB hinge domain with coiled-coil stretches and its functional implications
Q27689464Crystal structure of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis phosphate binding protein PstS3
Q27678865Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of EccA₁ ATPase from the ESX-1 secretion system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Q27709756Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of human SIRT7 reveals a three-helical domain architecture
Q27687165Crystal structure of the N-terminal methyltransferase-like domain of anamorsin
Q27679327Crystal structure of the O intermediate of the Leu93→Ala mutant of bacteriorhodopsin
Q27649289Crystal structure of the PH1932 protein, a unique archaeal ArsR type winged-HTH transcription factor from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3
Q27645446Crystal structure of the PIN domain of human telomerase-associated protein EST1A
Q27701665Crystal structure of the PepSY-containing domain of the YpeB protein involved in germination of bacillus spores
Q27677394Crystal structure of the S187F variant of human liver alanine: Aminotransferase associated with primary hyperoxaluria type I and its functional implications
Q27638956Crystal structure of the Streptococcus pneumoniae phosphomevalonate kinase, a member of the GHMP kinase superfamily
Q27678121Crystal structure of the TLDc domain of oxidation resistance protein 2 from zebrafish
Q47430783Crystal structure of the TM1442 protein from Thermotoga maritima, a homolog of the Bacillus subtilis general stress response anti-anti-sigma factor RsbV.
Q71074646Crystal structure of the Trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase.mepacrine complex
Q27937236Crystal structure of the YGR205w protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae: close structural resemblance to E. coli pantothenate kinase
Q27639585Crystal structure of the YciO protein from Escherichia coli
Q34375723Crystal structure of the YgfY from Escherichia coli, a protein that may be involved in transcriptional regulation
Q27639346Crystal structure of the YjeE protein from Haemophilus influenzae: a putative Atpase involved in cell wall synthesis
Q81564262Crystal structure of the YjgF/YER057c/UK114 family protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7
Q53594959Crystal structure of the apo form of D-alanine: D-alanine ligase (Ddl) from Thermus caldophilus: a basis for the substrate-induced conformational changes
Q45964968Crystal structure of the archaeosine synthase QueF-like-Insights into amidino transfer and tRNA recognition by the tunnel fold.
Q43415087Crystal structure of the binary complex of pig muscle phosphoglycerate kinase and its substrate 3-phospho-D-glycerate
Q27648234Crystal structure of the biotin carboxylase domain of human acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2
Q27666556Crystal structure of the carbon monoxide complex of human cytoglobin
Q27667774Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of cholesterol‐α‐glucosyltransferase from Helicobacter pylori
Q28271499Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human DUSP5, a dual specificity MAP kinase protein phosphatase
Q27655364Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human MKP-2 reveals a 24-mer assembly
Q34452031Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human VHY, a dual-specificity protein phosphatase
Q27649213Crystal structure of the catalytic trimer of Methanococcus jannaschii aspartate transcarbamoylase
Q27678125Crystal structure of the cataract-causing P23T γD-crystallin mutant
Q92926906Crystal structure of the coiled-coil domain of Drosophila TRIM protein Brat
Q27731522Crystal structure of the complex of human alpha-thrombin and nonhydrolyzable bifunctional inhibitors, hirutonin-2 and hirutonin-6
Q80202099Crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical cytosolic protein Xcc0516 from Xanthomonas campestris reveals a novel quaternary structure assembled by five four-helix bundles
Q46333683Crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein MPN330 (GI: 1674200) from Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Q47714884Crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein TT1380 from Thermus thermophilus HB8.
Q27654410Crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein TTHA1606 from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q54493853Crystal structure of the copper homeostasis protein (CutCm) from Shigella flexneri at 1.7 A resolution: the first structure of a new sequence family of TIM barrels.
Q27655401Crystal structure of the cytosolic domain of the cation diffusion facilitator family protein
Q27704012Crystal structure of the deglycating enzyme Amadoriase I in its free form and substrate-bound complex
Q79152356Crystal structure of the diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase from Shigella flexneri 2a
Q27666109Crystal structure of the dimeric Oct6 (POU3f1) POU domain bound to palindromic MORE DNA
Q27649815Crystal structure of the dimeric Urm1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q27653393Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A
Q27757639Crystal structure of the disulfide-stabilized Fv fragment of anticancer antibody B1: Conformational influence of an engineered disulfide bond
Q27648230Crystal structure of the endopolygalacturonase from the phytopathogenic fungus Colletotrichum lupini and its interaction with polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins
Q27674730Crystal structure of the extracellular domain of human myelin protein zero
Q45220732Crystal structure of the ferredoxin component of carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase of Pseudomonas resinovorans strain CA10, a novel Rieske non-heme iron oxygenase system
Q27647659Crystal structure of the flavin reductase component (HpaC) of 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase from Thermus thermophilus HB8: Structural basis for the flavin affinity
Q46462376Crystal structure of the global regulatory protein CsrA from Pseudomonas putida at 2.05 A resolution reveals a new fold
Q27651944Crystal structure of the hexamer of human heat shock factor binding protein 1
Q27700040Crystal structure of the human odorant binding protein, OBPIIa
Q51339228Crystal structure of the hypothetical protein ST2072 from Sulfolobus tokodaii.
Q57895021Crystal structure of the hypothetical protein TTHA1013 from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q27684358Crystal structure of the invertebrate bifunctional purine biosynthesis enzyme PAICS at 2.8 Å resolution
Q102202444Crystal structure of the large subunit of cobaltochelatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q27648692Crystal structure of the leucine zipper domain of small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (SK(Ca)) channel from Rattus norvegicus
Q27652878Crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain of the retinoid X receptor from the ascidian Polyandrocarpa misakiensis
Q27657134Crystal structure of the manganese transport regulatory protein from Escherichia coli
Q45741815Crystal structure of the methyltransferase domain of human TARBP1.
Q27648242Crystal structure of the mouse p53 core domain in zinc-free state
Q27662223Crystal structure of the noncompetitive xylanase inhibitor TLXI, member of the small thaumatin-like protein family
Q27668134Crystal structure of the novel PaiA N-acetyltransferase from Thermoplasma acidophilum involved in the negative control of sporulation and degradative enzyme production
Q27668133Crystal structure of the novel PaiB transcriptional regulator from Geobacillus stearothermophilus
Q27649476Crystal structure of the proline iminopeptidase-related protein TTHA1809 from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q36220331Crystal structure of the protein At3g01520, a eukaryotic universal stress protein-like protein from Arabidopsis thaliana in complex with AMP.
Q35618676Crystal structure of the protein from Arabidopsis thaliana gene At5g06450, a putative DnaQ‐like exonuclease domain‐containing protein with homohexameric assembly
Q63351984Crystal structure of the protein from gene At3g17210 of Arabidopsis thaliana
Q46770752Crystal structure of the putative RNA methyltransferase PH1948 from Pyrococcus horikoshii, in complex with the copurified S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine
Q27650420Crystal structure of the putative carbohydrate recognition domain of human galectin-related protein
Q83300257Crystal structure of the pyrimidine 5′‐nucleotidase SDT1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae complexed with uridine 5′‐monophosphate provides further insight into ligand binding
Q67562110Crystal structure of the reduced form of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase refined at 2.3 A resolution
Q27690283Crystal structure of the secreted protein HP1454 from the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori
Q48095709Crystal structure of the sensor domain of BaeS from Serratia marcescens FS14.
Q57894846Crystal structure of the single-domain rhodanese homologue TTHA0613 from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q81394706Crystal structure of the small form of glucose-inhibited division protein A from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q27645364Crystal structure of the tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase from Streptococcus pyogenes
Q27641381Crystal structure of the type II 3-dehydroquinase from Helicobacter pylori
Q27667516Crystal structure of the unliganded retinoblastoma protein pocket domain
Q79252707Crystal structure of the yeast cytoplasmic thioredoxin Trx2
Q27683595Crystal structure of the ω-aminotransferase from Paracoccus denitrificans and its phylogenetic relationship with other class III aminotransferases that have biotechnological potential
Q27645436Crystal structure of thioredoxin domain of ST2123 from thermophilic archaea Sulfolobus tokodaii strain7
Q58051288Crystal structure of thioredoxin peroxidase from aerobic hyperthermophilic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix K1
Q46184015Crystal structure of thy1, a thymidylate synthase complementing protein from Thermotoga maritima at 2.25 A resolution
Q27704006Crystal structure of translation initiation factor 5B from the crenarchaeon Aeropyrum pernix
Q27621082Crystal structure of tropomyosin at 7 Angstroms resolution
Q27651931Crystal structure of ultralente--a microcrystalline insulin suspension
Q27650069Crystal structure of uncharacterized protein TTHA1756 from Thermus thermophilus HB8: Structural variety in UPF0150 family proteins
Q28487284Crystal structure of uncleaved L-aspartate-alpha-decarboxylase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q46661972Crystal structure of ureidoglycolate hydrolase (AllA) from Escherichia coli O157:H7.
Q27641922Crystal structure of uronate isomerase (TM0064) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.85 A resolution
Q46221648Crystal structure of virulence factor CJ0248 from Campylobacter jejuni at 2.25 A resolution reveals a new fold
Q27649818Crystal structure of yeast hexokinase PI in complex with glucose: A classical "induced fit" example revised
Q48136600Crystal structure of yeast nitronate monooxygenase from Cyberlindnera saturnus.
Q38289229Crystal structure of β-glucosidase 1A from Thermotoga neapolitana and comparison of active site mutants for hydrolysis of flavonoid glucosides
Q27639348Crystal structure ofEscherichia coli EC1530, a glyoxylate induced protein YgbM
Q80867966Crystal structure solution of a ParB-like nuclease at atomic resolution
Q27748895Crystal structures and properties of de novo circularly permuted 1,3-1,4-β-glucanases
Q54454409Crystal structures of E. coli CcmG and its mutants reveal key roles of the N-terminal beta-sheet and the fingerprint region.
Q27765349Crystal structures of HLA-A*0201 complexed with antigenic peptides with either the amino- or carboxyl-terminal group substituted by a methyl group
Q27684357Crystal structures of Klebsiella pneumoniae pantothenate kinase in complex with N‐substituted pantothenamides
Q27657332Crystal structures of Lys-63-linked tri- and di-ubiquitin reveal a highly extended chain architecture
Q27641687Crystal structures of MTH1187 and its yeast ortholog YBL001c
Q27650015Crystal structures of MW1337R and lin2004: representatives of a novel protein family that adopt a four-helical bundle fold
Q27704185Crystal structures of OprN and OprJ, outer membrane factors of multidrug tripartite efflux pumps of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q27648494Crystal structures of Salmonella typhimurium propionate kinase and its complex with Ap4A: evidence for a novel Ap4A synthetic activity
Q44960735Crystal structures of Staphylococcus aureus type I dehydroquinase from enzyme turnover experiments
Q27666633Crystal structures of a family 8 polysaccharide lyase reveal open and highly occluded substrate-binding cleft conformations
Q114873201Crystal structures of a new class of pyrimidine/purine nucleoside phosphorylase revealed a Cupin fold
Q27640466Crystal structures of a psychrophilic metalloprotease reveal new insights into catalysis by cold-adapted proteases
Q27688898Crystal structures of carbohydrate recognition domain of blood dendritic cell antigen-2 (BDCA2) reveal a common domain-swapped dimer
Q27642256Crystal structures of ferrous horse heart myoglobin complexed with nitric oxide and nitrosoethane
Q27702223Crystal structures of halohydrin hydrogen-halide-lyases from Corynebacterium sp. N-1074
Q27660308Crystal structures of holo and Cu-deficient Cu/Zn-SOD from the silkworm Bombyx mori and the implications in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Q84025507Crystal structures of human CDY proteins reveal a crotonase-like fold
Q34542476Crystal structures of human sulfotransferases SULT1B1 and SULT1C1 complexed with the cofactor product adenosine-3'- 5'-diphosphate (PAP).
Q27684067Crystal structures of ligand-bound octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase fromEscherichia colireveal the catalytic and chain-length determining mechanisms
Q27687066Crystal structures of starch binding domain from Rhizopus oryzae glucoamylase in complex with isomaltooligosaccharide: insights into polysaccharide binding mechanism of CBM21 family
Q46955007Crystal structures of subtilisin BPN' variants containing disulfide bonds and cavities: concerted structural rearrangements induced by mutagenesis
Q27650645Crystal structures of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis secretory antigen alanine dehydrogenase (Rv2780) in apo and ternary complex forms captures "open" and "closed" enzyme conformations
Q80072844Crystal structures of the PLP- and PMP-bound forms of BtrR, a dual functional aminotransferase involved in butirosin biosynthesis
Q43000312Crystal structures of the apo and GDP-bound forms of a cupin-like protein BbDUF985 from Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense
Q27689000Crystal structures of the archaeal UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerase from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii reveal a conformational change induced by UDP-GlcNAc
Q83096037Crystal structures of the complexes of a group IIA phospholipase A2 with two natural anti-inflammatory agents, anisic acid, and atropine reveal a similar mode of binding
Q27621908Crystal structures of the complexes of trichosanthin with four substrate analogs and catalytic mechanism of RNA N-glycosidase
Q27745648Crystal structures of the methane monooxygenase hydroxylase from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath): Implications for substrate gating and component interactions
Q27631038Crystal structures of the peanut lectin-lactose complex at acidic pH: retention of unusual quaternary structure, empty and carbohydrate bound combining sites, molecular mimicry and crystal packing directed by interactions at the combining site
Q27732113Crystal structures of two mutants of adenylate kinase from Escherichia coli that modify the Gly-loop
Q27646874Crystal structures of two novel dye-decolorizing peroxidases reveal a beta-barrel fold with a conserved heme-binding motif
Q35585795Crystal structures of two putative phosphoheptose isomerases.
Q27639583Crystal structures of unligated and CN-ligated Glycera dibranchiata monomer ferric hemoglobin components III and IV
Q30159617Crystal structures of vegetative soybean lipoxygenase VLX-B and VLX-D, and comparisons with seed isoforms LOX-1 and LOX-3
Q27765159Crystal structures ofBacillus stearothermophilus adenylate kinase with bound Ap5A, Mg2+ Ap5A, and Mn2+ Ap5A reveal an intermediate lid position and six coordinate octahedral geometry for bound Mg2+ and Mn2+
Q71374377Crystallization and X-ray analysis of a single fab binding domain from protein L of Peptostreptococcus magnus
Q36788614Crystallization and X-ray diffraction data of the cleaved form of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.
Q54632307Crystallization and characterization of colicin E1 channel-forming polypeptides.
Q72521332Crystallization and characterization of the recombinant human Clara cell 10-kDa protein
Q54589416Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA(fMet) formyltransferase.
Q41113837Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of Escherichia coli peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase.
Q71565984Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of Pit-1 POU domain complexed to a 28 base pair DNA element
Q60238375Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of nonglycosylated tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1, N30QN78Q TIMP-1
Q54592604Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the Escherichia coli replication terminator protein complexed with DNA.
Q53057369Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the cytoplasmic domain of human erythrocyte band 3.
Q34425126Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase from Penicillium simplicissimum.
Q43024140Crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of the Methanothermus fervidus histones HMfA and HMfB.
Q71374345Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of ImmE7 protein of colicin E7
Q70581316Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of arylesterase from Pseudomonas fluorescens
Q72589774Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of chitinase from barley seeds
Q72141155Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of phospholipid transfer protein from maize seedlings
Q71537038Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of nonhistone region of macroH2A.1.
Q54587474Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of recombinant bovine neurocalcin delta.
Q73134830Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic study of the Ras-GTPase-activating domain of human p120GAP
Q59287379Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of bovine seminal plasma PDC-109, a protein composed of two fibronectin type II domains
Q68188225Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of staphylococcal enterotoxin type C
Q36866181Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction data of two different human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) subfractions
Q36783292Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction data of two heparin-binding fragments of human fibronectin
Q71763583Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a bacterial flavohemoglobin protein
Q45778849Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a monoclonal antibody Fab fragment against foot-and-mouth disease virus and of its complex with the main antigenic site peptide
Q58375385Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of an a1/α2/DNA ternary complex
Q70830914Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of complexes between an influenza hemagglutinin and Fab fragments of two different monoclonal antibodies
Q64949822Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of dogfish C-reactive protein.
Q71705248Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of formylmethanofuran: tetrahydromethanopterin formyltransferase from Methanopyrus kandleri
Q64038879Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of human procathepsin L
Q67777646Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of human salivary alpha-amylase
Q72867745Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of mandelonitrile lyase from almonds
Q72952943Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of peroxidase from a fungus Arthromyces ramosus
Q41646372Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the human major histocompatibility antigen HLA-B27
Q44964300Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of two mutants of lactate dehydrogenase from Bacillus stearothermophilus
Q57396080Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of 1,3,8-trihydroxynaphthalene reductase fromMagnaporthe grisea
Q68085496Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of a protein with a high potential rubredoxin center and a hemerythrin-type Fe center
Q58072266Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of the green flavoenzyme 5-Hydroxyvaleryl-CoA dehydratase/dehydrogenase from Clostridium aminovalericum
Q54577824Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation at 2.0 A resolution of Bet v 1, a birch pollen protein causing IgE-mediated allergy.
Q62083044Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of a recombinant form of rat catecholO-methyltransferase
Q54648635Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of barstar, the intracellular inhibitor of barnase.
Q71763604Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of recombinant human interleukin 10
Q57922414Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of the recombinant Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense calmodulin
Q54484741Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of I-CreI: a group I intron-encoded endonuclease from C. reinhardtii.
Q71565991Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of ornithine decarboxylase from Trypanosoma brucei
Q72061295Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray diffraction studies of leishmanolysin, the major surface metalloproteinase from Leishmania major
Q72061299Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray diffraction studies of the cartilage link protein from bovine trachea
Q68262403Crystallization and preliminary analysis of enzyme-substrate complexes of pyruvate kinase from rabbit muscle
Q48048063Crystallization and preliminary cryogenic X-ray diffraction analyses of protein L-isoaspartylO-methyltransferase from human fetal brain
Q54589419Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of RepA1, a replication control protein of the RepFIC replicon of enterotoxin plasmid EntP307.
Q71537033Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of a 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp. strain KKS102 having polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-degrading activity
Q71374355Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of an amylopullulanase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus woesei
Q70830926Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of recombinant abrin-a A-chain with ribosome inactivating activity
Q72957334Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of ribonuclease H from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q73134822Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of ribosomal protein S8 from Thermus thermophilus
Q54581756Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of tetrahydrodipicolinate-N-succinyltransferase.
Q73510598Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the N-terminal actin binding domain of human fimbrin
Q71681048Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the N-terminal two domain fragment of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1)
Q36694724Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data for class I deoxyribose‐5‐phosphate aldolase fromEscherichia coli: An Application of Reverse Screening
Q36847094Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data of a neutrophil migration-inducing lectin (KM+) extracted from the seed of Artocarpus integrifolia
Q59651728Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data of a neutrophil migration-inducing lectin (KM+) extracted from the seed ofArtocarpus integrifolia
Q30468988Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphate synthase from Escherichia coli
Q72511037Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the precursor and mature forms of a neutral lipase from the fungus Rhizopus delemar
Q72154723Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of human CksHs1: a cell cycle regulatory protein
Q57225272Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of human lithostathine
Q71565977Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of the pentamerizing domain from cartilage oligomeric matrix protein: a five-stranded alpha-helical bundle
Q42549662Crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of Ca(2+)-calmodulin-drug and apocalmodulin-drug complexes
Q46206441Crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of thioesterase II from rat mammary gland
Q54757151Crystallization and preliminary investigation of single crystals of deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase from Escherichia coli.
Q46825512Crystallization and preliminary structural studies of a chorismate mutase catalytic antibody complexed with a transition state analog
Q46216642Crystallization and preliminary structural studies of the ncd motor domain
Q73134827Crystallization and preliminary studies of lima bean trypsin inhibitor
Q73083616Crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of recombinant staphylokinase
Q71074639Crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of volvatoxin A2 from Volvariella volvacea
Q71660319Crystallization and preliminary x-ray crystallographic studies of L-2-haloacid dehalogenase from Pseudomonas sp. YL
Q71660308Crystallization and preliminary x-ray crystallographic studies of ketosteroid isomerase from Pseudomonas putida biotype B
Q46295644Crystallization and structural analysis of bullfrog red cell L-subunit ferritins
Q71074636Crystallization of ADP-ribosyl cyclase from Aplysia californica
Q71774376Crystallization of NAD+ synthetase from Bacillus subtilis
Q58360785Crystallization of Thermus thermophilus histidyl-tRNA synthetase and Its complex with tRNAHis
Q54611637Crystallization of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase from Escherichia coli.
Q54589423Crystallization of a family 8 cellulase from Clostridium thermocellum.
Q54634170Crystallization of a fragment of human fibronectin: introduction of methionine by site-directed mutagenesis to allow phasing via selenomethionine.
Q71565987Crystallization of a mammalian ornithine decarboxylase
Q52547275Crystallization of a membrane pore-forming protein with mosquitocidal activity from Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kyushuensis
Q72867739Crystallization of a scRIP-gelonin isolated from plant seeds Gelonium multiforum
Q70830922Crystallization of a soluble, catalytically active form of Escherichia coli leader peptidase
Q72200803Crystallization of an enzyme-inhibitor complex: proteinase K with its protein inhibitor, PK13
Q71074634Crystallization of glycosylated and nonglycosylated phytohemagglutinin-L
Q61919933Crystallization of glycosylated and nonglycosylated phytohemagglutinin‐L
Q45998860Crystallization of intact monoclonal antibodies.
Q69833446Crystallization of purified recombinant human interleukin-1 beta
Q71961412Crystallization of the NAD-dependent 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q54561341Crystallization of the RNA-binding domain of the transcriptional antiterminator protein sacy from Bacillus subtilis
Q71961407Crystallization of the bifunctional methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase domain of the human trifunctional enzyme
Q71374350Crystallization of the complex of human IFN-gamma and the extracellular domain of the IFN-gamma receptor
Q71671465Crystallization of the purine salvage enzyme adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
Q72635017Crystallization of the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides in a new tetragonal form
Q46095608Crystallization of the receptor binding domain of vascular endothelial growth factor
Q70125487Crystallization of yeast orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with 1-(5'-phospho-beta-D-ribofuranosyl) barbituric acid
Q44395892Crystallization studies of glycosylated and unglycosylated human recombinant interleukin-2.
Q57563297Crystallization, characterization, and preliminary crystallographic studies of mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I ofRana catesbeiana
Q27730265Crystallization, molecular replacement solution, and refinement of tetrameric beta-amylase from sweet potato
Q58483648Crystallization, preliminary X-ray diffraction study, and crystal packing of a complex between anti-Hen lysozyme antibody F9.13.7 and Guinea-fowl lysozyme
Q30873768Crystallization, sequence, and preliminary crystallographic data for an antipeptide Fab 50.1 and peptide complexes with the principal neutralizing determinant of HIV-1 gp120
Q27732114Crystallographic analysis of Thr-200-->His human carbonic anhydrase II and its complex with the substrate, HCO3-
Q27641921Crystallographic analysis of an "anticalin" with tailored specificity for fluorescein reveals high structural plasticity of the lipocalin loop region
Q39032586Crystallographic analysis of murine p24γ2 Golgi dynamics domain.
Q27730786Crystallographic analysis of oxygenated and deoxygenated states of arthropod hemocyanin shows unusual differences
Q70628255Crystallographic analysis of the interaction between cyclosporin A and the Fab fragment of a monoclonal antibody
Q27655404Crystallographic and activity-based evidence for thumb flexibility and its relevance in glycoside hydrolase family 11 xylanases
Q27649145Crystallographic and computational studies on 4-phenyl-N-(beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazole-1-acetamide, an inhibitor of glycogen phosphorylase: comparison with alpha-D-glucose, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine and [...]
Q27658669Crystallographic and mass spectrometric analyses of a tandem GNAT protein from the clavulanic acid biosynthesis pathway
Q27667788Crystallographic and microcalorimetric analyses reveal the structural basis for high arginine specificity in the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium periplasmic binding protein STM4351
Q27685190Crystallographic and mutational analyses of tannase from Lactobacillus plantarum
Q27684090Crystallographic and mutational studies on the tRNA thiouridine synthetase TtuA
Q53956963Crystallographic and spectroscopic characterization of a molecular hinge: conformational changes in bothropstoxin I, a dimeric Lys49-phospholipase A2 homologue.
Q27638991Crystallographic dissection of the thermal motion of protein-sugar complex
Q27676232Crystallographic refinement of human serum retinol binding protein at 2A resolution
Q27652309Crystallographic refinement of ricin to 2.5 A
Q68033370Crystallographic structure analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation
Q27733278Crystallographic structure of metal-free concanavalin A at 2.5 A resolution
Q48090791Crystallographic studies and primary structure of the antitumor monoclonal CC49 Fab'.
Q45070138Crystallographic studies of V44 mutants of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin: effects of side-chain size on reduction potential
Q24296920Crystallographic studies of inhibitor binding sites in human carbonic anhydrase II: a pentacoordinated binding of the SCN- ion to the zinc at high pH
Q27643991Crystallographic, thermodynamic, and molecular modeling studies of the mode of binding of oligosaccharides to the potent antiviral protein griffithsin
Q50116024Crystals of an antibody Fv fragment against an integral membrane protein diffracting to 1.28 A resolution
Q73598267Crystals of cytochrome c-553 from Bacillus pasteurii show diffraction to 0.97 A resolution
Q43875253Cu(II)-binding properties of a cytochrome c with a synthetic metal-binding site: His-X3-His in an alpha-helix
Q95650577Cumulative hydropathic topology of a voltage-gated sodium channel at atomic resolution
Q46848922Curious structure in "canonical" alanine-based peptides
Q30386093Current status of membrane protein structure classification.
Q31913262Cutinase unfolding and stabilization by trehalose and mannosylglycerate
Q59592111Cutinase unfolding and stabilization by trehalose and mannosylglycerate
Q50752193Cy-preds: An algorithm and a web service for the analysis and prediction of cysteine reactivity
Q46509418CyClus: a fast, comprehensive cylindrical interface approximation clustering/reranking method for rigid-body protein-protein docking decoys
Q72511030Cyanomet human hemoglobin crystallized under physiological conditions exhibits the Y quaternary structure
Q114234880Cyclic Cystine Knot and its Strong Implication on the Structure and Dynamics of Cyclotides
Q44125138Cys(x)His(y)-Zn2+ interactions: thiol vs. thiolate coordination
Q27649294Cysteine 10 is critical for the activity of Ochrobactrum anthropi glutathione transferase and its mutation to alanine causes the preferential binding of glutathione to the H-site
Q71565965Cysteine-191 in aspartate aminotransferases appears to be conserved due to the lack of a neutral mutation pathway to the functional equivalent, alanine-191
Q24610829Cytosolic domain of the human mitochondrial fission protein fis1 adopts a TPR fold
Q30363672Cytotoxicity of the Vibrio vulnificus MARTX toxin effector DUF5 is linked to the C2A subdomain.
Q44309134D-amino acid residues in peptides and proteins.
Q38315065D-trehalose/D-maltose-binding protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus litoralis: the binding of trehalose and maltose results in different protein conformational states.
Q51644649DARWIN: a program for docking flexible molecules
Q45959136DNABind: A hybrid algorithm for structure-based prediction of DNA-binding residues by combining machine learning- and template-based approaches
Q99204523DNSS2: improved ab initio protein secondary structure prediction using advanced deep learning architectures
Q33297368DOCKGROUND system of databases for protein recognition studies: unbound structures for docking
Q30342106DPANN: improved sequence to structure alignments following fold recognition.
Q47715301DRESS: a database of REfined solution NMR structures.
Q91793594DRoP: Automated detection of conserved solvent-binding sites on proteins
Q50642290Dark proteins: effect of inclusion body formation on quantification of protein expression
Q30799802Data mining crystallization databases: knowledge-based approaches to optimize protein crystal screens
Q30742612Data mining the protein data bank: residue interactions
Q48042492Data-assisted protein structure modeling by global optimization in CASP12.
Q30917020Data-based model and parameter evaluation in dynamic transcriptional regulatory networks
Q30992986Data-driven docking: HADDOCK's adventures in CAPRI.
Q30667051Data-driven models for protein interaction and design.
Q46661990Database for three dimensional structures of pepsin-like enzymes using the internal coordinate system
Q29614393Database of homology-derived protein structures and the structural meaning of sequence alignment
Q52881713Database of protein complexes with multivalent binding ability: Bival-Bind
Q48637921David Blow (1931-2004).
Q33739863De novo backbone scaffolds for protein design
Q33416529De novo identification of binding sequences for antibody replacement molecules
Q44759261De novo inference of protein function from coarse-grained dynamics.
Q43809337De novo ligand design to an ensemble of protein structures
Q30403052De novo protein structure prediction by dynamic fragment assembly and conformational space annealing
Q30419532Dead-end elimination with perturbations (DEEPer): a provable protein design algorithm with continuous sidechain and backbone flexibility
Q56999368Deciphering a novel thioredoxin-like fold family
Q38762026Deciphering common recognition principles of nucleoside mono/di and tri-phosphates binding in diverse proteins via structural matching of their binding sites.
Q47821476Deciphering the promiscuous interactions between intrinsically disordered transactivation domains and the KIX domain.
Q46554672Deciphering the role of the electrostatic interactions in the alpha-tropomyosin head-to-tail complex
Q87241136Decoding the structural events in substrate-gating mechanism of eukaryotic prolyl oligopeptidase using normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics simulations
Q52421487Deconvolution of the circular dichroism spectra of proteins: the circular dichroism spectra of the antiparallel beta-sheet in proteins
Q30420763Decoupling of melting domains in immobilized ribonuclease A.
Q92749482Decrypting protein surfaces by combining evolution, geometry, and molecular docking
Q27640178Deep trefoil knot implicated in RNA binding found in an archaebacterial protein
Q92309343Deep-learning contact-map guided protein structure prediction in CASP13
Q30425238Defining a similarity threshold for a functional protein sequence pattern: the signal peptide cleavage site
Q51618751Defining and characterizing protein surface using alpha shapes.
Q33248029Defining the fold space of membrane proteins: the CAMPS database
Q47861597Defining the limits of homology modeling in information-driven protein docking
Q47176446Defining the protein complexome of translation termination factor eRF1: Identification of four novel eRF1-containing complexes that range from 20S to 57S in size.
Q30354491Definition and classification of evaluation units for CASP10
Q45936967Definition and classification of evaluation units for tertiary structure prediction in CASP12 facilitated through semi-automated metrics.
Q80538911Definition of an electrostatic relay switch critical for the cAMP-dependent activation of protein kinase A as revealed by the D170A mutant of RIalpha
Q35655524Deformability in the cleavage site of primary microRNA is not sensed by the double-stranded RNA binding domains in the microprocessor component DGCR8
Q30327742Defrosting the frozen approximation: PROSPECTOR--a new approach to threading.
Q57120067DelPhiPKa: Including salt in the calculations and enabling polar residues to titrate
Q30353658Delaunay-based nonlocal interactions are sufficient and accurate in protein fold recognition.
Q28255720Deletions and replacements of omega loops in yeast iso-1-cytochrome c
Q90516533Delineation of a new structural motif involving NHN γ-turn
Q39398108Delineation of key XRCC4/Ligase IV interfaces for targeted disruption of non-homologous end joining DNA repair
Q49265681Denatured collapsed states in protein folding: example of apomyoglobin
Q30157773Denatured state is critical in determining the properties of model proteins designed on different folds.
Q44927767Density functional studies on herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase–substrate interactions: The role of Tyr-172 and Met-128 in thymine fixation
Q42189457Density functional theory calculations on entire proteins for free energies of binding: application to a model polar binding site
Q83705648Density-cluster NMA: A new protein decomposition technique for coarse-grained normal mode analysis
Q58847199Dependence of folding dynamics and structural stability on the location of a hydrophobic pair in β-hairpins
Q30351652Dependency between consecutive local conformations helps assemble protein structures from secondary structures using Go potential and greedy algorithm.
Q73393012Derivation of protein-specific pair potentials based on weak sequence fragment similarity
Q85528303Deriving how far structural information is transmitted through parallel homodimeric coiled-coils: a correlation analysis of helical staggers
Q30367959Deriving protein dynamical properties from weighted protein contact number.
Q30375802Describing protein structure: a general algorithm yielding complete helicoidal parameters and a unique overall axis.
Q30374836Description and recognition of regular and distorted secondary structures in proteins using the automated protein structure analysis method.
Q79364295Description of atomic burials in compact globular proteins by Fermi-Dirac probability distributions
Q46607611Design and characterization of a multimeric DNA binding protein using Sac7d and GCN4 as templates
Q91188520Design and characterization of novel dual Fc antibody with enhanced avidity for Fc receptors
Q30730691Design and expression of soluble CTLA-4 variable domain as a scaffold for the display of functional polypeptides
Q44125145Design and folding of dimeric proteins
Q43864568Design and initial characterization of a circular permuted variant of the potent HIV-inactivating protein cyanovirin-N.
Q44739782Design and synthesis of the pseudo-EF hand in calbindin D9K: effect of amino acid substitutions in the alpha-helical regions
Q92039518Design of a basigin-mimicking inhibitor targeting the malaria invasion protein RH5
Q30977089Design of a data model for developing laboratory information management and analysis systems for protein production
Q30408033Design of a modified mouse protein with ligand binding properties of its human analog by molecular dynamics simulations: the case of C3 inhibition by compstatin
Q48218853Design of anti-thyroid drugs: Binding studies and structure determination of the complex of lactoperoxidase with 2-mercaptoimidazole at 2.30 Å resolution
Q37797029Design of biologically active, conformationally constrained GnRH antagonists
Q33218374Design of combinatorial protein libraries of optimal size
Q57278499Design of human granzyme B variants resistant to serpin B9
Q50762559Design of improved protein inhibitors of HIV-1 cell entry: Optimization of electrostatic interactions at the binding interface.
Q72141147Design of interchain disulfide bonds in the framework region of the Fv fragment of the monoclonal antibody B3
Q47588127Design of multispecific protein sequences using probabilistic graphical modeling.
Q47810325Design of proteins with hydrophobic and polar amino acids
Q57837586Design principles for chlorophyll-binding sites in helical proteins
Q77142598Design, construction, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray studies of a fine-tuning mutant (F133V) of module-substituted chimera hemoglobin
Q30978202Design, docking, and evaluation of multiple libraries against multiple targets
Q78315769Designability of protein structures: a lattice-model study using the Miyazawa-Jernigan matrix
Q44415585Designing cooperativity into the designed protein Top7.
Q48254643Designing dual inhibitors of Mdm2/MdmX: Unexpected coupling of water with gatekeeper Y100/99.
Q35783481Designing proteins from the inside out.
Q54451017Destabilization of transthyretin by pathogenic mutations in the DE loop
Q80538535Detailed conformational dynamics of juxtamembrane region and activation loop in c-Kit kinase activation process
Q46991263Detailed microscopic study of the full zipA:FtsZ interface.
Q52012567Detecting distant homologs using phylogenetic tree-based HMMs
Q35803616Detecting local ligand‐binding site similarity in nonhomologous proteins by surface patch comparison
Q30365803Detecting local residue environment similarity for recognizing near-native structure models.
Q51990733Detecting local structural similarity in proteins by maximizing number of equivalent residues
Q87661778Detecting protein atom correlations using correlation of probability of recurrence
Q44754837Detecting selection for negative design in proteins through an improved model of the misfolded state
Q36152480Detecting the native ligand orientation by interfacial rigidity: SiteInterlock
Q84417770Detection and refinement of encounter complexes for protein-protein docking: taking account of macromolecular crowding
Q80113373Detection of a hidden folding intermediate in the focal adhesion target domain: Implications for its function and folding
Q73379992Detection of breaking points in helices linking separate domains
Q52465662Detection of common three-dimensional substructures in proteins
Q47285412Detection of functional modules from protein interaction networks.
Q48405901Detection of gene duplication signals of Ig folds from their amino acid sequences
Q52614830Detection of human somatic cell structural gene mutations by two-dimensional electrophoresis
Q67538812Detection of local structures in reduced unfolded bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
Q51773359Detection of multiscale pockets on protein surfaces using mathematical morphology.
Q30995797Detection of native-like models for amino acid sequences of unknown three-dimensional structure in a data base of known protein conformations
Q31956710Detection of non-covalent interaction of single and double stranded DNA with peptides by MALDI-TOF.
Q54464027Detection of operons.
Q42925767Detection of peptide-binding sites on protein surfaces: the first step toward the modeling and targeting of peptide-mediated interactions
Q38302586Detection of pockets on protein surfaces using small and large probe spheres to find putative ligand binding sites.
Q51356483Detection of protein complexes using a protein ranking algorithm
Q51052614Detection of structural changes in a cofactor binding protein by using a wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis system coupled with unnatural amino acid probing
Q45099918Determinants of cysteine pKa values in creatine kinase and alpha1-antitrypsin
Q42665668Determinants of protein stability and folding: comparative analysis of beta-lactoglobulins and liver basic fatty acid binding protein
Q30151151Determination of binding affinity upon mutation for type I dockerin-cohesin complexes from Clostridium thermocellum and Clostridium cellulolyticum using deep sequencing
Q51939475Determination of dihedral Psi angles in large proteins by combining NH(N)/C(alpha)H(alpha) dipole/dipole cross-correlation and chemical shifts
Q52327747Determination of the conformation of folding initiation sites in proteins by computer simulation
Q83167336Determination of the dipole moments of RNAse SA wild type and a basic mutant
Q92927072Determination of the structural ensemble of the molten globule state of a protein by computer simulations
Q36457536Determination of three-dimensional protein structures from nuclear magnetic resonance data using fragments of known structures
Q30371560Determining and visualizing flexibility in protein structures.
Q34188709Determining macromolecular assembly structures by molecular docking and fitting into an electron density map
Q27670984Determining the molecular mechanism of inactivation by chemical modification of triosephosphate isomerase from the human parasite Giardia lamblia: a study for antiparasitic drug design
Q46770756Deuterium oxide promotes assembly and bundling of FtsZ protofilaments
Q35561768Developing hybrid approaches to predict pKavalues of ionizable groups
Q30361367Development and benchmarking of TASSER(iter) for the iterative improvement of protein structure predictions.
Q31086785Development and large scale benchmark testing of the PROSPECTOR_3 threading algorithm
Q51970518Development and testing of an automated approach to protein docking
Q47299338Development of METAL-ACTIVE SITE and ZINCCLUSTER tool to predictactive site pockets
Q36145651Development of a motif-based topology-independent structure comparison method to identify evolutionarily related folds
Q42109476Development of a new physics‐based internal coordinate mechanics force field and its application to protein loop modeling
Q33314112Development of new laccases by directed evolution: functional and computational analyses
Q40295007Development, validation, and application of adapted PEOE charges to estimate pKa values of functional groups in protein-ligand complexes
Q40270287Dewetting transitions in protein cavities
Q52259049Dichroic statistical model for prediction and analysis of peptide helicity
Q30323904Dictionary building via unsupervised hierarchical motif discovery in the sequence space of natural proteins.
Q30431465Dictionary of recurrent domains in protein structures
Q68085494Differences in crystal properties and ligand affinities of an antifluorescyl Fab (4-4-20) in two solvent systems
Q60214193Differences in the effects of TFE on the folding pathways of human stefins A and B
Q28822370Different combinations of atomic interactions predict protein-small molecule and protein-DNA/RNA affinities with similar accuracy
Q27685402Different contribution of conserved amino acids to the global properties of triosephosphate isomerases
Q30397736Different dynamics and pathway of disulfide bonds reduction of two human defensins, a molecular dynamics simulation study
Q46619319Different methylation characteristics of protein arginine methyltransferase 1 and 3 toward the Ewing Sarcoma protein and a peptide
Q47867012Different propensity to form amyloid fibrils by two homologous proteins-Human stefins A and B: searching for an explanation.
Q58045315Different secondary structure elements as scaffolds for protein folding transition states of two homologous four-helix bundles
Q30573849Different sequence patterns in signal peptides from mycoplasmas, other gram-positive bacteria, and Escherichia coli: a multivariate data analysis
Q48591816Differentiable, multi-dimensional, knowledge-based energy terms for torsion angle probabilities and propensities
Q50593026Differential dynamics of RAS isoforms in GDP- and GTP-bound states
Q43026130Differential effects of Phe19 and Phe20 on fibril formation by amyloidogenic peptide A beta 16-22 (Ac-KLVFFAE-NH2).
Q43728441Differential effects of isomeric incorporation of fluorophenylalanines into PvuII endonuclease
Q81388887Differential native state ruggedness of the two Ca2+-binding domains in a Ca2+ sensor protein
Q73228382Differential pathways in oxy and deoxy HbC aggregation/crystallization
Q83199912Differential role of calmodulin and calcium ions in the stabilization of the catalytic domain of adenyl cyclase CyaA from Bordetella pertussis
Q78675911Differential scanning calorimetric, circular dichroism, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic characterization of the thermal unfolding of xylanase A from Streptomyces lividans
Q46814791Differentiation between two-state and multi-state folding proteins based on sequence
Q33232127Differentiation-dependent expression of hypothetical proteins in the neuroblastoma cell line N1E-115.
Q68052814Diffusion-collision model for the folding kinetics of myoglobin
Q56997925Diffusion-collision of foldons elucidates the kinetic effects of point mutations and suggests control strategies of the folding process of helical proteins
Q98228003Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase moonlighting activity as a DNA chelating agent
Q96584727Dimerization of Aβ40 inside dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer and its effect on bilayer integrity: Atomistic simulation at three temperatures
Q57970601Dimerization of protein G B1 domain at low pH: A conformational switch caused by loss of a single hydrogen bond
Q42654611Dipeptide frequency/bias analysis identifies conserved sites of nonrandomness shared by cysteine-rich motifs
Q74246359Dipole lattice membrane model for protein calculations
Q51646349Direct computation of long time processes in peptides and proteins: reaction path study of the coil-to-helix transition in polyalanine
Q51139925Direct correlation between proteins' folding rates and their amino acid compositions: an ab initio folding rate prediction
Q79298609Direct folding simulation of alpha-helices and beta-hairpins based on a single all-atom force field with an implicit solvation model
Q46764625Direct insight into insulin aggregation by 2D NMR complemented by PFGSE NMR.
Q43015686Direct measure of functional importance visualized atom-by-atom for photoactive yellow protein: application to photoisomerization reaction
Q46906261Direct observation of an altered quaternary-structure transition in a mutant aspartate transcarbamoylase
Q30363288Direct prediction of profiles of sequences compatible with a protein structure by neural networks with fragment-based local and energy-based nonlocal profiles
Q51304377Directed evolution of the epidermal growth factor receptor extracellular domain for expression in yeast
Q42232452Discerning intersecting fusion-activation pathways in the Nipah virus using machine learning
Q40359179Discovery of Rab1 binding sites using an ensemble of clustering methods
Q35172930Discovery of binding proteins for a protein target using protein-protein docking-based virtual screening
Q52224068Discovery of local packing motifs in protein structures
Q39043145Discovery of multiple interacting partners of gankyrin, a proteasomal chaperone and an oncoprotein--evidence for a common hot spot site at the interface and its functional relevance.
Q91821912Discovery of receptor-ligand interfaces in the immunoglobulin superfamily
Q37343613Discovery of sarcosine dimethylglycine methyltransferase from Galdieria sulphuraria.
Q47620467Discriminating between homodimeric and monomeric proteins in the crystalline state
Q52236828Discrimination between native and intentionally misfolded conformations of proteins: ES/IS, a new method for calculating conformational free energy that uses both dynamics simulations with an explicit solvent and an implicit solvent continuum model
Q43023250Discrimination of mesophilic and thermophilic proteins using machine learning algorithms
Q31153497Discrimination of native loop conformations in membrane proteins: decoy library design and evaluation of effective energy scoring functions.
Q58489192Discrimination of near-native protein structures from misfolded models by empirical free energy functions
Q30327412Discrimination of near-native protein structures from misfolded models by empirical free energy functions.
Q33662936Discrimination of near-native structures in protein-protein docking by testing the stability of local minima
Q45966107Discrimination of outer membrane proteins using machine learning algorithms.
Q44855355Discrimination of single amino acid mutations of the p53 protein by means of deterministic singularities of recurrence quantification analysis
Q74721860Discriminative ability with respect to amino acid types: assessing the performance of knowledge-based potentials without threading
Q30368864Discriminative learning for protein conformation sampling.
Q34508241Disorder and order in unfolded and disordered peptides and proteins: a view derived from tripeptide conformational analysis. I. Tripeptides with long and predominantly hydrophobic side chains
Q43658168Disorder and order in unfolded and disordered peptides and proteins: a view derived from tripeptide conformational analysis. II. Tripeptides with short side chains populating asx and β-type like turn conformations
Q58429273Disorder guides domain rearrangement in elongation factor Tu
Q34064614Disposition of amphiphilic helices in heteropolar environments
Q57951719Dissecting contact potentials for proteins: Relative contributions of individual amino acids
Q77926233Dissecting protein-protein recognition sites
Q44632584Dissecting subunit interfaces in homodimeric proteins
Q52698759Dissecting the molecular mechanism of drosophila odorant receptors through activity modeling and comparative analysis
Q30385799Dissecting the roles of local packing density and longer-range effects in protein sequence evolution
Q47974543Dissecting α-helices: Position-specific analysis of α-helices in globular proteins
Q60162161Dissection of multi-protein complexes using mass spectrometry: Subunit interactions in transthyretin and retinol-binding protein complexes
Q31956726Dissection of multi-protein complexes using mass spectrometry: subunit interactions in transthyretin and retinol-binding protein complexes
Q46403154Dissection of the GTPase mechanism of Ras protein by MD analysis of Ras mutants
Q42935474Dissection of the conformational cycle of the multidrug/lipidA ABC exporter MsbA.
Q37732202Dissection of the critical binding determinants of cellular retinoic acid binding protein II by mutagenesis and fluorescence binding assay
Q81787002Dissection, residue conservation, and structural classification of protein-DNA interfaces
Q91325492Dissociation mechanism of GDP from Cdc42 via DOCK9 revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
Q44252305Distal heme pocket regulation of ligand binding and stability in soybean leghemoglobin
Q82354920Distal mutation modulates the heme sliding in mouse neuroglobin investigated by molecular dynamics simulation
Q30364498Distance dependent centroid to centroid force fields using high resolution decoys.
Q51690029Distance-dependent classification of amino acids by information theory
Q74177419Distance-dependent, pair potential for protein folding: results from linear optimization
Q51454003Distance‐dependent atomic knowledge‐based force in protein fold recognition
Q33310035Distant homology detection using a LEngth and STructure-based sequence Alignment Tool (LESTAT).
Q30429638Distant homology recognition using structural classification of proteins
Q55122146Distant homology recognition using structural classification of proteins
Q43017790Distinct character in hydrophobicity of amino acid compositions of mitochondrial proteins
Q38789349Distinct dynamics and interaction patterns in H- and K-Ras oncogenic P-loop mutants
Q45349661Distinct interfacial biclique patterns between ssDNA-binding proteins and those with dsDNAs
Q45115569Distinct phases of free α-synuclein--a Monte Carlo study
Q42694873Distinct second extracellular loop structures of the brain cannabinoid CB(1) receptor: implication in ligand binding and receptor function
Q96339144Distinctive Communication Networks in Inactive States of β2 -Adrenergic Receptor: Mutual Information and Entropy Transfer Analysis
Q92513880Distinctive ligand-binding specificities of tandem PA14 biomass-sensory elements from Clostridium thermocellum and Clostridium clariflavum
Q47715113Distinguish protein decoys by using a scoring function based on a new AMBER force field, short molecular dynamics simulations, and the generalized born solvent model
Q38438050Distinguishing between biochemical and cellular function: Are there peptide signatures for cellular function of proteins?
Q52033392Distinguishing foldable proteins from nonfolders: when and how do they differ?
Q57134711Distinguishing native conformations of proteins from decoys with an effective free energy estimator based on the OPLS all-atom force field and the Surface Generalized Born solvent model
Q45946546Distinguishing two groups of flavin reductases by analyzing the protonation state of an active site carboxylic acid
Q70140031Distribution and complementarity of hydropathy in multisubunit proteins
Q36747528Distribution function implied dynamics versus residence times and correlations: solvation shells of myoglobin
Q74460972Distribution of Indel lengths
Q41443860Distribution of accessible surfaces of amino acids in globular proteins
Q30330311Distributions of beta sheets in proteins with application to structure prediction.
Q41736278Disulfide bond plasticity in epidermal growth factor
Q30156089Disulfide bond tethering of extracellular loops does not affect the closure of OmpF porin at acidic pH.
Q38113990Disulfide bonds in amyloidogenesis diseases related proteins
Q90297462Disulfide bridge formation influences ligand recognition by the ATAD2 bromodomain
Q43235819Disulfide conformation and design at helix N-termini
Q30353891Disulfide connectivity prediction with 70% accuracy using two-level models.
Q28662264Diterpene cyclases and the nature of the isoprene fold
Q81471426Divalent ion-binding properties of the two avian beta-parvalbumins
Q46263456Diversity in peptide recognition by the SH2 domain of SH2B1.
Q33790634Diversity of conformational states and changes within the EF-hand protein superfamily
Q51903856Do collagenases unwind triple-helical collagen before peptide bond hydrolysis? Reinterpreting experimental observations with mathematical models
Q34049826Do crystal structures obviate the need for theoretical models of GPCRs for structure-based virtual screening?
Q57851365Do more complex organisms have a greater proportion of membrane proteins in their genomes?
Q29038132DockRank: Ranking docked conformations using partner-specific sequence homology-based protein interface prediction
Q30432061DockTrina: docking triangular protein trimers.
Q42080846Docking analysis of transient complexes: interaction of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase with ferredoxin and flavodoxin
Q31031991Docking and free energy simulations to predict conformational domains involved in hCG-LH receptor interactions using recombinant antibodies
Q30008752Docking and molecular dynamics simulations of the Fyn-SH3 domain with free and phospholipid bilayer-associated 18.5-kDa myelin basic protein (MBP)-Insights into a noncanonical and fuzzy interaction
Q28252297Docking and scoring protein complexes: CAPRI 3rd Edition
Q47584586Docking and scoring protein interactions: CAPRI 2009
Q33360334Docking and scoring with alternative side-chain conformations
Q33660432Docking by structural similarity at protein-protein interfaces
Q71671442Docking enzyme-inhibitor complexes using a preference-based free-energy surface
Q28258497Docking essential dynamics eigenstructures
Q43512278Docking molecules by families to increase the diversity of hits in database screens: computational strategy and experimental evaluation
Q42164220Docking multiple conformations of a flexible ligand into a protein binding site using NMR restraints
Q43946825Docking of a human rhinovirus neutralizing antibody onto the viral capsid
Q52216410Docking of flexible ligands to flexible receptors in solution by molecular dynamics simulation
Q31062350Docking of human interleukin-15 to its specific receptor alpha chain: correlation between molecular modeling and mutagenesis experimental data
Q82693119Docking of insulin to a structurally equilibrated insulin receptor ectodomain
Q44195803Docking of non-nucleoside inhibitors: neotripterifordin and its derivatives to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase
Q51906606Docking of protein molecular surfaces with evolutionary trace analysis
Q51970527Docking prediction using biological information, ZDOCK sampling technique, and clustering guided by the DFIRE statistical energy function
Q91349200Docking proteins and peptides under evolutionary constraints in Critical Assessment of PRediction of Interactions rounds 38 to 45
Q33196433Docking studies and model development of tea polyphenol proteasome inhibitors: applications to rational drug design
Q51970501Docking to single-domain and multiple-domain proteins: old and new challenges
Q52042875Docking unbound proteins using shape complementarity, desolvation, and electrostatics
Q40174451Docking with PIPER and refinement with SDU in rounds 6-11 of CAPRI.
Q33297369Docking without docking: ISEARCH--prediction of interactions using known interfaces
Q38312001Docking, scoring, and affinity prediction in CAPRI.
Q90996706Dodecameric structure of a small heat shock protein from Mycobacterium marinum M
Q92439107Does inclusion of residue-residue contact information boost protein threading?
Q51966376Does secondary structure determine tertiary structure in proteins?
Q81635423Does structural and chemical divergence play a role in precluding undesirable protein interactions?
Q57599858Does tetracycline bind helix 2 of prion? An integrated spectroscopical and computational study of the interaction between the antibiotic and α helix 2 human prion protein fragments
Q57931515Domain definition and target classification for CASP6
Q56879564Domain definition and target classification for CASP7
Q43726275Domain flexibility in aspartic proteinases
Q46850356Domain interactions direct misfolding and amyloid formation of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase.
Q32063337Domain motions in bacteriophage T4 lysozyme: a comparison between molecular dynamics and crystallographic data.
Q46194103Domain motions of hyaluronan lyase underlying processive hyaluronan translocation.
Q30374966Domain position prediction based on sequence information by using fuzzy mean operator.
Q125822463Domain shuffling of a highly mutable ligand‐binding fold drives adhesin generation across the bacterial kingdom
Q34342990Domain swapping of CD4 upon dimerization
Q43676309Don Caspar, TMV, and protein–protein interactions
Q52291822Dopamine transporter comparative molecular modeling and binding site prediction using the LeuT(Aa) leucine transporter as a template
Q51433130Double phosphorylation-induced structural changes in the signal-receiving domain of IκBα in complex with NF-κB.
Q39702497Dowser++, a new method of hydrating protein structures
Q54013266Dramatic differences in the motions of the mouth of open and closed cytochrome P450BM-3 by molecular dynamics simulations
Q92737749Driven to near-experimental accuracy by refinement via molecular dynamics simulations
Q42617629Drug block of the hERG potassium channel: insight from modeling.
Q79402267Drug design for the third world: a conference report
Q39856385Dry molten globule intermediates and the mechanism of protein unfolding
Q53355939Dual effects of familial Alzheimer's disease mutations (D7H, D7N, and H6R) on amyloid β peptide: correlation dynamics and zinc binding
Q46714089Dual-affinity avidin molecules.
Q51766267DynaDock: A new molecular dynamics-based algorithm for protein-peptide docking including receptor flexibility
Q51641989Dynamic and structural analysis of isotropically distributed molecular ensembles
Q96233399Dynamic aspects of pressure and temperature-stabilized intermediates of outer surface protein A
Q83413198Dynamic communication between androgen and coactivator: mutually induced conformational perturbations in androgen receptor ligand-binding domain
Q83358893Dynamic control of allosteric antagonism of leukocyte function antigen-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 interaction
Q51940497Dynamic domain threading
Q78675897Dynamic effects of mutations within two loops of cytochrome c551 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q83782525Dynamic flaps in HIV‐1 protease adopt unique ordering at different stages in the catalytic cycle
Q44321993Dynamic fluorescence studies of beta-glycosidase mutants from Sulfolobus solfataricus: effects of single mutations on protein thermostability.
Q52077719Dynamic ligand design and combinatorial optimization: designing inhibitors to endothiapepsin
Q72061281Dynamic properties of some beta-chain mutant hemoglobins
Q50909668Dynamic property is a key determinant for protein-protein interactions
Q70980737Dynamic structure of human serum transferrin from transient electric birefringence experiments
Q77142633Dynamic structure of subtilisin-eglin c complex studied by normal mode analysis
Q22061744Dynamic α-helices: Conformations that do not conform
Q79737558Dynamical behavior of the vascular endothelial growth factor: biological implications
Q91294630Dynamical comparison between myoglobin and hemoglobin
Q47865702Dynamical differences of hemoglobin and the ionotropic glutamate receptor in different states revealed by a new dynamics alignment method.
Q56934603Dynamical properties of fasciculin-2
Q41685635Dynamical properties of fasciculin-2.
Q51438313Dynamics alignment: comparison of protein dynamics in the SCOP database
Q50753745Dynamics and allostery of the ionotropic glutamate receptors and the ligand binding domain
Q79223162Dynamics and assembly of the cytolethal distending toxin
Q44898271Dynamics and energetics of water permeation through the aquaporin channel
Q64032840Dynamics and energetics of water permeation through the aquaporin channel
Q51799173Dynamics and thermodynamic properties of CXCL7 chemokine.
Q27734335Dynamics of Fusarium solani cutinase investigated through structural comparison among different crystal forms of its variants
Q42617075Dynamics of beta3 integrin I-like and hybrid domains: insight from simulations on the mechanism of transition between open and closed forms.
Q48091281Dynamics of bridge helix bending in RNA polymerase II.
Q58847877Dynamics of group II chaperonin and prefoldin probed by 13C NMR spectroscopy
Q80424010Dynamics of heteropentameric nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: implications of the gating mechanism
Q73422367Dynamics of internal water in fatty acid binding protein: computer simulations and comparison with experiments
Q47620838Dynamics of proteins predicted by molecular dynamics simulations and analytical approaches: application to alpha-amylase inhibitor
Q48058556Dynamics of the protein structure of T169S pyranose 2-oxidase in solution: Molecular dynamics simulation
Q37249169Dynamics of the trimeric AcrB transporter protein inferred from a B-factor analysis of the crystal structure
Q86212715Dynamics on human Toll-like receptor 4 complexation to MD-2: the coreceptor stabilizing function
Q27681811E2-binding surface on Uba3 β-grasp domain undergoes a conformational transition
Q51919234EADock: docking of small molecules into protein active sites with a multiobjective evolutionary optimization.
Q34113376EVA: large-scale analysis of secondary structure prediction
Q44431730Early days of protein hydrogen exchange: 1954–1972
Q80962914Early events in protein aggregation: molecular flexibility and hydrophobicity/charge interaction in amyloid peptides as studied by molecular dynamics simulations
Q52206952Early events in the folding of an amphipathic peptide: A multinanosecond molecular dynamics study
Q81430221Early stages of beta2-microglobulin aggregation and the inhibiting action of alphaB-crystallin
Q52237300Easy method to predict solvent accessibility from multiple protein sequence alignments
Q57385264Edge-count probabilities for the identification of local protein communities and their organization
Q73379942Editorial on molecular dynamics simulations
Q114234886Editorial: Special issue Transporter and Channel
Q27654075Effect of D to E mutation of the RGD motif in rhodostomin on its activity, structure, and dynamics: importance of the interactions between the D residue and integrin
Q74631434Effect of G40R mutation on the binding of human SRY protein to DNA: a molecular dynamics view
Q81081492Effect of T-R conformational change on sickle-cell hemoglobin interactions and aggregation
Q30352687Effect of a mutation on the structure and dynamics of an alpha-helical antifreeze protein in water and ice.
Q28217665Effect of acidic phospholipids on the structural properties of recombinant cytosolic human glyoxalase II
Q30322344Effect of alphabet size and foldability requirements on protein structure designability.
Q38290271Effect of altered glycosylation on the structure of the I-like domain of beta1 integrin: a molecular dynamics study
Q74452352Effect of amino acid substitutions at the subunit interface on the stability and aggregation properties of a dimeric protein: role of Arg 178 and Arg 218 at the Dimer interface of thymidylate synthase
Q50647078Effect of an amyloidogenic sequence attached to yellow fluorescent protein
Q46814803Effect of bivalent cations on the interaction of transketolase with its donor substrate
Q70628260Effect of end group blockage on the properties of a class A amphipathic helical peptide
Q42162687Effect of ethanol on folding of hen egg-white lysozyme under acidic condition
Q40336901Effect of flanking residues on the conformational sampling of the internal fusion peptide from Ebola virus
Q34336924Effect of glycosylation on the structure of Erythrina corallodendron lectin.
Q91966009Effect of heterochiral inversions on the structure of a β-hairpin peptide
Q92822826Effect of hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding interactions on the potency of ß-alanine analogs of G-protein coupled glucagon receptor inhibitors
Q40692587Effect of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the simulated D-band length of type I collagen.
Q48467606Effect of linker segments on the stability of epithelial cadherin Domain 2.
Q81202526Effect of lipid composition on buforin II structure and membrane entry
Q43144227Effect of mixed macromolecular crowding agents on protein folding
Q43030638Effect of naturally occurring active site mutations on hepatitis C virus NS3 protease specificity
Q47629351Effect of nucleotide substrate binding on the pKa of catalytic residues in barnase
Q34501365Effect of oxidatively damaged DNA on the active site preorganization during nucleotide incorporation in a high fidelity polymerase from Bacillus stearothermophilus.
Q46987563Effect of pH on the structure and stability of Bacillus circulans ssp. alkalophilus phosphoserine aminotransferase: thermodynamic and crystallographic studies.
Q67562114Effect of polyethylene glycol-400 at low concentrations on long-term growth of muscle phosphoglucomutase crystals from concentrated salt solutions
Q45733316Effect of pressure on helix-coil transition of an alanine-based peptide: an FTIR study
Q45094177Effect of protein conformation on rate of deamidation: ribonuclease A.
Q90267288Effect of site-directed point mutations on protein misfolding: A simulation study
Q67703767Effect of urey-bradley-shimanouchi force field on the harmonic dynamics of proteins
Q30395993Effect of using suboptimal alignments in template-based protein structure prediction
Q42351313Effective approach for calculations of absolute stability of proteins using focused dielectric constants
Q30369789Effective connectivity profile: a structural representation that evidences the relationship between protein structures and sequences.
Q43410518Effective discrimination between biologically relevant contacts and crystal packing contacts using new determinants
Q44496100Effective energy function for proteins in lipid membranes
Q28142746Effective energy function for proteins in solution
Q30353351Effective handling of induced-fit motion in flexible docking.
Q81191021Effective interactions between chaotropic agents and proteins
Q38985037Effective protein model structure refinement by loop modeling and overall relaxation
Q51727992Effective scoring function for protein sequence design
Q27690734Effectiveness and limitations of local structural entropy optimization in the thermal stabilization of mesophilic and thermophilic adenylate kinases
Q103007699Effects of Amino Acid Modifications on the Permeability of the Pentameric Sarcolipin Channel
Q91895665Effects of PI(4,5)P2 concentration on the F-BAR domain membrane binding as revealed by coarse-grained simulations
Q44125147Effects of a helix substitution on the folding mechanism of bovine alpha-lactalbumin.
Q53754105Effects of acid exposure on the conformation, stability, and aggregation of monoclonal antibodies
Q47298784Effects of amino acid composition, finite size of proteins, and sparse statistics on distance-dependent statistical pair potentials
Q70830940Effects of cavity-creating mutations on conformational stability and structure of the dimeric 4-alpha-helical protein ROP: thermal unfolding studies
Q44868395Effects of chain length on the aggregation of model polyglutamine peptides: molecular dynamics simulations
Q67562112Effects of changing the interaction between subdomains on the thermostability of Bacillus neutral proteases
Q52206946Effects of core-packing on the structure, function, and mechanics of a four-helix-bundle protein ROP.
Q57276506Effects of eglin-c binding to thermitase: Three-dimensional structure comparison of native thermitase and thermitase eglin-c complexes
Q30351693Effects of environment on the structure of Pyrococcus furiosus rubredoxin: a molecular dynamics study.
Q30368087Effects of external interactions on protein sequence-structure relations of beta-trefoil fold.
Q47299318Effects of force fields on the conformational and dynamic properties of amyloid β(1-40) dimer explored by replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations
Q46899106Effects of glycerol on the compaction and stability of the wild type and mutated rabbit muscle creatine kinase
Q38333301Effects of glycosylation on heparin binding and antithrombin activation by heparin
Q80865702Effects of ligand binding on the dynamics of rice nonspecific lipid transfer protein 1: a model from molecular simulations
Q50952462Effects of ligand binding upon flexibility of proteins.
Q35933586Effects of mutations in tyrosine hydroxylase associated with progressive dystonia on the activity and stability of the protein.
Q32167485Effects of organic solvents on protein structures: Observation of a structured helical core in hen egg-white lysozyme in aqueous dimethylsulfoxide
Q41652279Effects of pH and high ionic strength on the adsorption and activity of native and mutated cellobiohydrolase I from Trichoderma reesei
Q52618590Effects of point mutations in pVHL on the binding of HIF-1α.
Q30414469Effects of point mutations on protein structure are nonexponentially distributed.
Q27682066Effects of protein engineering and rational mutagenesis on crystal lattice of single chain antibody fragments
Q42680896Effects of protonation state of Asp181 and position of active site water molecules on the conformation of PTP1B
Q58043781Effects of somatic mutations on CDR loop flexibility during affinity maturation
Q52237297Effects of the T→R transition on the electrostatic properties ofE. coli aspartate transcarbamylase
Q85076899Effects of the Val211Gly substitution on molecular dynamics of the CMY‐2 cephalosporinase: Implications on hydrolysis of expanded‐spectrum cephalosporins
Q46668377Effects of the stabilization of the molten globule state on the folding mechanism of alpha-lactalbumin: a study of a chimera of bovine and human alpha-lactalbumin
Q52133669Efficacy and selectivity in flexible database docking
Q45039422Efficiency of a second-generation HIV-1 protease inhibitor studied by molecular dynamics and absolute binding free energy calculations.
Q78627277Efficient RMSD measures for the comparison of two molecular ensembles. Root-mean-square deviation
Q51905248Efficient comprehensive scoring of docked protein complexes using probabilistic support vector machines
Q30620916Efficient electrostatic solvation model for protein-fragment docking
Q30380043Efficient identification of near-native conformations in ab initio protein structure prediction using structural profiles.
Q44322005Efficient identification of side-chain patterns using a multidimensional index tree
Q84266182Efficient mapping of ligand migration channel networks in dynamic proteins
Q47236428Efficient methods for filtering and ranking fragments for the prediction of structurally variable regions in proteins
Q56999374Efficient minimization of angle-dependent potentials for polypeptides in internal coordinates
Q52920397Efficient sampling in collective coordinate space
Q47653322Elastic Surface Model For Beta-Barrels: Geometric, Computational, And Statistical Analysis.
Q46736038Elastic network model‐based normal mode analysis reveals the conformational couplings in the tripartite AcrAB‐TolC multidrug efflux complex
Q54765737Elastic network normal mode dynamics reveal the GPCR activation mechanism.
Q46141328Electron redistribution on binding of a substrate to an enzyme: folate and dihydrofolate reductase
Q81319554Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of soybean lipoxygenases: N-terminal acetylation, chemical modification, and solution conformation
Q46815493Electrostatic analysis of bacterial expansins.
Q69825129Electrostatic calculations and model-building suggest that DNA bound to CAP is sharply bent
Q40305520Electrostatic contribution to the binding stability of protein-protein complexes.
Q80867942Electrostatic contribution to the thermodynamic and kinetic stability of the homotrimeric coiled coil Lpp-56: A computational study
Q46345768Electrostatic contributions to protein–protein binding affinities: Application to Rap/Raf interaction
Q57138618Electrostatic effects in a large enzyme complex: subunit interactions and electrostatic potential field of the icosahedral beta 60 capsid of heavy riboflavin synthase
Q45145991Electrostatic fields at the active site of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase
Q90919807Electrostatic interactions determine entrance/release order of substrates in the catalytic cycle of adenylate kinase
Q69518563Electrostatic interactions in the assembly of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase
Q46870565Electrostatic interactions of peptides flanking the tyrosine kinase domain in the epidermal growth factor receptor provides a model for intracellular dimerization and autophosphorylation.
Q39317330Electrostatic interactions play an essential role in the binding of oleic acid with α‐lactalbumin in the HAMLET‐like complex: A study using charge‐specific chemical modifications
Q51549409Electrostatic pKa computations in proteins: Role of internal cavities
Q46773035Electrostatic potential at the retinal of three archaeal rhodopsins: implications for their different absorption spectra
Q71705238Electrostatic properties deduced from refined structures of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase and the other flavin-dependent reductases: pyridine nucleotide-binding and interaction with an electron-transfer partner
Q44496105Electrostatic properties in the catalytic site of papain: A possible regulatory mechanism for the reactivity of the ion pair
Q57135485Electrostatic properties of bovine beta-lactoglobulin
Q41780888Electrostatic rate enhancement and transient complex of protein-protein association
Q39705849Electrostatic repulsion between HIV-1 capsid proteins modulates hexamer plasticity and in vitro assembly
Q77924659Electrostatic reversal of serine proteinase substrate specificity
Q30326371Electrostatic strengths of salt bridges in thermophilic and mesophilic glutamate dehydrogenase monomers.
Q30418989Electrostatics of cysteine residues in proteins: parameterization and validation of a simple model.
Q52077723Electrostatics of mesophilic and psychrophilic trypsin isoenzymes: qualitative evaluation of electrostatic differences at the substrate binding site
Q52263620Electrostatics of proteins: description in terms of two dielectric constants simultaneously
Q47625563Electrostatics, allostery, and activity of the yeast chorismate mutase
Q46489549Electrostatics-defying interaction between arginine termini as a thermodynamic driving force in protein-protein interaction
Q111199748Elucidating important structural features for the binding affinity of spike - SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody complexes
Q43676085Elucidating protein secondary structures using alpha-carbon recurrence quantifications
Q27656422Elucidating the exact role of engineered CRABPII residues for the formation of a retinal protonated Schiff base
Q52066466Elucidating the structural mechanisms for biological activity of the chemokine family
Q45169306Elucidation of information encoded in tryptophan 140 of staphylococcal nuclease
Q47195044Elucidation of insulin assembly at acidic and neutral pH: Characterization of low molecular weight oligomers.
Q79210085Elucidation of the disulfide-folding pathway of hirudin by a topology-based approach
Q40708038Elucidation of the mode of substrate binding to hydroxynitrile lyase from Hevea brasiliensis.
Q72154714Elusive affinities
Q53873970Emergence of highly designable protein-backbone conformations in an off-lattice model
Q73864357Empirical calculation of the relative free energies of peptide binding to the molecular chaperone DnaK
Q52335314Empirical correlation for the replacement of Ala by Gly: importance of amino acid secondary intrinsic propensities
Q52340727Empirical evaluation of the influence of side chains on the conformational entropy of the polypeptide backbone
Q46403139Empirical lipid propensities of amino acid residues in multispan alpha helical membrane proteins
Q30352947Empirical potential function for simplified protein models: combining contact and local sequence-structure descriptors.
Q30331170Empirical relationships between protein structure and carboxyl pKa values in proteins.
Q31083650Empirical solvation models can be used to differentiate native from near-native conformations of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
Q30852972Empirical solvation models in the context of conformational energy searches: application to bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
Q50104360Empirical valence bond simulations of the hydride transfer step in the monoamine oxidase B catalyzed metabolism of dopamine
Q92952314Enabling full-length evolutionary profiles based deep convolutional neural network for predicting DNA-binding proteins from sequence
Q44464209Endogenous tryptophan residues of cAPK regulatory subunit type IIbeta reveal local variations in environments and dynamics
Q30195753Energetic approach to the folding of α/β barrels
Q93171278Energetic contributions of amino acid residues and its cross-talk (ECONTACT) to delineate ligand binding mechanism
Q36859545Energetically unfavorable amide conformations for N6‐acetyllysine side chains in refined protein structures
Q81508069Energetics and stability of transmembrane helix packing: a replica-exchange simulation with a knowledge-based membrane potential
Q53542878Energetics of K+ permeability through Gramicidin A by forward-reverse steered molecular dynamics.
Q34074679Energetics of calmodulin domain interactions with the calmodulin binding domain of CaMKII.
Q52427206Energetics of charge-charge interactions in proteins
Q82451708Energetics of charge–charge interactions between residues adjacent in sequence
Q81383313Energetics of protein homodimerization: effects of water sequestering on the formation of beta-lactoglobulin dimer
Q45393738Energetics of the loop-to-helix transition leading to the coiled-coil structure of influenza virus hemagglutinin HA2 subunits
Q82184337Energetics of the native and non-native states of the glycophorin transmembrane helix dimer
Q73025531Energetics of the specific binding interaction of the first three zinc fingers of the transcription factor TFIIIA with its cognate DNA sequence
Q30195936Energetics of the structure and chain tilting of antiparallel beta-barrels in proteins
Q77669672Energy landscape of a native protein: jumping-among-minima model
Q80947716Energy landscape of a small peptide revealed by dihedral angle principal component analysis
Q53344184Energy landscape theory for Alzheimer's amyloid beta-peptide fibril elongation
Q50923993Energy minimization in low-frequency normal modes to efficiently allow for global flexibility during systematic protein-protein docking
Q30419952Energy minimization method using automata network for sequence and side-chain conformation prediction from given backbone geometry.
Q90123830Energy-based graph convolutional networks for scoring protein docking models
Q33447473Engineered cystine knot peptides that bind alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5, and alpha5beta1 integrins with low-nanomolar affinity
Q60147785Engineering a soluble parathyroid hormone GPCR mimetic
Q57077684Engineering an Mg2 site to replace a structurally conserved arginine in the catalytic center of histidyl‐tRNA synthetase by computer experiments
Q77142657Engineering an Mg2+ site to replace a structurally conserved arginine in the catalytic center of histidyl-tRNA synthetase by computer experiments
Q46020524Engineering monomeric streptavidin and its ligands with infinite affinity in binding but reversibility in interaction.
Q33207176Engineering of a polymeric bacterial protein as a scaffold for the multiple display of peptides.
Q74464024Engineering of a stable mutant malic enzyme by introducing an extra ion-pair to the protein
Q41947472Engineering proteins with enhanced mechanical stability by force-specific sequence motifs.
Q50890574Engineering proteins with tunable thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities.
Q45948249Engineering subtilisin BPN' for site-specific proteolysis.
Q96163609Engineering the specificity of Streptococcus pyogenes sortase A by loop grafting
Q52082493Enhanced conformational diversity search of CDR-H3 in antibodies: role of the first CDR-H3 residue
Q30373977Enhanced protein fold recognition using a structural alphabet.
Q30350621Enhanced sampling near the native conformation using statistical potentials for local side-chain and backbone interactions.
Q51101606Enhanced sampling of peptide and protein conformations using replica exchange simulations with a peptide backbone biasing-potential
Q91163245Enhanced sampling of protein conformational states for dynamic cross-docking within the protein-protein docking server SwarmDock
Q81134288Enhanced thermal stability achieved without increased conformational rigidity at physiological temperatures: spatial propagation of differential flexibility in rubredoxin hybrids
Q27621917Enhancement of catalytic efficiency of enzymes through exposure to anhydrous organic solvent at 70 degrees C. Three-dimensional structure of a treated serine proteinase at 2.2 A resolution
Q30329565Enhancement of protein modeling by human intervention in applying the automatic programs 3D-JIGSAW and 3D-PSSM.
Q51531290Enhancing systematic protein–protein docking methods using ray casting: Application to ATTRACT
Q95310337Enhancing the promiscuity of a member of the Caspase protease family by rational design
Q52005574Enriching the sequence substitution matrix by structural information
Q30357936Ensemble docking of multiple protein structures: considering protein structural variations in molecular docking.
Q30010207Ensemble modeling of protein disordered states: Experimental restraint contributions and validation
Q50688427Ensemble models of proteins and protein domains based on distance distribution restraints
Q30351810Ensemble-based signatures of energy propagation in proteins: a new view of an old phenomenon.
Q92585784Ensembling multiple raw coevolutionary features with deep residual neural networks for contact-map prediction in CASP13
Q77435967Enthalpy and heat capacity changes for the proton dissociation of various buffer components in 0.1 M potassium chloride
Q74449650Entropic benefit of a cross-link in protein association
Q52068717Entropy calculations on a reversibly folding peptide: changes in solute free energy cannot explain folding behavior
Q57204703Entropy calculations on the molten globule state of a protein: Side-chain entropies of α-lactalbumin
Q58037819Entropy capacity determines protein folding
Q52384808Entropy in biological binding processes: estimation of translational entropy loss
Q30326388Environment of tryptophan side chains in proteins.
Q27649989Enzymatic characterization and crystal structure analysis of the D-alanine-D-alanine ligase from Helicobacter pylori
Q38302248Enzymatic circularization of a malto-octaose linear chain studied by stochastic reaction path calculations on cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase
Q43530741Enzyme classification by ligand binding
Q48007508Enzyme family classification by support vector machines
Q73233198Enzyme polarization of substrates of dihydrofolate reductase by different theoretical methods
Q27643332Enzyme-substrate interactions revealed by the crystal structures of the archaeal Sulfolobus PTP-fold phosphatase and its phosphopeptide complexes
Q27648036Epitope mapping and structural analysis of an anti-ErbB2 antibody A21: Molecular basis for tumor inhibitory mechanism
Q27703671Epitope mapping and structural basis for the recognition of phosphorylated tau by the anti-tau antibody AT8
Q44195800Equilibrium and kinetic folding of hen egg-white lysozyme under acidic conditions.
Q57752608Equilibrium heat-induced denaturation of chitinase 40 from Streptomyces thermoviolaceus
Q30375057Equilibrium transitions between side-chain conformations in leucine and isoleucine.
Q51940826Error distribution derived NOE distance restraints.
Q91339294Escapement mechanisms: Efficient free energy transduction by reciprocally-coupled gating
Q30428164Escher: A new docking procedure applied to the reconstruction of protein tertiary structure
Q30961455Escherichia coli adenylate kinase dynamics: comparison of elastic network model modes with mode-coupling (15)N-NMR relaxation data
Q77615139Essential domain motions in barnase revealed by MD simulations
Q29616843Essential dynamics of proteins
Q39226766Essential dynamics of the cold denaturation: pressure and temperature effects in yeast frataxin
Q39135914Essential dynamics sampling study of adenylate kinase: comparison to citrate synthase and implication for the hinge and shear mechanisms of domain motions
Q87726281Essential function of the N-termini tails of the proteasome for the gating mechanism revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
Q47974629Essential spaces defined by NMR structure ensembles and molecular dynamics simulation show significant overlap
Q78010858Estimates of the loss of main-chain conformational entropy of different residues on protein folding
Q82354607Estimating binding affinities by docking/scoring methods using variable protonation states
Q51610153Estimating protein-ligand binding free energy: atomic solvation parameters for partition coefficient and solvation free energy calculation
Q51899745Estimating quality of template-based protein models by alignment stability
Q64123395Estimating the contribution of folding stability to nonspecific epistasis in protein evolution
Q39509181Estimating the pKa values of basic and acidic side chains in ion channels using electrophysiological recordings: A robust approach to an elusive problem
Q33866133Estimating the total number of protein folds
Q56032117Estimating the total number of protein folds
Q52372237Estimation of changes in side chain configurational entropy in binding and folding: general methods and application to helix formation
Q91550145Estimation of model accuracy in CASP13
Q68697900Estimation of uncertainties in X-ray refinement results by use of perturbed structures
Q30588359Euclidean sections of protein conformation space and their implications in dimensionality reduction
Q52314555Eukaryote Specific Folds: Part of the Whole.
Q30331647Evaluating CASP4 predictions with physical energy functions.
Q48058205Evaluating amber force fields using computed NMR chemical shifts.
Q81383307Evaluating conformational changes in protein structures binding RNA
Q29547577Evaluating protein structures determined by structural genomics consortia
Q50904735Evaluating protein:protein complex formation using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy
Q30373259Evaluating the absolute quality of a single protein model using structural features and support vector machines.
Q43196448Evaluating the potency of HIV-1 protease drugs to combat resistance
Q31024907Evaluating the quality of NMR structures by local density of protons
Q33855340Evaluation and improvement of multiple sequence methods for protein secondary structure prediction.
Q30380203Evaluation of CASP8 model quality predictions.
Q30429666Evaluation of GRAMM low‐resolution docking methodology on the hemagglutinin‐antibody complex
Q28211559Evaluation of a fast implicit solvent model for molecular dynamics simulations
Q33373402Evaluation of an inverse molecular design algorithm in a model binding site
Q29617322Evaluation of comparative protein modeling by MODELLER
Q30429627Evaluation of comparative protein structure modeling by MODELLER‐3
Q42559661Evaluation of conformational changes in diabetes-associated mutation in insulin a chain: a molecular dynamics study
Q30424408Evaluation of current techniques for ab initio protein structure prediction
Q31031427Evaluation of different biological data and computational classification methods for use in protein interaction prediction
Q57972076Evaluation of disorder predictions in CASP5
Q29048164Evaluation of disorder predictions in CASP9
Q27645460Evaluation of docking programs for predicting binding of Golgi alpha-mannosidase II inhibitors: a comparison with crystallography
Q30351478Evaluation of domain prediction in CASP6.
Q30382583Evaluation of free modeling targets in CASP11 and ROLL.
Q68455955Evaluation of homology modeling of HIV protease
Q30341344Evaluation of local structure alphabets based on residue burial.
Q29048166Evaluation of model quality predictions in CASP9
Q92309412Evaluation of model refinement in CASP13
Q30352482Evaluation of predictions in the CASP10 model refinement category.
Q52015248Evaluation of protein docking predictions using Hex 3.1 in CAPRI rounds 1 and 2.
Q57014902Evaluation of protein fold comparison servers
Q29048194Evaluation of residue-residue contact prediction in CASP10
Q29048165Evaluation of residue-residue contact predictions in CASP9
Q30322367Evaluation of short-range interactions as secondary structure energies for protein fold and sequence recognition.
Q92585605Evaluation of template-based modeling in CASP13
Q29048208Evaluation of template-based models in CASP8 with standard measures
Q52015257Evaluation of the 3D-Dock protein docking suite in rounds 1 and 2 of the CAPRI blind trial.
Q74252620Evaluation of the CASP2 docking section
Q30822076Evaluation of the FLEXX incremental construction algorithm for protein-ligand docking
Q54641591Evaluation of the conformational free energies of loops in proteins.
Q37423462Evaluation of the relative stability of liganded versus ligand-free protein conformations using Simplicial Neighborhood Analysis of Protein Packing (SNAPP) method
Q80252050Evaluation of the substrate envelope hypothesis for inhibitors of HIV-1 protease
Q46357263Evaluation of the template-based modeling in CASP12.
Q44464301Evaluation of the third solvent clusters fitting procedure for the prediction of protein-protein interactions based on the results at the CAPRI blind docking study
Q71774359Evaluation of threading specificity and accuracy
Q41642290Evaluation of transmembrane helix predictions in 2014.
Q30531491Event detection and sub‐state discovery from biomolecular simulations using higher‐order statistics: Application to enzyme adenylate kinase
Q30159592Evidence for a novel domain of bacterial outer membrane ushers
Q46704187Evidence for communality in the primary determinants of CYP74 catalysis and of structural similarities between CYP74 and classical mammalian P450 enzymes
Q84380451Evidence for specific subunit distribution and interactions in the quaternary structure of alpha-crystallin
Q47974529Evidence of new cadmium binding sites in recombinant horse L-chain ferritin by anomalous Fourier difference map calculation
Q36674676Evidence of π‐stacking interactions in the self‐assembly of hIAPP22‐29
Q51537315Evolution and similarity evaluation of protein structures in contact map space
Q30196048Evolution of CuZn superoxide dismutase and the Greek key beta-barrel structural motif
Q30176869Evolution of beta-amylase: patterns of variation and conservation in subfamily sequences in relation to parsimony mechanisms
Q47596509Evolution of binding sites for zinc and calcium ions playing structural roles
Q61982092Evolution of cnidarian trans-defensins: sequence, structure and exploration of chemical space
Q52251893Evolution of model proteins on a foldability landscape
Q42614045Evolution of prokaryotic subtilases: genome-wide analysis reveals novel subfamilies with different catalytic residues
Q112574716Evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 proteome in three dimensions (3D) during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic
Q51973330Evolution of the beta-propeller fold
Q83568740Evolution of the isoelectric point of mammalian proteins as a consequence of indels and adaptive evolution
Q43994824Evolutionary analysis of HIV-1 protease inhibitors: Methods for design of inhibitors that evade resistance
Q28204161Evolutionary analysis reveals collective properties and specificity in the C-type lectin and lectin-like domain superfamily
Q85540701Evolutionary and structural analyses of heterodimeric proteins composed of subunits with same fold
Q46883270Evolutionary and structural feedback on selection of sequences for comparative analysis of proteins
Q51731627Evolutionary conservation in multiple faces of protein interaction
Q46794959Evolutionary conserved N-terminal region of human muscle fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase regulates its activity and the interaction with aldolase.
Q30159915Evolutionary coupling of structural and functional sequence information in the intracellular lipid-binding protein family
Q90313520Evolutionary couplings and sequence variation effect predict protein binding sites
Q42691196Evolutionary identification of a subtype specific functional site in the ligand binding domain of steroid receptors
Q30414685Evolutionary information hidden in a single protein structure
Q94566304Evolutionary model of protein secondary structure capable of revealing new biological relationships
Q35928441Evolutionary plasticity of protein families: coupling between sequence and structure variation
Q34371312Evolutionary relationship between 5+5 and 7+7 inverted repeat folds within the amino acid-polyamine-organocation superfamily
Q96436206Evolutionary relationships and sequence-structure determinants in human SARS coronavirus-2 spike proteins for host receptor recognition
Q44706742Evolutionary trace analysis of scorpion toxins specific for K-channels
Q44631073Examination of polypeptide substrate specificity for Escherichia coli ClpB.
Q47617870Examination of possible structural constraints of MHC-binding peptides by assessment of their native structure within their source proteins.
Q47623070Examination of shape complementarity in docking of unbound proteins
Q60651236Examination of shape complementarity in docking ofUnbound proteins
Q53370116Examination of the dynamic assembly equilibrium for E. coli ClpB.
Q41736269Examining methods for calculations of binding free energies: LRA, LIE, PDLD-LRA, and PDLD/S-LRA calculations of ligands binding to an HIV protease
Q34139629Examining the promiscuous phosphatase activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa arylsulfatase: a comparison to analogous phosphatases.
Q46851137Exhaustive Metropolis Monte Carlo sampling and analysis of polyalanine conformations adopted under the influence of hydrogen bonds
Q52206840Exhaustive docking of molecular fragments with electrostatic solvation
Q46149002Exhaustive mutagenesis in silico: multicoordinate free energy calculations on proteins and peptides
Q58488808Expanded turn conformations: Characterization and sequence-structure correspondence in α-turns with implications in helix folding
Q44817538Expanded turn conformations: characterization and sequence-structure correspondence in alpha-turns with implications in helix folding
Q46823172Expanding GPCR homology model binding sites via a balloon potential: A molecular dynamics refinement approach
Q45775602Expanding the frontiers of protein-protein modeling: from docking and scoring to binding affinity predictions and other challenges
Q74103023Expanding the nitrogen regulatory protein superfamily: Homology detection at below random sequence identity
Q99627489Expansin Engineering Database: A navigation and classification tool for expansins and homologues
Q34254810Expansion of the APC superfamily of secondary carriers
Q46732325Experimental analysis of co-evolution within protein complexes: the yeast exosome as a model
Q45137403Experimental and theoretical studies of the three-dimensional structure of human interleukin-4.
Q71460513Experimental and theoretical study of electrostatic effects on the isoelectric pH and the pKa of the catalytic residue His-102 of the recombinant ribonuclease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (barnase)
Q90516337Experimental comparison of energy landscape features of ubiquitin family proteins
Q30398313Experimental conformational energy maps of proteins and peptides
Q36978145Experimental identification of specificity determinants in the domain linker of a LacI/GalR protein: bioinformatics-based predictions generate true positives and false negatives
Q45070157Experimental indication for the existence of multiple Trp rotamers in von Willebrand Factor A3 domain
Q28245997Expert system for predicting protein localization sites in gram-negative bacteria
Q57808067Explicit and implicit water simulations of a ?-hairpin peptide
Q30580685Explicit and implicit water simulations of a beta-hairpin peptide
Q42672328Explicit solvent dynamics and energetics of HIV-1 protease flap opening and closing.
Q51603813Explicit-chain model of native-state hydrogen exchange: implications for event ordering and cooperativity in protein folding
Q81230764Exploiting 3D structural templates for detection of metal-binding sites in protein structures
Q30351476Exploiting heterogeneous sequence properties improves prediction of protein disorder.
Q46059424Exploiting sequence and structure homologs to identify protein-protein binding sites
Q40068731Exploration micromechanism of VP35 IID interaction and recognition dsRNA: A molecular dynamics simulation
Q47996335Exploration of conformational changes in lactose permease upon sugar binding and proton transfer through coarse-grained simulations
Q57000538Exploration of disorder in protein structures by X-ray restrained molecular dynamics
Q52008629Exploration of structural features of monomeric helical peptides designed with a genetic algorithm.
Q73798377Exploration of the S(')(1) subsite of neprilysin: a joined molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis study
Q30329266Exploratory studies of ab initio protein structure prediction: Multiple copy simulated annealing, AMBER energy functions, and a generalized born/solvent accessibility solvation model
Q48042958Exploring additivity effects of double mutations on the binding affinity of protein-protein complexes.
Q85993131Exploring alternate states and oligomerization preferences of coiled-coils by de novo structure modeling
Q92474143Exploring alternative catalytic mechanisms of the Cas9 HNH domain
Q51438298Exploring c-Met kinase flexibility by sampling and clustering its conformational space.
Q51501233Exploring conformational changes coupled to ionization states using a hybrid Rosetta‐MCCE protocol
Q51639702Exploring coumarin egress channels in human cytochrome p450 2a6 by random acceleration and steered molecular dynamics simulations
Q27748821Exploring hydrophobic sites in proteins with xenon or krypton
Q38953505Exploring interaction mechanisms of the inhibitor binding to the VP35 IID region of Ebola virus by all atom molecular dynamics simulation method
Q91802564Exploring molecular mechanism of allosteric inhibitor to relieve drug resistance of multiple mutations in HIV-1 protease by enhanced conformational sampling
Q30343068Exploring peptide energy landscapes: a test of force fields and implicit solvent models.
Q30559807Exploring protein interiors: the role of a buried histidine in the KH module fold
Q29617088Exploring protein native states and large-scale conformational changes with a modified generalized born model
Q90733985Exploring protein-protein interactions using the site-identification by ligand competitive saturation methodology
Q38463331Exploring proteome-wide occurrence of clusters of charged residues in eukaryotes
Q34328475Exploring structural features of the interaction between the scorpion toxinCnErg1 and ERG K+ channels
Q30354348Exploring structurally conserved solvent sites in protein families.
Q39757341Exploring structure and interactions of the bacterial adaptor protein YjbH by crosslinking mass spectrometry
Q98830070Exploring the Effect of Silicene monolayer on the Structure and Function of Villin headpiece and Amyloid fibrils by Molecular dynamics simulations
Q98830095Exploring the Role of Hydrophilic Amino Acids in Unfolding of Protein in Aqueous Ethanol Solution
Q27765161Exploring the active site of herpes simplex virus type-1 thymidine kinase by X-ray crystallography of complexes with aciclovir and other ligands
Q52340715Exploring the binding preferences/specificity in the active site of human cathepsin E.
Q48099827Exploring the cause of aggregation and reduced Zn binding affinity by G85R mutation in SOD1 rendering amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Q51470332Exploring the charge space of protein-protein association: a proteomic study
Q99627483Exploring the conformational dynamics of PD1 in complex with different ligands: What we can learn for designing novel PD1 signaling blockers?
Q90556463Exploring the conformational landscapes of HIV protease structural ensembles using principal component analysis
Q79935403Exploring the conformational space of protein loops using a mean field technique with MOLS sampling
Q31996404Exploring the conformational space of protein side chains using dead-end elimination and the A* algorithm
Q77894293Exploring the dynamic information content of a protein NMR structure: comparison of a molecular dynamics simulation with the NMR and X-ray structures of Escherichia coli ribonuclease HI
Q42217077Exploring the early stages of the pH-induced conformational change of influenza hemagglutinin
Q47330391Exploring the effects of sparse restraints on protein structure prediction.
Q73379963Exploring the energy landscape of a beta hairpin in explicit solvent
Q46297937Exploring the energy landscapes of molecular recognition by a genetic algorithm: analysis of the requirements for robust docking of HIV-1 protease and FKBP-12 complexes
Q51165258Exploring the environmental preference of weak interactions in (alpha/beta)8 barrel proteins
Q57014315Exploring the essential collective dynamics of interacting proteins: Application to prion protein dimers
Q45760615Exploring the essential collective dynamics of interacting proteins: application to prion protein dimers
Q29618973Exploring the extremes of sequence/structure space with ensemble fold recognition in the program Phyre
Q87870904Exploring the free energy landscape of a model β-hairpin peptide and its isoform
Q71774352Exploring the interaction between D-xylose isomerase and D-xylose by free energy calculation
Q42598180Exploring the mechanism of DNA polymerases by analyzing the effect of mutations of active site acidic groups in Polymerase β
Q41003035Exploring the molecular basis of action of ring D aromatic steroidal antiestrogens.
Q46920262Exploring the molecular basis of heme coordination in human neuroglobin
Q52648484Exploring the multiscale signaling behavior of phototropin1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using a full-residue space kinetic Monte Carlo molecular dynamics technique
Q46118764Exploring the origin of the ion selectivity of the KcsA potassium channel
Q51898575Exploring the protein G helix free-energy surface by solute tempering metadynamics
Q53008295Exploring the relationship between funneled energy landscapes and two-state protein folding
Q36627376Exploring the role of large conformational changes in the fidelity of DNA polymerase beta
Q42716014Exploring the role of structure and dynamics in the function of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2
Q43000327Exploring the role of the phospholipid ligand in endothelial protein C receptor: a molecular dynamics study.
Q92737879Exploring the systematic effect of N-substituted PxxP motifs on peptoid affinity to ARHGEF5/TIM SH3 domain and its relationship with ARHGEF5/TIM activation
Q40821867Exploring the unbinding of Leishmania (L.) amazonensis CPB derived-epitopes from H2 MHC class I proteins
Q46585954Exploring zipping and assembly as a protein folding principle
Q78627274Exponential decay kinetics in "downhill" protein folding
Q60602314Expression and crystallization of the yeast Hsp82 chaperone, and preliminary x-ray diffraction studies of the amino-terminal domain
Q58361093Expression and crystallization of the yeast Hsp82 chaperone, and preliminary x‐ray diffraction studies of the amino‐terminal domain
Q58868810Expression in Pichia pastoris and characterization by circular dichroism and NMR of rhodostomin
Q54565093Expression, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of FtsY, the docking protein of the signal recognition particle of E. coli.
Q71671470Expression, purification, and crystallization of meso-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase from Corynebacterium glutamicum
Q38308577Expression, purification, and crystallization of restriction endonuclease PvuII with DNA containing its recognition site
Q73134833Expression, purification, and crystallization of the DNA-binding domain from the Saccharomyces cerevisae cell-cycle transcription factor MBP-1
Q63383688Expression, purification, and crystallization of the DNA-binding domain from theSaccharomyces cerevisae cell-cycle transcription factor MBP-1
Q73083613Expression, purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the homodimeric bacterial hemoglobin from Vitreoscilla stercoraria
Q33683352Extending RosettaDock with water, sugar, and pH for prediction of complex structures and affinities for CAPRI rounds 20-27
Q34156490Extending the PRIME model for protein aggregation to all 20 amino acids
Q36470096Extension of a protein docking algorithm to membranes and applications to amyloid precursor protein dimerization.
Q68697921Extension of the fragment method to calculate amino acid zwitterion and side chain partition coefficients
Q73598258Extent and nature of contacts between protein molecules in crystal lattices and between subunits of protein oligomers
Q46160408Extent of protein-protein interactions and quasi-equivalence in viral capsids
Q51962070External cross-validation for unbiased evaluation of protein family detectors: application to allergens.
Q74566120Extracting contact energies from protein structures: A study using a simplified model
Q30425395Extracting knowledge from protein structure geometry
Q51072430Extracting representative structures from protein conformational ensembles.
Q52230744Extraction of geometrically similar substructures: least-squares and Chebyshev fitting and the difference distance matrix
Q92331388Extraction of molecular features for the drug discovery targeting protein-protein interaction of Helicobacter pylori CagA and tumor suppressor protein ASSP2
Q43014940Extreme free energy of stabilization of Taq DNA polymerase
Q36890551Extreme heat- and pressure-resistant 7-kDa protein P2 from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is dramatically destabilized by a single-point amino acid substitution
Q91821900F508del disturbs the dynamics of the nucleotide binding domains of CFTR before and after ATP hydrolysis
Q30349855FAST: a novel protein structure alignment algorithm.
Q67797012FASTRUN: a special purpose, hardwired computer for molecular simulation
Q30389832FF12MC: A revised AMBER forcefield and new protein simulation protocol
Q34694427FINDSITE‐metal: Integrating evolutionary information and machine learning for structure‐based metal‐binding site prediction at the proteome level
Q51913931FLIPDock: docking flexible ligands into flexible receptors
Q30383898FREAD revisited: Accurate loop structure prediction using a database search algorithm.
Q52029632FROST: a filter-based fold recognition method
Q30351469FRankenstein becomes a cyborg: the automatic recombination and realignment of fold recognition models in CASP6.
Q31147697FURSMASA: a new approach to rapid scoring functions that uses a MD-averaged potential energy grid and a solvent-accessible surface area term with parameters GA fit to experimental data
Q30365527Factors affecting the use of 13C(alpha) chemical shifts to determine, refine, and validate protein structures
Q84544041Factors determining electrostatic fields in molecular dynamics simulations of the ras/effector interface
Q73798423Factors determining the relative stability of anionic tetrahedral complexes in serine protease catalysis and inhibition
Q71961401Factors governing the foldability of proteins
Q74631425Factors that affect the folding ability of proteins
Q71774356Failures of inverse folding and threading with gapped alignment
Q30364781Fams-ace: a combined method to select the best model after remodeling all server models.
Q51635631Fast accurate evaluation of protein solvent exposure
Q30379190Fast and accurate automatic structure prediction with HHpred.
Q45028385Fast and accurate computation of the 13C chemical shifts for an alanine-rich peptide
Q47577731Fast and accurate modeling of protein-protein interactions by combining template-interface-based docking with flexible refinement
Q30330310Fast and accurate side-chain topology and energy refinement (FASTER) as a new method for protein structure optimization.
Q80020996Fast and reliable analysis of molecular motion using proximity relations and dimensionality reduction
Q30335018Fast and simple Monte Carlo algorithm for side chain optimization in proteins: application to model building by homology
Q42758254Fast approximations of the rotational diffusion tensor and their application to structural assembly of molecular complexes
Q30382308Fast assessment of structural models of ion channels based on their predicted current-voltage characteristics.
Q30400754Fast de novo discovery of low-energy protein loop conformations.
Q42695246Fast gap-free enumeration of conformations and sequences for protein design
Q30368401Fast protein tertiary structure retrieval based on global surface shape similarity.
Q30335016Fast structure alignment for protein databank searching
Q53377930Fe(2+) binding on amyloid β-peptide promotes aggregation.
Q45957494Feature selection and classification of protein-protein complexes based on their binding affinities using machine learning approaches.
Q30385361Feature space resampling for protein conformational search.
Q74093207Feature-extraction from endopeptidase cleavage sites in mitochondrial targeting peptides
Q54598890Fermenter production of an artificial fab fragment, rationally designed for the antigen cystatin, and its optimized crystallization through constant domain shuffling.
Q53817763Ferric uptake regulator protein: binding free energy calculations and per-residue free energy decomposition
Q82538944Festschrift in honor of the 65th birthday of George D. Rose
Q89950942FiRES: A computational method for the de novo identification of internal structure similarity in proteins
Q34909306FiberDock: Flexible induced-fit backbone refinement in molecular docking
Q45965731FiberID--a technique to identify fibrous protein subclasses.
Q58032981Fibril elongation mechanisms of HET-s prion-forming domain: Topological evidence for growth polarity
Q83145050Fibrous long spacing type collagen fibrils have a hierarchical internal structure
Q74460969Filling a cavity dramatically increases pressure stability of the c-Myb R2 subdomain
Q30324336Filtered neighbors threading.
Q47659483Filtering and selection of structural models: combining docking and NMR.
Q30312628Finding local structural similarities among families of unrelated protein structures: a generic non-linear alignment algorithm
Q46963633Finding needles in haystacks: Reranking DOT results by using shape complementarity, cluster analysis, and biological information
Q35229098Finding off-targets, biological pathways, and target diseases for chymase inhibitors via structure-based systems biology approach.
Q92225467Finding the generalized molecular principles of protein thermal stability
Q47295214Fine structure of conformational ensembles in adenylate kinase.
Q78140818Fine tuning the N-terminus of a calcium binding protein: alpha-lactalbumin
Q58322022Fine tuning the N‐terminus of a calcium binding protein: α‐lactalbumin
Q78955224Fine-grained protein fold assignment by support vector machines using generalized npeptide coding schemes and jury voting from multiple-parameter sets
Q41616464Fingerprint‐based structure retrieval using electron density
Q47598103FireDock: fast interaction refinement in molecular docking
Q24306216First crystallographic models of human TBC domains in the context of a family-wide structural analysis
Q47810301First partial three-dimensional model of human monoamine oxidase A
Q44713132First principles computational study of the active site of arginase
Q27683683First structural evidence of sequestration of mRNA cap structures by type 1 ribosome inactivating protein from Momordica balsamina
Q71565969Fitting an inhibitor into the active site of thermolysin: a molecular dynamics case study
Q72635015Five-stranded beta-sheet sandwiched with two alpha-helices: a structural link between restriction endonucleases EcoRI and EcoRV
Q40766306Flap flexibility amongst plasmepsins I, II, III, IV, and V: Sequence, structural, and molecular dynamics analyses
Q47700031Flavors of protein disorder
Q47566942FlexPepDock lessons from CAPRI peptide-protein rounds and suggested new criteria for assessment of model quality and utility
Q45070169FlexX-Scan: fast, structure-based virtual screening
Q37406562Flexibility and charge asymmetry in the activation loop of Src tyrosine kinases
Q45339546Flexibility and inhibitor binding in cdc25 phosphatases
Q43986872Flexibility in monomeric Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase detected by limited proteolysis and molecular dynamics simulation.
Q41529085Flexibility in the N-terminal actin-binding domain: clues from in silico mutations and molecular dynamics.
Q30164240Flexibility of beta-sheets: principal component analysis of database protein structures
Q81430706Flexibility of metal binding sites in proteins on a database scale
Q46560922Flexibility of prolyl oligopeptidase: molecular dynamics and molecular framework analysis of the potential substrate pathways.
Q27728585Flexibility of the DNA-binding domains of trp repressor
Q36365102Flexible connection of the N‐terminal domain in ClpB modulates substrate binding and the aggregate reactivation efficiency
Q47625159Flexible docking allowing induced fit in proteins: insights from an open to closed conformational isomers
Q51168227Flexible docking and refinement with a coarse-grained protein model using ATTRACT.
Q52230740Flexible docking using Tabu search and an empirical estimate of binding affinity
Q48046687Flexible glycine rich motif of Escherichia coli deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase is important for functional but not for structural integrity of the enzyme
Q41673303Flexible ligand docking: a multistep strategy approach
Q47615937Flexible protein alignment and hinge detection
Q51366191Flexible protein docking refinement using pose-dependent normal mode analysis.
Q46934304Flexible protein-flexible ligand docking with disrupted velocity simulated annealing.
Q52281044Flexible protein–ligand docking by global energy optimization in internal coordinates
Q80068370Flexible relaxation of rigid-body docking solutions
Q44539239Flexible structural comparison allowing hinge-bending, swiveling motions
Q36386536Fluctuation dynamics analysis of gp120 envelope protein reveals a topologically based communication network
Q47620132Fluctuations between stabilizing and destabilizing electrostatic contributions of ion pairs in conformers of the c-Myc-Max leucine zipper
Q47618755Fluctuations in ion pairs and their stabilities in proteins
Q30393337Fluctuations of backbone torsion angles obtained from NMR-determined structures and their prediction
Q73233212Fluorescence quenching in the DsbA protein from Escherichia coli: complete picture of the excited-state energy pathway and evidence for the reshuffling dynamics of the microstates of tryptophan
Q37629401Fluorescence spectroscopy of soluble E. coli SPase I Δ2-75 reveals conformational changes in response to ligand binding
Q44632570Fluorescent dyes as probes to study lipid‐binding proteins
Q27731972Fluoride inhibition of yeast enolase: crystal structure of the enolase-Mg(2+)-F(-)-Pi complex at 2.6 A resolution
Q33225159Focused library design in GPCR projects on the example of 5-HT(2c) agonists: comparison of structure-based virtual screening with ligand-based search methods
Q57139076Focusing of electric fields in the active site of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase: effects of ionic strength and amino-acid modification
Q43741635Focusing of the electrostatic potential at EF-hands of calbindin D(9k): titration of acidic residues
Q74252601Fold assignments for amino acid sequences of the CASP2 experiment
Q42431296Fold homology detection using sequence fragment composition profiles of proteins
Q27678016Fold of the conserved DTC domain in deltex proteins
Q30424401Fold recognition and ab initio structure predictions using hidden Markov models and beta-strand pair potentials
Q30969610Fold recognition and accurate query-template alignment by a combination of PSI-BLAST and threading
Q51945460Fold recognition and accurate sequence-structure alignment of sequences directing beta-sheet proteins
Q31124129Fold recognition by combining sequence profiles derived from evolution and from depth-dependent structural alignment of fragments
Q58041659Fold recognition by concurrent use of solvent accessibility and residue depth
Q40661549Fold recognition from sequence comparisons.
Q30429641Fold recognition using predicted secondary structure sequences and hidden Markov models of protein folds
Q52141230Fold recognition using sequence and secondary structure information.
Q73472701Fold recognition with minimal gaps
Q44515167Fold recognition, homology modeling, docking simulations, kinetics analysis and mutagenesis of ATP/CTP:tRNA nucleotidyltransferase from Methanococcus jannaschii
Q30351000Fold usage on genomes and protein fold evolution.
Q34082277Fold versus sequence effects on the driving force for protein-mediated electron transfer
Q30390297FoldGPCR: structure prediction protocol for the transmembrane domain of G protein-coupled receptors from class A.
Q98167046Foldability and chameleon propensity of fold-switching protein sequences
Q54784061Folding 19 proteins to their native state and stability of large proteins from a coarse-grained model.
Q52082498Folding Lennard-Jones proteins by a contact potential
Q46846117Folding and amyloid-fibril formation for a series of human stefins' chimeras: any correlation?
Q80538508Folding and dimerization of the ionic peptide EAK 16-IV
Q33540757Folding and membrane insertion of amyloid-beta (25-35) peptide and its mutants: implications for aggregation and neurotoxicity
Q86175753Folding and stability of helical bundle proteins from coarse-grained models
Q30672007Folding and stability of the three-stranded beta-sheet peptide Betanova: insights from molecular dynamics simulations
Q74721951Folding and stretching in a Go-like model of titin
Q81364384Folding behavior of chaperonin-mediated substrate protein
Q27666760Folding determinants of disulfide bond forming protein B explored by solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Q30885873Folding in lipid membranes (FILM): a novel method for the prediction of small membrane protein 3D structures
Q67543994Folding in vitro of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor in the presence of proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum
Q81645659Folding is not required for bilayer insertion: replica exchange simulations of an alpha-helical peptide with an explicit lipid bilayer
Q46857538Folding mechanism of beta-hairpins studied by replica exchange molecular simulations
Q77314236Folding mechanism of three structurally similar β-sheet proteins
Q44972885Folding of RNase T1 is decelerated by a specific tertiary contact in a folding intermediate
Q46635184Folding of Top7 in unbiased all-atom Monte Carlo simulations.
Q57953582Folding of a small helical protein using hydrogen bonds and hydrophobicity forces
Q30164156Folding of beta/alpha-unit scrambled forms of S. cerevisiae triosephosphate isomerase: Evidence for autonomy of substructure formation and plasticity of hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding interactions in core of (beta/alpha)8-barrel.
Q41294766Folding of bovine growth hormone is consistent with the molten globule hypothesis
Q52068721Folding of bundles of alpha-helices in solution, membranes, and adsorbed overlayers
Q43565756Folding of intracellular retinol and retinoic acid binding proteins
Q84789916Folding of multidomain proteins: Biophysical consequences of tethering even in apparently independent folding
Q44928025Folding of tandem-linked domains.
Q81489735Folding pathway dependence on energetic frustration and interaction heterogeneity for a three-dimensional hydrophobic protein model
Q81645663Folding pathways for initiator and effector procaspases from computer simulations
Q35531140Folding protein alpha-carbon chains into compact forms by Monte Carlo methods
Q46162407Folding simulations and computer redesign of protein A three-helix bundle motifs
Q46144488Folding simulations of Trp-cage mini protein in explicit solvent using biasing potential replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations
Q89248619Folding superfunnel to describe cooperative folding of interacting proteins
Q45753777Folding the ribonuclease H domain of Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase requires metal binding or a short N-terminal extension
Q47430850Folding thermodynamics of three beta-sheet peptides: a model study
Q40940259Folding thermodynamics of β-hairpins studied by replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations
Q88781976Folding with a protein's native shortcut network
Q48602264Folding with downhill behavior and low cooperativity of proteins
Q52230737Folding-unfolding energy change of a simple sphere model protein and an energy landscape of the folding process
Q31623630Folding-unfolding of goat alpha-lactalbumin studied by stopped-flow circular dichroism and molecular dynamics simulations
Q58616280Folding-unfolding thermodynamics of a ?-heptapeptide from equilibrium simulations
Q74452346Folding-unfolding thermodynamics of a beta-heptapeptide from equilibrium simulations
Q73365487For Guldberg and Waage, with love and cratic entropy
Q46683365Force calculations in automated docking: enzyme-substrate interactions in Fusarium oxysporum Cel7B.
Q54756335Formation of heterodimers between wild type and mutant trp aporepressor polypeptides of Escherichia coli.
Q43107227Formation of the RFX gene regulatory complex induces folding of the interaction domain of RFXAP.
Q30352752Formulation of probabilistic models of protein structure in atomic detail using the reference ratio method.
Q51918735Four-body contact potentials derived from two protein datasets to discriminate native structures from decoys
Q33709370Fragment peptide library for classification and functional prediction of proteins
Q81786969Fragment-based local statistical potentials derived by combining an alphabet of protein local structures with secondary structures and solvent accessibilities
Q56877541Fragment-based modeling of NAD binding to the catalytic subunits of diphtheria and pertussis toxins
Q39434682Fragment-based modeling of membrane protein loops: successes, failures, and prospects for the future
Q30733711Free energetics of rigid body association of ubiquitin binding domains: a biochemical model for binding mediated by hydrophobic interaction.
Q44706733Free energies of binding of polychlorinated biphenyls to the estrogen receptor from a single simulation
Q57204714Free energy barrier estimation of unfolding the ?-helical surfactant-associated polypeptide C
Q44496096Free energy calculations for the relative binding affinity between DNA and lambda-repressor
Q46141636Free energy calculations on binding and catalysis by alpha-lytic protease: the role of substrate size in the P1 pocket
Q83921867Free energy calculations show that acidic P1 variants undergo large pKa shifts upon binding to trypsin
Q77360637Free energy distributions in proteins
Q58429825Free energy landscape and folding mechanism of a β-hairpin in explicit water: A replica exchange molecular dynamics study
Q79909335Free energy landscape of a biomolecule in dihedral principal component space: sampling convergence and correspondence between structures and minima
Q28205750Free energy landscape of protein folding in water: Explicit vs. implicit solvent
Q44784437Free energy simulations and MM-PBSA analyses on the affinity and specificity of steroid binding to antiestradiol antibody
Q52372238Free energy simulations: the meaning of the individual contributions from a component analysis
Q47307353Free energy surfaces of beta-hairpin and alpha-helical peptides generated by replica exchange molecular dynamics with the AGBNP implicit solvent model
Q81576302Free energy surfaces of miniproteins with a betabetaalpha motif: replica exchange molecular dynamics simulation with an implicit solvation model
Q28274213Free modeling with Rosetta in CASP6
Q44480412Free-energy computations identify the mutations required to confer trans-sialidase activity into Trypanosoma rangeli sialidase.
Q62846697Free-energy function based on an all-atom model for proteins
Q33894160Free-energy function for discriminating the native fold of a protein from misfolded decoys
Q81489841Free-energy landscape of kinesin by a realistic lattice model
Q34492990Free-energy landscape of the GB1 hairpin in all-atom explicit solvent simulations with different force fields: Similarities and differences
Q33419441Free-energy profiles for ions in the influenza M2-TMD channel
Q44060656Free-energy simulations of the oxidation of c-terminal methionines in calmodulin
Q30368713Frequent side chain methyl carbon-oxygen hydrogen bonding in proteins revealed by computational and stereochemical analysis of neutron structures.
Q52004497From analysis of protein structural alignments toward a novel approach to align protein sequences
Q30157963From coarse-grain to all-atom: toward multiscale analysis of protein landscapes
Q97534589From monomer to fibril: Abeta-amyloid binding to Aducanumab antibody studied by Molecular Dynamics simulation
Q27637715From structure to function: YrbI from Haemophilus influenzae (HI1679) is a phosphatase
Q47596962From the Mediterranean coast to the shores of Lake Ontario: CAPRI's premiere on the American continent
Q42699012Frustration-guided motion planning reveals conformational transitions in proteins
Q81312745Full correlation analysis of conformational protein dynamics
Q27748969Full-matrix least-squares refinement of lysozymes and analysis of anisotropic thermal motion
Q87286617Function changing mutations in glucocorticoid receptor evolution correlate with their relevance to mode coupling
Q51151309Function-based assessment of structural similarity measurements using metal co-factor orientation
Q31101736Function-dependent clustering of orthologues and paralogues of cyclophilins
Q90564387Function2Form Bridge-Toward synthetic protein holistic performance prediction
Q91325556Functional Evolution of Proteins
Q45279397Functional analysis of CYP2D6.31 variant: homology modeling suggests possible disruption of redox partner interaction by Arg440His substitution.
Q37215081Functional and computational studies of the ligand-associated metal binding site of beta3 integrins
Q27678009Functional and structural characterization of a thermostable acetyl esterase from Thermotoga maritima
Q38300126Functional and structural characterization of the catalytic domain of the starch synthase III from Arabidopsis thaliana.
Q27649293Functional and structural features of the oxyanion hole in a thermophilic esterase from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
Q38310114Functional and structural studies of pullulanase from Anoxybacillus sp. LM18-11.
Q81003190Functional annotation by sequence-weighted structure alignments: statistical analysis and case studies from the Protein 3000 structural genomics project in Japan
Q27626749Functional aspects of the heme bound hemophore HasA by structural analysis of various crystal forms
Q27642259Functional assignment based on structural analysis: crystal structure of the yggJ protein (HI0303) of Haemophilus influenzae reveals an RNA methyltransferase with a deep trefoil knot
Q31116991Functional assignment of MAPK phosphatase domains
Q123181565Functional characterization of a hypothetical protein (TTHA1873) from Thermus thermophilus
Q47974578Functional conformational changes of endo-1,4-xylanase II from Trichoderma reesei: a molecular dynamics study
Q57689478Functional conformational changes of endo-1,4-xylanase II fromTrichoderma reesei: A molecular dynamics study
Q38302702Functional consequences of exchanging domains between LacI and PurR are mediated by the intervening linker sequence
Q93092048Functional divergence between evolutionary-related LuxG and Fre oxidoreductases of luminous bacteria
Q34254917Functional evolution of PLP-dependent enzymes based on active-site structural similarities
Q46931830Functional evolution within a protein superfamily
Q33233796Functional grouping based on signatures in protein termini
Q30195530Functional implications of interleukin-1 beta based on the three-dimensional structure
Q34224344Functional interaction among catalytic residues in subtilisin BPN'.
Q27938732Functional interaction of 13 yeast SCF complexes with a set of yeast E2 enzymes in vitro
Q43225812Functional modes of the regulatory arm of AraC.
Q51818440Functional motions can be extracted from on‐lattice construction of protein structures
Q77133326Functional protein domains from the thermally driven motion of polypeptide chains: A proposal
Q59859428Functional restraints on the patterns of amino acid substitutions: Application to sequence-structure homology recognition
Q44379449Functional role for Tyr 31 in the catalytic cycle of chicken dihydrofolate reductase
Q28281761Functional role of a protein foldon--an Omega-loop foldon controls the alkaline transition in ferricytochrome c
Q54261035Functional roles of amino acid residues involved in forming the alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix operator DNA binding motif of Tet repressor from Tn10
Q42117358Functional significance of conserved amino acid residues
Q36381301Functional tuning of the catalytic residue pKa in a de novo designed esterase.
Q44440703Functionality maps of binding sites: a multiple copy simultaneous search method
Q54719168Functionally acceptable substitutions in two alpha-helical regions of lambda repressor.
Q34168536Functionally important positions can comprise the majority of a protein's architecture
Q37349376Funnel-like organization in sequence space determines the distributions of protein stability and folding rate preferred by evolution
Q29617521Funnels, pathways, and the energy landscape of protein folding: a synthesis
Q68082928Further experimental studies of the disulfide folding transition of ribonuclease A
Q45735421Further studies of the helix dipole model: effects of a free alpha-NH3+ or alpha-COO- group on helix stability
Q100674232Further thermo-stabilization of thermophilic rhodopsin from Thermus thermophilus JL-18 through engineering in extramembrane regions
Q30425234Future directions in folding: the multi-state nature of protein structure
Q52413361Fuzzy cluster analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories
Q40051800Fuzzy domains: new way of describing flexibility and interdependence of the protein domains
Q34906286G protein inactive and active forms investigated by simulation methods
Q38324611G-protein-coupled receptor domain overexpression in Halobacterium salinarum: long-range transmembrane interactions in heptahelical membrane proteins.
Q52015272GAPDOCK: a Genetic Algorithm Approach to Protein Docking in CAPRI round 1.
Q38517870GEMDOCK: a generic evolutionary method for molecular docking.
Q33928362GGDEF domain is homologous to adenylyl cyclase
Q50643791GGIP: Structure and sequence-based GPCR-GPCR interaction pair predictor
Q30430082GLASS: a tool to visualize protein structure prediction data in three dimensions and evaluate their consistency
Q30437388GPCR 3D homology models for ligand screening: lessons learned from blind predictions of adenosine A2a receptor complex
Q51906608GRID-MD-A tool for massive simulation of protein channels
Q30417143GSAFold: A new application of GSA to protein structure prediction
Q42666969Gain of local structure in an amphipathic peptide does not require a specific tertiary framework.
Q34287670Gaps in structurally similar proteins: towards improvement of multiple sequence alignment
Q73326566Gas phase hydrogen/deuterium exchange reactions of peptide ions in a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer
Q52405221Gaussian neighborhood: a new measure of accessibility for residues of protein molecules
Q38510895Gene ontology functional annotations at the structural domain level
Q90296969Gene ontology improves template selection in comparative protein docking
Q52981145General and targeted statistical potentials for protein-ligand interactions
Q85295079General mean-field theory for mechanical hysteresis of network-like macromolecules
Q37656141General trends of dihedral conformational transitions in a globular protein
Q32051928Generalized affine gap costs for protein sequence alignment
Q30328277Generalized comparative modeling (GENECOMP): a combination of sequence comparison, threading, and lattice modeling for protein structure prediction and refinement.
Q81628609Generalized correlation for biomolecular dynamics
Q33256084Generalized modeling of enzyme-ligand interactions using proteochemometrics and local protein substructures
Q30351467Generalized protein structure prediction based on combination of fold-recognition with de novo folding and evaluation of models.
Q95779344Generating stereochemically acceptable protein pathways
Q31007257Generation and analysis of a protein-protein interface data set with similar chemical and spatial patterns of interactions
Q31001554Generation of a substructure library for the description and classification of protein secondary structure. I. Overview of the methods and results
Q31001600Generation of a substructure library for the description and classification of protein secondary structure. II. Application to spectra-structure correlations in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Q73472715Generation of accurate protein loop conformations through low-barrier molecular dynamics
Q27644818Generation of blood group specificity: new insights from structural studies on the complexes of A- and B-reactive saccharides with basic winged bean agglutinin
Q54718802Generation of potential structures for the G-domain of chloroplast EF-Tu using comparative molecular modeling.
Q30428160Generation of pseudonative protein structures for threading
Q34226353Generic inhibition of amyloidogenic proteins by two naphthoquinone–tryptophan hybrid molecules
Q69364372Genetic analysis of the molecular basis for beta-adrenergic receptor subtype specificity
Q42524546Genome wide analysis of pathogenic SH2 domain mutations
Q30358119Genome-based identification and characterization of a putative mucin-binding protein from the surface of Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Q33187590Genome-based identification of a carbohydrate binding module in Streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase.
Q34353364Genome-scale prediction of proteins with long intrinsically disordered regions
Q97547556Genome-wide and structural analyses of pseudokinases encoded in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana provide functional insights
Q86867268Genome-wide computational determination of the human metalloproteome
Q51872846Genome-wide enzyme annotation with precision control: catalytic families (CatFam) databases
Q100694983Genomic screening and molecular dynamics simulations of cyanovirin-N homologs from Cyanobacteria phylum
Q90411516Genomic screening of new putative antiviral lectins from Amazonian cyanobacteria based on a bioinformatics approach
Q27658966Genomics, evolution, and crystal structure of a new family of bacterial spore kinases
Q30410943Geofold: topology-based protein unfolding pathways capture the effects of engineered disulfides on kinetic stability.
Q77707835Geometric and chemical patterns of interaction in protein--ligand complexes and their application in docking
Q46194094Geometric characteristics of hydrogen bonds involving sulfur atoms in proteins
Q39779712Geometric constraints for porphyrin binding in helical protein binding sites.
Q81682282Geometric cooperativity and anticooperativity of three-body interactions in native proteins
Q51978830Geometric preferences of crosslinked protein-derived cofactors reveal a high propensity for near-sequence pairs
Q52276340Geometric versus topological clustering: an insight into conformation mapping
Q90564490Geometrical characterization of T cell receptor binding modes reveals class-specific binding to maximize access to antigen
Q30364899Geometrical comparison of two protein structures using Wigner-D functions.
Q38711042Geometrical principles of homomeric β-barrels and β-helices: Application to modeling amyloid protofilaments.
Q45962694Geometrically centered region: A “wet” model of protein binding hot spots not excluding water molecules
Q53671447Geometry and physics of proteins
Q47606407Geometry-based flexible and symmetric protein docking
Q51635798Gibbs adsorption isotherm combined with Monte Carlo sampling to see action of cosolutes on protein folding
Q30380089Global and local model quality estimation at CASP8 using the scoring functions QMEAN and QMEANclust.
Q42403433Global and local structural similarity in protein–protein complexes: Implications for template‐based docking
Q33809669Global fold of human cannabinoid type 2 receptor probed by solid-state 13C-, 15N-MAS NMR and molecular dynamics simulations
Q58048214Global multiple-sequence alignment with repeats
Q52955479Global secondary structure packing angle bias in proteins
Q46719735Glucoamylase structural, functional, and evolutionary relationships
Q35209218Glucose interactions with a model peptide
Q43644964Glucose oxidase from Penicillium amagasakiense: characterization of the transition state of its denaturation from molecular dynamics simulations
Q74246354Glucose-6-phosphate transporter and receptor functions of the glucose 6-phosphatase system analyzed from a consensus defined by multiple alignments
Q58112056Glutamate Dehydrogenase: Structure of a Hyperinsulinism Mutant, Corrections to the Atomic model, and Insights into a Regulatory Site
Q27649934Glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase at the crossroad: the structure of Schistosoma mansoni thioredoxin glutathione reductase
Q92382744Glutathione transferase Omega 1-1 (GSTO1-1) modulates Akt and MEK1/2 signaling in human neuroblastoma cell SH-SY5Y
Q27650585Glutathionylation-triggered conformational changes of glutaredoxin Grx1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q46021241Gly-238-Ser substitution changes the substrate specificity of the SHV class A beta-lactamases.
Q24302229Glycine N-methyltransferases: a comparison of the crystal structures and kinetic properties of recombinant human, mouse and rat enzymes
Q46770714Glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors: a free energy perturbation analysis of glucopyranose spirohydantoin analogues
Q91231461Grafting a short chameleon sequence from αB crystallin into a β-sheet scaffold protein
Q52082495Graphical method for force analysis: macromolecular mechanics with atomic force microscopy
Q33420576Graphical models of protein-protein interaction specificity from correlated mutations and interaction data
Q39692552Great interactions: How binding incorrect partners can teach us about protein recognition and function
Q46721058Grouping of amino acid types and extraction of amino acid properties from multiple sequence alignments using variance maximization
Q59806983Growth and analysis of crystal forms of toxic shock syndrome toxin 1
Q50939945Guanidine hydrochloride denaturation of dopamine-induced α-synuclein oligomers: a small-angle X-ray scattering study
Q52015267Guided docking: first step to locate potential binding sites
Q30369792Guiding conformation space search with an all-atom energy potential.
Q64018874H-bond network optimization in protein-protein complexes: Are all-atom force field scores enough?
Q29615981HADDOCK versus HADDOCK: new features and performance of HADDOCK2.0 on the CAPRI targets
Q30419365HERA--a program to draw schematic diagrams of protein secondary structures
Q77751671HIKE, a candidate protein binding site for PH domains, is a major regulatory region of Gbeta proteins
Q42064637HIV-1 protease function and structure studies with the simplicial neighborhood analysis of protein packing method
Q45730318HIVdb: a database of the structures of human immunodeficiency virus protease
Q37063734HIV‐1 ENV gp120 structural determinants for peptide triazole dual receptor site antagonism
Q34324246HOOK: a program for finding novel molecular architectures that satisfy the chemical and steric requirements of a macromolecule binding site
Q54094052Hallmarks of mycolic acid biosynthesis: a comparative genomics study
Q51034898Hamiltonian replica exchange combined with elastic network analysis to enhance global domain motions in atomistic molecular dynamics simulations
Q52043306Hamming distance geometry of a protein conformational space: application to the clustering of a 4-ns molecular dynamics trajectory of the HIV-1 integrase catalytic core
Q30429623Handling context‐sensitivity in protein structures using graph theory: Bona fide prediction
Q123016270Happy birthday michael rossmann
Q71537029Hard alpha-keratin IF: a structural model lacking a head-to-tail molecular overlap but having hybrid features characteristic of both epidermal keratin and vimentin IF
Q70980716Harmonicity and anharmonicity in protein dynamics: a normal mode analysis and principal component analysis
Q44334205Helical fold prediction for the cyclin box.
Q62141728Helical preferences of alanine, glycine, and aminoisobutyric homopeptides
Q53868514Helicobacter pylori protein HP0222 belongs to Arc/MetJ family of transcriptional regulators
Q50461500Helix formation is a dynamical bottleneck in the recovery reaction of Photoactive Yellow Protein
Q30360293Helix kinks are equally prevalent in soluble and membrane proteins.
Q47644752Helix lap-joints as ion-binding sites: DNA-binding motifs and Ca-binding "EF hands" are related by charge and sequence reversal
Q30969625Helix nucleation kinetics from molecular simulations in explicit solvent
Q57000496Helix packing in proteins: Prediction and energetic analysis of dimeric, trimeric, and tetrameric GCN4 coiled coil structures
Q68115170Helix packing of leucine-rich peptides: a parallel leucine ladder in the structure of Boc-Aib-Leu-Aib-Aib-Leu-Leu-Leu-Aib-Leu-Aib-OMe
Q43219182Helix propensities calculations for amino acids in alanine based peptides using Jarzynski's equality
Q30332484Helix propensities of short peptides: molecular dynamics versus bioinformatics.
Q42957108Helix stability of oligoglycine, oligoalanine, and oligo-β-alanine dodecamers reflected by hydrogen-bond persistence
Q43495944Helix-capping interaction in lambda Cro protein: a free energy simulation analysis.
Q46426339Helix-coil transition of alanine peptides in water: force field dependence on the folded and unfolded structures
Q57906347Helix-forming tendencies of nonpolar amino acids predicted by Monte Carlo simulated annealing
Q46863114Helix-helix packing angle preferences for finite helix axes
Q30386084Helix-sheet packing in proteins
Q43825559Helix‐coil transition of PrP106–126: Molecular dynamic study
Q58036768Helix‐helix packing angle preferences for finite helix axes
Q45736215Heme proteins--diversity in structural characteristics, function, and folding
Q57088191Hemoglobins from deep-sea hydrothermal vent scaleworms of the genus Branchipolynoe: a new type of quaternary structure
Q41209193Heptad breaks in alpha-helical coiled coils: stutters and stammers
Q74015810Heralding EarlyView(R)!
Q46249676Heterogeneity of single molecule FRET signals reveals multiple active ribosome subpopulations
Q27658969Heterologous quaternary structure of CXCL12 and its relationship to the CC chemokine family
Q67936538Hexamers of subunit II from Limulus hemocyanin (a 48-mer) have the same quaternary structure as whole Panulirus hemocyanin molecules
Q46468378Hidden Markov models that use predicted local structure for fold recognition: alphabets of backbone geometry
Q57209050Hidden Markov models that use predicted secondary structures for fold recognition
Q57209072Hidden Markov models that use predicted secondary structures for fold recognition
Q44322008Hidden order in the GroEL-GroES-(ADP)7 chaperonin: forms, folding, and ADP-binding sites
Q61836185Hidden partners: Using cross-docking calculations to predict binding sites for proteins with multiple interactions
Q30371326Hierarchical domain-motion analysis of conformational changes in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca²⁺-ATPase.
Q30332658Hierarchical protein folding pathways: a computational study of protein fragments.
Q104111721Hierarchical,rotation-equivariant neural networks to select structural models of protein complexes
Q43825571Hierarchy of simulation models in predicting molecular recognition mechanisms from the binding energy landscapes: structural analysis of the peptide complexes with SH2 domains.
Q97591243High Resolution Structure of A Partially Folded Insulin Aggregation Intermediate
Q51505896High accuracy prediction of beta-turns and their types using propensities and multiple alignments
Q33300265High accuracy template based modeling by global optimization
Q38333671High affinity fucose binding of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin PA-IIL: 1.0 A resolution crystal structure of the complex combined with thermodynamics and computational chemistry approaches
Q80539443High incidence of ubiquitin-like domains in human ubiquitin-specific proteases
Q60430668High performance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry for the simultaneous resolution and identification of intrinsic thylakoid membrane proteins
Q30423793High pressure effects on protein structure and function
Q61963718High pressure reveals structural determinants for globin hexacoordination: Neuroglobin and myoglobin cases
Q51899066High quality binding modes in docking ligands to proteins
Q27646756High resolution X-ray crystallographic structure of bovine heart cytochrome c and its application to the design of an electron transfer biosensor
Q27689471High resolution crystal structure of Clostridium propionicum β-alanyl-CoA:ammonia lyase, a new member of the "hot dog fold" protein superfamily
Q27682725High resolution crystal structure of Sco5413, a widespread actinomycete MarR family transcriptional regulator of unknown function
Q27683599High resolution crystal structure of dengue-3 envelope protein domain III suggests possible molecular mechanisms for serospecific antibody recognition
Q56815822High resolution crystal structure of deoxy hemoglobin from Trematomus bernacchii at different pH values: The role of histidine residues in modulating the strength of the root effect
Q58859642High resolution crystal structures of unliganded and liganded human liver ACBP reveal a new mode of binding for the acyl-CoA ligand
Q73319271High resolution fast quantitative docking using Fourier domain correlation techniques
Q43026640High resolution structure and sequence of T. aurantiacus xylanase I: implications for the evolution of thermostability in family 10 xylanases and enzymes with (beta)alpha-barrel architecture
Q80011294High resolution structure of streptavidin in complex with a novel high affinity peptide tag mimicking the biotin binding motif
Q30984706High throughput docking for library design and library prioritization
Q30393908High-accuracy modeling of antibody structures by a search for minimum-energy recombination of backbone fragments
Q91142474High-accuracy protein structures by combining machine-learning with physics-based refinement
Q92039581High-accuracy refinement using Rosetta in CASP13
Q33635681High-precision measurement of hydrogen bond lengths in proteins by nuclear magnetic resonance methods
Q90299958High-resolution crystal structure of peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase from Thermus thermophilus
Q40426555High-resolution crystal structures leverage protein binding affinity predictions.
Q39205310High-resolution modeling of antibody structures by a combination of bioinformatics, expert knowledge, and molecular simulations
Q47867048High-resolution prediction of protein helix positions and orientations
Q27757666High-resolution solution structure of Bacillus subtilis IIAglc
Q57078252High-resolution solution structure ofBacillus subtilis IIAglc
Q27640183High-resolution structure and biochemical properties of a recombinant Proteus mirabilis catalase depleted in iron
Q27618775High-resolution structures of scytalone dehydratase-inhibitor complexes crystallized at physiological pH
Q57818558High-resolution structures of scytalone dehydratase-inhibitor complexes crystallized at physiological pH
Q56992809High-throughput prediction of disordered moonlighting regions in protein sequences
Q30369215Highly accurate method for ligand-binding site prediction in unbound state (apo) protein structures.
Q27658105Highly conserved glycine 86 and arginine 87 residues contribute differently to the structure and activity of the mature HIV-1 protease
Q73964867Highly constrained multiple-copy refinement of protein crystal structures
Q44243757Highly covarying residues have a functional role in antibody constant domains
Q48626094Hiking in the energy landscape in sequence space: a bumpy road to good folders
Q52322021Hinge-bending motion in citrate synthase arising from normal mode calculations
Q38456853HingeMaster: normal mode hinge prediction approach and integration of complementary predictors.
Q28248187HingeProt: automated prediction of hinges in protein structures
Q42112965Histidine in continuum electrostatics protonation state calculations
Q43256876Holo-BtuF stabilizes the open conformation of the vitamin B12 ABC transporter BtuCD.
Q72335570Homologous modeling of the lysosomal protective protein/carboxypeptidase L: structural and functional implications of mutations identified in galactosialidosis patients
Q87476848Homologous steroid receptors assemble at identical promoter architectures with unique energetics of cooperativity
Q30305513Homologs of the alpha- and beta-subunits of mammalian brain platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase Ib in the Drosophila melanogaster genome
Q28303882Homology model for the human GSTT2 Theta class glutathione transferase
Q41607233Homology model of juvenile hormone esterase from the crop pest, Heliothis virescens
Q47972593Homology model of the human tRNA splicing ligase RtcB.
Q36087159Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of the active state of the nociceptin receptor reveal new insights intoagonist binding and activation
Q42618746Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of the alpha1 glycine receptor reveals different states of the channel
Q33863107Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of the glycine receptor ligand binding domain
Q40470015Homology modeling and molecular dynamics study of West Nile virus NS3 protease: a molecular basis for the catalytic activity increased by the NS2B cofactor.
Q41705444Homology modeling and substrate binding study of human CYP2C18 and CYP2C19 enzymes
Q41705437Homology modeling and substrate binding study of human CYP2C9 enzyme
Q28137614Homology modeling and substrate binding study of human CYP4A11 enzyme
Q29031204Homology modeling and substrate binding study of human CYP4A11 enzyme
Q30424405Homology modeling by the ICM method
Q52229477Homology modeling of an RNP domain from a human RNA-binding protein: Homology-constrained energy optimization provides a criterion for distinguishing potential sequence alignments
Q46524377Homology modeling of histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin: construction of models and comparison with experiment
Q73205395Homology modeling of rabbit prolactin hormone complexed with its receptor
Q30193943Homology modeling of the Abl-SH3 domain.
Q74252568Homology modeling with internal coordinate mechanics: Deformation zone mapping and improvements of models via conformational search
Q79307159Homology models of dipeptidyl peptidases 8 and 9 with a focus on loop predictions near the active site
Q41870119Homology models of the HIV-1 attachment inhibitor BMS-626529 bound to gp120 suggest a unique mechanism of action
Q46007965Homology models of two isozymes of manganese peroxidase: prediction of a Mn(II) binding site.
Q69058504Homology of lysosomal enzymes and related proteins: prediction of posttranslational modification sites including phosphorylation of mannose and potential epitopic and substrate binding sites in the alpha- and beta-subunits of hexosaminidases, alpha-
Q38342633Hormone phage: an enrichment method for variant proteins with altered binding properties
Q40565690Host-guest scale of left-handed polyproline II helix formation.
Q36839286Hot spots--a review of the protein-protein interface determinant amino-acid residues
Q27690810Hot-spot analysis to dissect the functional protein-protein interface of a tRNA-modifying enzyme
Q85076877How T cell receptors interact with peptide‐MHCs: A multiple steered molecular dynamics study
Q33763840How a small change in retinal leads to G-protein activation: initial events suggested by molecular dynamics calculations
Q88781994How accurately do force fields represent protein side chain ensembles?
Q45395599How calcium inhibits the magnesium-dependent kinase gsk3β: a molecular simulation study
Q44711034How catalase recognizes H₂O₂ in a sea of water
Q51660327How different from random are docking predictions when ranked by scoring functions?
Q40191460How do side chains orient globally in protein structures?
Q43014738How do thermophilic proteins resist aggregation?
Q47816987How does nitrous oxide reductase interact with its electron donors?--A docking study
Q38610833How fast monoamine oxidases decompose adrenaline? Kinetics of isoenzymes A and B evaluated by empirical valence bond simulation
Q42634689How general is the nucleation-condensation mechanism?
Q93059658How good are comparative models in the understanding of protein dynamics?
Q37601847How good is automated protein docking?
Q43594673How good is prediction of protein structural class by the component-coupled method?
Q30356549How inaccuracies in protein structure models affect estimates of protein-ligand interactions: computational analysis of HIV-I protease inhibitor binding.
Q38322199How maltose influences structural changes to bind to maltose-binding protein: results from umbrella sampling simulation
Q71774362How many fold types of protein are there in nature?
Q34035641How many ionizable groups can sit on a protein hydrophobic core?
Q30411400How noise in force fields can affect the structural refinement of protein models?
Q51663923How orientational order governs collectivity of folded proteins
Q30362362How the folding rates of two- and multistate proteins depend on the amino acid properties.
Q93026413How to choose templates for modeling of protein complexes: Insights from benchmarking template-based docking
Q30327152How to generate improved potentials for protein tertiary structure prediction: a lattice model study.
Q31922968How to guarantee optimal stability for most representative structures in the Protein Data Bank.
Q31143562How to lose a kink and gain a helix: pH independent conformational changes of the fusion domains from influenza hemagglutinin in heterogeneous lipid bilayers
Q52937569How well are protein structures annotated in secondary databases?
Q30333271How well can we predict native contacts in proteins based on decoy structures and their energies?
Q44216908Human DEAD-box ATPase DDX3 shows a relaxed nucleoside substrate specificity
Q81614114Human FEZ1 has characteristics of a natively unfolded protein and dimerizes in solution
Q107273003Human SARS CoV-2 spike protein mutations
Q45028378Human SARS-coronavirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase: activity determinants and nucleoside analogue inhibitors
Q30393220Human and server docking prediction for CAPRI round 30-35 using LZerD with combined scoring functions
Q31151707Human interleukin-23 receptor antagonists derived from an albumin-binding domain scaffold inhibit IL-23-dependent ex vivo expansion of IL-17-producing T-cells
Q28281160Human myeloperoxidase and thyroid peroxidase, two enzymes with separate and distinct physiological functions, are evolutionarily related members of the same gene family
Q90307942Human telomerase protein: Understanding how the catalytic activity is suppressed under single substitutions of some conserved residues. A computational study
Q24300503Human uroporphyrinogen III synthase: NMR-based mapping of the active site
Q28115413Human α-amino-β-carboxymuconate-ε-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD): a structural and mechanistic unveiling
Q28249671Hundreds of ankyrin-like repeats in functionally diverse proteins: mobile modules that cross phyla horizontally?
Q33310030Huntingtin interacting protein HYPK is intrinsically unstructured
Q46259165Hybrid immunoglobulin isotypes of identical specificity produced by genetic recombination in Escherichia coli and expression in lymphoid cells
Q51969053Hybrid native partitioning of interactions among nonconserved residues in chimeric proteins
Q57814868Hydration energy landscape of the active site cavity in cytochrome P450cam
Q57814879Hydration energy landscape of the active site cavity in cytochrome P450cam
Q78854500Hydration in proteins observed by high-resolution neutron crystallography
Q31106691Hydration of a hydrophobic cavity and its functional role: a simulation study of human interleukin-1beta.
Q51648439Hydration of an alpha-helical peptide: comparison of theory and molecular dynamics simulation
Q57875457Hydration of an α‐Helical peptide: comparison of theory and molecular dynamics simulation
Q81692270Hydration of protein-protein interfaces
Q47554434Hydrodynamic Radius Coincides with the Slip Plane Position in the Electrokinetic Behavior of Lysozyme.
Q72511006Hydrogen bond strength and beta-sheet propensities: the role of a side chain blocking effect
Q81624613Hydrogen bonding increases packing density in the protein interior
Q57976334Hydrogen bonding is the prime determinant of carboxyl pKa values at the N-termini of α-helices
Q74614429Hydrogen bonds between short polar side chains and peptide backbone: prevalence in proteins and effects on helix-forming propensities
Q30362217Hydrogen bonds involving sulfur atoms in proteins.
Q44184711Hydrogen exchange in native and denatured states of hen egg-white lysozyme
Q74015797Hydrogen exchange study of canine milk lysozyme: stabilization mechanism of the molten globule
Q38243902Hydrolysis of GTP by the alpha-chain of Gs and other GTP binding proteins
Q92354244Hydrolysis of homocysteine thiolactone results in the formation of Protein-Cys-S-S-homocysteinylation
Q44411429Hydrolysis of organophosphate compounds by mutant butyrylcholinesterase: A story of two histidines
Q73365493Hydrophilicity of cavities in proteins
Q43446796Hydrophobic clustering in nonnative states of a protein: interpretation of chemical shifts in NMR spectra of denatured states of lysozyme
Q80474195Hydrophobic clusters in protein structures
Q47430831Hydrophobic complementarity in protein-protein docking
Q52364814Hydrophobic docking: a proposed enhancement to molecular recognition techniques
Q73256212Hydrophobic dye inhibits aggregation of molten carbonic anhydrase during thermal unfolding and refolding
Q43017457Hydrophobic environment is a key factor for the stability of thermophilic proteins
Q30365005Hydrophobic interactions and ionic networks play an important role in thermal stability and denaturation mechanism of the porcine odorant-binding protein.
Q52007584Hydrophobic moments of tertiary protein structures
Q73510588Hydrophobic patches on protein subunit interfaces: characteristics and prediction
Q71623229Hydrophobic patches on the surfaces of protein structures
Q47554440Hydrophobic residues can identify native protein structures
Q51327053Hydrophobic tail length plays a pivotal role in amyloid beta (25-35) fibril-surfactant interactions
Q45279356Hydrophobic tendency of polar group hydration as a major force in type I antifreeze protein recognition
Q73393596Hydrophobicity at the surface of proteins
Q43537136Hydrophobicity of amino acid subgroups in proteins
Q39055069Hydroxynitrile lyase from Hevea brasiliensis: molecular characterization and mechanism of enzyme catalysis
Q38323950Hypocrea jecorina (Trichoderma reesei) Cel7A as a molecular machine: A docking study.
Q30380936I-TASSER: fully automated protein structure prediction in CASP8
Q46664729ICM-DISCO docking by global energy optimization with fully flexible side-chains
Q129148214III. Geometrical framework for thinking about globular proteins: Turns in proteins
Q52245934IMPALA: A simple restraint field to simulate the biological membrane in molecular structure studies
Q51910632Ideal amino acid exchange forms for approximating substitution matrices
Q52070055Identification and ab initio simulations of early folding units in proteins
Q52302222Identification and analysis of long-range electrostatic effects in proteins by computer modeling:aspartate transcarbamylase
Q58882307Identification and characterization of folding inhibitors of hen egg lysozyme: An example of a new paradigm of drug design
Q33212902Identification and distribution of protein families in 120 completed genomes using Gene3D.
Q47597557Identification and functional characterization of the bile acid transport proteins in non-mammalian ileum and mammalian liver
Q38649778Identification and functionality prediction of pathogenesis-related protein 1 from legume family
Q27646876Identification and structural characterization of heme binding in a novel dye-decolorizing peroxidase, TyrA
Q34164671Identification of CCR2‐binding features in Cytl1 by a CCL2‐like chemokine model
Q40178550Identification of FAKTS as a novel 14-3-3-associated nuclear protein
Q91337711Identification of FDA-approved drugs as novel allosteric inhibitors of human executioner caspases
Q40317285Identification of GATC- and CCGG-recognizing Type II REases and their putative specificity-determining positions using Scan2S--a novel motif scan algorithm with optional secondary structure constraints
Q97591131Identification of Potential Allosteric Binding Sites in Cathepsin K Based on Intramolecular Communication
Q27683617Identification of a cation transport pathway in Neisseria meningitidis PorB
Q48277571Identification of a conserved 8 aa insert in the PIP5K protein in the Saccharomycetaceae family of fungi and the molecular dynamics simulations and structural analysis to investigate its potential functional role
Q36816170Identification of a decapeptide with the binding reactivity for tumor-associated TAG72 antigen from a phage displayed library
Q48022764Identification of a dimeric KDG aldolase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Q27651947Identification of a key element for hydrogen-bonding patterns between protein kinases and their inhibitors
Q91244973Identification of a new nucleotide binding site by structural alignment and site directed mutagenesis
Q51121910Identification of a new subfamily of HNH nucleases and experimental characterization of a representative member, HphI restriction endonuclease
Q41586108Identification of a novel carbohydrate esterase from Bjerkandera adusta: structural and function predictions through bioinformatics analysis and molecular modeling
Q52043309Identification of a novel class in the alpha/beta hydrolase fold superfamily: the N-myc differentiation-related proteins
Q27683600Identification of a novel ligand binding site in phosphoserine phosphatase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus onnurineus
Q30423790Identification of a pattern in protein structure based on energetic and statistical considerations
Q38333952Identification of amino acids important for target recognition by the DNA:m5C methyltransferase M.NgoPII by alanine-scanning mutagenesis of residues at the protein-DNA interface
Q36278766Identification of bacterial guanylate cyclases
Q88064459Identification of bacterial guanylate cyclases
Q27666649Identification of biochemical and putative biological role of a xenolog from Escherichia coli using structural analysis
Q95659863Identification of biochemically neutral positions in liver pyruvate kinase
Q42621319Identification of common structural features of binding sites in galactose-specific proteins
Q45787056Identification of critical contact residues in the NC41 epitope of a subtype N9 influenza virus neuraminidase.
Q30350425Identification of domains and domain interface residues in multidomain proteins from graph spectral method.
Q44689605Identification of efflux proteins using efficient radial basis function networks with position-specific scoring matrices and biochemical properties
Q38514126Identification of family determining residues in Jumonji-C lysine demethylases: A sequence-based, family wide classification
Q77435974Identification of functional and unfolding motions of cutinase as obtained from molecular dynamics computer simulations
Q54608497Identification of functional motions in the adenylate kinase (ADK) protein family by computational hybrid approaches.
Q44544342Identification of functionally conserved residues with the use of entropy-variability plots
Q46628068Identification of fungal oxaloacetate hydrolyase within the isocitrate lyase/PEP mutase enzyme superfamily using a sequence marker-based method
Q30321831Identification of homologous core structures.
Q51531543Identification of imine reductase-specific sequence motifs
Q30578492Identification of mycobacterial lectins from genomic data
Q51918597Identification of near-native structures by clustering protein docking conformations
Q30357239Identification of new claudin family members by a novel PSI-BLAST based approach with enhanced specificity.
Q43558040Identification of new repeating motifs in titin
Q33280444Identification of novel fragment compounds targeted against the pY pocket of v-Src SH2 by computational and NMR screening and thermodynamic evaluation
Q40098311Identification of novel host defense peptides and the absence of alpha-defensins in the bovine genome
Q31001610Identification of novel peptide antagonists for GPIIb/IIIa from a conformationally constrained phage peptide library
Q44124797Identification of peptide hormones of the amphipathic helix class using the helical hydrophobic moment algorithm
Q56901060Identification of protein fold and catalytic residues of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase LinA
Q62274623Identification of protein fold and catalytic residues of γ-hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase LinA
Q30403374Identification of protein folds: matching hydrophobicity patterns of sequence sets with solvent accessibility patterns of known structures
Q51617488Identification of protein functional surfaces by the concept of a split pocket
Q24321382Identification of proteins interacting with protein arginine methyltransferase 8: the Ewing sarcoma (EWS) protein binds independent of its methylation state
Q42623582Identification of protons position in acid-base enzyme catalyzed reactions: the hepatitis C viral NS3 protease
Q54322060Identification of putative unfolding intermediates of the mutant His-107-tyr of human carbonic anhydrase II in a multidimensional property space
Q81786978Identification of putative, stable binding regions through flexibility analysis of HIV-1 gp120
Q82054931Identification of selectivity-determining residues in cytochrome P450 monooxygenases: a systematic analysis of the substrate recognition site 5
Q84194113Identification of specificity and promiscuity of PDZ domain interactions through their dynamic behavior
Q47623426Identification of structural domains in proteins by a graph heuristic
Q34049800Identification of structural motifs from protein coordinate data: secondary structure and first-level supersecondary structure
Q43920606Identification of structural proteins from shrimp white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) by 2DE-MS.
Q44060634Identification of the N-terminal functional domains of Cdk5 by molecular truncation and computer modeling
Q51464727Identification of the active site of human mitochondrial malonyl-coenzyme a decarboxylase: A combined computational study
Q27678066Identification of the bile salt binding site on IpaD from Shigella flexneri and the influence of ligand binding on IpaD structure.
Q28492381Identification of the bona fide DHDPS from a common plant pathogen
Q30333119Identification of the domains for DNA binding and transactivation function of C protein from bacteriophage Mu.
Q77924671Identification of the ligand binding site in Fas (CD95) and analysis of Fas-ligand interactions
Q27655403Identification of trypsin-inhibitory site and structure determination of human SPINK2 serine proteinase inhibitor
Q40880012Identification of universal selectivity-determining positions in cytochrome P450 monooxygenases by systematic sequence-based literature mining
Q24624622Identification, analysis, and prediction of protein ubiquitination sites
Q27681687Identification, structural, and biochemical characterization of a group of large Csn2 proteins involved in CRISPR‐mediated bacterial immunity
Q51495484Identifying continuous pores in protein structures with PROPORES by computational repositioning of gating residues
Q30356403Identifying cysteines and histidines in transition-metal-binding sites using support vector machines and neural networks.
Q80445463Identifying folding nucleus based on residue contact networks of proteins
Q33276607Identifying long-range structure in the intrinsically unstructured transactivation domain of p53.
Q30376344Identifying native-like protein structures with scoring functions based on all-atom ECEPP force fields, implicit solvent models and structure relaxation
Q40106053Identifying novel peroxisomal proteins
Q42055275Identifying polymer-forming SAM domains
Q30655261Identifying protein complexes from heterogeneous biological data
Q77926218Identifying proteins of high designability via surface-exposure patterns
Q30367305Identifying stabilizing key residues in proteins using interresidue interaction energy matrix.
Q54734467Illuminating the early signaling pathway of a fungal light-oxygen-voltage photoreceptor.
Q48007546Immunoglobulin kappa light chain and its amyloidogenic mutants: a molecular dynamics study
Q58175518Impact of Cl and Na ions on simulated structure and dynamics of βARK1 PH domain
Q58175544Impact of Cl- and Na+ ions on simulated structure and dynamics of betaARK1 PH domain
Q51934736Impact of EGFR point mutations on the sensitivity to gefitinib: insights from comparative structural analyses and molecular dynamics simulations
Q42734341Impact of calcium on N1 influenza neuraminidase dynamics and binding free energy
Q44540221Impact of deglycosylation and thermal stress on conformational stability of a full length murine igG2a monoclonal antibody: Observations from molecular dynamics simulations
Q44125127Impact of incorporating the 2C5 crystal structure into comparative models of cytochrome P450 2D6.
Q34442775Impact of sequence on the molecular assembly of short amyloid peptides
Q34159813Impact of the K24N mutation on the transactivation domain of p53 and its binding to murine double-minute clone 2
Q57577545Impact of the tail and mutations G131V and M129V on prion protein flexibility
Q44001444Implications of structural genomics target selection strategies: Pfam5000, whole genome, and random approaches
Q51909159Implicit flexibility in protein docking: cross-docking and local refinement
Q57134555Implicit solvent models for flexible protein-protein docking by molecular dynamics simulation
Q45194411Implicit solvent simulations of peptide interactions with anionic lipid membranes
Q52206843Importance of anchor group positioning in protein loop prediction
Q30164075Importance of hydrophobic cluster formation through long-range contacts in the folding transition state of two-state proteins
Q51092685Importance of polarization effect in the study of metalloproteins: application of polarized protein specific charge scheme in predicting the reduction potential of azurin
Q47422764Importance of sequence specificity for predicting protein folding pathways: Perturbed Gaussian chain model
Q30323185Improved ab initio predictions with a simplified, flexible geometry model.
Q30357341Improved beta-protein structure prediction by multilevel optimization of nonlocal strand pairings and local backbone conformation.
Q52393861Improved calculations of compactness and a reevaluation of continuous compact units
Q30382585Improved de novo structure prediction in CASP11 by incorporating coevolution information into Rosetta.
Q42091603Improved energy bound accuracy enhances the efficiency of continuous protein design
Q51168223Improved flexible refinement of protein docking in CAPRI rounds 22-27.
Q30155964Improved identification of outer membrane beta barrel proteins using primary sequence, predicted secondary structure, and evolutionary information
Q30429060Improved method for prediction of protein backbone U-turn positions and major secondary structural elements between U-turns
Q46284437Improved model building and assessment of the Calcium-sensing receptor transmembrane domain
Q63191335Improved modeling of side-chains in proteins with rotamer-based methods: A flexible rotamer model
Q47711925Improved performance in CAPRI round 37 using LZerD docking and template-based modeling with combined scoring functions
Q38701850Improved prediction for N-termini of alpha-helices using empirical information
Q40921781Improved prediction for the structure of the dimeric transmembrane domain of glycophorin A obtained through global searching
Q56877803Improved prediction for the structure of the dimeric transmembrane domain of glycophorin A obtained through global searching
Q24634442Improved prediction of protein side-chain conformations with SCWRL4
Q45945716Improved protein contact predictions with the MetaPSICOV2 server in CASP12.
Q62846812Improved protein free energy calculation by more accurate treatment of nonbonded energy: Application to chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, V57A
Q52245930Improved protein free energy calculation by more accurate treatment of nonbonded energy: application to chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, V57A.
Q50420082Improved protein model quality assessments by changing the target function.
Q29616787Improved protein-ligand docking using GOLD
Q56999449Improved recognition of native-like protein structures using a combination of sequence-dependent and sequence-independent features of proteins
Q45003124Improved sequence-based prediction of protein secondary structures by combining vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy with neural network
Q24616749Improved side-chain torsion potentials for the Amber ff99SB protein force field
Q27642890Improved thermostability of bacillus circulans cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase by the introduction of a salt bridge
Q73083584Improvement of protein secondary structure prediction using binary word encoding
Q51956434Improvement of statistical potentials and threading score functions using information maximization
Q46568966Improving CAPRI predictions: optimized desolvation for rigid-body docking
Q27652286Improving NMR protein structure quality by Rosetta refinement: A molecular replacement study
Q30370764Improving accuracy and efficiency of blind protein-ligand docking by focusing on predicted binding sites.
Q30369974Improving accuracy of protein contact prediction using balanced network deconvolution.
Q34683409Improving computational protein design by using structure-derived sequence profile
Q30361622Improving fragment quality for de novo structure prediction.
Q34612025Improving physical realism, stereochemistry, and side-chain accuracy in homology modeling: Four approaches that performed well in CASP8.
Q30399508Improving prediction of helix-helix packing in membrane proteins using predicted contact numbers as restraints
Q45747432Improving ranking of models for protein complexes with side chain modeling and atomic potentials
Q48650559Improving taxonomy-based protein fold recognition by using global and local features.
Q52234205Improving the accuracy of protein pKa calculations: conformational averaging versus the average structure
Q39323801Improving the accuracy of protein stability predictions with multistate design using a variety of backbone ensembles
Q43710035Improving the analysis of NMR spectra tracking pH-induced conformational changes: removing artefacts of the electric field on the NMR chemical shift.
Q87839353Improving the orientation-dependent statistical potential using a reference state
Q30327787Improving the performance of Rosetta using multiple sequence alignment information and global measures of hydrophobic core formation.
Q37083941Improving the prediction accuracy of residue solvent accessibility and real-value backbone torsion angles of proteins by guided-learning through a two-layer neural network.
Q30330078Improving the prediction of protein secondary structure in three and eight classes using recurrent neural networks and profiles.
Q44817547Improving the tolerance of a protein a analogue to repeated alkaline exposures using a bypass mutagenesis approach
Q33844352Improving threading algorithms for remote homology modeling by combining fragment and template comparisons
Q28235593In Memoriam: Frederic M. Richards (1925-2009)
Q79098378In Silico
Q67797005In memoriam--Cyrus Levinthal
Q47587723In memoriam. Angel Ramírez Ortiz (1966-2008).
Q48474537In memoriam: Charles Tanford(1921-2009).
Q49157447In memoriam: Irving S. Sigal 1953-1988.
Q27649290In meso crystal structure and docking simulations suggest an alternative proteoglycan binding site in the OpcA outer membrane adhesin
Q43170586In pursuit of virtual lead optimization: pruning ensembles of receptor structures for increased efficiency and accuracy during docking
Q40419101In pursuit of virtual lead optimization: the role of the receptor structure and ensembles in accurate docking
Q46296776In silico analyses of substrate interactions with human serum paraoxonase 1.
Q33439048In silico characterization of protein chimeras: relating sequence and function within the same fold.
Q90516587In silico design and molecular basis for the selectivity of Olinone toward the first over the second bromodomain of BRD4
Q33302443In silico local structure approach: a case study on outer membrane proteins
Q39037535In silico modeling of pH‐optimum of protein–protein binding
Q51720267In silico mutational studies of Hsp70 disclose sites with distinct functional attributes
Q53302216In silico platform for predicting and initiating β-turns in a protein at desired locations.
Q84171308In silico predictions of LH2 ring sizes from the crystal structure of a single subunit using molecular dynamics simulations
Q46778241In silico structure-function analysis of E. cloacae nitroreductase
Q45138458In silico study of the human rhodopsin and meta rhodopsin II/S-arrestin complexes: impact of single point mutations related to retina degenerative diseases.
Q54547905In silico two-hybrid system for the selection of physically interacting protein pairs.
Q92309391In vitro and in silico studies on membrane interactions of diverse Capsicum annuum flower γ-thionin peptides
Q47893467In vitro and in vivo characterization of designed immunogens derived from the CD-helix of the stem of influenza hemagglutinin
Q54583935In vivo association of protein fragments giving active AraC.
Q46194098Inclusion of ionization states of ligands in affinity calculations
Q37565089Inclusion of the orientational entropic effect and low-resolution experimental information for protein-protein docking in Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions (CAPRI).
Q51905246Incorporating biochemical information and backbone flexibility in RosettaDock for CAPRI rounds 6-12.
Q86534498Incorporating into a Cα Go model the effects of geometrical restriction on Cα atoms caused by side chain orientations
Q30359220Incorporating replacement free energy of binding-site waters in molecular docking.
Q41768307Incorporation of evolutionary information into Rosetta comparative modeling
Q51970520Incorporation of flexibility into rigid-body docking: applications in rounds 3-5 of CAPRI.
Q45768018Incorporation of microcrystals by growing protein and virus crystals
Q30332739Increased detection of structural templates using alignments of designed sequences
Q57472390Increased sequence hydrophobicity reduces conformational specificity: a mutational case study of the Arc repressor protein
Q42095915Increasing protein stability by improving beta-turns
Q43665065Increasing stability of antibody via antibody engineering: stability engineering on an anti-hVEGF.
Q33217621Increasing the molecular contacts between maurotoxin and Kv1.2 channel augments ligand affinity.
Q28874041Increasing the precision of comparative models with YASARA NOVA-a self-parameterizing force field
Q50545034Indefinite noncooperative self‐association of chicken deoxy hemoglobin D
Q40249508Indel-based targeting of essential proteins in human pathogens that have close host orthologue(s): discovery of selective inhibitors for Leishmania donovani elongation factor-1alpha
Q41134627Induced conformational change in human IL-4 upon binding of a signal-neutralizing DARPin
Q42645383Induced fit in liver X receptor beta: a molecular dynamics-based investigation
Q50771478Induced refolding of a temperature denatured llama heavy-chain antibody fragment by its antigen
Q45922397Induction of the tetracycline repressor: characterization by molecular-dynamics simulations.
Q44366842Inferring a weighted elastic network from partial unfolding with coarse-grained simulations
Q40191495Inferring ideal amino acid interaction forms from statistical protein contact potentials
Q31028667Inferring protein interactions from experimental data by association probabilistic method
Q30884368Inferring the microscopic surface energy of protein-protein interfaces from mutation data.
Q97557445Influence of Electrostatic Forces on the Association Kinetics and Conformational Ensemble of an Intrinsically Disordered Protein
Q104474626Influence of Sequence Length and Charged Residues on Swc5 Binding with Histone H2A-H2B
Q30361618Influence of a heptad repeat stutter on the pH-dependent conformational behavior of the central coiled-coil from influenza hemagglutinin HA2
Q46449574Influence of conservation on calculations of amino acid covariance in multiple sequence alignments
Q30372936Influence of different assignment conditions on the determination of symmetric homodimeric structures with ARIA.
Q38361551Influence of induced fit in the interaction of Bacillus subtilis trp RNA-binding attenuator protein and its RNA antiterminator target oligomer
Q54585320Influence of kinetics of drug binding on EGFR signaling: A comparative study of three EGFR signaling pathway models
Q41470212Influence of oligomerization on the dynamics of G-protein coupled receptors as assessed by normal mode analysis
Q34389407Influence of oligomerization state on the structural properties of invasion plasmid antigen B from Shigella flexneri in the presence and absence of phospholipid membranes.
Q64923362Influence of pressure on the low‐frequency vibrational modes of lysozyme and water: A complementary inelastic neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulation study
Q52389860Influence of protein flexibility on the redox potential of rubredoxin: energy minimization studies
Q30430527Influence of protein structure databases on the predictive power of statistical pair potentials
Q49265475Influence of rotational energy barriers to the conformational search of protein loops in molecular dynamics and ranking the conformations
Q44165213Influence of solvent molecules on the stereochemical code of glycyl residues in proteins
Q30352413Influence of the disulfide bond configuration on the dynamics of the spin label attached to cytochrome c.
Q80660489Influence of the germline sequence on the thermodynamic stability and fibrillogenicity of human lambda 6 light chains
Q79252711Influence of the protein matrix on intramolecular histidine ligation in ferric and ferrous hexacoordinate hemoglobins
Q30365841Information and discrimination in pairwise contact potentials.
Q50726214Information and redundancy in the burial folding code of globular proteins within a wide range of shapes and sizes
Q30371405Information theory provides a comprehensive framework for the evaluation of protein structure predictions.
Q30383895Information-theoretic analysis of the reference state in contact potentials used for protein structure prediction.
Q30331650Information-theoretic dissection of pairwise contact potentials.
Q44886386Information-theoretical entropy as a measure of sequence variability
Q50673825Inhibition of Ribonuclease A by polyphenols present in green tea.
Q53175065Inhibition of interdomain motion in g‐actin by the natural product latrunculin: A molecular dynamics study
Q57937295Inhibition of protein-protein interactions: The discovery of druglike β-catenin inhibitors by combining virtual and biophysical screening
Q62994772Inhibition of trypsin by cowpea thionin: Characterization, molecular modeling, and docking
Q53322022Inhibition of α-synuclein aggregation by small heat shock proteins.
Q44125142Inhibitor binding alters the directions of domain motions in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase
Q75348990Inhomogeneous stability of bacteriorhodopsin in purple membrane against photobleaching at high temperature
Q45352137Inositol phosphates compete with nucleic acids for binding to bovine leukemia virus matrix protein: Implications for deltaretroviral assembly
Q34361791Insertion of peptide chains into lipid membranes: an off-lattice Monte Carlo dynamics model
Q51109313Insight into the activity of SARS main protease: Molecular dynamics study of dimeric and monomeric form of enzyme
Q27652353Insight into the antibacterial drug design and architectural mechanism of peptide recognition from the E. faecium peptide deformylase structure
Q79323943Insight into the catalytic mechanism of arginine deiminase: functional studies on the crucial sites
Q52847435Insight into the correlation between lag time and aggregation rate in the kinetics of protein aggregation
Q30362621Insight into the early stages of thermal unfolding of peanut agglutinin by molecular dynamics simulations.
Q40255470Insight into the remarkable affinity and selectivity of the aminobenzosuberone scaffold for the M1 aminopeptidases family based on structure analysis.
Q44601566Insight into the stability of the hydrophobic binding proteins ofescherichia coli:Assessing the proteins for use as biosensors
Q27659155Insight into the structure of the pUL89 C-terminal domain of the human cytomegalovirus terminase complex
Q27656119Insight into the substrate length restriction of M32 carboxypeptidases: characterization of two distinct subfamilies
Q46668209Insights from the energetics of water binding at the domain-ligand interface of the Src SH2 domain
Q27666117Insights into Mycoplasma genitalium metabolism revealed by the structure of MG289, an extracytoplasmic thiamine binding lipoprotein
Q104695529Insights into Specificity and Catalytic Mechanism of Amphotericin B/Nystatin Thioesterase
Q34416381Insights into a highly conserved network of hydrogen bonds in the agonist binding site of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: a structural and theoretical study
Q46814788Insights into activation and RNA binding of trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP) through all-atom simulations
Q83319759Insights into internal dynamics of 6-phosphogluconolactonase from Trypanosoma brucei studied by nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular dynamics
Q45993120Insights into lid movements of Burkholderia cepacia lipase inferred from molecular dynamics simulations.
Q50858078Insights into mechanism of pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidines as DYRK1A inhibitors based on molecular dynamic simulations
Q58375365Insights into nonspecific binding of homeodomains from a structure of MATα2 bound to DNA
Q30357462Insights into protein structure and function from disorder-complexity space.
Q27703595Insights into regioselective metabolism of mefenamic acid by cytochrome P450 BM3 mutants through crystallography, docking, molecular dynamics, and free energy calculations
Q47367614Insights into the DNA cleavage mechanism of human LINE-1 retrotransposon endonuclease
Q27640184Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures
Q27654533Insights into the catalytic mechanism of the Bcp family: functional and structural analysis of Bcp1 from Sulfolobus solfataricus
Q39038050Insights into the interaction of high potency inhibitor IRC-083864 with phosphatase CDC25.
Q80626072Insights into the interactions between HIV-1 integrase and human LEDGF/p75 by molecular dynamics simulation and free energy calculation
Q27621102Insights into the mechanisms of catalysis and heterotropic regulation of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase based upon a structure of the enzyme complexed with the bisubstrate analogue N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate at 2.1 A
Q27649854Insights into the role of oligomeric state on the biological activities of crotoxin: crystal structure of a tetrameric phospholipase A2 formed by two isoforms of crotoxin B from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom
Q38859454Insights into the transmembrane helix associations of kit ligand by molecular dynamics simulation and TOXCAT.
Q30428835Insights into thermal resistance of proteins from the intrinsic stability of their α-helices
Q80020949Insights into unbinding mechanisms upon two mutations investigated by molecular dynamics study of GSK3beta-axin complex: role of packing hydrophobic residues
Q31026877Insights on HIV-1 Tat:P/CAF bromodomain molecular recognition from in vivo experiments and molecular dynamics simulations.
Q45342240Insights on Na+ binding and conformational dynamics in multidrug and toxic compound extrusion transporter NorM
Q57278500Insights on the acetylated NF-κB transcription factor complex with DNA from molecular dynamics simulations
Q91787001Inspecting fluctuation and coordination around chromophore inside green fluorescent protein from water to nonpolar solvent
Q71763596Insulin and epidermal growth factor receptors contain the cysteine repeat motif found in the tumor necrosis factor receptor
Q52053619Integrated graphical analysis of protein sequence features predicted from sequence composition
Q51639697Integrated prediction of the effect of mutations on multiple protein characteristics.
Q51626110Integrating statistical pair potentials into protein complex prediction
Q34975505Integrating the intrinsic conformational preferences of noncoded α-amino acids modified at the peptide bond into the noncoded amino acids database
Q30379180Integration of QUARK and I-TASSER for Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction in CASP11.
Q91349229Integrative modeling of protein-protein interactions with pyDock for the new docking challenges
Q68151698Integrity of refolded and reoxidized gelatin-binding fragments of fibronectin
Q44784442Inter-residue and solvent-residue interactions in proteins: a statistical study on experimental structures
Q30399514InterPred: A pipeline to identify and model protein-protein interactions.
Q53336814Interacting processes in protein coagulation
Q30380846Interaction between bound water molecules and local protein structures: A statistical analysis of the hydrogen bond structures around bound water molecules.
Q46917665Interaction between mammalian glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and L-lactate dehydrogenase from heart and muscle
Q81383339Interaction cutoff effect on ruggedness of protein-protein energy landscape
Q79554810Interaction geometry involving planar groups in protein-protein interfaces
Q81054160Interaction interfaces of protein domains are not topologically equivalent across families within superfamilies: Implications for metabolic and signaling pathways
Q50730119Interaction of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate with human serum albumin: fluorescence, fourier transform infrared, circular dichroism, and docking studies
Q38359685Interaction of E. coli outer-membrane protein A with sugars on the receptors of the brain microvascular endothelial cells
Q28214346Interaction of Hsp90 with 20S proteasome: thermodynamic and kinetic characterization
Q28183468Interaction of agitoxin2, charybdotoxin, and iberiotoxin with potassium channels: selectivity between voltage-gated and Maxi-K channels
Q77133311Interaction of explicit solvent with hydrophobic/philic/charged residues of a protein: residue character vs. conformational context
Q32061110Interaction of human SRY protein with DNA: A molecular dynamics study
Q40259593Interaction of malaria parasite-inhibitory antibodies with the merozoite surface protein MSP1(19) by computational docking
Q53337296Interaction of metal chelators with different molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase and its significance in Alzheimer's disease treatment
Q46834876Interaction of peptide boronic acids with elastase: circular dichroism studies
Q52243202Interaction of transmembrane helices by a knobs-into-holes packing characteristic of soluble coiled coils
Q74363284Interaction potentials for protein folding
Q54701079Interaction stabilizing tertiary structure of bacteriorhodopsin studied by denaturation experiments.
Q35948844Interactions between relay helix and Src homology 1 (SH1) domain helix drive the converter domain rotation during the recovery stroke of myosin II
Q27652877Interactions between the archaeal transcription repressor FL11 and its coregulators lysine and arginine
Q53579152Interactions between the toxin Kid of the bacterial parD system and the antitoxins Kis and MazE.
Q27633855Interactions of Streptomyces griseus aminopeptidase with amino acid reaction products and their implications toward a catalytic mechanism
Q37286930Interactions of different inhibitors with active-site aspartyl residues of HIV-1 protease and possible relevance to pepsin
Q28263652Interactions of macromolecules with salt ions: an electrostatic theory for the Hofmeister effect
Q33242650Interactions of the C2 domain of human factor V with a model membrane
Q46823198Interdomain cooperativity of calmodulin bound to melittin preferentially increases calcium affinity of sites I and II.
Q53599719Interdomain mobility in di-ubiquitin revealed by NMR.
Q92513897Interfacial amino acids support Spa47 oligomerization and shigella type three secretion system activation
Q43947468Interhelical hydrogen bonds and spatial motifs in membrane proteins: polar clamps and serine zippers
Q85910653Intermolecular disulfide bond formation promotes immunoglobulin aggregation: investigation by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Q70248265Internal motion of a tryptophan residue in Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor: deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance in solution
Q35093508Internal organization of large protein families: relationship between the sequence, structure, and function-based clustering
Q28822365Interolog interfaces in protein-protein docking
Q35687847Interpeptide interactions induce helix to strand structural transition in Abeta peptides
Q51412572Interplay between binding affinity and kinetics in protein-protein interactions
Q46586541Interplay between structural rigidity and electrostatic interactions in the ligand binding domain of GluR2.
Q30431832Interplay of I‐TASSER and QUARK for template‐based and ab initio protein structure prediction in CASP10
Q90304563Interplay of cysteine exposure and global protein dynamics in small-molecule recognition by a regulator of G-protein signaling protein
Q73205383Interresidue interactions in protein classes
Q27766078Intersubunit hydrogen bond acts as a global molecular switch in Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase
Q27680314Intramolecular isopeptide but not internal thioester bonds confer proteolytic and significant thermal stability to theS. pyogenespilus adhesin Spy0125
Q35153112Intramolecular localization of epitopes within an oligomeric protein by immunoelectron microscopy and image processing
Q89311088Intrinsic disorder accelerates dissociation rather than association
Q80353265Intrinsic disorder in yeast transcriptional regulatory network
Q52664522Intrinsic disorder is a key characteristic in partners that bind 14-3-3 proteins.
Q51896014Intrinsic disorder of Drosophila melanogaster hormone receptor 38 N-terminal domain.
Q53219534Intrinsic disorder of human Yin Yang 1 protein
Q57137427Intrinsic pKas of ionizable residues in proteins: an explicit solvent calculation for lysozyme
Q52364819Intrinsic secondary structure propensities of the amino acids, using statistical phi-psi matrices: comparison with experimental scales
Q28910370Intrinsic structural disorder and sequence features of the cell cycle inhibitor p57Kip2
Q45340609Intrinsic structural disorder of mouse proNGF.
Q81507965Intrinsic unstructuredness and abundance of PEST motifs in eukaryotic proteomes
Q39114601Intrinsic α helix propensities compact hydrodynamic radii in intrinsically disordered proteins
Q46899115Intrinsically disordered protein from a pathogenic mesophile Mycobacterium tuberculosis adopts structured conformation at high temperature
Q39335014Intrinsically disordered regions in autophagy proteins
Q65000375Intrinsically unstructured N-terminal domain of bZIP transcription factor HY5.
Q90393811Introducing "best single template" models as reference baseline for the Continuous Automated Model Evaluation (CAMEO)
Q44862616Introducing folding stability into the score function for computational design of RNA-binding peptides boosts the probability of success
Q27667224Introduction of a disulfide bond leads to stabilization and crystallization of a ricin immunogen
Q46166584Intron/exon structure of the human gene for the muscle isozyme of glycogen phosphorylase
Q44990288Intuitive, but not simple: including explicit water molecules in protein-protein docking simulations improves model quality.
Q27643968Invariance of the zinc finger module: a comparison of the free structure with those in nucleic-acid complexes
Q59210376Invariant Ser211 is involved in the catalysis of PD-L4, type I RIP from Phytolacca dioica leaves
Q47554413Investigating Energy-Based Pool Structure Selection in the Structure Ensemble Modeling with Experimental Distance Constraints: The Example from a Multi-Domain Protein Pub1.
Q77386266Investigating a back door mechanism of actin phosphate release by steered molecular dynamics
Q96585349Investigating dual Ca2+ modulation of the ryanodine receptor 1 by molecular dynamics simulation
Q91076218Investigating role of conformational changes of microtubule in regulating its binding affinity to kinesin by all-atom molecular dynamics simulation
Q27653170Investigating the binding of beta-1,4-galactan to Bacillus licheniformis beta-1,4-galactanase by crystallography and computational modeling
Q47547727Investigating the effect of key mutations on the conformational dynamics of Toll-like receptor dimers through molecular dynamics simulations and protein structure networks
Q38683377Investigating the inter-subunit/subdomain interactions and motions relevant to disease mutations in the N-terminal domain of ryanodine receptors by molecular dynamics simulation
Q42409589Investigating the linkage between disease-causing amino acid variants and their effect on protein stability and binding
Q30456752Investigating the mutation resistance of nonnucleoside inhibitors of HIV-RT using multiple microsecond atomistic simulations
Q91163110Investigating the stability of dengue virus envelope protein dimer using well-tempered metadynamics simulations
Q41596452Investigating the structural dynamics of the PIEZO1 channel activation and inactivation by coarse-grained modeling
Q38299971Investigating the structural stability of the Tup1-interaction domain of Ssn6: evidence for a conformational change on the complex.
Q30332014Investigating the ultrastructure of fibrous long spacing collagen by parallel atomic force and transmission electron microscopy.
Q44855337Investigation of glucose binding sites on insulin
Q47367719Investigation of molecular size of transcription factor TFIIE in solution.
Q52340739Investigation of the folding pathway of the TEM-1 beta-lactamase
Q38324015Investigation of the function of mutated cellulose-binding domains of Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase I
Q57843045Investigation of the functional interplay between the primary site and the subsite of RNase T1: Kinetic analysis of single and multiple mutants for modified substrates
Q44544336Investigation of the induced-fit mechanism and catalytic activity of the human cytomegalovirus protease homodimer via molecular dynamics simulations
Q30375050Investigation of the molecular similarity in closely related protein systems: The PrP case study.
Q57831465Investigation of transcription factor Ndt80 affinity differences for wild type and mutant DNA: A molecular dynamics study
Q46938187Involvement of disulfide bonds and histidine 172 in a unique beta-sheet to alpha-helix transition of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein at the biomembrane interface
Q41652149In‐cell protein NMR and protein leakage
Q46982745Ion exclusion mechanism in aquaporin at an atomistic level
Q52378782Ion pair formation involving methylated lysine side chains: a theoretical study
Q51649750Ion pair formation of phosphorylated amino acids and lysine and arginine side chains: a theoretical study
Q63214351Ion pairs and their role in modulating stability of cold- and warm-active uracil DNA glycosylase
Q68697910Ion pairs in alpha helices
Q44242207Ion permeation through the gramicidin channel: atomically detailed modeling by the Stochastic Difference Equation
Q45039438Ion transit pathways and gating in ClC chloride channels
Q73864352Ion-induced conformational and stability changes in Nereis sarcoplasmic calcium binding protein: evidence that the APO state is a molten globule
Q58413098Ionic network at the C-terminus of the ?-glycosidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeonSulfolobus solfataricus: Functional role in the quaternary structure thermal stabilization
Q35229574Ionic strength dependence of F‐actin and glycolytic enzyme associations: A Brownian dynamics simulations approach
Q57904261Ionization Behavior of Acidic Residues in Calbindin D9k
Q30322874Ionization behavior of acidic residues in calbindin D(9k).
Q47596290Irreversible formation of intermediate BSA oligomers requires and induces conformational changes
Q43238277Is Asp-His-Ser/Thr-Trp tetrad hydrogen-bond network important to WD40-repeat proteins: a statistical and theoretical study
Q35894622Is allostery an intrinsic property of all dynamic proteins?
Q73134818Is cyanate a carbonic anhydrase substrate?
Q44855342Is histoaspartic protease a serine protease with a pepsin-like fold?
Q52066244Is it a paradox or misinterpretation?
Q53214167Is the binding of beta-amyloid protein to antichymotrypsin in Alzheimer plaques mediated by a beta-strand insertion?
Q27685370Is the bovine lysosomal phospholipase B-like protein an amidase?
Q74093201Is the molten globule a third thermodynamic state of protein? The example of α-lactalbumin
Q82451701Is the prediction of pKavalues by constant‐pH molecular dynamics being hindered by inherited problems?
Q44745626Is there a weak H-bond --> LBHB transition on tetrahedral complex formation in serine proteases?
Q46650397Is there nascent structure in the intrinsically disordered region of troponin I?
Q52696012Isoform-specific variation in the intrinsic disorder of the ecdysteroid receptor N-terminal domain
Q45964612Isoform-specific variation in the intrinsic disorder of troponin I.
Q45141440Isolation and analysis of arc repressor mutants: evidence for an unusual mechanism of DNA binding
Q46488478Isolation and characterization of native human renin derived from Chinese hamster ovary cells
Q27666733Isolation, kinetic analysis, and structural characterization of an antibody targeting the Bacillus anthracis major spore surface protein BclA
Q72589792Isotope effects in peptide group hydrogen exchange
Q126290317Issue Information ‐ Forthcoming
Q45159481Issues in high-throughput comparative modelling: a case study using the ubiquitin E2 conjugating enzymes
Q30496342Iterative cluster-NMA: A tool for generating conformational transitions in proteins
Q51550360KFC2: A knowledge‐based hot spot prediction method based on interface solvation, atomic density, and plasticity features
Q28646973Key challenges for the creation and maintenance of specialist protein resources
Q41669208Key mutations stabilize antigen-binding conformation during affinity maturation of a broadly neutralizing influenza antibody lineage
Q33180488Key residues approach to the definition of protein families and analysis of sparse family signatures
Q105099846Key residues approach to the definition of protein families and analysis of sparse family signatures
Q44195807Kinase inhibitors and the case for CH...O hydrogen bonds in protein-ligand binding
Q36218605Kinesin tail domains are intrinsically disordered.
Q81230771Kinetic analysis of molecular dynamics simulations reveals changes in the denatured state and switch of folding pathways upon single-point mutation of a beta-sheet miniprotein
Q62666988Kinetic analysis of the interaction between the QutA and QutR transcription-regulating proteins
Q33479643Kinetic and binding effects in peptide substrate selectivity of matrix metalloproteinase-2: Molecular dynamics and QM/MM calculations
Q46750678Kinetic and crystallographic studies of glucopyranose spirohydantoin and glucopyranosylamine analogs inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase.
Q57752568Kinetic and structural properties of inorganic pyrophosphatase from the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori
Q27648882Kinetic and structural properties of triosephosphate isomerase from Helicobacter pylori
Q54773800Kinetic characterization of early intermediates in the folding of E. coli tryptophan-synthase beta 2 subunit.
Q52133639Kinetic characterization of the interaction of the Z-fragment of protein A with mouse-IgG3 in a volume in chemical space
Q30010189Kinetic consequences of native state optimization of surface-exposed electrostatic interactions in the Fyn SH3 domain
Q70980712Kinetic folding and unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease and its six mutants studied by stopped-flow circular dichroism
Q73883517Kinetic nonoptimality and vibrational stability of proteins
Q46105819Kinetic steps for alpha-helix formation
Q72200787Kinetic study on myoglobin refolding monitored by five optical probe stopped-flow methods
Q30157902Kinetically driven refolding of the hyperstable EBNA1 origin DNA-binding dimeric beta-barrel domain into amyloid-like spherical oligomers
Q77669697Kinetics and interaction studies between cytochrome c3 and Fe-only hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough
Q46068436Kinetics and thermodynamics of gas diffusion in a NiFe hydrogenase
Q44379452Kinetics of cytochrome C folding: atomically detailed simulations
Q45039432Kinetics of folding and unfolding of goat alpha-lactalbumin
Q89915402Kinetics of pH-dependent interactions between PD-1 and PD-L1 immune checkpoint proteins from molecular dynamics
Q87726705Kinetics of protein fibrillation controlled by fibril elongation
Q38337597Kinetics, in silico docking, molecular dynamics, and MM‐GBSA binding studies on prototype indirubins, KT5720, and staurosporine as phosphorylase kinase ATP‐binding site inhibitors: The role of water molecules examined
Q30322116Knowledge-based interaction potentials for proteins.
Q73427996Knowledge-based modeling of a bacterial dichloromethane dehalogenase
Q59312602Knowledge-based modeling of theD-lactate dehydrogenase three-dimensional structure
Q29547838Knowledge-based protein secondary structure assignment
Q40377577Knowledge-based voting algorithm for automated protein functional annotation
Q52340706LINUS: a hierarchic procedure to predict the fold of a protein
Q33863846LabCaS: labeling calpain substrate cleavage sites from amino acid sequence using conditional random fields
Q27635351Lactoferrin-melanin interaction and its possible implications in melanin polymerization: crystal structure of the complex formed between mare lactoferrin and melanin monomers at 2.7-A resolution
Q52019786Large contact surface interactions between proteins detected by time series analysis methods: case study on C-phycocyanins
Q73025524Large contributions of coupled protonation equilibria to the observed enthalpy and heat capacity changes for ssDNA binding to Escherichia coli SSB protein
Q57091182Large differences are observed between the crystal and solution quaternary structures of allosteric aspartate transcarbamylase in the R state
Q51602853Large loop conformation sampling using the activation relaxation technique, ART-nouveau method
Q41308079Large oligomeric complex structures can be computationally assembled by efficiently combining docked interfaces
Q48127175Large scale ab initio modelling of structurally uncharacterized antimicrobial peptides reveals known and novel folds
Q51899750Large scale analysis of protein-binding cavities using self-organizing maps and wavelet-based surface patches to describe functional properties, selectivity discrimination, and putative cross-reactivity
Q38509250Large-scale analysis of secondary structure changes in proteins suggests a role for disorder-to-order transitions in nucleotide binding proteins
Q50936482Large-scale analysis of the dynamics of enzymes
Q45944217Large-scale automated function prediction of protein sequences and an experimental case study validation on PTEN transcript variants.
Q81433368Large-scale characteristics of the energy landscape in protein-protein interactions
Q46972510Large-scale comparison of protein sequence alignment algorithms with structure alignments
Q46244966Large-scale prediction of disulphide bridges using kernel methods, two-dimensional recursive neural networks, and weighted graph matching
Q57444201Large-scale prediction of function shift in protein families with a focus on enzymatic function
Q44491602Large-scale prediction of protein geometry and stability changes for arbitrary single point mutations
Q58323028Large-scale purification and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of human aspartylglucosaminidase
Q43525502Large-scale survey for potentially targetable indels in bacterial and protozoan proteins
Q30393805Large‐scale comparison of protein essential dynamics from molecular dynamics simulations and coarse‐grained normal mode analyses
Q81210075Lattice models, packing density, and Boltzmann-like distribution of cavities in proteins
Q30328050Lattice protein folding with two and four-body statistical potentials.
Q44932031Lattice simulations of cotranslational folding of single domain proteins
Q30369016Lattices for ab initio protein structure prediction.
Q91189840Learning a functional grammar of protein domains using natural language word embedding techniques
Q30419136Learning about protein folding via potential functions
Q43711450Learning about protein hydrogen bonding by minimizing contrastive divergence.
Q52142055Learning effective amino acid interactions through iterative stochastic techniques.
Q51609601Learning generative models for protein fold families
Q46448828Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase activation by synthetic amphipathic peptides
Q64911673Left-handed polyproline II helix formation is (very) locally driven.
Q40909294Length distribution of CDRH3 in antibodies
Q39324146Lessons from (co-)evolution in the docking of proteins and peptides for CAPRI Rounds 28-35.
Q40823351Lethal mutations in the major homology region and their suppressors act by modulating the dimerization of the rous sarcoma virus capsid protein C‐terminal domain
Q52610867Leukocyte integrin αLβ2 transmembrane association dynamics revealed by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations.
Q33290508Library of local descriptors models the core of proteins accurately
Q34805228Ligand binding and dynamics of the monomeric epidermal growth factor receptor ectodomain
Q91793230Ligand nanovectorization using graphene to target cellular death receptors of cancer cell
Q30489539Ligand preference and orientation in b- and c-type heme-binding proteins
Q52214239Ligand solvation in molecular docking
Q44195805Ligand specificity and ligand-induced conformational change in gal repressor
Q44685771Ligand unbinding from the estrogen receptor: a computational study of pathways and ligand specificity
Q46671657Ligand-based protein alignment and isozyme specificity of glutathione S-transferase inhibitors
Q56877641Ligand-induced dynamical regulation of NO conversion in Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin-N
Q42660634Ligand-induced fit in mycobacterial MabA: the sequence-specific C-terminus locks the conformational change
Q52890990Ligand-induced formation of transient dimers of mammalian 12/15-lipoxygenase: a key to allosteric behavior of this class of enzymes?
Q104618319Ligand-induced transition in conformations of vicinal cysteine disulfides in proteins
Q96290019Ligand-protein interactions in lysozyme investigated through a dual-resolution model
Q43558049Ligand-protein inverse docking and its potential use in the computer search of protein targets of a small molecule
Q79223169Ligand-supported homology modeling of the human angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor: insights into the molecular determinants of telmisartan binding
Q81481787Limited validity of group additivity for the folding energetics of the peptide group
Q41104358Limits on alpha-helix prediction with neural network models
Q34050401Linear extrapolation method of analyzing solvent denaturation curves
Q74615900Linear programming optimization and a double statistical filter for protein threading protocols
Q45070176Linear response theory: an alternative to PB and GB methods for the analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories?
Q33232121Linker chains of the gigantic hemoglobin of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris: primary structures of linkers L2, L3, and L4 and analysis of the connectivity of the disulfide bonds in linker L1.
Q36075396Linking tumor cell cytotoxicity to mechanism of drug action: an integrated analysis of gene expression, small-molecule screening and structural databases
Q45852371Lipid A from lipopolysaccharide recognition: structure, dynamics and cooperativity by molecular dynamics simulations.
Q46814799Lipid membrane templates the ordering and induces the fibrillogenesis of Alzheimer's disease amyloid-beta peptide
Q30363926Lipid nanotechnologies for structural studies of membrane-associated proteins
Q30850744Lipid-associated aggregate formation of superoxide dismutase-1 is initiated by membrane-targeting loops
Q46534332Lipophobicity and the residue environments of the transmembrane alpha-helical bundle
Q57015034Lipoprotein lipase: A bioinformatics criterion for assessment of mutations as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease
Q27642889Lipoxygenase interactions with natural flavonoid, quercetin, reveal a complex with protocatechuic acid in its X-ray structure at 2.1 A resolution
Q30329580LiveBench-2: large-scale automated evaluation of protein structure prediction servers.
Q30336308LiveBench-6: large-scale automated evaluation of protein structure prediction servers.
Q56877450Lobster enolase crystallized by serendipity
Q30373443Local descriptors of protein structure: a systematic analysis of the sequence-structure relationship in proteins using short- and long-range interactions
Q30331169Local energy landscape flattening: parallel hyperbolic Monte Carlo sampling of protein folding.
Q83341005Local feature analysis: a statistical theory for reproducible essential dynamics of large macromolecules
Q30428832Local interactions and the optimization of protein folding
Q51903851Local interactions in protein folding determined through an inverse folding model
Q58042910Local interactions in protein folding determined through an inverse folding model
Q53017556Local motions in a benchmark of allosteric proteins
Q52330897Local moves: an efficient algorithm for simulation of protein folding
Q44322001Local protein unfolding and pathogenesis of polyglutamine-expansion diseases
Q87167117Local sequence of protein β-strands influences twist and bend angles
Q47694030Local-scale repetitiveness in amino acid use in eukaryote protein sequences: a genomic factor in protein evolution
Q52392511Localization of hydrogen-bonds within modules in barnase
Q27628951Localization of the C-terminus of rat glutathione S-transferase A1-1: crystal structure of mutants W21F and W21F/F220Y
Q46080127Locally defined protein phylogenetic profiles reveal previously missed protein interactions and functional relationships
Q27621096Locating interaction sites on proteins: the crystal structure of thermolysin soaked in 2% to 100% isopropanol
Q30358933Locating missing water molecules in protein cavities by the three-dimensional reference interaction site model theory of molecular solvation.
Q61836416Locating the active sites of enzymes using mechanical properties
Q47867085Locating the stabilizing residues in (alpha/beta)8 barrel proteins based on hydrophobicity, long-range interactions, and sequence conservation
Q35574706Long dynamics simulations of proteins using atomistic force fields and a continuum representation of solvent effects: calculation of structural and dynamic properties
Q51934735Long loop prediction using the protein local optimization program
Q47632010Long timestep dynamics of peptides by the dynamics driver approach
Q78627282Long- and short-range interactions in native protein structures are consistent/minimally frustrated in sequence space
Q35791084Longer simulations sample larger subspaces of conformations while maintaining robust mechanisms of motion
Q41875634Loop modeling: Sampling, filtering, and scoring
Q49084735Loop prediction for a GPCR homology model: Algorithms and results
Q80380695Loop-closure events during protein folding: rationalizing the shape of Phi-value distributions
Q48406515Loss of intramolecular electrostatic interactions and limited conformational ensemble may promote self-association of cis-tau peptide
Q73427985Loss of translational entropy in binding, folding, and catalysis
Q44713138Loss of translational entropy in molecular associations
Q52680163Low pressure-induced secondary structure transitions of regenerated silk fibroin in its wet film studied by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy.
Q30158062Low-throughput model design of protein folding inhibitors.
Q43027594Lower kinetic limit to protein thermal stability: a proposal regarding protein stability in vivo and its relation with misfolding diseases
Q46668369Lysine carboxylation in proteins: OXA-10 beta-lactamase
Q104474642Lysine-Arginine Advanced Glycation End-Product Cross-links and the Effect on Collagen Structure: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Q70397716Lysine/fibrin binding sites of kringles modeled after the structure of kringle 1 of prothrombin
Q90516630Lysosomal acid lipase does not have a propeptide and should not be considered being a proprotein
Q74054770M13 endopeptidases: New conserved motifs correlated with structure, and simultaneous phylogenetic occurrence of PHEX and the bony fish
Q97554798M42 aminopeptidase catalytic site: the structural and functional role of a strictly conserved aspartate residue
Q47844501MAAP: malarial adhesins and adhesin-like proteins predictor
Q28286817MADAMM: a multistaged docking with an automated molecular modeling protocol
Q53028808MALIDUP: a database of manually constructed structure alignments for duplicated domain pairs
Q51532804MCCE analysis of the pKas of introduced buried acids and bases in staphylococcal nuclease
Q52082500MCSS functionality maps for a flexible protein
Q99203054MD Simulation Reveals Differential Binding of Cm(III) and Th(IV) with Serum Transferrin at Acidic pH
Q67584048MD simulation of subtilisin BPN' in a crystal environment
Q92954714MD simulations reveal alternate conformations of the oxyanion hole in the Zika virus NS2B/NS3 protease
Q34188650MDockPP: A hierarchical approach for protein-protein docking and its application to CAPRI rounds 15-19
Q52033384MIAX: a new paradigm for modeling biomacromolecular interactions and complex formation in condensed phases
Q43995264MINOES: a new approach to select a representative ensemble of structures in NMR studies of (partially) unfolded states. Application to Delta25-PYP.
Q60218560MM/PBSA analysis of molecular dynamics simulations of bovine β-lactoglobulin: Free energy gradients in conformational transitions?
Q30968423MOLE: a data management application based on a protein production data model
Q30352079MOTOR: model assisted software for NMR structure determination.
Q30372373MQAPsingle: A quasi single-model approach for estimation of the quality of individual protein structure models.
Q80829064MSDsite: a database search and retrieval system for the analysis and viewing of bound ligands and active sites
Q50421442MUFOLD-SS: New deep inception-inside-inception networks for protein secondary structure prediction.
Q30408138MUFOLD-WQA: A new selective consensus method for quality assessment in protein structure prediction
Q30382728MUFOLD: A new solution for protein 3D structure prediction
Q31113169MULTIPROSPECTOR: an algorithm for the prediction of protein-protein interactions by multimeric threading
Q39775057MUPRED: a tool for bridging the gap between template based methods and sequence profile based methods for protein secondary structure prediction
Q51190031MUSTANG: a multiple structural alignment algorithm
Q24646301MUSTER: Improving protein sequence profile-profile alignments by using multiple sources of structure information
Q101054538Machine Learning-based Prediction of Enzyme Substrate Scope: Application to Bacterial Nitrilases
Q90650346Machine learning techniques for protein function prediction
Q78010849Macromolecular impurities and disorder in protein crystals
Q38312613Magnetic resonance studies of the binding of oligonucleotide substrates to mutants of staphylococcal nuclease
Q34434237Main-chain conformational tendencies of amino acids
Q31913216Major differences in stability and dimerization properties of two chimeric mutants of human stefins
Q60214177Major differences in stability and dimerization properties of two chimeric mutants of human stefins
Q52223877Major structural determinants of transmembrane proteins identified by principal component analysis
Q77751667Major subdomain rearrangement in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase simulated by molecular dynamics
Q27636869Major venom allergen of yellow jackets, Ves v 5: structural characterization of a pathogenesis-related protein superfamily
Q34351595Making optimal use of empirical energy functions: force-field parameterization in crystal space
Q31018502Managing and mining protein crystallization data.
Q30374170Manual classification strategies in the ECOD database.
Q57970638Many residues in cytochromec populate alternative states under equilibrium conditions
Q38290276Mapping alpha-helical induced folding within the intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain of the measles virus nucleoprotein by site-directed spin-labeling EPR spectroscopy
Q45503208Mapping disease-related missense mutations in the immunoglobulin-like fold domain of lamin A/C reveals novel genotype-phenotype associations for laminopathies
Q34420724Mapping mouse IL-13 binding regions using structure modeling, molecular docking, and high-density peptide microarray analysis
Q41946244Mapping of ligand-binding cavities in proteins
Q29039687Mapping pathways of allosteric communication in GroEL by analysis of correlated mutations
Q46111888Mapping the accessibility of the disulfide crosslink network in the wool fiber cortex.
Q32083062Mapping the active site of factor Xa by selective inhibitors: An NMR and MD study
Q67255662Mapping the enzymatic active site of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A
Q46127492Mapping the intramolecular signal transduction of G-protein coupled receptors
Q44998316Markovian Backbone Negentropies: Molecular descriptors for protein research. I. Predicting protein stability in Arc repressor mutants
Q31956679Mass spectrometric identification and microcharacterization of proteins from electrophoretic gels: strategies and applications
Q31956695Mass spectrometric mapping of ion channel proteins (porins) and identification of their supramolecular membrane assembly
Q34521360Mass spectrometrical verification of stomatin-like protein 2 (SLP-2) primary structure
Q33289183Mass spectrometry analysis of HIV-1 Vif reveals an increase in ordered structure upon oligomerization in regions necessary for viral infectivity
Q33221094Mass spectrometry identification of NASP binding partners in HeLa cells
Q46106488Massive conformation change in the prion protein: Using dual-basin structure-based models to find misfolding pathways
Q30379161Massive integration of diverse protein quality assessment methods to improve template based modeling in CASP11.
Q46657761Mean field analysis of FKBP12 complexes with FK506 and rapamycin: Implications for a role of crystallographic water molecules in molecular recognition and specificity
Q74177433Measured and calculated effects of mutations in bacteriophage T4 lysozyme on interactions in solution
Q36871049Measurement of water–amide proton exchange rates in the denatured state of staphylococcal nuclease by a magnetization transfer technique
Q30343829Measurements of protein sequence-structure correlations.
Q44365446Measures for the assessment of fuzzy predictions of protein secondary structure
Q57444431Measures of threading specificity and accuracy
Q74252589Measures of threading specificity and accuracy
Q39472349Measuring the successes and deficiencies of constant pH molecular dynamics: a blind prediction study
Q30176556Mechanical property of a TIM-barrel protein
Q37163199Mechanical stability and differentially conserved physical-chemical properties of titin Ig-domains
Q83782512Mechanical stability of multidomain proteins and novel mechanical clamps
Q83003864Mechanical unfolding pathway and origin of mechanical stability of proteins of ubiquitin family: an investigation by steered molecular dynamics simulation
Q36823266Mechanism and rate constants of the Cdc42 GTPase binding with intrinsically disordered effectors
Q27652354Mechanism for multiple-substrates recognition of alpha-aminoadipate aminotransferase from Thermus thermophilus
Q34266155Mechanism for the alpha-helix to beta-hairpin transition
Q89309727Mechanism for verification of mismatched and homoduplex DNAs by nucleotides-bound MutS analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations
Q57206145Mechanism of NAD(P)H:Quinone reductase: Ab initio studies of reduced flavin
Q43599714Mechanism of NAD(P)H:quinone reductase: Ab initio studies of reduced flavin
Q30387043Mechanism of allosteric propagation across a β-sheet structure investigated by molecular dynamics simulations.
Q33393750Mechanism of formation of the C-terminal beta-hairpin of the B3 domain of the immunoglobulin binding protein G from Streptococcus. I. Importance of hydrophobic interactions in stabilization of beta-hairpin structure
Q42133852Mechanism of formation of the C-terminal beta-hairpin of the B3 domain of the immunoglobulin binding protein G from Streptococcus. II. Interplay of local backbone conformational dynamics and long-range hydrophobic interactions in hairpin formation
Q42121452Mechanism of formation of the C-terminal beta-hairpin of the B3 domain of the immunoglobulin binding protein G from Streptococcus. III. Dynamics of long-range hydrophobic interactions
Q80660538Mechanism of induced folding: Both folding before binding and binding before folding can be realized in staphylococcal nuclease mutants
Q46794953Mechanism of inhibition of wt-dihydrofolate reductase from E. coli by tea epigallocatechin-gallate
Q30168709Mechanism of protein folding
Q68085499Mechanism of protein folding: I. General considerations and refolding of myoglobin
Q83677152Mechanism of reactant and product dissociation from the anthrax edema factor: a locally enhanced sampling and steered molecular dynamics study
Q78010867Mechanism of substrate dephosphorylation in low Mr protein tyrosine phosphatase
Q51553044Mechanisms for allosteric activation of protease DegS by ligand binding and oligomerization as revealed from molecular dynamics simulations
Q79342159Mechanisms of guanosine triphosphate hydrolysis by Ras and Ras-GAP proteins as rationalized by ab initio QM/MM simulations
Q41668610Mechanisms of signaling and related enzymes
Q79737563Mechanistic events underlying odorant binding protein chemoreception
Q52612340Mechanistic insight of photo-induced aggregation of chicken egg white lysozyme: the interplay between hydrophobic interactions and formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds
Q45846360Mechanistic insights into Pin1 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerization from umbrella sampling simulations
Q33300264Mechanistic insights into the inhibition of prostate specific antigen by beta-lactam class compounds
Q84248142Mechanistic role of NS4A and substrate in the activation of HCV NS3 protease
Q41143699Mechanistic studies of the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter
Q44817534Melittin as model system for probing interactions between proteins and cyclodextrins
Q24603721Membrane insertion of the FYVE domain is modulated by pH
Q80867947Membrane-bound structure and energetics of alpha-synuclein
Q51853796Merging chemical and biological space: Structural mapping of enzyme binding pocket space
Q45397837Metal binding sites of human H‐chain ferritin and iron transport mechanism to the ferroxidase sites: A molecular dynamics simulation study
Q54686771Metal ion stabilization of the conformation of a recombinant 19‐kDa catalytic fragment of human fibroblast collagenase
Q70581313Metal poison inhibition of carbonic anhydrase
Q70980741Metal search: a computer program that helps design tetrahedral metal-binding sites
Q44745618Metal-Induced reversible structural interconversion of human mitochondrial NAD(P)+-dependent malic enzyme.
Q30367299Method for comparing the structures of protein ligand-binding sites and application for predicting protein-drug interactions.
Q30373197Method for identification of rigid domains and hinge residues in proteins based on exhaustive enumeration.
Q41679805Methodology for protein-ligand binding studies: application to a model for drug resistance, the HIV/FIV protease system
Q45945240Methods for estimation of model accuracy in CASP12.
Q30378820Methods of model accuracy estimation can help selecting the best models from decoy sets: Assessment of model accuracy estimations in CASP11
Q81508072Methyl dynamics for understanding hydrophobic core packing of dynamically different motifs of double-stranded RNA binding domain of protein kinase R
Q27648762Methylene substitution at the alpha-beta bridging position within the phosphate chain of dUDP profoundly perturbs ligand accommodation into the dUTPase active site
Q42183669Methyltransferases do not work by compression, cratic, or desolvation effects, but by electrostatic preorganization
Q68188222Michaelis complexes of porcine pancreatic elastase with 7-[(alkylcarbamoyl)amino]-4-chloro-3-ethoxyisocoumarins: translational sampling of inhibitor position and kinetic measurements
Q42623585Microbial genomes have over 72% structure assignment by the threading algorithm PROSPECTOR_Q.
Q68513082Microfolding: Conformational probability map for the alanine dipeptide in water from molecular dynamics simulations
Q51318577Microscopic mechanisms that govern the titration response and pKa values of buried residues in staphylococcal nuclease mutants
Q38988816Microsecond simulations of mdm2 and its complex with p53 yield insight into force field accuracy and conformational dynamics.
Q36501036Microsecond simulations of the folding/unfolding thermodynamics of the Trp-cage miniprotein.
Q45784548Microtube batch protein crystallization: applications to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) protease and human renin
Q86868220Microtubules dual chemo and thermo-responsive depolymerization
Q114234883Milestoning simulation of ligand dissociation from the glycogen synthase kinase 3β
Q52309231Mimicking a p53-MDM2 interaction based on a stable immunoglobulin-like domain scaffold
Q34192586Mimicking the action of folding chaperones by Hamiltonian replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations: application in the refinement of de novo models
Q104583367Mind the GAP: Purification and characterization of urea resistant GAPDH during extreme dehydration
Q30409794Minimal ensembles of side chain conformers for modeling protein-protein interactions
Q73182194Minimal model for studying prion-like folding pathways
Q46813701Minimal structural requirements for root effect: crystal structure of the cathodic hemoglobin isolated from the antarctic fish Trematomus newnesi
Q81242966Minimal surface as a model of beta-sheets
Q83365562Minimizing false positives in kinase virtual screens
Q58847196Minimum model for the α-helix-β-hairpin transition in proteins
Q57795080Misfolding of the amyloid β-protein: A molecular dynamics study
Q43014946Missense mutations in transmembrane domains of proteins: phenotypic propensity of polar residues for human disease
Q46255143Misunderstanding the preorganization concept can lead to confusions about the origin of enzyme catalysis
Q51320385Miz-1 and Max compete to engage c-Myc: implication for the mechanism of inhibition of c-Myc transcriptional activity by Miz-1.
Q81388894Mn/Fe superoxide dismutase interaction fingerprints and prediction of oligomerization and metal cofactor from sequence
Q87542947Mode coupling points to functionally important residues in myosin II
Q52360157Model assembly study of the ligand binding by p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase: correlation between the calculated binding energies and the experimental dissociation constants
Q30323142Model building by comparison at CASP3: using expert knowledge and computer automation.
Q30429631Model building by comparison: a combination of expert knowledge and computer automation.
Q87238479Model for the allosteric regulation of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NCX
Q68837129Model for the interaction of amphiphilic helices with troponin C and calmodulin
Q28206585Model for the three-dimensional structure of vitronectin: predictions for the multi-domain protein from threading and docking
Q69841953Model of a complex between the tetrahemic cytochrome c3 and the ferredoxin I from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (Norway strain)
Q31913246Model of the 3-D structure of the GLUT3 glucose transporter and molecular dynamics simulation of glucose transport
Q42680177Model of the alphaLbeta2 integrin I-domain/ICAM-1 DI interface suggests that subtle changes in loop orientation determine ligand specificity
Q43676067Model of three-dimensional structure of vitamin D receptor and its binding mechanism with 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3).
Q30373255Model quality assessment using distance constraints from alignments.
Q43027844Model-free analysis of a thermophilic Fe(7)S(8) protein compared with a mesophilic Fe(4)S(4) protein
Q58619182Model-free analysis of a thermophilic Fe7S8 protein compared with a mesophilic Fe4S4 protein
Q73205389Model-free methods of analyzing domain motions in proteins from simulation: a comparison of normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics simulation of lysozyme
Q47804972Modeling CAPRI targets 110-120 by template-based and free docking using contact potential and combined scoring function.
Q43269858Modeling G protein-coupled receptors for structure-based drug discovery using low-frequency normal modes for refinement of homology models: application to H3 antagonists
Q53437310Modeling GPCR active state conformations: The β2‐adrenergic receptor
Q118958808Modeling SARS-CoV-2 proteins in the CASP-commons experiment
Q78675892Modeling alpha-helical coiled-coil interactions: the axial and azimuthal alignment of 1B segments from vimentin intermediate filaments
Q38301628Modeling and analysis of molecularinteraction between Smurf1-WW2 domain and various isoforms of LIM mineralization protein
Q46991259Modeling and functional analysis of AEBP1, a transcriptional repressor
Q48960371Modeling and minimizing CAPRI round 30 symmetrical protein complexes from CASP-11 structural models
Q30159971Modeling and simulations of a bacterial outer membrane protein: OprF from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q92349990Modeling beta-sheet peptide-protein interactions: Rosetta FlexPepDock in CAPRI rounds 38-45
Q50562576Modeling complexes of modeled proteins
Q44140902Modeling conformational change in macromolecules as an elastic deformation
Q92554685Modeling conformational flexibility of kinases in inactive states
Q50802091Modeling conformational redox-switch modulation of human succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase
Q45039418Modeling correlated main-chain motions in proteins for flexible molecular recognition
Q44898284Modeling effects of mutations in coiled-coil structures: case study using epidermolysis bullosa simplex mutations in segment 1a of K5/K14 intermediate filaments
Q51900428Modeling ensembles of transmembrane beta-barrel proteins
Q40927134Modeling evolution of hydrogen bonding and stabilization of transition states in the process of cocaine hydrolysis catalyzed by human butyrylcholinesterase
Q57135724Modeling implicit reorganization in continuum descriptions of protein-protein interactions
Q51986757Modeling loop reorganization free energies of acetylcholinesterase: a comparison of explicit and implicit solvent models
Q52416614Modeling microdomains: the surface area of globin helices
Q39352554Modeling oblong proteins and water-mediated interfaces with RosettaDock in CAPRI rounds 28-35.
Q40950808Modeling of a five-stranded coiled coil structure for the assembly domain of the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein
Q74631429Modeling of acanthoxin A1, a PLA2 enzyme from the venom of the common death adder (Acanthophis antarcticus)
Q68079018Modeling of agonist binding to the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily of receptors
Q71774348Modeling of halorhodopsin and rhodopsin based on bacteriorhodopsin
Q52244720Modeling of inhibitor–metalloenzyme interactions and selectivity using molecular mechanics grounded in quantum chemistry
Q73521264Modeling of ion permeation in calcium and sodium channel selectivity filters
Q30366129Modeling of metal interaction geometries for protein-ligand docking.
Q40643073Modeling of peptides connecting the ligand-binding and transmembrane domains in the GluR2 glutamate receptor.
Q47804826Modeling of protein complexes in CAPRI Round 37 using template-based approach combined with model selection.
Q58489158Modeling of protein interactions in genomes
Q74054756Modeling of protein interactions in genomes
Q71856538Modeling of serpin-protease complexes: antithrombin-thrombin, alpha 1-antitrypsin (358Met-->Arg)-thrombin, alpha 1-antitrypsin (358Met-->Arg)-trypsin, and antitrypsin-elastase
Q67562106Modeling of substrate and inhibitor binding to phospholipase A2
Q68091115Modeling of the human intercellular adhesion molecule-1, the human rhinovirus major group receptor
Q46345012Modeling of the metallo-beta-lactamase from B. fragilis: structural and dynamic effects of inhibitor binding.
Q51970536Modeling oligomers with Cn or Dn symmetry: application to CAPRI target 10.
Q92454873Modeling post-translational modifications and cancer-associated mutations that impact the heterochromatin protein 1α-importin α heterodimers
Q47566911Modeling protein assemblies: Critical Assessment of Predicted Interactions (CAPRI) 15 years hence.: 6TH CAPRI evaluation meeting April 17-19 Tel-Aviv, Israel
Q52015271Modeling protein complexes with BiGGER.
Q51934987Modeling protein conformational ensembles: from missing loops to equilibrium fluctuations.
Q74015793Modeling protein density of states: additive hydrophobic effects are insufficient for calorimetric two-state cooperativity
Q89796250Modeling protein interactions and complexes in CAPRI: Seventh CAPRI evaluation meeting, April 3-5 EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK
Q36185366Modeling protein recognition of carbohydrates
Q39172517Modeling protein-protein and protein-peptide complexes: CAPRI 6th edition
Q92318885Modeling protein-protein, protein-peptide, and protein-oligosaccharide complexes: CAPRI 7th edition
Q84594092Modeling reaction routes from rhodopsin to bathorhodopsin
Q51970532Modeling side-chains using molecular dynamics improve recognition of binding region in CAPRI targets
Q30341350Modeling structurally variable regions in homologous proteins with rosetta.
Q33304501Modeling the accessible conformations of the intrinsically unstructured transactivation domain of p53.
Q46604797Modeling the anti-CEA antibody combining site by homology and conformational search
Q46109010Modeling the biochemical differences between rabbit muscle and human liver phosphorylase
Q48036962Modeling the interaction between aldolase and the thrombospondin-related anonymous protein, a key connection of the malaria parasite invasion machinery
Q30428829Modeling the paramyxovirus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein
Q42951624Modeling the possible conformations of the extracellular loops in G-protein-coupled receptors
Q52348356Modeling the quinone-B binding site of the photosystem-II reaction center using notions of complementarity and contact-surface between atoms
Q54085346Modeling the role of disulfide bonds in protein folding: Entropic barriers and pathways
Q50945170Modeling the structure of mAb 14B7 bound to the anthrax protective antigen
Q30327518Modeling the third loop of short-chain snake venom neurotoxins: roles of the short-range and long-range interactions.
Q40553682Modeling three-dimensional protein structures for CASP5 using the 3D-SHOTGUN meta-predictors
Q52141277Modeling three-dimensional protein structures for amino acid sequences of the CASP3 experiment using sequence-derived predictions
Q46825707Modeling truncated hemoglobin vibrational dynamics
Q27629207Modeling, mutagenesis, and structural studies on the fully conserved phosphate-binding loop (loop 8) of triosephosphate isomerase: toward a new substrate specificity
Q41607225Modelling of factor Xa-inhibitor complexes: a computational flexible docking approach
Q30159495Modelling of the ABL and ARG proteins predicts two functionally critical regions that are natively unfolded
Q48001234Modelling repressor proteins docking to DNA.
Q73233205Modelling the catalytic reaction in human aldose reductase
Q30195745Modelling the three-dimensional structure and electrostatic potential field of the two Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase variants from Xenopus laevis.
Q52505237Models of delta-hemolysin membrane channels and crystal structures
Q30155996Models of membrane‐bound Alzheimer's Abeta peptide assemblies
Q77142609Models of natural mutations including site heterogeneity
Q91797647Modification of lactoferrin by peroxynitrite reduces its antibacterial activity and changes protein structure
Q40648632Modifications to canonical structure sequence patterns: analysis for L1 and L3.
Q41736267Modified genetic algorithm resolves ambiguous NOE restraints and reduces unsightly NOE violations
Q46020528Modular coenzyme specificity: a domain-swopped chimera of glutamate dehydrogenase.
Q30379187Modularity of intrinsic disorder in the human proteome.
Q82452429Modulated nicking endonuclease function by the N‐terminal extended region of the smr domain in human Bcl‐3 binding protein
Q30351986Modulating the folding stability and ligand binding affinity of Pin1 WW domain by proline ring puckering.
Q72154717Modulation of DNA-binding specificity within the nuclear receptor family by substitutions at a single amino acid position
Q98830084Modulation of GCSF Conformation and Receptor Binding by Methionine Oxidation
Q35706925Modulation of HIV protease flexibility by the T80N mutation
Q58112058Modulation of glucan-enzyme interactions by domain V in GTF-SI from Streptococcus mutans
Q38299891Modulation of human cytidine deaminase by specific aminoacids involved in the intersubunit interactions
Q37221295MolAxis: efficient and accurate identification of channels in macromolecules
Q98937838Molecular Dynamics Analysis of The Binding of Human Interleukin-6 with Interleukin-6 α-Receptor
Q101219650Molecular Dynamics Simulations Identify the Regions of Compromised Thermostability in SazCA
Q30360596Molecular adaptation strategies to high temperature and thermal denaturation mechanism of the D-trehalose/D-maltose-binding protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus litoralis.
Q91294615Molecular and structural bases of interaction between extracellular domains of nectin-2 and N-cadherin
Q40533093Molecular aspects of the interaction between Mason-Pfizer monkey virus matrix protein and artificial phospholipid membrane.
Q27652190Molecular basis for dimer formation of TRβ variant D355R
Q27642891Molecular basis for redox-Bohr and cooperative effects in cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774: crystallographic and modeling studies of oxidized and reduced high-resolution structures at pH 7.6
Q52389865Molecular basis of cooperativity in protein folding. IV. CORE: a general cooperative folding model
Q72867725Molecular basis of cooperativity in protein folding. V. Thermodynamic and structural conditions for the stabilization of compact denatured states
Q90564501Molecular basis of drug resistance in smoothened receptor: An in silico study of protein resistivity and specificity
Q51625612Molecular basis of inhibitory peptide maurotoxin recognizing Kv1.2 channel explored by ZDOCK and molecular dynamic simulations
Q27676867Molecular basis of the fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase reaction of PFKFB3: Transition state and the C-terminal function
Q30427366Molecular collapse: the rate-limiting step in two-state cytochrome c folding
Q46551396Molecular damage in Fabry disease: characterization and prediction of alpha-galactosidase A pathological mutations
Q51989293Molecular definitions of fatty acid hydroxylases in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q47552574Molecular details of spontaneous insertion and interaction of HCV non-structure 3 protease protein domain with PIP2-containing membrane.
Q40172670Molecular determinants of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase inhibition by hydroquinone-based compounds
Q44179888Molecular determinants of thapsigargin binding by SERCA Ca2+-ATPase: a computational docking study
Q57531358Molecular determinants of the ATP hydrolysis asymmetry of the CCT chaperonin complex
Q27656001Molecular determinants of the pKa values of Asp and Glu residues in staphylococcal nuclease
Q46770745Molecular docking of balanol to dynamics snapshots of protein kinase A.
Q81230766Molecular docking study of the interactions between the thioesterase domain of human fatty acid synthase and its ligands
Q52306147Molecular docking using surface complementarity
Q38302828Molecular domain organization of BldD, an essential transcriptional regulator for developmental process of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).
Q85281477Molecular dynamic studies on the impact of mutations on the structure, stability, and N-terminal orientation of annexin A1: implications for membrane aggregation
Q30559805Molecular dynamics and accuracy of NMR structures: effects of error bounds and data removal
Q68036476Molecular dynamics characterization of the active cavity of carboxypeptidase A and some of its inhibitor adducts
Q57138607Molecular dynamics effects on protein electrostatics
Q30371408Molecular dynamics guided study of salt bridge length dependence in both fluorinated and non-fluorinated parallel dimeric coiled-coils.
Q90267310Molecular dynamics investigation of a redox switch in the anti-HIV protein SAMHD1
Q53323973Molecular dynamics investigation of the ionic liquid/enzyme interface: application to engineering enzyme surface charge
Q84922890Molecular dynamics modeling of tubulin C-terminal tail interactions with the microtubule surface
Q27667125Molecular dynamics of EF‐G during translocation
Q68151703Molecular dynamics of HIV-1 protease
Q43557768Molecular dynamics of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase indicates increased flexibility upon DNA binding
Q30157532Molecular dynamics of amicyanin reveals a conserved dynamical core for blue copper proteins
Q43245874Molecular dynamics of leucine and dopamine transporter proteins in a model cell membrane lipid bilayer
Q39531209Molecular dynamics of mouse and Syrian hamster PrP: implications for activity
Q33462407Molecular dynamics of the structural changes of helical peptides induced by pressure
Q53455831Molecular dynamics of water and monovalent-ions transportation mechanisms of pentameric sarcolipin
Q73594404Molecular dynamics simulation accurately predicts the experimentally-observed distributions of the (C, N, O) protein atoms around water molecules and sodium ions
Q83365559Molecular dynamics simulation of Leishmania major surface metalloprotease GP63 (leishmanolysin)
Q43670289Molecular dynamics simulation of PNPLA3 I148M polymorphism reveals reduced substrate access to the catalytic cavity
Q84398083Molecular dynamics simulation of SRP GTPases: towards an understanding of the complex formation from equilibrium fluctuations
Q82621430Molecular dynamics simulation of conformational heterogeneity in transportin 1
Q30596356Molecular dynamics simulation of hen egg white lysozyme: a test of the GROMOS96 force field against nuclear magnetic resonance data
Q72061285Molecular dynamics simulation of hydration in myoglobin
Q59576384Molecular dynamics simulation of solvated azurin: Correlation between surface solvent accessibility and water residence times
Q38330299Molecular dynamics simulation of sucrose- and trehalose-coated carboxy-myoglobin
Q46489552Molecular dynamics simulation of the acidic compact state of apomyoglobin from yellowfin tuna.
Q57795191Molecular dynamics simulation of the aggregation of the core-recognition motif of the islet amyloid polypeptide in explicit water
Q52375019Molecular dynamics simulation of the docking of substrates to proteins
Q87374682Molecular dynamics simulation of the phosphorylation-induced conformational changes of a tau peptide fragment
Q92029532Molecular dynamics simulation of tropomyosin bound to actins/myosin in the closed and open states
Q60218551Molecular dynamics simulation of β2-microglobulin in denaturing and stabilizing conditions
Q44296015Molecular dynamics simulation reveals a surface salt bridge forming a kinetic trap in unfolding of truncated Staphylococcal nuclease
Q46971345Molecular dynamics simulation study for LRH-1: interaction with fragments of SHP and function of phospholipid ligand
Q40333546Molecular dynamics simulation study of the "stay or leave" problem for two magnesium ions in gene transcription.
Q47662738Molecular dynamics simulation, binding free energy calculation and unbinding pathway analysis on selectivity difference between FKBP51 and FKBP52: Insight into the molecular mechanism of isoform selectivity.
Q41909739Molecular dynamics simulations and functional characterization of the interactions of the PAR2 ectodomain with factor VIIa
Q54233905Molecular dynamics simulations elucidate the mode of protein recognition by Skp1 and the F-box domain in the SCF complex
Q30157923Molecular dynamics simulations from putative transition states of alpha-spectrin SH3 domain
Q85651656Molecular dynamics simulations indicate that tyrosineB10 limits motions of distal histidine to regulate CO binding in soybean leghemoglobin
Q50923985Molecular dynamics simulations of HIV-1 protease monomer: Assembly of N-terminus and C-terminus into beta-sheet in water solution.
Q80278826Molecular dynamics simulations of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c552: comparisons of the wild-type protein, a b-type variant, and the apo state
Q46827745Molecular dynamics simulations of LysRS: an asymmetric state.
Q73365503Molecular dynamics simulations of N-terminal peptides from a nucleotide binding protein
Q74449646Molecular dynamics simulations of a double unit cell in a protein crystal: volume relaxation at constant pressure and correlation of motions between the two unit cells
Q41895411Molecular dynamics simulations of a helicase
Q30167944Molecular dynamics simulations of a highly charged peptide from an SH3 domain: possible sequence-function relationship
Q30164798Molecular dynamics simulations of a protein model in uniform and elongational flows
Q52360151Molecular dynamics simulations of alcohol dehydrogenase with a four- or five-coordinate catalytic zinc ion.
Q48065730Molecular dynamics simulations of apo, holo, and inactivator bound GABA-at reveal the role of active site residues in PLP dependent enzymes
Q52133674Molecular dynamics simulations of beta-hairpin folding
Q42634253Molecular dynamics simulations of domain motions of substrate-free S-adenosyl- L-homocysteine hydrolase in solution
Q52018275Molecular dynamics simulations of enhanced green fluorescent proteins: effects of F64L, S65T and T203Y mutations on the ground-state proton equilibria
Q31966089Molecular dynamics simulations of epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-alpha structures in water
Q46899110Molecular dynamics simulations of ethanol binding to the transmembrane domain of the glycine receptor: implications for the channel potentiation mechanism
Q34310983Molecular dynamics simulations of galectin‐1‐oligosaccharide complexes reveal the molecular basis for ligand diversity
Q52535439Molecular dynamics simulations of human alpha-lactalbumin: changes to the structural and dynamical properties of the protein at low pH.
Q42647267Molecular dynamics simulations of human butyrylcholinesterase.
Q77314243Molecular dynamics simulations of human carbonic anhydrase II: Insight into experimental results and the role of solvation
Q78140806Molecular dynamics simulations of human glutathione transferase P1-1: analysis of the induced-fit mechanism by GSH binding
Q78140812Molecular dynamics simulations of human glutathione transferase P1-1: conformational fluctuations of the apo-structure
Q30770627Molecular dynamics simulations of peptides and proteins with a continuum electrostatic model based on screened Coulomb potentials.
Q30887031Molecular dynamics simulations of peptides containing an unnatural amino acid: dimerization, folding, and protein binding
Q78136342Molecular dynamics simulations of polypeptide conformations in water: A comparison of alpha, beta, and poly(pro)II conformations
Q41810800Molecular dynamics simulations of ribonuclease T1: comparison of the free enzyme and the 2' GMP-enzyme complex
Q36682552Molecular dynamics simulations of rubredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum: changes in structure and electrostatic potential during redox reactions
Q47596399Molecular dynamics simulations of structural changes during procaspase 3 activation
Q71543068Molecular dynamics simulations of synthetic peptide folding
Q30560225Molecular dynamics simulations of the Ras:Raf and Rap:Raf complexes
Q61644569Molecular dynamics simulations of the active matrix metalloproteinase-2: Positioning of the N-terminal fragment and binding of a small peptide substrate
Q43956367Molecular dynamics simulations of the acyl-enzyme and the tetrahedral intermediate in the deacylation step of serine proteases
Q50452706Molecular dynamics simulations of the auxin-binding protein 1 in complex with indole-3-acetic acid and naphthalen-1-acetic acid
Q43694844Molecular dynamics simulations of the conformational changes of the glutamate receptor ligand-binding core in the presence of glutamate and kainate.
Q31035927Molecular dynamics simulations of the cytochrome c3-rubredoxin complex from Desulfovibrio vulgaris
Q83980840Molecular dynamics simulations of the hydrophobin SC3 at a hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface
Q38548814Molecular dynamics simulations of transitions for ECD epidermal growth factor receptors show key differences between human and drosophila forms of the receptors.
Q72635007Molecular dynamics simulations of trp apo- and holorepressors: domain structure and ligand-protein interaction
Q47266895Molecular dynamics simulations on interaction between bacterial proteins: Implication on pathogenic activities.
Q30399511Molecular dynamics simulations on networks of heparin and collagen.
Q83782509Molecular dynamics simulations reveal structural coordination of Ffh‐FtsY heterodimer toward GTPase activation
Q39038055Molecular dynamics simulations reveal structural insights into inhibitor binding modes and functionality in human Group IIA phospholipase A2.
Q30353042Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that apo-HisJ can sample a closed conformation.
Q91142570Molecular dynamics simulations to the bidirectional adhesion signaling pathway of integrin αV β3
Q53383110Molecular dynamics studies of hexamers of amyloid-beta peptide (16-35) and its mutants: influence of charge states on amyloid formation
Q30652050Molecular dynamics studies of the energetics of translocation in model T7 RNA polymerase elongation complexes
Q44324122Molecular dynamics studies on HIV-1 protease drug resistance and folding pathways
Q72510988Molecular dynamics studies on mutants of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase: the functional role of charged residues in the electrostatic loop VII
Q83003939Molecular dynamics studies on structure and dynamics of phospholamban monomer and pentamer in membranes
Q30355077Molecular dynamics study of HIV-1 RT-DNA-nevirapine complexes explains NNRTI inhibition and resistance by connection mutations
Q46794956Molecular dynamics study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin-II complexed with monosaccharides
Q51945037Molecular dynamics study of a calmodulin-like protein with an IQ peptide: spontaneous refolding of the protein around the peptide
Q77615161Molecular dynamics study of a hyperthermophilic and a mesophilic rubredoxin
Q31996390Molecular dynamics study of calbindin D9k in the apo and singly and doubly calcium-loaded states
Q50622453Molecular dynamics study of chemically engineered green fluorescent protein mutants: comparison of intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer rate
Q79750721Molecular dynamics study of conformational changes in human serum albumin by binding of fatty acids
Q77142603Molecular dynamics study of femtosecond events in photoactive yellow protein after photoexcitation of the chromophore
Q71074630Molecular dynamics study of glucocorticoid receptor-DNA binding
Q43167687Molecular dynamics study of interaction and substrate channeling between neuron-specific enolase and B-type phosphoglycerate mutase
Q93196984Molecular dynamics study of interactions between polymorphic actin filaments and gelsolin segment-1
Q56997534Molecular dynamics study of onset of water gelation around the collagen triple helix
Q52306162Molecular dynamics study of phospholipase A2 on a membrane surface
Q68837137Molecular dynamics study of secondary structure motions in proteins: application to myohemerythrin
Q84484847Molecular dynamics study of small molecule inhibitors of the Bcl‐2 family
Q72890883Molecular dynamics study of structure and stability of a model coiled coil
Q52224074Molecular dynamics study of the proposed beta-hairpin form of the switch domain from HIV1 gp120 alone and complexed with an inhibitor of CD4 binding
Q57269351Molecular dynamics study of the stabilities of consensus designed ankyrin repeat proteins
Q30350921Molecular dynamics study of water penetration in staphylococcal nuclease.
Q30152917Molecular dynamics study on folding and allostery in RfaH.
Q30351821Molecular dynamics study on the folding and metallation of the individual domains of metallothionein.
Q43676069Molecular engineering of a polymer of tetrameric hemoglobins
Q42914294Molecular function prediction for a family exhibiting evolutionary tendencies toward substrate specificity swapping: recurrence of tyrosine aminotransferase activity in the Iα subfamily
Q24301390Molecular insight into substrate recognition by human cytosolic sialidase NEU2
Q36027178Molecular insights into substrate specificity of prostate specific antigen through structural modeling
Q37968625Molecular interactions in protein crystals: solvent accessible surface and stability
Q74527941Molecular mapping of thrombin-receptor interactions
Q73598264Molecular mechanic study of nerve agentO-ethylS-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl]methylphosphonothioate (VX) bound to the active site ofTorpedo californica acetylcholinesterase
Q58072092Molecular mechanics simulations of a conformational rearrangement ofD-xylose in the active site ofD-xylose isomerase
Q39784629Molecular mechanism of allosteric communication in the human PPARalpha-RXRalpha heterodimer
Q44482709Molecular mechanism of substrate specificity in the bacterial neutral amino acid transporter LeuT.
Q85181911Molecular mechanism of β-sheet self-organization at water-hydrophobic interfaces
Q36791136Molecular mechanisms and design principles for promiscuous inhibitors to avoid drug resistance: lessons learned from HIV-1 protease inhibition.
Q73844958Molecular mechanisms of microheterogeneity-induced defect formation in ferritin crystallization
Q46885324Molecular mechanisms of pH-driven conformational transitions of proteins: insights from continuum electrostatics calculations of acid unfolding
Q71671452Molecular mechanisms of pressure induced conformational changes in BPTI
Q46937887Molecular modeling and inhibitory activity of cowpea cystatin against bean bruchid pests
Q40487987Molecular modeling and redesign of alginate lyase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa for accelerating CRPA biofilm degradation
Q70980729Molecular modeling indicates that homodimers form the basis for intermediate filament assembly from human and mouse epidermal keratins
Q68137858Molecular modeling of an antigenic complex between a viral peptide and a class I major histocompatibility glycoprotein
Q46560918Molecular modeling of cardiac glycoside binding by the human sequence monoclonal antibody 1B3.
Q57127563Molecular modeling of hair keratin/peptide complex: Using MM-PBSA calculations to describe experimental binding results
Q56984897Molecular modeling of prohibitin domains
Q44898273Molecular modeling of protein function regions.
Q33895934Molecular modeling of substrate binding in wild-type and mutant Corynebacteria 2,5-diketo-D-gluconate reductases
Q44237500Molecular modeling of the amphipathic helices of the plasma apolipoproteins
Q35875508Molecular modeling of the binding modes of the iron-sulfur protein to the Jac1 co-chaperone from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by all-atom and coarse-grained approaches
Q80514486Molecular modeling of the core of Abeta amyloid fibrils
Q33304500Molecular modeling of the second extracellular loop of G-protein coupled receptors and its implication on structure-based virtual screening
Q36841483Molecular modeling of vimentin filament assembly
Q86693970Molecular modeling reveals binding interface of γ-tubulin with GCP4 and interactions with noscapinoids
Q44515165Molecular modeling studies on CNG channel from bovine retinal rod: a structural model of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain
Q44784454Molecular modeling study of the editing active site of Escherichia coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase: two amino acid binding sites in the editing domain
Q92926898Molecular modeling study on the differential microtubule-stabilizing effect in singly- and doubly-bonded complexes with peloruside A and paclitaxel
Q52080525Molecular modelling of Trematomus newnesi Hb 1: insights for a lowered oxygen affinity and lack of root effect
Q44125124Molecular motions and conformational changes of HPPK.
Q33875834Molecular organization, structural features, and ligand binding characteristics of CD44, a highly variable cell surface glycoprotein with multiple functions
Q34410331Molecular physiology of the tensin brotherhood of integrin adaptor proteins
Q27644738Molecular properties of two proteins homologous to PduO-type ATP:cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase from Sulfolobus tokodaii
Q80045457Molecular recognition mechanism of FK506 binding protein: an all-electron fragment molecular orbital study
Q45076941Molecular recognition of aldehydes by aldehyde dehydrogenase and mechanism of nucleophile activation.
Q79992387Molecular simulations bring new insights into flavonoid/quercetinase interaction modes
Q46462901Molecular simulations enlighten the binding mode of quercetin to lipoxygenase-3.
Q61641978Molecular simulations of β-lactoglobulin complexed with fatty acids reveal the structural basis of ligand affinity to internal and possible external binding sites
Q79757155Molecular simulations reveal a new entry site in quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase. A pathway for dioxygen?
Q72668319Molecular skins: a new concept for quantitative shape matching of a protein with its small molecule mimics
Q38290571Molecular strategies for protein stabilization: the case of a trehalose/maltose-binding protein from Thermus thermophilus.
Q39699464Molecular structure and evolution of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors
Q51960093Molecular surface generation using a variable-radius solvent probe
Q29035652Molecular surface representations by sparse critical points
Q71623213Molecular systematics in 3D: the classification of protein structures. Paris, April 9-11, 1996
Q30327337Molecular-dynamics simulation of the beta domain of metallothionein with a semi-empirical treatment of the metal core.
Q45125265Molego-based definition of the architecture and specificity of metal-binding sites
Q35971266Molprobity's ultimate rotamer-library distributions for model validation
Q44165220Molten globule of bovine alpha-lactalbumin at neutral pH induced by heat, trifluoroethanol, and oleic acid: a comparative analysis by circular dichroism spectroscopy and limited proteolysis
Q73319295Molten globule state of equine beta-lactoglobulin
Q59239010Monitoring transient events in infrared spectra using local mode analysis
Q27654883Monomeric tRNA (m(7)G46) methyltransferase from Escherichia coli presents a novel structure at the function-essential insertion
Q30731518Monophyly of class I aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, USPA, ETFP, photolyase, and PP-ATPase nucleotide-binding domains: implications for protein evolution in the RNA.
Q52418353Monte Carlo docking of oligopeptides to proteins
Q30332738Monte Carlo estimation of the number of possible protein folds: Effects of sampling bias and folds distributions
Q51911565Monte Carlo folding of trans-membrane helical peptides in an implicit generalized Born membrane
Q67562104Monte Carlo minimization with thermalization for global optimization of polypeptide conformations in cartesian coordinate space
Q30398315Monte Carlo replica-exchange based ensemble docking of protein conformations
Q79236250Monte Carlo sampling of near-native structures of proteins with applications
Q74267467Monte Carlo simulation of denaturation of adsorbed proteins
Q73594379Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion of adsorbed proteins
Q52251889Monte Carlo simulation of protein folding with orientation-dependent monomer–monomer interactions
Q30429718Monte Carlo simulation of the kinetics of protein adsorption
Q45987283Monte Carlo simulations of protein folding. I. Lattice model and interaction scheme.
Q30421319Monte Carlo simulations of protein folding. II. Application to protein A, ROP, and crambin
Q43814574Monte Carlo simulations of the peptide recognition at the consensus binding site of the constant fragment of human immunoglobulin G: the energy landscape analysis of a hot spot at the intermolecular interface
Q73521274Monte Carlo-minimized energy profile of estradiol in the ligand-binding tunnel of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase: atomic mechanisms of steroid recognition
Q58037807More compact protein globules exhibit slower folding rates
Q51351315Motion of transfer RNA from the A/T state into the A‐site using docking and simulations
Q43088941Motional timescale predictions by molecular dynamics simulations: case study using proline and hydroxyproline sidechain dynamics.
Q36016551Multi-LZerD: multiple protein docking for asymmetric complexes
Q28914723Multi-constraint computational design suggests that native sequences of germline antibody H3 loops are nearly optimal for conformational flexibility
Q56834871Multi-method global analysis of thermodynamics and kinetics in reconstitution of monellin
Q33684624Multi-scale characterization of the energy landscape of proteins with application to the C3D/Efb-C complex
Q51171122Multi-template approach to modeling engineered disulfide bonds
Q42039279Multibody coarse-grained potentials for native structure recognition and quality assessment of protein models
Q95650714Multicopper oxidases: modular structure, sequence space and evolutionary relationships
Q73233226Multifunctional enzymes and evolution of biosynthetic pathways: retro-evolution by jumps
Q93120338Multimapping confounds ribosome profiling analysis: A case-study of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone
Q30352314Multipass membrane protein structure prediction using Rosetta
Q51100258Multiple Gaussian network modes alignment reveals dynamically variable regions: the hemoglobin case
Q33283213Multiple asparagine deamidation of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen causes charge isoforms whose complexity correlates with reduced biological activity
Q87624491Multiple conformational states and gate opening of outer membrane protein TolC revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
Q45946454Multiple conformational states of a new hematopoietic cytokine (megakaryocyte growth and development factor): pH- and urea-induced denaturation
Q68704287Multiple conformations of amino acid residues in ribonuclease A
Q54026445Multiple copy sampling: rigid versus flexible protein
Q58670508Multiple display of a protein domain on a bacterial polymeric scaffold
Q54549089Multiple drugs and multiple targets: An analysis of the electrostatic determinants of binding between non‐nucleoside HIV‐1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors and variants of HIV‐1 RT
Q81523628Multiple folding mechanisms of protein ubiquitin
Q39000654Multiple helical conformations of the helix-turn-helix region revealed by NOE-restrained MD simulations of tryptophan aporepressor, TrpR.
Q73713054Multiple linear regression for protein secondary structure prediction
Q30352690Multiple mapping method: a novel approach to the sequence-to-structure alignment problem in comparative protein structure modeling.
Q27729294Multiple modes of ligand recognition: crystal structures of cyclin-dependent protein kinase 2 in complex with ATP and two inhibitors, olomoucine and isopentenyladenine
Q48211957Multiple molecular dynamics simulations of human LOX-1 and Trp150Ala mutant reveal the structural determinants causing the full deactivation of the receptor
Q83203029Multiple molecular dynamics simulations of human p450 monooxygenase CYP2C9: the molecular basis of substrate binding and regioselectivity toward warfarin
Q27684751Multiple polymer architectures of human polyhomeotic homolog 3 sterile alpha motif
Q30168197Multiple protein folding nuclei and the transition state ensemble in two-state proteins
Q29615743Multiple protein sequence alignment from tertiary structure comparison: assignment of global and residue confidence levels
Q55070133Multiple proton relay routes in the reaction mechanism of RNAP II: assessing the effect of structural model.
Q27654183Multiple solvent crystal structures of ribonuclease A: an assessment of the method
Q46356926Multiple time step diffusive Langevin dynamics for proteins
Q70618652Multiple-site titration and molecular modeling: two rapid methods for computing energies and forces for ionizable groups in proteins
Q38272896Multiscale characterization of protein conformational ensembles
Q83630174Multiscale modeling of cellular actin filaments: from atomistic molecular to coarse-grained dynamics
Q51984585Multiscale modeling of macromolecular conformational changes combining concepts from rigidity and elastic network theory
Q51789201Multiscale modeling of structural dynamics underlying force generation and product release in actomyosin complex
Q42915927Multiscale simulations of protein landscapes: using coarse-grained models as reference potentials to full explicit models
Q54284917Multivariate sequence analysis reveals additional function impacting residues in the SDR superfamily
Q125341923Multi‐state modeling of G‐protein coupled receptors at experimental accuracy
Q31171716MurD ligase from E. coli: Tetrahedral intermediate formation study by hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical replica path method.
Q27680679Murine norovirus protein NS1/2 aspartate to glutamate mutation, sufficient for persistence, reorients side chain of surface exposed tryptophan within a novel structured domain
Q34993607Muscle FBPase is targeted to nucleus by its 203KKKGK207 sequence
Q38319809Mutagenesis at Pro309 of single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator alters its catalytic properties
Q31101709Mutagenesis data in the automated prediction of transmembrane helix dimers
Q80867933Mutagenesis study of rice nonspecific lipid transfer protein 2 reveals residues that contribute to structure and ligand binding
Q35531134Mutagenic dissection of hemoglobin cooperativity: effects of amino acid alteration on subunit assembly of oxy and deoxy tetramers
Q30367653Mutant bovine odorant-binding protein: Temperature affects the protein stability and dynamics as revealed by infrared spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations.
Q68704277Mutant forms of staphylococcal nuclease with altered patterns of guanidine hydrochloride and urea denaturation
Q38329720Mutating the charged residues in the binding pocket of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein simultaneously reduces its binding affinity to retinoic acid and increases its thermostability
Q43027621Mutation design of a thermophilic Rubisco based on three-dimensional structure enhances its activity at ambient temperature
Q91786960Mutation in a flexible linker modulates binding affinity for modular complexes
Q30426887Mutation matrices and physical-chemical properties: correlations and implications
Q54465965Mutation of Phe102 to Ser in the carboxyl terminal helix of Escherichia coli thioredoxin affects the stability and processivity of T7 DNA polymerase.
Q45161404Mutational analysis of domain antibodies reveals aggregation hotspots within and near the complementarity determining regions
Q44972183Mutational analysis of m-values as a strategy to identify cold-resistant substructures of the protein ensemble
Q59137790Mutational analysis of the pro-peptide of a marine intracellular subtilisin protease supports its role in inhibition
Q36755108Mutational tests of the NMR-docked structure of the staphylococcal nuclease-metal-3',5'-pdTp complex
Q46846115Mutations in alpha-helical solvent-exposed sites of eglin c have long-range effects: evidence from molecular dynamics simulations
Q48124740MxaJ structure reveals a periplasmic binding protein-like architecture with unique secondary structural elements
Q44566267Mycobacterium smegmatis RecA protein is structurally similar to but functionally distinct from Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA.
Q30155475Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv0899 defines a family of membrane proteins widespread in nitrogen‐fixing bacteria
Q47589435Mycobacterium tuberculosis UvrB forms dimers in solution and interacts with UvrA in the absence of ligands.
Q36479553Mycobacterium tuberculosis copper-regulated protein SocB is an intrinsically disordered protein that folds upon interaction with a synthetic phospholipid bilayer
Q46753794Mycobacterium tuberculosis isocitrate lyase (MtbIcl): role of divalent cations in modulation of functional and structural properties
Q27658108Mycobacterium tuberculosisRv2704 is a member of the YjgF/YER057c/UK114 family
Q47236477Myosin flexibility: structural domains and collective vibrations.
Q44706738N-H...O, O-H...O, and C-H...O hydrogen bonds in protein-ligand complexes: strong and weak interactions in molecular recognition
Q40063167N-linked glycans of the human insulin receptor and their distribution over the crystal structure
Q33583554N-terminal strands of filamin Ig domains act as a conformational switch under biological forces
Q27688980N-terminal β-strand swapping in a consensus-derived alternative scaffold driven by stabilizing hydrophobic interactions
Q54440059NAD+-dependent DNA ligase (Rv3014c) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: novel structure-function relationship and identification of a specific inhibitor.
Q28486332NAD+-dependent DNA ligases of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Streptomyces coelicolor
Q43900314NADH interactions with WT- and S94A-acyl carrier protein reductase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: an ab initio study
Q34064610NADP-dependent enzymes. I: Conserved stereochemistry of cofactor binding
Q73326564NADP-dependent enzymes. II: Evolution of the mono- and dinucleotide binding domains
Q27697656NF023 binding to XIAP-BIR1: searching drugs for regulation of the NF-κB pathway
Q46676359NMR assignments of tryptophan residue in apo and holo LBD-rVDR.
Q43208254NMR characterization of an engineered domain fusion between maltose binding protein and TEM1 beta-lactamase provides insight into its structure and allosteric mechanism.
Q92926930NMR characterization of conformational fluctuations and noncovalent interactions of SUMO protein from Drosophila melanogaster (dSmt3)
Q30937711NMR docking of a substrate into the X-ray structure of staphylococcal nuclease
Q72589779NMR docking of the competitive inhibitor thymidine 3',5'-diphosphate into the X-ray structure of staphylococcal nuclease
Q38777104NMR identification of the binding surfaces involved in the Salmonella and Shigella Type III secretion tip-translocon protein-protein interactions
Q30646851NMR investigation of the equilibrium partitioning of a water-soluble bile salt protein carrier to phospholipid vesicles
Q63339627NMR investigations of protein-carbohydrate interactions: Studies on the relevance of Trp/Tyr variations in lectin binding sites as deduced from titration microcalorimetry and NMR studies on hevein domains. Determination of the NMR structure of the co
Q30597094NMR investigations of protein-carbohydrate interactions: studies on the relevance of Trp/Tyr variations in lectin binding sites as deduced from titration microcalorimetry and NMR studies on hevein domains. Determination of the NMR structure of the c
Q52416621NMR restraint analysis of transforming growth factor alpha: a key component for NMR structure refinement
Q27667126NMR solution structure of a cyanovirin homolog from wheat head blight fungus
Q27648761NMR solution structure of the reduced form of thioredoxin 1 from Sacharomyces cerevisiae
Q46489558NMR structural studies of the Ste11 SAM domain in the dodecyl phosphocholine micelle
Q28492926NMR structure and binding studies confirm that PA4608 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a PilZ domain and a c-di-GMP binding protein
Q46733393NMR structure and dynamics of human ephrin-B2 ectodomain: the functionally critical C-D and G-H loops are highly dynamic in solution
Q27668187NMR structure and dynamics of recombinant wild type and mutated jerdostatin, a selective inhibitor of integrin α1β1
Q46177787NMR structure determination of the conserved hypothetical protein TM1816 from Thermotoga maritima
Q27658972NMR structure of F-actin-binding domain of Arg/Abl2 from Homo sapiens
Q27643525NMR structure of YcgL, a conserved protein from Escherichia coli representing the DUF709 family, with a novel alpha/beta/alpha sandwich fold
Q91592049NMR structure of a full-length single-pass membrane protein NRADD
Q27659504NMR structure of a phosphatidyl-ethanolamine binding protein from Drosophila
Q27639587NMR structure of conserved eukaryotic protein ZK652.3 from C. elegans: a ubiquitin-like fold
Q46043067NMR structure of hypothetical protein MG354 from Mycoplasma genitalium
Q27644198NMR structure of hypothetical protein TA0938 from Thermoplasma acidophilum
Q27649478NMR structure of protein Cgl2762 from Corynebacterium glutamicum implicated in DNA transposition reveals a helix-turn-helix motif attached to a flexibly disordered leucine zipper
Q58002361NMR structure of protein PA2021 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q27655526NMR structure of protein YvyC fromBacillus subtilisreveals unexpected structural similarity between two PFAM families
Q27643707NMR structure of protein yjbR from Escherichia coli reveals 'double-wing' DNA binding motif
Q81466373NMR structure of protein yqbG from Bacillus subtilis reveals a novel alpha-helical protein fold
Q81193213NMR structure of the 18 kDa protein CC1736 from Caulobacter crescentus identifies a member of the START domain superfamily and suggests residues mediating substrate specificity
Q27639582NMR structure of the Escherichia coli protein YacG: a novel sequence motif in the zinc-finger family of proteins
Q46295218NMR structure of the conserved hypothetical protein TM0979 from Thermotoga maritima
Q42676505NMR structure of the conserved novel-fold protein TA0743 from Thermoplasma acidophilum
Q48007208NMR structure of the hypothetical protein AQ-1857 encoded by the Y157 gene from Aquifex aeolicus reveals a novel protein fold
Q34315712NMR structure of the hypothetical protein NMA1147 from Neisseria meningitidis reveals a distinct 5-helix bundle
Q57412389NMR structure of the hypothetical protein encoded by the YjbJ gene from Escherichia coli
Q27649773NMR structure of the peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase domain from Pseudomonas syringae expands the structural coverage of the hydrolysis domains of class 1 peptide chain release factors
Q27627408NMR structures of thioredoxin m from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Q73427987NMR studies on the flexibility of nucleoside diphosphate kinase
Q31117247NMR study and molecular dynamics simulations of optimized beta-hairpin fragments of protein G.
Q54613004NMR study of the reconstitution of the β‐sheet of thioredoxin by fragment complementation
Q92217173NMR-assisted protein structure prediction with MELDxMD
Q55120792NMR-based modeling and binding studies of a ternary complex between chicken liver bile acid binding protein and bile acids
Q51765531NMR-derived solution structure of SUMO from Drosophila melanogaster (dSmt3).
Q27678014NMR‐based insights into the conformational and interaction properties of Arkadia RING‐H2 E3 Ub ligase
Q62492901Native and modeled disulfide bonds in proteins: knowledge-based approaches toward structure prediction of disulfide-rich polypeptides
Q77926241Native and non-native interactions along protein folding and unfolding pathways
Q48385017Native atomic burials, supplemented by physically motivated hydrogen bond constraints, contain sufficient information to determine the tertiary structure of small globular proteins
Q37431107Native cysteine residues are dispensable for the structure and function of all five yeast mitotic septins
Q50970471Native fold and docking pose discrimination by the same residue-based scoring function.
Q47881405Native secondary structure topology has near minimum contact energy among all possible geometrically constrained topologies
Q47771261Native state dynamics and mechanical properties of human topoisomerase I within a structure-based coarse-grained model
Q82414680Native-specific stabilization of flavodoxin by the FMN cofactor: structural and thermodynamical explanation
Q79319223Natively unfolded C-terminal domain of caldesmon remains substantially unstructured after the effective binding to calmodulin
Q36313231Natively unfolded regions of the vertebrate fibrinogen molecule
Q74721824Natural coordinate representation for the protein backbone structure
Q30855071Natural history of the E1-like superfamily: implication for adenylation, sulfur transfer, and ubiquitin conjugation
Q91880639Navigating within thiamine diphosphate-dependent decarboxylases: Sequences, structures, functional positions, and binding sites
Q42643521NdPASA: a novel pairwise protein sequence alignment algorithm that incorporates neighbor-dependent amino acid propensities
Q82548716Nearest-neighbor effects and structural preferences in dipeptides are a function of the electronic properties of amino acid side-chains
Q81544585Negative modulation of signal transduction via interleukin splice variation
Q91746091NetSurfP-2.0: Improved prediction of protein structural features by integrated deep learning
Q40207279Network mapping among the functional domains of Chikungunya virus nonstructural proteins
Q51538130Neural network-based prediction of mutation-induced protein stability changes in Staphylococcal nuclease at 20 residue positions
Q31138210Neutralization of NGF-TrkA receptor interaction by the novel antagonistic anti-TrkA monoclonal antibody MNAC13: a structural insight.
Q71074628Neutron scattering redux?
Q38852142Neutron scattering shows a droplet of oleic acid at the center of the BAMLET complex
Q96233499New Facets of Larger Nest Motifs in Proteins
Q39114594New additions to the ClusPro server motivated by CAPRI.
Q34792053New benchmark metrics for protein‐protein docking methods
Q30362203New classification of supersecondary structures of sandwich-like proteins uncovers strict patterns of strand assemblage.
Q30386087New computational method for prediction of interacting protein loop regions.
Q27649819New crystal structures of ColE1 Rom and variants resulting from mutation of a surface exposed residue: Implications for RNA-recognition
Q40256442New encouraging developments in contact prediction: Assessment of the CASP11 results
Q41615834New features and enhancements in the X-PLOR computer program
Q77771911New general approach for determining the solution structure of a ligand bound weakly to a receptor: structure of a fibrinogen Aalpha-like peptide bound to thrombin (S195A) obtained using NOE distance constraints and an ECEPP/3 flexible docking progr
Q39686913New hypotheses about the structure-function of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9: analysis of the epidermal growth factor-like repeat A docking site using WaterMap
Q36342306New insight into long-range nonadditivity within protein double-mutant cycles
Q53323410New insight into the architecture of oxy-anion pocket in unliganded conformation of GAT domains: A MD-simulation study.
Q79184908New insights into DHFR interactions: analysis of Pneumocystis carinii and mouse DHFR complexes with NADPH and two highly potent 5-(omega-carboxy(alkyloxy) trimethoprim derivatives reveals conformational correlations with activity and novel parallel
Q33834449New insights into the GABA(A) receptor structure and orthosteric ligand binding: receptor modeling guided by experimental data.
Q46886474New insights into the half‐of‐the‐sites reactivity of human aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1
Q74615893New insights into the mechanism of protein-protein association
Q61388013New insights into the molecular basis of lectin-carbohydrate interactions: A calorimetric and structural study of the association of hevein to oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine
Q38341129New insights into the molecular basis of lectin-carbohydrate interactions: a calorimetric and structural study of the association of hevein to oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine
Q42637082New insights of membrane environment effects on MscL channel mechanics from theoretical approaches.
Q52070754New method for accurate prediction of solvent accessibility from protein sequence
Q30350697New method for protein secondary structure assignment based on a simple topological descriptor.
Q41665041New methods for accurate prediction of protein secondary structure
Q27684162New molecular interaction of IIA(Ntr) and HPr from Burkholderia pseudomallei identified by X-ray crystallography and docking studies
Q28369348New sequence motifs in flavoproteins: evidence for common ancestry and tools to predict structure
Q74452350New structural insights into the refolding of ribonuclease T1 as seen by time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy
Q30363495New tools and expanded data analysis capabilities at the Protein Structure Prediction Center
Q33587709Nitric oxide conduction by the brain aquaporin AQP4.
Q27749026Nitric oxide myoglobin: Crystal structure and analysis of ligand geometry
Q71705233No crystals no grant
Q27621099Non-Boltzmann thermodynamic integration (NBTI) for macromolecular systems: relative free energy of binding of trypsin to benzamidine and benzylamine
Q58484036Non-heme iron through the three domains of life
Q53657663Non-interacting surface solvation and dynamics in protein-protein interactions
Q48009975Non-intertwined binary patterns of hydrophobic/nonhydrophobic amino acids are considerably better markers of regular secondary structures than nonconstrained patterns
Q43494033Non-native alpha-helix formation is not necessary for folding of lipocalin: comparison of burst-phase folding between tear lipocalin and beta-lactoglobulin
Q30165223Non-native interactions, effective contact order, and protein folding: a mutational investigation with the energetically frustrated hydrophobic model
Q47626865Non-randomness in side-chain packing: the distribution of interplanar angles
Q57893163Non-randomness in side-chain packing: the distribution of interplanar angles
Q41820978Nonadditive effects of mixed crowding on protein stability
Q30332169Nonatomic solvent-driven Voronoi tessellation of proteins: an open tool to analyze protein folds.
Q27665113Noncellulosomal cohesin from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus
Q56794559Noncovalent interaction energies in covalent complexes: TEM-1 ?-lactamase and ?-lactams
Q27638114Noncovalent interaction energies in covalent complexes: TEM-1 beta-lactamase and beta-lactams
Q52012574Nonequilibrium, multiple-timescale simulations of ligand-receptor interactions in structured protein systems
Q36172642Nonlinearities in protein space limit the utility of informatics in protein biophysics
Q30372401Nonrandom distribution of intramolecular contacts in native single-domain proteins.
Q33231136Nontoxic crystal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis demonstrates a remarkable structural similarity to beta-pore-forming toxins
Q45134647Noonan syndrome type I with PTPN11 3 bp deletion: structure-function implications.
Q41219658Normal mode analysis of human lysozyme: study of the relative motion of the two domains and characterization of the harmonic motion
Q28220822Normal mode analysis of macromolecular motions in a database framework: developing mode concentration as a useful classifying statistic
Q72890887Normal mode analysis of mouse epidermal growth factor: characterization of the harmonic motion
Q68701376Normal modes of vibration in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and its mechanical property
Q33346847Normal-mode-based modeling of allosteric couplings that underlie cyclic conformational transition in F(1) ATPase
Q38288438Norovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase: A computational study of metal-binding preferences
Q27694651Novel RNA recognition motif domain in the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3
Q30357297Novel approach for alpha-helical topology prediction in globular proteins: generation of interhelical restraints.
Q44784457Novel approaches for modeling of the A1 adenosine receptor and its agonist binding site
Q27648765Novel cation-pi interaction revealed by crystal structure of thermoalkalophilic lipase
Q28296637Novel conserved hydrolase domain in the CLCA family of alleged calcium-activated chloride channels
Q34082509Novel high-affinity binders of human interferon gamma derived from albumin-binding domain of protein G.
Q46985514Novel insights on the mechanism of action of alpha-amylase inhibitors from the plant defensin family
Q70628287Novel mechanism-based substrates of dihydrofolate reductase and the thermodynamics of ligand binding: a comparison of theory and experiment for 8-methylpterin and 6,8-dimethylpterin
Q48193128Novel modulation factor quantifies the role of water molecules in protein interactions
Q90071656Novel phosphorylation-dependent regulation in an unstructured protein
Q30389896Novel proteases from the genome of the carnivorous plant Drosera capensis: Structural prediction and comparative analysis
Q27642859Novel protein and Mg2+ configurations in the Mg2+GDP complex of the SRP GTPase ffh
Q91336731Novel sampling strategies and a coarse-grained score function for docking homomers, flexible heteromers, and oligosaccharides using Rosetta in CAPRI rounds 37-45
Q53634234Novel scoring function for modeling structures of oligomers of transmembrane alpha-helices
Q81478489Novel statistical-thermodynamic methods to predict protein-ligand binding positions using probability distribution functions
Q30163968Novel structure and nucleotide binding properties of HI1480 from Haemophilus influenzae: a protein with no known sequence homologues.
Q30336224Novel use of a genetic algorithm for protein structure prediction: searching template and sequence alignment space.
Q34497427Novel, structure-based mechanism for uridylylation of the genome-linked peptide (VPg) of picornaviruses
Q47715131NrdH-redoxin of Corynebacterium ammoniagenes forms a domain-swapped dimer
Q91793612Nuclear magnetic resonance solution structure of Pisum sativum defensin 2 provides evidence for the presence of hydrophobic surface-clusters
Q46871543Nucleation‐based prediction of the protein folding rate and its correlation with the folding nucleus size
Q27627766Nucleoside binding site of herpes simplex type 1 thymidine kinase analyzed by X-ray crystallography
Q57077664Nucleotide recognition by the initiation factor aIF5B: Free energy simulations of a neoclassical GTPase
Q46155035Nucleotide-dependence of G-actin conformation from multiple molecular dynamics simulations and observation of a putatively polymerization-competent superclosed state
Q86743397Nucleotide-dependent structural fluctuations and regulation of microtubule-binding affinity of KIF1A
Q30429648Numerical criteria for the evaluation of ab initio predictions of protein structure.
Q96163465Numerous severely twisted N-acetylglucosamine conformations found in the protein databank
Q38328181O-raffinose crosslinked hemoglobin lacks site-specific chemistry in the central cavity: structural and functional consequences of beta93Cys modification
Q52948319Observation of residual dipolar couplings in short peptides
Q56985409Observing the osmophobic effect in action at the single molecule level
Q47296648Octanol-water partition of nonzwitterionic peptides: predictive power of a molecular size-based model
Q79757159Old fold in a new X-ray diffraction dataset? Low-resolution molecular replacement using representative structural templates can provide phase information
Q95305906Oleg borisovich ptitsyn: july 18, 1929-march 22, 1999
Q81211360Oligomerization states of Bowman-Birk inhibitor by atomic force microscopy and computational approaches
Q30430086Oligopeptidase B: Cloning and probing stability under nonequilibrium conditions
Q34170542Oligopeptide biases in protein sequences and their use in predicting protein coding regions in nucleotide sequences
Q80474169On defining the dynamics of hydrophobic patches on protein surfaces
Q30376364On interpretation of protein X-ray structures: Planarity of the peptide unit.
Q93074531On predicting foldability of a protein from its sequence
Q30402886On the Relationship between Residue Structural Environment and Sequence Conservation in Proteins
Q84309305On the accuracy of inferring energetic coupling between distant sites in protein families from evolutionary imprints: illustrations using lattice model
Q72074160On the calculation of pKas in proteins
Q52206949On the convergence of the conformational coordinates basis set obtained by the essential dynamics analysis of proteins' molecular dynamics simulations
Q52078678On the design and analysis of protein folding potentials
Q35353400On the development of protein pKa calculation algorithms.
Q112638612On the diversity of F420 -dependent oxidoreductases: A sequence- and structure-based classification
Q35013835On the diversity of physicochemical environments experienced by identical ligands in binding pockets of unrelated proteins
Q47589359On the effect of mutations in bovine or camel chymosin on the thermodynamics of binding κ-caseins
Q45001065On the evolutionary origin of the chaperonins.
Q30341348On the functional significance of electron density protein structure alignments.
Q41823477On the helix sense of gramicidin A single channels
Q60214202On the mechanism of human stefin B folding: I. Comparison to homologous stefin A. Influence of pH and trifluoroethanol on the fast and slow folding phases
Q60214206On the mechanism of human stefin B folding: II. Folding from GuHCl unfolded, TFE denatured, acid denatured, and acid intermediate states
Q30393176On the mechanism of protein fold‐switching by a molecular sensor
Q50522986On the molecular structure of human neuroserpin polymers
Q52465385On the multiple-minima problem in the conformational analysis of polypeptides. V. Application of the self-consistent electrostatic field and the electrostatically driven monte carlo methods to bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
Q67656994On the nature of antibody combining sites: Unusual structural features that may confer on these sites an enhanced capacity for binding ligands
Q34494450On the nature of cavities on protein surfaces: application to the identification of drug-binding sites
Q43180953On the orientation of the catalytic dyad in aspartic proteases
Q37399660On the origin of the catalytic power of carboxypeptidase A and other metalloenzymes
Q30176762On the origin of the cooperativity of protein folding: implications from model simulations
Q42675018On the pH-optimum of activity and stability of proteins
Q92737932On the presence of short-range periodicities in protein structures that are not related to established secondary structure elements
Q62141729On the reaction mechanism of class Pi glutathione S-transferase
Q51775528On the relation between residue flexibility and local solvent accessibility in proteins
Q28391996On the relationship between NMR-derived amide order parameters and protein backbone entropy changes
Q30367569On the relationship between the protein structure and protein dynamics.
Q30427194On the relationship between the sequence conservation and the packing density profiles of the protein complexes
Q36809892On the sensitivity of MD trajectories to changes in water-protein interaction parameters: the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor in water as a test case for the GROMOS force field
Q44620087On the stoichiometry of Deinococcus radiodurans Dps-1 binding to duplex DNA.
Q91163228On the structure and function of Escherichia coli YjhC: An oxidoreductase involved in bacterial sialic acid metabolism
Q74177410On the unfolding of alpha-lytic protease and the role of the pro region
Q51508072On the use of distance constraints in protein–protein docking computations
Q47586265On the use of structural templates for high-resolution docking
Q30352480One contact for every twelve residues allows robust and accurate topology-level protein structure modeling
Q45288452One gene, two diseases and three conformations: molecular dynamics simulations of mutants of human prion protein at room temperature and elevated temperatures
Q82665082One‐bond and two‐bond j couplings help annotate protein secondary‐structure motifs: J‐coupling indexing applied to human endoplasmic reticulum protein ERp18
Q38801229Open and compressed conformations of Francisella tularensis ClpP.
Q46335123Opening of the ADP-bound active site in the ABC transporter ATPase dimer: evidence for a constant contact, alternating sites model for the catalytic cycle.
Q50312505Operational definition of intrinsically unstructured protein sequences based on susceptibility to the 20S proteasome.
Q44398469Operons and the effect of genome redundancy in deciphering functional relationships using phylogenetic profiles
Q35450179Opposing orientations of the anti-psychotic drug trifluoperazine selected by alternate conformations of M144 in calmodulin
Q31165105Optimal data collection for correlated mutation analysis
Q47604362Optimal design of protein docking potentials: efficiency and limitations
Q46609131Optimal docking area: a new method for predicting protein-protein interaction sites
Q71537057Optimal local propensities for model proteins
Q52114194Optimal potentials for predicting inter-helical packing in transmembrane proteins.
Q43284323Optimal protein-RNA area, OPRA: a propensity-based method to identify RNA-binding sites on proteins
Q74449574Optimally informative backbone structural propensities in proteins
Q42601395Optimization of 3D Poisson-Nernst-Planck model for fast evaluation of diverse protein channels
Q52072060Optimization of a new score function for the detection of remote homologs
Q74721964Optimization of a new score function for the generation of accurate alignments
Q34625066Optimization of molecular docking scores with support vector rank regression
Q46809714Optimization of multiple-sequence alignment based on multiple-structure alignment
Q51682700Optimization of pyDock for the new CAPRI challenges: Docking of homology-based models, domain-domain assembly and protein-RNA binding
Q57135150Optimization of solvation models for predicting the structure of surface loops in proteins
Q41334195Optimization of the design and preparation of nanoscale phospholipid bilayers for its application to solution NMR.
Q34357490Optimized E. coli expression strain LOBSTR eliminates common contaminants from His-tag purification
Q30371877Optimized distance-dependent atom-pair-based potential DOOP for protein structure prediction.
Q51604620Optimized grid‐based protein–protein docking as a global search tool followed by incorporating experimentally derivable restraints
Q73403630Optimized representations and maximal information in proteins
Q51624323Optimizing pKa computation in proteins with pH adapted conformations
Q52005571Optimizing physical energy functions for protein folding
Q50892827Optimizing the affinity and specificity of ligand binding with the inclusion of solvation effect
Q52064388Optimizing the hydrogen-bond network in Poisson-Boltzmann equation-based pK(a) calculations.
Q37369361Order propensity of an intrinsically disordered protein, the cyclin-dependent-kinase inhibitor Sic1
Q41870328Order within disorder: aggrecan chondroitin sulphate-attachment region provides new structural insights into protein sequences classified as disordered
Q31142431Ordered conformational change in the protein backbone: prediction of conformationally variable positions from sequence and low-resolution structural data
Q57348546Ordering of adsorbed proteins
Q45777079Organization of turnip yellow mosaic virus investigated by neutron small angle scattering at 80 K: an intermediate state preceding decapsidation of the virion?
Q46595884Orientation and rotational dynamics of spin-labeled phalloidin bound to actin in muscle fibers
Q42160644Orientational distributions of contact clusters in proteins closely resemble those of an icosahedron
Q46268512Orientational sampling and rigid-body minimization in molecular docking
Q42600798Origin of functional diversity among tetrameric voltage-gated channels.
Q81282353Origin of the sequence-dependent polyproline II structure in unfolded peptides
Q42686721Origins of protein denatured state compactness and hydrophobic clustering in aqueous urea: inferences from nonpolar potentials of mean force
Q46953779Osmolyte effect on the stability and folding of a hyperthermophilic protein
Q46924080Osmolyte-induced protein folding free energy changes
Q27652430Outer membrane cytochrome c, OmcF, from Geobacter sulfurreducens: high structural similarity to an algal cytochrome c6
Q36297691Overcoming sequence misalignments with weighted structural superposition
Q71565971Overexpression of Bacillus subtilis phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase and crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of the free enzyme and its substrate-effector complexes
Q46853497Overexpression, physicochemical characterization, and modeling of a hyperthermophilic pyrococcus furiosus type 2 IPP isomerase.
Q44165216Overlapping binding sites for trypsin and papain on a Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor from Prosopis juliflora.
Q44252098Overproduction, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the major cold shock protein from Bacillus subtilis, CspB.
Q91217872Oxidase or peptidase? A computational insight into a putative aflatoxin oxidase from Armillariella tabescens
Q92331319Oxidation-induced destabilization of the fibrinogen αC-domain dimer investigated by molecular dynamics simulations
Q80238521Oxygen affinity controlled by dynamical distal conformations: the soybean leghemoglobin and the Paramecium caudatum hemoglobin cases
Q56272088Oxygen and proton pathways in cytochrome c oxidase
Q71671446Oxygen binding by single crystals of hemoglobin: the problem of cooperativity and inequivalence of alpha and beta subunits
Q35045263PAIRpred: partner-specific prediction of interacting residues from sequence and structure
Q101041487PDB-Tools Web: A user-friendly interface for the manipulation of PDB files
Q46988348PDB‐scale analysis of known and putative ligand‐binding sites with structural sketches
Q27972551PFP: Automated prediction of gene ontology functional annotations with confidence scores using protein sequence data
Q42149736PIE-efficient filters and coarse grained potentials for unbound protein-protein docking
Q30359869PIER: protein interface recognition for structural proteomics.
Q46857534PII structure in the model peptides for unfolded proteins: studies on ubiquitin fragments and several alanine-rich peptides containing QQQ, SSS, FFF, and VVV.
Q41872855PIK3CA somatic mutations in breast cancer: Mechanistic insights from Langevin dynamics simulations
Q51140851PIPER: an FFT-based protein docking program with pairwise potentials
Q30394800PKB: a program system and data base for analysis of protein structure
Q58091494PLUG (Pruning of Local Unrealistic Geometries) removes restrictions on biophysical modeling for protein design
Q57953054PPRODO: Prediction of protein domain boundaries using neural networks
Q42654619PRED-CLASS: cascading neural networks for generalized protein classification and genome-wide applications
Q31107931PREDICT modeling and in-silico screening for G-protein coupled receptors.
Q33653515PRIMO/PRIMONA: a coarse-grained model for proteins and nucleic acids that preserves near-atomistic accuracy
Q51119552PRIMSIPLR: prediction of inner-membrane situated pore-lining residues for alpha-helical transmembrane proteins
Q51373396PRL-Dock: protein-ligand docking based on hydrogen bond matching and probabilistic relaxation labeling.
Q51293025PSI-DOCK: towards highly efficient and accurate flexible ligand docking.
Q38392351PSLDoc: Protein subcellular localization prediction based on gapped-dipeptides and probabilistic latent semantic analysis
Q30406911PackHelix: A tool for helix‐sheet packing during protein structure prediction
Q70628280Packing and recognition of protein structural elements: a new approach applied to the 4-helix bundle of myohemerythrin
Q52348350Packing constraints of hydrophobic side chains in (alpha/beta)8 barrels
Q52243187Packing forces in nine crystal forms of cutinase
Q33599950Packing interface energetics in different crystal forms of the λ Cro dimer
Q27644869Pactolus I-domain: functional switching of the Rossmann fold
Q47658298Pairwise contact energy statistical potentials can help to find probability of point mutations.
Q41826221Pan1 is an intrinsically disordered protein with homotypic interactions
Q57977961Pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide: Crystallization, circular dichroism analysis, and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies
Q31113034Parallel tempering molecular dynamics folding simulation of a signal peptide in explicit water
Q52012571Parallel tempering simulations of HP-36.
Q52253536Paramagnetic relaxation as a tool for solution structure determination: Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin as an example
Q58484081Paramagnetic relaxation as a tool for solution structure determination:Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin as an example
Q70980733Parametric sensitivity analysis of avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP)
Q28239434Parser for protein folding units
Q47430859Partial atomic charges of amino acids in proteins
Q46615228Partial destabilization of native structure by a combination of heat and denaturant facilitates cold denaturation in a hyperthermophile protein.
Q30380377Partial unfolding and refolding for structure refinement: A unified approach of geometric simulations and molecular dynamics.
Q30344054Partition of protein solvation into group contributions from molecular dynamics simulations.
Q60431912Partner‐specific Prediction of RNA‐binding Residues in Proteins: A Critical Assessment
Q56970691Pathway heterogeneity in protein folding
Q38348081Pattern descriptors and the unidentified reading frame 6 human mtDNA dinucleotide-binding site
Q73365498Patterns in ionizable side chain interactions in protein structures
Q30432219Patterns of protein-fold usage in eight microbial genomes: a comprehensive structural census
Q45039434Patterns of retinal light absorption related to retinitis pigmentosa mutants from in silico model structures of rhodopsin
Q30426650Patterns, structures, and amino acid frequencies in structural building blocks, a protein secondary structure classification scheme
Q42985865Pentacoordinated phosphorus revisited by high-level QM/MM calculations.
Q46580529Pepsinogen-like activation intermediate of plasmepsin II revealed by molecular dynamics analysis
Q98937816PeptiDesCalculator : Software for Computation of Peptide Descriptors. Definition, Implementation and Case Studies for 9 Bioactivity Endpoints
Q68786417Peptide and ester synthesis in organic solvents catalyzed by seryl proteases linked to alumina
Q47427287Peptide binding to the PDZ3 domain by conformational selection
Q46815490Peptide fragment studies on the folding elements of dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli
Q45199812Peptide models XLV: conformational properties of N-formyl-L-methioninamide and its relevance to methionine in proteins
Q69364371Peptide sequencing and site-directed mutagenesis identify tyrosine-319 as the active site tyrosine of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I
Q68457829Peptide synthesis catalyzed by polyethylene glycol-modified chymotrypsin in organic solvents
Q30423608Perfect temperature for protein structure prediction and folding.
Q91163198Performance and enhancement of the LZerD protein assembly pipeline in CAPRI 38-46
Q50110817Performance evaluation of a new algorithm for the detection of remote homologs with sequence comparison
Q72589783Performance evaluation of amino acid substitution matrices
Q96131812Performance of Human and Server Prediction in CAPRI rounds 38-45
Q48947966Performance of MDockPP in CAPRI rounds 28-29 and 31-35 including the prediction of water-mediated interactions
Q50562538Performance of ZDOCK and IRAD in CAPRI rounds 28-34.
Q93026635Performance of ZDOCK and IRAD in CAPRI rounds 39-45
Q41981451Performance of ZDOCK and ZRANK in CAPRI rounds 13-19.
Q37684662Performance of ZDOCK in CAPRI rounds 20-26.
Q30379331Performance of the Pro-sp3-TASSER server in CASP8
Q58489123Performance of the first protein docking server ClusPro in CAPRI rounds 3-5
Q51922354Periodic distributions of hydrophobic amino acids allows the definition of fundamental building blocks to align distantly related proteins
Q58048764Permeation of water through the KcsA K+channel
Q103007520Persistent homology and application on residues 1-28 of amyloid beta peptide
Q42644226Perspectives and expectations in structural bioinformatics of metalloproteins
Q27732119Perturbation of Trp 138 in T4 lysozyme by mutations at Gln 105 used to correlate changes in structure, stability, solvation, and spectroscopic properties
Q73083596Perturbation of conformational dynamics, enzymatic activity, and thermostability of beta-glycosidase from archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus by pH and sodium dodecyl sulfate detergent
Q103048188Perturbing the energy landscape for improved packing during computational protein design
Q48767965Peter Andrew Kollman
Q48623700Pex, analytical tools for PDB files. I. GF-Pex: basic file to describe a protein
Q52068718Pex, analytical tools for PDB files. II. H-Pex: noncanonical H-bonds in alpha-helices
Q44898259Pex5p binding affinities for canonical and noncanonical PTS1 peptides.
Q29614439Pfam: a comprehensive database of protein domain families based on seed alignments
Q92445560Phage display derived therapeutic antibodies have enriched aliphatic content: Insights for developability issues
Q30875156Phage-display and correlated mutations identify an essential region of subdomain 1C involved in homodimerization of Escherichia coli FtsA.
Q44379444Pharmacophore-based molecular docking to account for ligand flexibility
Q27729292Phe-46(CD4) orients the distal histidine for hydrogen bonding to bound ligands in sperm whale myoglobin
Q43014614Phenomenological similarities between protein denaturation and small-molecule dissolution: Insights into the mechanism driving the thermal resistance of globular proteins
Q38324605Phenotype analysis using network motifs derived from changes in regulatory network dynamics
Q27690019Phenotypic comparisons of consensus variants versus laboratory resurrections of Precambrian proteins
Q34370332PhosphaBase: an ontology-driven database resource for protein phosphatases.
Q37229460Phospholipase A2 at the bilayer interface
Q51522059Phosphorylation alters backbone conformational preferences of serine and threonine peptides.
Q46560912Phosphorylation of either Ser16 or Thr30 does not disrupt the structure of the Itch E3 ubiquitin ligase third WW domain
Q83949081Phosphorylation-induced transient intrinsic structure in the kinase-inducible domain of CREB facilitates its recognition by the KIX domain of CBP
Q38348076Photochemical crosslinking of bacteriophage T4 single-stranded DNA-binding protein (gp32) to oligo-p(dT)8: identification of phenylalanine-183 as the site of crosslinking
Q46375493Photoinduced fibrils formation of chicken egg white lysozyme under native conditions
Q48414049Phylogenetic analysis of haloalkane dehalogenases
Q52050100Phylogenetic information improves homology detection
Q48064976Phylogenetic occurrence of coiled coil proteins: implications for tissue structure in metazoa via a coiled coil tissue matrix
Q87910630Phylogenetic spread of sequence data affects fitness of SOD1 consensus enzymes: Insights from sequence statistics and structural analyses
Q92585857Phylogenetic spread of sequence data affects fitness of consensus enzymes: Insights from triosephosphate isomerase
Q48213548Physical interaction between the strawberry allergen Fra a 1 and an associated partner FaAP: Interaction of Fra a 1 proteins and FaAP.
Q68051375Physical reasons for secondary structure stability: alpha-helices in short peptides
Q30342098Physical scoring function based on AMBER force field and Poisson-Boltzmann implicit solvent for protein structure prediction.
Q39346444Physicochemical descriptors to discriminate protein-protein interactions in permanent and transient complexes selected by means of machine learning algorithms
Q57021685Physicochemical explanation of peptide binding to HLA-A*0201 major histocompatibility complex: A three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship study
Q56893550Physics-based enzyme design: predicting binding affinity and catalytic activity
Q30431472Physics‐based protein structure refinement through multiple molecular dynamics trajectories and structure averaging
Q52261424Picosecond dynamical changes on denaturation of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase revealed by quasielastic neutron scattering
Q44706729Picosecond dynamics of the glutamate receptor in response to agonist-induced vibrational excitation
Q52395599Picosecond timescale rigid-helix and side-chain motions in deoxymyoglobin
Q38565768Pitch diversity in alpha-helical coiled coils
Q27657492Plasmodium falciparumacyl carrier protein crystal structures in disulfide-linked and reduced states and their prevalence during blood stage growth
Q27666626Plastic adaptation toward mutations in proteins: structural comparison of thymidylate synthases
Q27621911Plasticity and steric strain in a parallel beta-helix: rational mutations in the P22 tailspike protein
Q72635012Polar and nonpolar atomic environments in the protein core: implications for folding and binding
Q57000556Polar hydrogen positions in proteins: Empirical energy placement and neutron diffraction comparison
Q46379655Poly-(L-alanine) expansions form core beta-sheets that nucleate amyloid assembly.
Q38956652Polyanion binding accelerates the formation of stable and low-toxic aggregates of ALS-linked SOD1 mutant A4V.
Q84084543Polyglutamine fibrils are formed using a simple designed beta-hairpin model
Q81094719Polyglutamine homopolymers having 8-45 residues form slablike beta-crystallite assemblies
Q61797583Polyglutamine repeats and β-helix structure: Molecular dynamics study
Q74015806Polymer principles of protein calorimetric two-state cooperativity
Q58663907Polymer principles of protein calorimetric two‐state cooperativity
Q47715263Polyproline II helix is the preferred conformation for unfolded polyalanine in water
Q30453036Polyproline, beta-turn helices. Novel secondary structures proposed for the tandem repeats within rhodopsin, synaptophysin, synexin, gliadin, RNA polymerase II, hordein, and gluten
Q73713059Population analyses of kinetic partitioning in protein folding
Q41906900Population shift of binding pocket size and dynamic correlation analysis shed new light on the anticooperative mechanism of PII protein
Q77603390Populations of hydrophobic amino acids within protein globular domains: identification of conserved "topohydrophobic" positions
Q30160412Porcine beta-lactoglobulin chemical unfolding: identification of a non-native alpha-helical intermediate
Q30364677Position-resolved free energy of solvation for amino acids in lipid membranes from molecular dynamics simulations.
Q30426168Positioning hydrogen atoms by optimizing hydrogen-bond networks in protein structures
Q30330111Positioning of anchor groups in protein loop prediction: the importance of solvent accessibility and secondary structure elements.
Q83782515Possible ligand release pathway of dipeptidyl peptidase IV investigated by molecular dynamics simulations
Q44496112Possible locally driven folding pathways of TC5b, a 20-residue protein
Q38291985Potential DNA binding and nuclease functions of ComEC domains characterized in silico
Q27664233Potential anti-bacterial drug target: structural characterization of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase from Salmonella typhimurium LT2
Q31101722Potential folding-function interrelationship in proteins
Q30355042Potential for assessing quality of protein structure based on contact number prediction.
Q77538018Potential of mean force for protein-protein interaction studies
Q74177429Practical limits of function prediction
Q92806794Pre- and post-docking sampling of conformational changes using ClustENM and HADDOCK for protein-protein and protein-DNA systems
Q35212044Prechemistry versus preorganization in DNA replication fidelity
Q68697902Predicted calmodulin-binding sequence in the gamma subunit of phosphorylase b kinase
Q30388330Predicted residue-residue contacts can help the scoring of 3D models
Q30341638Predicted role for the archease protein family based on structural and sequence analysis of TM1083 and MTH1598, two proteins structurally characterized through structural genomics efforts.
Q72154705Predicted secondary and supersecondary structure for the serine-threonine-specific protein phosphatase family
Q101219690Predicted structural differences of four fertility-related Y-chromosome proteins in Macaca mulatta, M. fascicularis, and their Indochinese hybrids
Q73256232Predicted structure and fold recognition for the glutamyl tRNA reductase family of proteins
Q34975607Predicted structures of agonist and antagonist bound complexes of adenosine A3 receptor
Q46019611Predicted three-dimensional structure of the protease inhibitor domain of the Alzheimer's disease beta-amyloid precursor.
Q41557386Predicting Ca2+‐binding sites using refined carbon clusters
Q30360181Predicting DNA-binding amino acid residues from electrostatic stabilization upon mutation to Asp/Glu and evolutionary conservation.
Q51936758Predicting G-protein coupled receptors-G-protein coupling specificity based on autocross-covariance transform
Q30344115Predicting absolute contact numbers of native protein structure from amino acid sequence.
Q68704284Predicting antibody hypervariable loop conformations. II: Minimization and molecular dynamics studies of MCPC603 from many randomly generated loop conformations
Q38764353Predicting binding modes of reversible peptide-based inhibitors of falcipain-2 consistent with structure-activity relationships.
Q30353913Predicting calcium-binding sites in proteins - a graph theory and geometry approach.
Q103007988Predicting cryptic ligand binding sites based on normal modes guided conformational sampling
Q30359722Predicting disulfide connectivity patterns.
Q35534782Predicting drug resistance of the HIV-1 protease using molecular interaction energy components
Q43872323Predicting enzymatic function from global binding site descriptors
Q51905720Predicting experimental properties of integral membrane proteins by a naive Bayes approach
Q35541836Predicting extreme pKa shifts in staphylococcal nuclease mutants with constant pH molecular dynamics
Q35624629Predicting flexible loop regions that interact with ligands: the challenge of accurate scoring
Q43480874Predicting functional residues in Plasmodium falciparum plasmepsins by combining sequence and structural analysis with molecular dynamics simulations.
Q52261428Predicting helical segments in proteins by a helix-coil transition theory with parameters derived from a structural database of proteins
Q30369612Predicting helix orientation for coiled-coil dimers
Q34379398Predicting human immunodeficiency virus protease cleavage sites in proteins by a discriminant function method
Q44593620Predicting interactions of winged-helix transcription factors with DNA.
Q79210022Predicting interresidue contacts using templates and pathways
Q47422786Predicting intrinsic disorder from amino acid sequence
Q44372128Predicting kinetic constants of protein-protein interactions based on structural properties.
Q30406906Predicting large-scale conformational changes in proteins using energy-weighted normal modes.
Q52372459Predicting molecular interactions and inducible complementarity: fragment docking of Fab-peptide complexes.
Q52046754Predicting novel protein folds by using FRAGFOLD.
Q30409524Predicting nucleic acid binding interfaces from structural models of proteins
Q42985707Predicting order of conformational changes during protein conformational transitions using an interpolated elastic network model
Q47236441Predicting peptide binding to MHC pockets via molecular modeling, implicit solvation, and global optimization
Q52181475Predicting peptides that bind to MHC molecules using supervised learning of hidden Markov models
Q30424729Predicting permanent and transient protein–protein interfaces
Q34491235Predicting protease types by hybridizing gene ontology and pseudo amino acid composition
Q51773361Predicting protein complex geometries with a neural network
Q45949461Predicting protein conformational changes for unbound and homology docking: learning from intrinsic and induced flexibility.
Q33278353Predicting protein domain interactions from coevolution of conserved regions
Q30399245Predicting protein flexibility through the prediction of local structures
Q51645839Predicting protein folding rate change upon point mutation using residue-level coevolutionary information.
Q45169320Predicting protein functional sites with phylogenetic motifs
Q46853504Predicting protein homocysteinylation targets based on dihedral strain energy and pKa of cysteines
Q30366480Predicting protein interaction interfaces from protein sequences: case studies of subtilisin and phycocyanin.
Q51800509Predicting protein pK(a) by environment similarity
Q34266160Predicting protein quaternary structure by pseudo amino acid composition
Q57017390Predicting protein quaternary structure by pseudo amino acid composition
Q51964764Predicting protein secondary structure and solvent accessibility with an improved multiple linear regression method
Q30429645Predicting protein structure using hidden Markov models
Q30323183Predicting protein structure using only sequence information.
Q33712176Predicting protein-DNA interactions by full search computational docking
Q42111437Predicting residue-residue contact maps by a two-layer, integrated neural-network method
Q52306159Predicting solvent accessibility: higher accuracy using Bayesian statistics and optimized residue substitution classes
Q43686780Predicting structural effects in HIV-1 protease mutant complexes with flexible ligand docking and protein side-chain optimization
Q42550838Predicting structurally conserved contacts for homologous proteins using sequence conservation filters
Q42164192Predicting the disulfide bonding state of cysteines using protein descriptors
Q73134800Predicting the equilibrium protein folding pathway: structure-based analysis of staphylococcal nuclease
Q51478939Predicting the functional motions of p97 using symmetric normal modes
Q38612068Predicting the helix-helix interactions from correlated residue mutations.
Q42153432Predicting the order in which contacts are broken during single molecule protein stretching experiments
Q46917629Predicting the redox state and secondary structure of cysteine residues in proteins using NMR chemical shifts
Q30363422Predicting the side-chain dihedral angle distributions of nonpolar, aromatic, and polar amino acids using hard sphere models.
Q31031926Predicting the three-dimensional structure of human P-glycoprotein in absence of ATP by computational techniques embodying crosslinking data: insight into the mechanism of ligand migration and binding sites.
Q30159712Predicting transmembrane beta-barrels and interstrand residue interactions from sequence
Q40175476Predicting transmembrane helix pair configurations with knowledge-based distance-dependent pair potentials
Q52244712Prediction and classification of domain structural classes
Q40921775Prediction and evaluation of side-chain conformations for protein backbone structures
Q51353182Prediction and evolutionary information analysis of protein solvent accessibility using multiple linear regression
Q51905722Prediction and scoring of docking poses with pyDock
Q37629422Prediction and validation of the unexplored RNA-binding protein atlas of the human proteome
Q45964055Prediction of 3D metal binding sites from translated gene sequences based on remote-homology templates.
Q28274221Prediction of CASP6 structures using automated Robetta protocols
Q28264124Prediction of EF-hand calcium-binding proteins and analysis of bacterial EF-hand proteins
Q91460796Prediction of GABARAP interaction with the GABA type A receptor
Q51903854Prediction of RNA binding sites in a protein using SVM and PSSM profile.
Q51609595Prediction of RNA-binding residues in proteins from primary sequence using an enriched random forest model with a novel hybrid feature
Q57979389Prediction of VH-VL domain orientation for antibody variable domain modeling
Q30339066Prediction of alpha-turns in proteins using PSI-BLAST profiles and secondary structure information.
Q42426481Prediction of an HMG-box fold in the C-terminal domain of histone H1: insights into its role in DNA condensation.
Q51980286Prediction of binding modes for ligands in the cytochromes P450 and other heme-containing proteins.
Q51955731Prediction of buried helices in multispan alpha helical membrane proteins
Q51935911Prediction of continuous B-cell epitopes in an antigen using recurrent neural network
Q30330076Prediction of coordination number and relative solvent accessibility in proteins.
Q59351799Prediction of cross-clade HIV-1 T-cell epitopes using immunoinformatics analysis
Q31028185Prediction of deleterious functional effects of amino acid mutations using a library of structure-based function descriptors
Q34272402Prediction of disordered regions in proteins from position specific score matrices
Q51555186Prediction of distant residue contacts with the use of evolutionary information.
Q42668404Prediction of disulfide connectivity from protein sequences
Q90300121Prediction of folding mechanisms for Ig-like beta sandwich proteins based on inter-residue average distance statistics methods
Q47248696Prediction of folding pathway and kinetics among plant hemoglobins using an average distance map method.
Q73025077Prediction of folding rates and transition-state placement from native-state geometry
Q30361364Prediction of folding transition-state position (betaT) of small, two-state proteins from local secondary structure content.
Q30364784Prediction of global and local model quality in CASP7 using Pcons and ProQ.
Q45963615Prediction of global and local model quality in CASP8 using the ModFOLD server.
Q30378304Prediction of global and local quality of CASP8 models by MULTICOM series.
Q43730210Prediction of helix-helix contacts and interacting helices in polytopic membrane proteins using neural networks
Q45946283Prediction of homologous protein structures based on conformational searches and energetics.
Q30387414Prediction of homoprotein and heteroprotein complexes by protein docking and template-based modeling: A CASP-CAPRI experiment
Q46733397Prediction of interaction sites from apo 3D structures when the holo conformation is different
Q33221093Prediction of interface residues in protein-protein complexes by a consensus neural network method: test against NMR data
Q45184365Prediction of interfaces for oligomerizations of G-protein coupled receptors.
Q91821907Prediction of interresidue contacts with DeepMetaPSICOV in CASP13
Q80752693Prediction of kinase-specific phosphorylation sites with sequence features by a log-odds ratio approach
Q30379193Prediction of ligand binding sites using homologous structures and conservation at CASP8.
Q77386247Prediction of loop geometries using a generalized born model of solvation effects
Q52214249Prediction of membrane protein types and subcellular locations
Q30351475Prediction of novel and analogous folds using fragment assembly and fold recognition.
Q51932138Prediction of peptide structure: how far are we?
Q41955954Prediction of phenotypes of missense mutations in human proteins from biological assemblies
Q47664031Prediction of phosphorylation sites based on Krawtchouk image moments
Q28205759Prediction of possible sites for posttranslational modifications in human gamma crystallins: Effect of glycation on the structure of human gamma‐b‐crystallin as analyzed by molecular modeling
Q51980533Prediction of protein B-factor profiles
Q45070147Prediction of protein accessible surface areas by support vector regression
Q54615864Prediction of protein binding regions.
Q33941503Prediction of protein cellular attributes using pseudo-amino acid composition
Q57754185Prediction of protein conformational freedom from distance constraints
Q36584378Prediction of protein domain boundaries from inverse covariances
Q90900989Prediction of protein flexibility using a conformationally restrained contact map
Q46213947Prediction of protein folding class from amino acid composition
Q49265986Prediction of protein interaction sites from sequence profile and residue neighbor list
Q30367309Prediction of protein local structures and folding fragments based on building-block library.
Q51911900Prediction of protein loop geometries in solution
Q30401819Prediction of protein mutation effects based on dehydration and hydrogen bonding - A large-scale study
Q90058547Prediction of protein oligomer structures using GALAXY in CASP13
Q30350134Prediction of protein relative solvent accessibility with a two-stage SVM approach.
Q47236434Prediction of protein relative solvent accessibility with support vector machines and long-range interaction 3D local descriptor
Q52075238Prediction of protein secondary structure at 80% accuracy
Q30362848Prediction of protein secondary structure content for the twilight zone sequences.
Q30352177Prediction of protein secondary structure content using amino acid composition and evolutionary information.
Q45421787Prediction of protein secondary structure from circular dichroism using theoretically derived spectra
Q52941135Prediction of protein secondary structures from conformational biases
Q52070751Prediction of protein signal sequences and their cleavage sites
Q45967137Prediction of protein solvent accessibility using support vector machines.
Q46560080Prediction of protein stability changes for single-site mutations using support vector machines
Q30336225Prediction of protein structure by emphasizing local side-chain/backbone interactions in ensembles of turn fragments
Q30366952Prediction of protein structure from ideal forms.
Q47405976Prediction of protein structure with the coarse-grained UNRES force field assisted by small X-ray scattering data and knowledge-based information
Q30175326Prediction of protein structure: the problem of fold multiplicity
Q28244166Prediction of protein subcellular localization
Q52068724Prediction of protein surface accessibility with information theory.
Q31101728Prediction of protein tertiary structure using PROFESY, a novel method based on fragment assembly and conformational space annealing
Q34017391Prediction of protein-glucose binding sites using support vector machines
Q92331123Prediction of quaternary structure by analysis of hot spot residues in protein-protein interfaces: the case of anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferases
Q38562011Prediction of secondary structural content of proteins from their amino acid composition alone. I. New analytic vector decomposition methods
Q38562009Prediction of secondary structural content of proteins from their amino acid composition alone. II. The paradox with secondary structural class
Q30196217Prediction of secondary structure by evolutionary comparison: application to the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase
Q33268373Prediction of side-chain conformations on protein surfaces
Q41882635Prediction of stability changes upon mutation in an icosahedral capsid
Q47615952Prediction of strand pairing in antiparallel and parallel beta-sheets using information theory
Q44898281Prediction of the bonding states of cysteines using the support vector machines based on multiple feature vectors and cysteine state sequences
Q30351051Prediction of the conformation and geometry of loops in globular proteins: testing ArchDB, a structural classification of loops.
Q39103337Prediction of the conformation of ice-nucleation protein by conformational energy calculation
Q91945139Prediction of the initial folding sites and the entire folding processes for Ig-like beta-sandwich proteins
Q30343006Prediction of the interaction site on the surface of an isolated protein structure by analysis of side chain energy scores.
Q40941083Prediction of the secondary structure of HIV-1 gp120.
Q73871016Prediction of the secondary structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor nontransmembrane regions
Q30193331Prediction of the structure of GroES and its interaction with GroEL.
Q42655710Prediction of the structure of the replication initiator protein DnaA.
Q40551036Prediction of the substrate for nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) adenylation domains by virtual screening
Q30404505Prediction of the tertiary structure of the alpha-subunit of tryptophan synthase
Q46054195Prediction of the three-dimensional structure of human growth hormone
Q52244716Prediction of the three-dimensional structure of proteins using the electrostatic screening model and hierarchic condensation
Q47863720Prediction of the unknown: inspiring experience with the CAPRI experiment
Q30363102Prediction of transition metal-binding sites from apo protein structures.
Q30164057Prediction of transmembrane regions of beta-barrel proteins using ANN- and SVM-based methods.
Q45966232Prediction of transporter family from protein sequence by support vector machine approach.
Q30370580Prediction of turn types in protein structure by machine-learning classifiers.
Q57090483Prediction targets of CASP4
Q36569264Prediction, refinement, and persistency of transmembrane helix dimers in lipid bilayers using implicit and explicit solvent/lipid representations: microsecond molecular dynamics simulations of ErbB1/B2 and EphA1.
Q45965622Prediction-based fingerprints of protein-protein interactions.
Q46120384Predictions of protein flexibility: first-order measures
Q52072059Predictions of protein segments with the same aminoacid sequence and different secondary structure: a benchmark for predictive methods.
Q28212631Predictions without templates: New folds, secondary structure, and contacts in CASP5
Q44252315Predictive crystallization of ribonuclease A via rapid screening of osmotic second virial coefficients
Q45070154Predictive reconstruction of the mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly metabolism. II. Role of glutaredoxin Grx5.
Q47307308Predictive reconstruction of the mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly metabolism: I. The role of the protein pair ferredoxin-ferredoxin reductase (Yah1-Arh1).
Q47601163Predisposition of the dark state of rhodopsin to functional changes in structure
Q30403888Preferred conformational state of the N-terminus section of a bovine growth hormone fragment (residues 96-133) in water is an omega loop
Q102371569Prefusion spike protein stabilization through computational mutagenesis
Q54635852Preliminary X-ray analysis of Escherichia coli GMP synthetase: determination of anomalous scattering factors for a cysteinyl mercury derivative.
Q70121400Preliminary X-ray analysis of crystals of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
Q65559583Preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis ofTritrichomonas foetus inosine-5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase
Q54774139Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of HhaII endonuclease-DNA cocrystals.
Q45785149Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of crystals of tomato aspermy virus (TAV).
Q43444530Preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of crystals of turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV).
Q41881305Preliminary X-ray diffraction studies and biochemical characterization of the antitumor protein mitomalcin indicate close similarity to neocarzinostatin
Q44481189Preliminary crystallographic analysis of an enzyme involved in erythromycin biosynthesis: cytochrome P450eryF.
Q54720639Preliminary crystallographic analysis of class 3 rat liver aldehyde dehydrogenase.
Q58321559Preliminary crystallographic characterization of ricin agglutinin
Q72242673Preparation and characterization of the E168Q site-directed mutant of yeast enolase 1
Q52999918Preparation and crystallization of a cross-linked complex of bovine adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase
Q57008054Preparation and initial characterization of crystals of the photoprotein aequorin from Aequorea victoria
Q46800694Preparation of amino-acid-type selective isotope labeling of protein expressed in Pichia pastoris.
Q51508103PresCont: predicting protein-protein interfaces utilizing four residue properties.
Q39949452Present and future challenges and limitations in protein-protein docking
Q30417671Pressure as a denaturing agent in studies of single-point mutants of an amyloidogenic protein human cystatin c.
Q43676063Pressure effect on denaturant-induced unfolding of hen egg white lysozyme
Q30351842Pressure effect on the stability and the conformational dynamics of the D-Galactose/D-Glucose-binding protein from Escherichia coli.
Q30476118Pressure perturbation calorimetry of apolipoproteins in solution and in model lipoproteins
Q46863955Pressure perturbation calorimetry of helical peptides
Q27649295Pressure-induced changes in the solution structure of the GB1 domain of protein G
Q87442896Pressure-induced conformational switch of an interfacial protein
Q30994627Pressure-induced structural transition of mature HIV-1 protease from a combined NMR/MD simulation approach
Q67488113Primary mutations in calmodulin prevent activation of the Ca+ +‐dependent Na+ channel in Paramecium
Q29614750Primary structure effects on peptide group hydrogen exchange
Q36448475Primary structure of a precursor to the aspartic proteinase from Rhizomucor miehei shows that the enzyme is synthesized as a zymogen
Q57088249Primary structure of the common polypeptide chainb from the multi-hemoglobin system of the hydrothermal vent tube wormRiftia pachyptila: An insight on the sulfide binding-site
Q46497685Primary structure of the reaction center from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides
Q30399169Princeton_TIGRESS 2.0: High refinement consistency and net gains through support vector machines and molecular dynamics in double-blind predictions during the CASP11 experiment
Q30355061Princeton_TIGRESS: protein geometry refinement using simulations and support vector machines.
Q30559566Principal component analysis of chemical shift perturbation data of a multiple-ligand-binding system for elucidation of respective binding mechanism.
Q51639725Principal component and normal mode analysis of proteins; a quantitative comparison using the GroEL subunit
Q57217928Principal eigenvector of contact matrices and hydrophobicity profiles in proteins
Q27731973Principles and pitfalls in designing site-directed peptide ligands
Q28217048Principles of docking: An overview of search algorithms and a guide to scoring functions
Q57808017Principles of docking: An overview of search algorithms and a guide to scoring functions
Q36952164Principles of flexible protein-protein docking
Q33281033Principles of nanostructure design with protein building blocks
Q39855522Prion protein region 23-32 interacts with tubulin and inhibits microtubule assembly
Q36909356Prior knowledge or freedom of interpretation? A critical look at a recently published classification of "novel" Zn binding sites
Q92194951ProDCoNN: Protein design using a convolutional neural network
Q51104952ProDomAs, protein domain assignment algorithm using center-based clustering and independent dominating set.
Q75209210ProVal: a protein-scoring function for the selection of native and near-native folds
Q51927404Probabilistic alignment detects remote homology in a pair of protein sequences without homologous sequence information
Q47430812Probabilistic description of protein alignments for sequences and structures
Q30329264Probabilistic sampling of protein conformations: New hope for brute force?
Q80045488Probe-dependent and nonexponential relaxation kinetics: unreliable signatures of downhill protein folding
Q51050770Probing a continuum of macro-molecular assembly models with graph templates of complexes
Q31161561Probing beta-lactamase structure and function using random replacement mutagenesis
Q46794978Probing electric fields in proteins in solution by NMR spectroscopy
Q46853482Probing electrostatic interactions and ligand binding in aspartyl-tRNA synthetase through site-directed mutagenesis and computer simulations
Q47430898Probing flexibility and "induced-fit" phenomena in aldose reductase by comparative crystal structure analysis and molecular dynamics simulations
Q46899112Probing ligand binding modes of human cytochrome P450 2J2 by homology modeling, molecular dynamics simulation, and flexible molecular docking
Q73393624Probing local environments of tryptophan residues in proteins: comparison of 19F nuclear magnetic resonance results with the intrinsic fluorescence of soluble human tissue factor
Q51080128Probing nascent structures in peptides using natural abundance 13C NMR relaxation and reduced spectral density mapping
Q38848944Probing protease sensitivity of recombinant human erythropoietin reveals α3-α4 inter-helical loop as a stability determinant.
Q48136545Probing subtle conformational changes induced by phosphorylation and point mutations in the TIR domains of TLR2 and TLR3.
Q40957320Probing the activation of protein C by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex using structural analysis, site-directed mutagenesis, and computer modeling
Q30339082Probing the alpha-complementing domain of E. coli beta-galactosidase with use of an insertional pentapeptide mutagenesis strategy based on Mu in vitro DNA transposition.
Q46905577Probing the different chaperone activities of the bacterial HSP70-HSP40 system using a thermolabile luciferase substrate
Q77977309Probing the modelled structure of wheatwin1 by controlled proteolysis and sequence analysis of unfractionated digestion mixtures
Q27765709Probing the potential glycoprotein binding site of sindbis virus capsid protein with dioxane and model building
Q41895535Probing the role of interfacial waters in protein–DNA recognition using a hybrid implicit/explicit solvation model
Q27702639Probing the roles of two tryptophans surrounding the unique zinc coordination site in lipase family I.5
Q38784917Probing the structural dynamics of the CRISPR-Cas9 RNA-guided DNA-cleavage system by coarse-grained modeling
Q38879619Probing the structural dynamics of the SNARE recycling machine based on coarse-grained modeling
Q43947460Probing the structure of the warfarin-binding site on human serum albumin using site-directed mutagenesis
Q73217210Proceedings of the 3rd meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction. Asilomar, December 1998
Q83476427Proceedings of the 4th Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Predicted Interaction (CAPRI), Barcelona, Spain
Q80548333Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction. November 26-30, 2006. Pacific Grove, California, USA
Q28145979Processing and analysis of CASP3 protein structure predictions
Q28218067Processing and evaluation of predictions in CASP4
Q59443871Processing and evaluation of predictions in CASP4
Q39606407Processivity of nucleic acid unwinding and translocation by helicases
Q71671461Production and crystallization of a selenomethionyl variant of UmuD', an Escherichia coli SOS response protein
Q57209021Profile-profile methods provide improved fold-recognition: A study of different profile-profile alignment methods
Q48557743Profiling the array of Ca(v)3.1 variants from the human T-type calcium channel gene CACNA1G: alternative structures, developmental expression, and biophysical variations
Q30350114Progress and challenges in high-resolution refinement of protein structure models.
Q34698989Progress from CASP6 to CASP7.
Q46907040Progress in computation and amide hydrogen exchange for prediction of protein-protein complexes
Q52324562Progress in fold recognition.
Q52046751Progress in predicting inter-residue contacts of proteins with neural networks and correlated mutations.
Q28258457Progress in protein-protein docking: atomic resolution predictions in the CAPRI experiment using RosettaDock with an improved treatment of side-chain flexibility
Q38915827Progress in super long loop prediction.
Q35627466Progress in the prediction of pKa values in proteins
Q56979272Progress in the structural prediction of G protein-coupled receptors: D3 receptor in complex with eticlopride
Q30424386Progress of 1D protein structure prediction at last
Q30351482Progress over the first decade of CASP experiments.
Q44125156Progress toward virtual screening for drug side effects.
Q30164198Progressive combinatorial algorithm for multiple structural alignments: application to distantly related proteins
Q45012035Projection of Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics trajectories onto the normal mode axes: human lysozyme
Q41914753Proline in alpha-helix: stability and conformation studied by dynamics simulation
Q43629656Proline-induced hinges in transmembrane helices: possible roles in ion channel gating
Q30157751Prolylproline unit in model peptides and in fragments from databases
Q51791742Propensity vectors of low-ASA residue pairs in the distinction of protein interactions
Q68704281Properties of a second sensory receptor protein in Halobacterium halobium phototaxis
Q45276526Properties of integral membrane protein structures: derivation of an implicit membrane potential.
Q45229454Properties of polyproline II, a secondary structure element implicated in protein-protein interactions
Q80045491Property-based sequence representations do not adequately encode local protein folding information
Q27641380Proposed amino acid sequence and the 1.63 A X-ray crystal structure of a plant cysteine protease, ervatamin B: some insights into the structural basis of its stability and substrate specificity
Q28293819Proposed structural models of the prothrombinase (FXa-FVa) complex
Q46546900Protease pro region required for folding is a potent inhibitor of the mature enzyme.
Q68236082Proteases of enhanced stability: characterization of a thermostable variant of subtilisin
Q90747077Protein adaptation to high hydrostatic pressure: Computational analysis of the structural proteome
Q81258728Protein classification based on text document classification techniques
Q31139777Protein classification with imbalanced data
Q46068059Protein conformational landscapes: energy minimization and clustering of a long molecular dynamics trajectory
Q45996366Protein conformational transitions coupled to binding in molecular recognition of unstructured proteins: deciphering the effect of intermolecular interactions on computational structure prediction of the p27Kip1 protein bound to the cyclin A-cyclin-
Q51911720Protein conformational transitions explored by mixed elastic network models
Q42621326Protein conformer selection by sequence-dependent packing contacts in crystals of 3-phosphoglycerate kinase
Q45944818Protein contact prediction by integrating deep multiple sequence alignments, coevolution and machine learning.
Q44998310Protein contact prediction using patterns of correlation
Q40741195Protein crystallography for all.
Q53042799Protein cutoff scanning: A comparative analysis of cutoff dependent and cutoff free methods for prospecting contacts in proteins.
Q34436089Protein design on computers. Five new proteins: Shpilka, Grendel, Fingerclasp, Leather, and Aida
Q46827672Protein design simulations suggest that side-chain conformational entropy is not a strong determinant of amino acid environmental preferences
Q52062727Protein docking using a genetic algorithm
Q51151900Protein docking using case-based reasoning
Q52080524Protein docking using spherical polar Fourier correlations
Q45965397Protein docking using surface matching and supervised machine learning.
Q80538483Protein domain annotation with integration of heterogeneous information sources
Q30399247Protein domain assignment from the recurrence of locally similar structures
Q52033388Protein domain identification and improved sequence similarity searching using PSI-BLAST.
Q52256509Protein domain movements: detection of rigid domains and visualization of hinges in comparisons of atomic coordinates
Q45249247Protein domain of unknown function DUF1023 is an alpha/beta hydrolase
Q62654659Protein dynamics analysis reveals that missense mutations in cancer-related genes appear frequently on hinge-neighboring residues
Q79416234Protein dynamics from X-ray crystallography: anisotropic, global motion in diffuse scattering patterns
Q44932771Protein electrostatics and pKa blind predictions; contribution from empirical predictions of internal ionizable residues.
Q38666970Protein features as determinants of wild-type glycoside hydrolase thermostability
Q34440277Protein flexibility and rigidity predicted from sequence
Q84685413Protein flexibility from discrete molecular dynamics simulations using quasi-physical potentials
Q43629667Protein flexibility predictions using graph theory
Q43648923Protein fluorescence quenching by small molecules: protein penetration versus solvent exposure
Q41649019Protein fold analysis of the B30.2-like domain
Q71961398Protein fold recognition and dynamics in the space of contact maps
Q52077268Protein fold recognition by total alignment probability
Q57746713Protein fold recognition score functions: Unusual construction strategies
Q27861091Protein folding and association: insights from the interfacial and thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbons
Q30165171Protein folding in mode space: a collective coordinate approach to structure prediction
Q41690266Protein folding in the landscape perspective: Chevron plots and non-arrhenius kinetics
Q30400486Protein folding kinetics by combined use of rapid mixing techniques and NMR observation of individual amide protons
Q52237311Protein folding mechanisms and the multidimensional folding funnel
Q51647609Protein folding simulation with genetic algorithm and supersecondary structure constraints
Q57135272Protein folding simulation with solvent-induced force field: folding pathway ensemble of three-helix-bundle proteins
Q30329263Protein folding: Looping from hydrophobic nuclei
Q41034558Protein folding: predicting predicting
Q74252605Protein folds from pair interactions: A blind test in fold recognition
Q78955240Protein fragment clustering and canonical local shapes
Q42414721Protein function annotation by local binding site surface similarity
Q53679864Protein heat capacity reflects the dynamics of enthalpy exchange between the single macromolecule and the surroundings
Q30363180Protein homology detection and fold inference through multiple alignment entropy profiles.
Q84801600Protein homomers in point‐group assembly: Symmetry making and breaking are specific and distinctive in their codes of chemical alphabet in side chains
Q68697925Protein hydrophobicity: is it the sum of its parts?
Q46794973Protein kinase C isozymes and their selectivity towards ruboxistaurin
Q46129960Protein kinase resource: an integrated environment for phosphorylation research
Q78955236Protein local structure prediction from sequence
Q34097299Protein loop closure using orientational restraints from NMR data
Q34292837Protein loop modeling by using fragment assembly and analytical loop closure
Q51568651Protein loop selection using orientation-dependent force fields derived by parameter optimization
Q30351615Protein loop structure prediction with flexible stem geometries.
Q99401364Protein loops with multiple meta-stable conformations: a challenge for sampling and scoring methods
Q38091029Protein misfolding in the late-onset neurodegenerative diseases: common themes and the unique case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Q90919878Protein model discrimination attempts using mutational sensitivity, predicted secondary structure, and model quality information
Q33305650Protein model quality assessment prediction by combining fragment comparisons and a consensus C(alpha) contact potential
Q52281057Protein modeling by multiple sequence threading and distance geometry.
Q35450334Protein models docking benchmark 2.
Q37129861Protein models: the Grand Challenge of protein docking
Q57134681Protein molecular dynamics with electrostatic force entirely determined by a single Poisson-Boltzmann calculation
Q57077682Protein molecular dynamics with the generalized born/ACE solvent model
Q43030167Protein rigidity and thermophilic adaptation
Q37937535Protein secondary structure and circular dichroism: a practical guide
Q47715236Protein secondary structure assignment through Voronoï tessellation
Q81547710Protein secondary structure prediction with dihedral angles
Q74054779Protein sequence threading: Averaging over structures
Q35947259Protein side chain conformation predictions with an MMGBSA energy function
Q30360147Protein side-chain modeling with a protein-dependent optimized rotamer library.
Q44252308Protein side-chain rearrangement in regions of point mutations
Q30339081Protein simple sequence conservation.
Q28236405Protein simulations using techniques suitable for very large systems: the cell multipole method for nonbond interactions and the Newton-Euler inverse mass operator method for internal coordinate dynamics
Q28818852Protein social behavior makes a stronger signal for partner identification than surface geometry
Q68566676Protein stability and electrostatic interactions between solvent exposed charged side chains
Q30407525Protein stability and in vivo concentration of missense mutations in phenylalanine hydroxylase.
Q72416539Protein stability parameters measured by hydrogen exchange
Q50517955Protein strain in blue copper proteins studied by free energy perturbations
Q73379973Protein structural alignments and functional genomics
Q57065004Protein structural domains: Analysis of the 3Dee domains database
Q57065016Protein structural domains: Analysis of the 3Dee domains database
Q30326372Protein structure alignment using a genetic algorithm.
Q30425192Protein structure and the sequential structure of mRNA: alpha-helix and beta-sheet signals at the nucleotide level
Q30327109Protein structure comparison using the markov transition model of evolution.
Q30380138Protein structure determination by conformational space annealing using NMR geometric restraints.
Q30365837Protein structure mining using a structural alphabet.
Q47916176Protein structure model refinement in CASP12 using short and long molecular dynamics simulations in implicit solvent
Q47380009Protein structure modeling and refinement by global optimization in CASP12.
Q30353045Protein structure modeling for CASP10 by multiple layers of global optimization.
Q30319684Protein structure modeling indicates hexahistidine-tag interference with enzyme activity
Q90653346Protein structure prediction assisted with sparse NMR data in CASP13
Q30383511Protein structure prediction begins well but ends badly.
Q30424389Protein structure prediction by threading methods: evaluation of current techniques
Q30380286Protein structure prediction center in CASP8.
Q30426891Protein structure prediction force fields: parametrization with quasi-newtonian dynamics
Q30351472Protein structure prediction in CASP6 using CHIMERA and FAMS.
Q79209995Protein structure prediction of CASP5 comparative modeling and fold recognition targets using consensus alignment approach and 3D assessment
Q47756295Protein structure prediction using Rosetta in CASP12.
Q30329570Protein structure prediction using a combination of sequence-based alignment, constrained energy minimization, and structural alignment.
Q30401241Protein structure prediction using a docking-based hierarchical folding scheme
Q30351470Protein structure prediction using a variety of profile libraries and 3D verification.
Q90646320Protein structure prediction using multiple deep neural networks in the 13th Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction (CASP13)
Q30378826Protein structure prediction using residue- and fragment-environment potentials in CASP11.
Q91778709Protein structure prediction using sparse NOE and RDC restraints with Rosetta in CASP13
Q38629307Protein structure prediction: making AWSEM AWSEM-ER by adding evolutionary restraints
Q30375937Protein structure refinement by optimization.
Q30377414Protein structure refinement via molecular-dynamics simulations: What works and what does not?
Q30379991Protein structure refinement with adaptively restrained homologous replicas.
Q93092064Protein tertiary structure modeling driven by deep learning and contact distance prediction in CASP13
Q52220825Protein tertiary structure prediction using a branch and bound algorithm
Q30367570Protein thermal stabilization by charged compatible solutes: Computational studies in rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas.
Q52077270Protein threading using PROSPECT: design and evaluation
Q30356324Protein under pressure: molecular dynamics simulation of the arc repressor.
Q51639175Protein unfolding at interfaces: slow dynamics of alpha-helix to beta-sheet transition
Q28258488Protein-Protein Docking Benchmark 2.0: an update
Q79522519Protein-RNA contacts at crystal packing surfaces
Q79448967Protein-RNA interactions: structural analysis and functional classes
Q44242205Protein-based virtual screening of chemical databases. II. Are homology models of G-Protein Coupled Receptors suitable targets?
Q30380928Protein-binding site prediction based on three-dimensional protein modeling.
Q68763748Protein-drug interactions: characterization of inhibitor binding in complexes of DHFR with trimethoprim and related derivatives
Q43558037Protein-flavonol interaction: fluorescence spectroscopic study
Q30383790Protein-fold recognition using an improved single-source K diverse shortest paths algorithm.
Q51626047Protein-inhibitor flexible docking by a multicanonical sampling: native complex structure with the lowest free energy and a free-energy barrier distinguishing the native complex from the others
Q36544700Protein-ligand docking: current status and future challenges
Q46668372Protein-nucleic acid recognition: statistical analysis of atomic interactions and influence of DNA structure
Q39245081Protein-protein and peptide-protein docking and refinement using ATTRACT in CAPRI.
Q50882321Protein-protein association rates captured in a single geometric parameter
Q57976304Protein-protein binding is often associated with changes in protonation state
Q41891375Protein-protein docking benchmark version 3.0.
Q51897092Protein-protein docking by simulating the process of association subject to biochemical constraints
Q50919250Protein-protein docking in CAPRI using ATTRACT to account for global and local flexibility
Q57814824Protein-protein docking of electron transfer complexes: Cytochromecoxidase and cytochromec
Q28208464Protein-protein docking predictions for the CAPRI experiment
Q33217994Protein-protein docking using 3D-Dock in rounds 3, 4, and 5 of CAPRI.
Q51665410Protein-protein docking with binding site patch prediction and network-based terms enhanced combinatorial scoring.
Q51906617Protein-protein docking: progress in CAPRI rounds 6-12 using a combination of methods: the introduction of steered solvated molecular dynamics
Q71374340Protein-protein interaction at crystal contacts
Q38498009Protein-protein interaction network-based detection of functionally similar proteins within species
Q45935765Protein-protein interactions at an enzyme-substrate interface: characterization of transient reaction intermediates throughout a full catalytic cycle of Escherichia coli thioredoxin reductase.
Q83216415Protein-protein interactions in actin-myosin binding and structural effects of R405Q mutation: a molecular dynamics study
Q63979795Protein-protein interactions: Analysis of a false positive GST pulldown result
Q47619897Protein-protein interfaces: analysis of amino acid conservation in homodimers
Q52465000Protein-protein recognition analyzed by docking simulation
Q51924434Protein-protein recognition and interaction hot spots in an antigen-antibody complex: free energy decomposition identifies "efficient amino acids".
Q52224060Protein-protein recognition: exploring the energy funnels near the binding sites
Q30388852Protein-protein structure prediction by scoring molecular dynamics trajectories of putative poses.
Q34437618Protein-spanning water networks and implications for prediction of protein-protein interactions mediated through hydrophobic effects
Q80559801Protein-thiol substitution or protein dethiolation by thiol/disulfide exchange reactions: the albumin model
Q47596418Protein-water interactions in ribonuclease A and angiogenin: a molecular dynamics study
Q38188308Proteins and peptides in water-restricted environments
Q47603412Proteins of the same fold and unrelated sequences have similar amino acid composition
Q42093255Protein–protein docking benchmark version 4.0
Q57814814Protein–protein docking of electron transfer complexes: Cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome c
Q80448968Proteochemometric analysis of small cyclic peptides' interaction with wild-type and chimeric melanocortin receptors
Q51920356Proteochemometric modeling reveals the interaction site for Trp9 modified alpha-MSH peptides in melanocortin receptors
Q74419065Proteolysis as a probe of thermal unfolding of cytochrome C
Q70388086Proteolytic dissection of a hapten binding site
Q52003359Proteomic signatures: amino acid and oligopeptide compositions differentiate among phyla
Q47622317ProtoMap: automatic classification of protein sequences, a hierarchy of protein families, and local maps of the protein space
Q43676091Protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase: a homology model examined by site-directed mutagenesis
Q51918183Proton pathways and H+/Cl- stoichiometry in bacterial chloride transporters
Q81230775Proton pathways in a [NiFe]-hydrogenase: A theoretical study
Q90612993Proton relay network in P450cam formed upon docking of putidaredoxin
Q46655444Proton transfer in a Thr200His mutant of human carbonic anhydrase II.
Q41815761Protonate3D: assignment of ionization states and hydrogen coordinates to macromolecular structures
Q80595829Protonation state and substrate binding to B2 metallo-beta-lactamase CphA from Aeromonas hydrofila
Q90564487Protonation state of the selectivity filter of bacterial voltage-gated sodium channels is modulated by ions
Q40696079Protonation states of active-site lysines of penicillin-binding protein 6 from Escherichia coli and the mechanistic implications.
Q54434623Protonless 13C direct detection NMR: characterization of the 37 kDa trimeric protein CutA1.
Q42253991Prots: A fragment based protein thermo‐stability potential
Q33460006PseqIP: a nonredundant and exhaustive protein sequence data bank generated from 4 major existing collections
Q52256499Pseudocontact shifts as constraints for energy minimization and molecular dynamics calculations on solution structures of paramagnetic metalloproteins
Q80168581Pump-probe molecular dynamics as a tool for studying protein motion and long range coupling
Q73428010Purification and crystallization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa chloramphenicol acetyltransferase
Q41170735Purification and crystallization of a complex between human interferon gamma receptor (extracellular domain) and human interferon gamma
Q54613001Purification and crystallization of a schistosomal glutathione S-transferase.
Q52441418Purification and crystallization of insecticidal delta-endotoxin CryIIIB2 from Bacillus thuringiensis
Q44260172Purification and preliminary crystallographic studies on the sporulation response regulatory phosphotransferase protein, Spo0B, from Bacillus subtilis
Q104111707Purification, characterization and crystal structure of YhdA-type azoreductase from Bacillus velezensis
Q70980749Purification, characterization, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray results from Paracoccus denitrificans porin
Q71374372Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray analysis of Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase
Q54602213Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray analysis of PepX, an X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase from Lactococcus lactis.
Q50144420Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray diffraction analyses of the bacterial chemotaxis receptor modifying enzymes.
Q38298248Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of even-skipped homeodomain complexed to DNA.
Q45990770Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray studies of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from Clostridia acidici-urici.
Q38322022Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray studies on the rhizome lectin from stinging nettle and its complex with NN'N"-triacetylchitotriose
Q30468986Purification, crystallization, and preliminary crystallographic analysis of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase from Escherichia coli
Q71660312Purification, crystallization, and preliminary x-ray diffraction studies of tRNA-guanine transglycosylase from Zymomonas mobilis
Q36849665Purification, crystallization, and preliminary x-ray studies of a bifunctional 5,10-methenyl/methylene-tetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase/dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli
Q54589429Purification, stabilization, and crystallization of a modular protein: Grb2.
Q45029743Purine salvage in Methanocaldococcus jannaschii: Elucidating the role of a conserved cysteine in adenine deaminase
Q44607630Putative cholesterol-binding sites in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coreceptors CXCR4 and CCR5.
Q92445268Putative structural rearrangements associated with the interaction of macrocyclic inhibitors with norovirus 3CL protease
Q34316219Pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase (Pcp): an enzyme that removes pyroglutamic acid (pGlu) from pGlu-peptides and pGlu-proteins
Q30353222QBES: predicting real values of solvent accessibility from sequences by efficient, constrained energy optimization.
Q42739061QM/MM linear response method distinguishes ligand affinities for closely related metalloproteins
Q46500571QM/MM modeling the Ras-GAP catalyzed hydrolysis of guanosine triphosphate.
Q51134217QM/MM studies on the calcium-assisted β-elimination mechanism of pectate lyase from bacillus subtilis
Q43818080QM/MM study of the C-C coupling reaction mechanism of CYP121, an essential cytochrome p450 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Q30365138QMEAN: A comprehensive scoring function for model quality assessment.
Q30665587QSAR: hydropathic analysis of inhibitors of the p53-mdm2 interaction
Q33888045QSD quadratic shape descriptors. 2. Molecular docking using quadratic shape descriptors (QSDock).
Q30350531Quantifying allosteric effects in proteins.
Q71671449Quantifying biological specificity: the statistical mechanics of molecular recognition
Q47296179Quantifying the effect of burial of amino acid residues on protein stability
Q51784692Quantifying the evolutionary divergence of protein structures: the role of function change and function conservation.
Q34664245Quantifying the relationship of protein burying depth and sequence
Q47771215Quantitative analysis and prediction of curvature in leucine-rich repeat proteins
Q52070052Quantitative comparison of the ability of hydropathy scales to recognize surface beta-strands in proteins
Q41489269Quantitative delineation of how breathing motions open ligand migration channels in myoglobin and its mutants
Q30367568Quantitative expression of protein heterogeneity: Response of amino acid side chains to their local environment.
Q47174762Quantitative modeling of peptide binding to TAP using support vector machine
Q68878435Quantitative organization of the known protein x-ray structures. I. Methods and short-length-scale results
Q46251096Quantitative structure activity relationship of IA3-like peptides as aspartic proteinase inhibitors
Q55120704Quantitative use of chemical shifts for the modeling of protein complexes
Q46661986Quantum computational analysis for drug resistance of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase to nevirapine through point mutations
Q80389895Quantum descriptors for biological macromolecules from linear-scaling electronic structure methods
Q38939533Quantum mechanical electronic structure calculation reveals orientation dependence of hydrogen bond energy in proteins
Q54623263Quantum mechanical model assembly study on the energetics of binding of arabinose, fucose, and galactose to L-arabinose-binding protein.
Q30328502Quantum mechanics simulation of protein dynamics on long timescale.
Q46403165Quantum study of mutational effect in binding of efavirenz to HIV-1 RT.
Q84789809Quasi-harmonic fluctuations of two bound peptides
Q46159941Quaternary structure effects on the hexacoordination equilibrium in rice hemoglobin rHb1: insights from molecular dynamics simulations
Q45554919Quaternary structure is critical for protein display on capsid-like particles (CLPs): efficient generation of hepatitis B virus CLPs presenting monomeric but not dimeric and tetrameric fluorescent proteins.
Q99633251Quaternary variations in the structural assembly of N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase from Pasteurella multocida
Q30402478Quaternion-based definition of protein secondary structure straightness and its relationship to Ramachandran angles
Q50797771R248Q mutation--Beyond p53-DNA binding.
Q50660564RBRDetector: improved prediction of binding residues on RNA-binding protein structures using complementary feature- and template-based strategies
Q41110819RBRIdent: An algorithm for improved identification of RNA-binding residues in proteins from primary sequences
Q53536105RCC1-like repeat proteins: a pangenomic, structurally diverse new superfamily of beta-propeller domains
Q79210081RDOCK: Refinement of rigid‐body protein docking predictions
Q29614749RECOORD: a recalculated coordinate database of 500+ proteins from the PDB using restraints from the BioMagResBank
Q30375449REMO: A new protocol to refine full atomic protein models from C-alpha traces by optimizing hydrogen-bonding networks
Q46937892RIP death domain structural interactions implicated in TNF-mediated proliferation and survival
Q30323115RMS/coverage graphs: a qualitative method for comparing three-dimensional protein structure predictions.
Q90771209RMSD analysis of structures of the bacterial protein FimH identifies five conformations of its lectin domain
Q30552721RNA polymerase II flexibility during translocation from normal mode analysis
Q51933455ROSETTALIGAND: protein-small molecule docking with full side-chain flexibility
Q57902423Rab7: NMR and kinetics analysis of intact and C-terminal truncated constructs
Q73134811Rab7: crystallization of intact and C-terminal truncated constructs complexed with GDP and GppNHp
Q88512044Radiation chemists look at damage in redox proteins induced by X-rays
Q90984014Ramachandran maps for side chains in globular proteins
Q129830448Random, de novo, and conserved proteins: How structure and disorder predictors perform differently
Q51149982Rank information: a structure-independent measure of evolutionary trace quality that improves identification of protein functional sites
Q41666440Ranking ligand binding affinities with avidin: a molecular dynamics-based interaction energy study
Q51050723Ranking multiple docking solutions based on the conservation of inter‐residue contacts
Q30365830Ranking predicted protein structures with support vector regression.
Q60761692Ranking the factors that contribute to protein β-sheet folding
Q90297006Rapid and accurate structure-based therapeutic peptide design using GPU accelerated thermodynamic integration
Q51975402Rapid assessment of contact-dependent secondary structure propensity: relevance to amyloidogenic sequences
Q52074687Rapid automatic detection and alignment of repeats in protein sequences
Q31119238Rapid calculation of the solution scattering profile from a macromolecule of known structure
Q36952014Rapid comparison of properties on protein surface
Q44784463Rapid protein-ligand docking using soft modes from molecular dynamics simulations to account for protein deformability: binding of FK506 to FKBP.
Q24633589Raptorx: Exploiting structure information for protein alignment by statistical inference
Q54737044Ras interaction with the GTPase-activating protein (GAP).
Q42159713Rate of beta-structure formation in polypeptides
Q47972577Ratio of ellipticities between 192 and 208 nm (R1 ): An effective electronic circular dichroism parameter for characterization of the helical components of proteins and peptides.
Q30157141Rational design of amyloid beta peptide-binding proteins: pseudo-Abeta beta-sheet surface presented in green fluorescent protein binds tightly and preferentially to structured Abeta
Q27649614Rational design of peptides active against the gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus
Q45159356Rational discovery of a novel interface for a coactivator in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma: theoretical implications of impairment in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Q34669702Rational genomics I: antisense open reading frames and codon bias in short-chain oxido reductase enzymes and the evolution of the genetic code
Q44667171Rational proteomics I. Fingerprint identification and cofactor specificity in the short-chain oxidoreductase (SCOR) enzyme family.
Q41891997Rational proteomics II: electrostatic nature of cofactor preference in the short-chain oxidoreductase (SCOR) enzyme family
Q27665808Re-engineering specificity in 1,3-1, 4-β-glucanase to accept branched xyloglucan substrates
Q44496092Re: Watts et al. Proteins 2002;48:161-168.
Q44496103Reaction mechanism of caspases: insights from QM/MM Car-Parrinello simulations.
Q42681280Reaction path and free energy calculations of the transition between alternate conformations of HIV-1 protease
Q39673538Reactivation of mutant p53: Constraints on mechanism highlighted by principal component analysis of the DNA binding domain
Q27765265Reactivation of the totally inactive pancreatic lipase RP1 by structure-predicted point mutations
Q58882356Reading the three-dimensional structure of lattice model-designed proteins from their amino acid sequence
Q52022851Real value prediction of solvent accessibility from amino acid sequence
Q51966304Real value prediction of solvent accessibility in proteins using multiple sequence alignment and secondary structure.
Q51918600Real-SPINE: an integrated system of neural networks for real-value prediction of protein structural properties
Q34436712Real-time ligand binding pocket database search using local surface descriptors
Q30367302Real-value prediction of backbone torsion angles.
Q39263823Rebuilding a macromolecular membrane complex at the atomic scale: case of the Kir6.2 potassium channel coupled to the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2.
Q47643233Rebuilding flavodoxin from C alpha coordinates: a test study
Q44165209Rebuilt 3D structure of the chloroplast f1 ATPase-tentoxin complex.
Q70500337Recent Developments in Deep Learning Applied to Protein Structure Prediction
Q45172695Receptor rigidity and ligand mobility in trypsin-ligand complexes
Q27621689Receptor-binding conformation of the "ELR" motif of IL-8: X-ray structure of the L5C/H33C variant at 2.35 A resolution
Q62153412Receptor-specific scoring functions derived from quantum chemical models improve affinity estimates for in-silico drug discovery
Q52072064Receptors coupling to G proteins: is there a signal behind the sequence?
Q44542011Reciprocal control of retinal rod cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase by its gamma subunit and transducin
Q73594366Recognition and architecture of the framework structure of protein
Q74464021Recognition and interaction of small rings with the ricin A-chain binding site
Q54341270Recognition between a short unstructured peptide and a partially folded fragment leads to the thioredoxin fold sharing native-like dynamics
Q79992401Recognition of Cdk2 by Cdk7
Q38774504Recognition of HIV-inactivating peptide triazoles by the recombinant soluble Env trimer, BG505 SOSIP.664.
Q98295347Recognition of LD motifs by the Focal Adhesion Targeting Domains of FAK and PYK2: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Q41675248Recognition of a protein fold in the context of the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) classification
Q47715209Recognition of coarse-grained protein tertiary structure
Q72200793Recognition of distantly related proteins through energy calculations
Q28249658Recognition of errors in three-dimensional structures of proteins
Q47625148Recognition of native structure from complete enumeration of low-resolution models with constraints
Q27765264Recognition of single-stranded DNA by nuclease P1: High resolution crystal structures of complexes with substrate analogs
Q34676752Recognition of β-calcineurin by the domains of calmodulin: thermodynamic and structural evidence for distinct roles
Q51975052Recognizing protein folds by cluster distance geometry
Q52210953Recognizing very distant sequence relationships among proteins by family profile analysis
Q45930668Recombinant HIV1 protease secreted by Saccharomyces cerevisiae correctly processes myristylated gag polyprotein.
Q45156863Recombinant antineuraminidase single chain antibody: expression, characterization, and crystallization in complex with antigen.
Q46941745Reconciling the "old" and "new" views of protein allostery: a molecular simulation study of chemotaxis Y protein (CheY).
Q30757788Recovering the true targets of specific ligands by virtual screening of the protein data bank
Q52047756Recurrence quantification analysis reveals interaction partners in paramyxoviridae envelope glycoproteins
Q30195432Recurrent alpha beta loop structures in TIM barrel motifs show a distinct pattern of conserved structural features.
Q52076418Recurrent oligomers in proteins: an optimal scheme reconciling accurate and concise backbone representations in automated folding and design studies
Q30995758Redesigning the DNA-binding specificity of a zinc finger protein: a data base-guided approach
Q40780634Redesigning the hydrophobic core of a model beta-sheet protein: destabilizing traps through a threading approach
Q38931111Redesigning the stereospecificity of tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
Q50452689Redesigning the type II' β-turn in green fluorescent protein to type I': implications for folding kinetics and stability.
Q34634076Redox properties and evolution of human glutaredoxins
Q30371317Reduced alphabet for protein folding prediction.
Q46969641Reducing CDK4/6-p16(INK4a) interface. Computational alanine scanning of a peptide bound to CDK6 protein.
Q27618179Refined crystal structure (2.3 A) of a double-headed winged bean alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitor and location of its second reactive site
Q27734159Refined crystal structure and mutagenesis of human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
Q27619399Refined solution structure of the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of human immunovirus-1 integrase
Q30427772Refined solution structure of the anti-mammal and anti-insect LqqIII scorpion toxin: Comparison with other scorpion toxins
Q90179671Refined structure of BeM9 reveals arginine hand, an overlooked structural motif in scorpion toxins affecting sodium channels
Q70726283Refined structure of bovine carbonic anhydrase III at 2.0 A resolution
Q27728532Refined structure of human carbonic anhydrase II at 2.0 A resolution
Q43776861Refined structure of melittin bound to perdeuterated dodecylphosphocholine micelles as studied by 2D-NMR and distance geometry calculation
Q27733724Refined structures of bobwhite quail lysozyme uncomplexed and complexed with the HyHEL-5 Fab fragment
Q35848801Refinement by shifting secondary structure elements improves sequence alignments
Q40925024Refinement of 3D models of horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme C: predictions of 2D NMR assignments and substrate binding sites
Q42615724Refinement of NMR-determined protein structures with database derived mean-force potentials
Q30979462Refinement of X-ray data on dual cosubstrate specificity of CK2 kinase by free energy calculations based on molecular dynamics simulation
Q43194436Refinement of noncalorimetric determination of the change in heat capacity, DeltaC(p), of protein unfolding and validation across a wide temperature range
Q98165873Refinement of pairwise potentials via logistic regression to score protein-protein interactions
Q30415550Refinement of protein structure homology models via long, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations
Q27860639Refinement of protein structures in explicit solvent
Q47580210Refinement of protein termini in template-based modeling using conformational space annealing
Q58106950Refinement of protein-protein complexes in contact map space with metadynamics simulations
Q27664884Refinement of the NMR structures for acyl carrier protein with scalar coupling data
Q57013562Refinement of unbound protein docking studies using biological knowledge
Q30415183Refinement of unreliable local regions in template-based protein models
Q42582708Refining homology models by combining replica-exchange molecular dynamics and statistical potentials
Q30374452Refining near-native protein-protein docking decoys by local resampling and energy minimization
Q40656802Refining structural and functional predictions for secretasome components by comparative sequence analysis
Q40359573Refining the treatment of membrane proteins by coarse-grained models
Q36885864Refolding simulations of an isolated fragment of barnase into a native-like β hairpin: Evidence for compactness and hydrogen bonding as concurrent stabilizing factors
Q46668125Region-specific role of water in collagen unwinding and assembly
Q30380933Regional covariation and its application for predicting protein contact patches.
Q44379439Registering alpha-helices and beta-strands using backbone C-H...O interactions
Q35531137Regulation of oxygen affinity by quaternary enhancement: does hemoglobin Ypsilanti represent an allosteric intermediate?
Q44109422Regulatory mechanism of the light-activable allosteric switch LOV-TAP for the control of DNA binding: a computer simulation study.
Q84597811Relation between flexibility and positively selected HIV-1 protease mutants against inhibitors
Q45804029Relation between pH, structure, and absorption spectrum of Cerulean: a study by molecular dynamics and TD DFT calculations.
Q47406551Relationship between chaperone activity and oligomeric size of recombinant human alphaA- and alphaB-crystallin: a tryptic digestion study
Q57753048Relationship between energy distribution and fold stability: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations of native and mutant proteins
Q62898923Relationship between enzyme activity and dimeric structure of recombinant HIV-1 reverse transcriptase
Q45143295Relationship between local structural entropy and protein thermostability
Q30343973Relationship between multiple sequence alignments and quality of protein comparative models.
Q30333351Relationship between protein structures and disulfide-bonding patterns.
Q44898278Relationships between amino acid sequence and backbone torsion angle preferences.
Q43026125Relationships between functional subclasses and information contained in active-site and ligand-binding residues in diverse superfamilies
Q30430531Relationships between protein sequence and structure patterns based on residue contacts
Q57133963Relative free energy of binding and binding mode calculations of HIV-1 RT inhibitors based on dock-MM-PB/GS
Q44566278Relative stability of protein structures determined by X-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy: a molecular dynamics simulation study
Q33263222Relative tolerance of mesostable and thermostable protein homologs to extensive mutation
Q33380655Relaxation data in NMR structure determination: model calculations for the lysozyme-Gd3+ complex
Q30399241Remeasuring HEWL pK(a) values by NMR spectroscopy: methods, analysis, accuracy, and implications for theoretical pK(a) calculations
Q48882047Remembering Cy Levinthal
Q80594695Remote homolog detection using local sequence-structure correlations
Q51898573Remote homology detection of integral membrane proteins using conserved sequence features
Q42621333Reorganization in apo- and holo-beta-lactoglobulin upon protonation of Glu89: molecular dynamics and pKa calculations
Q31086772Repacking of hydrophobic residues in a stable mutant of apocytochrome b562 selected by phage-display and proteolysis
Q46264300Repair of impurity-poisoned protein crystal surfaces
Q43565759Replacement of thrombin residue G184 with Lys or Arg fails to mimic Na+ binding
Q51670405ReplicOpter: a replicate optimizer for flexible docking.
Q46552313Replica exchange molecular dynamics simulation of cross-fibrillation of IAPP and PrP106-126.
Q73870991Report on the 1997 Johns Hopkins protein folding meeting
Q30409446Representing and comparing protein folds and fold families using three-dimensional shape-density representations.
Q36828221Requirements for perpendicular helix pairing
Q48215772Rescore protein-protein docked ensembles with an interface contact statistics.
Q31122954Residual structure in disordered peptides and unfolded proteins from multivariate analysis and ab initio simulation of Raman optical activity data
Q97591127Residue Interaction Dynamics in Vaucheria Aureochrome1 LOV: Bridging Theory and Experiments
Q81489833Residue conservation in viral capsid assembly
Q52066467Residue frequencies and pairing preferences at protein-protein interfaces
Q48228790Residue packing in globular and intrinsically disordered proteins
Q90299990Residue-level determinants of angiopoietin-2 interactions with its receptor Tie2
Q81922252Residue-wise conformational stability of DLC8 dimer from native-state hydrogen exchange
Q42079214Resolution-adapted recombination of structural features significantly improves sampling in restraint-guided structure calculation
Q30400313Resolving protein structure-function-binding site relationships from a binding site similarity network perspective.
Q73798394Response to "a fast and simple method to calculate protonation states in proteins"
Q50888768Restricted mobility of side chains on concave surfaces of solenoid proteins may impart heightened potential for intermolecular interactions
Q63391811Retracted: Crystal structure of a Baeyer-Villiger flavin-containing monooxygenase from Staphylococcus aureus MRSA strain MU50
Q63391828Retracted: Site-specific recombination of nitrogen-fixation genes in cyanobacteria by XisF-XisH-XisI complex: Structures and models
Q27684940Retraction: Crystal structure of a Baeyer-Villiger flavin-containing monooxygenase from Staphylococcus aureus MRSA strain MU50, William C. Hwang, Qingping Xu, Bainan Wu, Adam Godzik
Q84764405Retraction: Open and closed conformations reveal induced fit movements in butyrate kinase 2 activation. J. Diao, Y. D. Ma, and M. S. Hasson
Q27694941Retraction: Site‐specific recombination of nitrogen‐fixation genes in cyanobacteria by XisF–XisH–XisI complex: Structures and models, William C. Hwang, James W. Golden, Jaime Pascual, Dong Xu, Anton Cheltsov, Adam Godzik
Q81699466Reversal of some viral IL-6 electrostatic properties compared to IL-6 contributes to a loss of alpha receptor component recruitment
Q93069215Reversible control of enzyme-inhibitor interactions with light illumination using a photoresponsive surfactant
Q27636882Reversible substrate-induced domain motions in ribonuclease A
Q50668645Review of the fifth annual Johns Hopkins Protein Folding Meeting
Q33689031Review of the fourth Johns Hopkins protein folding meeting
Q50691129Review of the sixth Annual Johns Hopkins Folding Meeting
Q27676233Revised 2.3 A structure of porcine pepsin: evidence for a flexible subdomain
Q42750175Revisiting gap locations in amino acid sequence alignments and a proposal for a method to improve them by introducing solvent accessibility
Q43825549Revisiting the structural flexibility of the complex p21(ras)-GTP: the catalytic conformation of the molecular switch II.
Q46167124Rhesus macaque: a tight homodimeric CD8alphaalpha
Q60639614RhoB can adopt a Mg2+free conformation prior to GEF binding
Q45244947Ribosome-inhibiting proteins, retroviral reverse transcriptases, and RNase H share common structural elements
Q38350098Ricin A-chain structural determinant for binding substrate analogues: a molecular dynamics simulation analysis
Q45940899Right- and left-handed three-helix proteins. II. Similarity and differences in mechanical unfolding of proteins
Q45820715Right‐ and left‐handed three‐helix proteins. I. Experimental and simulation analysis of differences in folding and structure
Q42643258Rigid body essential X-ray crystallography: distinguishing the bend and twist of glutamate receptor ligand binding domains
Q46985984Rigid domains in proteins: an algorithmic approach to their identification
Q52386621Rigid-body docking with mutant constraints of influenza hemagglutinin with antibody HC19.
Q43286522RigidFinder: a fast and sensitive method to detect rigid blocks in large macromolecular complexes
Q90737631Rigidity and flexibility characteristics of DD[E/D]-transposases Mos1 and Sleeping Beauty
Q51134435Rigidity loss of protein macromolecule induced by force--effective field theory
Q47966241Rigid‐body motions of interacting proteins dominate multispecific binding of ubiquitin in a shape‐dependent manner
Q50850517Rings and ribbons in protein structures: Characterization using helical parameters and Ramachandran plots for repeating dipeptides.
Q45936094Robustness and generalization of structure-based models for protein folding and function.
Q47711974Role of AP-endonuclease (Ape1) active site residues in stabilization of the reactant enzyme-DNA complex
Q44125130Role of C-terminal region of Staphylococcal nuclease for foldability, stability, and activity
Q74460966Role of Ca(2+) for the mechanical properties of fibrillin
Q38795554Role of N-glycosylation in EGFR ectodomain ligand binding
Q51602379Role of W181 in modulating kinetic properties of Plasmodium falciparum hypoxanthine guanine xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase.
Q53401736Role of active-site residues Tyr55 and Tyr114 in catalysis and substrate specificity of Corynebacterium diphtheriae C-S lyase
Q83264889Role of amino acid hydrophobicity, aromaticity, and molecular volume on IAPP(20-29) amyloid self-assembly
Q27635356Role of amino acid residues in left-handed helical conformation for the conformational stability of a protein
Q36866174Role of aromatic amino acids in carbohydrate binding of plant lectins: laser photo chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization study of hevein domain-containing lectins
Q44403947Role of beta-lactam carboxyl group on binding of penicillins and cephalosporins to class C beta-lactamases.
Q30399243Role of conformational sampling in computing mutation-induced changes in protein structure and stability
Q54702386Role of conserved proline residues in stabilizing tryptophan synthase alpha subunit: analysis by mutants with alanine or glycine.
Q85076964Role of different β‐turns in β‐hairpin conformation and stability studied by optical spectroscopy
Q82209827Role of disulfide bonds in modulating internal motions of proteins to tune their function: molecular dynamics simulation of scorpion toxin Lqh III
Q84193469Role of electrostatic interactions for the stability and folding behavior of cold shock protein
Q73427991Role of electrostatics at the catalytic metal binding site in xylose isomerase action: Ca(2+)-inhibition and metal competence in the double mutant D254E/D256E
Q52209259Role of evolutionary information in predicting the disulfide-bonding state of cysteine in proteins
Q57809406Role of evolutionary information in predicting the disulfide-bonding state of cysteine in proteins
Q88565361Role of glycans in cholesteryl ester transfer protein revealed by molecular dynamics simulation
Q57961910Role of histidine for charge regulation of unstructured peptides at interfaces and in bulk
Q61758591Role of histidine-50, glutamic acid-96, and histidine-137 in the ribonucleolytic mechanism of the ribotoxin ?-sarcin
Q73256229Role of histidine-50, glutamic acid-96, and histidine-137 in the ribonucleolytic mechanism of the ribotoxin alpha-sarcin
Q43947462Role of hydrophilic and hydrophobic contacts in folding of the second beta-hairpin fragment of protein G: molecular dynamics simulation studies of an all-atom model
Q73403645Role of hydrophobic interactions in yeast phosphoglycerate kinase stability
Q79416219Role of intrinsic disorder in transient interactions of hub proteins
Q57831583Role of lysine versus arginine in enzyme cold-adaptation: Modifying lysine to homo-arginine stabilizes the cold-adapted α-amylase from Pseudoalteramonas haloplanktis
Q73233228Role of metal ions on the secondary and quaternary structure of alkaline phosphatase from bovine intestinal mucosa
Q27633257Role of non-glycine residues in left-handed helical conformation for the conformational stability of human lysozyme
Q42496692Role of partial protein unfolding in alcohol-induced protein aggregation
Q46808448Role of phosphorylated Thr160 for the activation of the CDK2/Cyclin A complex
Q52061433Role of phosphorylation in conformational adaptability of bovine myelin basic protein
Q47596279Role of protein in the primary step of the photoreaction of yellow protein
Q30431036Role of quaternary structure in muscle creatine kinase stability: Tryptophan 210 is important for dimer cohesion
Q74449642Role of stabilization centers in 4 helix bundle proteins
Q28205100Role of the 14-3-3 C-terminal loop in ligand interaction
Q57135178Role of the C-terminal chain in human interferongamma stability: an electrostatic study
Q81544588Role of the IXI/V motif in oligomer assembly and function of StHsp14.0, a small heat shock protein from the acidothermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7
Q47595747Role of the amino acid sequence in domain swapping of the B1 domain of protein G.
Q43676078Role of the carboxy-termini of tubulin on its chaperone-like activity
Q80752686Role of the individual domains of translation termination factor eRF1 in GTP binding to eRF3
Q41736273Role of the minor energetic determinants of chicken egg white lysozyme (HEWL) to the stability of the HEWL.antibody scFv-10 complex
Q78627294Role of the protein side-chain fluctuations on the strength of pair-wise electrostatic interactions: comparing experimental with computed pK(a)s
Q30349989Role of trehalose and heat in the structure of the C-terminal activation domain of the heat shock transcription factor.
Q46327659Role of tyrosine hot-spot residues at the interface of colicin E9 and immunity protein 9: a comparative free energy simulation study
Q27765158Role of water in plasticity, stability, and action of proteins: The crystal structures of lysozyme at very low levels of hydration
Q54376157Roles for the two N‐terminal (β/α) modules in the folding of a (β/α)8‐barrel protein as studied by fragmentation analysis
Q83358847Roles of conserved basic amino acid residues and activation mechanism of the hyperthermophilic aspartate racemase at high temperature
Q88314365Roles of conserved tryptophans in trimerization of HIV-1 membrane-proximal external regions: Implications for virucidal design via alchemical free-energy molecular simulations
Q51699019Roles of non-native hydrogen-bonding interaction in helix-coil transition of a single polypeptide as revealed by comparison between Gō-like and non-Gō models.
Q30164238Roles of physical interactions in determining protein-folding mechanisms: molecular simulation of protein G and alpha spectrin SH3.
Q35828040Room temperature crystal structure of the fast switching M159T mutant of the fluorescent protein dronpa
Q48604554Rose is a rose is a rose. Especially if you're a George
Q35631597Rosetta comparative modeling for library design: Engineering alternative inducer specificity in a transcription factor.
Q42411390Rosetta in CAPRI rounds 13-19.
Q28218074Rosetta in CASP4: progress in ab initio protein structure prediction
Q30336227Rosetta predictions in CASP5: successes, failures, and prospects for complete automation.
Q28239152RosettaDock in CAPRI rounds 6-12
Q36087081Rotamer libraries and probabilities of transition between rotamers for the side chains in protein-protein binding
Q48540316Rough set-based proteochemometrics modeling of G-protein-coupled receptor-ligand interactions
Q36866168Roughness of the globular protein surface: analysis of high resolution X-ray data
Q30357624Routes are trees: the parsing perspective on protein folding.
Q59261918Rubredoxin refolding on nanostructured hydrophobic surfaces: Evidence for a new type of biomimetic chaperones
Q30349966S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus: biochemical characterization and analysis of protein structure by comparative molecular modeling.
Q30351474SAM-T04: what is new in protein-structure prediction for CASP6.
Q92147458SAXSDom: Modeling multidomain protein structures using small-angle X-ray scattering data
Q36885869SAmBA: an interactive software for optimizing the design of biological macromolecules crystallization experiments.
Q30379024SESAM: a relational database for structure and sequence of macromolecules.
Q50131043SFCscore: scoring functions for affinity prediction of protein-ligand complexes.
Q30176341SH3 domain of Bruton's tyrosine kinase can bind to proline-rich peptides of TH domain of the kinase and p120cbl
Q27704917SH3-like motif-containing C-terminal domain of staphylococcal teichoic acid transporter suggests possible function
Q57904273SHBG region of the anticoagulant cofactor protein S: Secondary structure prediction, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and analysis of naturally occurring mutations
Q40874513SHBG region of the anticoagulant cofactor protein S: secondary structure prediction, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and analysis of naturally occurring mutations
Q34071261SIDEpro: A novel machine learning approach for the fast and accurate prediction of side‐chain conformations
Q80377686SIMPLE estimate of the free energy change due to aliphatic mutations: superior predictions based on first principles
Q51906615SOFTDOCK application to protein-protein interaction benchmark and CAPRI.
Q61456026SOMCD: Method for evaluating protein secondary structure from UV circular dichroism spectraAn implementation of the method presented in this article will be available online at
Q52068722SOMCD: method for evaluating protein secondary structure from UV circular dichroism spectra
Q51963681SPARKS 2 and SP3 servers in CASP6.
Q50420712SPIN2: Predicting sequence profiles from protein structures using deep neural networks
Q30357106SPINFAST: using structure alignment profiles to enhance the accuracy and assess the reliability of protein side-chain modeling.
Q30352414SPINS: a laboratory information management system for organizing and archiving intermediate and final results from NMR protein structure determinations.
Q51956848SSALN: an alignment algorithm using structure-dependent substitution matrices and gap penalties learned from structurally aligned protein pairs
Q39685610STITCHER: Dynamic assembly of likely amyloid and prion β-structures from secondary structure predictions
Q34568527STRUCTFAST: protein sequence remote homology detection and alignment using novel dynamic programming and profile-profile scoring.
Q47292616SVM-Cabins: prediction of solvent accessibility using accumulation cutoff set and support vector machine
Q30354381SVR_CAF: an integrated score function for detecting native protein structures among decoys.
Q81892371Sailing the route from Gaeta, Italy, to CAPRI
Q47810337Salt bridge interactions: stability of the ionic and neutral complexes in the gas phase, in solution, and in proteins.
Q41989888Salt bridges: Geometrically specific, designable interactions
Q45848655Salt effects on hydrophobic-core formation in folding of a helical miniprotein studied by molecular dynamics simulations.
Q44915256Salt or ion bridges in biological systems: a study employing quantum and molecular mechanics
Q44125117Salt-promoted protein folding, preferential binding, or electrostatic screening?
Q39238865Salvianolic acid B inhibits the amyloid formation of human islet amyloid polypeptide and protects pancreatic beta-cells against cytotoxicity
Q27010280Sampling and scoring: a marriage made in heaven
Q45190627Sampling efficiency in explicit and implicit membrane environments studied by peptide folding simulations
Q30364680Sampling of near-native protein conformations during protein structure refinement using a coarse-grained model, normal modes, and molecular dynamics simulations.
Q27646968Sampling of the native conformational ensemble of myoglobin via structures in different crystalline environments
Q46030052Sampling‐based exploration of folded state of a protein under kinematic and geometric constraints
Q46824452Sann: Solvent accessibility prediction of proteins by nearest neighbor method
Q30372465Satisfaction of hydrogen-bonding potential influences the conservation of polar sidechains.
Q44947544Saturation transfer difference (STD) 1H-NMR experiments and in silico docking experiments to probe the binding of N-acetylneuraminic acid and derivatives to Vibrio cholerae sialidase
Q33920753ScaffoldSeq: Software for characterization of directed evolution populations
Q91327241Scalable remote homology detection and fold recognition in massive protein networks
Q47864113Scaling law in sizes of protein sequence families: from super-families to orphan genes
Q60429766Scan2S: Increasing the precision of PROSITE pattern motifs using secondary structure constraints
Q46115863Score_set: a CAPRI benchmark for scoring protein complexes
Q28299530Scoring a diverse set of high-quality docked conformations: a metascore based on electrostatic and desolvation interactions
Q52077262Scoring docked conformations generated by rigid-body protein-protein docking
Q51970495Scoring docking models with evolutionary information
Q30360854Scoring function accuracy for membrane protein structure prediction.
Q29615862Scoring function for automated assessment of protein structure template quality
Q42257042Scoring protein interaction decoys using exposed residues (SPIDER): a novel multibody interaction scoring function based on frequent geometric patterns of interfacial residues
Q34733455Scoring residue conservation
Q77314228Screening a peptidyl database for potential ligands to proteins with side-chain flexibility
Q46969540Screening of the active site from water by the incoming ligand triggers catalysis and inhibition in serine proteases
Q40760191Search for the most stable folds of protein chains: III. Improvement in fold recognition by averaging over homologous sequences and 3D structures
Q41705448Searching for frameshift evolutionary relationships between protein sequence families
Q51263617Searching for protein signatures using a multilevel alphabet
Q46568963Searching for protein-protein interaction sites and docking by the methods of molecular dynamics, grid scoring, and the pairwise interaction potential of amino acid residues
Q78315762Searching for quantitative entropy-enthalpy compensation among protein variants
Q30419948Searching protein structure databases has come of age.
Q46914372Second antibody modeling assessment (AMA-II).
Q50085735Second step of hydrolytic dehalogenation in haloalkane dehalogenase investigated by QM/MM methods
Q69658333Second virial coefficient of alpha-crystallin
Q44630774Secondary structural analysis of retrovirus integrase: characterization by circular dichroism and empirical prediction methods
Q72890876Secondary structural features of modules M2 and M3 of barnase in solution by NMR experiment and distance geometry calculation
Q52364824Secondary structural predictions for the clostridial neurotoxins
Q38629281Secondary structure and dynamics study of the intrinsically disordered silica-mineralizing peptide P5 S3 during silicic acid condensation and silica decondensation.
Q79502796Secondary structure length as a determinant of folding rate of proteins with two- and three-state kinetics
Q46217877Secondary structure prediction and unrefined tertiary structure prediction for cyclin A, B, and D.
Q30195749Secondary structure-based profiles: use of structure-conserving scoring tables in searching protein sequence databases for structural similarities
Q27687161Secondary sugar binding site identified for LecA lectin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q44245143Secondary‐structure analysis of alcohol‐denatured proteins by vacuum‐ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy
Q40861289Secretion of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins from animal cells using novel secretion modules
Q46464609Segment swapping aided the evolution of enzyme function: The case of uroporphyrinogen III synthase
Q53529546Selected-fit versus induced-fit protein binding: kinetic differences and mutational analysis
Q30757774Selection and affinity maturation of IgNAR variable domains targeting Plasmodium falciparum AMA1.
Q33191653Selection of a representative set of structures from Brookhaven Protein Data Bank
Q41840576Selection of near-native poses in CAPRI rounds 13-19.
Q30377216Selective refinement and selection of near-native models in protein structure prediction.
Q40469351Selective targeting of indel-inferred differences in spatial structures of highly homologous proteins.
Q48046292Self-assembling study of sarcolipin and its mutants in multiple molecular dynamic simulations.
Q27661466Self-association of TPR domains: Lessons learned from a designed, consensus-based TPR oligomer
Q77771924Self-consistent estimation of inter-residue protein contact energies based on an equilibrium mixture approximation of residues
Q30427177Self-consistent field approach to protein structure and stability. I: pH dependence of electrostatic contribution
Q42198361Self-guided Langevin dynamics study of regulatory interactions in NtrC.
Q45736470Self-repair of biological fibers catalyzed by the surface of a virus crystal
Q50878481Sense and Simplicity in HADDOCK Scoring: Lessons from CASP-CAPRI (page 418).
Q37664304Sense and simplicity in HADDOCK scoring: Lessons from CASP-CAPRI round 1.
Q51611817Sensing the dissociation of a polymeric enzyme by means of an engineered intrinsic probe
Q50482715Sensitive detection of sequence similarity using combinatorial pattern discovery: a challenging study of two distantly related protein families
Q44526586Separability between overall and internal motion: A protein folding problem
Q50909018Separating true positive predicted residue contacts from false positive ones in mainly alpha proteins, using constrained Metropolis MC simulations.
Q73792004Sequence analysis reveals how G protein-coupled receptors transduce the signal to the G protein
Q85639676Sequence and conformational preferences at termini of α-helices in membrane proteins: role of the helix environment
Q40541100Sequence and structural analysis of cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins reveals a network of conserved hydrophobic interactions
Q57829327Sequence and structural determinants of Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase aggregation
Q73798374Sequence and structural determinants of mannose recognition
Q57752885Sequence and structural features of the T-fold, an original tunnelling building unit
Q45876582Sequence and structural properties of identical mutations with varying phenotypes in human coagulation factor IX.
Q77603395Sequence and structure conservation in a protein core
Q46868110Sequence and structure of epoxide hydrolases: a systematic analysis
Q92926943Sequence and structure-based characterization of ubiquitination sites in human and yeast proteins using Chou's sample formulation
Q73380001Sequence codes for extended conformation: a neighbor-dependent sequence analysis of loops in proteins
Q29616420Sequence complexity of disordered protein
Q70388091Sequence conservation and region shuffling in an endoglucanase and an exoglucanase from Cellulomonas fimi
Q44078752Sequence determinants of protein architecture
Q47720602Sequence determinants of protein folding rates: positive correlation between contact energy and contact range indicates selection for fast folding
Q27657531Sequence fingerprint and structural analysis of the SCOR enzyme A3DFK9 from Clostridium thermocellum
Q62660449Sequence patterns associated with disordered regions in proteins
Q42139934Sequence recombination improves target specificity in a redesigned collagen peptide abc-type heterotrimer
Q73094556Sequence to structure alignment in comparative modeling using PrISM
Q38761956Sequence-based analysis of protein degradation rates.
Q80610312Sequence-based prediction of pathological mutations
Q51903855Sequence-based protein domain boundary prediction using BP neural network with various property profiles
Q57953580Sequence-based study of two related proteins with different folding behaviors
Q30365843Sequence-similar, structure-dissimilar protein pairs in the PDB.
Q92331496Sequence-specific dynamic information in proteins
Q30329569Sequence-structure homology recognition by iterative alignment refinement and comparative modeling.
Q42641933Sequence-structure-function analysis of the bifunctional enzyme MnmC that catalyses the last two steps in the biosynthesis of hypermodified nucleoside mnm5s2U in tRNA.
Q46403152Sequence-structure-function relationships of a tRNA (m7G46) methyltransferase studied by homology modeling and site-directed mutagenesis
Q39618799Sequential four‐state folding/unfolding of goat α‐lactalbumin and its N‐terminal variants
Q79375667Serendipitous discovery of novel bacterial methionine aminopeptidase inhibitors
Q73393602Serine proteases: an ab initio molecular dynamics study
Q77894285Serpins in the Caenorhabditis elegans genome
Q58023165Serpins in theCaenorhabditis elegans genome
Q39699460Set of novel, conserved proteins fold pre-messenger RNA into ribonucleosomes
Q81489821Seventh Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction
Q38558729Seventy-five percent accuracy in protein secondary structure prediction
Q30380400Shape and evolution of thermostable protein structure.
Q41837120Shape complementarity of protein-protein complexes at multiple resolutions
Q43729912Shape evolution with temperature of a thermotolerant protein (PeaT1) in solution detected by small angle X‐ray scattering
Q27648760Shark IgNAR antibody mimotopes target a murine immunoglobulin through extended CDR3 loop structures
Q51772435Shelling the Voronoi interface of protein-protein complexes reveals patterns of residue conservation, dynamics, and composition.
Q44947532Shift in nucleotide conformational equilibrium contributes to increased rate of catalysis of GpAp versus GpA in barnase
Q47626873Short-range conformational energies, secondary structure propensities, and recognition of correct sequence-structure matches
Q30009100Shortening a loop can increase protein native state entropy.
Q48053109Shuffling of structural elements in filamentous bacteriophages
Q39032562Side chain flexibility and coupling between the S4-S5 linker and the TRP domain in thermo-sensitive TRP channels: Insights from protein modeling
Q90267317Side chain rotameric changes and backbone dynamics enable specific cladosporin binding in Plasmodium falciparum lysyl-tRNA synthetase
Q41161629Side chain-backbone hydrogen bonding contributes to helix stability in peptides derived from an alpha-helical region of carboxypeptidase A.
Q73912098Side chains in transmembrane helices are shorter at helix-helix interfaces
Q73912102Side-chain conformational entropy in protein unfolded states
Q30333120Side-chain dynamics and protein folding.
Q81546937Side-chain entropy effects on protein secondary structure formation
Q52080522Side-chain flexibility in proteins upon ligand binding
Q51667050Side-chain rotamer transitions at protein-protein interfaces
Q44060650Signal transduction in the photoactive yellow protein. I. Photon absorption and the isomerization of the chromophore
Q44060653Signal transduction in the photoactive yellow protein. II. Proton transfer initiates conformational changes
Q83319473Signaling pathway of a photoactivable Rac1-GTPase in the early stages
Q37019487Signaling pathways of PDZ2 domain: a molecular dynamics interaction correlation analysis
Q83319611Signatures of the ATP-binding pocket as a basis for structural classification of the serine/threonine protein kinases of gram-positive bacteria
Q30328185Significance of aromatic-backbone amide interactions in protein structure.
Q33206312Significance of conformational biases in Monte Carlo simulations of protein folding: lessons from Metropolis-Hastings approach.
Q34273201Silk fibroin: structural implications of a remarkable amino acid sequence.
Q30351841SimFold energy function for de novo protein structure prediction: consensus with Rosetta.
Q30367656Similar chemistry, but different bond preferences in inter versus intra-protein interactions.
Q51959646Similarity networks of protein binding sites
Q42975911Similarity of cytochrome c oxidases in different organisms
Q52076419Similarity-driven flexible ligand docking
Q30692839Simple sequences are rare in the Protein Data Bank
Q58033010Simple solvation potential for coarse-grained models of proteins
Q51838206Simple two-state protein folding kinetics requires near-levinthal thermodynamic cooperativity
Q30336275Simplicial edge representation of protein structures and alpha contact potential with confidence measure.
Q101211221Simplified geometric representations of protein structures identify complementary interaction interfaces
Q42712396Simplified modeling approach suggests structural mechanisms for constitutive activation of the C5a receptor
Q80546575Simulated annealing exploration of an active-site tyrosine in TEM-1 beta-lactamase suggests the existence of alternate conformations
Q34820098Simulated tempering yields insight into the low-resolution Rosetta scoring functions
Q45964522Simulating electrostatic energies in proteins: perspectives and some recent studies of pKas, redox, and other crucial functional properties.
Q43166561Simulating protein folding initiation sites using an alpha-carbon-only knowledge-based force field
Q52040919Simulating proteins at constant pH: An approach combining molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation
Q41685643Simulating proton translocations in proteins: probing proton transfer pathways in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction center
Q46108702Simulating the fidelity and the three Mg mechanism of pol η and clarifying the validity of transition state theory in enzyme catalysis
Q52908895Simulation of peptide folding with explicit water--a mean solvation method
Q73319277Simulation of protein conformational freedom as a function of pH: constant-pH molecular dynamics using implicit titration
Q46453321Simulation of protein crystal nucleation
Q47565535Simulation of the effect of an external GHz electric field on the potential energy profile of Ca2+ ions in the selectivity filter of the CaV Ab channel
Q39547080Simulation of the mutation F76del on the von Hippel–Lindau tumor suppressor protein: Mechanism of the disease and implications for drug development
Q34223245Simulation of the β‐ to α‐sheet transition results in a twisted sheet for antiparallel and an α‐nanotube for parallel strands: Implications for amyloid formation
Q73845018Simulation of two-dimensional streptavidin crystallization
Q54509343Simulation reveals two major docking pathways between the hexapeptide GDYMNM and the catalytic domain of the insulin receptor protein kinase.
Q46820099Simulations of ion current in realistic models of ion channels: the KcsA potassium channel
Q35949089Simulations of substrate transport in the multidrug transporter EmrD
Q41465545Simultaneous prediction of protein secondary structure and transmembrane spans
Q47565056Simultaneous refinement of inaccurate local regions and overall structure in the CASP12 protein model refinement experiment
Q34773665Single and multiple input modules in regulatory networks
Q54735609Single crystals of bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase.
Q47596351Single-body residue-level knowledge-based energy score combined with sequence-profile and secondary structure information for fold recognition
Q72685101Single-site modifications of half-ligated hemoglobin reveal autonomous dimer cooperativity within a quaternary T tetramer
Q43796913Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) from prokaryotic transmissible plasmids
Q30670853Singular value decomposition analysis of protein sequence alignment score data
Q90307982Singular value decomposition for the correlation of atomic fluctuations with arbitrary angle
Q51917208Site directed mutagenesis at position 193 of human trypsin 4 alters the rate of conformational change during activation: role of local internal viscosity in protein dynamics.
Q57209062Site specific point mutation changes specificity: A molecular modeling study by free energy simulations and enzyme kinetics of the thermodynamics in ribonuclease T1 substrate interactions
Q33247198Site-directed combinatorial construction of chimaeric genes: general method for optimizing assembly of gene fragments
Q46024915Site-directed mutagenesis of colicin E1 provides specific attachment sites for spin labels whose spectra are sensitive to local conformation.
Q67959668Site-directed mutagenesis of ricin A-chain and implications for the mechanism of action
Q38345575Site-directed mutagenesis of the T4 endonuclease V gene: mutations which enhance enzyme specific activity at low salt concentrations
Q54756843Site-directed mutations altering methyl-accepting residues of a sensory transducer protein.
Q70618658Site-specific proteolytic cleavage of Ku protein bound to DNA
Q46873060Site-specific transamidation and deamidation of the small heat-shock protein Hsp20 by tissue transglutaminase
Q47175786Size determination of multienzyme complexes using two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis
Q47351957Size-independent comparison of protein three-dimensional structures
Q46150489Sizes of interface residues account for cross-class binding affinity patterns in Eph receptor-ephrin families
Q43256878Slow formation of aggregation-resistant beta-sheet folding intermediates
Q47191421Small angle X-ray scattering and cross-linking for data assisted protein structure prediction in CASP 12 with prospects for improved accuracy
Q90564420Small angle X-ray scattering-assisted protein structure prediction in CASP13 and emergence of solution structure differences
Q43669505Small cationic protein from a marine turtle has beta-defensin-like fold and antibacterial and antiviral activity
Q72074164Small effects of amino acid replacements on the reduced and unfolded state of pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
Q52560762Small-Angle x-ray scattering and crystallographic studies of arcelin-1: An insecticidal lectin-like glycoprotein from Phaseolus vulgaris L
Q45891411Small-angle X-ray scattering of BAMLET at pH 12: a complex of α-lactalbumin and oleic acid.
Q44536579Small-angle X-ray scattering reveals architecture and A₂B₂ stoichiometry of the UvrA-UvrB DNA damage sensor.
Q81193331Small-world network approach to identify key residues in protein-protein interaction
Q85200800Smoothing molecular interactions: The “kinetic buffer” effect of intrinsically disordered proteins
Q48254561Soft interactions and volume exclusion by polymeric crowders can stabilize or destabilize transient structure in disordered proteins depending on polymer concentration
Q33511797Solid-state NMR and simulation studies of equinatoxin II N-terminus interaction with lipid bilayers
Q46846379Solubilization of cellulosomal cellulases by fusion with cellulose-binding domain of noncellulosomal cellulase engd from Clostridium cellulovorans
Q27625013Soluble beta-galactosyl-binding lectin (galectin) from toad ovary: crystallographic studies of two protein-sugar complexes
Q30692723Solution NMR analysis of the interaction between the actinoporin sticholysin I and DHPC micelles--correlation with backbone dynamics
Q38544515Solution NMR and molecular dynamics reveal a persistent alpha helix within the dynamic region of PsbQ from photosystem II of higher plants
Q27675781Solution NMR structure of Asl3597 from Nostoc sp. PCC7120, the first structure from protein domain family PF12095, reveals a novel fold
Q27675795Solution NMR structure of BT_0084, a conjugative transposon lipoprotein from Bacteroides thetaiotamicron
Q99572378Solution NMR structure of Borrelia burgdorferi outer surface lipoprotein BBP28, a member of the mlp protein family
Q91793224Solution NMR structure of CGL2373, a polyketide cyclase-like protein from Corynebacterium glutamicum
Q58109481Solution NMR structure of CHU_1110 from Cytophaga hutchinsonii, an AHSA1 protein potentially involved in metal ion stress response
Q27644873Solution NMR structure of Escherichia coli ytfP expands the structural coverage of the UPF0131 protein domain family
Q27663104Solution NMR structure of Lin0431 protein from Listeria innocua reveals high structural similarity with domain II of bacterial transcription antitermination protein NusG
Q47985110Solution NMR structure of RHE_CH02687 from Rhizobium etli: A novel flavonoid-binding protein.
Q27673658Solution NMR structure of VF0530 from Vibrio fischeri reveals a nucleic acid-binding function
Q27682474Solution NMR structure of a sheddase inhibitor prodomain from the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum
Q27665632Solution NMR structure of photosystem II reaction center protein Psb28 fromSynechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803
Q27661470Solution NMR structure of the ARID domain of human AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 3A: A human cancer protein interaction network target
Q28236103Solution NMR structure of the SH3 domain of human nephrocystin and analysis of a mutation-causing juvenile nephronophthisis
Q27650416Solution NMR structure of the SOS response protein YnzC from Bacillus subtilis
Q27665384Solution NMR structure of the plasmid-encoded fimbriae regulatory protein PefI fromSalmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium
Q27678059Solution NMR structure of the ribosomal protein RP-L35Ae from Pyrococcus furiosus
Q47985123Solution NMR structure of zinc finger 4 and 5 from human INSM1, an essential regulator of neuroendocrine differentiation.
Q27658281Solution NMR structures of proteins VPA0419 fromVibrio parahaemolyticusand yiiS fromShigella flexneriprovide structural coverage for protein domain family PFAM 04175
Q27724656Solution NMR structures of the C-domain of Tetrahymena cytoskeletal protein Tcb2 reveal distinct calcium-induced structural rearrangements
Q30361451Solution NMR studies reveal no global flexibility in the catalytic domain of CDC25B.
Q27694773Solution and crystal structure of BA42, a protein from the Antarctic bacterium Bizionia argentinensis comprised of a stand-alone TPM domain
Q27694772Solution and high-pressure NMR studies of the structure, dynamics, and stability of the cross-reactive allergenic cod parvalbumin Gad m 1
Q27619420Solution structure and RNA-binding activity of the N-terminal leucine-repeat region of hepatitis delta antigen
Q27638952Solution structure and backbone dynamics of an antigen-free heavy chain variable domain (VHH) from Llama
Q82490286Solution structure and binding specificity of FBP11/HYPA WW domain as Group-II/III
Q27657489Solution structure and calcium binding of protein SSO6904 from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus
Q27658668Solution structure and dynamics of human ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ube2g2
Q27633250Solution structure and dynamics of ribonuclease Sa
Q33684835Solution structure and function of YndB, an AHSA1 protein from Bacillus subtilis
Q27654532Solution structure and glycophorin C binding studies of the protein 4.1R FERM alpha-lobe domain
Q27687513Solution structure and interface-driven self-assembly of NC2, a new member of the Class II hydrophobin proteins
Q51575984Solution structure and interface-driven self-assembly of NC2, a new member of the Class II hydrophobin proteins
Q27649056Solution structure and neutralizing antibody binding studies of domain III of the dengue-2 virus envelope protein
Q30373528Solution structure and properties of AlgH from Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Q27681815Solution structure and siRNA-mediated knockdown analysis of the mitochondrial disease-related protein C12orf65
Q27679209Solution structure and small angle scattering analysis of TraI (381–569)
Q27642856Solution structure of ADO1, a toxin extracted from the saliva of the assassin bug, Agriosphodrus dohrni
Q45279390Solution structure of APETx1 from the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima: a new fold for an HERG toxin
Q27643665Solution structure of ApaG from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri reveals a fibronectin-3 fold
Q27654551Solution structure of Apo-YjaB from Escherichia coli
Q27649618Solution structure of At3g28950 fromArabidopsis thaliana
Q34321170Solution structure of BmKK2, a new potassium channel blocker from the venom of chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch
Q27621087Solution structure of BmKTX, a K+ blocker toxin from the Chinese scorpion Buthus Martensi
Q27648246Solution structure of FK506 binding domain (FKBD) of Plasmodium falciparum FK506 binding protein 35 (PfFKBP35)
Q27681771Solution structure of FK506-binding protein 12 from Aedes aegypti
Q53611841Solution structure of HP1242 from Helicobacter pylori
Q27666898Solution structure of MTH1821, a putative structure homologue to RNA polymerase α subunit from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
Q27733317Solution structure of P01, a natural scorpion peptide structurally analogous to scorpion toxins specific for apamin-sensitive potassium channel
Q27654550Solution structure of SUMO from Trypanosoma brucei and its interaction with Ubc9
Q27678405Solution structure of SWI1 AT‐rich interaction domain from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its nonspecific binding to DNA
Q58002371Solution structure of TA0895, a MoaD homologue from Thermoplasma acidophilum
Q58002372Solution structure of TA1092, a ribosomal protein S24e from Thermoplasma acidophilum
Q27704293Solution structure of TbTFIIS2-1 PWWP domain from Trypanosoma brucei
Q27747236Solution structure of TsKapa, a charybdotoxin-like scorpion toxin fromTityus serrulatus with high affinity for apamin-sensitive Ca2+-activated K+ channels
Q27653941Solution structure of Urm1 from Trypanosoma brucei
Q50085322Solution structure of YggX: a prokaryotic protein involved in Fe(II) trafficking
Q27696171Solution structure of a bacterial immunoglobulin-like domain of the outer membrane protein (LigB) from Leptospira
Q46442047Solution structure of a core peptide derived from scyllatoxin
Q73403635Solution structure of a peptide model of a region important for the folding of alpha-lactalbumin provides evidence for the formation of nonnative structure in the denatured state
Q38330231Solution structure of a tobacco lipid transfer protein exhibiting new biophysical and biological features
Q67302272Solution structure of a zinc finger domain of yeast ADR1
Q58002375Solution structure of acyl carrier protein from Nitrosomonas europaea
Q27648880Solution structure of conserved hypothetical protein HP0892 from Helicobacter pylori
Q81364388Solution structure of conserved hypothetical protein HP0894 from Helicobacter pylori
Q45076939Solution structure of gamma-bungarotoxin: the functional significance of amino acid residues flanking the RGD motif in integrin binding
Q27675489Solution structure of gp17 from the Siphoviridae bacteriophage SPP1: insights into its role in virion assembly
Q27649603Solution structure of human DESR1, a CSL zinc-binding protein
Q54440866Solution structure of human calcitonin in membrane-mimetic environment: The role of the amphipathic helix
Q34533326Solution structure of human erythroid p55 PDZ domain
Q44910185Solution structure of hypothetical Nudix hydrolase DR0079 from extremely radiation-resistant Deinococcus radiodurans bacterium
Q27653394Solution structure of hypothetical protein HP1423 (Y1423_HELPY) reveals the presence of alphaL motif related to RNA binding
Q27644151Solution structure of hypothetical protein, HP0495 (Y495_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori
Q27747214Solution structure of maurotoxin, a scorpion toxin from Scorpio maurus, with high affinity for voltage-gated potassium channels
Q27617577Solution structure of potassium channel-inhibiting scorpion toxin Lq2
Q27731512Solution structure of tertiapin determined using nuclear magnetic resonance and distance geometry
Q27655529Solution structure of the AT-rich interaction domain of Jumonji/JARID2
Q27661476Solution structure of the C-terminal DUF1000 domain of the human thioredoxin-like 1 protein
Q27653397Solution structure of the C-terminal domain of multiprotein bridging factor 1 (MBF1) of Trichoderma reesei
Q27728175Solution structure of the Cys74 to Ala74 mutant of the recombinant catalytic domain of Zoocin A
Q27655402Solution structure of the DNA binding domain of AraC protein
Q24313587Solution structure of the DNA-binding domain of interleukin enhancer binding factor 1 (FOXK1a)
Q27654184Solution structure of the Escherichia coli HybE reveals a novel fold
Q27651114Solution structure of the GUCT domain from human RNA helicase II/Gu beta reveals the RRM fold, but implausible RNA interactions
Q27660307Solution structure of the N-terminal domain of Bacillus subtilis delta subunit of RNA polymerase and its classification based on structural homologs
Q27651937Solution structure of the Pseudomonas putida protein PpPutA45 and its DNA complex
Q27683597Solution structure of the SH3 domain of DOCK180
Q27649053Solution structure of the beta-subunit of the translation initiation factor aIF2 from archaebacteria Sulfolobus solfataricus
Q40821561Solution structure of the calmodulin-like C-terminal domain of Entamoeba α-actinin2.
Q27657259Solution structure of the fourth FF domain of yeast Prp40 splicing factor
Q27643051Solution structure of the highly acidic protein HI1450 from Haemophilus influenzae, a putative double-stranded DNA mimic
Q27646762Solution structure of the hypothetical novel-fold protein TA0956 from Thermoplasma acidophilum
Q27657137Solution structure of the inhibitory phosphorylation domain of myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 1
Q27706695Solution structure of the lymphocyte receptor Nkrp1a reveals a distinct conformation of the long loop region as compared to in the crystal structure
Q46093665Solution structure of the plant defensin VrD1 from mung bean and its possible role in insecticidal activity against bruchids
Q27667655Solution structure of the protein lipocalin 12 from rat epididymis
Q27683516Solution structure of the recombinant target recognition domain of zoocin A
Q27666896Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of Zonula Occludens 1
Q57893966Solution structure of the splicing factor motif of the human Prp18 protein
Q44784468Solution structure of the ubiquitin-binding domain in Swa2p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q27650761Solution structure of the yeast URN1 splicing factor FF domain: comparative analysis of charge distributions in FF domain structures-FFs and SURPs, two domains with a similar fold
Q34396834Solution structure of two insect-specific spider toxins and their pharmacological interaction with the insect voltage-gated Na+ channel
Q42232132Solution structure studies of monomeric human TIP47/perilipin-3 reveal a highly extended conformation.
Q27652347Solution structures and DNA binding properties of the N-terminal SAP domains of SUMO E3 ligases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Oryza sativa
Q27675444Solution structures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis thioredoxin C and models of intact thioredoxin system suggest new approaches to inhibitor and drug design
Q27638108Solution structures of a 30-residue amino-terminal domain of the carp granulin-1 protein and its amino-terminally truncated 3-30 subfragment: implications for the conformational stability of the stack of two beta-hairpins
Q27666630Solution structures of chicken parvalbumin 3 in the Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-bound states
Q27682468Solution structures of polcalcin Phl p 7 in three ligation states: Apo-, hemi-Mg2+-bound, and fully Ca2+-bound
Q27678235Solution structures of the double-stranded RNA-binding domains from RNA helicase A
Q83880394Solution structures of the first and fourth TSR domains of F-spondin
Q46741111Solution structures of the reduced and Cu(I) bound forms of the first metal binding sequence of ATP7A associated with Menkes disease
Q27664077Solution structures of the trihelix DNA-binding domains of the wild-type and a phosphomimetic mutant of Arabidopsis GT-1: mechanism for an increase in DNA-binding affinity through phosphorylation
Q27644210Solution structures, dynamics, and lipid-binding of the sterile alpha-motif domain of the deleted in liver cancer 2
Q55120528Solvated protein-protein docking using Kyte-Doolittle-based water preferences
Q46084222Solvation energy density occlusion approximation for evaluation of desolvation penalties in biomolecular interactions
Q80947725Solvation influences flap collapse in HIV-1 protease
Q40594020Solvation parameters for predicting the structure of surface loops in proteins: Transferability and entropic effects
Q52077724Solvent density and long-range dipole field around a DNA-binding protein studied by molecular dynamics
Q58008886Solvent effects in the slow dynamics of proteins
Q38317707Solvent participation in Serratia marcescens endonuclease complexes
Q58622068Solvent polarity-dependent structural refolding: A CD and NMR study of a 15 residue peptide
Q73205387Solvent structure at a hydrophobic protein surface
Q44121797Solvent structure in crystals of trypsin determined by X-ray and neutron diffraction
Q44898270Solvent-accessible surface area: How well can be applied to hot-spot detection?
Q27649298Solvent-exposed residues located in the beta-sheet modulate the stability of the tetramerization domain of p53--a structural and combinatorial approach
Q34317861Solvent-induced organization: a physical model of folding myoglobin
Q33946823Some insights into protein structural class prediction
Q30323189Some measures of comparative performance in the three CASPs.
Q30380342Some of the most interesting CASP11 targets through the eyes of their authors
Q40242791Some recommendations for the practitioner to improve the precision of experimentally determined protein folding rates and phi values
Q51040720Sop-GPU: accelerating biomolecular simulations in the centisecond timescale using graphics processors.
Q41644075Sparse networks of directly coupled, polymorphic, and functional side chains in allosteric proteins
Q38128264Sparsely populated residue conformations in protein structures: Revisiting “experimental” Ramachandran maps
Q47683971Spatial features of proteins related to their phosphorylation and associated structural changes
Q51651767Spatial optimization of electrostatic interactions between the ionized groups in globular proteins
Q47700042Spatial profiling of protein hydrophobicity: native vs. decoy structures
Q30383922Spatial proximity statistics suggest a regulatory role of protein phosphorylation on compound binding.
Q78136332Special issue dedicated to Herman Berendsen: researcher, teacher, scholar, colleague, skipper
Q47974598Species dependence of enzyme-substrate encounter rates for triose phosphate isomerases
Q35110256Species specificity of the complement inhibitor compstatin investigated by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations
Q73964877Species-specificity of the cohesin-dockerin interaction betweenClostridium thermocellum andClostridium cellulolyticum: Prediction of specificity determinants of the dockerin domain
Q82920335Specific DNA binding by the homeodomain Nkx2.5(C56S): detection of impaired DNA or unfolded protein by isothermal titration calorimetry
Q30968418Specific DNA recognition by the Antp homeodomain: MD simulations of specific and nonspecific complexes
Q74267471Specific fluorescent labeling of two functional domains in RNA polymerase α subunit
Q74177414Specific interaction of cytosolic and mitochondrial glyoxalase II with acidic phospholipids in form of liposomes results in the inhibition of the cytosolic enzyme only
Q51893728Specific interactions for ab initio folding of protein terminal regions with secondary structures
Q30388325Specific interactions of sticholysin I with model membranes: an NMR study.
Q27690648Specific potassium ion interactions facilitate homocysteine binding to betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase
Q27666846Specificity and cooperativity at β‐lactamase position 104 in TEM‐1/BLIP and SHV‐1/BLIP interactions
Q42547719Specificity in structure-based drug design: Identification of a novel, selective inhibitor of Pneumocystis carinii dihydrofolate reductase
Q42876442Specificity of a protein-protein interface: local dynamics direct substrate recognition of effector caspases
Q47171755Specificity of a protein–protein interface: Local dynamics direct substrate recognition of effector caspases
Q31117244Specificity of helix packing in transmembrane dimer of the cell death factor BNIP3: a molecular modeling study
Q58898186Specificity of molecular interactions in transient protein-protein interaction interfaces
Q27652870Spectroscopic and crystallographic studies of the mutant R416W give insight into the nucleotide binding traits of subunit B of the A1Ao ATP synthase
Q46303556Spectroscopic evidence for preexisting T- and R-state insulin hexamer conformations
Q79320555Spectroscopic study of conformational changes accompanying self-assembly of HCV core protein
Q46093766Speeding protein folding beyond the Gō model: How a little frustration sometimes helps
Q44745632Splice variants: a homology modeling approach
Q27649627Spontaneous asparaginyl deamidation of canine milk lysozyme under mild conditions
Q57752464Spontaneous beta-barrel formation: an all-atom Monte Carlo study of Abeta16-22 oligomerization
Q62001994Spontaneous β-helical fold in prion protein: The case of PrP(82-146)
Q48007473Squeezed exponential kinetics to describe a nonglassy downhill folding as observed in a lattice protein model
Q73403638Stability analysis for the cavity-filling mutations of the Myb DNA-binding domain utilizing free-energy calculations
Q42164198Stability and conformational dynamics of metallothioneins from the antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps and mouse.
Q30176728Stability and folding of the SH3 domain of Bruton's tyrosine kinase
Q54163512Stability of TEM beta-lactamase mutants hydrolyzing third generation cephalosporins
Q46293353Stability of macromolecular complexes
Q77669589Stability of secondary structural elements in a solvent-free environment. II: the beta-pleated sheets
Q73134798Stability of secondary structural elements in a solvent-free environment: the alpha helix
Q88781957Stability of structurally entangled protein dimers
Q46714320Stability of wild-type and mutant RTEM-1 beta-lactamases: effect of the disulfide bond
Q58041733Stability scale and atomic solvation parameters extracted from 1023 mutation experiments
Q50772668Stability strengths and weaknesses in protein structures detected by statistical potentials: Application to bovine seminal ribonuclease
Q27649146Stabilization of antibody structure upon association to a human carbonic anhydrase IX epitope studied by X-ray crystallography, microcalorimetry, and molecular dynamics simulations
Q38350564Stabilization of lambda repressor against thermal denaturation by site-directed Gly----Ala changes in alpha-helix 3.
Q42269421Stabilization of the integrase-DNA complex by Mg2+ ions and prediction of key residues for binding HIV-1 integrase inhibitors.
Q57139038Stabilization of the ribonuclease S-peptide alpha-helix by trifluoroethanol
Q92372207Stabilization of μ-opioid receptor facilitates its cellular translocation and signaling
Q31709878Stabilizing C-terminal tails on AraC.
Q43825567Stabilizing nonpolar/polar side-chain interactions in the alpha-helix
Q44041127Stacking efficiency and flexibility analysis of aromatic amino acids in cap-binding proteins.
Q79969456Starch-synthase III family encodes a tandem of three starch-binding domains
Q30577861Starting‐structure dependence of nanosecond timescale intersubstate transitions and reproducibility of MD‐derived order parameters
Q56877658Static and dynamic water molecules in Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase
Q46807317Statistical analysis and prediction of protein-protein interfaces
Q91325560Statistical analysis of disease-causing and neutral mutations in human membrane proteins
Q57814774Statistical analysis of predominantly transient protein-protein interfaces
Q84075114Statistical analysis of protein structures suggests that buried ionizable residues in proteins are hydrogen bonded or form salt bridges
Q41945611Statistical analysis of structural determinants for protein-DNA-binding specificity
Q33262420Statistical and conformational analysis of the electron density of protein side chains
Q46529625Statistical and molecular dynamics studies of buried waters in globular proteins
Q80380712Statistical characterization of salt bridges in proteins
Q45288456Statistical criteria for the identification of protein active sites using Theoretical Microscopic Titration Curves
Q44935103Statistical geometry based prediction of nonsynonymous SNP functional effects using random forest and neuro-fuzzy classifiers
Q77192762Statistical mechanics of protein folding by exhaustive enumeration
Q30404525Statistical mechanics‐based method to extract atomic distance‐dependent potentials from protein structures
Q30355144Statistical potential-based amino acid similarity matrices for aligning distantly related protein sequences.
Q51639179Statistical sequence analyses of G-protein-coupled receptors: structural and functional characteristics viewed with periodicities of entropy, hydrophobicity, and volume
Q30427190Statistical torsion angle potential energy functions for protein structure modeling: A bicubic interpolation approach
Q73798407Steady-state and time resolved fluorescence of albumins interacting with N-oleylethanolamine, a component of the endogenous N-acylethanolamines
Q46900608Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence studies of the intestinal fatty acid binding protein.
Q74614427Steady-state fluorescence and circular dichroism of trout hemoglobins I and IV interacting with tributyltin
Q77924666Steered molecular dynamics simulations of force-induced protein domain unfolding
Q51093482Steiner minimal trees, twist angles, and the protein folding problem
Q33281773Stepwise prediction of conformational discontinuous B-cell epitopes using the Mapitope algorithm
Q27860874Stereochemical quality of protein structure coordinates
Q30356915Stereochemistry of guanidine-metal interactions: implications for L-arginine-metal interactions in protein structure and function.
Q68082934Stereochemistry of salt-bridge formation in alpha-helices and beta-strands
Q27729901Steric and conformational features of the aconitase mechanism
Q35642158Steric and thermodynamic limits of design for the incorporation of large unnatural amino acids in aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes
Q83063459Stop-flow kinetics studies of the interaction of surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate, with acid-denatured cytochrome c
Q53872945Stopped-flow NMR measurement of hydrogen exchange rates in reduced horse cytochromec under strongly destabilizing conditions
Q52206849Strain in protein structures as viewed through nonrotameric side chains: I. their position and interaction
Q52206845Strain in protein structures as viewed through nonrotameric side chains: II. effects upon ligand binding
Q46132517Strand-loop-strand motifs: prediction of hairpins and diverging turns in proteins
Q30358641Strategies for high-throughput comparative modeling: applications to leverage analysis in structural genomics and protein family organization.
Q43032317Strategies for structural proteomics of prokaryotes: Quantifying the advantages of studying orthologous proteins and of using both NMR and X-ray crystallography approaches
Q44475155Strategies for the effective identification of remotely related sequences in multiple PSSM search approach
Q38942452Strategies to reduce end-product inhibition in family 48 glycoside hydrolases
Q33280441Strategies to search and design stabilizers of protein-protein interactions: a feasibility study
Q74449398Strategy for membrane protein crystallization exemplified with OmpA and OmpX
Q33203190Strategy for supplementing structure calculations using limited data with hydrophobic distance restraints
Q33662289Strengths and weaknesses of data-driven docking in critical assessment of prediction of interactions.
Q79502773Strong and weak hydrogen bonds in the protein-ligand interface
Q96437203Structural Compliance - A New Metric for Protein Flexibility
Q56877735Structural alignment and analysis of two distantly related proteins:Aplysia limacina myoglobin and sea lamprey globin
Q73540955Structural alignment of ferredoxin and flavodoxin based on electrostatic potentials: implications for their interactions with photosystem I and ferredoxin-NADP reductase
Q30357671Structural analysis and prediction of protein mutant stability using distance and torsion potentials: role of secondary structure and solvent accessibility.
Q83932046Structural analysis of B. subtilis CcpA effector binding site
Q27673648Structural analysis of CPF_2247, a novel α-amylase from Clostridium perfringens
Q83670942Structural analysis of Escherichia coli C5 protein
Q46445101Structural analysis of a set of proteins resulting from a bacterial genomics project.
Q27697412Structural analysis of antiviral agents that interact with the capsid of human rhinoviruses
Q48007336Structural analysis of disease-causing mutations in the P-subfamily of forkhead transcription factors
Q27652350Structural analysis of fish versus mammalian hemoglobins: Effect of the heme pocket environment on autooxidation and hemin loss
Q60633209Structural analysis of interactions for complex formation between Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase and its protein partners
Q40682149Structural analysis of nested neutralizing and non-neutralizing B cell epitopes on ricin toxin's enzymatic subunit.
Q51066564Structural analysis of oligomeric and protofibrillar Aβ amyloid pair structures considering F20L mutation effects using molecular dynamics simulations
Q37361318Structural analysis of protein dynamics by MD simulations and NMR spin-relaxation
Q47299327Structural analysis of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B reveals potentially druggable allosteric binding sites
Q43408067Structural analysis of purified beta-adrenergic receptors
Q30196156Structural analysis of the 2.8 A model of Xylose isomerase from Actinoplanes missouriensis
Q98830086Structural analysis of the N-acetyltransferase Eis1 from Mycobacterium abscessus reveals the molecular determinants of its incapacity to modify aminoglycosides
Q46157805Structural analysis of the N-terminal fragment of the antiangiogenic protein endostatin: a molecular dynamics study.
Q27703785Structural analysis of the active site architecture of the VapC toxin from Shigella flexneri
Q27700095Structural analysis of the polo-box domain of human Polo-like kinase 2
Q63387718Structural analysis of the transcriptional regulator homolog protein from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3
Q27730436Structural analysis of the zinc hydroxide-Thr-199-Glu-106 hydrogen-bond network in human carbonic anhydrase II
Q27730209Structural analysis of two crystal forms of lentil lectin at 1.8 A resolution
Q43956364Structural analysis, identification, and design of calcium-binding sites in proteins
Q38330176Structural and binding studies of the C-terminal domains of yeast TFIIF subunits Tfg1 and Tfg2.
Q35344420Structural and biochemical analysis of mammalian methionine sulfoxide reductase B2
Q61716783Structural and biochemical characterization of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp70-x reveals functional versatility of its C-terminal EEVN motif
Q80353260Structural and biochemical characterization of inhibitor-1alpha
Q27679275Structural and biochemical characterization of native and recombinant single insulin‐like growth factor‐binding domain protein (SIBD‐1) from the Central American Hunting Spider Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae)
Q27704294Structural and biochemical insights into 7β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase stereoselectivity
Q42968658Structural and catalytic roles of amino acid residues located at substrate-binding pocket in Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase
Q74452358Structural and chemical complementarity between antibodies and the crystal surfaces they recognize
Q43026411Structural and dynamic aspects of beta-glycosidase from mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria by multitryptophanyl emission decay studies
Q30952600Structural and dynamic effects of alpha-helix deletion in Sso7d: implications for protein thermal stability
Q33913886Structural and dynamic effects of cholesterol at preferred sites of interaction with rhodopsin identified from microsecond length molecular dynamics simulations
Q80135996Structural and dynamical properties of manganese catalase and the synthetic protein DF1 and their implication for reactivity from classical molecular dynamics calculations
Q38337399Structural and energetic characterization of nucleic acid-binding to the fingers domain of Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase.
Q45905896Structural and energetic differences between insertions and substitutions in staphylococcal nuclease.
Q27648043Structural and enzymatic characterization of DR1281: A calcineurin-like phosphoesterase from Deinococcus radiodurans
Q27650070Structural and enzymatic characterization of HP0496, a YbgC thioesterase from Helicobacter pylori
Q27684204Structural and functional analyses of catalytic domain of GH10 xylanase from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum JW/SL-YS485
Q27694654Structural and functional analyses of human tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase
Q27701580Structural and functional analysis of SleL, a peptidoglycan lysin involved in germination of Bacillus spores
Q27653172Structural and functional analysis of a novel hormone-sensitive lipase from a metagenome library
Q27666114Structural and functional analysis of substrate recognition by the 250s loop in amylomaltase from Thermus brockianus
Q27666542Structural and functional analysis of the Lmo2642 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from Listeria monocytogenes
Q30351948Structural and functional characterization of BaiA, an enzyme involved in secondary bile acid synthesis in human gut microbe
Q27662216Structural and functional characterization of CcmG from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a key component of the bacterial cytochrome c maturation apparatus
Q91945321Structural and functional characterization of Solanum tuberosum VDAC36
Q45017282Structural and functional characterization of a 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from Mycoplasma pneumoniae (GI: 13508087).
Q27650421Structural and functional characterization of a novel phosphatase from the Arabidopsis thaliana gene locus At1g05000
Q27687097Structural and functional characterization of a novel α/β hydrolase from cariogenic pathogen Streptococcus mutans
Q27658892Structural and functional characterization of a promiscuous feruloyl esterase (Est1E) from the rumen bacterium Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus
Q52678573Structural and functional characterization of binding sites in metallocarboxypeptidases based on Optimal Docking Area analysis
Q27677483Structural and functional characterization of solute binding proteins for aromatic compounds derived from lignin:p-Coumaric acid and related aromatic acids
Q90606858Structural and functional characterization of type three secretion system ATPase PscN and its regulator PscL from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q27621692Structural and functional differences of two toxins from the scorpion Pandinus imperator
Q58881508Structural and functional effects of disease-causing amino acid substitutions affecting residues Ala72 and Glu76 of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2
Q54463124Structural and functional evolution of transthyretin and transthyretin-like proteins
Q74015801Structural and functional properties of a Bacillus subtilis temperature-sensitive sigma(A) factor
Q33956462Structural and functional properties of hemocyanin from Cyanagraea praedator, a deep‐sea hydrothermal vent crab
Q44649576Structural and functional relations among thioredoxins of different species
Q27682252Structural and functional studies of atrans-acyltransferase polyketide assembly line enzyme that catalyzes stereoselective α- and β-ketoreduction
Q27657257Structural and functional studies of the potent anti-HIV chemokine variant P2-RANTES
Q27644411Structural and kinetic analysis of proton shuttle residues in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase III
Q27685369Structural and mutational analyses of Aes, an inhibitor of MalT in Escherichia coli
Q27694789Structural and mutational analysis of a monomeric and dimeric form of a single domain antibody with implications for protein misfolding
Q47430906Structural and sequence comparisons arising from the solution structure of the transcription elongation factor NusG from Thermus thermophilus
Q43498896Structural and sequence features of two residue turns in beta-hairpins
Q46931828Structural and thermodynamic consequences of removal of a conserved disulfide bond from equine beta-lactoglobulin
Q34348491Structural and thermodynamic folding characterization of triosephosphate isomerases from Trichomonas vaginalis reveals the role of destabilizing mutations following gene duplication
Q27667226Structural architecture of Galdieria sulphuraria DCN1L
Q71774371Structural aspects of the functional modules in human protein kinase-C alpha deduced from comparative analyses
Q54438227Structural assessment of glycyl mutations in invariantly conserved motifs
Q91778762Structural basis for -35 element recognition by σ4 chimera proteins and their interactions with PmrA response regulator
Q31011437Structural basis for SUMO-E2 interaction revealed by a complex model using docking approach in combination with NMR data
Q34802689Structural basis for a ribofuranosyl binding protein: Insights into the furanose specific transport
Q27630848Structural basis for altered activity of M- and H-isozyme forms of human lactate dehydrogenase
Q47672472Structural basis for binding and transfer of heme in bacterial heme-acquisition systems
Q27666047Structural basis for branching-enzyme activity of glycoside hydrolase family 57: structure and stability studies of a novel branching enzyme from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1
Q27704007Structural basis for cellulose binding by the type A carbohydrate-binding module 64 of Spirochaeta thermophila
Q27658970Structural basis for regulation of poly-SUMO chain by a SUMO-like domain of Nip45
Q45080412Structural basis for serpin inhibitor activity
Q64038856Structural basis for specificity of papain-like cysteine protease proregions toward their cognate enzymes
Q27652193Structural basis for sugar recognition, including the Tn carcinoma antigen, by the lectin SNA-II from Sambucus nigra
Q27618299Structural basis for the activity of two muconate cycloisomerase variants toward substituted muconates
Q43608570Structural basis for the appearance of a molten globule state in chimeric molecules derived from lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin
Q27649508Structural basis for the cold adaptation of psychrophilic M37 lipase from Photobacterium lipolyticum
Q46251109Structural basis for the complete loss of GSK3beta catalytic activity due to R96 mutation investigated by molecular dynamics study
Q80278836Structural basis for the observed differential magnetic anisotropic tensorial values in calcium binding proteins
Q27684756Structural basis for the β-lactamase activity of EstU1, a family VIII carboxylesterase
Q43024589Structural basis for thermostability and identification of potential active site residues for adenylate kinases from the archaeal genus Methanococcus.
Q46103514Structural basis for type I and type II deficiencies of antithrombotic plasma protein C: patterns revealed by three-dimensional molecular modelling of mutations of the protease domain
Q27643631Structural basis of allele variation of human thiopurine-S-methyltransferase
Q55072903Structural basis of conformational variance in phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated states of PKCβII.
Q51656662Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. I: Introduction
Q51656679Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. II: Monte Carlo simulation of native thermal fluctuations and energy minimization
Q51656674Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. III: Side chain and main chain local conformations
Q45102853Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. IV: Rearrangements in atom packing and local deformations
Q51656666Structural basis of hierarchical multiple substates of a protein. V: Nonlocal deformations
Q27766340Structural basis of increased resistance to thermal denaturation induced by single amino acid substitution in the sequence of beta-glucosidase A from Bacillus polymyxa
Q104503361Structural basis of mutants of PET-degrading enzyme from Saccharomonospora viridis AHK190 with high activity and thermal stability
Q27649291Structural basis of octanoic acid recognition by lipoate-protein ligase B
Q42828980Structural basis of oncogenic activation caused by point mutations in the kinase domain of the MET proto-oncogene: modeling studies
Q27728173Structural basis of reversine selectivity in inhibiting Mps1 more potently than aurora B kinase
Q27621085Structural basis of the catalytic role of Glu301 in Anabaena PCC 7119 ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase revealed by x-ray crystallography
Q60633217Structural basis of the catalytic role of Glu301 inAnabaena PCC 7119 ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase revealed by x-ray crystallography
Q43024866Structural basis of the properties of an industrially relevant thermophilic xylanase
Q43018634Structural basis of the substrate subsite and the highly thermal stability of xylanase 10B from Thermotoga maritima MSB8.
Q27656652Structural basis of typhoid: Salmonella typhi type IVb pilin (PilS) and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator interaction
Q46971343Structural bioinformatics analysis of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis pathway of the hypermodified nucleoside ms(2)io(6)A37 in tRNA.
Q47902093Structural bioinformatics mutation analysis reveals genotype-phenotype correlations in von Hippel-Lindau disease and suggests molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis
Q27737057Structural change and receptor binding in a chemokine mutant with a rearranged disulfide: X-ray structure of E38C/C50AIL-8 at 2 A resolution
Q83530742Structural changes of Listeria monocytogenes sortase A: A key to understanding the catalytic mechanism
Q53323738Structural characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance of the impact of phosphorylation in the proline-rich region of the disordered Tau protein
Q36060114Structural characterization of AtmS13, a putative sugar aminotransferase involved in indolocarbazole AT2433 aminopentose biosynthesis
Q27650879Structural characterization of CalO2: A putative orsellinic acid P450 oxidase in the calicheamicin biosynthetic pathway
Q33240038Structural characterization of Salmonella typhimurium YeaZ, an M22 O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase homolog
Q27688004Structural characterization of a ligand-bound form of Bacillus subtilis FadR involved in the regulation of fatty acid degradation
Q30587173Structural characterization of a methionine-rich, emulsifying protein from sunflower seed
Q27689012Structural characterization of a new N-substituted pantothenamide bound to pantothenate kinases from Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus
Q46032479Structural characterization of an iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscU in a zinc-bound form.
Q27674550Structural characterization of human Uch37
Q36789994Structural characterization of proteins using residue environments
Q79805169Structural characterization of the Acetobacter xylinum endo-beta-1,4-glucanase CMCax required for cellulose biosynthesis
Q48268242Structural characterization of the PTS IIA and IIB proteins associated with pneumococcal fucose utilization.
Q81979774Structural characterization of the alpha-hemolysin monomer from Staphylococcus aureus
Q33270037Structural characterization of the functional regions in the archaeal protein Sso7d
Q48209789Structural characterization of the heme-based oxygen sensor, AfGcHK, its interactions with the cognate response regulator, and their combined mechanism of action in a bacterial two-component signaling system.
Q27667659Structural characterization of the mitomycin 7-O-methyltransferase
Q58111155Structural characterization of the neurabin sterile alpha motif domain
Q46251092Structural characterization of the tunnels of Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin N from molecular dynamics simulations
Q37289657Structural characterization of the zinc binding domain in cytosolic PSD-95 interactor (cypin): Role of zinc binding in guanine deamination and dendrite branching
Q34019423Structural characterization of two pore-forming peptides: consequences of introducing a C-terminal tryptophan
Q73393627Structural characterization of two tandemly arranged DNA methyltransferase genes from Neisseria gonorrhoeae MS11: N4-cytosine specific M.NgoMXV and nonfunctional 5-cytosine-type M.NgoMorf2P
Q93012387Structural characterization of β-ketoacyl ACP synthase I bound to platencin and fragment screening molecules at two substrate binding sites
Q46431511Structural classification of CDR-H3 revisited: a lesson in antibody modeling
Q52247913Structural classification of alphabetabeta and betabetaalpha supersecondary structure units in proteins
Q30344339Structural classification of thioredoxin-like fold proteins.
Q30390364Structural comparison and classification of alpha-helical transmembrane domains based on helix interaction patterns
Q27654074Structural comparison of chromosomal and exogenous dihydrofolate reductase from Staphylococcus aureus in complex with the potent inhibitor trimethoprim
Q79212130Structural comparison of oxidized and reduced FKBP13 from Arabidopsis thaliana
Q54756788Structural comparison of the prokaryotic ribosomal proteins L7/L12 and L30.
Q91142497Structural complementarity of distance constraints obtained from chemical cross-linking and amino acid coevolution
Q80389889Structural components of SCAN-domain dimerizations
Q46140155Structural consensus in ligand-protein docking identifies recognition peptide motifs that bind streptavidin
Q73062305Structural consequences of an amino acid deletion in the B1 domain of protein G
Q27681708Structural conservation of the B subunit in the ammonia monooxygenase/particulate methane monooxygenase superfamily
Q27651627Structural coupling between FKBP12 and buried water
Q27739356Structural definition of the C5a C terminus by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Q27704385Structural determinants in bacterial 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-gluconate dehydrogenase KduD for dual-coenzyme specificity
Q77360649Structural determinants of binding and specificity in transforming growth factor–receptor interactions
Q56877631Structural determinants of ligand migration in Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin O
Q37436023Structural determinants of species-selective substrate recognition in human and Drosophila serotonin transporters revealed through computational docking studies
Q47643263Structural determinants of the conformations of medium-sized loops in proteins
Q79883952Structural determinants responsible for the thermostability of Sso7d and its single point mutants
Q57070597Structural determination of archaeal UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase from Methanobrevibacter ruminantium M1 in complex with the bacterial cell wall intermediate UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid
Q87461806Structural differences among subfamilies of EF-hand proteins--a view from the pseudo two-fold symmetry axis
Q57355701Structural differences between allelic variants of the ovine prion protein revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
Q92926953Structural differences between the ectodomains of murine and human CD98hc
Q34713870Structural disorder serves as a weak signal for intracellular protein degradation.
Q34680376Structural divergence is more extensive than sequence divergence for a family of intrinsically disordered proteins
Q30429975Structural diversity of sequentially identical subsequences of proteins: Identical octapeptides can have different conformations
Q30487951Structural diversity of the epigenetics pocketome.
Q33500238Structural domain-domain interactions: assessment and comparison with protein-protein interaction data to improve the interactome
Q35824282Structural dynamics of an ionotropic glutamate receptor
Q47608094Structural dynamics of nucleosome core particle: comparison with nucleosomes containing histone variants.
Q96437228Structural dynamics of pentapeptide repeat proteins
Q28264619Structural dynamics of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier revealed by molecular dynamics simulation studies
Q34254774Structural dynamics of the monoamine transporter homolog LeuT from accelerated conformational sampling and channel analysis
Q27642125Structural effects induced by mutagenesis affected by crystal packing factors: the structure of a 30-51 disulfide mutant of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
Q92952309Structural effects of divalent calcium cations on the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: A molecular dynamics simulation study
Q88142869Structural effects of point mutations in proteins
Q27652649Structural elucidation of the Cys-His-Glu-Asn proteolytic relay in the secreted CHAP domain enzyme from the human pathogenStaphylococcus saprophyticus
Q57206223Structural energetics of peptide recognition: Angiotensin II/antibody binding
Q40825795Structural energetics of the molten globule state
Q27689006Structural evidence for a constrained conformation of short CDR-L3 in antibodies
Q42624873Structural evidence for a functionally relevant second camphor binding site in P450cam: model for substrate entry into a P450 active site
Q27625388Structural evidence for recognition of a single epitope by two distinct antibodies
Q56984915Structural evidence for variable oligomerization of the N-terminal domain of cyclase-associated protein (CAP)
Q27673668Structural evidence that puromycin hydrolase is a new type of aminopeptidase with a prolyl oligopeptidase family fold
Q48342777Structural facets of disease-linked human prion protein mutants: a molecular dynamic study
Q30155210Structural features of cholesteryl ester transfer protein: a molecular dynamics simulation study
Q42648833Structural features of ribonucleotide reductase
Q27657493Structural features of the Nostoc punctiforme debranching enzyme reveal the basis of its mechanism and substrate specificity
Q34330580Structural features of the inactive and active states of the melanin-concentrating hormone receptors: insights from molecular simulations.
Q32035348Structural features of the plasmid pMV158-encoded transcriptional repressor CopG, a protein sharing similarities with both helix-turn-helix and beta-sheet DNA binding proteins
Q62019583Structural features of the plasmid pMV158-encoded transcriptional repressor CopG, a protein sharing similarities with both helix-turn-helix and β-sheet DNA binding proteins
Q30412983Structural features that predict real-value fluctuations of globular proteins
Q100388562Structural fluctuations and mechanical stabilities of the metamorphic protein RfaH
Q52938509Structural genomics analysis: characteristics of atypical, common, and horizontally transferred folds
Q27700949Structural genomics for drug design against the pathogen Coxiella burnetii
Q27640991Structural genomics of Caenorhabditis elegans: Triosephosphate isomerase
Q47307280Structural genomics of Caenorhabditis elegans: crystal structure of the tropomodulin C-terminal domain
Q27642613Structural genomics of Caenorhabditis elegans: structure of dihydropteridine reductase
Q47608931Structural genomics of Pyrococcus furiosus: X-ray crystallography reveals 3D domain swapping in rubrerythrin
Q27642614Structural genomics of caenorhabditis elegans: crystal structure of calmodulin
Q27653638Structural genomics reveals EVE as a new ASCH/PUA-related domain
Q43544497Structural homology among the peroxidase enzyme family revealed by hydrophobic cluster analysis
Q36847090Structural homology of spinach acyl carrier protein and Escherichia coli acyl carrier protein based on NMR data
Q27631613Structural implications of drug-resistant mutants of HIV-1 protease: high-resolution crystal structures of the mutant protease/substrate analogue complexes
Q43014937Structural insight for the roles of fas death domain binding to fadd and oligomerization degree of the fas–fadd complex in the death‐inducing signaling complex formation: A computational study
Q27675491Structural insight into mechanism and diverse substrate selection strategy of L-ribulokinase
Q45223476Structural insight into the UNC-45-myosin complex
Q53551591Structural insight into the distinct properties of copper transport by the Helicobacter pylori CopP protein
Q27679287Structural insight into the evolution of a new chemokine family from zebrafish
Q27647662Structural insight of the role of the Hahella chejuensis HapK protein in prodigiosin biosynthesis
Q27681484Structural insights into FRS2α PTB domain recognition by neurotrophin receptor TrkB
Q27657490Structural insights into Staphylococcus aureus enoyl-ACP reductase (FabI), in complex with NADP and triclosan
Q83349776Structural insights into a low‐spin myoglobin variant with bis‐histidine coordination from molecular modeling
Q27679522Structural insights into catalysis by βC-S lyase from Streptococcus anginosus
Q39000675Structural insights into human microsomal epoxide hydrolase by combined homology modeling, molecular dynamics simulations, and molecular docking calculations
Q27667433Structural insights into piRNA recognition by the human PIWI-like 1 PAZ domain
Q42592414Structural insights into recognition of beta2-glycoprotein I by the lipoprotein receptors.
Q27690230Structural insights into substrate and coenzyme preference by SDR family protein Gox2253 from Gluconobater oxydans
Q54451013Structural insights into the GTPase domain of Escherichia coli MnmE protein.
Q27687643Structural insights into the aggregation behavior of Murraya koenigii miraculin-like protein below pH 7.5
Q46668381Structural insights into the cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP).
Q84171315Structural insights into the metal binding properties of hypothetical protein MJ0754 from Methanococcus jannaschii
Q27690813Structural insights into the stabilization of active, tetrameric DszC by its C-terminus
Q35875958Structural integrity of the ribonuclease H domain in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.
Q43032019Structural investigation into the C-terminal extension of the ene-reductase from Ralstonia (Cupriavidus) metallidurans.
Q47974611Structural investigation of C4b-binding protein by molecular modeling: localization of putative binding sites.
Q42554450Structural investigation of the complexation properties between horse spleen apoferritin and metalloporphyrins
Q27660211Structural investigation of transcriptional regulator HlyIIR: influence of a disordered region on protein fold and dimerization
Q73134452Structural mapping of single cysteine mutants of cardiac troponin I
Q30371571Structural mapping of the coiled-coil domain of a bacterial condensin and comparative analyses across all domains of life suggest conserved features of SMC proteins.
Q42716640Structural mechanism associated with domain opening in gain-of-function mutations in SHP2 phosphatase.
Q39864197Structural mechanisms of constitutive activation in the C5a receptors with mutations in the extracellular loops: Molecular modeling study
Q51009394Structural memory of natively unfolded tau protein detected by small-angle X-ray scattering
Q77603403Structural model for family 32 of glycosyl-hydrolase enzymes
Q47974642Structural model of Dex protein from Penicillium minioluteum and its implications in the mechanism of catalysis
Q45250396Structural model of human GAD65: prediction and interpretation of biochemical and immunogenic features
Q52297894Structural model of the anti-snake-toxin antibody, M alpha 2,3.
Q71537025Structural model of the photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodobacter capsulatus
Q54631335Structural modeling and electrostatic properties of aspartate transcarbamylase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Q84071510Structural modeling and molecular dynamics simulation of the actin filament
Q33180899Structural modeling of a plant disease resistance gene product domain
Q28218002Structural modeling of ataxin-3 reveals distant homology to adaptins
Q91793310Structural modeling of protein complexes: Current capabilities and challenges
Q74363289Structural modeling of the complex between an acetylcholine receptor-mimicking antibody and its snake toxin antigen
Q52229470Structural models of the bovine papillomavirus E5 protein
Q53614710Structural models of the snake venom factor V activators from Daboia russelli and Daboia lebetina
Q48177488Structural motifs in which β-strands are clipped together with the П-like module.
Q30391301Structural mutation analysis of PTEN and its genotype-phenotype correlations in endometriosis and cancer
Q27664066Structural origins of pH-dependent chemical shifts in the B1 domain of protein G
Q44125121Structural parameterization of the binding enthalpy of small ligands
Q33449219Structural plasticity of staphylococcal nuclease probed by perturbation with pressure and pH.
Q43031949Structural plasticity of thermophilic serine hydroxymethyltransferases
Q47258381Structural polymorphism of a marginally stable 4-alpha-helical bundle. Images of a trapped molten globule?
Q46564490Structural prediction of peptides binding to MHC class I molecules
Q58035264Structural prediction of the β-domain of metallothionein-3 by molecular dynamics simulation
Q28156101Structural principles for the propeller assembly of beta-sheets: the preference for seven-fold symmetry
Q28142324Structural principles governing domain motions in proteins
Q29305034Structural principles governing domain motions in proteins
Q28270770Structural principles of alpha/beta barrel proteins: the packing of the interior of the sheet
Q28241151Structural principles of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins
Q48046294Structural properties of amyloid β(1-40) dimer explored by replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations.
Q42030679Structural properties of the DNA-bound form of a novel tandem repeat DNA-binding domain, STPR.
Q45396888Structural properties of the human respiratory syncytial virus P protein: evidence for an elongated homotetrameric molecule that is the smallest orthologue within the family of paramyxovirus polymerase cofactors
Q49701383Structural quality of unrefined models in protein docking
Q27660059Structural rationale for the short branched substrate specificity of the glycogen debranching enzyme GlgX
Q46934310Structural rationalization of novel drug metabolizing mutants of cytochrome P450 BM3.
Q40295014Structural refinement of protein segments containing secondary structure elements: Local sampling, knowledge-based potentials, and clustering
Q42426874Structural refinement of the hERG1 pore and voltage-sensing domains with ROSETTA-membrane and molecular dynamics simulations.
Q30421557Structural relationships of homologous proteins as a fundamental principle in homology modeling
Q47581961Structural repertoire of immunoglobulin λ light chains
Q42275220Structural requirements for enzymatic activities of foamy virus protease-reverse transcriptase
Q36381221Structural review of PPARγ in complex with ligands: Cartesian- and dihedral angle principal component analyses of X-ray crystallographic data.
Q48342123Structural role of a conserved active site cis proline in the Thermotoga maritima acetyl esterase from the carbohydrate esterase family 7.
Q30327292Structural stability of binding sites: consequences for binding affinity and allosteric effects.
Q71705245Structural stability of disulfide mutants of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor: a molecular dynamics study
Q27621075Structural studies of FIV and HIV-1 proteases complexed with an efficient inhibitor of FIV protease
Q35751293Structural studies of a signal peptide in complex with signal peptidase I cytoplasmic domain: the stabilizing effect of membrane-mimetics on the acquired fold
Q36707190Structural studies of a synthetic peptide derived from the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II.
Q27690084Structural studies of bovine, equine, and leporine serum albumin complexes with naproxen
Q27663100Structural studies of mutant forms of the PQQ-forming enzyme PqqC in the presence of product and substrate
Q46668183Structural studies of prephenate dehydratase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv by SAXS, ultracentrifugation, and computational analysis.
Q46764636Structural studies of shikimate 5-dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q27666243Structural studies of the Nudix GDP-mannose hydrolase from E. coli reveals a new motif for mannose recognition
Q27642090Structural studies of the retroviral proteinase from avian myeloblastosis associated virus
Q27684462Structural studies of the tethered N-terminus of the Alzheimer's disease amyloid-β peptide
Q90388690Structural studies on 10-hydroxygeraniol dehydrogenase: A novel linear substrate-specific dehydrogenase from Catharanthus roseus
Q27640401Structural studies on MtRecA-nucleotide complexes: insights into DNA and nucleotide binding and the structural signature of NTP recognition
Q27657590Structural studies on cytosolic domain of magnesium transporter MgtE fromEnterococcus faecalis
Q27664980Structural studies on the enzyme complex isopropylmalate isomerase (LeuCD) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q45959208Structural study of Carcinus maenas hemocyanin by native ESI-MS: interaction with L-lactate and divalent cations.
Q34062344Structural superposition of proteins with unknown alignment and detection of topological similarity using a six-dimensional search algorithm
Q35501780Structural templates for comparative protein docking
Q56927698Structural thermal adaptation of β-tubulins from the Antarctic psychrophilic protozoan Euplotes focardii
Q73025527Structural thermodynamics of a random coil protein in guanidine hydrochloride
Q46580532Structural thermodynamics of protein preferential solvation: osmolyte solvation of proteins, aminoacids, and peptides
Q35948983Structural transitions and oligomerization along polyalanine fibril formation pathways from computer simulations
Q30427554Structural trees for protein superfamilies
Q27656655Structural understanding of stabilization patterns in engineered bispecific Ig-like antibody molecules
Q57707009Structural variation and immune recognition of the P1.2 subtype meningococcal antigen
Q59226365Structural variation manipulates the differential oxidative susceptibility and conformational stability of apolipoprotein E isoforms
Q30155162Structural, energetic, and dynamic responses of the native state ensemble of staphylococcal nuclease to cavity-creating mutations.
Q27664737Structural, functional, and bioinformatics studies reveal a new snake venom homologue phospholipase A₂ class
Q30152895Structure alignment of membrane proteins: Accuracy of available tools and a consensus strategy
Q51575991Structure alignment of membrane proteins: Accuracy of available tools and a consensus strategy.
Q30350634Structure alignment via Delaunay tetrahedralization.
Q38513454Structure analysis of peptide deformylase from Bacillus cereus
Q28592797Structure and DNA binding characteristics of the three-Cys(2)His(2) domain of mouse testis zinc finger protein
Q27666116Structure and DNA‐binding activity of the Pyrococcus furiosus SMC protein hinge domain
Q27683578Structure and activity of the NAD(P)+-dependent succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase YneI from Salmonella typhimurium
Q27649055Structure and biochemical analysis of Kokobera virus helicase
Q45062754Structure and catalytic activation of the TRIM23 RING E3 ubiquitin ligase
Q27637709Structure and cooperativity of a T-state mutant of histidine decarboxylase from Lactobacillus 30a
Q30176016Structure and dynamic properties of the single disulfide-deficient alpha-amylase inhibitor [C45A/C73A]tendamistat: an NMR study
Q93059679Structure and dynamics at N- and C-terminal regions of intrinsically disordered human c-Myc PEST degron reveal a pH-induced transition
Q30009287Structure and dynamics of DRD4 bound to an agonist and an antagonist using in silico approaches
Q27646758Structure and dynamics of gamma-SNAP: insight into flexibility of proteins from the SNAP family
Q30427174Structure and dynamics of the M13 coat signal sequence in membranes by multidimensional high-resolution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Q111291711Structure and dynamics of the SARS‐CoV ‐2 envelope protein monomer
Q34372533Structure and dynamics of the human pleckstrin DEP domain: distinct molecular features of a novel DEP domain subfamily
Q72416543Structure and dynamics of the neutrophil defensins NP-2, NP-5, and HNP-1: NMR studies of amide hydrogen exchange kinetics
Q30588345Structure and dynamics of the pore-lining helix of the nicotinic receptor: MD simulations in water, lipid bilayers, and transbilayer bundles
Q27640399Structure and dynamics of the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor by 1H and 15N NMR
Q54756726Structure and energetics of ligand binding to proteins: Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase-trimethoprim, a drug-receptor system.
Q46565537Structure and energy landscape of a photoswitchable peptide: a replica exchange molecular dynamics study
Q43967675Structure and enzymatic properties of a chimeric bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase and single-stranded DNA binding protein with increased processivity
Q34768272Structure and folding of disulfide-rich miniproteins: insights from molecular dynamics simulations and MM-PBSA free energy calculations
Q90300132Structure and function insights garnered from in silico modeling of the thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing 7A antigen
Q27683997Structure and function of a TetR family transcriptional regulator, SbtR, from thermus thermophilus HB8
Q27683810Structure and function of an acetyl xylan esterase (Est2A) from the rumen bacterium Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus
Q74449405Structure and function of chromophores in R-Phycoerythrin at 1.9 A resolution
Q27684460Structure and function ofEscherichia coliRimK, an ATP-grasp fold,l-glutamyl ligase enzyme
Q27702575Structure and functional analysis of the siderophore periplasmic binding protein from the fuscachelin gene cluster of Thermobifida fusca
Q36586233Structure and functional characterization of a bile acid 7α dehydratase BaiE in secondary bile acid synthesis
Q27663110Structure and interactions of the C-terminal metal binding domain of Archaeoglobus fulgidus CopA
Q36788618Structure and internal dynamics of the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor in aqueous solution from long-time molecular dynamics simulations.
Q46804016Structure and mechanism of the farnesyl diphosphate synthase from Trypanosoma cruzi: implications for drug design
Q27661461Structure and oligomerization of the PilC type IV pilus biogenesis protein from Thermus thermophilus
Q54203727Structure and properties of AB21, a novel Agaricus bisporus protein with structural relation to bacterial pore-forming toxins
Q27643329Structure and properties of a truely apo form of AraC dimerization domain
Q27646760Structure and quantum chemical analysis of NAD+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase: hydride transfer and co-factor specificity
Q34735386Structure and specificity of FEN-1 from Methanopyrus kandleri
Q27689552Structure and specificity of an antibody targeting a proteolytically cleaved IgG hinge
Q51370409Structure and stability of a model three-helix-bundle protein on tailored surfaces
Q69658326Structure and thermal stability of monomeric bacteriorhodopsin in mixed phospholipid/detergent micelles
Q42181496Structure based computational assessment of channel properties of assembled ORF-8a from SARS-CoV.
Q43445023Structure based mechanism of the Ca(2+)-induced release of coelenterazine from the Renilla binding protein
Q42612067Structure classification-based assessment of CASP3 predictions for the fold recognition targets
Q42643528Structure conservation in cytochromes P450.
Q52309185Structure conservation in lipoxygenases: structural analysis of soybean lipoxygenase-1 and modeling of human lipoxygenases
Q27683745Structure determination and refinement of Bacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase
Q27650209Structure determination of Discoidin II from Dictyostelium discoideum and carbohydrate binding properties of the lectin domain
Q31056365Structure determination of a new protein from backbone-centered NMR data and NMR-assisted structure prediction
Q51610756Structure determination of a protein assembly by amino acid selective cross-saturation
Q27732038Structure determination of feline panleukopenia virus empty particles
Q34555581Structure determination of symmetric homo-oligomers by a complete search of symmetry configuration space, using NMR restraints and van der Waals packing.
Q57208986Structure is three to ten times more conserved than sequence-A study of structural response in protein cores
Q52300233Structure model of a complex between the factor for inversion stimulation (FIS) and DNA: modeling protein-DNA complexes with dyad symmetry and known protein structures
Q57752571Structure modeling, ligand binding, and binding affinity calculation (LR-MM-PBSA) of human heparanase for inhibition and drug design
Q42614811Structure modelling and site-directed mutagenesis of the rat aromatic L-amino acid pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent decarboxylase: a functional study
Q30361168Structure networks of E. coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase: effects of ligand binding.
Q27648278Structure of 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose synthase, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of 2-deoxystreptamine-containing aminoglycoside antibiotics, in complex with a mechanism-based inhibitor and NAD+
Q27639584Structure of 2C-methyl-D-erythrol-2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase from Haemophilus influenzae: activation by conformational transition
Q27701666Structure of Ctk3, a subunit of the RNA polymerase II CTD kinase complex, reveals a noncanonical CTD-interacting domain fold
Q60913190Structure of HI0073 from Haemophilus influenzae, the nucleotide-binding domain of a two-protein nucleotidyl transferase
Q27639733Structure of HI1333 (YhbY), a putative RNA-binding protein from Haemophilus influenzae
Q27651183Structure of HP0564 from Helicobacter pylori identifies it as a new transcriptional regulator
Q43864571Structure of Met-enkephalin in explicit aqueous solution using replica exchange molecular dynamics
Q27735387Structure of Semliki Forest virus core protein
Q27646620Structure of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri YaeQ reveals a new compact protein fold built around a variation of the PD-(D/E)XK nuclease motif
Q46391927Structure of YciI from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0828) reveals a ferredoxin-like alpha/beta-fold with a histidine/aspartate centered catalytic site.
Q30435859Structure of YidB protein from Shigella flexneri shows a new fold with homeodomain motif
Q27650324Structure of YraM, a protein essential for growth of Haemophilus influenzae
Q60238208Structure of a carbohydrate esterase from Bacillus anthracis
Q34989735Structure of a cupin protein Plu4264 from Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. laumondii TTO1 at 1.35 Å resolution
Q83203031Structure of a glutathione conjugate bound to the active site of aldose reductase
Q46464605Structure of a glycoside hydrolase family 50 enzyme from a subfamily that is enriched in human gut microbiome bacteroidetes
Q27633847Structure of a legume lectin from the bark of Robinia pseudoacacia and its complex with N-acetylgalactosamine
Q27654990Structure of a pullulanase from Bacillus acidopullulyticus
Q27664156Structure of a putative BenF-like porin from Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 at 2.6 Å resolution
Q67584046Structure of a rhombohedral R6 insulin/phenol complex
Q28283187Structure of a ribulose 5-phosphate 3-epimerase from Plasmodium falciparum
Q27733437Structure of a ternary complex of proteinase K, mercury, and a substrate-analogue hexa-peptide at 2.2 A resolution
Q45039419Structure of an anti-DNA fab complexed with a non-DNA ligand provides insights into cross-reactivity and molecular mimicry
Q27635358Structure of an anti-HIV monoclonal Fab antibody fragment specific to a gp120 C-4 region peptide
Q27667514Structure of an archaeal-type phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase sensitive to inhibition by aspartate
Q30196213Structure of an insect virus at 3.0 A resolution
Q43512274Structure of an intermediate in the unfolding of creatine kinase
Q27648031Structure of aspartate racemase complexed with a dual substrate analogue, citric acid, and implications for the reaction mechanism
Q27646975Structure of biosynthetic N-acetylornithine aminotransferase from Salmonella typhimurium: studies on substrate specificity and inhibitor binding
Q43694842Structure of bovine alpha-1,3-galactosyltransferase and its complexes with UDP and DPGal inferred from molecular modeling
Q50148706Structure of catalase HPII from Escherichia coli at 1.9 A resolution
Q78675908Structure of deoxyhemoglobin: ionizable groups and polyethylene glycol
Q27662219Structure of full-length class I chitinase from rice revealed by X-ray crystallography and small-angle X-ray scattering
Q27659698Structure of human CLIC3 at 2 A resolution
Q27695608Structure of human SNX10 reveals insights into its role in human autosomal recessive osteopetrosis
Q44252303Structure of human aldose reductase holoenzyme in complex with statil: an approach to structure-based inhibitor design of the enzyme
Q27657905Structure of hyperthermophilic endocellulase from Pyrococcus horikoshii
Q27703982Structure of iron saturated C-lobe of bovine lactoferrin at pH 6.8 indicates a weakening of iron coordination
Q37471218Structure of phage protein BC1872 from Bacillus cereus, a singleton with new fold.
Q27649514Structure of protein PH0536 from Pyrococcus horikoshii at 1.7 A resolution reveals a novel assembly of an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold and an alpha-helical bundle
Q27634879Structure of rat parvalbumin with deleted AB domain: implications for the evolution of EF hand calcium-binding proteins and possible physiological relevance
Q45233913Structure of ricin A-chain at 2.5 A.
Q30372288Structure of ricin B-chain at 2.5 A resolution.
Q27743059Structure of soybean lipoxygenase L3 and a comparison with its L1 isoenzyme
Q27663523Structure of the ATP-binding domain of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp90
Q27667121Structure of the C-terminal domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nup133, a component of the nuclear pore complex
Q27640400Structure of the Clade 1 catalase, CatF of Pseudomonas syringae, at 1.8 A resolution
Q27667228Structure of the C‐terminal heme‐binding domain of THAP domain containing protein 4 from Homo sapiens
Q27675629Structure of the DNA-bound T-box domain of human TBX1, a transcription factor associated with the DiGeorge syndrome
Q27648881Structure of the Drosophila nucleosome core particle highlights evolutionary constraints on the H2A-H2B histone dimer
Q27657487Structure of the EMMPRIN N-terminal domain 1: dimerization via beta-strand swapping
Q44125849Structure of the LAV6 peptide: A nucleation site for the correct receptor-induced refolding of the CD4-binding domain of HIV1 gp 120
Q27666113Structure of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis OmpATb protein: a model of an oligomeric channel in the mycobacterial cell wall
Q27676879Structure of the NLRP1 caspase recruitment domain suggests potential mechanisms for its association with procaspase-1
Q27652351Structure of the OSR1 kinase, a hypertension drug target
Q27677252Structure of the RNA-directed RNA Polymerase from the cystovirus ϕ12
Q27652871Structure of the S1S2 glutamate binding domain of GLuR3
Q27644199Structure of the SANT domain from the Xenopus chromatin remodeling factor ISWI
Q27640567Structure of the YibK methyltransferase from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0766): a cofactor bound at a site formed by a knot
Q53891195Structure of the adenovirus E4 Orf6 protein predicted by fold recognition and comparative protein modeling
Q27663525Structure of the amino-terminal domain from the cell-cycle regulator Swi6
Q27642616Structure of the bacillus subtilis YYCN protein: a putative N-acetyltransferase
Q27668191Structure of the catalytic domain of glucuronoyl esterase Cip2 from Hypocrea jecorina
Q30157142Structure of the heme/hemoglobin outer membrane receptor ShuA from Shigella dysenteriae: heme binding by an induced fit mechanism
Q27687647Structure of the hypothetical protein Ton1535 from Thermococcus onnurineus NA1 reveals unique structural properties by a left-handed helical turn in normal α-solenoid protein
Q28138164Structure of the integral membrane domain of the GLP1 receptor
Q29540751Structure of the integral membrane domain of the GLP1 receptor
Q27650275Structure of the partially unliganded met state of 400 kDa hemoglobin: insights into ligand-induced structural changes of giant hemoglobins
Q43269859Structure of the ribosome associating GTPase HflX.
Q27620631Structure of the small G protein Rap2 in a non-catalytic complex with GTP
Q27697457Structure of the terminal PCP domain of the non-ribosomal peptide synthetase in teicoplanin biosynthesis
Q46500567Structure of the tetrameric form of human L-Xylulose reductase: probing the inhibitor-binding site with molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis.
Q41087270Structure of the yeast Bre1 RING domain.
Q34060201Structure of trichosanthin at 1.88 A resolution
Q30176590Structure prediction and fold recognition for the ferrochelatase family of proteins
Q28250601Structure prediction for CASP7 targets using extensive all-atom refinement with Rosetta@home
Q30380039Structure prediction for CASP8 with all-atom refinement using Rosetta.
Q38339608Structure prediction of a complex between the chromosomal protein HMG-D and DNA.
Q91487322Structure prediction of biological assemblies using GALAXY in CAPRI rounds 38-45
Q30384246Structure prediction using sparse simulated NOE restraints with Rosetta in CASP11.
Q88417944Structure refinement of membrane proteins via molecular dynamics simulations
Q85198369Structure refinement of protein model decoys requires accurate side‐chain placement
Q27860657Structure validation by Calpha geometry: phi,psi and Cbeta deviation
Q46803209Structure, conformational stability, and enzymatic properties of acylphosphatase from the hyperthermophile Sulfolobus solfataricus
Q30155826Structure, dynamics, and Hck interaction of full-length HIV-1 Nef.
Q27650763Structure, dynamics, and binding thermodynamics of the v-Src SH2 domain: implications for drug design
Q34988155Structure, dynamics, and interactions of jacalin. Insights from molecular dynamics simulations examined in conjunction with results of X-ray studies
Q71074649Structure, energetics, and dynamics of lipid-protein interactions: A molecular dynamics study of the gramicidin A channel in a DMPC bilayer
Q44544349Structure, evolution, and inhibitor interaction of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase from Plasmodium falciparum
Q27645454Structure, flexibility, and mechanism of the Bacillus stearothermophilus RecU Holliday junction resolvase
Q31473053Structure-based analysis of protein dynamics: comparison of theoretical results for hen lysozyme with X-ray diffraction and NMR relaxation data
Q27650762Structure-based approach to pharmacophore identification, in silico screening, and three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship studies for inhibitors of Trypanosoma cruzi dihydrofolate reductase function
Q37222972Structure-based classification of 45 FK506-binding proteins
Q51540257Structure-based classification of FAD binding sites: A comparative study of structural alignment tools.
Q33366003Structure-based design of a T-cell receptor leads to nearly 100-fold improvement in binding affinity for pepMHC.
Q74464016Structure-based design of model proteins
Q40594026Structure-based identification of binding sites, native ligands and potential inhibitors for G-protein coupled receptors.
Q34975441Structure-based identification of catalytic residues.
Q47890169Structure-based inhibitor screening: a family of sulfonated dye inhibitors for malaria parasite triosephosphate isomerase.
Q27694678Structure-based investigation into the functional roles of the extended loop and substrate-recognition sites in an endo-β-1,4-D-mannanase from the Antarctic springtail, Cryptopygus antarcticus
Q52206940Structure-based ligand design by dynamically assembling molecular building blocks at binding site
Q81003129Structure-based mutagenesis of Penicillium griseofulvum xylanase using computational design
Q30321828Structure-based prediction of DNA target sites by regulatory proteins.
Q47596442Structure-based prediction of DNA-binding sites on proteins using the empirical preference of electrostatic potential and the shape of molecular surfaces
Q51891629Structure-based prediction of transcription factor binding sites using a protein-DNA docking approach
Q27644505Structure-based protein engineering for alpha-amylase inhibitory activity of plant defensin
Q30588355Structure-based simulations reveal concerted dynamics of GPCR activation
Q33326721Structure-based tailoring of compound libraries for high-throughput screening: discovery of novel EphB4 kinase inhibitors
Q52250455Structure-based thermodynamic design of peptide ligands: Application to peptide inhibitors of the aspartic protease endothiapepsin
Q33285015Structure-based virtual ligand screening with LigandFit: pose prediction and enrichment of compound collections
Q45277435Structure-based, biophysical annotation of molecular coevolution of acetylcholinesterase
Q40137005Structure-function relationship of inhibitory Smads: Structural flexibility contributes to functional divergence
Q44072534Structure-function relationships in 3-phosphoglycerate kinase: role of the carboxy-terminal peptide
Q34713855Structure-function relationships in the 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase family: substrate-specific signatures and functional predictions for the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like proteins
Q35943452Structure-function relationships of the hematopoietic growth factors
Q38310374Structure-guided analysis of catalytic specificity of the abundantly secreted chitosanase SACTE_5457 from Streptomyces sp. SirexAA-E.
Q43823211Structure-guided approach for detecting large domain inserts in protein sequences as illustrated using the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily.
Q41927287Structure-guided forcefield optimization
Q87482896Structure-kinetic relationship of carbapenem antibacterials permeating through E. coli OmpC porin
Q42676940Structure/function of KRAB repression domains: structural properties of KRAB modules inferred from hydrodynamic, circular dichroism, and FTIR spectroscopic analyses.
Q34325473Structured disorder and conformational selection
Q90403222Structures and activities of widely conserved small prokaryotic aminopeptidases-P clarify classification of M24B peptidases
Q38971732Structures and recognition modes of toll-like receptors
Q92372224Structures of Hsp90α and Hsp90β bound to a purine-scaffold inhibitor reveal an exploitable residue for drug selectivity
Q83898714Structures of N-acetylornithine transcarbamoylase from Xanthomonas campestris complexed with substrates and substrate analogs imply mechanisms for substrate binding and catalysis
Q27650471Structures of a potent phenylalkyl bisphosphonate inhibitor bound to farnesyl and geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthases
Q27696880Structures of citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q46800884Structures of complexes of rhizopuspepsin with pepstatin and other statine-containing inhibitors
Q27646881Structures of dimeric dihydrodiol dehydrogenase apoenzyme and inhibitor complex: probing the subunit interface with site-directed mutagenesis
Q82649959Structures of intact glycoproteins from vibrational circular dichroism
Q52360845Structures of jacalin-related lectin PPL3 regulating pearl shell biomineralization.
Q57095150Structures of mesophilic and extremophilic citrate synthases reveal rigidity and flexibility for function
Q27704889Structures of paraoxon-inhibited human acetylcholinesterase reveal perturbations of the acyl loop and the dimer interface
Q27666632Structures of parasitic CDPK domains point to a common mechanism of activation
Q27687968Structures of reduced and ligand-bound nitric oxide reductase provide insights into functional differences in respiratory enzymes
Q40760197Structures of scrambled disulfide forms of the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor predicted by molecular dynamics simulations with constraints
Q57957053Structures of scrambled disulfide forms of the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor predicted by molecular dynamics simulations with constraints
Q30159690Structures of soluble amyloid oligomers from computer simulations
Q27731983Structures of the "open" and "closed" state of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase, as observed in a new crystal form: implications for the reaction mechanism
Q27660306Structures of the autoproteolytic domain from theSaccharomyces cerevisiaenuclear pore complex component, Nup145
Q27654471Structures of twoArabidopsis thalianamajor latex proteins represent novel helix-grip folds
Q43852590Structures of vertebrate hyaluronidases and their unique enzymatic mechanism of hydrolysis
Q27684611Structure‐based engineering of streptavidin monomer with a reduced biotin dissociation rate
Q43502365Structure‐based prediction of protein–peptide specificity in rosetta
Q30361792Studies of the molten globule state of ferredoxin: structural characterization and implications on protein folding and iron-sulfur center assembly.
Q73427999Studies of the unfolding of an unstable mutant of staphylococcal nuclease: evidence for low temperature unfolding and compactness of the high temperature unfolded state
Q28267131Studies of the zein-like alpha-prolamins based on an analysis of amino acid sequences: implications for their evolution and three-dimensional structure
Q30396151Studies on the inference of protein binding regions across fold space based on structural similarities
Q27745686Studies on the inhibitor-binding site of porcine aldehyde reductase: Crystal structure of the holoenzyme-inhibitor ternary complex
Q45832587Study of Q224K, V152G double mutation in bean PGIP2, an LRR protein for plant defense—An in silico approach
Q52306154Study of global motions in proteins by weighted masses molecular dynamics: adenylate kinase as a test case
Q51970529Study of protein-protein interaction using conformational space annealing
Q51985235Study of the Villin headpiece folding dynamics by combining coarse-grained Monte Carlo evolution and all-atom molecular dynamics
Q52133646Study of the electrostatics treatment in molecular dynamics simulations
Q33347927Study of the impact of the T877A mutation on ligand-induced helix-12 positioning of the androgen receptor resulted in design and synthesis of novel antiandrogens
Q46634376Study of the insulin dimerization: binding free energy calculations and per-residue free energy decomposition
Q99603107Studying dynamics without explicit dynamics: a structure-based study of the export mechanism by AcrB
Q48229799Studying pressure denaturation of a protein by molecular dynamics simulations
Q33671898Studying submicrosecond protein folding kinetics using a photolabile caging strategy and time-resolved photoacoustic calorimetry.
Q47586066Sub-angstrom modeling of complexes between flexible peptides and globular proteins.
Q34163319Subcellular location prediction of apoptosis proteins
Q44060658Subdomains in the F and G helices of bacteriorhodopsin regulate the conformational transitions of the reprotonation mechanism
Q46022091Substrate binding modifies the hinge bending characteristics of human 3-phosphoglycerate kinase: a molecular dynamics study.
Q44745620Substrate binding to mononuclear metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacillus cereus
Q46393912Substrate directs enzyme dynamics by bridging distal sites: UDP-galactopyranose mutase
Q27633262Substrate flow in catalases deduced from the crystal structures of active site variants of HPII from Escherichia coli
Q41917068Substrate induced structural and dynamics changes in human phosphomevalonate kinase and implications for mechanism.
Q68137851Substrate mobility in a deeply buried active site: analysis of norcamphor bound to cytochrome P-450cam as determined by a 201-psec molecular dynamics simulation
Q58456703Substrate polarization in enzyme catalysis: QM/MM analysis of the effect of oxaloacetate polarization on acetyl-CoA enolization in citrate synthase
Q54720062Substrate recognition by the EcoRI endonuclease.
Q46142968Substrate specificities in class A beta-lactamases: preference for penams vs. cephems. The role of residue 237.
Q36129891Substrate specificity characterization for eight putative nudix hydrolases. Evaluation of criteria for substrate identification within the Nudix family
Q51188485Substrate specificity in HIV-1 protease by a biased sequence search method
Q39846885Substrate stereo-specificity in tryptophan dioxygenase and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase.
Q28081510Substrate tunnels in enzymes: structure-function relationships and computational methodology
Q30381183Substrate uptake and protein stability relationship in mammalian histidine decarboxylase.
Q50996579Substrate versus inhibitor dynamics of P-glycoprotein
Q93056725Substrate-dependent transport mechanism in AcrB of multidrug resistant bacteria
Q62648718Substrate-enzyme interactions and catalytic mechanism in phospholipase C: A molecular modeling study using the GRID program
Q46896541Substrate-free structure of a monomeric NADP isocitrate dehydrogenase: an open conformation phylogenetic relationship of isocitrate dehydrogenase
Q57752101Substrate-mediated control of the conformation of an ancillary domain delivers a competent catalytic site for N-acetylneuraminic acid synthase
Q44359047Substrate-shielding and hydrolytic reaction in hydrolases.
Q82863059Substructural cooperativity and parallel versus sequential events during protein unfolding
Q73876909Subtle functional collective motions in pancreatic-like ribonucleases: from ribonuclease A to angiogenin
Q44379436Subunit E of mitochondrial ATP synthase: a bioinformatic analysis reveals a phosphopeptide binding motif supporting a multifunctional regulatory role and identifies a related human brain protein with the same motif
Q45212617Subunit assembly and active site location in the structure of glutamate dehydrogenase
Q54768950Subunit assembly and metabolic stability of E. coli RNA polymerase.
Q52281049Successful ab initio prediction of the tertiary structure of NK‐lysin using multiple sequences and recognized supersecondary structural motifs
Q52015252Successful discrimination of protein interactions
Q43765189Successful molecular dynamics simulation of two zinc complexes bridged by a hydroxide in phosphotriesterase using the cationic dummy atom method
Q57000512Successful prediction of the coiled coil geometry of the GCN4 leucine zipper domain by simulated annealing: Comparison to the X-ray structure
Q30424396Successful protein fold recognition by optimal sequence threading validated by rigorous blind testing
Q52141257Successful recognition of protein folds using threading methods biased by sequence similarity and predicted secondary structure
Q51728577Sucrose prevents protein fibrillation through compaction of the tertiary structure but hardly affects the secondary structure.
Q42620563Super folds, networks, and barriers
Q28143898Super-motifs and evolution of tandem leucine-rich repeats within the small proteoglycans--biglycan, decorin, lumican, fibromodulin, PRELP, keratocan, osteoadherin, epiphycan, and osteoglycin
Q58023176Superantigen natural affinity maturation revealed by the crystal structure of staphylococcal enterotoxin G and its binding to T-cell receptor Vβ8.2
Q46035013Superfamily active site templates.
Q51929016Surface hydrophobic groups, stability, and flip-flopping in lattice proteins
Q68033367Surface interactions of gamma-crystallins in the crystal medium in relation to their association in the eye lens
Q30422345Surface motifs by a computer vision technique: searches, detection, and implications for protein-ligand recognition
Q52229473Surface properties of adipocyte lipid-binding protein: Response to lipid binding, and comparison with homologous proteins
Q80867938Surface recognition elements of membrane protein oligomerization
Q39869782Surface shapes and surrounding environment analysis of single- and double-stranded DNA-binding proteins in protein-DNA interface
Q42054429Surface-based protein binding pocket similarity
Q74419058Surface-exposed phenylalanines in the RNP1/RNP2 motif stabilize the cold-shock protein CspB from Bacillus subtilis
Q39865644Surface‐histogram: A new shape descriptor for protein‐protein docking
Q44544345Survey for g-proteins in the prokaryotic genomes: prediction of functional roles based on classification
Q30821888Survey of phosphorylation near drug binding sites in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and their effects
Q51632243Survey of the geometric association of domain-domain interfaces
Q44060644Susceptibility to proteolysis of triosephosphate isomerase from two pathogenic parasites: characterization of an enzyme with an intact and a nicked monomer
Q40793518Sustained performance of knowledge-based potentials in fold recognition.
Q60229708Swapping the domains of exoribonucleases RNase II and RNase R: Conferring upon RNase II the ability to degrade ds RNA
Q52036909Swaps in protein sequences
Q51328754Swfoldrate: Predicting protein folding rates from amino acid sequence with sliding window method
Q35161189SymmRef: a flexible refinement method for symmetric multimers
Q30382391Symmetry-restrained molecular dynamics simulations improve homology models of potassium channels
Q41300612Synergistic enhancement of cellulase pairs linked by consensus ankyrin repeats: Determination of the roles of spacing, orientation, and enzyme identity
Q45270047Synthetic peptides corresponding to sequences of snake venom neurotoxins and rabies virus glycoprotein bind to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
Q81268383System for accepting server predictions in CASP6
Q29547923Systematic analysis of domain motions in proteins from conformational change: New results on citrate synthase and T4 lysozyme
Q81979762Systematic classification of CDR-L3 in antibodies: implications of the light chain subtypes and the VL-VH interface
Q79236327Systematic comparison of catalytic mechanisms of hydrolysis and transfer reactions classified in the EzCatDB database
Q30396232Systematic evaluation of CS-Rosetta for membrane protein structure prediction with sparse NOE restraints
Q30371090Systematic solution to homo-oligomeric structures determined by NMR.
Q27655054Systematic structural studies of iron superoxide dismutases from human parasites and a statistical coupling analysis of metal binding specificity
Q40353250TASSER-based refinement of NMR structures
Q51963686TASSER: an automated method for the prediction of protein tertiary structures in CASP6.
Q30391461TASSER_low-zsc: an approach to improve structure prediction using low z-score-ranked templates
Q39644236THz frequency spectrum of protein-solvent interaction energy using a recurrence plot-based Wiener-Khinchin method
Q91460855TKSA-MC: A web server for rational mutation through the optimization of protein charge interactions
Q30392295TMSEG: Novel prediction of transmembrane helices
Q30336234TOUCHSTONE: a unified approach to protein structure prediction.
Q30336124TOUCHSTONEX: protein structure prediction with sparse NMR data.
Q27647821TPR domain of NrfG mediates complex formation between heme lyase and formate-dependent nitrite reductase in Escherichia coli O157:H7
Q51547005TSAR, a new graph–theoretical approach to computational modeling of protein side‐chain flexibility: Modeling of ionization properties of proteins
Q112582210Tackling Covid-19 using disordered-to-order transition of residues in the spike protein upon angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 binding
Q81307659Taking advantage of local structure descriptors to analyze interresidue contacts in protein structures and protein complexes
Q47613348Taking geometry to its edge: fast unbound rigid (and hinge-bent) docking
Q42115423Talin-driven inside-out activation mechanism of platelet αIIbβ3 integrin probed by multimicrosecond, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations
Q85889966Tamoxifen, an anticancer drug, is an activator of human aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1
Q27649292Tandem use of X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to obtain ab initio the complete and exact amino acids sequence of HPBP, a human 38-kDa apolipoprotein
Q24647352Target domain definition and classification in CASP8
Q41928117Target highlights from the first post-PSI CASP experiment (CASP12, May-August 2016).
Q92816927Target highlights in CASP13: Experimental target structures through the eyes of their authors
Q30408519Target highlights in CASP9: Experimental target structures for the critical assessment of techniques for protein structure prediction
Q46436407Target selection and deselection at the Berkeley Structural Genomics Center
Q42582837Targeted molecular dynamics reveals overall common conformational changes upon hybrid domain swing-out in beta3 integrins
Q34618181Targeted molecular dynamics simulation studies of binding and conformational changes in E. coli MurD.
Q30731629Targeting novel folds for structural genomics
Q54729743Targeting the conformational transitions of MDM2 and MDMX: insights into key residues affecting p53 recognition.
Q53297291Targeting the early steps of Abeta16-22 protofibril disassembly by N-methylated inhibitors: a numerical study
Q51570059Tat peptide‐calmodulin binding studies and bioinformatics of HIV‐1 protein–calmodulin interactions
Q38289496Taxonomic distribution, repeats, and functions of the S1 domain-containing proteins as members of the OB-fold family.
Q52575406Tchebichef image moment approach to the prediction of protein secondary structures based on circular dichroism
Q34284914Temperature and pressure denaturation of chignolin: Folding and unfolding simulation by multibaric‐multithermal molecular dynamics method
Q87486112Temperature and pressure effects on C112S azurin: volume, expansivity, and flexibility changes
Q48420779Temperature dependence of the NMR generalized order parameter
Q30164200Temperature dependence of the free energy landscape of the src-SH3 protein domain
Q43982440Temperature effects on the hydrodynamic radius of the intrinsically disordered N-terminal region of the p53 protein
Q47107100Temperature stability of proteins: Analysis of irreversible denaturation using isothermal calorimetry.
Q87957424Temperature-accelerated molecular dynamics gives insights into globular conformations sampled in the free state of the AC catalytic domain
Q33326719Temperature-dependent downhill unfolding of ubiquitin. I. Nanosecond-to-millisecond resolved nonlinear infrared spectroscopy
Q52586107Temperature-dependent downhill unfolding of ubiquitin. II. Modeling the free energy surface
Q82665031Temperature-dependent oligomerization in M-crystallin: lead or lag toward cataract, an NMR perspective
Q81075444Temperature-dependent structural and functional features of a hyperthermostable enzyme using elastic neutron scattering
Q45816549Temperature-dependent study reveals that dynamics of hydrophobic residues plays an important functional role in the mitochondrial Tim9-Tim10 complex.
Q52378057Temperature-induced complementarity as a mechanism for biomolecular assembly
Q47771272Temperature-induced partially unfolded state of hUBF HMG Box-5: conformational and dynamic investigations of the Box-5 thermal intermediate ensemble
Q47402752Temperature-induced unfolding behavior of proteins studied by tensorial elastic network model
Q27675987Temperature‐dependent conformational change affecting Tyr11 and sweetness loops of brazzein
Q30378664Template based protein structure modeling by global optimization in CASP11.
Q30380289Template-based and free modeling by RAPTOR++ in CASP8
Q47589415Template-based and free modeling of I-TASSER and QUARK pipelines using predicted contact maps in CASP12.
Q47567198Template-based modeling and ab initio refinement of protein oligomer structures using GALAXY in CAPRI round 30.
Q90388648Template-based modeling and ab-initio docking using CoDock in CAPRI
Q30364787Template-based modeling and free modeling by I-TASSER in CASP7.
Q92838113Template-based modeling by ClusPro in CASP13 and the potential for using co-evolutionary information in docking
Q91163154Template-based modeling of diverse protein interactions in CAPRI rounds 38-45
Q30409791Template-based protein structure modeling using TASSER(VMT.).
Q30378816Template-based protein structure prediction in CASP11 and retrospect of I-TASSER in the last decade.
Q47361532Template-based quaternary structure prediction of proteins using enhanced profile-profile alignments.
Q30380345Template-free modeling by LEE and LEER in CASP11.
Q30376832Template-free protein structure prediction and quality assessment with an all-atom free-energy model.
Q84677897Tensorial elastic network model for protein dynamics: Integration of the anisotropic network model with bond‐bending and twist elasticities
Q82521398Terminal ion pairs stabilize the second beta-hairpin of the B1 domain of protein G
Q34389239Terminal sialic acids on CD44 N-glycans can block hyaluronan binding by forming competing intramolecular contacts with arginine sidechains
Q82365981Terminal-group effects on the folding behavior of selected beta-peptides
Q58008929Tertiary and quaternary conformational changes in aspartate transcarbamylase: a normal mode study
Q30431726Tertiary structure prediction of mixed alpha/beta proteins via energy minimization
Q46172421Tertiary structure prediction of the KIX domain of CBP using Monte Carlo simulations driven by restraints derived from multiple sequence alignments
Q68082931Test of circular dichroism (CD) methods for crambin and CD-assisted secondary structure prediction of its homologous toxins
Q47810344Testing a new Monte Carlo algorithm for protein folding
Q58042939Testing a new Monte Carlo algorithm for protein folding
Q34579607Testing computational prediction of missense mutation phenotypes: functional characterization of 204 mutations of human cystathionine beta synthase
Q58042924Testing similarity measures with continuous and discrete protein models
Q34774496Tethering polypeptides through bifunctional PEG cross-linking agents to probe protein function: application to ATP synthase
Q30160179The "first in-last out" hypothesis on protein folding revisited
Q30322866The "random-coil" state of proteins: comparison of database statistics and molecular simulations.
Q47588389The (non)malignancy of cancerous amino acidic substitutions
Q27648274The 1.3 A crystal structure of a novel endo-beta-1,3-glucanase of glycoside hydrolase family 16 from alkaliphilic Nocardiopsis sp. strain F96
Q27649474The 1.38 Å crystal structure of DmsD protein fromSalmonella typhimurium, a proofreading chaperone on the Tat pathway
Q47714920The 1.59 A resolution crystal structure of TM0096, a flavin mononucleotide binding protein from Thermotoga maritima
Q57572230The 1.6-Å resolution crystal structure of NovW: A 4-keto-6-deoxy sugar epimerase from the novobiocin biosynthetic gene cluster of Streptomyces spheroides
Q69537537The 15 N-terminal amino acids of hexokinase II are not required for in vivo function: analysis of a truncated form of hexokinase II in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q27656125The 2.1 Å crystal structure of an acyl-CoA synthetase from Methanosarcina acetivorans reveals an alternate acyl-binding pocket for small branched acyl substrates
Q27685454The 2/2 hemoglobin from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 with covalently attached heme: comparison of X-ray and NMR structures
Q93012343The 3A6-TCR/superagonist/HLA-DR2a complex shows similar interface and reduced flexibility compared to the complex with self-peptide
Q58428627The 4th meeting on the Critical Assessment of Predicted Interaction (CAPRI) held at the Mare Nostrum, Barcelona
Q41958187The ABC transporters in Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus
Q96162993The Actin cytoskeleton orchestra in Entamoeba histolytica
Q45070142The B-ring substituent at C-7 of colchicine and the alpha-C-terminus of tubulin communicate through the "tail-body" interaction
Q73303306The C-terminal domain of HPII catalase is a member of the type I glutamine amidotransferase superfamily
Q50701620The C-terminal domain of the transcriptional regulator BldD from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) constitutes a novel fold of winged-helix domains
Q41931296The C-terminal extension of human RTEL1, mutated in Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome, contains harmonin-N-like domains.
Q38347632The C-terminal module of Chi1 from Aeromonas caviae CB101 has a function in substrate binding and hydrolysis
Q43023799The C-terminal region of thermophilic tRNA (m7G46) methyltransferase (TrmB) stabilizes the dimer structure and enhances fidelity of methylation
Q27860601The CCPN data model for NMR spectroscopy: development of a software pipeline
Q81481796The CDR1 of the human lambdaVI light chains adopts a new canonical structure
Q83844462The Caenorhabditis elegans DAF-12 nuclear receptor: structure, dynamics, and interaction with ligands
Q30349877The ConSurf-HSSP database: the mapping of evolutionary conservation among homologs onto PDB structures.
Q98774561The Crystal Structure of AbsH3: a Putative FAD-dependent Reductase in the Abyssomicin Biosynthesis Pathway
Q30440962The DC-module of doublecortin: dynamics, domain boundaries, and functional implications
Q68236075The DNA replication inhibitor microcin B17 is a forty-three-amino-acid protein containing sixty percent glycine
Q27650257The Escherichia coli YdcF binds S-adenosyl-L-methionine and adopts an alpha/beta-fold characteristic of nucleotide-utilizing enzymes
Q91244924The GluN2B-Glu413Gly NMDA receptor variant arising from a de novo GRIN2B mutation promotes ligand-unbinding and domain opening
Q80380717The Gō model revisited: Native structure and the geometric coupling between local and long-range contacts
Q42339476The H3 loop of antibodies shows unique structural characteristics
Q27640180The HI0073/HI0074 protein pair from Haemophilus influenzae is a member of a new nucleotidyltransferase family: structure, sequence analyses, and solution studies
Q41937609The HIV-1 p66 homodimeric RT exhibits different conformations in the binding-competent and -incompetent NNRTI site
Q41673312The Helicobacter pylori genome: from sequence analysis to structural and functional predictions
Q27648703The HhH domain of the human DNA repair protein XPF forms stable homodimers
Q33229210The Histone Database: a comprehensive resource for histones and histone fold-containing proteins
Q28295769The N- and C-termini of the human Nogo molecules are intrinsically unstructured: bioinformatics, CD, NMR characterization, and functional implications
Q43420513The N-terminal domains of SOCS proteins: a conserved region in the disordered N-termini of SOCS4 and 5.
Q88046683The N-terminal of annexin A1 as a secondary membrane binding site: a molecular dynamics study
Q30394771The NMR solution structure and function of RPA3313: a putative ribosomal transport protein from Rhodopseudomonas palustris
Q27650668The NMR solution structure of the artificial protein M7 matches the computationally designed model
Q27667929The PR/SET domain in PRDM4 is preceded by a zinc knuckle
Q33225808The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB): a bioinformatics and spectroscopic resource
Q30845175The Protein Coil Library: a structural database of nonhelix, nonstrand fragments derived from the PDB.
Q43120115The Rho GTPase inactivation domain in Vibrio cholerae MARTX toxin has a circularly permuted papain-like thiol protease fold
Q27704656The SCP2-thiolase-like protein (SLP) of Trypanosoma brucei is an enzyme involved in lipid metabolism
Q31101733The SHS2 module is a common structural theme in functionally diverse protein groups, like Rpb7p, FtsA, GyrI, and MTH1598/TM1083 superfamilies.
Q51906056The SKE-DOCK server and human teams based on a combined method of shape complementarity and free energy estimation
Q44973571The ST pinch: A side chain‐to‐side chain hydrogen‐bonded motif
Q91325485The Short-chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase Engineering Database (SDRED): A classification and analysis system for a highly diverse enzyme family
Q52714241The Structure of the N-terminal Module of the Cell Wall Hydrolase RipA and its Role in Regulating Catalytic Activity.
Q30406909The VSGB 2.0 model: a next generation energy model for high resolution protein structure modeling
Q80949357The X-ray crystal structure of PA3566 from Pseudomonas aureginosa at 1.8 A resolution
Q27646873The X-ray crystallographic structure and activity analysis of a Pseudomonas-specific subfamily of the HAD enzyme superfamily evidences a novel biochemical function
Q27649513The X-ray structure of N-methyltryptophan oxidase reveals the structural determinants of substrate specificity
Q27674962The X‐ray crystallographic structure and specificity profile of HAD superfamily phosphohydrolase BT1666: Comparison of paralogous functions in B. thetaiotaomicron
Q57975285The active-inactive transition of human thymidylate synthase: Targeted molecular dynamics simulations
Q45172676The activity of recombinant human neuroglobin as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger
Q27663401The adaptability of the active site of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase as observed in the crystal structures of three different complexes
Q48268370The adaptive nature of protein residue networks.
Q30355437The addition of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol prevents the aggregation of guanidinium around protein and impairs its denaturation ability: a molecular dynamics simulation study.
Q46014933The aggregation state of spin-labeled melittin in solution and bound to phospholipid membranes: evidence that membrane-bound melittin is monomeric.
Q113301902The amounts of thermal vibrations and static disorder in protein X‐ray crystallographic B‐factors
Q39114591The anatomy of mammalian sweet taste receptors
Q27655448The ankyrin repeat domain of Huntingtin interacting protein 14 contains a surface aromatic cage, a potential site for methyl-lysine binding
Q34432278The anti-HIV cyanovirin-N domain is evolutionarily conserved and occurs as a protein module in eukaryotes.
Q45990153The application of different solvation and electrostatic models in molecular dynamics simulations of ubiquitin: how well is the X-ray structure "maintained"?
Q47715144The architecture of the binding site in redox protein complexes: implications for fast dissociation
Q43963799The balance between the rates of incorporation and pyrophosphorolytic removal influences the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase bypass of an abasic site with deoxy-, dideoxy-, and ribonucleotides
Q36508923The barrier for proton transport in aquaporins as a challenge for electrostatic models: the role of protein relaxation in mutational calculations
Q27688110The basic helix-loop-helix region of the transcriptional repressor hairy and enhancer of split 1 is preorganized to bind DNA
Q46587424The betaalphabetaalphabeta elementary supersecondary structure of the Rossmann fold from porcine lactate dehydrogenase exhibits characteristics of a molten globule
Q48693717The binding affinities of proteins interacting with the PDZ domain of PICK1.
Q27644272The bioactive conformation of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide by NMR and CD spectroscopy
Q47810422The biology workbench—A seamless database and analysis environment for the biologist
Q51900431The blind search for the closed states of hinge-bending proteins.
Q68878431The building of protein structures from alpha-carbon coordinates
Q44291548The carboxyl terminal domain of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I confers higher affinity to DNA.
Q38294044The catalytic domain of a bacterial lytic transglycosylase defines a novel class of lysozymes
Q27670688The catalytic domain of the germination-specific lytic transglycosylase SleB fromBacillus anthracisdisplays a unique active site topology
Q44379459The catalytic mechanism of Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase: evidence for a proton relay modulated by the coupled ionization of the active site Lysine/Tyrosine pair and a NAD+ ribose OH switch
Q84523995The catch bond mechanism between von Willebrand factor and platelet surface receptors investigated by molecular dynamics simulations
Q47414206The challenge of modeling protein assemblies: The CASP12-CAPRI experiment.
Q83319404The chaperone activity of α-synuclein: Utilizing deletion mutants to map its interaction with target proteins
Q92816908The characterization of pc-polylines representing protein backbones
Q46168045The characterization of recombinant mouse glandular kallikreins from E. coli
Q30153299The chloroplast outer envelope protein P39 in Arabidopsis thaliana belongs to the Omp85 protein family
Q30341944The cis-Pro touch-turn: a rare motif preferred at functional sites.
Q27730728The closed conformation of a highly flexible protein: the structure of E. coli adenylate kinase with bound AMP and AMPPNP
Q27650207The complex structure of calmodulin bound to a calcineurin peptide
Q46917398The confirmation of the denatured structure of pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase under nondenaturing conditions: difference in helix propensity of two synthetic peptides with single amino acid substitution
Q34005469The conformation of the extracellular binding domain of Death Receptor 5 in the presence and absence of the activating ligand TRAIL: a molecular dynamics study
Q30366947The conformational plasticity of calmodulin upon calcium complexation gives a model of its interaction with the oedema factor of Bacillus anthracis.
Q30373438The conservation profile of a protein bears the imprint of the molecule that is evolutionarily coupled to the protein.
Q51054355The conserved Arg241-Glu439 salt bridge determines flexibility of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor binding core in the ligand-free state
Q80773472The conserved salt bridge linking two C-terminal beta/alpha units in homodimeric triosephosphate isomerase determines the folding rate of the monomer
Q30196050The construction of new proteins: V. A template-assembled synthetic protein (TASP) containing both a 4-helix bundle and beta-barrel-like structure
Q52407607The contribution of cross‐links to protein stability: A normal mode analysis of the configurational entropy of the native state
Q40533640The control of the discrimination between dNTP and rNTP in DNA and RNA polymerase
Q45070165The coupling of structural fluctuations to hydride transfer in dihydrofolate reductase
Q27652356The crystal structure and identification of NQM1/YGR043C, a transaldolase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q34449680The crystal structure of 5-keto-4-deoxyuronate isomerase from Escherichia coli
Q37471263The crystal structure of Aq_328 from the hyperthermophilic bacteria Aquifex aeolicus shows an ancestral histone fold.
Q27694605The crystal structure of BlmI as a model for nonribosomal peptide synthetase peptidyl carrier proteins
Q62448424The crystal structure of CagS from theHelicobacter pyloripathogenicity island
Q27724705The crystal structure of Clostridium perfringens SleM, a muramidase involved in cortical hydrolysis during spore germination
Q92514699The crystal structure of Klebsiella pneumoniae FeoA reveals a site for protein-protein interactions
Q27660086The crystal structure of NGO0477 from Neisseria gonorrhoeae reveals a novel protein fold incorporating a helix-turn-helix motif
Q27655518The crystal structure of ORF14 from Sulfolobus islandicus filamentous virus
Q27684282The crystal structure of Toxoplasma gondii nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 represents a conformational intermediate in the reductive activation mechanism of the tetrameric enzyme
Q27646626The crystal structure of Trypanosoma cruzi arginine kinase
Q27646808The crystal structure of XC1258 from Xanthomonas campestris: a putative procaryotic Nit protein with an arsenic adduct in the active site
Q54459064The crystal structure of XC1739: a putative multiple antibiotic-resistance repressor (MarR) from Xanthomonas campestris at 1.8 A resolution
Q79212149The crystal structure of XC847 from Xanthomonas campestris: a 3'-5' oligoribonuclease of DnaQ fold family with a novel opposingly shifted helix
Q27658390The crystal structure of XG-34, an evolved xyloglucan-specific carbohydrate-binding module
Q27644247The crystal structure of a novel glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus
Q27695650The crystal structure of archaeal serine hydroxymethyltransferase reveals idiosyncratic features likely required to withstand high temperatures
Q27633269The crystal structure of chorismate lyase shows a new fold and a tightly retained product
Q27678874The crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from Escherichia coli with bound pyruvate and succinic acid semialdehyde: Unambiguous resolution of the stereochemistry of the condensation product
Q27649509The crystal structure of human chloride intracellular channel protein 2: a disulfide bond with functional implications
Q27651940The crystal structure of human cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor-5 reveals a dimeric Nudix protein with a conserved catalytic site
Q46980209The crystal structure of human muscle glycogen phosphorylase a with bound glucose and AMP: an intermediate conformation with T-state and R-state features
Q27685506The crystal structure of human quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with its inhibitor phthalic acid
Q83340987The crystal structure of hypothetical methyltransferase from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q89110173The crystal structure of maleylacetate reductase from Rhizobium sp. strain MTP-10005 provides insights into the reaction mechanism of enzymes in its original family
Q45902485The crystal structure of methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase from Methanobrevibacter ruminantium.
Q27617726The crystal structure of recombinant rat pancreatic RNase A
Q27663117The crystal structure of ribonuclease A in complex with thymidine-3'-monophosphate provides further insight into ligand binding
Q27652694The crystal structure of staphylococcal nuclease refined at 1.7 A resolution
Q27663395The crystal structure of the "open" and the "closed" conformation of the flexible loop of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase
Q27651180The crystal structure of the ING5 PHD finger in complex with an H3K4me3 histone peptide
Q27645226The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the chick retinal neurite inhibitor-receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase CRYP-2/cPTPRO
Q27697433The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the ser/thr kinase PknA from M. tuberculosis shows an Src-like autoinhibited conformation
Q27647399The crystal structure of the effector-binding domain of the trehalose repressor TreR from Bacillus subtilis 168 reveals a unique quarternary assembly
Q27648763The crystal structure of the estA protein, a virulence factor from Streptococcus pneumoniae
Q91945231The crystal structure of the mycobacterial trehalose monomycolate transport factor A, TtfA, reveals an atypical fold
Q27655516The crystal structure of the outer membrane lipoprotein YbhC from Escherichia coli sheds new light on the phylogeny of carbohydrate esterase family 8
Q27650877The crystal structure of the protein YhaK from Escherichia coli reveals a new subclass of redox sensitive enterobacterial bicupins
Q27644820The crystal structure of the secreted aspartic proteinase 3 from Candida albicans and its complex with pepstatin A
Q27728484The crystal structure of the ternary complex of staphylococcal nuclease, Ca2+, and the inhibitor pdTp, refined at 1.65 A
Q27620626The crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) from Thermotoga maritima: a comparative thermostability structural analysis of ten different TIM structures
Q27694669The crystal structure of type III effector protein XopQ from Xanthomonas oryzae complexed with adenosine diphosphate ribose
Q27651341The crystal structures of the psychrophilic subtilisin S41 and the mesophilic subtilisin Sph reveal the same calcium-loaded state
Q41652276The cytidylyltransferase superfamily: identification of the nucleotide-binding site and fold prediction
Q52237306The dependence of amino acid pair correlations on structural environment
Q30195923The design of idealized alpha/beta-barrels: analysis of beta-sheet closure requirements.
Q46122649The design, synthesis, and crystallization of an alpha-helical peptide
Q30377801The determinants of bond angle variability in protein/peptide backbones: A comprehensive statistical/quantum mechanics analysis.
Q44855339The determinants of carboxyl pKa values in turkey ovomucoid third domain
Q46908446The determinants of stability in the human prion protein: insights into folding and misfolding from the analysis of the change in the stabilization energy distribution in different conditions
Q30365569The differences in the microenvironment of the two tryptophan residues of the glutamine-binding protein from Escherichia coli shed light on the binding properties and the structural dynamics of the protein.
Q27657486The dimeric structure of Sulfolobus solfataricus thioredoxin A2 and the basis of its thermostability
Q88142617The dimerization of PSGL-1 is driven by the transmembrane domain via a leucine zipper motif
Q30409630The dual role of fragments in fragment-assembly methods for de novo protein structure prediction
Q52077265The duplication of an eight-residue helical stretch in Staphylococcal nuclease is not helical: a model for evolutionary change
Q33384022The effect of Asp54 phosphorylation on the energetics and dynamics in the response regulator protein Spo0F studied by molecular dynamics
Q30157049The effect of calcium on the conformation of cobalamin transporter BtuB.
Q31150503The effect of higher order RNA processes on changing patterns of protein domain selection: a developmentally regulated transcriptome of type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors
Q52209873The effect of inhibitor binding on the structural stability and cooperativity of the HIV-1 protease
Q58616291The effect of motional averaging on the calculation of NMR-derived structural properties
Q90607552The effect of phosphate ion on the ssDNA binding mode of MoSub1, a Sub1/PC4 homolog from rice blast fungus
Q81547688The effect of resolution-dependent global shape modifications on rigid-body protein-protein docking
Q68666383The effect of solvent viscosity on the rate-determining step of fatty acid synthetase
Q39077397The effect of specific proline residues on the kinetic stability of the triosephosphate isomerases of two trypanosomes.
Q42602581The effects of rigid motions on elastic network model force constants
Q92952318The effects of somatic mutations on EGFR interaction with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies: Implication for acquired resistance
Q83349839The effects of the L29F mutation on the ligand migration kinetics in crystallized myoglobin as revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
Q52545512The effects of truncating long-range forces on protein dynamics
Q46654279The electrostatic potential of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase
Q58106946The elixir phase of chain molecules
Q31061756The emergence of catalytic and structural diversity within the beta-clip fold
Q33902905The energetics of the acetylation switch in p53-mediated transcriptional activation
Q37399868The energy profiles of atomic conformational transition intermediates of adenylate kinase
Q42732147The ensemble folding kinetics of the FBP28 WW domain revealed by an all‐atom Monte Carlo simulation in a knowledge‐based potential
Q52295098The enthalpy change in protein folding and binding: refinement of parameters for structure-based calculations
Q72367448The enzymatic mechanism of carboxypeptidase: a molecular dynamics study
Q58859753The essential dynamics of thermolysin: Confirmation of the hinge-bending motion and comparison of simulations in vacuum and water
Q43027699The esterase from the thermophilic eubacterium Bacillus acidocaldarius: structural-functional relationship and comparison with the esterase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus.
Q50687502The evolution and evolutionary consequences of marginal thermostability in proteins
Q82377300The evolution of ATPase activity in SMC proteins
Q36580708The evolution of function in strictosidine synthase-like proteins
Q33559060The evolution of function within the Nudix homology clan
Q43556619The evolutionary landscape of the chromatin modification machinery reveals lineage specific gains, expansions, and losses
Q30356675The expanded FindCore method for identification of a core atom set for assessment of protein structure prediction.
Q44817543The extended left-handed helix: a simple nucleic acid-binding motif
Q40914765The family of the IL-6-type cytokines: specificity and promiscuity of the receptor complexes
Q48300024The finite number of global motion patterns available to symmetric protein complexes.
Q27662232The first crystal structure of an archaeal metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein; ST1585 from Sulfolobus tokodaii
Q27651125The first high pH structure ofEscherichia coliaspartate transcarbamoylase
Q72321043The first solvation shell of magnesium ion in a model protein environment with formate, water, and X-NH3, H2S, imidazole, formaldehyde, and chloride as ligands: an Ab initio study
Q41868069The flexibility and dynamics of protein disulfide isomerase.
Q34102711The flexible C-terminal arm of the Lassa arenavirus Z-protein mediates interactions with multiple binding partners
Q48629238The folding funnel landscape for the peptide Met-enkephalin
Q46018101The folding landscape of an alpha-lytic protease variant reveals the role of a conserved beta-hairpin in the development of kinetic stability.
Q50515281The folding pathway of glycosomal triosephosphate isomerase: structural insights into equilibrium intermediates.
Q48100247The fragment transformation method to detect the protein structural motifs
Q41685638The free energies for mutating S27 and W79 to alanine in streptavidin and its biotin complex: the relative size of polar and nonpolar free energies on biotin binding
Q70125483The frequency of ion-pair substructures in proteins is quantitatively related to electrostatic potential: a statistical model for nonbonded interactions
Q73233222The function of conserved amino acid residues adjacent to the effector domain in elongation factor G
Q68704276The galactan-binding immunoglobulin Fab J539: an X-ray diffraction study at 2.6-A resolution
Q34706258The geometry of alpha-sheet: Implications for its possible function as amyloid precursor in proteins
Q79739100The guanidino-group modifying enzymes: structural basis for their diversity and commonality
Q71537055The heat capacity of proteins
Q50968912The helix-coil transition revisited
Q42549663The high-resolution crystal structure of a 24-kDa gyrase B fragment from E. coli complexed with one of the most potent coumarin inhibitors, clorobiocin
Q28255445The high-resolution crystal structure of porcine pepsinogen
Q45249254The human prion protein alpha2 helix: a thermodynamic study of its conformational preferences
Q92147375The impact of different mutations at arginine141 on the structure, subunit exchange dynamics and chaperone activity of Hsp16.3.
Q57975302The impact of protein flexibility on protein-protein docking
Q58213292The impact of the fourth disulfide bridge in scorpion toxins of the α-KTx6 subfamily
Q46213311The importance of explicit chain representation in protein folding models: An examination of ising‐like models
Q54214877The influence of Mg2+ coordination on 13C and 15N chemical shifts in CKI1RD protein domain from experiment and molecular dynamics/density functional theory calculations
Q71623223The influence of a protein on water dynamics in its vicinity investigated by molecular dynamics simulation
Q90300096The influence of intrinsic folding mechanism of an unfolded protein on the coupled folding-binding process during target recognition
Q42229093The influenza fusion peptide promotes lipid polar head intrusion through hydrogen bonding with phosphates and N-terminal membrane insertion depth
Q52687942The insecticidal protein hirsutellin A from the mite fungal pathogen Hirsutella thompsonii is a ribotoxin
Q41875982The interaction of calmodulin with fluorescent and photoreactive model peptides: evidence for a short interdomain separation
Q41761359The interplay of structure and dynamics: insights from a survey of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase crystal structures.
Q34061894The interprotein scoring noises in glide docking scores
Q31018067The intracellular domain of the Drosophila cholinesterase-like neural adhesion protein, gliotactin, is natively unfolded.
Q80188310The investigation of interactions of kappa-Hefutoxin1 with the voltage-gated potassium channels: a computational simulation
Q54702390The isolation, purification, and preliminary crystallographic characterization of UDP-galactose-4-epimerase from Escherichia coli.
Q48155266The key role of atom types, reference states, and interaction cutoff radii in the knowledge-based method: new variational approach
Q52263626The kinetics of protein-protein recognition
Q42164209The leghemoglobin proximal heme pocket directs oxygen dissociation and stabilizes bound heme.
Q40799777The lifestyle of prokaryotic organisms influences the repertoire of promiscuous enzymes.
Q72589769The limits of simulations
Q39864705The linear interaction energy method for the prediction of protein stability changes upon mutation
Q71623218The linker of calmodulin lacking Glu84 is elongated in solution, although it is bent in the crystal
Q33262338The location and characterisation of the O-linked glycans of the human insulin receptor
Q48169004The long unstructured region of Bcl-xl modulates its structural dynamics
Q44855345The low barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) proposal revisited: the case of the Asp... His pair in serine proteases
Q71543063The magnitude of the backbone conformational entropy change in protein folding
Q46296762The major toxin from the Australian Common Brown Snake is a hexamer with unusual gas-phase dissociation properties
Q41815499The maturation of HIV-1 protease precursor studied by discrete molecular dynamics
Q42155548The measured and calculated affinity of methyl- and methoxy-substituted benzoquinones for the Q(A) site of bacterial reaction centers
Q46476689The mechanism of amyloid-fibril formation by stefin B: temperature and protein concentration dependence of the rates.
Q47342114The mechanism of nucleotide-binding domain dimerization in the intact maltose transporter as studied by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations.
Q83013841The mechanism of papain inhibition by peptidyl aldehydes
Q47867203The mechanism of proton exclusion in aquaporin channels
Q36365074The mechanism of the converter domain rotation in the recovery stroke of myosin motor protein.
Q27735412The metal site of Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin, revealed by a crystal structure determination of the Co(II) derivative and Co-EPR spectroscopy
Q46970759The minimal α-crystallin domain of Mj Hsp16.5 is functional at non-heat-shock conditions
Q88006337The modular structure of ThDP-dependent enzymes
Q88013870The modules of trans-acyltransferase assembly lines redefined with a central acyl carrier protein
Q48043847The molecular behavior of a single β-amyloid inside a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer at three different temperatures: An atomistic simulation study: Aβ interaction with DPPC: Atomistic simulation
Q51762113The molecular evolution of HIV-1 protease simulated at atomic detail
Q47965368The molecular mechanism behind resistance of the kinase FLT3 to the inhibitor quizartinib
Q44947540The molecular origin of the thiamine diphosphate-induced spectral bands of ThDP-dependent enzymes.
Q34556266The molecular structure of UDP-galactose 4-epimerase from Escherichia coli determined at 2.5 A resolution
Q30385457The molten globule state as a clue for understanding the folding and cooperativity of globular-protein structure.
Q27652692The mutation beta 99 Asp-Tyr stabilizes Y--a new, composite quaternary state of human hemoglobin
Q27643397The mutations Lys 114 --> Gln and Asp 126 --> Asn disrupt an intersubunit salt bridge and convert Listeria innocua Dps into its natural mutant Listeria monocytogenes Dps. Effects on protein stability at Low pH
Q71623215The native state of apomyoglobin described by proton NMR spectroscopy: the A-B-G-H interface of wild-type sperm whale apomyoglobin
Q43994829The nature of intermolecular interactions between aromatic amino acid residues
Q53635588The nature of the free energy barriers to two-state folding
Q28208426The nature of the turn in omega loops of proteins
Q45076574The nature of tryptophan radicals involved in the long-range electron transfer of lignin peroxidase and lignin peroxidase-like systems: Insights from quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics simulations
Q85889862The near-symmetry of proteins
Q38211862The neuraminidase of influenza virus
Q80867970The noncatalytic triad of alpha-amylases: a novel structural motif involved in conformational stability
Q47589392The nuclear DEK interactome supports multi-functionality.
Q47236457The number of protein folds and their distribution over families in nature
Q44998319The occurrence of C--H...O hydrogen bonds in alpha-helices and helix termini in globular proteins
Q47612425The origin and extent of coarse-grained regularities in protein internal packing
Q46296772The osmolyte betaine promotes protein misfolding and disruption of protein aggregates.
Q24604646The other 90% of the protein: assessment beyond the Calphas for CASP8 template-based and high-accuracy models
Q35638699The p66 immature precursor of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.
Q37946320The pKa Cooperative: A collaborative effort to advance structure‐based calculations of pKa values and electrostatic effects in proteins
Q38851416The part of a long beta hairpin from the scrapie form of the human prion protein is reconstructed in the synthetic CC36 protein
Q52214244The particle concept: placing discrete water molecules during protein-ligand docking predictions.
Q38297387The peculiar structural features of kiwi fruit pectin methylesterase: amino acid sequence, oligosaccharides structure, and modeling of the interaction with its natural proteinaceous inhibitor
Q29615941The penultimate rotamer library
Q56874662The penultimate rotamer library
Q51906620The performance of ZDOCK and ZRANK in rounds 6-11 of CAPRI.
Q87198984The performance of fine-grained and coarse-grained elastic network models and its dependence on various factors
Q28267278The peroxidase-cyclooxygenase superfamily: Reconstructed evolution of critical enzymes of the innate immune system
Q30192974The phospho-beta-galactosidase and synaptotagmin predictions
Q83898721The planar conformation of a strained proline ring: a QM/MM study
Q33310036The point mutation A34F causes dimerization of GB1.
Q52066242The prediction accuracy for protein structural class by the component-coupled method is around 60%.
Q40385795The prediction of protein function at CASP6.
Q69544975The pro-peptide is not necessary for active renin secretion from transfected mammalian cells
Q30366950The protein fluorescence and structural toolkit: Database and programs for the analysis of protein fluorescence and structural data.
Q47307499The protein target list of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium
Q47636226The quaternary structure of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin ypsilanti
Q71313768The rate-limiting step in the folding of the cis-Pro167Thr mutant of TEM-1 beta-lactamase is the trans to cis isomerization of a non-proline peptide bond
Q42831938The reaction mechanism of type I phosphomannose isomerases: new information from inhibition and polarizable molecular mechanics studies
Q73319290The reaction pathway of the isomerization of D-xylose catalyzed by the enzyme D-xylose isomerase: a theoretical study
Q57204650The recognition of membrane-bound PtdIns3Pby PX domains
Q27678500The reductive reaction mechanism of tobacco nitrite reductase derived from a combination of crystal structures and ultraviolet-visible microspectroscopy
Q27642082The refined crystal structure of Pseudomonas putida lipoamide dehydrogenase complexed with NAD+ at 2.45 A resolution
Q42621654The relationship between n-gram patterns and protein secondary structure
Q73594386The relative order of helical propensity of amino acids changes with solvent environment
Q45264233The repeat domain of the type III effector protein PthA shows a TPR-like structure and undergoes conformational changes upon DNA interaction.
Q51528062The respective roles of polar/nonpolar binary patterns and amino acid composition in protein regular secondary structures explored exhaustively using hydrophobic cluster analysis.
Q42436318The response of type three secretion system needle proteins MxiHDelta5, BsaLDelta5, and PrgIDelta5 to temperature and pH.
Q52626601The restoration of electron micrographs blurred by drift and rotation
Q28288037The role of Buergi-Dunitz interactions in the structural stability of proteins
Q58010827The role of Li+, Na+, and K+ in the ligand binding inside the human acetylcholinesterase gorge
Q46634386The role of Trp-82 in the folding of intestinal fatty acid binding protein
Q46872939The role of a conserved histidine-tyrosine interhelical interaction in the ion channel domain of delta-endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis
Q46281486The role of arginine 143 in the electrostatics and mechanism of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase: computational and experimental evaluation by mutational analysis
Q35818865The role of atomic level steric effects and attractive forces in protein folding
Q46857593The role of backbone stability near Ala44 in the high reduction potential class of rubredoxins
Q30351181The role of calcium in the conformational dynamics and thermal stability of the D-galactose/D-glucose-binding protein from Escherichia coli.
Q44784459The role of carbon-donor hydrogen bonds in stabilizing tryptophan conformations
Q35631389The role of conformational selection in the molecular recognition of the wild type and mutants XPA67-80 peptides by ERCC1.
Q41949035The role of conserved water molecules in the catalytic domain of protein kinases
Q36071830The role of domain: domain interactions versus domain: water interactions in the coarse-grained simulations of the E1P to E2P transitions in Ca-ATPase (SERCA).
Q44309138The role of electrostatic interaction in the molecular recognition of selective agonists to metabotropic glutamate receptors
Q51463230The role of electrostatics in TrxR electron transfer mechanism: A computational approach
Q73365490The role of helix formation in the folding of a fully alpha-helical coiled coil
Q44060661The role of hydrophobic microenvironments in modulating pKa shifts in proteins.
Q70604309The role of local tight packing of hydrophobic groups in beta-structure
Q90483180The role of negative selection in protein evolution revealed through the energetics of the native sate ensemble
Q30383783The role of negative selection in protein evolution revealed through the energetics of the native state ensemble.
Q48007427The role of pH on instability and aggregation of sickle hemoglobin solutions
Q31083553The role of phosphorylation on the structure and dynamics of phospholamban: a model from molecular simulations
Q46865818The role of residue stability in transient protein-protein interactions involved in enzymatic phosphate hydrolysis. A computational study
Q67505014The role of tyrosine 67 in the cytochrome c heme crevice structure studied by semisynthesis
Q36623928The role of tyrosine 71 in modulating the flap conformations of BACE1.
Q47974633The role played by environmental residues on sidechain torsional angles within homologous families of proteins: a new method of sidechain modeling
Q56903322The roles of residues Tyr150, Glu272, and His314 in class C beta-lactamases
Q37163585The selenoproteome of Clostridium sp. OhILAs: characterization of anaerobic bacterial selenoprotein methionine sulfoxide reductase A
Q33316149The size of the intermolecular energy funnel in protein-protein interactions
Q77669683The slow step of folding of Staphylococcus aureus PC1 beta-lactamase involves the collapse of a surface loop rate limited by the trans to cis isomerization of a non-proline peptide bond
Q81044044The solution structure of BmTx3B, a member of the scorpion toxin subfamily alpha-KTx 16
Q57755356The solution structure of full-length dodecameric MCM by SANS and molecular modeling
Q39562819The solution structure of the forkhead box-O DNA binding domain of Brugia malayi DAF-16a
Q27649510The solution structure of the outer membrane lipoprotein OmlA from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri reveals a protein fold implicated in protein-protein interaction
Q43019814The stability of Taq DNA polymerase results from a reduced entropic folding penalty; identification of other thermophilic proteins with similar folding thermodynamics
Q30155110The stability of cylindrin β-barrel amyloid oligomer models-a molecular dynamics study.
Q48254745The starch-binding domain family CBM41-An in silico analysis of evolutionary relationships.
Q30339076The state of the Protein Structure Initiative.
Q92822851The structural details of the interaction of single-stranded DNA binding protein hSSB2 (NABP1/OBFC2A) with UV-damaged DNA
Q47307471The structural genomics experimental pipeline: insights from global target lists.
Q79935413The structural properties of magainin in water, TFE/water, and aqueous urea solutions: molecular dynamics simulations
Q27658328The structure and NO binding properties of the nitrophorin-like heme-binding protein from Arabidopsis thaliana gene locus At1g79260.1
Q27661480The structure of Boo/Diva reveals a divergent Bcl-2 protein
Q47310342The structure of DLP12 endolysin exhibiting alternate loop conformation and comparative analysis with other endolysins
Q24311969The structure of G117H mutant of butyrylcholinesterase: nerve agents scavenger
Q35085276The structure of S. lividans acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase shows a novel interaction between the C-terminal extension and the N-terminal domain
Q27731286The structure of Trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase in the oxidized and NADPH reduced state
Q27667556The structure of a D‐lyxose isomerase from the σB regulon of Bacillus subtilis
Q92331362The structure of a GH149 β-(1 → 3) glucan phosphorylase reveals a new surface oligosaccharide binding site and additional domains that are absent in the disaccharide-specific GH94 glucose-β-(1 → 3)-glucose (laminaribiose) phosphorylase
Q34352233The structure of a centrosymmetric protein crystal
Q27683455The structure of a shellfish specific GST class glutathioneS‐transferase from antarctic bivalveLaternula ellipticareveals novel active site architecture
Q43023550The structure of a thermally stable 3-phosphoglycerate kinase and a comparison with its mesophilic equivalent
Q34047792The structure of aconitase
Q27648239The structure of flavin-dependent tryptophan 7-halogenase RebH
Q28263368The structure of murine neuroglobin: Novel pathways for ligand migration and binding
Q27664881The structure of rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strain 27774 at 1.5 A resolution
Q27643951The structure of the Escherichia coli nucleoside diphosphate kinase reveals a new quaternary architecture for this enzyme family
Q27651127The structure of the PP2A regulatory subunit B56 gamma: the remaining piece of the PP2A jigsaw puzzle
Q27650587The structure of the anti-c-myc antibody 9E10 Fab fragment/epitope peptide complex reveals a novel binding mode dominated by the heavy chain hypervariable loops
Q27642166The structure of the complex between influenza virus neuraminidase and sialic acid, the viral receptor
Q83349887The structure of the ends of α-helices in globular proteins: effect of additional hydrogen bonds and implications for helix formation
Q91829246The structure of the extended E2 DNA-binding domain of the bovine papillomavirus-1
Q27674964The structure, molecular dynamics, and energetics of centrin-melittin complex
Q69444358The surface area of monomeric proteins: significance of power law behavior
Q71543078The surface of beta-sheet proteins contains amphiphilic regions which may provide clues about protein folding
Q30610407The synthetase domains of cobalamin biosynthesis amidotransferases cobB and cobQ belong to a new family of ATP-dependent amidoligases, related to dethiobiotin synthetase
Q43000306The targets of CAPRI Rounds 13-19.
Q47895843The targets of CAPRI rounds 20–27
Q51970505The targets of CAPRI rounds 3-5.
Q51909155The targets of CAPRI rounds 6-12.
Q43018804The thermal adaptation of the nitrogenase Fe protein from thermophilic Methanobacter thermoautotrophicus
Q30326370The thermophilic esterase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus: structure and conformational dynamics at high temperature.
Q27620624The three-dimensional solution structure of Aesculus hippocastanum antimicrobial protein 1 determined by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance
Q57831915The three-dimensional solution structure ofAesculus hippocastanum antimicrobial protein 1 determined by1H nuclear magnetic resonance
Q27700901The three-dimensional structure of "Lonely Guy" from Claviceps purpurea provides insights into the phosphoribohydrolase function of Rossmann fold-containing lysine decarboxylase-like proteins
Q42635059The three-dimensional structure of Escherichia coli porphobilinogen deaminase at 1.76-A resolution
Q54702398The three-dimensional structure of glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli at 3.0 A resolution.
Q27676234The three-dimensional structure of recombinant bovine chymosin at 2.3 A resolution
Q44632574The tissue factor/factor VIIa/factor Xa complex: a model built by docking and site-directed mutagenesis
Q57666117The toxin-antitoxin proteins relBE2Spn of Streptococcus pneumoniae: Characterization and association to their DNA target
Q45855155The translocation kinetics of antibiotics through porin OmpC: Insights from structure‐based solvation mapping using WaterMap
Q90907488The tripartite architecture of the eukaryotic integral membrane protein zinc metalloprotease Ste24
Q47925510The triterpene cyclase protein family: A systematic analysis
Q40135495The type IA topoisomerase catalytic cycle: A normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics simulation
Q92926866The uncharacterized bacterial protein YejG has the same architecture as domain III of elongation factor G
Q39023903The unique N-terminal insert in the ribosomal protein, phosphoprotein P0, of Tetrahymena thermophila: Bioinformatic evidence for an interaction with 26S rRNA.
Q27641531The unswapped chain of bovine seminal ribonuclease: Crystal structure of the free and liganded monomeric derivative
Q90564479The unusual conformation of cross-strand disulfide bonds is critical to the stability of β-hairpin peptides
Q30379327The use of automatic tools and human expertise in template-based modeling of CASP8 target proteins.
Q71267503The use of position-specific rotamers in model building by homology
Q46428128The utility of molecular dynamics simulations for understanding site-directed mutagenesis of glycine residues in biotin carboxylase
Q30378455The value of protein structure classification information-Surveying the scientific literature.
Q40732945The volume of cavities in proteins and virus capsids
Q27667775The ygeW encoded protein from Escherichia coli is a knotted ancestral catabolic transcarbamylase
Q44859736The α‐sheet: A missing‐in‐action secondary structure?
Q50103299The ω-Transaminase Engineering Database (oTAED): A navigation tool in protein sequence and structure space
Q43599710Theoretical evidence of a salt bridge disruption as the initiating process for the alpha1d-adrenergic receptor activation: a molecular dynamics and docking study
Q48061948Theoretical insights into the protonation states of active site cysteine and citrullination mechanism of Porphyromonas gingivalis peptidylarginine deiminase.
Q59614298Theoretical investigation of IL-6 multiprotein receptor assembly
Q44434505Theoretical investigation on the diatomic ligand migration process and ligand binding properties in non‐O2‐binding H‐NOX domain
Q45172733Theoretical investigations of prostatic acid phosphatase.
Q79364291Theoretical model of human apolipoprotein B100 tertiary structure
Q30353106Theoretical model of restriction endonuclease HpaI in complex with DNA, predicted by fold recognition and validated by site-directed mutagenesis.
Q53456582Theoretical modeling of the O-intermediate structure of bacteriorhodopsin
Q70628268Theoretical probes of conformational fluctuations in S-peptide and RNase A/3'-UMP enzyme product complex
Q70628274Theoretical studies of relaxation of a monomeric subunit of HIV-1 protease in water using molecular dynamics
Q57991214Theoretical studies on farnesyltransferase: The distances paradox explained
Q58008933Theoretical study of the conformation of the H-protein lipoamide arm as a function of its terminal group
Q43765195Theoretical study of the conformation of the lipoamide arm in a mutant H protein
Q42614803Theoretical study of the electrostatically driven step of receptor-G protein recognition
Q59614258Theoretical study of the electrostatically driven step of receptor-G protein recognition
Q44898269Theoretical study of the ligand-CYP2B4 complexes: effect of structure on binding free energies and heme spin state
Q51777291Theoretical tests of the mechanical protection strategy in protein nanomechanics
Q47974647Theory of kinetic partitioning in protein folding with possible applications to prions
Q45838245Thermal and acid denaturation of bovine lens α‐crystallin
Q51322092Thermal denaturation of a recombinant mouse amelogenin: circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetric studies
Q47307375Thermal effects in stretching of Go-like models of titin and secondary structures
Q74721944Thermal folding and mechanical unfolding pathways of protein secondary structures
Q36119188Thermal green protein, an extremely stable, nonaggregating fluorescent protein created by structure-guided surface engineering.
Q27649817Thermal stabilization of the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica alcohol dehydrogenase by a single proline substitution
Q42164230Thermal unfolding molecular dynamics simulation of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase: thermal stability of protein domains and unfolding pathway
Q30176191Thermal unfolding of small proteins with SH3 domain folding pattern.
Q57831493Thermal unfolding simulations of a multimeric protein-Transition state and unfolding pathways
Q52022848Thermal unfolding simulations of apo-calmodulin using leap-dynamics
Q80218880Thermal versus mechanical unfolding of ubiquitin
Q71460517Thermally induced hydrogen exchange processes in small proteins as seen by FTIR spectroscopy
Q41294752Thermitase, a thermostable subtilisin: comparison of predicted and experimental structures and the molecular cause of thermostability
Q73025534Thermodynamic analysis of interactions between denaturants and protein surface exposed on unfolding: interpretation of urea and guanidinium chloride m-values and their correlation with changes in accessible surface area (ASA) using preferential inte
Q44867590Thermodynamic analysis of structural transitions during GNNQQNY aggregation
Q34120049Thermodynamic analysis of water molecules at the surface of proteins and applications to binding site prediction and characterization
Q51818471Thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of a beta-hairpin peptide in solution: an extended phase space sampling by molecular dynamics simulations in explicit water.
Q54431818Thermodynamic and kinetic determinants of Thermotoga maritima cold shock protein stability: a structural and dynamic analysis
Q27657789Thermodynamic and structural analysis of highly stabilized BPTIs by single and double mutations
Q39000580Thermodynamic and structural effect of urea and guanidine chloride on the helical and on a hairpin fragment of GB1 from molecular simulations
Q41980771Thermodynamic basis of selectivity in guide‐target‐mismatched rna interference
Q54453983Thermodynamic effects of proline introduction on protein stability.
Q44667169Thermodynamic effects of replacements of Pro residues in helix interiors of maltose-binding protein
Q44193458Thermodynamic genetics of the folding of the B1 immunoglobulin-binding domain from streptococcal protein G.
Q52404189Thermodynamic integration calculations of binding free energy difference for Gly-169 mutation in subtilisin BPN'.
Q30386278Thermodynamic resolution: how do errors in modeled protein structures affect binding affinity predictions?
Q41951688Thermodynamic stability, unfolding kinetics, and aggregation of the N-terminal actin-binding domains of utrophin and dystrophin.
Q57835665Thermodynamics and dynamics of amyloid peptide oligomerization are sequence dependent
Q85891722Thermodynamics of Aβ16-21 dissociation from a fibril: Enthalpy, entropy, and volumetric properties
Q38896032Thermodynamics of an aminoglycoside modifying enzyme with low substrate promiscuity: The aminoglycoside N3 acetyltransferase-VIa.
Q46163796Thermodynamics of binding by calmodulin correlates with target peptide α-helical propensity
Q37019434Thermodynamics of calmodulin binding to cardiac and skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor ion channels
Q44089217Thermodynamics of ligand binding and denaturation for His64 mutants of tissue plasminogen activator kringle-2 domain
Q57966740Thermodynamics of protein-cation interaction: Ca+2 and Mg+2 binding to the fifth binding module of the LDL receptor
Q40002852Thermodynamics of the Trp-cage miniprotein unfolding in urea
Q31913230Thermodynamics of the helix-coil transition: Binding of S15 and a hybrid sequence, disulfide stabilized peptide to the S-protein
Q30421277Thermodynamics of ubiquitin unfolding
Q45383518Thermodynamics of zinc binding to hepatitis C virus NS3 protease: a folding by binding event
Q33299335Thermostable variants of the recombinant xylanase A from Bacillus subtilis produced by directed evolution show reduced heat capacity changes
Q41157648Thiol protease-like active site found in the enzyme dienelactone hydrolase: Localization using biochemical, genetic, and structural tools
Q41144246Thiol proteases and aldehyde dehydrogenases: Evolution from a common thiolesterase precursor?
Q43864564Thioredoxin and peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase: convergence of similar structure and function in distinct structural folds
Q30424393Threading a database of protein cores
Q43825557Threading structural model of the manganese-stabilizing protein PsbO reveals presence of two possible beta-sandwich domains
Q30330077Threading with chemostructural restrictions method for predicting fold and functionally significant residues: application to dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPP-IV).
Q30794963Threading with explicit models for evolutionary conservation of structure and sequence
Q57444423Threading with explicit models for evolutionary conservation of structure and sequence
Q51886568Threading without optimizing weighting factors for scoring function
Q44745622Three acidic residues are at the active site of a beta-propeller architecture in glycoside hydrolase families 32, 43, 62, and 68.
Q33926211Three enhancements to the inference of statistical protein‐DNA potentials
Q39325298Three pairs of weak interactions precisely regulate the G-loop gate of Kir2.1 channel
Q57151709Three ways in, one way out: Water dynamics in the trans‐membrane domains of the inner membrane translocase AcrB
Q45250514Three-dimensional model of a substrate-bound SARS chymotrypsin-like cysteine proteinase predicted by multiple molecular dynamics simulations: catalytic efficiency regulated by substrate binding
Q61835565Three-dimensional model of the SHBG-like region of anticoagulant protein S: New structure-function insights
Q43558045Three-dimensional model of the SHBG-like region of anticoagulant protein S: new structure-function insights
Q30193062Three-dimensional model of the alpha-subunit of bacterial luciferase
Q46881530Three-dimensional model of the human aromatase enzyme and density functional parameterization of the iron-containing protoporphyrin IX for a molecular dynamics study of heme-cysteinato cytochromes.
Q46647178Three-dimensional model of the human urotensin-II receptor: docking of human urotensin-II and nonpeptide antagonists in the binding site and comparison with an antagonist pharmacophore model
Q83358842Three-dimensional modeling of cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase and preliminary analysis of drug resistance
Q36836475Three-dimensional reconstruction of the hexagonal bilayer hemoglobin of the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila by cryoelectron microscopy
Q57972072Three-dimensional structural location and molecular functional effects of missense SNPs in the T cell receptor V? domain
Q45249259Three-dimensional structure of GlcNAcalpha1-4Gal releasing endo-beta-galactosidase from Clostridium perfringens
Q27628948Three-dimensional structure of a complex of galanthamine (Nivalin) with acetylcholinesterase from Torpedo californica: implications for the design of new anti-Alzheimer drugs
Q27694675Three-dimensional structure of a fluorescein-Fab complex crystallized in 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol
Q45831632Three-dimensional structure of neuraminidase of subtype N9 from an avian influenza virus.
Q27698414Three-dimensional structure of the neurotoxin ATX Ia from Anemonia sulcata in aqueous solution determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Q44110878Three-dimensional structure of the quinoprotein methylamine dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans determined by molecular replacement at 2.8 A resolution
Q42686073Three-dimensional structure prediction of the NAD binding site of proton-pumping transhydrogenase from Escherichia coli
Q27664883Three-dimensional structures of complexes of Lathyrus ochrus isolectin I with glucose and mannose: fine specificity of the monosaccharide-binding site
Q30414200Three‐dimensional domain swapping in the protein structure space
Q57006875Three‐dimensional model of the cyclin‐dependent kinase 1 (CDK1): Ab initio active site parameters for molecular dynamics studies of CDKS
Q37618717Thumb inhibitor binding eliminates functionally important dynamics in the hepatitis C virus RNA polymerase
Q61587407Tilted properties of the 67-78 fragment of α-synuclein are responsible for membrane destabilization and neurotoxicity
Q50518253Time resolved fluorescence and phosphorescence properties of the individual tryptophan residues of barnase: evidence for protein-protein interactions
Q73025095Time scale of protein aggregation dictated by liquid-liquid demixing
Q42545592Time-dependent insulin oligomer reaction pathway prior to fibril formation: cooling and seeding
Q52040922Time-resolved backbone desolvation and mutational hot spots in folding proteins
Q50750255Time-resolved fluorescence study of a calcium-induced conformational change in prothrombin fragment 1.
Q56970636Time‐resolved backbone desolvation and mutational hot spots in folding proteins
Q57975710Titration_DB: Storage and analysis of NMR-monitored protein pH titration curves
Q46525599Titration_DB: storage and analysis of NMR-monitored protein pH titration curves
Q33243877Tolerance for random recombination of domains in prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation systems: Limited interdomain misfolding in a eukaryotic translation system
Q79319216Tolerance to the substitution of buried apolar residues by charged residues in the homologous protein structures
Q42613952Tomato pectin methylesterase: modeling, fluorescence, and inhibitor interaction studies-comparison with the bacterial (Erwinia chrysanthemi) enzyme
Q40653193Topological and sequence information predict that foldons organize a partially overlapped and hierarchical structure
Q30344341Topological determinants of protein unfolding rates.
Q30352985Topological mirror images in protein structure computation: an underestimated problem.
Q47715221Topological thermal instability and length of proteins
Q53079816Topology‐based modeling of intrinsically disordered proteins: Balancing intrinsic folding and intermolecular interactions
Q28242162Torsion angle dynamics: reduced variable conformational sampling enhances crystallographic structure refinement
Q30383777Toward a detailed understanding of search trajectories in fragment assembly approaches to protein structure prediction
Q80465752Toward a property/function relationship for metallothioneins: histidine coordination and unusual cluster composition in a zinc-metallothionein from plants
Q56889970Toward a systems level view of the ECM and related proteins: a framework for the systematic definition and analysis of biological systems
Q51549010Toward accurate prediction of pKa values for internal protein residues: The importance of conformational relaxation and desolvation energy
Q33206311Toward an atomistic model for predicting transcription-factor binding sites
Q52077721Toward an energy function for the contact map representation of proteins
Q42585482Toward better refinement of comparative models: predicting loops in inexact environments
Q38950829Toward decrypting the allosteric mechanism of the ryanodine receptor based on coarse-grained structural and dynamic modeling
Q38807269Toward elucidating the heat activation mechanism of the TRPV1 channel gating by molecular dynamics simulation
Q24603390Toward high-resolution homology modeling of antibody Fv regions and application to antibody-antigen docking
Q46713967Toward minimalist models of larger proteins: a ubiquitin-like protein
Q30322873Toward more meaningful hierarchical classification of protein three-dimensional structures.
Q30421206Toward optimal fragment generations for ab initio protein structure assembly
Q36470740Toward rational thermostabilization of Aspergillus oryzae cutinase: Insights into catalytic and structural stability
Q44910189Toward the active conformations of rhodopsin and the beta2-adrenergic receptor
Q30342804Toward the detection and validation of repeats in protein structure.
Q40231861Toward the mechanism of dynamical couplings and translocation in hepatitis C virus NS3 helicase using elastic network model
Q84071518Toward the quantum chemical calculation of nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts of proteins
Q38562658Toward understanding the structure and interactions of microtubules and motor proteins
Q44960725Towards a MIP-based alignment and docking in computer-aided drug design.
Q44947527Towards a structural classification of phosphate binding sites in protein-nucleotide complexes: an automated all-against-all structural comparison using geometric matching
Q57936636Towards a systems level view of the ECM and related proteins: A framework for the systematic definition and analysis of biological systems
Q30371811Towards accurate residue-residue hydrophobic contact prediction for alpha helical proteins via integer linear optimization
Q27639345Towards atomic resolution with crystals grown in gel: the case of thaumatin seen at room temperature
Q39743311Towards computing with proteins.
Q33262339Towards in silico lead optimization: scores from ensembles of protein/ligand conformations reliably correlate with biological activity
Q36825878Towards meeting the Paracelsus Challenge: The design, synthesis, and characterization of paracelsin-43, an alpha-helical protein with over 50% sequence identity to an all-beta protein
Q40155467Towards predicting Ca2+-binding sites with different coordination numbers in proteins with atomic resolution
Q45928897Towards the elucidation of molecular determinants of cooperativity in the liver bile acid binding protein.
Q38308536Towards the molecular understanding of glycogen elongation by amylosucrase
Q30394774Towards understanding the crosstalk between protein post-translational modifications: Homo- and heterotypic PTM pair distances on protein surfaces are not random
Q34733126Toxoplasma gondii ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase: Role of ionic interactions in stabilization of native conformation and structural cooperativity
Q27622556Trans-substitution of the proximal hydrogen bond in myoglobin: I. Structural consequences of hydrogen bond deletion
Q73798364Trans-substitution of the proximal hydrogen bond in myoglobin: II. Energetics, functional consequences, and implications for hemoglobin allostery
Q51899067TransPath: a computational method for locating ion transit pathways through membrane proteins
Q58049054Transcriptional activity of the TFIIA four-helix bundle in vivo
Q92174527Transcriptional regulatory module analysis reveals that bridge proteins reconcile multiple signals in extracellular electron transfer pathways
Q73798381Transcriptional repressor CopR: amino acids involved in forming the dimeric interface
Q73521268Transcriptional repressor CopR: structure model-based localization of the deoxyribonucleic acid binding motif
Q27643366Transformation of an alpha-helix peptide into a beta-hairpin induced by addition of a fragment results in creation of a coexisting state
Q130082615Transient excited states of the metamorphic protein Mad2 and their implications for function
Q30159747Transition state of a SH3 domain detected with principle component analysis and a charge-neutralized all-atom protein model
Q30163854Transition states for folding of circular-permuted proteins
Q52313723Translational regulation of ribosomal protein S15 drives characteristic patterns of protein-mRNA epistasis
Q68838759Translational repression in vitro by the bacteriophage T4 regA protein
Q79402260Trapping choline oxidase in a nonfunctional conformation by freezing at low pH
Q27652874Trapping open and closed forms of FitE: a group III periplasmic binding protein
Q38662954Treatment of electrostatic effects in macromolecular modeling
Q51652069Treatment of electrostatic effects in proteins: multigrid-based Newton iterative method for solution of the full nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation
Q44784448Trehalose-protein interaction in aqueous solution
Q30165221Triage protein fold prediction
Q39776843Triathlon for energy functions: Who is the winner for design of protein–protein interactions?
Q41850711Trifluoperazine regulation of calmodulin binding to Fas: A computational study
Q33587782Trimethylamine N-oxide influence on the backbone of proteins: an oligoglycine model
Q80595869Truncated prolyl oligopeptidase from Pyrococcus furiosus
Q38323413Tryptophan microstate reshuffling upon the binding of cyclosporin A to human cyclophilin A.
Q46966110Tryptophan side chain conformers monitored by NMR and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopies
Q46463622Tryptophan to phenylalanine substitutions allow differentiation of short- and long-range conformational changes during denaturation of goat alpha-lactalbumin
Q45028387Tsp36, a tapeworm small heat-shock protein with a duplicated alpha-crystallin domain, forms dimers and tetramers with good chaperone-like activity
Q100695356Tuning the binding interface between Machupo virus glycoprotein and human transferrin receptor
Q46167116Tuning the conformational properties of the prion peptide
Q41717280Turning a reference inside-out: commentary on an article by Stevens and Arkin entitled: "Are membrane proteins 'inside-out' proteins?" (Proteins 1999;36:135-143)
Q52077267Turning an opinion inside-out: Rees and Eisenberg's commentary (Proteins 2000;38:121-122) on "Are membrane proteins 'inside-out' proteins?" (Proteins 1999;36:135-143).
Q45067684Turning the growth hormone receptor on: evidence that hormone binding induces subunit rotation
Q42594652Turns revisited: a uniform and comprehensive classification of normal, open, and reverse turn families minimizing unassigned random chain portions
Q79298613Two alternative substrate paths for compound I formation and reduction in catalase-peroxidase KatG from Burkholderia pseudomallei
Q56877649Two distinct heme distal site states define Cerebratulus lacteus mini-hemoglobin oxygen affinity
Q44817526Two histidines of the coat protein of turnip yellow mosaic virus at the capsid interior are crucial for viability
Q27629371Two mutants of human heparin binding protein (CAP37): toward the understanding of the nature of lipid A/LPS and BPTI binding
Q74363294Two structural subdomains of barstar detected by rapid mixing NMR measurement of amide hydrogen exchange
Q68378966Two trifluoperazine-binding sites on calmodulin predicted from comparative molecular modeling with troponin-C
Q46917650Two types of transmembrane homomeric interactions in the integrin receptor family are evolutionarily conserved.
Q47702171Two-domain analysis of JmjN-JmjC and PHD-JmjC lysine demethylases: Detecting an inter-domain evolutionary stress
Q40353256Two-stage support vector regression approach for predicting accessible surface areas of amino acids
Q42985847Two-state conformational equilibrium in the Par-4 leucine zipper domain.
Q75209201Type I collagen N-telopeptides adopt an ordered structure when docked to their helix receptor during fibrillogenesis
Q43208253UV and X-ray structural studies of a 101-residue long Tat protein from a HIV-1 primary isolate and of its mutated, detoxified, vaccine candidate
Q28262035Ultrahigh resolution drug design I: details of interactions in human aldose reductase-inhibitor complex at 0.66 A
Q44898251Ultrahigh resolution drug design. II. Atomic resolution structures of human aldose reductase holoenzyme complexed with Fidarestat and Minalrestat: implications for the binding of cyclic imide inhibitors
Q44464202Ultraviolet illumination-induced reduction of alpha-lactalbumin disulfide bridges
Q80113376Unambiguous prediction of human integrin transmembrane heterodimer interactions using only homologous sequences
Q53026162Unbinding and unfolding of adhesion protein complexes through stretching: interplay between shear and tensile mechanical clamps
Q44157877Unbinding free energy of acetylcholinesterase bound oxime drugs along the gorge pathway from metadynamics-umbrella sampling investigation
Q45028372Unconventional interactions between water and heterocyclic nitrogens in protein structures
Q47700271Uncovering allostery and regulation in SAMHD1 through molecular dynamics simulations
Q48099848Uncovering allostery and regulation in SAMHD1 through molecular dynamics simulations
Q46823170Understanding of known drug-target interactions in the catalytic pocket of neuraminidase subtype N1.
Q30331654Understanding protein structure-function relationships in Family 47 alpha-1,2-mannosidases through computational docking of ligands.
Q37915098Understanding structural relationships in proteins of unsolved three-dimensional structure
Q44566276Understanding the acylation mechanisms of active-site serine penicillin-recognizing proteins: a molecular dynamics simulation study
Q41607608Understanding the apparent stator-rotor connections in the rotary ATPase family using coarse-grained computer modeling
Q28709396Understanding the basis of a class of paradoxical mutations in AraC through simulations
Q83782523Understanding the binding mode and function of BMS-488043 against HIV-1 viral entry
Q30350005Understanding the energetics of helical peptide orientation in membranes.
Q51068343Understanding the folding and stability of a zinc finger-based full sequence design protein with replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations.
Q30384933Understanding the physical basis for the side-chain conformational preferences of methionine.
Q47626965Understanding the recognition of protein structural classes by amino acid composition
Q51924710Understanding the regulation mechanisms of PAF receptor by agonists and antagonists: molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulation studies
Q34011530Understanding the role of Arg96 in structure and stability of green fluorescent protein
Q31155211Understanding the roles of amino acid residues in tertiary structure formation of chignolin by using molecular dynamics simulation
Q81544592Understanding the structural and functional differences between mouse thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptors 1 and 2
Q30341342Unfolded state of polyalanine is a segmented polyproline II helix.
Q46794944Unfolding and aggregation of transthyretin by the truncation of 50 N-terminal amino acids.
Q34747812Unfolding energetics and stability of banana lectin.
Q30153467Unfolding of beta-lactoglobulin on the surface of polystyrene nanoparticles: experimental and computational approaches
Q52540491Unfolding of hen egg lysozyme by molecular dynamics simulations at 300K: insight into the role of the interdomain interface
Q30164435Unfolding of the cold shock protein studied with biased molecular dynamics
Q31036143Unfolding transition state and intermediates of the tumor suppressor p16INK4a investigated by molecular dynamics simulations.
Q42134646Unifying mechanical and thermodynamic descriptions across the thioredoxin protein family.
Q28486499Unique GMP-binding site in Mycobacterium tuberculosis guanosine monophosphate kinase
Q91142507Unique active site formation in a novel galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum
Q27728033Unique coenzyme binding mode of hyperthermophilic archaeal sn-glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase from Pyrobaculum calidifontis
Q52082497Unit-vector RMS (URMS) as a tool to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories
Q54487161Universal biases in protein composition of model prokaryotes.
Q39924918Universal features of fluctuations in globular proteins
Q57011846Universality of protein reentrant condensation in solution induced by multivalent metal ions
Q27697928Unprecedented access of phenolic substrates to the heme active site of a catalase: substrate binding and peroxidase-like reactivity of Bacillus pumilus catalase monitored by X-ray crystallography and EPR spectroscopy
Q64902463Unraveling the mechanism of proton translocation in the extracellular half-channel of bacteriorhodopsin.
Q43245876Unraveling the molecular basis for ligand binding in truncated hemoglobins: the trHbO Bacillus subtilis case
Q79838626Unstructured intermediate states in single protein force experiments
Q46435560Untangling influences of hydrophobicity on protein sequences and structures
Q73256218Unusual amino acid usage in the variable regions of mercury-binding antibodies
Q45987978Unusual zymogen-processing properties of a mutated form of prochymosin.
Q81282365Unwinding the helical linker of calcium-loaded calmodulin: a molecular dynamics study
Q74566093Urea effects on protein stability: Hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic effect
Q27649057Use of L-asparagine and N-phosphonacetyl-L-asparagine to investigate the linkage of catalysis and homotropic cooperativity in E. coli aspartate transcarbomoylase
Q41736263Use of MM-PB/SA in estimating the free energies of proteins: application to native, intermediates, and unfolded villin headpiece
Q81318633Use of bioinformatics tools for the annotation of disease-associated mutations in animal models
Q68115182Use of conditional probabilities for determining relationships between amino acid sequence and protein secondary structure
Q52214942Use of pair potentials across protein interfaces in screening predicted docked complexes
Q52234198Use of quantitative structure-property relationships to predict the folding ability of model proteins
Q27701699Use of restrained molecular dynamics in water to determine three-dimensional protein structure: prediction of the three-dimensional structure of Ecballium elaterium trypsin inhibitor II
Q39226773Use of restrained molecular dynamics to predict the conformations of phosphorylated receiver domains in two-component signaling systems
Q30329265Use of structure comparison methods for the refinement of protein structure predictions. I. Identifying the structural family of a protein from low-resolution models.
Q52256504Use of the multiple copy simultaneous search (MCSS) method to design a new class of picornavirus capsid binding drugs
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Q96162785Using Restraints in EROS-Dock Improves Model Quality in Pairwise and Multicomponent Protein Docking
Q51152599Using a consensus approach based on the conservation of inter-residue contacts to rank CAPRI models
Q43024386Using a strategy based on the concept of convergent evolution to identify residue substitutions responsible for thermal adaptation
Q48094793Using evolutionary and structural information to predict DNA-binding sites on DNA-binding proteins
Q45910840Using evolutionary information for the query and target improves fold recognition.
Q34829661Using genetic algorithms to select most predictive protein features
Q40130441Using homology modeling to interrogate binding affinity in neutralization of ricin toxin by a family of single domain antibodies
Q54441169Using molecular dynamics to map interaction networks in an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
Q79210002Using multiple structure alignments, fast model building, and energetic analysis in fold recognition and homology modeling
Q45959093Using physical potentials and learned models to distinguish native binding interfaces from de novo designed interfaces that do not bind
Q30366477Using quantum mechanics to improve estimates of amino acid side chain rotamer energies
Q30365834Using scores derived from statistical coupling analysis to distinguish correct and incorrect folds in de-novo protein structure prediction.
Q42051859Using the concept of transient complex for affinity predictions in CAPRI rounds 20-27 and beyond
Q92431766VH -VL interdomain dynamics observed by computer simulations and NMR
Q27745669VL:VH domain rotations in engineered antibodies: crystal structures of the Fab fragments from two murine antitumor antibodies and their engineered human constructs
Q85097553Validating and improving elastic network models with molecular dynamics simulations
Q33754209Validating computer simulations of enantioselective catalysis; reproducing the large steric and entropic contributions in Candida Antarctica lipase B
Q35821952Validating the vitality strategy for fighting drug resistance
Q52216406Validation of NMR side-chain conformations by packing calculations
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Q33625244Validation of archived chemical shifts through atomic coordinates
Q58085189Validation of chemical genetics for the study of zipper-interacting protein kinase signaling
Q47903272Validation of nuclear magnetic resonance structures of proteins and nucleic acids: hydrogen geometry and nomenclature
Q36457575Validation of the first step of the heuristic refinement method for the derivation of solution structures of proteins from NMR data
Q33855998Variability in quaternary association of proteins with the same tertiary fold: a case study and rationalization involving legume lectins
Q44125134Variability in the pKa of histidine side-chains correlates with burial within proteins
Q46044077Variability of conformations at crystal contacts in BPTI represent true low-energy structures: correspondence among lattice packing and molecular dynamics structures
Q77192771Variability of the canonical loop conformations in serine proteinases inhibitors and other proteins
Q30331168Variants of 3(10)-helices in proteins.
Q47435943Variation of folded polypeptide surface area with probe size
Q73784262Variations on a theme by Debye and Waller: From simple crystals to proteins
Q30991459Various strategies of using residual dipolar couplings in NMR-driven protein docking: application to Lys48-linked di-ubiquitin and validation against 15N-relaxation data
Q84966735Versatile substrate protein recognition mechanism of the eukaryotic chaperonin CCT
Q29619767Very fast empirical prediction and rationalization of protein pKa values
Q27144110Very fast prediction and rationalization of pKa values for protein-ligand complexes
Q37130581Very short peptides with stable folds: building on the interrelationship of Trp/Trp, Trp/cation, and Trp/backbone-amide interaction geometries
Q47214896Vibrational entropy estimation can improve binding affinity prediction for non-obligatory protein complexes.
Q69837539Vibrational spectroscopy of bacteriorhodopsin mutants: I. Tyrosine-185 protonates and deprotonates during the photocycle
Q44784445Vicinal disulfide bridge conformers by experimental methods and by ab initio and DFT molecular computations
Q47596508Virtual screening for inhibitors of human aldose reductase.
Q30365357Virtual screening on an α-helix to β-strand switchable region of the FGFR2 extracellular domain revealed positive and negative modulators.
Q46607615Virtual screening to enrich a compound collection with CDK2 inhibitors using docking, scoring, and composite scoring models
Q31120824Virtual screening to enrich hit lists from high-throughput screening: a case study on small-molecule inhibitors of angiogenin.
Q34975702Virtual screening using molecular simulations
Q73380010Viscosity dependence of protein dynamics
Q45028380Visualizing complexes of phospholipids with Streptomyces phospholipase D by automated docking
Q40369228Visualizing global properties of a molecular dynamics trajectory
Q34488156Vivaldi: visualization and validation of biomacromolecular NMR structures from the PDB.
Q30399505VoroMQA: Assessment of protein structure quality using interatomic contact areas.
Q31031423WHISCY: what information does surface conservation yield? Application to data-driven docking.
Q79739550Walking through the protein sequence space: towards new generation of the homology modeling
Q40229014Water and ion permeability of a claudin model: A computational study
Q45194394Water dynamics simulation as a tool for probing proton transfer pathways in a heptahelical membrane protein
Q43986875Water in protein cavities: A procedure to identify internal water and exchange pathways and application to fatty acid-binding protein
Q30587171Water penetration and escape in proteins
Q57875300Water penetration and escape in proteins
Q33298524Water penetration in the low and high pressure native states of ubiquitin
Q61155774Water transfer energetics and solid-like packing of globular proteins
Q27649512Water-mediated interactions between DNA and PhoB DNA-binding/transactivation domain: NMR-restrained molecular dynamics in explicit water environment
Q30360721WeFold: a coopetition for protein structure prediction
Q41182371Weak correlation between predictive power of individual sequence patterns and overall prediction accuracy in proteins
Q46805508Weak self-association of human growth hormone investigated by nitrogen-15 NMR relaxation.
Q77926223Weak temperature dependence of the free energy surface and folding pathways of structured peptides
Q46569606Weighing in on a Timeless controversy
Q47863740Weighted geometric docking: incorporating external information in the rotation-translation scan
Q30382591Wetting of nonconserved residue-backbones: A feature indicative of aggregation associated regions of proteins.
Q34325469What are the dielectric "constants" of proteins and how to validate electrostatic models?
Q30352918What determines the spectrum of protein native state structures?
Q41607783What determines the van der Waals coefficient beta in the LIE (linear interaction energy) method to estimate binding free energies using molecular dynamics simulations?
Q90696602What is life? Part II
Q30417147What is the best reference state for designing statistical atomic potentials in protein structure prediction?
Q35531144What is the pitch of the alpha-helical coiled coil?
Q30339077What is the protein design alphabet?
Q30363271What is the relationship between the global structures of apo and holo proteins?
Q30329568What is the value added by human intervention in protein structure prediction?
Q47702142What makes it difficult to refine protein models further via molecular dynamics simulations?
Q51718302What stabilizes the 3(14)-helix in beta3-peptides? A conformational analysis using molecular simulation
Q42621329When fold is not important: a common structural framework for adenine and AMP binding in 12 unrelated protein families
Q40645901Where is NMR taking us?
Q29615739Why are "natively unfolded" proteins unstructured under physiologic conditions?
Q102202336Why are ACE2 binding coronavirus strains SARS-CoV/SARS-CoV-2 wild and NL63 mild?
Q47867220Why are both ends of the polypeptide chain on the outside of proteins?
Q53950065Why are polar residues within the membrane core evolutionary conserved?
Q71313752Why are protein crystallographic R-values so high?
Q77360727Why are proteins marginally stable?
Q70980700Why do protein architectures have Boltzmann-like statistics?
Q86149583Why does mutation of Gln61 in Ras by the nitro analog NGln maintain activity of Ras-GAP in hydrolysis of guanosine triphosphate?
Q30339075Why does the Ras switch "break" by oncogenic mutations?
Q30361608Why is the biological hydrophobicity scale more accurate than earlier experimental hydrophobicity scales?
Q77615171Why protein R-factors are so large: a self-consistent analysis
Q46112510Wild type and mutants of the HET-s(218-289) prion show different flexibility at fibrillar ends: a simulation study
Q45966211Will my protein crystallize? A sequence-based predictor.
Q39640152Wrapping mimicking in drug-like small molecules disruptive of protein-protein interfaces
Q51627898X-ray absorption and molecular dynamics study of cation binding sites in the purple membrane.
Q27649049X-ray analysis of phosphoglycerate kinase 2, a sperm-specific isoform from Mus musculus
Q68052812X-ray and model-building studies on the specificity of the active site of proteinase K
Q72867734X-ray crystal structure and molecular dynamics simulation of bovine pancreas phospholipase A2-n-dodecylphosphorylcholine complex
Q27642896X-ray crystal structure of CutA from Thermotoga maritima at 1.4 Å resolution
Q27636876X-ray crystal structure of MTH938 from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum at 2.2 A resolution reveals a novel tertiary protein fold
Q27677556X-ray crystal structure of TTHB099, a CRP/FNR superfamily transcriptional regulator from Thermus thermophilus HB8, reveals a DNA-binding protein with no required allosteric effector molecule
Q27653536X-ray crystal structure of a CRISPR-associated RAMP module [corrected] Cmr5 protein [corrected] from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q27652192X-ray crystal structure of a CRISPR-associated protein, Cse2, from Thermus thermophilus HB8
Q27649054X-ray crystal structure of a hypothetical Sua5 protein from Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7
Q40416001X-ray crystal structure of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CYP101J2 from Sphingobium yanoikuyae strain B2.
Q27649475X-ray crystal structure of the B component of Hemolysin BL from Bacillus cereus
Q39032567X-ray crystal structure of the N-terminal region of Moloney murine leukemia virus integrase and its implications for viral DNA recognition
Q27697881X-ray crystal structures of an orally available aminopeptidase inhibitor, Tosedostat, bound to anti-malarial drug targets PfA-M1 and PfA-M17
Q79264650X-ray crystal structures of the conserved hypothetical proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana gene loci At5g11950 and AT2g37210
Q41358072X-ray crystal structures of the pheromone-binding domains of two quorum-hindered transcription factors, YenR of Yersinia enterocolitica and CepR2 of Burkholderia cenocepacia.
Q27656122X-ray crystallographic studies of RNase A variants engineered at the most destabilizing positions of the main hydrophobic core: further insight into protein stability
Q27619066X-ray crystallographic studies of the denaturation of ribonuclease S
Q27627412X-ray crystallographic study of xylopentaose binding to Pseudomonas fluorescens xylanase A
Q27698099X-ray crystallographic validation of structure predictions used in computational design for protein stabilization
Q44855351X-ray structural and simulation analysis of a protein mutant: the value of a combined approach.
Q27655824X-ray structure and kinetic properties of ornithine transcarbamoylase from the human parasiteGiardia lamblia
Q46634383X-ray structure of Arabidopsis At1g77680, 12-oxophytodienoate reductase isoform 1.
Q45093334X-ray structure of Arabidopsis At2g06050, 12-oxophytodienoate reductase isoform 3.
Q60913206X-ray structure of HI0817 from Haemophilus influenzae: Protein of unknown function with a novel fold
Q27651624X-ray structure of HIV-1 protease in situ product complex
Q27650791X-ray structure of ILL2, an auxin-conjugate amidohydrolase fromArabidopsis thaliana
Q27638953X-ray structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleoside diphosphate kinase
Q27639349X-ray structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologous mitochondrial matrix factor 1 (Hmf1)
Q42162700X-ray structure of a domain-swapped dimer of Ser46-phosphorylated Crh from Bacillus subtilis.
Q38337174X-ray structure of a membrane-bound beta-glycosidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii
Q27640126X-ray structure of an M. jannaschii DNA-binding protein: implications for antibiotic resistance in S. aureus
Q48007385X-ray structure of human gankyrin, the product of a gene linked to hepatocellular carcinoma.
Q27646809X-ray structure of imidazolonepropionase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens at 1.87 A resolution
Q27640901X-ray structure of the T. Aquaticus Ftsy:GDP complex suggests functional roles for the C-terminal helix of the SRP GTPases
Q27653937X-ray structure ofDanio reriosecretagogin: A hexa-EF-hand calcium sensor
Q27650206X-ray structures of Sap1 and Sap5: structural comparison of the secreted aspartic proteinases from Candida albicans
Q27730538X-ray structures of fragments from binding and nonbinding versions of a humanized anti-CD18 antibody: structural indications of the key role of VH residues 59 to 65
Q37319930X-ray vs. NMR structures as templates for computational protein design.
Q27667218X-ray, ESR, and quantum mechanics studies unravel a spin well in the cofactor-less urate oxidase
Q38337971XANNpred: neural nets that predict the propensity of a protein to yield diffraction-quality crystals
Q27653355XC1028 from Xanthomonas campestris adopts a PilZ domain-like structure without a c-di-GMP switch
Q27645230XC5848, an ORFan protein from Xanthomonas campestris, adopts a novel variant of Sm-like motif
Q27655648Xanthomonas campestris PqqD in the pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis operon adopts a novel saddle-like fold that possibly serves as a PQQ carrier
Q30351133YAKUSA: a fast structural database scanning method.
Q51184138YASSPP: better kernels and coding schemes lead to improvements in protein secondary structure prediction
Q42629835YbdK is a carboxylate-amine ligase with a gamma-glutamyl:Cysteine ligase activity: crystal structure and enzymatic assays.
Q45229449YbiV from Escherichia coli K12 is a HAD phosphatase
Q43023486YesT: a new rhamnogalacturonan acetyl esterase from Bacillus subtilis
Q81892390ZDOCK and RDOCK performance in CAPRI rounds 3, 4, and 5
Q52015260ZDOCK predictions for the CAPRI challenge
Q52015255ZDOCK: an initial-stage protein-docking algorithm
Q51042892ZRANK: reranking protein docking predictions with an optimized energy function
Q94958145Zinc Binding Promotes Greater Hydrophobicity in Alzheimer's Aβ42 peptide than Copper Binding: Molecular Dynamics and Solvation Thermodynamics Studies
Q73798416Zinc binding in bovine alpha-lactalbumin: sequence homology may not be a predictor of subtle functional features
Q58322019Zinc binding in bovine α‐lactalbumin: Sequence homology may not be a predictor of subtle functional features
Q70830917Zinc binding in proteins and solution: a simple but accurate nonbonded representation
Q81505336Zinc binding of Tim10: evidence for existence of an unstructured binding intermediate for a zinc finger protein
Q46393926Zn2+-linked dimerization of UreG from Helicobacter pylori, a chaperone involved in nickel trafficking and urease activation
Q34084053alpha-helix formation: discontinuous molecular dynamics on an intermediate-resolution protein model
Q31623586alpha-lactalbumin mutant acting as lysozyme
Q42638117beta-fructosidase superfamily: homology with some alpha-L-arabinases and beta-D-xylosidases
Q96341897cnnAlpha: Protein Disordered Regions Prediction by Reduced Amino Acid Alphabets and Convolutional Neural Networks
Q80773519fRMSDPred: predicting local RMSD between structural fragments using sequence information
Q33496507gCOMBINE: A graphical user interface to perform structure-based comparative binding energy (COMBINE) analysis on a set of ligand-receptor complexes
Q27675295hCINAP is an atypical mammalian nuclear adenylate kinase with an ATPase motif: Structural and functional studies
Q43989926i-Patch: interprotein contact prediction using local network information
Q85991852iATTRACT: simultaneous global and local interface optimization for protein-protein docking refinement
Q51928346iGibbs: improving Gibbs motif sampler for proteins by sequence clustering and iterative pattern sampling
Q57930409iProtGly-SS: Identifying protein glycation sites using sequence and structure based features
Q62717281iSEE: Interface structure, evolution, and energy-based machine learning predictor of binding affinity changes upon mutations
Q48465476mAb806 binding to epidermal growth factor receptor: a computational study
Q27659271p-Coumaric acid decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum: structural insights into the active site and decarboxylation catalytic mechanism
Q52428977pH dependence of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate binding to human hemoglobin A0 at 21.5 degrees C.
Q87617267pH dependence of conformational fluctuations of the protein backbone
Q28728601pH replica‐exchange method based on discrete protonation states
Q41445457pH sensitivity of type III secretion system tip proteins
Q45356158pH-dependent molecular dynamics of vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein G.
Q59600477pH-dependent stability of the human ?-lactalbumin molten globule state: Contrasting roles of the 6?120 disulfide and the ?-subdomain at low and neutral pH
Q42021257pH‐selective mutagenesis of protein–protein interfaces: In silico design of therapeutic antibodies with prolonged half‐life
Q73798398pK(a) calculations for class C beta-lactamases: the role of Tyr-150
Q57135342pK(a) calculations of calbindin D(9k): effects of Ca(2+) binding, protein dielectric constant, and ionic strength
Q42147734pKa predictions for proteins, RNAs, and DNAs with the Gaussian dielectric function using DelPhi pKa.
Q42604431pKa predictions with a coupled finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann and Debye-Hückel method.
Q48279984pyDock scoring for the new modeling challenges in docking: Protein-peptide, homo-multimers, and domain-domain interactions
Q57132401pyDock: electrostatics and desolvation for effective scoring of rigid-body protein-protein docking
Q38726560α-chymotrypsin in water-acetone and water-dimethyl sulfoxide mixtures: Effect of preferential solvation and hydration.
Q96436273β-Strand-mediated interactions of protein domains
Q57751875β-strand twisting/bending in soluble and transmembrane β-barrel structures
Q44774734π-π Stacking mediated drug-drug interactions in human CYP2E1.
Q53393543ω-Turn: a novel β-turn mimic in globular proteins stabilized by main-chain to side-chain C−H···O interaction

cites work (P2860)
Q34509717A moment invariant for evaluating the chirality of three-dimensional objects
Q39324935Differential diagnosis of lung carcinoma with three-dimensional quantitative molecular vibrational imaging
Q35198912Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and lymphomagenesis
Q59425720Length Scale Dependence of DNA Mechanical Properties
Q110949786Navigating the amino acid sequence space between functional proteins using a deep learning framework
Q30416170The MULTICOM toolbox for protein structure prediction

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